diff --git a/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html b/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html index 269686b2..151ddb58 100644 --- a/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html +++ b/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html @@ -313,13 +313,13 @@

nba_pbp <- hoopR::load_nba_pbp(2021:hoopR::most_recent_nba_season()) }) tictoc::toc() -
## 14.424 sec elapsed
## 17.599 sec elapsed
 glue::glue("{nrow(nba_pbp)} rows of nba play-by-play data from {length(unique(nba_pbp$game_id))} games.")
## 1717358 rows of nba play-by-play data from 3673 games.
## 1721104 rows of nba play-by-play data from 3681 games.
## Rows: 1,717,358
## Rows: 1,721,104
 ## Columns: 60
 ## $ id                              <dbl> 4013441404, 4013441407, 4013441408, 40…
 ## $ sequence_number                 <chr> "4", "7", "8", "10", "11", "12", "14",…
@@ -393,13 +393,13 @@ 

}) tictoc::toc()

## 1.482 sec elapsed
## 2.224 sec elapsed
 glue::glue("{nrow(nba_team_box)} rows of NBA team boxscore data from {length(unique(nba_team_box$game_id))} games.")
## 7346 rows of NBA team boxscore data from 3673 games.
## 7362 rows of NBA team boxscore data from 3681 games.
## Rows: 7,346
## Rows: 7,362
 ## Columns: 57
 ## $ game_id                           <int> 401344140, 401344140, 401344139, 401…
 ## $ season                            <int> 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, …
@@ -470,13 +470,13 @@ 

nba_player_box <- hoopR::load_nba_player_box(2021:hoopR::most_recent_nba_season()) }) tictoc::toc()

## 2.595 sec elapsed
## 3.586 sec elapsed
 glue::glue("{nrow(nba_player_box)} rows of NBA player boxscore data from {length(unique(nba_player_box$game_id))} games.")
## 95663 rows of NBA player boxscore data from 3673 games.
## 95878 rows of NBA player boxscore data from 3681 games.
## Rows: 95,663
## Rows: 95,878
 ## Columns: 57
 ## $ game_id                           <int> 401344140, 401344140, 401344140, 401…
 ## $ season                            <int> 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, …
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ 

mbb_pbp <- hoopR::load_mbb_pbp(2021:hoopR::most_recent_mbb_season()) }) tictoc::toc()

## 40.102 sec elapsed
## 48.148 sec elapsed
 glue::glue("{nrow(mbb_pbp)} rows of men's college basketball play-by-play data from {length(unique(mbb_pbp$game_id))} games.")
## 5090789 rows of men's college basketball play-by-play data from 15887 games.
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@

mbb_team_box <- hoopR::load_mbb_team_box(2021:hoopR::most_recent_mbb_season()) }) tictoc::toc()

## 2.491 sec elapsed
## 3.014 sec elapsed
 glue::glue("{nrow(mbb_team_box)} rows of men's college basketball team boxscore data from {length(unique(mbb_team_box$game_id))} games.")
## 32778 rows of men's college basketball team boxscore data from 16389 games.
@@ -711,69 +711,69 @@

mbb_player_box <- hoopR::load_mbb_player_box(2021:hoopR::most_recent_mbb_season()) }) tictoc::toc()

## 1.855 sec elapsed
## 7.63 sec elapsed
 glue::glue("{nrow(mbb_player_box)} rows of men's college basketball player boxscore data from {length(unique(mbb_player_box$game_id))} games.")
## 32702 rows of men's college basketball player boxscore data from 16351 games.
## 519348 rows of men's college basketball player boxscore data from 16354 games.
## Rows: 32,702
## Rows: 519,348
 ## Columns: 55
-## $ game_id                           <int> 401310865, 401310865, 401310867, 401…
+## $ game_id                           <int> 401310865, 401310865, 401310865, 401…
 ## $ season                            <int> 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, …
 ## $ season_type                       <int> 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, …
-## $ game_date                         <date> 2021-04-05, 2021-04-05, 2021-04-03,…
+## $ game_date                         <date> 2021-04-05, 2021-04-05, 2021-04-05,…
 ## $ game_date_time                    <dttm> 2021-04-05 21:20:00, 2021-04-05 21:…
-## $ team_id                           <int> 239, 2250, 26, 2250, 248, 239, 30, 2…
-## $ team_uid                          <chr> "s:40~l:41~t:239", "s:40~l:41~t:2250…
-## $ team_slug                         <chr> "baylor-bears", "gonzaga-bulldogs", …
-## $ team_location                     <chr> "Baylor", "Gonzaga", "UCLA", "Gonzag…
-## $ team_name                         <chr> "Bears", "Bulldogs", "Bruins", "Bull…
-## $ team_abbreviation                 <chr> "BAY", "GONZ", "UCLA", "GONZ", "HOU"…
-## $ team_display_name                 <chr> "Baylor Bears", "Gonzaga Bulldogs", …
-## $ team_short_display_name           <chr> "Baylor", "Gonzaga", "UCLA", "Gonzag…
-## $ team_color                        <chr> "004834", "002967", "005C8E", "00296…
-## $ team_alternate_color              <chr> "ffb81c", "cfd4d8", "ffc72c", "cfd4d…
+## $ athlete_id                        <int> 4395692, 4395695, 4278053, 4067696, …
+## $ athlete_display_name              <chr> "Flo Thamba", "Jared Butler", "Davio…
+## $ team_id                           <int> 239, 239, 239, 239, 239, 239, 239, 2…
+## $ team_name                         <chr> "Bears", "Bears", "Bears", "Bears", …
+## $ team_location                     <chr> "Baylor", "Baylor", "Baylor", "Baylo…
+## $ team_short_display_name           <chr> "Baylor", "Baylor", "Baylor", "Baylo…
+## $ minutes                           <dbl> 16, 31, 36, 31, 27, 1, 16, 16, 1, 1,…
+## $ field_goals_made                  <int> 0, 6, 6, 8, 3, 0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0, …
+## $ field_goals_attempted             <int> 3, 14, 15, 15, 7, 0, 4, 2, 0, 1, 6, …
+## $ three_point_field_goals_made      <int> 0, 4, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, …
+## $ three_point_field_goals_attempted <int> 0, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 4, 0, …
+## $ free_throws_made                  <int> 3, 6, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, …
+## $ free_throws_attempted             <int> 4, 6, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, …
+## $ offensive_rebounds                <int> 3, 0, 1, 0, 8, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, …
+## $ defensive_rebounds                <int> 3, 3, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, …
+## $ rebounds                          <int> 6, 3, 6, 2, 11, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0,…
+## $ assists                           <int> 0, 7, 5, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, …
+## $ steals                            <int> 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, …
+## $ blocks                            <int> 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, …
+## $ turnovers                         <int> 1, 0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, …
+## $ fouls                             <int> 5, 3, 1, 0, 3, 0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, …
+## $ points                            <int> 3, 22, 15, 19, 6, 0, 6, 2, 0, 0, 13,…
+## $ starter                           <lgl> TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE,…
+## $ ejected                           <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, F…
+## $ did_not_play                      <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, F…
+## $ active                            <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, F…
+## $ athlete_jersey                    <chr> "0", "12", "45", "31", "11", "32", "…
+## $ athlete_short_name                <chr> "F. Thamba", "J. Butler", "D. Mitche…
+## $ athlete_headshot_href             <chr> "https://a.espncdn.com/i/headshots/m…
+## $ athlete_position_name             <chr> "Forward", "Guard", "Guard", "Guard"…
+## $ athlete_position_abbreviation     <chr> "F", "G", "G", "G", "G", "F", "F", "…
+## $ team_display_name                 <chr> "Baylor Bears", "Baylor Bears", "Bay…
+## $ team_uid                          <chr> "s:40~l:41~t:239", "s:40~l:41~t:239"…
+## $ team_slug                         <chr> "baylor-bears", "baylor-bears", "bay…
 ## $ team_logo                         <chr> "https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/n…
-## $ team_home_away                    <chr> "away", "home", "away", "home", "awa…
-## $ team_score                        <int> 86, 70, 90, 93, 59, 78, 66, 85, 51, …
-## $ team_winner                       <lgl> TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRU…
-## $ assists                           <int> 18, 16, 21, 26, 10, 23, 9, 21, 12, 1…
-## $ blocks                            <int> 5, 3, 1, 3, 5, 0, 0, 3, 2, 3, 5, 5, …
-## $ defensive_rebounds                <int> 22, 17, 25, 20, 14, 20, 21, 29, 21, …
-## $ field_goal_pct                    <dbl> 44.8, 51.0, 57.6, 58.7, 38.2, 52.7, …
-## $ field_goals_made                  <int> 30, 25, 34, 37, 21, 29, 24, 33, 21, …
-## $ field_goals_attempted             <int> 67, 49, 59, 63, 55, 55, 62, 66, 54, …
-## $ flagrant_fouls                    <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, …
-## $ fouls                             <int> 19, 17, 16, 16, 10, 18, 13, 16, 14, …
-## $ free_throw_pct                    <dbl> 88.9, 71.4, 66.7, 60.0, 68.8, 69.2, …
-## $ free_throws_made                  <int> 16, 15, 14, 12, 11, 9, 14, 12, 6, 6,…
-## $ free_throws_attempted             <int> 18, 21, 21, 20, 16, 13, 19, 17, 7, 1…
-## $ largest_lead                      <chr> "20", "0", "6", "7", "3", "25", "0",…
-## $ offensive_rebounds                <int> 16, 5, 7, 6, 14, 13, 8, 12, 7, 11, 1…
-## $ steals                            <int> 8, 4, 4, 8, 4, 6, 7, 6, 5, 5, 5, 9, …
-## $ team_rebounds                     <chr> "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "…
-## $ team_turnovers                    <int> 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, …
-## $ technical_fouls                   <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, …
-## $ three_point_field_goal_pct        <dbl> 43.5, 29.4, 47.1, 33.3, 31.6, 45.8, …
-## $ three_point_field_goals_made      <int> 10, 5, 8, 7, 6, 11, 4, 7, 3, 3, 3, 8…
-## $ three_point_field_goals_attempted <int> 23, 17, 17, 21, 19, 24, 15, 21, 13, …
-## $ total_rebounds                    <int> 38, 22, 32, 26, 28, 33, 29, 41, 28, …
-## $ total_technical_fouls             <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, …
-## $ total_turnovers                   <int> 9, 14, 10, 10, 11, 9, 10, 9, 8, 14, …
-## $ turnovers                         <int> 9, 14, 10, 10, 11, 9, 10, 9, 8, 14, …
-## $ opponent_team_id                  <int> 2250, 239, 2250, 26, 239, 248, 2250,…
-## $ opponent_team_uid                 <chr> "s:40~l:41~t:2250", "s:40~l:41~t:239…
-## $ opponent_team_slug                <chr> "gonzaga-bulldogs", "baylor-bears", …
-## $ opponent_team_location            <chr> "Gonzaga", "Baylor", "Gonzaga", "UCL…
-## $ opponent_team_name                <chr> "Bulldogs", "Bears", "Bulldogs", "Br…
-## $ opponent_team_abbreviation        <chr> "GONZ", "BAY", "GONZ", "UCLA", "BAY"…
-## $ opponent_team_display_name        <chr> "Gonzaga Bulldogs", "Baylor Bears", …
-## $ opponent_team_short_display_name  <chr> "Gonzaga", "Baylor", "Gonzaga", "UCL…
-## $ opponent_team_color               <chr> "002967", "004834", "002967", "005C8…
-## $ opponent_team_alternate_color     <chr> "cfd4d8", "ffb81c", "cfd4d8", "ffc72…
+## $ team_abbreviation                 <chr> "BAY", "BAY", "BAY", "BAY", "BAY", "…
+## $ team_color                        <chr> "004834", "004834", "004834", "00483…
+## $ team_alternate_color              <chr> "ffb81c", "ffb81c", "ffb81c", "ffb81…
+## $ home_away                         <chr> "away", "away", "away", "away", "awa…
+## $ team_winner                       <lgl> TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, …
+## $ team_score                        <int> 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, …
+## $ opponent_team_id                  <int> 2250, 2250, 2250, 2250, 2250, 2250, …
+## $ opponent_team_name                <chr> "Bulldogs", "Bulldogs", "Bulldogs", …
+## $ opponent_team_location            <chr> "Gonzaga", "Gonzaga", "Gonzaga", "Go…
+## $ opponent_team_display_name        <chr> "Gonzaga Bulldogs", "Gonzaga Bulldog…
+## $ opponent_team_abbreviation        <chr> "GONZ", "GONZ", "GONZ", "GONZ", "GON…
 ## $ opponent_team_logo                <chr> "https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/n…
-## $ opponent_team_score               <int> 70, 86, 93, 90, 78, 59, 85, 66, 49, …
+## $ opponent_team_color <chr> "002967", "002967", "002967", "00296… +## $ opponent_team_alternate_color <chr> "cfd4d8", "cfd4d8", "cfd4d8", "cfd4d… +## $ opponent_team_score <int> 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, …
diff --git a/pkgdown.yml b/pkgdown.yml index ee92ecda..91bb7e5e 100644 --- a/pkgdown.yml +++ b/pkgdown.yml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ pkgdown_sha: ~ articles: getting-started-hoopR: getting-started-hoopR.html kenpom-example-functions: kenpom-example-functions.html -last_built: 2023-04-05T17:12Z +last_built: 2023-04-06T19:12Z urls: reference: https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference article: https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles diff --git a/reference/espn_mbb_betting.html b/reference/espn_mbb_betting.html index cebb2b7b..e3d00c91 100644 --- a/reference/espn_mbb_betting.html +++ b/reference/espn_mbb_betting.html @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@

Examples try(espn_mbb_betting(game_id = 401256760)) #> $pickcenter #> ── ESPN MBB Pickcenter Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── -#> Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:39 UTC +#> Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:23 UTC #> # A tibble: 4 × 33 #> details over_under spread provider_id provider_name provider_priority #> * <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <chr> <int> @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@

Examples#> #> $againstTheSpread #> ── ESPN MBB Against the Spread Information from ESPN.com ──────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── -#> Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:40 UTC +#> Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:23 UTC #> # A tibble: 2 × 9 #> id uid display_name abbreviation logo logos records game_id team_id #> * <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lis> <list> <int> <int> @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@

Examples#> #> $predictor #> ── ESPN MBB Predictor Information from ESPN.com ───────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── -#> Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:40 UTC +#> Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:23 UTC #> # A tibble: 1 × 5 #> game_id home_team_id away_team_id away_team_game_proje…¹ away_team_chance_loss #> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> diff --git a/reference/espn_mbb_conferences.html b/reference/espn_mbb_conferences.html index 8531011b..f506ac03 100644 --- a/reference/espn_mbb_conferences.html +++ b/reference/espn_mbb_conferences.html @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@

# \donttest{
 #> ── ESPN MBB Conferences Information from ESPN.com ─────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:40 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:24 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 33 × 7
 #>    group_id conference_short_name conference_uid conference_name conference_logo
 #>       <int> <chr>                 <chr>          <chr>           <chr>          
diff --git a/reference/espn_mbb_game_all.html b/reference/espn_mbb_game_all.html
index 9eb61723..772f86e1 100644
--- a/reference/espn_mbb_game_all.html
+++ b/reference/espn_mbb_game_all.html
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ 

Examples try(espn_mbb_game_all(game_id = 401479672)) #> $Plays #> ── ESPN MBB Play-by-Play Information from ESPN.com ────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── -#> Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:41 UTC +#> Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:25 UTC #> # A tibble: 360 × 51 #> id sequence_number text away_score home_score scoring_play score_value #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <lgl> <int> @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@

Examples#> #> $Team #> ── ESPN MBB Team Box Information from ESPN.com ────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── -#> Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:41 UTC +#> Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:25 UTC #> # A tibble: 2 × 54 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time team_id team_uid #> <int> <int> <int> <date> <dttm> <int> <chr> @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@

Examples#> #> $Player #> ── ESPN MBB Player Box Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── -#> Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:42 UTC +#> Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:26 UTC #> # A tibble: 30 × 55 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time athlete_id #> <int> <int> <int> <date> <dttm> <int> diff --git a/reference/espn_mbb_game_rosters.html b/reference/espn_mbb_game_rosters.html index 9ee149e7..4fe53338 100644 --- a/reference/espn_mbb_game_rosters.html +++ b/reference/espn_mbb_game_rosters.html @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@

# \donttest{
   try(espn_mbb_game_rosters(game_id = 401256760))
 #> ── ESPN MBB Game Roster Information from ESPN.com ─────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:47 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:31 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 34 × 71
 #>    athlete_id athlete_uid  athlete_guid athlete_type    sdr first_name last_name
 #>         <int> <chr>        <chr>        <chr>         <int> <chr>      <chr>    
diff --git a/reference/espn_mbb_pbp.html b/reference/espn_mbb_pbp.html
index 8b4915f4..4a24679a 100644
--- a/reference/espn_mbb_pbp.html
+++ b/reference/espn_mbb_pbp.html
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ 

# \donttest{
   try(espn_mbb_pbp(game_id = 401479672))
 #> ── ESPN MBB Play-by-Play Information from ESPN.com ────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:48 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:32 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 360 × 51
 #>    id       sequence_number text  away_score home_score scoring_play score_value
 #>    <chr>    <chr>           <chr>      <int>      <int> <lgl>              <int>
diff --git a/reference/espn_mbb_player_box.html b/reference/espn_mbb_player_box.html
index b30a2bb8..2fc52087 100644
--- a/reference/espn_mbb_player_box.html
+++ b/reference/espn_mbb_player_box.html
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ 

# \donttest{
   try(espn_mbb_player_box(game_id = 401479672))
 #> ── ESPN MBB Player Box Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:49 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:34 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 30 × 55
 #>      game_id season season_type game_date  game_date_time      athlete_id
 #>        <int>  <int>       <int> <date>     <dttm>                   <int>
diff --git a/reference/espn_mbb_player_stats.html b/reference/espn_mbb_player_stats.html
index 4c9cbd07..4c32469c 100644
--- a/reference/espn_mbb_player_stats.html
+++ b/reference/espn_mbb_player_stats.html
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ 

# \donttest{
   try(espn_mbb_player_stats(athlete_id = 4433134, year = 2021))
 #> ── ESPN MBB Player Season Stats from ESPN.com ─────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:49 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:34 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 1 × 134
 #>   athlete_id athlete_uid   athlete_guid athlete_type    sdr first_name last_name
 #>        <int> <chr>         <chr>        <chr>         <int> <chr>      <chr>    
diff --git a/reference/espn_mbb_rankings.html b/reference/espn_mbb_rankings.html
index 675538b3..9ed1c7d2 100644
--- a/reference/espn_mbb_rankings.html
+++ b/reference/espn_mbb_rankings.html
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ 

Examples# \donttest{ try(espn_mbb_rankings()) #> ── ESPN MBB Rankings Information from ESPN.com ────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── -#> Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:50 UTC +#> Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:35 UTC #> # A tibble: 45 × 37 #> id name short_name type headline short_headline current previous points #> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl> diff --git a/reference/espn_mbb_scoreboard.html b/reference/espn_mbb_scoreboard.html index 82c764cc..dbeece87 100644 --- a/reference/espn_mbb_scoreboard.html +++ b/reference/espn_mbb_scoreboard.html @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@

Examples# \donttest{ try(espn_mbb_scoreboard (season = "20221117")) #> ── ESPN MBB Scoreboard Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── -#> Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:51 UTC +#> Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:36 UTC #> # A tibble: 50 × 34 #> matchup matchup_short season season_type season_slug game_id game_uid #> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <chr> <int> <chr> diff --git a/reference/espn_mbb_standings.html b/reference/espn_mbb_standings.html index 6aacbb3b..133c2b50 100644 --- a/reference/espn_mbb_standings.html +++ b/reference/espn_mbb_standings.html @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@

# \donttest{
 #> ── ESPN MBB Standings Information from ESPN.com ───────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:52 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:38 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 348 × 74
 #>    team_id team       avgpointsagainst avgpointsfor gamesbehind leaguewinpercent
 #>  *   <int> <chr>                 <dbl>        <dbl>       <dbl>            <dbl>
diff --git a/reference/espn_mbb_team_box.html b/reference/espn_mbb_team_box.html
index fd6d43de..f2d55dc6 100644
--- a/reference/espn_mbb_team_box.html
+++ b/reference/espn_mbb_team_box.html
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ 

# \donttest{
   try(espn_mbb_team_box(game_id = 401479672))
 #> ── ESPN MBB Team Box Information from ESPN.com ────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:53 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:39 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 2 × 54
 #>     game_id season season_type game_date  game_date_time      team_id team_uid  
 #>       <int>  <int>       <int> <date>     <dttm>                <int> <chr>     
diff --git a/reference/espn_mbb_team_stats.html b/reference/espn_mbb_team_stats.html
index 3cf5245b..f3928c78 100644
--- a/reference/espn_mbb_team_stats.html
+++ b/reference/espn_mbb_team_stats.html
@@ -196,11 +196,11 @@ 

# \donttest{
   try(espn_mbb_team_stats(team_id = 52, year = 2020))
 #> ── ESPN MBB Team Season Stats from ESPN.com ───────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:54 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:40 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 1 × 93
 #>   team_id team_guid          team_uid team_sdr team_slug team_location team_name
 #>     <int> <chr>              <chr>       <int> <chr>     <chr>         <chr>    
-#> 1      52 7215a749b7bf20709… s:40~l:…     5993 florida-… Florida State Seminoles
+#> 1      52 7215a749-b7bf-207… s:40~l:…     5993 florida-… Florida State Seminoles
 #> # ℹ 86 more variables: team_nickname <chr>, team_abbreviation <chr>,
 #> #   team_display_name <chr>, team_short_display_name <chr>, team_color <chr>,
 #> #   team_alternate_color <chr>, is_active <lgl>, is_all_star <lgl>,
diff --git a/reference/espn_mbb_teams.html b/reference/espn_mbb_teams.html
index 5ef904a8..d489419d 100644
--- a/reference/espn_mbb_teams.html
+++ b/reference/espn_mbb_teams.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ 

# \donttest{
 #> ── ESPN MBB Teams Information from ESPN.com ───────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:58 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:43 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 360 × 20
 #>    team_id abbreviation display_name      short_name mascot nickname team  color
 #>      <int> <chr>        <chr>             <chr>      <chr>  <chr>    <chr> <chr>
diff --git a/reference/espn_mbb_wp.html b/reference/espn_mbb_wp.html
index da229ea4..7b3cee3d 100644
--- a/reference/espn_mbb_wp.html
+++ b/reference/espn_mbb_wp.html
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ 

# \donttest{
   espn_mbb_wp(game_id = 401256760)
 #> ── ESPN MBB Win Probability Information from ESPN.com ─────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:58 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:44 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 352 × 9
 #>    game_id   play_id      period time_left period_seconds_left game_seconds_left
 #>  * <chr>     <chr>         <dbl> <chr>                   <dbl>             <dbl>
diff --git a/reference/espn_nba_betting.html b/reference/espn_nba_betting.html
index 969da9b7..960d8fef 100644
--- a/reference/espn_nba_betting.html
+++ b/reference/espn_nba_betting.html
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ 

Examples try(espn_nba_betting(game_id = 401283399)) #> $pickcenter #> ── ESPN NBA Pickcenter Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── -#> Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:59 UTC +#> Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:45 UTC #> # A tibble: 4 × 33 #> details over_under spread provider_id provider_name provider_priority #> * <chr> <int> <int> <int> <chr> <int> @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@

Examples#> #> $againstTheSpread #> ── ESPN NBA Against the Spread Information from ESPN.com ──────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── -#> Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:59 UTC +#> Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:45 UTC #> # A tibble: 2 × 9 #> id uid display_name abbreviation logo logos records game_id team_id #> * <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lis> <list> <int> <int> @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@

Examples#> #> $predictor #> ── ESPN NBA Predictor Information from ESPN.com ───────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── -#> Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:59 UTC +#> Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:45 UTC #> # A tibble: 1 × 5 #> game_id home_team_id away_team_id away_team_game_proje…¹ away_team_chance_loss #> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> diff --git a/reference/espn_nba_game_all.html b/reference/espn_nba_game_all.html index f366029c..30487ad8 100644 --- a/reference/espn_nba_game_all.html +++ b/reference/espn_nba_game_all.html @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@

Examples try(espn_nba_game_all(game_id = 401283399)) #> $Plays #> ── ESPN NBA Play-by-Play Information from ESPN.com ────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── -#> Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:00 UTC +#> Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:47 UTC #> # A tibble: 472 × 52 #> id sequence_number text away_score home_score scoring_play score_value #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <lgl> <int> @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@

Examples#> #> $Team #> ── ESPN NBA Team Box Information from ESPN.com ────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── -#> Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:00 UTC +#> Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:47 UTC #> # A tibble: 2 × 57 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time team_id team_uid #> <int> <int> <int> <date> <dttm> <int> <chr> @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@

Examples#> #> $Player #> ── ESPN NBA Player Box Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── -#> Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:00 UTC +#> Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:47 UTC #> # A tibble: 24 × 57 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time athlete_id #> <int> <int> <int> <date> <dttm> <int> diff --git a/reference/espn_nba_game_rosters.html b/reference/espn_nba_game_rosters.html index a7087371..4cacb618 100644 --- a/reference/espn_nba_game_rosters.html +++ b/reference/espn_nba_game_rosters.html @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@

# \donttest{
   try(espn_nba_game_rosters(game_id = 401283399))
 #> ── ESPN NBA Game Roster Information from ESPN.com ─────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:04 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:51 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 24 × 90
 #>    athlete_id athlete_uid  athlete_guid athlete_type    sdr first_name last_name
 #>         <int> <chr>        <chr>        <chr>         <int> <chr>      <chr>    
diff --git a/reference/espn_nba_pbp.html b/reference/espn_nba_pbp.html
index 0086539e..d11b44aa 100644
--- a/reference/espn_nba_pbp.html
+++ b/reference/espn_nba_pbp.html
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ 

# \donttest{
   try(espn_nba_pbp(game_id = 401071880))
 #> ── ESPN NBA Play-by-Play Information from ESPN.com ────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:05 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:53 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 475 × 52
 #>    id       sequence_number text  away_score home_score scoring_play score_value
 #>    <chr>    <chr>           <chr>      <int>      <int> <lgl>              <int>
diff --git a/reference/espn_nba_player_box.html b/reference/espn_nba_player_box.html
index b9ea2267..13bd6c9a 100644
--- a/reference/espn_nba_player_box.html
+++ b/reference/espn_nba_player_box.html
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ 

# \donttest{
   try(espn_nba_player_box(game_id = 401071880))
 #> ── ESPN NBA Player Box Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:06 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:54 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 26 × 57
 #>      game_id season season_type game_date  game_date_time      athlete_id
 #>        <int>  <int>       <int> <date>     <dttm>                   <int>
diff --git a/reference/espn_nba_player_stats.html b/reference/espn_nba_player_stats.html
index 04676420..7c02d960 100644
--- a/reference/espn_nba_player_stats.html
+++ b/reference/espn_nba_player_stats.html
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ 

# \donttest{
   try(espn_nba_player_stats(athlete_id = 4433134, year = 2022))
 #> ── ESPN NBA Player Season Stats from ESPN.com ─────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:07 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:55 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 1 × 187
 #>   athlete_id athlete_uid   athlete_guid athlete_type    sdr first_name last_name
 #>        <int> <chr>         <chr>        <chr>         <int> <chr>      <chr>    
diff --git a/reference/espn_nba_scoreboard.html b/reference/espn_nba_scoreboard.html
index b9a80f3a..e0dd2921 100644
--- a/reference/espn_nba_scoreboard.html
+++ b/reference/espn_nba_scoreboard.html
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ 

Examples# \donttest{ try(espn_nba_scoreboard (season = "20221117")) #> ── ESPN NBA Scoreboard Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── -#> Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:08 UTC +#> Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:56 UTC #> # A tibble: 3 × 35 #> matchup matchup_short season season_type season_slug game_id game_uid #> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <chr> <int> <chr> diff --git a/reference/espn_nba_standings.html b/reference/espn_nba_standings.html index 906e6f15..d00747ee 100644 --- a/reference/espn_nba_standings.html +++ b/reference/espn_nba_standings.html @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@

# \donttest{
   try(espn_nba_standings(year = 2021))
 #> ── ESPN NBA Standings Information from ESPN.com ───────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:08 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:57 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 30 × 20
 #>    team_id team              avgpointsagainst avgpointsfor clincher differential
 #>  *   <int> <chr>                        <dbl>        <dbl>    <dbl>        <dbl>
diff --git a/reference/espn_nba_team_box.html b/reference/espn_nba_team_box.html
index a9b1f095..d94e7e1f 100644
--- a/reference/espn_nba_team_box.html
+++ b/reference/espn_nba_team_box.html
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ 

# \donttest{
   try(espn_nba_team_box(game_id = 401071880))
 #> ── ESPN NBA Team Box Information from ESPN.com ────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:09 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:57 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 2 × 57
 #>     game_id season season_type game_date  game_date_time      team_id team_uid  
 #>       <int>  <int>       <int> <date>     <dttm>                <int> <chr>     
diff --git a/reference/espn_nba_team_stats.html b/reference/espn_nba_team_stats.html
index d59f7a88..3e060cd8 100644
--- a/reference/espn_nba_team_stats.html
+++ b/reference/espn_nba_team_stats.html
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ 

# \donttest{
   try(espn_nba_team_stats(team_id = 18, year = 2020))
 #> ── ESPN NBA Team Season Stats from ESPN.com ───────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:09 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:58 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 1 × 128
 #>   team_id team_guid team_uid team_slug team_location team_name team_abbreviation
 #>     <int> <chr>     <chr>    <chr>     <chr>         <chr>     <chr>            
diff --git a/reference/espn_nba_teams.html b/reference/espn_nba_teams.html
index f47f7c56..4c516baa 100644
--- a/reference/espn_nba_teams.html
+++ b/reference/espn_nba_teams.html
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ 

# \donttest{
 #> ── ESPN NBA Teams Information from ESPN.com ───────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:10 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:59 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 30 × 13
 #>    team_id abbreviation display_name      short_name mascot nickname team  color
 #>      <int> <chr>        <chr>             <chr>      <chr>  <chr>    <chr> <chr>
diff --git a/reference/espn_nba_wp.html b/reference/espn_nba_wp.html
index c9f5dd4a..903612fc 100644
--- a/reference/espn_nba_wp.html
+++ b/reference/espn_nba_wp.html
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ 

# \donttest{
   espn_nba_wp(game_id = 401283399)
 #> ── ESPN NBA Win Probability Information from ESPN.com ─────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:10 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:13:00 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 472 × 22
 #>      game_id play_id     home_win_percentage away_win_percentage tie_percentage
 #>        <dbl> <chr>                     <dbl>               <dbl>          <dbl>
diff --git a/reference/kp_coach_history.html b/reference/kp_coach_history.html
index 76a911f2..57d14528 100644
--- a/reference/kp_coach_history.html
+++ b/reference/kp_coach_history.html
@@ -172,9 +172,26 @@ 

See alsoExamples

  # \donttest{
    try(kp_coach_history(coach = 'Leonard Hamilton'))
-#> 2023-04-05 17:13:24: Invalid arguments or no coach history data for Leonard Hamilton available!
-#> Error in kp_coach_history(coach = "Leonard Hamilton") : 
-#>   object 'kenpom' not found
+#> # A tibble: 25 × 57
+#>     year team_rk team      coach conf  adj_t adj_o adj_d off_e_fg_pct off_to_pct
+#>    <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>     <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>        <chr>     
+#>  1  2023     205 Florida … Leon… ACC   68.6  105.4 107.8 49.3         17.6      
+#>  2  2022     105 Florida … Leon… ACC   67.8  105.3 99.1  49.0         18.1      
+#>  3  2021      15 Florida … Leon… ACC   69.9  114.9 92.8  54.0         20.4      
+#>  4  2020      15 Florida … Leon… ACC   69.9  111.7 91.5  51.9         18.9      
+#>  5  2019      14 Florida … Leon… ACC   68.6  112.8 90.4  50.5         18.9      
+#>  6  2018      27 Florida … Leon… ACC   71.2  114.3 96.5  53.2         17.8      
+#>  7  2017      26 Florida … Leon… ACC   71.3  115.5 95.5  53.7         16.4      
+#>  8  2016      48 Florida … Leon… ACC   71.6  113.1 98.9  51.8         18.0      
+#>  9  2015      99 Florida … Leon… ACC   65.9  105.6 99.3  50.1         21.9      
+#> 10  2014      38 Florida … Leon… ACC   65.2  112.2 97.4  51.7         21.4      
+#> # ℹ 15 more rows
+#> # ℹ 47 more variables: off_or_pct <chr>, off_ft_rate <chr>, off_fg_2_pct <chr>,
+#> #   off_fg_3_pct <chr>, off_ft_pct <chr>, off_fg_3a_pct <chr>, off_a_pct <chr>,
+#> #   off_apl <chr>, def_e_fg_pct <chr>, def_to_pct <chr>, def_or_pct <chr>,
+#> #   def_ft_rate <chr>, def_fg_2_pct <chr>, def_fg_3_pct <chr>,
+#> #   def_blk_pct <chr>, def_fg_3a_pct <chr>, def_a_pct <chr>, def_apl <chr>,
+#> #   foul2partic_pct <chr>, wl <chr>, wl_conf <chr>, adj_t_rk <dbl>, …
   # }
diff --git a/reference/kp_efficiency.html b/reference/kp_efficiency.html
index b0973c33..1896abf9 100644
--- a/reference/kp_efficiency.html
+++ b/reference/kp_efficiency.html
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ 

See alsoExamples

# \donttest{
    try(kp_efficiency(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2021))
-#> 2023-04-05 17:13:52: Invalid arguments or no efficiency data for 2020 - 2021 available!
+#> 2023-04-06 19:13:51: Invalid arguments or no efficiency data for 2020 - 2021 available!
 #>                       Team Conf AdjT AdjT.Rk RawT RawT.Rk AvgPossLengthOff
 #> 1   Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 77.1       1 78.9       1             15.6
 #> 2          Houston Baptist Slnd 76.1       2 77.9       2             14.8
diff --git a/reference/kp_foul_trouble.html b/reference/kp_foul_trouble.html
index 643364f7..ead12f65 100644
--- a/reference/kp_foul_trouble.html
+++ b/reference/kp_foul_trouble.html
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ 

See alsoExamples

# \donttest{
   try(kp_foul_trouble(min_year = 2020, max_year = most_recent_mbb_season()))
-#> 2023-04-05 17:14:10: Invalid arguments or no foul trouble data for 2020 - 2023 available!
+#> 2023-04-06 19:14:15: Invalid arguments or no foul trouble data for 2020 - 2023 available!
 #>                       Team Conf TwoFoulParticpation.Pct
 #> 1             Georgia Tech  ACC                    68.7
 #> 2                 Ball St.  MAC                    61.2
@@ -533,6 +533,363 @@ 

Examples#> 351 Campbell BSth 2.5 #> 352 Michigan St. B10 2.1 #> 353 Western Illinois Sum 1.7 +#> 354 Alabama A&M SWAC 85.0 +#> 355 Bethune Cookman MEAC 0.0 +#> 356 Brown Ivy 0.0 +#> 357 Columbia Ivy 0.0 +#> 358 Cornell Ivy 0.0 +#> 359 Dartmouth Ivy 0.0 +#> 360 Harvard Ivy 0.0 +#> 361 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC 0.0 +#> 362 Penn Ivy 0.0 +#> 363 Princeton Ivy 0.0 +#> 364 Yale Ivy 0.0 +#> 365 Howard MEAC 69.8 +#> 366 Georgia Tech ACC 66.7 +#> 367 Little Rock SB 66.3 +#> 368 Fordham A10 62.9 +#> 369 Air Force MWC 59.6 +#> 370 Detroit Horz 58.2 +#> 371 North Florida ASun 58.1 +#> 372 San Francisco WCC 58.0 +#> 373 Syracuse ACC 56.6 +#> 374 Northern Kentucky Horz 54.8 +#> 375 Delaware CAA 53.4 +#> 376 Oakland Horz 53.3 +#> 377 Oral Roberts Sum 53.1 +#> 378 Bryant NEC 52.4 +#> 379 Alcorn St. SWAC 51.4 +#> 380 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 50.3 +#> 381 Eastern Michigan MAC 50.2 +#> 382 Cal Baptist WAC 49.0 +#> 383 Pacific WCC 48.0 +#> 384 Florida A&M MEAC 47.9 +#> 385 Coppin St. MEAC 47.8 +#> 386 Merrimack NEC 46.9 +#> 387 Chicago St. WAC 46.6 +#> 388 IUPUI Horz 46.5 +#> 389 Toledo MAC 46.1 +#> 390 Ball St. MAC 46.1 +#> 391 Prairie View A&M SWAC 46.0 +#> 392 St. Francis PA NEC 45.3 +#> 393 Cal St. Northridge BW 44.7 +#> 394 Grand Canyon WAC 44.1 +#> 395 Colorado St. MWC 43.8 +#> 396 Georgia SEC 43.7 +#> 397 Tulane Amer 43.5 +#> 398 Southern Miss CUSA 42.8 +#> 399 Sacramento St. BSky 42.4 +#> 400 Portland WCC 42.2 +#> 401 Mount St. Mary's NEC 41.9 +#> 402 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC 41.9 +#> 403 Samford SC 41.9 +#> 404 Tarleton St. WAC 41.6 +#> 405 Iowa St. B12 41.4 +#> 406 Saint Mary's WCC 41.0 +#> 407 Notre Dame ACC 40.9 +#> 408 Hofstra CAA 40.9 +#> 409 Northern Illinois MAC 40.7 +#> 410 Wofford SC 40.1 +#> 411 Central Arkansas Slnd 39.8 +#> 412 NJIT AE 39.2 +#> 413 North Carolina Central MEAC 39.0 +#> 414 Furman SC 38.8 +#> 415 Manhattan MAAC 38.6 +#> 416 McNeese St. Slnd 38.0 +#> 417 Washington P12 38.0 +#> 418 Buffalo MAC 37.8 +#> 419 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd 37.3 +#> 420 Wyoming MWC 37.2 +#> 421 Seattle WAC 36.8 +#> 422 Fresno St. MWC 36.8 +#> 423 Chattanooga SC 36.7 +#> 424 Youngstown St. Horz 36.3 +#> 425 Elon CAA 36.2 +#> 426 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC 36.0 +#> 427 Abilene Christian Slnd 35.9 +#> 428 Pepperdine WCC 35.9 +#> 429 The Citadel SC 35.8 +#> 430 UTSA CUSA 35.6 +#> 431 St. Bonaventure A10 35.5 +#> 432 Xavier BE 35.5 +#> 433 UC San Diego BW 35.2 +#> 434 North Texas CUSA 35.1 +#> 435 American Pat 34.9 +#> 436 Wagner NEC 34.5 +#> 437 Lafayette Pat 34.4 +#> 438 Robert Morris Horz 34.2 +#> 439 Providence BE 34.1 +#> 440 Louisville ACC 34.1 +#> 441 Army Pat 34.1 +#> 442 Central Michigan MAC 33.9 +#> 443 South Alabama SB 33.9 +#> 444 San Diego WCC 33.8 +#> 445 LIU NEC 33.5 +#> 446 South Dakota Sum 33.2 +#> 447 Texas Tech B12 33.1 +#> 448 Loyola Marymount WCC 33.1 +#> 449 UNLV MWC 33.0 +#> 450 Incarnate Word Slnd 32.9 +#> 451 Binghamton AE 32.1 +#> 452 Kansas B12 32.0 +#> 453 Ohio MAC 31.8 +#> 454 Northeastern CAA 31.8 +#> 455 Kent St. MAC 31.1 +#> 456 Longwood BSth 30.8 +#> 457 Northern Arizona BSky 30.5 +#> 458 UNC Wilmington CAA 30.4 +#> 459 Western Carolina SC 30.3 +#> 460 LSU SEC 30.2 +#> 461 VMI SC 29.9 +#> 462 Towson CAA 29.8 +#> 463 Washington St. P12 29.7 +#> 464 New Mexico MWC 29.4 +#> 465 Rhode Island A10 29.3 +#> 466 Boston College ACC 29.3 +#> 467 Baylor B12 29.2 +#> 468 Stephen F. Austin Slnd 29.2 +#> 469 William & Mary CAA 29.1 +#> 470 Lamar Slnd 29.0 +#> 471 Arizona St. P12 28.2 +#> 472 Hartford AE 28.0 +#> 473 Minnesota B10 28.0 +#> 474 Rutgers B10 27.9 +#> 475 Siena MAAC 27.8 +#> 476 North Alabama ASun 27.7 +#> 477 Arizona P12 27.5 +#> 478 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC 27.5 +#> 479 Alabama SEC 27.4 +#> 480 Boston University Pat 27.4 +#> 481 Auburn SEC 27.4 +#> 482 UMKC Sum 27.3 +#> 483 Niagara MAAC 27.3 +#> 484 Morgan St. MEAC 27.2 +#> 485 Middle Tennessee CUSA 27.2 +#> 486 Santa Clara WCC 26.8 +#> 487 Boise St. MWC 26.6 +#> 488 Illinois Chicago Horz 26.2 +#> 489 George Washington A10 26.1 +#> 490 Duke ACC 25.7 +#> 491 Missouri St. MVC 25.7 +#> 492 Charleston Southern BSth 25.3 +#> 493 Drexel CAA 25.3 +#> 494 James Madison CAA 25.2 +#> 495 FIU CUSA 25.2 +#> 496 Presbyterian BSth 25.1 +#> 497 Maine AE 25.1 +#> 498 UNC Greensboro SC 25.0 +#> 499 Tennessee Tech OVC 24.9 +#> 500 San Jose St. MWC 24.8 +#> 501 Grambling St. SWAC 24.6 +#> 502 Kennesaw St. ASun 24.5 +#> 503 Seton Hall BE 24.4 +#> 504 Oklahoma St. B12 24.3 +#> 505 Evansville MVC 24.2 +#> 506 Morehead St. OVC 24.1 +#> 507 UMass Lowell AE 24.1 +#> 508 California P12 24.1 +#> 509 Oklahoma B12 24.0 +#> 510 Akron MAC 23.9 +#> 511 Southern SWAC 23.9 +#> 512 Hampton BSth 23.8 +#> 513 North Carolina ACC 23.7 +#> 514 TCU B12 23.6 +#> 515 Vermont AE 23.5 +#> 516 Alabama St. SWAC 23.3 +#> 517 Louisiana Monroe SB 23.2 +#> 518 Mississippi St. SEC 22.9 +#> 519 Duquesne A10 22.9 +#> 520 Virginia Tech ACC 22.8 +#> 521 Long Beach St. BW 22.8 +#> 522 Oregon P12 22.8 +#> 523 Nebraska B10 22.8 +#> 524 Winthrop BSth 22.8 +#> 525 Florida Atlantic CUSA 22.7 +#> 526 Rider MAAC 22.7 +#> 527 Illinois St. MVC 22.6 +#> 528 Georgia St. SB 22.4 +#> 529 Central Connecticut NEC 22.2 +#> 530 Charleston CAA 22.1 +#> 531 Charlotte CUSA 22.0 +#> 532 Eastern Washington BSky 21.9 +#> 533 Saint Joseph's A10 21.7 +#> 534 Idaho St. BSky 21.5 +#> 535 Nebraska Omaha Sum 21.5 +#> 536 Drake MVC 21.2 +#> 537 Marquette BE 21.0 +#> 538 Butler BE 20.9 +#> 539 Purdue B10 20.9 +#> 540 Ohio St. B10 20.6 +#> 541 UC Davis BW 20.3 +#> 542 Mississippi SEC 20.2 +#> 543 Dayton A10 20.1 +#> 544 Montana St. BSky 19.8 +#> 545 UTEP CUSA 19.6 +#> 546 Old Dominion CUSA 19.6 +#> 547 Utah St. MWC 19.5 +#> 548 Cal Poly BW 19.5 +#> 549 Georgetown BE 19.5 +#> 550 Richmond A10 19.4 +#> 551 Hawaii BW 19.3 +#> 552 Jackson St. SWAC 18.9 +#> 553 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd 18.9 +#> 554 UCF Amer 18.6 +#> 555 DePaul BE 18.5 +#> 556 Pittsburgh ACC 18.4 +#> 557 Tennessee St. OVC 18.4 +#> 558 Gonzaga WCC 18.3 +#> 559 Denver Sum 18.2 +#> 560 Louisiana Tech CUSA 18.1 +#> 561 Idaho BSky 17.9 +#> 562 Jacksonville ASun 17.8 +#> 563 Valparaiso MVC 17.7 +#> 564 Monmouth MAAC 17.6 +#> 565 Sam Houston St. Slnd 17.6 +#> 566 Marshall CUSA 17.5 +#> 567 North Dakota St. Sum 17.5 +#> 568 N.C. State ACC 17.5 +#> 569 Texas B12 17.4 +#> 570 North Dakota Sum 17.4 +#> 571 Cincinnati Amer 17.4 +#> 572 UC Santa Barbara BW 17.3 +#> 573 Eastern Illinois OVC 17.3 +#> 574 Loyola MD Pat 17.3 +#> 575 New Hampshire AE 17.2 +#> 576 Dixie St. WAC 17.2 +#> 577 Montana BSky 17.1 +#> 578 Texas Southern SWAC 17.1 +#> 579 Quinnipiac MAAC 16.9 +#> 580 Arkansas SEC 16.9 +#> 581 Missouri SEC 16.9 +#> 582 Texas St. SB 16.6 +#> 583 Nevada MWC 16.6 +#> 584 Tulsa Amer 16.5 +#> 585 Saint Louis A10 16.4 +#> 586 Memphis Amer 16.2 +#> 587 Milwaukee Horz 16.1 +#> 588 Nicholls St. Slnd 15.9 +#> 589 Arkansas St. SB 15.8 +#> 590 Sacred Heart NEC 15.4 +#> 591 Coastal Carolina SB 15.2 +#> 592 Delaware St. MEAC 15.2 +#> 593 Northern Iowa MVC 15.1 +#> 594 Murray St. OVC 14.7 +#> 595 South Carolina St. MEAC 14.7 +#> 596 Louisiana SB 14.7 +#> 597 Troy SB 14.7 +#> 598 Southern Illinois MVC 14.7 +#> 599 Austin Peay OVC 14.6 +#> 600 West Virginia B12 14.4 +#> 601 Bradley MVC 14.1 +#> 602 Cal St. Bakersfield BW 14.1 +#> 603 Bellarmine ASun 14.0 +#> 604 UNC Asheville BSth 13.9 +#> 605 Kentucky SEC 13.7 +#> 606 Cal St. Fullerton BW 13.7 +#> 607 Northern Colorado BSky 13.7 +#> 608 Maryland B10 13.5 +#> 609 Lipscomb ASun 13.2 +#> 610 Green Bay Horz 13.2 +#> 611 Portland St. BSky 13.2 +#> 612 Georgia Southern SB 13.2 +#> 613 New Orleans Slnd 13.1 +#> 614 Indiana B10 13.0 +#> 615 SIU Edwardsville OVC 12.7 +#> 616 Stanford P12 12.6 +#> 617 Holy Cross Pat 12.4 +#> 618 Northwestern B10 12.4 +#> 619 Wright St. Horz 12.3 +#> 620 St. John's BE 12.3 +#> 621 Saint Peter's MAAC 12.2 +#> 622 Northwestern St. Slnd 12.1 +#> 623 USC Upstate BSth 12.0 +#> 624 UC Riverside BW 11.9 +#> 625 BYU WCC 11.8 +#> 626 Bucknell Pat 11.8 +#> 627 Vanderbilt SEC 11.8 +#> 628 George Mason A10 11.7 +#> 629 Temple Amer 11.7 +#> 630 Clemson ACC 11.5 +#> 631 South Dakota St. Sum 11.4 +#> 632 Rice CUSA 11.3 +#> 633 Stony Brook AE 11.3 +#> 634 Colorado P12 11.0 +#> 635 Utah Valley WAC 10.9 +#> 636 Campbell BSth 10.6 +#> 637 Illinois B10 10.5 +#> 638 La Salle A10 10.5 +#> 639 Houston Baptist Slnd 10.5 +#> 640 UT Arlington SB 10.3 +#> 641 Gardner Webb BSth 10.3 +#> 642 San Diego St. MWC 10.2 +#> 643 Michigan B10 10.1 +#> 644 USC P12 10.1 +#> 645 Belmont OVC 10.0 +#> 646 Villanova BE 10.0 +#> 647 Marist MAAC 9.9 +#> 648 Texas A&M SEC 9.7 +#> 649 Colgate Pat 9.6 +#> 650 Purdue Fort Wayne Horz 9.5 +#> 651 Canisius MAAC 9.2 +#> 652 UMBC AE 9.1 +#> 653 East Tennessee St. SC 9.0 +#> 654 Wisconsin B10 9.0 +#> 655 St. Francis NY NEC 8.9 +#> 656 Southeast Missouri St. OVC 8.9 +#> 657 VCU A10 8.7 +#> 658 Florida Gulf Coast ASun 8.6 +#> 659 Mercer SC 8.6 +#> 660 Connecticut BE 8.5 +#> 661 Miami OH MAC 8.5 +#> 662 Fairfield MAAC 8.3 +#> 663 Creighton BE 8.2 +#> 664 Miami FL ACC 7.8 +#> 665 Western Illinois Sum 7.7 +#> 666 Southern Utah BSky 7.7 +#> 667 Michigan St. B10 7.4 +#> 668 Appalachian St. SB 7.3 +#> 669 Houston Amer 7.1 +#> 670 Iona MAAC 7.1 +#> 671 Wake Forest ACC 7.0 +#> 672 Tennessee SEC 6.9 +#> 673 Radford BSth 6.7 +#> 674 Norfolk St. MEAC 6.6 +#> 675 Jacksonville St. OVC 6.6 +#> 676 Kansas St. B12 6.6 +#> 677 Penn St. B10 6.4 +#> 678 Cleveland St. Horz 6.4 +#> 679 SMU Amer 6.2 +#> 680 UAB CUSA 5.5 +#> 681 Western Kentucky CUSA 5.5 +#> 682 Eastern Kentucky OVC 5.5 +#> 683 North Carolina A&T MEAC 5.5 +#> 684 Tennessee Martin OVC 5.3 +#> 685 UCLA P12 5.2 +#> 686 Virginia ACC 5.2 +#> 687 Loyola Chicago MVC 5.1 +#> 688 Bowling Green MAC 5.0 +#> 689 Indiana St. MVC 5.0 +#> 690 Navy Pat 4.9 +#> 691 Massachusetts A10 4.7 +#> 692 Utah P12 4.2 +#> 693 Liberty ASun 4.0 +#> 694 New Mexico St. WAC 4.0 +#> 695 UC Irvine BW 4.0 +#> 696 Albany AE 3.9 +#> 697 Western Michigan MAC 3.8 +#> 698 High Point BSth 3.7 +#> 699 Oregon St. P12 3.6 +#> 700 East Carolina Amer 3.4 +#> 701 South Florida Amer 3.2 +#> 702 Stetson ASun 3.0 +#> 703 Weber St. BSky 2.6 +#> 704 Lehigh Pat 2.6 +#> 705 Davidson A10 2.4 +#> 706 South Carolina SEC 1.9 +#> 707 Iowa B10 1.6 +#> 708 Florida St. ACC 1.1 +#> 709 Wichita St. Amer 0.8 +#> 710 Florida SEC 0.7 #> TwoFoulParticpation.Pct.Rk Adj2FP Adj2FP.Rk TwoFoulTotalTime #> 1 1 45.2 1 334:36 #> 2 2 39.0 2 173:06 @@ -887,6 +1244,363 @@

Examples#> 351 351 -24.8 353 109:59 #> 352 352 -22.0 351 205:31 #> 353 353 -19.4 346 195:34 +#> 354 1 52.8 1 6:08 +#> 355 1 0.0 1 0:00 +#> 356 1 0.0 1 0:00 +#> 357 1 0.0 1 0:00 +#> 358 1 0.0 1 0:00 +#> 359 1 0.0 1 0:00 +#> 360 1 0.0 1 0:00 +#> 361 1 0.0 1 0:00 +#> 362 1 0.0 1 0:00 +#> 363 1 0.0 1 0:00 +#> 364 1 0.0 1 0:00 +#> 365 2 38.5 5 17:40 +#> 366 3 43.4 3 184:29 +#> 367 4 45.0 2 220:08 +#> 368 5 40.2 4 151:07 +#> 369 6 36.6 6 240:37 +#> 370 7 34.9 8 103:28 +#> 371 8 33.3 10 115:42 +#> 372 9 33.5 9 200:21 +#> 373 10 36.1 7 159:53 +#> 374 11 32.3 11 156:34 +#> 375 12 28.3 16 140:30 +#> 376 13 26.3 19 179:33 +#> 377 14 29.8 13 221:18 +#> 378 15 30.0 12 246:06 +#> 379 16 29.5 14 191:39 +#> 380 17 27.6 17 310:27 +#> 381 18 25.0 21 134:58 +#> 382 19 27.1 18 312:56 +#> 383 20 25.1 20 145:05 +#> 384 21 23.2 26 214:39 +#> 385 22 28.7 15 258:36 +#> 386 23 24.5 22 154:51 +#> 387 24 20.3 34 108:26 +#> 388 25 22.5 28 154:42 +#> 389 26 20.7 32 172:51 +#> 390 27 23.0 27 189:45 +#> 391 28 23.2 25 198:25 +#> 392 29 20.0 36 123:14 +#> 393 30 23.9 23 215:02 +#> 394 31 21.2 30 179:38 +#> 395 32 20.6 33 202:23 +#> 396 33 23.7 24 205:23 +#> 397 34 21.2 29 139:29 +#> 398 35 21.0 31 156:33 +#> 399 36 20.1 35 149:35 +#> 400 37 19.0 37 175:29 +#> 401 38 18.7 38 193:23 +#> 402 39 18.0 41 205:07 +#> 403 40 17.9 42 176:27 +#> 404 41 17.2 45 218:25 +#> 405 42 18.1 40 316:05 +#> 406 43 17.0 47 230:20 +#> 407 44 18.3 39 177:01 +#> 408 45 14.7 56 189:17 +#> 409 46 14.8 55 151:40 +#> 410 47 15.8 50 171:03 +#> 411 48 14.5 57 218:11 +#> 412 49 17.5 43 238:11 +#> 413 50 17.5 44 189:58 +#> 414 51 15.1 52 206:06 +#> 415 52 14.4 58 227:46 +#> 416 53 16.3 49 249:49 +#> 417 54 17.1 46 374:51 +#> 418 55 13.6 60 182:34 +#> 419 56 15.0 54 285:24 +#> 420 57 15.7 51 314:54 +#> 421 58 13.8 59 190:57 +#> 422 59 11.3 70 131:08 +#> 423 60 12.3 64 166:17 +#> 424 61 12.1 65 160:14 +#> 425 62 9.5 83 150:34 +#> 426 63 16.5 48 206:03 +#> 427 64 8.2 89 218:49 +#> 428 65 11.4 69 286:49 +#> 429 66 12.3 63 194:18 +#> 430 67 9.7 80 227:43 +#> 431 68 11.4 67 212:53 +#> 432 69 11.4 68 125:47 +#> 433 70 15.1 53 65:11 +#> 434 71 10.5 73 228:25 +#> 435 72 9.7 81 74:48 +#> 436 73 12.3 62 263:15 +#> 437 74 9.3 85 109:17 +#> 438 75 10.0 78 201:55 +#> 439 76 9.1 87 192:10 +#> 440 77 11.5 66 171:53 +#> 441 78 10.2 76 170:12 +#> 442 79 12.9 61 135:01 +#> 443 80 9.8 79 145:23 +#> 444 81 5.3 108 80:40 +#> 445 82 9.6 82 167:43 +#> 446 83 7.8 90 202:41 +#> 447 84 10.5 74 223:23 +#> 448 85 10.5 72 218:55 +#> 449 86 8.6 88 256:10 +#> 450 87 11.3 71 168:09 +#> 451 88 10.4 75 106:25 +#> 452 89 9.1 86 188:32 +#> 453 90 5.1 109 157:52 +#> 454 91 6.2 100 145:29 +#> 455 92 5.0 111 236:48 +#> 456 93 9.3 84 187:58 +#> 457 94 5.8 103 181:13 +#> 458 95 3.8 121 292:40 +#> 459 96 6.2 101 233:37 +#> 460 97 7.2 95 198:32 +#> 461 98 3.8 120 103:54 +#> 462 99 5.7 104 121:05 +#> 463 100 7.0 96 220:00 +#> 464 101 7.3 93 67:45 +#> 465 102 10.2 77 246:09 +#> 466 103 2.4 129 146:14 +#> 467 104 7.7 91 303:04 +#> 468 105 7.2 94 214:50 +#> 469 106 4.3 118 127:35 +#> 470 107 5.9 102 253:31 +#> 471 108 6.3 98 302:51 +#> 472 109 3.1 125 303:52 +#> 473 110 7.6 92 283:49 +#> 474 111 4.8 113 200:19 +#> 475 112 5.7 105 100:49 +#> 476 113 4.3 117 218:07 +#> 477 114 6.2 99 276:16 +#> 478 115 4.8 112 135:42 +#> 479 116 4.1 119 301:20 +#> 480 117 2.5 127 79:29 +#> 481 118 5.7 106 226:30 +#> 482 119 5.3 107 381:27 +#> 483 120 -1.3 162 86:51 +#> 484 121 6.5 97 236:59 +#> 485 122 2.6 126 85:30 +#> 486 123 4.4 116 202:33 +#> 487 124 1.2 138 247:01 +#> 488 125 4.5 114 241:30 +#> 489 126 3.1 124 94:26 +#> 490 127 2.1 133 249:29 +#> 491 128 0.5 144 190:37 +#> 492 129 1.2 139 177:32 +#> 493 130 0.4 146 133:12 +#> 494 131 0.2 150 132:42 +#> 495 132 2.1 134 130:16 +#> 496 133 1.5 136 225:14 +#> 497 134 2.5 128 126:47 +#> 498 135 3.6 123 307:55 +#> 499 136 3.6 122 212:49 +#> 500 137 5.0 110 207:33 +#> 501 138 -0.5 156 168:34 +#> 502 139 1.4 137 171:28 +#> 503 140 1.1 140 181:41 +#> 504 141 2.4 130 298:50 +#> 505 142 -1.7 166 153:04 +#> 506 143 0.7 143 170:59 +#> 507 144 0.3 148 208:24 +#> 508 145 -1.3 161 198:55 +#> 509 146 -3.0 174 174:57 +#> 510 147 4.4 115 139:25 +#> 511 148 0.1 151 215:32 +#> 512 149 -0.3 154 287:29 +#> 513 150 0.3 147 149:51 +#> 514 151 -3.0 176 149:50 +#> 515 152 0.9 141 81:41 +#> 516 153 0.5 145 154:58 +#> 517 154 0.9 142 176:49 +#> 518 155 -2.3 170 236:46 +#> 519 156 -1.2 160 133:29 +#> 520 157 -4.7 187 125:43 +#> 521 158 0.2 149 233:55 +#> 522 159 -1.6 163 183:48 +#> 523 160 2.1 131 254:59 +#> 524 161 -1.2 159 167:13 +#> 525 162 -0.4 155 158:52 +#> 526 163 1.9 135 205:38 +#> 527 164 -4.3 184 121:55 +#> 528 165 -0.9 157 148:54 +#> 529 166 -4.2 183 202:08 +#> 530 167 2.1 132 70:32 +#> 531 168 -2.5 171 135:14 +#> 532 169 -0.1 153 207:16 +#> 533 170 -4.7 188 108:44 +#> 534 171 -2.3 169 161:32 +#> 535 172 -1.7 164 225:29 +#> 536 173 -1.9 167 230:18 +#> 537 174 -3.4 178 238:53 +#> 538 175 -4.6 185 178:15 +#> 539 176 -1.0 158 224:38 +#> 540 177 -3.7 180 208:31 +#> 541 178 -1.7 165 161:30 +#> 542 179 -3.0 175 269:41 +#> 543 180 0.1 152 192:29 +#> 544 181 -4.9 194 192:56 +#> 545 182 -2.2 168 182:44 +#> 546 183 -2.8 172 293:58 +#> 547 184 -7.2 219 150:23 +#> 548 185 -5.1 197 248:14 +#> 549 186 -3.0 173 180:27 +#> 550 187 -6.5 205 142:29 +#> 551 188 -4.7 190 75:43 +#> 552 189 -7.2 218 144:56 +#> 553 190 -5.0 195 184:47 +#> 554 191 -3.6 179 191:57 +#> 555 192 -5.7 202 178:40 +#> 556 193 -6.8 210 224:28 +#> 557 194 -3.1 177 215:05 +#> 558 195 -8.7 233 211:02 +#> 559 196 -4.9 193 272:35 +#> 560 197 -4.6 186 178:31 +#> 561 198 -4.0 181 227:46 +#> 562 199 -4.9 192 208:41 +#> 563 200 -5.3 199 176:24 +#> 564 201 -6.5 206 202:08 +#> 565 202 -4.2 182 294:08 +#> 566 203 -5.4 200 190:03 +#> 567 204 -7.9 225 134:00 +#> 568 205 -4.7 189 206:20 +#> 569 206 -6.2 204 320:52 +#> 570 207 -8.2 228 206:44 +#> 571 208 -5.1 198 236:28 +#> 572 209 -7.9 224 105:55 +#> 573 210 -6.5 207 176:07 +#> 574 211 -7.1 216 119:23 +#> 575 212 -9.1 239 155:15 +#> 576 213 -4.7 191 211:48 +#> 577 214 -5.7 201 269:33 +#> 578 215 -6.9 211 190:51 +#> 579 216 -6.9 212 188:32 +#> 580 217 -10.2 249 257:20 +#> 581 218 -6.8 209 286:26 +#> 582 219 -5.1 196 216:20 +#> 583 220 -6.6 208 238:41 +#> 584 221 -7.2 217 176:24 +#> 585 222 -7.0 213 125:18 +#> 586 223 -7.0 214 305:22 +#> 587 224 -8.6 232 140:20 +#> 588 225 -7.5 221 248:24 +#> 589 226 -8.0 226 135:49 +#> 590 227 -8.3 229 130:48 +#> 591 228 -8.5 231 138:32 +#> 592 229 -8.2 227 258:16 +#> 593 230 -9.6 242 102:00 +#> 594 231 -7.7 222 199:35 +#> 595 232 -7.1 215 124:06 +#> 596 233 -9.2 240 253:57 +#> 597 234 -6.1 203 192:50 +#> 598 235 -7.3 220 189:33 +#> 599 236 -10.6 256 128:58 +#> 600 237 -8.7 234 232:54 +#> 601 238 -10.9 258 180:26 +#> 602 239 -8.9 237 203:28 +#> 603 240 -11.1 259 115:20 +#> 604 241 -12.3 269 123:47 +#> 605 242 -9.6 243 258:51 +#> 606 243 -12.0 267 100:41 +#> 607 244 -8.8 235 112:36 +#> 608 245 -9.7 244 171:37 +#> 609 246 -10.3 251 92:59 +#> 610 247 -10.5 255 167:17 +#> 611 248 -9.2 241 236:58 +#> 612 249 -9.9 246 70:45 +#> 613 250 -10.0 247 302:07 +#> 614 251 -12.9 273 170:35 +#> 615 252 -8.3 230 342:18 +#> 616 253 -11.1 260 225:52 +#> 617 254 -10.2 248 130:24 +#> 618 255 -11.5 261 202:40 +#> 619 256 -16.0 305 130:28 +#> 620 257 -9.9 245 212:46 +#> 621 258 -11.5 262 199:46 +#> 622 259 -7.8 223 188:00 +#> 623 260 -11.8 265 149:16 +#> 624 261 -12.6 270 257:12 +#> 625 262 -12.8 272 152:12 +#> 626 263 -10.8 257 111:31 +#> 627 264 -10.5 254 195:08 +#> 628 265 -12.3 268 154:16 +#> 629 266 -9.0 238 164:59 +#> 630 267 -10.3 252 135:36 +#> 631 268 -11.7 264 138:09 +#> 632 269 -14.1 284 91:04 +#> 633 270 -13.8 281 190:42 +#> 634 271 -13.8 280 228:29 +#> 635 272 -13.7 279 220:42 +#> 636 273 -12.9 275 173:52 +#> 637 274 -14.8 291 165:06 +#> 638 275 -12.9 274 233:08 +#> 639 276 -10.4 253 212:27 +#> 640 277 -10.3 250 171:28 +#> 641 278 -14.1 285 158:20 +#> 642 279 -14.3 286 210:04 +#> 643 280 -13.4 277 110:27 +#> 644 281 -15.9 304 118:21 +#> 645 282 -14.7 290 142:20 +#> 646 283 -14.8 292 141:46 +#> 647 284 -13.6 278 230:08 +#> 648 285 -11.6 263 111:12 +#> 649 286 -8.8 236 83:02 +#> 650 287 -15.5 300 135:24 +#> 651 288 -11.8 266 156:05 +#> 652 289 -16.5 311 90:37 +#> 653 290 -15.8 303 220:44 +#> 654 291 -13.8 282 187:22 +#> 655 292 -14.5 289 150:57 +#> 656 293 -14.4 287 173:26 +#> 657 294 -15.3 298 251:44 +#> 658 295 -15.7 302 133:51 +#> 659 296 -15.5 301 225:41 +#> 660 297 -13.1 276 267:59 +#> 661 298 -14.0 283 188:34 +#> 662 299 -15.2 297 205:05 +#> 663 300 -14.9 293 144:25 +#> 664 301 -15.3 299 114:26 +#> 665 302 -18.2 317 282:01 +#> 666 303 -16.2 308 173:23 +#> 667 304 -14.9 294 330:00 +#> 668 305 -18.7 322 92:52 +#> 669 306 -18.0 316 284:29 +#> 670 307 -15.1 296 228:46 +#> 671 308 -12.7 271 194:31 +#> 672 309 -16.1 306 211:08 +#> 673 310 -17.4 315 125:52 +#> 674 311 -14.4 288 249:18 +#> 675 312 -18.2 318 153:20 +#> 676 313 -16.2 309 255:07 +#> 677 314 -18.7 321 192:56 +#> 678 315 -19.3 326 221:26 +#> 679 316 -17.0 314 84:28 +#> 680 317 -16.1 307 198:14 +#> 681 318 -18.5 319 163:52 +#> 682 319 -19.8 329 227:59 +#> 683 320 -19.3 325 130:25 +#> 684 321 -20.0 332 173:17 +#> 685 322 -16.5 312 245:37 +#> 686 323 -20.0 331 69:24 +#> 687 324 -22.6 344 134:40 +#> 688 325 -15.0 295 243:48 +#> 689 326 -16.2 310 188:03 +#> 690 327 -18.5 320 116:12 +#> 691 328 -19.9 330 98:48 +#> 692 329 -18.9 323 218:51 +#> 693 330 -20.4 337 127:37 +#> 694 331 -21.0 340 68:18 +#> 695 332 -17.0 313 152:07 +#> 696 333 -20.7 338 131:07 +#> 697 334 -19.5 327 114:32 +#> 698 335 -20.1 334 133:12 +#> 699 336 -19.1 324 269:54 +#> 700 337 -20.1 336 135:15 +#> 701 338 -22.2 343 89:25 +#> 702 339 -19.6 328 133:58 +#> 703 340 -20.1 333 188:19 +#> 704 341 -20.1 335 105:58 +#> 705 342 -22.1 342 79:13 +#> 706 343 -20.8 339 212:38 +#> 707 344 -23.6 347 160:27 +#> 708 345 -22.7 345 187:14 +#> 709 346 -21.6 341 104:15 +#> 710 347 -23.6 346 175:14 #> TwoFoulTotalTime.Rk TwoFoulTimeOn TwoFoulTimeOn.Rk Bench.Pct Bench.Pct.Rk #> 1 36 229:52 1 26.5 267 #> 2 294 105:56 40 27.2 254 @@ -1241,6 +1955,363 @@

Examples#> 351 346 2:45 353 36.2 60 #> 352 245 4:17 351 32.0 132 #> 353 260 3:15 352 24.5 297 +#> 354 347 5:13 328 34.7 85 +#> 355 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 +#> 356 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 +#> 357 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 +#> 358 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 +#> 359 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 +#> 360 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 +#> 361 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 +#> 362 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 +#> 363 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 +#> 364 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 +#> 365 346 12:20 302 34.7 86 +#> 366 174 123:08 9 20.1 336 +#> 367 92 145:51 3 28.5 235 +#> 368 240 95:00 21 18.9 340 +#> 369 57 143:19 4 28.0 255 +#> 370 319 60:11 93 27.8 261 +#> 371 303 67:12 77 35.5 74 +#> 372 136 116:18 12 26.5 275 +#> 373 223 90:30 27 19.1 339 +#> 374 227 85:50 36 27.2 269 +#> 375 258 75:00 53 28.1 250 +#> 376 183 95:41 19 20.4 333 +#> 377 89 117:26 10 22.3 321 +#> 378 53 128:57 7 23.2 318 +#> 379 154 98:28 17 47.5 1 +#> 380 9 156:13 1 36.3 58 +#> 381 271 67:47 75 30.1 196 +#> 382 8 153:17 2 17.6 345 +#> 383 252 69:35 70 27.2 268 +#> 384 105 102:42 16 24.6 308 +#> 385 36 123:32 8 26.5 274 +#> 386 232 72:38 62 20.0 338 +#> 387 313 50:31 117 39.9 20 +#> 388 233 71:55 66 21.8 325 +#> 389 201 79:43 45 20.9 331 +#> 390 161 87:29 33 35.8 65 +#> 391 142 91:20 24 32.6 134 +#> 392 297 55:50 104 36.6 52 +#> 393 103 96:02 18 36.6 53 +#> 394 182 79:11 47 26.4 276 +#> 395 132 88:43 30 27.2 270 +#> 396 125 89:47 28 25.8 289 +#> 397 260 60:40 90 28.2 247 +#> 398 228 66:59 78 32.1 143 +#> 399 246 63:24 84 25.9 288 +#> 400 194 74:06 55 34.4 97 +#> 401 147 81:03 41 21.0 330 +#> 402 126 85:58 35 29.9 199 +#> 403 190 73:57 58 45.1 3 +#> 404 97 90:56 25 23.8 315 +#> 405 6 130:51 6 31.7 159 +#> 406 70 94:25 22 28.1 253 +#> 407 188 72:25 64 20.2 334 +#> 408 163 77:25 49 18.6 342 +#> 409 239 61:43 88 36.5 54 +#> 410 206 68:32 74 29.9 202 +#> 411 98 86:44 34 32.6 133 +#> 412 60 93:22 23 30.1 195 +#> 413 160 74:01 57 39.5 23 +#> 414 122 79:55 44 24.0 314 +#> 415 78 87:58 32 32.9 125 +#> 416 46 95:02 20 33.0 123 +#> 417 2 142:31 5 33.2 122 +#> 418 177 69:03 71 25.7 291 +#> 419 24 106:27 13 35.6 72 +#> 420 7 117:04 11 30.9 170 +#> 421 155 70:21 68 22.6 319 +#> 422 280 48:18 128 30.5 185 +#> 423 215 60:58 89 25.4 298 +#> 424 222 58:13 96 28.0 254 +#> 425 242 54:31 108 29.0 224 +#> 426 123 74:08 54 31.6 161 +#> 427 96 78:37 48 36.5 56 +#> 428 22 103:00 15 27.6 263 +#> 429 146 69:35 69 21.2 326 +#> 430 79 80:59 42 32.8 127 +#> 431 106 75:33 52 9.8 347 +#> 432 292 44:38 139 32.1 146 +#> 433 345 22:58 237 29.2 217 +#> 434 75 80:05 43 25.9 287 +#> 435 339 26:08 222 32.0 150 +#> 436 34 90:48 26 22.0 323 +#> 437 311 37:37 163 25.9 285 +#> 438 135 69:00 72 36.0 61 +#> 439 152 65:37 80 28.4 240 +#> 440 202 58:35 95 21.1 328 +#> 441 209 57:58 98 28.2 248 +#> 442 270 45:49 135 33.3 119 +#> 443 251 49:13 123 18.6 343 +#> 444 335 27:18 219 37.4 43 +#> 445 212 56:10 102 25.5 296 +#> 446 129 67:17 76 29.1 219 +#> 447 87 74:03 56 32.4 140 +#> 448 94 72:32 63 29.1 218 +#> 449 40 84:40 39 26.1 282 +#> 450 211 55:18 107 30.6 181 +#> 451 314 34:13 186 28.2 244 +#> 452 166 60:17 92 25.5 295 +#> 453 226 50:11 120 24.6 307 +#> 454 250 46:13 133 29.4 212 +#> 455 63 73:31 60 30.7 178 +#> 456 170 57:55 99 32.8 129 +#> 457 179 55:21 106 35.1 80 +#> 458 20 88:55 29 26.3 278 +#> 459 67 70:52 67 28.8 228 +#> 460 141 59:57 94 26.3 277 +#> 461 318 31:03 202 16.0 346 +#> 462 299 36:04 173 36.0 60 +#> 463 93 65:19 81 39.4 24 +#> 464 344 19:53 257 38.4 34 +#> 465 52 72:05 65 38.7 30 +#> 466 249 42:47 144 33.9 107 +#> 467 13 88:39 31 28.6 234 +#> 468 104 62:49 86 29.9 201 +#> 469 289 37:09 168 27.9 257 +#> 470 44 73:36 59 28.1 251 +#> 471 14 85:22 37 34.6 87 +#> 472 12 85:09 38 25.5 297 +#> 473 26 79:29 46 35.8 66 +#> 474 137 55:58 103 26.2 279 +#> 475 321 28:02 214 22.3 322 +#> 476 99 60:21 91 35.2 78 +#> 477 28 76:01 51 33.4 118 +#> 478 265 37:17 165 43.4 10 +#> 479 16 82:39 40 33.0 124 +#> 480 336 21:47 246 35.1 79 +#> 481 80 62:01 87 33.5 116 +#> 482 1 104:16 14 28.4 239 +#> 483 330 23:43 231 33.2 121 +#> 484 61 64:28 82 27.1 271 +#> 485 331 23:15 234 39.2 25 +#> 486 131 54:15 110 30.7 177 +#> 487 51 65:40 79 29.6 205 +#> 488 56 63:13 85 30.2 192 +#> 489 324 24:39 226 36.0 63 +#> 490 47 64:13 83 24.7 306 +#> 491 158 48:58 124 21.9 324 +#> 492 187 44:54 138 34.4 94 +#> 493 278 33:40 187 27.9 258 +#> 494 279 33:25 189 35.3 77 +#> 495 286 32:47 195 44.0 9 +#> 496 84 56:37 101 27.0 272 +#> 497 290 31:52 199 37.4 42 +#> 498 10 76:57 50 36.2 59 +#> 499 107 52:58 113 32.4 138 +#> 500 118 51:23 116 32.4 137 +#> 501 210 41:29 148 37.5 41 +#> 502 205 41:57 146 27.4 264 +#> 503 178 44:19 140 24.2 312 +#> 504 17 72:44 61 34.2 99 +#> 505 236 36:59 169 21.1 327 +#> 506 207 41:15 150 25.8 290 +#> 507 117 50:11 119 32.9 126 +#> 508 140 47:50 130 34.5 90 +#> 509 196 42:00 145 31.8 157 +#> 510 261 33:20 192 33.6 110 +#> 511 101 51:24 115 44.2 7 +#> 512 21 68:33 73 18.7 341 +#> 513 244 35:32 181 34.8 84 +#> 514 245 35:19 182 33.7 109 +#> 515 334 19:12 260 31.9 156 +#> 516 231 36:06 171 33.5 115 +#> 517 189 41:01 152 31.3 165 +#> 518 64 54:11 111 28.8 231 +#> 519 276 30:31 205 36.5 55 +#> 520 293 28:42 210 28.5 236 +#> 521 66 53:23 112 36.6 51 +#> 522 175 41:52 147 28.5 237 +#> 523 42 58:04 97 35.7 69 +#> 524 214 38:03 162 42.0 14 +#> 525 224 36:05 172 33.9 108 +#> 526 124 46:39 132 32.8 130 +#> 527 298 27:32 217 32.6 135 +#> 528 248 33:23 190 26.9 273 +#> 529 134 44:57 137 42.8 11 +#> 530 341 15:34 283 30.6 182 +#> 531 269 29:44 206 24.9 304 +#> 532 119 45:21 136 34.6 88 +#> 533 312 23:35 232 34.6 89 +#> 534 219 34:44 185 25.0 301 +#> 535 83 48:26 127 40.9 16 +#> 536 71 48:47 125 32.0 152 +#> 537 58 50:14 118 25.4 299 +#> 538 186 37:12 166 28.9 227 +#> 539 85 46:52 131 38.7 31 +#> 540 116 43:03 143 29.6 207 +#> 541 220 32:47 194 29.0 221 +#> 542 31 54:24 109 29.3 214 +#> 543 151 38:47 159 32.1 145 +#> 544 149 38:14 161 34.1 103 +#> 545 176 35:53 177 18.4 344 +#> 546 19 57:39 100 32.1 147 +#> 547 243 29:22 207 28.3 241 +#> 548 50 48:28 126 39.0 28 +#> 549 180 35:09 183 21.0 329 +#> 550 255 27:38 216 20.5 332 +#> 551 338 14:38 287 34.0 104 +#> 552 253 27:27 218 27.3 266 +#> 553 173 34:57 184 34.3 98 +#> 554 153 35:37 178 30.5 183 +#> 555 184 33:03 193 37.1 45 +#> 556 86 41:15 149 33.5 113 +#> 557 102 39:30 157 39.6 22 +#> 558 113 38:38 160 24.3 311 +#> 559 29 49:45 121 37.6 39 +#> 560 185 32:14 197 30.4 187 +#> 561 77 40:45 153 38.4 33 +#> 562 115 37:10 167 25.9 286 +#> 563 192 31:17 200 31.4 163 +#> 564 133 35:34 180 34.0 105 +#> 565 18 51:40 114 30.4 189 +#> 566 159 33:20 191 25.6 294 +#> 567 273 23:29 233 26.0 284 +#> 568 121 36:01 174 35.6 73 +#> 569 5 55:45 105 27.8 259 +#> 570 120 35:54 176 32.0 151 +#> 571 65 41:01 151 34.4 95 +#> 572 316 18:22 263 29.0 220 +#> 573 193 30:31 204 44.7 5 +#> 574 300 20:36 252 32.7 131 +#> 575 230 26:41 220 30.9 171 +#> 576 111 36:23 170 35.8 64 +#> 577 32 46:08 134 33.2 120 +#> 578 156 32:33 196 32.7 132 +#> 579 165 31:55 198 34.9 83 +#> 580 38 43:25 141 29.9 200 +#> 581 23 48:16 129 32.4 139 +#> 582 100 35:59 175 27.9 256 +#> 583 59 39:39 155 30.1 193 +#> 584 191 29:08 209 29.0 222 +#> 585 294 20:36 253 30.6 180 +#> 586 11 49:24 122 37.2 44 +#> 587 259 22:39 241 34.1 101 +#> 588 49 39:37 156 28.2 242 +#> 589 264 21:29 248 34.4 96 +#> 590 282 20:10 255 31.4 164 +#> 591 262 21:07 251 28.8 229 +#> 592 37 39:08 158 36.7 50 +#> 593 320 15:26 284 25.6 293 +#> 594 139 29:20 208 30.8 176 +#> 595 295 18:14 264 44.1 8 +#> 596 43 37:18 164 30.1 194 +#> 597 150 28:16 213 31.6 162 +#> 598 162 27:46 215 30.2 191 +#> 599 287 18:53 261 32.1 144 +#> 600 69 33:26 188 29.8 203 +#> 601 181 25:31 223 39.0 29 +#> 602 128 28:40 211 40.1 19 +#> 603 304 16:07 278 24.7 305 +#> 604 296 17:13 270 33.5 114 +#> 605 35 35:34 179 31.7 158 +#> 606 322 13:48 293 32.5 136 +#> 607 307 15:24 286 26.2 280 +#> 608 203 23:14 235 22.4 320 +#> 609 325 12:18 303 27.8 260 +#> 610 213 22:07 244 31.9 154 +#> 611 62 31:16 201 39.1 27 +#> 612 340 9:20 315 40.5 18 +#> 613 15 39:39 154 28.2 245 +#> 614 208 22:14 243 29.4 211 +#> 615 3 43:24 142 33.4 117 +#> 616 81 28:32 212 38.0 37 +#> 617 285 16:11 277 25.3 300 +#> 618 130 25:04 225 32.2 142 +#> 619 283 16:04 279 20.2 335 +#> 620 108 26:11 221 35.3 76 +#> 621 138 24:16 229 30.4 186 +#> 622 169 22:45 239 45.1 4 +#> 623 247 17:51 267 29.6 208 +#> 624 39 30:42 203 31.6 160 +#> 625 237 18:02 266 36.5 57 +#> 626 308 13:10 297 35.7 67 +#> 627 144 23:00 236 39.9 21 +#> 628 234 18:05 265 33.6 111 +#> 629 217 19:13 259 31.9 155 +#> 630 266 15:35 282 37.6 38 +#> 631 263 15:44 281 30.5 184 +#> 632 327 10:19 311 32.8 128 +#> 633 157 21:28 249 32.4 141 +#> 634 74 25:12 224 30.4 188 +#> 635 91 24:01 230 28.9 226 +#> 636 197 18:30 262 26.0 283 +#> 637 216 17:21 269 28.1 249 +#> 638 68 24:29 228 37.1 46 +#> 639 110 22:17 242 44.5 6 +#> 640 204 17:44 268 37.5 40 +#> 641 225 16:17 275 35.0 81 +#> 642 114 21:23 250 35.0 82 +#> 643 310 11:08 308 25.0 303 +#> 644 301 11:54 305 28.7 232 +#> 645 256 14:16 290 34.1 100 +#> 646 257 14:10 292 25.6 292 +#> 647 72 22:41 240 37.0 47 +#> 648 309 10:45 310 36.9 48 +#> 649 333 8:00 322 33.6 112 +#> 650 267 12:52 299 29.2 216 +#> 651 229 14:17 289 34.5 91 +#> 652 328 8:17 321 24.5 309 +#> 653 90 19:55 256 31.1 168 +#> 654 171 16:52 272 28.8 230 +#> 655 241 13:26 295 29.0 225 +#> 656 198 15:25 285 33.9 106 +#> 657 45 21:50 245 35.4 75 +#> 658 275 11:33 307 34.5 93 +#> 659 82 19:24 258 24.1 313 +#> 660 33 22:51 238 35.6 71 +#> 661 164 16:00 280 31.1 167 +#> 662 127 17:01 271 30.8 174 +#> 663 254 11:49 306 23.4 317 +#> 664 306 8:59 319 30.0 197 +#> 665 27 21:46 247 38.1 36 +#> 666 199 13:17 296 23.6 316 +#> 667 4 24:29 227 38.6 32 +#> 668 326 6:46 325 26.1 281 +#> 669 25 20:18 254 29.5 209 +#> 670 73 16:15 276 24.4 310 +#> 671 145 13:35 294 38.1 35 +#> 672 112 14:36 288 31.9 153 +#> 673 291 8:24 320 35.7 70 +#> 674 48 16:30 274 40.6 17 +#> 675 235 10:05 312 29.9 198 +#> 676 41 16:44 273 29.0 223 +#> 677 148 12:26 301 28.4 238 +#> 678 88 14:12 291 29.2 215 +#> 679 332 5:12 329 32.0 149 +#> 680 143 10:59 309 30.8 172 +#> 681 218 9:04 318 30.6 179 +#> 682 76 12:32 300 30.2 190 +#> 683 284 7:10 323 45.9 2 +#> 684 200 9:08 317 34.5 92 +#> 685 54 12:52 298 27.4 265 +#> 686 342 3:37 339 20.0 337 +#> 687 272 6:51 324 29.5 210 +#> 688 55 12:16 304 28.1 252 +#> 689 168 9:24 314 28.2 246 +#> 690 302 5:42 327 42.2 13 +#> 691 323 4:37 334 30.8 173 +#> 692 95 9:11 316 32.0 148 +#> 693 288 5:07 330 27.2 267 +#> 694 343 2:44 342 31.2 166 +#> 695 238 6:04 326 42.3 12 +#> 696 281 5:04 331 30.9 169 +#> 697 305 4:23 336 41.2 15 +#> 698 277 4:53 333 36.0 62 +#> 699 30 9:40 313 29.6 206 +#> 700 268 4:34 335 27.8 262 +#> 701 329 2:52 340 36.7 49 +#> 702 274 3:59 338 29.4 213 +#> 703 167 4:57 332 28.2 243 +#> 704 315 2:45 341 34.1 102 +#> 705 337 1:56 345 28.6 233 +#> 706 109 4:05 337 35.7 68 +#> 707 221 2:39 343 30.8 175 +#> 708 172 2:07 344 39.2 26 +#> 709 317 0:48 347 25.0 302 +#> 710 195 1:13 346 29.8 204 #> NCAA_Seed Year #> 1 NA 2020 #> 2 NA 2020 @@ -1595,6 +2666,363 @@

