Cut "On/Off" Sequencer (8 steps with smooth) synced to Midi-Clock Beats and Midi-Clock Start/Stop.
Very useful i.e to add musical diversity in looped tracks (very nice with i.e bass lines).
- Cut your Stream in 8 Steps according to Midi-Clock (Start/Stop and Clock) or BPM Slider.
- Mute or Unmute each Step separately
- Dry/Wet Knob to switch between the original stream and the cut stream
- Scale the Sequence between no scaling (1 bar), fast (1/2 bar), very fast (1/4 bar), slow (2 bars), very slow (4 bars)
- Define Step Lightning Color (for LED midi controllers)
- Audio Inputs (L,R)
- Audio Outputs (L,R)
- Midi Input: for Midi-Clock and External Controllers
- Midi Output : for External Controller LED Lightning
Midi Controls (on Midi Channel 1):
- Dry/Wet [midi: ctrl 52]
- Step buttons: [midi: ctrl 57 to ctrl 65]
- Step Buttons LED lightning [midi: ctrl 57 to ctrl 65]
- Step Sequencer Lightning [midi: ctrl 41 to ctrl 49]
To change the Midi Controls simply edit the source file and recompile.
- Use the Faust Online Compiler to compile it as Standalone Jack Application or Audio Plugin (LV2, VST, etc):
- This software was tested only with Linux JackQT Faust Compiler.
- Or compile them simply with (you'll need to install the Faust Compiler):
- $ faust2jaqt -midi SuperCutSequencer.dsp
- To Start:
- $ ./SuperCutSequencer
Get Started with SuperBeatRepeater and SuperCutSequencer:
You will need to send Midi-Clock to SuperBeatRepeater & SuperCutSequencer. Use a Midi-Clock generator like jack_midi_clock (on GNU/Linux). You also need to set the tempo (bpm) to Jack Transport (which will be used by the Midi-Clock). Use any Jack-able Sequencer for that (Hydrogen, Ardour,...). If you want to use them with an Hardware Midi Controller you'll need to use the a2jmidid -e Bridge.
$ qjackctl &
(Start the Jack Server)
$ jack_midi_clock &
$ a2jmidid -e &
Start SuperBeatRepeater & SuperCutSequencer from the build folder :
- $ ./SuperBeatRepeater
- $ ./SuperCutSequencer
Launch the Sequencer (i.e Hydrogen) in Jack Transport Master mode.
Connect jack_midi_clock to SuperBeatRepeater & SuperCutSequencer (via Jack Midi). The song tempo (bpm) of the Sequencer musst be displayed in QjackCtl.
Connect the Audio outputs of the Sequencer (or whatever sound source) to SuperBeatRepeater and/or SuperCutSequencer. (For instance, The drums to SuperBeatRepeater and the bass to SuperCutSequencer.)
Start Jack Transport (Play Button)
If the "Midi-Clock" checkboxes in SuperBeatRepeater & SuperCutSequencer are blinking (recieving Midi-Clock signal) and the "Start/Stop" checkboxes are checkt automatically (by Midi-Clock Start/Stop messages), then everything should work fine.
If you have a Midi Controller with LEDs (i.e LaunchControl XL, NanoKontrol,...), connect the Midi Inputs and Outputs to SuperBeatRepeater & SuperCutSequencer (via Jack Midi / a2jmidid)