diff --git a/docs/images/underlay_overlay_cni.png b/docs/images/underlay_overlay_cni.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..96a5820f4 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/underlay_overlay_cni.png differ diff --git a/docs/mkdocs.yml b/docs/mkdocs.yml index 849a8b9ce..66904ce95 100644 --- a/docs/mkdocs.yml +++ b/docs/mkdocs.yml @@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ nav: - Multi-Cluster Networking: usage/submariner.md - Access Service for Underlay CNI: usage/underlay_cni_service.md - Bandwidth Manage for IPVlan CNI: usage/ipvlan_bandwidth.md + - Coexistence of multi CNIs: usage/multi_cni_coexist.md - Kubevirt: usage/kubevirt.md - FAQ: usage/faq.md - Reference: diff --git a/docs/usage/install/overlay/get-started-calico-zh_cn.md b/docs/usage/install/overlay/get-started-calico-zh_cn.md index ccbd58909..b2017f680 100644 --- a/docs/usage/install/overlay/get-started-calico-zh_cn.md +++ b/docs/usage/install/overlay/get-started-calico-zh_cn.md @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ ```shell ~# helm repo add spiderpool https://spidernet-io.github.io/spiderpool ~# helm repo update spiderpool -~# helm install spiderpool spiderpool/spiderpool --namespace kube-system --set coordinator.mode=overlay --wait +~# helm install spiderpool spiderpool/spiderpool --namespace kube-system --wait ``` > 如果您的集群未安装 Macvlan CNI, 可指定 Helm 参数 `--set plugins.installCNI=true` 安装 Macvlan 等 CNI 到每个节点。 diff --git a/docs/usage/multi_cni_coexist-zh_CN.md b/docs/usage/multi_cni_coexist-zh_CN.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eb8c41584 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/usage/multi_cni_coexist-zh_CN.md @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +# 多 CNI 共存于一个集群 + +**简体中文** | [**English**](./multi_cni_coexist.md) + +## 背景 + +CNI 作为 Kubernetes 的集群中重要的组件。一般情况下,都会部署一个 CNI(比如 Calico),由它负责集群网络的连通性。有些时候一些终端用户基于性能、安全等的考虑,会在集群中使用多种类型的 CNI,比如 Underlay 类型的 Macvlan CNI。此时一个集群就可能存在多种 CNI 类型的 Pod,不同类型的 Pod 分别适用于不同的场景: + +* 单 Calico 网卡的 Pod: 如 CoreDNS 等系统组件,没有固定 IP 的需求,也不需要南北向流量通信,只存在集群东西向流量通信的需求。 +* 单 Macvlan 网卡的 Pod: 适用于对性能,安全有特殊要求的应用,或需要以 Pod IP 直接南北向流量通信的传统上云应用。 +* Calico 和 Macvlan 网卡的多网卡 Pod:同时兼顾上面二者的需求。既需要以固定的 Pod IP 访问集群南北向流量,又需要访问集群东西向流量(比如和 Calico Pod 或 Service)。 + +另外,当多 CNI 的 Pod 存在于一个集群,实际上这个集群存在两种不同的数据转发方案: Underlay 和 Overlay。这可能会导致一些其他问题: + +* 使用 Underlay 网络的 Pod 无法与集群中使用 Overlay 网络的 Pod 直接通信: 由于转发路径不一致,Overlay 网络常常需要经过节点作二次转发,但 Underlay 一般直接通过底层网关转发。所以当二者互相访问时,可能由于底层交换机未同步集群子网的路由导致丢包 +* 双 CNI 可能会增加使用和运维复杂度,比如 IP 地址管理等 + +Spiderpool 这一套完整的 Underlay 网络解决方案可以解决当集群存在多种 CNI 时的互联互通问题,又可以减轻 IP 地址运维负担。下面我们将介绍它们之间的数据转发流程。 + +## 快速开始 + +* Calico + Macvlan 多网卡快速开始可参考 [get-stared-calico](./install/overlay/get-started-calico-zh_cn.md) +* 单 Macvlan 网卡可参考 [get-started-macvlan](./install/underlay/get-started-macvlan-zh_CN.md) +* Underlay CNI 访问 Service 可参考 [underlay_cni_service](./underlay_cni_service-zh_CN.md) + +## 数据转发流程 + +![dataplane](../images/underlay_overlay_cni.png) + +下面介绍几种典型的通信场景: + +### Calico Pod 访问 Calico 和 Macvlan 多网卡的 Pod IP + +如[数据转发流程图](#数据转发流程)中标注的 `1` 和 `2` 的线路所示: + +1. 请求数据包按照 `1` 的线路,从 Pod1(单 calico 网卡 pod) 经过其 calixxx 虚拟网卡转发到节点 node1 的网络协议栈上,经过节点 node1 和 node2 之间的路由,转发到目标主机 node 2。 + +2. 无论访问的是目标 Pod2(Calico 和 Macvlan 多网卡) 的 Calico 网卡(还是 Macvlan 网卡 IP(,都会经过 Pod2 (Calico 和 Macvlan 多网卡 Pod) 对应的 calixxx 虚拟网卡转发到 Pod 中。 + + 由于 Macvlan bridge 模式的限制,master 父子接口之间无法直接通信,所以导致节点无法直接访问 pod 的 macvlan IP, spiderpool 会在节点为 Pod 的 macvlan 网卡注入一条通过 calixxx 转发 macvlan 父子接口通信的路由。 + +3. Pod2(Calico 和 Macvlan 多网卡 Pod) 发起回复报文时,按照 `2` 的线路: 由于目标 Pod1 的 IP 为:,命中 Pod2 中设置的 Calico 子网路由(如下),这样所有访问 calico 子网目标会从 eth0 转发到节点 node2 的网络协议栈。 + + ~# kubectl exec -it calico-macvlan-556dddfdb-4ctxv -- ip r + via dev eth0 src + +4. 由于回复报文的目标 IP 为 Pod1(单 calico 网卡 IP):,所以会匹配 calico 子网的隧道路由再转发到目标节点 node1。最后通过 Pod1 对应的 calixxx 虚拟网卡,转发到 pod1,整个访问结束。 + +### Calico+Macvlan 多网卡的 Pod 访问 Calico Pod 的 Service + +如[数据转发流程图](#数据转发流程)中标注的 `1` 和 `2` 的线路所示: + +1. 如图中所示的 pod1(单calico网卡pod)和 pod2(具备calico 和 macvlan网卡的pod)都使用了 calico ip 返回给 kubelet 作为 PodIP,因此,他们直接进行常规通信时,都是以对方的 calico ip为目标来发起访问。 + +2. 当 pod2 主动访问 pod1 的 clusterip 时,由于 spiderpool 在 pod 设置的路由:访问 Service 的数据包都以 calico 网卡的 IP 作为源地址,并从 eth0 转发到节点 node2 上。如下 是 service的子网: + + ~# kubectl exec -it calico-macvlan-556dddfdb-4ctxv -- ip r + via dev eth0 src + +3. 经过节点 node2 网络协议栈上的 kube-proxy 解析其目标 clusterip 地址为 pod1 (单 calico 网卡的 pod):, 随后通过 calico 设置的节点隧道路由转发到目标主机 node1,最后通过 pod1 对应的 calixxx 虚拟网卡,转发到 Pod1。 + +4. Pod1 发起的回复数据包按照线路 `1` ,通过 calixxx 虚拟网卡转发到节点 node1 上,随后通过主机之间的隧道路由转发到节点 node2, 随后 node2 的 kube-proxy 将源地址改为 clusterip 的地址,随后通过 calixxx 虚拟网卡发送到 Pod2 中。整个访问结束。 + +### Macvlan Pod 访问 Calico Pod + +如[数据转发流程图](#数据转发流程)中标注的 `3`,`4` 和 `6` 的线路所示: + +1. Spiderpool 会在 Pod 内部注入通往 calico 子网通过 veth0 转发的路由表项。如下 是 calico 子网,该路由确保 Pod3(单 Macvlan 网卡 pod) 访问 Pod1 (单 calico 网卡 pod)时,将按照线路 `3` 通过 veth0 转发到节点 node3。 + + ~# kubectl exec -it macvlan-76c49c7bfb-82fnt -- ip r + via dev veth0 src + +2. 转发到节点 node3 之后,由于目标 pod1 的 IP 是,所以数据包通过 calico 的隧道路由转发到节点 node 1上,再通过 Pod1 对应的 calixxx 虚拟网卡转发到 pod1。 +3. 但 pod1 (单 calico 网卡 pod) 在按照线路 `4` 将回复报文发送到节点 node1,由于此时的目标 pod3(单 macvlan pod) 的 IP 为,于是按照线路 `6` 直接将数据包转发到 pod3,而不会经过节点转发,导致了数据包来回转发路径不一致,可能会被内核认为其数据包的 conntrack 的 state 为 invalid,会被 kube-proxy 的一条 iptables 规则丢弃: + + ~# iptables-save -t filter | grep '--ctstate INVALID -j DROP' + iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j DROP + + 该规则原是为了解决 [#Issue 74839](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/74839) 提出的问题,因为 某些 tcp 报文大小超出窗口限制,导致被内核标记其 conntrack 的 state 为 invalid,从而导致整个 tcp 链接被 reset。于是 k8s 社区通过下发这条规则来解决这个问题,但这条规则可能会影响此场景中数据包来回不一致的情况。如社区有相关的 issue 报告:[#Issue 117924](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/117924), [#Issue 94861](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/94861),[#Issue 177](https://github.com/spidernet-io/cni-plugins/issues/177)等。 + + 我们通过推动社区修复此了问题,最终在 [only drop invalid cstate packets if non liberal](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/120412) 得到解决,kubernetes 版本为 v1.29。我们需要确保设置每个节点的 sysctl 参数: `sysctl -w net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_tcp_be_liberal=1`,并且重启 Kube-proxy,这样 kube-proxy 就不会下发这条 drop 规则,也就不会影响到单 Macvlan pod 与单 Calico pod 之间的通信。 + + 执行完毕后,检查节点是否还存在这条 drop 规则,如果没有输出说明正常。否则请检查 sysctl 是否正确设置以及是否重启 kube-proxy。 + + ~# iptables-save -t filter | grep '--ctstate INVALID -j DROP' + + 注意: 必须确保 k8s 版本大于 v1.29。如果您的 k8s 版本小于 v1.29, 那么这条规则将会影响 Macvlan Pod 与 Calico Pod 之间的访问。 + +4. 当不存在这条 drop 规则,pod1 发出的回复数据包按照线路 `6` 能够直接将数据包转发到 pod3,整个访问结束。 + +### Macvlan Pod 访问 Calico Pod 的 Service + +如图 1 中 序号 `3`, `4` 和 `5` 的线路所示: + +1. Spiderpool 会在 Pod3 (单 macvlan 网卡 pod) 内注入一条 service 的路由, 期望 Pod3 按照线路 `3` 访问 Service 的时候,数据包通过 veth0 网卡转发到节点 node3。 