Examples#> 351 NA 2020 #> 352 3 2020 #> 353 NA 2020 +#> 354 NA 2021 +#> 355 NA 2021 +#> 356 NA 2021 +#> 357 NA 2021 +#> 358 NA 2021 +#> 359 NA 2021 +#> 360 NA 2021 +#> 361 NA 2021 +#> 362 NA 2021 +#> 363 NA 2021 +#> 364 NA 2021 +#> 365 NA 2021 +#> 366 9 2021 +#> 367 NA 2021 +#> 368 NA 2021 +#> 369 NA 2021 +#> 370 NA 2021 +#> 371 NA 2021 +#> 372 NA 2021 +#> 373 11 2021 +#> 374 NA 2021 +#> 375 NA 2021 +#> 376 NA 2021 +#> 377 15 2021 +#> 378 NA 2021 +#> 379 NA 2021 +#> 380 NA 2021 +#> 381 NA 2021 +#> 382 NA 2021 +#> 383 NA 2021 +#> 384 NA 2021 +#> 385 NA 2021 +#> 386 NA 2021 +#> 387 NA 2021 +#> 388 NA 2021 +#> 389 NA 2021 +#> 390 NA 2021 +#> 391 NA 2021 +#> 392 NA 2021 +#> 393 NA 2021 +#> 394 15 2021 +#> 395 NA 2021 +#> 396 NA 2021 +#> 397 NA 2021 +#> 398 NA 2021 +#> 399 NA 2021 +#> 400 NA 2021 +#> 401 16 2021 +#> 402 NA 2021 +#> 403 NA 2021 +#> 404 NA 2021 +#> 405 NA 2021 +#> 406 NA 2021 +#> 407 NA 2021 +#> 408 NA 2021 +#> 409 NA 2021 +#> 410 NA 2021 +#> 411 NA 2021 +#> 412 NA 2021 +#> 413 NA 2021 +#> 414 NA 2021 +#> 415 NA 2021 +#> 416 NA 2021 +#> 417 NA 2021 +#> 418 NA 2021 +#> 419 NA 2021 +#> 420 NA 2021 +#> 421 NA 2021 +#> 422 NA 2021 +#> 423 NA 2021 +#> 424 NA 2021 +#> 425 NA 2021 +#> 426 NA 2021 +#> 427 14 2021 +#> 428 NA 2021 +#> 429 NA 2021 +#> 430 NA 2021 +#> 431 9 2021 +#> 432 NA 2021 +#> 433 NA 2021 +#> 434 13 2021 +#> 435 NA 2021 +#> 436 NA 2021 +#> 437 NA 2021 +#> 438 NA 2021 +#> 439 NA 2021 +#> 440 NA 2021 +#> 441 NA 2021 +#> 442 NA 2021 +#> 443 NA 2021 +#> 444 NA 2021 +#> 445 NA 2021 +#> 446 NA 2021 +#> 447 6 2021 +#> 448 NA 2021 +#> 449 NA 2021 +#> 450 NA 2021 +#> 451 NA 2021 +#> 452 3 2021 +#> 453 13 2021 +#> 454 NA 2021 +#> 455 NA 2021 +#> 456 NA 2021 +#> 457 NA 2021 +#> 458 NA 2021 +#> 459 NA 2021 +#> 460 8 2021 +#> 461 NA 2021 +#> 462 NA 2021 +#> 463 NA 2021 +#> 464 NA 2021 +#> 465 NA 2021 +#> 466 NA 2021 +#> 467 1 2021 +#> 468 NA 2021 +#> 469 NA 2021 +#> 470 NA 2021 +#> 471 NA 2021 +#> 472 16 2021 +#> 473 NA 2021 +#> 474 10 2021 +#> 475 NA 2021 +#> 476 NA 2021 +#> 477 NA 2021 +#> 478 NA 2021 +#> 479 2 2021 +#> 480 NA 2021 +#> 481 NA 2021 +#> 482 NA 2021 +#> 483 NA 2021 +#> 484 NA 2021 +#> 485 NA 2021 +#> 486 NA 2021 +#> 487 NA 2021 +#> 488 NA 2021 +#> 489 NA 2021 +#> 490 NA 2021 +#> 491 NA 2021 +#> 492 NA 2021 +#> 493 16 2021 +#> 494 NA 2021 +#> 495 NA 2021 +#> 496 NA 2021 +#> 497 NA 2021 +#> 498 13 2021 +#> 499 NA 2021 +#> 500 NA 2021 +#> 501 NA 2021 +#> 502 NA 2021 +#> 503 NA 2021 +#> 504 4 2021 +#> 505 NA 2021 +#> 506 14 2021 +#> 507 NA 2021 +#> 508 NA 2021 +#> 509 8 2021 +#> 510 NA 2021 +#> 511 NA 2021 +#> 512 NA 2021 +#> 513 8 2021 +#> 514 NA 2021 +#> 515 NA 2021 +#> 516 NA 2021 +#> 517 NA 2021 +#> 518 NA 2021 +#> 519 NA 2021 +#> 520 10 2021 +#> 521 NA 2021 +#> 522 7 2021 +#> 523 NA 2021 +#> 524 12 2021 +#> 525 NA 2021 +#> 526 NA 2021 +#> 527 NA 2021 +#> 528 NA 2021 +#> 529 NA 2021 +#> 530 NA 2021 +#> 531 NA 2021 +#> 532 14 2021 +#> 533 NA 2021 +#> 534 NA 2021 +#> 535 NA 2021 +#> 536 11 2021 +#> 537 NA 2021 +#> 538 NA 2021 +#> 539 4 2021 +#> 540 2 2021 +#> 541 NA 2021 +#> 542 NA 2021 +#> 543 NA 2021 +#> 544 NA 2021 +#> 545 NA 2021 +#> 546 NA 2021 +#> 547 11 2021 +#> 548 NA 2021 +#> 549 12 2021 +#> 550 NA 2021 +#> 551 NA 2021 +#> 552 NA 2021 +#> 553 NA 2021 +#> 554 NA 2021 +#> 555 NA 2021 +#> 556 NA 2021 +#> 557 NA 2021 +#> 558 1 2021 +#> 559 NA 2021 +#> 560 NA 2021 +#> 561 NA 2021 +#> 562 NA 2021 +#> 563 NA 2021 +#> 564 NA 2021 +#> 565 NA 2021 +#> 566 NA 2021 +#> 567 NA 2021 +#> 568 NA 2021 +#> 569 3 2021 +#> 570 NA 2021 +#> 571 NA 2021 +#> 572 12 2021 +#> 573 NA 2021 +#> 574 NA 2021 +#> 575 NA 2021 +#> 576 NA 2021 +#> 577 NA 2021 +#> 578 16 2021 +#> 579 NA 2021 +#> 580 3 2021 +#> 581 9 2021 +#> 582 NA 2021 +#> 583 NA 2021 +#> 584 NA 2021 +#> 585 NA 2021 +#> 586 NA 2021 +#> 587 NA 2021 +#> 588 NA 2021 +#> 589 NA 2021 +#> 590 NA 2021 +#> 591 NA 2021 +#> 592 NA 2021 +#> 593 NA 2021 +#> 594 NA 2021 +#> 595 NA 2021 +#> 596 NA 2021 +#> 597 NA 2021 +#> 598 NA 2021 +#> 599 NA 2021 +#> 600 3 2021 +#> 601 NA 2021 +#> 602 NA 2021 +#> 603 NA 2021 +#> 604 NA 2021 +#> 605 NA 2021 +#> 606 NA 2021 +#> 607 NA 2021 +#> 608 10 2021 +#> 609 NA 2021 +#> 610 NA 2021 +#> 611 NA 2021 +#> 612 NA 2021 +#> 613 NA 2021 +#> 614 NA 2021 +#> 615 NA 2021 +#> 616 NA 2021 +#> 617 NA 2021 +#> 618 NA 2021 +#> 619 NA 2021 +#> 620 NA 2021 +#> 621 NA 2021 +#> 622 NA 2021 +#> 623 NA 2021 +#> 624 NA 2021 +#> 625 6 2021 +#> 626 NA 2021 +#> 627 NA 2021 +#> 628 NA 2021 +#> 629 NA 2021 +#> 630 7 2021 +#> 631 NA 2021 +#> 632 NA 2021 +#> 633 NA 2021 +#> 634 5 2021 +#> 635 NA 2021 +#> 636 NA 2021 +#> 637 1 2021 +#> 638 NA 2021 +#> 639 NA 2021 +#> 640 NA 2021 +#> 641 NA 2021 +#> 642 6 2021 +#> 643 1 2021 +#> 644 6 2021 +#> 645 NA 2021 +#> 646 5 2021 +#> 647 NA 2021 +#> 648 NA 2021 +#> 649 14 2021 +#> 650 NA 2021 +#> 651 NA 2021 +#> 652 NA 2021 +#> 653 NA 2021 +#> 654 9 2021 +#> 655 NA 2021 +#> 656 NA 2021 +#> 657 10 2021 +#> 658 NA 2021 +#> 659 NA 2021 +#> 660 7 2021 +#> 661 NA 2021 +#> 662 NA 2021 +#> 663 5 2021 +#> 664 NA 2021 +#> 665 NA 2021 +#> 666 NA 2021 +#> 667 11 2021 +#> 668 16 2021 +#> 669 2 2021 +#> 670 15 2021 +#> 671 NA 2021 +#> 672 5 2021 +#> 673 NA 2021 +#> 674 16 2021 +#> 675 NA 2021 +#> 676 NA 2021 +#> 677 NA 2021 +#> 678 15 2021 +#> 679 NA 2021 +#> 680 NA 2021 +#> 681 NA 2021 +#> 682 NA 2021 +#> 683 NA 2021 +#> 684 NA 2021 +#> 685 11 2021 +#> 686 4 2021 +#> 687 8 2021 +#> 688 NA 2021 +#> 689 NA 2021 +#> 690 NA 2021 +#> 691 NA 2021 +#> 692 NA 2021 +#> 693 13 2021 +#> 694 NA 2021 +#> 695 NA 2021 +#> 696 NA 2021 +#> 697 NA 2021 +#> 698 NA 2021 +#> 699 12 2021 +#> 700 NA 2021 +#> 701 NA 2021 +#> 702 NA 2021 +#> 703 NA 2021 +#> 704 NA 2021 +#> 705 NA 2021 +#> 706 NA 2021 +#> 707 2 2021 +#> 708 4 2021 +#> 709 11 2021 +#> 710 7 2021 # }

diff --git a/reference/kp_fourfactors.html b/reference/kp_fourfactors.html index 2ddcbda7..c0e1ea06 100644 --- a/reference/kp_fourfactors.html +++ b/reference/kp_fourfactors.html @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@

See alsoExamples

# \donttest{
    try(kp_fourfactors(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2021))
-#> 2023-04-05 17:14:21: Invalid arguments or no four factors data for 2020 - 2021 available!
+#> 2023-04-06 19:14:27: Invalid arguments or no four factors data for 2020 - 2021 available!
 #>                       Team Conf AdjT AdjT.Rk  AdjO AdjO.Rk Off.eFG.Pct
 #> 1                  Gonzaga  WCC 71.9      35 121.3       1        57.5
 #> 2                   Dayton  A10 67.6     220 119.1       2        59.7
diff --git a/reference/kp_height.html b/reference/kp_height.html
index f30d3b57..018325a3 100644
--- a/reference/kp_height.html
+++ b/reference/kp_height.html
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ 

See alsoExamples

# \donttest{
   try(kp_height(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2021))
-#> 2023-04-05 17:14:50: Invalid arguments or no height data for 2020 - 2021 available!
+#> 2023-04-06 19:14:57: Invalid arguments or no height data for 2020 - 2021 available!
 #>                       Team Conf Avg.Hgt Avg.Hgt.Rk Eff.Hgt Eff.Hgt.Rk C.Hgt
 #> 1              Florida St.  ACC    79.0          1     1.4         27   1.6
 #> 2         Eastern Michigan  MAC    78.8          2     2.3          4   2.4
diff --git a/reference/kp_opptracker.html b/reference/kp_opptracker.html
index 2113bc37..92637d5a 100644
--- a/reference/kp_opptracker.html
+++ b/reference/kp_opptracker.html
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ 

See alsoExamples

# \donttest{
   try(kp_opptracker(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2021))
-#> 2023-04-05 17:15:18 - Florida St. - 2021 Team opponent tracker data is missing
+#> 2023-04-06 19:15:26 - Florida St. - 2021 Team opponent tracker data is missing
 #> Error in kp_opptracker(team = "Florida St.", year = 2021) : 
 #>   object 'kenpom' not found
 # }
diff --git a/reference/kp_pointdist.html b/reference/kp_pointdist.html
index 6e0ea1e5..af0baa8b 100644
--- a/reference/kp_pointdist.html
+++ b/reference/kp_pointdist.html
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ 

See alsoExamples

# \donttest{
    try(kp_pointdist(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2021))
-#> 2023-04-05 17:15:42: Invalid arguments or no point distribution data for 2020 - 2021 available!
+#> 2023-04-06 19:15:51: Invalid arguments or no point distribution data for 2020 - 2021 available!
 #>                       Team Conf Off.FT.Pct Off.FT.Pct.Rk Off.FG_2.Pct
 #> 1             Arkansas St.   SB       26.2             1         48.9
 #> 2              Chicago St.  WAC       25.2             2         47.8
diff --git a/reference/kp_teamstats.html b/reference/kp_teamstats.html
index a2e77065..a80db478 100644
--- a/reference/kp_teamstats.html
+++ b/reference/kp_teamstats.html
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ 

See alsoExamples

# \donttest{
    try(kp_teamstats(min_year = 2019, max_year =2021))
-#> 2023-04-05 17:16:55: Invalid arguments or no team stats data for 2019 - 2021 available!
+#> 2023-04-06 19:17:07: Invalid arguments or no team stats data for 2019 - 2021 available!
 #> Error in kp_teamstats(min_year = 2019, max_year = 2021) : 
 #>   object 'kenpom' not found
 # }
diff --git a/reference/load_mbb_player_box.html b/reference/load_mbb_player_box.html
index f2061e27..c22ce59c 100644
--- a/reference/load_mbb_player_box.html
+++ b/reference/load_mbb_player_box.html
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ 



Returns a tibble


Returns a tibble


See also

Other hoopR Loader Functions: @@ -195,27 +195,27 @@

# \donttest{
   load_mbb_player_box(seasons = most_recent_mbb_season())
 #> ── ESPN MBB Player Boxscores from hoopR data repository ───────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 11:53:16 UTC
-#> # A tibble: 12,370 × 54
-#>      game_id season season_type game_date  game_date_time      team_id team_uid 
-#>        <int>  <int>       <int> <date>     <dttm>                <int> <chr>    
-#>  1 401522202   2023           3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00      21 s:40~l:4…
-#>  2 401522202   2023           3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00      41 s:40~l:4…
-#>  3 401522201   2023           3 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 21:16:00    2390 s:40~l:4…
-#>  4 401522201   2023           3 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 21:16:00      41 s:40~l:4…
-#>  5 401522200   2023           3 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 18:09:00    2226 s:40~l:4…
-#>  6 401522200   2023           3 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 18:09:00      21 s:40~l:4…
-#>  7 401526932   2023           3 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 21:42:00       5 s:40~l:4…
-#>  8 401526932   2023           3 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 21:42:00     249 s:40~l:4…
-#>  9 401526927   2023           3 2023-03-28 2023-03-28 21:30:00    3084 s:40~l:4…
-#> 10 401526927   2023           3 2023-03-28 2023-03-28 21:30:00       5 s:40~l:4…
-#> # ℹ 12,360 more rows
-#> # ℹ 47 more variables: team_slug <chr>, team_location <chr>, team_name <chr>,
-#> #   team_abbreviation <chr>, team_display_name <chr>,
-#> #   team_short_display_name <chr>, team_color <chr>,
-#> #   team_alternate_color <chr>, team_logo <chr>, team_home_away <chr>,
-#> #   team_score <int>, team_winner <lgl>, assists <int>, blocks <int>,
-#> #   defensive_rebounds <int>, field_goal_pct <dbl>, field_goals_made <int>, …
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 18:05:29 UTC
+#> # A tibble: 195,499 × 55
+#>      game_id season season_type game_date  game_date_time      athlete_id
+#>        <int>  <int>       <int> <date>     <dttm>                   <int>
+#>  1 401522202   2023           3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00    4431786
+#>  2 401522202   2023           3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00    4397371
+#>  3 401522202   2023           3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00    4702011
+#>  4 401522202   2023           3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00    4433183
+#>  5 401522202   2023           3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00    4397049
+#>  6 401522202   2023           3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00    4897531
+#>  7 401522202   2023           3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00    4870565
+#>  8 401522202   2023           3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00    4431879
+#>  9 401522202   2023           3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00    4397368
+#> 10 401522202   2023           3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00    4397237
+#> # ℹ 195,489 more rows
+#> # ℹ 49 more variables: athlete_display_name <chr>, team_id <int>,
+#> #   team_name <chr>, team_location <chr>, team_short_display_name <chr>,
+#> #   minutes <dbl>, field_goals_made <int>, field_goals_attempted <int>,
+#> #   three_point_field_goals_made <int>,
+#> #   three_point_field_goals_attempted <int>, free_throws_made <int>,
+#> #   free_throws_attempted <int>, offensive_rebounds <int>, …
 # }

diff --git a/reference/load_mbb_schedule.html b/reference/load_mbb_schedule.html index 67115835..584e17b0 100644 --- a/reference/load_mbb_schedule.html +++ b/reference/load_mbb_schedule.html @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@

# \donttest{
   load_mbb_schedule(seasons = most_recent_mbb_season())
 #> ── ESPN MBB Schedule from hoopR data repository ───────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 11:54:11 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 18:05:55 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 6,225 × 74
 #>         id uid   date  attendance time_valid neutral_site conference_competition
 #>      <int> <chr> <chr>      <int> <lgl>      <lgl>        <lgl>                 
diff --git a/reference/load_nba_pbp.html b/reference/load_nba_pbp.html
index 0562b5d5..2ebd8a1f 100644
--- a/reference/load_nba_pbp.html
+++ b/reference/load_nba_pbp.html
@@ -195,21 +195,21 @@ 

# \donttest{
   load_nba_pbp(seasons = most_recent_nba_season())
 #> ── ESPN NBA Play-by-Play from hoopR data repository ───────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 10:10:41 UTC
-#> # A tibble: 559,934 × 60
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 17:58:08 UTC
+#> # A tibble: 563,680 × 60
 #>             id sequence_number type_id type_text     text  away_score home_score
 #>          <dbl> <chr>             <int> <chr>         <chr>      <int>      <int>
-#>  1  4014693314 4                   615 "Jumpball"    Jako…          0          0
-#>  2  4014693317 7                   120 "Turnaround … Scot…          0          0
-#>  3  4014693318 8                   155 "Defensive R… JT T…          0          0
-#>  4  4014693319 9                    45 "Personal Fo… Fred…          0          0
-#>  5 40146933111 11                   62 "Bad Pass\nT… Svi …          0          0
-#>  6 40146933113 13                  110 "Driving Lay… O.G.…          0          0
-#>  7 40146933114 14                  155 "Defensive R… Nick…          0          0
-#>  8 40146933115 15                   92 "Jump Shot"   Pasc…          0          0
-#>  9 40146933117 17                  156 "Offensive R… Theo…          0          0
-#> 10 40146933118 18                  151 "Cutting Dun… Nick…          0          2
-#> # ℹ 559,924 more rows
+#>  1  4014693444 4                   615 Jumpball      Nic …          0          0
+#>  2  4014693447 7                    92 Jump Shot     Euge…          0          3
+#>  3  4014693449 9                    92 Jump Shot     Royc…          3          3
+#>  4 40146934411 11                   96 Dunk Shot     Jale…          3          5
+#>  5 40146934413 13                   63 Lost Ball Tu… Mika…          3          5
+#>  6 40146934415 15                  149 Running Alle… Jale…          3          7
+#>  7 40146934417 17                   92 Jump Shot     Came…          6          7
+#>  8 40146934419 19                   92 Jump Shot     Euge…          6          7
+#>  9 40146934420 20                  155 Defensive Re… Royc…          6          7
+#> 10 40146934421 21                   92 Jump Shot     Mika…          9          7
+#> # ℹ 563,670 more rows
 #> # ℹ 53 more variables: period_number <int>, period_display_value <chr>,
 #> #   clock_display_value <chr>, scoring_play <lgl>, score_value <int>,
 #> #   team_id <int>, athlete_id_1 <int>, athlete_id_2 <int>, athlete_id_3 <int>,
diff --git a/reference/load_nba_player_box.html b/reference/load_nba_player_box.html
index c9e6b644..21528315 100644
--- a/reference/load_nba_player_box.html
+++ b/reference/load_nba_player_box.html
@@ -195,21 +195,21 @@ 

# \donttest{
   load_nba_player_box(seasons = most_recent_nba_season())
 #> ── ESPN NBA Player Boxscores from hoopR data repository ───────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 10:15:21 UTC
-#> # A tibble: 30,514 × 57
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 18:01:17 UTC
+#> # A tibble: 30,729 × 57
 #>      game_id season season_type game_date  game_date_time      athlete_id
 #>        <int>  <int>       <int> <date>     <dttm>                   <int>
-#>  1 401469342   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00    4432823
-#>  2 401469342   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00    4593803
-#>  3 401469342   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00    4278073
-#>  4 401469342   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00    4871145
-#>  5 401469342   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00    4397020
-#>  6 401469342   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00    3032978
-#>  7 401469342   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00    4997526
-#>  8 401469342   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00    4278046
-#>  9 401469342   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00    4432819
-#> 10 401469342   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00    4395695
-#> # ℹ 30,504 more rows
+#>  1 401469351   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00       6583
+#>  2 401469351   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00    4278077
+#>  3 401469351   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00       1966
+#>  4 401469351   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00    3136776
+#>  5 401469351   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00    4066457
+#>  6 401469351   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00    4066648
+#>  7 401469351   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00    4066264
+#>  8 401469351   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00    4278508
+#>  9 401469351   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00    3032979
+#> 10 401469351   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00    3907822
+#> # ℹ 30,719 more rows
 #> # ℹ 51 more variables: athlete_display_name <chr>, team_id <int>,
 #> #   team_name <chr>, team_location <chr>, team_short_display_name <chr>,
 #> #   minutes <dbl>, field_goals_made <int>, field_goals_attempted <int>,
diff --git a/reference/load_nba_schedule.html b/reference/load_nba_schedule.html
index 2ad16b6c..4793b45c 100644
--- a/reference/load_nba_schedule.html
+++ b/reference/load_nba_schedule.html
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ 

# \donttest{
   load_nba_schedule(seasons = most_recent_nba_season())
 #> ── ESPN NBA Schedule from hoopR data repository ───────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 10:15:33 UTC
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 18:01:29 UTC
 #> # A tibble: 1,232 × 67
 #>         id uid   date  attendance time_valid neutral_site conference_competition
 #>      <int> <chr> <chr>      <int> <lgl>      <lgl>        <lgl>                 
diff --git a/reference/load_nba_team_box.html b/reference/load_nba_team_box.html
index 3e55f2b1..4cbbc6bd 100644
--- a/reference/load_nba_team_box.html
+++ b/reference/load_nba_team_box.html
@@ -195,21 +195,21 @@ 

# \donttest{
   load_nba_team_box(seasons = most_recent_nba_season())
 #> ── ESPN NBA Team Boxscores from hoopR data repository ─────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ──
-#>  Data updated: 2023-04-05 10:14:00 UTC
-#> # A tibble: 2,378 × 57
+#>  Data updated: 2023-04-06 17:59:45 UTC
+#> # A tibble: 2,394 × 57
 #>      game_id season season_type game_date  game_date_time      team_id team_uid 
 #>        <int>  <int>       <int> <date>     <dttm>                <int> <chr>    
-#>  1 401469342   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00      25 s:40~l:4…
-#>  2 401469342   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00       9 s:40~l:4…
-#>  3 401469343   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00      24 s:40~l:4…
-#>  4 401469343   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00      21 s:40~l:4…
-#>  5 401469341   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 21:00:00      13 s:40~l:4…
-#>  6 401469341   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 21:00:00      26 s:40~l:4…
-#>  7 401469336   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 20:00:00       2 s:40~l:4…
-#>  8 401469336   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 20:00:00      20 s:40~l:4…
-#>  9 401469337   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 20:00:00       1 s:40~l:4…
-#> 10 401469337   2023           2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 20:00:00       4 s:40~l:4…
-#> # ℹ 2,368 more rows
+#>  1 401469351   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00      13 s:40~l:4…
+#>  2 401469351   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00      12 s:40~l:4…
+#>  3 401469350   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 20:30:00      23 s:40~l:4…
+#>  4 401469350   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 20:30:00       6 s:40~l:4…
+#>  5 401469349   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 20:00:00      29 s:40~l:4…
+#>  6 401469349   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 20:00:00       3 s:40~l:4…
+#>  7 401469346   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 19:30:00      27 s:40~l:4…
+#>  8 401469346   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 19:30:00       1 s:40~l:4…
+#>  9 401469347   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 19:30:00      28 s:40~l:4…
+#> 10 401469347   2023           2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 19:30:00       2 s:40~l:4…
+#> # ℹ 2,384 more rows
 #> # ℹ 50 more variables: team_slug <chr>, team_location <chr>, team_name <chr>,
 #> #   team_abbreviation <chr>, team_display_name <chr>,
 #> #   team_short_display_name <chr>, team_color <chr>,
diff --git a/reference/ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings.html b/reference/ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings.html
index 4fcfe3e5..62c1fe54 100644
--- a/reference/ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings.html
+++ b/reference/ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings.html
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ 

