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gregorycollins committed Aug 31, 2013
1 parent d0a380e commit a79b345
Showing 1 changed file with 75 additions and 67 deletions.
142 changes: 75 additions & 67 deletions src/Snap/Internal/Types.hs
Expand Up @@ -180,7 +180,10 @@ data Zero = PassOnProcessing

newtype Snap a = Snap {
unSnap :: StateT SnapState IO (SnapResult a)
unSnap :: forall r . (a -> SnapState -> IO r)
-> (Zero -> SnapState -> IO r)
-> SnapState
-> IO r

Expand All @@ -202,33 +205,28 @@ instance Monad Snap where

snapBind :: Snap a -> (a -> Snap b) -> Snap b
snapBind (Snap m) f = Snap $ do
res <- m

case res of
SnapValue a -> unSnap $! f a
z@(Zero _) -> return $! unsafeCoerce z
snapBind m f = Snap $ \sk fk st -> unSnap m (\a st' -> unSnap (f a) sk fk st') fk st
{-# INLINE snapBind #-}

snapReturn :: a -> Snap a
snapReturn = Snap . return . SnapValue
snapReturn = pure
{-# INLINE snapReturn #-}

snapFail :: String -> Snap a
snapFail !_ = Snap $! return $! Zero PassOnProcessing
snapFail !_ = Snap $ \_ fk st -> fk PassOnProcessing st
{-# INLINE snapFail #-}

instance MonadIO Snap where
liftIO m = Snap $! liftM SnapValue $! liftIO m
liftIO m = Snap $ \sk _ st -> do x <- m; sk x st

instance (MonadBase IO) Snap where
liftBase = Snap . liftM SnapValue . liftBase
liftBase = liftIO

Expand All @@ -237,38 +235,48 @@ instance (MonadBaseControl IO) Snap where
unStSnap :: StM (StateT SnapState IO) (SnapResult a)

liftBaseWith f = Snap $ liftM SnapValue $
liftBaseWith f = stateTToSnap $ liftM SnapValue $
liftBaseWith $ \g' -> f $ \m ->
liftM StSnap $ g' $ unSnap m
liftM StSnap $ g' $ snapToStateT m
{-# INLINE liftBaseWith #-}

restoreM = Snap . restoreM . unStSnap
restoreM = stateTToSnap . restoreM . unStSnap
{-# INLINE restoreM #-}

{-# INLINE snapToStateT #-}
snapToStateT :: Snap a -> StateT SnapState IO (SnapResult a)
snapToStateT m = StateT $ \st -> do
unSnap m (\a st' -> return (SnapValue a, st'))
(\z st' -> return (Zero z, st')) st

{-# INLINE stateTToSnap #-}
stateTToSnap :: StateT SnapState IO (SnapResult a) -> Snap a
stateTToSnap m = Snap $ \sk fk st -> do
(a, st') <- runStateT m st
case a of
SnapValue x -> sk x st'
Zero z -> fk z st'

instance MonadPlus Snap where
mzero = Snap $! return $! Zero $! PassOnProcessing
mzero = Snap $ \_ fk st -> fk PassOnProcessing st

a `mplus` b =
Snap $! do
r <- unSnap a
-- redundant just in case ordering by frequency helps here.
case r of
SnapValue _ -> return r
Zero PassOnProcessing -> unSnap b
_ -> return r
Snap $ \sk fk st ->
let fk' z st' = case z of
PassOnProcessing -> unSnap b sk fk st'
_ -> fk z st'
in unSnap a sk fk' st

instance Functor Snap where
fmap = liftM

fmap f m = Snap $ \sk fk st -> unSnap m (sk . f) fk st

instance Applicative Snap where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
pure x = Snap $ \sk _ st -> sk x st
(<*>) = ap

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -378,7 +386,7 @@ transformRequestBody trans = do
-- | Short-circuits a 'Snap' monad action early, storing the given
-- 'Response' value in its state.
finishWith :: MonadSnap m => Response -> m a
finishWith = liftSnap . Snap . return . Zero . EarlyTermination
finishWith r = liftSnap $ Snap $ \_ fk st -> fk (EarlyTermination r) st
{-# INLINE finishWith #-}

