add migration between supported databases, see docs
updated subscribers endpoint to new helix api
added history of custom variables
added toggle to be able to add only music category videos
added remove buttons to song requests in widget
added me
system enabling settings of format of !me
moved top
to separate system
added !top subage
added goal registry and overlay to track followers, subscribers, tips and bits
added subgift count to users
added substreak to users
added cumulative months of subscription to users
split $currentSong
to $spotifySong
and $ytSong
extended (list.command)
filters, see docs
!game set
wil lty to search for game, e.g. !game set csgo
will set game to Counter Strike: Global Offensive
[1e4685a ] panel : remove resending widgets on update
[981fc95 ] package : 8.3.0-SNAPSHOT
[c1c2976 ] docs : set main docs as 8.2.x, archive 8.1.x
[0320e08 ] package : dependency update
[5e88977 ] mongodb : Fix incorrect keys on users collections
[6ca55be ] nedb : Fix incorrect keys on users collections
[9c06750 ] tmi : Save user id on cheer before other actions
[7c4274e ] database : remove compacting
[86c2c06 ] interface : Show status only on master
[f011838 ] currency : Load currency only on master
[2080702 ] soundboard : Fix ev.path in firefox
[5bb9f39 ] cmdboard : Get correct configuration on start
[b7ce564 ] d.ts : Update definition for InterfaceSettings
[896bac8 ] migrate : fix version of migration to 8.2.1
[e7be69c ] message : Split $currentSong to $ytSong/$spotifySong
[d80de08 ] users : Add subgift count to users
[95b4652 ] top : move !top commands to own system
[fc8a1d7 ] customvariables : Add variable history (#1712 )
[c05d1c9 ] top : add subage
[0977f7b ] top : Fix missing locales
[b8e2a00 ] top : Fix incorrect function names
[45d3248 ] top : Add follower/subscriber checks
[e53caf1 ] polls : Add close message if closed by ui
[675bfda ] api : Set properly subscribers on sub check
[725a023 ] locales : Add missing subgifts
[09f1ad2 ] api : Set correct format for all subscribers
[d10f9f8 ] polls : Add locales to overlay
[786f919 ] polls : Set dates as timestamp to avoid incorrect ordering
[ff4cfd6 ] extensions : Add recommended extensions
[8384a44 ] polls : Add bottom border to vote type select
[f9bfdda ] migrate : Add polls migration from dates to timestamps
[98fc1f5 ] dashboard : Fix issue with random chat reload
[f3662d7 ] tools : Add migration between any databases
[baaabc9 ] tools : Fix error when mapping is empty
[1d9a2d3 ] tools : Skip ObjectId objects in mongodb
[3c13a53 ] polls : Move cache variables in-memory
[f3d8176 ] migrate : Remove lastTimeRemind from poll migration
[895817f ] mongodb : Fix flattening on find()
[906c461 ] moderation : Remove redundant condition check
[d5e2067 ] ui : Set history as empty array if variable is empty
[974f38f ] goals : add goals registry and overlay
[3ae03c0 ] goals : add current types (followers, subscribers)
[813bf52 ] ytplayer : add remove of requests into widget
[28233b7 ] goals : add onChange triggers to current types
[88b8d1f ] eventlist : add cleanup button to widget
[a58b23f ] dashboard : fix error on creation of first widget
[cfc87e5 ] commands : disabled commands should not be shown in list
[6fc12a5 ] alias : disabled alias should not be shown in list
[5087cb3 ] userinfo : add new userinfo system (!me, !followage, etc)
[3c18bfb ] moderation : fix whisper emote moderation
[a3d1ae8 ] message : extend list.commands with permission
[ade799f ] stats : add watchedTime stats
[0687c40 ] twitch : !game command will set similar games
[f100d5b ] users : add ignore check to watchedTime update
[c3262c2 ] users : add isBot/isOwner checks for watch time
[a0dfc48 ] package : move luxon to dependencies
[0c06730 ] userinfo : remove separator trimming
[f424b11 ] docs : fix incorrect list command filter
[807aecf ] stats : remove reduntant log
[996172c ] userinfo : fix invalid message replace
[f5b0862 ] interface : merge settings to one category
[778963c ] youtube : add onlyMusicCategory toggle
[ec8842e ] top : fix tips incorrect value
[54ecf5d ] package : dependencies update
[670d67a ] package : explicit terser 3.14.1
[548ba7a ] package : explicit acorn 6.0.5
[c7ada67 ] interface : fix socket settings collection
[0a6fed7 ] panel : update hold button to use slots
[c40b5e1 ] panel : set css as scoped
[ef54c16 ] package : remove terser from devDependencies
[9136e52 ] interface : update to es6 import for typescript
[2f39e6e ] bets : remove redundant widgets/bets
[95bf467 ] chat : move to interface + ts
[506cf97 ] tmi : show logs only on debug
[a4050e7 ] bets : fix incorrect attributes to replace
[dc529aa ] package : add husky for precommit check
[8fa726a ] cmboard : implement interface
[ac29155 ] nedb : fix errors not propagating correctly
[f645160 ] package : bump twitch-js to 2.0.0-beta.30 (#1803 )
[096988e ] commercial : remove redundant widget lib
[9dcb78d ] chore : fix CONTRIBUTING typo
[904b8ef ] tmi : update resub event for twitch changes
[997a9d5 ] widgets : join/part widgets to interface
[68ff8e2 ] widgets : soundboard widget to interface
[7f220db ] widgets : eventlist to interface
[e54c8d7 ] interface : remove widgets status
[0223a4e ] locale : add mising subStreakName locale
[5c8733f ] events : fix subStreak test
[d663a4b ] docs : update write-own-system
[995d113 ] locale : missing subStreakShareEnabled
[39d73b1 ] travis : add skip test tags [skip-travis], [skip-tests], [no-tests]
[6eaee6e ] tmi : fix parsing of badges
[ae50a5e ] tmi : fix typo for streakMonths
[85a8d39 ] vue : remove development library
[e6a5bb2 ] eventlist : simplify object generation
[500dd6b ] nedb : fix incorrect error logging
[48e9883 ] cluster : fix update user on message
[6907c02 ] goals : force retype currentAmount to number
[72bed03 ] viewers : fix incorrect stats attributes
[8f9977e ] api : getChannelHosts 500 should not poll endpoint every second
[ae03d2f ] tmi : fix error if subscribed_at is missing
[50a3635 ] tmi : stats.subStreak on resub is by default 0
[91868d8 ] api : set subStreak to 0 if user is not subscriber anymore
[f127259 ] tmi : remove resub log localized months
[7cdf998 ] tmi : fix is moderator checking
[93e8739 ] cvars : update widget to interface
[bc4e981 ] tmi : fix polling on mod check
[c64c9e5 ] api : move intervals to function
[ec7d3fc ] api : update subscribers endpoint to helix
[2198c07 ] chore : fix CONTRIBUTING lines order
[a4642dd ] widgets : fix glob error on soundboard load
[4ec189e ] chore : add commit instead of snapshot
[c06a835 ] api : add chatters check for getChannelChattersUnofficialAPI
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