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Build and deploy badge

Boilerplate for Next.js projects, made by @skoshy

See it here:


Table of Contents

Building / Running

Currently Node 12 is required.

  • It's recommended to install/use nvm (macOS/Linux) or nvm-windows (Windows) to manage/switch your node versions.
# 1a) [macOS/Linux] If you have nvm installed, run:
nvm install

# 1b) [Windows] If you have nvm-windows installed, run in PowerShell:

# 2)  Then, it's pretty simple
yarn install
yarn dev



  • node >= 12 - No real reason to use Node 12 as the minimum version, but it's currently LTS so why not
  • nvm/nvm-windows - Useful for managing multiple node versions between projects
  • yarn - I personally like yarn more than npm. Syntax is cleaner, installing is faster, overall is just pleasant.

File structure

For SCSS files, you can use *.module.scss files for CSS modules, or *.scss for global stylesheets.

  • .env.example - Example environment variable file, automatically gets used as default .env
  • .npmrc - Ensure we use exact versions when adding things to package.json
  • .nvmrc - Define the recommended node version


  • autoprefixer - Peer dependency of Tailwind
  • lodash - Helper functions for common JS problems
  • next - Meta-framework
  • next-on-netlify - Adds full support for Next on Netlify, including SSR. See next-on-netlify
  • postinstall-postinstall - Runs postinstall scripts on script removal as well. See postinstall-postinstall or patch-package for more info
  • postcss - Peer dependency of Tailwind
  • postcss-flexbugs-fixes/postcss-preset-env - We need to manually include these since we override Next's default PostCSS config
  • react/react-dom - ⚛️
  • react-modal - Accessibility friendly modal, styled by our component library
  • sass - needed for SASS support in Next
  • styled-components - robust CSS-in-JS solution
  • utility-types - Has a lot of helper functions and utils for TypeScript

Dev Dependencies

  • @babel/register - For using Babel with Gulp
  • @types/react/@types/node - Required by Next.js to be installed when using TypeScript
  • env-cmd - Passes .env environment variables easily to scripts, cross-platform
  • eslint - Linter
  • gulp - Task runner, used to automate tasks on run/build
  • npm-run - Run locally installed npm packages within scripts
  • prettier - Make code look nice automatically
  • shelljs - Cross-platform Unix commands that can be used in scripts
  • typescript - Types are 👍


  • lib vs helpers

    • lib refers to anything that isn't specifically tied to a project. Basically, the function/constant/whatever could be pulled out and made its own separate npm package if need be.

    • helpers refers to things that are specifically tied to the project in some way.

    • For example, if you have a generateRandomHexColor function, it's pretty generic and not tied specifically to the project, so it'd go in lib.

      If you have a convertDateToApiFormat function, it's tied to the project specifically, so it'd go in helpers.

    These same rules apply to _lib_ and _helpers_ components in the components folder.

    • _lib_ - components that are very generic and aren't tied to functionality in the app itself
    • _helpers_ - shared components throughout app only relevant in this project
    • _pages_ - these are components specifically tied to a page / set of pages in the app


The repo comes baked with Github actions support that'll automatically deploy your site to Netlify for you.

Here's what you have to do to enable this:

  • Login to Netlify
  • Add your repo as a site to Netlify
  • Configure the build/publish details
    • Build command: gulp build
    • Publish directory: out/
  • Set your production branch to auto-netlify (not sure if this is necessary, but just in case)
  • Now go to your user settings in Netlify and generate a personal token. Name it something related to the project you're making and copy the token.
  • In your Github repo, first enable Github actions for your repo
  • Then in your Github repo, add a new secret with name NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN. The URL to do this is - substitute your username and repo.
  • In Netlify, find your site's API ID (try checking, substitute appropriately). You must put this as a secret in Github like above with name NETLIFY_SITE_ID.
  • That should be it! Now every time your code is pushed to master, it should auto-deploy to Netlify!


Batteries-included boilerplate for Next.js projects






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