SOGEBOT 10.6.0
Bug Fixes
- alerts - attempt to remove media only if needed (#3220), Fixes discord#672810317662650385 (c6419683)
- cooldown - use latest timestamp in case of duplicate (#3246), Fixes #3209 (553ac07d)
- customvariables - load properly random variable (#3250), Fixes #3248 (3b9c3ca3)
- customvariables - propagate sender/param correctly (#3249), Fixes #3247 (32886fc5)
- customvariables - show ui on null value (#3221), Fixes discord#672808497179656242 (dc87e42f)
- hltb - refresh thumbnail image (#3240), Fixes #3239 (1c1793e9)
- integrations - import missed exchange function (#3226), Fixes #3225 (da6f478d)
- points - add cron warning message on reset (#3219) (a95e9048)
- songs - patch library to include categoryId (#3228), Fixes #3223 (74e2363f)
- songs - use own api key on search (#3227), Fixes #3224 (9139c36d)
- customcommands - add $haveParam filter (#3230) (0a328bfc)
- customvariables - expose info, warning logging to eval (#3231), Fixes ideas(deprecated)#159 (80d0e708)
- userinfo - add !stats command (#3232), Fixes ideas(deprecated)#120 (8d2ddae7)