("sparkle" pronounced like a new yorker)
A tribute to @holman's awesome spark script in scala.
Install a cmd line client, spkl
using conscript
$ cs softprops/spakle
Then just toss it some data points
$ seq 0 28 | sort -r | spkl
If you are using ls just type the following in your sbt
sbt> ls-install spakle
Otherwise add it as a library dependency
libraryDependencies += "me.lessis" %% "spakle" % "0.1.0"
resolvers += "less is" at "http://repo.lessis.me"
And use it as you would any other library
println(spakle.Spark.lns(util.Random.shuffle((1 to 15).toSeq) map(_.toDouble)))
Doug Tangren (softprops) 2011