seurat_obj <- SetupForWGCNA(scRNA, gene_select = "custom", # the gene selection approach gene_list = features, ## custom genes were used total 19996 genes used wgcna_name = "hdWGCNA") # the name of the hdWGCNA experiment seurat_obj <- MetacellsByGroups(seurat_obj = seurat_obj, = c("seurat_clusters"), # specify the columns in to group by assay = 'MAGIC_RNA', slot = 'data', reduction = 'pca', # select the dimensionality reduction to perform KNN on k = 25, # nearest-neighbors parameter max_shared = 10, # maximum number of shared cells between two metacells = 'seurat_clusters') # set the Idents of the metacell seurat object # normalize metacell expression matrix: seurat_obj <- NormalizeMetacells(seurat_obj, verbose=FALSE) seurat_obj <- SetDatExpr(seurat_obj, group_name = c("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16"), # the name of the group of interest in the column'seurat_clusters', # the metadata column containing the cell type info. This same column should have also been used in MetacellsByGroups assay = 'MAGIC_RNA', # using RNA assay slot = 'data') # using normalized data # Test different soft powers: seurat_obj <- TestSoftPowers(seurat_obj, networkType = 'unsigned') # you can also use "unsigned" or "signed hybrid" # plot the results: plot_list <- PlotSoftPowers(seurat_obj) # assemble with patchwork wrap_plots(plot_list, ncol=2) ## Construct co-expression network seurat_obj <- ConstructNetwork(seurat_obj, soft_power=4, setDatExpr=FALSE, networkType = 'unsigned', TOMType = "unsigned", tom_name = 'TOM') # name of the topoligical overlap matrix written to disk # need to run ScaleData first or else harmony throws an error: seurat_obj <- ScaleData(seurat_obj, features=VariableFeatures(seurat_obj)) # compute all MEs in the full single-cell dataset seurat_obj <- ModuleEigengenes(seurat_obj,"seurat_clusters") # compute eigengene-based connectivity (kME): seurat_obj <- ModuleConnectivity(seurat_obj, = 'seurat_clusters', group_name = '2',sparse=FALSE) # get the module assignment table: modules <- GetModules(seurat_obj) # show the first 6 columns: head(modules[,1:6]) dim(modules) #write.csv(modules, "Modules.csv", row.names=FALSE) seurat_obj <- RunModuleUMAP( seurat_obj, n_hubs = 10, # number of hub genes to include for the UMAP embedding n_neighbors=15, # neighbors parameter for UMAP min_dist=0.1) # min distance between points in UMAP space