SOGEBOT 11.10.0
Bug Fixes
- commercial - use broadcaster account to run commercial (#3994), Fixes discord#735813017908019222 (b9591c66)
- events - twitter message should be properly parsed (#3989), Fixes community#151 (ac5e5295)
- oauth - add channel:edit:commercial scope for bot (#3993) (65069d28)
- oauth - add channel:edit:commercial scope for broadcaster (#3995) (88294607)
- twitter - unshadow error variable (#3992), Fixes discord#735813554732531724 (632e34b0)
- alerts - add support for webm (#3986), Fixes community#145 (6bd3a40c)
- commands - add source filter, Fixes community#146 (f1fea25d)
- events - add source filter, Fixes community#146 (e39d70df)