Added facebook-like animation for emotes fade out
Toggle to hide or show New chatters
, Max viewers
and Current viewers
Fixed potential database memory leak
response filters
[5155a43 ] system/gambling : Change $sender to $winner for noContestant
[3da2d94 ] ui/highlights : Remove 'v' from beginning of video id
[cebe083 ] overlay/emotes : Add facebook-like animation
[b67986d ] tool/migrate : Set version to 999.9.9-SNAPSHOT if called directly
[a212583 ] database/mongodb : Remove dropDups as it is not supported anymore
[efb2fbb ] database/mongodb : Create indexes only on cluster
[7541346 ] tools/cleanup : Revert duplicate user clean
[6a7848d ] lib/users : Move messages stats to own collection
[c87ceea ] widget/chat : Remove viewer count from tab
[68fd049 ] ui/dashboard : Toggle hide/show viewers in quick stats
[97661b6 ] Update issue template with links to fider
[e4ed33c ] lib/users, ui/viewers : Change sorting to be server side
[a752f87 ] database/master : Change setTimeout for returnData
[0d40f7e ] system/highlight : Fix incorrect api.stats call and api type
[4cd5133 ] lib/api : Move loop timeout call after everything is done
[27fd102 ] lib/api : Wait until all events are done before interval call
[5230fe6 ] main : Send message to another worker then last one
[32ce34b ] database/master : Fix potential memory leak
[fc54bad ] lib/api : Add timeout refresh to catch
[ddfe91b ] lib/api : Revert wait for join/part event
[b748f57 ] tool/commit : Update commit changelog style
[b65c790 ] system/bets : Fix incorrect message on bet close
[c4ccd09 ] system/bet : Fix error when parsing without options
[10e378d ] widget/bets : Fix updates of widget data
[5248fba ] travis : Update NodeJS version to 10.x
[0ffe603 ] database : Use master controller only on single instanced dbs
[d306f43 ] database/master : Fine tune timeouts for sendRequest and returnData
[90e1b46 ] system/bets : Refactor of bet system
[125348a ] lib/permissions : Fix slow UI response on permission change
[44a9142 ] widget/cmdboard : Fix widget behaviour
[fbd8b51 ] widgets: : Drag widgets only by header
[f57cc0c ] lib/api : Move join/part event handlers at the end
[ebb359c ] database/master : Remove retry and cleanup
[c0dd149 ] lib/parser : Populate list only at parser init
[94d5317 ] main : Add warning if message parse took more than 1000ms
[e0040b3 ] widgets/bets : Update chart only if dataset changed
[b1ae26e ] widget/cmdboard : Fix displayAs on refresh
[1017fa9 ] lib/api : Update follower update interval to use timeout
[ff63e84 ] widget/bets : Fix refund when using non english lang
[c609a4c ] system/moderation : Fix return of empty blacklist/whitelist
[6d717d8 ] database/nedb : Fix creation of indexes
[5ba74be ] lib/commons : Fix send message if client is not properly connected
[64bb27e ] lib/commons : Simplify code for workers
[80c2ffc ] lib/commons : Retry only once for message send
[1f33a20 ] libs : Fix several incorrect log error calls
[4e415c5 ] lib/twitch : Fix !game and !title commands without arguments
[e47016a ] lib/parser : Add debug message after parsers are done
[aa7cd30 ] system/alias : Fix running alias if it point to same alias !me -> !me
[30f0bcc ] widgetr/raffles : Move pick a winner after input
[37e716d ] widget/raffles : Add popout
[de02984 ] system/raffles : Announce only if stream is online
[9929254 ] widget/bets : Reset dataset when bet is closed
[a071e12 ] various : Remove not intended console.log
[21b75ed ] overlay/bets : Add bet index to overlay
[2b0b49c ] lib/api : Set values on stream offline instead of online
[7209265 ] lib/commons : Fix sending message when debug is set to console
[0c95b50 ] lib/message : Fix if filter used with other params like random
[90c91c3 ] system/highlight : Fix !highlight not working on worker
[63c0061 ] lib/message : Add new global event filters
[5a41614] system/bets : Fix incorrect user amount when closing bet
[96c0456 ] locale/cs : Change points to body
[4ffe2fe ] system/moderation : Fix cleanup of warnings and warning count
[2a123e7 ] lib/message : Improve eval performance
[dcc6ef6 ] lib/api : Add more data to stats
[97efc8d ] lib/webhooks : Add check for channelId to stream event
[29755f3 ] lib/message : Exclude Math.random, _.random from random check
[f9969b0 ] integration/donationalerts : Fix amount to have fixed float number
[8569b44 ] integration/streamlabs : Fix amount to have fixed float number
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