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Added allow-dynamic to entities to allow dynamic fields
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Tobias Raeder authored and Tobias Raeder committed Oct 23, 2012
1 parent 04e7b92 commit c6d249c
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Showing 2 changed files with 94 additions and 62 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion project.clj
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(defproject clj-gae-datastore "0.3.1"
(defproject clj-gae-datastore "0.3.2"
:description "clojure dsl for accessing the appengine datastore"
:dependencies [[clojure "1.2.0"]
[clojure-contrib "1.2.0"]
Expand Down
154 changes: 93 additions & 61 deletions src/com/freiheit/gae/datastore/datastore_access_dsl.clj
Expand Up @@ -183,10 +183,17 @@ a key, we keep it, so that the system will update the already existing data in t
(entitymap-to-new-entity entity-map)
(to-entity entity-map)))

(defn- save-entity!
"Save an entity to the datastore."
(when-not (nil? entity)
(.put ( entity))

(defn- save-entities!
"Save a collection of entities to the datastore."
[#^java.util.Collection entities]
(if-not (empty? entities)
(when-not (empty? entities)
(.put ( entities))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -254,39 +261,25 @@ a key, we keep it, so that the system will update the already existing data in t
(map first (field-clauses clauses)))

(defn- build-options-table
"Build the options table. At the moment only contains :pre-save and :post-load as for the field declarations.
Returns a map of :pre-save and :post-load."
;; at the moment just pretend we have a [:options :pre-save ... :post-load ...] clause to use the
;; field-fn-lookup parser
(let [option-clause (rest (option-clauses clauses))]
(:options (build-fn-lookup-table
[(into [] (cons :options (first option-clause)))]))))

(defn- get-conversion-fn
"Get pre-save or post-load conversion function for attr-name"
[func-name attr-name lookup-table]
(get (get lookup-table attr-name) func-name identity))

(defmacro merge-with-translation
[m msource & kfns]
(let [kfn-pairs (partition 2 kfns)
with-applied-to-msource (mapcat
(fn [[k v]]
`(~k (~v (~k ~msource)))) kfn-pairs)]
(let [kfn-pairs (partition 2 kfns)
with-applied-to-msource (mapcat (fn [[k v]] `(~k (~v (~k ~msource)))) kfn-pairs)]
`(assoc ~m ~@with-applied-to-msource))) ;~@(with-applied-to-msource)

(defn- build-conversion-fn
"Build the s-expr for a conversion function from a lookup table"
[entity-sym kind keys func-name fn-lookup-table]
(let [key-with-translate-fn
(mapcat #(list
(get-conversion-fn func-name % fn-lookup-table)) keys)]
`(merge-with-translation {:kind ~kind} ~entity-sym
[entity-sym kind keys func-name fn-lookup-table options-table]
(let [key-with-translate-fn (mapcat #(list % (get-conversion-fn func-name % fn-lookup-table)) keys)]
(if (:allow-dynamic options-table)
`(let [base-object# (assoc (into {} ~entity-sym) :kind ~kind)]
(merge-with-translation base-object# ~entity-sym ~@key-with-translate-fn))
`(merge-with-translation {:kind ~kind} ~entity-sym ~@key-with-translate-fn))))

;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; public functions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,10 +342,11 @@ assoc-and-track-changes and used assoc or something else instead to manipulate t
"Define the schema for Google App Engine datastore entity.
Syntax: (defentity <entity-name> [:attr-name1 :pre-save #fn :post-load fn :unindexed bool] [:attr-name2 ...]...)"
[entity-name & body]
(let [allowed-keys (build-allowed-keys body)
fn-lookup-table (build-fn-lookup-table body)
options-table (build-options-table body)
selection-keys (vec (conj allowed-keys :parent-key)) ;FIXME: Better to store parent-key in meta-data!
(let [allowed-keys (build-allowed-keys body)
fn-lookup-table (build-fn-lookup-table (take-while vector? body))
options-table (apply hash-map (remove vector? body))
selection-keys (vec (conj allowed-keys :parent-key))
;FIXME: Better to store parent-key in meta-data!
kind (str entity-name)]
(defstruct ~entity-name ~@allowed-keys)
Expand All @@ -365,19 +359,21 @@ Syntax: (defentity <entity-name> [:attr-name1 :pre-save #fn :post-load fn :unind
~(if-let [entity-pre-save (:pre-save options-table)]
`(let [~entity-name (~entity-pre-save ~entity-name)]
~(build-conversion-fn entity-name kind selection-keys :pre-save fn-lookup-table))
(build-conversion-fn entity-name kind selection-keys :pre-save fn-lookup-table)))
~(build-conversion-fn entity-name kind selection-keys :pre-save fn-lookup-table options-table))
(build-conversion-fn entity-name kind selection-keys :pre-save fn-lookup-table options-table)))

