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Apart from tables in the lifted embedding, all uses are switched over to
EncodeRef which gets the same result in a cleaner way without having to
clone existing objects. The WithOp implementation is now contained
directly in AbstractTable and exposed through the EncodeRef interface.
  • Loading branch information
szeiger committed Jul 1, 2013
1 parent cd1e60c commit 73c79b3
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Showing 11 changed files with 67 additions and 65 deletions.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/scala/slick/ast/EncodeRef.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package scala.slick.ast

import scala.slick.util.TupleSupport

trait EncodeRef {
def encodeRef(sym: Symbol, positions: List[Int] = Nil): Any

object EncodeRef {
def apply[T](x: T, sym: Symbol, positions: List[Int] = Nil): T = {
(x match {
case e: EncodeRef => e.encodeRef(sym, positions)
case p: Product => // Only works for tuples but they have no common superclass
TupleSupport.buildTuple( {
case (x, pos) => apply(x, sym, (pos + 1) :: positions) }.toIndexedSeq)
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions src/main/scala/scala/slick/ast/Node.scala
Expand Up @@ -132,9 +132,7 @@ trait SimplyTypedNode extends Node {

object Node extends Logging {
def apply(o: Any): Node =
if(o == null) LiteralNode(null)
else if(o.isInstanceOf[WithOp] && (o.asInstanceOf[WithOp].op ne null)) Node(o.asInstanceOf[WithOp].op)
else if(o.isInstanceOf[NodeGenerator]) {
if(o.isInstanceOf[NodeGenerator]) {
val gen = o.asInstanceOf[NodeGenerator]
if(gen.nodeDelegate eq gen) gen.nodeDelegate else Node(gen.nodeDelegate)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -559,12 +557,12 @@ object FwdPath {
abstract class TableNode extends NullaryNode { self =>
type Self = TableNode
def tableIdentitySymbol: TableIdentitySymbol
def nodeTableProjection: Node
def nodeTableProjection(tableRef: Node): Node
def schemaName: Option[String]
def tableName: String
override def toString = "Table " + tableName
def nodeRebuild: TableNode = new TableNode {
def nodeTableProjection = self.nodeTableProjection
def nodeTableProjection(tableRef: Node) = self.nodeTableProjection(tableRef)
def schemaName = self.schemaName
def tableName = self.tableName
def tableIdentitySymbol = self.tableIdentitySymbol
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44 changes: 0 additions & 44 deletions src/main/scala/scala/slick/ast/WithOp.scala

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/scala/scala/slick/compiler/Columnizer.scala
Expand Up @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class ExpandTables extends Phase {
case t: TableExpansion => t
case t: TableNode =>
val sym = new AnonSymbol
val expanded = WithOp.encodeRef(t, sym).nodeTableProjection
val expanded = t.nodeTableProjection(Ref(sym))
val processed = apply(state.compiler.runBefore(this, state.withNode(expanded)).tree, state)
TableExpansion(sym, t, ProductNode(processed.flattenProduct))
case n => n.nodeMapChildren(ch => apply(ch, state))
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/scala/scala/slick/compiler/InsertCompiler.scala
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ trait InsertCompiler extends Phase {

def tr(n: Node): Node = n match {
case _: OptionApply | _: GetOrElse | _: ProductNode | _: TypeMapping => n.nodeMapChildren(tr, keepType = true)
case t:TableNode => tr(Node(t.nodeTableProjection))
case t: TableNode => tr(t.nodeTableProjection(t))
case sel @ Select(Ref(IntrinsicSymbol(t: TableNode)), fs: FieldSymbol) =>
if(table eq null) table = t
else if(table ne t) throw new SlickException("Cannot insert into more than one table at once")
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/main/scala/scala/slick/direct/SlickBackend.scala
Expand Up @@ -202,13 +202,13 @@ class SlickBackend( val driver: JdbcDriver, mapper:Mapper ) extends QueryableBac
def typetagToQuery(typetag:TypeTag[_]) : Query = {
def _fields = getConstructorArgs(typetag.tpe)

val table = new sq.TableNode with sq.WithOp with sq.TypedNode {
val table = new sq.TableNode with sq.TypedNode {
val schemaName = None
val tableName = mapper.typeToTable( typetag.tpe )
val tableIdentitySymbol = sq.SimpleTableIdentitySymbol(driver, schemaName.getOrElse("_"), tableName)
val rowType = sq.StructType( sym => columnField(sym) -> columnType(sym.typeSignature) ).toIndexedSeq)
def nodeTableProjection = sq.TypeMapping(
sq.ProductNode( fieldSym => columnSelect(fieldSym,sq.Node(this)) )),
def nodeTableProjection(tableRef: sq.Node) = sq.TypeMapping(
sq.ProductNode( fieldSym => columnSelect(fieldSym, tableRef) )),
v => throw new Exception("not implemented yet"),
v => cm.reflectClass( cm.classSymbol(cm.runtimeClass(typetag.tpe)) )
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29 changes: 27 additions & 2 deletions src/main/scala/scala/slick/lifted/AbstractTable.scala
Expand Up @@ -3,10 +3,35 @@ package scala.slick.lifted
import scala.slick.ast._
import scala.slick.ast.Util.nodeToNodeOps

abstract class AbstractTable[T](val schemaName: Option[String], val tableName: String) extends TableNode with TypedNode with ColumnBase[T] with WithOp {
abstract class AbstractTable[T](val schemaName: Option[String], val tableName: String) extends TableNode with TypedNode with ColumnBase[T] with Cloneable with EncodeRef {

private[this] def mapOp(f: (Node, List[Int]) => Node, positions: List[Int] = Nil): this.type = {
val tv = Node(this)
val fv = f(tv, positions)
if(fv eq tv) this
else {
val t = clone.asInstanceOf[this.type]
t._op = fv

private[AbstractTable] var _op: Node = _

def tableIsRaw = _op eq null

def encodeRef(sym: Symbol, positions: List[Int] = Nil): this.type = {
def f(n: Node, positions: List[Int]): Node = Path( :+ sym)
mapOp(f, positions)

def * : ProvenShape[T]
def nodeTableProjection: Node = Node(*)
def nodeTableProjection(tableRef: Node): Node = {
val base = if(tableRef eq this) this else mapOp((_, _) => tableRef)

override def nodeDelegate = if(_op eq null) this else _op

def create_* : Iterable[FieldSymbol] = collectFieldSymbols(Node(*))