Examples# \donttest{ try(ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings()) #> ── NCAA MBB NET Rankings Information from ESPN.com ────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── -#> Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:18:22 UTC +#> Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:19:11 UTC #> # A tibble: 363 × 12 #> rank previous school conference record road neutral home quad_1 quad_2 #> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> diff --git a/search.json b/search.json index 88258ae9..763db42e 100644 --- a/search.json +++ b/search.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -[{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"our-pledge","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Our Pledge","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"members, contributors, leaders pledge make participation community harassment-free experience everyone, regardless age, body size, visible invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity expression, level experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, sexual identity orientation. pledge act interact ways contribute open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, healthy community.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"our-standards","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Our Standards","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Examples behavior contributes positive environment community include: Demonstrating empathy kindness toward people respectful differing opinions, viewpoints, experiences Giving gracefully accepting constructive feedback Accepting responsibility apologizing affected mistakes, learning experience Focusing best just us individuals, overall community Examples unacceptable behavior include: use sexualized language imagery, sexual attention advances kind Trolling, insulting derogatory comments, personal political attacks Public private harassment Publishing others’ private information, physical email address, without explicit permission conduct reasonably considered inappropriate professional setting","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"enforcement-responsibilities","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Enforcement Responsibilities","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Community leaders responsible clarifying enforcing standards acceptable behavior take appropriate fair corrective action response behavior deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, harmful. Community leaders right responsibility remove, edit, reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, contributions aligned Code Conduct, communicate reasons moderation decisions appropriate.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"scope","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Scope","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Code Conduct applies within community spaces, also applies individual officially representing community public spaces. Examples representing community include using official e-mail address, posting via official social media account, acting appointed representative online offline event.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"enforcement","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Enforcement","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Instances abusive, harassing, otherwise unacceptable behavior may reported community leaders responsible enforcement [INSERT CONTACT METHOD]. complaints reviewed investigated promptly fairly. community leaders obligated respect privacy security reporter incident.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"enforcement-guidelines","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Enforcement Guidelines","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Community leaders follow Community Impact Guidelines determining consequences action deem violation Code Conduct:","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"id_1-correction","dir":"","previous_headings":"Enforcement Guidelines","what":"1. Correction","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Community Impact: Use inappropriate language behavior deemed unprofessional unwelcome community. Consequence: private, written warning community leaders, providing clarity around nature violation explanation behavior inappropriate. public apology may requested.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"id_2-warning","dir":"","previous_headings":"Enforcement Guidelines","what":"2. Warning","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Community Impact: violation single incident series actions. Consequence: warning consequences continued behavior. interaction people involved, including unsolicited interaction enforcing Code Conduct, specified period time. includes avoiding interactions community spaces well external channels like social media. Violating terms may lead temporary permanent ban.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"id_3-temporary-ban","dir":"","previous_headings":"Enforcement Guidelines","what":"3. Temporary Ban","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Community Impact: serious violation community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior. Consequence: temporary ban sort interaction public communication community specified period time. public private interaction people involved, including unsolicited interaction enforcing Code Conduct, allowed period. Violating terms may lead permanent ban.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"id_4-permanent-ban","dir":"","previous_headings":"Enforcement Guidelines","what":"4. Permanent Ban","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Community Impact: Demonstrating pattern violation community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment individual, aggression toward disparagement classes individuals. Consequence: permanent ban sort public interaction within community.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"attribution","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Attribution","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Code Conduct adapted Contributor Covenant, version 2.0, available https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/ code_of_conduct.html. Community Impact Guidelines inspired Mozilla’s code conduct enforcement ladder. answers common questions code conduct, see FAQ https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq. Translations available https:// www.contributor-covenant.org/translations.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/LICENSE.html","id":null,"dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"MIT License","title":"MIT License","text":"Copyright (c) 2020 hoopR authors Permission hereby granted, free charge, person obtaining copy software associated documentation files (“Software”), deal Software without restriction, including without limitation rights use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, /sell copies Software, permit persons Software furnished , subject following conditions: copyright notice permission notice shall included copies substantial portions Software. SOFTWARE PROVIDED “”, WITHOUT WARRANTY KIND, EXPRESS IMPLIED, INCLUDING LIMITED WARRANTIES MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS PARTICULAR PURPOSE NONINFRINGEMENT. EVENT SHALL AUTHORS COPYRIGHT HOLDERS LIABLE CLAIM, DAMAGES LIABILITY, WHETHER ACTION CONTRACT, TORT OTHERWISE, ARISING , CONNECTION SOFTWARE USE DEALINGS SOFTWARE.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"installing-r-and-rstudio","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Installing R and RStudio","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"Head https://cran.r-project.org Select appropriate link operating system (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) Windows - Select base download recent version Mac OS X - Select Latest Release, check make sure OS correct version. Look Binaries Legacy OS X Systems older release Linux - Select appropriate distro follow installation instructions Head RStudio.com Follow associated download installation instructions RStudio. Start peering RStudio IDE Cheatsheet. IDE integrated development environment. Windows users: recommend install Rtools. R package! “collection resources building packages R Microsoft Windows, building R ”. Go https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/ follow directions installation.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"install-hoopr","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Install hoopR","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"","code":"# You can install using the pacman package using the following code: if (!requireNamespace('pacman', quietly = TRUE)){ install.packages('pacman') } pacman::p_load_current_gh(\"sportsdataverse/hoopR\", dependencies = TRUE, update = TRUE) pacman::p_load(dplyr, zoo, ggimage, gt)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"the-data","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Install hoopR","what":"The Data","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"generally speaking six men’s basketball data sources accessed package: hoopR-data repo NBA Stats Data API NBA G-League Stats Data API ESPN KenPom (Requires subscription access) NCAA","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"function-names-indicate-the-data-source","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Install hoopR > The Data","what":"Function names indicate the data source","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"Functions use hoopR-data repository contain load_ update_ function name considered loading functions play--play data, team box scores, player box scores. Functions use NBA Stats API start nba_ convention assumed get functions. hoopR version 2.0.0, package exports 127 functions covering NBA Stats API Functions use NBA G-League Stats API start nbagl_ convention assumed get functions. hoopR version 2.0.0, package exports 4 functions covering NBA G-League Stats API Functions use one ESPN’s APIs start espn_ convention assumed get functions. functions allow live access game data men’s college basketball NBA. hoopR version 2.0.0, package exports 10 functions covering men’s college basketball endpoints 10 NBA. Functions use Ken Pomeroy’s college basketball website start kp_ convention assumed get functions. functions allow users active subscription get access data tidy format. hoopR version 2.0.0, package exports 36 functions covering KenPom.com. Functions use NCAA website start ncaa_ convention assumed get functions. hoopR version 2.0.0, package exports 1 function(s) covering NCAA website, namely function access current NET rankings.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"quick-start","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Quick Start","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"sake R session, look previous 3 years data, indicated years data goes back .","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"nba-play-by-plays-2002-2023-60-120-seconds","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Quick Start","what":"NBA play-by-plays (2002-2023) ~ 60-120 seconds","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"","code":"tictoc::tic() progressr::with_progress({ nba_pbp <- hoopR::load_nba_pbp(2021:hoopR::most_recent_nba_season()) }) tictoc::toc() ## 14.424 sec elapsed glue::glue(\"{nrow(nba_pbp)} rows of nba play-by-play data from {length(unique(nba_pbp$game_id))} games.\") ## 1717358 rows of nba play-by-play data from 3673 games. dplyr::glimpse(nba_pbp) ## Rows: 1,717,358 ## Columns: 60 ## $ id 4013441404, 4013441407, 4013441408, 40… ## $ sequence_number \"4\", \"7\", \"8\", \"10\", \"11\", \"12\", \"14\",… ## $ type_id 615, 131, 155, 131, 155, 109, 155, 145… ## $ type_text \"Jumpball\", \"Pullup Jump Shot\", \"Defen… ## $ text \"Deandre Ayton vs. Brook Lopez (Devin … ## $ away_score 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,… ## $ home_score 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,… ## $ period_number 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,… ## $ period_display_value \"1st Quarter\", \"1st Quarter\", \"1st Qua… ## $ clock_display_value \"12:00\", \"11:40\", \"11:39\", \"11:21\", \"1… ## $ scoring_play FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FAL… ## $ score_value 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0,… ## $ team_id 21, 21, 15, 15, 21, 21, 15, 15, 21, 15… ## $ athlete_id_1 4278129, 2779, 3032977, 3995, 6581, 31… ## $ athlete_id_2 3448, NA, NA, NA, NA, 3032977, NA, 660… ## $ athlete_id_3 3136193, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N… ## $ shooting_play FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE,… ## $ coordinate_x_raw -214748340, 30, 30, 6, 6, 25, 25, 28, … ## $ coordinate_y_raw -214748365, 19, 19, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 12,… ## $ season 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 20… ## $ season_type 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,… ## $ away_team_id 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21… ## $ away_team_name \"Phoenix\", \"Phoenix\", \"Phoenix\", \"Phoe… ## $ away_team_mascot \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Suns\"… ## $ away_team_abbrev \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"PH… ## $ away_team_name_alt \"Phoenix\", \"Phoenix\", \"Phoenix\", \"Phoe… ## $ home_team_id 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15… ## $ home_team_name \"Milwaukee\", \"Milwaukee\", \"Milwaukee\",… ## $ home_team_mascot \"Bucks\", \"Bucks\", \"Bucks\", \"Bucks\", \"B… ## $ home_team_abbrev \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"MI… ## $ home_team_name_alt \"Milwaukee\", \"Milwaukee\", \"Milwaukee\",… ## $ home_team_spread 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5… ## $ game_spread -4.5, -4.5, -4.5, -4.5, -4.5, -4.5, -4… ## $ home_favorite TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TR… ## $ game_spread_available TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TR… ## $ game_id 401344140, 401344140, 401344140, 40134… ## $ qtr 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,… ## $ time \"12:00\", \"11:40\", \"11:39\", \"11:21\", \"1… ## $ clock_minutes 12, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 10… ## $ clock_seconds 0, 40, 39, 21, 20, 14, 13, 6, 48, 24, … ## $ half \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\"… ## $ game_half \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\"… ## $ lead_qtr 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,… ## $ lead_game_half \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\"… ## $ start_quarter_seconds_remaining 720, 700, 699, 681, 680, 674, 673, 666… ## $ start_half_seconds_remaining 1320, 1300, 1299, 1281, 1280, 1274, 12… ## $ start_game_seconds_remaining 2520, 2500, 2499, 2481, 2480, 2474, 24… ## $ game_play_number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,… ## $ end_quarter_seconds_remaining 600, 720, 700, 699, 681, 680, 674, 673… ## $ end_half_seconds_remaining 1200, 1320, 1300, 1299, 1281, 1280, 12… ## $ end_game_seconds_remaining 2400, 2520, 2500, 2499, 2481, 2480, 24… ## $ period 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,… ## $ lag_qtr NA, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1… ## $ lag_game_half NA, \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\",… ## $ coordinate_x -214748406.75, -22.75, 22.75, 36.75, -… ## $ coordinate_y -214748365, 5, -5, 19, -19, 0, 0, -3, … ## $ game_date 2021-07-20, 2021-07-20, 2021-07-20, 2… ## $ game_date_time 2021-07-20 21:00:00, 2021-07-20 21:00… ## $ type_abbreviation NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA… ## $ wallclock NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA…"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"nba-team-box-scores-2002-2023-5-30-seconds","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Quick Start","what":"NBA team box scores (2002-2023) ~ 5-30 seconds","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"","code":"tictoc::tic() progressr::with_progress({ nba_team_box <- hoopR::load_nba_team_box(2021:hoopR::most_recent_nba_season()) }) tictoc::toc() ## 1.482 sec elapsed glue::glue(\"{nrow(nba_team_box)} rows of NBA team boxscore data from {length(unique(nba_team_box$game_id))} games.\") ## 7346 rows of NBA team boxscore data from 3673 games. dplyr::glimpse(nba_team_box) ## Rows: 7,346 ## Columns: 57 ## $ game_id 401344140, 401344140, 401344139, 401… ## $ season 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, … ## $ season_type 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, … ## $ game_date 2021-07-20, 2021-07-20, 2021-07-17,… ## $ game_date_time 2021-07-20 21:00:00, 2021-07-20 21:… ## $ team_id 21, 15, 15, 21, 21, 15, 21, 15, 15, … ## $ team_uid \"s:40~l:46~t:21\", \"s:40~l:46~t:15\", … ## $ team_slug \"phoenix-suns\", \"milwaukee-bucks\", \"… ## $ team_location \"Phoenix\", \"Milwaukee\", \"Milwaukee\",… ## $ team_name \"Suns\", \"Bucks\", \"Bucks\", \"Suns\", \"S… ## $ team_abbreviation \"PHX\", \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"… ## $ team_display_name \"Phoenix Suns\", \"Milwaukee Bucks\", \"… ## $ team_short_display_name \"Suns\", \"Bucks\", \"Bucks\", \"Suns\", \"S… ## $ team_color \"23006a\", \"003813\", \"003813\", \"23006… ## $ team_alternate_color \"f1f2f3\", \"f0ebd2\", \"f0ebd2\", \"f1f2f… ## $ team_logo \"https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/n… ## $ team_home_away \"away\", \"home\", \"away\", \"home\", \"awa… ## $ team_score 98, 105, 123, 119, 103, 109, 100, 12… ## $ team_winner FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRU… ## $ assists 14, 20, 26, 23, 18, 22, 21, 28, 21, … ## $ blocks 4, 6, 1, 5, 9, 3, 3, 2, 7, 2, 2, 1, … ## $ defensive_rebounds 31, 42, 26, 27, 35, 31, 30, 34, 28, … ## $ fast_break_points \"11\", \"11\", \"21\", \"12\", \"0\", \"15\", \"… ## $ field_goal_pct 44.2, 45.1, 57.5, 55.2, 51.3, 40.2, … ## $ field_goals_made 38, 37, 50, 48, 40, 39, 40, 43, 42, … ## $ field_goals_attempted 86, 82, 87, 87, 78, 97, 83, 90, 93, … ## $ flagrant_fouls 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, … ## $ fouls 21, 17, 17, 20, 24, 18, 24, 18, 17, … ## $ free_throw_pct 84.2, 86.2, 52.9, 90.9, 84.2, 82.8, … ## $ free_throws_made 16, 25, 9, 10, 16, 24, 11, 20, 15, 1… ## $ free_throws_attempted 19, 29, 17, 11, 19, 29, 16, 26, 23, … ## $ largest_lead \"7\", \"13\", \"14\", \"16\", \"9\", \"8\", \"6\"… ## $ offensive_rebounds 6, 11, 11, 8, 5, 17, 6, 13, 18, 11, … ## $ points_in_paint \"44\", \"50\", \"46\", \"52\", \"40\", \"48\", … ## $ steals 11, 10, 7, 9, 3, 11, 3, 8, 8, 7, 4, … ## $ team_turnovers 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, … ## $ technical_fouls 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, … ## $ three_point_field_goal_pct 24.0, 22.2, 50.0, 68.4, 30.4, 24.1, … ## $ three_point_field_goals_made 6, 6, 14, 13, 7, 7, 9, 14, 9, 20, 16… ## $ three_point_field_goals_attempted 25, 27, 28, 19, 23, 29, 31, 36, 31, … ## $ total_rebounds 37, 53, 37, 35, 40, 48, 36, 47, 46, … ## $ total_technical_fouls 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, … ## $ total_turnovers 15, 19, 12, 9, 17, 5, 15, 9, 9, 13, … ## $ turnover_points \"10\", \"16\", \"17\", \"16\", \"24\", \"5\", \"… ## $ turnovers 14, 18, 11, 8, 17, 5, 14, 9, 9, 12, … ## $ opponent_team_id 15, 21, 21, 15, 15, 21, 15, 21, 21, … ## $ opponent_team_uid \"s:40~l:46~t:15\", \"s:40~l:46~t:21\", … ## $ opponent_team_slug \"milwaukee-bucks\", \"phoenix-suns\", \"… ## $ opponent_team_location \"Milwaukee\", \"Phoenix\", \"Phoenix\", \"… ## $ opponent_team_name \"Bucks\", \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Bucks\", \"B… ## $ opponent_team_abbreviation \"MIL\", \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"… ## $ opponent_team_display_name \"Milwaukee Bucks\", \"Phoenix Suns\", \"… ## $ opponent_team_short_display_name \"Bucks\", \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Bucks\", \"B… ## $ opponent_team_color \"003813\", \"23006a\", \"23006a\", \"00381… ## $ opponent_team_alternate_color \"f0ebd2\", \"f1f2f3\", \"f1f2f3\", \"f0ebd… ## $ opponent_team_logo \"https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/n… ## $ opponent_team_score 105, 98, 119, 123, 109, 103, 120, 10…"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"nba-player-box-scores-2002-2023-5-30-seconds","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Quick Start","what":"NBA player box scores (2002-2023) ~ 5-30 seconds","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"","code":"tictoc::tic() progressr::with_progress({ nba_player_box <- hoopR::load_nba_player_box(2021:hoopR::most_recent_nba_season()) }) tictoc::toc() ## 2.595 sec elapsed glue::glue(\"{nrow(nba_player_box)} rows of NBA player boxscore data from {length(unique(nba_player_box$game_id))} games.\") ## 95663 rows of NBA player boxscore data from 3673 games. dplyr::glimpse(nba_player_box) ## Rows: 95,663 ## Columns: 57 ## $ game_id 401344140, 401344140, 401344140, 401… ## $ season 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, … ## $ season_type 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, … ## $ game_date 2021-07-20, 2021-07-20, 2021-07-20,… ## $ game_date_time 2021-07-20 21:00:00, 2021-07-20 21:… ## $ athlete_id 6581, 3147657, 4278129, 2779, 313619… ## $ athlete_display_name \"Jae Crowder\", \"Mikal Bridges\", \"Dea… ## $ team_id 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, … ## $ team_name \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Sun… ## $ team_location \"Phoenix\", \"Phoenix\", \"Phoenix\", \"Ph… ## $ team_short_display_name \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Sun… ## $ minutes 41, 39, 36, 39, 46, 11, 1, 16, 10, N… ## $ field_goals_made 4, 3, 4, 11, 8, 3, 0, 1, 4, NA, NA, … ## $ field_goals_attempted 11, 7, 12, 19, 22, 4, 0, 5, 6, NA, N… ## $ three_point_field_goals_made 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, NA, NA, N… ## $ three_point_field_goals_attempted 9, 1, 0, 2, 7, 0, 0, 4, 2, NA, NA, N… ## $ free_throws_made 5, 1, 4, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, NA, NA, N… ## $ free_throws_attempted 5, 2, 5, 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, NA, NA, N… ## $ offensive_rebounds 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, NA, NA, N… ## $ defensive_rebounds 11, 5, 5, 1, 3, 1, 0, 3, 2, NA, NA, … ## $ rebounds 13, 6, 6, 2, 3, 2, 0, 3, 2, NA, NA, … ## $ assists 0, 2, 1, 5, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, NA, NA, N… ## $ steals 4, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, NA, NA, N… ## $ blocks 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, NA, NA, N… ## $ turnovers 2, 0, 2, 3, 6, 0, 0, 0, 1, NA, NA, N… ## $ fouls 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, NA, NA, N… ## $ plus_minus \"+4\", \"-18\", \"-7\", \"-8\", \"-15\", \"0\",… ## $ points 15, 7, 12, 26, 19, 6, 0, 3, 10, NA, … ## $ starter TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE,… ## $ ejected FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, F… ## $ did_not_play FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, F… ## $ reason \"COACH'S DECISION\", \"COACH'S DECISIO… ## $ active TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE,… ## $ athlete_jersey \"99\", \"25\", \"22\", \"3\", \"1\", \"8\", \"0\"… ## $ athlete_short_name \"J. Crowder\", \"M. Bridges\", \"D. Ayto… ## $ athlete_headshot_href \"https://a.espncdn.com/i/headshots/n… ## $ athlete_position_name \"Power Forward\", \"Small Forward\", \"C… ## $ athlete_position_abbreviation \"PF\", \"SF\", \"C\", \"PG\", \"SG\", \"PF\", \"… ## $ team_display_name \"Phoenix Suns\", \"Phoenix Suns\", \"Pho… ## $ team_uid \"s:40~l:46~t:21\", \"s:40~l:46~t:21\", … ## $ team_slug \"phoenix-suns\", \"phoenix-suns\", \"pho… ## $ team_logo \"https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/n… ## $ team_abbreviation \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"… ## $ team_color \"23006a\", \"23006a\", \"23006a\", \"23006… ## $ team_alternate_color \"f1f2f3\", \"f1f2f3\", \"f1f2f3\", \"f1f2f… ## $ home_away \"away\", \"away\", \"away\", \"away\", \"awa… ## $ team_winner FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, F… ## $ team_score 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, … ## $ opponent_team_id 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, … ## $ opponent_team_name \"Bucks\", \"Bucks\", \"Bucks\", \"Bucks\", … ## $ opponent_team_location \"Milwaukee\", \"Milwaukee\", \"Milwaukee… ## $ opponent_team_display_name \"Milwaukee Bucks\", \"Milwaukee Bucks\"… ## $ opponent_team_abbreviation \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"… ## $ opponent_team_logo \"https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/n… ## $ opponent_team_color \"003813\", \"003813\", \"003813\", \"00381… ## $ opponent_team_alternate_color \"f0ebd2\", \"f0ebd2\", \"f0ebd2\", \"f0ebd… ## $ opponent_team_score 105, 105, 105, 105, 105, 105, 105, 1…"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"mens-college-basketball-play-by-plays-2006-2023-120-180-seconds","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Quick Start","what":"Men’s college basketball play-by-plays (2006-2023) ~ 120-180 seconds","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"","code":"tictoc::tic() progressr::with_progress({ mbb_pbp <- hoopR::load_mbb_pbp(2021:hoopR::most_recent_mbb_season()) }) tictoc::toc() ## 40.102 sec elapsed glue::glue(\"{nrow(mbb_pbp)} rows of men's college basketball play-by-play data from {length(unique(mbb_pbp$game_id))} games.\") ## 5090789 rows of men's college basketball play-by-play data from 15887 games. dplyr::glimpse(mbb_pbp) ## Rows: 5,090,789 ## Columns: 61 ## $ shooting_play TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE… ## $ sequence_number \"101805201\", \"101805501\", \"101805701\",… ## $ period_display_value \"1st Half\", \"1st Half\", \"1st Half\", \"1… ## $ period_number 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,… ## $ home_score 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,… ## $ scoring_play FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALS… ## $ clock_display_value \"19:47\", \"19:44\", \"19:42\", \"19:22\", \"1… ## $ team_id \"2229\", \"2229\", \"2229\", \"2454\", \"2229\"… ## $ type_id \"558\", \"586\", \"558\", \"598\", \"607\", \"59… ## $ type_text \"JumpShot\", \"Offensive Rebound\", \"Jump… ## $ away_score 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,… ## $ id 4.012525e+17, 4.012525e+17, 4.012525e+… ## $ text \"Antonio Daye Jr. missed Jumper.\", \"Da… ## $ score_value 2, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0,… ## $ participants_0_athlete_id \"4397500\", \"4432143\", \"4397680\", \"4700… ## $ participants_1_athlete_id NA, NA, \"4432143\", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,… ## $ season 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 20… ## $ season_type 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,… ## $ away_team_id 2229, 2229, 2229, 2229, 2229, 2229, 22… ## $ away_team_name \"Florida International\", \"Florida Inte… ## $ away_team_mascot \"Panthers\", \"Panthers\", \"Panthers\", \"P… ## $ away_team_abbrev \"FIU\", \"FIU\", \"FIU\", \"FIU\", \"FIU\", \"FI… ## $ away_team_name_alt \"Florida International\", \"Florida Inte… ## $ home_team_id 2454, 2454, 2454, 2454, 2454, 2454, 24… ## $ home_team_name \"North Florida\", \"North Florida\", \"Nor… ## $ home_team_mascot \"Ospreys\", \"Ospreys\", \"Ospreys\", \"Ospr… ## $ home_team_abbrev \"UNF\", \"UNF\", \"UNF\", \"UNF\", \"UNF\", \"UN… ## $ home_team_name_alt \"North Florida\", \"North Florida\", \"Nor… ## $ home_team_spread -7.5, -7.5, -7.5, -7.5, -7.5, -7.5, -7… ## $ game_spread 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5… ## $ home_favorite FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FAL… ## $ game_spread_available TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TR… ## $ game_id 401252483, 401252483, 401252483, 40125… ## $ qtr 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,… ## $ time \"19:47\", \"19:44\", \"19:42\", \"19:22\", \"1… ## $ clock_minutes \"19\", \"19\", \"19\", \"19\", \"19\", \"19\", \"1… ## $ clock_seconds \"47\", \"44\", \"42\", \"22\", \"22\", \"20\", \"0… ## $ half \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\"… ## $ game_half \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\"… ## $ lag_qtr NA, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1… ## $ lead_qtr 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,… ## $ lag_game_half NA, \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\",… ## $ lead_game_half \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\"… ## $ start_quarter_seconds_remaining 1187, 1184, 1182, 1162, 1162, 1160, 11… ## $ start_half_seconds_remaining 1787, 1784, 1782, 1762, 1762, 1760, 17… ## $ start_game_seconds_remaining 2987, 2984, 2982, 2962, 2962, 2960, 29… ## $ game_play_number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,… ## $ end_quarter_seconds_remaining 600, 1187, 1184, 1182, 1162, 1162, 116… ## $ end_half_seconds_remaining 1200, 1787, 1784, 1782, 1762, 1762, 17… ## $ end_game_seconds_remaining 2400, 2987, 2984, 2982, 2962, 2962, 29… ## $ period 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,… ## $ coordinate_x NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA… ## $ coordinate_y NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA… ## $ athlete_id_1 NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA… ## $ wallclock NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA… ## $ athlete_id_2 NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA… ## $ game_date NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N… ## $ game_date_time NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N… ## $ coordinate_x_raw NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA… ## $ coordinate_y_raw NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA… ## $ media_id NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA…"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"mens-college-basketball-team-box-scores-2003-2023-5-30-seconds","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Quick Start","what":"Men’s college basketball team box scores (2003-2023) ~ 5-30 seconds","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"","code":"tictoc::tic() progressr::with_progress({ mbb_team_box <- hoopR::load_mbb_team_box(2021:hoopR::most_recent_mbb_season()) }) tictoc::toc() ## 2.491 sec elapsed glue::glue(\"{nrow(mbb_team_box)} rows of men's college basketball team boxscore data from {length(unique(mbb_team_box$game_id))} games.\") ## 32778 rows of men's college basketball team boxscore data from 16389 games. dplyr::glimpse(mbb_team_box) ## Rows: 32,778 ## Columns: 63 ## $ team_short_display_name \"Florid… ## $ team_uid \"s:40~l… ## $ team_alternate_color \"c5960c… ## $ team_color \"091731… ## $ team_display_name \"Florid… ## $ team_name \"Panthe… ## $ team_logo \"https:… ## $ team_location \"Florid… ## $ team_id \"2229\",… ## $ team_abbreviation \"FIU\", … ## $ team_slug \"florid… ## $ field_goals_made_field_goals_attempted \"28-67\"… ## $ field_goal_pct \"41.8\",… ## $ three_point_field_goals_made_three_point_field_goals_attempted \"9-26\",… ## $ three_point_field_goal_pct \"34.6\",… ## $ free_throws_made_free_throws_attempted \"12-15\"… ## $ free_throw_pct \"80.0\",… ## $ total_rebounds \"35\", \"… ## $ offensive_rebounds \"16\", \"… ## $ defensive_rebounds \"19\", \"… ## $ team_rebounds \"0\", \"0… ## $ assists \"16\", \"… ## $ steals \"11\", \"… ## $ blocks \"3\", \"7… ## $ turnovers \"13\", \"… ## $ team_turnovers \"0\", \"0… ## $ total_turnovers \"13\", \"… ## $ technical_fouls \"0\", \"0… ## $ total_technical_fouls \"0\", \"0… ## $ flagrant_fouls \"0\", \"0… ## $ fouls \"19\", \"… ## $ largest_lead \"9\", \"1… ## $ home_away \"HOME\",… ## $ opponent_id 2454, 2… ## $ opponent_name \"North … ## $ opponent_mascot \"Osprey… ## $ opponent_abbrev \"UNF\", … ## $ game_id 4012524… ## $ season 2021, 2… ## $ season_type 2, 2, 2… ## $ game_date 2020-1… ## $ game_date_time NA, NA… ## $ team_home_away NA, NA,… ## $ team_score NA, NA,… ## $ team_winner NA, NA,… ## $ field_goals_made NA, NA,… ## $ field_goals_attempted NA, NA,… ## $ free_throws_made NA, NA,… ## $ free_throws_attempted NA, NA,… ## $ three_point_field_goals_made NA, NA,… ## $ three_point_field_goals_attempted NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_id NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_uid NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_slug NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_location NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_name NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_abbreviation NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_display_name NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_short_display_name NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_color NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_alternate_color NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_logo NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_score NA, NA,…"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"mens-college-basketball-player-box-scores-2003-2023-5-30-seconds","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Quick Start","what":"Men’s college basketball player box scores (2003-2023) ~ 5-30 seconds","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"","code":"tictoc::tic() progressr::with_progress({ mbb_player_box <- hoopR::load_mbb_player_box(2021:hoopR::most_recent_mbb_season()) }) tictoc::toc() ## 1.855 sec elapsed glue::glue(\"{nrow(mbb_player_box)} rows of men's college basketball player boxscore data from {length(unique(mbb_player_box$game_id))} games.\") ## 32702 rows of men's college basketball player boxscore data from 16351 games. dplyr::glimpse(mbb_player_box) ## Rows: 32,702 ## Columns: 55 ## $ game_id 401310865, 401310865, 401310867, 401… ## $ season 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, … ## $ season_type 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, … ## $ game_date 2021-04-05, 2021-04-05, 2021-04-03,… ## $ game_date_time 2021-04-05 21:20:00, 2021-04-05 21:… ## $ team_id 239, 2250, 26, 2250, 248, 239, 30, 2… ## $ team_uid \"s:40~l:41~t:239\", \"s:40~l:41~t:2250… ## $ team_slug \"baylor-bears\", \"gonzaga-bulldogs\", … ## $ team_location \"Baylor\", \"Gonzaga\", \"UCLA\", \"Gonzag… ## $ team_name \"Bears\", \"Bulldogs\", \"Bruins\", \"Bull… ## $ team_abbreviation \"BAY\", \"GONZ\", \"UCLA\", \"GONZ\", \"HOU\"… ## $ team_display_name \"Baylor Bears\", \"Gonzaga Bulldogs\", … ## $ team_short_display_name \"Baylor\", \"Gonzaga\", \"UCLA\", \"Gonzag… ## $ team_color \"004834\", \"002967\", \"005C8E\", \"00296… ## $ team_alternate_color \"ffb81c\", \"cfd4d8\", \"ffc72c\", \"cfd4d… ## $ team_logo \"https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/n… ## $ team_home_away \"away\", \"home\", \"away\", \"home\", \"awa… ## $ team_score 86, 70, 90, 93, 59, 78, 66, 85, 51, … ## $ team_winner TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRU… ## $ assists 18, 16, 21, 26, 10, 23, 9, 21, 12, 1… ## $ blocks 5, 3, 1, 3, 5, 0, 0, 3, 2, 3, 5, 5, … ## $ defensive_rebounds 22, 17, 25, 20, 14, 20, 21, 29, 21, … ## $ field_goal_pct 44.8, 51.0, 57.6, 58.7, 38.2, 52.7, … ## $ field_goals_made 30, 25, 34, 37, 21, 29, 24, 33, 21, … ## $ field_goals_attempted 67, 49, 59, 63, 55, 55, 62, 66, 54, … ## $ flagrant_fouls 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, … ## $ fouls 19, 17, 16, 16, 10, 18, 13, 16, 14, … ## $ free_throw_pct 88.9, 71.4, 66.7, 60.0, 68.8, 69.2, … ## $ free_throws_made 16, 15, 14, 12, 11, 9, 14, 12, 6, 6,… ## $ free_throws_attempted 18, 21, 21, 20, 16, 13, 19, 17, 7, 1… ## $ largest_lead \"20\", \"0\", \"6\", \"7\", \"3\", \"25\", \"0\",… ## $ offensive_rebounds 16, 5, 7, 6, 14, 13, 8, 12, 7, 11, 1… ## $ steals 8, 4, 4, 8, 4, 6, 7, 6, 5, 5, 5, 9, … ## $ team_rebounds \"0\", \"0\", \"0\", \"0\", \"0\", \"0\", \"0\", \"… ## $ team_turnovers 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, … ## $ technical_fouls 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, … ## $ three_point_field_goal_pct 43.5, 29.4, 47.1, 33.3, 31.6, 45.8, … ## $ three_point_field_goals_made 10, 5, 8, 7, 6, 11, 4, 7, 3, 3, 3, 8… ## $ three_point_field_goals_attempted 23, 17, 17, 21, 19, 24, 15, 21, 13, … ## $ total_rebounds 38, 22, 32, 26, 28, 33, 29, 41, 28, … ## $ total_technical_fouls 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, … ## $ total_turnovers 9, 14, 10, 10, 11, 9, 10, 9, 8, 14, … ## $ turnovers 9, 14, 10, 10, 11, 9, 10, 9, 8, 14, … ## $ opponent_team_id 2250, 239, 2250, 26, 239, 248, 2250,… ## $ opponent_team_uid \"s:40~l:41~t:2250\", \"s:40~l:41~t:239… ## $ opponent_team_slug \"gonzaga-bulldogs\", \"baylor-bears\", … ## $ opponent_team_location \"Gonzaga\", \"Baylor\", \"Gonzaga\", \"UCL… ## $ opponent_team_name \"Bulldogs\", \"Bears\", \"Bulldogs\", \"Br… ## $ opponent_team_abbreviation \"GONZ\", \"BAY\", \"GONZ\", \"UCLA\", \"BAY\"… ## $ opponent_team_display_name \"Gonzaga Bulldogs\", \"Baylor Bears\", … ## $ opponent_team_short_display_name \"Gonzaga\", \"Baylor\", \"Gonzaga\", \"UCL… ## $ opponent_team_color \"002967\", \"004834\", \"002967\", \"005C8… ## $ opponent_team_alternate_color \"cfd4d8\", \"ffb81c\", \"cfd4d8\", \"ffc72… ## $ opponent_team_logo \"https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/n… ## $ opponent_team_score 70, 86, 93, 90, 78, 59, 85, 66, 49, …"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"our-authors","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Our Authors","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"our-contributors-theyre-awesome","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Our Authors","what":"Our Contributors (they’re awesome)","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"Jason Lee Billy Fryer Ross Drucker","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/kenpom-example-functions.html","id":"ratings-table-function-examples","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Ratings Table Function examples","title":"KenPom Example Functions","text":"","code":"#---- kp_ratings_tables.R ---------------- pomeroy_ratings <- kp_pomeroy_ratings(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2020) efficiency <- kp_efficiency(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2020) fourfactors <- kp_fourfactors(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2020) pointdist <- kp_pointdist(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2020) height <- kp_height(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2020) teamstats <- kp_teamstats(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2020) playerstats <- kp_playerstats(metric = 'eFG', conf_only = FALSE, year = 2020) kpoy <- kp_kpoy(year = 2020)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/kenpom-example-functions.html","id":"team-tables","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Team Tables","title":"KenPom Example Functions","text":"","code":"#---- kp_team_tables.R ------------------- team_sched <- kp_team_schedule(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020) gameplan <- kp_gameplan(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020) opptracker <- kp_opptracker(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020) team_players <- kp_team_players(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020) minutes_matrix <- kp_minutes_matrix(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020) team_player_stats <- kp_team_player_stats(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020) team_player_stats1 <- team_player_stats[[1]] team_player_stats2 <- team_player_stats[[2]] team_depth_chart <- kp_team_depth_chart(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020) team_lineups <- kp_team_lineups(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/kenpom-example-functions.html","id":"historical-tables","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Historical Tables","title":"KenPom Example Functions","text":"","code":"#---- kp_historical_tables.R ------------ team_history <- kp_team_history(team = 'Florida St.') coach_history <- kp_coach_history(coach = 'Leonard Hamilton') program_ratings <- kp_program_ratings() # records_team appears to be working but there isn't anything # there anymore at the moment for all years # records_team <- get_records_team(browser, team = 'Florida St.') pomeroy_archive_ratings <- kp_pomeroy_archive_ratings(date = '2018-11-22') conf <- kp_conf(year = '2020',conf = 'ACC') conf_stats <- kp_confstats(year = '2020') conf_history <- kp_confhistory(conf = 'ACC')"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/kenpom-example-functions.html","id":"miscellaneous-stats-tables","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Miscellaneous Stats Tables","title":"KenPom Example Functions","text":"","code":"#---- kp_misc_stats.R ------------------ trends <- kp_trends() officials <- kp_officials(year = 2020) hca <- kp_hca() arenas <- kp_arenas(year = 2020) game_attrs <- kp_game_attrs(year = 2020, attr = \"Excitement\") fanmatch <- kp_fanmatch(date = \"2020-03-10\")"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/authors.html","id":null,"dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Authors","title":"Authors and Citation","text":"Saiem Gilani. Author, maintainer. Jason Lee. Contributor. Billy Fryer. Contributor. Ross Drucker. Contributor.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/authors.html","id":"citation","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Citation","title":"Authors and Citation","text":"Saiem Gilani. hoopR: SportsDataverse's R Package Men's Basketball Data. Retrieved https://hoopr.sportsdataverse.org","code":"@Misc{, author = {Saiem Gilani}, title = {hoopR: The SportsDataverse's R Package for Men's Basketball Data.}, url = {https://hoopr.sportsdataverse.org}, note = {R package version 2.0.0}, }"},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/index.html","id":"hoopr-","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR","title":"hoopR • Data and Tools for Men's Basketball","text":"hoopR R package working men’s basketball data. package functions access live play play box score data ESPN shot locations available. version 1.3.0, hoopR also full NBA Stats API wrapper 127 functions added release. additionally scraping aggregating interface Ken Pomeroy’s men’s college basketball statistics website, kenpom.com. provides users active subscription capability scrape website tables analyze data .","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/index.html","id":"installation","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Installation","title":"hoopR • Data and Tools for Men's Basketball","text":"can install CRAN version hoopR : can install released version hoopR GitHub :","code":"install.packages(\"hoopR\") # You can install using the pacman package using the following code: if (!requireNamespace('pacman', quietly = TRUE)){ install.packages('pacman') } pacman::p_load_current_gh(\"sportsdataverse/hoopR\", dependencies = TRUE, update = TRUE)"},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/index.html","id":"nba-full-play-by-play-seasons-2002-2023--1-2-minutes","dir":"","previous_headings":"Quick Start","what":"NBA full play-by-play seasons (2002-2023) ~ 1-2 minutes","title":"hoopR • Data and Tools for Men's Basketball","text":"","code":"tictoc::tic() progressr::with_progress({ nba_pbp <- hoopR::load_nba_pbp() }) tictoc::toc() ## 5.23 sec elapsed ## 546926 rows of NBA play-by-play data from 1161 games."},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/index.html","id":"mens-college-basketball-full-play-by-play-seasons-2006-2023--2-3-minutes","dir":"","previous_headings":"Quick Start","what":"Men’s college basketball full play-by-play seasons (2006-2023) ~ 2-3 minutes","title":"hoopR • Data and Tools for Men's Basketball","text":"","code":"tictoc::tic() progressr::with_progress({ mbb_pbp <- hoopR::load_mbb_pbp() }) tictoc::toc() ## 17.72 sec elapsed ## 1956490 rows of men's college basketball play-by-play data from 6113 games."},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/index.html","id":"documentation","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Documentation","title":"hoopR • Data and Tools for Men's Basketball","text":"information package function reference, please see hoopR documentation website.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/index.html","id":"breaking-changes","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Breaking Changes","title":"hoopR • Data and Tools for Men's Basketball","text":"Full News Releases","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/index.html","id":"our-authors","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Our Authors","title":"hoopR • Data and Tools for Men's Basketball","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/index.html","id":"our-contributors-theyre-awesome","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Our Contributors (they’re awesome)","title":"hoopR • Data and Tools for Men's Basketball","text":"Jason Lee Billy Fryer Ross Drucker","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/index.html","id":"citations","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Citations","title":"hoopR • Data and Tools for Men's Basketball","text":"cite hoopR R package publications, use: BibTex Citation","code":"@misc{gilani_2021_hoopR, author = {Gilani, Saiem}, title = {hoopR: The SportsDataverse's R Package for Men's Basketball Data.}, url = {https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org}, year = {2021} }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/check_status.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Check Status function — check_status","title":"Check Status function — check_status","text":"Check Status function","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/check_status.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Check Status function — check_status","text":"","code":"check_status(res)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/check_status.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Check Status function — check_status","text":"res Response API","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/clean_team_names_NCAA_merge.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Clean KenPom Data Frame Team Names to match NCAA Team Names for easier merging — clean_team_names_NCAA_merge","title":"Clean KenPom Data Frame Team Names to match NCAA Team Names for easier merging — clean_team_names_NCAA_merge","text":"Clean KenPom Data Frame Team Names match NCAA Team Names easier merging","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/clean_team_names_NCAA_merge.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Clean KenPom Data Frame Team Names to match NCAA Team Names for easier merging — clean_team_names_NCAA_merge","text":"","code":"clean_team_names_NCAA_merge(df)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/clean_team_names_NCAA_merge.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Clean KenPom Data Frame Team Names to match NCAA Team Names for easier merging — clean_team_names_NCAA_merge","text":"df KenPom dataframe","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/csv_from_url.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load .csv / .csv.gz file from a remote connection — csv_from_url","title":"Load .csv / .csv.gz file from a remote connection — csv_from_url","text":"thin wrapper data.table::fread","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/csv_from_url.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load .csv / .csv.gz file from a remote connection — csv_from_url","text":"","code":"csv_from_url(...)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/csv_from_url.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load .csv / .csv.gz file from a remote connection — csv_from_url","text":"... Arguments passed data.table::fread input single character string. value inspected deferred either file= (\\n present), text= (least one \\n present) cmd= (\\n present, least one space present, file name). Exactly one input=, file=, text=, cmd= used call. file File name working directory, path file (passed path.expand convenience), URL starting http://, file://, etc. Compressed files extension .gz .bz2 supported R.utils package installed. text input data character vector one lines, example returned readLines(). cmd shell command pre-processes file; e.g. fread(cmd=paste(\"grep\",word,\"filename\")). See Details. sep separator columns. Defaults character set [,\\t |;:] separates sample rows number lines number fields. Use NULL \"\" specify separator; .e. line single character column like base::readLines . sep2 separator within columns. list column returned cell vector values. much faster using less working memory strsplit afterwards similar techniques. column sep2 can different first character set [,\\t |;], sep, exists inside field outside quoted regions sample. NB: sep2 yet implemented. nrows maximum number rows read. Unlike read.table, need set estimate number rows file better speed already automatically determined fread almost instantly using large sample lines. nrows=0 returns column names typed empty columns determined large sample; useful dry run large file quickly check format consistency set files starting read . header first data line contain column names? Defaults according whether every non-empty field first data line type character. , TRUE supplied, empty column names given default name. na.strings character vector strings interpreted NA values. default, \",,\" columns types, including type character read NA consistency. ,\"\", unambiguous read empty string. read ,NA, NA, set na.strings=\"NA\". read ,, blank string \"\", set na.strings=NULL. occur file, strings na.strings appear quoted since string literal ,\"NA\", distinguished ,NA,, example, na.strings=\"NA\". stringsAsFactors Convert character columns factors? verbose chatty report timings? skip 0 (default) start first line finds first row consistent number columns. automatically avoids irregular header information column names row. skip>0 means ignore first skip rows manually. skip=\"string\" searches \"string\" file (e.g. substring column names row) starts line (inspired read.xls package gdata). select vector column names numbers keep, drop rest. select may specify types way colClasses; .e., vector colname=type pairs, list type=col(s) pairs. forms select, order columns specified determines order columns result. drop Vector column names numbers drop, keep rest. colClasses utils::read.csv; .e., unnamed vector types corresponding columns file, named vector specifying types subset columns name. default, NULL means types inferred data file. , data.table supports named list vectors column names numbers list names class names; see examples. list form makes easier set batch columns particular class. column numbers used list form, refer column number file column number select drop applied. type coercion results error, introduces NAs, result loss accuracy, coercion attempt aborted column warning column's type left unchanged. really desire data loss (e.g. reading 3.14 integer) truncate columns afterwards explicitly clear future readers code. integer64 \"integer64\" (default) reads columns detected containing integers larger 2^31 type bit64::integer64. Alternatively, \"double\"|\"numeric\" reads utils::read.csv ; .e., possibly loss precision silently. , \"character\". dec decimal separator utils::read.csv. \".\" (default) usually \",\". See details. col.names vector optional names variables (columns). default use header column present detected, \"V\" followed column number. applied check.names key index. check.names default FALSE. TRUE names variables data.table checked ensure syntactically valid variable names. necessary adjusted (make.names) , also ensure duplicates. encoding default \"unknown\". possible options \"UTF-8\" \"Latin-1\". Note: used re-encode input, rather enables handling encoded strings native encoding. quote default (\"\\\"\"), field starts double quote, fread handles embedded quotes robustly explained Details. fails, another attempt made read field , .e., quotes disabled. setting quote=\"\", field always read quotes disabled. expected ever need pass anything \\\"\\\" quote; .e., turn . strip.white default TRUE. Strips leading trailing whitespaces unquoted fields. FALSE, header trailing spaces removed. fill logical (default FALSE). TRUE case rows unequal length, blank fields implicitly filled. blank.lines.skip logical, default FALSE. TRUE blank lines input ignored. key Character vector one column names passed setkey. may single comma separated string key=\"x,y,z\", vector names key=c(\"x\",\"y\",\"z\"). valid argument data.table=TRUE. applicable, refer column names given col.names. index Character vector list character vectors one column names passed setindexv. key, comma-separated notation like index=\"x,y,z\" accepted convenience. valid argument data.table=TRUE. applicable, refer column names given col.names. showProgress TRUE displays progress console ETA greater 3 seconds. produced fread's C code nice (R level) txtProgressBar tkProgressBar easily available. data.table TRUE returns data.table. FALSE returns data.frame. default argument can changed options(datatable.fread.datatable=FALSE). nThread number threads use. Experiment see works best data hardware. logical01 TRUE column containing 0s 1s read logical, otherwise integer. keepLeadingZeros TRUE column containing numeric data leading zeros read character, otherwise leading zeros removed converted numeric. yaml TRUE, fread attempt parse (using yaml.load) top input YAML, glean parameters relevant improving performance fread data . entire YAML section returned parsed list yaml_metadata attribute. See Details. autostart Deprecated ignored warning. Please use skip instead. tmpdir Directory use tmpdir argument tempfile calls, e.g. input URL shell command. default tempdir() can controlled setting TMPDIR starting R session; see base::tempdir. tz Relevant datetime values Z UTC-offset end, .e. unmarked datetime, written utils::write.csv. default tz=\"UTC\" reads unmarked datetime UTC POSIXct efficiently. tz=\"\" reads unmarked datetime type character (slowly) .POSIXct can interpret (slowly) character datetimes local timezone; e.g. using \"POSIXct\" colClasses=. Note fwrite() default writes datetime UTC including final Z therefore fwrite's output read fread consistently quickly without needing use tz= colClasses=. TZ environment variable set \"UTC\" (\"\" non-Windows unset vs `\"\"` significant) R session's timezone already UTC tz=\"\" result unmarked datetimes read UTC POSIXct. information, please see news items v1.13.0 v1.14.0.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/csv_from_url.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load .csv / .csv.gz file from a remote connection — csv_from_url","text":"dataframe created data.table::fread()","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_betting.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN MBB's Betting information — espn_mbb_betting","title":"Get ESPN MBB's Betting information — espn_mbb_betting","text":"Get ESPN MBB's Betting information","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_betting.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN MBB's Betting information — espn_mbb_betting","text":"","code":"espn_mbb_betting(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_betting.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN MBB's Betting information — espn_mbb_betting","text":"game_id Game ID","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_betting.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN MBB's Betting information — espn_mbb_betting","text":"Returns named list data frames: pickcenter, againstTheSpread, predictor pickcenter againstTheSpread predictor","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_betting.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN MBB's Betting information — espn_mbb_betting","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_mbb_betting(game_id = 401256760)) #> $pickcenter #> ── ESPN MBB Pickcenter Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:39 UTC #> # A tibble: 4 × 33 #> details over_under spread provider_id provider_name provider_priority #> * #> 1 FSU -1.5 134. -1.5 45 Caesars Sportsbook (… 1 #> 2 FSU -1.5 136. -1.5 1004 consensus 0 #> 3 FSU -1.5 134. -1.5 1003 numberfire 0 #> 4 FSU -1.0 134. -1 1002 teamrankings 0 #> # ℹ 27 more variables: away_team_odds_favorite , #> # away_team_odds_underdog , away_team_odds_money_line , #> # away_team_odds_spread_odds , away_team_odds_team_id , #> # away_team_odds_win_percentage , away_team_odds_average_score , #> # away_team_odds_money_line_odds , away_team_odds_spread_return , #> # away_team_odds_spread_record_wins , #> # away_team_odds_spread_record_losses , … #> #> $againstTheSpread #> ── ESPN MBB Against the Spread Information from ESPN.com ──────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:40 UTC #> # A tibble: 2 × 9 #> id uid display_name abbreviation logo logos records game_id team_id #> * #> 1 57 s:40~l:41… Florida Gat… FLA http… 4.01e8 57 #> 2 52 s:40~l:41… Florida Sta… FSU http… 4.01e8 52 #> #> $predictor #> ── ESPN MBB Predictor Information from ESPN.com ───────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:40 UTC #> # A tibble: 1 × 5 #> game_id home_team_id away_team_id away_team_game_proje…¹ away_team_chance_loss #> #> 1 4.01e8 52 57 58.5 41.5 #> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​away_team_game_projection #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_conferences.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN conference names and IDs — espn_mbb_conferences","title":"Get ESPN conference names and IDs — espn_mbb_conferences","text":"Get ESPN conference names IDs","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_conferences.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN conference names and IDs — espn_mbb_conferences","text":"","code":"espn_mbb_conferences()"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_conferences.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN conference names and IDs — espn_mbb_conferences","text":"conferences data frame","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_conferences.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get ESPN conference names and IDs — espn_mbb_conferences","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_conferences.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN conference names and IDs — espn_mbb_conferences","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_mbb_conferences()) #> ── ESPN MBB Conferences Information from ESPN.com ─────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:40 UTC #> # A tibble: 33 × 7 #> group_id conference_short_name conference_uid conference_name conference_logo #> #> 1 3 A 10 s:40~l:41~g:3 Atlantic 10 Co… https://a.espn… #> 2 2 ACC s:40~l:41~g:2 Atlantic Coast… https://a.espn… #> 3 46 ASUN s:40~l:41~g:46 ASUN Conference NA #> 4 1 Am. East s:40~l:41~g:1 America East C… https://a.espn… #> 5 62 American s:40~l:41~g:62 American Athle… https://a.espn… #> 6 8 Big 12 s:40~l:41~g:8 Big 12 Confere… https://a.espn… #> 7 4 Big East s:40~l:41~g:4 Big East Confe… https://a.espn… #> 8 5 Big Sky s:40~l:41~g:5 Big Sky Confer… https://a.espn… #> 9 6 Big South s:40~l:41~g:6 Big South Conf… https://a.espn… #> 10 7 Big Ten s:40~l:41~g:7 Big Ten Confer… https://a.espn… #> # ℹ 23 more rows #> # ℹ 2 more variables: parent_group_id , conference_id # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_all.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN men's college basketball data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_mbb_game_all","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_mbb_game_all","text":"Get ESPN men's college basketball data (Pbp, Team Player Box)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_all.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_mbb_game_all","text":"","code":"espn_mbb_game_all(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_all.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_mbb_game_all","text":"game_id Game ID","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_all.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_mbb_game_all","text":"named list data frames: Plays, Team, Player Plays Team Player","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_all.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_mbb_game_all","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_all.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_mbb_game_all","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_mbb_game_all(game_id = 401479672)) #> $Plays #> ── ESPN MBB Play-by-Play Information from ESPN.com ────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:41 UTC #> # A tibble: 360 × 51 #> id sequence_number text away_score home_score scoring_play score_value #> #> 1 4014796… 101799901 Jump… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 2 4014796… 101805501 Jess… 0 0 FALSE 2 #> 3 4014796… 101805502 RJ M… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 4 4014796… 101805503 Skyy… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 5 4014796… 101808101 Terr… 0 0 FALSE 3 #> 6 4014796… 101808102 RJ M… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 7 4014796… 101809301 RJ M… 0 0 FALSE 2 #> 8 4014796… 101809302 Benn… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 9 4014796… 101809501 Foul… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 10 4014796… 101814601 Juda… 0 0 FALSE 2 #> # ℹ 350 more rows #> # ℹ 44 more variables: wallclock , shooting_play , type_id , #> # type_text , period_number , period_display_value , #> # clock_display_value , team_id , coordinate_x_raw , #> # coordinate_y_raw , coordinate_x , coordinate_y , #> # play_id , athlete_id_1 , athlete_id_2 , home_team_id , #> # home_team_mascot , home_team_name , home_team_abbrev , … #> #> $Team #> ── ESPN MBB Team Box Information from ESPN.com ────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:41 UTC #> # A tibble: 2 × 54 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time team_id team_uid #> #> 1 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 183 s:40~l:41… #> 2 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 356 s:40~l:41… #> # ℹ 47 more variables: team_slug , team_location , team_name , #> # team_abbreviation , team_display_name , #> # team_short_display_name , team_color , #> # team_alternate_color , team_logo , team_home_away , #> # team_score , team_winner , assists , blocks , #> # defensive_rebounds , field_goal_pct , field_goals_made , #> # field_goals_attempted , flagrant_fouls , fouls , … #> #> $Player #> ── ESPN MBB Player Box Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:42 UTC #> # A tibble: 30 × 55 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time athlete_id #> #> 1 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 4684627 #> 2 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 4575472 #> 3 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 4431816 #> 4 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 4684729 #> 5 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 4431746 #> 6 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 5105337 #> 7 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 4592369 #> 8 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 4700878 #> 9 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 4684746 #> 10 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 4683860 #> # ℹ 20 more rows #> # ℹ 49 more variables: athlete_display_name , team_id , #> # team_name , team_location , team_short_display_name , #> # minutes , field_goals_made , field_goals_attempted , #> # three_point_field_goals_made , #> # three_point_field_goals_attempted , free_throws_made , #> # free_throws_attempted , offensive_rebounds , … #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_rosters.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN men's college basketball game rosters — espn_mbb_game_rosters","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball game rosters — espn_mbb_game_rosters","text":"Get ESPN men's college basketball game rosters","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_rosters.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball game rosters — espn_mbb_game_rosters","text":"","code":"espn_mbb_game_rosters(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_rosters.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball game rosters — espn_mbb_game_rosters","text":"game_id Game ID","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_rosters.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball game rosters — espn_mbb_game_rosters","text":"game rosters data frame","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_rosters.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball game rosters — espn_mbb_game_rosters","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_rosters.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball game rosters — espn_mbb_game_rosters","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_mbb_game_rosters(game_id = 401256760)) #> ── ESPN MBB Game Roster Information from ESPN.com ─────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:47 UTC #> # A tibble: 34 × 71 #> athlete_id athlete_uid athlete_guid athlete_type sdr first_name last_name #> #> 1 4277850 s:40~l:41~a… 7b156c52fa1… basketball 4.28e6 RaiQuan Gray #> 2 4432829 s:40~l:41~a… 2734604d097… basketball 4.43e6 Balsa Koprivica #> 3 4433134 s:40~l:41~a… dd0bb1da-07… basketball 4.43e6 Scottie Barnes #> 4 4277854 s:40~l:41~a… f44291c90d0… basketball 4.28e6 MJ Walker #> 5 4277852 s:40~l:41~a… f376da3f468… basketball 4.28e6 Anthony Polite #> 6 4279098 s:40~l:41~a… 89f097edf5d… basketball 4.28e6 Malik Osborne #> 7 4701240 s:40~l:41~a… f35c5378-4b… basketball 4.70e6 Tanor Ngom #> 8 4683134 s:40~l:41~a… f878c598-70… basketball 4.68e6 Quincy Ballard #> 9 4701239 s:40~l:41~a… 88820814-39… basketball 4.70e6 Sardaar Calhoun #> 10 4592191 s:40~l:41~a… 066a390d78f… basketball 4.59e6 Nathanael Jack #> # ℹ 24 more rows #> # ℹ 64 more variables: full_name , athlete_display_name , #> # short_name , weight , display_weight , height , #> # display_height , age , date_of_birth , #> # birth_place_city , birth_place_state , birth_place_country , #> # 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ℹ 350 more rows #> # ℹ 44 more variables: wallclock , shooting_play , type_id , #> # type_text , period_number , period_display_value , #> # clock_display_value , team_id , coordinate_x_raw , #> # coordinate_y_raw , coordinate_x , coordinate_y , #> # play_id , athlete_id_1 , athlete_id_2 , home_team_id , #> # home_team_mascot , home_team_name , home_team_abbrev , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_player_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN men's college basketball player box scores — espn_mbb_player_box","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball player box scores — espn_mbb_player_box","text":"Get ESPN men's college basketball player box scores","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_player_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball player box scores — espn_mbb_player_box","text":"","code":"espn_mbb_player_box(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_player_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball player box scores — espn_mbb_player_box","text":"game_id Game ID","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_player_box.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball player box scores — espn_mbb_player_box","text":"player boxscore data frame Player","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_player_box.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball player box scores — espn_mbb_player_box","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_player_box.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball player box scores — espn_mbb_player_box","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_mbb_player_box(game_id = 401479672)) #> ── ESPN MBB Player Box Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:49 UTC #> # 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team_location , team_name , team_nickname , #> # team_abbreviation , team_color , team_logo , #> # occurrence_number , occurrence_type , occurrence_last , #> # occurrence_value , occurrence_display_value , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_scoreboard.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN men's college basketball schedule for a specific year — espn_mbb_scoreboard","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball schedule for a specific year — espn_mbb_scoreboard","text":"Get ESPN men's college basketball schedule specific year","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_scoreboard.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball schedule for a specific year — espn_mbb_scoreboard","text":"","code":"espn_mbb_scoreboard(season)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_scoreboard.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball schedule for a specific year — espn_mbb_scoreboard","text":"season Either numeric character","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_scoreboard.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball schedule for a specific year — espn_mbb_scoreboard","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_scoreboard.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball schedule for a specific year — espn_mbb_scoreboard","text":"","code":"# Get schedule from date 2022-11-17 # 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broadcast_market , broadcast_name , start_date , #> # game_date_time , home_team_name , home_team_logo , #> # home_team_abb , home_team_id , home_team_location , #> # home_team_full_name , home_team_color , home_score , #> # home_win , home_record , away_team_name , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_standings.