ghbot is a simple IRC bot that receives GitHub events via webhooks, then publishes them to an IRC channel.
It is configured using environment variables:
# required
export GHBOT_NICK=ErgoBot
export GHBOT_CHANNEL=#chat
# required: enter this in the GitHub webhook dashboard,
# and GitHub will use it to sign its requests.
# to generate a new, secure token:
# python3 -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())"
# required: this should be used with nginx or similar for TLS termination:
export GHBOT_LISTEN_ADDR=unix:/tmp/ghbot_sock
# for proxying to loopback TCP:
# for a public listener:
# export GHBOT_LISTEN_ADDR=":9473"
# in which case you should set these for native TLS:
# export GHBOT_TLS_CERT_PATH="/path/to/cert.pem"
# export GHBOT_TLS_KEY_PATH="/path/to/key.pem"
# export GHBOT_IGNORE_REPOS="ergochat/spammy_repo,ergochat/other_spammy_repo"
# optional: for authenticating the bot to the IRC server
# optional DoS protection: ghbot will only accept POSTs to this path.
# this is reasonably secure if you only allow https. to generate your own:
# python3 -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())"
# you can also enforce this in the nginx configuration
# export GHBOT_URL_PATH=/SWVSrKUQRjT1OcP9-NDdGU26Zbu6rjr-j3Lqj8ElfLA
On the GitHub side, you must configure your webhook to send content type application/json
(instead of the default application/x-www-form-urlencoded
), and configure a secret token matching the value of GHBOT_GITHUB_SECRET_TOKEN
Here's a snippet of an nginx config for terminating TLS and forwarding to the bot's HTTP listener:
location /ghbot_n0geeCIH1cIahJSnjNM6jU4awF74hyjvl7xDuMUS47s {
proxy_pass http://unix:/tmp/ghbot_sock;
This bot should work with GitLab as well, but GitLab uses a static token for authentication instead of a signature system. Unset GHBOT_GITHUB_SECRET_TOKEN
and instead export GHBOT_GITLAB_SECRET_TOKEN