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Pipelining for forecasting

Contributors: @aiwalter, @fkiraly, @mloning, @satya-pattnaik

Date of discussion: 29.04.2021

Problem statement

What do we mean by a "pipeline for forecasting"?

A pipeline for forecasting can be defined as follows.


During fitting, we want to:

  1. Transform data for the training horizon,
    • transform the given endogeneous variable,
    • transform any given exogeneous variables,
    • generate new exogenous variables based on given endogeneous or exogenous variables (e.g. holiday dummies),
  2. Fit the final forecaster based on the transformed training data.

FK: should this not include joint transformation of multiple endo/exogeneous variables, plus possibly joint transformation of endo/exogeneous variables? E.g., temporal/on-line PCA projection or feature extraction


During prediction, we want to:

  1. Transform data for the forecasting horizon,
    • transform given exogeneous variables,
    • generate new exogenous variables based on given forecasting horizon or exogenous variables (e.g. holiday dummies)
  2. Generate prediction using the fitted forecaster based on forecasting horizon and any transformed exogenous data,
  3. Apply inverse-transformations to the predictions in reverse order of the transformations applied to the endogenous series during fitting.
  4. Return inverse-transformed predictions.
API design

It is not obvious:

  • how to specify the sequence of transformation
  • how to specify the series to which we apply transformations (endogeneous and/or exogeneous)
  • how to handle generation of exogenous variables (transformers currently only return input series, not exogenous variables)

Transformer case distinctions

We need a way to distinguish whether transforms are applied to y, X or both. For example, when passing a Box-Cox transformer, it is not clear whether to apply it only to y (case 1), only to X (case 2) or to both (case 3).

covered? Case Input Output Example
yes 1 y yt Box-Cox, log
yes 2 y, X yt Detrending conditional on X, ConditionalImputer
3 y y, Xt Holiday dummies from y, they essentially look up additional information about the index of y, hence that information will also be available when predicting, as we can look up the required information for the given forecasting horizon without knowing the predicted values yet
possible with ColumnTransformer 4 y, X y, Xt Fourier features from y and X
possible with ColumnTransformer 5 y, X yt, Xt Box-Cox, log for y and X (separate transform)
6 y, X yt, Xt subsampling (joint transform)

Current transformer interface

def fit(self, Z: Union([pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]), X: pd.DataFrame): -> self
    return self
def transform(self, Z, X): -> Union([pd.Series, pd.DataFrame])
    return Zt

problem of featurizer

t = Featurizer()
y = pd.Series(...)

y, X = t.fit_transform(y, X)
isinstance(yt, pd.DataFrame) 
t = Featurizer()

General questions

  • Should pipelines work only with transformers and no final forecaster?
  • How do we handle those transformers for which no inverse-transform should be applied during prediction?
  • VK: what is the input to the steps, the original X and y or the transformed X and y from the previous steps?

API design proposals

  • pipeline input argument flags, e.g. Pipeline([(name1, transformer1, ["X"]), (name2, transformer2, ["y"]), (name3, transformer3, ["y", "X"])])
  • pipeline constructor kwargs, e.g. Pipeline(forecaster=None, transformers=None, X_transformers=None, y_transformers=None)
  • transformer types, e.g. SingleSeriesTransformer, SingleSeriesFeaturizer, Featurizer, SeriesTransformer corresponding to the four cases in the table
  • transformer input argument, e.g. MyTransformer(**kwargs, apply_to=["X"])
  • composition/wrapper classes (pipeline helper classes like FeatureUnion) that pass arguments appropriately, e.g. TargetTransformer(*transformers), ExogenousTransformer(*transformers), JointTransformer(*transformers) or even simpler: a SeriesSelector([(name1, transformer1, ["X"]), (name2, transformer2, ["y"])]) similar to the ColumnTransformer
  • different pipeline classes
  • sequential API
  • single pd.DataFrame with annotation for target, exogeneous (similar to task object)

Pipeline input argument flags

  • requires to write a new ForecastingPipeline
forecaster = ForecastingPipeline([
    ("standardize", StandardScaler(), ["X"])
    ("fourier", FourierFeaturizer(sp=12, k=4), ["y"]),
    ("holidays", HolidaysFeaturizer(calendar=calendar), ["y"]),
    ("log", LogTransformer(), ["y"]),
    ("arima", AutoARIMA(suppress_warnings=True))