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN men's college basketball standings — espn_mbb_standings","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball standings — espn_mbb_standings","text":"Get ESPN men's college basketball standings","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_standings.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball standings — espn_mbb_standings","text":"","code":"espn_mbb_standings(year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_standings.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball standings — espn_mbb_standings","text":"year Either numeric character (YYYY)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_standings.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball standings — espn_mbb_standings","text":"standings data frame","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_standings.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball standings — espn_mbb_standings","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_mbb_standings(2021)) #> ── ESPN MBB Standings Information from ESPN.com ───────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:52 UTC #> # A tibble: 348 × 74 #> team_id team avgpointsagainst avgpointsfor gamesbehind leaguewinpercent #> * #> 1 2250 Gonzaga B… 69.7 91.0 0 1 #> 2 239 Baylor Be… 65.5 82.9 0 0.929 #> 3 2737 Winthrop … 67.0 78.9 0 0.944 #> 4 248 Houston C… 58.2 76.1 0 0.824 #> 5 2142 Colgate R… 69.6 85.2 0 0.917 #> 6 2057 Belmont B… 69.1 81.3 -0.5 0.9 #> 7 2350 Loyola Ch… 56.1 71.0 -5 0.889 #> 8 2181 Drake Bul… 64.5 75.9 0 0.833 #> 9 253 Southern … 69.5 84.2 -3 0.857 #> 10 2426 Navy Mids… 67 71.5 0 0.923 #> # ℹ 338 more rows #> # ℹ 68 more variables: losses , playoffseed , pointsagainst , #> # pointsfor , streak , winpercent , wins , total , #> # home_avgpointsagainst , home_avgpointsfor , #> # home_gamesbehind , home_leaguewinpercent , home_losses , #> # home_playoffseed , home_pointsagainst , home_pointsfor , #> # home_streak , home_winpercent , home_wins , home , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_team_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN men's college basketball team box scores — espn_mbb_team_box","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball team box scores — espn_mbb_team_box","text":"Get ESPN men's college basketball team box scores","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_team_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball team box scores — espn_mbb_team_box","text":"","code":"espn_mbb_team_box(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_team_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball team box scores — espn_mbb_team_box","text":"game_id Game ID","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_team_box.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball team box scores — espn_mbb_team_box","text":"team boxscore data frame Team","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_team_box.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball team box scores — espn_mbb_team_box","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_team_box.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball team box scores — espn_mbb_team_box","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_mbb_team_box(game_id = 401479672)) #> ── ESPN MBB Team Box Information from ESPN.com ────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:53 UTC #> # 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A tibble: 360 × 20 #> team_id abbreviation display_name short_name mascot nickname team color #> #> 1 2000 ACU Abilene Christia… Abilene C… Wildc… Abilene… Abil… 4e26… #> 2 2005 AFA Air Force Falcons Air Force Falco… Air For… Air … 004a… #> 3 2006 AKR Akron Zips Akron Zips Akron Akron 0028… #> 4 2010 AAMU Alabama A&M Bull… Alabama A… Bulld… Alabama… Alab… 7900… #> 5 333 ALA Alabama Crimson … Alabama Crims… Alabama Alab… 6900… #> 6 2011 ALST Alabama State Ho… Alabama St Horne… Alabama… Alab… e9a9… #> 7 399 ALB Albany Great Dan… Albany Great… Albany Alba… 3D27… #> 8 2016 ALCN Alcorn State Bra… Alcorn St Braves Alcorn … Alco… 4b00… #> 9 44 AMER American Univers… American Eagles American Amer… c411… #> 10 2026 APP Appalachian Stat… Appalachi… Mount… Appalac… Appa… 0000… #> # ℹ 350 more rows #> # ℹ 12 more variables: alternate_color , logo , logo_dark , #> # href , conference_url , group_id , #> # conference_short_name , conference_uid , conference_name , #> # conference_logo , parent_group_id , conference_id # 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Referencing game ID (game_id functions). play_id: character. Referencing play ID. period: integer. Clock (time) left game. time_left: character. Clock (time) left game. period_seconds_left: integer. Seconds left period. game_seconds_left: integer. Seconds left game. home_win_percentage: double. probability home team winning game. away_win_percentage: double. probability away team winning game (calculated 1 - home_win_percentage - tie_percentage). tie_percentage: double. probability game ending final period tie.","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_wp.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Men's College Basketball win probability chart data from ESPN — espn_mbb_wp","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ espn_mbb_wp(game_id = 401256760) #> ── ESPN MBB Win Probability Information from ESPN.com ─────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:58 UTC #> # A tibble: 352 × 9 #> game_id play_id period time_left period_seconds_left game_seconds_left #> * #> 1 401256760 40125676010… 1 19:40 1180 2380 #> 2 401256760 40125676010… 1 19:36 1176 2376 #> 3 401256760 40125676010… 1 19:36 1176 2376 #> 4 401256760 40125676010… 1 19:11 1151 2351 #> 5 401256760 40125676010… 1 19:09 1149 2349 #> 6 401256760 40125676010… 1 18:54 1134 2334 #> 7 401256760 40125676010… 1 18:54 1134 2334 #> 8 401256760 40125676010… 1 18:29 1109 2309 #> 9 401256760 40125676010… 1 18:17 1097 2297 #> 10 401256760 40125676010… 1 18:17 1097 2297 #> # ℹ 342 more rows #> # ℹ 3 more variables: home_win_percentage , away_win_percentage , #> # tie_percentage # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_betting.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA's Betting information — espn_nba_betting","title":"Get ESPN NBA's Betting information — espn_nba_betting","text":"Get ESPN NBA's Betting information","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_betting.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA's Betting information — espn_nba_betting","text":"","code":"espn_nba_betting(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_betting.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN NBA's Betting information — espn_nba_betting","text":"game_id Game ID","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_betting.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN NBA's Betting information — espn_nba_betting","text":"Returns named list data frames: pickcenter, againstTheSpread, predictor pickcenter againstTheSpread predictor","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_betting.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN NBA's Betting information — espn_nba_betting","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_nba_betting(game_id = 401283399)) #> $pickcenter #> ── ESPN NBA Pickcenter Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:59 UTC #> # A tibble: 4 × 33 #> details over_under spread provider_id provider_name provider_priority #> * #> 1 MEM -7.0 227 -7 45 Caesars Sportsbook (… 1 #> 2 MEM -7.0 227 -7 1004 consensus 0 #> 3 MEM -7.0 228 -7 1003 numberfire 0 #> 4 MEM -7.0 228 -7 1002 teamrankings 0 #> # ℹ 27 more variables: away_team_odds_favorite , #> # away_team_odds_underdog , away_team_odds_money_line , #> # away_team_odds_spread_odds , away_team_odds_team_id , #> # away_team_odds_win_percentage , away_team_odds_average_score , #> # away_team_odds_money_line_odds , away_team_odds_spread_return , #> # away_team_odds_spread_record_wins , #> # away_team_odds_spread_record_losses , … #> #> $againstTheSpread #> ── ESPN NBA Against the Spread Information from ESPN.com ──────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:59 UTC #> # A tibble: 2 × 9 #> id uid display_name abbreviation logo logos records game_id team_id #> * #> 1 25 s:40~l:46… Oklahoma Ci… OKC http… 4.01e8 25 #> 2 29 s:40~l:46… Memphis Gri… MEM http… 4.01e8 29 #> #> $predictor #> ── ESPN NBA Predictor Information from ESPN.com ───────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:12:59 UTC #> # A tibble: 1 × 5 #> game_id home_team_id away_team_id away_team_game_proje…¹ away_team_chance_loss #> #> 1 4.01e8 29 25 39.4 60.6 #> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​away_team_game_projection #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_all.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA game data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_nba_game_all","title":"Get ESPN NBA game data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_nba_game_all","text":"Get ESPN NBA game data (Pbp, Team Player Box)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_all.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA game data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_nba_game_all","text":"","code":"espn_nba_game_all(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_all.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN NBA game data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_nba_game_all","text":"game_id Game ID","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_all.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN NBA game data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_nba_game_all","text":"named list data frames: Plays, Team, Player Plays Team Player","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_all.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get ESPN NBA game data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_nba_game_all","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_all.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN NBA game data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_nba_game_all","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_nba_game_all(game_id = 401283399)) #> $Plays #> ── ESPN NBA Play-by-Play Information from ESPN.com ────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:00 UTC #> # A tibble: 472 × 52 #> id sequence_number text away_score home_score scoring_play score_value #> #> 1 4012833… 4 Isai… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 2 4012833… 7 Jona… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 3 4012833… 8 Dari… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 4 4012833… 9 Dill… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 5 4012833… 11 Dari… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 6 4012833… 12 Ja M… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 7 4012833… 13 Gray… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 8 4012833… 14 Isai… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 9 4012833… 15 Shai… 3 0 TRUE 3 #> 10 4012833… 16 Theo… 3 0 FALSE 0 #> # ℹ 462 more rows #> # ℹ 45 more variables: wallclock , shooting_play , type_id , #> # type_text , period_number , period_display_value , #> # clock_display_value , team_id , coordinate_x_raw , #> # coordinate_y_raw , coordinate_x , coordinate_y , #> # play_id , athlete_id_1 , athlete_id_2 , athlete_id_3 , #> # home_team_id , home_team_mascot , home_team_name , … #> #> $Team #> ── ESPN NBA Team Box Information from ESPN.com ────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:00 UTC #> # A tibble: 2 × 57 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time team_id team_uid #> #> 1 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 25 s:40~l:46… #> 2 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 29 s:40~l:46… #> # ℹ 50 more variables: team_slug , team_location , team_name , #> # team_abbreviation , team_display_name , #> # team_short_display_name , team_color , #> # team_alternate_color , team_logo , team_home_away , #> # team_score , team_winner , assists , blocks , #> # defensive_rebounds , fast_break_points , field_goal_pct , #> # field_goals_made , field_goals_attempted , … #> #> $Player #> ── ESPN NBA Player Box Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:00 UTC #> # A tibble: 24 × 57 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time athlete_id #> #> 1 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 4066392 #> 2 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 4423545 #> 3 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 4278073 #> 4 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 4683027 #> 5 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 4397020 #> 6 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 6610 #> 7 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 3133626 #> 8 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 3138156 #> 9 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 2490089 #> 10 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 4080610 #> # ℹ 14 more rows #> # ℹ 51 more variables: athlete_display_name , team_id , #> # team_name , team_location , team_short_display_name , #> # minutes , field_goals_made , field_goals_attempted , #> # three_point_field_goals_made , #> # three_point_field_goals_attempted , free_throws_made , #> # free_throws_attempted , offensive_rebounds , … #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_rosters.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA game rosters — espn_nba_game_rosters","title":"Get ESPN NBA game rosters — espn_nba_game_rosters","text":"Get ESPN NBA game rosters","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_rosters.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA game rosters — espn_nba_game_rosters","text":"","code":"espn_nba_game_rosters(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_rosters.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN NBA game rosters — espn_nba_game_rosters","text":"game_id Game ID","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_rosters.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN NBA game rosters — espn_nba_game_rosters","text":"game rosters data frame","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_rosters.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get ESPN NBA game rosters — espn_nba_game_rosters","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_rosters.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN NBA game rosters — espn_nba_game_rosters","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_nba_game_rosters(game_id = 401283399)) #> ── ESPN NBA Game Roster Information from ESPN.com ─────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:04 UTC #> # A tibble: 24 × 90 #> athlete_id athlete_uid athlete_guid athlete_type sdr first_name last_name #> #> 1 2993874 s:40~l:46~a… 0b5e3fdc796… basketball 2.99e6 Kyle Anderson #> 2 3155526 s:40~l:46~a… 653c07b5853… basketball 3.16e6 Dillon Brooks #> 3 6477 s:40~l:46~a… 585a3d05447… basketball 2.56e6 Jonas Valanciu… #> 4 4279888 s:40~l:46~a… de5f87e0857… basketball 4.28e6 Ja Morant #> 5 3135045 s:40~l:46~a… fedd8adfa9c… basketball 3.14e6 Grayson Allen #> 6 3906665 s:40~l:46~a… ac9aa77ddbe… basketball 3.91e6 Brandon Clarke #> 7 3908903 s:40~l:46~a… 6445df83a2d… basketball 3.91e6 Sean McDermott #> 8 4277964 s:40~l:46~a… 4b87dfe2263… basketball 4.28e6 Xavier Tillman #> 9 3135046 s:40~l:46~a… c4cddbcc957… basketball 3.14e6 Tyus Jones #> 10 3134932 s:40~l:46~a… d4c8df921ba… basketball 3.13e6 John Konchar #> # ℹ 14 more rows #> # ℹ 83 more variables: full_name , athlete_display_name , #> # short_name , weight , display_weight , height , #> # display_height , age , date_of_birth , debut_year , #> # birth_place_city , birth_place_state , birth_place_country , #> # slug , headshot_href , headshot_alt , jersey , #> # position_id , position_name , position_display_name , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_pbp.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA PBP data — espn_nba_pbp","title":"Get ESPN NBA PBP data — espn_nba_pbp","text":"Get ESPN NBA PBP data","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_pbp.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA PBP data — espn_nba_pbp","text":"","code":"espn_nba_pbp(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_pbp.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN NBA PBP data — espn_nba_pbp","text":"game_id Game ID","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_pbp.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN NBA PBP data — espn_nba_pbp","text":"play--play data frame. 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4010718… 16 King… 4 5 FALSE 0 #> 9 4010718… 17 Ian … 7 5 TRUE 3 #> 10 4010718… 19 Chri… 7 5 FALSE 0 #> # ℹ 465 more rows #> # ℹ 45 more variables: wallclock , shooting_play , type_id , #> # type_text , period_number , period_display_value , #> # clock_display_value , team_id , coordinate_x_raw , #> # coordinate_y_raw , coordinate_x , coordinate_y , #> # play_id , athlete_id_1 , athlete_id_2 , athlete_id_3 , #> # home_team_id , home_team_mascot , home_team_name , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_player_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA player box scores — espn_nba_player_box","title":"Get ESPN NBA player box scores — espn_nba_player_box","text":"Get ESPN NBA player box scores","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_player_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA player box scores — 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Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_player_box.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN NBA player box scores — espn_nba_player_box","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_nba_player_box(game_id = 401071880)) #> ── ESPN NBA Player Box Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:06 UTC #> # A tibble: 26 × 57 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time athlete_id #> #> 1 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 3058254 #> 2 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 3133626 #> 3 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 3135048 #> 4 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 2583639 #> 5 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 2489785 #> 6 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 3919335 #> 7 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 2488958 #> 8 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 2585637 #> 9 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 6583 #> 10 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 3064514 #> # ℹ 16 more rows #> # ℹ 51 more variables: athlete_display_name , team_id , #> # team_name , team_location , team_short_display_name , #> # minutes , field_goals_made , field_goals_attempted , #> # three_point_field_goals_made , #> # three_point_field_goals_attempted , free_throws_made , #> # free_throws_attempted , offensive_rebounds , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_player_stats.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA player stats data — espn_nba_player_stats","title":"Get ESPN NBA player stats data — espn_nba_player_stats","text":"Get ESPN NBA player stats data","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_player_stats.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA player stats 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, active , #> # contract_x_ref , contract_bird_status , contract_active , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_scoreboard.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA schedule for a specific year — espn_nba_scoreboard","title":"Get ESPN NBA schedule for a specific year — espn_nba_scoreboard","text":"Get ESPN NBA schedule specific year","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_scoreboard.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA schedule for a specific year — espn_nba_scoreboard","text":"","code":"espn_nba_scoreboard(season)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_scoreboard.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN NBA schedule for a specific year — espn_nba_scoreboard","text":"season Either numeric character (YYYYMMDD)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_scoreboard.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN NBA schedule for a specific year — espn_nba_scoreboard","text":"Returns tibble scoreboard data","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_scoreboard.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN NBA schedule for a specific year — espn_nba_scoreboard","text":"","code":"# Get schedule from date 2022-11-17 (returns 1000 results, max allowable.) # \\donttest{ try(espn_nba_scoreboard (season = \"20221117\")) #> ── ESPN NBA Scoreboard Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:08 UTC #> # A tibble: 3 × 35 #> matchup matchup_short season season_type season_slug game_id game_uid #> #> 1 Brooklyn Nets a… BKN @ POR 2023 2 regular-se… 4.01e8 s:40~l:… #> 2 San Antonio Spu… SA @ SAC 2023 2 regular-se… 4.01e8 s:40~l:… #> 3 Detroit Pistons… DET @ LAC 2023 2 regular-se… 4.01e8 s:40~l:… #> # ℹ 28 more variables: game_date , attendance , notes , #> # status_name , broadcasts , start_date , #> # geo_broadcasts , game_date_time , home_team_name , #> # home_team_logo , home_team_abb , home_team_id , #> # home_team_location , home_team_full_name , home_team_color , #> # home_score , home_win , home_record , away_team_name , #> # away_team_logo , away_team_abb , away_team_id , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_standings.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA's Standings — espn_nba_standings","title":"Get ESPN NBA's Standings — espn_nba_standings","text":"Get ESPN NBA's Standings","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_standings.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA's Standings — 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# A tibble: 30 × 20 #> team_id team avgpointsagainst avgpointsfor clincher differential #> * #> 1 26 Utah Jazz 107. 116. 5 9.2 #> 2 21 Phoenix Suns 109. 115. 2 5.8 #> 3 20 Philadelphia 76e… 108. 114. 3 5.5 #> 4 17 Brooklyn Nets 114. 119. 1 4.5 #> 5 7 Denver Nuggets 110. 115. 1 5 #> 6 12 LA Clippers 108. 114. 1 6.2 #> 7 15 Milwaukee Bucks 114. 120. 2 5.90 #> 8 6 Dallas Mavericks 110. 112. 2 2.2 #> 9 13 Los Angeles Lake… 107. 110. 7 2.7 #> 10 22 Portland Trail B… 114. 116. 1 1.8 #> # ℹ 20 more rows #> # ℹ 14 more variables: divisionwinpercent , gamesbehind , #> # leaguewinpercent , losses , playoffseed , streak , #> # winpercent , wins , leaguestandings , home , #> # road , vsdiv , vsconf , lasttengames # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_team_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA team box scores — espn_nba_team_box","title":"Get ESPN NBA team box scores — espn_nba_team_box","text":"Get ESPN NBA team box 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fast_break_points , field_goal_pct , #> # field_goals_made , field_goals_attempted , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_team_stats.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA team stats data — espn_nba_team_stats","title":"Get ESPN NBA team stats data — espn_nba_team_stats","text":"Get ESPN NBA team stats data","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_team_stats.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA team stats data — espn_nba_team_stats","text":"","code":"espn_nba_team_stats(team_id, year, season_type = \"regular\", total = FALSE)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_team_stats.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN NBA team stats data — espn_nba_team_stats","text":"team_id Team ID year Year season_type (character, default: regular): Season type - regular postseason total (boolean, default: FALSE): Totals","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_team_stats.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN NBA team stats data — espn_nba_team_stats","text":"Returns tibble team stats data","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_team_stats.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get ESPN NBA team stats data — espn_nba_team_stats","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_team_stats.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN NBA team stats data — espn_nba_team_stats","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_nba_team_stats(team_id = 18, year = 2020)) #> ── ESPN NBA Team Season Stats from ESPN.com ───────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:09 UTC #> # A tibble: 1 × 128 #> team_id team_guid team_uid team_slug team_location team_name team_abbreviation #> #> 1 18 61719eb2… s:40~l:… new-york… New York Knicks NY #> # ℹ 121 more variables: team_display_name , team_short_display_name , #> # team_color , team_alternate_color , team_is_active , #> # team_is_all_star , logo_href , logo_dark_href , #> # logos_href_2 , logos_href_3 , defensive_blocks , #> # defensive_defensive_rebounds , defensive_steals , #> # defensive_turnover_points , defensive_def_rebound_rate , #> # defensive_avg_defensive_rebounds , defensive_avg_blocks , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_teams.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA team names and IDs — espn_nba_teams","title":"Get ESPN NBA team names and IDs — espn_nba_teams","text":"Get ESPN NBA team names IDs","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_teams.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA team names and IDs — espn_nba_teams","text":"","code":"espn_nba_teams()"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_teams.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN NBA team names and IDs — espn_nba_teams","text":"teams data frame","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_teams.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get ESPN NBA team names and IDs — espn_nba_teams","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_teams.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN NBA team names and IDs — espn_nba_teams","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_nba_teams()) #> ── ESPN NBA Teams Information from ESPN.com ───────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:10 UTC #> # A tibble: 30 × 13 #> team_id abbreviation display_name short_name mascot nickname team color #> #> 1 1 ATL Atlanta Hawks Hawks Hawks Atlanta Atla… c810… #> 2 2 BOS Boston Celtics Celtics Celti… Boston Bost… 0065… #> 3 17 BKN Brooklyn Nets Nets Nets Brooklyn Broo… 0000… #> 4 30 CHA Charlotte Hornets Hornets Horne… Charlot… Char… 1D10… #> 5 4 CHI Chicago Bulls Bulls Bulls Chicago Chic… 0000… #> 6 5 CLE Cleveland Cavali… Cavaliers Caval… Clevela… Clev… 0616… #> 7 6 DAL Dallas Mavericks Mavericks Maver… Dallas Dall… 0C47… #> 8 7 DEN Denver Nuggets Nuggets Nugge… Denver Denv… 0860… #> 9 8 DET Detroit Pistons Pistons Pisto… Detroit Detr… FA00… #> 10 9 GS Golden State War… Warriors Warri… Golden … Gold… 003d… #> # ℹ 20 more rows #> # ℹ 5 more variables: alternate_color , logo , logo_dark , #> # logos_href_3 , logos_href_4 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_wp.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get NBA win probability chart data from ESPN — espn_nba_wp","title":"Get NBA win probability chart data from ESPN — espn_nba_wp","text":"Get NBA win probability chart data ESPN","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_wp.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get NBA win probability chart data from ESPN — espn_nba_wp","text":"","code":"espn_nba_wp(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_wp.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get NBA win probability chart data from ESPN — espn_nba_wp","text":"game_id (Integer required): Game ID filter querying single game","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_wp.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get NBA win probability chart data from ESPN — espn_nba_wp","text":"espn_nba_wp() - data frame 21 variables:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_wp.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get NBA win probability chart data from ESPN — espn_nba_wp","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ espn_nba_wp(game_id = 401283399) #> ── ESPN NBA Win Probability Information from ESPN.com ─────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:13:10 UTC #> # A tibble: 472 × 22 #> game_id play_id home_win_percentage away_win_percentage tie_percentage #> #> 1 401283399 4012833994 0.615 0.385 0 #> 2 401283399 4012833997 0.6 0.4 0 #> 3 401283399 4012833998 0.595 0.405 0 #> 4 401283399 4012833999 0.594 0.406 0 #> 5 401283399 40128339911 0.61 0.39 0 #> 6 401283399 40128339912 0.615 0.385 0 #> 7 401283399 40128339913 0.599 0.401 0 #> 8 401283399 40128339914 0.593 0.407 0 #> 9 401283399 40128339915 0.54 0.46 0 #> 10 401283399 40128339916 0.577 0.423 0 #> # ℹ 462 more rows #> # ℹ 17 more variables: sequence_number , text , away_score , #> # home_score , scoring_play , score_value , #> # participants , wallclock , shooting_play , type_id , #> # type_text , period_number , period_display_value , #> # clock_display_value , team_id , coordinate_x , #> # coordinate_y # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_mbb_pbp.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Parse ESPN MBB PBP, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_pbp","title":"Parse ESPN MBB PBP, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_pbp","text":"Parse ESPN MBB PBP, helper function","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_mbb_pbp.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Parse ESPN MBB PBP, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_pbp","text":"","code":"helper_espn_mbb_pbp(resp)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_mbb_pbp.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Parse ESPN MBB PBP, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_pbp","text":"resp Response object ESPN MBB game summary endpoint","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_mbb_pbp.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Parse ESPN MBB PBP, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_pbp","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_mbb_player_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Parse ESPN MBB Player Box, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_player_box","title":"Parse ESPN MBB Player Box, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_player_box","text":"Parse ESPN MBB Player Box, helper function","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_mbb_player_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Parse ESPN MBB Player Box, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_player_box","text":"","code":"helper_espn_mbb_player_box(resp)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_mbb_player_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Parse ESPN MBB Player Box, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_player_box","text":"resp Response object ESPN MBB game summary endpoint","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_mbb_player_box.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Parse ESPN MBB Player Box, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_player_box","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_mbb_team_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Parse ESPN MBB Team Box, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_team_box","title":"Parse ESPN MBB Team Box, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_team_box","text":"Parse ESPN MBB Team Box, helper function","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_mbb_team_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Parse ESPN MBB Team Box, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_team_box","text":"","code":"helper_espn_mbb_team_box(resp)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_mbb_team_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Parse ESPN MBB Team Box, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_team_box","text":"resp Response object ESPN MBB game 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helper_espn_nba_pbp","text":"","code":"helper_espn_nba_pbp(resp)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_nba_pbp.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Parse ESPN NBA PBP, helper function — helper_espn_nba_pbp","text":"resp Response object ESPN NBA game summary endpoint","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_nba_pbp.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Parse ESPN NBA PBP, helper function — helper_espn_nba_pbp","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_nba_player_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Parse ESPN NBA Player Box, helper function — helper_espn_nba_player_box","title":"Parse ESPN NBA Player Box, helper function — helper_espn_nba_player_box","text":"Parse ESPN NBA Player Box, helper function","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_nba_player_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Parse ESPN NBA Player Box, helper function — helper_espn_nba_player_box","text":"","code":"helper_espn_nba_player_box(resp)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_nba_player_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Parse ESPN NBA Player Box, helper function — helper_espn_nba_player_box","text":"resp Response object ESPN NBA game summary endpoint","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_nba_player_box.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Parse ESPN NBA Player Box, helper function — helper_espn_nba_player_box","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_nba_team_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Parse ESPN NBA Team Box, helper function — helper_espn_nba_team_box","title":"Parse ESPN NBA Team Box, helper function — helper_espn_nba_team_box","text":"Parse ESPN NBA Team Box, helper function","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_nba_team_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Parse ESPN NBA Team Box, helper function — helper_espn_nba_team_box","text":"","code":"helper_espn_nba_team_box(resp)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_nba_team_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Parse ESPN NBA Team Box, helper function — helper_espn_nba_team_box","text":"resp Response object ESPN NBA game summary endpoint","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_nba_team_box.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Parse ESPN NBA Team Box, helper function — helper_espn_nba_team_box","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/hoopR-package.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR: Access Men's Basketball Play by Play Data — hoopR-package","title":"hoopR: Access Men's Basketball Play by Play Data — hoopR-package","text":"utility quickly obtain clean tidy men's basketball play play data. Provides functions access live play play box score data ESPNhttps://www.espn.com shot locations available. also full NBA Stats APIhttps://www.nba.com/stats/ wrapper. also scraping aggregating interface Ken Pomeroy's men's college basketball statistics websitehttps://kenpom.com. provides users active subscription capability scrape website tables analyze data .","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/hoopR-package.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"hoopR: Access Men's Basketball Play by Play Data — hoopR-package","text":"Maintainer: Saiem Gilani saiem.gilani@gmail.com contributors: Jason Lee Jason@aisportsfirm.com [contributor] Billy Fryer billyfryer@att.net [contributor] Ross Drucker ross..drucker@gmail.com [contributor]","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_arenas.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Home Court Arenas — kp_arenas","title":"Get Home Court Arenas — kp_arenas","text":"Get Home Court Arenas","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_arenas.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Home Court Arenas — kp_arenas","text":"","code":"kp_arenas(year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_arenas.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Home Court Arenas — kp_arenas","text":"year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_arenas.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Home Court Arenas — kp_arenas","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_arenas.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Home Court Arenas — kp_arenas","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_arenas(year=2021)) #> rk team conf #> 1 1 Syracuse ACC #> 2 2 Louisville ACC #> 3 3 North Carolina ACC #> 4 4 Tennessee SEC #> 5 5 Kentucky SEC #> 6 6 N.C. State ACC #> 7 7 Arkansas SEC #> 8 8 Ohio St. B10 #> 9 9 BYU WCC #> 10 10 Memphis Amer #> 11 11 Bellarmine ASun #> 12 12 South Carolina SEC #> 13 12 UNLV MWC #> 14 14 Maryland B10 #> 15 15 Marquette BE #> 16 16 Indiana B10 #> 17 17 Creighton BE #> 18 18 Wisconsin B10 #> 19 19 Texas B12 #> 20 20 Kansas B12 #> 21 21 Fresno St. MWC #> 22 22 Illinois B10 #> 23 23 New Mexico MWC #> 24 24 Alabama SEC #> 25 25 Penn St. B10 #> 26 26 Texas Tech B12 #> 27 27 Missouri SEC #> 28 28 Iowa B10 #> 29 29 Nebraska B10 #> 30 29 Utah P12 #> 31 31 Purdue B10 #> 32 32 Michigan St. B10 #> 33 33 Wake Forest ACC #> 34 34 Arizona P12 #> 35 35 Minnesota B10 #> 36 36 Virginia ACC #> 37 37 Iowa St. B12 #> 38 38 Vanderbilt SEC #> 39 39 West Virginia B12 #> 40 40 UCLA P12 #> 41 41 Oklahoma St. B12 #> 42 42 Dayton A10 #> 43 43 LSU SEC #> 44 44 Ohio MAC #> 45 45 Texas A&M SEC #> 46 46 Michigan B10 #> 47 47 Oregon P12 #> 48 48 Kansas St. B12 #> 49 49 Pittsburgh ACC #> 50 50 New Mexico St. WAC #> 51 51 Boise St. MWC #> 52 52 San Diego St. MWC #> 53 53 Providence BE #> 54 54 Louisiana SB #> 55 55 Florida St. ACC #> 56 56 Cincinnati Amer #> 57 57 UTEP CUSA #> 58 58 California P12 #> 59 59 Washington St. P12 #> 60 60 Oklahoma B12 #> 61 61 Nevada MWC #> 62 62 Middle Tennessee CUSA #> 63 63 Ball St. MAC #> 64 63 Weber St. BSky #> 65 65 Wyoming MWC #> 66 66 Colorado P12 #> 67 67 Bradley MVC #> 68 68 Missouri St. MVC #> 69 69 Chattanooga SC #> 70 70 Milwaukee Horz #> 71 71 Arizona St. P12 #> 72 72 Saint Louis A10 #> 73 73 Mississippi St. SEC #> 74 73 Oral Roberts Sum #> 75 75 Georgia SEC #> 76 76 Wichita St. Amer #> 77 77 North Texas CUSA #> 78 77 Tennessee St. OVC #> 79 79 Seton Hall BE #> 80 80 Wright St. Horz #> 81 81 South Florida Amer #> 82 82 DePaul BE #> 83 83 Hawaii BW #> 84 84 Baylor B12 #> 85 85 Utah St. MWC #> 86 86 USC P12 #> 87 87 Xavier BE #> 88 88 Temple Amer #> 89 89 Illinois St. MVC #> 90 89 Indiana St. MVC #> 91 91 Connecticut BE #> 92 92 Florida SEC #> 93 93 Lamar Slnd #> 94 94 Arkansas St. SB #> 95 95 South Alabama SB #> 96 95 UCF Amer #> 97 97 Green Bay Horz #> 98 98 Oregon St. P12 #> 99 99 Mississippi SEC #> 100 100 Massachusetts A10 #> 101 101 Northern Kentucky Horz #> 102 102 Duke ACC #> 103 103 Washington P12 #> 104 104 Notre Dame ACC #> 105 105 Auburn SEC #> 106 106 Charlotte CUSA #> 107 107 Butler BE #> 108 107 Northern Illinois MAC #> 109 109 Marshall CUSA #> 110 110 Clemson ACC #> 111 110 Florida A&M MEAC #> 112 112 SMU Amer #> 113 113 Evansville MVC #> 114 114 Virginia Tech ACC #> 115 115 New Orleans Slnd #> 116 116 Eastern Michigan MAC #> 117 117 Colorado St. MWC #> 118 118 Penn Ivy #> 119 119 Boston College ACC #> 120 120 Georgia Tech ACC #> 121 120 Murray St. OVC #> 122 120 William & Mary CAA #> 123 123 Cleveland St. Horz #> 124 123 James Madison CAA #> 125 123 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd #> 126 123 UAB CUSA #> 127 127 Old Dominion CUSA #> 128 128 Tulsa Amer #> 129 129 Southern Illinois MVC #> 130 130 Appalachian St. SB #> 131 131 Detroit Horz #> 132 132 Texas Southern SWAC #> 133 133 Southern Miss CUSA #> 134 134 East Carolina Amer #> 135 134 Illinois Chicago Horz #> 136 134 Jackson St. SWAC #> 137 134 Louisiana Tech CUSA #> 138 134 Rutgers B10 #> 139 139 Miami FL ACC #> 140 140 Nebraska Omaha Sum #> 141 141 George Mason A10 #> 142 142 Western Carolina SC #> 143 143 Rhode Island A10 #> 144 144 VCU A10 #> 145 145 UNC Greensboro SC #> 146 146 Western Kentucky CUSA #> 147 147 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd #> 148 147 Southern SWAC #> 149 147 Tennessee Tech OVC #> 150 147 Utah Valley WAC #> 151 151 Alabama St. SWAC #> 152 152 Stanford P12 #> 153 153 Montana BSky #> 154 154 Toledo MAC #> 155 155 Northern Iowa MVC #> 156 156 Austin Peay OVC #> 157 157 Stephen F. Austin Slnd #> 158 158 Richmond A10 #> 159 159 Hampton BSth #> 160 159 Texas St. SB #> 161 161 Drake MVC #> 162 162 UC Davis BW #> 163 163 Northwestern B10 #> 164 164 Houston Amer #> 165 165 Alcorn St. SWAC #> 166 165 Grand Canyon WAC #> 167 165 Idaho BSky #> 168 165 Louisiana Monroe SB #> 169 165 Southeast Missouri St. OVC #> 170 165 UT Arlington SB #> 171 171 Princeton Ivy #> 172 172 IUPUI Horz #> 173 172 TCU B12 #> 174 174 North Carolina A&T MEAC #> 175 175 East Tennessee St. SC #> 176 175 Eastern Kentucky OVC #> 177 175 Morehead St. OVC #> 178 175 South Dakota St. Sum #> 179 175 Villanova BE #> 180 180 Miami OH MAC #> 181 180 Youngstown St. Horz #> 182 182 Kent St. MAC #> 183 183 Norfolk St. MEAC #> 184 184 Pacific WCC #> 185 185 Sam Houston St. Slnd #> 186 186 Buffalo MAC #> 187 186 UNC Wilmington CAA #> 188 186 Winthrop BSth #> 189 189 Alabama A&M SWAC #> 190 189 Gonzaga WCC #> 191 189 South Dakota Sum #> 192 189 The Citadel SC #> 193 189 UC Santa Barbara BW #> 194 194 Air Force MWC #> 195 195 Maine AE #> 196 195 North Florida ASun #> 197 197 St. Bonaventure A10 #> 198 198 Navy Pat #> 199 199 North Dakota St. Sum #> 200 200 St. John's BE #> 201 201 Lehigh Pat #> 202 201 Little Rock SB #> 203 203 Akron MAC #> 204 203 Central Arkansas Slnd #> 205 203 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC #> 206 203 Troy SB #> 207 207 Western Michigan MAC #> 208 208 Central Michigan MAC #> 209 208 Eastern Illinois OVC #> 210 208 Southern Utah BSky #> 211 211 Davidson A10 #> 212 212 Rice CUSA #> 213 213 Towson CAA #> 214 214 Binghamton AE #> 215 215 Western Illinois Sum #> 216 216 Charleston CAA #> 217 216 Elon CAA #> 218 216 San Diego WCC #> 219 219 Northeastern CAA #> 220 220 Cal Baptist WAC #> 221 221 Hofstra CAA #> 222 222 Army Pat #> 223 223 VMI SC #> 224 224 Lipscomb ASun #> 225 225 Belmont OVC #> 226 225 Chicago St. WAC #> 227 225 Delaware CAA #> 228 225 Eastern Washington BSky #> 229 225 FIU CUSA #> 230 225 Furman SC #> 231 225 Samford SC #> 232 225 San Jose St. MWC #> 233 225 UC Irvine BW #> 234 225 Valparaiso MVC #> 235 235 Portland WCC #> 236 236 Dixie St. WAC #> 237 237 UMBC AE #> 238 238 Kennesaw St. ASun #> 239 239 Albany AE #> 240 240 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC #> 241 240 Florida Gulf Coast ASun #> 242 240 Montana St. BSky #> 243 240 Morgan St. MEAC #> 244 240 Santa Clara WCC #> 245 245 Loyola Chicago MVC #> 246 246 Cornell Ivy #> 247 247 Georgia Southern SB #> 248 248 Bowling Green MAC #> 249 249 George Washington A10 #> 250 250 Tennessee Martin OVC #> 251 251 Long Beach St. BW #> 252 251 McNeese St. Slnd #> 253 251 Saint Joseph's A10 #> 254 251 San Francisco WCC #> 255 255 Loyola Marymount WCC #> 256 256 Coppin St. MEAC #> 257 256 Monmouth MAAC #> 258 258 UTSA CUSA #> 259 259 Bucknell Pat #> 260 259 Cal St. Fullerton BW #> 261 259 La Salle A10 #> 262 259 Liberty ASun #> 263 259 North Alabama ASun #> 264 259 Robert Morris Horz #> 265 259 SIU Edwardsville OVC #> 266 259 Stetson ASun #> 267 259 Stony Brook AE #> 268 259 UC San Diego BW #> 269 259 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC #> 270 270 Cal St. Bakersfield BW #> 271 271 Nicholls St. Slnd #> 272 272 Coastal Carolina SB #> 273 272 Holy Cross Pat #> 274 272 Northwestern St. Slnd #> 275 272 Tulane Amer #> 276 276 Hartford AE #> 277 277 Duquesne A10 #> 278 277 Gardner Webb BSth #> 279 277 Jacksonville St. OVC #> 280 277 Lafayette Pat #> 281 277 NJIT AE #> 282 277 Prairie View A&M SWAC #> 283 277 Saint Mary's WCC #> 284 277 St. Francis PA NEC #> 285 285 Georgia St. SB #> 286 285 Wofford SC #> 287 287 Vermont AE #> 288 288 Quinnipiac MAAC #> 289 289 Central Connecticut NEC #> 290 289 Fordham A10 #> 291 289 Marist MAAC #> 292 289 Mercer SC #> 293 289 Radford BSth #> 294 289 Saint Peter's MAAC #> 295 289 South Carolina St. MEAC #> 296 289 UNC Asheville BSth #> 297 297 Idaho St. BSky #> 298 298 Mount St. Mary's NEC #> 299 299 North Carolina Central MEAC #> 300 300 Pepperdine WCC #> 301 301 Campbell BSth #> 302 302 Portland St. BSky #> 303 303 North Dakota Sum #> 304 304 Cal Poly BW #> 305 305 Bethune Cookman MEAC #> 306 305 Grambling St. SWAC #> 307 305 New Hampshire AE #> 308 305 Oakland Horz #> 309 305 Tarleton St. WAC #> 310 310 Northern Colorado BSky #> 311 311 American Pat #> 312 312 Brown Ivy #> 313 313 UC Riverside BW #> 314 314 Columbia Ivy #> 315 314 Howard MEAC #> 316 314 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC #> 317 317 Iona MAAC #> 318 318 Bryant NEC #> 319 319 Drexel CAA #> 320 319 Yale Ivy #> 321 321 Denver Sum #> 322 321 Florida Atlantic CUSA #> 323 321 Georgetown BE #> 324 321 Manhattan MAAC #> 325 325 Fairfield MAAC #> 326 326 Niagara MAAC #> 327 327 Presbyterian BSth #> 328 328 Harvard Ivy #> 329 329 Canisius MAAC #> 330 330 Siena MAAC #> 331 331 Dartmouth Ivy #> 332 331 Loyola MD Pat #> 333 331 Sacred Heart NEC #> 334 331 UMass Lowell AE #> 335 331 Wagner NEC #> 336 336 Delaware St. MEAC #> 337 336 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC #> 338 336 Incarnate Word Slnd #> 339 336 LIU NEC #> 340 340 Longwood BSth #> 341 341 Boston University Pat #> 342 341 Purdue Fort Wayne Horz #> 343 343 Colgate Pat #> 344 344 High Point BSth #> 345 345 Rider MAAC #> 346 346 Cal St. Northridge BW #> 347 346 UMKC Sum #> 348 348 Jacksonville ASun #> 349 349 Northern Arizona BSky #> 350 350 Merrimack NEC #> 351 350 St. Francis NY NEC #> 352 352 Sacramento St. BSky #> 353 353 Abilene Christian Slnd #> 354 353 Houston Baptist Slnd #> 355 355 Seattle WAC #> 356 356 Charleston Southern BSth #> 357 357 USC Upstate BSth #> arena #> 1 Carrier Dome (35,642) #> 2 KFC Yum! Center (22,090) #> 3 Dean E. Smith Center (21,750) #> 4 Thompson Boling Arena (21,678) #> 5 Rupp Arena (20,500) #> 6 PNC Arena (19,700) #> 7 Bud Walton Arena (19,200) #> 8 Value City Arena (19,049) #> 9 Marriott Center (18,987) #> 10 FedExForum (18,400) #> 11 Freedom Hall (18,252) #> 12 Colonial Life Arena (18,000) #> 13 Thomas & Mack Center (18,000) #> 14 Xfinity Center (17,950) #> 15 Fiserv Forum (17,600) #> 16 Assembly Hall (17,472) #> 17 CHI Health Center Omaha (17,352) #> 18 Kohl Center (17,287) #> 19 Erwin Center (16,540) #> 20 Allen Fieldhouse (16,300) #> 21 Save Mart Center (15,596) #> 22 State Farm Center (15,544) #> 23 Dreamstyle Arena (15,411) #> 24 Coleman Coliseum (15,316) #> 25 Bryce Jordan Center (15,261) #> 26 United Supermarkets Arena (15,098) #> 27 Mizzou Arena (15,061) #> 28 Carver Hawkeye Arena (15,056) #> 29 Pinnacle Bank Arena (15,000) #> 30 Huntsman Center (15,000) #> 31 Mackey Arena (14,804) #> 32 Breslin Center (14,797) #> 33 Joel Coliseum (14,665) #> 34 McKale Memorial Center (14,644) #> 35 Williams Arena (14,625) #> 36 John Paul Jones Arena (14,623) #> 37 Hilton Coliseum (14,384) #> 38 Memorial Gym (14,316) #> 39 WVU Coliseum (14,000) #> 40 Pauley Pavilion (13,800) #> 41 Gallagher Iba Arena (13,611) #> 42 University of Dayton Arena (13,455) #> 43 Maravich Assembly Center (13,215) #> 44 Convocation Center (13,080) #> 45 Reed Arena (12,989) #> 46 Crisler Center (12,707) #> 47 Knight Arena (12,541) #> 48 Bramlage Coliseum (12,528) #> 49 Petersen Events Center (12,508) #> 50 Pan American Center (12,482) #> 51 ExtraMile Arena (12,480) #> 52 Viejas Arena (12,414) #> 53 Dunkin' Donuts Center (12,410) #> 54 Cajundome (12,362) #> 55 Donald L. Tucker Center (12,100) #> 56 Fifth Third Arena (12,012) #> 57 Don Haskins Center (11,892) #> 58 Haas Pavilion (11,877) #> 59 Beasley Coliseum (11,671) #> 60 Lloyd Noble Center (11,562) #> 61 Lawlor Events Center (11,536) #> 62 Murphy Center (11,520) #> 63 Worthen Arena (11,500) #> 64 Dee Events Center (11,500) #> 65 Arena Auditorium (11,445) #> 66 CU Events Center (11,064) #> 67 Carver Arena (11,060) #> 68 JQH Arena (11,000) #> 69 McKenzie Arena (10,995) #> 70 UWM Panther Arena (10,783) #> 71 Desert Financial Arena (10,754) #> 72 Chaifetz Arena (10,600) #> 73 Humphrey Coliseum (10,575) #> 74 Mabee Center (10,575) #> 75 Stegeman Coliseum (10,523) #> 76 Charles Koch Arena (10,506) #> 77 The Super Pit (10,500) #> 78 Gentry Center (10,500) #> 79 Prudential Center (10,481) #> 80 Nutter Center (10,449) #> 81 Yuengling Center (10,411) #> 82 Wintrust Arena (10,387) #> 83 Stan Sheriff Center (10,300) #> 84 Ferrell Center (10,284) #> 85 Dee Glen Smith Spectrum (10,270) #> 86 Galen Center (10,258) #> 87 Cintas Center (10,224) #> 88 The Liacouras Center (10,206) #> 89 Redbird Arena (10,200) #> 90 Hulman Center (10,200) #> 91 Gampel Pavilion (10,167) #> 92 Exactech Arena (10,151) #> 93 Montagne Center (10,080) #> 94 First National Bank Arena (10,038) #> 95 Mitchell Center (10,000) #> 96 Addition Financial Arena (10,000) #> 97 Resch Center (9,729) #> 98 Gill Coliseum (9,604) #> 99 The Pavilion at Ole Miss (9,500) #> 100 Mullins Center (9,493) #> 101 BB&T Arena (9,400) #> 102 Cameron Indoor Stadium (9,314) #> 103 Alaska Airlines Arena (9,268) #> 104 Joyce Center (9,149) #> 105 Auburn Arena (9,121) #> 106 Halton Arena (9,105) #> 107 Hinkle Fieldhouse (9,100) #> 108 Convocation Center (9,100) #> 109 Henderson Center (9,043) #> 110 Littlejohn Coliseum (9,000) #> 111 Lawson Center (9,000) #> 112 Moody Coliseum (8,998) #> 113 Ford Center (8,930) #> 114 Cassell Coliseum (8,925) #> 115 Lakefront Arena (8,785) #> 116 Convocation Center (8,754) #> 117 Moby Arena (8,745) #> 118 The Palestra (8,722) #> 119 Conte Forum (8,606) #> 120 McCamish Pavilion (8,600) #> 121 CFSB Center (8,600) #> 122 Kaplan Arena (8,600) #> 123 Wolstein Center (8,500) #> 124 Atlantic Union Bank Center (8,500) #> 125 American Bank Center (8,500) #> 126 Bartow Arena (8,500) #> 127 Constant Convocation Center (8,472) #> 128 Reynolds Center (8,355) #> 129 Banterra Center (8,339) #> 130 Holmes Center (8,325) #> 131 Calihan Hall (8,295) #> 132 Health & PE Arena (8,100) #> 133 Reed Green Coliseum (8,095) #> 134 Williams Arena at Minges Coliseum (8,000) #> 135 Credit Union 1 Arena (8,000) #> 136 Williams Center (8,000) #> 137 Thomas Assembly Center (8,000) #> 138 Rutgers Athletic Center (8,000) #> 139 Watsco Center (7,972) #> 140 Baxter Arena (7,898) #> 141 EagleBank Arena (7,860) #> 142 Ramsey Center (7,826) #> 143 Ryan Center (7,657) #> 144 Siegel Center (7,637) #> 145 Greensboro Coliseum (7,617) #> 146 E.A. Diddle Arena (7,523) #> 147 University Center (7,500) #> 148 Clark Activity Center (7,500) #> 149 Eblen Center (7,500) #> 150 UCCU Center (7,500) #> 151 Dunn-Oliver Acadome (7,400) #> 152 Maples Pavilion (7,329) #> 153 Dahlberg Arena (7,322) #> 154 Savage Arena (7,300) #> 155 McLeod Center (7,293) #> 156 Winfield Dunn Center (7,275) #> 157 Johnson Coliseum (7,203) #> 158 Robins Center (7,201) #> 159 Hampton Convocation Center (7,200) #> 160 Strahan Coliseum (7,200) #> 161 Knapp Center (7,152) #> 162 The Pavilion (7,100) #> 163 Welsh-Ryan Arena (7,039) #> 164 Fertitta Center (7,035) #> 165 Whitney Complex (7,000) #> 166 GCU Arena (7,000) #> 167 Cowan Spectrum (7,000) #> 168 Fant-Ewing Coliseum (7,000) #> 169 Show Me Center (7,000) #> 170 College Park Center (7,000) #> 171 Jadwin Gymnasium (6,854) #> 172 Indiana Farmers Coliseum (6,800) #> 173 Schollmaier Arena (6,800) #> 174 Corbett Sports Center (6,700) #> 175 Freedom Hall Civic Center (6,500) #> 176 McBrayer Arena (6,500) #> 177 Johnson Arena (6,500) #> 178 Frost Arena (6,500) #> 179 Finneran Pavilion (6,500) #> 180 Millett Hall (6,400) #> 181 Beeghly Center (6,400) #> 182 Memorial Athletic & Convocation Center (6,327) #> 183 Echols Hall (6,191) #> 184 Spanos Center (6,150) #> 185 Johnson Coliseum (6,110) #> 186 Alumni Arena (6,100) #> 187 Trask Coliseum (6,100) #> 188 Winthrop Coliseum (6,100) #> 189 Elmore Gymnasium (6,000) #> 190 McCarthey Athletic Center (6,000) #> 191 Sanford Coyote Sports Center (6,000) #> 192 McAlister Field House (6,000) #> 193 Thunderdome (6,000) #> 194 Clune Arena (5,843) #> 195 Cross Insurance Center (5,800) #> 196 UNF Arena (5,800) #> 197 Reilly Center (5,780) #> 198 Alumni Hall (5,710) #> 199 Scheels Center (5,644) #> 200 Carnesecca Arena (5,602) #> 201 Stabler Arena (5,600) #> 202 Stephens Center (5,600) #> 203 Rhodes Arena (5,500) #> 204 Farris Center (5,500) #> 205 Hytche Athletic Center (5,500) #> 206 Trojan Arena (5,500) #> 207 University Arena (5,421) #> 208 McGuirk Arena (5,300) #> 209 Lantz Arena (5,300) #> 210 America First Event Center (5,300) #> 211 Belk Arena (5,223) #> 212 Tudor Fieldhouse (5,208) #> 213 SECU Arena (5,200) #> 214 Events Center (5,142) #> 215 Western Hall (5,139) #> 216 TD Arena (5,100) #> 217 Schar Center (5,100) #> 218 Jenny Craig Pavilion (5,100) #> 219 Matthews Arena (5,065) #> 220 CBU Events Center (5,050) #> 221 Mack Sports Complex (5,045) #> 222 Christl Arena (5,043) #> 223 Cameron Hall (5,029) #> 224 Allen Arena (5,028) #> 225 Curb Event Center (5,000) #> 226 Jones Convocation Center (5,000) #> 227 Bob Carpenter Center (5,000) #> 228 Reese Court (5,000) #> 229 Ocean Bank Convocation Center (5,000) #> 230 Timmons Arena (5,000) #> 231 Hanna Center (5,000) #> 232 Provident Credit Union Event Center (5,000) #> 233 Bren Events Center (5,000) #> 234 Athletics Recreation Center (5,000) #> 235 Chiles Center (4,854) #> 236 Burns Arena (4,779) #> 237 UMBC Event Center (4,753) #> 238 KSU Convocation Center (4,600) #> 239 SEFCU Arena (4,538) #> 240 Clemmons Arena (4,500) #> 241 Alico Arena (4,500) #> 242 Worthington Arena (4,500) #> 243 Hill Field House (4,500) #> 244 Leavey Center (4,500) #> 245 Gentile Arena (4,486) #> 246 Newman Arena (4,473) #> 247 Hanner Fieldhouse (4,358) #> 248 Stroh Center (4,347) #> 249 Charles E. Smith Center (4,338) #> 250 Elam Center (4,300) #> 251 The Walter Pyramid (4,200) #> 252 H&HP Complex (4,200) #> 253 Hagan Arena (4,200) #> 254 War Memorial at the Sobrato Center (4,200) #> 255 Gersten Pavilion (4,156) #> 256 Physical Education Complex (4,100) #> 257 OceanFirst Bank Center (4,100) #> 258 UTSA Convocation Center (4,080) #> 259 Sojka Pavilion (4,000) #> 260 Titan Gym (4,000) #> 261 Tom Gola Arena (4,000) #> 262 Liberty Arena (4,000) #> 263 Flowers Hall (4,000) #> 264 UPMC Events Center (4,000) #> 265 First Community Arena (4,000) #> 266 Edmunds Center (4,000) #> 267 Island Federal Credit Union Arena (4,000) #> 268 Rimac Arena (4,000) #> 269 UTRGV Fieldhouse (4,000) #> 270 Icardo Center (3,880) #> 271 Stopher Gym (3,800) #> 272 HTC Center (3,600) #> 273 Hart Center (3,600) #> 274 Prather Coliseum (3,600) #> 275 Fogelman Arena (3,600) #> 276 Chase Arena (3,508) #> 277 UPMC Cooper Fieldhouse (3,500) #> 278 Paul Porter Arena (3,500) #> 279 Mathews Coliseum (3,500) #> 280 Kirby Sports Center (3,500) #> 281 Wellness and Events Center (3,500) #> 282 William Nicks Building (3,500) #> 283 University Credit Union Pavilion (3,500) #> 284 DeGol Arena (3,500) #> 285 GSU Sports Arena (3,400) #> 286 Richardson Indoor Stadium (3,400) #> 287 Patrick Gymnasium (3,266) #> 288 People's United Center (3,254) #> 289 Detrick Gymnasium (3,200) #> 290 Rose Hill Gym (3,200) #> 291 McCann Center (3,200) #> 292 Hawkins Arena (3,200) #> 293 Dedmon Center (3,200) #> 294 Yanitelli Center (3,200) #> 295 Smith Hammond Middleton Center (3,200) #> 296 Kimmel Arena (3,200) #> 297 Reed Gym (3,141) #> 298 Knott Arena (3,121) #> 299 McLendon-McDougald Gymnasium (3,116) #> 300 Firestone Fieldhouse (3,104) #> 301 Pope Convocation Center (3,095) #> 302 Viking Pavilion (3,094) #> 303 Betty Engelstad Sioux Center (3,064) #> 304 Mott Gymnasium (3,032) #> 305 Moore Gym (3,000) #> 306 Assembly Center (3,000) #> 307 Lundholm Gymnasium (3,000) #> 308 Athletics Center O'Rena (3,000) #> 309 Wisdom Gymnasium (3,000) #> 310 Bank of Colorado Arena (2,977) #> 311 Bender Arena (2,930) #> 312 Pizzitola Sports Center (2,800) #> 313 SRC Arena (2,750) #> 314 Levien Gymnasium (2,700) #> 315 Burr Arena (2,700) #> 316 Harrison Complex (2,700) #> 317 Hynes Athletics Center (2,611) #> 318 Chace Athletic Center (2,600) #> 319 Daskalakis Athletic Center (2,532) #> 320 Lee Amphitheater (2,532) #> 321 Hamilton Gymnasium (2,500) #> 322 FAU Arena (2,500) #> 323 McDonough Arena (2,500) #> 324 Draddy Gymnasium (2,500) #> 325 Alumni Hall (2,479) #> 326 Gallagher Center (2,400) #> 327 Templeton P.E. Center (2,300) #> 328 Lavietes Pavilion (2,195) #> 329 Koessler Athletic Center (2,176) #> 330 UHY Center (2,148) #> 331 Leede Arena (2,100) #> 332 Reitz Arena (2,100) #> 333 Pitt Center (2,100) #> 334 Costello Athletic Center (2,100) #> 335 Spiro Sports Center (2,100) #> 336 Memorial Hall (2,000) #> 337 Rothman Center (2,000) #> 338 McDermott Convocation Center (2,000) #> 339 Steinberg Wellness Center (2,000) #> 340 Willett Hall (1,807) #> 341 Case Gym (1,800) #> 342 Gates Sports Center (1,800) #> 343 Cotterell Court (1,782) #> 344 Millis Athletic and Convocation Center (1,750) #> 345 Alumni Gymnasium (1,650) #> 346 Matadome (1,600) #> 347 Swinney Recreation Center (1,600) #> 348 Historic Swisher Gymnasium (1,500) #> 349 Rolle Activity Center (1,210) #> 350 Hammel Court (1,200) #> 351 Pope P.E. Center (1,200) #> 352 The Nest (1,012) #> 353 Teague Special Events Center (1,000) #> 354 Sharp Gym (1,000) #> 355 Redhawk Center (999) #> 356 Buccaneer Field House (881) #> 357 Hodge Center (837) #> alternate year #> 1 2021 #> 2 2021 #> 3 2021 #> 4 2021 #> 5 2021 #> 6 2021 #> 7 2021 #> 8 2021 #> 9 2021 #> 10 2021 #> 11 2021 #> 12 2021 #> 13 2021 #> 14 2021 #> 15 2021 #> 16 2021 #> 17 2021 #> 18 2021 #> 19 2021 #> 20 2021 #> 21 2021 #> 22 2021 #> 23 2021 #> 24 2021 #> 25 2021 #> 26 2021 #> 27 2021 #> 28 2021 #> 29 2021 #> 30 2021 #> 31 2021 #> 32 2021 #> 33 2021 #> 34 2021 #> 35 2021 #> 36 2021 #> 37 2021 #> 38 2021 #> 39 2021 #> 40 2021 #> 41 2021 #> 42 2021 #> 43 2021 #> 44 2021 #> 45 2021 #> 46 2021 #> 47 2021 #> 48 2021 #> 49 2021 #> 50 2021 #> 51 2021 #> 52 2021 #> 53 2021 #> 54 2021 #> 55 2021 #> 56 2021 #> 57 2021 #> 58 2021 #> 59 2021 #> 60 2021 #> 61 2021 #> 62 2021 #> 63 2021 #> 64 2021 #> 65 2021 #> 66 2021 #> 67 2021 #> 68 2021 #> 69 2021 #> 70 2021 #> 71 2021 #> 72 2021 #> 73 2021 #> 74 2021 #> 75 2021 #> 76 2021 #> 77 2021 #> 78 2021 #> 79 2021 #> 80 2021 #> 81 2021 #> 82 2021 #> 83 2021 #> 84 2021 #> 85 2021 #> 86 2021 #> 87 2021 #> 88 2021 #> 89 2021 #> 90 2021 #> 91 XL Center (15,564) 2021 #> 92 2021 #> 93 2021 #> 94 2021 #> 95 2021 #> 96 2021 #> 97 Kress Events Center (4,018) 2021 #> 98 2021 #> 99 2021 #> 100 2021 #> 101 2021 #> 102 2021 #> 103 2021 #> 104 2021 #> 105 2021 #> 106 2021 #> 107 2021 #> 108 2021 #> 109 2021 #> 110 2021 #> 111 2021 #> 112 2021 #> 113 2021 #> 114 2021 #> 115 2021 #> 116 2021 #> 117 2021 #> 118 2021 #> 119 2021 #> 120 2021 #> 121 2021 #> 122 2021 #> 123 2021 #> 124 2021 #> 125 2021 #> 126 2021 #> 127 2021 #> 128 2021 #> 129 2021 #> 130 2021 #> 131 2021 #> 132 2021 #> 133 2021 #> 134 2021 #> 135 2021 #> 136 2021 #> 137 2021 #> 138 2021 #> 139 2021 #> 140 2021 #> 141 2021 #> 142 2021 #> 143 2021 #> 144 2021 #> 145 Fleming Gymnasium (2,320) 2021 #> 146 2021 #> 147 2021 #> 148 2021 #> 149 2021 #> 150 2021 #> 151 2021 #> 152 2021 #> 153 2021 #> 154 2021 #> 155 2021 #> 156 2021 #> 157 2021 #> 158 2021 #> 159 2021 #> 160 2021 #> 161 2021 #> 162 2021 #> 163 2021 #> 164 2021 #> 165 2021 #> 166 2021 #> 167 2021 #> 168 2021 #> 169 2021 #> 170 2021 #> 171 2021 #> 172 2021 #> 173 2021 #> 174 2021 #> 175 2021 #> 176 2021 #> 177 2021 #> 178 2021 #> 179 Wells Fargo Center (20,478) 2021 #> 180 2021 #> 181 2021 #> 182 2021 #> 183 2021 #> 184 2021 #> 185 2021 #> 186 2021 #> 187 2021 #> 188 2021 #> 189 2021 #> 190 2021 #> 191 2021 #> 192 2021 #> 193 2021 #> 194 2021 #> 195 2021 #> 196 2021 #> 197 2021 #> 198 2021 #> 199 2021 #> 200 Madison Square Garden (19,786) 2021 #> 201 2021 #> 202 2021 #> 203 2021 #> 204 2021 #> 205 2021 #> 206 2021 #> 207 2021 #> 208 2021 #> 209 2021 #> 210 2021 #> 211 2021 #> 212 2021 #> 213 2021 #> 214 2021 #> 215 2021 #> 216 2021 #> 217 2021 #> 218 2021 #> 219 2021 #> 220 2021 #> 221 2021 #> 222 2021 #> 223 2021 #> 224 2021 #> 225 2021 #> 226 2021 #> 227 2021 #> 228 2021 #> 229 2021 #> 230 2021 #> 231 2021 #> 232 2021 #> 233 2021 #> 234 2021 #> 235 2021 #> 236 2021 #> 237 2021 #> 238 2021 #> 239 2021 #> 240 2021 #> 241 2021 #> 242 2021 #> 243 2021 #> 244 2021 #> 245 2021 #> 246 2021 #> 247 2021 #> 248 2021 #> 249 2021 #> 250 2021 #> 251 2021 #> 252 2021 #> 253 2021 #> 254 2021 #> 255 2021 #> 256 2021 #> 257 2021 #> 258 2021 #> 259 2021 #> 260 2021 #> 261 2021 #> 262 2021 #> 263 2021 #> 264 2021 #> 265 2021 #> 266 2021 #> 267 2021 #> 268 2021 #> 269 2021 #> 270 2021 #> 271 2021 #> 272 2021 #> 273 2021 #> 274 2021 #> 275 2021 #> 276 2021 #> 277 2021 #> 278 2021 #> 279 2021 #> 280 2021 #> 281 2021 #> 282 2021 #> 283 2021 #> 284 2021 #> 285 2021 #> 286 2021 #> 287 2021 #> 288 2021 #> 289 2021 #> 290 2021 #> 291 2021 #> 292 2021 #> 293 2021 #> 294 2021 #> 295 2021 #> 296 2021 #> 297 2021 #> 298 2021 #> 299 2021 #> 300 2021 #> 301 2021 #> 302 2021 #> 303 2021 #> 304 2021 #> 305 2021 #> 306 2021 #> 307 2021 #> 308 2021 #> 309 2021 #> 310 2021 #> 311 2021 #> 312 2021 #> 313 2021 #> 314 2021 #> 315 2021 #> 316 2021 #> 317 2021 #> 318 2021 #> 319 2021 #> 320 2021 #> 321 2021 #> 322 2021 #> 323 2021 #> 324 2021 #> 325 Webster Bank Arena (10,000) 2021 #> 326 2021 #> 327 2021 #> 328 2021 #> 329 2021 #> 330 2021 #> 331 2021 #> 332 2021 #> 333 2021 #> 334 Tsongas Center (6,111) 2021 #> 335 2021 #> 336 2021 #> 337 2021 #> 338 2021 #> 339 2021 #> 340 2021 #> 341 2021 #> 342 2021 #> 343 2021 #> 344 2021 #> 345 2021 #> 346 2021 #> 347 2021 #> 348 2021 #> 349 2021 #> 350 2021 #> 351 2021 #> 352 2021 #> 353 2021 #> 354 2021 #> 355 2021 #> 356 2021 #> 357 2021 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom Game Box Score — kp_box","title":"Get KenPom Game Box Score — kp_box","text":"Get KenPom Game Box Score","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom Game Box Score — kp_box","text":"","code":"kp_box(game_id, year)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom Game Box Score — kp_box","text":"game_id Game id game pull year Year game pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_box.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom Game Box Score — kp_box","text":"Returns tibble game box scores names: away_team, home_team, linescore, officials away_team home_team linescore officials","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_box.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom Game Box Score — kp_box","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_box(game_id = 6, year = 2021)) #> $away_team #> # A tibble: 11 × 26 #> hgt wgt yr number player min o_rtg percent_ps pts fgm_2 fga_2 #> #> 1 \"6-2\" 180 So 11 James Bis… 36 108 35 20 4 8 #> 2 \"6-7\" 225 So 10 Jamison B… 35 99 24 20 2 2 #> 3 \"6-9\" 225 Sr 0 Matt Moyer 31 53 17 2 1 3 #> 4 \"6-1\" 200 So 1 Jameer Ne… 30 127 25 18 5 6 #> 5 \"6-9\" 245 So 3 Chase Paar 24 48 6 2 1 1 #> 6 \"6-9\" 215 Jr 23 Sloan Sey… 20 107 13 5 0 1 #> 7 \"6-5\" 190 Sr 33 Maceo Jack 15 56 12 2 1 1 #> 8 \"6-11\" 270 Fr 21 Noel Brown 7 NA NA 2 1 1 #> 9 \"6-10\" 245 Sr 20 Ace Stall… 2 NA NA 0 0 0 #> 10 \"\" NA NA NA Team NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 11 \"\" NA NA NA TOTAL 200 NA NA 71 15 23 #> # ℹ 15 more variables: fgm_3 , fga_3 , ftm , fta , #> # or , dr , a , to , blk , stl , pf , #> # team , wp_note , game_id , year #> #> $home_team #> # A tibble: 14 × 26 #> hgt wgt yr number player min o_rtg percent_ps pts fgm_2 fga_2 #> #> 1 \"6-0\" 183 Sr 22 \"Cam Davi… 33 115 23 15 6 10 #> 2 \"6-4\" 200 Jr 20 \"Greg Sum… 29 102 15 5 1 3 #> 3 \"6-3\" 195 Jr 1 \"John Car… 28 120 25 17 1 2 #> 4 \"6-7\" 230 Jr 55 \"Richard … 27 136 18 12 6 10 #> 5 \"6-6\" 214 So 5 \"Tyler Ne… 21 139 21 12 3 5 #> 6 \"6-7\" 225 Sr 33 \"Luke Loe… 14 110 22 9 3 4 #> 7 \"6-8\" 225 So 31 \"Daniel D… 13 74 26 2 1 5 #> 8 \"6-5\" 208 So 21 \"Patrick … 13 93 16 3 0 1 #> 9 \"6-2\" 195 So 3 \"Sean Yod… 10 100 9 3 0 0 #> 10 \"6-2\" 175 So 15 \"PJ Roach\" 7 NA NA 0 0 0 #> 11 \"6-5\" 218 So 11 \"Jaylen W… 5 NA NA 0 0 1 #> 12 \"\" NA NA NA \"Team\" NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 13 \"\" NA NA NA \"TOTAL\" 200 NA NA 78 21 41 #> 14 \"DNP:\" NA Inge. NA \"DNP: Aus… NA NA NA NA NA NA #> # ℹ 15 more variables: fgm_3 , fga_3 , ftm , fta , #> # or , dr , a , to , blk , stl , pf , #> # team , wp_note , game_id , year #> #> $linescore #> # A tibble: 2 × 6 #> team q1 q2 q3 q4 t #> #> 1 George Washington 15 15 22 19 71 #> 2 Navy 22 19 16 21 78 #> #> $officials #> official_id official_name game_id year #> 1 714272 Mike McCloskey 6 2021 #> 2 719474 Mike Millione 6 2021 #> 3 721752 Dave Fernandez 6 2021 #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_coach_history.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's coaching resume data — kp_coach_history","title":"Get KenPom's coaching resume data — kp_coach_history","text":"Get KenPom's coaching resume data","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_coach_history.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's coaching resume data — kp_coach_history","text":"","code":"kp_coach_history(coach)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_coach_history.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom's coaching resume data — kp_coach_history","text":"coach Coach filter select.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_coach_history.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's coaching resume data — kp_coach_history","text":"data frame 30 columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_coach_history.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's coaching resume data — kp_coach_history","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_coach_history(coach = 'Leonard Hamilton')) #> 2023-04-05 17:13:24: Invalid arguments or no coach history data for Leonard Hamilton available! #> Error in kp_coach_history(coach = \"Leonard Hamilton\") : #> object 'kenpom' not found # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_conf.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's conference-wide stats — kp_conf","title":"Get KenPom's conference-wide stats — kp_conf","text":"Get KenPom's conference-wide stats","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_conf.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's conference-wide stats — kp_conf","text":"","code":"kp_conf(year, conf)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_conf.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom's conference-wide stats — kp_conf","text":"year Year (YYYY) conf Used limit players specific conference. Allowed values : 'A10', 'ACC', 'AE', 'AMER', 'ASUN', 'B10', 'B12', '', 'BSKY', 'BSTH', 'BW', 'CAA', 'CUSA', 'HORZ', 'IND', IVY', 'MAAC', 'MAC', 'MEAC', 'MVC', 'MWC', 'NEC', 'OVC', 'P12', 'PAT', 'SB', 'SC', 'SEC', 'SLND', 'SUM', 'SWAC', 'WAC', 'WCC'. try use conference exist given season, like 'IND' '2018', get empty table, kenpom.com serve 404 pages invalid table queries like . filter applied default.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_conf.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's conference-wide stats — kp_conf","text":"list named data frames: Standings ConferencePlayOffense ConferencePlayDefense AllKenPom ConferenceAggregateStats WinningTrends ConferenceComparison","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_conf.