Bug Fixes
alert - filter value can be number (508897fc )
api - manually set method of request for non axios error (a69a6363 )
chore - bump ui-admin 4.0.0 (92b43800 )
dependencies - bump deps versions (6e8874af )
dependencies - bump ui-admin5.0.0, ui-overlay1.0.0 (cf337fed )
discord - add user and role info warning (7a2a36ef )
discord - warn and unlink nonexisting member (#4781 ), Fixes #4779 (ef2c8612 )
emotescombo - set correct socket endpoint (99543202 )
error - use instanceof to get type of error (3be377bd )
eventsub - don't try to connect if clientId/clientSecret not set (6836be0a )
eventsub - fix check for tunneling creation (0d27e9d9 )
eventsub - log info message if domain/tunnel not set (a017f630 )
eventsub - token error should have different error (bef74627 )
eventsub - use localtunnel for eventsub (bc2979fa )
highlights - find by id of url, not full url (3f43a9a1 )
hypeTrain - fix triggering start/end of hypeTrain (#4777 ) (e19581c9 )
hypeTrain - go through all levels even if polling is slower (c0e4e4b8 )
hypetrain - add 3 minutes leniency to expiresAt (2f3ca8f1 )
hypetrain - fix missing assign of startedId (0fa61266 )
locales - add monitor locale (b5c43287 )
panel - add missing favicon, Fixes #4744 (3b23120c )
panel - remove secure check as it might not work on some domains (7f89613c )
fix(panel); expose panel on 9b6bd571 )
polls - show correct message when numbers are used (#4787 ), Fixes discord#879842583566778378 (e931d82b )
spotify - set initial state of authorization to false (d30a85a0 )
streamelements - use API polling and remove legacy (#4783 ), Fixes #4705 (8447a030 )
streamelements - use beforeDate to not lose any donate during fetch (34c4aa79 )
tipeeestream - use API polling and remove legacy, Fixes #4782 (ed94da44 )
updater - install latest npm as production dependency, Fixes #4764 (9296fcec )
updater - synchronous update of packages (187ca3de )
api - add hype train API and events (#4775 ) (4d4af50b )
emotescombo - add hype messages, Fixes #4751 (10b96f3e )
eventsub - add hypetrain support (#4788 ) (29d3a98f )
eventsub - be able to use custom domain or tunneling (4eef0d42 )
menu - send menu data through REST (bb450d7a )
overlay - add hypetrain overlay support (#4786 ) (04c5815f )
overlay - add support for overlays groups (6cd0a468 )
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