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Air Mozilla

Air Mozilla is the Internet multimedia presence of Mozilla, with live and pre-recorded shows, interviews, news snippets, tutorial videos, and features about the Mozilla community.

We are rebuilding Air Mozilla to use Mozilla's Playdoh, a web application template based on Django, and adding some neat features along the way.

Tracking bug:

Wiki page:

Tests and test coverage

Included is a set of comprehensive tests, which you can run by: ./ test

To see the tests' code coverage, use: ./ test --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-html --cover-package=airmozilla


We're using South to handle database migrations. To generate a schema migration, make changes to, then run:

./ schemamigration airmozilla.main --auto

To generate a blank data migration, use:

./ datamigration airmozilla.main data_migration_name

Then fill in the generated file with logic, fixtures, etc.

To apply migrations:

./ migrate airmozilla.main

In each command, replace airmozilla.main with the appropriate app.


See the requirements/ directory for installation dependencies. This app requires a working install of PIL with libjpeg and libpng.

First run

./ syncdb
./ migrate

If you'd like to create a default set of example groups with useful permissions (Event Organizers, Experienced Event Organizers, PR, Producer):

./ create_mozilla_groups

Since we're using BrowserID for log-in, you'll need to manually set up your account as a superuser. Log in to the site, then run the shell command:

./ shell
>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> my_user = User.objects.get(email='')
>>> my_user.is_superuser = True
>>> my_user.is_staff = True



Cron jobs (aka. "Pestering PR")

To fire off the pestering emails about events that need approval all you need to do is execute this management command:

$ ./ cron pester_approvals

That will send an emails to all people in the relevant groups. Ie. groups that have a approvals with events attached to them. Basically, this is what these people see in the Approval Inbox on the management dashboard.

Every time a user is pestered about an event, that gets locked for settings.PESTER_INTERVAL_DAYS days (at the time of writing, this is by default 7 days). So you can hit this management command every day but it will be internally locked for 7 days.


To test tweeting locally, what you need to do is set up some fake authentication credentials and lastly enable a debugging backend. So, add this to your settings/

TWITTER_USERNAME = 'airmozilla_dev'

Now, to avoid actually using HTTP to post this message to instead add this to your settings/

TWEETER_BACKEND = 'airmozilla.manage.tweeter.ConsoleTweeter'

That means that all tweets will be sent to stdout instead of actually being attempted.

To send unsent tweets, you need to call:

./ cron send_unsent_tweets

This can be called again and again and internally it will take care of not sending the same tweet twice.

If errors occur when trying to send, the tweet will be re-attempted till the error finally goes away.


Deployment of dev, stage and prod is all done using Chief. More will be written about it soon.


AirMozilla is a the video broadcasting site for the Mozilla project







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  • Python 93.5%
  • JavaScript 6.1%
  • Other 0.4%