(defmethod translate-from-datastore ~kind
~(if-let [entity-post-load (:post-load options-table)]
~(build-conversion-fn entity-name kind selection-keys :post-load fn-lookup-table))
(build-conversion-fn entity-name kind selection-keys :post-load fn-lookup-table)))
~(build-conversion-fn entity-name kind selection-keys :post-load fn-lookup-table options-table))
(build-conversion-fn entity-name kind selection-keys :post-load fn-lookup-table options-table)))

(defmethod to-entity ~kind
(create-entity ~kind (select-keys ~entity-name (vector ~@allowed-keys)) (get-parent-for-map ~entity-name))))))
~(if (:allow-dynamic options-table)
`(create-entity ~kind (dissoc ~entity-name :parent-key :kind) (get-parent-for-map ~entity-name))
`(create-entity ~kind (select-keys ~entity-name (vector ~@allowed-keys)) (get-parent-for-map ~entity-name)))))))

;; defining relationships
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -407,35 +403,65 @@ Syntax: (defentity <entity-name> [:attr-name1 :pre-save #fn :post-load fn :unind

;;; TODO: the store-functions should be consolidated into one single function

(def #^{:doc "Store a list of entity-maps in the datastore."
:arglist '[entities]}
(partial map translate-from-datastore)
(partial map entity-to-map)
(partial map to-entity)
(partial map translate-to-datastore)))

(def update-entities!
#^{:doc "Update a list of entity-maps in the datastore."
:arglist '[entities]}
(partial map translate-from-datastore)
(partial map entity-to-map)
(partial map entitymap-to-new-entity) ;entity-for-item
(partial map translate-to-datastore)))

(def store-or-update-entities!
#^{:doc "Update or save a list of entity-maps in the datastore."
:arglist '[entities]}
(partial map translate-from-datastore)
(partial map entity-to-map)
(partial map entitymap-to-entity) ;entity-for-item-when-existing
(partial map translate-to-datastore)))
(defn store-entities!
"Store a list of entity-maps in the datastore."
(->> entities
(map translate-to-datastore)
(map to-entity)
(map entity-to-map)
(map translate-from-datastore)))

(defn store-entity!
"Store an entity-map in the datastore."
(->> entity

(defn update-entities!
"Update a list of entity-maps in the datastore."
(->> entities
(map translate-to-datastore)
(map entitymap-to-new-entity) ;entity-for-item
(map entity-to-map)
(map translate-from-datastore)))

(defn update-entity!
"Update an entity-map in the datastore."
(->> entity
(entitymap-to-new-entity) ;entity-for-item

(defn store-or-update-entities!
"Update or save a list of entity-maps in the datastore."
(->> entities
(map translate-to-datastore)
(map entitymap-to-entity) ;entity-for-item-when-existing
(map entity-to-map)
(map translate-from-datastore)))

(defn store-or-update-entity!
"Update or save an entity-map in the datastore."
(->> entity
(entitymap-to-entity) ;entity-for-item-when-existing

(defn delete-all!
"Delete all entities specified by the given keys from the datastore."
Expand All @@ -445,3 +471,9 @@ Syntax: (defentity <entity-name> [:attr-name1 :pre-save #fn :post-load fn :unind
(for [#^Key key-batch (seq-utils/partition-all max-batch-size keys)]
(.delete service key-batch)))))

(defn delete!
"Delete all entities specified by the given keys from the datastore."
(let [service (DatastoreServiceFactory/getDatastoreService)]
(.delete service key)))

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