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File metadata and controls

executable file
99 lines (85 loc) · 6.71 KB

Farm Control CLI

solana-farm-ctrl is a command-line tool for on-chain data management, Funds, and Vaults control. It can also generate metadata for Funds, Vaults, and their liquidity tokens. Under the hood, it leverages Rust Client, but alternatively, the same functionality can be achieved by executing instructions directly.

Most of the commands executed by solana-farm-ctrl require Main Router admin or Fund manager privileges. It is not intended to be used by the end-users. If multisig is enabled, different admins must execute the same command multiple times until the required number of signatures is collected.

Reference Database commands

init                                 Initialize Reference DB on-chain
init-all                             Initialize Reference DB of all storage types on-chain
drop                                 Drop on-chain Reference DB
drop-all                             Drop on-chain Reference DB for all storage types
print-pda-all                        Derive Reference DB addresses for all objects
print-size                           Print Reference DB and specified object sizes
print-size-all                       Print Reference DB and all object sizes

Metadata commands

get                                  Query specified object in blockchain and print
get-all                              Query all objects of the given type and print
get-ref                              Query specified object by reference address and print
list-all                             Query all objects of the given type and print
generate                             Generate json boilerplate for the specified object
load                                 Load objects from file and send to blockchain
load-all                             Same as "load"
remove                               Remove specified object from blockchain
remove-all                           Remove all objects of the given type from blockchain
remove-all-with-file                 Remove all objects in the file from blockchain
remove-ref                           Remove specified reference from blockchain

Vault commands

vault-init                           Initialize the Vault
vault-crank                          Crank the Vault
vault-disable-deposits               Disable deposits for the specified object
vault-disable-withdrawals            Disable withdrawals for the specified object
vault-enable-deposits                Enable deposits for the specified object
vault-enable-withdrawals             Enable withdrawals for the specified object
vault-get-info                       Print current stats for the Vault
vault-get-admins                     Print current admin signers for the Vault
vault-set-admins                     Set new admins for the Vault
vault-set-external-fee               Set new external fee percent for the Vault
vault-set-fee                        Set new fee percent for the Vault
vault-set-min-crank-interval         Set new min crank interval in seconds for the Vault
vault-shutdown                       Shutdown the Vault
vault-withdraw-fees                  Withdraw collected fees from the Vault

Fund commands

fund-add-custody                     Add a new custody to the Fund
fund-add-vault                       Add a new Vault to the Fund
fund-approve-deposit                 Approve pending deposit to the Fund
fund-approve-withdrawal              Approve pending withdrawal from the Fund
fund-deny-deposit                    Deny pending deposit to the Fund
fund-deny-withdrawal                 Deny pending withdrawal from the Fund
fund-deposit-pool                    Add liquidity to the Pool in the Fund
fund-deposit-vault                   Add liquidity to the Vault in the Fund
fund-deposit-vault-locked            Add locked liquidity to the Vault in the Fund
fund-disable-deposits                Disables deposits to the Fund
fund-disable-withdrawals             Disables withdrawals from the Fund
fund-get-admins                      Print current admin signers for the Fund
fund-get-info                        Print current stats for the Fund
fund-harvest                         Harvest rewards from the Farm in the Fund
fund-init                            Initialize the Fund
fund-lock-assets                     Moves assets from Deposit/Withdraw custody to the Fund
fund-remove-custody                  Remove the custody from the Fund
fund-remove-vault                    Remove the Vault from the Fund
fund-set-admins                      Set new admins for the Fund
fund-set-assets-tracking-config      Set a new assets tracking config for the Fund
fund-set-deposit-schedule            Set a new deposit schedule for the Fund
fund-set-manager                     Set a new manager for the Fund
fund-set-withdrawal-schedule         Set a new withdrawal schedule for the Fund
fund-stake                           Stake LP tokens to the Farm in the Fund
fund-stop-liquidation                Stop the Fund liquidation
fund-swap                            Swap tokens in the Fund
fund-unlock-assets                   Releases assets from the Fund to Deposit/Withdraw custody
fund-unstake                         Unstake LP tokens from the Farm in the Fund
fund-update-assets-with-custodies    Update Fund assets info based on all custodies
fund-update-assets-with-custody      Update Fund assets info based on custody holdings
fund-update-assets-with-vault        Update Fund assets info based on Vault holdings
fund-update-assets-with-vaults       Update Fund assets info based on all Vaults
fund-withdraw-fees                   Withdraw collected fees from the Fund
fund-withdraw-pool                   Remove liquidity from the Pool in the Fund
fund-withdraw-vault                  Remove liquidity from the Vault in the Fund
fund-withdraw-vault-unlocked         Remove unlocked liquidity from the Vault in the Fund

Multisig commands

get-admins                           Print current admin signers for the Main Router
set-admins                           Set new admins for the Main Router
program-get-admins                   Print current admin signers for the program
program-set-admins                   Set new admin signers for the program
program-set-single-authority         Set single upgrade authority for the program
program-upgrade                      Upgrade the program from the data buffer

Governance commands

governance init                      Initialize a new DAO