Expand All @@ -390,12 +398,12 @@ finishWith = liftSnap . Snap . return . Zero . EarlyTermination
-- 'catchFinishWith' it is suggested that you do not modify the body of the
-- 'Response' which was passed to the 'finishWith' call.
catchFinishWith :: Snap a -> Snap (Either Response a)
catchFinishWith (Snap m) = Snap $ do
r <- m
case r of
SnapValue a -> return $! SnapValue $! Right a
(Zero (EarlyTermination resp)) -> return $! SnapValue $! Left resp
(Zero _) -> return $ unsafeCoerce r
catchFinishWith (Snap m) = Snap $ \sk fk st -> do
let sk' v s = sk (Right v) s
let fk' z s = case z of
(EarlyTermination resp) -> sk (Left resp) s
_ -> fk z s
m sk' fk' st
{-# INLINE catchFinishWith #-}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -516,14 +524,14 @@ ifTop = path ""
-- | Local Snap version of 'get'.
sget :: Snap SnapState
sget = Snap $ liftM SnapValue get
sget = Snap $ \sk _ st -> sk st st
{-# INLINE sget #-}

-- | Local Snap monad version of 'modify'.
smodify :: (SnapState -> SnapState) -> Snap ()
smodify f = Snap $ modify f >> return (SnapValue ())
smodify f = Snap $ \sk _ st -> sk () (f st)
{-# INLINE smodify #-}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -619,8 +627,9 @@ redirect' target status = do
-- | Log an error message in the 'Snap' monad
logError :: MonadSnap m => ByteString -> m ()
logError s = liftSnap $ Snap $ gets _snapLogError >>= (\l -> liftIO $ l s)
>> return (SnapValue $! ())
logError s = liftSnap $ Snap $ \sk _ st -> do
_snapLogError st s
sk () st
{-# INLINE logError #-}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -815,10 +824,11 @@ ipHeaderFilter' header = do
-- 3. An exception being thrown.
bracketSnap :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> (a -> Snap c) -> Snap c
bracketSnap before after thing = mask $ \restore -> Snap $ do
bracketSnap before after thing = mask $ \restore ->
stateTToSnap $ do
a <- liftIO before
let after' = liftIO $ after a
r <- unSnap (restore $ thing a) `onException` after'
r <- snapToStateT (restore $ thing a) `onException` after'
_ <- after'
return r

Expand All @@ -841,9 +851,9 @@ instance Exception NoHandlerException
-- | Terminate the HTTP session with the given exception.
terminateConnection :: (Exception e, MonadSnap m) => e -> m a
terminateConnection =
liftSnap . Snap . return . Zero . EscapeSnap . TerminateConnection
. SomeException
terminateConnection e =
liftSnap $ Snap $ \_ fk -> fk $ EscapeSnap $ TerminateConnection
$ SomeException e

Expand All @@ -855,7 +865,7 @@ terminateConnection =
escapeHttp :: MonadSnap m =>
-> m ()
escapeHttp = liftSnap . Snap . return . Zero . EscapeSnap . EscapeHttp
escapeHttp h = liftSnap $ Snap $ \_ fk st -> fk (EscapeSnap $ EscapeHttp h) st

Expand All @@ -865,22 +875,22 @@ runSnap :: Snap a
-> ((Int -> Int) -> IO ())
-> Request
-> IO (Request, Response)
runSnap (Snap m) logerr timeoutAction req = do
(r, ss') <- runStateT m ss

resp <- case r of
SnapValue _ -> return $ _snapResponse ss'
Zero PassOnProcessing -> return $ fourohfour
Zero (EarlyTermination x) -> return $ x
Zero (EscapeSnap e) -> throwIO e

let req' = _snapRequest ss'

resp' <- liftIO $ fixupResponse req' resp

return (req', resp')

runSnap (Snap m) logerr timeoutAction req =
m ok diediedie ss
ok _ st = do
let req' = _snapRequest st
let resp = _snapResponse st
resp' <- liftIO $ fixupResponse req' resp
return (req', resp')

diediedie z st = do
rsp <- case z of
PassOnProcessing -> return $ fourohfour
(EarlyTermination x) -> return $ x
(EscapeSnap e) -> throwIO e
return (_snapRequest st, rsp)

fourohfour = do
clearContentLength $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1019,16 +1029,14 @@ evalSnap :: Snap a
-> ((Int -> Int) -> IO ())
-> Request
-> IO a
evalSnap (Snap m) logerr timeoutAction req = do
(r, _) <- runStateT m ss

case r of
SnapValue x -> return x
Zero PassOnProcessing -> throwIO $ NoHandlerException "pass"
Zero (EarlyTermination _) -> throwIO $ ErrorCall "no value"
Zero (EscapeSnap e) -> throwIO e

evalSnap (Snap m) logerr timeoutAction req =
m (\v _ -> return v) diediedie ss
diediedie z _ = case z of
PassOnProcessing -> throwIO $ NoHandlerException "pass"
(EarlyTermination _) -> throwIO $ ErrorCall "no value"
(EscapeSnap e) -> throwIO e

dresp = emptyResponse
ss = SnapState req dresp logerr timeoutAction
{-# INLINE evalSnap #-}
Expand Down

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