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Added a Category class with natural transformation Id -> Id.
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sjoerdvisscher committed Apr 1, 2010
1 parent b605f38 commit 86b4858
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Showing 11 changed files with 123 additions and 55 deletions.
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions Data/Category.hs
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
module Data.Category (

-- * Categories
, CategoryO(..)
, CategoryA(..)
, Apply(..)
, Obj, obj
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,10 +49,14 @@ module Data.Category (
import Prelude hiding ((.), id, ($))

class Category (~>) where
idNat :: Id (~>) :~> Id (~>)

-- | An instance CategoryO (~>) a declares a as an object of the category (~>).
class CategoryO (~>) a where
id :: a ~> a
class Category (~>) => CategoryO (~>) a where
(!) :: Nat (~>) d f g -> Obj a -> Component f g a
id :: a ~> a
id = idNat ! (obj :: a)

-- | An instance CategoryA (~>) a b c defines composition of the arrows a ~> b and b ~> c.
class (CategoryO (~>) a, CategoryO (~>) b, CategoryO (~>) c) => CategoryA (~>) a b c where
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Data/Category/Boolean.hs
Expand Up @@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ data instance Boolean Fls Tru = FlsTru
data instance Nat Boolean d f g =
BooleanNat (Component f g Fls) (Component f g Tru)

instance Category Boolean where
idNat = BooleanNat IdFls IdTru
instance CategoryO Boolean Fls where
id = IdFls
BooleanNat f _ ! Fls = f
instance CategoryO Boolean Tru where
id = IdTru
BooleanNat _ t ! Tru = t

instance CategoryA Boolean Fls Fls Fls where
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22 changes: 15 additions & 7 deletions Data/Category/Dialg.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, UndecidableInstances, RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- |
-- Module : Data.Category.Dialg
Expand All @@ -16,24 +16,32 @@ module Data.Category.Dialg where
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)

import Data.Category
import Data.Category.Functor
import Data.Category.Void
import Data.Category.Pair
import Data.Category.Product
import Data.Category.Peano

-- | Objects of Dialg(F,G) are (F,G)-dialgebras.
newtype Dialgebra f g a = Dialgebra (Dom f (F f a) (F g a))
newtype Dialgebra f g a = Dialgebra (Cod f (F f a) (F g a))

-- | Arrows of Dialg(F,G) are (F,G)-homomorphisms.
data family Dialg f g a b :: *
data instance Dialg f g (Dialgebra f g a) (Dialgebra f g b) = DialgA (Dom f a b)

newtype instance Nat (Dialg f g) d s t =
DialgNat { unDialgNat :: forall a. Obj (Dialgebra f g a) -> Component s t (Dialgebra f g a) }
DialgNat { unDialgNat :: forall a. CategoryO (Dom f) a => Obj (Dialgebra f g a) -> Component s t (Dialgebra f g a) }

instance (Dom f ~ (~>), Cod f ~ (~>), Dom g ~ (~>), Cod g ~ (~>), CategoryO (~>) a)
getCarrier :: Dialgebra f g a -> a
getCarrier _ = obj :: a

instance Category (Dom f) => Category (Dialg f g) where
idNat = DialgNat $ \dialg -> DialgA (idNat ! getCarrier dialg)
instance (Dom f ~ c, Cod f ~ d, Dom g ~ c, Cod g ~ d, CategoryO c a)
=> CategoryO (Dialg f g) (Dialgebra f g a) where
id = DialgA id
(!) = unDialgNat
instance (Dom f ~ (~>), Cod f ~ (~>), Dom g ~ (~>), Cod g ~ (~>), CategoryA (~>) a b c)
=> CategoryA (Dialg f g) (Dialgebra f g a) (Dialgebra f g b) (Dialgebra f g c) where
instance (Dom f ~ c, Cod f ~ d, Dom g ~ c, Cod g ~ d, CategoryA c x y z)
=> CategoryA (Dialg f g) (Dialgebra f g x) (Dialgebra f g y) (Dialgebra f g z) where
DialgA f . DialgA g = DialgA (f . g)

type Alg f = Dialg f (Id (Dom f))
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21 changes: 13 additions & 8 deletions Data/Category/Hask.hs
Expand Up @@ -19,23 +19,28 @@ import Data.Category
import Data.Category.Functor
import Data.Category.Void
import Data.Category.Pair
import Data.Category.Product
import Data.Category.Peano
import Data.Category.Dialg

type Hask = (->)

instance Apply (->) a b where
($$) = ($)

newtype instance Nat (->) d f g =
HaskNat { unHaskNat :: forall a. Obj a -> Component f g a }

instance Category (->) where
idNat = HaskNat $ const

instance CategoryO (->) a where
id =
(!) = unHaskNat

instance CategoryA (->) a b c where
(.) = (Prelude..)

