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The Snakemake workflow management system is a tool to create reproducible and scalable data analyses. Workflows are described via a human readable, Python based language. They can be seamlessly scaled to server, cluster, grid and cloud environments, without the need to modify the workflow definition. Finally, Snakemake workflows can entail a description of required software, which will be automatically deployed to any execution environment.

Snakemake is highly popular with, >5 new citations per week. For an introduction, please visit

Getting started

To get a first impression, please visit News about Snakemake are published via Twitter. To learn Snakemake, please do the tutorial, and see the FAQ <project_info-faq>. For more advanced usage on various platforms, see the executor_tutorial.


  • For releases, see Changelog <changelog>.
  • Check frequently asked questions (FAQ) <project_info-faq>.
  • In case of questions, please post on stack overflow.
  • To discuss with other Snakemake users, you can use the mailing list. Please do not post questions there. Use stack overflow for questions.
  • For bugs and feature requests, please use the issue tracker.
  • For contributions, visit Snakemake on Github and read the guidelines <project_info-contributing>.


Köster, Johannes and Rahmann, Sven. "Snakemake - A scalable bioinformatics workflow engine". Bioinformatics 2012.

See Citations <project_info/citations> for more information.


Snakemake Wrappers Repository

The Snakemake Wrapper Repository is a collection of reusable wrappers that allow to quickly use popular tools from Snakemake rules and workflows.

Snakemake Workflows Project

This project provides a collection of high quality modularized and re-usable workflows. The provided code should also serve as a best-practices of how to build production ready workflows with Snakemake. Everybody is invited to contribute.

Snakemake Profiles Project

This project provides Snakemake configuration profiles for various execution environments. Please consider contributing your own if it is still missing.


Bioconda can be used from Snakemake for creating completely reproducible workflows by defining the used software versions and providing binaries.

getting_started/installation tutorial/tutorial tutorial/short executor_tutorial/tutorial

executing/cli executing/cluster executing/cloud executing/grouping executing/caching executing/interoperability executing/monitoring

snakefiles/writing_snakefiles snakefiles/rules snakefiles/configuration snakefiles/modularization snakefiles/remote_files snakefiles/utils snakefiles/deployment snakefiles/reporting snakefiles/testing

api_reference/snakemake api_reference/snakemake_utils api_reference/internal/modules

project_info/citations project_info/more_resources project_info/faq project_info/contributing project_info/authors project_info/history project_info/license