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Become a sponsor to Austen Cameron

Hello, fellow open source enthusiast!,

🀝 I'm all about building cool stuff for developers!

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Here's what I do:

πŸ—‚ My Projects:

By sponsoring me, cool people like you help support these projects and keep open source thriving! πŸ™Œ

Thank you! πŸ₯‚

1 sponsor has funded austenc’s work.


Featured work

  1. austenc/vscode-blade-spacer

    Laravel Blade Spacer plugin for VSCode

    TypeScript 7
  2. austenc/vscode-livewire-docs

    Shortcuts to access Livewire Laravel documentation from within VS Code

    TypeScript 4
  3. austenc/vscode-laravel-docs

    Easily access the Laravel docs from within VSCode

    TypeScript 6
  4. austenc/vscode-tailwind-docs

    Easily access the Tailwind CSS documentation from within VSCode

    TypeScript 28
  5. austenc/blade-spacer

    Automatically adds spaces between laravel blade templating markers

    Python 20
  6. austenc/sublime-laravel-docs

    Easily navigate to the laravel docs from within sublime text

    Python 8

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$10 a month


Whoa! Thank you!

You're SO generous for supporting me and my work. πŸ™‡

$99 a month