newtype instance Nat (->) d f g =
HaskNat { unHaskNat :: forall a. Obj a -> Component f g a }
instance Apply (->) a b where
($$) = ($)

-- | 'EndoHask' is a wrapper to turn instances of the 'Functor' class into categorical functors.
data EndoHask (f :: * -> *) = EndoHask
type instance Dom (EndoHask f) = (->)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,7 +89,7 @@ instance (Dom f ~ Pair, Cod f ~ (->), Dom g ~ Pair, Cod g ~ (->)) => FunctorA Pr

-- | The product functor is right adjoint to the diagonal functor.
prodInHaskAdj :: Adjunction (Diag Pair (->)) ProdInHask
prodInHaskAdj = Adjunction { unit = HaskNat $ const (id &&& id), counit = FunctNat $ const (fst :***: snd) }
prodInHaskAdj = Adjunction { unit = HaskNat $ const (id A.&&& id), counit = FunctNat $ const (fst :***: snd) }

-- | The coproduct functor, Hask^2 -> Hask
data CoprodInHask = CoprodInHask
Expand All @@ -96,7 +101,7 @@ instance (Dom f ~ Pair, Cod f ~ (->), Dom g ~ Pair, Cod g ~ (->)) => FunctorA Co

-- | The coproduct functor is left adjoint to the diagonal functor.
coprodInHaskAdj :: Adjunction CoprodInHask (Diag Pair (->))
coprodInHaskAdj = Adjunction { unit = FunctNat $ const (Left :***: Right), counit = HaskNat $ const (either id id) }
coprodInHaskAdj = Adjunction { unit = FunctNat $ const (Left :***: Right), counit = HaskNat $ const (id A.||| id) }

curryAdj :: Adjunction (EndoHask ((,) e)) (EndoHask ((->) e))
curryAdj = Adjunction
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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions Data/Category/Kleisli.hs
Expand Up @@ -27,11 +27,12 @@ class Pointed m => Monad m where

data Kleisli ((~>) :: * -> * -> *) m a b = Kleisli (m -> a ~> F m b)

newtype instance Nat (Kleisli (->) m) d f g =
KleisliNat { unKleisliNat :: forall a. Obj a -> Component f g a }
newtype instance Nat (Kleisli (~>) m) d f g =
KleisliNat { unKleisliNat :: forall a. CategoryO (~>) a => Obj a -> Component f g a }

instance (Monad m, Dom m ~ (->), Cod m ~ (->)) => CategoryO (Kleisli (->) m) o where
id = Kleisli $ \m -> point m ! (obj :: o)
instance (Monad m, Dom m ~ (~>), Cod m ~ (~>)) => Category (Kleisli (~>) m) where
idNat = KleisliNat $ \o -> Kleisli $ \m -> point m ! o
instance (Monad m, Dom m ~ (~>), Cod m ~ (~>), CategoryO (~>) o) => CategoryO (Kleisli (~>) m) o where
(!) = unKleisliNat
instance (Monad m, Dom m ~ (->), Cod m ~ (->), FunctorA m b (F m c)) => CategoryA (Kleisli (->) m) a b c where
(Kleisli f) . (Kleisli g) = Kleisli $ \m -> join m ! (obj :: c) . (m % f m) . g m
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Data/Category/Monoid.hs
Expand Up @@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ newtype MonoidA m a b = MonoidA m
newtype instance Nat (MonoidA m) d f g =
MonoidNat (Component f g m)

instance Monoid m => Category (MonoidA m) where
idNat = MonoidNat (MonoidA mempty)
instance Monoid m => CategoryO (MonoidA m) m where
id = MonoidA mempty
MonoidNat c ! _ = c
instance Monoid m => CategoryA (MonoidA m) m m m where
MonoidA a . MonoidA b = MonoidA $ a `mappend` b
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16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions Data/Category/Omega.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- |
-- Module : Data.Category.Omega
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -27,19 +27,19 @@ data Z = Z deriving Show
-- | The object S n represents the successor of n.
newtype S n = S n deriving Show

instance CategoryO Omega Z where
id = IdZ
OmegaNat z _ ! Z = z
instance (CategoryO Omega n) => CategoryO Omega (S n) where
id = StepS id
on@(OmegaNat _ s) ! (S n) = s n (on ! n)