为 Service 的子网: + + ~# ip r + via dev eth0 src + +2. 当数据包转发到节点 node3 之后,经过主机网络协议栈的 kube-proxy 将 clusterip 转换为 Pod1(单 calico 网卡的 pod) 的 IP, 随后通过 Calico 设置的隧道路由转发到节点 node1。注意当请求数据包从节点 node3 发出时,其源地址会被 SNAT 为的节点 node3 IP,这确保目标主机 node1 收到数据包时,能够将数据包原路返回,而不会出现上个场景的来回路径不一致的问题。这样请求数据包转发到主机 node1 后,通过 calixxx 虚拟网卡转发到了 pod1。 + +3. Pod1(单 calico 网卡 pod) 按照线路 `4` 通过 calixxx 虚拟网卡将回复报文转发到节点 node1。此时回复数据包的目标地址为节点 node3 的 IP,所以通过节点路由转发到 node3。随后通过 Kube-proxy 将源地址改回为 Pod3 (单 macvlan 网卡 pod) 的 IP,随后匹配 spiderpool 在主机上设置的 macvlan pod 直连路由,按照线路 `5` 通过 vethxxx 设备转发到目标 Pod3,整个访问完成。 + +## 结论 + +我们总结了这三种类型的 Pod 存在于一个集群时的一些通信场景,如下: + +| 源\目标 | Calico Pod | Macvlan Pod | Calico + Macvlan 多网卡 Pod | Calico Pod 的 Service | Macvlan Pod 的 Service | Calico + Macvlan 多网卡 Pod 的 Service | +|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| +| Calico Pod | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | +| Macvlan Pod | 要求 kube-proxy 的版本大于 v1.29 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | +| Calico + Macvlan 多网卡 Pod | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | diff --git a/docs/usage/multi_cni_coexist.md b/docs/usage/multi_cni_coexist.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fd87fb2b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/usage/multi_cni_coexist.md @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +# Multi-CNI Coexistence with a Cluster + +**English** | [**简体中文**](./multi_cni_coexist-zh_CN.md) + +## Background + +CNIs are important components of a Kubernetes cluster. Typically, one CNI (e.g. Calico) is deployed and is responsible for the connectivity of the cluster network. In some cases, customers may use multiple types of CNIs in the cluster based on performance, security, etc., such as Macvlan CNIs of the Underlay type, and then there may be multiple Pods of different CNI types in a cluster, and different types of Pods are suitable for different scenarios: + +* Pod with a single Calico NIC: System components such as CoreDNS do not have the need for a fixed IP, nor do they need to communicate with north-south traffic, but only need to communicate with east-west traffic in the cluster. +* Pods with a single Macvlan card: For applications with special requirements for performance and security, or for traditional up-cloud applications that require direct north-south traffic with the Pod IP. +* Multi-Card Pod with Calico and Macvlan cards: A combination of both. Both need to access cluster north-south traffic with a fixed Pod IP and cluster east-west traffic (e.g., with a Calico Pod or Service). + +In addition, when multiple CNI pods exist in a cluster, there are actually two different data forwarding schemes in the cluster: Underlay and Overlay. this can lead to a number of other issues: + +* Pods using the Underlay network cannot access the cluster's north-south traffic. +* Pods using Underlay networks cannot communicate directly with Pods using Overlay networks in the cluster: Due to inconsistent forwarding paths, Overlay networks often need to go through nodes for secondary forwarding, whereas Underlay networks are generally forwarded directly through the underlying gateway. Therefore, when they access each other, packet loss may occur because the underlying switch does not synchronize the routes of the cluster subnet. +* Using two network modes for a cluster may