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's conference-wide stats — kp_conf","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_conf(year = 2020, conf = 'ACC')) #> $Standings #> team #> 1 Florida St. 2* #> 2 Duke 3* #> 3 Louisville 4* #> 4 Virginia 7* #> 5 Georgia Tech #> 6 N.C. State 11* #> 7 Syracuse #> 8 Notre Dame #> 9 Clemson #> 10 Miami FL #> 11 Virginia Tech #> 12 Boston College #> 13 North Carolina #> 14 Wake Forest #> 15 Pittsburgh #> 16 *Tournament seed is from the consensus at bracketmatrix.com. #> overall #> 1 26-5 #> 2 25-6 #> 3 24-7 #> 4 23-7 #> 5 17-14 #> 6 20-12 #> 7 18-14 #> 8 20-12 #> 9 16-15 #> 10 15-16 #> 11 16-16 #> 12 13-19 #> 13 14-19 #> 14 13-18 #> 15 16-17 #> 16 *Tournament seed is from the consensus at bracketmatrix.com. #> conf adj_em #> 1 16-4 20.22 #> 2 15-5 24.62 #> 3 15-5 21.36 #> 4 15-5 14.22 #> 5 11-9 11.26 #> 6 10-10 13.39 #> 7 10-10 13.28 #> 8 10-10 12.09 #> 9 9-11 10.42 #> 10 7-13 6.39 #> 11 7-13 6.33 #> 12 7-13 -0.68 #> 13 6-14 9.36 #> 14 6-14 6.70 #> 15 6-14 5.65 #> 16 *Tournament seed is from the consensus at bracketmatrix.com. NA #> adj_em_rk adj_o adj_o_rk adj_d adj_d_rk adj_t adj_t_rk conf_sos conf_sos_rk #> 1 15 111.7 32 91.5 15 69.9 89 10.90 11 #> 2 5 115.7 9 91.1 12 72.0 34 9.43 15 #> 3 9 114.5 12 93.1 30 67.1 242 10.70 13 #> 4 42 99.3 234 85.1 1 59.4 353 11.36 9 #> 5 64 103.1 171 91.8 16 70.0 88 11.74 6 #> 6 50 110.7 42 97.3 79 69.5 103 11.23 10 #> 7 51 112.8 21 99.6 116 68.3 179 10.24 14 #> 8 57 110.7 41 98.6 100 68.1 190 10.88 12 #> 9 72 103.9 155 93.5 33 66.0 290 11.95 4 #> 10 104 107.7 79 101.3 149 68.3 180 12.93 1 #> 11 105 104.3 147 98.0 82 65.5 309 11.60 8 #> 12 179 99.6 228 100.3 128 69.3 120 12.34 2 #> 13 84 107.7 77 98.4 94 70.4 67 11.87 5 #> 14 103 108.7 61 102.0 166 70.1 79 11.63 7 #> 15 111 104.0 154 98.3 91 65.5 308 12.32 3 #> 16 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> next_game year #> 1 2020 #> 2 2020 #> 3 2020 #> 4 2020 #> 5 2020 #> 6 2020 #> 7 2020 #> 8 2020 #> 9 2020 #> 10 2020 #> 11 2020 #> 12 2020 #> 13 2020 #> 14 2020 #> 15 2020 #> 16 *Tournament seed is from the consensus at bracketmatrix.com. 2020 #> #> $ConferencePlayOffense #> team oe oe_rk e_fg_pct e_fg_pct_rk to_pct to_pct_rk or_pct #> 1 Duke 111.2 1 52.7 1 17.1 4 31.9 #> 2 Louisville 107.9 2 51.7 2 17.9 6 31.4 #> 3 Syracuse 106.3 3 48.8 9 16.0 3 29.6 #> 4 Florida St. 106.1 4 51.5 3 19.1 12 34.0 #> 5 Notre Dame 105.8 5 50.0 6 14.8 1 26.9 #> 6 North Carolina 102.8 6 48.0 11 18.5 10 34.8 #> 7 Wake Forest 102.3 7 50.1 5 19.8 13 27.4 #> 8 N.C. State 102.1 8 49.1 8 17.2 5 28.5 #> 9 Georgia Tech 99.5 9 51.1 4 22.8 15 31.4 #> 10 Miami FL 97.3 10 46.1 14 18.0 7 27.2 #> 11 Clemson 97.3 11 49.6 7 18.3 9 22.8 #> 12 Pittsburgh 95.2 12 43.5 15 18.0 8 31.1 #> 13 Virginia Tech 94.8 13 48.1 10 15.6 2 18.0 #> 14 Virginia 93.5 14 46.9 12 20.2 14 25.7 #> 15 Boston College 93.1 15 46.9 13 18.8 11 26.3 #> or_pct_rk ft_rate ft_rate_rk fg_2_pct fg_2_pct_rk fg_3_pct fg_3_pct_rk #> 1 3 34.7 4 52.5 2 35.4 4 #> 2 5 30.7 7 47.6 11 38.9 1 #> 3 7 34.2 5 50.4 4 30.9 12 #> 4 2 26.8 13 49.3 6 36.9 2 #> 5 11 24.3 14 49.2 7 34.1 5 #> 6 1 33.2 6 48.6 8 30.9 11 #> 7 9 41.6 1 48.0 10 36.1 3 #> 8 8 28.1 9 50.2 5 31.4 8 #> 9 4 35.0 2 51.2 3 34.1 6 #> 10 10 29.6 8 48.3 9 28.3 15 #> 11 14 27.9 11 52.6 1 30.8 13 #> 12 6 34.9 3 42.5 15 30.3 14 #> 13 15 22.6 15 47.6 12 32.4 7 #> 14 13 28.1 10 46.9 14 31.4 9 #> 15 12 27.3 12 47.1 13 31.0 10 #> ft_pct ft_pct_rk tempo tempo_rk year #> 1 73.7 6 72.3 1 2020 #> 2 73.5 7 67.1 11 2020 #> 3 76.9 2 68.5 8 2020 #> 4 74.1 4 69.0 6 2020 #> 5 75.3 3 68.4 9 2020 #> 6 68.9 13 69.6 5 2020 #> 7 74.0 5 70.3 2 2020 #> 8 71.6 10 69.8 3 2020 #> 9 69.0 12 69.7 4 2020 #> 10 78.0 1 68.7 7 2020 #> 11 65.7 14 66.1 13 2020 #> 12 71.0 11 65.7 14 2020 #> 13 71.8 9 66.2 12 2020 #> 14 71.8 8 60.5 15 2020 #> 15 62.9 15 68.3 10 2020 #> #> $ConferencePlayDefense #> team de de_rk e_fg_pct e_fg_pct_rk to_pct to_pct_rk or_pct #> 1 Virginia 87.9 1 43.3 1 17.4 10 23.1 #> 2 Duke 95.4 2 45.8 2 18.5 6 29.4 #> 3 Florida St. 95.8 3 47.3 4 22.0 2 29.6 #> 4 Louisville 97.3 4 47.9 5 17.8 9 24.3 #> 5 Georgia Tech 98.6 5 46.2 3 18.1 7 29.7 #> 6 Clemson 99.0 6 49.5 8 17.9 8 23.7 #> 7 Virginia Tech 101.4 7 49.3 7 16.0 13 24.5 #> 8 N.C. State 101.7 8 48.8 6 19.6 4 31.7 #> 9 Syracuse 103.0 9 50.3 10 19.9 3 32.0 #> 10 Pittsburgh 103.8 10 52.0 14 22.2 1 33.6 #> 11 North Carolina 105.2 11 50.2 9 16.1 12 25.6 #> 12 Miami FL 105.5 12 50.5 12 17.1 11 31.8 #> 13 Notre Dame 106.5 13 50.8 13 16.0 14 29.6 #> 14 Boston College 107.0 14 52.2 15 19.1 5 31.5 #> 15 Wake Forest 107.5 15 50.3 11 14.2 15 27.0 #> or_pct_rk ft_rate ft_rate_rk fg_2_pct fg_2_pct_rk fg_3_pct fg_3_pct_rk #> 1 1 23.1 3 43.2 1 28.9 1 #> 2 7 31.4 9 46.7 2 29.0 2 #> 3 9 32.6 12 46.7 3 32.1 6 #> 4 3 29.7 5 47.5 5 32.2 7 #> 5 10 38.4 14 47.4 4 29.2 3 #> 6 2 31.0 8 49.4 8 33.1 8 #> 7 4 29.8 6 50.3 13 31.9 5 #> 8 12 39.4 15 49.6 10 31.3 4 #> 9 14 29.3 4 49.8 12 33.8 10 #> 10 15 29.9 7 51.6 14 35.0 13 #> 11 5 32.1 11 49.5 9 34.2 12 #> 12 13 22.8 2 49.3 7 35.4 14 #> 13 8 20.9 1 48.6 6 36.5 15 #> 14 11 31.7 10 53.3 15 33.5 9 #> 15 6 37.2 13 49.7 11 34.2 11 #> blk_pct blk_pct_rk stl_pct stl_pct_rk year #> 1 15.8 2 8.4 10 2020 #> 2 12.3 4 10.4 3 2020 #> 3 16.2 1 11.4 1 2020 #> 4 8.4 9 7.7 14 2020 #> 5 10.4 6 9.9 7 2020 #> 6 8.0 11 9.2 8 2020 #> 7 7.5 13 8.6 9 2020 #> 8 11.2 5 10.0 6 2020 #> 9 14.5 3 10.3 4 2020 #> 10 9.7 7 11.1 2 2020 #> 11 8.1 10 8.1 12 2020 #> 12 8.8 8 7.9 13 2020 #> 13 7.6 12 8.1 11 2020 #> 14 6.4 14 10.1 5 2020 #> 15 6.3 15 6.3 15 2020 #> #> $AllKenPom #> rk player year #> 1 1 Vernon Carey, Duke (Fr) 2020 #> 2 2 Jordan Nwora, Louisville (Jr) 2020 #> 3 3 John Mooney, Notre Dame (Sr) 2020 #> 4 4 Elijah Hughes, Syracuse (Jr) 2020 #> 5 5 Tre Jones, Duke (So) 2020 #> #> $ConferenceAggregateStats #> stat value rk year #> 1 Efficiency 100.9 22 2020 #> 2 Tempo 68.0 17 2020 #> 3 Effective FG% 49.0 25 2020 #> 4 Turnover % 18.1 12 2020 #> 5 Off. Reb. % 28.5 12 2020 #> 6 FTA/FGA 30.6 26 2020 #> 7 Block % 10.0 4 2020 #> 8 Steal % 9.2 8 2020 #> 9 3PA/FGA 37.4 16 2020 #> 10 A/FGM 52.2 14 2020 #> 11 3P% 32.8 23 2020 #> 12 2P% 48.8 22 2020 #> 13 FT% 72.0 11 2020 #> #> $WinningTrends #> stat count value rk year #> 1 Home win% (91 of 150) NA 16 2020 #> 2 Close game% ( (40 of 150) NA 3 2020 #> 3 Blowout % (>19 pts) (17 of 150) NA 24 2020 #> #> $ConferenceComparison #> rk conference rating year #> 1 1 Big Ten Conference 17.49 2020 #> 2 2 Big 12 Conference 15.73 2020 #> 3 3 Big East Conference 15.49 2020 #> 4 4 Atlantic Coast Conference 11.45 2020 #> 5 5 Pac 12 Conference 11.35 2020 #> 6 6 Southeastern Conference 10.98 2020 #> 7 7 American Athletic Conference 8.62 2020 #> 8 8 West Coast Conference 5.29 2020 #> 9 9 Atlantic 10 Conference 5.01 2020 #> 10 10 Mountain West Conference 4.99 2020 #> 11 11 Missouri Valley Conference 2.46 2020 #> 12 12 Mid American Conference 0.22 2020 #> 13 13 Conference USA -0.12 2020 #> 14 14 Sun Belt Conference -0.14 2020 #> 15 15 Southern Conference -0.20 2020 #> 16 16 Ivy League -0.95 2020 #> 17 17 Big Sky Conference -2.26 2020 #> 18 18 Colonial Athletic Association -3.35 2020 #> 19 19 Summit League -3.53 2020 #> 20 20 Big West Conference -5.07 2020 #> 21 21 Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference -6.30 2020 #> 22 22 Horizon League -6.46 2020 #> 23 23 Patriot League -6.55 2020 #> 24 24 Western Athletic Conference -6.64 2020 #> 25 25 America East Conference -7.69 2020 #> 26 26 ASUN Conference -8.16 2020 #> 27 27 Northeast Conference -8.63 2020 #> 28 28 Southland Conference -9.41 2020 #> 29 29 Ohio Valley Conference -9.67 2020 #> 30 30 Big South Conference -10.82 2020 #> 31 31 Southwestern Athletic Conference -14.37 2020 #> 32 32 Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference -15.47 2020 #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confhistory.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's historical conference ratings — kp_confhistory","title":"Get KenPom's historical conference ratings — kp_confhistory","text":"Get KenPom's historical conference ratings","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confhistory.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's historical conference ratings — kp_confhistory","text":"","code":"kp_confhistory(conf)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confhistory.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom's historical conference ratings — kp_confhistory","text":"conf Used limit players specific conference. Allowed values : 'A10', 'ACC', 'AE', 'AMER', 'ASUN', 'B10', 'B12', '', 'BSKY', 'BSTH', 'BW', 'CAA', 'CUSA', 'HORZ', 'IND', IVY', 'MAAC', 'MAC', 'MEAC', 'MVC', 'MWC', 'NEC', 'OVC', 'P12', 'PAT', 'SB', 'SC', 'SEC', 'SLND', 'SUM', 'SWAC', 'WAC', 'WCC'. try use conference exist given season, like 'IND' '2018', get empty table, kenpom.com serve 404 pages invalid table queries like . filter applied default.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confhistory.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's historical conference ratings — kp_confhistory","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confhistory.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's historical conference ratings — kp_confhistory","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_confhistory(conf = 'ACC')) #> year rank tempo efficiency #> 1 2023 7 67.4 106.4 #> 2 2022 5 66.2 105.9 #> 3 2021 5 67.2 104.1 #> 4 2020 4 68.0 100.9 #> 5 2019 3 67.3 102.2 #> 6 2018 2 67.2 105.0 #> 7 2017 2 68.0 107.9 #> 8 2016 2 66.4 106.0 #> 9 2015 3 63.3 104.2 #> 10 NA Dropped: Maryland (B10) Added: Louisville (Amer) NA NA #> 11 2014 3 61.8 105.2 #> 12 NA Added: Notre Dame (BE), Pittsburgh (BE), Syracuse (BE) NA NA #> 13 2013 6 65.5 101.6 #> 14 2012 5 65.1 100.2 #> 15 2011 3 67.2 101.7 #> 16 2010 2 67.8 100.5 #> 17 2009 5 69.8 104.2 #> 18 2008 3 71.0 104.8 #> 19 2007 1 68.1 105.8 #> 20 2006 3 68.6 104.7 #> 21 NA Added: Boston College (BE) NA NA #> 22 2005 1 70.6 104.8 #> 23 NA Added: Miami FL (BE), Virginia Tech (BE) NA NA #> 24 2004 1 70.1 103.0 #> 25 2003 3 69.6 102.5 #> 26 2002 3 74.2 106.3 #> 27 2001 1 73.7 103.7 #> 28 2000 3 70.0 102.2 #> 29 1999 2 69.8 101.7 #> 30 1998 1 68.7 102.5 #> 31 1997 1 65.1 100.2 #> e_fg_pct to_pct or_pct ft_rate fg_2_pct fg_3_pct ft_pct fg_3a_pct a_pct #> 1 51.2 16.0 27.2 28.4 50.6 34.8 75.0 38.2 52.4 #> 2 51.4 16.7 27.7 27.0 50.6 35.1 73.8 38.2 53.5 #> 3 51.2 17.9 28.1 27.8 50.5 34.8 72.3 37.8 53.4 #> 4 49.0 18.1 28.5 30.6 48.8 32.8 72.0 37.4 52.2 #> 5 48.8 18.0 29.9 30.8 48.2 33.2 72.2 40.0 53.5 #> 6 50.8 17.4 29.4 30.1 48.8 36.0 72.3 37.8 54.3 #> 7 52.1 17.2 29.6 32.8 50.0 37.2 72.2 35.5 52.6 #> 8 49.9 17.3 31.6 34.0 49.0 34.5 71.4 33.7 52.3 #> 9 49.1 16.9 31.4 33.8 47.7 34.7 68.5 32.6 55.0 #> 10 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 11 48.8 17.1 33.1 38.3 47.5 34.3 68.2 32.5 51.9 #> 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 13 49.1 18.4 30.6 33.1 47.7 34.9 68.6 31.2 49.9 #> 14 47.9 18.8 31.4 33.1 46.7 33.7 69.9 31.9 50.1 #> 15 48.4 19.0 30.7 33.4 46.8 34.6 70.6 32.1 52.5 #> 16 47.0 20.0 33.5 36.5 46.2 32.8 70.2 29.3 51.9 #> 17 49.2 19.9 34.2 34.5 47.7 35.1 72.3 31.6 51.5 #> 18 50.2 19.9 32.8 36.9 48.9 35.5 70.8 31.4 50.3 #> 19 51.0 19.9 33.4 36.8 50.0 35.4 70.0 30.0 52.3 #> 20 50.5 21.0 33.7 38.0 48.4 36.7 71.4 31.6 55.7 #> 21 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 22 50.0 20.2 33.6 38.9 48.2 35.9 69.6 32.2 51.8 #> 23 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 24 49.6 21.9 35.7 39.9 48.1 35.0 69.8 33.8 54.9 #> 25 49.3 20.9 33.2 36.1 47.9 34.9 70.6 33.0 55.0 #> 26 51.9 20.2 33.7 37.7 50.9 36.0 70.8 33.1 56.9 #> 27 49.8 19.8 33.9 37.7 47.5 36.5 69.7 30.8 54.1 #> 28 49.0 20.7 35.3 35.3 47.2 35.5 69.6 29.7 54.5 #> 29 49.7 22.3 36.1 37.6 49.3 33.7 68.8 32.0 56.0 #> 30 49.6 21.1 34.8 40.6 49.1 33.9 68.2 30.0 54.2 #> 31 48.0 21.4 36.3 35.9 47.0 33.4 68.0 30.4 54.1 #> blk_pct stl_pct home_record #> 1 9.9 8.3 96-54 #> 2 9.5 9.4 83-67 #> 3 10.7 9.7 80-41 #> 4 10.0 9.2 91-59 #> 5 10.8 9.0 80-55 #> 6 10.8 8.8 85-50 #> 7 10.0 8.5 93-42 #> 8 9.6 8.7 89-46 #> 9 10.0 8.7 76-59 #> 10 NA NA Dropped: Maryland (B10) Added: Louisville (Amer) #> 11 10.1 8.5 77-58 #> 12 NA NA Added: Notre Dame (BE), Pittsburgh (BE), Syracuse (BE) #> 13 10.1 8.8 74-34 #> 14 10.0 9.1 58-38 #> 15 10.3 9.5 63-33 #> 16 10.3 9.8 66-30 #> 17 10.7 10.2 61-35 #> 18 10.8 9.7 58-38 #> 19 9.6 9.7 63-33 #> 20 10.4 10.7 60-36 #> 21 NA NA Added: Boston College (BE) #> 22 10.7 10.7 55-33 #> 23 NA NA Added: Miami FL (BE), Virginia Tech (BE) #> 24 10.9 11.0 47-25 #> 25 10.7 10.5 53-19 #> 26 8.0 10.2 46-26 #> 27 9.4 9.5 44-28 #> 28 9.8 9.8 46-26 #> 29 10.4 10.6 47-25 #> 30 9.8 9.7 42-30 #> 31 8.9 9.9 45-27 #> bids #> 1 5 #> 2 5 #> 3 7 #> 4 5* #> 5 7 #> 6 9 #> 7 9 #> 8 7 #> 9 6 #> 10 Dropped: Maryland (B10) Added: Louisville (Amer) #> 11 6 #> 12 Added: Notre Dame (BE), Pittsburgh (BE), Syracuse (BE) #> 13 4 #> 14 5 #> 15 4 #> 16 6 #> 17 7 #> 18 4 #> 19 7 #> 20 4 #> 21 Added: Boston College (BE) #> 22 5 #> 23 Added: Miami FL (BE), Virginia Tech (BE) #> 24 6 #> 25 4 #> 26 4 #> 27 6 #> 28 3 #> 29 3 #> 30 5 #> 31 6 #> s16 #> 1 1 #> 2 3 #> 3 2 #> 4 No tournament #> 5 5 #> 6 4 #> 7 1 #> 8 6 #> 9 5 #> 10 Dropped: Maryland (B10) Added: Louisville (Amer) #> 11 1 #> 12 Added: Notre Dame (BE), Pittsburgh (BE), Syracuse (BE) #> 13 2 #> 14 2 #> 15 3 #> 16 1 #> 17 2 #> 18 1 #> 19 1 #> 20 2 #> 21 Added: Boston College (BE) #> 22 3 #> 23 Added: Miami FL (BE), Virginia Tech (BE) #> 24 3 #> 25 2 #> 26 2 #> 27 2 #> 28 2 #> 29 2 #> 30 3 #> 31 2 #> f4 #> 1 1 #> 2 2 #> 3 0 #> 4 No tournament #> 5 1 #> 6 0 #> 7 1 #> 8 2 #> 9 1 #> 10 Dropped: Maryland (B10) Added: Louisville (Amer) #> 11 0 #> 12 Added: Notre Dame (BE), Pittsburgh (BE), Syracuse (BE) #> 13 0 #> 14 0 #> 15 0 #> 16 1 #> 17 1 #> 18 1 #> 19 0 #> 20 0 #> 21 Added: Boston College (BE) #> 22 1 #> 23 Added: Miami FL (BE), Virginia Tech (BE) #> 24 2 #> 25 0 #> 26 1 #> 27 2 #> 28 1 #> 29 1 #> 30 1 #> 31 1 #> ch #> 1 0 #> 2 0 #> 3 0 #> 4 No tournament #> 5 1 #> 6 0 #> 7 1 #> 8 0 #> 9 1 #> 10 Dropped: Maryland (B10) Added: Louisville (Amer) #> 11 0 #> 12 Added: Notre Dame (BE), Pittsburgh (BE), Syracuse (BE) #> 13 0 #> 14 0 #> 15 0 #> 16 1 #> 17 1 #> 18 0 #> 19 0 #> 20 0 #> 21 Added: Boston College (BE) #> 22 1 #> 23 Added: Miami FL (BE), Virginia Tech (BE) #> 24 0 #> 25 0 #> 26 1 #> 27 1 #> 28 0 #> 29 0 #> 30 0 #> 31 0 #> reg_season_champ #> 1 2-way tie #> 2 Duke 2 #> 3 Virginia 4 #> 4 Florida St. 2* #> 5 2-way tie #> 6 Virginia 1 #> 7 North Carolina 1 #> 8 North Carolina 1 #> 9 Virginia 2 #> 10 Dropped: Maryland (B10) Added: Louisville (Amer) #> 11 Virginia 1 #> 12 Added: Notre Dame (BE), Pittsburgh (BE), Syracuse (BE) #> 13 Miami FL 2 #> 14 North Carolina 1 #> 15 North Carolina 2 #> 16 2-way tie #> 17 North Carolina 1 #> 18 North Carolina 1 #> 19 2-way tie #> 20 Duke 1 #> 21 Added: Boston College (BE) #> 22 North Carolina 1 #> 23 Added: Miami FL (BE), Virginia Tech (BE) #> 24 Duke 1 #> 25 Wake Forest 2 #> 26 Maryland 1 #> 27 2-way tie #> 28 Duke 1 #> 29 Duke 1 #> 30 Duke 1 #> 31 Duke 2 #> tourney_champ #> 1 Duke 5 #> 2 Virginia Tech 11 #> 3 Georgia Tech 9 #> 4 #> 5 Duke 1 #> 6 Virginia 1 #> 7 Duke 2 #> 8 North Carolina 1 #> 9 Notre Dame 3 #> 10 Dropped: Maryland (B10) Added: Louisville (Amer) #> 11 Virginia 1 #> 12 Added: Notre Dame (BE), Pittsburgh (BE), Syracuse (BE) #> 13 Miami FL 2 #> 14 Florida St. 3 #> 15 Duke 1 #> 16 Duke 1 #> 17 Duke 2 #> 18 North Carolina 1 #> 19 North Carolina 1 #> 20 Duke 1 #> 21 Added: Boston College (BE) #> 22 Duke 1 #> 23 Added: Miami FL (BE), Virginia Tech (BE) #> 24 Maryland 4 #> 25 Duke 3 #> 26 Duke 1 #> 27 Duke 1 #> 28 Duke 1 #> 29 Duke 1 #> 30 North Carolina 1 #> 31 North Carolina 1 #> best_team #> 1 Duke 5 #> 2 Duke 2 #> 3 Florida St. 4 #> 4 Duke 3* #> 5 Virginia 1 #> 6 Virginia 1 #> 7 North Carolina 1 #> 8 North Carolina 1 #> 9 Duke 1 #> 10 Dropped: Maryland (B10) Added: Louisville (Amer) #> 11 Virginia 1 #> 12 Added: Notre Dame (BE), Pittsburgh (BE), Syracuse (BE) #> 13 Duke 2 #> 14 North Carolina 1 #> 15 Duke 1 #> 16 Duke 1 #> 17 North Carolina 1 #> 18 North Carolina 1 #> 19 North Carolina 1 #> 20 Duke 1 #> 21 Added: Boston College (BE) #> 22 North Carolina 1 #> 23 Added: Miami FL (BE), Virginia Tech (BE) #> 24 Duke 1 #> 25 Duke 3 #> 26 Duke 1 #> 27 Duke 1 #> 28 Duke 1 #> 29 Duke 1 #> 30 Duke 1 #> 31 North Carolina 1 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confstats.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's conference comparison stats — kp_confstats","title":"Get KenPom's conference comparison stats — kp_confstats","text":"Get KenPom's conference comparison stats","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confstats.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's conference comparison stats — kp_confstats","text":"","code":"kp_confstats(year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confstats.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom's conference comparison stats — kp_confstats","text":"year Year (YYYY)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confstats.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's conference comparison stats — kp_confstats","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confstats.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's conference comparison stats — kp_confstats","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_confstats(year=most_recent_mbb_season())) #> conf eff eff_rk tempo tempo_rk e_fg_pct e_fg_pct_rk to_pct to_pct_rk #> 1 A10 103.1 21 68.0 13 50.4 23 18.1 21 #> 2 ACC 106.4 6 67.4 14 51.2 15 16.0 2 #> 3 AE 105.3 11 66.9 20 51.3 14 16.3 4 #> 4 Amer 104.7 13 69.2 6 50.8 20 18.1 20 #> 5 ASun 106.6 5 67.0 19 52.2 5 16.6 5 #> 6 B10 104.5 15 65.2 32 50.7 21 16.1 3 #> 7 B12 103.4 20 68.9 10 50.4 24 18.9 25 #> 8 BE 104.9 12 68.9 9 51.0 18 17.3 10 #> 9 BSky 106.4 7 66.0 27 52.4 3 16.8 7 #> 10 BSth 103.8 19 65.9 28 51.8 7 19.2 28 #> 11 BW 101.5 28 66.3 26 49.5 27 18.5 24 #> 12 CAA 102.3 25 66.7 22 49.6 26 17.7 17 #> 13 CUSA 104.1 18 66.5 25 51.1 16 19.0 26 #> 14 Horz 106.1 9 68.1 12 51.6 9 18.2 22 #> 15 Ivy 104.5 16 70.2 4 51.6 8 17.6 15 #> 16 MAAC 101.9 26 65.2 31 49.2 28 17.9 18 #> 17 MAC 108.2 2 69.1 7 52.2 4 17.5 13 #> 18 MEAC 101.5 30 71.3 1 50.9 19 22.5 32 #> 19 MVC 102.7 22 66.7 21 51.3 13 17.6 16 #> 20 MWC 106.0 10 65.5 30 52.0 6 17.3 9 #> 21 NEC 99.8 31 67.0 18 49.7 25 19.6 30 #> 22 OVC 104.7 14 70.6 2 51.1 17 17.6 14 #> 23 P12 101.5 29 66.5 23 48.8 31 18.2 23 #> 24 Pat 101.8 27 65.8 29 51.4 11 18.0 19 #> 25 SB 102.4 24 67.1 15 49.1 29 17.4 12 #> 26 SC 106.3 8 66.5 24 51.4 12 16.8 6 #> 27 SEC 104.3 17 67.1 16 48.9 30 17.4 11 #> 28 Slnd 107.3 3 68.9 8 52.5 2 19.2 27 #> 29 Sum 106.7 4 67.1 17 51.5 10 15.8 1 #> 30 SWAC 98.2 32 68.6 11 48.3 32 20.4 31 #> 31 WAC 102.4 23 69.3 5 50.4 22 19.4 29 #> 32 WCC 109.5 1 70.4 3 53.8 1 16.9 8 #> or_pct or_pct_rk ft_rate ft_rate_rk blk_pct blk_pct_rk stl_pct stl_pct_rk #> 1 28.0 18 33.2 12 9.1 12 9.3 14 #> 2 27.2 23 28.4 30 9.9 3 8.3 29 #> 3 26.3 28 29.3 25 7.3 29 8.7 25 #> 4 29.4 10 33.5 11 9.5 5 9.8 7 #> 5 26.6 25 27.8 31 8.1 24 8.6 26 #> 6 26.7 24 27.7 32 9.4 7 8.3 30 #> 7 29.8 6 34.7 9 9.2 11 9.7 8 #> 8 28.5 14 29.5 23 9.9 2 9.7 10 #> 9 25.1 31 32.6 15 6.7 32 7.8 31 #> 10 28.6 13 36.1 4 9.8 4 9.2 15 #> 11 27.7 21 33.7 10 7.2 30 8.9 21 #> 12 28.3 17 29.7 22 8.7 16 9.1 17 #> 13 29.4 11 31.4 17 9.3 10 9.9 5 #> 14 30.2 4 29.4 24 8.0 25 9.8 6 #> 15 26.5 26 32.3 16 8.6 20 9.0 18 #> 16 29.5 9 30.6 21 8.6 19 9.0 19 #> 17 29.8 8 34.9 7 7.8 27 8.7 24 #> 18 32.1 1 37.8 2 9.3 8 10.9 1 #> 19 24.9 32 28.8 27 8.3 23 9.1 16 #> 20 26.4 27 30.6 20 9.3 9 8.5 27 #> 21 28.4 16 31.0 19 8.6 21 10.2 3 #> 22 27.4 22 34.8 8 8.8 15 8.8 23 #> 23 29.8 7 28.7 28 9.9 1 9.4 13 #> 24 25.6 30 28.4 29 8.4 22 9.7 11 #> 25 28.9 12 32.8 13 8.9 13 9.7 9 #> 26 27.9 20 31.1 18 7.6 28 8.9 20 #> 27 31.1 2 35.1 6 9.4 6 9.6 12 #> 28 30.6 3 35.6 5 7.0 31 9.9 4 #> 29 26.1 29 29.2 26 8.7 17 7.7 32 #> 30 30.0 5 39.1 1 8.9 14 10.4 2 #> 31 28.5 15 36.9 3 8.6 18 8.9 22 #> 32 27.9 19 32.8 14 7.8 26 8.4 28 #> fg_2_pct fg_2_pct_rk fg_3_pct fg_3_pct_rk ft_pct ft_pct_rk fg_3a_pct #> 1 50.1 20 34.0 23 71.6 22 36.8 #> 2 50.6 16 34.8 12 75.0 2 38.2 #> 3 51.0 14 34.5 19 72.9 12 36.0 #> 4 50.9 15 33.8 26 72.1 17 38.9 #> 5 51.7 4 35.3 6 73.8 7 41.4 #> 6 50.0 22 34.7 16 71.5 23 36.0 #> 7 50.4 17 33.5 28 73.0 11 36.9 #> 8 50.3 18 34.7 13 73.3 9 35.2 #> 9 52.2 3 35.2 7 74.5 4 36.6 #> 10 51.5 7 34.8 11 68.0 32 38.1 #> 11 48.8 27 33.9 25 74.0 6 33.3 #> 12 49.0 25 33.7 27 71.5 24 37.1 #> 13 50.0 21 35.3 5 72.8 13 37.9 #> 14 51.7 5 34.3 22 74.1 5 37.5 #> 15 51.6 6 34.4 21 71.8 19 39.3 #> 16 48.3 29 33.9 24 71.6 21 34.6 #> 17 52.3 2 34.8 10 72.2 16 38.0 #> 18 50.3 19 34.7 15 71.0 28 37.0 #> 19 51.0 13 34.5 20 71.7 20 39.1 #> 20 51.5 8 35.2 8 75.2 1 38.5 #> 21 48.2 30 35.0 9 70.5 29 34.7 #> 22 50.0 23 35.3 4 71.4 25 37.2 #> 23 48.1 31 33.3 29 72.2 15 36.9 #> 24 51.1 11 34.7 14 68.1 31 35.9 #> 25 48.7 28 33.2 30 71.0 27 35.5 #> 26 51.0 12 34.6 18 72.7 14 41.0 #> 27 49.4 24 32.0 32 71.8 18 37.9 #> 28 51.4 9 36.4 2 73.3 8 36.1 #> 29 51.2 10 34.6 17 74.8 3 38.2 #> 30 47.7 32 33.0 31 69.3 30 34.6 #> 31 48.9 26 35.3 3 71.2 26 36.3 #> 32 52.9 1 36.8 1 73.0 10 38.1 #> fg_3a_pct_rk a_pct a_pct_rk home_w_l home_w_l_pct home_w_l_rk close close_rk #> 1 20 52.0 10 83-52 0.615 13 NA 12 #> 2 8 52.4 9 96-54 0.640 6 NA 16 #> 3 25 48.2 27 49-23 0.681 1 NA 17 #> 4 5 55.5 1 55-44 0.556 26 NA 6 #> 5 1 50.3 17 75-51 0.595 18 NA 8 #> 6 24 51.0 15 90-47 0.657 2 NA 5 #> 7 19 53.7 5 58-32 0.644 3 NA 4 #> 8 28 54.5 3 67-43 0.609 14 NA 25 #> 9 21 49.3 20 49-39 0.557 25 NA 1 #> 10 9 48.1 28 54-36 0.600 17 NA 21 #> 11 32 48.7 23 58-49 0.542 29 NA 3 #> 12 16 49.4 19 71-46 0.607 15 NA 20 #> 13 12 46.8 31 65-45 0.591 20 NA 10 #> 14 14 50.2 18 64-46 0.582 22 NA 21 #> 15 3 49.1 21 35-21 0.625 10 NA 15 #> 16 31 48.1 29 57-51 0.528 30 NA 2 #> 17 11 48.3 26 68-40 0.630 9 NA 32 #> 18 17 54.1 4 32-24 0.571 23 NA 27 #> 19 4 50.8 16 74-46 0.617 12 NA 9 #> 20 6 51.7 12 60-39 0.606 16 NA 14 #> 21 29 55.2 2 38-34 0.528 30 NA 26 #> 22 15 51.5 14 58-32 0.644 3 NA 23 #> 23 18 52.7 7 76-44 0.633 7 NA 29 #> 24 26 53.1 6 47-43 0.522 32 NA 13 #> 25 27 48.9 22 75-51 0.595 18 NA 19 #> 26 2 48.5 24 49-41 0.544 27 NA 28 #> 27 13 52.6 8 78-48 0.619 11 NA 17 #> 28 23 52.0 11 49-41 0.544 27 NA 7 #> 29 7 44.8 32 58-32 0.644 3 NA 31 #> 30 30 48.4 25 61-46 0.570 24 NA 11 #> 31 22 51.6 13 70-41 0.631 8 NA 30 #> 32 10 47.6 30 47-33 0.587 21 NA 24 #> blowouts blowouts_rk year #> 1 NA 20 2023 #> 2 NA 15 2023 #> 3 NA 16 2023 #> 4 NA 10 2023 #> 5 NA 11 2023 #> 6 NA 22 2023 #> 7 NA 23 2023 #> 8 NA 4 2023 #> 9 NA 28 2023 #> 10 NA 26 2023 #> 11 NA 21 2023 #> 12 NA 5 2023 #> 13 NA 17 2023 #> 14 NA 13 2023 #> 15 NA 19 2023 #> 16 NA 23 2023 #> 17 NA 1 2023 #> 18 NA 6 2023 #> 19 NA 8 2023 #> 20 NA 14 2023 #> 21 NA 32 2023 #> 22 NA 30 2023 #> 23 NA 12 2023 #> 24 NA 29 2023 #> 25 NA 27 2023 #> 26 NA 2 2023 #> 27 NA 8 2023 #> 28 NA 23 2023 #> 29 NA 3 2023 #> 30 NA 31 2023 #> 31 NA 18 2023 #> 32 NA 7 2023 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_efficiency.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom Efficiency and Tempo Summary — kp_efficiency","title":"Get KenPom Efficiency and Tempo Summary — kp_efficiency","text":"Get KenPom Efficiency Tempo Summary","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_efficiency.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom Efficiency and Tempo Summary — kp_efficiency","text":"","code":"kp_efficiency(min_year, max_year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_efficiency.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom Efficiency and Tempo Summary — kp_efficiency","text":"min_year First year data pull max_year Last year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_efficiency.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom Efficiency and Tempo Summary — kp_efficiency","text":"Returns tibble efficiency tempo ratings","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_efficiency.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom Efficiency and Tempo Summary — kp_efficiency","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_efficiency(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2021)) #> 2023-04-05 17:13:52: Invalid arguments or no efficiency data for 2020 - 2021 available! #> Team Conf AdjT AdjT.Rk RawT RawT.Rk AvgPossLengthOff #> 1 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 77.1 1 78.9 1 15.6 #> 2 Houston Baptist Slnd 76.1 2 77.9 2 14.8 #> 3 Marshall CUSA 74.9 3 75.2 7 14.8 #> 4 Alabama SEC 74.8 4 76.1 4 15.2 #> 5 Delaware St. MEAC 74.7 5 76.2 3 15.3 #> 6 Eastern Kentucky OVC 74.5 6 75.6 6 15.8 #> 7 Green Bay Horz 74.0 7 74.2 14 14.4 #> 8 Buffalo MAC 73.9 8 74.6 8 14.9 #> 9 North Carolina A&T MEAC 73.7 9 74.6 9 16.0 #> 10 The Citadel SC 73.7 10 74.3 13 15.9 #> 11 Central Michigan MAC 73.6 11 74.4 11 15.6 #> 12 Coppin St. MEAC 73.4 12 74.4 10 15.4 #> 13 San Jose St. MWC 73.3 13 74.0 19 16.3 #> 14 Arizona St. P12 73.2 14 73.6 23 15.8 #> 15 Central Arkansas Slnd 73.2 15 75.9 5 15.8 #> 16 Nebraska B10 73.1 16 72.8 33 15.1 #> 17 South Carolina SEC 73.1 17 72.5 37 15.3 #> 18 Eastern Washington BSky 73.1 18 73.6 24 15.3 #> 19 Georgia St. SB 73.0 19 73.7 21 15.8 #> 20 Bethune Cookman MEAC 73.0 20 74.0 18 15.6 #> 21 St. John's BE 72.9 21 74.1 16 15.5 #> 22 Texas Southern SWAC 72.9 22 74.4 12 16.0 #> 23 LIU NEC 72.8 23 73.3 26 16.1 #> 24 UTSA CUSA 72.8 24 73.0 30 16.2 #> 25 Samford SC 72.8 25 74.0 17 15.9 #> 26 Coastal Carolina SB 72.8 26 73.3 27 16.4 #> 27 Monmouth MAAC 72.6 27 72.0 44 15.6 #> 28 Memphis Amer 72.6 28 73.1 29 15.6 #> 29 Northwestern St. Slnd 72.4 29 74.1 15 16.3 #> 30 FIU CUSA 72.2 30 72.5 38 15.2 #> 31 Wright St. Horz 72.1 31 73.1 28 15.7 #> 32 James Madison CAA 72.1 32 71.6 57 15.8 #> 33 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd 72.1 33 73.9 20 15.8 #> 34 Duke ACC 72.0 34 72.8 31 16.2 #> 35 Gonzaga WCC 71.9 35 72.6 36 15.2 #> 36 Winthrop BSth 71.9 36 71.7 55 15.4 #> 37 Louisiana SB 71.8 37 72.4 39 16.7 #> 38 New Mexico MWC 71.8 38 72.6 35 16.3 #> 39 Stephen F. Austin Slnd 71.8 39 73.7 22 16.4 #> 40 Portland St. BSky 71.8 40 71.8 50 16.4 #> 41 Georgia Southern SB 71.8 41 72.7 34 15.8 #> 42 Santa Clara WCC 71.6 42 72.8 32 15.3 #> 43 Western Carolina SC 71.5 43 72.3 41 16.7 #> 44 Western Illinois Sum 71.3 44 72.0 45 17.1 #> 45 Arkansas SEC 71.2 45 71.4 61 16.7 #> 46 Rhode Island A10 71.2 46 71.9 47 16.1 #> 47 Saint Joseph's A10 71.2 47 71.2 66 16.5 #> 48 Sam Houston St. Slnd 71.1 48 73.4 25 16.0 #> 49 Rider MAAC 71.1 49 71.8 52 16.6 #> 50 Nevada MWC 71.0 50 71.7 56 16.3 #> 51 UNC Asheville BSth 71.0 51 70.8 79 16.5 #> 52 Loyola MD Pat 71.0 52 71.2 68 16.7 #> 53 Denver Sum 70.9 53 71.5 60 16.5 #> 54 Penn St. B10 70.9 54 71.4 62 16.2 #> 55 Long Beach St. BW 70.9 55 71.3 64 16.6 #> 56 Hampton BSth 70.9 56 70.7 86 16.5 #> 57 Pepperdine WCC 70.8 57 71.8 51 15.8 #> 58 IUPUI Horz 70.8 58 71.2 70 16.5 #> 59 Washington St. P12 70.8 59 71.1 71 16.7 #> 60 Marquette BE 70.7 60 71.4 63 16.5 #> 61 Prairie View A&M SWAC 70.7 61 72.4 40 16.3 #> 62 East Carolina Amer 70.6 62 70.7 87 16.6 #> 63 DePaul BE 70.6 63 71.7 53 15.5 #> 64 Georgia SEC 70.5 64 71.9 48 16.3 #> 65 Belmont OVC 70.5 65 72.3 42 15.7 #> 66 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC 70.4 66 70.5 99 15.9 #> 67 North Carolina ACC 70.4 67 70.4 106 16.6 #> 68 Oral Roberts Sum 70.4 68 71.8 49 16.1 #> 69 Utah Valley WAC 70.4 69 70.3 111 16.8 #> 70 St. Francis NY NEC 70.3 70 70.6 92 17.1 #> 71 Bryant NEC 70.3 71 70.2 116 17.2 #> 72 UMass Lowell AE 70.3 72 70.8 78 16.2 #> 73 Temple Amer 70.3 73 70.6 89 16.1 #> 74 Cal St. Northridge BW 70.3 74 70.9 74 16.9 #> 75 Howard MEAC 70.2 75 71.9 46 16.9 #> 76 Penn Ivy 70.2 76 71.0 72 16.8 #> 77 Iowa B10 70.2 77 70.6 93 16.2 #> 78 San Diego WCC 70.2 78 70.7 85 17.0 #> 79 Wake Forest ACC 70.1 79 70.8 81 16.6 #> 80 Rice CUSA 70.1 80 71.3 65 16.9 #> 81 Bowling Green MAC 70.1 81 70.9 76 16.6 #> 82 Alcorn St. SWAC 70.1 82 72.1 43 16.8 #> 83 North Alabama ASun 70.1 83 69.8 124 16.9 #> 84 LSU SEC 70.0 84 70.8 80 16.8 #> 85 South Dakota Sum 70.0 85 71.0 73 16.8 #> 86 Canisius MAAC 70.0 86 70.3 110 17.1 #> 87 Georgetown BE 70.0 87 71.6 58 15.9 #> 88 Georgia Tech ACC 70.0 88 70.5 96 17.0 #> 89 Florida St. ACC 69.9 89 69.6 139 16.7 #> 90 Iowa St. B12 69.9 90 70.4 102 16.4 #> 91 Seattle WAC 69.9 91 70.4 103 17.4 #> 92 Stony Brook AE 69.8 92 69.8 128 17.0 #> 93 Seton Hall BE 69.8 93 70.9 75 16.9 #> 94 New Orleans Slnd 69.8 94 71.7 54 16.4 #> 95 Middle Tennessee CUSA 69.8 95 70.5 94 16.5 #> 96 Washington P12 69.8 96 70.3 113 16.1 #> 97 Alabama St. SWAC 69.7 97 70.8 83 17.0 #> 98 Oklahoma B12 69.6 98 69.7 135 16.2 #> 99 Lamar Slnd 69.6 99 71.2 67 16.6 #> 100 Morgan St. MEAC 69.6 100 70.9 77 17.1 #> 101 Wichita St. Amer 69.5 101 70.6 88 17.3 #> 102 Milwaukee Horz 69.5 102 70.3 112 16.6 #> 103 N.C. State ACC 69.5 103 70.6 91 16.6 #> 104 Central Connecticut NEC 69.5 104 70.5 97 16.8 #> 105 Illinois Chicago Horz 69.5 105 70.6 90 17.3 #> 106 Army Pat 69.5 106 69.7 132 15.8 #> 107 Bucknell Pat 69.5 107 69.8 126 16.5 #> 108 BYU WCC 69.5 108 69.7 133 17.0 #> 109 Vanderbilt SEC 69.4 109 70.0 120 17.8 #> 110 Akron MAC 69.4 110 70.1 118 16.4 #> 111 North Florida ASun 69.4 111 69.2 161 16.7 #> 112 West Virginia B12 69.4 112 69.4 148 17.5 #> 113 Brown Ivy 69.4 113 69.9 121 17.3 #> 114 Cal St. Fullerton BW 69.3 114 69.2 168 16.6 #> 115 Arizona P12 69.3 115 70.3 109 16.3 #> 116 Colorado St. MWC 69.3 116 69.7 134 16.7 #> 117 Detroit Horz 69.3 117 70.5 95 17.6 #> 118 Southern Utah BSky 69.3 118 69.5 147 17.1 #> 119 Troy SB 69.3 119 70.4 108 17.1 #> 120 Boston College ACC 69.3 120 69.6 138 17.1 #> 121 Tennessee St. OVC 69.3 121 70.4 104 17.1 #> 122 Portland WCC 69.3 122 70.2 115 16.8 #> 123 Valparaiso MVC 69.3 123 69.2 164 16.6 #> 124 Richmond A10 69.3 124 69.3 159 16.7 #> 125 Little Rock SB 69.3 125 70.2 117 17.6 #> 126 Nebraska Omaha Sum 69.2 126 70.8 82 16.6 #> 127 Auburn SEC 69.2 127 70.5 100 16.4 #> 128 USC Upstate BSth 69.2 128 69.3 156 17.8 #> 129 Eastern Illinois OVC 69.1 129 70.4 101 17.4 #> 130 Michigan St. B10 69.1 130 69.3 157 16.6 #> 131 La Salle A10 69.1 131 69.7 129 17.3 #> 132 Columbia Ivy 69.1 132 69.4 151 16.7 #> 133 Boise St. MWC 69.1 133 69.7 131 17.0 #> 134 VCU A10 69.0 134 69.2 162 16.0 #> 135 Chicago St. WAC 69.0 135 69.4 150 17.9 #> 136 SIU Edwardsville OVC 69.0 136 69.9 122 17.4 #> 137 McNeese St. Slnd 69.0 137 71.2 69 17.3 #> 138 St. Francis PA NEC 68.9 138 69.7 130 16.3 #> 139 USC P12 68.9 139 70.0 119 16.9 #> 140 Idaho BSky 68.9 140 69.0 175 17.5 #> 141 Quinnipiac MAAC 68.9 141 68.9 184 17.1 #> 142 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC 68.9 142 69.0 174 16.8 #> 143 Kent St. MAC 68.9 143 69.6 140 17.3 #> 144 Murray St. OVC 68.9 144 69.5 143 17.0 #> 145 North Dakota Sum 68.9 145 70.2 114 17.9 #> 146 Florida Atlantic CUSA 68.8 146 69.6 141 16.1 #> 147 Air Force MWC 68.8 147 68.9 183 17.6 #> 148 Harvard Ivy 68.8 148 68.8 186 16.9 #> 149 Tennessee Martin OVC 68.7 149 69.7 136 18.1 #> 150 Michigan B10 68.7 150 69.4 152 17.1 #> 151 Grambling St. SWAC 68.7 151 70.5 98 17.0 #> 152 Sacred Heart NEC 68.7 152 69.5 145 17.8 #> 153 Lipscomb ASun 68.7 153 68.1 232 17.4 #> 154 Tulane Amer 68.7 154 69.4 154 16.7 #> 155 San Francisco WCC 68.7 155 69.0 176 17.0 #> 156 Iona MAAC 68.7 156 68.6 203 17.0 #> 157 Jackson St. SWAC 68.7 157 70.4 107 17.5 #> 158 Nicholls St. Slnd 68.7 158 71.5 59 17.1 #> 159 American Pat 68.7 159 68.9 181 17.9 #> 160 Florida A&M MEAC 68.6 160 70.8 84 17.3 #> 161 Massachusetts A10 68.6 161 69.2 169 18.0 #> 162 Cal Baptist WAC 68.6 162 69.4 149 16.7 #> 163 New Hampshire AE 68.6 163 69.5 146 18.1 #> 164 Binghamton AE 68.6 164 68.9 182 17.4 #> 165 UNC Wilmington CAA 68.5 165 68.4 216 16.8 #> 166 Albany AE 68.5 166 69.4 153 17.6 #> 167 Connecticut Amer 68.5 167 69.0 179 17.5 #> 168 Colgate Pat 68.5 168 68.6 201 17.2 #> 169 Illinois St. MVC 68.5 169 68.2 229 16.4 #> 170 Hawaii BW 68.4 170 69.1 172 17.9 #> 171 Providence BE 68.4 171 69.6 142 17.3 #> 172 Abilene Christian Slnd 68.4 172 70.4 105 17.0 #> 173 Oklahoma St. B12 68.4 173 68.4 214 17.3 #> 174 Lehigh Pat 68.4 174 68.7 199 17.7 #> 175 Cal Poly BW 68.3 175 68.2 228 17.6 #> 176 Western Kentucky CUSA 68.3 176 69.5 144 17.3 #> 177 Holy Cross Pat 68.3 177 68.7 195 17.9 #> 178 Creighton BE 68.3 178 69.8 127 16.5 #> 179 Syracuse ACC 68.3 179 68.4 220 16.8 #> 180 Miami FL ACC 68.3 180 68.7 193 18.1 #> 181 Missouri St. MVC 68.3 181 68.6 207 17.6 #> 182 Delaware CAA 68.3 182 68.5 209 17.5 #> 183 Stanford P12 68.3 183 68.7 194 17.4 #> 184 Hartford AE 68.2 184 68.5 211 18.2 #> 185 Montana BSky 68.2 185 69.2 163 17.0 #> 186 Kennesaw St. ASun 68.2 186 68.1 230 18.3 #> 187 Furman SC 68.2 187 69.2 166 17.2 #> 188 Colorado P12 68.2 188 68.1 231 17.5 #> 189 Jacksonville St. OVC 68.1 189 69.1 171 18.2 #> 190 Notre Dame ACC 68.1 190 69.0 177 16.8 #> 191 Xavier BE 68.1 191 69.2 167 17.7 #> 192 Mercer SC 68.1 192 69.8 125 17.5 #> 193 Toledo MAC 68.1 193 69.3 160 17.2 #> 194 UC Davis BW 68.0 194 67.8 241 17.3 #> 195 Ohio MAC 68.0 195 68.8 189 18.1 #> 196 Mississippi SEC 68.0 196 68.8 191 17.4 #> 197 Saint Peter's MAAC 68.0 197 68.6 204 17.8 #> 198 Grand Canyon WAC 68.0 198 67.5 254 17.8 #> 199 Cincinnati Amer 68.0 199 68.8 185 17.0 #> 200 Ball St. MAC 68.0 200 69.1 173 17.9 #> 201 South Dakota St. Sum 68.0 201 69.8 123 17.1 #> 202 Hofstra CAA 67.9 202 68.4 221 16.8 #> 203 VMI SC 67.9 203 68.7 196 16.9 #> 204 Drake MVC 67.9 204 67.3 262 17.8 #> 205 Purdue Fort Wayne Sum 67.9 205 68.9 180 16.9 #> 206 Indiana B10 67.9 206 68.7 200 17.5 #> 207 Longwood BSth 67.8 207 68.5 213 16.8 #> 208 UCF Amer 67.8 208 68.7 197 17.6 #> 209 Austin Peay OVC 67.8 209 69.1 170 17.6 #> 210 UNC Greensboro SC 67.8 210 68.6 205 17.0 #> 211 Duquesne A10 67.8 211 67.7 247 17.9 #> 212 UC Irvine BW 67.7 212 68.4 218 17.5 #> 213 Alabama A&M SWAC 67.7 213 69.6 137 17.5 #> 214 UT Arlington SB 67.7 214 68.7 198 17.2 #> 215 Kentucky SEC 67.7 215 68.5 212 17.4 #> 216 Weber St. BSky 67.6 216 67.9 236 17.9 #> 217 Evansville MVC 67.6 217 67.8 243 18.1 #> 218 Southeast Missouri St. OVC 67.6 218 68.6 202 16.9 #> 219 Saint Louis A10 67.6 219 68.4 215 17.5 #> 220 Dayton A10 67.6 220 68.0 233 17.1 #> 221 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC 67.5 221 69.3 158 17.9 #> 222 William & Mary CAA 67.5 222 67.9 239 18.2 #> 223 Wagner NEC 67.5 223 68.8 192 18.1 #> 224 UTEP CUSA 67.5 224 68.4 219 17.4 #> 225 Norfolk St. MEAC 67.5 225 69.3 155 17.5 #> 226 South Carolina St. MEAC 67.4 226 69.2 165 18.3 #> 227 Yale Ivy 67.4 227 67.9 237 18.2 #> 228 Western Michigan MAC 67.4 228 68.4 217 17.8 #> 229 Utah St. MWC 67.4 229 68.0 234 17.3 #> 230 Idaho St. BSky 67.4 230 67.6 250 18.3 #> 231 Rutgers B10 67.4 231 67.6 253 17.4 #> 232 Morehead St. OVC 67.3 232 68.8 188 17.4 #> 233 Kansas B12 67.3 233 67.6 248 17.0 #> 234 Montana St. BSky 67.3 234 67.8 242 17.6 #> 235 Drexel CAA 67.3 235 67.7 244 18.4 #> 236 Texas Tech B12 67.3 236 68.3 223 17.4 #> 237 Arkansas St. SB 67.3 237 68.3 225 17.0 #> 238 Southern Miss CUSA 67.2 238 68.2 226 18.2 #> 239 Kansas St. B12 67.2 239 67.3 267 17.5 #> 240 Appalachian St. SB 67.2 240 68.3 222 17.2 #> 241 Cleveland St. Horz 67.1 241 69.0 178 17.9 #> 242 Louisville ACC 67.1 242 67.2 269 17.3 #> 243 Miami OH MAC 67.1 243 68.8 190 17.8 #> 244 Bradley MVC 67.1 244 67.1 271 17.4 #> 245 Maryland B10 67.0 245 67.6 249 17.6 #> 246 George Mason A10 67.0 246 67.4 261 17.9 #> 247 UNLV MWC 67.0 247 67.3 266 18.0 #> 248 Chattanooga SC 67.0 248 68.2 227 18.1 #> 249 NJIT ASun 66.9 249 66.6 291 18.2 #> 250 Charleston Southern BSth 66.9 250 67.9 238 17.7 #> 251 Lafayette Pat 66.9 251 67.5 255 17.8 #> 252 Tennessee Tech OVC 66.9 252 68.5 210 17.5 #> 253 Presbyterian BSth 66.9 253 67.0 279 18.4 #> 254 Eastern Michigan MAC 66.8 254 67.7 245 17.3 #> 255 UMBC AE 66.8 255 67.3 265 17.5 #> 256 Southern SWAC 66.8 256 68.5 208 18.0 #> 257 Minnesota B10 66.8 257 67.3 264 17.9 #> 258 Wyoming MWC 66.7 258 67.4 260 18.0 #> 259 Northwestern B10 66.7 259 66.7 287 17.6 #> 260 Utah P12 66.7 260 67.6 252 18.1 #> 261 Siena MAAC 66.7 261 67.2 270 17.6 #> 262 Jacksonville ASun 66.6 262 66.7 285 17.7 #> 263 North Carolina Central MEAC 66.6 263 68.8 187 17.2 #> 264 George Washington A10 66.6 264 66.7 283 18.9 #> 265 Northern Arizona BSky 66.6 265 67.1 273 18.2 #> 266 Louisiana Tech CUSA 66.5 266 67.7 246 17.7 #> 267 Missouri SEC 66.5 267 67.0 277 17.7 #> 268 Old Dominion CUSA 66.4 268 67.5 257 18.2 #> 269 Youngstown St. Horz 66.4 269 68.0 235 17.9 #> 270 Indiana St. MVC 66.4 270 66.2 305 18.4 #> 271 High Point BSth 66.4 271 67.0 275 18.7 #> 272 Boston University Pat 66.3 272 66.5 299 17.9 #> 273 Vermont AE 66.3 273 66.5 298 18.1 #> 274 Princeton Ivy 66.3 274 67.1 272 18.1 #> 275 Villanova BE 66.2 275 67.6 251 18.1 #> 276 Mississippi St. SEC 66.2 276 67.3 263 18.2 #> 277 Baylor B12 66.2 277 66.6 289 18.2 #> 278 Elon CAA 66.2 278 66.5 301 18.0 #> 279 Gardner Webb BSth 66.2 279 66.8 281 17.9 #> 280 Ohio St. B10 66.2 280 66.7 286 18.1 #> 281 East Tennessee St. SC 66.1 281 67.5 258 18.2 #> 282 Robert Morris NEC 66.1 282 67.1 274 17.4 #> 283 Incarnate Word Slnd 66.1 283 68.6 206 18.4 #> 284 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC 66.1 284 67.5 259 18.9 #> 285 Oakland Horz 66.1 285 67.2 268 18.8 #> 286 Florida Gulf Coast ASun 66.1 286 66.2 307 18.5 #> 287 North Dakota St. Sum 66.0 287 67.5 256 18.7 #> 288 Illinois B10 66.0 288 67.0 278 18.6 #> 289 Niagara MAAC 66.0 289 66.5 300 18.2 #> 290 Clemson ACC 66.0 290 66.6 294 17.6 #> 291 Northeastern CAA 65.9 291 65.8 320 18.2 #> 292 Texas B12 65.9 292 66.2 310 18.1 #> 293 Wofford SC 65.9 293 66.6 296 18.0 #> 294 Maine AE 65.9 294 66.0 317 18.8 #> 295 Charleston CAA 65.9 295 66.6 288 18.1 #> 296 Manhattan MAAC 65.8 296 66.2 306 17.7 #> 297 Tulsa Amer 65.8 297 67.0 276 17.6 #> 298 Dartmouth Ivy 65.8 298 66.3 303 18.2 #> 299 Northern Iowa MVC 65.8 299 65.7 323 18.4 #> 300 Houston Amer 65.7 300 66.8 282 18.4 #> 301 St. Bonaventure A10 65.7 301 66.2 309 18.3 #> 302 UAB CUSA 65.7 302 67.0 280 18.6 #> 303 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd 65.7 303 68.3 224 18.4 #> 304 Northern Kentucky Horz 65.7 304 67.9 240 18.1 #> 305 Oregon St. P12 65.6 305 66.6 295 18.2 #> 306 Campbell BSth 65.6 306 66.6 292 18.3 #> 307 Charlotte CUSA 65.5 307 66.6 290 18.5 #> 308 Pittsburgh ACC 65.5 308 66.0 314 18.3 #> 309 Virginia Tech ACC 65.5 309 66.1 311 18.0 #> 310 South Alabama SB 65.3 310 66.7 284 17.6 #> 311 Loyola Chicago MVC 65.3 311 65.5 328 17.9 #> 312 Texas St. SB 65.2 312 66.6 293 18.7 #> 313 Tennessee SEC 65.2 313 66.6 297 18.0 #> 314 Cornell Ivy 65.2 314 65.8 319 18.8 #> 315 California P12 65.2 315 65.7 322 19.1 #> 316 Marist MAAC 65.2 316 65.5 327 18.9 #> 317 Towson CAA 65.1 317 65.4 332 19.3 #> 318 TCU B12 65.1 318 65.6 326 18.6 #> 319 Oregon P12 65.0 319 66.2 308 17.9 #> 320 Northern Colorado BSky 65.0 320 65.5 331 19.0 #> 321 Cal St. Bakersfield WAC 64.9 321 65.5 330 18.8 #> 322 Louisiana Monroe SB 64.9 322 66.1 313 19.2 #> 323 Pacific WCC 64.9 323 65.9 318 19.3 #> 324 South Florida Amer 64.9 324 65.5 329 18.5 #> 325 UCLA P12 64.9 325 66.3 302 18.6 #> 326 Florida SEC 64.9 326 66.2 304 17.9 #> 327 UMKC WAC 64.9 327 65.6 324 18.8 #> 328 Fordham A10 64.8 328 65.2 333 18.8 #> 329 Northern Illinois MAC 64.8 329 66.1 312 18.1 #> 330 Davidson A10 64.8 330 65.6 325 18.9 #> 331 SMU Amer 64.8 331 66.0 315 18.4 #> 332 San Diego St. MWC 64.6 332 66.0 316 17.5 #> 333 Purdue B10 64.6 333 64.7 338 18.6 #> 334 Texas A&M SEC 64.5 334 65.7 321 18.8 #> 335 UC Santa Barbara BW 64.5 335 64.9 337 18.7 #> 336 Radford BSth 64.3 336 64.9 336 19.2 #> 337 Southern Illinois MVC 64.2 337 64.1 346 19.6 #> 338 Fresno St. MWC 64.2 338 65.0 334 18.8 #> 339 Saint Mary's WCC 63.9 339 65.0 335 19.9 #> 340 Sacramento St. BSky 63.9 340 64.4 341 19.5 #> 341 Butler BE 63.7 341 64.5 339 19.7 #> 342 Wisconsin B10 63.7 342 64.5 340 19.9 #> 343 New Mexico St. WAC 63.5 343 64.3 342 19.7 #> 344 Stetson ASun 63.2 344 63.9 349 19.8 #> 345 Mount St. Mary's NEC 63.2 345 64.3 344 19.5 #> 346 Fairfield MAAC 63.2 346 63.6 350 20.2 #> 347 UC Riverside BW 63.2 347 64.1 347 20.1 #> 348 Merrimack NEC 63.2 348 64.0 348 18.5 #> 349 Loyola Marymount WCC 63.0 349 64.3 343 20.1 #> 350 North Texas CUSA 62.9 350 64.2 345 19.0 #> 351 Navy Pat 62.5 351 62.2 351 19.9 #> 352 Liberty ASun 61.5 352 61.3 352 20.6 #> 353 Virginia ACC 59.4 353 60.3 353 20.8 #> AvgPossLengthOff.Rk AvgPossLengthDef AvgPossLengthDef.Rk AdjO AdjO.Rk #> 1 21 14.7 1 89.8 345 #> 2 3 16.0 5 102.9 175 #> 3 2 17.1 111 101.2 199 #> 4 6 16.4 18 111.0 37 #> 5 10 16.2 10 94.1 323 #> 6 27 15.8 2 95.4 297 #> 7 1 17.9 302 105.8 109 #> 8 4 17.3 171 104.1 151 #> 9 37 15.9 4 92.3 335 #> 10 35 16.4 19 94.9 305 #> 11 18 16.6 40 102.0 187 #> 12 13 16.9 71 89.6 346 #> 13 53 16.1 9 97.5 262 #> 14 29 16.6 41 106.0 108 #> 15 28 15.9 3 98.0 256 #> 16 5 17.6 241 102.0 190 #> 17 11 17.7 265 105.4 122 #> 18 9 17.4 187 105.4 120 #> 19 24 16.9 82 105.6 115 #> 20 20 16.7 48 95.4 298 #> 21 16 16.8 59 106.1 104 #> 22 39 16.6 30 99.1 237 #> 23 41 16.7 57 97.4 265 #> 24 48 16.6 32 104.2 149 #> 25 34 16.7 45 98.6 245 #> 26 62 16.3 16 104.8 134 #> 27 19 17.6 229 99.1 238 #> 28 17 17.1 140 100.6 210 #> 29 58 16.1 7 98.3 251 #> 30 8 17.6 224 103.7 157 #> 31 23 17.1 113 104.9 132 #> 32 25 17.6 231 99.5 230 #> 33 32 16.7 53 92.0 338 #> 34 49 16.6 42 115.7 9 #> 35 7 17.7 266 121.3 1 #> 36 14 17.9 306 104.7 136 #> 37 101 16.6 33 101.3 196 #> 38 59 16.7 58 105.3 125 #> 39 65 16.0 6 104.1 152 #> 40 68 16.9 85 108.8 57 #> 41 26 17.1 132 102.2 184 #> 42 12 17.5 202 102.6 176 #> 43 96 16.4 21 107.3 83 #> 44 143 16.2 13 98.3 250 #> 45 94 17.0 103 109.1 55 #> 46 44 17.3 166 105.2 126 #> 47 74 17.1 129 101.9 193 #> 48 40 16.9 77 99.5 229 #> 49 85 16.9 81 100.9 204 #> 50 57 17.3 174 110.3 44 #> 51 72 17.2 151 98.7 243 #> 52 92 16.7 44 100.4 213 #> 53 73 16.9 87 95.0 303 #> 54 50 17.4 183 110.3 43 #> 55 81 17.2 146 94.2 320 #> 56 77 17.1 133 104.8 135 #> 57 30 17.7 252 107.2 85 #> 58 71 17.2 147 99.4 231 #> 59 102 17.0 98 102.2 182 #> 60 76 17.4 185 114.0 14 #> 61 56 16.8 66 96.3 282 #> 62 78 17.5 219 99.6 227 #> 63 15 17.8 271 103.4 165 #> 64 60 16.9 76 108.2 71 #> 65 22 17.3 175 106.5 97 #> 66 33 17.9 294 98.7 244 #> 67 90 17.3 181 107.7 77 #> 68 43 17.1 143 108.2 70 #> 69 106 17.1 139 96.5 277 #> 70 150 16.7 49 94.6 308 #> 71 155 16.8 67 97.8 257 #> 72 47 17.3 179 104.4 144 #> 73 45 17.9 284 100.1 217 #> 74 125 16.8 70 107.4 82 #> 75 124 16.1 8 93.6 326 #> 76 112 17.0 92 103.4 163 #> 77 52 17.6 233 117.3 5 #> 78 139 17.1 128 94.4 315 #> 79 86 17.1 123 108.7 61 #> 80 118 16.7 52 105.8 110 #> 81 88 17.0 93 104.3 146 #> 82 103 16.5 22 96.9 271 #> 83 116 17.5 207 96.0 289 #> 84 111 17.0 101 118.1 4 #> 85 114 17.0 97 108.6 63 #> 86 152 17.0 108 97.7 259 #> 87 36 17.6 232 111.0 36 #> 88 140 17.0 94 103.1 171 #> 89 95 17.9 293 111.7 32 #> 90 64 17.5 220 109.6 48 #> 91 179 17.0 95 101.2 200 #> 92 128 17.6 245 97.7 260 #> 93 119 16.9 90 112.3 29 #> 94 66 17.0 100 99.3 233 #> 95 70 17.4 194 97.5 264 #> 96 46 18.1 327 105.8 112 #> 97 126 17.1 127 86.2 350 #> 98 51 18.1 329 108.8 58 #> 99 84 16.9 74 96.3 283 #> 100 146 16.7 51 93.2 327 #> 101 165 16.6 35 105.6 117 #> 102 87 17.4 186 96.0 288 #> 103 80 17.3 172 110.7 42 #> 104 115 16.9 89 90.3 342 #> 105 171 16.7 46 96.4 280 #> 106 31 18.3 345 98.8 242 #> 107 75 17.9 286 96.2 285 #> 108 131 17.4 184 116.3 7 #> 109 236 16.2 11 104.7 139 #> 110 63 17.7 253 108.5 66 #> 111 91 17.9 307 112.0 31 #> 112 197 17.1 130 108.3 67 #> 113 164 16.9 78 96.4 278 #> 114 82 18.1 326 95.9 292 #> 115 54 17.9 288 111.0 35 #> 116 98 17.5 213 109.3 52 #> 117 214 16.2 14 99.9 221 #> 118 147 17.6 243 98.8 240 #> 119 142 17.1 136 96.2 284 #> 120 149 17.2 155 99.6 228 #> 121 145 16.8 65 96.4 279 #> 122 110 17.2 154 94.4 314 #> 123 83 17.9 297 104.5 141 #> 124 99 17.5 221 109.2 53 #> 125 213 16.6 31 106.4 99 #> 126 89 17.1 125 103.2 170 #> 127 67 17.5 205 111.4 33 #> 128 233 16.6 43 95.5 295 #> 129 176 16.6 37 98.2 253 #> 130 79 18.0 316 115.2 10 #> 131 175 17.0 110 99.6 226 #> 132 100 17.9 282 95.2 302 #> 133 130 17.5 206 107.0 88 #> 134 38 18.4 349 104.7 138 #> 135 253 16.6 39 86.9 349 #> 136 189 16.7 54 92.3 336 #> 137 166 16.5 24 103.0 172 #> 138 55 18.0 309 107.6 81 #> 139 123 17.5 203 104.3 145 #> 140 203 17.3 180 92.8 332 #> 141 154 17.7 260 100.7 207 #> 142 109 17.8 269 102.1 186 #> 143 174 17.2 153 106.1 105 #> 144 138 17.4 201 102.4 178 #> 145 239 16.2 12 102.2 183 #> 146 42 18.1 332 99.7 225 #> 147 219 17.2 148 107.8 76 #> 148 121 17.8 278 104.7 137 #> 149 263 16.3 17 105.1 128 #> 150 148 17.4 188 113.2 20 #> 151 129 17.3 161 93.1 328 #> 152 234 16.6 34 102.2 185 #> 153 182 17.8 273 101.2 201 #> 154 97 17.6 236 101.9 192 #> 155 136 17.5 211 108.3 68 #> 156 141 17.8 280 101.6 194 #> 157 191 16.8 64 92.8 333 #> 158 144 16.5 26 99.7 223 #> 159 242 16.9 84 101.1 202 #> 160 172 16.6 38 94.4 311 #> 161 262 16.6 28 102.9 174 #> 162 93 17.5 208 105.3 124 #> 163 269 16.3 15 95.0 304 #> 164 178 17.1 124 99.7 224 #> 165 113 18.1 325 92.1 337 #> 166 217 17.1 137 94.3 316 #> 167 190 17.2 156 108.6 64 #> 168 156 17.7 246 107.2 86 #> 169 61 18.8 353 98.4 248 #> 170 251 17.1 141 97.6 261 #> 171 167 17.1 114 107.8 75 #> 172 133 17.2 152 99.1 239 #> 173 170 17.5 209 107.2 84 #> 174 223 17.1 142 97.0 269 #> 175 208 17.3 164 95.2 301 #> 176 162 17.1 126 108.9 56 #> 177 254 16.9 75 95.9 291 #> 178 69 17.8 272 118.2 3 #> 179 104 18.2 333 112.8 21 #> 180 266 16.7 50 107.7 79 #> 181 216 17.3 160 104.8 133 #> 182 193 17.6 234 105.6 116 #> 183 181 17.4 196 104.4 143 #> 184 292 16.7 55 94.4 312 #> 185 134 17.5 204 103.2 169 #> 186 297 16.8 61 83.5 351 #> 187 158 17.4 197 107.7 78 #> 188 196 17.7 250 109.1 54 #> 189 286 16.5 23 95.8 293 #> 190 107 17.9 287 110.7 41 #> 191 227 17.1 115 106.1 103 #> 192 201 16.9 86 100.1 216 #> 193 160 17.0 106 106.3 102 #> 194 173 18.0 310 104.7 140 #> 195 265 16.8 62 103.6 161 #> 196 186 17.3 159 103.7 158 #> 197 235 17.1 121 95.4 300 #> 198 228 17.7 267 103.4 164 #> 199 137 17.7 258 108.8 59 #> 200 240 16.9 80 99.2 235 #> 201 153 17.2 157 110.0 46 #> 202 105 18.3 342 108.7 62 #> 203 122 17.8 281 100.2 215 #> 204 231 17.7 248 102.0 189 #> 205 117 17.7 264 95.4 299 #> 206 195 17.5 218 108.5 65 #> 207 108 18.0 313 91.3 339 #> 208 220 17.1 119 103.5 162 #> 209 207 16.9 83 106.9 90 #> 210 135 17.9 300 103.7 160 #> 211 244 17.9 290 106.6 94 #> 212 204 17.3 168 105.4 121 #> 213 198 17.0 99 87.9 348 #> 214 161 17.6 235 102.3 180 #> 215 183 17.7 251 112.7 24 #> 216 246 17.5 215 98.8 241 #> 217 267 17.0 105 96.9 274 #> 218 120 17.7 249 94.0 324 #> 219 194 17.3 182 105.8 111 #> 220 151 18.1 323 119.1 2 #> 221 247 16.5 25 81.7 352 #> 222 280 17.0 102 103.3 167 #> 223 278 16.9 73 97.3 266 #> 224 177 17.7 261 96.9 273 #> 225 199 16.9 72 94.2 321 #> 226 296 16.7 47 94.9 306 #> 227 281 17.1 138 107.9 73 #> 228 230 17.1 120 99.4 232 #> 229 168 17.8 275 109.5 49 #> 230 298 17.2 150 100.8 206 #> 231 180 17.9 291 107.9 72 #> 232 188 17.3 167 94.6 309 #> 233 132 18.2 338 115.8 8 #> 234 206 17.9 295 97.0 270 #> 235 306 16.8 63 100.0 219 #> 236 187 17.8 274 109.8 47 #> 237 127 18.1 322 104.2 148 #> 238 293 16.6 36 94.4 313 #> 239 192 18.0 319 102.5 177 #> 240 159 17.6 239 99.9 220 #> 241 245 16.6 29 92.9 329 #> 242 169 18.1 331 114.5 12 #> 243 229 17.0 96 102.0 188 #> 244 184 18.0 312 106.8 92 #> 245 209 17.9 289 113.5 18 #> 246 238 17.4 189 101.3 197 #> 247 259 17.4 191 107.9 74 #> 248 277 16.8 68 106.6 93 #> 249 288 17.5 222 94.7 307 #> 250 225 17.3 170 95.4 296 #> 251 232 17.7 254 100.6 211 #> 252 200 17.4 193 92.5 334 #> 253 304 17.2 158 96.9 272 #> 254 163 18.0 314 94.2 318 #> 255 205 17.9 303 97.8 258 #> 256 260 17.1 131 97.2 267 #> 257 241 17.6 227 112.1 30 #> 258 258 17.4 190 94.1 322 #> 259 210 18.1 321 104.9 131 #> 260 264 17.3 163 106.3 100 #> 261 218 18.2 336 107.2 87 #> 262 222 18.2 335 96.0 290 #> 263 157 17.7 259 94.2 319 #> 264 331 17.2 149 99.2 236 #> 265 279 17.7 256 102.3 179 #> 266 221 17.6 226 108.7 60 #> 267 226 17.8 270 104.1 150 #> 268 290 17.1 117 98.3 249 #> 269 252 17.3 169 103.0 173 #> 270 307 17.6 228 105.8 113 #> 271 318 16.7 56 94.5 310 #> 272 250 18.1 324 103.3 166 #> 273 276 17.8 279 106.5 98 #> 274 268 17.3 165 107.0 89 #> 275 270 17.1 122 113.9 15 #> 276 285 17.0 109 113.4 19 #> 277 282 17.7 262 113.5 17 #> 278 255 18.0 315 100.6 208 #> 279 249 17.9 296 102.2 181 #> 280 274 17.6 230 114.3 13 #> 281 287 17.1 118 108.2 69 #> 282 185 18.0 318 100.5 212 #> 283 305 16.5 27 90.3 341 #> 284 332 16.9 79 79.0 353 #> 285 322 16.8 60 98.6 246 #> 286 309 17.7 257 91.2 340 #> 287 320 16.8 69 106.8 91 #> 288 316 16.9 88 110.9 38 #> 289 289 17.6 244 100.1 218 #> 290 211 18.2 340 103.9 155 #> 291 284 18.3 344 105.4 123 #> 292 271 17.9 305 104.1 153 #> 293 257 18.2 334 104.5 142 #> 294 327 17.4 199 92.9 330 #> 295 273 17.8 276 105.0 129 #> 296 224 18.1 328 92.8 331 #> 297 215 18.0 308 103.2 168 #> 298 283 17.4 200 96.7 276 #> 299 302 17.9 292 112.7 23 #> 300 303 17.3 178 112.7 22 #> 301 294 17.8 277 106.6 95 #> 302 315 17.0 107 100.8 205 #> 303 301 16.4 20 94.3 317 #> 304 275 17.1 116 102.0 191 #> 305 291 17.8 268 110.9 39 #> 306 295 17.4 195 96.8 275 #> 307 311 17.2 144 98.5 247 #> 308 299 17.7 263 104.0 154 #> 309 256 18.1 320 104.3 147 #> 310 212 18.2 337 104.9 130 #> 311 243 18.3 343 103.7 159 #> 312 319 17.1 135 106.3 101 #> 313 261 17.9 285 106.6 96 #> 314 325 17.5 212 101.2 198 #> 315 335 17.4 192 101.5 195 #> 316 330 17.5 216 90.2 343 #> 317 338 17.3 162 105.7 114 #> 318 312 17.9 304 105.5 119 #> 319 248 18.3 341 117.1 6 #> 320 334 17.6 225 110.2 45 #> 321 326 17.6 240 96.2 286 #> 322 337 16.9 91 96.1 287 #> 323 339 17.2 145 103.8 156 #> 324 308 18.0 317 100.2 214 #> 325 313 17.3 177 109.3 51 #> 326 237 18.2 339 112.5 27 #> 327 323 17.7 247 97.5 263 #> 328 328 17.6 238 89.1 347 #> 329 272 17.9 301 99.8 222 #> 330 329 17.6 242 112.5 26 #> 331 300 18.0 311 112.4 28 #> 332 202 18.5 350 115.1 11 #> 333 314 18.4 348 109.3 50 #> 334 321 17.9 299 101.0 203 #> 335 317 18.1 330 106.1 106 #> 336 336 17.5 210 105.6 118 #> 337 342 17.3 176 98.2 252 #> 338 324 17.9 283 105.1 127 #> 339 348 17.1 134 113.7 16 #> 340 340 17.5 214 97.1 268 #> 341 344 17.4 198 112.6 25 #> 342 346 17.0 104 110.8 40 #> 343 343 17.7 255 107.6 80 #> 344 345 17.5 223 98.1 255 #> 345 341 17.5 217 96.4 281 #> 346 351 17.3 173 90.1 344 #> 347 349 17.1 112 95.8 294 #> 348 310 18.7 352 93.9 325 #> 349 350 17.6 237 100.6 209 #> 350 333 17.9 298 111.2 34 #> 351 347 18.3 347 98.1 254 #> 352 352 18.3 346 106.1 107 #> 353 353 18.6 351 99.3 234 #> RawO RawO.Rk AdjD AdjD.Rk RawD RawD.Rk NCAA_Seed Year #> 1 86.7 349 117.6 349 112.7 343 NA 2020 #> 2 102.5 140 122.3 352 120.0 352 NA 2020 #> 3 100.1 193 99.1 106 97.8 107 NA 2020 #> 4 106.0 71 99.5 114 102.2 221 NA 2020 #> 5 94.7 310 117.2 347 109.6 329 NA 2020 #> 6 95.7 287 104.9 230 101.7 202 NA 2020 #> 7 105.4 79 110.5 319 107.9 317 NA 2020 #> 8 103.3 123 102.3 175 101.0 187 NA 2020 #> 9 93.3 323 102.4 177 96.6 83 NA 2020 #> 10 94.2 317 112.2 328 111.7 340 NA 2020 #> 11 100.8 175 106.4 264 105.4 283 NA 2020 #> 12 90.5 342 105.3 240 99.2 143 NA 2020 #> 13 93.2 324 107.8 289 110.5 335 NA 2020 #> 14 100.1 191 94.7 49 96.1 64 10 2020 #> 15 96.4 273 107.6 285 107.1 310 NA 2020 #> 16 94.3 316 101.3 152 105.5 287 NA 2020 #> 17 100.8 176 94.7 50 95.4 54 NA 2020 #> 18 105.0 88 101.1 142 99.7 156 15 2020 #> 19 104.1 107 101.4 156 99.9 162 NA 2020 #> 20 96.6 267 105.8 254 98.3 122 NA 2020 #> 21 100.4 183 95.2 53 96.9 91 NA 2020 #> 22 96.7 264 108.6 304 102.2 220 NA 2020 #> 23 100.0 195 106.1 259 103.1 241 NA 2020 #> 24 101.2 168 108.0 293 106.1 296 NA 2020 #> 25 97.5 244 112.6 332 113.2 345 NA 2020 #> 26 103.6 112 106.2 261 104.5 270 NA 2020 #> 27 98.5 222 101.8 162 97.3 101 NA 2020 #> 28 97.4 250 89.1 5 88.5 2 NA 2020 #> 29 100.1 192 107.1 278 104.1 265 NA 2020 #> 30 102.1 149 102.1 170 99.8 159 NA 2020 #> 31 107.9 39 101.4 157 96.2 71 NA 2020 #> 32 99.1 210 111.6 323 108.5 324 NA 2020 #> 33 92.2 332 109.6 312 106.3 300 NA 2020 #> 34 111.9 6 91.1 12 91.4 11 3 2020 #> 35 120.1 1 94.4 43 93.3 23 1 2020 #> 36 108.9 26 102.1 169 98.3 125 16 2020 #> 37 99.5 199 106.2 262 105.2 282 NA 2020 #> 38 104.9 91 102.4 178 103.8 256 NA 2020 #> 39 106.3 65 97.1 75 91.8 14 12 2020 #> 40 107.9 40 108.8 306 106.6 304 NA 2020 #> 41 101.3 162 98.8 102 98.0 115 NA 2020 #> 42 101.6 157 101.3 154 99.7 155 NA 2020 #> 43 106.6 60 106.3 263 104.9 277 NA 2020 #> 44 99.0 212 115.0 343 114.7 349 NA 2020 #> 45 104.7 95 95.5 57 96.2 68 NA 2020 #> 46 101.2 167 94.2 39 95.0 47 NA 2020 #> 47 96.5 270 110.2 315 111.3 338 NA 2020 #> 48 101.6 158 103.7 200 99.8 161 NA 2020 #> 49 100.0 196 102.1 171 96.6 80 NA 2020 #> 50 107.1 52 101.0 141 100.8 183 NA 2020 #> 51 103.8 110 110.3 318 106.7 305 NA 2020 #> 52 102.2 145 109.1 309 105.4 285 NA 2020 #> 53 95.3 297 106.8 274 106.6 302 NA 2020 #> 54 105.0 86 92.4 23 95.8 59 6 2020 #> 55 92.2 333 105.3 238 105.6 288 NA 2020 #> 56 105.6 75 116.7 345 114.3 348 NA 2020 #> 57 104.3 104 104.4 217 105.4 286 NA 2020 #> 58 97.7 239 115.6 344 114.0 347 NA 2020 #> 59 97.5 243 98.0 83 97.4 102 NA 2020 #> 60 107.2 51 96.9 73 99.0 137 9 2020 #> 61 96.2 278 100.5 131 93.3 22 16 2020 #> 62 95.6 292 104.0 213 101.9 213 NA 2020 #> 63 97.3 251 95.5 56 99.2 144 NA 2020 #> 64 103.5 117 100.8 136 103.4 249 NA 2020 #> 65 109.0 25 100.5 132 94.3 38 14 2020 #> 66 98.7 218 106.0 256 103.4 247 NA 2020 #> 67 100.9 173 98.4 94 102.1 219 NA 2020 #> 68 109.8 18 104.9 231 105.0 279 NA 2020 #> 69 96.8 261 104.2 215 101.5 197 NA 2020 #> 70 96.0 281 106.5 266 101.7 204 NA 2020 #> 71 99.0 213 103.8 206 98.7 130 NA 2020 #> 72 103.5 119 113.6 337 107.4 313 NA 2020 #> 73 95.2 299 94.6 47 95.1 51 NA 2020 #> 74 105.5 78 113.3 336 112.6 342 NA 2020 #> 75 94.5 313 119.7 350 113.9 346 NA 2020 #> 76 101.7 154 100.8 137 99.7 157 NA 2020 #> 77 110.3 14 98.6 97 102.4 225 6 2020 #> 78 90.6 340 99.8 117 101.8 206 NA 2020 #> 79 101.9 152 102.0 166 104.0 263 NA 2020 #> 80 102.9 131 108.4 301 106.0 295 NA 2020 #> 81 102.8 133 104.0 210 102.3 222 NA 2020 #> 82 95.8 285 111.3 322 103.0 239 NA 2020 #> 83 96.3 276 105.6 248 100.8 185 NA 2020 #> 84 112.8 4 102.4 179 102.6 231 8 2020 #> 85 109.4 21 108.9 307 106.3 299 NA 2020 #> 86 97.5 245 105.7 249 100.8 181 NA 2020 #> 87 104.5 100 100.2 125 103.6 251 NA 2020 #> 88 96.0 282 91.8 16 94.2 36 NA 2020 #> 89 107.1 53 91.5 15 93.6 24 2 2020 #> 90 101.4 160 101.2 147 103.5 250 NA 2020 #> 91 101.0 169 105.5 247 101.3 193 NA 2020 #> 92 97.4 249 99.4 111 94.5 42 NA 2020 #> 93 105.4 80 92.7 25 96.1 65 3 2020 #> 94 98.8 216 114.8 342 111.8 341 NA 2020 #> 95 95.0 305 108.2 298 107.8 315 NA 2020 #> 96 99.9 197 93.1 31 93.9 30 NA 2020 #> 97 86.7 348 103.4 198 100.7 178 NA 2020 #> 98 100.7 179 93.1 29 96.8 89 10 2020 #> 99 98.3 228 102.5 180 99.3 151 NA 2020 #> 100 95.6 291 107.5 282 100.8 182 NA 2020 #> 101 100.7 177 90.4 8 89.7 5 11 2020 #> 102 97.7 237 104.9 232 102.4 227 NA 2020 #> 103 105.2 82 97.3 79 98.5 127 11 2020 #> 104 88.5 346 114.0 340 110.6 336 NA 2020 #> 105 97.0 258 99.5 115 96.8 87 NA 2020 #> 106 100.7 178 107.4 281 104.0 262 NA 2020 #> 107 96.9 260 102.9 189 101.6 200 NA 2020 #> 108 112.1 5 95.6 60 97.0 92 5 2020 #> 109 101.4 161 104.5 221 106.3 301 NA 2020 #> 110 106.8 58 98.9 103 95.6 57 13 2020 #> 111 111.2 8 111.6 324 107.1 311 NA 2020 #> 112 100.9 172 87.1 3 89.5 4 6 2020 #> 113 95.0 303 101.1 143 99.3 148 NA 2020 #> 114 94.4 314 104.5 218 102.0 217 NA 2020 #> 115 107.6 49 91.4 14 92.4 15 7 2020 #> 116 106.1 69 102.1 172 102.4 229 NA 2020 #> 117 99.1 209 111.7 326 110.1 333 NA 2020 #> 118 98.9 215 98.1 86 95.5 55 NA 2020 #> 119 94.6 312 106.6 268 105.4 284 NA 2020 #> 120 92.5 329 100.3 128 101.4 195 NA 2020 #> 121 98.5 223 104.6 222 100.3 172 NA 2020 #> 122 92.7 328 104.3 216 104.5 272 NA 2020 #> 123 101.9 151 102.5 181 101.6 198 NA 2020 #> 124 107.8 43 95.3 54 95.2 52 11 2020 #> 125 104.2 106 102.5 184 99.8 160 15 2020 #> 126 102.5 139 107.7 286 108.2 319 NA 2020 #> 127 108.3 33 95.5 55 97.7 106 5 2020 #> 128 97.2 255 110.8 320 108.5 323 NA 2020 #> 129 102.0 150 104.5 220 98.9 133 NA 2020 #> 130 109.3 22 91.2 13 93.8 27 3 2020 #> 131 96.5 271 100.4 129 99.1 142 NA 2020 #> 132 93.5 321 106.5 267 104.3 268 NA 2020 #> 133 104.5 99 97.6 81 99.1 141 NA 2020 #> 134 101.7 155 94.4 45 93.8 28 NA 2020 #> 135 83.8 350 120.8 351 120.5 353 NA 2020 #> 136 94.3 315 110.0 314 106.8 307 NA 2020 #> 137 104.9 90 112.3 330 108.3 320 NA 2020 #> 138 109.1 24 107.9 290 102.9 236 NA 2020 #> 139 99.3 206 92.0 18 93.0 21 9 2020 #> 140 91.4 337 107.1 277 106.1 297 NA 2020 #> 141 101.3 163 108.3 300 102.8 234 NA 2020 #> 142 102.2 147 112.4 331 108.3 321 NA 2020 #> 143 106.0 70 102.1 167 100.0 163 NA 2020 #> 144 105.6 77 99.3 110 94.1 33 NA 2020 #> 145 101.7 156 107.7 287 108.6 325 NA 2020 #> 146 98.4 225 101.3 151 99.0 138 NA 2020 #> 147 104.9 89 110.3 316 110.0 332 NA 2020 #> 148 103.8 111 99.0 105 97.0 93 NA 2020 #> 149 105.8 74 122.9 353 119.9 351 NA 2020 #> 150 106.8 57 93.0 28 97.6 103 6 2020 #> 151 94.7 311 105.1 235 98.6 129 NA 2020 #> 152 104.3 102 104.8 227 100.5 174 NA 2020 #> 153 100.2 189 108.0 292 104.1 266 NA 2020 #> 154 97.7 236 103.1 191 101.8 209 NA 2020 #> 155 106.1 68 98.2 88 99.3 147 NA 2020 #> 156 101.0 171 106.1 260 101.5 196 NA 2020 #> 157 93.4 322 102.3 176 96.6 81 NA 2020 #> 158 101.2 166 101.5 158 97.8 111 NA 2020 #> 159 103.5 120 104.0 212 100.2 168 NA 2020 #> 160 93.1 325 107.3 279 101.4 194 NA 2020 #> 161 98.2 229 102.5 185 102.0 218 NA 2020 #> 162 108.3 34 108.1 295 101.9 214 NA 2020 #> 163 95.7 289 102.1 168 97.8 108 NA 2020 #> 164 97.6 240 116.9 346 112.9 344 NA 2020 #> 165 92.4 330 104.5 219 104.7 276 NA 2020 #> 166 94.8 308 103.9 208 99.1 139 NA 2020 #> 167 102.9 132 95.6 59 94.1 34 NA 2020 #> 168 109.9 17 102.5 182 99.6 153 NA 2020 #> 169 96.2 277 102.9 190 103.1 240 NA 2020 #> 170 99.4 205 101.0 140 98.3 123 NA 2020 #> 171 102.2 146 92.8 27 94.9 46 8 2020 #> 172 101.5 159 100.2 126 96.1 67 NA 2020 #> 173 98.7 219 94.5 46 96.7 86 NA 2020 #> 174 97.0 257 108.8 305 107.4 314 NA 2020 #> 175 93.6 320 108.5 302 107.8 316 NA 2020 #> 176 106.3 63 103.3 196 101.7 203 NA 2020 #> 177 95.2 300 117.3 348 115.0 350 NA 2020 #> 178 111.1 10 97.3 78 100.6 176 2 2020 #> 179 107.9 42 99.6 116 100.4 173 NA 2020 #> 180 101.0 170 101.3 149 104.0 264 NA 2020 #> 181 102.5 138 100.2 124 98.8 131 NA 2020 #> 182 107.1 54 106.4 265 103.7 255 NA 2020 #> 183 100.5 182 90.3 7 90.5 9 NA 2020 #> 184 95.7 288 101.1 144 97.0 95 NA 2020 #> 185 101.3 165 100.1 123 97.9 114 NA 2020 #> 186 81.2 352 112.2 329 110.8 337 NA 2020 #> 187 108.2 35 98.1 85 96.4 79 NA 2020 #> 188 103.4 122 93.4 32 93.9 31 8 2020 #> 189 98.5 224 105.5 245 101.2 191 NA 2020 #> 190 106.9 56 98.6 100 98.9 134 NA 2020 #> 191 100.3 186 92.2 20 96.2 69 NA 2020 #> 192 100.3 187 102.7 188 101.0 188 NA 2020 #> 193 105.9 73 105.1 237 102.3 223 NA 2020 #> 194 103.1 128 109.4 311 106.2 298 NA 2020 #> 195 102.2 148 103.3 195 101.7 201 NA 2020 #> 196 99.5 201 97.0 74 98.8 132 NA 2020 #> 197 96.5 272 97.3 80 93.0 20 NA 2020 #> 198 103.3 124 112.1 327 106.8 308 NA 2020 #> 199 102.3 142 94.7 51 94.4 40 12 2020 #> 200 100.2 190 94.0 37 91.5 12 NA 2020 #> 201 110.8 11 105.3 241 101.2 192 NA 2020 #> 202 110.2 15 102.6 187 100.0 165 14 2020 #> 203 100.5 181 108.1 296 106.6 303 NA 2020 #> 204 100.4 185 101.3 155 100.6 175 NA 2020 #> 205 97.7 238 103.8 204 104.6 275 NA 2020 #> 206 103.2 126 92.7 26 97.3 99 10 2020 #> 207 95.5 295 105.1 234 100.0 164 NA 2020 #> 208 99.4 204 98.6 98 98.0 116 NA 2020 #> 209 108.4 31 107.0 275 103.7 253 NA 2020 #> 210 103.4 121 95.5 58 92.9 18 NA 2020 #> 211 104.7 94 99.0 104 97.0 96 NA 2020 #> 212 104.8 93 99.3 109 96.2 72 14 2020 #> 213 88.2 347 108.2 297 101.9 216 NA 2020 #> 214 100.4 184 98.4 95 99.2 145 NA 2020 #> 215 108.0 37 95.1 52 96.2 70 4 2020 #> 216 95.5 294 107.9 291 107.2 312 NA 2020 #> 217 95.0 302 107.4 280 106.8 309 NA 2020 #> 218 95.3 296 113.0 334 109.2 328 NA 2020 #> 219 103.1 129 94.4 44 93.9 29 NA 2020 #> 220 116.4 2 94.1 38 93.7 25 1 2020 #> 221 81.2 351 107.8 288 103.8 257 NA 2020 #> 222 104.3 103 105.5 244 103.7 252 NA 2020 #> 223 97.2 254 113.9 339 109.6 330 NA 2020 #> 224 95.6 290 98.2 89 96.1 66 NA 2020 #> 225 96.8 263 101.9 164 95.0 48 NA 2020 #> 226 96.6 269 113.2 335 106.8 306 NA 2020 #> 227 106.2 67 96.4 67 94.3 37 12 2020 #> 228 97.4 248 105.7 251 105.0 278 NA 2020 #> 229 108.0 38 94.6 48 94.1 35 11 2020 #> 230 99.5 202 111.1 321 109.9 331 NA 2020 #> 231 101.9 153 90.2 6 92.9 19 9 2020 #> 232 96.3 275 108.1 294 102.8 235 NA 2020 #> 233 108.6 28 85.5 2 89.3 3 1 2020 #> 234 96.6 268 101.6 159 100.1 166 NA 2020 #> 235 99.7 198 106.7 271 104.6 274 NA 2020 #> 236 103.8 109 90.5 9 91.7 13 10 2020 #> 237 102.5 137 107.5 284 105.8 292 NA 2020 #> 238 92.3 331 103.8 207 105.6 290 NA 2020 #> 239 95.0 304 94.2 40 96.3 76 NA 2020 #> 240 98.2 230 100.2 127 99.2 146 NA 2020 #> 241 91.9 335 105.7 250 104.2 267 NA 2020 #> 242 109.7 20 93.1 30 94.0 32 4 2020 #> 243 100.3 188 107.0 276 105.6 289 NA 2020 #> 244 105.0 85 100.7 134 97.8 110 14 2020 #> 245 106.3 64 92.4 22 95.7 58 3 2020 #> 246 99.0 214 101.3 153 100.2 167 NA 2020 #> 247 104.3 101 100.6 133 101.8 207 NA 2020 #> 248 105.4 81 104.8 225 102.5 230 NA 2020 #> 249 94.8 309 105.8 255 102.6 232 NA 2020 #> 250 97.3 253 109.1 308 105.9 293 NA 2020 #> 251 102.7 135 105.5 246 102.7 233 NA 2020 #> 252 92.9 327 109.3 310 105.9 294 NA 2020 #> 253 97.9 232 114.4 341 110.3 334 NA 2020 #> 254 91.6 336 96.6 70 96.9 90 NA 2020 #> 255 96.8 262 105.7 252 101.9 211 NA 2020 #> 256 97.5 246 104.8 224 97.8 109 NA 2020 #> 257 104.6 96 94.2 41 98.1 118 NA 2020 #> 258 90.7 339 100.9 139 102.9 237 NA 2020 #> 259 96.7 265 101.3 150 104.5 273 NA 2020 #> 260 102.3 143 100.8 135 103.2 243 NA 2020 #> 261 106.5 61 105.1 236 99.4 152 16 2020 #> 262 96.4 274 102.5 183 97.9 112 NA 2020 #> 263 95.9 284 103.2 193 97.7 105 16 2020 #> 264 96.0 280 105.8 253 103.7 254 NA 2020 #> 265 102.2 144 106.7 269 105.6 291 NA 2020 #> 266 107.7 47 98.2 90 94.7 44 NA 2020 #> 267 99.5 203 96.7 71 96.7 85 NA 2020 #> 268 96.2 279 98.3 92 96.3 74 NA 2020 #> 269 103.5 118 108.5 303 104.4 269 NA 2020 #> 270 103.3 125 101.2 145 100.9 186 NA 2020 #> 271 95.5 293 113.6 338 111.4 339 NA 2020 #> 272 104.6 97 102.6 186 99.6 154 16 2020 #> 273 106.5 62 96.4 68 90.1 8 13 2020 #> 274 105.2 83 105.5 243 103.8 258 NA 2020 #> 275 107.8 44 94.0 36 98.3 121 2 2020 #> 276 109.2 23 99.8 119 101.1 189 NA 2020 #> 277 106.3 66 88.1 4 90.1 7 1 2020 #> 278 100.0 194 110.0 313 108.3 322 NA 2020 #> 279 104.6 98 106.7 270 103.9 260 NA 2020 #> 280 108.1 36 92.0 19 94.5 41 5 2020 #> 281 109.7 19 96.0 65 95.9 62 11 2020 #> 282 102.8 134 103.8 205 100.2 169 16 2020 #> 283 92.0 334 112.8 333 109.0 327 NA 2020 #> 284 78.2 353 104.6 223 100.8 180 NA 2020 #> 285 98.4 226 105.0 233 102.3 224 NA 2020 #> 286 90.8 338 103.3 194 99.7 158 NA 2020 #> 287 108.4 30 101.2 148 99.3 150 15 2020 #> 288 105.1 84 93.7 35 97.2 98 7 2020 #> 289 97.8 235 111.6 325 107.9 318 NA 2020 #> 290 98.6 220 93.5 33 95.2 53 NA 2020 #> 291 107.7 45 103.2 192 100.7 179 NA 2020 #> 292 97.0 259 92.6 24 95.6 56 NA 2020 #> 293 104.3 105 103.4 197 102.4 228 NA 2020 #> 294 90.3 343 106.8 273 103.1 242 NA 2020 #> 295 105.0 87 104.9 229 103.3 246 NA 2020 #> 296 93.1 326 101.6 160 96.4 78 NA 2020 #> 297 99.5 200 93.6 34 92.8 17 NA 2020 #> 298 95.3 298 99.9 121 96.7 84 NA 2020 #> 299 110.7 12 99.3 108 97.9 113 NA 2020 #> 300 107.7 48 92.3 21 92.7 16 7 2020 #> 301 103.6 115 102.2 174 100.8 184 NA 2020 #> 302 99.3 207 102.1 173 98.5 128 NA 2020 #> 303 96.0 283 106.0 257 101.9 210 NA 2020 #> 304 103.6 116 99.8 120 96.3 75 15 2020 #> 305 106.7 59 102.0 165 101.8 208 NA 2020 #> 306 100.5 180 105.3 239 100.7 177 NA 2020 #> 307 98.1 231 98.0 84 95.8 60 NA 2020 #> 308 98.3 227 98.3 91 99.1 140 NA 2020 #> 309 101.3 164 98.0 82 98.4 126 NA 2020 #> 310 104.0 108 103.9 209 102.4 226 NA 2020 #> 311 102.6 136 96.8 72 94.8 45 NA 2020 #> 312 104.8 92 98.3 93 96.4 77 NA 2020 #> 313 100.8 174 95.8 62 96.8 88 NA 2020 #> 314 98.8 217 110.3 317 108.8 326 NA 2020 #> 315 95.1 301 100.4 130 103.9 261 NA 2020 #> 316 90.6 341 103.8 203 98.2 119 NA 2020 #> 317 105.6 76 104.8 226 103.2 244 NA 2020 #> 318 97.5 242 96.1 66 98.2 120 NA 2020 #> 319 111.9 7 97.1 76 98.3 124 4 2020 #> 320 110.3 13 100.1 122 97.0 94 NA 2020 #> 321 97.6 241 104.9 228 103.4 248 NA 2020 #> 322 93.7 318 103.7 201 103.2 245 NA 2020 #> 323 102.4 141 99.1 107 97.1 97 NA 2020 #> 324 95.0 306 95.9 63 95.0 49 NA 2020 #> 325 103.6 114 99.4 112 101.1 190 11 2020 #> 326 107.3 50 95.7 61 99.0 136 9 2020 #> 327 98.5 221 103.6 199 101.9 215 NA 2020 #> 328 88.6 345 95.9 64 93.7 26 NA 2020 #> 329 99.1 211 100.8 138 98.1 117 NA 2020 #> 330 108.6 27 101.9 163 100.3 170 NA 2020 #> 331 108.3 32 103.8 202 101.7 205 NA 2020 #> 332 112.8 3 90.6 10 91.0 10 2 2020 #> 333 102.9 130 90.8 11 94.3 39 NA 2020 #> 334 95.8 286 97.2 77 99.0 135 NA 2020 #> 335 107.0 55 105.3 242 101.6 199 NA 2020 #> 336 108.5 29 106.8 272 103.9 259 NA 2020 #> 337 96.6 266 98.6 99 97.3 100 NA 2020 #> 338 103.2 127 104.1 214 105.1 280 NA 2020 #> 339 111.2 9 98.5 96 100.3 171 8 2020 #> 340 97.1 256 98.2 87 95.8 61 NA 2020 #> 341 105.9 72 94.2 42 95.9 63 5 2020 #> 342 103.6 113 91.9 17 96.3 73 4 2020 #> 343 107.9 41 99.4 113 94.6 43 13 2020 #> 344 97.9 233 108.3 299 104.5 271 NA 2020 #> 345 97.9 234 107.5 283 102.9 238 NA 2020 #> 346 90.2 344 101.6 161 97.7 104 NA 2020 #> 347 97.3 252 99.8 118 96.6 82 NA 2020 #> 348 94.9 307 98.8 101 95.0 50 NA 2020 #> 349 97.4 247 104.0 211 105.2 281 NA 2020 #> 350 107.7 46 101.2 146 99.3 149 13 2020 #> 351 99.2 208 106.0 258 101.9 212 NA 2020 #> 352 109.9 16 96.4 69 89.8 6 12 2020 #> 353 93.6 319 85.1 1 85.9 1 7 2020 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fanmatch.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get FanMatch by date — kp_fanmatch","title":"Get FanMatch by date — kp_fanmatch","text":"Get FanMatch date","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fanmatch.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get FanMatch by date — kp_fanmatch","text":"","code":"kp_fanmatch(date = \"2022-02-22\")"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fanmatch.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get FanMatch by date — kp_fanmatch","text":"date Date games pull (YYYY-MM-DD)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fanmatch.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get FanMatch by date — kp_fanmatch","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fanmatch.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get FanMatch by date — kp_fanmatch","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_fanmatch(date=\"2022-02-22\")) #> # A tibble: 28 × 20 #> prediction time_et location thrill_score comeback excitement road_rk #> #> 1 Connecticut 68-67 … \"box\\n… Hartfor… 78.6 5 2.83 NA #> 2 Arkansas 69-68 (52… \"box\\n… Gainesv… 69.9 8 1.97 NA #> 3 Alabama 77-74 (60%) \"box\\n… Nashvil… 67.7 9 1.85 NA #> 4 Boise St. 59-56 (5… \"box\\n… Boise, … 65.3 6 1.98 NA #> 5 Iowa 81-75 (71%) \"box\\n… Iowa Ci… 65.2 2 -0.1 NA #> 6 UNLV 75-74 (51%) \"box\\n… Reno, N… 53.7 6 1.3 NA #> 7 Texas Tech 70-60 (… \"box\\n… Lubbock… 51.5 0 -0.09 NA #> 8 Miami FL 72-68 (65… \"box\\n… Pittsbu… 46.1 0 -0.3 NA #> 9 Kansas 78-66 (86%) \"box\\n… Lawrenc… 45.6 3 0.3 NA #> 10 Tennessee 71-60 (8… \"box\\n… Columbi… 41.9 4 0.35 NA #> # ℹ 18 more rows #> # ℹ 13 more variables: road_team , home_rk , home_team , #> # win_rk , win_team , win_score , loss_rk , #> # loss_team , loss_score , poss , mvp , event , #> # date # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_foul_trouble.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get 2-Foul Participation Stats — kp_foul_trouble","title":"Get 2-Foul Participation Stats — kp_foul_trouble","text":"Get 2-Foul Participation Stats","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_foul_trouble.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get 2-Foul Participation Stats — kp_foul_trouble","text":"","code":"kp_foul_trouble(min_year, max_year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_foul_trouble.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get 2-Foul Participation Stats — kp_foul_trouble","text":"min_year First year data pull max_year Last year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_foul_trouble.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get 2-Foul Participation Stats — kp_foul_trouble","text":"Returns tibble foul participation stats","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_foul_trouble.