-- | The arrows of omega, there's an arrow from a to b iff a <= b.
data family Omega a b :: *
data instance Omega Z Z = IdZ
newtype instance Omega Z (S n) = GTZ (Omega Z n)
newtype instance Omega (S a) (S b) = StepS (Omega a b)

instance Category Omega where
idNat = OmegaNat IdZ (const StepS)
instance CategoryO Omega Z where
OmegaNat z _ ! Z = z
instance (CategoryO Omega n) => CategoryO Omega (S n) where
on@(OmegaNat _ s) ! (S n) = s n (on ! n)

instance (CategoryO Omega n) => CategoryA Omega Z Z n where
a . IdZ = a
instance (CategoryA Omega Z n p) => CategoryA Omega Z (S n) (S p) where
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63 changes: 52 additions & 11 deletions Data/Category/Pair.hs
Expand Up @@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ data Fst = Fst deriving Show
-- | The other object of Pair
data Snd = Snd deriving Show

instance Category Pair where
idNat = IdFst :***: IdSnd
instance CategoryO Pair Fst where
id = IdFst
(f :***: _) ! Fst = f
instance CategoryO Pair Snd where
id = IdSnd
(_ :***: s) ! Snd = s

-- | The arrows of Pair.
Expand All @@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ instance Apply Pair Snd Snd where

data instance Nat Pair d f g = Component f g Fst :***: Component f g Snd
instance Category (Nat Pair (~>)) where
idNat = undefined
instance (Dom f ~ Pair, Cod f ~ (~>), CategoryO (~>) (F f Fst), CategoryO (~>) (F f Snd)) => CategoryO (Nat Pair (~>)) f where
id = id :***: id
FunctNat n ! f = n f
Expand All @@ -66,25 +68,64 @@ instance (CategoryO (~>) x) => FunctorA (PairF (~>) x y) Fst Fst where
instance (CategoryO (~>) y) => FunctorA (PairF (~>) x y) Snd Snd where
PairF % IdSnd = id

-- | The product of 2 objects is the limit of the functor from Pair to (~>).
class (CategoryO (~>) x, CategoryO (~>) y) => PairLimit (~>) x y where

type Product x y :: *
pairLimit :: Limit (PairF (~>) x y) (Product x y)
proj1 :: Product x y ~> x
proj2 :: Product x y ~> y

proj :: (Product x y ~> x, Product x y ~> y)
(&&&) :: CategoryO (~>) a => (a ~> x) -> (a ~> y) -> (a ~> Product x y)
proj1 = p where TerminalUniversal (p :***: _) _ = pairLimit :: Limit (PairF (~>) x y) (Product x y)
proj2 = p where TerminalUniversal (_ :***: p) _ = pairLimit :: Limit (PairF (~>) x y) (Product x y)

pairLimit = TerminalUniversal (p1 :***: p2) undefined where
(p1, p2) = proj :: (Product x y ~> x, Product x y ~> y)
proj = (n ! Fst, n ! Snd) where
TerminalUniversal n _ = pairLimit :: Limit (PairF (~>) x y) (Product x y)
l &&& r = (n ! (obj :: a)) (l :***: r) where
TerminalUniversal _ n = pairLimit :: Limit (PairF (~>) x y) (Product x y)

-- | The coproduct of 2 objects is the colimit of the functor from Pair to (~>).
class (CategoryO (~>) x, CategoryO (~>) y) => PairColimit (~>) x y where

type Coproduct x y :: *
pairColimit :: Colimit (PairF (~>) x y) (Coproduct x y)
inj1 :: x ~> Coproduct x y
inj2 :: y ~> Coproduct x y

inj :: (x ~> Coproduct x y, y ~> Coproduct x y)
(|||) :: CategoryO (~>) a => (x ~> a) -> (y ~> a) -> (Coproduct x y ~> a)
inj1 = i where InitialUniversal (i :***: _) _ = pairColimit :: Colimit (PairF (~>) x y) (Coproduct x y)
inj2 = i where InitialUniversal (_ :***: i) _ = pairColimit :: Colimit (PairF (~>) x y) (Coproduct x y)

pairColimit = InitialUniversal (i1 :***: i2) undefined where
(i1, i2) = inj :: (x ~> Coproduct x y, y ~> Coproduct x y)
inj = (n ! Fst, n ! Snd) where
InitialUniversal n _ = pairColimit :: Colimit (PairF (~>) x y) (Coproduct x y)
l ||| r = (n ! (obj :: a)) (l :***: r) where
InitialUniversal _ n = pairColimit :: Colimit (PairF (~>) x y) (Coproduct x y)
InitialUniversal _ n = pairColimit :: Colimit (PairF (~>) x y) (Coproduct x y)

-- t :: Nat Pair (~>) f g -> (Product x y ~> Product a b)
-- t (f :***: g) = (f . proj1) &&& (g . proj2)