increase the complexity of use and operation, such as IP address management. + +Spiderpool is a complete Underlay network solution that solves the interoperability problem when there are multiple CNIs in a cluster and reduces the IP address operation and maintenance burden. The following section describes the data forwarding process between them. + +## Quick start + +* Calico + Macvlan multi-network card quickstart can be found in [get-stared-calico](./install/overlay/get-started-calico.md) +* For a single Macvlan card see [get-started-macvlan](./install/underlay/get-started-macvlan.md). +* Underlay CNI Access Service See [underlay_cni_service](./underlay_cni_service.md) + +## Data forwarding process + +![dataplane](../images/underlay_overlay_cni.png) + +Several typical communication scenarios are described below. + +### Calico Pod Accessing Calico and Macvlan Multi-NIC Pods + +The lines labeled `1` and `2` in [Data Forwarding Process Figure](#data-forwarding-process) show the following. + +1. The request packet is forwarded from Pod1 (single calico NIC pod) via its calixxx virtual NIC to the network stack of node1 on the line `1`, and routed between node1 and node2 to the target host node 2. + +2. Regardless of whether the access is to the Calico NIC ( or the Macvlan NIC IP ( of the target Pod2 (Calico and Macvlan Multi-NIC Pod), it will be forwarded through the calixxx virtual NIC corresponding to Pod2 (Calico and Macvlan Multi-NIC Pod) to the Pod. Pod. + + Due to the limitation of Macvlan bridge mode, the master parent-child interface cannot communicate directly with each other, so the node cannot access the pod's macvlan IP directly. spiderpool will inject a route through calixxx for the Pod's macvlan NIC for forwarding the communication between the macvlan parent-child interface. + +3. When Pod2 (Calico and Macvlan multicard pod) initiates a reply message, it follows the line `2`: since the IP of the target Pod1 is:, it hits the Calico subnet route set up in Pod2 (as follows), so that all the accesses to the calico subnet targets are forwarded from eth0 to the network stack of the node node2. + + ~# kubectl exec -it calico-macvlan-556dddfdb-4ctxv -- ip r + via dev eth0 src + +4. Since the destination IP of the reply message is Pod1 (single calico NIC IP):, it will match the tunnel route of the calico subnet and then forward to the target node node1. Finally, it will be forwarded to pod1 through the calixxx virtual NIC corresponding to Pod1, and the whole access will be finished. + +### Calico+Macvlan Multi-Card Pod Access to Calico Pod's Service + +The lines labeled `1` and `2` in [Data Forwarding Process Figure](#data-forwarding-process) show the following. + +1. pod1 (a single calico NIC pod) and pod2 (a pod with both calico and macvlan NICs) as shown in the figure both use the calico ip returned to the kubelet as the PodIP, so when they communicate directly in the normal way, they both use each other's calico ip as the destination to initiate access. + +2. When pod2 accesses pod1's clusterip on its own initiative, due to the routing set by spiderpool in the pod: packets accessing the service use the IP of the calico card as the source address, and are forwarded from eth0 to node2. The following is the subnet of service: + + ~# kubectl exec -it calico-macvlan-556dddfdb-4ctxv -- ip r + via dev eth0 src + +3. After the kube-proxy on node2's network stack resolves its destination clusterip address to pod1 (a pod with a single calico NIC):, it is forwarded to the destination host node1 through the node tunneling route set by calico, and then forwarded to Pod1 through the calixxx virtual NIC corresponding to pod1. Finally, it is forwarded to Pod1 through the calixxx virtual NIC corresponding to Pod1. + +4. The reply packet initiated by Pod1 is forwarded to node1 through the calixxx virtual NIC on line `1`, and then forwarded to node2 through the host-to-host tunneling route, and then the kube-proxy of node2 changes the source address to the address of the clusterip, and then sends it to Pod2 through the calixxx virtual NIC. and sent to Pod2 via the calixxx virtual NIC. The whole access is finished. + +### Macvlan Pod access to Calico Pod + +The lines labeled `3`, `4`, and `6` in [Data Forwarding Process Figure](#data-forwarding-process) show the following. + +1. Spiderpool injects a routing table entry inside the pod to the calico subnet via veth0 forwarding. The following is the calico subnet, and this route ensures that when Pod3 (a single Macvlan NIC pod) accesses Pod1 (a single calico NIC pod), it will be forwarded to node node3 on line `3` via veth0. + + ~# kubectl exec -it macvlan-76c49c7bfb-82fnt -- ip r + via dev veth0 src + +2. After forwarding to node3, since the IP of the target pod1 is, the packet is forwarded to node1 through calico's tunnel route, and then forwarded to pod1 through the calixxx virtual NIC corresponding to pod1. 3. +3. However, pod1 (single calico NIC pod) sends the reply packet to node1 according to line `4`, and since the IP of the destination pod3 (single macvlan pod) is, it forwards the packet directly to pod3 according to line `6` without going through the node to forward it, which results in inconsistent paths of the packet forwarding, which may be recognized by the kernel. This results in an inconsistent packet forwarding path back and forth, and the kernel may consider the state of the packet's conntrack to be invalid, which will be discarded by one of kube-proxy's iptables rules: `6`. + + ~# iptables-save -t filter | grep '--ctstate INVALID -j DROP' + iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j DROP + + This rule was originally written to address an issue raised by [#Issue 74839](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/74839), where some tcp messages exceeded the window size limit and were marked by the kernel as having an invalid conntrack state. The k8s community has resolved this issue by issuing this rule, but it may affect packet round-trip inconsistencies in this scenario. As reported in related community issues: [#Issue 117924](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/117924), [#Issue 94861](https://github.com/kubernetes/) kubernetes/issues/94861), [#Issue 177](https://github.com/spidernet-io/cni-plugins/issues/177) and others. + + We pushed through the community to fix this issue, which was finally resolved in [only drop invalid cstate packets if non liberal](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/120412) with kubernetes We need to make sure to set the sysctl parameter: `sysctl -w net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_tcp_be_liberal=1` on each node and restart Kube-proxy so that