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by cypherpunks for cypherpunks

by degens for degens

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NOTE: Currently under active development.



CoreCrypto is written in Go with binding and wrappers for Swift, Kotlin and TypeScript. Provides all the core crypto primitives (cryptographically secure randomness, ECDSA, AES, hashing functions). Uses the very same libraries as Geth.


  • Setup GoLang environment.
    • Install gomobile
    $ go install
    $ go install
    $ gomobile init
    • make sure $GOPATH & go bin is in $PATH
    # Example
    export GOPATH="$HOME/Development/go"
    export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
    export GO111MODULE=auto
  • Setup Java
    • Install Open JDK Easiest via Android Studio/Project Structure/Gradle Settings
    • Make sure $JAVA_HOME is set and bin folder is in $PATH
    # Example Linux
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default
    export PATH="/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:$PATH"
    #Example macOS
    export JAVA_HOME="/Users/anon/Library/Java/JavaV¡irtualMachines/temurin-"
    export PATH="/Users/anon/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-$PATH"
    export CPPFLAGS="-I/Users/anon/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-"
  • Setup Android SDK & NDK
    • Easiest via Android Studio/Tools/SDK Manager Settings
    # Example
    export ANDROID_SDK_HOME="$HOME/Development/.android"
    export ANDROID_NDK_HOME="$HOME/Development/.android/ndk-bundle"
  • Local Properties
    • Create file in root folder if not preset
    • Grade sync (& build of everything apart from coreCrypto) will fail if following properties are not set.

Compilation instructions

  • cd coreCrypto folder
  • run currently builds:
    • android coreCrypto.aar & coreCrypto-sources.jar
    • iOS CoreCrypto.framework for simulators & devices
    • host OS unit test coreCrypto.jar (currently supports linux & macOS)
    • build for TypeScript, coming soon™

SEE: coreCrypto/ on how to build of coreCrypto for individual platforms.

NOTE: If you are seeing no exported names in the package, either moving repo to $GOPATH/src, or following steps here should fix it.


Aims to be alternative / equivalent of ethers / web3js written in Kotlin multiplatform. Library in under heavy active development.

  • build config file ./gradlew generateBuildKonfig
  • see all available tasks ./gradlew tasks
  • android compiles automatically when building androidApp
  • iOS run ./gradlew :web3lib:assembleXCFramework --rerun-tasks --info Only need to use --rerun-tasks once initially and after each cache clean. Due to the bug in CInterop (fails to created targets for all platforms otherwise).
  • run android / host OS unit test ./gradlew :web3lib:cleanTestDebugUnitTest :web3lib:testDebugUnitTest
  • run iOS tests unit test ./gradlew :web3lib:cleanIosSimulatorArm64Test :web3lib:iosSimulatorArm64Test See iosApp for more details how to run tests.


Multichain, cross-platform, open source, web3 wallet. Uses clean architecture. All the shared code is in web3walletcore shared library. Each supported platform provides native UI.

  • see all available tasks ./gradlew tasks
  • android compiles automatically when building androidApp
  • iOS run ./gradlew :web3walletcore:assembleXCFramework --rerun-tasks --info Only need to use --rerun-tasks once initially and after each cache clean. Due to the bug in CInterop (fails to created targets for all platforms otherwise).
  • run android / host OS unit test ./gradlew :web3walletcore:cleanTestDebugUnitTest :web3walletcore:testDebugUnitTest
  • run iOS tests unit test ./gradlew :web3walletcore:cleanIosSimulatorArm64Test :web3walletcore:iosSimulatorArm64Test See iosApp for more details how to run tests.


  • compile using Android Studio
  • see all available tasks ./gradlew tasks


  • iOS run ./gradlew :web3walletcore:assembleXCFramework --rerun-tasks --info Only need to use --rerun-tasks once initially and after each cache clean. Due to the bug in CInterop (fails to created targets for all platforms otherwise). and run normally from Xcode.
  • alternatively add iosApp configuration in Android Studio. No need to build web3walletcore XCFramework. Order of magnitude FASTER compiles. Currently debug run is not working when running from Android Studio
  • run iOS test
    • in ./web3lib/build.gradle.kts find runIosTests task set simulatorId.set("...") then run ./gradlew runIosTests --info
    • for faster per module execution run manually. First build test binary:
    ./gradlew :web3lib:cleanIosSimulatorArm64Test :web3lib:iosSimulatorArm64Test --info
    • get simulator UUID by running xcrun simctl list. Boot simulator xcrun simctl boot ${UUID}. Run tests:
    xcrun simctl spawn ${UUID} web3lib/build/bin/iosSimulatorArm64/debugTest/test.kexe
    to get UUID of booted simulator xcrun simctl list | grep Booted




update resource

iOS, Android and unit test build expect resource files at different paths. Source truth lives in buildedAssets following command copies it to appropriate paths for all supported targets.
./gradlew updateResources --rerun --info

fenerate Android keys for local runs

keytool -genkey -v -keystore androidApp/debug.keystore -storepass android -alias androiddebugkey -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
keytool -genkey -v -keystore androidApp/release.jks -storepass android -alias androidreleasekey -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

android studio notes

  • Gradle 8.1.1
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.1
  • Kotlin 1.9.21