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get 2-Foul Participation Stats — kp_foul_trouble","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_foul_trouble(min_year = 2020, max_year = most_recent_mbb_season())) #> 2023-04-05 17:14:10: Invalid arguments or no foul trouble data for 2020 - 2023 available! #> Team Conf TwoFoulParticpation.Pct #> 1 Georgia Tech ACC 68.7 #> 2 Ball St. MAC 61.2 #> 3 Delaware CAA 57.3 #> 4 Little Rock SB 56.4 #> 5 Oakland Horz 55.8 #> 6 Syracuse ACC 54.0 #> 7 Merrimack NEC 53.6 #> 8 Eastern Michigan MAC 52.7 #> 9 Army Pat 52.3 #> 10 Eastern Washington BSky 52.1 #> 11 Binghamton AE 51.3 #> 12 Southern Miss CUSA 50.9 #> 13 Washington P12 49.7 #> 14 Coppin St. MEAC 49.6 #> 15 McNeese St. Slnd 48.8 #> 16 San Francisco WCC 48.3 #> 17 North Florida ASun 48.1 #> 18 IUPUI Horz 48.0 #> 19 Minnesota B10 47.7 #> 20 Florida A&M MEAC 47.3 #> 21 Northern Kentucky Horz 46.8 #> 22 Central Michigan MAC 45.6 #> 23 Washington St. P12 45.0 #> 24 Fordham A10 44.7 #> 25 Louisiana SB 44.1 #> 26 New Mexico MWC 43.8 #> 27 Brown Ivy 43.7 #> 28 Detroit Horz 43.5 #> 29 South Dakota Sum 43.2 #> 30 Incarnate Word Slnd 42.6 #> 31 FIU CUSA 42.2 #> 32 Sacramento St. BSky 42.2 #> 33 Toledo MAC 42.1 #> 34 Penn Ivy 41.8 #> 35 Tennessee Martin OVC 41.8 #> 36 Colorado St. MWC 41.4 #> 37 Bethune Cookman MEAC 41.2 #> 38 Alabama SEC 40.7 #> 39 Cal St. Bakersfield WAC 40.6 #> 40 The Citadel SC 40.4 #> 41 Texas Tech B12 38.5 #> 42 Mississippi SEC 38.3 #> 43 North Alabama ASun 38.2 #> 44 Hampton BSth 37.9 #> 45 Seattle WAC 37.7 #> 46 Howard MEAC 37.4 #> 47 LIU NEC 36.9 #> 48 Cal St. Northridge BW 36.6 #> 49 Tulane Amer 36.4 #> 50 Pepperdine WCC 35.9 #> 51 Rhode Island A10 35.7 #> 52 Cornell Ivy 35.5 #> 53 Furman SC 35.4 #> 54 Georgia SEC 35.3 #> 55 North Carolina Central MEAC 35.3 #> 56 Central Arkansas Slnd 34.3 #> 57 NJIT ASun 34.1 #> 58 Santa Clara WCC 34.1 #> 59 Kansas B12 34.0 #> 60 UTSA CUSA 33.8 #> 61 Prairie View A&M SWAC 33.3 #> 62 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 33.0 #> 63 North Dakota Sum 32.9 #> 64 Bryant NEC 32.9 #> 65 Grambling St. SWAC 32.7 #> 66 Tennessee Tech OVC 32.3 #> 67 Western Carolina SC 32.2 #> 68 Akron MAC 32.0 #> 69 Sacred Heart NEC 31.6 #> 70 Duquesne A10 31.4 #> 71 North Carolina ACC 31.4 #> 72 LSU SEC 31.1 #> 73 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC 30.9 #> 74 Lipscomb ASun 30.8 #> 75 Maine AE 30.3 #> 76 Portland WCC 30.1 #> 77 Chicago St. WAC 30.0 #> 78 Notre Dame ACC 30.0 #> 79 Northeastern CAA 30.0 #> 80 UMBC AE 29.6 #> 81 Saint Joseph's A10 29.6 #> 82 UNLV MWC 29.5 #> 83 Kennesaw St. ASun 29.5 #> 84 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC 29.4 #> 85 St. Francis PA NEC 29.4 #> 86 UNC Asheville BSth 29.3 #> 87 San Diego WCC 29.2 #> 88 Northwestern St. Slnd 29.2 #> 89 Grand Canyon WAC 29.1 #> 90 Utah St. MWC 29.1 #> 91 UMass Lowell AE 29.0 #> 92 Boise St. MWC 28.9 #> 93 Wagner NEC 28.9 #> 94 Northern Arizona BSky 28.8 #> 95 Alabama A&M SWAC 28.7 #> 96 Auburn SEC 28.4 #> 97 Georgia Southern SB 28.2 #> 98 Canisius MAAC 28.2 #> 99 Holy Cross Pat 28.0 #> 100 Texas B12 28.0 #> 101 Ohio MAC 28.0 #> 102 Fresno St. MWC 27.7 #> 103 Louisiana Monroe SB 27.7 #> 104 Robert Morris NEC 27.7 #> 105 George Washington A10 27.5 #> 106 American Pat 27.4 #> 107 Presbyterian BSth 27.4 #> 108 Green Bay Horz 27.3 #> 109 Xavier BE 27.2 #> 110 Baylor B12 27.1 #> 111 Murray St. OVC 27.0 #> 112 Montana BSky 26.8 #> 113 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd 26.8 #> 114 Iowa St. B12 26.5 #> 115 Creighton BE 26.3 #> 116 New Orleans Slnd 26.3 #> 117 UC Davis BW 26.1 #> 118 Pittsburgh ACC 26.0 #> 119 Saint Louis A10 26.0 #> 120 Tennessee SEC 25.9 #> 121 Saint Mary's WCC 25.6 #> 122 Quinnipiac MAAC 25.5 #> 123 Colgate Pat 25.5 #> 124 Boston College ACC 25.4 #> 125 Cal St. Fullerton BW 25.4 #> 126 Cleveland St. Horz 25.3 #> 127 Cal Baptist WAC 25.2 #> 128 Butler BE 25.2 #> 129 Miami FL ACC 25.2 #> 130 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd 25.2 #> 131 Harvard Ivy 25.1 #> 132 Jackson St. SWAC 25.1 #> 133 Nevada MWC 25.1 #> 134 South Alabama SB 24.9 #> 135 Lamar Slnd 24.8 #> 136 Southern SWAC 24.8 #> 137 Mount St. Mary's NEC 24.7 #> 138 Coastal Carolina SB 24.5 #> 139 New Hampshire AE 24.4 #> 140 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC 24.2 #> 141 Virginia Tech ACC 23.8 #> 142 Nebraska B10 23.7 #> 143 Portland St. BSky 23.6 #> 144 Arkansas SEC 23.3 #> 145 Tennessee St. OVC 23.1 #> 146 Georgetown BE 23.1 #> 147 Evansville MVC 22.9 #> 148 California P12 22.9 #> 149 Long Beach St. BW 22.8 #> 150 Villanova BE 22.8 #> 151 Charleston Southern BSth 22.8 #> 152 Oral Roberts Sum 22.5 #> 153 Drake MVC 22.4 #> 154 San Jose St. MWC 22.4 #> 155 Youngstown St. Horz 22.3 #> 156 Manhattan MAAC 22.2 #> 157 Chattanooga SC 22.1 #> 158 Troy SB 21.9 #> 159 Monmouth MAAC 21.9 #> 160 Seton Hall BE 21.9 #> 161 Ohio St. B10 21.9 #> 162 East Tennessee St. SC 21.8 #> 163 Duke ACC 21.6 #> 164 Providence BE 21.6 #> 165 Elon CAA 21.5 #> 166 Kansas St. B12 21.4 #> 167 Morgan St. MEAC 21.4 #> 168 North Texas CUSA 21.3 #> 169 Gonzaga WCC 21.2 #> 170 Loyola MD Pat 21.1 #> 171 Charleston CAA 21.0 #> 172 Missouri St. MVC 20.9 #> 173 Missouri SEC 20.8 #> 174 Vermont AE 20.8 #> 175 Western Kentucky CUSA 20.6 #> 176 Winthrop BSth 20.6 #> 177 Connecticut Amer 20.4 #> 178 Arizona St. P12 20.3 #> 179 Rider MAAC 20.0 #> 180 Arizona P12 20.0 #> 181 Temple Amer 20.0 #> 182 Delaware St. MEAC 19.9 #> 183 Boston University Pat 19.9 #> 184 Texas A&M SEC 19.8 #> 185 Samford SC 19.8 #> 186 Northern Colorado BSky 19.8 #> 187 Southern Illinois MVC 19.8 #> 188 Hartford AE 19.6 #> 189 VMI SC 19.4 #> 190 Wisconsin B10 19.4 #> 191 Utah P12 19.4 #> 192 Buffalo MAC 19.0 #> 193 Western Michigan MAC 18.6 #> 194 Abilene Christian Slnd 18.6 #> 195 Middle Tennessee CUSA 18.4 #> 196 Mercer SC 18.3 #> 197 DePaul BE 18.3 #> 198 Mississippi St. SEC 18.2 #> 199 Dayton A10 18.2 #> 200 Wyoming MWC 18.1 #> 201 Penn St. B10 17.8 #> 202 Northwestern B10 17.6 #> 203 Towson CAA 17.6 #> 204 Central Connecticut NEC 17.6 #> 205 Wofford SC 17.5 #> 206 Idaho BSky 17.5 #> 207 Denver Sum 17.5 #> 208 Morehead St. OVC 17.1 #> 209 Pacific WCC 17.1 #> 210 Northern Illinois MAC 17.0 #> 211 Princeton Ivy 17.0 #> 212 Jacksonville ASun 16.8 #> 213 Milwaukee Horz 16.6 #> 214 Bradley MVC 16.6 #> 215 Stanford P12 16.6 #> 216 Kentucky SEC 16.5 #> 217 Arkansas St. SB 16.5 #> 218 UNC Wilmington CAA 16.5 #> 219 Iona MAAC 16.4 #> 220 James Madison CAA 16.3 #> 221 Kent St. MAC 16.3 #> 222 Purdue B10 16.2 #> 223 Stony Brook AE 16.0 #> 224 Columbia Ivy 16.0 #> 225 Hofstra CAA 16.0 #> 226 UNC Greensboro SC 15.6 #> 227 Old Dominion CUSA 15.6 #> 228 Hawaii BW 15.6 #> 229 Gardner Webb BSth 15.2 #> 230 Austin Peay OVC 15.2 #> 231 UAB CUSA 15.1 #> 232 Wake Forest ACC 15.0 #> 233 Clemson ACC 15.0 #> 234 Lafayette Pat 14.9 #> 235 Illinois St. MVC 14.9 #> 236 Loyola Chicago MVC 14.9 #> 237 N.C. State ACC 14.7 #> 238 St. Bonaventure A10 14.6 #> 239 BYU WCC 14.6 #> 240 Southern Utah BSky 14.5 #> 241 Longwood BSth 14.5 #> 242 Valparaiso MVC 14.4 #> 243 Drexel CAA 14.2 #> 244 Vanderbilt SEC 14.2 #> 245 TCU B12 14.2 #> 246 Cincinnati Amer 14.0 #> 247 Sam Houston St. Slnd 14.0 #> 248 Nebraska Omaha Sum 14.0 #> 249 Lehigh Pat 13.9 #> 250 Weber St. BSky 13.8 #> 251 Oklahoma B12 13.7 #> 252 UMKC WAC 13.5 #> 253 Bucknell Pat 13.4 #> 254 UT Arlington SB 13.4 #> 255 Texas Southern SWAC 13.4 #> 256 Oregon P12 13.3 #> 257 UCLA P12 13.3 #> 258 Stephen F. Austin Slnd 13.2 #> 259 Eastern Kentucky OVC 13.1 #> 260 USC Upstate BSth 12.9 #> 261 SMU Amer 12.8 #> 262 Marshall CUSA 12.8 #> 263 St. John's BE 12.8 #> 264 Stetson ASun 12.8 #> 265 Wright St. Horz 12.7 #> 266 USC P12 12.6 #> 267 Miami OH MAC 12.6 #> 268 Nicholls St. Slnd 12.4 #> 269 Maryland B10 12.4 #> 270 Appalachian St. SB 12.4 #> 271 Georgia St. SB 12.3 #> 272 Indiana St. MVC 12.2 #> 273 George Mason A10 12.2 #> 274 Northern Iowa MVC 12.1 #> 275 William & Mary CAA 12.1 #> 276 Texas St. SB 12.0 #> 277 Oklahoma St. B12 12.0 #> 278 Cal Poly BW 11.7 #> 279 Idaho St. BSky 11.7 #> 280 Louisville ACC 11.7 #> 281 Loyola Marymount WCC 11.7 #> 282 Yale Ivy 11.6 #> 283 Siena MAAC 11.6 #> 284 Florida Atlantic CUSA 11.4 #> 285 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC 11.4 #> 286 South Carolina St. MEAC 11.3 #> 287 San Diego St. MWC 11.1 #> 288 Indiana B10 11.0 #> 289 Rutgers B10 10.9 #> 290 Air Force MWC 10.9 #> 291 Utah Valley WAC 10.9 #> 292 West Virginia B12 10.8 #> 293 Albany AE 10.7 #> 294 Rice CUSA 10.7 #> 295 North Carolina A&T MEAC 10.5 #> 296 Alcorn St. SWAC 10.3 #> 297 VCU A10 10.1 #> 298 Tulsa Amer 9.9 #> 299 Louisiana Tech CUSA 9.8 #> 300 Iowa B10 9.4 #> 301 Alabama St. SWAC 9.2 #> 302 Houston Baptist Slnd 9.1 #> 303 St. Francis NY NEC 9.0 #> 304 UC Santa Barbara BW 9.0 #> 305 UTEP CUSA 8.7 #> 306 Niagara MAAC 8.5 #> 307 Marist MAAC 8.4 #> 308 UC Riverside BW 8.3 #> 309 South Dakota St. Sum 8.3 #> 310 SIU Edwardsville OVC 8.3 #> 311 Jacksonville St. OVC 8.2 #> 312 Radford BSth 8.2 #> 313 Illinois Chicago Horz 8.0 #> 314 UC Irvine BW 8.0 #> 315 Marquette BE 7.9 #> 316 South Carolina SEC 7.8 #> 317 Massachusetts A10 7.8 #> 318 Liberty ASun 7.6 #> 319 Colorado P12 7.5 #> 320 Southeast Missouri St. OVC 7.2 #> 321 Oregon St. P12 7.0 #> 322 Norfolk St. MEAC 6.4 #> 323 Purdue Fort Wayne Sum 6.2 #> 324 Saint Peter's MAAC 6.2 #> 325 High Point BSth 6.1 #> 326 Dartmouth Ivy 6.1 #> 327 Virginia ACC 6.0 #> 328 Montana St. BSky 6.0 #> 329 Illinois B10 6.0 #> 330 La Salle A10 5.9 #> 331 Houston Amer 5.8 #> 332 Memphis Amer 5.7 #> 333 Charlotte CUSA 5.7 #> 334 Fairfield MAAC 5.7 #> 335 New Mexico St. WAC 5.6 #> 336 Florida SEC 5.3 #> 337 North Dakota St. Sum 5.3 #> 338 Richmond A10 4.9 #> 339 Michigan B10 4.9 #> 340 Florida Gulf Coast ASun 4.9 #> 341 Florida St. ACC 4.4 #> 342 Belmont OVC 4.3 #> 343 Bowling Green MAC 4.2 #> 344 Navy Pat 4.2 #> 345 Davidson A10 4.0 #> 346 Eastern Illinois OVC 4.0 #> 347 UCF Amer 3.6 #> 348 South Florida Amer 3.2 #> 349 East Carolina Amer 3.1 #> 350 Wichita St. Amer 2.6 #> 351 Campbell BSth 2.5 #> 352 Michigan St. B10 2.1 #> 353 Western Illinois Sum 1.7 #> TwoFoulParticpation.Pct.Rk Adj2FP Adj2FP.Rk TwoFoulTotalTime #> 1 1 45.2 1 334:36 #> 2 2 39.0 2 173:06 #> 3 3 33.6 4 269:13 #> 4 4 32.0 7 395:19 #> 5 5 32.4 6 276:14 #> 6 6 34.1 3 342:08 #> 7 7 32.6 5 275:21 #> 8 8 29.7 10 225:56 #> 9 9 30.0 8 160:07 #> 10 10 30.0 9 261:18 #> 11 11 28.7 11 160:45 #> 12 12 28.6 12 164:15 #> 13 13 25.9 16 340:00 #> 14 14 28.2 13 297:24 #> 15 15 25.1 18 266:50 #> 16 16 26.4 14 263:50 #> 17 17 25.3 17 318:53 #> 18 18 26.1 15 375:07 #> 19 19 22.1 22 277:50 #> 20 20 24.8 19 308:27 #> 21 21 23.2 20 354:41 #> 22 22 23.0 21 161:17 #> 23 23 20.3 26 285:39 #> 24 24 21.1 25 269:16 #> 25 25 21.9 23 471:23 #> 26 26 21.6 24 215:57 #> 27 27 19.4 29 123:25 #> 28 28 19.6 28 243:49 #> 29 29 19.1 33 265:36 #> 30 30 19.3 31 282:29 #> 31 31 15.8 42 177:27 #> 32 32 19.3 30 280:25 #> 33 33 19.2 32 141:25 #> 34 34 15.5 43 145:34 #> 35 35 19.1 34 210:25 #> 36 36 18.2 35 184:14 #> 37 37 17.9 37 244:42 #> 38 38 17.3 38 275:04 #> 39 39 18.1 36 225:09 #> 40 40 19.8 27 197:31 #> 41 41 16.2 41 301:01 #> 42 42 16.3 40 447:05 #> 43 43 14.0 49 228:31 #> 44 44 12.9 54 298:21 #> 45 45 15.2 45 321:42 #> 46 46 16.4 39 204:23 #> 47 47 13.4 50 281:35 #> 48 48 15.3 44 272:52 #> 49 49 13.2 51 225:53 #> 50 50 13.0 53 380:20 #> 51 51 12.3 55 331:25 #> 52 52 15.0 46 216:30 #> 53 53 14.3 48 362:33 #> 54 54 14.7 47 354:30 #> 55 55 13.1 52 323:55 #> 56 56 10.6 62 335:12 #> 57 57 11.0 59 226:06 #> 58 58 10.8 60 352:31 #> 59 59 8.8 70 205:32 #> 60 60 10.1 65 277:27 #> 61 61 11.1 57 303:26 #> 62 62 11.6 56 279:23 #> 63 63 8.4 71 268:47 #> 64 64 11.0 58 242:43 #> 65 65 10.8 61 219:00 #> 66 66 7.7 74 169:37 #> 67 67 6.2 86 216:18 #> 68 68 9.5 66 234:16 #> 69 69 9.0 69 283:37 #> 70 70 10.1 64 204:51 #> 71 71 9.4 67 316:51 #> 72 72 6.4 85 238:19 #> 73 73 9.1 68 340:33 #> 74 74 10.3 63 183:07 #> 75 75 6.9 79 254:39 #> 76 76 7.2 77 320:57 #> 77 77 8.2 72 311:49 #> 78 78 7.6 75 146:02 #> 79 79 5.9 93 271:43 #> 80 80 6.6 81 229:56 #> 81 81 4.8 104 154:13 #> 82 82 7.8 73 372:09 #> 83 83 5.6 96 247:02 #> 84 84 5.6 97 187:42 #> 85 85 6.0 88 230:31 #> 86 86 5.0 101 395:35 #> 87 87 6.7 80 217:35 #> 88 88 7.0 78 228:52 #> 89 89 5.6 95 203:50 #> 90 90 6.2 87 228:26 #> 91 91 5.9 92 232:57 #> 92 92 7.5 76 208:32 #> 93 93 6.0 89 250:56 #> 94 94 4.9 103 137:06 #> 95 95 4.2 110 107:14 #> 96 96 5.5 98 258:53 #> 97 97 4.8 105 223:29 #> 98 98 4.5 107 307:57 #> 99 99 6.6 82 408:27 #> 100 100 6.4 84 325:32 #> 101 101 6.5 83 242:35 #> 102 102 3.2 114 279:32 #> 103 103 6.0 90 174:32 #> 104 104 4.5 108 263:14 #> 105 105 5.9 91 186:26 #> 106 106 5.1 100 215:52 #> 107 107 5.3 99 232:44 #> 108 108 4.2 109 311:39 #> 109 109 2.9 119 244:20 #> 110 110 1.8 126 259:02 #> 111 111 2.2 122 190:31 #> 112 112 4.7 106 327:18 #> 113 113 2.7 120 313:41 #> 114 114 3.0 118 204:17 #> 115 115 5.8 94 128:32 #> 116 116 3.3 111 246:43 #> 117 117 4.9 102 208:34 #> 118 118 1.1 131 274:14 #> 119 119 3.0 116 289:12 #> 120 120 1.0 134 303:15 #> 121 121 3.2 112 289:25 #> 122 122 0.3 143 127:02 #> 123 123 3.2 113 187:12 #> 124 124 -0.1 145 243:31 #> 125 125 1.0 133 234:51 #> 126 126 -1.0 157 314:51 #> 127 127 2.2 121 233:29 #> 128 128 1.1 132 215:21 #> 129 129 3.0 117 93:42 #> 130 130 1.9 124 325:58 #> 131 131 -0.2 146 190:11 #> 132 132 -0.4 152 289:40 #> 133 133 3.2 115 276:24 #> 134 134 0.8 135 288:16 #> 135 135 0.5 138 314:35 #> 136 136 0.8 136 408:54 #> 137 137 1.3 130 220:18 #> 138 138 1.8 125 403:55 #> 139 139 0.4 141 352:24 #> 140 140 1.9 123 168:45 #> 141 141 -0.3 149 164:30 #> 142 142 0.1 144 196:27 #> 143 143 -0.9 156 289:42 #> 144 144 -1.2 160 305:15 #> 145 145 1.6 129 329:25 #> 146 146 0.4 140 282:00 #> 147 147 -0.2 148 239:53 #> 148 148 1.7 127 363:32 #> 149 149 -2.0 171 366:29 #> 150 150 -0.4 153 208:49 #> 151 151 0.5 139 232:34 #> 152 152 -1.7 167 208:16 #> 153 153 -0.4 151 234:00 #> 154 154 -0.8 155 209:53 #> 155 155 0.6 137 228:11 #> 156 156 -2.1 172 310:43 #> 157 157 1.6 128 158:57 #> 158 158 -3.0 181 207:39 #> 159 159 -2.9 179 259:35 #> 160 160 -0.2 147 219:39 #> 161 161 -1.6 165 268:02 #> 162 162 -1.4 161 368:33 #> 163 163 -2.5 176 251:20 #> 164 164 -1.1 158 294:26 #> 165 165 -0.3 150 376:12 #> 166 166 -1.2 159 382:18 #> 167 167 0.4 142 265:42 #> 168 168 -1.8 168 194:28 #> 169 169 -4.9 200 165:29 #> 170 170 -1.5 163 214:21 #> 171 171 -3.5 185 135:39 #> 172 172 -3.1 182 320:44 #> 173 173 -0.6 154 352:29 #> 174 174 -1.9 169 315:37 #> 175 175 -3.6 186 152:03 #> 176 176 -4.0 189 255:25 #> 177 177 -1.6 166 310:46 #> 178 178 -6.0 209 179:00 #> 179 179 -2.1 173 267:39 #> 180 180 -5.3 203 212:19 #> 181 181 -1.5 164 190:38 #> 182 182 -1.4 162 297:50 #> 183 183 -4.4 194 100:13 #> 184 184 -3.1 183 140:05 #> 185 185 -3.0 180 299:18 #> 186 186 -2.5 177 193:42 #> 187 187 -3.8 187 216:06 #> 188 188 -4.8 198 404:54 #> 189 189 -4.4 192 160:12 #> 190 190 -2.4 175 173:28 #> 191 191 -3.3 184 148:33 #> 192 192 -4.3 190 261:28 #> 193 193 -3.8 188 308:33 #> 194 194 -7.1 223 270:49 #> 195 195 -5.3 204 279:20 #> 196 196 -5.7 208 245:40 #> 197 197 -6.3 213 294:04 #> 198 198 -4.4 193 243:31 #> 199 199 -7.0 220 217:47 #> 200 200 -4.7 197 368:55 #> 201 201 -7.2 224 280:30 #> 202 202 -5.5 205 231:53 #> 203 203 -4.9 201 251:17 #> 204 204 -6.0 210 303:01 #> 205 205 -2.3 174 192:04 #> 206 206 -2.7 178 260:02 #> 207 207 -4.6 195 287:24 #> 208 208 -7.1 221 196:08 #> 209 209 -2.0 170 206:50 #> 210 210 -6.3 214 165:44 #> 211 211 -8.1 234 133:04 #> 212 212 -7.7 230 123:00 #> 213 213 -7.7 229 230:33 #> 214 214 -10.1 261 238:37 #> 215 215 -8.5 240 190:46 #> 216 216 -6.5 216 323:31 #> 217 217 -5.3 202 450:15 #> 218 218 -6.7 219 279:43 #> 219 219 -6.5 217 330:45 #> 220 220 -6.7 218 242:00 #> 221 221 -8.0 233 241:33 #> 222 222 -6.1 211 200:47 #> 223 223 -4.6 196 192:10 #> 224 224 -4.3 191 218:31 #> 225 225 -4.9 199 221:43 #> 226 226 -7.8 231 183:01 #> 227 227 -9.1 248 250:57 #> 228 228 -5.6 206 215:42 #> 229 229 -11.2 275 188:34 #> 230 230 -10.0 259 281:40 #> 231 231 -8.8 245 146:24 #> 232 232 -8.5 239 239:57 #> 233 233 -9.4 250 168:26 #> 234 234 -8.6 244 111:35 #> 235 235 -8.3 235 208:16 #> 236 236 -13.4 298 144:32 #> 237 237 -8.4 236 278:21 #> 238 238 -6.2 212 226:44 #> 239 239 -9.7 254 156:23 #> 240 240 -7.1 222 297:59 #> 241 241 -7.4 226 186:52 #> 242 242 -9.2 249 292:49 #> 243 243 -9.6 253 183:33 #> 244 244 -8.6 243 408:16 #> 245 245 -10.0 260 164:08 #> 246 246 -8.6 242 211:41 #> 247 247 -7.6 227 365:33 #> 248 248 -6.5 215 311:52 #> 249 249 -8.9 247 186:08 #> 250 250 -9.4 251 191:54 #> 251 251 -13.5 300 83:38 #> 252 252 -9.9 257 312:42 #> 253 253 -8.4 237 356:48 #> 254 254 -11.7 279 211:34 #> 255 255 -10.8 268 216:23 #> 256 256 -8.4 238 211:32 #> 257 257 -10.3 263 292:00 #> 258 258 -9.5 252 223:37 #> 259 259 -10.8 270 337:40 #> 260 260 -9.8 255 258:48 #> 261 261 -12.3 284 196:12 #> 262 262 -5.6 207 198:35 #> 263 263 -12.0 281 293:10 #> 264 264 -7.8 232 180:33 #> 265 265 -12.1 283 200:40 #> 266 266 -11.3 276 234:29 #> 267 267 -10.2 262 243:14 #> 268 268 -8.8 246 361:26 #> 269 269 -7.7 228 177:17 #> 270 270 -12.5 286 172:15 #> 271 271 -8.5 241 261:08 #> 272 272 -11.0 272 226:26 #> 273 273 -10.9 271 293:49 #> 274 274 -12.6 287 150:27 #> 275 275 -13.3 295 193:54 #> 276 276 -10.4 265 236:33 #> 277 277 -10.0 258 264:19 #> 278 278 -9.9 256 279:03 #> 279 279 -15.1 307 142:37 #> 280 280 -12.9 293 145:04 #> 281 281 -11.7 278 234:49 #> 282 282 -15.6 313 120:30 #> 283 283 -10.8 269 253:04 #> 284 284 -10.4 266 110:33 #> 285 285 -13.6 302 183:02 #> 286 286 -12.4 285 109:34 #> 287 287 -13.3 294 287:34 #> 288 288 -13.4 299 233:52 #> 289 289 -7.3 225 170:30 #> 290 290 -11.1 274 240:28 #> 291 291 -11.8 280 233:23 #> 292 292 -10.6 267 260:51 #> 293 293 -11.3 277 209:17 #> 294 294 -15.7 315 158:14 #> 295 295 -12.7 290 306:00 #> 296 296 -11.1 273 229:50 #> 297 297 -14.2 304 196:33 #> 298 298 -17.2 332 171:00 #> 299 299 -12.9 292 203:56 #> 300 300 -15.7 316 152:31 #> 301 301 -12.1 282 337:03 #> 302 302 -12.6 288 285:17 #> 303 303 -16.3 322 263:59 #> 304 304 -12.7 289 213:33 #> 305 305 -14.9 306 238:51 #> 306 306 -12.8 291 184:27 #> 307 307 -13.4 296 256:33 #> 308 308 -15.9 317 174:33 #> 309 309 -16.3 324 244:01 #> 310 310 -14.1 303 235:48 #> 311 311 -10.3 264 104:33 #> 312 312 -13.6 301 117:36 #> 313 313 -15.5 311 301:57 #> 314 314 -16.5 326 248:34 #> 315 315 -16.5 327 271:57 #> 316 316 -15.5 310 304:11 #> 317 317 -16.2 321 246:58 #> 318 318 -15.6 312 149:36 #> 319 319 -13.4 297 189:46 #> 320 320 -15.2 308 311:47 #> 321 321 -17.6 335 199:29 #> 322 322 -16.7 328 153:21 #> 323 323 -17.9 337 170:24 #> 324 324 -14.3 305 267:50 #> 325 325 -17.5 334 274:20 #> 326 326 -19.0 343 142:57 #> 327 327 -15.7 314 142:54 #> 328 328 -16.1 320 222:52 #> 329 329 -16.9 331 241:52 #> 330 330 -15.3 309 268:03 #> 331 331 -16.7 329 329:50 #> 332 332 -18.6 341 344:23 #> 333 333 -19.1 344 104:53 #> 334 334 -18.0 338 185:33 #> 335 335 -16.4 325 206:06 #> 336 336 -16.3 323 327:17 #> 337 337 -17.3 333 211:45 #> 338 338 -18.3 340 113:44 #> 339 339 -19.4 347 178:12 #> 340 340 -16.7 330 185:31 #> 341 341 -18.7 342 208:34 #> 342 342 -22.2 352 143:04 #> 343 343 -16.1 319 241:38 #> 344 344 -18.2 339 146:07 #> 345 345 -21.3 350 156:33 #> 346 346 -17.7 336 216:32 #> 347 347 -15.9 318 312:37 #> 348 348 -21.2 349 271:52 #> 349 349 -19.1 345 301:02 #> 350 350 -20.3 348 236:19 #> 351 351 -24.8 353 109:59 #> 352 352 -22.0 351 205:31 #> 353 353 -19.4 346 195:34 #> TwoFoulTotalTime.Rk TwoFoulTimeOn TwoFoulTimeOn.Rk Bench.Pct Bench.Pct.Rk #> 1 36 229:52 1 26.5 267 #> 2 294 105:56 40 27.2 254 #> 3 123 154:20 9 17.8 350 #> 4 10 223:04 2 26.2 272 #> 5 112 154:13 10 30.1 174 #> 6 30 184:45 4 18.0 349 #> 7 113 147:33 13 28.2 229 #> 8 203 119:04 27 30.9 155 #> 9 310 83:47 65 17.2 352 #> 10 137 136:13 16 26.8 262 #> 11 308 82:29 69 22.1 327 #> 12 305 83:36 67 20.4 340 #> 13 32 169:05 7 28.4 222 #> 14 80 147:40 12 27.6 249 #> 15 129 130:20 18 26.4 268 #> 16 134 127:23 21 30.4 167 #> 17 50 153:27 11 26.4 269 #> 18 14 180:02 5 18.2 348 #> 19 109 132:34 17 21.9 330 #> 20 65 145:49 14 29.4 197 #> 21 24 165:55 8 31.0 151 #> 22 307 73:34 95 28.6 216 #> 23 94 128:25 19 32.9 110 #> 24 122 120:25 24 41.6 10 #> 25 1 207:43 3 26.8 263 #> 26 221 94:38 50 32.8 114 #> 27 339 53:59 155 29.7 187 #> 28 161 106:04 39 35.2 77 #> 29 131 114:46 33 21.1 336 #> 30 97 120:21 25 31.6 139 #> 31 289 74:57 90 33.1 106 #> 32 102 118:20 28 28.9 210 #> 33 332 59:30 134 18.8 347 #> 34 325 60:53 131 23.8 308 #> 35 232 88:00 58 22.9 316 #> 36 281 76:21 87 28.7 215 #> 37 158 100:53 45 29.0 206 #> 38 114 111:59 37 28.7 212 #> 39 205 91:27 54 38.3 28 #> 40 255 79:44 78 29.9 182 #> 41 75 116:01 30 27.3 253 #> 42 3 171:21 6 25.5 287 #> 43 197 87:20 60 27.6 248 #> 44 77 113:00 36 22.3 326 #> 45 47 121:20 23 27.7 246 #> 46 247 76:22 86 31.8 136 #> 47 100 103:57 42 23.9 306 #> 48 117 99:55 46 29.6 191 #> 49 204 82:18 70 23.9 304 #> 50 12 136:37 15 24.2 299 #> 51 37 118:13 29 23.8 307 #> 52 217 76:52 85 34.4 88 #> 53 21 128:10 20 20.8 339 #> 54 25 125:12 22 33.8 95 #> 55 45 114:14 35 35.6 73 #> 56 35 115:05 32 30.8 156 #> 57 202 77:01 84 22.1 328 #> 58 26 120:03 26 32.5 121 #> 59 244 69:59 107 23.6 312 #> 60 110 93:47 51 31.0 154 #> 61 70 101:07 44 42.8 4 #> 62 105 92:14 53 37.0 44 #> 63 124 88:27 57 17.7 351 #> 64 165 79:48 76 33.6 99 #> 65 212 71:41 103 37.5 34 #> 66 299 54:50 148 37.9 31 #> 67 219 69:44 108 25.1 291 #> 68 183 74:52 91 23.9 305 #> 69 96 89:31 56 25.4 289 #> 70 246 64:24 124 28.0 236 #> 71 51 99:34 47 31.5 140 #> 72 176 74:01 94 22.6 321 #> 73 31 105:24 41 38.7 23 #> 74 283 56:19 145 29.6 188 #> 75 147 77:11 83 32.6 118 #> 76 48 96:38 49 36.1 63 #> 77 59 93:34 52 40.3 13 #> 78 324 43:48 191 21.8 333 #> 79 120 81:24 73 23.8 309 #> 80 194 68:01 112 30.1 177 #> 81 315 45:34 183 32.8 115 #> 82 15 109:46 38 35.1 79 #> 83 154 72:47 99 37.5 33 #> 84 273 55:08 146 24.0 302 #> 85 193 67:39 114 31.3 143 #> 86 9 115:57 31 21.1 338 #> 87 215 63:34 127 28.4 223 #> 88 196 66:47 117 39.1 19 #> 89 250 59:23 136 21.9 331 #> 90 198 66:33 120 27.6 247 #> 91 188 67:31 115 22.7 318 #> 92 238 60:20 132 30.2 171 #> 93 152 72:36 101 29.3 200 #> 94 334 39:25 207 25.6 283 #> 95 348 30:46 243 30.1 173 #> 96 143 73:33 96 29.4 199 #> 97 207 63:08 129 27.1 255 #> 98 66 86:46 61 26.1 273 #> 99 5 114:29 34 28.8 211 #> 100 44 91:11 55 32.8 113 #> 101 166 67:49 113 22.8 317 #> 102 104 77:31 82 31.2 148 #> 103 292 48:21 172 36.1 61 #> 104 135 72:49 98 27.7 245 #> 105 276 51:13 166 28.1 234 #> 106 222 59:12 138 28.1 233 #> 107 189 63:44 125 36.8 51 #> 108 61 85:12 63 29.8 184 #> 109 159 66:34 119 25.2 290 #> 110 142 70:19 106 26.1 274 #> 111 269 51:31 163 24.1 301 #> 112 41 87:51 59 24.3 298 #> 113 55 84:03 64 34.6 82 #> 114 248 54:10 153 34.9 80 #> 115 337 33:51 223 19.4 343 #> 116 156 64:58 123 31.1 150 #> 117 237 54:26 149 36.2 58 #> 118 116 71:12 104 24.0 303 #> 119 90 75:05 89 24.9 294 #> 120 71 78:42 80 25.7 280 #> 121 89 74:11 93 23.8 310 #> 122 338 32:22 232 30.2 169 #> 123 274 47:40 176 20.2 341 #> 124 163 61:45 130 33.9 94 #> 125 180 59:32 133 28.6 218 #> 126 53 79:47 77 35.1 78 #> 127 186 58:51 139 30.7 161 #> 128 224 54:15 152 27.4 252 #> 129 352 23:36 278 32.4 123 #> 130 43 82:01 71 36.9 45 #> 131 270 47:49 175 36.6 53 #> 132 88 72:44 100 31.3 144 #> 133 111 69:24 109 30.7 160 #> 134 91 71:49 102 21.1 337 #> 135 54 78:01 81 22.6 319 #> 136 4 101:12 43 39.0 20 #> 137 210 54:24 151 21.1 335 #> 138 8 99:02 48 39.2 18 #> 139 28 85:51 62 21.9 329 #> 140 300 40:54 202 42.8 6 #> 141 304 39:05 209 30.8 158 #> 142 257 46:38 180 30.1 178 #> 143 87 68:25 111 34.5 84 #> 144 68 71:10 105 23.7 311 #> 145 40 76:06 88 31.7 138 #> 146 98 65:05 122 21.4 334 #> 147 173 54:57 147 37.7 32 #> 148 20 83:10 68 26.6 265 #> 149 18 83:36 66 36.1 62 #> 150 235 47:38 177 18.9 345 #> 151 190 52:59 160 28.2 228 #> 152 240 46:56 179 29.8 183 #> 153 184 52:29 162 26.1 275 #> 154 233 47:01 178 36.0 65 #> 155 199 50:53 167 29.7 186 #> 156 63 68:56 110 34.7 81 #> 157 311 35:07 221 28.3 225 #> 158 241 45:35 182 41.8 9 #> 159 141 56:53 144 37.2 41 #> 160 211 48:04 173 33.0 107 #> 161 126 58:37 140 30.5 163 #> 162 17 80:15 75 29.6 190 #> 163 149 54:24 150 35.6 75 #> 164 81 63:42 126 30.7 159 #> 165 13 81:03 74 30.1 172 #> 166 11 81:59 72 33.1 105 #> 167 130 56:54 143 29.3 201 #> 168 261 41:27 199 28.5 221 #> 169 303 35:09 220 23.6 313 #> 170 225 45:14 185 32.8 116 #> 171 335 28:32 253 27.5 251 #> 172 49 66:56 116 38.9 21 #> 173 27 73:18 97 36.4 57 #> 174 52 65:29 121 34.6 83 #> 175 318 31:22 238 19.2 344 #> 176 146 52:32 161 36.7 52 #> 177 62 63:15 128 38.5 25 #> 178 287 36:23 215 34.0 92 #> 179 128 53:33 157 27.9 241 #> 180 227 42:26 196 31.0 153 #> 181 268 38:05 213 29.6 189 #> 182 79 59:23 135 27.0 258 #> 183 351 19:57 297 33.5 100 #> 184 333 27:46 259 32.5 120 #> 185 76 59:16 137 29.0 207 #> 186 263 38:19 212 26.1 276 #> 187 220 42:41 195 28.5 219 #> 188 7 79:18 79 25.7 279 #> 189 309 31:10 239 31.4 142 #> 190 293 33:36 225 28.9 209 #> 191 321 28:45 250 29.5 194 #> 192 136 49:43 171 25.4 288 #> 193 64 57:32 142 33.3 102 #> 194 121 50:24 168 38.3 27 #> 195 106 51:21 164 30.1 175 #> 196 157 44:53 187 33.1 104 #> 197 82 53:42 156 22.4 324 #> 198 162 44:19 189 22.6 320 #> 199 214 39:33 204 25.9 278 #> 200 16 66:40 118 30.6 162 #> 201 101 49:54 170 34.4 89 #> 202 191 40:56 200 32.2 127 #> 203 150 44:15 190 33.6 98 #> 204 72 53:10 159 42.7 7 #> 205 265 33:39 224 34.5 85 #> 206 140 45:26 184 40.6 12 #> 207 93 50:12 169 27.9 239 #> 208 259 33:28 227 32.4 124 #> 209 242 35:17 219 47.0 2 #> 210 302 28:13 256 28.3 226 #> 211 336 22:38 283 30.4 166 #> 212 340 20:41 294 33.6 97 #> 213 192 38:19 211 28.1 232 #> 214 175 39:39 203 29.6 192 #> 215 267 31:38 236 25.0 293 #> 216 46 53:30 158 25.7 281 #> 217 2 74:27 92 32.6 119 #> 218 103 46:03 181 32.9 112 #> 219 38 54:09 154 25.1 292 #> 220 167 39:32 205 27.1 257 #> 221 170 39:27 206 26.4 270 #> 222 251 32:35 231 35.7 72 #> 223 264 30:46 242 27.9 240 #> 224 213 34:58 222 25.5 286 #> 225 209 35:26 218 14.2 353 #> 226 285 28:36 252 36.6 54 #> 227 151 39:05 208 32.2 128 #> 228 223 33:35 226 22.4 325 #> 229 272 28:36 251 27.1 256 #> 230 99 42:41 194 23.1 315 #> 231 322 22:04 286 32.6 117 #> 232 172 36:02 216 35.7 71 #> 233 301 25:13 273 29.5 195 #> 234 344 16:41 312 34.5 86 #> 235 239 31:02 240 35.9 66 #> 236 327 21:29 290 29.0 205 #> 237 108 40:54 201 27.0 259 #> 238 200 33:11 229 28.1 235 #> 239 314 22:45 282 27.7 244 #> 240 78 43:10 193 32.5 122 #> 241 275 27:04 262 38.8 22 #> 242 85 42:10 198 35.6 74 #> 243 282 26:07 265 26.3 271 #> 244 6 58:01 141 31.5 141 #> 245 306 23:19 280 31.2 149 #> 246 229 29:41 245 29.2 203 #> 247 19 51:15 165 36.2 59 #> 248 58 43:43 192 26.7 264 #> 249 277 25:57 267 30.1 176 #> 250 266 26:25 263 26.5 266 #> 251 353 11:27 327 22.5 323 #> 252 56 42:20 197 37.3 38 #> 253 23 47:54 174 30.1 179 #> 254 230 28:21 254 37.1 43 #> 255 218 28:56 249 39.6 16 #> 256 231 28:11 257 31.2 146 #> 257 86 38:46 210 35.8 68 #> 258 206 29:31 247 37.3 39 #> 259 33 44:23 188 30.8 157 #> 260 144 33:20 228 32.3 126 #> 261 258 25:13 272 27.8 242 #> 262 254 25:30 269 29.5 193 #> 263 84 37:30 214 36.9 46 #> 264 286 23:03 281 28.3 227 #> 265 252 25:26 270 27.9 237 #> 266 182 29:33 246 32.1 129 #> 267 164 30:37 244 40.8 11 #> 268 22 45:00 186 31.0 152 #> 269 290 22:02 287 18.8 346 #> 270 295 21:24 291 25.9 277 #> 271 138 32:03 234 30.5 164 #> 272 201 27:43 260 28.3 224 #> 273 83 35:52 217 25.5 285 #> 274 319 18:11 306 19.9 342 #> 275 262 23:26 279 29.4 196 #> 276 177 28:21 255 34.0 91 #> 277 132 31:37 237 32.3 125 #> 278 107 32:44 230 42.6 8 #> 279 331 16:41 311 27.0 260 #> 280 326 16:58 308 32.9 111 #> 281 181 27:24 261 34.4 87 #> 282 341 14:01 321 21.8 332 #> 283 148 29:14 248 25.6 282 #> 284 345 12:38 324 36.5 56 #> 285 284 20:54 292 39.6 14 #> 286 347 12:24 325 35.8 69 #> 287 92 31:58 235 24.7 296 #> 288 185 25:45 268 37.1 42 #> 289 297 18:38 305 36.5 55 #> 290 171 26:14 264 28.5 220 #> 291 187 25:23 271 33.3 101 #> 292 139 28:04 258 42.8 5 #> 293 234 22:25 284 30.2 170 #> 294 312 16:53 309 31.9 135 #> 295 67 32:09 233 33.6 96 #> 296 195 23:36 277 29.2 202 #> 297 256 19:51 298 38.2 29 #> 298 296 16:52 310 33.2 103 #> 299 249 20:00 296 32.0 131 #> 300 317 14:23 319 29.0 204 #> 301 34 30:50 241 38.1 30 #> 302 95 26:03 266 37.4 37 #> 303 133 23:51 276 28.6 217 #> 304 226 19:12 304 27.8 243 #> 305 174 20:43 293 30.5 165 #> 306 280 15:41 316 36.0 64 #> 307 145 21:33 289 31.9 134 #> 308 291 14:33 317 43.2 3 #> 309 160 20:18 295 28.9 208 #> 310 179 19:35 301 36.8 49 #> 311 350 8:33 344 39.6 15 #> 312 342 9:37 335 30.0 180 #> 313 73 24:04 274 33.9 93 #> 314 153 19:45 299 37.5 35 #> 315 118 21:35 288 31.2 145 #> 316 69 23:53 275 35.8 67 #> 317 155 19:12 303 27.6 250 #> 318 320 11:22 328 23.5 314 #> 319 271 14:15 320 31.2 147 #> 320 60 22:23 285 33.0 109 #> 321 253 14:00 322 24.7 295 #> 322 316 9:46 334 34.1 90 #> 323 298 10:38 331 31.7 137 #> 324 127 16:37 314 49.1 1 #> 325 115 16:40 313 36.8 50 #> 326 329 8:40 341 28.2 230 #> 327 330 8:36 343 22.5 322 #> 328 208 13:20 323 28.2 231 #> 329 168 14:23 318 26.9 261 #> 330 125 15:44 315 39.5 17 #> 331 39 19:16 302 36.9 47 #> 332 29 19:42 300 37.3 40 #> 333 349 5:59 349 25.6 284 #> 334 278 10:31 332 33.0 108 #> 335 243 11:33 326 36.9 48 #> 336 42 17:24 307 24.2 300 #> 337 228 11:12 330 32.1 130 #> 338 343 5:37 350 29.4 198 #> 339 288 8:44 340 30.0 181 #> 340 279 9:01 338 35.7 70 #> 341 236 9:08 337 38.5 24 #> 342 328 6:12 347 29.7 185 #> 343 169 10:16 333 35.6 76 #> 344 323 6:11 348 28.7 214 #> 345 313 6:20 345 27.9 238 #> 346 216 8:38 342 30.2 168 #> 347 57 11:20 329 37.5 36 #> 348 119 8:49 339 28.7 213 #> 349 74 9:25 336 31.9 133 #> 350 178 6:13 346 38.4 26 #> 351 346 2:45 353 36.2 60 #> 352 245 4:17 351 32.0 132 #> 353 260 3:15 352 24.5 297 #> NCAA_Seed Year #> 1 NA 2020 #> 2 NA 2020 #> 3 NA 2020 #> 4 15 2020 #> 5 NA 2020 #> 6 NA 2020 #> 7 NA 2020 #> 8 NA 2020 #> 9 NA 2020 #> 10 15 2020 #> 11 NA 2020 #> 12 NA 2020 #> 13 NA 2020 #> 14 NA 2020 #> 15 NA 2020 #> 16 NA 2020 #> 17 NA 2020 #> 18 NA 2020 #> 19 NA 2020 #> 20 NA 2020 #> 21 15 2020 #> 22 NA 2020 #> 23 NA 2020 #> 24 NA 2020 #> 25 NA 2020 #> 26 NA 2020 #> 27 NA 2020 #> 28 NA 2020 #> 29 NA 2020 #> 30 NA 2020 #> 31 NA 2020 #> 32 NA 2020 #> 33 NA 2020 #> 34 NA 2020 #> 35 NA 2020 #> 36 NA 2020 #> 37 NA 2020 #> 38 NA 2020 #> 39 NA 2020 #> 40 NA 2020 #> 41 10 2020 #> 42 NA 2020 #> 43 NA 2020 #> 44 NA 2020 #> 45 NA 2020 #> 46 NA 2020 #> 47 NA 2020 #> 48 NA 2020 #> 49 NA 2020 #> 50 NA 2020 #> 51 NA 2020 #> 52 NA 2020 #> 53 NA 2020 #> 54 NA 2020 #> 55 16 2020 #> 56 NA 2020 #> 57 NA 2020 #> 58 NA 2020 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#> 330 NA 2020 #> 331 7 2020 #> 332 NA 2020 #> 333 NA 2020 #> 334 NA 2020 #> 335 13 2020 #> 336 9 2020 #> 337 15 2020 #> 338 11 2020 #> 339 6 2020 #> 340 NA 2020 #> 341 2 2020 #> 342 14 2020 #> 343 NA 2020 #> 344 NA 2020 #> 345 NA 2020 #> 346 NA 2020 #> 347 NA 2020 #> 348 NA 2020 #> 349 NA 2020 #> 350 11 2020 #> 351 NA 2020 #> 352 3 2020 #> 353 NA 2020 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fourfactors.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Four Factors Data — kp_fourfactors","title":"Get Four Factors Data — kp_fourfactors","text":"Get Four Factors Data","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fourfactors.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Four Factors Data — kp_fourfactors","text":"","code":"kp_fourfactors(min_year, max_year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fourfactors.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Four Factors Data — kp_fourfactors","text":"min_year First year data pull max_year Last year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fourfactors.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Four Factors Data — kp_fourfactors","text":"Returns tibble four factors ratings","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fourfactors.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Four Factors Data — kp_fourfactors","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_fourfactors(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2021)) #> 2023-04-05 17:14:21: Invalid arguments or no four factors data for 2020 - 2021 available! #> Team Conf AdjT AdjT.Rk AdjO AdjO.Rk Off.eFG.Pct #> 1 Gonzaga WCC 71.9 35 121.3 1 57.5 #> 2 Dayton A10 67.6 220 119.1 2 59.7 #> 3 Creighton BE 68.3 178 118.2 3 55.2 #> 4 LSU SEC 70.0 84 118.1 4 52.7 #> 5 Iowa B10 70.2 77 117.3 5 51.6 #> 6 Oregon P12 65.0 319 117.1 6 54.3 #> 7 BYU WCC 69.5 108 116.3 7 58.1 #> 8 Kansas B12 67.3 233 115.8 8 53.7 #> 9 Duke ACC 72.0 34 115.7 9 52.6 #> 10 Michigan St. B10 69.1 130 115.2 10 52.6 #> 11 San Diego St. MWC 64.6 332 115.1 11 54.6 #> 12 Louisville ACC 67.1 242 114.5 12 52.5 #> 13 Ohio St. B10 66.2 280 114.3 13 52.3 #> 14 Marquette BE 70.7 60 114.0 14 51.6 #> 15 Villanova BE 66.2 275 113.9 15 52.6 #> 16 Saint Mary's WCC 63.9 339 113.7 16 54.1 #> 17 Baylor B12 66.2 277 113.5 17 49.4 #> 18 Maryland B10 67.0 245 113.5 18 48.6 #> 19 Mississippi St. SEC 66.2 276 113.4 19 51.5 #> 20 Michigan B10 68.7 150 113.2 20 52.8 #> 21 Syracuse ACC 68.3 179 112.8 21 50.5 #> 22 Houston Amer 65.7 300 112.7 22 48.0 #> 23 Northern Iowa MVC 65.8 299 112.7 23 54.8 #> 24 Kentucky SEC 67.7 215 112.7 24 50.7 #> 25 Butler BE 63.7 341 112.6 25 52.3 #> 26 Davidson A10 64.8 330 112.5 26 53.4 #> 27 Florida SEC 64.9 326 112.5 27 52.1 #> 28 SMU Amer 64.8 331 112.4 28 52.1 #> 29 Seton Hall BE 69.8 93 112.3 29 51.4 #> 30 Minnesota B10 66.8 257 112.1 30 49.4 #> 31 North Florida ASun 69.4 111 112.0 31 54.6 #> 32 Florida St. ACC 69.9 89 111.7 32 51.9 #> 33 Auburn SEC 69.2 127 111.4 33 50.0 #> 34 North Texas CUSA 62.9 350 111.2 34 55.3 #> 35 Arizona P12 69.3 115 111.0 35 50.7 #> 36 Georgetown BE 70.0 87 111.0 36 49.1 #> 37 Alabama SEC 74.8 4 111.0 37 52.2 #> 38 Illinois B10 66.0 288 110.9 38 48.3 #> 39 Oregon St. P12 65.6 305 110.9 39 51.6 #> 40 Wisconsin B10 63.7 342 110.8 40 50.3 #> 41 Notre Dame ACC 68.1 190 110.7 41 50.4 #> 42 N.C. State ACC 69.5 103 110.7 42 50.9 #> 43 Penn St. B10 70.9 54 110.3 43 49.5 #> 44 Nevada MWC 71.0 50 110.3 44 52.9 #> 45 Northern Colorado BSky 65.0 320 110.2 45 54.7 #> 46 South Dakota St. Sum 68.0 201 110.0 46 55.8 #> 47 Texas Tech B12 67.3 236 109.8 47 51.7 #> 48 Iowa St. B12 69.9 90 109.6 48 49.8 #> 49 Utah St. MWC 67.4 229 109.5 49 51.8 #> 50 Purdue B10 64.6 333 109.3 50 47.8 #> 51 UCLA P12 64.9 325 109.3 51 48.4 #> 52 Colorado St. MWC 69.3 116 109.3 52 53.9 #> 53 Richmond A10 69.3 124 109.2 53 53.4 #> 54 Colorado P12 68.2 188 109.1 54 50.5 #> 55 Arkansas SEC 71.2 45 109.1 55 50.9 #> 56 Western Kentucky CUSA 68.3 176 108.9 56 51.3 #> 57 Portland St. BSky 71.8 40 108.8 57 49.6 #> 58 Oklahoma B12 69.6 98 108.8 58 48.2 #> 59 Cincinnati Amer 68.0 199 108.8 59 50.3 #> 60 Louisiana Tech CUSA 66.5 266 108.7 60 53.3 #> 61 Wake Forest ACC 70.1 79 108.7 61 49.0 #> 62 Hofstra CAA 67.9 202 108.7 62 51.7 #> 63 South Dakota Sum 70.0 85 108.6 63 54.6 #> 64 Connecticut Amer 68.5 167 108.6 64 47.8 #> 65 Indiana B10 67.9 206 108.5 65 49.3 #> 66 Akron MAC 69.4 110 108.5 66 51.7 #> 67 West Virginia B12 69.4 112 108.3 67 46.5 #> 68 San Francisco WCC 68.7 155 108.3 68 51.3 #> 69 East Tennessee St. SC 66.1 281 108.2 69 53.5 #> 70 Oral Roberts Sum 70.4 68 108.2 70 50.9 #> 71 Georgia SEC 70.5 64 108.2 71 50.9 #> 72 Rutgers B10 67.4 231 107.9 72 48.9 #> 73 Yale Ivy 67.4 227 107.9 73 53.8 #> 74 UNLV MWC 67.0 247 107.9 74 49.7 #> 75 Providence BE 68.4 171 107.8 75 47.3 #> 76 Air Force MWC 68.8 147 107.8 76 52.9 #> 77 North Carolina ACC 70.4 67 107.7 77 46.4 #> 78 Furman SC 68.2 187 107.7 78 54.6 #> 79 Miami FL ACC 68.3 180 107.7 79 48.8 #> 80 New Mexico St. WAC 63.5 343 107.6 80 52.7 #> 81 St. Francis PA NEC 68.9 138 107.6 81 51.5 #> 82 Cal St. Northridge BW 70.3 74 107.4 82 51.6 #> 83 Western Carolina SC 71.5 43 107.3 83 54.6 #> 84 Oklahoma St. B12 68.4 173 107.2 84 47.8 #> 85 Pepperdine WCC 70.8 57 107.2 85 50.0 #> 86 Colgate Pat 68.5 168 107.2 86 52.8 #> 87 Siena MAAC 66.7 261 107.2 87 51.8 #> 88 Boise St. MWC 69.1 133 107.0 88 51.1 #> 89 Princeton Ivy 66.3 274 107.0 89 53.6 #> 90 Austin Peay OVC 67.8 209 106.9 90 51.3 #> 91 North Dakota St. Sum 66.0 287 106.8 91 51.9 #> 92 Bradley MVC 67.1 244 106.8 92 49.5 #> 93 Chattanooga SC 67.0 248 106.6 93 52.5 #> 94 Duquesne A10 67.8 211 106.6 94 51.2 #> 95 St. Bonaventure A10 65.7 301 106.6 95 49.1 #> 96 Tennessee SEC 65.2 313 106.6 96 48.8 #> 97 Belmont OVC 70.5 65 106.5 97 54.8 #> 98 Vermont AE 66.3 273 106.5 98 51.6 #> 99 Little Rock SB 69.3 125 106.4 99 52.8 #> 100 Utah P12 66.7 260 106.3 100 51.3 #> 101 Texas St. SB 65.2 312 106.3 101 48.9 #> 102 Toledo MAC 68.1 193 106.3 102 50.9 #> 103 Xavier BE 68.1 191 106.1 103 49.0 #> 104 St. John's BE 72.9 21 106.1 104 45.9 #> 105 Kent St. MAC 68.9 143 106.1 105 52.3 #> 106 UC Santa Barbara BW 64.5 335 106.1 106 51.1 #> 107 Liberty ASun 61.5 352 106.1 107 54.4 #> 108 Arizona St. P12 73.2 14 106.0 108 48.8 #> 109 Green Bay Horz 74.0 7 105.8 109 50.8 #> 110 Rice CUSA 70.1 80 105.8 110 51.5 #> 111 Saint Louis A10 67.6 219 105.8 111 50.1 #> 112 Washington P12 69.8 96 105.8 112 50.4 #> 113 Indiana St. MVC 66.4 270 105.8 113 51.7 #> 114 Towson CAA 65.1 317 105.7 114 48.7 #> 115 Georgia St. SB 73.0 19 105.6 115 50.3 #> 116 Delaware CAA 68.3 182 105.6 116 54.4 #> 117 Wichita St. Amer 69.5 101 105.6 117 47.1 #> 118 Radford BSth 64.3 336 105.6 118 52.6 #> 119 TCU B12 65.1 318 105.5 119 49.4 #> 120 Eastern Washington BSky 73.1 18 105.4 120 52.0 #> 121 UC Irvine BW 67.7 212 105.4 121 51.6 #> 122 South Carolina SEC 73.1 17 105.4 122 48.6 #> 123 Northeastern CAA 65.9 291 105.4 123 54.9 #> 124 Cal Baptist WAC 68.6 162 105.3 124 50.8 #> 125 New Mexico MWC 71.8 38 105.3 125 52.2 #> 126 Rhode Island A10 71.2 46 105.2 126 46.9 #> 127 Fresno St. MWC 64.2 338 105.1 127 49.8 #> 128 Tennessee Martin OVC 68.7 149 105.1 128 50.9 #> 129 Charleston CAA 65.9 295 105.0 129 51.1 #> 130 South Alabama SB 65.3 310 104.9 130 51.4 #> 131 Northwestern B10 66.7 259 104.9 131 46.9 #> 132 Wright St. Horz 72.1 31 104.9 132 51.0 #> 133 Missouri St. MVC 68.3 181 104.8 133 49.8 #> 134 Coastal Carolina SB 72.8 26 104.8 134 50.1 #> 135 Hampton BSth 70.9 56 104.8 135 50.2 #> 136 Winthrop BSth 71.9 36 104.7 136 53.0 #> 137 Harvard Ivy 68.8 148 104.7 137 51.2 #> 138 VCU A10 69.0 134 104.7 138 49.7 #> 139 Vanderbilt SEC 69.4 109 104.7 139 50.2 #> 140 UC Davis BW 68.0 194 104.7 140 52.3 #> 141 Valparaiso MVC 69.3 123 104.5 141 50.7 #> 142 Wofford SC 65.9 293 104.5 142 53.3 #> 143 Stanford P12 68.3 183 104.4 143 53.5 #> 144 UMass Lowell AE 70.3 72 104.4 144 51.6 #> 145 USC P12 68.9 139 104.3 145 49.5 #> 146 Bowling Green MAC 70.1 81 104.3 146 47.6 #> 147 Virginia Tech ACC 65.5 309 104.3 147 50.3 #> 148 Arkansas St. SB 67.3 237 104.2 148 48.9 #> 149 UTSA CUSA 72.8 24 104.2 149 48.1 #> 150 Missouri SEC 66.5 267 104.1 150 47.0 #> 151 Buffalo MAC 73.9 8 104.1 151 48.8 #> 152 Stephen F. Austin Slnd 71.8 39 104.1 152 53.3 #> 153 Texas B12 65.9 292 104.1 153 49.9 #> 154 Pittsburgh ACC 65.5 308 104.0 154 45.1 #> 155 Clemson ACC 66.0 290 103.9 155 50.1 #> 156 Pacific WCC 64.9 323 103.8 156 49.5 #> 157 FIU CUSA 72.2 30 103.7 157 51.7 #> 158 Mississippi SEC 68.0 196 103.7 158 48.6 #> 159 Loyola Chicago MVC 65.3 311 103.7 159 54.9 #> 160 UNC Greensboro SC 67.8 210 103.7 160 48.8 #> 161 Ohio MAC 68.0 195 103.6 161 51.3 #> 162 UCF Amer 67.8 208 103.5 162 49.4 #> 163 Penn Ivy 70.2 76 103.4 163 52.3 #> 164 Grand Canyon WAC 68.0 198 103.4 164 50.7 #> 165 DePaul BE 70.6 63 103.4 165 47.9 #> 166 Boston University Pat 66.3 272 103.3 166 51.3 #> 167 William & Mary CAA 67.5 222 103.3 167 53.5 #> 168 Tulsa Amer 65.8 297 103.2 168 49.6 #> 169 Montana BSky 68.2 185 103.2 169 52.3 #> 170 Nebraska Omaha Sum 69.2 126 103.2 170 49.9 #> 171 Georgia Tech ACC 70.0 88 103.1 171 49.8 #> 172 McNeese St. Slnd 69.0 137 103.0 172 54.9 #> 173 Youngstown St. Horz 66.4 269 103.0 173 47.4 #> 174 Massachusetts A10 68.6 161 102.9 174 49.2 #> 175 Houston Baptist Slnd 76.1 2 102.9 175 50.3 #> 176 Santa Clara WCC 71.6 42 102.6 176 52.2 #> 177 Kansas St. B12 67.2 239 102.5 177 47.5 #> 178 Murray St. OVC 68.9 144 102.4 178 52.7 #> 179 Northern Arizona BSky 66.6 265 102.3 179 49.7 #> 180 UT Arlington SB 67.7 214 102.3 180 47.3 #> 181 Gardner Webb BSth 66.2 279 102.2 181 51.8 #> 182 Washington St. P12 70.8 59 102.2 182 45.8 #> 183 North Dakota Sum 68.9 145 102.2 183 50.5 #> 184 Georgia Southern SB 71.8 41 102.2 184 50.2 #> 185 Sacred Heart NEC 68.7 152 102.2 185 49.1 #> 186 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC 68.9 142 102.1 186 51.1 #> 187 Central Michigan MAC 73.6 11 102.0 187 47.5 #> 188 Miami OH MAC 67.1 243 102.0 188 48.4 #> 189 Drake MVC 67.9 204 102.0 189 51.7 #> 190 Nebraska B10 73.1 16 102.0 190 46.8 #> 191 Northern Kentucky Horz 65.7 304 102.0 191 49.5 #> 192 Tulane Amer 68.7 154 101.9 192 47.8 #> 193 Saint Joseph's A10 71.2 47 101.9 193 46.6 #> 194 Iona MAAC 68.7 156 101.6 194 51.0 #> 195 California P12 65.2 315 101.5 195 46.9 #> 196 Louisiana SB 71.8 37 101.3 196 48.0 #> 197 George Mason A10 67.0 246 101.3 197 47.6 #> 198 Cornell Ivy 65.2 314 101.2 198 49.8 #> 199 Marshall CUSA 74.9 3 101.2 199 50.2 #> 200 Seattle WAC 69.9 91 101.2 200 45.3 #> 201 Lipscomb ASun 68.7 153 101.2 201 50.1 #> 202 American Pat 68.7 159 101.1 202 51.6 #> 203 Texas A&M SEC 64.5 334 101.0 203 46.4 #> 204 Rider MAAC 71.1 49 100.9 204 49.1 #> 205 UAB CUSA 65.7 302 100.8 205 49.7 #> 206 Idaho St. BSky 67.4 230 100.8 206 50.0 #> 207 Quinnipiac MAAC 68.9 141 100.7 207 50.9 #> 208 Elon CAA 66.2 278 100.6 208 49.5 #> 209 Loyola Marymount WCC 63.0 349 100.6 209 51.0 #> 210 Memphis Amer 72.6 28 100.6 210 49.7 #> 211 Lafayette Pat 66.9 251 100.6 211 52.1 #> 212 Robert Morris NEC 66.1 282 100.5 212 51.4 #> 213 Loyola MD Pat 71.0 52 100.4 213 52.7 #> 214 South Florida Amer 64.9 324 100.2 214 46.6 #> 215 VMI SC 67.9 203 100.2 215 50.4 #> 216 Mercer SC 68.1 192 100.1 216 51.0 #> 217 Temple Amer 70.3 73 100.1 217 46.0 #> 218 Niagara MAAC 66.0 289 100.1 218 49.7 #> 219 Drexel CAA 67.3 235 100.0 219 50.5 #> 220 Appalachian St. SB 67.2 240 99.9 220 48.4 #> 221 Detroit Horz 69.3 117 99.9 221 46.2 #> 222 Northern Illinois MAC 64.8 329 99.8 222 47.2 #> 223 Nicholls St. Slnd 68.7 158 99.7 223 49.5 #> 224 Binghamton AE 68.6 164 99.7 224 47.9 #> 225 Florida Atlantic CUSA 68.8 146 99.7 225 48.5 #> 226 La Salle A10 69.1 131 99.6 226 48.4 #> 227 East Carolina Amer 70.6 62 99.6 227 46.7 #> 228 Boston College ACC 69.3 120 99.6 228 46.5 #> 229 Sam Houston St. Slnd 71.1 48 99.5 229 50.7 #> 230 James Madison CAA 72.1 32 99.5 230 48.2 #> 231 IUPUI Horz 70.8 58 99.4 231 47.9 #> 232 Western Michigan MAC 67.4 228 99.4 232 48.2 #> 233 New Orleans Slnd 69.8 94 99.3 233 48.4 #> 234 Virginia ACC 59.4 353 99.3 234 46.9 #> 235 Ball St. MAC 68.0 200 99.2 235 50.4 #> 236 George Washington A10 66.6 264 99.2 236 49.0 #> 237 Texas Southern SWAC 72.9 22 99.1 237 45.9 #> 238 Monmouth MAAC 72.6 27 99.1 238 47.1 #> 239 Abilene Christian Slnd 68.4 172 99.1 239 49.6 #> 240 Southern Utah BSky 69.3 118 98.8 240 48.7 #> 241 Weber St. BSky 67.6 216 98.8 241 48.7 #> 242 Army Pat 69.5 106 98.8 242 52.9 #> 243 UNC Asheville BSth 71.0 51 98.7 243 52.5 #> 244 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC 70.4 66 98.7 244 46.8 #> 245 Samford SC 72.8 25 98.6 245 48.0 #> 246 Oakland Horz 66.1 285 98.6 246 48.1 #> 247 Charlotte CUSA 65.5 307 98.5 247 51.6 #> 248 Illinois St. MVC 68.5 169 98.4 248 49.9 #> 249 Old Dominion CUSA 66.4 268 98.3 249 45.3 #> 250 Western Illinois Sum 71.3 44 98.3 250 48.5 #> 251 Northwestern St. Slnd 72.4 29 98.3 251 49.7 #> 252 Southern Illinois MVC 64.2 337 98.2 252 49.5 #> 253 Eastern Illinois OVC 69.1 129 98.2 253 50.5 #> 254 Navy Pat 62.5 351 98.1 254 46.1 #> 255 Stetson ASun 63.2 344 98.1 255 49.6 #> 256 Central Arkansas Slnd 73.2 15 98.0 256 48.5 #> 257 Bryant NEC 70.3 71 97.8 257 47.9 #> 258 UMBC AE 66.8 255 97.8 258 48.3 #> 259 Canisius MAAC 70.0 86 97.7 259 48.5 #> 260 Stony Brook AE 69.8 92 97.7 260 47.7 #> 261 Hawaii BW 68.4 170 97.6 261 48.8 #> 262 San Jose St. MWC 73.3 13 97.5 262 45.2 #> 263 UMKC WAC 64.9 327 97.5 263 50.5 #> 264 Middle Tennessee CUSA 69.8 95 97.5 264 47.5 #> 265 LIU NEC 72.8 23 97.4 265 51.4 #> 266 Wagner NEC 67.5 223 97.3 266 46.5 #> 267 Southern SWAC 66.8 256 97.2 267 47.9 #> 268 Sacramento St. BSky 63.9 340 97.1 268 45.4 #> 269 Lehigh Pat 68.4 174 97.0 269 49.7 #> 270 Montana St. BSky 67.3 234 97.0 270 49.0 #> 271 Alcorn St. SWAC 70.1 82 96.9 271 47.3 #> 272 Presbyterian BSth 66.9 253 96.9 272 50.2 #> 273 UTEP CUSA 67.5 224 96.9 273 47.3 #> 274 Evansville MVC 67.6 217 96.9 274 48.6 #> 275 Campbell BSth 65.6 306 96.8 275 52.6 #> 276 Dartmouth Ivy 65.8 298 96.7 276 49.6 #> 277 Utah Valley WAC 70.4 69 96.5 277 49.2 #> 278 Brown Ivy 69.4 113 96.4 278 44.9 #> 279 Tennessee St. OVC 69.3 121 96.4 279 53.0 #> 280 Illinois Chicago Horz 69.5 105 96.4 280 50.8 #> 281 Mount St. Mary's NEC 63.2 345 96.4 281 46.2 #> 282 Prairie View A&M SWAC 70.7 61 96.3 282 47.4 #> 283 Lamar Slnd 69.6 99 96.3 283 48.0 #> 284 Troy SB 69.3 119 96.2 284 46.1 #> 285 Bucknell Pat 69.5 107 96.2 285 49.3 #> 286 Cal St. Bakersfield WAC 64.9 321 96.2 286 46.5 #> 287 Louisiana Monroe SB 64.9 322 96.1 287 47.7 #> 288 Milwaukee Horz 69.5 102 96.0 288 46.8 #> 289 North Alabama ASun 70.1 83 96.0 289 47.9 #> 290 Jacksonville ASun 66.6 262 96.0 290 48.0 #> 291 Holy Cross Pat 68.3 177 95.9 291 49.3 #> 292 Cal St. Fullerton BW 69.3 114 95.9 292 47.7 #> 293 Jacksonville St. OVC 68.1 189 95.8 293 48.7 #> 294 UC Riverside BW 63.2 347 95.8 294 49.8 #> 295 USC Upstate BSth 69.2 128 95.5 295 47.4 #> 296 Charleston Southern BSth 66.9 250 95.4 296 48.4 #> 297 Eastern Kentucky OVC 74.5 6 95.4 297 46.5 #> 298 Bethune Cookman MEAC 73.0 20 95.4 298 46.4 #> 299 Purdue Fort Wayne Sum 67.9 205 95.4 299 49.4 #> 300 Saint Peter's MAAC 68.0 197 95.4 300 46.0 #> 301 Cal Poly BW 68.3 175 95.2 301 47.3 #> 302 Columbia Ivy 69.1 132 95.2 302 46.1 #> 303 Denver Sum 70.9 53 95.0 303 49.1 #> 304 New Hampshire AE 68.6 163 95.0 304 46.8 #> 305 The Citadel SC 73.7 10 94.9 305 49.7 #> 306 South Carolina St. MEAC 67.4 226 94.9 306 46.1 #> 307 NJIT ASun 66.9 249 94.7 307 45.3 #> 308 St. Francis NY NEC 70.3 70 94.6 308 46.4 #> 309 Morehead St. OVC 67.3 232 94.6 309 47.2 #> 310 High Point BSth 66.4 271 94.5 310 45.7 #> 311 Florida A&M MEAC 68.6 160 94.4 311 45.4 #> 312 Hartford AE 68.2 184 94.4 312 48.6 #> 313 Southern Miss CUSA 67.2 238 94.4 313 47.8 #> 314 Portland WCC 69.3 122 94.4 314 48.6 #> 315 San Diego WCC 70.2 78 94.4 315 45.9 #> 316 Albany AE 68.5 166 94.3 316 48.0 #> 317 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd 65.7 303 94.3 317 51.5 #> 318 Eastern Michigan MAC 66.8 254 94.2 318 46.2 #> 319 North Carolina Central MEAC 66.6 263 94.2 319 50.2 #> 320 Long Beach St. BW 70.9 55 94.2 320 48.2 #> 321 Norfolk St. MEAC 67.5 225 94.2 321 47.0 #> 322 Wyoming MWC 66.7 258 94.1 322 48.0 #> 323 Delaware St. MEAC 74.7 5 94.1 323 47.0 #> 324 Southeast Missouri St. OVC 67.6 218 94.0 324 47.0 #> 325 Merrimack NEC 63.2 348 93.9 325 48.5 #> 326 Howard MEAC 70.2 75 93.6 326 48.2 #> 327 Morgan St. MEAC 69.6 100 93.2 327 45.9 #> 328 Grambling St. SWAC 68.7 151 93.1 328 47.6 #> 329 Cleveland St. Horz 67.1 241 92.9 329 44.5 #> 330 Maine AE 65.9 294 92.9 330 46.3 #> 331 Manhattan MAAC 65.8 296 92.8 331 45.7 #> 332 Idaho BSky 68.9 140 92.8 332 47.6 #> 333 Jackson St. SWAC 68.7 157 92.8 333 45.2 #> 334 Tennessee Tech OVC 66.9 252 92.5 334 47.6 #> 335 North Carolina A&T MEAC 73.7 9 92.3 335 47.1 #> 336 SIU Edwardsville OVC 69.0 136 92.3 336 46.9 #> 337 UNC Wilmington CAA 68.5 165 92.1 337 45.8 #> 338 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd 72.1 33 92.0 338 46.8 #> 339 Longwood BSth 67.8 207 91.3 339 48.1 #> 340 Florida Gulf Coast ASun 66.1 286 91.2 340 47.2 #> 341 Incarnate Word Slnd 66.1 283 90.3 341 45.7 #> 342 Central Connecticut NEC 69.5 104 90.3 342 44.7 #> 343 Marist MAAC 65.2 316 90.2 343 45.9 #> 344 Fairfield MAAC 63.2 346 90.1 344 43.1 #> 345 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 77.1 1 89.8 345 43.0 #> 346 Coppin St. MEAC 73.4 12 89.6 346 45.9 #> 347 Fordham A10 64.8 328 89.1 347 45.0 #> 348 Alabama A&M SWAC 67.7 213 87.9 348 42.4 #> 349 Chicago St. WAC 69.0 135 86.9 349 45.5 #> 350 Alabama St. SWAC 69.7 97 86.2 350 44.6 #> 351 Kennesaw St. ASun 68.2 186 83.5 351 39.3 #> 352 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC 67.5 221 81.7 352 40.5 #> 353 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC 66.1 284 79.0 353 43.1 #> Off.eFG.Pct.Rk Off.TO.Pct Off.TO.Pct.Rk Off.OR.Pct Off.OR.Pct.Rk Off.FTRate #> 1 3 15.3 12 33.6 30 38.8 #> 2 1 18.0 109 26.4 225 33.9 #> 3 6 15.9 25 23.9 295 28.8 #> 4 43 17.6 83 35.1 15 35.4 #> 5 82 17.1 60 32.0 52 34.4 #> 6 20 17.5 79 32.7 39 28.9 #> 7 2 15.5 16 20.6 344 23.4 #> 8 24 18.7 166 32.6 41 35.8 #> 9 50 17.8 95 34.8 17 35.6 #> 10 47 18.1 116 32.8 37 30.8 #> 11 14 16.2 32 28.2 166 28.3 #> 12 53 17.9 105 32.0 55 32.2 #> 13 59 19.1 197 31.1 75 36.7 #> 14 86 18.8 176 30.0 113 39.2 #> 15 46 16.0 29 25.8 247 26.9 #> 16 21 14.9 6 25.2 266 30.8 #> 17 188 17.8 97 35.7 8 30.8 #> 18 217 16.7 49 31.5 66 37.7 #> 19 87 20.6 292 37.0 4 39.5 #> 20 40 15.3 11 25.0 273 26.7 #> 21 128 16.5 40 29.6 121 35.7 #> 22 249 17.8 90 38.7 2 32.9 #> 23 11 18.6 158 28.9 145 27.6 #> 24 123 18.1 122 30.8 81 40.8 #> 25 58 17.3 70 29.4 127 29.4 #> 26 29 16.5 42 24.6 285 31.5 #> 27 63 17.8 94 31.1 74 34.0 #> 28 65 19.8 243 34.1 23 31.7 #> 29 91 18.6 159 29.2 133 34.8 #> 30 186 16.7 48 31.3 70 27.5 #> 31 13 17.3 67 26.9 206 28.6 #> 32 68 18.9 187 33.5 31 30.1 #> 33 152 17.9 98 35.3 13 43.8 #> 34 5 20.5 284 29.3 130 29.4 #> 35 121 16.7 47 30.7 85 36.7 #> 36 199 18.9 190 32.5 42 33.9 #> 37 61 19.2 206 29.9 114 36.8 #> 38 235 17.9 102 35.6 11 32.2 #> 39 80 17.3 72 26.5 224 38.8 #> 40 138 15.4 13 24.1 291 26.9 #> 41 132 14.2 3 26.9 207 25.0 #> 42 113 16.9 53 28.7 149 28.5 #> 43 177 15.7 20 29.2 134 31.0 #> 44 37 16.7 50 25.2 263 28.3 #> 45 12 15.4 14 25.0 274 25.3 #> 46 4 18.4 141 28.2 162 32.3 #> 47 77 19.7 237 28.0 172 34.5 #> 48 158 18.7 167 29.2 131 28.5 #> 49 70 18.2 130 30.7 88 36.3 #> 50 261 17.4 73 34.9 16 25.8 #> 51 230 19.5 224 34.5 20 37.6 #> 52 22 18.6 157 26.3 229 39.2 #> 53 30 15.6 17 22.6 321 27.8 #> 54 129 19.2 208 30.3 101 36.2 #> 55 112 15.9 24 21.5 333 42.5 #> 56 100 17.7 88 25.5 258 39.6 #> 57 175 17.7 86 35.9 6 30.8 #> 58 237 16.0 26 23.3 306 31.2 #> 59 140 20.2 263 32.0 54 39.6 #> 60 33 18.5 148 30.2 105 29.3 #> 61 200 19.7 238 28.6 153 41.0 #> 62 73 16.5 41 29.8 116 34.3 #> 63 15 15.1 7 19.2 351 40.8 #> 64 259 19.9 249 34.1 25 34.6 #> 65 191 18.3 135 32.4 44 39.2 #> 66 72 17.9 108 27.4 195 35.5 #> 67 308 20.7 297 40.1 1 40.5 #> 68 97 17.3 71 29.0 137 29.4 #> 69 28 18.2 128 31.8 59 36.9 #> 70 114 13.9 2 29.0 138 28.2 #> 71 116 20.1 255 31.6 64 33.6 #> 72 204 17.9 104 32.0 53 29.1 #> 73 23 18.5 153 25.8 245 31.2 #> 74 169 19.3 217 34.0 26 34.1 #> 75 278 19.3 212 33.7 29 35.9 #> 76 38 18.1 117 22.5 322 35.0 #> 77 309 18.1 119 35.3 12 33.5 #> 78 16 16.6 46 23.5 302 31.6 #> 79 211 17.2 61 26.0 236 28.1 #> 80 45 20.6 290 34.5 21 31.9 #> 81 90 17.5 78 32.7 40 32.6 #> 82 79 16.3 34 25.2 267 30.4 #> 83 17 19.8 240 28.4 159 38.4 #> 84 260 19.5 222 29.5 123 35.2 #> 85 151 17.4 77 26.9 209 33.0 #> 86 41 15.7 21 27.9 173 24.8 #> 87 71 19.2 204 31.9 58 36.3 #> 88 104 17.8 89 25.5 256 36.0 #> 89 25 18.3 133 24.6 282 27.8 #> 90 99 18.4 139 32.9 35 37.3 #> 91 67 14.7 5 22.4 324 33.3 #> 92 182 17.3 68 31.5 65 32.2 #> 93 52 17.5 80 25.9 238 29.2 #> 94 102 18.5 146 29.5 122 32.8 #> 95 197 17.4 76 30.9 80 27.2 #> 96 207 20.5 280 30.5 96 37.2 #> 97 10 16.0 27 24.7 278 22.9 #> 98 78 17.2 63 27.5 187 31.3 #> 99 39 22.1 333 30.1 106 45.3 #> 100 95 19.7 236 29.0 139 35.8 #> 101 206 16.6 44 29.6 120 35.2 #> 102 111 17.6 82 27.8 180 36.7 #> 103 202 19.8 241 32.2 47 30.9 #> 104 323 15.1 9 30.2 102 29.9 #> 105 57 18.4 144 30.0 111 28.9 #> 106 103 18.3 134 31.3 68 37.2 #> 107 19 15.2 10 23.9 294 32.0 #> 108 209 17.9 101 26.5 223 32.4 #> 109 119 16.2 31 25.8 242 31.6 #> 110 89 18.8 174 24.6 284 34.4 #> 111 147 18.8 168 34.2 22 39.8 #> 112 135 21.3 314 27.4 192 37.9 #> 113 76 16.9 57 23.6 298 32.3 #> 114 216 18.1 123 32.4 45 34.9 #> 115 136 18.9 191 30.9 79 31.3 #> 116 18 18.6 160 23.8 296 32.3 #> 117 285 17.9 106 31.7 62 33.7 #> 118 49 16.4 38 30.4 100 32.5 #> 119 187 21.5 320 32.2 48 27.1 #> 120 66 17.7 85 27.3 199 29.6 #> 121 84 20.2 262 34.1 24 28.0 #> 122 218 18.1 118 32.1 51 36.8 #> 123 8 18.0 110 24.4 289 25.6 #> 124 120 17.8 93 31.0 77 35.3 #> 125 60 19.5 226 27.9 174 37.2 #> 126 294 16.4 36 30.4 99 37.1 #> 127 160 19.4 218 30.5 97 29.5 #> 128 117 18.5 150 30.4 98 32.5 #> 129 105 16.3 33 22.7 319 32.3 #> 130 92 18.3 137 25.5 255 40.6 #> 131 293 15.6 18 22.0 329 25.8 #> 132 107 16.6 45 31.9 56 37.8 #> 133 159 19.7 235 31.9 57 28.8 #> 134 148 21.9 328 35.9 7 34.7 #> 135 145 15.7 19 27.4 193 41.0 #> 136 35 19.1 196 34.8 18 36.3 #> 137 101 19.7 234 30.0 110 32.6 #> 138 170 17.8 96 27.5 190 33.0 #> 139 144 18.4 145 25.4 259 41.4 #> 140 56 18.8 178 22.9 313 31.8 #> 141 125 18.2 125 26.1 233 26.8 #> 142 32 17.9 103 25.2 265 25.7 #> 143 27 20.7 298 22.1 328 31.0 #> 144 81 18.9 188 27.6 185 38.2 #> 145 181 20.4 277 30.6 91 35.4 #> 146 268 15.1 8 28.2 163 28.1 #> 147 139 14.6 4 21.0 340 22.9 #> 148 205 19.0 194 28.9 141 48.1 #> 149 241 17.0 59 26.7 214 26.4 #> 150 287 20.9 302 31.4 67 35.7 #> 151 210 18.3 138 34.7 19 27.4 #> 152 31 23.6 349 37.3 3 44.0 #> 153 154 20.5 278 26.6 218 22.0 #> 154 342 18.4 140 32.8 38 35.1 #> 155 149 18.5 149 23.3 307 28.9 #> 156 179 18.2 126 33.0 33 34.0 #> 157 75 20.4 273 30.2 104 29.3 #> 158 221 18.9 183 26.4 226 36.8 #> 159 9 19.4 220 21.4 335 38.9 #> 160 208 16.5 43 33.0 34 24.9 #> 161 96 18.7 163 26.6 219 29.6 #> 162 189 19.9 251 28.8 146 30.9 #> 163 54 17.3 69 22.7 320 24.6 #> 164 122 16.9 54 23.2 308 37.5 #> 165 254 20.4 272 31.3 71 33.3 #> 166 98 16.9 56 29.4 125 27.3 #> 167 26 18.8 170 24.6 281 30.6 #> 168 176 19.7 239 26.3 230 39.8 #> 169 55 16.9 51 20.1 347 26.1 #> 170 156 17.0 58 27.2 202 27.6 #> 171 157 22.9 345 29.2 135 34.8 #> 172 7 22.7 342 30.1 108 35.7 #> 173 274 17.8 91 35.6 9 30.0 #> 174 193 18.8 179 25.8 243 29.9 #> 175 137 21.4 318 32.1 50 38.0 #> 176 62 18.7 164 21.2 338 35.9 #> 177 270 21.2 312 29.6 118 34.7 #> 178 42 19.9 248 28.9 144 40.1 #> 179 163 17.2 62 26.8 211 31.3 #> 180 280 16.1 30 26.5 222 29.0 #> 181 69 18.1 124 27.4 194 34.8 #> 182 330 17.2 64 27.8 179 30.7 #> 183 127 19.0 193 24.7 279 36.7 #> 184 141 18.3 136 26.0 237 36.2 #> 185 196 20.4 274 36.1 5 34.8 #> 186 106 18.5 155 26.5 221 29.8 #> 187 271 17.7 87 27.5 189 33.7 #> 188 229 16.4 37 25.1 272 26.9 #> 189 74 19.2 205 23.5 301 30.4 #> 190 297 16.0 28 22.3 327 29.0 #> 191 184 18.0 113 29.7 117 33.4 #> 192 258 16.9 55 22.3 326 34.2 #> 193 303 18.2 131 26.3 231 29.1 #> 194 108 20.5 279 25.1 270 33.7 #> 195 295 19.2 210 25.1 271 36.0 #> 196 248 19.1 198 28.6 152 35.0 #> 197 266 20.1 256 33.1 32 34.4 #> 198 161 17.9 99 24.5 287 26.8 #> 199 142 19.3 213 27.9 177 28.6 #> 200 339 13.6 1 26.8 212 34.8 #> 201 150 18.9 184 26.6 220 28.7 #> 202 85 17.9 100 26.7 216 28.6 #> 203 311 21.3 316 31.3 69 41.1 #> 204 198 19.6 232 30.6 93 40.8 #> 205 168 22.2 334 31.8 60 35.1 #> 206 152 20.3 269 29.2 136 35.7 #> 207 115 19.9 250 27.0 205 28.2 #> 208 180 17.3 66 22.8 316 28.0 #> 209 110 21.9 329 27.3 197 34.8 #> 210 164 22.3 338 30.0 112 39.9 #> 211 64 17.8 92 23.4 304 23.8 #> 212 94 18.7 165 28.2 161 26.0 #> 213 44 19.1 200 25.7 250 42.5 #> 214 302 22.2 335 32.4 43 37.5 #> 215 133 18.5 151 26.8 210 21.8 #> 216 109 21.0 308 30.5 95 26.5 #> 217 322 18.1 121 25.9 240 33.3 #> 218 167 15.8 22 17.7 352 24.4 #> 219 130 21.4 319 29.8 115 28.8 #> 220 233 19.5 223 26.9 208 41.2 #> 221 315 19.1 203 30.8 82 32.1 #> 222 283 18.0 112 30.5 94 27.4 #> 223 178 19.3 216 29.4 126 25.8 #> 224 256 17.7 84 25.7 249 22.5 #> 225 224 18.8 172 28.7 151 26.9 #> 226 232 20.8 301 28.9 143 33.1 #> 227 301 19.3 211 27.3 200 36.8 #> 228 307 19.6 230 25.4 261 29.1 #> 229 124 18.8 175 27.3 198 32.1 #> 230 236 17.2 65 25.8 246 37.2 #> 231 253 18.8 169 28.7 150 32.2 #> 232 239 18.8 180 24.8 277 35.4 #> 233 231 20.3 267 27.6 186 40.3 #> 234 291 20.1 257 26.4 228 26.6 #> 235 134 19.5 225 25.5 254 30.9 #> 236 201 19.4 219 23.0 311 32.8 #> 237 328 21.0 306 31.8 61 41.1 #> 238 284 17.6 81 25.5 257 35.6 #> 239 174 20.6 288 28.8 147 41.1 #> 240 215 19.2 207 27.3 196 35.9 #> 241 213 17.4 75 21.4 334 26.5 #> 242 36 16.9 52 20.2 346 25.7 #> 243 51 16.4 39 23.0 312 35.2 #> 244 298 18.0 111 27.6 183 35.1 #> 245 247 20.8 300 28.3 160 34.9 #> 246 243 19.9 254 28.5 155 37.4 #> 247 83 20.6 291 21.5 332 38.0 #> 248 155 21.0 307 25.2 264 25.2 #> 249 337 18.1 115 30.8 83 28.8 #> 250 225 15.5 15 21.2 339 21.7 #> 251 166 21.6 322 30.7 84 33.9 #> 252 183 19.4 221 20.6 345 33.6 #> 253 131 17.4 74 28.2 164 29.4 #> 254 317 18.8 182 33.8 28 32.1 #> 255 172 21.8 326 30.6 92 39.1 #> 256 223 23.0 346 28.8 148 39.9 #> 257 252 20.5 286 31.0 78 31.0 #> 258 234 18.5 147 25.6 253 33.7 #> 259 226 20.4 271 28.9 140 30.2 #> 260 262 20.7 294 28.4 156 33.3 #> 261 212 18.6 162 27.6 184 32.2 #> 262 341 18.5 154 24.5 286 34.1 #> 263 126 19.8 244 24.0 293 30.3 #> 264 272 20.5 283 27.1 203 30.6 #> 265 93 19.0 192 21.6 331 33.4 #> 266 306 19.6 231 30.1 109 29.6 #> 267 255 20.3 266 31.6 63 34.5 #> 268 335 19.1 202 32.2 49 32.1 #> 269 165 19.9 253 25.7 248 26.1 #> 270 203 20.6 293 22.4 325 38.4 #> 271 279 20.6 287 27.7 181 31.1 #> 272 146 21.9 327 26.4 227 35.7 #> 273 277 19.6 229 23.3 305 33.0 #> 274 219 18.4 142 19.9 349 32.4 #> 275 48 19.2 209 21.9 330 25.3 #> 276 173 18.9 189 21.3 337 27.4 #> 277 194 19.8 247 23.7 297 34.1 #> 278 344 21.2 313 32.8 36 32.4 #> 279 34 24.7 350 30.7 86 32.0 #> 280 118 22.5 339 27.7 182 29.4 #> 281 314 17.9 107 29.3 129 32.6 #> 282 275 20.2 264 27.9 175 40.5 #> 283 250 20.2 261 28.9 142 34.9 #> 284 319 19.9 252 29.5 124 29.2 #> 285 190 19.0 195 24.4 288 28.4 #> 286 305 20.8 299 35.2 14 30.7 #> 287 263 20.5 285 25.6 252 32.2 #> 288 296 18.8 181 29.2 132 30.4 #> 289 251 21.4 317 28.0 171 39.7 #> 290 246 20.3 270 29.4 128 30.1 #> 291 192 20.5 281 25.3 262 24.6 #> 292 264 18.5 152 22.8 317 37.6 #> 293 214 20.7 295 31.0 76 29.1 #> 294 162 20.5 282 26.8 213 27.5 #> 295 273 18.0 114 25.1 269 34.2 #> 296 228 18.8 173 22.8 318 25.3 #> 297 304 18.8 177 24.9 276 32.5 #> 298 310 20.1 258 29.6 119 37.4 #> 299 185 20.3 265 28.4 157 24.5 #> 300 321 23.4 348 35.6 10 38.0 #> 301 276 19.1 199 22.8 314 33.7 #> 302 320 15.9 23 20.1 348 22.5 #> 303 195 19.3 215 20.8 342 36.3 #> 304 300 18.4 143 28.2 167 25.8 #> 305 171 20.1 259 20.8 341 30.9 #> 306 318 20.4 276 30.6 89 39.3 #> 307 338 16.4 35 25.1 268 31.1 #> 308 312 18.2 127 27.2 201 27.2 #> 309 281 18.1 120 27.9 176 31.5 #> 310 332 21.6 321 31.2 73 40.5 #> 311 336 21.2 311 31.2 72 38.7 #> 312 220 19.6 227 22.8 315 30.3 #> 313 257 22.0 332 26.7 215 23.5 #> 314 222 19.8 246 19.3 350 33.5 #> 315 327 20.2 260 24.7 280 31.4 #> 316 244 19.6 233 24.2 290 33.7 #> 317 88 26.6 353 30.6 90 33.4 #> 318 316 21.7 325 25.4 260 42.4 #> 319 143 22.8 343 28.4 158 35.6 #> 320 240 22.0 331 24.6 283 33.2 #> 321 289 20.9 304 30.7 87 33.3 #> 322 245 18.6 156 14.2 353 30.5 #> 323 290 19.8 245 26.0 234 33.5 #> 324 288 19.6 228 25.9 241 34.3 #> 325 227 18.6 161 23.0 309 25.9 #> 326 238 20.7 296 25.7 251 33.1 #> 327 325 22.6 341 33.8 27 40.8 #> 328 267 20.3 268 28.1 169 38.8 #> 329 347 22.2 336 32.2 46 38.7 #> 330 313 22.9 344 28.2 165 26.8 #> 331 331 20.9 303 30.1 107 34.1 #> 332 265 21.0 309 24.0 292 30.5 #> 333 340 18.2 132 26.6 217 35.6 #> 334 269 21.6 323 28.1 168 21.9 #> 335 286 20.6 289 28.5 154 41.4 #> 336 292 19.8 242 27.5 188 30.1 #> 337 329 18.9 186 23.0 310 32.4 #> 338 299 22.2 337 28.0 170 31.4 #> 339 242 19.3 214 22.4 323 32.6 #> 340 282 23.3 347 27.8 178 23.0 #> 341 333 21.9 330 27.5 191 31.1 #> 342 345 20.4 275 23.4 303 29.3 #> 343 324 20.9 305 25.9 239 29.7 #> 344 348 21.3 315 30.2 103 35.9 #> 345 350 18.2 129 23.5 300 22.9 #> 346 326 19.1 201 23.6 299 32.7 #> 347 343 18.9 185 21.4 336 27.0 #> 348 351 18.8 171 24.9 275 32.7 #> 349 334 26.5 352 20.6 343 42.2 #> 350 346 22.6 340 26.0 235 35.7 #> 351 353 21.6 324 25.8 243 32.5 #> 352 352 21.1 310 26.2 232 25.7 #> 353 349 26.2 351 27.1 204 37.4 #> Off.FTRate.Rk AdjD AdjD.Rk Def.eFG.Pct Def.eFG.Pct.Rk Def.TO.Pct #> 1 43 94.4 43 47.6 88 18.4 #> 2 143 94.1 38 46.6 53 18.7 #> 3 274 97.3 78 48.4 122 17.6 #> 4 102 102.4 179 49.4 172 16.6 #> 5 128 98.6 97 49.4 171 17.6 #> 6 272 97.1 76 47.3 79 19.8 #> 7 343 95.6 60 49.0 143 18.2 #> 8 89 85.5 2 43.7 4 18.6 #> 9 99 91.1 12 45.7 26 20.2 #> 10 226 91.2 13 43.3 3 15.8 #> 11 284 90.6 10 45.3 18 21.2 #> 12 193 93.1 30 45.1 14 17.4 #> 13 73 92.0 19 46.2 35 18.3 #> 14 37 96.9 73 46.8 57 15.1 #> 15 309 94.0 36 48.2 114 16.9 #> 16 229 98.5 96 50.8 243 17.7 #> 17 228 88.1 4 45.2 15 22.7 #> 18 54 92.4 22 46.1 34 17.3 #> 19 34 99.8 119 48.1 107 17.1 #> 20 313 93.0 28 46.9 62 16.1 #> 21 93 99.6 116 48.3 116 20.3 #> 22 169 92.3 21 43.9 5 18.2 #> 23 295 99.3 108 48.5 123 15.6 #> 24 18 95.1 52 45.3 19 17.3 #> 25 254 94.2 42 45.8 27 17.9 #> 26 207 101.9 163 49.3 165 17.3 #> 27 139 95.7 61 47.9 102 19.2 #> 28 204 103.8 202 49.2 157 18.7 #> 29 117 92.7 25 45.7 23 19.5 #> 30 296 94.2 41 45.6 22 15.8 #> 31 279 111.6 324 50.3 223 15.7 #> 32 242 91.5 15 47.0 67 23.7 #> 33 4 95.5 55 47.1 70 18.7 #> 34 258 101.2 146 49.8 195 20.7 #> 35 76 91.4 14 45.3 17 20.6 #> 36 141 100.2 125 50.8 241 18.8 #> 37 69 99.5 114 47.9 99 18.2 #> 38 191 93.7 35 47.0 66 16.6 #> 39 42 102.0 165 49.4 169 18.6 #> 40 307 91.9 17 46.4 48 16.9 #> 41 334 98.6 100 47.5 85 16.8 #> 42 282 97.3 79 47.8 97 20.1 #> 43 221 92.4 23 46.4 42 18.6 #> 44 285 101.0 141 46.9 64 15.2 #> 45 332 100.1 122 48.5 126 16.8 #> 46 188 105.3 241 48.1 108 15.3 #> 47 127 90.5 9 46.2 37 23.0 #> 48 281 101.2 147 51.8 282 20.6 #> 49 77 94.6 48 46.4 45 17.5 #> 50 323 90.8 11 47.1 69 20.4 #> 51 56 99.4 112 50.9 248 19.4 #> 52 38 102.1 172 51.6 271 17.6 #> 53 293 95.3 54 47.7 92 19.9 #> 54 82 93.4 32 46.9 63 19.4 #> 55 5 95.5 57 47.3 78 22.1 #> 56 32 103.3 196 50.2 219 19.3 #> 57 227 108.8 306 52.9 313 20.3 #> 58 214 93.1 29 46.7 55 16.7 #> 59 33 94.7 51 45.7 25 19.8 #> 60 261 98.2 90 47.2 73 20.7 #> 61 15 102.0 166 49.7 191 15.2 #> 62 132 102.6 187 50.4 226 19.8 #> 63 20 108.9 307 52.2 289 14.9 #> 64 125 95.6 59 46.4 44 21.9 #> 65 36 92.7 26 47.9 101 17.8 #> 66 101 98.9 103 45.9 29 18.4 #> 67 23 87.1 3 44.5 8 22.4 #> 68 256 98.2 88 50.2 221 18.5 #> 69 68 96.0 65 49.8 194 22.3 #> 70 287 104.9 231 51.6 276 18.1 #> 71 151 100.8 136 50.7 237 17.9 #> 72 264 90.2 6 45.1 13 18.9 #> 73 215 96.4 67 46.5 49 16.6 #> 74 138 100.6 133 49.2 159 17.4 #> 75 88 92.8 27 47.4 83 21.4 #> 76 112 110.3 316 56.2 349 16.4 #> 77 154 98.4 94 49.1 148 16.0 #> 78 206 98.1 85 50.7 238 23.0 #> 79 288 101.3 149 50.2 220 17.6 #> 80 202 99.4 113 49.6 181 20.9 #> 81 175 107.9 290 50.9 246 19.2 #> 82 237 113.3 336 54.7 340 17.3 #> 83 47 106.3 263 50.5 231 16.5 #> 84 108 94.5 46 46.7 56 20.5 #> 85 166 104.4 217 52.8 311 19.0 #> 86 336 102.5 182 49.8 196 17.3 #> 87 80 105.1 236 48.4 121 17.2 #> 88 84 97.6 81 51.1 256 19.2 #> 89 292 105.5 243 52.3 293 17.2 #> 90 62 107.0 275 53.1 318 20.5 #> 91 162 101.2 148 49.2 160 14.6 #> 92 192 100.7 134 46.4 47 17.9 #> 93 263 104.8 225 51.1 255 16.9 #> 94 170 99.0 104 48.0 105 20.2 #> 95 303 102.2 174 49.3 161 17.6 #> 96 65 95.8 62 45.9 30 19.6 #> 97 346 100.5 132 47.8 95 19.5 #> 98 212 96.4 68 44.8 11 19.1 #> 99 2 102.5 184 49.0 144 19.6 #> 100 90 100.8 135 50.3 222 17.7 #> 101 107 98.3 93 46.9 60 21.2 #> 102 74 105.1 237 48.7 130 16.3 #> 103 225 92.2 20 46.4 41 18.6 #> 104 246 95.2 53 48.2 113 22.7 #> 105 271 102.1 167 48.0 103 19.4 #> 106 66 105.3 242 51.0 251 19.0 #> 107 201 96.4 69 45.6 20 19.4 #> 108 184 94.7 49 49.1 152 22.3 #> 109 205 110.5 319 51.4 261 18.2 #> 110 130 108.4 301 52.9 314 17.6 #> 111 29 94.4 44 46.2 36 19.6 #> 112 52 93.1 31 44.1 6 19.3 #> 113 189 101.2 145 50.6 234 19.1 #> 114 116 104.8 226 48.7 136 15.7 #> 115 213 101.4 156 46.9 59 20.8 #> 116 187 106.4 265 49.8 199 16.7 #> 117 145 90.4 8 44.4 7 20.0 #> 118 178 106.8 272 50.1 218 16.3 #> 119 304 96.1 66 49.3 163 21.0 #> 120 252 101.1 142 49.1 151 18.5 #> 121 290 99.3 109 44.9 12 16.4 #> 122 70 94.7 50 45.2 16 21.3 #> 123 329 103.2 192 51.7 278 19.7 #> 124 105 108.1 295 47.6 89 14.0 #> 125 63 102.4 178 52.7 306 20.0 #> 126 67 94.2 39 47.4 80 20.9 #> 127 253 104.1 214 49.7 190 15.4 #> 128 180 122.9 353 58.4 353 16.9 #> 129 186 104.9 229 49.1 150 17.7 #> 130 21 103.9 209 51.5 264 20.1 #> 131 322 101.3 150 49.2 156 15.8 #> 132 53 101.4 157 46.6 51 19.0 #> 133 276 100.2 124 49.6 183 18.2 #> 134 124 106.2 261 50.0 207 18.4 #> 135 16 116.7 345 53.6 326 15.1 #> 136 79 102.1 169 50.7 235 20.0 #> 137 176 99.0 105 47.3 77 17.5 #> 138 167 94.4 45 48.1 111 24.5 #> 139 9 104.5 221 52.7 305 19.6 #> 140 203 109.4 311 54.1 336 19.7 #> 141 312 102.5 181 51.8 281 20.0 #> 142 328 103.4 197 51.5 268 17.8 #> 143 220 90.3 7 45.6 21 22.4 #> 144 48 113.6 337 53.3 320 18.6 #> 145 104 92.0 18 44.6 9 18.1 #> 146 289 104.0 210 48.9 139 16.4 #> 147 347 98.0 82 48.5 125 17.6 #> 148 1 107.5 284 52.0 285 19.9 #> 149 317 108.0 293 52.2 288 18.1 #> 150 91 96.7 71 46.3 39 20.9 #> 151 298 102.3 175 48.9 140 19.1 #> 152 3 97.1 75 49.6 184 27.8 #> 153 350 92.6 24 46.9 61 20.8 #> 154 110 98.3 91 49.8 192 23.3 #> 155 270 93.5 33 48.3 118 20.0 #> 156 140 99.1 107 48.1 112 18.1 #> 157 259 102.1 170 47.9 98 21.3 #> 158 71 97.0 74 47.6 90 19.6 #> 159 40 96.8 72 52.2 291 23.6 #> 160 335 95.5 58 50.0 204 24.9 #> 161 251 103.3 195 49.1 147 18.1 #> 162 224 98.6 98 47.8 96 20.6 #> 163 337 100.8 137 47.6 86 16.9 #> 164 57 112.1 327 51.0 249 16.1 #> 165 159 95.5 56 48.8 138 22.1 #> 166 301 102.6 186 49.7 185 17.2 #> 167 233 105.5 244 49.5 177 14.3 #> 168 30 93.6 34 46.7 54 21.5 #> 169 319 100.1 123 48.7 135 20.5 #> 170 294 107.7 286 52.6 300 16.0 #> 171 119 91.8 16 44.7 10 19.3 #> 172 96 112.3 330 51.6 270 17.6 #> 173 245 108.5 303 50.1 213 16.5 #> 174 247 102.5 185 51.0 250 20.3 #> 175 49 122.3 352 58.1 352 16.7 #> 176 87 101.3 154 48.7 131 18.9 #> 177 123 94.2 40 49.6 180 24.3 #> 178 26 99.3 110 46.4 46 18.5 #> 179 211 106.7 269 53.5 324 18.4 #> 180 269 98.4 95 46.9 58 17.5 #> 181 121 106.7 270 49.4 167 17.6 #> 182 230 98.0 83 49.9 202 20.9 #> 183 75 107.7 287 52.4 297 15.2 #> 184 81 98.8 102 49.5 175 20.7 #> 185 120 104.8 227 47.6 87 15.7 #> 186 248 112.4 331 52.5 299 18.0 #> 187 149 106.4 264 54.5 338 21.1 #> 188 306 107.0 276 51.9 284 17.9 #> 189 238 101.3 155 50.1 210 17.9 #> 190 268 101.3 152 51.5 266 18.7 #> 191 156 99.8 120 46.5 50 20.2 #> 192 134 103.1 191 52.7 308 23.0 #> 193 265 110.2 315 52.7 309 14.3 #> 194 146 106.1 260 49.4 168 18.7 #> 195 83 100.4 130 49.9 200 17.3 #> 196 113 106.2 262 51.6 272 18.7 #> 197 129 101.3 153 49.6 179 18.9 #> 198 310 110.3 317 53.1 317 18.3 #> 199 280 99.1 106 46.3 40 20.0 #> 200 118 105.5 247 48.7 132 18.8 #> 201 277 108.0 292 51.6 273 17.6 #> 202 278 104.0 212 49.7 188 19.9 #> 203 14 97.2 77 49.2 154 22.4 #> 204 17 102.1 171 49.1 153 19.1 #> 205 111 102.1 173 49.3 164 18.3 #> 206 92 111.1 321 53.8 329 16.2 #> 207 286 108.3 300 48.8 137 14.1 #> 208 291 110.0 313 52.6 301 17.4 #> 209 122 104.0 211 51.8 283 18.6 #> 210 27 89.1 5 41.2 1 20.2 #> 211 341 105.5 246 48.9 142 14.3 #> 212 320 103.8 205 50.4 227 21.4 #> 213 6 109.1 309 50.9 244 17.8 #> 214 58 95.9 63 51.0 252 23.3 #> 215 352 108.1 296 50.8 239 17.5 #> 216 316 102.7 188 49.6 182 17.7 #> 217 161 94.6 47 46.4 43 18.5 #> 218 340 111.6 325 52.8 310 20.7 #> 219 273 106.7 271 50.1 212 16.0 #> 220 11 100.2 127 49.8 198 20.3 #> 221 199 111.7 326 53.1 316 17.0 #> 222 299 100.8 138 47.2 75 17.0 #> 223 324 101.5 158 49.8 197 24.8 #> 224 349 116.9 346 53.3 321 14.2 #> 225 308 101.3 151 50.5 230 20.7 #> 226 165 100.4 129 48.5 124 20.3 #> 227 72 104.0 213 50.1 211 18.7 #> 228 266 100.3 128 50.5 232 20.7 #> 229 197 103.7 200 50.5 229 24.3 #> 230 64 111.6 323 52.7 307 15.9 #> 231 195 115.6 344 54.4 337 17.1 #> 232 103 105.7 251 50.1 216 16.2 #> 233 25 114.8 342 56.1 348 20.6 #> 234 314 85.1 1 43.1 2 19.3 #> 235 223 94.0 37 45.7 24 19.6 #> 236 171 105.8 253 50.1 215 15.7 #> 237 12 108.6 304 50.3 224 19.6 #> 238 100 101.8 162 49.5 173 22.4 #> 239 13 100.2 126 50.4 225 26.1 #> 240 86 98.1 86 45.8 28 16.8 #> 241 315 107.9 291 52.2 290 16.6 #> 242 326 107.4 281 51.6 277 17.0 #> 243 106 110.3 318 56.9 350 22.5 #> 244 109 106.0 256 53.1 319 23.5 #> 245 115 112.6 332 55.7 346 18.2 #> 246 60 105.0 233 49.3 166 17.7 #> 247 50 98.0 84 50.4 228 20.3 #> 248 333 102.9 190 51.5 269 19.4 #> 249 275 98.3 92 48.1 110 18.5 #> 250 353 115.0 343 55.7 345 15.1 #> 251 142 107.1 278 48.1 109 17.8 #> 252 150 98.6 99 49.1 149 21.0 #> 253 255 104.5 220 49.1 145 21.4 #> 254 198 106.0 258 50.7 236 18.1 #> 255 39 108.3 299 50.8 242 17.7 #> 256 28 107.6 285 52.4 296 17.8 #> 257 219 103.8 206 47.0 68 16.5 #> 258 147 105.7 252 49.7 186 18.9 #> 259 241 105.7 249 51.8 280 21.9 #> 260 158 99.4 111 46.3 38 18.4 #> 261 194 101.0 140 49.2 155 19.1 #> 262 136 107.8 289 54.1 335 17.6 #> 263 240 103.6 199 49.5 176 21.1 #> 264 232 108.2 298 54.7 339 19.4 #> 265 157 106.1 259 50.0 208 18.7 #> 266 250 113.9 339 54.0 334 18.7 #> 267 126 104.8 224 48.7 133 19.7 #> 268 196 98.2 87 48.0 106 21.7 #> 269 318 108.8 305 52.5 298 17.0 #> 270 46 101.6 159 48.3 115 15.9 #> 271 216 111.3 322 51.4 263 18.0 #> 272 94 114.4 341 53.8 328 16.9 #> 273 168 98.2 89 47.4 82 19.2 #> 274 185 107.4 280 52.8 312 17.2 #> 275 331 105.3 239 49.8 193 19.6 #> 276 300 99.9 121 49.2 158 16.8 #> 277 137 104.2 215 47.8 93 17.1 #> 278 183 101.1 143 49.7 189 19.7 #> 279 200 104.6 222 47.0 65 17.1 #> 280 257 99.5 115 46.1 33 17.7 #> 281 174 107.5 283 50.0 205 17.3 #> 282 24 100.5 131 47.8 94 23.7 #> 283 114 102.5 180 50.9 247 22.6 #> 284 262 106.6 268 52.3 294 20.0 #> 285 283 102.9 189 51.5 265 19.8 #> 286 231 104.9 228 50.9 245 19.3 #> 287 190 103.7 201 48.3 117 16.8 #> 288 236 104.9 232 50.8 240 20.8 #> 289 31 105.6 248 50.0 203 19.4 #> 290 243 102.5 183 46.6 52 16.0 #> 291 338 117.3 348 55.9 347 15.4 #> 292 55 104.5 218 50.1 214 18.2 #> 293 267 105.5 245 52.1 287 19.4 #> 294 297 99.8 118 47.2 71 16.1 #> 295 133 110.8 320 53.5 323 18.9 #> 296 330 109.1 308 52.6 302 18.6 #> 297 179 104.9 230 51.7 279 23.3 #> 298 61 105.8 254 48.3 119 20.4 #> 299 339 103.8 204 53.5 325 18.1 #> 300 51 97.3 80 46.1 32 22.0 #> 301 148 108.5 302 52.6 303 18.4 #> 302 348 106.5 267 52.3 295 16.3 #> 303 78 106.8 274 52.0 286 17.5 #> 304 325 102.1 168 47.2 72 16.3 #> 305 222 112.2 328 54.9 342 17.3 #> 306 35 113.2 335 52.6 304 17.8 #> 307 218 105.8 255 50.6 233 18.3 #> 308 302 106.5 266 49.5 174 19.1 #> 309 208 108.1 294 49.7 187 17.3 #> 310 22 113.6 338 55.6 344 17.8 #> 311 44 107.3 279 51.4 262 21.6 #> 312 239 101.1 144 46.0 31 18.7 #> 313 342 103.8 207 51.3 260 17.6 #> 314 152 104.3 216 51.6 274 18.2 #> 315 210 99.8 117 50.1 209 17.9 #> 316 144 103.9 208 49.4 170 18.3 #> 317 155 106.0 257 48.7 134 19.1 #> 318 7 96.6 70 49.5 178 23.1 #> 319 98 103.2 193 47.9 100 22.7 #> 320 163 105.3 238 52.2 292 19.7 #> 321 160 101.9 164 47.2 76 21.6 #> 322 235 100.9 139 50.1 217 18.9 #> 323 153 117.2 347 54.0 333 18.7 #> 324 131 113.0 334 54.7 341 18.6 #> 325 321 98.8 101 48.0 104 25.9 #> 326 164 119.7 350 53.9 330 18.5 #> 327 19 107.5 282 47.4 81 18.8 #> 328 41 105.1 235 48.5 127 20.0 #> 329 45 105.7 250 50.0 206 20.6 #> 330 311 106.8 273 49.9 201 18.6 #> 331 135 101.6 160 47.5 84 22.3 #> 332 234 107.1 277 51.6 275 16.0 #> 333 97 102.3 176 48.6 129 22.8 #> 334 351 109.3 310 53.9 331 19.6 #> 335 10 102.4 177 47.7 91 21.4 #> 336 244 110.0 314 51.2 257 18.3 #> 337 182 104.5 219 51.0 254 17.9 #> 338 209 109.6 312 53.7 327 22.3 #> 339 177 105.1 234 51.5 267 20.3 #> 340 344 103.3 194 49.1 146 19.8 #> 341 217 112.8 333 53.0 315 20.5 #> 342 260 114.0 340 53.4 322 18.0 #> 343 249 103.8 203 49.3 162 20.5 #> 344 85 101.6 161 48.3 120 19.4 #> 345 345 117.6 349 54.0 332 17.6 #> 346 172 105.3 240 48.6 128 19.7 #> 347 305 95.9 64 47.2 74 21.0 #> 348 173 108.2 297 51.3 259 18.2 #> 349 8 120.8 351 57.6 351 16.0 #> 350 95 103.4 198 51.3 258 20.4 #> 351 181 112.2 329 55.3 343 18.5 #> 352 327 107.8 288 51.0 253 20.4 #> 353 59 104.6 223 48.9 141 20.6 #> Def.TO.Pct.Rk Def.OR.Pct Def.OR.Pct.Rk Def.FTRate Def.FTRate.Rk NCAA_Seed #> 1 196 22.7 16 21.8 7 1 #> 2 167 26.6 115 30.9 149 1 #> 3 246 30.2 280 23.4 13 2 #> 4 302 28.5 197 26.4 42 8 #> 5 258 29.5 253 26.8 49 6 #> 6 109 31.1 307 29.5 109 4 #> 7 206 24.1 35 27.9 65 5 #> 8 178 26.4 108 23.2 12 1 #> 9 91 28.0 176 30.9 145 3 #> 10 331 26.0 91 29.3 100 3 #> 11 49 25.4 63 30.6 140 2 #> 12 265 25.0 50 29.0 91 4 #> 13 200 25.5 72 29.3 101 5 #> 14 345 26.0 92 34.8 238 9 #> 15 292 24.5 42 23.6 16 2 #> 16 242 23.6 22 28.0 68 8 #> 17 22 29.8 261 30.8 141 1 #> 18 274 26.6 116 24.2 22 3 #> 19 283 28.3 189 31.6 165 NA #> 20 320 25.5 70 26.4 41 6 #> 21 86 32.2 331 30.2 128 NA #> 22 209 25.3 61 41.6 324 7 #> 23 336 22.5 12 25.8 32 NA #> 24 268 28.5 196 32.1 181 4 #> 25 231 25.4 67 30.9 148 5 #> 26 272 24.9 48 32.6 196 NA #> 27 146 27.4 150 33.7 218 9 #> 28 175 29.0 227 28.2 74 NA #> 29 129 30.4 289 32.4 190 3 #> 30 330 27.9 169 28.0 66 NA #> 31 332 31.8 323 28.1 71 NA #> 32 9 30.2 281 34.4 229 2 #> 33 170 27.4 148 33.9 219 5 #> 34 68 27.7 155 38.8 300 13 #> 35 74 25.9 82 35.2 242 7 #> 36 164 28.7 209 26.6 46 NA #> 37 214 30.8 300 35.9 257 NA #> 38 304 25.7 80 23.9 20 7 #> 39 186 29.0 222 30.9 144 NA #> 40 291 25.9 88 25.3 29 4 #> 41 298 28.1 180 19.7 2 NA #> 42 96 30.9 302 35.4 252 11 #> 43 180 27.6 154 31.8 172 6 #> 44 341 24.4 41 36.5 268 NA #> 45 296 24.0 28 24.9 26 NA #> 46 339 27.1 140 26.0 34 NA #> 47 17 29.3 237 35.4 250 10 #> 48 70 31.6 314 28.0 67 NA #> 49 259 22.5 11 26.8 50 11 #> 50 80 27.2 142 31.9 178 NA #> 51 133 25.4 64 35.2 245 11 #> 52 255 23.8 24 24.1 21 NA #> 53 107 26.3 104 30.2 129 11 #> 54 137 23.9 27 26.1 37 8 #> 55 35 31.4 312 40.9 320 NA #> 56 141 31.1 306 21.0 4 NA #> 57 87 34.3 347 32.1 182 NA #> 58 300 27.4 147 19.7 1 10 #> 59 112 28.8 214 29.2 97 12 #> 60 65 26.8 127 32.6 194 NA #> 61 340 26.0 90 35.2 244 NA #> 62 111 29.4 242 20.3 3 14 #> 63 346 22.1 10 32.2 186 NA #> 64 37 29.4 247 34.6 234 NA #> 65 237 24.5 44 32.6 195 10 #> 66 195 29.2 233 29.1 93 13 #> 67 29 27.7 159 37.0 280 6 #> 68 190 24.1 33 31.9 175 NA #> 69 33 26.2 98 33.1 206 11 #> 70 215 26.8 132 31.7 166 NA #> 71 228 30.1 272 31.5 164 NA #> 72 163 25.4 68 27.5 59 9 #> 73 305 21.3 5 25.7 31 12 #> 74 266 24.0 30 40.6 316 NA #> 75 44 28.4 192 37.4 284 8 #> 76 309 22.8 17 29.8 119 NA #> 77 322 24.2 37 29.2 94 NA #> 78 19 28.4 191 26.8 51 NA #> 79 253 31.9 324 22.9 10 NA #> 80 57 21.7 8 32.0 180 13 #> 81 147 29.5 252 27.6 64 NA #> 82 271 32.0 327 29.0 92 NA #> 83 307 25.6 77 31.2 157 NA #> 84 76 29.0 223 33.1 205 NA #> 85 155 27.8 161 34.7 235 NA #> 86 269 26.3 99 23.8 18 NA #> 87 279 26.0 93 26.9 52 16 #> 88 144 22.6 13 29.8 118 NA #> 89 277 24.0 31 26.5 45 NA #> 90 75 27.9 175 32.5 191 NA #> 91 347 19.0 1 26.6 47 15 #> 92 230 25.9 87 31.2 156 14 #> 93 290 24.6 45 27.3 57 NA #> 94 94 30.5 291 29.2 98 NA #> 95 247 26.6 117 33.0 200 NA #> 96 126 30.1 279 35.3 248 NA #> 97 128 26.7 122 24.3 23 14 #> 98 152 22.6 14 31.4 163 13 #> 99 120 28.7 211 34.4 230 15 #> 100 239 26.9 136 23.0 11 NA #> 101 50 29.8 263 39.0 302 NA #> 102 315 27.8 162 26.5 43 NA #> 103 179 27.6 153 28.9 89 NA #> 104 21 31.4 313 36.2 264 NA #> 105 132 30.4 288 34.4 228 NA #> 106 157 25.7 78 30.1 127 NA #> 107 130 21.3 4 28.6 83 12 #> 108 31 28.6 204 34.2 224 10 #> 109 212 31.6 317 33.0 202 NA #> 110 250 26.7 124 29.8 117 NA #> 111 119 25.2 57 36.6 269 NA #> 112 140 31.8 320 31.4 159 NA #> 113 151 25.7 79 33.5 214 NA #> 114 333 26.8 133 31.0 150 NA #> 115 62 32.9 334 47.0 345 NA #> 116 301 26.8 130 29.0 90 NA #> 117 98 24.1 34 38.4 297 11 #> 118 314 26.6 118 34.3 225 NA #> 119 55 29.6 255 30.8 142 NA #> 120 189 27.0 138 33.7 216 15 #> 121 311 25.3 60 36.0 261 14 #> 122 47 28.6 200 53.1 353 NA #> 123 114 24.1 36 30.6 138 NA #> 124 353 25.6 75 30.6 139 NA #> 125 102 30.1 275 24.4 24 NA #> 126 58 28.6 205 28.5 79 NA #> 127 337 26.6 119 28.2 75 NA #> 128 288 34.4 348 28.2 72 NA #> 129 241 29.3 239 32.5 193 NA #> 130 95 29.6 256 26.6 48 NA #> 131 329 29.2 235 28.6 84 NA #> 132 156 29.4 246 27.2 55 NA #> 133 210 22.7 15 33.2 208 NA #> 134 199 27.8 163 45.8 340 NA #> 135 344 31.0 304 38.1 291 NA #> 136 103 24.1 32 41.9 327 16 #> 137 260 25.0 51 31.4 160 NA #> 138 6 30.1 273 35.9 258 NA #> 139 123 29.4 243 36.8 276 NA #> 140 113 27.8 164 35.9 259 NA #> 141 100 27.4 151 31.7 167 NA #> 142 236 24.3 39 31.8 171 NA #> 143 27 27.8 167 31.8 173 NA #> 144 183 29.5 251 28.8 87 NA #> 145 217 27.9 174 28.0 69 9 #> 146 310 26.8 128 33.5 215 NA #> 147 254 25.5 71 26.1 38 NA #> 148 106 29.1 229 43.1 332 NA #> 149 219 26.3 106 38.0 289 NA #> 150 59 27.7 160 47.8 346 NA #> 151 154 28.8 213 30.4 133 NA #> 152 1 26.8 129 44.6 338 12 #> 153 60 32.2 330 35.3 246 NA #> 154 14 34.5 349 26.0 33 NA #> 155 99 24.5 43 28.7 85 NA #> 156 220 21.3 3 41.6 323 NA #> 157 48 35.5 350 30.5 136 NA #> 158 125 27.8 165 40.6 317 NA #> 159 11 23.6 21 23.5 14 NA #> 160 4 27.0 139 36.8 275 NA #> 161 218 24.8 46 32.8 198 NA #> 162 69 30.5 292 29.4 104 NA #> 163 289 28.6 203 25.0 27 NA #> 164 319 28.6 206 29.9 121 NA #> 165 34 30.2 282 35.4 251 NA #> 166 278 25.1 52 26.1 39 16 #> 167 350 23.8 26 26.5 44 NA #> 168 42 28.0 177 28.3 77 NA #> 169 78 25.4 65 46.3 343 NA #> 170 323 26.7 121 29.5 107 NA #> 171 143 28.9 219 35.8 255 NA #> 172 257 31.6 316 29.6 113 NA #> 173 306 29.5 254 30.9 146 NA #> 174 89 30.3 284 33.5 213 NA #> 175 299 32.1 329 36.7 273 NA #> 176 158 26.5 114 37.8 288 NA #> 177 8 30.1 278 38.8 299 NA #> 178 187 24.8 47 32.2 185 NA #> 179 194 26.2 96 28.0 70 NA #> 180 262 29.0 226 35.8 256 NA #> 181 251 30.0 269 31.4 162 NA #> 182 56 25.9 89 32.3 187 NA #> 183 342 25.5 69 29.8 116 NA #> 184 64 28.7 207 27.6 63 NA #> 185 334 28.2 182 23.6 17 NA #> 186 222 31.7 318 31.9 177 NA #> 187 51 28.9 217 29.2 95 NA #> 188 229 28.1 181 36.9 277 NA #> 189 227 23.4 20 30.5 135 NA #> 190 173 33.0 335 21.8 6 NA #> 191 92 31.9 326 31.0 151 15 #> 192 18 31.2 311 29.6 114 NA #> 193 348 29.0 224 32.0 179 NA #> 194 177 31.7 319 34.2 223 NA #> 195 275 26.3 102 37.0 278 NA #> 196 171 29.8 264 32.8 197 NA #> 197 161 27.8 168 30.6 137 NA #> 198 201 29.9 266 31.8 174 NA #> 199 104 32.1 328 37.6 286 NA #> 200 165 27.9 173 41.7 325 NA #> 201 248 27.7 156 27.1 54 NA #> 202 105 29.4 248 36.6 272 NA #> 203 28 31.8 322 26.0 36 NA #> 204 149 24.0 29 30.3 131 NA #> 205 203 24.3 40 27.0 53 NA #> 206 317 28.6 201 26.0 35 NA #> 207 352 26.2 97 23.6 15 NA #> 208 264 25.9 83 42.1 329 NA #> 209 184 27.8 166 38.2 292 NA #> 210 93 29.4 244 35.0 240 NA #> 211 349 27.2 141 22.1 8 NA #> 212 46 29.3 241 31.7 169 16 #> 213 232 29.8 262 32.4 188 NA #> 214 15 25.2 56 34.5 231 NA #> 215 261 28.5 198 39.3 305 NA #> 216 240 26.9 135 35.3 247 NA #> 217 191 26.7 125 29.5 108 NA #> 218 66 35.8 351 27.6 62 NA #> 219 326 26.5 112 29.6 112 NA #> 220 88 27.7 157 27.3 56 NA #> 221 286 30.5 294 31.8 170 NA #> 222 284 24.3 38 32.2 183 NA #> 223 5 34.1 343 39.7 310 NA #> 224 351 31.6 315 30.3 132 NA #> 225 67 26.9 134 29.3 103 NA #> 226 90 28.4 190 40.1 311 NA #> 227 168 26.5 111 40.2 312 NA #> 228 63 30.7 296 29.9 122 NA #> 229 7 30.8 299 44.7 339 NA #> 230 328 26.0 94 29.3 99 NA #> 231 281 33.5 339 29.5 111 NA #> 232 316 29.3 240 31.7 168 NA #> 233 71 34.2 346 39.7 309 NA #> 234 142 23.3 18 21.6 5 7 #> 235 121 25.1 54 28.5 82 NA #> 236 335 26.7 126 31.1 155 NA #> 237 124 30.4 287 34.3 226 NA #> 238 26 28.8 215 41.7 326 NA #> 239 2 29.5 250 48.9 349 NA #> 240 294 23.3 19 37.0 279 NA #> 241 303 28.9 221 22.5 9 NA #> 242 287 25.9 84 23.9 19 NA #> 243 25 29.4 249 38.3 294 NA #> 244 12 30.0 268 44.2 337 NA #> 245 211 33.5 340 24.5 25 NA #> 246 244 30.3 283 26.2 40 NA #> 247 84 23.7 23 27.6 61 NA #> 248 134 27.3 144 31.0 152 NA #> 249 193 21.7 7 34.0 221 NA #> 250 343 26.2 95 35.0 241 NA #> 251 238 32.5 333 37.2 283 NA #> 252 53 29.9 265 25.3 28 NA #> 253 45 28.8 216 33.9 220 NA #> 254 221 25.9 81 30.1 125 NA #> 255 245 28.5 194 31.0 153 NA #> 256 233 28.9 220 34.8 237 NA #> 257 308 28.2 186 29.9 123 NA #> 258 160 27.6 152 33.7 217 NA #> 259 38 29.2 236 35.7 254 NA #> 260 197 27.3 143 27.4 58 NA #> 261 150 25.9 86 32.5 192 NA #> 262 256 30.4 286 34.4 227 NA #> 263 52 30.0 270 48.4 347 NA #> 264 135 28.2 187 39.7 308 NA #> 265 176 31.2 310 28.5 80 NA #> 266 174 29.2 234 45.9 341 NA #> 267 116 25.3 62 48.8 348 NA #> 268 39 25.9 85 35.3 249 NA #> 269 285 26.8 131 32.4 189 NA #> 270 327 25.0 49 30.8 143 NA #> 271 224 28.2 184 37.1 282 NA #> 272 293 27.4 149 37.1 281 NA #> 273 145 26.4 109 33.0 201 NA #> 274 276 25.5 74 33.3 210 NA #> 275 122 27.7 158 40.5 313 NA #> 276 295 20.8 2 29.7 115 NA #> 277 282 27.9 170 34.5 232 NA #> 278 118 26.4 110 29.3 102 NA #> 279 280 27.9 171 38.2 293 NA #> 280 243 28.2 183 36.6 271 NA #> 281 267 27.9 172 30.1 126 NA #> 282 10 28.2 185 49.2 351 16 #> 283 24 32.5 332 27.6 60 NA #> 284 97 29.9 267 37.4 285 NA #> 285 110 26.6 120 38.3 295 NA #> 286 139 25.3 59 49.1 350 NA #> 287 297 30.5 290 34.0 222 NA #> 288 61 29.7 257 43.8 336 NA #> 289 138 26.3 105 40.8 319 NA #> 290 321 26.5 113 28.7 86 NA #> 291 338 29.3 238 31.4 161 NA #> 292 208 26.7 123 35.4 253 NA #> 293 131 25.5 73 28.4 78 NA #> 294 318 21.8 9 32.2 184 NA #> 295 159 29.4 245 39.5 306 NA #> 296 182 30.1 276 28.8 88 NA #> 297 13 33.6 341 36.3 265 NA #> 298 82 30.9 301 38.8 301 NA #> 299 216 23.8 25 29.5 110 NA #> 300 36 27.4 146 40.8 318 NA #> 301 198 28.6 199 43.4 333 NA #> 302 313 25.1 55 25.7 30 NA #> 303 263 25.4 66 38.1 290 NA #> 304 312 21.4 6 39.1 303 NA #> 305 270 30.7 297 28.3 76 NA #> 306 234 28.0 178 38.6 298 NA #> 307 202 27.3 145 33.4 212 NA #> 308 153 29.1 231 36.5 267 NA #> 309 273 28.3 188 29.2 96 NA #> 310 235 28.7 210 36.0 262 NA #> 311 40 31.8 321 41.1 321 NA #> 312 172 31.0 305 29.5 106 NA #> 313 249 26.3 103 33.0 203 NA #> 314 207 30.6 295 31.2 158 NA #> 315 226 28.0 179 31.9 176 NA #> 316 204 25.6 76 28.2 73 NA #> 317 148 29.1 228 41.3 322 NA #> 318 16 30.5 293 30.9 147 NA #> 319 23 33.2 337 33.3 211 16 #> 320 117 31.2 309 29.9 124 NA #> 321 41 28.8 212 40.5 314 NA #> 322 162 28.6 202 36.8 274 NA #> 323 169 30.0 271 43.8 335 NA #> 324 181 28.9 218 34.6 233 NA #> 325 3 34.2 345 37.8 287 NA #> 326 188 36.9 353 34.7 236 NA #> 327 166 29.0 225 49.3 352 NA #> 328 101 29.2 232 36.4 266 NA #> 329 73 33.1 336 39.5 307 NA #> 330 185 28.4 193 32.8 199 NA #> 331 30 30.1 277 46.0 342 NA #> 332 325 26.3 107 29.4 105 NA #> 333 20 29.7 258 43.6 334 NA #> 334 127 28.5 195 28.5 81 NA #> 335 43 30.4 285 42.0 328 NA #> 336 205 29.8 259 40.6 315 NA #> 337 225 29.1 230 33.1 204 NA #> 338 32 34.0 342 42.5 330 NA #> 339 85 25.1 53 35.0 239 NA #> 340 108 30.1 274 29.8 120 NA #> 341 79 34.1 344 36.0 260 NA #> 342 223 33.4 338 33.2 209 NA #> 343 77 25.2 58 39.1 304 NA #> 344 136 26.3 100 31.1 154 NA #> 345 252 35.9 352 36.1 263 NA #> 346 115 28.7 208 30.2 130 NA #> 347 54 26.3 101 33.1 206 NA #> 348 213 27.0 137 35.2 243 NA #> 349 324 31.9 325 42.5 330 NA #> 350 83 29.8 260 38.3 296 NA #> 351 192 31.2 308 30.4 134 NA #> 352 81 31.0 303 36.6 270 NA #> 353 72 30.7 298 46.3 344 NA #> Year #> 1 2020 #> 2 2020 #> 3 2020 #> 4 2020 #> 5 2020 #> 6 2020 #> 7 2020 #> 8 2020 #> 9 2020 #> 10 2020 #> 11 2020 #> 12 2020 #> 13 2020 #> 14 2020 #> 15 2020 #> 16 2020 #> 17 2020 #> 18 2020 #> 19 2020 #> 20 2020 #> 21 2020 #> 22 2020 #> 23 2020 #> 24 2020 #> 25 2020 #> 26 2020 #> 27 2020 #> 28 2020 #> 29 2020 #> 30 2020 #> 31 2020 #> 32 2020 #> 33 2020 #> 34 2020 #> 35 2020 #> 36 2020 #> 37 2020 #> 38 2020 #> 39 2020 #> 40 2020 #> 41 2020 #> 42 2020 #> 43 2020 #> 44 2020 #> 45 2020 #> 46 2020 #> 47 2020 #> 48 2020 #> 49 2020 #> 50 2020 #> 51 2020 #> 52 2020 #> 53 2020 #> 54 2020 #> 55 2020 #> 56 2020 #> 57 2020 #> 58 2020 #> 59 2020 #> 60 2020 #> 61 2020 #> 62 2020 #> 63 2020 #> 64 2020 #> 65 2020 #> 66 2020 #> 67 2020 #> 68 2020 #> 69 2020 #> 70 2020 #> 71 2020 #> 72 2020 #> 73 2020 #> 74 2020 #> 75 2020 #> 76 2020 #> 77 2020 #> 78 2020 #> 79 2020 #> 80 2020 #> 81 2020 #> 82 2020 #> 83 2020 #> 84 2020 #> 85 2020 #> 86 2020 #> 87 2020 #> 88 2020 #> 89 2020 #> 90 2020 #> 91 2020 #> 92 2020 #> 93 2020 #> 94 2020 #> 95 2020 #> 96 2020 #> 97 2020 #> 98 2020 #> 99 2020 #> 100 2020 #> 101 2020 #> 102 2020 #> 103 2020 #> 104 2020 #> 105 2020 #> 106 2020 #> 107 2020 #> 108 2020 #> 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}"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_game_attrs.