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Amended row spanning and cell height calculation for rows of fixed he…
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…ight, added :row-span 0 and :col-span 0 support

git-svn-id: 9d29c65d-f3d6-0310-ab0c-b43ff62e96ec
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dmitriy.ivanov committed Jun 27, 2007
1 parent 36a08bf commit 66d3dda
Showing 1 changed file with 128 additions and 105 deletions.
233 changes: 128 additions & 105 deletions tables.lisp
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(height :accessor height :initform 0)
(v-align :accessor v-align :initform :top :initarg :v-align)
(background-color :accessor background-color :initform nil :initarg :background-color)
;; col-span equal to 0 (zero) means that the cell spans all rows
;; from the current row to the last row of the table
(col-span :accessor col-span :initform 1 :initarg :col-span)
;; row-span equal to 0 (zero) means that the cell spans all columns
;; from the current column to the last column of the table
(row-span :accessor row-span :initform 1 :initarg :row-span)
;; Quad specifying the border to be drawn between table border and cell padding;
;; Borders of a cell count for its external height (unless it is limited by the height
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`(or (numberp (row-span ,cell)) ; still untouched cell
(eq (first-or-self (row-span ,cell)) ,row)))

(defmacro cell-continue-row-p (cell row)
`(and (consp (row-span ,cell))
(not (eq (first (row-span ,cell)) ,row))))

(defmacro cell-end-row-p (cell row)
`(and (consp (row-span ,cell))
(eq (first (last (row-span ,cell))) ,row)))

(defun span-cell (rows cell col-number)
;;; Replace the cell's numeric row-span by the list of rows spanned
;; and add the cell into the cell list of each of these rows.
;; Args: rows Table row sublist starting from the one where the cell was defined.
;; col-number Starts from zero.
;; Args: rows Table row sublist starting from the one where the cell was defined.
;; col-number Starts from zero.
(setf (splittable-p (first rows)) nil)
(loop for row in (rest rows)
and i downfrom (1- (row-span cell)) above 0 ;repeat (1- (row-span cell))
collect row into rows-spanned
when (> i 1) ; set all but last rows unsplittable
do (setf (splittable-p row) nil)
(loop for j = 0 then (+ j (col-span c))
for tail = (cells row) then (cdr tail);; hack for CLISP instead of for tail on (cells row)
for c = (first tail) ; j is the column number of c
while (and c (< j col-number))
collect (first tail) into head
finally ; insert cell between head and tail
(setf (cells row) (nconc head (list cell) tail)))
finally ; replace numeric row-span by the list
(return (setf (row-span cell) (cons (first rows) rows-spanned)))))

(defun compute-row-size (table row &optional rows)
(do* ((rows-spanned (list (first rows)))
(row-span (row-span cell)) ; zero row-span means all the rows
(i (if (= row-span 0) most-positive-fixnum (1- row-span)) (1- i))
(tail (rest rows) rest)
(rest (rest tail) (rest rest)))
((or (null tail) (= i 0)) ; replace numeric row-span by the list
(setf (row-span cell) (nreverse rows-spanned)))
(let ((row (first tail)))
(push row rows-spanned)
(when (and (> i 1) rest) ; set all but last rows unsplittable
(setf (splittable-p row) nil))
(do* ((head () (cons c head))
(j 0 (+ j (col-span c)))
(tail (cells row) (rest tail))
(c (first tail) (first tail))) ; j is the column number of c
((or (null c) (>= j col-number)) ; insert cell between head and tail
(setf (cells row) (nreconc head (cons cell tail))) )) )))

(defun reduce+nullable (rows &key (key #'height) (initial-value 0) end)
;;; Summarize height of the rows in subsequence (subseq rows 0 length).
;; Returns NIL as soon as some of the height values is null.
(do ((i 0 (1+ i))
(tail rows (rest tail)))
((or (null tail) (and end (>= i end)))
(values initial-value i))
(let* ((elt (first tail))
(value (if key (funcall key elt) elt)))
(if value
(incf initial-value value)
(return nil)))))

