SOGEBOT 11.28.0
Known issues
- YouTube song system not working with search and need to be used with direct url or videoIds. TimeForANinja/node-ytsr#71
- YouTube song system cannot currently import playlists. TimeForANinja/node-ytpl#84
Bug Fixes
- bets - check correctly if bet is running for info and participate (#4379), Fixes discord#781585551005319199 (b18a27190)
- bets - properly lock bet with participants (#4380), Fixes discord#781592601895108668 (066fc671d)
- getCustomReward - properly persistent channelId (#4381), Fixes discord#782072182142140430 (80b8b3edd)
- streamelements - fix crash of bot when using 3 (#4382), Fixes discord#782180298698784769 (0c0562665)