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RottenTomatoes Box Office Demo

This is an Android demo application for displaying the latest box office movies using the RottenTomatoes API. See the RottenTomatoes Networking Tutorial on our cliffnotes for a step-by-step tutorial.

Time spent: 7 hours

Completed user stories:

  • Required: User can view a list of latest box office movies including title, cast and tomatoes rating
  • Required: User can click on a movie in the list to bring up a detailed page with additional information such as synopsis
  • Required: ErrorBar shows if the asynchronous request fails
  • Required: Pull to refresh
  • Required: Loading state
  • Optional: Customized highlighting and selection effect
  • Optional: Redesigned colors and interface for UISearchBar and UINavigationBar
  • Optional: UISearchBar implemented
  • Optional: Added images for rotten and fresh movies
  • Optional: Low Res -> High Res photo
  • Optional: YouTube trailers implemented as an extension (YouTube API)


Walkthrough of all user stories:

Video Walkthrough

GIF created with GifCreator.