Composition classes

  • like scikit-learn
  • requires to write a new ForecastingPipeline
  • FourierTransform would still be different from FourierFeaturizer
forecaster = ForecastingPipeline([
    ("standardize", StandardScaler()),  # X
    ("fourier" FourierTransform()),  # X
    ("forecaster", TransformedTargetForecaster([  # y
        ("fourier", FourierFeaturizer(sp=12, k=4)),
        ("holidays", HolidaysFeaturizer(calendar=calendar)),
        ("log", LogTransformer()),
        ("arima", AutoARIMA(suppress_warnings=True))]))

Alternative API design proposals (ForecastingPipeline)

VK: Network

forecaster = ForecastingPipeline([
    ("standardize", StandardScaler(), {"X": ["X"]})
    ("fourier", FourierFeaturizer(sp=12, k=4), {"y": ["y"]}),
    ("holidays", HolidaysFeaturizer(calendar=calendar), {"y": ["y"]}),
    ("log", LogTransformer(), {"y": ["fourier"]}),
    ("build_x", BuildX(), {"inputs": ["standardize", "holidays"]}), 
    ("arima", AutoARIMA(suppress_warnings=True), {"y": "log" ,"X":"build_x")
  • BuildX is like FeatureUnion in scikit-learn

Martin Walter:

Sticking to the sklearn tuples of (name, transformer) by having two separate steps like steps_y and steps_X as arguments for ForecastingPipeline. Both would be separate pipelines inside the ForecastingPipeline. The would be a separate arguement forecaster, so the foreacster would not be inside steps as in TransformedTargetForecaster but separate. Example:

pipe = ForecastingPipeline(
        ("outlier", HampelFilter()),
        ("imputer", Imputer())
        ("standardize", TabularToSeriesAdaptor(StandardScaler())),
        ("imputer", Imputer()),

In case steps are identical, we could just accept steps and copy this internally to have steps_y and steps_X.


  • writing steps as (name, estimator/transformer) is conform with exsting convention of sklearn
  • transformers of y and X could have different hyperparameters


  • not obvious how to access the params when doing grid search. Names of steps must be given unique like imputer_y and imputer_X. If two names are same, we would raise an error.
  • having hyperparameters separate means also a bigger grid and slower grid search., however could be avoided in case only steps is given instead of steps_y and steps_X.

Markus: following scikit-learn: simple ForecastingPipeline for exogenous variables only

    # transform X
    ("standardize", TabularToSeriesAdaptor(StandardScaler())),
    ("imputer", Imputer()),
    # transform y
    ("forecaster", TransformedTargetForecaster(
        ("outlier", HampelFilter()),
        ("imputer", Imputer()),
        ("forecaster", AutoARIMA()))

What about ..., X = Pipeline())

Franz: Alternative interface based on "variable role annotations"

benefit: no artificial split in input signature; annotation of "X-like" and "Z-like" variables and "excluded" variables is explicitly passed, not implicitly (by prior split into X and Z)

def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame, X_cols : List(string), Z_cols : List(string)): -> self
    return self

# assumes that cols in X are same as in fit - raises error if not
def transform(self, X : pd.DataFrame): -> pd.DataFrame
    return Xt 

or better in constructor?

def __init__(etc etc, X_cols, Z_cols):

def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame): -> self
    return self

# assumes that cols in X are same as in fit - raises error if not
def transform(self, X : pd.DataFrame): -> pd.DataFrame
    return Xt 

"advanced" version of this merges annotation in the data container directly

def fit(self, X: ColAnnotatedDataFrame): -> self
    return self

# assumes that cols in X are same as in fit - raises error if not
def transform(self, X : ColAnnotatedDataFrame): -> ColAnnotatedDataFrame
    return Xt 

e.g., using the attrs (attributes) of pd.DataFrame

the pipeline specification is similar to VK proposal, could be sth like

forecaster = ForecastingPipeline([
    ("standardize", StandardScaler(), 'X')
    ("fourier", FourierFeaturizer(sp=12, k=4), 'Xy'),
    ("boxcox", BoxCoxTransformer()), ['my_variable_name']),
    ("holidays", HolidayFeaturizer(calendar=calendar)),
    ("residuals", ExogeneousResiduals()),
    ("arima", AutoARIMA(suppress_warnings=True))

various conventions:

  • the third argument specifies which "variable block" methods are applied to, e.g., X means exogeneous, Xy is indication that feature is applied to X and y like features together
  • if not provided, arguments are mapped to sensible defaults - e.g., HolidayFeaturizer is applied to indices of y by default; multivariate transformers are applied to X by default
  • instead of "block name", list of variable names can also be provided, e.g., [my_variable_name]
  • ExogenouesResiduals is automatically applied to any variables created by previous steps
  • transformers on exogeneous variables create new exogeneous variables, transformers on endogeneous variables create exogeneous variables (unless specified otherwise)