Known issues
YouTube song system not working with search and need to be used with direct url or videoIds.
Bug Fixes
api - expose getChannelChattersUnofficialAPI to api stats (#4307 ), Fixes #4300 (387e21c7 )
getChannelChattersUnofficialAPI - correctly exclude ignored users (#4306 ), Fixes #4302 (c4e88f55 )
ignorelist - add letsdothis_hostraffle (#4303 ), Fixes #4301 (a36e9172 )
login - fix public page button not redirecting (#4305 ) (982938ca )
message - fix (random.number-#-to-#) returning only 0 (#4309 ), Fixes discord#776164636533063680 (273d0611 )
polls - active for time should have correct format (#4293 ), Fixes #4291 (51b51eb5 )
polls - send corect message on open/close from UI (#4294 ), Fixes #4290 , Fixes #4292 (69beda06 )
spotify - patch library handle http errors (#4313 ), Fixes #4312 (5add0086 )
tmi - fix subgift being parsed as subscription (#4318 ), Fixes #4315 (727f9b70 )
tmi - use correct attribute for month streak (#4314 ), Fixes #4310 (42062d3f )
You can’t perform that action at this time.