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 |___/v1.1|___/by slowbro
- Gets youtube videos
- Quality Selector (use number, based on:
- Herpaderp

- bash shell (or similar)
- curl
- a Youtube Link
- ffmpeg
 * recommended at least libfaac, mpeg-4, and libmp3lame. faac and mpeg-4 is required for most of the videos

-d "<url>"  : display information about <url>
-f "<args>" : pass args directly to ffmpeg
-h          : help
-i "<url>"  : input link. use whole link IN QUOTES (eg " " [gee gee gee gee baby baby baby])
-I "<path>" : input file
-n          : don't encode: output raw youtube video
-o <file>   : output file. extention decides format. (uses ffmpeg. usual extentions: .aac .mp3 .mpg .mp4 .avi .wmv .oog etc...)
-p <pass>   : youtube password (for age-restricted videos)
-q <num>    : quality number. default is 18 (360p)
-Q          : be quiet (no output except for errors)
-r <bit/s>  : pass video bitrate to ffmpeg (ex: 600k, 1200k [def: 96k])
-R <bit/s>  : pass audio bitrate to ffmpeg (ex: 64k, 128k [def: 96k])
-u <user>   : youtube username (for age-restricted videos)
-v          : verbose output: use for debugging. overrides -Q

- Get quality 34 ("high quality"/480p) audio
    ./ytget -o some_audio.mp3 -i " " -q34

- Get quality 5 ("low quality"/240p) video, and suppress output
    ./ytget -o /path/to/some_video.avi -i " " -q5 -Q

- List details about a video
    ./ytget -d " "

- Login and download an age-restricted video
    ./ytget -i " " -u"" -p"mypassword" -o "somefile.mp3"

Return Codes
0 : success
1 : youtube page get failed (did you supply the whole URL? in quotes?)
2 : youtube video get failed
3 : ffmpeg encode failed
4 : argument error
5 : ffmpeg codec error (codec not available)
6 : youtube login fail or missing user/pass


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