Create a Vision for yourself. Who do you want to be?
Write detailed goals that move you towards your Vision. How will you get there?
Review your goals and track your progress. How is it going?
AimHigh is a single-page app powered by a React-Redux frontend and served via a Ruby on Rails backend. A goal-setting and monitoring app that uses SMART goal principles and personal vision statements, AimHigh takes the power, efficiency and effectiveness of your goal-setting to the next level.
AimHigh is a Heroku deploy with a Rails 6 server and a PostgreSQL database. Its frontend is powered by React and uses the Material UI component library, with Redux managing application state.
- User authentication with
password encryption and session cookies - CRUD operations on Visions and Goals
- Multi-step forms for Goal and Vision creation
- Editable text fields
- Dynamic reseeding for Guest Demo login