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8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/main/scala/scala/slick/lifted/ColumnBase.scala
Expand Up @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ package scala.slick.lifted
import scala.slick.ast._

/** Common base trait for all lifted values. */
trait Rep[T] extends NodeGenerator with WithOp
trait Rep[T] extends NodeGenerator

/** Common base trait for record values
* (anything that is isomorphic to a tuple of scalar values). */
trait ColumnBase[T] extends Rep[T]

/** Base class for columns. */
abstract class Column[T](implicit final val tpe: TypedType[T]) extends ColumnBase[T] { self =>
abstract class Column[T](implicit final val tpe: TypedType[T]) extends ColumnBase[T] with EncodeRef { self =>
def asc = ColumnOrdered[T](this, Ordering())
def desc = ColumnOrdered[T](this, Ordering(direction = Ordering.Desc))

Expand All @@ -19,11 +19,13 @@ abstract class Column[T](implicit final val tpe: TypedType[T]) extends ColumnBas
if(n eq this) super.toString
else s"Column($n)"
def encodeRef(sym: Symbol, positions: List[Int] = Nil): Column[T] =
Column.forNode(Path( :+ sym))

object Column {
def forNode[T : TypedType](n: Node): Column[T] = new Column[T] {
def nodeDelegate = if(op eq null) n else op.nodeDelegate
def nodeDelegate = n

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/main/scala/scala/slick/lifted/Query.scala
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ abstract class Query[+E, U] extends Rep[Seq[U]] with EncodeRef { self =>
val generator = new AnonSymbol
val aliased = {
val uv = unpackable.value
WithOp.encodeRef(uv, generator)
EncodeRef(uv, generator)
val fv = f(aliased)
new WrappingQuery[F, T](new Bind(generator, Node(this), Node(fv)), fv.unpackable)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ abstract class Query[+E, U] extends Rep[Seq[U]] with EncodeRef { self =>

object Query extends Query[Column[Unit], Unit] {
def nodeDelegate = packed
def unpackable = ShapedValue(ConstColumn(()).mapOp((n, _) => Pure(n)), Shape.unpackColumnBase[Unit, Column[Unit]])
def unpackable = ShapedValue(Column.forNode[Unit](Pure(ConstColumn(()))), Shape.unpackColumnBase[Unit, Column[Unit]])

def apply[E, U, R](value: E)(implicit unpack: Shape[E, U, R]): Query[R, U] = {
val unpackable = ShapedValue(value, unpack).packedValue
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions src/main/scala/scala/slick/lifted/Shape.scala
Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ final class TupleShape[M <: Product, U <: Product, P <: Product](ps: Shape[_, _,
case class ShapedValue[T, U](value: T, shape: Shape[T, U, _]) {
def encodeRef(s: Symbol, positions: List[Int] = Nil): ShapedValue[T, U] = {
val fv = WithOp.encodeRef(value, s, positions)
val fv = EncodeRef(value, s, positions)
if(fv.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) this else new ShapedValue(fv, shape)
def packedNode = Node(shape.pack(value))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,9 +134,12 @@ object ProvenShape {

final class MappedProjection[T, P](child: Node, f: (P => T), g: (T => P)) extends ColumnBase[T] with NodeGenerator {
class MappedProjection[T, P](child: Node, f: (P => T), g: (T => P)) extends ColumnBase[T] with NodeGenerator with EncodeRef {
type Self = MappedProjection[_, _]
override def toString = "MappedProjection"
private def typeMapping = TypeMapping(Node(child), (v => g(v.asInstanceOf[T])), (v => f(v.asInstanceOf[P])))
override def nodeDelegate = if(op eq null) typeMapping else op.nodeDelegate
override def nodeDelegate: Node = typeMapping
def encodeRef(sym: Symbol, positions: List[Int] = Nil): MappedProjection[T, P] = new MappedProjection[T, P](child, f, g) {
override def nodeDelegate = Path( :+ sym)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/scala/scala/slick/profile/RelationalProfile.scala
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ trait RelationalProfile extends BasicProfile with RelationalTableComponent
implicit def columnToOptionColumn[T : BaseTypedType](c: Column[T]): Column[Option[T]] = c.?
implicit def valueToConstColumn[T : TypedType](v: T) = new ConstColumn[T](v)
implicit def tableToQuery[T <: AbstractTable[_]](t: T) = {
if(t.op ne null) throw new SlickException("Trying to implicitly lift a single table row to a Query. If this is really what you want, use an explicit Query(...) call instead")
if(!t.tableIsRaw) throw new SlickException("Trying to implicitly lift a single table row to a Query. If this is really what you want, use an explicit Query(...) call instead")
Query[T, NothingContainer#TableNothing, T](t)(Shape.tableShape)
implicit def columnToOrdered[T](c: Column[T]): ColumnOrdered[T] = c.asc
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