Bug Fixes
14.0.0 - 14.0.5
replace !alert with !media
change underlying twitch chat library to twurple
NodeJS prerequisite change to v16.x
Twitch Token Generator was removed from bot, please consider to create own Twitch App or redo your tokens with Sogebot Token Generator
Bug Fixes
api - block api after validation (ba510a1c )
api - call api after initial validation (eb3db344 )
chat - refresh token on authentication failure (61df0d41 )
commons - parserReply should reply message if sendAsReply enabled, Fixes #4858 (675ad636 )
commons - properly pass sender object (1d07973f )
discord - update discord-js to 13.2.0 (#4780 ) (ec87309a )
events - add missing variables to filter eval (5ef86e0d )
eventsub - add stack error if callback test fail (83906ea0 )
fetchAccountAge - set proper created_at with helix (ac5d4b31 )
fetchAccountAge - use helix endpoint (190ba4e1 )
fix(media) replace !alert with !media e059f4ab )
fix(media) replace !alert with !media 583a9037 )
message - exclude sender from cloneDeep (c01ac364 )
microservices - save user with userName (d793ef12 )
oauth - add throtling and max request count per token (b395ab7d )
oauth - assume valid token after refresh (7baa4953 )
oauth - expose clientId and force validation on token change (255dcdfc )
oauth - invalid tokens should not be removed (7ccedb63 )
oauth - properly validate broadcaster token before api call (0ce9218c )
oauth - properly wait for initial validation (147c8d4d )
oauth - refresh token 5 minutes before expiration (a8c75291 )
oauth - refresh token if validate thows 401 (3d88ecf1 )
oauth - remove Twitch Token Generator (b2c8acf3 )
oauth - remove validation after token refresh (2e1f631a )
oauth - send data with token refresh and trim tokens (93787ba1 )
oauth - update variable name (8a52b27c )
oauth - wait for bot token validation before getting channelId, Fixes #4859 (3913086c )
parser - whisper permission denies (f9268cfa )
sendMessage - split message every 470 chars, Fixes community#314 (894c2e76 )
setTags - use broadcaster token (992e29e7 )
setTitleAndGame - remove kraken workaround for game change (9a786c4c )
tmi - wait for initial token validation (c932658f )
You can’t perform that action at this time.