(defun row-cell-col-number (cell cells)
;;; Value: column number of the cell with cells
(do ((j 0 (+ j col-span)) ; step by col-span
(tail cells (rest tail))
((null tail)
(cond ((eq cell (setq c (first tail)))
(return j))
((= (setq col-span (col-span c)) 0)
(return most-positive-fixnum)))))

(defun reorder-row-cells (row)
;;; Sort the row's cells correctly as there are more than one cells that
;; - are defined by the previous row or rows, and
;; - are spanning to this row.
;; Value: new list
(flet ((predicate (cell) (cell-continue-row-p cell row)))
(do* ((cells (cells row))
(continue (sort (mapcar (lambda (cell) ; alist of cells defined above
(cons cell (row-cell-col-number
cell (cells (first (row-span cell))))))
(remove-if-not #'predicate cells))
:key #'cdr))
(start (remove-if #'predicate cells)) ; list cells defined here
(j 0 (+ j (col-span cell)))
(acc ()))
((cond ((null continue)
(setq acc (nreconc acc start))
((null start)
(setq acc (nreconc acc (mapcar #'car continue)))
(if (>= j (cdar continue))
(setq cell (caar continue) ; found in above
continue (cdr continue))
(setq cell (pop start))) ; take from current
(push cell acc))))

(defun compute-row-size (table row rows)
(let ((full-size-offset (+ (border table) (* 2 (cell-padding table))))
(height (or (height row) +huge-number+)))
(height (or (height row) +huge-number+))
(continued-count 0)) ; nr of spanned cells defined above
(loop with next-widths = (col-widths table)
with col-count = (length next-widths)
for cell in (cells row)
and width = (pop next-widths)
and col-number = 0 then (+ col-number col-span 1)
and col-number = 0 then (+ col-number actual-col-span 1)
and cell-height = 0.0
for col-span = (1- (col-span cell))
for col-span = (col-span cell)
and row-span = (row-span cell)
and cell-border = (border cell)
for cell-borders-width
for actual-col-span = (1- (if (= col-span 0) ; allowed for the very last column
(- col-count col-number)
and cell-borders-width
= (cond ((symbolp cell-border) 0)
((numberp cell-border) (+ cell-border cell-border))
((with-quad (left-border nil right-border) cell-border
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((with-quad (left-border top-border nil bottom-border) cell-border
(+ top-border bottom-border))))
unless width do (error "Too many cells in this row")
;; Adjust cell width for cells spanning multiple columns
unless (zerop col-span)
do (incf width (+ (* col-span full-size-offset)
(reduce #'+ next-widths :end col-span)))
(setf next-widths (nthcdr col-span next-widths))

;; Fill cell with content if required
when (cell-start-row-p cell row)
do (setf (box cell) (make-filled-vbox (content cell)
(- width cell-borders-width)
height (v-align cell))
;; Adjust the cell width for cells spanning multiple columns
unless (= actual-col-span 0)
do (incf width (+ (* actual-col-span full-size-offset)
(reduce #'+ next-widths :end actual-col-span)))
(setf next-widths (nthcdr actual-col-span next-widths))

;; Fill in the cell with content as required and when it spans several rows
;; of fixed height, summarize these height values for layout purpose.
if (cell-start-row-p cell row)
do (setf (box cell) (make-filled-vbox (content cell)
(- width cell-borders-width)
(cond ((eql row-span 1)
((numberp row-span)
(multiple-value-bind (height row-span)
(reduce+nullable rows
:end (if (= row-span 0)
(if height
(+ height (* (1- row-span) ; actual row-span
((reduce+nullable row-span ; list of rows
:initial-value (* (1- (length row-span))
(v-align cell))
(width cell) width)

