Hardware prerequisites: Raspberry PI and 5V-fan with pwm pin. Software prerequisites: Debian Buster, Python 3, bash
For installation type:
sudo bash ./install.sh
Configuration goes to /etc/fancy.conf.
Fan installation (Pin 8 is GPIO 14):
| | Fan
| Raspi 1 2 |
| 3 4-|---- +5V
| 5 6-|----- GND
| 7 8-|----- PWM
| 9 10-|------Tacho
3 color LED installation:
| Raspi 15 16-|---[220R]---red LED cathode
| 17 18-|---[220R]---green LED cathode
| \----|------------LED anode
| 21 22-|---[220R]---blue LED cathode