kube-proxy doesn't drop this drop rule and it doesn't affect the single Macvlan pod with a non-liberal packet. affect communication between a single Macvlan pod and a single Calico pod. + + After execution, check if the drop rule still exists on the node, if there is no output, it is OK. If there is no output, then it is working. Otherwise, check that sysctl is set correctly and that kube-proxy is restarted. + + ~# iptables-save -t filter | grep '--ctstate INVALID -j DROP' + + Note: You must make sure that the k8s version is greater than v1.29. If your k8s version is less than v1.29, then this rule will affect access between Macvlan Pod and Calico Pod. + +4. When this drop rule does not exist, the reply packet sent by pod1 follows the line `6` to be able to forward the packet directly to pod3, and the entire access ends. + +### Macvlan Pod access to Calico Pod's Service + +As shown in Figure 1 for lines `3`, `4` and `5`. + +1. Spiderpool injects a service route into Pod3 (a single macvlan pod), expecting that when Pod3 accesses Service on line `3`, packets are forwarded to node3 through the veth0 card. is the subnet for Service. + + ~# is the subnet of Service. + via dev eth0 src + +2. After the packet is forwarded to node3, the kube-proxy of the host network stack converts the clusterip to the IP of Pod1 (a pod with a single calico NIC), which is then forwarded to node1 through the tunnel route set by Calico. note that when the request packet is sent from node3, its source address is SNATed to the IP of node3, which ensures that when the target host node1 receives the packet, it can return the packet in the same way without the inconsistency of the round-trip path as in the previous scenario. Note that when the request packet is sent from node3, its source address will be SNATed to the IP of node3, which ensures that when the target host node1 receives the packet, it will be able to return the packet in the original way without the inconsistency in the round-trip path as in the previous scenario. Thus the request packet is forwarded to host node1, and then forwarded to pod1 via the calixxx virtual NIC. + +3. Pod1 (single calico NIC pod) forwards the reply packet to node1 via the calixxx virtual NIC on line `4`. The destination address of the reply packet is the IP of node3, so it is forwarded to node3 via node routing, and the source address is changed back to the IP of Pod3 (single macvlan NIC pod) via Kube-proxy. Then, Kube-proxy changes the source address back to the IP of Pod3 (a single macvlan pod), and then matches the macvlan pod direct route set by spiderpool on the host, and forwards the packet to the target Pod3 through the vethxxx device according to the line `5`, and the whole access is completed. + +## Conclusion + +We have summarized some communication scenarios when these three types of Pods exist in a cluster as follows. + +| Source\Target | Calico Pod | Macvlan Pod | Calico + Macvlan Multi-NIC Pod | Service for Calico Pod | Service for Macvlan Pod | Service for Calico + Macvlan Multi-NIC Pod | +|- |- |- |- |- |- |-| +| Calico Pod | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | +| Macvlan Pod | requires kube-proxy version greater than v1.29. | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | +| Calico + Macvlan Multi NIC Pod | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |