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Automated Tag Creator

The backend for Automated Tag Creator

Developer mode configuration

  1. Create app instance in own account (Developer settings/GitHub Apps)
  2. Start ngrok
  3. Use ngrok address for webhook url like:
  4. Generate and download private key
  5. Configure app permissions:
    • Content: Read-only
    • Discussion: Read-Write
    • MetaData:Read-only
  6. Subscribe to events:
    • Create
    • Push
    • Delete
  7. Use script like below to start app
    export ATC_PEM_PATH=/home/andrey/.ssh/atc-local.2021-03-25.private-key.pem
    export ATC_APP_ID=106890

Create the GitHub App

  1. Navigate to your account settings.
  2. Go to Developer settings -> GitGub Apps
  3. Click NewGitHub App
  4. In GitHub App name, type the name of your app
  5. In HomepageURL, type the full URL to your app's website
  6. Cancel select Webhook -> Active
  7. Click Create GitHub App

More informations you can see in Creating a GitHub App

Configurate and install the GitHub App

  1. Navigate to your account settings.
  2. Go to Developer settings -> GitHub Apps
  3. Click Edit in your App
    • Select Webhook -> Active
    • Use ngrok address with api/webhook for webhook url like:
    • Click Save changes
    • Click Generate a private key and download private key
  4. Go to Permissions & events
    • Configurate Repository permissions:
      • Content: Read & write
      • MetaData: Read-only
    • Select in subscribe to events:
      • Create
      • Push
      • Delete
    • Click Save changes
  5. Go to Install App
    • Choose an account to install and click Install
    • Choose All repositories or Only select repositories and select repositories
    • Click Install

Setup the Github App

  1. Add Webhook URL
  2. Generate a private key

Configuration .atc.yaml

  1. Download config file .atc.yaml
  2. Move .atc.yaml to project root
  3. Change .atc.yaml if You need it:
    • Change path to configuration file your Build automation (pom.xml for Maven, .npmrc for NPM or for Gradle)
    • Choose when add tags: Before or After commit(Default After)
    • Write template for tags (You need use substring {{.version}})

Deploy the backend

Add pem data to KMS

Check that the kms api is enabled:

  1. Create a keyring
gcloud kms keyrings create atc-secrets --location=global
  1. Create a key
gcloud kms keys create gh-pem-secret \
    --location=global \
    --keyring atc-secrets \
    --purpose encryption

Encrypting a Github Private key

gcloud kms encrypt \
    --plaintext-file=gh.pem \
    --ciphertext-file=ghpem.enc.txt \
    --location=global \
    --keyring=atc-secrets \

base64 ghpem.enc.txt -w 0 > ghpem.enc.64.txt

Grant permissions

Add to serviceAccount ( permissions:

Cloud Build Service Account
Cloud KMS CryptoKey Decrypter
Storage Object Viewer

Also you should follow the steps:

  1. Grant the Cloud Run Admin role to the Cloud Build service account:

    • In the Cloud Console, go to the Cloud Build Settings page:
    • Open the Settings page
    • Locate the row with the Cloud Run Admin role and set its Status to ENABLED.
    • In the Additional steps may be required pop-up, click Skip.
  2. Grant the IAM Service Account User role to the Cloud Build service account on the Cloud Run runtime service account:

    • In the Cloud Console, go to the Service Accounts page:
    • Open the Service Accounts page
    • In the list of members, locate and select [PROJECT_NUMBER] This is the Cloud Run runtime service account.
    • Click SHOW INFO PANEL in the top right corner.
    • In the Permissions panel, click the Add Member button.
    • In the New member field, enter the email address of the Cloud Build service account. This is of the form [PROJECT_NUMBER] Note: The email address of Cloud Build service account is different from that of Cloud Run runtime service account.
    • In the Role dropdown, select Service Accounts, and then Service Account User.
    • Click Save.

See more on Stackoverflow

Check a default project

> gcloud config get-value project


gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml