SOGEBOT 10.11.0
Bug Fixes
- api - skip getChannelChattersUnofficialAPI on unset oAuth (#3414) (9ff49771)
- quotes - get proper name of quote user (#3431), Fixes discord#690942867736231946 (b5bc9b71)
- quotes - word-wrap long quotes in table (#3430), Fixes discord#690941251125772348 (6b331391)
- raffles - show participants in UI (#3428), Fixes #3426 (6f984c66)
- songs - nil check for currentSong (#3419), Fixes #3417 (fe5fe0cb)
- spotify - remove unnecessary scopes info (#3455), Fixes community#27 (6af67cfc)
- user - invalidate socket connection after logout (#3451), Fixes #3450 (aeef49d3)
- eventlist - add replay button on hover (#3436), Fixes #3424 (24d6553b)
- public - add stream and chat (#3438) (f1e756f5)
- raffles - add allowOverTicketing toggle (#3433), Fixes #3429 (341994a6)
- songs - remove need of YouTube API key (#3412), Fixes #3411 (4cbf7560)
- spotify - show UI error if something went wrong (#3456), Fixes #2768 (a1741cc0)
- theme - add change theme button (#3441), Fixes #3439 (555d745f)