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Buildpack base

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Buildpacks inherit and extend other images to separate common flow and logic in OOP manner. This image provides main flow/protocol and some helper functions that can be used by other images by inheriting it.

Particle firmware
HAL / Legacy
Base (you are here)

Building image

$ docker-compose build

Run script flow

Image entrypoint is /bin/run. It will:

  1. Load helper functions from lib directory
  2. Init environment variables with defaults
  3. Setup logging
  4. Copy input files to workspace directory
  5. Execute build (by calling /bin/build script)
  6. Cleanup output

Inheriting image

FROM particle/buildpack-base

# ...

COPY foo /foo

Defined volumes

When running container use -v argument to specify local dirs which will be mapped to those volumes.

  • /input - should contain all project files
  • /output - after build will contain logs and build artifacts
  • /cache - temp directory to store intermediate files
  • /log - directory containing run logs
  • /ssh - directory containing SSH keys (will be copied to ~/.ssh)

Normalization of paths and filenames

Outputed firmware binary should be named firmware.bin unless compile produces more binaries and their filenames have to be preserved.

stderr file paths should start with $WORKSPACE_DIR/ (this should be the root of a project). find-and-replace-in function can be used to replace whatever root dir is.

Helper functions


Will clone REPO_URL to CLONE_DIR if it doesn't exist.

REPO_URL can target tags or branches by using hash notation i.e.:

copy-if-exists FROM TO

If FROM file exists copy it to TO.

copy-to-output GLOB

Copy all files matching GLOB to output dir.

find-and-replace-in FROM TO FILE

Replaces all occurrences of FROM to TO in FILE.

log-size ELF_FILE

Logs arm-none-eabi-size of ELF_FILE to memory-use.log file in output dir.

Environment variables


Setting it to true will wait on STDIN for a tar gzipped file which will be extracted into /input.


Setting it to true will tar gzip /output directory into /output.tar.gz archive inside of container.

Both variables are used when buildpack is run by Dray.

Running tests

Buildpacks can define tests by overriding /test directory with BATS tests. The tests should:

  1. Propagate /input with test data
  2. Run /bin/run
  3. Inspect /output and assert when incorrect

Before each BATS file, the /input, /workspace and /output will be cleared. BATS can use different languages to do the actual tests (i.e. run mocha).

Running tests itself is done by running container without mounted volumes and overriding CMD:

$ docker run --rm \
  particle/buildpack-foo \

Building, running in tests and pushing tagged images in Travis CI

Use following .travis.yml:

sudo: required
  - docker
  - docker login --email=$DOCKER_HUB_EMAIL --username=$DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME --password=$DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD

  - docker build -t $DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME .

  - docker run --rm $DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME /bin/run-tests

  - if [ ! -z "$TRAVIS_TAG" ]; then docker tag $DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME:latest $DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME:$TRAVIS_TAG; fi && docker push $DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME

  - DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=particle/foo