Beat Repeater with Sidechain Beat Recognation and Midi-Clock Sync.
Very useful i.e to add musical diversity by looping short parts of the stream (i.e drums).
- Repeat the last loop of the stream according to the beats.
- Beat detection from audio sidechain click track
- Beat detection from Midi-Clock
- BPM Slider to set the tempo manually
- Very simple Tap Tempo if needed (no average)
- Loop one or two bars
- Midi Controllable In/Out
- Loop divider Slider Control (to switch loop lenght during the loop)
- Loop x3 Mode for Triplets (with Midi LED Feedback)
- The REPEAT! checkbox is usable as Momentary or Toggle
- Audio Outputs (L,R)
- Audio Inputs (L,R, Sidechain)
- Midi Input: for Midi-Clock and External Controllers
- Midi Output : for External Controller LED Lightning
Midi Controls (on Midi Channel 1):
- REPEAT! [midi : ctrl 111] - with Midi LED Feedback on ctrl 111
- Use BPM Slider instead of SC/MC sync [midi : ctrl 39]
- BPM Slider [midi : ctrl 23]
- Loop Divider Selector [midi : ctrl 29]
- Set Loop Divider Value x3 [midi : ctrl 110] - with Midi LED Feedback on ctrl 110
To change the Midi Controls simply edit the source file and recompile.
Use the Faust Online Compiler to compile it as Standalone Jack Application or Audio Plugin (LV2, VST, etc):
This software was tested only with Linux JackQT Faust Compiler.
Or compile them simply with (you'll need to install the Faust Compiler):
- $ faust2jaqt -midi SuperBeatRepeater.dsp
To Start:
- $ ./SuperBeatRepeater
Get Started with SuperBeatRepeater and SuperCutSequencer:
You will need to send Midi-Clock to SuperBeatRepeater & SuperCutSequencer. Use a Midi-Clock generator like jack_midi_clock (on GNU/Linux). You also need to set the tempo (bpm) to Jack Transport (which will be used by the Midi-Clock). Use any Jack-able Sequencer for that (Hydrogen, Ardour,...). If you want to use them with an Hardware Midi Controller you'll need to use the a2jmidid -e Bridge.
$ qjackctl &
(Start the Jack Server)
$ jack_midi_clock &
$ a2jmidid -e &
Start SuperBeatRepeater & SuperCutSequencer from the build folder :
- $ ./SuperBeatRepeater
- $ ./SuperCutSequencer
Launch the Sequencer (i.e Hydrogen) in Jack Transport Master mode.
Connect jack_midi_clock to SuperBeatRepeater & SuperCutSequencer (via Jack Midi). The song tempo (bpm) of the Sequencer musst be displayed in QjackCtl.
Connect the Audio outputs of the Sequencer (or whatever sound source) to SuperBeatRepeater and/or SuperCutSequencer. (For instance, The drums to SuperBeatRepeater and the bass to SuperCutSequencer.)
Start Jack Transport (Play Button)
If the "Midi-Clock" checkboxes in SuperBeatRepeater & SuperCutSequencer are blinking (recieving Midi-Clock signal) and the "Start/Stop" checkboxes are checkt automatically (by Midi-Clock Start/Stop messages), then everything should work fine.
If you have a Midi Controller with LEDs (i.e LaunchControl XL, NanoKontrol,...), connect the Midi Inputs and Outputs to SuperBeatRepeater & SuperCutSequencer (via Jack Midi / a2jmidid)