Bug Fixes
alerts - skip alert if something went wrong (#2790 ), Fixes #2786 (30d91280 )
api - reset stats on stream start (#2820 ), FIxes #2819 (e4aaadd5 )
api - start stream properly with webhooks (#2754 ), Fixes #2753 (a1204af3 )
checklist - set correct link (#2681 ), Fixes #2679 (a3a40564 )
commands - response should be correctly sent (#2723 ), Fixes #2722 (8c8a2a33 )
commercial - catch to use io if usable (#2770 ), Fixes #2766 (2b2810d1 )
config - remove comma from example config (#2857 ) (a8e60982 )
emotes - simplified 404 error on bttv (#2736 ), Fixes #2732 (1e3c0e3c )
events - show right arrow on edit only (#2778 ), FIxes #2775 (7372d84c )
goals - use proper lodash-es functions (#2755 ), Fixes #2752 (bd756c0c )
keywords - send list in proper order (#2738 ) (eefe08fd )
login - add login button to must+be+caster error (#2855 ), Fixes #2853 (5f1c3c91 )
login - assume ? as part of popout url (#2825 ), Fixes #2813 (6f305ca0 )
menu - force absolute position (#2702 ) (073a5ea1 )
migrate - update by id not uuid (#2751 ) (2835385b )
moderation - set correct translation string (#2697 ), Fixes #2694 (1f145750 )
overlays - remove redundant link in settings (#2829 ), Fixes #2828 (e51c59cb )
permissions - remove dragging from viewers permission (#2685 ) (310d7911 )
popout - use proper chunks for popout (#2712 ) (19cd42dd )
public - remove redutant console.log at socket getConfiguration (#2818 ) (cbbaeda5 )
scrim - send cooldown messages as bot (#2671 ), Fixes #2669 (0226b03c )
spotify - add missing icon (#2717 ), Fixes #2709 (32d7b6f9 )
spotify - redirect to spotify integration (#2772 ), Fixes #2767 (1971ab8f )
spotify - remove scopes on refresh error (#2774 ), Fixes #2773 (c41e01aa )
stats - game column should have correct width on mobile (#2788 ), Fixes #2783 (d6118fe4 )
stats - hide avg stat change if hidden (#2777 ), Fixes #2776 (5b4cf938 )
statsbar - diff colors should be correct (#2848 ), Fixes #2840 (af2ecafd )
statsbar - treat watchedTime as timestamp (#2851 ) (5b12d535 )
timers - use original id during edit (#2737 ), Fixes #2734 (0aa3edf7 )
tips - add correctly to currentTips stats new tip (#2821 ), Fixes #2819 (07db39cb )
tmi - don't trigger alert on hosting event (#2862 ) (6415bc14 )
top - use proper db ordering (#2744 ), Fixes #2730 (db1e7c1b )
tts - volume should be number (#2822 ), FIxes #2816 (50d35a8a )
ui - add z-index to bottom bar (#2686 ), Fixes #2684 (51b733fc )
ui - check if dropdown needs to be detached (#2670 ), Fixes #2668 (94734308 )
ui - import proper lodash library (#2735 ), Fixes #2731 (762d61eb )
ui - make orderBy available in template (#2824 ), Fixes #2814 (6e8e8e22 )
ui - return correct isUserCaster() value (#2864 ) (41b498bb )
ui - return viewers values if missing (#2680 ), Fixes #2677 (7c87897c )
ui - set unique permission keys (#2720 ), Fixes #2711 (fbf30b66 )
ui - show status in settings (#2706 ), Fixes #2705 (6630950b )
ui - split public and private configuration (#2860 ), Fixes #2854 (67e010fd )
ui - statsbar should have correct mobile padding (#2847 ), Fixes #2845 (17b5b774 )
ui - update eventlist css to be more compact (#2846 ), Fixes #2844 (caf212e9 )
ui - wait or webhooks availability before subscribe (#2863 ) (f14b5793 )
users - don't remove online users on watch time update (#2765 ) (f40f3551 )
webhooks - set stream id after going live (#2843 ) (ce997e5e )
webhooks - start stream everytime when id is changed (#2842 ) (fab9effd )
ytplayer - add info log on song retry about adblockers (#2789 ) (b8a1b6ba )
ytplayer - start request if autoplay is enabled (#2688 ), Fixes #2674 , Fixes #2678 (a3f328a6 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.