-- | Functor product
-- data Prod ((~>) :: * -> * -> *) = Prod
-- type instance Dom (Prod (~>)) = Nat Pair (~>)
-- type instance Cod (Prod (~>)) = (~>)
-- type instance F (Prod (~>)) f = Product (F f Fst) (F f Snd)
-- instance (Dom f ~ Pair, Cod f ~ (~>), Dom g ~ Pair, Cod g ~ (~>), F f Fst ~ fx, F f Snd ~ fy, F g Fst ~ gx, F g Snd ~ gy,
-- CategoryO (~>) fx, CategoryO (~>) fy, CategoryO (~>) gx, CategoryO (~>) gy)
-- => FunctorA (Prod (~>)) f g where
-- Prod % (f :***: g) = (f . proj1) &&& (g . proj2)

-- data f :*: g = f :*: g
-- type instance Dom (f :*: g) = Dom f -- ~ Dom g
-- type instance Cod (f :*: g) = Cod f -- ~ Cod g
-- type instance F (f :*: g) x = Product (F f x) (F g x)
-- -- instance (FunctorA g a1 b1, FunctorA h a2 b2, a ~ Product a1 a2, b ~ Product b1 b2)
-- -- => FunctorA (g :*: h) a b where
-- -- _ % f = ((obj :: g) % f) &&& ((obj :: h) % f)
-- -- | Functor coproduct
-- data f :+: g = f :+: g
-- type instance Dom (f :+: g) = Dom f -- ~ Dom g
-- type instance Cod (f :+: g) = Cod f -- ~ Cod g
-- type instance F (f :+: g) x = Coproduct (F f x) (F g x)
22 changes: 12 additions & 10 deletions Data/Category/Peano.hs
Expand Up @@ -19,21 +19,23 @@ import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Data.Category
import Data.Category.Void

data PeanoO (~>) x = PeanoO x (x ~> x)
data PeanoO (~>) x = PeanoO (TerminalObject (~>) ~> x) (x ~> x)

data family Peano ((~>) :: * -> * -> *) a b :: *
newtype instance Peano (~>) (PeanoO (~>) a) (PeanoO (~>) b) = PeanoA (a ~> b)
newtype instance Peano (~>) (PeanoO (~>) a) (PeanoO (~>) b) = PeanoA { unPeanoA :: a ~> b }

newtype instance Nat (Peano (~>)) d f g =
PeanoNat { unPeanoNat :: forall x. PeanoO (~>) x -> Component f g (PeanoO (~>) x) }
PeanoNat { unPeanoNat :: forall x. CategoryO (~>) x => Obj (PeanoO (~>) x) -> Component f g (PeanoO (~>) x) }

type family PeanoCarrier p :: *
type instance PeanoCarrier (PeanoO (~>) x) = x

getPeanoCarrier :: PeanoO (~>) x -> x
getPeanoCarrier _ = obj :: x

instance Category (~>) => Category (Peano (~>)) where
idNat = PeanoNat $ \x -> PeanoA (idNat ! getPeanoCarrier x)
instance CategoryO (~>) x => CategoryO (Peano (~>)) (PeanoO (~>) x) where
id = PeanoA id
(!) = unPeanoNat
instance CategoryA (~>) a b c => CategoryA (Peano (~>)) (PeanoO (~>) a) (PeanoO (~>) b) (PeanoO (~>) c) where
(PeanoA f) . (PeanoA g) = PeanoA (f . g)

instance VoidColimit (Peano (->)) where
type InitialObject (Peano (->)) = PeanoO (->) Integer
voidColimit = InitialUniversal VoidNat
(PeanoNat $ \(PeanoO z s) VoidNat -> PeanoA $ let { f 0 = z; f (n + 1) = s (f n) } in f)
(PeanoA f) . (PeanoA g) = PeanoA (f . g)
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Data/Category/Unit.hs
Expand Up @@ -25,8 +25,9 @@ data instance Unit UnitO UnitO = UnitId
newtype instance Nat Unit d f g =
UnitNat (Component f g UnitO)

instance Category Unit where
idNat = UnitNat UnitId
instance CategoryO Unit UnitO where
id = UnitId
UnitNat c ! UnitO = c
instance CategoryA Unit UnitO UnitO UnitO where
UnitId . UnitId = UnitId
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Data/Category/Void.hs
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ data Void a b

data instance Nat Void d f g =

instance Category Void where
idNat = VoidNat

instance (CategoryO (~>) a, CategoryO (~>) b) => FunctorA (Diag Void (~>)) a b where
Diag % _ = VoidNat

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