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Sittipat Chandang edited this page Oct 25, 2021 · 21 revisions

Welcome to KU Polls wiki

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What is KU Polls?

As the name suggests, KU Polls is a web application for conducting polls within Kasetsart University.

Why KU Polls?

We are well aware that there are many alternative polling applications. In particular, Google Forms and SurveyMonkey. Although these web applications would satisfy most use cases, they do have several issues. For Google Forms, the participants can not review their answers unless the poll creator enables response editing, which is very impractical. In addition, Google Forms does not have automatic poll closing system, the poll creators has to manually close down their polls. And for SurveyMonkey, the application places limits on polls that are created for free. This includes the number of poll choices and limited amount of responses. KU Polls plans to neutralize these obstacles and thereby making polling in Kasetsart University intuitive.

Additional Information

Check out these pages if you want to learn more.

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