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fix(core/forms): MapEditorInput: Add validation for empty keys and em…
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Remove `errors` prop in favor of using `validation.validationMessage` which is passed from FormField/FormikFormField
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christopherthielen committed Sep 24, 2019
1 parent 70dee3f commit 15de4a8
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Showing 3 changed files with 30 additions and 32 deletions.
38 changes: 27 additions & 11 deletions app/scripts/modules/core/src/forms/mapEditor/MapEditorInput.tsx
@@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
import * as React from 'react';
import { isNil, isFunction, isString } from 'lodash';
import { defaults, isNil, isFunction, isString } from 'lodash';

import { IPipeline } from 'core/domain';
import { createFakeReactSyntheticEvent, IFormInputProps, IValidator } from '../../presentation/forms';
import { createFakeReactSyntheticEvent, IFormInputProps, IValidator, IValidatorResult } from 'core/presentation';

import { IMapPair, MapPair } from './MapPair';

export interface IMapEditorInputProps extends IFormInputProps {
addButtonLabel?: string;
allowEmptyValues?: boolean;
hiddenKeys?: string[];
keyLabel?: string;
label?: string;
labelsLeft?: boolean;
errors: IMapEditorModel;
valueLabel?: string;
valueCanContainSpel?: boolean;
pipeline?: IPipeline;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,15 +47,27 @@ function tuplesToObject(pairs: IMapPair[]): IMapEditorModel {

function validator(values: IMapEditorModel): IMapEditorModel {
return Object.keys(values || {}).reduce((acc, key) => {
return duplicateKeyPattern.exec(key) ? { ...acc, [key]: 'Duplicate key' } : acc;
}, {});
function mapEditorValidator(options?: { allowEmptyValues: boolean }): IValidator {
const opts = defaults({}, options, { allowEmptyValues: false });
return function(values: IMapEditorModel): IValidatorResult {
const errors = Object.keys(values || {}).reduce((acc, key) => {
if (!key) {
return { ...acc, [key]: 'Empty key' };
} else if (duplicateKeyPattern.exec(key)) {
return { ...acc, [key]: 'Duplicate key' };
} else if (!opts.allowEmptyValues && !values[key]) {
return { ...acc, [key]: 'Empty value' };
return acc;
}, {}) as any;

return Object.keys(errors).length ? errors : null;

export function MapEditorInput({
addButtonLabel = 'Add Field',
errors = {},
allowEmptyValues = false,
hiddenKeys = [],
keyLabel = 'Key',
Expand All @@ -68,21 +81,24 @@ export function MapEditorInput({
}: IMapEditorInputProps) {
const rowProps = { keyLabel, valueLabel, labelsLeft };
const validator = React.useRef(mapEditorValidator({ allowEmptyValues }));

const columnCount = labelsLeft ? 5 : 3;
const tableClass = label ? '' : 'no-border-top';
const isParameterized = isString(value);
const backingModel = !isString(value) ? objectToTuples(value, errors) : null;
const backingModel = !isString(value)
? objectToTuples(value, (validation && validation.validationMessage) || {})
: null;

// Register/unregister validator, if a validation prop was supplied
React.useEffect(() => {
if (validation && isFunction(validation.addValidator)) {
validation.addValidator((validator as any) as IValidator);
validation.addValidator((validator.current as any) as IValidator);

return () => {
if (validation && isFunction(validation.removeValidator)) {
validation.removeValidator((validator as any) as IValidator);
validation.removeValidator((validator.current as any) as IValidator);
}, []);
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -57,26 +57,14 @@ export function PubsubTrigger(pubsubTriggerProps: IPubsubTriggerProps) {
label="Payload Constraints"
help={<HelpField id="pipeline.config.trigger.pubsub.payloadConstraints" />}
input={props => (
addButtonLabel="Add payload constraint"
input={props => <MapEditorInput {...props} addButtonLabel="Add payload constraint" />}

label="Attribute Constraints "
help={<HelpField id="pipeline.config.trigger.pubsub.attributeConstraints" />}
input={props => (
addButtonLabel="Add attribute constraint"
input={props => <MapEditorInput {...props} addButtonLabel="Add attribute constraint" />}
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -34,13 +34,7 @@ export function WebhookTrigger(webhookTriggerProps: IWebhookTriggerProps) {
label="Payload Constraints"
help={<HelpField id="pipeline.config.trigger.webhook.payloadConstraints" />}
input={props => (
addButtonLabel="Add payload constraint"
input={props => <MapEditorInput {...props} addButtonLabel="Add payload constraint" />}
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