Export a query from postgres to parquet with python. Apache parquet is open source, column-oriented data file format designed for efficient data storage and retrieval. The parquet file can then be used with a columnar database or even queried directly using something like duckdb.
This project works with supported versions of python 3. All requirements are listed in the requirements.txt
It uses the following dependencies:
- pyarrow: the parquet file is created with apache arrow; this is its python bindings
- adbc-driver-postgresql: this is the arrowdb connect - adbc driver for postgresql; it is used to retrieve the types of the columns of the queries so they can be re-used on the parquet file
- psycopg: the library to query postgresql
- python-dotenv: to load configuration from an
Create a virtualenv and install the requirements:
$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
or in windows
> py -3 -m venv vevn
> venv\Scripts\activate.bat
> pip install -r requirements.txt
Copy over .env.template
to .env
and setup your database dsn and any other options you want. You can also use environment variables instead of the .env
Then run python main.py query_file.sql
where the query_file should contain the SQL query whose contents you want to export to the parquet file. See the file query.sql
for an example. The output file will be named output.parquet
by default.
You can set the LOGLEVEL
to see more messages including timings or to ERROR
to see only error messages. The default is INFO
. You can also set the COMPRESSION
(most common), GZIP
, LZ4
. The default is NONE
is the number of rows to fetch at a time from the database. The default is 10000
. Finally, the DB_DSN
must have the format DB_DSN=postgresql://user:pass@host/db
with correct values for user, pass, host and db name.
After you've created the parquet file of your data you import it at a columnar database or even query it directly using something like duckdb. Duckdb binaries are available for most systems or you can use a library to query the parquet file from within your app. Clickhouse db can also [query or import parquet] files (https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/integrations/data-formats/parquet).
For example run something duckdb -c "select count(*) from output.parquet"
To give you an example of the timing differences: I had a table with ~ 150M rows. It took ~ 45 minutes to create the parquet file for this table resulting in an 1.3GB file (with SNAPPY compression). Then I could run aggregates for this data (group by, sum, count, etc) in seconds.
The same aggregates on the original table took hours. To consider the difference, to run a count(*)
on the original table needs more than 10 minutes(!). For a simple group by two columns and a count it takes like 18 minutes. The count(*)
query for the parquet file takes half a second and the group by query takes 3 seconds.