else if (cell-continue-row-p cell row)
do (incf continued-count)
;; A cell spanning several rows participates only in height calculation
;; of the last row
if (and (numberp row-span) (> row-span 1))
if (and (numberp row-span) (/= row-span 1)) ; 0 or >1
do (span-cell rows cell col-number)
else unless (height row)
if (eql row-span 1)
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finally (setf height (+ (max (or (height row) 0.0) max-height) +epsilon+)))
(setf (height row) height)
(when (> continued-count 1) ; if two or more row-spanned cells are
(setf (cells row) (reorder-row-cells row))) ; continued into this row, sort all cells
(loop for cell in (cells row)
for row-span = (row-span cell)
and cell-border = (border cell)
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(defmacro cell ((&rest args) &body body)
`(add-table-cell (make-instance 'table-cell :content (compile-text () ,@body) ,@args)))

(defun test-table (&optional (file (lw:current-pathname "test-table.pdf"))
&aux content table (margins '(72 72 72 50)))
(let* ((tt:*default-font* (pdf:get-font "Helvetica"))
(tt:*default-font-size* 10))
(with-document ()
(setq content (compile-text (:font tt:*default-font* :font-size tt:*default-font-size*)
(tt:paragraph () "Test table spans and borders")
;; Various spans
(tt:table (:col-widths '(20 40 60 80 120) :background-color :yellow :border 1)
(tt:header-row ()
(tt:cell (:col-span 5)
(tt:paragraph (:h-align :center :font-size 12)
"Table with cells spanning more then one row or column")))
(tt:row (:background-color :green)
(tt:cell (:row-span 2 :background-color :blue)
"1,1 2,1 row-span 2")
(tt:cell () "1,2")
(tt:cell (:col-span 2 :row-span 3 :background-color :red)
"1,3 1,4 - 3,3 3,4 col-span 2 row-span 3")
(tt:cell () "1,5"))
(tt::row ()
(tt:cell () "2,2")
(tt:cell (:row-span 2 :background-color :blue) "2,5 3,5 row-span 2"))
(tt:row (:background-color :green)
(tt:cell (:col-span 2) "3,1 3,2 col-span 2"))
(tt::row ()
(tt:cell () "4,1")
(tt:cell () "4,2")
(tt:cell () "4,3")
(tt:cell () "4,4")
(tt:cell () "4,5")))
(setq table
(tt:table (:col-widths '(50 40 60 80 120) :border 0)
(tt:header-row ()
(tt:cell (:col-span 5 :border 1)
(tt:paragraph (:h-align :centered :font-size 12)
"Cells with borders")))
(tt:row (:background-color :green)
(tt:cell (:row-span 2 :background-color :blue)
"1,1 2,1 row-span 2")
(tt:cell () "1,2")
(tt:cell (:col-span 2 :row-span 3 :background-color :red)
"1,3 1,4 - 3,3 3,4 col-span 2 row-span 3")
(tt:cell () "1,5"))
(tt:row ()
(tt:cell (:border 2) "2,2")
(tt:cell (:row-span 2 :background-color :blue) "2,5 3,5 row-span 2"))
(tt:row (:background-color :green)
(tt:cell (:col-span 2 :border 2) "3,1 3,2 col-span 2"))
(tt:row ()
(tt:cell (:border #(3 0 0 0)) "4,1 left-border 3")
(tt:cell (:border #(0 3 0 0)) "4,2 top-border 3")
(tt:cell (:border #(2 2 2 2)) "4,3 border #(2 2 2 2)")
(tt:cell (:border #(0 0 3 0)) "4,4 right-border 3")
(tt:cell (:border #(0 0 0 3)) "4,5 bottom-border 3"))
(tt:row ()
(tt:cell (:col-span 5 :border '(0 1/4))
(tt:paragraph (:h-align :justified :font-size 12)
"bottom" :hfill "cell" :hfill "spanning" :hfill "several" :hfill "rows"))))
(draw-pages content :margins margins :break :after)
(pdf:write-document file)))
(setq table (test-table (lw:current-pathname "examples/test-table.pdf")))

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