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Game Attributes — kp_game_attrs","title":"Get Game Attributes — kp_game_attrs","text":"Get Game Attributes","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_game_attrs.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Game Attributes — kp_game_attrs","text":"","code":"kp_game_attrs(year = most_recent_mbb_season(), attr = \"Excitement\")"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_game_attrs.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Game Attributes — kp_game_attrs","text":"year Year data pull attr Game Attribute, valid values include: 'Excitement', 'Tension','Dominance','MinWp','FanMatch', 'Upsets','Busts','Comeback','Window'","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_game_attrs.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Game Attributes — kp_game_attrs","text":"Returns tibble game attributes","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_game_attrs.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Game Attributes — kp_game_attrs","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_game_attrs(year = 2021, attr = \"Excitement\")) #> rk data game #> 1 1 Wed Nov 25 108 Georgia St. 123, 72 Georgia Tech 120 (4OT) #> 2 2 Sun Dec 6 184 Western Carolina 76, 321 Tennessee Tech 75 (OT) #> 3 3 Sun Dec 27 63 Providence 95, 86 DePaul 90 (2OT) #> 4 4 Sat Jan 2 25 Arizona 86, 132 Washington St. 82 (2OT) #> 5 5 Mon Feb 8 157 Mercer 89, 251 Samford 82 (2OT) #> 6 6 Sat Feb 27 328 Lamar 88, 153 Stephen F. Austin 83 (2OT) #> 7 7 Fri Nov 27 109 Santa Clara 66, 205 UC Davis 63 #> 8 8 Sun Dec 13 96 Georgetown 97, 86 St. John's 94 (OT) #> 9 9 Sat Feb 20 231 Milwaukee 89, 214 Oakland 87 (2OT) #> 10 10 Fri Nov 27 30 Syracuse 85, 312 Bryant 84 #> 11 11 Wed Feb 24 134 Mercer 81, 152 Chattanooga 77 (OT) #> 12 12 Sat Feb 27 40 Oklahoma St. 94, 31 Oklahoma 90 (OT) #> 13 13 Tue Mar 2 3 Baylor 94, 19 West Virginia 89 (OT) #> 14 14 Fri Nov 27 40 UCLA 107, 100 Pepperdine 98 (3OT) #> 15 15 Sat Jan 9 25 Alabama 94, 81 Auburn 90 #> 16 16 Sat Feb 6 38 Oklahoma St. 75, 12 Texas 67 (2OT) #> 17 17 Sat Feb 13 23 Oklahoma 91, 16 West Virginia 90 (2OT) #> 18 18 Sun Jan 3 75 Rhode Island 85, 178 Saint Joseph's 77 (OT) #> 19 19 Sat Jan 16 177 Eastern Kentucky 93, 226 Eastern Illinois 85 (OT) #> 20 20 Sat Feb 20 102 Washington St. 85, 57 Stanford 76 (3OT) #> 21 21 Sat Jan 30 86 UC Santa Barbara 89, 214 UC Davis 86 (OT) #> 22 22 Fri Jan 15 259 Utah Valley 93, 282 Seattle 92 (OT) #> 23 23 Fri Jan 1 253 Long Beach St. 90, 159 Cal St. Bakersfield 89 (OT) #> 24 24 Sat Jan 2 175 Wyoming 78, 180 Fresno St. 74 #> 25 25 Fri Jan 8 274 Green Bay 84, 270 Oakland 81 (OT) #> 26 26 Wed Jan 6 26 LSU 94, 91 Georgia 92 (OT) #> 27 27 Sat Feb 6 217 Charleston 90, 272 Towson 88 (2OT) #> 28 28 Sat Jan 30 80 Wichita St. 93, 96 UCF 88 (OT) #> 29 29 Sat Dec 12 62 Dayton 85, 79 Mississippi St. 82 (2OT) #> 30 30 Wed Dec 30 139 George Mason 93, 120 Massachusetts 92 (2OT) #> 31 31 Sat Feb 13 225 Lafayette 97, 251 Loyola MD 94 (3OT) #> 32 32 Sat Jan 2 292 Lehigh 90, 230 Lafayette 89 (OT) #> 33 33 Fri Mar 12 250 Texas Southern 84, 275 Jackson St. 81 (OT) #> 34 34 Tue Mar 2 153 Cleveland St. 108, 277 Purdue Fort Wayne 104 (3OT) #> 35 35 Fri Feb 26 251 UT Arlington 73, 252 Arkansas St. 71 #> 36 36 Sun Jan 17 335 Coppin St. 89, 266 Morgan St. 79 #> 37 37 Thu Feb 25 288 Purdue Fort Wayne 89, 236 Green Bay 84 (2OT) #> 38 38 Fri Jan 22 221 Illinois Chicago 67, 261 Youngstown St. 66 #> 39 39 Thu Nov 26 66 Auburn 96, 164 Saint Joseph's 91 (OT) #> 40 40 Fri Nov 27 16 Illinois 77, 128 Ohio 75 #> 41 41 Fri Mar 5 108 UC Riverside 72, 284 Cal St. Northridge 68 #> 42 42 Sat Feb 6 35 Virginia Tech 80, 118 Miami FL 76 (OT) #> 43 43 Thu Jan 28 181 Fresno St. 64, 281 New Mexico 62 (OT) #> 44 44 Fri Mar 5 112 UC Irvine 71, 278 Long Beach St. 68 (OT) #> 45 45 Fri Mar 12 229 Montana St. 80, 138 Southern Utah 77 (OT) #> 46 46 Sat Feb 27 201 Nicholls St. 105, 300 New Orleans 101 (OT) #> 47 47 Thu Jan 7 176 Eastern Kentucky 69, 230 Jacksonville St. 66 (OT) #> 48 48 Fri Jan 1 256 Rice 95, 174 UTSA 86 #> 49 49 Sat Jan 9 168 UT Arlington 75, 295 Louisiana Monroe 74 #> 50 50 Wed Nov 25 146 Loyola Marymount 85, 187 Southern Utah 83 #> 51 51 Sun Jan 24 255 American 81, 247 Loyola MD 79 (3OT) #> 52 52 Sun Dec 20 63 Providence 80, 46 Seton Hall 77 (OT) #> 53 53 Wed Nov 25 71 St. John's 76, 186 Saint Peter's 75 #> 54 54 Sun Mar 7 222 Appalachian St. 64, 166 Coastal Carolina 61 (OT) #> 55 55 Mon Mar 8 20 BYU 82, 116 Pepperdine 77 (OT) #> 56 56 Wed Mar 10 115 Arizona St. 64, 107 Washington St. 59 #> 57 57 Sat Jan 16 145 Akron 95, 68 Toledo 94 (OT) #> 58 58 Wed Feb 24 105 Cincinnati 70, 111 Tulsa 69 #> 59 59 Fri Jan 8 212 Lipscomb 77, 263 Bellarmine 72 #> 60 60 Sat Feb 13 199 Nicholls St. 86, 330 Southeastern Louisiana 84 (OT) #> 61 61 Thu Feb 18 326 Tennessee St. 91, 325 Tennessee Tech 86 #> 62 62 Sat Feb 20 239 The Citadel 75, 151 VMI 74 #> 63 63 Sun Jan 17 234 Norfolk St. 83, 352 Delaware St. 79 (OT) #> 64 64 Sat Feb 27 169 Northern Iowa 94, 193 Illinois St. 87 (2OT) #> 65 65 Tue Mar 2 147 Miami OH 84, 115 Bowling Green 79 (OT) #> 66 66 Wed Feb 24 270 Western Carolina 81, 106 UNC Greensboro 80 #> 67 67 Wed Jan 13 134 Wofford 80, 244 VMI 78 #> 68 68 Sat Apr 3 1 Gonzaga 93, 15 UCLA 90 (OT) #> 69 69 Sat Dec 12 105 South Florida 58, 135 Wofford 56 #> 70 70 Thu Dec 10 281 Portland 87, 122 Oregon St. 86 (OT) #> 71 71 Mon Feb 22 328 Southeastern Louisiana 78, 337 Texas A&M Corpus Chris 75 #> 72 72 Sat Jan 2 63 Boise St. 87, 314 San Jose St. 86 #> 73 73 Tue Dec 8 44 Minnesota 85, 85 Boston College 80 (OT) #> 74 74 Sat Jan 30 307 Fairleigh Dickinson 81, 178 Bryant 79 #> 75 75 Sat Feb 20 213 Saint Joseph's 91, 186 La Salle 82 (OT) #> 76 76 Sat Feb 27 232 Prairie View A&M 55, 347 Alabama A&M 54 #> 77 77 Sat Feb 13 212 UC Davis 78, 275 Long Beach St. 76 (OT) #> 78 78 Sat Nov 28 141 Washington St. 71, 143 Eastern Washington 68 #> 79 79 Sun Mar 14 8 Alabama 80, 29 LSU 79 #> 80 80 Sat Jan 30 32 Oklahoma St. 81, 34 Arkansas 77 #> 81 81 Sat Dec 12 211 South Alabama 76, 307 Southern Miss 75 #> 82 82 Sat Dec 5 157 Eastern Illinois 93, 278 Green Bay 91 (2OT) #> 83 83 Fri Feb 5 315 North Dakota 85, 340 Denver 82 (OT) #> 84 84 Sun Nov 29 343 Alabama A&M 78, 309 Samford 76 #> 85 85 Sun Jan 24 137 Washington 83, 72 Utah 79 #> 86 86 Sat Feb 13 25 Arkansas 86, 38 Missouri 81 (OT) #> 87 87 Sat Jan 2 5 Iowa 77, 19 Rutgers 75 #> 88 88 Sat Feb 27 316 Nebraska Omaha 80, 345 Denver 76 #> 89 89 Thu Jan 21 30 Arizona 84, 73 Arizona St. 82 #> 90 90 Mon Dec 14 126 Nevada 79, 158 San Diego 72 #> 91 91 Fri Feb 5 253 Youngstown St. 84, 268 Robert Morris 78 (OT) #> 92 92 Sat Mar 6 285 New Orleans 81, 336 Southeastern Louisiana 76 (OT) #> 93 93 Sat Jan 2 324 Northern Arizona 83, 342 Idaho 78 (OT) #> 94 94 Mon Nov 30 63 Xavier 99, 204 Eastern Kentucky 96 (OT) #> 95 95 Mon Feb 1 232 Western Carolina 76, 290 The Citadel 75 #> 96 96 Sat Jan 30 47 BYU 95, 132 Pacific 87 (2OT) #> 97 97 Sat Feb 6 342 Denver 85, 314 North Dakota 81 (OT) #> 98 98 Tue Dec 15 304 St. Francis NY 91, 338 Central Connecticut 86 #> 99 99 Tue Jan 5 32 North Carolina 67, 65 Miami FL 65 #> 100 100 Sun Dec 20 14 Creighton 76, 45 Connecticut 74 (OT) #> location conf excitement year #> 1 Atlanta, GA (McCamish Pavilion) 4.74 2021 #> 2 Cullowhee, NC (Ramsey Center) 3.84 2021 #> 3 Providence, RI (Alumni Hall) BE 3.67 2021 #> 4 Pullman, WA (Beasley Coliseum) P12 3.65 2021 #> 5 Macon, GA (Hawkins Arena) SC 3.63 2021 #> 6 Beaumont, TX (Montagne Center) Slnd 3.59 2021 #> 7 Santa Clara, CA (Leavey Center) 3.58 2021 #> 8 Washington, DC (McDonough Arena) BE 3.53 2021 #> 9 Milwaukee, WI (UWM Panther Arena) Horz 3.49 2021 #> 10 Syracuse, NY (Carrier Dome) 3.46 2021 #> 11 Macon, GA (Hawkins Arena) SC 3.44 2021 #> 12 Norman, OK (Lloyd Noble Center) B12 3.44 2021 #> 13 Morgantown, WV (WVU Coliseum) B12 3.44 2021 #> 14 San Diego, CA (Viejas Arena) 3.42 2021 #> 15 Auburn, AL (Auburn Arena) SEC 3.41 2021 #> 16 Stillwater, OK (Gallagher-Iba Arena) B12 3.41 2021 #> 17 Morgantown, WV (WVU Coliseum) B12 3.40 2021 #> 18 Kingston, RI (Ryan Center) A10 3.39 2021 #> 19 Charleston, IL (Lantz Arena) OVC 3.39 2021 #> 20 Pullman, WA (Beasley Coliseum) P12 3.36 2021 #> 21 Davis, CA (The Pavilion) BW 3.36 2021 #> 22 Seattle, WA (Redhawk Center) WAC 3.35 2021 #> 23 Long Beach, CA (The Walter Pyramid) BW 3.33 2021 #> 24 Fresno, CA (Save Mart Center) MWC 3.32 2021 #> 25 Green Bay, WI (Resch Center) Horz 3.32 2021 #> 26 Baton Rouge, LA (Maravich Assembly Center) SEC 3.31 2021 #> 27 Charleston, SC (TD Arena) CAA 3.29 2021 #> 28 Wichita, KS (Charles Koch Arena) Amer 3.28 2021 #> 29 Atlanta, GA (State Farm Arena) 3.26 2021 #> 30 Amherst, MA (Mullins Center) A10 3.25 2021 #> 31 Easton, PA (Kirby Sports Center) Pat 3.24 2021 #> 32 Bethlehem, PA (Stabler Arena) Pat 3.23 2021 #> 33 Birmingham, AL (Bartow Arena) SWAC-T 3.23 2021 #> 34 Cleveland, OH (Wolstein Center) Horz-T 3.23 2021 #> 35 Arlington, TX (College Park Center) SB 3.23 2021 #> 36 Baltimore, MD (Hill Field House) MEAC 3.19 2021 #> 37 Green Bay, WI (Resch Center) Horz-T 3.19 2021 #> 38 Youngstown, OH (Beeghly Physical Education Center) Horz 3.18 2021 #> 39 Fort Myers, FL (Suncoast Credit Union Arena) 3.18 2021 #> 40 Champaign, IL (State Farm Center) 3.16 2021 #> 41 Northridge, CA (Matadome) BW 3.16 2021 #> 42 Coral Gables, FL (Watsco Center) ACC 3.16 2021 #> 43 Fresno, CA (Save Mart Center) MWC 3.15 2021 #> 44 Long Beach, CA (The Walter Pyramid) BW 3.15 2021 #> 45 Boise, ID (Idaho Central Arena) BSky-T 3.15 2021 #> 46 New Orleans, LA (Lakefront Arena) Slnd 3.15 2021 #> 47 Richmond, KY (McBrayer Arena) OVC 3.14 2021 #> 48 Houston, TX (Tudor Fieldhouse) CUSA 3.14 2021 #> 49 Monroe, LA (Fant-Ewing Coliseum) SB 3.13 2021 #> 50 Los Angeles, CA (Gersten Pavilion) 3.12 2021 #> 51 Baltimore, MD (Reitz Arena) Pat 3.12 2021 #> 52 Newark, NJ (Prudential Center) BE 3.11 2021 #> 53 Jamaica, NY (Carnesecca Arena) 3.11 2021 #> 54 Pensacola, FL (Pensacola Bay Center) SB-T 3.11 2021 #> 55 Las Vegas, NV (Orleans Arena) WCC-T 3.10 2021 #> 56 Las Vegas, NV (T-Mobile Arena) P12-T 3.10 2021 #> 57 Akron, OH (Rhodes Arena) MAC 3.09 2021 #> 58 Tulsa, OK (Reynolds Center) Amer 3.09 2021 #> 59 Louisville, KY (Freedom Hall) ASun 3.09 2021 #> 60 Hammond, LA (University Center) Slnd 3.09 2021 #> 61 Nashville, TN (Gentry Center) OVC 3.09 2021 #> 62 Charleston, SC (McAlister Field House) SC 3.05 2021 #> 63 Dover, DE (Memorial Hall) MEAC 3.05 2021 #> 64 Normal, IL (Redbird Arena) MVC 3.04 2021 #> 65 Bowling Green, OH (Stroh Center) MAC 3.04 2021 #> 66 Greensboro, NC (Greensboro Coliseum) SC 3.03 2021 #> 67 Lexington, VA (Cameron Hall) SC 3.03 2021 #> 68 Indianapolis, IN (Lucas Oil Stadium) NCAA 3.02 2021 #> 69 Atlanta, GA (State Farm Arena) 3.02 2021 #> 70 Corvallis, OR (Gill Coliseum) 3.01 2021 #> 71 Corpus Christi, TX (American Bank Center) Slnd 2.98 2021 #> 72 Phoeniz, AZ (GCU Arena) MWC 2.98 2021 #> 73 Minneapolis, MN (Williams Arena) 2.97 2021 #> 74 Teaneck, NJ (Rothman Center) NEC 2.95 2021 #> 75 Philadelphia, PA (Michael J. Hagan '85 Arena) A10 2.95 2021 #> 76 Normal, AL (Elmore Gymnasium) SWAC 2.94 2021 #> 77 Davis, CA (The Pavilion) BW 2.94 2021 #> 78 Pullman, WA (Beasley Coliseum) 2.94 2021 #> 79 Nashville, TN (Bridgestone Arena) SEC-T 2.94 2021 #> 80 Stillwater, OK (Gallagher-Iba Arena) 2.94 2021 #> 81 Hattiesburg, MS (Reed Green Coliseum) 2.94 2021 #> 82 Green Bay, WI (Resch Center) 2.94 2021 #> 83 Denver, CO (Hamilton Gymnasium) Sum 2.94 2021 #> 84 Homewood, AL (Hanna Center) 2.94 2021 #> 85 Seattle, WA (Alaska Airlines Arena) P12 2.93 2021 #> 86 Columbia, MO (Mizzou Arena) SEC 2.93 2021 #> 87 Piscataway, NJ (Rutgers Athletic Center) B10 2.93 2021 #> 88 Denver, CO (Hamilton Gymnasium) Sum 2.92 2021 #> 89 Tempe, AZ (Desert Financial Arena) P12 2.91 2021 #> 90 San Diego, CA (Jenny Craig Pavilion) 2.90 2021 #> 91 Moon Township, PA (UPMC Events Center) Horz 2.90 2021 #> 92 New Orleans, LA (Lakefront Arena) Slnd 2.90 2021 #> 93 Moscow, ID (Memorial Gym) BSky 2.90 2021 #> 94 Cincinnati, OH (Cintas Center) 2.90 2021 #> 95 Cullowhee, NC (Ramsey Center) SC 2.89 2021 #> 96 Provo, UT (Marriott Center) WCC 2.89 2021 #> 97 Denver, CO (Hamilton Gymnasium) Sum 2.88 2021 #> 98 New Britain, CT (Detrick Gymnasium) NEC 2.88 2021 #> 99 Coral Gables, FL (Watsco Center) ACC 2.88 2021 #> 100 Storrs, CT (Gampel Pavilion) BE 2.88 2021 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_gameplan.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's team game plan page — kp_gameplan","title":"Get KenPom's team game plan page — kp_gameplan","text":"Get KenPom's team game plan page","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_gameplan.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's team game plan page — kp_gameplan","text":"","code":"kp_gameplan(team, year = 2021)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_gameplan.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom's team game plan page — kp_gameplan","text":"team Team filter select. year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_gameplan.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's team game plan page — kp_gameplan","text":"Returns named list tibbles: gameplan, correlations, position_distributions gameplan correlations position_distributions","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_gameplan.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's team game plan page — kp_gameplan","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_gameplan(team='Florida St.', year=2021)) #> $gameplan #> date opponent_rk opponent result location pace off_eff #> 1 2020-12-02 297 North Florida W, 86-58 H 72 118.9 #> 2 2020-12-09 50 Indiana W, 69-67 H 62 99.1 #> 3 2020-12-12 41 Florida W, 83-71 H 76 108.6 #> 4 2020-12-15 37 Georgia Tech W, 74-61 H 64 115.0 #> 5 2020-12-19 100 UCF L, 86-74 H 69 106.7 #> 6 2020-12-21 182 Gardner Webb W, 72-59 H 74 97.5 #> 7 2020-12-29 45 Clemson L, 77-67 A 73 91.2 #> 8 2021-01-13 71 N.C. State W, 105-73 H 69 153.3 #> 9 2021-01-16 34 North Carolina W, 82-75 H 70 116.8 #> 10 2021-01-18 59 Louisville W, 78-65 A 66 117.9 #> 11 2021-01-23 45 Clemson W, 80-61 H 70 115.1 #> 12 2021-01-27 138 Miami FL W, 81-59 H 68 118.5 #> 13 2021-01-30 37 Georgia Tech L, 76-65 A 73 89.2 #> 14 2021-02-13 175 Wake Forest W, 92-85 H 67 121.5 #> 15 2021-02-15 19 Virginia W, 81-60 H 62 130.8 #> 16 2021-02-20 97 Pittsburgh W, 79-72 A 71 111.1 #> 17 2021-02-24 138 Miami FL W, 88-71 A 70 126.3 #> 18 2021-02-27 34 North Carolina L, 78-70 A 75 92.9 #> 19 2021-03-03 148 Boston College W, 93-64 H 78 119.8 #> 20 2021-03-06 85 Notre Dame L, 83-73 A 77 94.4 #> 21 2021-03-12 34 North Carolina W, 69-66 N 71 97.0 #> 22 2021-03-13 37 Georgia Tech L, 80-75 N 69 108.7 #> 23 2021-03-20 108 UNC Greensboro W, 64-54 N 66 96.5 #> 24 2021-03-22 8 Colorado W, 71-53 N 65 109.9 #> 25 2021-03-28 3 Michigan L, 76-58 N 68 85.4 #> off_eff_rk off_e_fg_pct off_to_pct off_or_pct off_ftr off_fgm_2 off_fga_2 #> 1 5 50.7 13.8 47.2 30.0 25 46 #> 2 16 42.0 14.4 39.6 30.4 17 49 #> 3 8 55.6 20.9 25.0 55.6 18 38 #> 4 3 60.8 20.2 29.2 31.4 19 34 #> 5 8 56.9 20.2 26.7 51.0 14 28 #> 6 16 39.3 21.7 43.9 52.5 15 28 #> 7 15 49.2 23.1 21.1 14.5 17 30 #> 8 1 81.0 16.1 37.5 19.0 29 40 #> 9 3 56.0 24.2 36.0 54.0 16 34 #> 10 4 57.3 18.1 33.3 16.1 22 41 #> 11 4 58.3 20.1 35.3 23.3 17 32 #> 12 5 56.5 21.9 48.4 22.6 26 44 #> 13 24 45.5 28.8 44.1 41.1 21 42 #> 14 6 55.9 15.8 36.1 59.3 15 34 #> 15 2 61.2 8.1 25.0 22.4 16 34 #> 16 7 48.3 15.5 33.3 50.0 22 44 #> 17 3 60.1 15.8 42.4 10.1 28 44 #> 18 20 42.5 22.6 42.9 29.9 21 50 #> 19 4 65.9 21.9 26.7 20.6 22 36 #> 20 21 45.3 18.1 25.0 31.2 20 40 #> 21 17 50.0 25.3 32.3 41.5 19 40 #> 22 8 64.0 36.2 54.5 28.0 20 35 #> 23 15 52.1 22.6 19.2 41.7 25 39 #> 24 7 58.7 23.2 24.0 45.6 18 29 #> 25 23 44.2 20.6 25.7 10.0 19 40 #> off_fg_2_pct off_fgm_3 off_fga_3 off_fg_3_pct off_fg_3a_pct def_eff #> 1 54.3 7 24 29.2 34.3 80.2 #> 2 34.7 8 20 40.0 29.0 96.2 #> 3 47.4 8 16 50.0 29.6 92.9 #> 4 55.9 8 17 47.1 33.3 94.8 #> 5 50.0 10 23 43.5 45.1 124.0 #> 6 53.6 6 33 18.2 54.1 79.9 #> 7 56.7 9 32 28.1 51.6 104.8 #> 8 72.5 12 18 66.7 31.0 106.5 #> 9 47.1 8 16 50.0 32.0 106.8 #> 10 53.7 9 21 42.9 33.9 98.3 #> 11 53.1 12 28 42.9 46.7 87.8 #> 12 59.1 6 18 33.3 29.0 86.3 #> 13 50.0 3 14 21.4 25.0 104.2 #> 14 44.1 12 25 48.0 42.4 112.2 #> 15 47.1 13 24 54.2 41.4 96.9 #> 16 50.0 4 14 28.6 24.1 101.2 #> 17 63.6 9 25 36.0 36.2 101.9 #> 18 42.0 5 17 29.4 25.4 103.5 #> 19 61.1 13 27 48.1 42.9 82.5 #> 20 50.0 6 24 25.0 37.5 107.3 #> 21 47.5 5 13 38.5 24.5 92.8 #> 22 57.1 8 15 53.3 30.0 116.0 #> 23 64.1 0 9 0.0 18.8 81.4 #> 24 62.1 6 17 35.3 37.0 82.0 #> 25 47.5 5 20 25.0 33.3 112.0 #> def_eff_rk def_e_fg_pct def_to_pct def_or_pct def_ftr def_fgm_2 def_fga_2 #> 1 2 49.0 33.2 24.2 24.0 8 23 #> 2 9 40.4 20.1 37.5 49.1 17 42 #> 3 5 50.9 26.2 28.6 27.1 15 36 #> 4 4 48.0 18.6 21.4 29.4 17 31 #> 5 23 58.3 18.8 37.0 48.1 18 35 #> 6 2 38.8 18.9 16.7 31.0 9 25 #> 7 16 42.1 16.3 41.3 52.4 16 39 #> 8 14 53.2 16.1 25.7 12.7 17 37 #> 9 17 51.6 19.9 38.2 22.6 17 38 #> 10 6 47.4 18.1 35.1 31.6 21 41 #> 11 5 34.8 17.3 25.6 46.4 12 26 #> 12 5 45.4 19.0 18.9 31.5 11 31 #> 13 11 50.0 19.2 29.4 43.9 18 33 #> 14 20 55.8 18.5 25.7 41.7 14 33 #> 15 5 56.4 21.0 14.3 25.5 13 24 #> 16 11 41.2 11.2 32.6 32.4 22 51 #> 17 18 40.0 11.5 35.4 27.1 16 47 #> 18 14 42.5 27.9 52.6 50.0 18 37 #> 19 4 46.7 29.6 34.1 28.3 10 29 #> 20 14 50.9 19.4 24.2 63.0 14 27 #> 21 5 38.2 16.9 42.0 36.8 17 50 #> 22 20 47.6 10.2 36.8 45.2 22 39 #> 23 3 37.5 15.1 25.0 21.7 12 33 #> 24 2 41.1 29.4 43.2 19.6 14 31 #> 25 13 51.7 13.3 33.3 39.0 26 48 #> def_fg_2_pct def_fgm_3 def_fga_3 def_fg_3_pct def_fg_3a_pct wl team_score #> 1 34.8 11 27 40.7 54.0 W 86 #> 2 40.5 4 15 26.7 26.3 W 69 #> 3 41.7 10 23 43.5 39.0 W 83 #> 4 54.8 5 20 25.0 39.2 W 74 #> 5 51.4 9 19 47.4 35.2 L 74 #> 6 36.0 9 33 27.3 56.9 W 72 #> 7 41.0 7 24 29.2 38.1 L 67 #> 8 45.9 11 26 42.3 41.3 W 105 #> 9 44.7 10 24 41.7 38.7 W 82 #> 10 51.2 4 16 25.0 28.1 W 78 #> 11 46.2 5 30 16.7 53.6 W 80 #> 12 35.5 9 23 39.1 42.6 W 81 #> 13 54.5 7 24 29.2 42.1 L 65 #> 14 42.4 13 27 48.1 45.0 W 92 #> 15 54.2 9 23 39.1 48.9 W 81 #> 16 43.1 4 17 23.5 25.0 W 79 #> 17 34.0 8 23 34.8 32.9 W 88 #> 18 48.6 5 23 21.7 38.3 L 70 #> 19 34.5 12 31 38.7 51.7 W 93 #> 20 51.9 9 27 33.3 50.0 L 73 #> 21 34.0 6 18 33.3 26.5 W 69 #> 22 56.4 5 23 21.7 37.1 L 75 #> 23 36.4 7 27 25.9 45.0 W 64 #> 24 45.2 6 25 24.0 44.6 W 71 #> 25 54.2 3 11 27.3 18.6 L 58 #> opponent_score day_date game_date #> 1 58 Wed Dec 2 20201202 #> 2 67 Wed Dec 9 20201209 #> 3 71 Sat Dec 12 20201212 #> 4 61 Tue Dec 15 20201215 #> 5 86 Sat Dec 19 20201219 #> 6 59 Mon Dec 21 20201221 #> 7 77 Tue Dec 29 20201229 #> 8 73 Wed Jan 13 20210113 #> 9 75 Sat Jan 16 20210116 #> 10 65 Mon Jan 18 20210118 #> 11 61 Sat Jan 23 20210123 #> 12 59 Wed Jan 27 20210127 #> 13 76 Sat Jan 30 20210130 #> 14 85 Sat Feb 13 20210213 #> 15 60 Mon Feb 15 20210215 #> 16 72 Sat Feb 20 20210220 #> 17 71 Wed Feb 24 20210224 #> 18 78 Sat Feb 27 20210227 #> 19 64 Wed Mar 3 20210303 #> 20 83 Sat Mar 6 20210306 #> 21 66 Fri Mar 12 20210312 #> 22 80 Sat Mar 13 20210313 #> 23 54 Sat Mar 20 20210320 #> 24 53 Mon Mar 22 20210322 #> 25 76 Sun Mar 28 20210328 #> #> $correlations #> correlations_r_x_100 pace off_e_fg_pct off_to_pct off_or_pct off_ftr #> 27 to offensive efficiency: -28 +84 -44 +16 -15 #> 28 to defensive efficiency: -2 +7 +13 +3 +0 #> def_e_fg_pct def_to_pct def_or_pct def_ftr #> 27 +30 +4 -34 -61 #> 28 +57 -48 +30 +46 #> #> $position_distributions #> team category c_pct pf_pct sf_pct sg_pct pg_pct c_pct_rk pf_pct_rk #> 1 Florida St. % Points 20.2 19.1 21.8 20.8 18.1 169 188 #> 2 Florida St. % Off Rebs 35.7 21.3 18.5 15.5 9.0 173 279 #> 3 Florida St. % Def Rebs 28.9 17.5 25.3 16.1 12.0 81 324 #> sf_pct_rk sg_pct_rk pg_pct_rk c_pct_d1_avg pf_pct_d1_avg sf_pct_d1_avg #> 1 101 144 237 20.2 19.6 19.6 #> 2 123 73 131 36.1 27.1 16.8 #> 3 21 175 278 25.9 23.5 19.5 #> sg_pct_d1_avg pg_pct_d1_avg #> 1 20.2 20.4 #> 2 11.6 8.4 #> 3 16.6 14.4 #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_hca.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Home Court Advantage Estimates — kp_hca","title":"Get Home Court Advantage Estimates — kp_hca","text":"Get Home Court Advantage Estimates","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_hca.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Home Court Advantage Estimates — kp_hca","text":"","code":"kp_hca()"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_hca.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Home Court Advantage Estimates — kp_hca","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_hca.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Home Court Advantage Estimates — kp_hca","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_hca()) #> team conf hca hca_rk pf pf_rk pts pts_rk nst nst_rk #> 1 West Virginia B12 4.6 1 -4.5 18 12.2 2 -2.7 3 #> 2 Texas Tech B12 4.6 2 -5.3 3 10.3 20 -1.8 21 #> 3 TCU B12 4.3 3 -5.6 1 9.3 35 -1.5 48 #> 4 Air Force MWC 4.3 4 -3.6 65 9.2 39 -0.8 174 #> 5 New Mexico MWC 4.3 5 -3.0 98 11.6 5 -0.9 155 #> 6 Utah St. MWC 4.2 6 -3.3 82 11.5 6 -0.2 287 #> 7 Colorado P12 4.1 7 -3.2 86 10.9 13 0.1 329 #> 8 Iowa St. B12 4.1 8 -3.9 51 9.5 27 -3.2 1 #> 9 Charlotte CUSA 4.1 9 -4.1 32 11.0 11 -1.6 37 #> 10 Tennessee SEC 4.1 10 -4.6 15 9.2 38 -2.6 4 #> 11 Wake Forest ACC 4.1 11 -5.4 2 7.9 74 -1.6 36 #> 12 Saint Louis A10 4.1 12 -5.1 4 8.8 48 -1.2 108 #> 13 Bradley MVC 4.1 13 -4.2 30 11.1 9 -1.1 116 #> 14 Oklahoma B12 4.0 14 -4.7 11 9.3 36 -1.0 136 #> 15 Arkansas SEC 4.0 15 -4.6 14 9.0 45 -0.5 239 #> 16 Illinois St. MVC 4.0 16 -4.5 20 10.1 22 -1.4 66 #> 17 North Carolina A&T CAA 4.0 17 -5.0 5 7.5 86 -1.3 78 #> 18 Kentucky SEC 4.0 18 -4.8 8 9.1 43 -1.3 77 #> 19 Rutgers B10 4.0 19 -4.4 22 9.4 29 -1.7 31 #> 20 Iowa B10 4.0 20 -4.2 31 10.2 21 -0.8 170 #> 21 Connecticut BE 3.9 21 -4.7 13 8.5 55 -1.5 48 #> 22 Clemson ACC 3.9 22 -4.1 35 8.7 50 -1.9 16 #> 23 Tulsa Amer 3.9 23 -3.0 99 12.1 3 -1.5 48 #> 24 Mississippi St. SEC 3.9 24 -4.0 36 10.9 12 -0.1 299 #> 25 Evansville MVC 3.9 25 -4.9 6 7.5 87 -1.8 20 #> 26 Maryland B10 3.9 26 -4.8 10 7.4 89 -1.9 16 #> 27 Missouri SEC 3.8 27 -4.8 9 7.7 80 -0.7 210 #> 28 Oregon P12 3.8 28 -2.8 118 12.7 1 -0.8 180 #> 29 Creighton BE 3.8 29 -3.0 99 11.3 8 -1.0 131 #> 30 Nevada MWC 3.8 30 -4.0 42 7.2 105 -1.4 61 #> 31 SMU Amer 3.8 31 -3.2 85 11.7 4 -1.0 127 #> 32 Cincinnati Amer 3.8 32 -3.9 48 9.2 42 -1.0 131 #> 33 Memphis Amer 3.8 33 -4.5 18 8.3 62 -1.4 67 #> 34 Georgia SEC 3.8 34 -4.0 42 9.3 37 -1.3 78 #> 35 Purdue B10 3.8 35 -3.5 71 10.8 15 -0.7 190 #> 36 BYU WCC 3.8 36 -2.8 122 9.1 44 -0.8 176 #> 37 St. Bonaventure A10 3.8 37 -3.7 58 8.9 47 -1.2 97 #> 38 Auburn SEC 3.8 38 -3.7 58 8.7 51 -0.9 166 #> 39 Ohio MAC 3.7 39 -3.7 58 9.4 32 -2.1 10 #> 40 Louisiana Tech CUSA 3.7 40 -3.4 78 9.4 33 -1.6 41 #> 41 Kansas St. B12 3.7 41 -3.9 52 6.3 148 -2.9 2 #> 42 Utah P12 3.7 42 -2.2 170 8.5 55 -1.6 35 #> 43 Western Kentucky CUSA 3.7 43 -4.5 16 4.8 244 -2.5 6 #> 44 South Dakota St. Sum 3.7 44 -2.9 110 10.3 18 -1.4 67 #> 45 Texas B12 3.7 45 -4.2 26 6.6 134 -1.6 46 #> 46 Stanford P12 3.7 46 -3.0 103 10.4 17 -1.0 136 #> 47 Massachusetts A10 3.7 47 -4.0 45 8.2 64 -1.7 28 #> 48 UTEP CUSA 3.7 48 -3.3 82 7.4 91 -1.6 41 #> 49 Alabama SEC 3.7 49 -4.4 22 7.8 75 -0.2 283 #> 50 La Salle A10 3.6 50 -4.0 38 8.0 69 -1.1 122 #> 51 Louisville ACC 3.6 51 -4.5 17 6.6 131 -1.3 78 #> 52 Stephen F. Austin WAC 3.6 52 -2.4 156 9.3 34 -1.9 14 #> 53 Oklahoma St. B12 3.6 53 -4.7 12 5.2 221 -2.2 9 #> 54 Florida St. ACC 3.6 54 -2.8 121 11.1 10 -1.2 97 #> 55 Baylor B12 3.6 55 -4.9 6 4.8 247 -1.4 61 #> 56 Ohio St. B10 3.6 56 -3.5 74 9.4 30 -0.7 210 #> 57 Utah Valley WAC 3.6 57 -1.3 268 9.7 24 -1.1 113 #> 58 San Diego St. MWC 3.6 58 -3.0 96 10.5 16 -1.4 72 #> 59 Michigan St. B10 3.6 59 -2.2 177 10.3 18 -1.4 59 #> 60 Old Dominion SB 3.6 60 -4.0 45 8.6 54 -1.0 141 #> 61 Michigan B10 3.6 61 -3.8 54 7.5 85 -1.2 103 #> 62 LSU SEC 3.6 62 -4.5 21 6.9 118 -1.2 108 #> 63 N.C. State ACC 3.6 63 -3.6 67 7.0 111 -2.4 7 #> 64 Kansas B12 3.5 64 -4.0 38 6.0 164 -1.4 64 #> 65 Marshall SB 3.5 65 -3.8 54 7.2 101 -0.7 199 #> 66 North Carolina ACC 3.5 66 -3.4 76 6.6 132 -1.7 26 #> 67 Penn St. B10 3.5 67 -3.6 65 7.8 76 -0.3 272 #> 68 Marquette BE 3.5 68 -3.8 57 7.0 114 -1.2 94 #> 69 California P12 3.5 69 -3.1 92 9.2 39 -1.4 72 #> 70 Wyoming MWC 3.5 70 -2.9 116 5.4 200 -1.2 108 #> 71 Washington P12 3.5 71 -2.9 105 7.7 79 -0.7 199 #> 72 Middle Tennessee CUSA 3.5 72 -3.1 87 8.2 64 -1.1 125 #> 73 Villanova BE 3.5 73 -4.3 25 6.3 144 -1.6 41 #> 74 Boise St. MWC 3.4 74 -4.2 28 6.0 168 -0.6 216 #> 75 Providence BE 3.4 75 -3.9 49 5.3 204 -0.9 155 #> 76 Indiana St. MVC 3.4 76 -3.6 63 8.4 58 -0.8 178 #> 77 Indiana B10 3.4 77 -3.5 69 8.4 57 -0.1 297 #> 78 Northern Iowa MVC 3.4 78 -3.6 64 7.4 92 -1.0 136 #> 79 New Mexico St. WAC 3.4 79 -2.5 153 6.2 156 -0.6 231 #> 80 Southern Miss SB 3.4 80 -2.5 149 10.8 14 -0.4 260 #> 81 UCF Amer 3.4 81 -2.1 181 10.0 23 -1.2 103 #> 82 North Texas CUSA 3.4 82 -3.7 58 6.7 129 -1.2 103 #> 83 South Carolina SEC 3.4 83 -4.3 24 5.2 221 -1.9 18 #> 84 UNC Wilmington CAA 3.4 84 -3.5 70 7.0 115 -1.4 59 #> 85 Drake MVC 3.4 85 -4.0 41 5.9 172 -0.7 187 #> 86 Grand Canyon WAC 3.4 86 -2.4 156 8.2 68 -1.4 64 #> 87 Coastal Carolina SB 3.4 87 -3.8 54 7.0 115 -0.9 166 #> 88 Duke ACC 3.4 88 -2.6 140 7.6 84 -0.7 190 #> 89 Texas A&M SEC 3.4 89 -4.2 29 3.9 282 -2.0 13 #> 90 Denver Sum 3.3 90 -2.3 167 7.2 100 -0.1 291 #> 91 Southern Illinois MVC 3.3 91 -2.9 114 8.9 46 -0.5 246 #> 92 VCU A10 3.3 92 -3.4 76 8.2 67 -0.7 206 #> 93 Missouri St. MVC 3.3 93 -3.9 52 6.0 167 -1.3 92 #> 94 USC P12 3.3 94 -2.1 184 8.2 64 -2.2 8 #> 95 Tennessee St. OVC 3.3 95 -2.9 105 7.0 113 -0.9 163 #> 96 Colorado St. MWC 3.3 96 -2.3 168 5.7 184 -1.7 29 #> 97 UAB CUSA 3.3 97 -3.1 87 7.7 83 0.2 346 #> 98 St. John's BE 3.3 98 -2.6 142 7.1 108 -1.6 45 #> 99 Southern SWAC 3.3 99 -1.9 204 9.4 28 -1.0 141 #> 100 Seton Hall BE 3.3 100 -4.1 34 3.5 299 -1.9 18 #> 101 Dayton A10 3.3 101 -3.7 62 5.3 211 -1.1 120 #> 102 Loyola Chicago A10 3.3 102 -3.2 84 8.0 71 -0.7 187 #> 103 Xavier BE 3.3 103 -4.0 45 4.8 246 -1.8 23 #> 104 Weber St. BSky 3.3 104 -2.0 198 6.2 152 -0.8 180 #> 105 UTSA CUSA 3.3 105 -1.8 222 11.5 7 -1.3 78 #> 106 Southeast Missouri St. OVC 3.3 106 -3.1 92 7.4 92 -0.3 277 #> 107 UNLV MWC 3.3 107 -3.1 92 5.8 180 -1.1 123 #> 108 Nebraska Omaha Sum 3.2 108 -2.6 135 7.4 89 -1.2 97 #> 109 Wofford SC 3.2 109 -2.7 131 6.6 132 -0.8 180 #> 110 UCLA P12 3.2 110 -2.5 151 7.9 72 -0.6 216 #> 111 Tennessee Martin OVC 3.2 111 -3.0 101 6.9 119 -0.3 267 #> 112 Nebraska B10 3.2 112 -4.0 42 5.2 223 0.1 332 #> 113 Norfolk St. MEAC 3.2 113 -1.9 210 8.0 69 -1.6 39 #> 114 Virginia ACC 3.2 114 -4.2 26 3.6 293 -0.5 251 #> 115 Georgia Tech ACC 3.2 115 -4.0 36 4.7 249 -1.1 113 #> 116 Miami FL ACC 3.2 116 -3.4 75 5.5 192 -1.8 23 #> 117 South Carolina St. MEAC 3.2 117 -3.9 50 4.1 273 -0.4 264 #> 118 Virginia Tech ACC 3.2 118 -2.1 179 6.9 117 -1.8 22 #> 119 Furman SC 3.2 119 -2.9 105 5.5 195 -0.5 254 #> 120 Butler BE 3.2 120 -2.7 129 7.1 106 0.2 342 #> 121 George Washington A10 3.2 121 -2.6 142 6.8 124 -1.8 23 #> 122 William & Mary CAA 3.2 122 -2.6 137 5.8 181 -0.6 232 #> 123 Oral Roberts Sum 3.2 123 -2.4 162 8.3 60 -0.9 159 #> 124 North Carolina Central MEAC 3.2 124 -1.6 241 9.4 30 -1.3 87 #> 125 Temple Amer 3.2 125 -2.3 169 7.3 98 -1.9 14 #> 126 Syracuse ACC 3.2 126 -2.9 109 5.4 199 -0.9 159 #> 127 Arizona P12 3.2 127 -2.9 114 5.3 204 -0.9 163 #> 128 Vanderbilt SEC 3.2 128 -4.1 33 4.5 259 -0.6 224 #> 129 Miami OH MAC 3.2 129 -3.1 95 5.3 216 -1.3 85 #> 130 Arizona St. P12 3.1 130 -2.7 133 6.3 149 -1.2 95 #> 131 Oregon St. P12 3.1 131 -2.9 116 6.7 128 -1.0 136 #> 132 Wisconsin B10 3.1 132 -3.5 72 5.9 176 -0.7 210 #> 133 Lamar Slnd 3.1 133 -3.5 72 5.0 237 -0.6 224 #> 134 Mississippi SEC 3.1 134 -2.6 142 6.8 124 -0.6 216 #> 135 Saint Joseph's A10 3.1 135 -3.3 79 4.4 262 -2.0 12 #> 136 Central Arkansas ASun 3.1 136 -1.8 216 6.8 126 -1.5 56 #> 137 Milwaukee Horz 3.1 137 -3.3 79 4.4 263 -1.0 141 #> 138 Wright St. Horz 3.1 138 -3.1 90 7.0 111 -0.5 236 #> 139 Notre Dame ACC 3.1 139 -2.4 154 6.0 164 -0.7 187 #> 140 Murray St. MVC 3.1 140 -1.5 246 9.7 25 -1.2 101 #> 141 St. Thomas Sum 3.1 141 -1.9 203 8.6 53 -0.7 198 #> 142 Western Carolina SC 3.1 142 -2.2 172 6.8 127 -0.8 180 #> 143 East Carolina Amer 3.1 143 -2.8 122 7.2 103 -0.2 285 #> 144 George Mason A10 3.1 144 -4.0 38 2.4 337 -1.7 26 #> 145 Youngstown St. Horz 3.1 145 -1.7 230 8.2 63 -1.2 108 #> 146 Kent St. MAC 3.1 146 -2.0 196 7.7 80 -0.5 244 #> 147 DePaul BE 3.1 147 -2.9 105 4.7 254 -1.4 70 #> 148 Illinois B10 3.1 148 -2.9 110 6.2 154 -0.9 159 #> 149 Western Michigan MAC 3.1 149 -2.6 142 6.9 119 -1.5 52 #> 150 Drexel CAA 3.1 150 -2.2 171 8.3 61 -0.5 246 #> 151 Tarleton St. WAC 3.1 151 -1.8 221 7.7 82 -1.0 126 #> 152 Seattle WAC 3.1 152 -2.6 137 7.9 72 -0.3 276 #> 153 Houston Christian Slnd 3.1 153 -2.4 156 6.6 136 -0.5 239 #> 154 Hampton CAA 3.1 154 -2.8 126 6.8 122 -0.7 199 #> 155 Valparaiso MVC 3.1 155 -3.1 87 5.9 170 0.2 344 #> 156 Jackson St. SWAC 3.1 156 -3.3 81 5.4 200 -0.1 306 #> 157 Howard MEAC 3.1 157 -2.0 190 6.1 159 -1.7 29 #> 158 Arkansas St. SB 3.1 158 -2.7 130 4.6 255 -1.5 52 #> 159 Detroit Mercy Horz 3.1 159 -2.9 110 6.5 137 -0.5 239 #> 160 Bowling Green MAC 3.1 160 -2.6 137 5.1 228 -1.4 61 #> 161 Charleston CAA 3.0 161 -2.2 175 6.4 140 -1.7 31 #> 162 Samford SC 3.0 162 -2.4 161 7.3 98 -1.3 78 #> 163 Minnesota B10 3.0 163 -2.9 113 6.2 152 -0.1 299 #> 164 Georgia St. SB 3.0 164 -2.6 148 5.6 188 -0.6 232 #> 165 Little Rock OVC 3.0 165 -3.5 68 6.6 134 0.0 317 #> 166 Houston Amer 3.0 166 -2.7 131 6.5 138 -1.0 127 #> 167 Ball St. MAC 3.0 167 -3.1 90 4.5 257 -1.4 72 #> 168 Washington St. P12 3.0 168 -1.6 239 7.3 97 0.0 317 #> 169 Morehead St. OVC 3.0 169 -1.8 222 6.1 159 -0.4 256 #> 170 Cal Baptist WAC 3.0 170 -1.7 231 7.4 95 -1.2 100 #> 171 Wichita St. Amer 3.0 171 -2.4 154 5.2 223 -0.6 224 #> 172 Lindenwood OVC 3.0 172 -2.0 199 6.4 142 -1.0 146 #> 173 San Jose St. MWC 3.0 173 -1.9 200 8.7 52 -0.1 291 #> 174 North Dakota St. Sum 3.0 174 -2.8 118 5.9 176 -0.3 267 #> 175 UT Arlington WAC 3.0 175 -2.0 193 6.4 141 -1.4 67 #> 176 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC 3.0 176 -2.8 118 5.2 223 -0.7 199 #> 177 South Florida Amer 3.0 177 -3.0 96 3.7 288 -1.0 127 #> 178 Nicholls St. Slnd 2.9 178 -1.2 276 9.6 26 -1.6 41 #> 179 Alabama A&M SWAC 2.9 179 -2.4 162 6.8 123 0.0 309 #> 180 North Dakota Sum 2.9 180 -1.8 218 7.4 92 -1.0 147 #> 181 IUPUI Horz 2.9 181 -2.6 140 5.1 228 -0.5 244 #> 182 Davidson A10 2.9 182 -2.1 186 5.9 173 -0.2 287 #> 183 Montana St. BSky 2.9 183 -1.8 222 5.6 191 0.3 351 #> 184 UNC Greensboro SC 2.9 184 -1.5 250 3.9 285 -2.0 11 #> 185 Sam Houston St. WAC 2.9 185 -1.5 248 6.2 158 -1.4 70 #> 186 Utah Tech WAC 2.9 186 -0.9 300 7.3 96 -0.7 185 #> 187 Boston College ACC 2.9 187 -2.1 181 6.2 156 -0.4 256 #> 188 Troy SB 2.9 188 -1.8 216 5.9 170 -0.6 223 #> 189 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd 2.9 189 -2.2 172 4.3 266 -1.3 78 #> 190 Eastern Michigan MAC 2.9 190 -2.8 126 4.7 253 -1.0 141 #> 191 Pittsburgh ACC 2.9 191 -3.0 103 4.1 271 0.1 329 #> 192 North Florida ASun 2.9 192 -1.3 266 8.4 59 -0.5 251 #> 193 South Dakota Sum 2.9 193 -1.8 222 6.6 130 -0.4 256 #> 194 Southern Utah WAC 2.8 194 -1.0 293 5.3 204 -0.7 206 #> 195 Western Illinois Sum 2.8 195 -2.0 196 7.1 106 -0.3 272 #> 196 San Francisco WCC 2.8 196 -2.6 135 3.7 290 -0.9 148 #> 197 Florida Gulf Coast ASun 2.8 197 -1.4 252 7.2 103 -0.9 150 #> 198 Alcorn St. SWAC 2.8 198 -2.2 177 6.3 144 0.1 332 #> 199 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd 2.8 199 -2.1 179 5.3 216 -0.9 166 #> 200 Towson CAA 2.8 200 -2.4 164 4.4 261 -0.8 171 #> 201 Long Beach St. BW 2.8 201 -2.5 149 5.3 213 0.2 344 #> 202 Morgan St. MEAC 2.8 202 -1.3 266 7.8 77 0.0 323 #> 203 Gonzaga WCC 2.8 203 -1.1 282 6.2 151 -1.5 56 #> 204 Bethune Cookman SWAC 2.8 204 -1.2 276 7.8 77 -0.7 190 #> 205 Florida SEC 2.8 205 -2.8 126 4.2 270 -0.7 206 #> 206 FIU CUSA 2.8 206 -2.4 156 6.3 149 0.0 313 #> 207 Richmond A10 2.8 207 -2.6 142 5.3 211 -0.8 178 #> 208 Tulane Amer 2.8 208 -2.5 151 3.6 292 -0.9 150 #> 209 Louisiana Monroe SB 2.8 209 -1.9 204 6.3 147 -0.9 150 #> 210 Texas A&M Commerce Slnd 2.8 210 -1.6 235 5.3 219 -1.3 90 #> 211 James Madison SB 2.8 211 -1.8 219 3.4 302 -1.6 46 #> 212 Cal St. Bakersfield BW 2.8 212 -1.6 244 6.0 168 -1.4 72 #> 213 Southern Indiana OVC 2.8 213 -2.0 195 5.2 226 -0.7 214 #> 214 Fresno St. MWC 2.8 214 -2.6 142 4.0 276 -0.7 199 #> 215 Georgia Southern SB 2.8 215 -1.9 202 6.0 166 0.0 323 #> 216 Buffalo MAC 2.8 216 -2.1 187 4.8 244 -1.1 120 #> 217 Saint Mary's WCC 2.8 217 -1.7 232 5.3 204 -1.1 118 #> 218 Kennesaw St. ASun 2.8 218 -1.6 241 5.2 220 -1.1 116 #> 219 UNC Asheville BSth 2.8 219 -1.4 252 5.7 185 -0.7 190 #> 220 Montana BSky 2.8 220 -1.9 208 4.2 267 0.0 317 #> 221 Appalachian St. SB 2.8 221 -1.9 200 3.3 309 -0.7 199 #> 222 Queens ASun 2.8 222 -1.5 249 5.7 183 -0.7 186 #> 223 Cleveland St. Horz 2.8 223 -2.1 181 5.9 173 0.7 359 #> 224 South Alabama SB 2.8 224 -0.9 304 9.2 39 0.7 360 #> 225 Delaware CAA 2.8 225 -1.0 298 7.0 110 -0.1 291 #> 226 Siena MAAC 2.8 226 -1.0 293 6.5 138 -1.3 92 #> 227 Toledo MAC 2.7 227 -1.9 208 5.4 200 -1.2 103 #> 228 Rice CUSA 2.7 228 -1.9 204 4.7 251 -1.1 113 #> 229 VMI SC 2.7 229 -1.6 233 5.1 228 -1.2 108 #> 230 Georgetown BE 2.7 230 -3.0 101 3.2 313 -0.6 232 #> 231 Winthrop BSth 2.7 231 -2.0 193 3.9 278 -1.5 56 #> 232 Texas Southern SWAC 2.7 232 -1.0 296 8.8 49 0.6 357 #> 233 Abilene Christian WAC 2.7 233 -0.3 335 5.7 186 -1.7 33 #> 234 The Citadel SC 2.7 234 -2.3 165 3.3 309 -1.3 87 #> 235 Prairie View A&M SWAC 2.7 235 -1.6 241 5.9 175 0.3 349 #> 236 Chattanooga SC 2.7 236 -1.8 214 4.1 271 -0.9 163 #> 237 UMKC Sum 2.7 237 -1.4 262 5.3 215 -1.3 78 #> 238 Eastern Kentucky ASun 2.7 238 -0.9 301 5.5 194 -0.7 215 #> 239 Duquesne A10 2.7 239 -2.8 122 2.0 342 -1.0 131 #> 240 Binghamton AE 2.7 240 -1.7 227 5.6 189 -0.5 246 #> 241 New Orleans Slnd 2.7 241 -1.4 252 5.3 204 -0.9 148 #> 242 Northwestern B10 2.7 242 -1.6 240 4.9 241 -0.7 199 #> 243 Pacific WCC 2.7 243 -1.6 244 4.6 255 -1.0 141 #> 244 Alabama St. SWAC 2.7 244 -2.1 188 4.5 257 0.0 313 #> 245 North Alabama ASun 2.7 245 -0.8 311 5.8 182 -1.3 91 #> 246 Belmont MVC 2.7 246 -1.4 259 6.2 154 -0.3 272 #> 247 Florida A&M SWAC 2.7 247 -1.8 214 4.9 241 -0.9 150 #> 248 Purdue Fort Wayne Horz 2.7 248 -1.6 236 6.1 163 -0.3 272 #> 249 Rhode Island A10 2.7 249 -2.7 133 1.8 344 -0.4 262 #> 250 Fordham A10 2.6 250 -2.4 160 1.6 347 -1.3 87 #> 251 Eastern Illinois OVC 2.6 251 -2.2 172 3.4 301 -0.7 190 #> 252 Mercer SC 2.6 252 -2.2 175 3.2 314 -1.0 127 #> 253 Florida Atlantic CUSA 2.6 253 -0.9 307 5.5 196 -1.6 39 #> 254 Akron MAC 2.6 254 -2.0 192 4.3 264 -0.6 216 #> 255 McNeese St. Slnd 2.6 255 -2.1 184 3.4 302 -0.5 251 #> 256 Chicago St. ind 2.6 256 -2.3 165 1.6 345 -1.7 33 #> 257 High Point BSth 2.6 257 -0.3 333 6.9 119 -0.3 270 #> 258 Tennessee Tech OVC 2.6 258 -1.1 286 5.1 228 -0.1 308 #> 259 Northern Kentucky Horz 2.6 259 -1.4 257 4.1 273 -1.5 55 #> 260 Idaho St. BSky 2.6 260 -1.3 269 4.2 268 0.5 353 #> 261 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC 2.6 261 -1.1 290 5.1 228 -0.3 277 #> 262 Louisiana SB 2.6 262 -1.8 212 5.3 204 0.1 335 #> 263 Northwestern St. Slnd 2.6 263 -1.1 289 4.7 249 -1.5 51 #> 264 Delaware St. MEAC 2.6 264 -1.2 275 5.4 200 -0.8 171 #> 265 Iona MAAC 2.6 265 -1.4 251 3.9 280 -0.9 155 #> 266 Idaho BSky 2.6 266 -1.4 262 3.8 286 -0.6 216 #> 267 Monmouth CAA 2.6 267 -1.0 291 6.1 161 -1.2 101 #> 268 Northern Arizona BSky 2.6 268 -1.1 286 2.7 328 -0.8 171 #> 269 Fairfield MAAC 2.6 269 -1.1 281 5.8 179 -0.6 232 #> 270 Austin Peay ASun 2.5 270 -1.1 282 6.3 146 -0.5 239 #> 271 Liberty ASun 2.5 271 -1.8 212 3.1 318 -1.3 85 #> 272 Incarnate Word Slnd 2.5 272 -0.5 317 5.6 190 -1.0 131 #> 273 NJIT AE 2.5 273 -1.2 276 5.0 236 -0.8 176 #> 274 SIU Edwardsville OVC 2.5 274 -0.9 305 5.0 239 -0.5 254 #> 275 Green Bay Horz 2.5 275 -2.0 190 3.4 304 -0.5 246 #> 276 Pepperdine WCC 2.5 276 -1.5 246 5.1 233 0.1 338 #> 277 Albany AE 2.5 277 -2.8 122 1.5 353 -1.1 118 #> 278 Texas St. SB 2.5 278 -1.9 204 3.2 314 -0.1 291 #> 279 Saint Peter's MAAC 2.5 279 -1.6 233 5.4 197 0.1 339 #> 280 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 2.5 280 -0.9 299 5.3 216 -0.4 259 #> 281 Illinois Chicago MVC 2.5 281 -1.3 269 3.9 282 -0.7 206 #> 282 Elon CAA 2.5 282 -1.4 259 3.5 299 -0.6 216 #> 283 Bryant AE 2.5 283 -0.9 301 5.3 210 -0.1 291 #> 284 Bucknell Pat 2.5 284 -0.5 320 5.3 213 -1.1 123 #> 285 Niagara MAAC 2.5 285 0.0 349 7.5 88 -0.9 150 #> 286 San Diego WCC 2.5 286 -1.8 222 2.0 341 -0.5 246 #> 287 Portland St. BSky 2.4 287 -0.5 320 6.1 161 -0.5 236 #> 288 Loyola MD Pat 2.4 288 -1.0 296 6.4 143 0.6 358 #> 289 USC Upstate BSth 2.4 289 -1.4 257 3.8 286 -0.2 285 #> 290 Santa Clara WCC 2.4 290 -2.1 188 1.5 351 -0.9 166 #> 291 Campbell BSth 2.4 291 -1.7 227 3.3 307 -0.8 180 #> 292 Army Pat 2.4 292 -0.5 324 5.8 178 -0.1 289 #> 293 New Hampshire AE 2.4 293 -1.2 274 4.2 268 -0.1 291 #> 294 Bellarmine ASun 2.4 294 -1.2 279 3.3 306 -0.9 162 #> 295 Northeastern CAA 2.4 295 -0.3 334 5.2 227 -1.4 72 #> 296 East Tennessee St. SC 2.4 296 -1.4 252 1.6 345 -0.7 190 #> 297 Stony Brook CAA 2.4 297 -1.4 259 3.0 320 -1.0 136 #> 298 Hofstra CAA 2.4 298 -1.7 227 1.0 358 -2.5 5 #> 299 Central Michigan MAC 2.4 299 -1.4 262 3.1 316 -0.5 239 #> 300 LIU NEC 2.3 300 -0.9 307 3.6 294 -0.1 299 #> 301 Hawaii BW 2.3 301 -1.6 236 3.9 280 0.9 361 #> 302 Sacramento St. BSky 2.3 302 -0.2 340 5.4 197 -0.1 289 #> 303 Vermont AE 2.3 303 -1.3 269 2.7 328 -1.2 95 #> 304 Penn Ivy 2.3 304 -1.9 210 3.0 320 0.0 309 #> 305 Maine AE 2.3 305 -1.3 269 3.9 282 -0.1 303 #> 306 Presbyterian BSth 2.3 306 -0.5 320 4.1 273 -1.2 103 #> 307 Cornell Ivy 2.3 307 0.7 361 7.2 102 0.0 317 #> 308 UMass Lowell AE 2.3 308 -1.1 286 3.5 298 -0.7 210 #> 309 Jacksonville ASun 2.3 309 -0.5 318 5.5 193 0.1 337 #> 310 Northern Illinois MAC 2.3 310 -0.9 305 2.8 326 -1.5 52 #> 311 Lafayette Pat 2.3 311 -1.4 265 3.3 308 0.0 309 #> 312 Oakland Horz 2.3 312 -1.6 236 1.4 354 -0.8 175 #> 313 Manhattan MAAC 2.3 313 -0.4 329 4.7 248 -1.0 131 #> 314 Quinnipiac MAAC 2.3 314 -1.1 282 3.3 309 -0.2 281 #> 315 UC Santa Barbara BW 2.3 315 -1.1 282 2.9 323 0.0 309 #> 316 Holy Cross Pat 2.3 316 -1.3 269 2.6 331 0.0 313 #> 317 Canisius MAAC 2.3 317 -1.4 252 2.5 333 0.1 332 #> 318 Harvard Ivy 2.3 318 -0.5 326 4.5 260 0.0 322 #> 319 Northern Colorado BSky 2.3 319 -1.0 291 1.6 347 -0.1 303 #> 320 Cal Poly BW 2.3 320 -1.1 280 2.7 327 -0.6 222 #> 321 Robert Morris Horz 2.3 321 -0.1 346 3.0 322 -0.2 279 #> 322 Lehigh Pat 2.3 322 -0.3 331 4.8 243 -0.1 299 #> 323 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC 2.3 323 0.3 356 7.0 109 -0.4 262 #> 324 Grambling St. SWAC 2.2 324 -0.4 330 3.6 296 0.0 317 #> 325 Sacred Heart NEC 2.2 325 -0.8 313 3.3 309 0.3 350 #> 326 Lipscomb ASun 2.2 326 -0.9 307 5.0 238 0.5 354 #> 327 Loyola Marymount WCC 2.2 327 -0.5 324 5.1 233 0.6 356 #> 328 Jacksonville St. ASun 2.2 328 -1.8 219 -0.4 362 -0.6 224 #> 329 Charleston Southern BSth 2.2 329 -0.1 347 5.7 186 -0.7 190 #> 330 Dartmouth Ivy 2.2 330 0.0 350 4.7 251 0.0 323 #> 331 UC Davis BW 2.2 331 -1.0 293 4.3 265 0.5 355 #> 332 Mount St. Mary's MAAC 2.1 332 0.1 351 4.0 277 -0.4 264 #> 333 Marist MAAC 2.1 333 -0.1 345 3.7 290 -0.3 270 #> 334 Cal St. Northridge BW 2.1 334 -0.5 320 1.9 343 -0.2 281 #> 335 Central Connecticut NEC 2.1 335 0.1 353 3.6 294 -0.7 190 #> 336 St. Francis PA NEC 2.1 336 -0.8 310 1.4 355 -0.2 279 #> 337 Gardner Webb BSth 2.1 337 -0.6 316 3.7 289 0.0 323 #> 338 American Pat 2.1 338 0.0 348 3.1 318 -0.1 306 #> 339 UC Irvine BW 2.1 339 0.6 360 5.0 239 -0.4 264 #> 340 Stetson ASun 2.1 340 0.4 358 5.0 235 0.1 329 #> 341 Columbia Ivy 2.0 341 -0.6 315 3.5 297 0.9 362 #> 342 Longwood BSth 2.0 342 -0.1 342 1.6 350 -1.6 37 #> 343 Colgate Pat 2.0 343 -0.3 331 3.4 305 0.0 313 #> 344 Eastern Washington BSky 2.0 344 0.1 351 3.9 278 0.2 342 #> 345 Stonehill NEC 2.0 345 -0.2 339 2.9 325 0.2 340 #> 346 Wagner NEC 2.0 346 -0.1 342 2.4 335 0.3 351 #> 347 UMBC AE 2.0 347 -0.8 313 2.4 337 0.2 346 #> 348 Rider MAAC 2.0 348 -0.3 335 3.1 317 -0.2 283 #> 349 Yale Ivy 2.0 349 -0.3 335 2.5 332 0.1 335 #> 350 Brown Ivy 2.0 350 -0.4 327 0.3 360 -0.6 224 #> 351 UC San Diego BW 1.9 351 -0.1 344 2.4 336 0.1 328 #> 352 Merrimack NEC 1.9 352 -0.2 338 1.0 357 -0.3 269 #> 353 Hartford ind 1.9 353 -0.8 312 1.5 352 0.0 323 #> 354 Radford BSth 1.9 354 -0.9 301 0.3 359 -0.1 303 #> 355 Princeton Ivy 1.9 355 0.5 359 2.5 334 -0.6 224 #> 356 Portland WCC 1.9 356 0.2 354 2.7 328 -0.1 297 #> 357 UC Riverside BW 1.9 357 0.3 355 2.2 339 -0.6 224 #> 358 Coppin St. MEAC 1.9 358 -0.5 318 1.2 356 0.2 346 #> 359 Boston University Pat 1.8 359 -0.4 327 0.2 361 -0.9 155 #> 360 Cal St. Fullerton BW 1.8 360 0.3 356 2.2 340 -0.5 236 #> 361 St. Francis NY NEC 1.8 361 -0.2 340 1.6 347 0.2 341 #> 362 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC 1.5 362 1.4 363 2.9 323 1.3 363 #> 363 Navy Pat 1.1 363 0.8 362 -2.2 363 -0.4 260 #> blk blk_rk elev elev_rk #> 1 2.3 9 1000 60 #> 2 1.3 129 3200 20 #> 3 2.0 21 600 140 #> 4 1.4 111 7000 2 #> 5 1.1 192 5100 7 #> 6 1.5 89 4800 10 #> 7 1.1 175 5400 5 #> 8 1.9 31 900 70 #> 9 1.8 42 700 116 #> 10 1.2 150 900 70 #> 11 1.4 99 1000 60 #> 12 1.9 31 500 172 #> 13 1.8 46 500 172 #> 14 1.6 68 1100 50 #> 15 2.1 13 1300 42 #> 16 1.1 198 800 94 #> 17 2.0 16 800 94 #> 18 0.9 251 1000 60 #> 19 1.8 40 0 318 #> 20 1.7 51 700 116 #> 21 1.6 76 600 140 #> 22 1.9 23 700 116 #> 23 1.5 85 800 94 #> 24 2.0 16 400 193 #> 25 1.3 129 400 193 #> 26 1.5 80 100 268 #> 27 1.7 55 700 116 #> 28 1.6 62 400 193 #> 29 1.6 73 1000 60 #> 30 0.7 288 4600 15 #> 31 1.1 170 600 140 #> 32 1.6 68 800 94 #> 33 1.2 150 200 241 #> 34 1.2 156 700 116 #> 35 1.4 99 600 140 #> 36 1.0 214 4700 14 #> 37 1.4 120 1400 39 #> 38 2.1 12 700 116 #> 39 0.7 295 600 140 #> 40 1.9 23 300 219 #> 41 1.7 58 1100 50 #> 42 1.4 95 4800 10 #> 43 1.9 29 500 172 #> 44 0.8 278 1600 38 #> 45 1.7 55 500 172 #> 46 2.0 19 100 268 #> 47 1.1 198 200 241 #> 48 0.9 251 3800 19 #> 49 1.8 46 200 241 #> 50 1.4 99 200 241 #> 51 1.0 205 400 193 #> 52 2.4 6 300 219 #> 53 0.8 278 900 70 #> 54 1.1 181 100 268 #> 55 1.4 120 400 193 #> 56 1.1 186 700 116 #> 57 1.4 113 4600 15 #> 58 0.6 305 400 193 #> 59 1.9 31 800 94 #> 60 0.9 251 0 318 #> 61 1.1 175 900 70 #> 62 0.9 226 0 318 #> 63 1.2 156 400 193 #> 64 1.6 76 900 70 #> 65 1.8 38 500 172 #> 66 2.1 14 400 193 #> 67 1.6 73 1200 45 #> 68 1.2 161 600 140 #> 69 1.0 223 200 241 #> 70 1.2 141 7200 1 #> 71 2.7 1 100 268 #> 72 1.4 106 600 140 #> 73 0.3 340 400 193 #> 74 0.3 337 2700 23 #> 75 2.3 10 0 318 #> 76 0.4 330 500 172 #> 77 0.9 226 800 94 #> 78 0.7 295 900 70 #> 79 2.4 8 4000 18 #> 80 1.0 211 200 241 #> 81 1.6 65 100 268 #> 82 0.8 278 700 116 #> 83 0.4 333 200 241 #> 84 1.1 202 0 318 #> 85 1.0 205 900 70 #> 86 1.4 99 1100 50 #> 87 0.9 256 0 318 #> 88 2.5 5 400 193 #> 89 1.1 186 400 193 #> 90 0.9 232 5300 6 #> 91 1.1 175 400 193 #> 92 0.7 293 200 241 #> 93 0.3 340 1300 42 #> 94 1.6 76 200 241 #> 95 1.9 31 500 172 #> 96 1.1 181 5000 8 #> 97 1.8 42 600 140 #> 98 1.9 31 100 268 #> 99 1.9 23 100 268 #> 100 1.4 111 0 318 #> 101 1.2 163 700 116 #> 102 0.3 337 600 140 #> 103 0.5 318 600 140 #> 104 1.8 37 4800 10 #> 105 0.1 352 300 219 #> 106 1.3 126 500 172 #> 107 1.1 198 2000 32 #> 108 0.9 232 1000 60 #> 109 1.9 29 800 94 #> 110 1.5 83 400 193 #> 111 1.6 62 400 193 #> 112 1.2 161 1100 50 #> 113 1.8 38 0 318 #> 114 1.4 113 500 172 #> 115 0.2 349 900 70 #> 116 0.6 306 0 318 #> 117 1.7 51 300 219 #> 118 0.6 302 2200 29 #> 119 2.0 19 1000 60 #> 120 1.8 46 800 94 #> 121 0.9 225 100 268 #> 122 2.6 2 100 268 #> 123 0.7 288 600 140 #> 124 1.1 175 400 193 #> 125 1.0 214 100 268 #> 126 1.8 46 600 140 #> 127 1.1 170 2400 28 #> 128 0.6 299 500 172 #> 129 1.1 192 900 70 #> 130 0.9 241 1200 45 #> 131 0.9 232 200 241 #> 132 0.3 337 900 70 #> 133 1.4 113 0 318 #> 134 1.4 106 500 172 #> 135 0.7 286 300 219 #> 136 2.2 11 300 219 #> 137 1.4 106 600 140 #> 138 0.1 353 900 70 #> 139 1.9 26 700 116 #> 140 0.7 295 500 172 #> 141 0.9 255 900 70 #> 142 1.0 205 2100 30 #> 143 1.2 163 100 268 #> 144 0.9 241 400 193 #> 145 0.9 232 1000 60 #> 146 1.2 141 1200 45 #> 147 1.4 120 600 140 #> 148 0.5 311 800 94 #> 149 0.1 355 800 94 #> 150 0.9 232 100 268 #> 151 0.9 231 1300 42 #> 152 0.5 323 300 219 #> 153 1.7 58 100 268 #> 154 0.8 275 0 318 #> 155 1.1 170 800 94 #> 156 1.2 163 300 219 #> 157 1.6 68 100 268 #> 158 1.5 85 300 219 #> 159 0.5 311 600 140 #> 160 1.2 150 700 116 #> 161 1.1 192 0 318 #> 162 0.1 353 700 116 #> 163 0.9 226 800 94 #> 164 1.5 89 1000 60 #> 165 -0.2 362 300 219 #> 166 0.5 311 0 318 #> 167 0.5 311 900 70 #> 168 1.3 133 2600 25 #> 169 2.4 6 800 94 #> 170 0.9 261 800 94 #> 171 1.5 87 1400 39 #> 172 1.4 98 600 140 #> 173 0.9 256 100 268 #> 174 0.6 306 900 70 #> 175 0.9 241 600 140 #> 176 1.1 186 0 318 #> 177 1.3 126 100 268 #> 178 0.0 357 0 318 #> 179 0.7 288 700 116 #> 180 0.5 326 800 94 #> 181 1.1 192 700 116 #> 182 1.6 67 800 94 #> 183 1.1 175 4900 9 #> 184 2.6 3 900 70 #> 185 1.5 80 400 193 #> 186 1.0 222 2700 23 #> 187 1.2 147 200 241 #> 188 1.6 72 500 172 #> 189 1.5 80 0 318 #> 190 0.3 340 800 94 #> 191 1.1 186 1100 50 #> 192 1.0 223 0 318 #> 193 0.8 267 1200 45 #> 194 1.0 205 5800 4 #> 195 0.4 329 600 140 #> 196 1.3 135 300 219 #> 197 1.2 163 0 318 #> 198 1.1 186 300 219 #> 199 1.1 170 100 268 #> 200 1.3 135 400 193 #> 201 1.4 113 0 318 #> 202 1.5 89 200 241 #> 203 0.8 262 1900 33 #> 204 1.2 156 0 318 #> 205 0.8 275 200 241 #> 206 0.6 309 0 318 #> 207 0.2 350 200 241 #> 208 1.3 129 0 318 #> 209 0.6 299 100 268 #> 210 1.3 138 600 140 #> 211 1.9 26 1400 39 #> 212 0.9 241 400 193 #> 213 1.2 155 500 172 #> 214 1.0 211 300 219 #> 215 1.4 99 200 241 #> 216 0.8 262 600 140 #> 217 1.1 192 600 140 #> 218 1.2 163 1100 50 #> 219 1.0 214 2100 30 #> 220 1.6 65 3200 20 #> 221 1.7 54 3200 20 #> 222 1.3 125 600 140 #> 223 1.2 150 700 116 #> 224 1.4 113 200 241 #> 225 2.1 15 100 268 #> 226 1.4 106 100 268 #> 227 0.5 326 600 140 #> 228 1.1 181 0 318 #> 229 0.8 266 1000 60 #> 230 0.6 302 0 318 #> 231 0.9 241 700 116 #> 232 1.4 120 0 318 #> 233 2.0 16 1700 35 #> 234 1.1 186 0 318 #> 235 1.8 40 300 219 #> 236 1.4 99 700 116 #> 237 0.9 241 900 70 #> 238 1.9 26 1000 60 #> 239 0.9 232 800 94 #> 240 0.5 311 900 70 #> 241 1.2 141 0 318 #> 242 1.2 141 600 140 #> 243 1.4 99 0 318 #> 244 1.3 133 300 219 #> 245 1.4 94 600 140 #> 246 0.9 241 600 140 #> 247 0.7 283 100 268 #> 248 0.5 321 800 94 #> 249 1.7 51 100 268 #> 250 1.4 95 100 268 #> 251 0.8 267 700 116 #> 252 0.8 270 500 172 #> 253 1.3 139 0 318 #> 254 0.4 333 1100 50 #> 255 1.3 126 0 318 #> 256 1.0 205 600 140 #> 257 1.8 42 900 70 #> 258 1.9 36 1100 50 #> 259 0.9 241 800 94 #> 260 1.4 106 4600 15 #> 261 2.0 21 100 268 #> 262 0.8 274 0 318 #> 263 1.1 175 100 268 #> 264 1.0 214 0 318 #> 265 1.4 95 0 318 #> 266 1.2 163 2600 25 #> 267 0.5 323 0 318 #> 268 1.4 113 6900 3 #> 269 0.8 262 0 318 #> 270 0.2 345 500 172 #> 271 0.5 326 900 70 #> 272 1.2 150 700 116 #> 273 0.9 256 100 268 #> 274 1.6 76 500 172 #> 275 0.5 318 600 140 #> 276 0.8 270 300 219 #> 277 -0.1 361 200 241 #> 278 1.1 202 700 116 #> 279 0.2 345 100 268 #> 280 1.1 181 100 268 #> 281 1.1 202 600 140 #> 282 1.2 156 700 116 #> 283 1.2 163 400 193 #> 284 1.0 214 500 172 #> 285 0.4 330 600 140 #> 286 1.6 68 200 241 #> 287 0.9 256 200 241 #> 288 0.7 288 300 219 #> 289 0.9 226 900 70 #> 290 0.8 262 100 268 #> 291 0.2 347 200 241 #> 292 1.1 198 400 193 #> 293 1.0 219 100 268 #> 294 0.9 230 500 172 #> 295 0.8 275 0 318 #> 296 1.5 87 1700 35 #> 297 0.5 311 100 268 #> 298 0.0 360 100 268 #> 299 0.7 295 800 94 #> 300 1.8 46 0 318 #> 301 1.0 219 0 318 #> 302 1.7 58 0 318 #> 303 0.5 321 400 193 #> 304 0.4 335 0 318 #> 305 0.6 299 100 268 #> 306 0.7 283 700 116 #> 307 1.5 89 900 70 #> 308 0.7 293 100 268 #> 309 1.0 219 0 318 #> 310 0.6 302 900 70 #> 311 0.7 285 300 219 #> 312 0.8 278 900 70 #> 313 0.5 318 100 268 #> 314 0.8 267 400 193 #> 315 1.3 139 100 268 #> 316 0.9 241 700 116 #> 317 0.9 232 600 140 #> 318 1.4 120 0 318 #> 319 1.5 83 4800 10 #> 320 0.7 288 300 219 #> 321 2.5 4 1200 45 #> 322 1.0 211 300 219 #> 323 0.5 323 200 241 #> 324 1.6 62 300 219 #> 325 1.5 89 300 219 #> 326 0.0 358 600 140 #> 327 0.9 241 100 268 #> 328 1.4 113 700 116 #> 329 0.0 359 0 318 #> 330 1.2 156 500 172 #> 331 0.2 350 100 268 #> 332 1.3 129 500 172 #> 333 1.2 147 100 268 #> 334 1.7 58 900 70 #> 335 1.2 141 100 268 #> 336 1.2 147 1900 33 #> 337 0.2 347 800 94 #> 338 1.7 57 400 193 #> 339 1.1 170 100 268 #> 340 1.0 205 100 268 #> 341 0.9 251 100 268 #> 342 0.9 256 400 193 #> 343 0.4 335 1100 50 #> 344 0.3 340 2500 27 #> 345 1.2 146 100 268 #> 346 1.8 42 200 241 #> 347 0.6 306 200 241 #> 348 0.3 340 100 268 #> 349 0.9 232 100 268 #> 350 1.6 73 100 268 #> 351 0.9 240 400 193 #> 352 1.1 185 200 241 #> 353 0.1 356 100 268 #> 354 0.4 330 1700 35 #> 355 1.1 192 100 268 #> 356 0.8 270 200 241 #> 357 0.6 309 1100 50 #> 358 0.7 286 200 241 #> 359 0.5 311 0 318 #> 360 0.8 278 200 241 #> 361 0.8 270 100 268 #> 362 1.3 135 0 318 #> 363 -0.3 363 0 318 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_height.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Heights, Experience, Bench and Continuity Data — kp_height","title":"Get Heights, Experience, Bench and Continuity Data — kp_height","text":"Get Heights, Experience, Bench Continuity Data","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_height.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Heights, Experience, Bench and Continuity Data — kp_height","text":"","code":"kp_height(min_year, max_year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_height.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Heights, Experience, Bench and Continuity Data — kp_height","text":"min_year First year data pull max_year Last year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_height.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Heights, Experience, Bench and Continuity Data — kp_height","text":"Returns tibble heights","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_height.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Heights, Experience, Bench and Continuity Data — kp_height","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_height(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2021)) #> 2023-04-05 17:14:50: Invalid arguments or no height data for 2020 - 2021 available! #> Team Conf Avg.Hgt Avg.Hgt.Rk Eff.Hgt Eff.Hgt.Rk C.Hgt #> 1 Florida St. ACC 79.0 1 1.4 27 1.6 #> 2 Eastern Michigan MAC 78.8 2 2.3 4 2.4 #> 3 Gonzaga WCC 78.8 3 2.0 7 1.7 #> 4 Washington P12 78.7 4 1.4 33 0.5 #> 5 Seton Hall BE 78.7 5 3.2 1 4.6 #> 6 Northwestern B10 78.7 6 1.9 14 1.0 #> 7 Mississippi St. SEC 78.7 7 1.9 15 1.7 #> 8 Villanova BE 78.6 8 0.8 67 0.0 #> 9 Central Arkansas Slnd 78.6 9 1.6 20 2.5 #> 10 Utah St. MWC 78.4 10 0.9 59 2.0 #> 11 Syracuse ACC 78.4 11 1.5 24 1.1 #> 12 Arizona P12 78.3 12 1.9 9 2.1 #> 13 Oregon St. P12 78.3 13 1.4 30 2.8 #> 14 Purdue B10 78.3 14 2.2 5 2.8 #> 15 Harvard Ivy 78.3 15 1.2 41 1.1 #> 16 Notre Dame ACC 78.3 16 1.5 22 1.4 #> 17 Santa Clara WCC 78.3 17 1.3 39 0.9 #> 18 Cincinnati Amer 78.3 18 2.1 6 3.2 #> 19 Indiana B10 78.3 19 1.3 38 1.2 #> 20 North Carolina ACC 78.3 20 1.2 44 0.6 #> 21 Maine AE 78.2 21 0.3 112 -0.5 #> 22 Duke ACC 78.2 22 1.1 50 0.9 #> 23 Xavier BE 78.2 23 0.7 75 0.0 #> 24 Kansas B12 78.2 24 1.3 37 2.4 #> 25 South Carolina SEC 78.2 25 0.9 63 2.0 #> 26 Long Beach St. BW 78.2 26 1.9 12 1.9 #> 27 Loyola Marymount WCC 78.2 27 -0.3 227 -1.0 #> 28 Utah P12 78.1 28 1.6 21 1.7 #> 29 USC P12 78.1 29 2.0 8 1.7 #> 30 New Mexico MWC 78.1 30 0.8 69 0.3 #> 31 Kentucky SEC 78.0 31 1.8 17 1.7 #> 32 Davidson A10 78.0 32 0.4 103 0.4 #> 33 UCLA P12 78.0 33 1.5 26 0.8 #> 34 Rutgers B10 78.0 34 0.3 110 1.0 #> 35 Boise St. MWC 78.0 35 0.7 76 0.8 #> 36 San Jose St. MWC 77.9 36 0.5 97 0.5 #> 37 Oklahoma St. B12 77.9 37 0.4 108 0.5 #> 38 Tennessee SEC 77.9 38 -0.3 222 -0.2 #> 39 Boston College ACC 77.9 39 0.7 79 0.4 #> 40 Delaware CAA 77.9 40 0.6 91 1.2 #> 41 East Carolina Amer 77.9 41 0.1 140 0.1 #> 42 Missouri SEC 77.9 42 1.0 57 1.0 #> 43 Hawaii BW 77.8 43 1.3 35 1.5 #> 44 San Francisco WCC 77.8 44 1.9 11 2.1 #> 45 St. Bonaventure A10 77.8 45 0.9 61 0.8 #> 46 Tennessee Martin OVC 77.8 46 0.5 95 1.0 #> 47 Minnesota B10 77.8 47 1.1 45 0.8 #> 48 TCU B12 77.8 48 0.4 101 1.4 #> 49 Oklahoma B12 77.8 49 0.2 120 0.2 #> 50 Virginia ACC 77.8 50 2.4 3 2.9 #> 51 Stanford P12 77.8 51 0.8 68 0.3 #> 52 Montana St. BSky 77.7 52 1.0 56 1.0 #> 53 Iowa B10 77.7 53 1.6 19 1.8 #> 54 Oregon P12 77.7 54 0.1 147 -0.2 #> 55 William & Mary CAA 77.7 55 1.9 10 2.6 #> 56 Texas B12 77.7 56 1.1 48 1.0 #> 57 James Madison CAA 77.7 57 -0.4 238 -1.0 #> 58 Wyoming MWC 77.7 58 -0.3 220 -0.3 #> 59 UTEP CUSA 77.7 59 0.8 70 0.8 #> 60 Grambling St. SWAC 77.7 60 1.5 23 1.9 #> 61 Ohio MAC 77.6 61 0.9 60 0.9 #> 62 West Virginia B12 77.6 62 0.8 66 0.9 #> 63 UCF Amer 77.6 63 0.4 104 1.8 #> 64 UC Riverside BW 77.6 64 1.9 13 2.8 #> 65 Michigan B10 77.6 65 2.6 2 3.2 #> 66 Fairfield MAAC 77.6 66 0.2 133 -0.2 #> 67 North Dakota Sum 77.6 67 0.6 92 0.0 #> 68 Northern Arizona BSky 77.6 68 -0.1 172 -0.2 #> 69 Missouri St. MVC 77.6 69 -0.1 178 -1.0 #> 70 Georgetown BE 77.5 70 1.6 18 2.6 #> 71 Michigan St. B10 77.5 71 0.3 116 -0.2 #> 72 Coppin St. MEAC 77.5 72 1.1 46 2.3 #> 73 Idaho St. BSky 77.5 73 -0.8 287 -1.2 #> 74 BYU WCC 77.5 74 -0.3 223 -0.7 #> 75 UC Santa Barbara BW 77.5 75 1.4 34 1.0 #> 76 Providence BE 77.5 76 0.4 107 0.3 #> 77 Southern Utah BSky 77.5 77 0.4 105 0.4 #> 78 LSU SEC 77.5 78 -0.7 271 -0.6 #> 79 Purdue Fort Wayne Sum 77.5 79 0.1 152 0.6 #> 80 Lehigh Pat 77.5 80 0.2 125 0.5 #> 81 Clemson ACC 77.5 81 0.0 164 -0.2 #> 82 Louisiana Monroe SB 77.5 82 1.4 28 1.7 #> 83 Rice CUSA 77.5 83 0.2 122 -0.5 #> 84 Illinois B10 77.4 84 1.0 55 2.1 #> 85 Massachusetts A10 77.4 85 0.5 96 0.2 #> 86 Saint Joseph's A10 77.4 86 -0.1 181 -0.1 #> 87 Toledo MAC 77.4 87 0.8 71 1.9 #> 88 Florida SEC 77.4 88 0.1 149 1.1 #> 89 Siena MAAC 77.4 89 -0.2 205 -0.6 #> 90 Belmont OVC 77.4 90 1.0 54 1.8 #> 91 Georgia Tech ACC 77.4 91 1.4 29 1.0 #> 92 Marshall CUSA 77.4 92 1.0 51 0.7 #> 93 Washington St. P12 77.4 93 -0.1 173 0.3 #> 94 Pittsburgh ACC 77.4 94 -0.2 194 0.3 #> 95 SMU Amer 77.4 95 0.6 94 -0.1 #> 96 Houston Amer 77.4 96 -0.3 213 -0.3 #> 97 Maryland B10 77.4 97 0.3 119 0.7 #> 98 Towson CAA 77.3 98 0.1 146 -0.4 #> 99 Texas A&M SEC 77.3 99 0.1 144 0.0 #> 100 DePaul BE 77.3 100 0.9 62 0.4 #> 101 Oakland Horz 77.3 101 0.3 114 0.4 #> 102 Colorado P12 77.3 102 0.5 98 0.5 #> 103 Old Dominion CUSA 77.3 103 -0.2 198 -0.4 #> 104 Auburn SEC 77.3 104 0.0 161 0.1 #> 105 Boston University Pat 77.3 105 0.1 155 0.0 #> 106 San Diego WCC 77.3 106 -0.1 190 -0.5 #> 107 UC Irvine BW 77.3 107 1.4 32 1.1 #> 108 Yale Ivy 77.3 108 1.2 40 0.8 #> 109 UMBC AE 77.3 109 1.1 49 0.8 #> 110 N.C. State ACC 77.3 110 1.0 53 1.4 #> 111 St. John's BE 77.3 111 -0.5 249 -0.6 #> 112 Holy Cross Pat 77.2 112 0.2 137 0.2 #> 113 Penn St. B10 77.2 113 0.4 109 0.0 #> 114 Butler BE 77.2 114 0.0 163 -0.1 #> 115 Wake Forest ACC 77.2 115 1.4 31 1.9 #> 116 Temple Amer 77.2 116 0.4 102 0.0 #> 117 Tulsa Amer 77.2 117 -0.2 195 -0.5 #> 118 Pacific WCC 77.2 118 0.0 159 1.0 #> 119 Northern Iowa MVC 77.2 119 0.2 136 0.5 #> 120 Mississippi SEC 77.2 120 0.2 128 0.2 #> 121 Marist MAAC 77.2 121 -0.5 250 -0.7 #> 122 Quinnipiac MAAC 77.2 122 0.6 93 0.4 #> 123 Kansas St. B12 77.2 123 0.3 115 0.0 #> 124 Marquette BE 77.2 124 0.7 73 0.8 #> 125 Iona MAAC 77.1 125 0.7 88 0.2 #> 126 Vermont AE 77.1 126 -0.5 239 -0.1 #> 127 Wisconsin B10 77.1 127 1.2 43 1.6 #> 128 UNC Greensboro SC 77.1 128 1.0 52 0.8 #> 129 California P12 77.1 129 0.9 65 0.6 #> 130 Air Force MWC 77.1 130 -0.6 256 -1.3 #> 131 Arizona St. P12 77.1 131 0.3 118 -0.6 #> 132 Cal St. Fullerton BW 77.1 132 -0.5 245 -0.6 #> 133 Bucknell Pat 77.1 133 -0.8 281 -0.8 #> 134 VCU A10 77.1 134 -1.1 312 -1.5 #> 135 Saint Mary's WCC 77.1 135 0.0 167 -0.5 #> 136 Alabama SEC 77.1 136 0.2 126 0.0 #> 137 Illinois Chicago Horz 77.1 137 0.5 100 0.1 #> 138 Cal Baptist WAC 77.1 138 0.5 99 0.9 #> 139 Lafayette Pat 77.0 139 0.7 77 0.4 #> 140 Illinois St. MVC 77.0 140 -0.2 196 -0.4 #> 141 Milwaukee Horz 77.0 141 0.1 148 -0.4 #> 142 Nebraska B10 77.0 142 -0.4 233 -0.5 #> 143 George Washington A10 77.0 143 0.1 151 -0.2 #> 144 Iowa St. B12 77.0 144 0.4 106 0.4 #> 145 Loyola Chicago MVC 77.0 145 -0.1 184 -0.1 #> 146 Connecticut Amer 77.0 146 1.2 42 1.0 #> 147 Central Michigan MAC 77.0 147 -0.6 260 -1.2 #> 148 Evansville MVC 77.0 148 0.0 162 -0.7 #> 149 Louisville ACC 77.0 149 0.7 85 1.1 #> 150 Nicholls St. Slnd 77.0 150 -0.3 221 -0.8 #> 151 Florida Atlantic CUSA 77.0 151 1.1 47 1.4 #> 152 Miami FL ACC 77.0 152 1.8 16 2.1 #> 153 Colgate Pat 77.0 153 1.5 25 1.0 #> 154 UAB CUSA 77.0 154 0.9 64 1.0 #> 155 Hampton BSth 77.0 155 -0.9 291 -1.2 #> 156 Texas Tech B12 76.9 156 -1.3 326 -1.8 #> 157 UMass Lowell AE 76.9 157 -1.1 311 -2.0 #> 158 Drexel CAA 76.9 158 -0.2 203 -0.4 #> 159 Cornell Ivy 76.9 159 0.1 143 -0.7 #> 160 Vanderbilt SEC 76.9 160 0.7 86 0.5 #> 161 South Florida Amer 76.9 161 0.7 82 2.0 #> 162 Albany AE 76.9 162 -0.1 182 -0.4 #> 163 St. Francis PA NEC 76.9 163 -0.1 183 0.1 #> 164 Stetson ASun 76.9 164 0.1 141 0.3 #> 165 South Dakota St. Sum 76.9 165 -0.5 241 -1.2 #> 166 Tulane Amer 76.9 166 0.3 117 0.5 #> 167 North Florida ASun 76.9 167 -0.8 278 -1.8 #> 168 Fresno St. MWC 76.9 168 0.2 132 0.4 #> 169 Cal St. Bakersfield WAC 76.9 169 -0.2 201 -0.3 #> 170 Nevada MWC 76.9 170 0.7 74 0.8 #> 171 Princeton Ivy 76.9 171 -0.1 189 -0.5 #> 172 Elon CAA 76.9 172 -1.3 329 -1.9 #> 173 Howard MEAC 76.9 173 -0.5 246 -0.6 #> 174 New Hampshire AE 76.9 174 -1.9 349 -2.3 #> 175 Rhode Island A10 76.9 175 -0.1 176 -1.0 #> 176 Tennessee St. OVC 76.9 176 0.7 87 0.0 #> 177 Murray St. OVC 76.9 177 0.0 168 0.1 #> 178 Florida Gulf Coast ASun 76.9 178 -1.0 303 -0.8 #> 179 Denver Sum 76.9 179 0.7 83 0.6 #> 180 La Salle A10 76.8 180 -0.6 259 -0.4 #> 181 Baylor B12 76.8 181 0.1 150 0.4 #> 182 Bowling Green MAC 76.8 182 -0.1 191 0.3 #> 183 Wichita St. Amer 76.8 183 0.2 123 1.3 #> 184 Saint Peter's MAAC 76.8 184 -0.4 230 -0.6 #> 185 Ohio St. B10 76.8 185 -0.3 215 -0.2 #> 186 UNLV MWC 76.8 186 0.0 166 1.0 #> 187 UTSA CUSA 76.8 187 0.2 127 0.8 #> 188 Jacksonville St. OVC 76.8 188 0.2 130 0.4 #> 189 Sacramento St. BSky 76.8 189 -0.9 290 -1.2 #> 190 Little Rock SB 76.8 190 0.8 72 1.0 #> 191 Dayton A10 76.8 191 0.0 160 0.4 #> 192 Rider MAAC 76.8 192 0.0 165 -0.4 #> 193 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC 76.8 193 -0.5 240 -0.8 #> 194 Green Bay Horz 76.8 194 -0.3 217 -0.3 #> 195 Appalachian St. SB 76.8 195 0.7 80 0.0 #> 196 Cal Poly BW 76.8 196 -0.7 276 -0.1 #> 197 Manhattan MAAC 76.8 197 -0.2 207 -0.7 #> 198 Winthrop BSth 76.8 198 -0.1 187 -0.6 #> 199 Kent St. MAC 76.7 199 0.0 169 -0.3 #> 200 San Diego St. MWC 76.7 200 0.2 131 1.0 #> 201 Coastal Carolina SB 76.7 201 -0.2 192 -0.6 #> 202 Southern Miss CUSA 76.7 202 -0.5 243 -0.7 #> 203 Middle Tennessee CUSA 76.7 203 -1.0 300 -0.8 #> 204 Montana BSky 76.7 204 -1.4 333 -1.1 #> 205 Stony Brook AE 76.7 205 -0.2 199 0.8 #> 206 UNC Asheville BSth 76.7 206 -0.9 297 -0.2 #> 207 Monmouth MAAC 76.7 207 -0.5 251 -0.5 #> 208 Bradley MVC 76.7 208 0.7 84 1.8 #> 209 Chicago St. WAC 76.7 209 -0.1 180 -0.1 #> 210 North Dakota St. Sum 76.7 210 -0.3 224 0.2 #> 211 South Carolina St. MEAC 76.6 211 -0.1 175 -1.0 #> 212 Charlotte CUSA 76.6 212 -0.3 218 -0.1 #> 213 Seattle WAC 76.6 213 0.1 154 0.3 #> 214 Georgia SEC 76.6 214 0.2 129 0.1 #> 215 Morgan St. MEAC 76.6 215 0.0 158 -0.1 #> 216 FIU CUSA 76.6 216 -0.6 258 -0.1 #> 217 Wagner NEC 76.6 217 -1.1 309 -1.0 #> 218 Detroit Horz 76.6 218 -0.7 275 -1.4 #> 219 American Pat 76.6 219 -0.6 257 -0.1 #> 220 Hartford AE 76.6 220 0.7 81 0.6 #> 221 Valparaiso MVC 76.6 221 -0.2 197 -0.7 #> 222 Weber St. BSky 76.5 222 -0.1 179 0.1 #> 223 Memphis Amer 76.5 223 0.7 78 0.2 #> 224 Eastern Washington BSky 76.5 224 -0.3 214 -0.8 #> 225 North Texas CUSA 76.5 225 -0.3 219 0.2 #> 226 Southern Illinois MVC 76.5 226 -0.5 247 -0.2 #> 227 Akron MAC 76.5 227 1.0 58 0.5 #> 228 Chattanooga SC 76.5 228 -0.2 209 -0.7 #> 229 Penn Ivy 76.5 229 -0.8 288 -1.0 #> 230 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd 76.5 230 0.0 170 -0.3 #> 231 Mercer SC 76.5 231 -0.8 282 0.4 #> 232 Utah Valley WAC 76.5 232 0.3 113 0.4 #> 233 Portland St. BSky 76.5 233 -1.0 305 -1.5 #> 234 Stephen F. Austin Slnd 76.5 234 -0.8 289 -1.4 #> 235 Creighton BE 76.5 235 -1.5 340 -1.3 #> 236 Lipscomb ASun 76.5 236 -1.1 315 -1.3 #> 237 Eastern Kentucky OVC 76.5 237 0.2 121 -0.3 #> 238 Southeast Missouri St. OVC 76.5 238 -0.2 211 -1.0 #> 239 Alcorn St. SWAC 76.4 239 -0.7 273 0.6 #> 240 Houston Baptist Slnd 76.4 240 -0.8 283 -0.3 #> 241 Kennesaw St. ASun 76.4 241 0.3 111 0.0 #> 242 Georgia Southern SB 76.4 242 -1.4 332 -1.2 #> 243 Brown Ivy 76.4 243 -1.0 301 -0.8 #> 244 Campbell BSth 76.4 244 -0.9 294 -0.8 #> 245 Ball St. MAC 76.4 245 -0.3 226 -1.0 #> 246 Texas St. SB 76.3 246 -0.3 225 -1.0 #> 247 Florida A&M MEAC 76.3 247 -0.9 293 -0.3 #> 248 Charleston CAA 76.3 248 -0.6 255 -0.4 #> 249 Binghamton AE 76.3 249 -0.6 266 -0.3 #> 250 Western Illinois Sum 76.3 250 -0.1 188 -0.4 #> 251 Georgia St. SB 76.3 251 -0.2 202 0.2 #> 252 South Dakota Sum 76.3 252 -0.3 228 0.3 #> 253 Youngstown St. Horz 76.3 253 -1.1 317 -1.2 #> 254 North Carolina A&T MEAC 76.3 254 -0.1 186 -0.5 #> 255 Loyola MD Pat 76.3 255 -0.2 206 0.7 #> 256 Grand Canyon WAC 76.3 256 0.2 134 0.5 #> 257 UMKC WAC 76.3 257 -0.7 272 -0.5 #> 258 Louisiana SB 76.3 258 0.2 135 -0.1 #> 259 Bethune Cookman MEAC 76.2 259 -0.7 270 -0.6 #> 260 Wright St. Horz 76.2 260 -0.7 274 -0.7 #> 261 Lamar Slnd 76.2 261 -0.2 200 -0.2 #> 262 New Mexico St. WAC 76.2 262 -0.4 229 -0.9 #> 263 Dartmouth Ivy 76.2 263 -1.5 338 -2.0 #> 264 Northern Colorado BSky 76.2 264 -0.6 254 -0.1 #> 265 Texas Southern SWAC 76.2 265 0.0 156 -0.1 #> 266 Norfolk St. MEAC 76.2 266 -0.4 231 -0.2 #> 267 Arkansas St. SB 76.2 267 -0.1 174 -0.5 #> 268 Samford SC 76.2 268 -0.2 193 -1.0 #> 269 UNC Wilmington CAA 76.2 269 -1.1 308 -1.5 #> 270 East Tennessee St. SC 76.1 270 -0.5 242 0.9 #> 271 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC 76.1 271 -0.2 210 -0.4 #> 272 Pepperdine WCC 76.1 272 -0.4 236 -0.6 #> 273 Columbia Ivy 76.1 273 -0.9 295 -1.0 #> 274 Cleveland St. Horz 76.1 274 -0.6 263 -0.5 #> 275 Canisius MAAC 76.1 275 0.6 90 0.2 #> 276 Portland WCC 76.1 276 1.3 36 1.7 #> 277 Navy Pat 76.1 277 -0.7 268 -1.3 #> 278 Arkansas SEC 76.1 278 -1.8 346 -1.9 #> 279 High Point BSth 76.1 279 0.0 171 -0.7 #> 280 Fordham A10 76.1 280 -0.1 185 0.9 #> 281 George Mason A10 76.1 281 -0.4 235 -0.9 #> 282 Jacksonville ASun 76.0 282 -0.4 234 -0.2 #> 283 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd 76.0 283 -0.3 216 -0.2 #> 284 McNeese St. Slnd 76.0 284 -0.9 296 -1.0 #> 285 Western Kentucky CUSA 76.0 285 -1.9 348 -1.9 #> 286 Sacred Heart NEC 76.0 286 -0.6 261 0.2 #> 287 Duquesne A10 76.0 287 -0.1 177 0.8 #> 288 Presbyterian BSth 76.0 288 -0.6 264 -0.7 #> 289 Nebraska Omaha Sum 76.0 289 -0.7 269 -1.0 #> 290 SIU Edwardsville OVC 76.0 290 -0.9 292 -2.0 #> 291 Tennessee Tech OVC 76.0 291 -1.3 330 -1.2 #> 292 Northeastern CAA 75.9 292 -1.1 316 -1.5 #> 293 Northern Illinois MAC 75.9 293 -0.2 204 -0.3 #> 294 Indiana St. MVC 75.9 294 -0.8 279 -1.4 #> 295 Troy SB 75.9 295 -1.2 322 -1.1 #> 296 VMI SC 75.9 296 -1.2 319 0.0 #> 297 Drake MVC 75.9 297 -0.4 237 1.5 #> 298 The Citadel SC 75.9 298 -1.5 341 -1.3 #> 299 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC 75.9 299 -0.8 286 -1.1 #> 300 Central Connecticut NEC 75.9 300 -1.6 344 -2.0 #> 301 Richmond A10 75.8 301 0.2 124 0.5 #> 302 Idaho BSky 75.8 302 -1.2 323 -0.3 #> 303 Oral Roberts Sum 75.8 303 -0.3 212 -1.0 #> 304 South Alabama SB 75.8 304 -2.1 352 -3.0 #> 305 Hofstra CAA 75.8 305 -1.4 335 -1.4 #> 306 Buffalo MAC 75.8 306 -1.3 327 -1.2 #> 307 Prairie View A&M SWAC 75.8 307 -1.6 345 -1.6 #> 308 Wofford SC 75.8 308 -1.2 324 -1.0 #> 309 Southern SWAC 75.8 309 0.1 142 0.5 #> 310 Western Michigan MAC 75.8 310 -0.2 208 -0.7 #> 311 Colorado St. MWC 75.8 311 0.1 153 1.3 #> 312 UT Arlington SB 75.7 312 -1.0 307 -0.9 #> 313 Morehead St. OVC 75.7 313 -0.8 285 -0.7 #> 314 Saint Louis A10 75.7 314 -0.8 284 -0.9 #> 315 Jackson St. SWAC 75.7 315 -1.4 334 -2.0 #> 316 Gardner Webb BSth 75.7 316 -0.8 280 -0.7 #> 317 Charleston Southern BSth 75.7 317 -0.9 298 -0.7 #> 318 Furman SC 75.7 318 -0.5 248 -1.2 #> 319 USC Upstate BSth 75.7 319 -0.7 267 -0.5 #> 320 Mount St. Mary's NEC 75.7 320 0.6 89 0.0 #> 321 Western Carolina SC 75.7 321 -1.2 321 -1.4 #> 322 Robert Morris NEC 75.7 322 -0.6 253 -1.0 #> 323 Bryant NEC 75.7 323 -0.6 262 -0.5 #> 324 Longwood BSth 75.6 324 -1.0 306 -0.9 #> 325 Delaware St. MEAC 75.6 325 -1.0 302 -1.3 #> 326 New Orleans Slnd 75.6 326 -1.4 336 -2.0 #> 327 Louisiana Tech CUSA 75.6 327 -1.1 314 -0.9 #> 328 Liberty ASun 75.5 328 -1.0 299 -1.4 #> 329 IUPUI Horz 75.5 329 -1.1 310 -1.1 #> 330 LIU NEC 75.5 330 0.2 138 0.4 #> 331 Alabama St. SWAC 75.5 331 -1.8 347 -1.9 #> 332 Army Pat 75.5 332 0.1 145 -0.2 #> 333 Eastern Illinois OVC 75.5 333 -2.4 353 -3.1 #> 334 Cal St. Northridge BW 75.5 334 -0.5 244 -0.8 #> 335 UC Davis BW 75.4 335 -1.4 337 -0.5 #> 336 Austin Peay OVC 75.4 336 -1.2 320 -0.6 #> 337 Radford BSth 75.4 337 -0.6 265 -0.8 #> 338 NJIT ASun 75.4 338 0.1 139 0.0 #> 339 Miami OH MAC 75.4 339 -1.0 304 -0.8 #> 340 North Carolina Central MEAC 75.4 340 -1.3 325 -1.7 #> 341 Alabama A&M SWAC 75.3 341 -0.4 232 -0.6 #> 342 Abilene Christian Slnd 75.3 342 0.0 157 0.8 #> 343 Incarnate Word Slnd 75.3 343 -1.5 342 -0.7 #> 344 Virginia Tech ACC 75.3 344 -1.3 331 -1.3 #> 345 Northwestern St. Slnd 75.3 345 -0.6 252 -0.7 #> 346 Merrimack NEC 75.2 346 -2.1 350 -2.4 #> 347 Sam Houston St. Slnd 75.2 347 -1.6 343 -1.0 #> 348 Northern Kentucky Horz 75.2 348 -1.5 339 -1.9 #> 349 North Alabama ASun 75.1 349 -1.2 318 -1.6 #> 350 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC 75.0 350 -1.3 328 -1.8 #> 351 St. Francis NY NEC 74.9 351 -1.1 313 -1.1 #> 352 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 74.9 352 -0.7 277 -1.0 #> 353 Niagara MAAC 74.1 353 -2.1 351 -1.2 #> C.Hgt.Rk PF.Hgt PF.Hgt.Rk SF.Hgt SF.Hgt.Rk SG.Hgt SG.Hgt.Rk PG.Hgt #> 1 36 1.2 46 2.3 3 2.4 5 3.4 #> 2 11 2.2 4 1.4 32 1.9 20 2.2 #> 3 35 2.4 2 1.6 23 1.5 39 2.6 #> 4 106 2.2 5 2.7 1 2.9 3 1.2 #> 5 1 1.9 13 0.8 68 0.8 95 1.4 #> 6 58 2.7 1 2.2 6 1.8 23 1.7 #> 7 32 2.0 8 1.8 18 1.7 30 2.0 #> 8 156 1.7 20 2.5 2 2.2 9 2.5 #> 9 10 0.7 92 2.2 6 3.2 1 0.1 #> 10 20 -0.1 187 1.1 55 2.1 10 3.1 #> 11 50 1.9 12 1.3 35 2.7 4 0.7 #> 12 16 1.8 17 0.9 60 1.3 52 1.4 #> 13 7 0.0 172 0.5 100 2.1 10 2.2 #> 14 5 1.5 26 0.7 86 1.0 85 1.5 #> 15 49 1.4 40 1.8 17 1.8 27 1.4 #> 16 42 1.6 22 1.2 38 0.7 100 2.4 #> 17 68 1.6 24 1.9 11 1.7 31 1.2 #> 18 2 1.1 59 0.2 128 1.2 58 1.6 #> 19 47 1.4 35 2.2 6 1.1 65 1.4 #> 20 95 1.7 18 1.9 12 1.1 64 1.9 #> 21 231 1.2 46 2.2 5 1.8 21 2.3 #> 22 69 1.2 51 1.3 34 1.8 28 1.8 #> 23 156 1.5 27 1.9 10 1.1 66 2.3 #> 24 12 0.2 157 0.2 128 2.1 10 1.9 #> 25 19 -0.1 196 1.1 51 1.3 51 2.3 #> 26 22 1.9 10 0.8 74 1.0 83 1.0 #> 27 283 0.3 120 1.4 33 3.1 2 2.8 #> 28 33 1.4 32 1.2 38 2.4 6 -0.3 #> 29 34 2.3 3 1.2 36 0.6 118 0.6 #> 30 132 1.3 42 0.9 63 1.6 33 2.1 #> 31 31 1.9 11 0.0 194 0.1 168 2.4 #> 32 110 0.4 112 0.2 128 2.1 10 3.0 #> 33 88 2.2 5 1.4 31 1.8 22 -0.4 #> 34 54 -0.3 222 1.2 38 1.5 37 2.4 #> 35 84 0.7 95 1.9 9 1.5 38 0.9 #> 36 101 0.5 109 1.2 38 1.6 34 1.7 #> 37 100 0.2 152 1.2 38 1.2 57 2.4 #> 38 190 -0.4 229 1.2 38 2.4 7 2.5 #> 39 113 1.0 61 1.1 52 0.4 132 2.4 #> 40 46 0.0 173 0.2 128 2.1 10 1.8 #> 41 151 0.2 135 1.7 22 2.2 8 1.0 #> 42 58 1.0 66 0.2 128 1.2 56 1.8 #> 43 38 1.1 56 0.0 187 0.1 168 2.4 #> 44 17 1.8 16 0.2 126 0.1 165 0.9 #> 45 82 1.1 60 0.1 183 0.7 103 2.4 #> 46 66 0.1 165 0.3 115 1.5 42 2.0 #> 47 75 1.4 29 -0.1 200 1.1 66 1.6 #> 48 43 -0.5 240 0.4 108 1.6 36 1.9 #> 49 136 0.3 129 0.7 85 2.1 10 1.6 #> 50 4 1.8 14 2.2 4 1.0 77 -3.3 #> 51 133 1.4 34 1.5 28 0.0 188 1.4 #> 52 67 1.0 63 0.0 195 1.1 66 1.6 #> 53 25 1.4 38 0.7 87 0.4 133 0.3 #> 54 192 0.4 111 1.0 57 1.6 35 1.6 #> 55 9 1.3 41 -0.8 272 1.1 66 0.2 #> 56 53 1.1 55 0.1 173 0.5 123 1.6 #> 57 283 0.1 159 0.2 128 1.8 24 3.1 #> 58 205 -0.3 211 0.9 61 2.1 10 1.9 #> 59 86 0.8 78 -0.2 211 0.4 134 2.4 #> 60 21 1.1 54 1.5 29 0.2 148 -0.6 #> 61 72 1.0 64 -0.3 232 0.4 125 2.0 #> 62 74 0.8 74 1.8 20 0.2 156 0.4 #> 63 27 -1.0 295 0.2 128 1.1 63 1.9 #> 64 6 0.9 67 -0.7 265 0.2 146 0.6 #> 65 3 2.0 7 1.6 26 -2.3 346 -0.6 #> 66 183 0.6 102 0.2 128 1.4 44 1.9 #> 67 156 1.2 50 0.4 109 0.2 155 2.1 #> 68 187 0.1 168 0.7 80 1.5 41 1.6 #> 69 283 0.8 75 0.6 94 1.6 32 1.6 #> 70 8 0.7 94 -1.2 311 0.1 168 1.6 #> 71 182 0.7 88 1.7 21 1.1 62 0.2 #> 72 13 -0.1 186 1.0 56 0.4 136 0.0 #> 73 312 -0.5 238 0.8 75 2.0 18 2.4 #> 74 259 0.1 164 0.7 84 1.4 46 1.8 #> 75 58 1.7 19 0.1 181 0.7 96 -0.1 #> 76 127 0.4 113 1.4 30 1.4 45 -0.3 #> 77 114 0.4 118 0.8 71 1.4 49 0.4 #> 78 241 -0.8 269 0.3 119 1.2 55 3.2 #> 79 94 -0.5 239 0.2 128 1.7 29 1.2 #> 80 107 0.0 174 0.4 112 1.0 79 1.4 #> 81 188 0.2 130 0.4 106 1.0 78 1.7 #> 82 30 1.1 53 0.4 107 -0.3 219 0.2 #> 83 224 1.0 65 0.1 166 0.4 127 2.1 #> 84 15 -0.2 200 0.1 170 -0.4 229 1.4 #> 85 140 0.8 77 0.1 172 0.6 114 1.3 #> 86 179 0.0 181 0.2 128 1.4 48 1.7 #> 87 24 -0.3 213 0.3 120 1.4 50 -0.2 #> 88 51 -0.9 290 0.2 128 1.5 43 1.2 #> 89 244 0.1 158 0.6 90 1.3 54 1.6 #> 90 28 0.2 131 0.1 180 0.1 158 0.8 #> 91 58 1.8 15 1.6 25 0.4 128 -1.9 #> 92 91 1.4 33 1.1 53 1.0 80 -1.3 #> 93 128 -0.5 235 0.8 76 0.8 90 1.3 #> 94 126 -0.7 255 0.6 96 0.7 107 1.8 #> 95 170 1.2 46 0.8 70 1.1 66 -0.3 #> 96 207 -0.2 207 0.2 128 1.8 25 1.2 #> 97 90 -0.2 199 0.6 92 1.9 19 -0.3 #> 98 215 0.6 98 0.2 128 1.4 47 0.8 #> 99 153 0.2 135 1.2 49 0.7 105 0.5 #> 100 116 1.5 28 1.8 19 0.5 122 -1.6 #> 101 119 0.2 135 0.5 97 0.6 117 0.8 #> 102 102 0.5 108 1.9 15 -0.1 193 -0.3 #> 103 211 0.0 176 0.8 66 2.0 17 0.0 #> 104 146 -0.1 188 0.9 59 1.1 59 0.2 #> 105 155 0.1 167 0.6 93 0.2 143 1.4 #> 106 222 0.2 153 0.9 64 0.4 131 1.3 #> 107 52 1.6 23 -0.4 247 -0.8 256 0.8 #> 108 80 1.7 21 0.2 128 -0.1 201 -0.3 #> 109 87 1.4 39 -0.1 205 0.1 168 0.2 #> 110 41 0.6 99 0.2 128 0.2 157 -0.2 #> 111 237 -0.5 237 1.0 58 0.5 124 1.8 #> 112 144 0.1 161 0.2 128 0.9 88 0.6 #> 113 165 0.8 86 -0.5 252 0.8 94 1.1 #> 114 177 0.2 154 1.2 48 0.2 145 0.6 #> 115 23 0.8 76 -0.7 268 0.1 168 -0.2 #> 116 166 0.9 69 1.5 27 1.1 60 -1.6 #> 117 225 0.1 162 0.8 69 0.5 120 0.9 #> 118 57 -0.9 289 -0.4 246 1.1 66 1.1 #> 119 109 -0.1 195 0.0 196 1.1 66 0.5 #> 120 137 0.2 135 0.9 62 -0.9 271 1.4 #> 121 258 -0.4 228 -0.5 254 1.0 82 2.4 #> 122 121 0.8 85 0.1 176 0.1 168 0.4 #> 123 156 0.6 100 -0.3 226 0.9 87 0.4 #> 124 83 0.7 93 0.2 123 0.6 109 -0.8 #> 125 134 1.1 57 0.2 125 0.3 138 -0.4 #> 126 176 -0.8 269 0.8 67 0.7 97 0.8 #> 127 37 0.8 81 -0.8 272 0.1 161 -0.2 #> 128 77 1.2 45 -0.1 199 -0.3 211 -0.3 #> 129 96 1.2 46 -0.3 235 -0.1 200 0.0 #> 130 322 0.2 150 -0.1 203 1.1 66 1.5 #> 131 242 1.1 52 1.1 54 0.1 163 -0.3 #> 132 246 -0.4 230 0.4 113 0.6 110 1.3 #> 133 266 -0.8 279 0.2 128 0.3 141 2.4 #> 134 330 -0.7 254 0.2 127 1.3 53 1.9 #> 135 230 0.5 104 1.2 38 -0.4 225 0.4 #> 136 156 0.5 107 -0.3 229 0.1 168 1.0 #> 137 149 0.8 80 0.5 99 0.5 119 -0.8 #> 138 70 0.0 171 -0.6 263 0.1 168 0.8 #> 139 122 1.1 58 0.7 83 -1.4 309 0.4 #> 140 209 0.0 177 -0.2 215 0.9 89 0.8 #> 141 212 0.6 101 0.3 117 -0.5 235 1.1 #> 142 223 -0.3 218 0.0 189 0.5 121 1.4 #> 143 189 0.3 121 0.5 101 0.1 167 0.4 #> 144 117 0.4 119 -0.4 239 -0.2 207 0.9 #> 145 175 -0.1 193 0.1 167 0.7 99 0.4 #> 146 55 1.4 36 -0.8 271 -0.7 252 0.1 #> 147 305 0.0 175 0.2 128 0.6 116 1.4 #> 148 250 0.7 90 0.1 164 1.0 84 -0.2 #> 149 48 0.2 135 0.5 98 -0.4 221 -0.6 #> 150 267 0.2 149 0.1 177 1.1 66 0.4 #> 151 40 0.7 89 0.8 72 -1.5 310 -0.6 #> 152 14 1.5 25 -0.3 227 0.1 166 -2.6 #> 153 58 2.0 9 0.0 193 -1.5 318 -0.6 #> 154 58 0.8 73 0.1 160 0.1 159 -1.4 #> 155 309 -0.6 244 1.2 38 1.1 61 0.1 #> 156 338 -0.8 269 -0.3 237 1.1 66 2.4 #> 157 344 -0.1 197 0.2 128 1.0 81 1.5 #> 158 210 -0.1 190 1.2 38 0.2 154 -0.4 #> 159 251 0.9 68 0.4 110 -0.9 260 0.7 #> 160 98 0.8 79 -0.6 261 -0.9 271 0.7 #> 161 18 -0.6 251 -0.5 253 -0.9 259 0.4 #> 162 217 0.2 132 -0.1 208 0.1 168 0.7 #> 163 150 -0.3 219 0.0 185 0.1 185 0.6 #> 164 131 0.0 179 -0.2 214 0.4 129 -0.1 #> 165 306 0.2 135 0.8 77 1.1 66 -0.4 #> 166 108 0.1 166 0.1 174 0.6 108 -0.9 #> 167 337 0.2 135 1.9 13 -0.5 236 0.6 #> 168 115 0.0 180 -0.4 248 0.0 191 0.4 #> 169 196 -0.2 203 -0.2 220 0.6 115 0.4 #> 170 81 0.7 96 -0.3 225 0.7 106 -1.6 #> 171 227 0.2 135 1.2 37 -0.1 198 -0.6 #> 172 340 -0.8 269 0.3 122 0.8 93 1.9 #> 173 235 -0.5 234 1.2 38 0.8 91 -0.8 #> 174 350 -1.4 325 0.2 128 1.8 26 2.0 #> 175 283 0.9 72 1.6 24 0.8 92 -2.0 #> 176 156 1.4 37 1.9 14 -0.4 228 -2.6 #> 177 145 -0.2 205 0.1 162 -0.6 244 0.7 #> 178 269 -1.2 311 -0.3 228 0.7 98 1.7 #> 179 97 0.8 82 -0.1 204 0.1 168 -1.2 #> 180 208 -0.8 266 0.7 88 0.7 101 -0.2 #> 181 123 -0.2 210 -1.8 336 0.1 168 1.6 #> 182 125 -0.7 253 0.0 188 -0.6 247 1.0 #> 183 45 -0.8 277 -0.5 250 -0.3 217 0.3 #> 184 245 -0.1 194 -0.4 241 0.4 135 0.8 #> 185 193 -0.3 217 -0.1 202 -0.1 199 0.7 #> 186 56 -1.0 298 -0.4 240 -0.8 254 0.9 #> 187 85 -0.3 223 -0.5 251 0.1 168 -0.2 #> 188 124 0.1 169 0.2 128 0.2 144 -1.1 #> 189 315 -0.5 236 0.1 161 -0.1 196 1.4 #> 190 58 0.5 103 1.8 16 0.6 112 -4.2 #> 191 112 -0.4 227 0.2 128 -0.9 264 0.4 #> 192 213 0.4 110 0.6 91 -0.5 234 -0.4 #> 193 271 -0.1 189 0.3 116 0.7 102 -0.4 #> 194 201 -0.3 215 -0.7 266 -0.5 233 1.4 #> 195 156 1.4 30 -0.1 206 -0.5 239 -1.1 #> 196 173 -1.4 323 0.0 184 0.3 142 0.8 #> 197 256 0.2 135 0.5 102 -0.1 195 -0.3 #> 198 239 0.3 122 0.4 105 0.2 150 -0.8 #> 199 199 0.2 134 -0.3 230 0.2 149 -0.3 #> 200 58 -0.6 250 0.0 191 -1.3 295 0.4 #> 201 243 0.3 125 0.7 82 -0.5 240 -0.4 #> 202 252 -0.3 216 -0.2 219 0.1 160 0.5 #> 203 268 -1.1 308 0.2 128 0.4 126 0.7 #> 204 302 -1.7 336 -0.3 223 0.7 104 1.7 #> 205 76 -1.2 318 -0.5 257 -0.2 206 0.4 #> 206 195 -1.6 335 0.1 182 -0.3 213 1.4 #> 207 229 -0.6 246 -0.4 243 0.2 151 0.5 #> 208 26 -0.5 233 0.8 78 -0.9 261 -2.1 #> 209 169 -0.1 192 -0.1 201 0.1 168 -0.7 #> 210 142 -0.8 269 0.5 103 0.2 147 -1.0 #> 211 283 0.9 71 0.8 65 -0.4 223 -1.2 #> 212 178 -0.4 232 -0.7 269 0.0 192 0.4 #> 213 129 -0.2 208 -0.2 217 -0.8 258 -0.1 #> 214 148 0.3 123 0.2 128 -0.1 197 -1.6 #> 215 174 0.2 155 -0.2 213 -1.3 301 0.4 #> 216 167 -1.1 305 0.2 128 0.3 137 -0.5 #> 217 298 -1.1 304 0.2 128 1.5 40 -0.8 #> 218 325 0.0 182 1.1 50 -0.4 224 -0.6 #> 219 180 -1.0 293 -0.9 291 -0.6 243 1.4 #> 220 92 0.8 83 -0.2 212 -1.4 308 -1.0 #> 221 248 0.3 128 0.2 128 0.3 139 -1.4 #> 222 147 -0.3 220 -1.3 312 -0.5 238 0.6 #> 223 143 1.3 44 -0.3 236 -0.3 218 -2.2 #> 224 265 0.2 133 -0.6 260 -0.9 271 0.7 #> 225 141 -0.8 278 -0.8 272 0.0 187 -0.1 #> 226 194 -0.8 269 -0.2 218 -0.9 271 0.8 #> 227 99 1.4 31 0.4 111 0.2 152 -4.0 #> 228 257 0.2 135 0.1 163 -0.8 255 -0.3 #> 229 283 -0.7 256 0.6 89 0.0 189 -0.5 #> 230 202 0.2 135 0.1 169 -1.6 323 0.1 #> 231 118 -2.0 345 -0.9 292 -0.5 231 1.4 #> 232 111 0.2 135 0.5 104 -1.2 292 -1.4 #> 233 329 -0.6 248 0.2 159 -0.2 209 0.5 #> 234 324 -0.3 224 0.6 95 0.1 162 -0.5 #> 235 316 -1.8 338 0.1 179 0.6 113 0.8 #> 236 317 -1.0 291 0.2 128 0.0 190 0.4 #> 237 198 0.8 84 -0.9 293 -0.9 269 -0.3 #> 238 283 0.5 105 0.1 165 -0.9 267 -0.6 #> 239 93 -2.0 346 -1.3 315 0.1 168 0.7 #> 240 197 -1.3 321 -0.7 264 0.3 140 0.0 #> 241 164 0.7 87 0.4 114 -0.4 230 -2.6 #> 242 307 -1.5 332 -0.8 272 0.9 86 0.6 #> 243 272 -1.1 307 -0.3 233 -0.4 220 0.6 #> 244 264 -1.1 302 -0.6 259 0.6 111 -0.3 #> 245 283 0.4 117 0.2 158 -1.9 332 0.0 #> 246 283 0.4 114 -0.1 198 -0.2 203 -1.6 #> 247 206 -1.5 330 -0.8 285 -0.4 222 0.6 #> 248 216 -0.7 257 -1.3 316 -0.6 246 0.6 #> 249 204 -1.0 292 -0.9 297 0.1 168 -0.3 #> 250 214 0.1 163 -0.3 231 -1.5 312 -0.4 #> 251 138 -0.7 258 -0.8 287 -0.4 227 -0.9 #> 252 130 -1.0 297 -0.6 262 -0.2 205 -1.1 #> 253 313 -1.1 303 0.2 128 0.4 130 -0.9 #> 254 232 0.3 126 -0.7 267 -0.9 271 -0.8 #> 255 89 -1.2 313 -0.8 272 -0.1 194 -1.3 #> 256 103 -0.1 198 -0.9 294 -0.9 271 -1.2 #> 257 220 -0.9 288 -1.1 306 0.1 168 -0.3 #> 258 168 0.4 115 -0.9 296 -1.0 280 -1.2 #> 259 240 -0.8 267 0.8 79 0.1 164 -2.4 #> 260 260 -0.7 259 0.8 73 -0.1 202 -2.2 #> 261 181 -0.3 214 0.1 171 -0.5 237 -2.2 #> 262 276 0.1 160 0.2 124 -1.4 305 -1.2 #> 263 348 -0.9 285 -0.5 249 0.2 153 0.2 #> 264 172 -1.0 299 -1.7 332 -0.9 266 0.6 #> 265 171 0.2 156 0.1 168 -1.5 314 -1.9 #> 266 186 -0.6 245 -1.7 331 -1.2 289 0.4 #> 267 219 0.3 124 -1.5 322 -1.2 290 -0.4 #> 268 283 0.7 91 0.3 118 -0.7 249 -2.6 #> 269 331 -0.6 252 -0.8 270 -0.3 210 -0.2 #> 270 73 -1.8 344 -1.0 298 -1.3 298 -0.2 #> 271 218 -0.1 184 0.0 186 -0.7 251 -2.3 #> 272 236 -0.3 212 0.3 121 -1.3 299 -1.6 #> 273 282 -0.8 282 0.2 128 -0.3 214 -1.6 #> 274 228 -0.8 264 -1.0 305 -0.6 241 -0.7 #> 275 139 1.0 62 -0.2 210 -2.0 339 -2.6 #> 276 29 0.9 70 -0.8 272 -1.5 316 -3.9 #> 277 318 -0.1 183 -1.6 326 -0.3 216 -0.3 #> 278 341 -1.6 333 -0.4 238 -0.3 215 0.6 #> 279 262 0.7 97 -0.2 216 -1.7 327 -1.5 #> 280 71 -1.2 310 -1.4 321 -0.7 248 -1.2 #> 281 275 0.0 170 0.1 175 -1.4 303 -1.6 #> 282 185 -0.6 249 -0.8 272 -0.6 242 -1.7 #> 283 191 -0.3 221 -0.9 289 -1.9 335 -0.6 #> 284 283 -0.8 281 -0.1 207 -1.5 313 -0.6 #> 285 343 -1.8 338 -0.4 244 -0.6 245 0.7 #> 286 135 -1.4 327 -1.8 338 -1.4 306 0.3 #> 287 79 -1.0 294 -0.1 197 -1.1 283 -2.9 #> 288 253 -0.6 247 -0.8 272 -1.0 281 -1.1 #> 289 283 -0.3 225 -1.0 300 -1.3 293 -0.6 #> 290 344 0.2 135 0.7 81 -1.1 284 -2.1 #> 291 311 -1.5 329 -0.2 209 -0.9 262 -0.6 #> 292 332 -0.8 269 0.1 178 -1.9 333 -0.3 #> 293 203 -0.2 202 -2.2 348 -1.2 288 -0.6 #> 294 323 -0.2 206 -0.3 222 -0.7 250 -2.1 #> 295 303 -1.3 322 -1.0 301 -0.9 263 -0.3 #> 296 154 -2.4 350 -0.8 272 -0.9 268 -0.6 #> 297 39 -2.4 349 -1.9 342 -0.9 271 -1.0 #> 298 321 -1.8 337 -1.8 338 -0.3 212 0.4 #> 299 304 -0.6 243 -1.2 310 -1.4 304 -0.6 #> 300 344 -1.2 316 -0.8 272 -0.4 226 -0.4 #> 301 104 0.0 178 -0.8 272 -1.2 291 -3.3 #> 302 200 -2.2 348 -1.0 304 -0.8 257 -0.6 #> 303 283 0.5 106 -1.6 328 -1.9 334 -0.9 #> 304 352 -1.2 317 -0.8 272 0.0 186 0.0 #> 305 326 -1.4 328 0.0 190 -0.7 253 -1.5 #> 306 308 -1.4 324 -1.9 341 -0.9 271 0.3 #> 307 333 -1.6 334 -1.4 318 -0.9 265 0.3 #> 308 297 -1.5 331 -0.8 288 -1.5 315 -0.4 #> 309 105 -0.2 209 -2.0 344 -1.5 319 -2.0 #> 310 255 0.2 151 -1.0 302 -1.9 336 -1.8 #> 311 44 -1.2 315 -0.4 242 -2.9 351 -2.1 #> 312 277 -1.2 314 -1.0 303 -0.2 208 -2.1 #> 313 261 -0.9 286 -1.0 299 -1.5 317 -1.3 #> 314 278 -0.7 262 -1.4 319 -1.1 287 -1.4 #> 315 347 -0.8 269 -0.4 245 -0.2 204 -2.2 #> 316 249 -0.9 287 -0.9 290 -1.5 311 -1.8 #> 317 247 -1.2 319 -1.2 308 -1.7 325 -1.0 #> 318 314 0.2 135 -0.3 224 -2.9 350 -1.6 #> 319 233 -0.8 268 -1.5 325 -1.6 322 -1.4 #> 320 156 1.3 43 -1.3 314 -1.7 328 -4.1 #> 321 327 -1.0 296 -1.9 343 -1.9 336 0.4 #> 322 283 -0.1 191 -2.4 350 -1.8 329 -0.6 #> 323 226 -0.8 263 -1.2 309 -2.2 345 -1.2 #> 324 279 -1.1 309 -1.8 337 -1.3 297 -0.8 #> 325 319 -0.7 261 -1.5 323 -1.0 282 -1.6 #> 326 349 -0.8 280 -0.8 284 0.1 168 -2.6 #> 327 280 -1.2 320 -1.4 317 -1.1 286 -1.6 #> 328 328 -0.5 241 -0.3 234 -1.1 285 -3.1 #> 329 301 -1.0 301 -2.2 347 -1.4 307 -0.7 #> 330 120 -0.1 185 -2.0 345 -2.9 351 -2.0 #> 331 339 -1.8 338 0.0 192 -0.9 270 -2.1 #> 332 184 0.4 116 -2.8 352 -2.7 348 -1.6 #> 333 353 -1.8 338 -0.5 258 -0.5 232 -1.0 #> 334 270 -0.2 204 -0.2 221 -1.3 294 -4.3 #> 335 221 -2.4 352 -1.3 313 -1.4 302 -1.4 #> 336 234 -1.8 343 -1.4 320 -1.3 300 -1.9 #> 337 274 -0.4 231 -1.7 334 -1.9 336 -2.1 #> 338 152 0.3 127 -1.7 333 -2.2 343 -3.4 #> 339 273 -1.2 312 -0.9 295 -1.6 321 -2.7 #> 340 335 -0.9 284 -1.6 327 -1.3 296 -1.9 #> 341 238 -0.2 201 -3.7 353 -2.4 347 -0.6 #> 342 78 -0.8 265 -2.2 349 -2.2 344 -3.2 #> 343 254 -2.4 351 -1.9 340 -2.1 341 -0.6 #> 344 320 -1.4 326 -1.8 335 -1.8 331 -1.5 #> 345 263 -0.3 226 -1.1 307 -0.9 271 -4.6 #> 346 351 -1.8 338 -0.5 255 -2.1 342 -1.3 #> 347 299 -2.1 347 -2.1 346 -1.6 320 -1.2 #> 348 342 -1.0 300 -0.8 286 -1.8 330 -2.7 #> 349 334 -0.7 260 -1.5 324 -1.7 326 -2.9 #> 350 336 -0.9 283 -0.5 256 -2.1 340 -3.9 #> 351 300 -1.1 306 -1.6 330 -1.6 324 -4.1 #> 352 281 -0.5 242 -1.6 329 -2.8 349 -3.7 #> 353 310 -3.0 353 -2.7 351 -3.6 353 -3.1 #> PG.Hgt.Rk Experience Experience.Rk Bench Bench.Rk Continuity Continuity.Rk #> 1 1 1.41 210 38.5 24 41.4 222 #> 2 26 0.96 313 30.9 155 24.4 323 #> 3 7 2.06 50 23.6 313 23.4 331 #> 4 91 0.90 319 28.4 222 25.3 315 #> 5 70 2.17 30 33.0 107 68.9 23 #> 6 48 1.03 303 32.2 127 31.7 297 #> 7 33 1.65 138 22.6 320 55.3 115 #> 8 8 1.10 288 18.9 345 46.5 183 #> 9 177 1.37 222 30.8 156 48.3 173 #> 10 4 1.94 65 27.6 247 66.4 37 #> 11 116 1.34 232 18.0 349 40.7 231 #> 12 68 1.36 228 31.0 153 25.1 317 #> 13 25 2.18 28 24.7 295 68.3 25 #> 14 67 1.71 117 35.7 72 49.6 158 #> 15 83 2.15 36 36.6 53 75.4 10 #> 16 13 2.39 13 21.8 333 85.4 2 #> 17 90 1.51 180 32.5 121 57.5 87 #> 18 55 2.05 55 29.2 203 44.8 192 #> 19 69 1.44 202 37.1 42 53.0 133 #> 20 38 1.56 166 31.5 140 24.3 325 #> 21 24 1.57 164 32.6 118 42.5 209 #> 22 44 0.83 328 35.6 75 41.3 224 #> 23 23 2.42 10 25.2 290 55.5 114 #> 24 41 1.61 153 23.6 312 43.1 200 #> 25 22 1.54 170 35.8 67 40.2 236 #> 26 97 0.76 333 36.1 62 22.9 334 #> 27 6 0.99 309 34.4 87 19.2 340 #> 28 205 0.70 339 29.5 194 33.5 284 #> 29 129 2.03 58 32.1 129 38.0 249 #> 30 27 1.88 81 32.8 114 49.8 157 #> 31 13 1.12 284 25.7 281 36.8 259 #> 32 5 2.08 48 27.9 238 62.6 55 #> 33 217 1.06 297 35.8 68 54.2 122 #> 34 21 1.79 96 36.5 55 58.8 79 #> 35 101 2.13 40 30.2 171 63.1 54 #> 36 50 0.81 329 36.0 65 44.9 191 #> 37 12 2.08 47 32.3 125 66.8 33 #> 38 9 1.42 205 25.7 280 32.6 291 #> 39 13 1.73 113 33.9 94 42.5 211 #> 40 46 1.68 132 17.8 350 34.6 279 #> 41 96 0.49 347 31.9 133 16.8 346 #> 42 45 1.41 209 36.4 57 54.7 117 #> 43 13 1.53 175 22.4 325 56.3 102 #> 44 103 1.94 68 30.4 167 60.3 69 #> 45 13 1.16 275 28.1 235 46.2 184 #> 46 30 0.96 312 22.9 316 29.6 303 #> 47 63 1.60 155 21.9 330 32.8 289 #> 48 34 2.08 46 31.2 149 38.4 245 #> 49 62 1.59 159 22.5 323 41.5 221 #> 50 342 1.47 191 22.5 322 39.3 240 #> 51 70 1.36 225 25.0 293 51.9 142 #> 52 64 1.44 199 28.2 231 40.6 232 #> 53 168 1.66 136 29.0 204 46.5 182 #> 54 56 1.87 82 31.2 146 36.3 267 #> 55 172 1.54 172 29.4 196 35.6 273 #> 56 58 1.61 149 32.8 113 53.3 130 #> 57 3 1.82 91 27.1 257 66.9 32 #> 58 36 1.14 280 30.6 162 57.4 88 #> 59 13 1.50 183 30.5 165 24.4 322 #> 60 233 1.50 182 37.5 34 49.2 163 #> 61 31 1.41 208 22.8 317 28.8 306 #> 62 163 1.01 305 42.8 5 49.6 159 #> 63 37 1.87 83 37.5 36 21.6 337 #> 64 131 1.76 105 43.2 3 46.8 180 #> 65 233 1.47 192 30.0 181 52.9 134 #> 66 39 1.58 161 33.0 108 56.6 98 #> 67 29 1.61 151 17.7 351 56.9 94 #> 68 60 1.69 126 25.6 283 68.4 24 #> 69 54 1.60 154 38.9 21 32.3 293 #> 70 61 2.32 19 21.4 334 39.3 241 #> 71 171 1.44 200 32.0 132 54.5 119 #> 72 184 1.83 88 27.6 249 28.9 305 #> 73 11 1.16 273 27.0 260 36.4 263 #> 74 43 2.53 4 27.7 244 51.6 146 #> 75 189 2.15 35 27.8 243 66.6 34 #> 76 201 2.40 11 30.7 159 65.4 43 #> 77 161 1.62 144 32.5 122 56.7 97 #> 78 2 1.52 176 22.6 321 55.8 109 #> 79 89 1.48 186 31.7 137 49.0 165 #> 80 70 1.41 212 30.1 176 44.5 193 #> 81 53 1.46 195 29.5 195 32.9 288 #> 82 173 1.37 223 36.1 61 40.3 234 #> 83 28 1.57 165 31.9 135 71.1 17 #> 84 70 1.59 160 26.9 261 75.5 9 #> 85 85 1.11 286 27.6 250 38.6 244 #> 86 52 1.24 261 32.8 115 18.0 342 #> 87 193 1.94 67 18.8 347 51.2 150 #> 88 92 1.39 216 24.2 300 42.4 212 #> 89 59 1.27 252 25.6 282 32.1 294 #> 90 109 1.75 107 29.7 185 59.7 73 #> 91 312 2.06 52 26.5 267 64.5 49 #> 92 282 1.36 227 29.5 193 51.0 151 #> 93 86 1.09 290 32.9 110 43.0 205 #> 94 42 1.24 259 24.0 303 51.7 145 #> 95 204 1.31 242 27.8 242 41.0 228 #> 96 88 1.25 256 36.9 47 39.1 243 #> 97 215 2.05 54 18.8 346 77.1 7 #> 98 113 1.47 194 33.6 98 58.6 80 #> 99 140 1.52 177 32.5 120 50.3 156 #> 100 301 1.66 137 22.4 324 32.4 292 #> 101 111 1.11 287 30.1 174 37.4 254 #> 102 213 2.03 57 31.2 147 83.9 3 #> 103 185 1.23 263 32.2 128 47.4 176 #> 104 170 1.36 224 29.4 199 36.4 264 #> 105 70 1.62 146 33.5 100 67.7 28 #> 106 87 1.29 246 28.4 223 28.4 307 #> 107 112 1.84 87 37.5 35 44.1 195 #> 108 207 1.55 167 21.8 332 44.3 194 #> 109 174 1.42 207 30.1 177 47.4 177 #> 110 196 2.44 8 27.0 259 65.7 41 #> 111 47 1.79 99 36.9 46 28.3 308 #> 112 127 0.97 310 28.8 211 31.8 296 #> 113 95 2.02 59 34.4 89 63.1 53 #> 114 130 2.34 16 27.4 252 61.9 60 #> 115 190 2.29 22 35.7 71 59.7 74 #> 116 295 2.24 24 29.6 189 65.1 47 #> 117 102 1.70 121 33.2 103 51.6 147 #> 118 93 1.40 214 47.0 2 27.2 309 #> 119 142 2.16 32 19.9 342 67.4 30 #> 120 70 1.65 140 25.5 287 56.2 103 #> 121 13 0.66 342 31.9 134 16.9 345 #> 122 147 1.72 114 30.2 169 51.2 149 #> 123 148 1.62 148 33.1 105 48.6 168 #> 124 257 2.34 17 31.2 145 54.2 123 #> 125 218 2.13 39 25.1 292 50.9 153 #> 126 105 1.80 95 34.6 83 65.7 42 #> 127 195 2.17 31 28.9 209 68.1 27 #> 128 209 1.73 112 36.6 54 59.9 70 #> 129 181 1.90 76 26.6 265 47.6 175 #> 130 65 2.05 56 28.5 220 86.0 1 #> 131 203 1.87 84 34.0 92 57.2 90 #> 132 84 2.13 42 28.6 218 45.7 186 #> 133 13 1.50 181 30.1 179 57.7 84 #> 134 35 2.01 60 38.2 29 70.0 21 #> 135 146 2.12 43 23.8 310 75.8 8 #> 136 98 1.55 169 28.7 212 52.0 140 #> 137 258 2.42 9 33.9 93 63.5 52 #> 138 110 1.90 75 30.7 161 48.6 169 #> 139 149 1.88 79 34.5 86 66.2 38 #> 140 107 1.25 257 35.9 66 23.6 328 #> 141 94 1.28 249 28.1 232 39.9 238 #> 142 70 1.33 236 30.1 178 4.1 352 #> 143 149 1.38 218 28.1 234 36.1 269 #> 144 104 1.83 90 34.9 80 33.1 287 #> 145 149 1.18 269 29.0 205 38.3 246 #> 146 178 1.58 162 38.5 25 53.8 124 #> 147 70 1.72 116 28.6 216 55.7 110 #> 148 194 1.71 118 37.7 32 60.6 68 #> 149 233 2.14 37 32.9 111 65.7 40 #> 150 164 1.75 108 31.0 152 41.2 225 #> 151 233 1.16 276 36.5 56 52.4 137 #> 152 334 1.82 92 32.4 123 42.4 213 #> 153 233 2.10 45 20.2 341 70.5 19 #> 154 286 0.83 327 32.6 117 39.9 239 #> 155 176 1.48 189 22.3 326 34.0 283 #> 156 10 1.54 173 27.3 253 25.5 313 #> 157 66 1.73 110 22.7 318 52.6 136 #> 158 223 0.96 311 26.3 271 46.9 179 #> 159 118 1.37 221 34.4 88 45.2 190 #> 160 125 1.19 268 31.5 141 39.2 242 #> 161 149 1.83 89 28.7 213 69.1 22 #> 162 117 1.32 239 30.2 170 65.3 44 #> 163 134 2.50 6 31.3 143 64.3 50 #> 164 187 0.85 324 28.3 227 35.1 277 #> 165 225 0.60 345 28.9 208 23.5 330 #> 166 262 1.69 127 23.9 304 10.2 349 #> 167 137 2.31 20 26.4 269 72.3 14 #> 168 149 1.09 289 31.2 148 41.3 223 #> 169 144 1.40 215 38.3 28 35.9 271 #> 170 294 2.14 38 30.7 160 15.7 348 #> 171 231 1.15 277 30.4 166 57.5 86 #> 172 40 1.03 302 30.1 172 36.7 261 #> 173 254 1.58 163 31.8 136 43.2 199 #> 174 32 1.24 260 21.9 329 56.9 95 #> 175 315 2.18 29 23.8 307 73.0 12 #> 176 330 0.92 317 31.7 138 17.8 343 #> 177 121 0.93 316 24.1 301 36.3 266 #> 178 49 0.72 336 35.7 70 24.1 327 #> 179 273 1.07 296 27.9 239 42.6 208 #> 180 191 1.31 241 39.5 17 50.5 155 #> 181 57 1.76 104 26.1 274 57.1 93 #> 182 99 1.73 111 35.6 76 62.4 59 #> 183 165 0.88 321 38.4 26 49.3 162 #> 184 115 1.09 291 49.1 1 37.9 251 #> 185 124 1.61 152 30.5 163 59.7 72 #> 186 100 1.74 109 35.1 79 40.1 237 #> 187 198 1.98 63 31.0 154 59.2 77 #> 188 269 0.75 334 39.6 15 26.4 311 #> 189 70 2.06 51 28.9 210 75.1 11 #> 190 351 0.91 318 26.2 272 37.6 252 #> 191 149 2.13 41 25.9 278 63.8 51 #> 192 224 2.30 21 27.9 241 56.4 101 #> 193 221 1.33 235 39.6 14 44.0 196 #> 194 70 1.77 103 29.8 184 53.2 131 #> 195 270 2.05 53 25.9 277 61.6 62 #> 196 106 1.22 265 42.6 8 25.6 312 #> 197 200 1.27 250 34.7 81 68.2 26 #> 198 253 1.07 294 36.7 52 41.5 219 #> 199 206 1.63 142 26.4 270 42.4 214 #> 200 149 2.20 26 24.7 296 37.9 250 #> 201 220 0.71 337 39.2 18 35.7 272 #> 202 143 0.89 320 20.4 340 35.4 274 #> 203 122 1.79 97 30.1 175 53.5 128 #> 204 51 1.69 129 24.3 298 37.1 257 #> 205 149 1.53 174 27.9 240 53.4 129 #> 206 70 1.29 245 21.1 338 58.8 78 #> 207 141 1.70 122 37.2 41 72.3 15 #> 208 319 2.15 34 29.6 192 54.6 118 #> 209 251 0.08 352 40.3 13 5.9 351 #> 210 264 1.98 62 32.1 130 79.4 5 #> 211 276 2.36 14 35.8 69 57.2 91 #> 212 149 1.40 213 25.6 284 32.0 295 #> 213 188 2.15 33 27.7 246 81.0 4 #> 214 300 1.28 247 33.8 95 34.3 282 #> 215 149 1.55 168 29.3 201 55.7 111 #> 216 229 1.38 219 33.1 106 57.6 85 #> 217 255 1.35 231 29.3 200 20.6 339 #> 218 232 1.11 285 35.2 77 36.5 262 #> 219 70 1.99 61 28.1 233 61.3 64 #> 220 268 1.12 283 25.7 279 7.5 350 #> 221 288 1.29 244 35.6 74 41.5 220 #> 222 133 2.11 44 26.5 266 48.7 167 #> 223 323 0.46 350 37.3 40 23.5 329 #> 224 123 1.38 220 26.8 262 42.0 216 #> 225 186 1.35 229 28.5 221 43.0 204 #> 226 114 1.21 267 28.5 219 18.8 341 #> 227 348 1.61 150 23.9 305 53.1 132 #> 228 211 1.59 158 28.3 225 43.1 202 #> 229 228 1.94 66 23.8 308 40.8 229 #> 230 179 1.00 307 34.6 82 40.8 230 #> 231 70 1.28 248 33.1 104 38.2 247 #> 232 289 1.08 292 33.3 101 21.4 338 #> 233 139 1.91 73 34.5 84 37.2 256 #> 234 230 1.23 262 37.3 39 36.4 265 #> 235 108 1.88 80 19.4 343 55.5 113 #> 236 145 1.17 271 29.6 188 30.2 301 #> 237 202 1.16 272 30.8 157 37.5 253 #> 238 233 1.05 299 33.0 109 51.5 148 #> 239 119 1.75 106 29.2 202 50.9 152 #> 240 182 1.41 211 37.4 37 52.9 135 #> 241 330 1.33 234 37.5 33 46.6 181 #> 242 136 1.92 72 27.1 255 67.6 29 #> 243 138 2.06 49 29.7 187 57.3 89 #> 244 216 1.44 201 36.2 60 45.3 188 #> 245 183 1.70 123 27.2 254 48.4 172 #> 246 296 1.68 134 34.0 91 49.4 161 #> 247 135 1.24 258 29.4 197 51.7 143 #> 248 126 1.86 85 27.5 251 61.4 63 #> 249 208 0.74 335 22.1 327 25.2 316 #> 250 227 1.95 64 24.5 297 58.3 82 #> 251 261 1.39 217 30.5 164 33.3 285 #> 252 271 2.56 3 21.1 336 65.2 45 #> 253 263 1.91 74 29.7 186 70.7 18 #> 254 256 1.25 254 33.6 96 34.3 281 #> 255 284 1.78 100 32.8 116 66.6 35 #> 256 277 1.44 203 21.9 331 25.0 318 #> 257 214 1.68 131 37.3 38 48.8 166 #> 258 278 1.32 237 26.8 263 30.9 299 #> 259 328 1.51 178 29.0 206 48.6 170 #> 260 326 1.70 124 27.9 237 43.8 197 #> 261 324 0.79 330 22.6 319 24.9 319 #> 262 274 1.69 128 36.9 48 54.4 120 #> 263 175 1.65 139 28.2 230 65.1 46 #> 264 132 1.93 69 26.1 276 65.0 48 #> 265 309 0.99 308 39.6 16 37.4 255 #> 266 149 1.06 298 34.1 90 22.0 336 #> 267 222 1.30 243 32.6 119 41.2 226 #> 268 330 1.70 125 29.0 207 55.9 105 #> 269 197 0.70 340 32.9 112 22.7 335 #> 270 192 1.60 156 29.6 190 67.2 31 #> 271 327 0.84 326 38.7 23 36.7 260 #> 272 298 1.70 120 24.2 299 56.1 104 #> 273 297 1.64 141 25.5 286 43.3 198 #> 274 250 1.07 295 35.1 78 29.7 302 #> 275 330 1.60 157 26.1 273 43.1 201 #> 276 346 1.46 196 36.1 63 40.2 235 #> 277 212 1.35 230 28.7 214 55.0 116 #> 278 128 2.18 27 23.7 311 65.8 39 #> 279 293 0.84 325 36.8 50 31.1 298 #> 280 280 1.44 204 41.6 10 53.7 125 #> 281 299 1.34 233 25.5 285 48.2 174 #> 282 306 0.68 341 33.6 97 36.0 270 #> 283 233 1.13 281 36.9 45 42.5 210 #> 284 233 1.16 274 26.4 268 29.5 304 #> 285 120 2.51 5 19.2 344 53.6 126 #> 286 167 1.62 147 25.4 289 71.8 16 #> 287 337 1.49 185 28.0 236 55.8 108 #> 288 272 1.00 306 36.8 51 38.1 248 #> 289 233 1.88 78 26.7 264 59.9 71 #> 290 317 1.22 266 36.8 49 47.1 178 #> 291 233 0.70 338 37.9 31 33.1 286 #> 292 210 1.92 71 23.8 309 42.1 215 #> 293 233 1.72 115 28.3 226 49.4 160 #> 294 318 1.92 70 28.3 224 60.8 66 #> 295 199 0.63 344 41.8 9 30.7 300 #> 296 233 1.45 198 31.4 142 57.1 92 #> 297 267 1.15 279 26.1 275 50.8 154 #> 298 162 1.47 193 29.9 182 25.4 314 #> 299 233 1.90 77 24.0 302 62.6 56 #> 300 226 0.47 349 42.7 7 24.4 321 #> 301 343 2.39 12 29.4 198 66.5 36 #> 302 249 1.26 253 40.6 12 32.6 290 #> 303 260 1.77 102 29.8 183 42.0 217 #> 304 180 2.88 1 21.1 337 54.4 121 #> 305 291 2.32 18 14.2 353 60.8 65 #> 306 169 1.48 188 25.4 288 35.3 275 #> 307 166 0.87 322 42.8 4 49.1 164 #> 308 219 1.85 86 34.5 85 51.7 144 #> 309 313 0.86 323 39.0 20 16.4 347 #> 310 308 1.15 278 33.3 102 34.8 278 #> 311 321 1.71 119 28.7 215 59.3 76 #> 312 320 0.93 315 37.1 43 55.6 112 #> 313 283 1.77 101 32.4 124 41.9 218 #> 314 290 1.42 206 24.9 294 36.2 268 #> 315 325 1.12 282 31.3 144 40.3 233 #> 316 307 1.62 145 27.1 256 62.6 57 #> 317 266 1.51 179 28.2 228 55.9 106 #> 318 301 1.80 94 20.8 339 72.5 13 #> 319 285 0.78 331 32.3 126 45.3 189 #> 320 350 1.54 171 21.1 335 79.3 6 #> 321 149 1.79 98 25.1 291 56.6 99 #> 322 233 1.68 133 27.7 245 58.5 81 #> 323 279 1.67 135 33.6 99 35.2 276 #> 324 259 1.32 238 38.8 22 53.6 127 #> 325 301 1.46 197 27.0 258 42.8 206 #> 326 329 1.69 130 31.1 150 52.3 138 #> 327 301 2.35 15 32.0 131 56.8 96 #> 328 339 2.48 7 23.5 314 70.1 20 #> 329 252 1.62 143 18.2 348 36.9 258 #> 330 314 2.71 2 23.9 306 61.8 61 #> 331 322 1.22 264 38.1 30 48.5 171 #> 332 301 2.23 25 17.2 352 59.4 75 #> 333 265 1.27 251 30.2 168 58.0 83 #> 334 352 1.49 184 29.6 191 60.7 67 #> 335 287 1.02 304 36.2 58 45.3 187 #> 336 311 1.05 300 23.1 315 24.4 324 #> 337 316 2.25 23 30.0 180 62.6 58 #> 338 344 1.80 93 22.1 328 51.9 141 #> 339 335 1.48 187 40.8 11 55.9 107 #> 340 310 1.25 255 35.6 73 23.4 332 #> 341 233 0.77 332 30.1 173 27.1 310 #> 342 341 1.17 270 38.3 27 42.7 207 #> 343 233 0.49 348 31.6 139 23.0 333 #> 344 292 0.64 343 30.8 158 24.9 320 #> 345 353 0.56 346 39.1 19 24.2 326 #> 346 281 0.00 353 28.2 229 0.0 0 #> 347 275 1.32 240 36.2 59 41.2 227 #> 348 336 1.47 190 31.0 151 56.4 100 #> 349 338 0.94 314 27.6 248 52.0 139 #> 350 347 1.04 301 42.8 6 43.1 203 #> 351 349 1.36 226 28.6 217 45.9 185 #> 352 345 0.40 351 37.0 44 17.5 344 #> 353 340 1.07 293 36.0 64 34.5 280 #> NCAA_Seed Year #> 1 2 2020 #> 2 NA 2020 #> 3 1 2020 #> 4 NA 2020 #> 5 3 2020 #> 6 NA 2020 #> 7 NA 2020 #> 8 2 2020 #> 9 NA 2020 #> 10 11 2020 #> 11 NA 2020 #> 12 7 2020 #> 13 NA 2020 #> 14 NA 2020 #> 15 NA 2020 #> 16 NA 2020 #> 17 NA 2020 #> 18 12 2020 #> 19 10 2020 #> 20 NA 2020 #> 21 NA 2020 #> 22 3 2020 #> 23 NA 2020 #> 24 1 2020 #> 25 NA 2020 #> 26 NA 2020 #> 27 NA 2020 #> 28 NA 2020 #> 29 9 2020 #> 30 NA 2020 #> 31 4 2020 #> 32 NA 2020 #> 33 11 2020 #> 34 9 2020 #> 35 NA 2020 #> 36 NA 2020 #> 37 NA 2020 #> 38 NA 2020 #> 39 NA 2020 #> 40 NA 2020 #> 41 NA 2020 #> 42 NA 2020 #> 43 NA 2020 #> 44 NA 2020 #> 45 NA 2020 #> 46 NA 2020 #> 47 NA 2020 #> 48 NA 2020 #> 49 10 2020 #> 50 7 2020 #> 51 NA 2020 #> 52 NA 2020 #> 53 6 2020 #> 54 4 2020 #> 55 NA 2020 #> 56 NA 2020 #> 57 NA 2020 #> 58 NA 2020 #> 59 NA 2020 #> 60 NA 2020 #> 61 NA 2020 #> 62 6 2020 #> 63 NA 2020 #> 64 NA 2020 #> 65 6 2020 #> 66 NA 2020 #> 67 NA 2020 #> 68 NA 2020 #> 69 NA 2020 #> 70 NA 2020 #> 71 3 2020 #> 72 NA 2020 #> 73 NA 2020 #> 74 5 2020 #> 75 NA 2020 #> 76 8 2020 #> 77 NA 2020 #> 78 8 2020 #> 79 NA 2020 #> 80 NA 2020 #> 81 NA 2020 #> 82 NA 2020 #> 83 NA 2020 #> 84 7 2020 #> 85 NA 2020 #> 86 NA 2020 #> 87 NA 2020 #> 88 9 2020 #> 89 16 2020 #> 90 14 2020 #> 91 NA 2020 #> 92 NA 2020 #> 93 NA 2020 #> 94 NA 2020 #> 95 NA 2020 #> 96 7 2020 #> 97 3 2020 #> 98 NA 2020 #> 99 NA 2020 #> 100 NA 2020 #> 101 NA 2020 #> 102 8 2020 #> 103 NA 2020 #> 104 5 2020 #> 105 16 2020 #> 106 NA 2020 #> 107 14 2020 #> 108 12 2020 #> 109 NA 2020 #> 110 11 2020 #> 111 NA 2020 #> 112 NA 2020 #> 113 6 2020 #> 114 5 2020 #> 115 NA 2020 #> 116 NA 2020 #> 117 NA 2020 #> 118 NA 2020 #> 119 NA 2020 #> 120 NA 2020 #> 121 NA 2020 #> 122 NA 2020 #> 123 NA 2020 #> 124 9 2020 #> 125 NA 2020 #> 126 13 2020 #> 127 4 2020 #> 128 NA 2020 #> 129 NA 2020 #> 130 NA 2020 #> 131 10 2020 #> 132 NA 2020 #> 133 NA 2020 #> 134 NA 2020 #> 135 8 2020 #> 136 NA 2020 #> 137 NA 2020 #> 138 NA 2020 #> 139 NA 2020 #> 140 NA 2020 #> 141 NA 2020 #> 142 NA 2020 #> 143 NA 2020 #> 144 NA 2020 #> 145 NA 2020 #> 146 NA 2020 #> 147 NA 2020 #> 148 NA 2020 #> 149 4 2020 #> 150 NA 2020 #> 151 NA 2020 #> 152 NA 2020 #> 153 NA 2020 #> 154 NA 2020 #> 155 NA 2020 #> 156 10 2020 #> 157 NA 2020 #> 158 NA 2020 #> 159 NA 2020 #> 160 NA 2020 #> 161 NA 2020 #> 162 NA 2020 #> 163 NA 2020 #> 164 NA 2020 #> 165 NA 2020 #> 166 NA 2020 #> 167 NA 2020 #> 168 NA 2020 #> 169 NA 2020 #> 170 NA 2020 #> 171 NA 2020 #> 172 NA 2020 #> 173 NA 2020 #> 174 NA 2020 #> 175 NA 2020 #> 176 NA 2020 #> 177 NA 2020 #> 178 NA 2020 #> 179 NA 2020 #> 180 NA 2020 #> 181 1 2020 #> 182 NA 2020 #> 183 11 2020 #> 184 NA 2020 #> 185 5 2020 #> 186 NA 2020 #> 187 NA 2020 #> 188 NA 2020 #> 189 NA 2020 #> 190 15 2020 #> 191 1 2020 #> 192 NA 2020 #> 193 NA 2020 #> 194 NA 2020 #> 195 NA 2020 #> 196 NA 2020 #> 197 NA 2020 #> 198 16 2020 #> 199 NA 2020 #> 200 2 2020 #> 201 NA 2020 #> 202 NA 2020 #> 203 NA 2020 #> 204 NA 2020 #> 205 NA 2020 #> 206 NA 2020 #> 207 NA 2020 #> 208 14 2020 #> 209 NA 2020 #> 210 15 2020 #> 211 NA 2020 #> 212 NA 2020 #> 213 NA 2020 #> 214 NA 2020 #> 215 NA 2020 #> 216 NA 2020 #> 217 NA 2020 #> 218 NA 2020 #> 219 NA 2020 #> 220 NA 2020 #> 221 NA 2020 #> 222 NA 2020 #> 223 NA 2020 #> 224 15 2020 #> 225 13 2020 #> 226 NA 2020 #> 227 13 2020 #> 228 NA 2020 #> 229 NA 2020 #> 230 NA 2020 #> 231 NA 2020 #> 232 NA 2020 #> 233 NA 2020 #> 234 12 2020 #> 235 2 2020 #> 236 NA 2020 #> 237 NA 2020 #> 238 NA 2020 #> 239 NA 2020 #> 240 NA 2020 #> 241 NA 2020 #> 242 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309 NA 2020 #> 310 NA 2020 #> 311 NA 2020 #> 312 NA 2020 #> 313 NA 2020 #> 314 NA 2020 #> 315 NA 2020 #> 316 NA 2020 #> 317 NA 2020 #> 318 NA 2020 #> 319 NA 2020 #> 320 NA 2020 #> 321 NA 2020 #> 322 16 2020 #> 323 NA 2020 #> 324 NA 2020 #> 325 NA 2020 #> 326 NA 2020 #> 327 NA 2020 #> 328 12 2020 #> 329 NA 2020 #> 330 NA 2020 #> 331 NA 2020 #> 332 NA 2020 #> 333 NA 2020 #> 334 NA 2020 #> 335 NA 2020 #> 336 NA 2020 #> 337 NA 2020 #> 338 NA 2020 #> 339 NA 2020 #> 340 16 2020 #> 341 NA 2020 #> 342 NA 2020 #> 343 NA 2020 #> 344 NA 2020 #> 345 NA 2020 #> 346 NA 2020 #> 347 NA 2020 #> 348 15 2020 #> 349 NA 2020 #> 350 NA 2020 #> 351 NA 2020 #> 352 NA 2020 #> 353 NA 2020 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_kpoy.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KPoY Leaders Tables — kp_kpoy","title":"Get KPoY Leaders Tables — kp_kpoy","text":"Get KPoY Leaders Tables","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_kpoy.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KPoY Leaders Tables — kp_kpoy","text":"","code":"kp_kpoy(year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_kpoy.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KPoY Leaders Tables — kp_kpoy","text":"year Year data pull (earliest year data available: 2011)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_kpoy.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KPoY Leaders Tables — kp_kpoy","text":"Returns list tibbles: \"kPoYRatings\", \"GameMVPs\" KPoYRatings GameMVPs","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_kpoy.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KPoY Leaders Tables — kp_kpoy","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_kpoy(year=2021)) #> $KPoYRatings #> rk player kpoy_rating team hgt wgt exp #> 1 1 Drew Timme 1.915 Gonzaga 6-10 235 So #> 2 2 Luka Garza 1.903 Iowa 6-11 265 Sr #> 3 3 Evan Mobley 1.657 USC 7-0 215 Fr #> 4 4 Jared Butler 1.623 Baylor 6-3 195 Jr #> 5 5 Cameron Krutwig 1.613 Loyola Chicago 6-9 255 Sr #> 6 6 Ayo Dosunmu 1.507 Illinois 6-5 200 Jr #> 7 7 Kofi Cockburn 1.467 Illinois 7-0 285 So #> 8 8 Hunter Dickinson 1.399 Michigan 7-1 255 Fr #> 9 9 Jalen Suggs 1.365 Gonzaga 6-4 205 Fr #> 10 10 Trevion Williams 1.357 Purdue 6-10 265 Jr #> home_town year group #> 1 Richardson, TX 2021 kPoY Rating #> 2 Washington, DC 2021 kPoY Rating #> 3 Murrieta, CA 2021 kPoY Rating #> 4 Reserve, LA 2021 kPoY Rating #> 5 Algonquin, IL 2021 kPoY Rating #> 6 Chicago, IL 2021 kPoY Rating #> 7 Kingston, Jamaica 2021 kPoY Rating #> 8 Hyattsville, MD 2021 kPoY Rating #> 9 West St. Paul, MN 2021 kPoY Rating #> 10 Chicago, IL 2021 kPoY Rating #> #> $GameMVPs #> rk player game_mv_ps team hgt wgt exp #> 1 1 Luka Garza 19 Iowa 6-11 265 Sr #> 2 2 Evan Mobley 18 USC 7-0 215 Fr #> 3 3 Neemias Queta 16 Utah St. 7-0 245 Jr #> 4 4 Charles Bassey 15 Western Kentucky 6-11 235 Jr #> 5 5 Cameron Krutwig 13 Loyola Chicago 6-9 255 Sr #> 6 5 Terry Taylor 13 Austin Peay 6-5 230 Sr #> 7 7 Drew Timme 12 Gonzaga 6-10 235 So #> 8 8 Isaiah Miller 11 UNC Greensboro 6-0 190 Sr #> 9 8 Quentin Grimes 11 Houston 6-5 205 Jr #> 10 8 Kendric Davis 11 SMU 5-11 180 Jr #> 11 8 Nah'Shon Hyland 11 VCU 6-3 173 So #> home_town year group #> 1 Washington, DC 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 2 Murrieta, CA 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 3 Barreiro, Portugal 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 4 Lagos, Nigeria 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 5 Algonquin, IL 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 6 Bowling Green, KY 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 7 Richardson, TX 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 8 Covington, GA 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 9 The Woodlands, TX 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 10 Houston, TX 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 11 Wilmington, DE 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_minutes_matrix.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Minutes Matrix from Expanded Player Page — kp_minutes_matrix","title":"Get Minutes Matrix from Expanded Player Page — kp_minutes_matrix","text":"Get Minutes Matrix Expanded Player Page","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_minutes_matrix.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Minutes Matrix from Expanded Player Page — kp_minutes_matrix","text":"","code":"kp_minutes_matrix(team, year = 2021)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_minutes_matrix.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Minutes Matrix from Expanded Player Page — kp_minutes_matrix","text":"team Team filter select. year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_minutes_matrix.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Minutes Matrix from Expanded Player Page — kp_minutes_matrix","text":"Returns tibble minutes matrix data","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_minutes_matrix.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Minutes Matrix from Expanded Player Page — kp_minutes_matrix","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_minutes_matrix(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2021)) #> date opponent_rk opponent result justin_lindner #> 1 Wed Dec 2 297 North Florida W, 86-58 #> 2 Wed Dec 9 50 Indiana W, 69-67 #> 3 Sat Dec 12 41 Florida W, 83-71 #> 4 Tue Dec 15 37 Georgia Tech W, 74-61 #> 5 Sat Dec 19 100 UCF L, 86-74 #> 6 Mon Dec 21 182 Gardner Webb W, 72-59 1 #> 7 Tue Dec 29 45 Clemson L, 77-67 #> 8 Wed Jan 13 71 N.C. State W, 105-73 6 #> 9 Sat Jan 16 34 North Carolina W, 82-75 #> 10 Mon Jan 18 59 Louisville W, 78-65 1 #> 11 Sat Jan 23 45 Clemson W, 80-61 3 #> 12 Wed Jan 27 138 Miami FL W, 81-59 2 #> 13 Sat Jan 30 37 Georgia Tech L, 76-65 #> 14 Sat Feb 13 175 Wake Forest W, 92-85 #> 15 Mon Feb 15 19 Virginia W, 81-60 1 #> 16 Sat Feb 20 97 Pittsburgh W, 79-72 #> 17 Wed Feb 24 138 Miami FL W, 88-71 2 #> 18 Sat Feb 27 34 North Carolina L, 78-70 #> 19 Wed Mar 3 148 Boston College W, 93-64 5 #> 20 Sat Mar 6 85 Notre Dame L, 83-73 #> 21 Fri Mar 12 34 North Carolina W, 69-66 #> 22 Sat Mar 13 37 Georgia Tech L, 80-75 #> 23 Sat Mar 20 108 UNC Greensboro W, 64-54 #> 24 Mon Mar 22 8 Colorado W, 71-53 #> 25 Sun Mar 28 3 Michigan L, 76-58 1 #> ray_quan_evans mj_walker nathanael_jack anthony_polite sardaar_calhoun #> 1 16 27 11 24 15 #> 2 13 41 33 14 #> 3 18 29 3 27 7 #> 4 35 5 34 6 #> 5 15 37 31 8 #> 6 24 23 11 28 10 #> 7 21 33 4 27 11 #> 8 19 22 12 21 15 #> 9 31 32 2 27 16 #> 10 27 32 7 16 #> 11 18 17 22 17 #> 12 18 27 13 25 #> 13 27 25 4 17 #> 14 17 37 3 30 10 #> 15 19 29 2 15 19 #> 16 22 28 20 14 #> 17 15 15 24 24 #> 18 17 29 26 20 #> 19 16 24 12 25 11 #> 20 31 26 2 26 20 #> 21 13 28 4 24 20 #> 22 12 27 32 12 #> 23 16 32 30 11 #> 24 18 31 9 28 11 #> 25 16 26 4 25 9 #> travis_light will_miles harrison_prieto rai_quan_gray wyatt_wilkes #> 1 18 16 #> 2 1 31 7 #> 3 23 18 #> 4 30 11 #> 5 3 26 15 #> 6 0 0 0 25 12 #> 7 21 15 #> 8 3 3 22 15 #> 9 30 10 #> 10 1 1 30 16 #> 11 3 3 11 18 #> 12 2 2 22 20 #> 13 34 26 #> 14 37 20 #> 15 1 1 28 13 #> 16 29 13 #> 17 2 2 26 22 #> 18 32 9 #> 19 5 5 5 19 16 #> 20 35 8 #> 21 27 6 #> 22 21 11 #> 23 31 6 #> 24 1 1 1 28 11 #> 25 1 1 20 9 #> malik_osborne scottie_barnes quincy_ballard balsa_koprivica tanor_ngom #> 1 17 24 7 18 7 #> 2 31 30 1 21 2 #> 3 21 28 2 16 6 #> 4 19 30 4 26 #> 5 13 29 2 14 5 #> 6 17 22 2 23 2 #> 7 24 21 19 3 #> 8 20 13 5 14 10 #> 9 15 30 7 #> 10 25 22 1 14 8 #> 11 24 23 5 23 12 #> 12 19 19 4 17 9 #> 13 21 23 17 6 #> 14 25 33 7 6 #> 15 24 24 2 14 8 #> 16 24 26 15 9 #> 17 9 24 11 23 #> 18 20 22 0 24 1 #> 19 21 5 23 8 #> 20 8 32 6 5 #> 21 20 25 1 28 5 #> 22 22 29 26 8 #> 23 14 26 24 10 #> 24 20 22 1 11 7 #> 25 31 25 1 23 5 #> starting_lineup_number team year #> 1 1 Florida St. 2021 #> 2 1 Florida St. 2021 #> 3 1 Florida St. 2021 #> 4 1 Florida St. 2021 #> 5 1 Florida St. 2021 #> 6 1 Florida St. 2021 #> 7 1 Florida St. 2021 #> 8 2 Florida St. 2021 #> 9 2 Florida St. 2021 #> 10 3 Florida St. 2021 #> 11 3 Florida St. 2021 #> 12 3 Florida St. 2021 #> 13 3 Florida St. 2021 #> 14 4 Florida St. 2021 #> 15 4 Florida St. 2021 #> 16 4 Florida St. 2021 #> 17 5 Florida St. 2021 #> 18 3 Florida St. 2021 #> 19 6 Florida St. 2021 #> 20 2 Florida St. 2021 #> 21 2 Florida St. 2021 #> 22 2 Florida St. 2021 #> 23 2 Florida St. 2021 #> 24 2 Florida St. 2021 #> 25 2 Florida St. 2021 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_officials.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get officials rankings — kp_officials","title":"Get officials rankings — kp_officials","text":"Get officials rankings","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_officials.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get officials rankings — kp_officials","text":"","code":"kp_officials(year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_officials.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get officials rankings — kp_officials","text":"year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_officials.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get officials rankings — kp_officials","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_officials.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get officials rankings — kp_officials","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_officials(year = 2021)) #> rk official_name ref_rating gms last_game #> 1 1 Bo Boroski 69.98 60 Mon 4/5 #> 2 2 D.J. Carstensen 68.26 54 Sun 3/28 #> 3 3 Keith Kimble 65.08 73 Mon 4/5 #> 4 4 Paul Szelc 64.01 55 Mon 3/29 #> 5 5 Larry Scirotto 63.74 55 Sat 3/27 #> 6 6 Ron Groover 62.98 65 Sat 4/3 #> 7 7 Doug Shows 60.78 64 Tue 3/30 #> 8 8 Kipp Kissinger 60.67 72 Thu 3/11 #> 9 9 Roger Ayers 60.62 71 Sun 3/14 #> 10 10 Bert Smith 60.52 70 Tue 3/30 #> 11 11 Pat Driscoll 58.37 57 Sun 3/28 #> 12 12 Kelly Pfeifer 58.30 52 Sun 3/28 #> 13 13 Doug Sirmons 57.92 69 Sat 4/3 #> 14 14 John Higgins 57.87 67 Sat 3/13 #> 15 15 Courtney Green 57.63 49 Sat 3/27 #> 16 16 Brent Hampton 57.44 58 Sat 3/27 #> 17 17 Terry Oglesby 56.71 74 Mon 3/29 #> 18 18 Chris Rastatter 55.91 71 Sat 4/3 #> 19 19 Ted Valentine 55.89 57 Sat 3/13 #> 20 20 Pat Adams 55.01 54 Sat 4/3 #> 21 21 Brian O'Connell 54.82 54 Sun 3/28 #> 22 22 Brooks Wells 54.65 63 Sun 3/28 #> 23 23 Lee Cassell 54.40 54 Tue 3/30 #> 24 24 James Breeding 53.78 60 Sat 4/3 #> 25 25 Brian Dorsey 53.45 54 Sun 3/28 #> 26 26 Robert Riley 53.34 45 Mon 3/22 #> 27 27 Tony Padilla 52.55 67 Sun 3/28 #> 28 28 Terry Wymer 52.32 54 Sun 3/21 #> 29 29 Don Daily 52.28 53 Sun 3/28 #> 30 30 Michael Greenstein 51.54 58 Sun 3/28 #> 31 31 Gerry Pollard 50.81 70 Sat 3/27 #> 32 32 Jeffrey Anderson 50.51 49 Sat 4/3 #> 33 33 Randy McCall 50.47 70 Mon 4/5 #> 34 34 Jamie Luckie 49.93 51 Thu 3/11 #> 35 35 Verne Harris 49.53 71 Tue 3/30 #> 36 36 Ray Natili 49.49 55 Fri 3/12 #> 37 37 Clarence Armstrong 48.63 52 Sat 3/20 #> 38 38 Jeb Hartness 47.86 68 Sat 3/27 #> 39 39 Byron Jarrett 47.37 53 Sat 3/27 #> 40 40 Gary Maxwell 47.10 61 Sat 3/13 #> 41 NA NA NA Last Game #> 42 41 John Gaffney 46.75 47 Fri 3/12 #> 43 42 Eric Curry 46.41 52 Sat 3/13 #> 44 43 Mike Reed 46.30 59 Sun 3/21 #> 45 44 Mike Roberts 46.02 44 Sat 3/13 #> 46 45 Jeff Clark 45.91 48 Mon 3/29 #> 47 46 David Hall 45.78 61 Sat 3/13 #> 48 47 Donnie Eppley 45.47 42 Sun 3/21 #> 49 48 Tony Greene 43.26 44 Sat 3/20 #> 50 49 Michael Irving 42.94 57 Sun 3/28 #> 51 50 Lamar Simpson 42.64 39 Sun 3/21 #> 52 51 Anthony Jordan 42.60 47 Sat 3/13 #> 53 52 Tony Henderson 41.93 51 Sun 3/28 #> 54 53 Earl Walton 41.52 52 Wed 3/24 #> 55 54 Patrick Evans 41.48 41 Sat 3/13 #> 56 55 Todd Austin 41.09 52 Sat 3/20 #> 57 56 Rob Kueneman 40.98 41 Fri 3/12 #> 58 57 Larry Spaulding 39.82 53 Sun 3/28 #> 59 58 Michael Stephens 38.88 44 Thu 3/4 #> 60 59 Bret Smith 38.25 54 Sun 3/21 #> 61 60 Joe Lindsay 37.71 39 Sat 3/27 #> 62 61 Matt Potter 37.60 47 Fri 3/19 #> 63 62 Marques Pettigrew 37.11 52 Sun 3/28 #> 64 63 Mike Scyphers 37.10 49 Sat 3/13 #> 65 64 Tony Chiazza 37.05 41 Sun 3/21 #> 66 65 Tim Clougherty 37.04 41 Sun 3/21 #> 67 66 Olandis Poole 36.87 48 Fri 3/12 #> 68 67 Bart Lenox 36.86 50 Fri 3/19 #> 69 68 John Floyd 36.20 51 Sun 3/28 #> 70 69 Jerry Heater 36.08 49 Sun 3/28 #> 71 70 Vladimir Voyard-Tadal 36.06 43 Sat 3/20 #> 72 71 Owen Shortt 35.95 46 Sat 3/20 #> 73 72 Steve Anderson 35.48 41 Mon 3/22 #> 74 73 Will Howard 35.47 46 Fri 3/12 #> 75 74 Mike Nance 35.28 44 Sat 3/13 #> 76 75 Kevin Brill 34.83 46 Sun 3/21 #> 77 76 Edwin Young 34.81 33 Sun 3/28 #> 78 77 A.J. Desai 34.49 43 Sat 3/27 #> 79 78 Chuck Jones 34.43 39 Sat 3/13 #> 80 79 Nate Harris 34.15 46 Fri 3/12 #> 81 80 Amy Bonner 33.84 61 Thu 3/18 #> 82 NA NA NA Last Game #> 83 81 Antinio Petty 33.75 51 Sat 3/20 #> 84 82 Deron White 33.49 45 Sat 3/13 #> 85 83 Tommy Morrissey 33.48 43 Sun 3/28 #> 86 84 Gregory Nixon 33.11 45 Sat 3/20 #> 87 85 Steve McJunkins 32.48 30 Sat 3/20 #> 88 86 Bill Ek 31.88 44 Mon 3/22 #> 89 87 Darron George 31.68 51 Thu 3/25 #> 90 88 Jason Baker 31.35 43 Fri 3/12 #> 91 89 Kelly Self 31.13 46 Fri 3/12 #> 92 90 Tommy Nunez 30.97 46 Sat 3/13 #> 93 91 Bill Covington Jr. 30.26 38 Sat 3/20 #> 94 92 Rick Crawford 30.07 42 Wed 3/24 #> 95 93 Deldre Carr 30.06 41 Sun 3/21 #> 96 94 Les Jones 28.99 42 Thu 3/11 #> 97 95 Chance Moore 28.98 45 Thu 3/25 #> 98 96 Lewis Garrison 28.21 26 Sat 3/13 #> 99 97 Rob Rorke 28.02 36 Fri 3/12 #> 100 98 Randy Heimerman 27.57 37 Sat 3/20 #> 101 99 Tim Comer 27.46 46 Sun 3/14 #> 102 100 Mark Schnur 27.35 41 Wed 3/10 #> 103 101 Steve Honacki 26.35 43 Mon 3/8 #> 104 102 D.G. Nelson 25.93 41 Sat 3/13 #> 105 103 K.B. Burdett 25.87 40 Fri 3/12 #> 106 104 Chad Barlow 24.13 36 Fri 3/12 #> 107 105 Tim Stewart 24.09 34 Sat 3/13 #> 108 106 Bob Staffen 23.68 41 Fri 3/12 #> 109 107 Evon Burroughs 23.44 29 Sun 3/14 #> 110 108 Brandon Cruz 22.24 40 Sat 3/13 #> 111 109 Kevin Mathis 22.14 33 Thu 3/11 #> 112 110 Andy O'Brien 21.93 38 Thu 3/18 #> 113 111 Brian McNutt 21.76 35 Thu 3/18 #> 114 112 Rodrick Dixon 21.70 36 Thu 3/25 #> 115 113 Chase Shaw 21.69 44 Sat 3/6 #> 116 114 Anthony Eades 21.31 46 Sat 3/6 #> 117 115 John Hampton 21.26 31 Sat 3/6 #> 118 116 Frank Harvey 21.22 29 Thu 3/11 #> 119 117 Shawn Lehigh 21.15 38 Fri 3/12 #> 120 118 Craig Murley 21.13 38 Thu 3/11 #> 121 119 Ron Tyburski 20.93 36 Fri 3/12 #> 122 120 Gerald Williams 20.61 30 Thu 3/25 #> 123 NA NA NA Last Game #> 124 121 Tim Smith 20.46 36 Sat 3/6 #> 125 122 Justin Porterfield 20.34 32 Wed 3/10 #> 126 123 Mike Kitts 19.88 37 Wed 3/24 #> 127 124 Nathan Hall 19.71 35 Wed 3/10 #> 128 125 Wally Rutecki 18.26 28 Thu 3/11 #> 129 126 Bryan Anslinger 18.00 30 Thu 3/11 #> 130 127 Casey McClellan 17.83 27 Fri 3/12 #> 131 128 Scott Brown 17.82 27 Fri 3/12 #> 132 129 Jim Schipper 17.79 27 Wed 3/10 #> 133 130 Kerby Sitton 17.76 36 Thu 3/25 #> 134 131 Robert Felder 17.70 31 Fri 3/12 #> 135 132 Garrick Shannon 17.54 36 Thu 3/11 #> 136 133 Raymond Styons 17.39 29 Tue 2/23 #> 137 134 Rick Batsell 17.28 35 Fri 3/12 #> 138 135 Tim Kelly 17.23 29 Sun 3/7 #> 139 136 Ryan Corbett 17.12 29 Fri 3/12 #> 140 137 Alfred Smith 17.09 29 Fri 3/12 #> 141 138 Jeremy Mosier 17.09 29 Mon 3/1 #> 142 139 Bill Vinovich 17.04 27 Fri 3/12 #> 143 140 Ed Phillips 16.95 31 Thu 3/11 #> 144 141 Jon Campbell 16.71 28 Tue 3/9 #> 145 142 Randy Richardson 16.64 26 Thu 3/18 #> 146 143 Sean Hull 16.44 28 Sun 3/14 #> 147 144 Adam Vandenburgh 16.03 28 Sat 3/13 #> 148 145 Peter Juzenas 15.81 21 Thu 3/11 #> 149 146 Keith Fogleman 15.57 28 Sun 3/7 #> 150 147 Brian Shey 15.32 25 Sat 3/6 #> 151 148 Jeff Malham 15.18 29 Tue 3/9 #> 152 149 Trey Styons 15.06 27 Sat 2/27 #> 153 150 Jeff Ketchu 15.04 26 Fri 3/12 #> 154 151 Glen Mayberry 15.03 25 Fri 3/12 #> 155 152 Jeff Pon 14.91 26 Tue 3/23 #> 156 153 Greg Evans 14.89 23 Sat 3/6 #> 157 154 Lionel Butler 14.81 30 Sat 3/13 #> 158 155 Brent Meaux 14.78 32 Fri 3/12 #> 159 156 Jabir Walker 14.73 28 Thu 3/11 #> 160 157 Matt Palumb 14.68 28 Thu 3/11 #> 161 158 Luke Schumer 14.67 26 Mon 3/8 #> 162 159 Mick Fieldbinder 14.56 34 Thu 3/11 #> 163 160 Shane Staggs 14.50 31 Wed 3/10 #> 164 NA NA NA Last Game #> 165 161 Michael Griffith 14.34 27 Mon 3/8 #> 166 162 Michael Palau 14.31 25 Tue 3/9 #> 167 163 Tony Crisp 14.25 20 Wed 3/10 #> 168 164 Matt Morales 14.23 24 Tue 3/2 #> 169 165 Tariq Lucas 14.09 26 Tue 3/2 #> 170 166 Kerry Sitton 13.99 27 Fri 3/12 #> 171 167 Chris Beaver 13.97 18 Wed 1/27 #> 172 168 Matthew Rukasin 13.82 27 Sat 3/6 #> 173 169 Bill Jacobson 13.61 19 Thu 3/11 #> 174 170 Daryl Gelinas 13.57 26 Fri 3/12 #> 175 171 Tom Nally 13.41 24 Thu 3/11 #> 176 172 Kurt Walker 13.41 21 Sat 3/6 #> 177 173 Gene Grimshaw 13.41 23 Fri 3/5 #> 178 174 Bret Wegenke 13.33 21 Tue 3/2 #> 179 175 King Whetstone 13.25 26 Sat 3/13 #> 180 176 Jourdan Love 13.15 25 Tue 3/2 #> 181 177 Tyler Kumpf 13.12 24 Wed 3/10 #> 182 178 Ryan McDaniel 13.11 23 Thu 3/11 #> 183 179 Dwayne Gladden 12.99 24 Sat 3/13 #> 184 180 Doran Gotschall 12.97 25 Thu 3/11 #> 185 181 Andrew Walton 12.88 23 Fri 3/5 #> 186 182 Brad Ferrie 12.88 27 Fri 3/12 #> 187 183 Christopher Slattery 12.82 23 Sat 3/13 #> 188 184 Billy Dunlap 12.72 19 Sun 3/7 #> 189 185 Todd Von Sossan 12.69 21 Sun 2/28 #> 190 186 Zelton Steed 12.68 20 Sat 3/6 #> 191 187 JW Lucas 12.58 24 Mon 3/1 #> 192 187 Smith Aaron 12.58 17 Sat 3/13 #> 193 188 Dan Dorian 12.55 21 Fri 3/5 #> 194 189 Keith Patterson 12.46 24 Fri 3/5 #> 195 190 Jeff Spedoske 12.38 20 Fri 3/5 #> 196 191 Tony Meeks 12.32 23 Thu 3/11 #> 197 192 Ed Corliss 12.25 24 Wed 3/10 #> 198 193 Hunter Allen 12.20 25 Fri 3/5 #> 199 194 Justin Shamion 12.12 24 Thu 3/11 #> 200 195 Frank Spencer 12.02 20 Sun 3/7 #> 201 196 Ed Corbett 11.92 21 Sun 2/28 #> 202 197 Jose Carrion 11.91 23 Sat 3/6 #> 203 198 Ryan Holmes 11.90 23 Thu 3/11 #> 204 199 R.B. Clyburn 11.87 23 Thu 3/25 #> last_game_1 year #> 1 2 Baylor 86, 1 Gonzaga 70 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 2 4 Michigan 76, 12 Florida St. 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 3 2 Baylor 86, 1 Gonzaga 70 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 4 2 Baylor 81, 18 Arkansas 72 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 5 15 Arkansas 72, 128 Oral Roberts 70 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 6 1 Gonzaga 93, 15 UCLA 90 (OT) (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 7 1 Gonzaga 85, 6 USC 66 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 8 37 Oklahoma St. 72, 25 West Virginia 69 (Kansas City, MO) 2021 #> 9 28 St. Bonaventure 74, 43 VCU 65 (Dayton, OH) 2021 #> 10 1 Gonzaga 85, 6 USC 66 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 11 21 UCLA 88, 8 Alabama 78 (OT) (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 12 6 USC 82, 15 Oregon 68 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 13 2 Baylor 78, 3 Houston 59 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 14 25 Texas 91, 30 Oklahoma St. 86 (Kansas City, MO) 2021 #> 15 48 Oregon St. 65, 9 Loyola Chicago 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 16 4 Houston 62, 37 Syracuse 46 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 17 2 Baylor 81, 18 Arkansas 72 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 18 2 Baylor 78, 3 Houston 59 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 19 35 Georgia Tech 80, 13 Florida St. 75 (Greensboro, NC) 2021 #> 20 2 Baylor 78, 3 Houston 59 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 21 6 USC 82, 15 Oregon 68 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 22 83 Louisiana Tech 76, 75 Colorado St. 74 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 23 16 UCLA 51, 3 Michigan 49 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 24 1 Gonzaga 93, 15 UCLA 90 (OT) (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 25 4 Michigan 76, 12 Florida St. 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 26 3 Michigan 86, 23 LSU 78 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 27 4 Michigan 76, 12 Florida St. 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 28 9 Loyola Chicago 71, 2 Illinois 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 29 21 UCLA 88, 8 Alabama 78 (OT) (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 30 1 Gonzaga 83, 20 Creighton 65 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 31 2 Baylor 62, 11 Villanova 51 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 32 1 Gonzaga 93, 15 UCLA 90 (OT) (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 33 2 Baylor 86, 1 Gonzaga 70 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 34 12 Virginia 72, 44 Syracuse 69 (Greensboro, NC) 2021 #> 35 16 UCLA 51, 3 Michigan 49 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 36 37 Oklahoma St. 83, 3 Baylor 74 (Kansas City, MO) 2021 #> 37 1 Gonzaga 98, 203 Norfolk St. 55 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 38 48 Oregon St. 65, 9 Loyola Chicago 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 39 2 Baylor 62, 11 Villanova 51 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 40 73 North Texas 61, 92 Western Kentucky 57 (OT) (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 41 Last Game 2021 #> 42 73 Georgetown 66, 49 Seton Hall 58 (New York, NY) 2021 #> 43 24 San Diego St. 68, 38 Utah St. 57 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 44 15 Villanova 84, 57 North Texas 61 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 45 68 Georgetown 73, 10 Creighton 48 (New York, NY) 2021 #> 46 2 Baylor 81, 18 Arkansas 72 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 47 24 San Diego St. 68, 38 Utah St. 57 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 48 135 Oral Roberts 81, 37 Florida 78 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 49 18 Florida St. 64, 100 UNC Greensboro 54 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 50 21 UCLA 88, 8 Alabama 78 (OT) (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 51 15 Villanova 84, 57 North Texas 61 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 52 112 Cincinnati 60, 70 Wichita St. 59 (Fort Worth, TX) 2021 #> 53 6 USC 82, 15 Oregon 68 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 54 105 Pepperdine 84, 160 Coastal Carolina 61 (Daytona Beach, FL) 2021 #> 55 29 LSU 78, 19 Arkansas 71 (Nashville, TN) 2021 #> 56 7 Alabama 68, 183 Iona 55 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 57 7 Ohio St. 87, 12 Purdue 78 (OT) (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 58 83 Louisiana Tech 76, 75 Colorado St. 74 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 59 122 Duquesne 67, 62 Richmond 62 (Richmond, VA) 2021 #> 60 9 Loyola Chicago 71, 2 Illinois 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 61 15 Arkansas 72, 128 Oral Roberts 70 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 62 4 Baylor 79, 192 Hartford 55 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 63 1 Gonzaga 83, 20 Creighton 65 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 64 74 UC Santa Barbara 79, 106 UC Irvine 63 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 65 13 Arkansas 68, 14 Texas Tech 66 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 66 63 Oregon St. 80, 29 Oklahoma St. 70 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 67 69 Wichita St. 68, 180 South Florida 67 (Fort Worth, TX) 2021 #> 68 151 Oral Roberts 75, 7 Ohio St. 72 (OT) (West Lafayette, IN) 2021 #> 69 32 Memphis 77, 62 Mississippi St. 64 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 70 83 Louisiana Tech 76, 75 Colorado St. 74 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 71 79 Mississippi St. 74, 46 Saint Louis 68 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 72 79 Mississippi St. 74, 46 Saint Louis 68 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 73 9 USC 85, 18 Kansas 51 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 74 112 Cincinnati 74, 54 SMU 71 (Fort Worth, TX) 2021 #> 75 6 Houston 76, 40 Memphis 74 (Fort Worth, TX) 2021 #> 76 5 Houston 63, 34 Rutgers 60 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 77 32 Memphis 77, 62 Mississippi St. 64 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 78 4 Houston 62, 37 Syracuse 46 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 79 8 Alabama 73, 20 Tennessee 68 (Nashville, TN) 2021 #> 80 229 Montana St. 80, 138 Southern Utah 77 (OT) (Boise, ID) 2021 #> 81 72 N.C. State 75, 55 Davidson 61 (Denton, TX) 2021 #> 82 Last Game 2021 #> 83 40 Memphis 71, 83 Dayton 60 (Denton, TX) 2021 #> 84 74 UC Santa Barbara 79, 106 UC Irvine 63 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 85 32 Memphis 77, 62 Mississippi St. 64 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 86 20 Creighton 63, 71 UC Santa Barbara 62 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 87 82 Ohio 62, 13 Virginia 58 (Bloomington, IN) 2021 #> 88 20 Creighton 72, 76 Ohio 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 89 78 Louisiana Tech 72, 92 Western Kentucky 65 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 90 40 Memphis 70, 99 UCF 62 (Fort Worth, TX) 2021 #> 91 77 North Texas 54, 81 Louisiana Tech 48 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 92 74 UC Santa Barbara 79, 106 UC Irvine 63 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 93 7 Alabama 68, 183 Iona 55 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 94 105 Pepperdine 84, 160 Coastal Carolina 61 (Daytona Beach, FL) 2021 #> 95 135 Oral Roberts 81, 37 Florida 78 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 96 98 Western Kentucky 80, 160 UTSA 67 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 97 76 Mississippi St. 68, 63 Richmond 67 (Denton, TX) 2021 #> 98 3 Illinois 82, 4 Iowa 71 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 99 69 Wichita St. 68, 180 South Florida 67 (Fort Worth, TX) 2021 #> 100 40 Memphis 71, 83 Dayton 60 (Denton, TX) 2021 #> 101 86 Colgate 85, 210 Loyola MD 72 (Hamilton, NY) 2021 #> 102 53 Syracuse 89, 65 N.C. State 68 (Greensboro, NC) 2021 #> 103 211 Oakland 69, 188 Northern Kentucky 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 104 110 Eastern Washington 65, 223 Montana St. 55 (Boise, ID) 2021 #> 105 8 Alabama 85, 68 Mississippi St. 48 (Nashville, TN) 2021 #> 106 63 Buffalo 81, 101 Akron 74 (OT) (Cleveland, OH) 2021 #> 107 83 Ohio 84, 59 Buffalo 69 (Cleveland, OH) 2021 #> 108 39 Utah St. 62, 59 Colorado St. 50 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 109 86 Colgate 85, 210 Loyola MD 72 (Hamilton, NY) 2021 #> 110 185 Iona 60, 308 Fairfield 51 (Atlantic City, NJ) 2021 #> 111 76 North Texas 61, 153 Old Dominion 55 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 112 200 Norfolk St. 54, 208 Appalachian St. 53 (Bloomington, IN) 2021 #> 113 53 Drake 53, 74 Wichita St. 52 (West Lafayette, IN) 2021 #> 114 39 Memphis 59, 59 Boise St. 56 (Denton, TX) 2021 #> 115 136 Mercer 62, 125 Wofford 61 (Asheville, NC) 2021 #> 116 149 VMI 91, 87 Furman 90 (OT) (Asheville, NC) 2021 #> 117 128 East Tennessee St. 63, 152 Chattanooga 53 (Asheville, NC) 2021 #> 118 16 USC 91, 75 Utah 85 (2OT) (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 119 155 New Mexico St. 78, 205 Utah Valley 62 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 120 77 Louisiana Tech 75, 183 Florida Atlantic 69 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 121 312 Fairfield 52, 208 Saint Peter's 47 (Atlantic City, NJ) 2021 #> 122 66 Colorado St. 65, 68 N.C. State 61 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 123 Last Game 2021 #> 124 184 Bryant 85, 311 Sacred Heart 55 (Smithfield, RI) 2021 #> 125 31 North Carolina 101, 68 Notre Dame 59 (Greensboro, NC) 2021 #> 126 105 Pepperdine 84, 160 Coastal Carolina 61 (Daytona Beach, FL) 2021 #> 127 220 Loyola MD 67, 188 Army 63 (West Point, NY) 2021 #> 128 17 Creighton 87, 108 Butler 56 (New York, NY) 2021 #> 129 67 Buffalo 74, 142 Miami OH 63 (Cleveland, OH) 2021 #> 130 121 Eastern Washington 78, 192 Montana 50 (Boise, ID) 2021 #> 131 229 Montana St. 80, 138 Southern Utah 77 (OT) (Boise, ID) 2021 #> 132 182 Wyoming 111, 322 San Jose St. 80 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 133 76 Mississippi St. 68, 63 Richmond 67 (Denton, TX) 2021 #> 134 6 Houston 77, 143 Tulane 52 (Fort Worth, TX) 2021 #> 135 149 Tulane 77, 119 Tulsa 70 (Fort Worth, TX) 2021 #> 136 59 Richmond 79, 111 Massachusetts 65 (Richmond, VA) 2021 #> 137 121 Eastern Washington 78, 192 Montana 50 (Boise, ID) 2021 #> 138 168 Northeastern 63, 291 William & Mary 47 (Harrisonburg, VA) 2021 #> 139 312 Fairfield 52, 208 Saint Peter's 47 (Atlantic City, NJ) 2021 #> 140 87 Ohio 87, 60 Toledo 80 (Cleveland, OH) 2021 #> 141 253 Longwood 77, 214 UNC Asheville 61 (Asheville, NC) 2021 #> 142 76 UC Santa Barbara 71, 216 UC Davis 55 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 143 105 Akron 74, 121 Bowling Green 67 (Cleveland, OH) 2021 #> 144 157 Cleveland St. 80, 201 Oakland 69 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 145 61 Boise St. 85, 59 SMU 84 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 146 86 Colgate 85, 210 Loyola MD 72 (Hamilton, NY) 2021 #> 147 185 Iona 60, 308 Fairfield 51 (Atlantic City, NJ) 2021 #> 148 59 Toledo 91, 144 Ball St. 89 (OT) (Cleveland, OH) 2021 #> 149 219 Elon 72, 174 James Madison 71 (Harrisonburg, VA) 2021 #> 150 140 Georgia St. 71, 258 Arkansas St. 68 (Pensacola, FL) 2021 #> 151 345 Houston Baptist 80, 340 Incarnate Word 68 (Katy, TX) 2021 #> 152 324 Hampton 67, 329 Presbyterian 65 (Hampton, VA) 2021 #> 153 76 UC Santa Barbara 71, 216 UC Davis 55 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 154 109 UC Irvine 78, 104 UC Riverside 61 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 155 163 Coastal Carolina 77, 231 Stetson 72 (OT) (Daytona Beach, FL) 2021 #> 156 50 VCU 64, 56 Davidson 52 (Richmond, VA) 2021 #> 157 211 Norfolk St. 71, 224 Morgan St. 63 (Norfolk, VA) 2021 #> 158 98 Abilene Christian 93, 308 Lamar 71 (Katy, TX) 2021 #> 159 67 Buffalo 74, 142 Miami OH 63 (Cleveland, OH) 2021 #> 160 216 Saint Peter's 75, 313 Rider 60 (Atlantic City, NJ) 2021 #> 161 145 North Dakota St. 79, 172 South Dakota 75 (Sioux Falls, SD) 2021 #> 162 76 North Texas 61, 153 Old Dominion 55 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 163 80 North Texas 76, 305 Middle Tennessee 56 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 164 Last Game 2021 #> 165 211 Oakland 69, 188 Northern Kentucky 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 166 227 Mount St. Mary's 73, 167 Bryant 68 (Staten Island, NY) 2021 #> 167 220 Loyola MD 67, 188 Army 63 (West Point, NY) 2021 #> 168 207 Oakland 87, 226 Youngstown St. 83 (OT) (Oakland, MI) 2021 #> 169 268 Western Michigan 73, 331 Northern Illinois 63 (DeKalb, IL) 2021 #> 170 98 Abilene Christian 93, 308 Lamar 71 (Katy, TX) 2021 #> 171 12 Ohio St. 83, 46 Penn St. 79 (Columbus, OH) 2021 #> 172 244 UC San Diego 85, 253 Cal St. Fullerton 78 (San Diego, CA) 2021 #> 173 99 UCF 72, 157 East Carolina 62 (Fort Worth, TX) 2021 #> 174 109 UC Irvine 78, 104 UC Riverside 61 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 175 72 UC Santa Barbara 95, 256 Long Beach St. 87 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 176 224 UC Davis 74, 193 Hawaii 66 (Davis, CA) 2021 #> 177 12 Loyola Chicago 73, 191 Southern Illinois 49 (St. Louis, MO) 2021 #> 178 151 Ball St. 100, 262 Eastern Michigan 65 (Muncie, IN) 2021 #> 179 199 Hartford 64, 222 UMass Lowell 50 (West Hartford, CT) 2021 #> 180 187 Northern Kentucky 70, 141 Detroit 69 (Highland Heights, KY) 2021 #> 181 80 North Texas 76, 305 Middle Tennessee 56 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 182 48 Utah St. 74, 164 UNLV 53 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 183 211 Norfolk St. 71, 224 Morgan St. 63 (Norfolk, VA) 2021 #> 184 122 Eastern Washington 66, 331 Northern Arizona 60 (Boise, ID) 2021 #> 185 86 Belmont 72, 155 Jacksonville St. 69 (Evansville, IN) 2021 #> 186 130 Grand Canyon 81, 223 Seattle 47 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 187 199 Hartford 64, 222 UMass Lowell 50 (West Hartford, CT) 2021 #> 188 108 UNC Greensboro 77, 124 East Tennessee St. 65 (Asheville, NC) 2021 #> 189 159 North Dakota St. 89, 171 South Dakota 77 (Vermillion, SD) 2021 #> 190 128 East Tennessee St. 63, 152 Chattanooga 53 (Asheville, NC) 2021 #> 191 225 Radford 67, 325 Hampton 52 (Radford, VA) 2021 #> 192 199 Hartford 64, 222 UMass Lowell 50 (West Hartford, CT) 2021 #> 193 73 Buffalo 81, 88 Kent St. 67 (Buffalo, NY) 2021 #> 194 299 North Alabama 96, 276 Florida Gulf Coast 81 (Jacksonville, FL) 2021 #> 195 336 Northern Illinois 79, 263 Central Michigan 74 (Mt. Pleasant, MI) 2021 #> 196 216 Saint Peter's 75, 313 Rider 60 (Atlantic City, NJ) 2021 #> 197 89 Colgate 105, 266 Bucknell 75 (Hamilton, NY) 2021 #> 198 310 Troy 91, 242 UT Arlington 86 (Pensacola, FL) 2021 #> 199 201 Montana 80, 127 Weber St. 75 (Boise, ID) 2021 #> 200 146 North Dakota St. 69, 220 UMKC 65 (Sioux Falls, SD) 2021 #> 201 199 Army 57, 265 Boston University 55 (West Point, NY) 2021 #> 202 219 Appalachian St. 76, 182 Texas St. 73 (OT) (Pensacola, FL) 2021 #> 203 236 Montana St. 71, 268 Idaho St. 63 (Boise, ID) 2021 #> 204 78 Louisiana Tech 72, 92 Western Kentucky 65 (Frisco, TX) 2021 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_opptracker.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's team opponent tracker page — kp_opptracker","title":"Get KenPom's team opponent tracker page — kp_opptracker","text":"Get KenPom's team opponent tracker page","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_opptracker.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's team opponent tracker page — kp_opptracker","text":"","code":"kp_opptracker(team, year = 2021)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_opptracker.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom's team opponent tracker page — kp_opptracker","text":"team Team filter select. year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_opptracker.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's team opponent tracker page — kp_opptracker","text":"Returns tibble team opponent tracker data","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_opptracker.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's team opponent tracker page — kp_opptracker","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_opptracker(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2021)) #> 2023-04-05 17:15:18 - Florida St. - 2021 Team opponent tracker data is missing #> Error in kp_opptracker(team = \"Florida St.\", year = 2021) : #> object 'kenpom' not found # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_player_career.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's player career stats from the player page — kp_player_career","title":"Get KenPom's player career stats from the player page — kp_player_career","text":"Get KenPom's player career stats player page","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_player_career.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's player career stats from the player page — kp_player_career","text":"","code":"kp_player_career(player_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_player_career.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom's player career stats from the player page — kp_player_career","text":"player_id Player Id filter select.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_player_career.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's player career stats from the player page — kp_player_career","text":"Returns named list tibbles: player_stats, gamelog player_stats gamelog","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_player_career.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's player career stats from the player page — kp_player_career","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_player_career(player_id = '41180')) #> $player_stats #> # A tibble: 19 × 41 #> year team_rk team number name position hgt wgt yr g min_pct #> #> 1 2022 105 Florida … 10 Mali… \"C·PF\" \"6-9\" 225 \"Sr\" 17 37.4 #> 2 2022 105 Conferen… 10 Mali… \"C·PF\" \"6-9\" 225 \"Sr\" 8 27.4 #> 3 2022 105 vs. Tier… 10 Mali… \"C·PF\" \"6-9\" 225 \"Sr\" 8 34.5 #> 4 2022 105 vs. Tier… 10 Mali… \"C·PF\" \"6-9\" 225 \"Sr\" 5 38 #> 5 2021 15 Florida … 10 Mali… \"PF\" \"6-9\" 225 \"Jr\" 24 47.8 #> 6 2021 15 Conferen… 10 Mali… \"PF\" \"6-9\" 225 \"Jr\" 14 45.8 #> 7 2021 15 vs. Tier… 10 Mali… \"PF\" \"6-9\" 225 \"Jr\" 17 53.9 #> 8 2021 15 vs. Tier… 10 Mali… \"PF\" \"6-9\" 225 \"Jr\" 10 55.5 #> 9 2020 15 Florida … 10 Mali… \"PF·C\" \"6-9\" 225 \"So\" 31 48.2 #> 10 2020 15 Conferen… 10 Mali… \"PF·C\" \"6-9\" 225 \"So\" 20 48.9 #> 11 2020 15 vs. Tier… 10 Mali… \"PF·C\" \"6-9\" 225 \"So\" 17 53.3 #> 12 2020 15 vs. Tier… 10 Mali… \"PF·C\" \"6-9\" 225 \"So\" 10 55.1 #> 13 2018 289 Rice 10 Mali… \"C\" \"6-8\" 200 \"Fr\" 29 68.4 #> 14 2018 289 Conferen… 10 Mali… \"C\" \"6-8\" 200 \"Fr\" 18 71.9 #> 15 2018 289 vs. Tier… 10 Mali… \"C\" \"6-8\" 200 \"Fr\" 11 71.5 #> 16 2018 289 vs. Tier… 10 Mali… \"C\" \"6-8\" 200 \"Fr\" 2 58.8 #> 17 NA NA Career NA NA \"\" \"\" NA \"\" 101 NA #> 18 NA NA vs. Tier… NA NA \"\" \"\" NA \"\" 53 NA #> 19 NA NA vs. Tier… NA NA \"\" \"\" NA \"\" 27 NA #> # ℹ 30 more variables: o_rtg , poss_pct , shots_pct , #> # e_fg_pct , ts_pct , or_pct , dr_pct , a_rate , #> # to_rate , blk_pct , stl_pct , f_cper40 , #> # f_dper40 , ft_rate , ftm , fta , ft_pct , #> # fgm_2 , fga_2 , fg_2_pct , fgm_3 , fga_3 , #> # fg_3_pct , group_rank , team_finish , ncaa_seed , #> # hometown , date_of_birth , age , comparisons #> #> $gamelog #> year team name position opponent_tier date opponent_rk #> 1 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Mar 9 69 #> 2 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Mar 5 128 #> 3 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Mar 2 38 #> 4 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Feb 26 72 #> 5 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Feb 21 114 #> 6 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Feb 19 8 #> 7 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Feb 15 71 #> 8 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Feb 12 16 #> 9 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Feb 9 195 #> 10 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Feb 5 35 #> 11 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Feb 2 71 #> 12 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 29 19 #> 13 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 26 156 #> 14 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 22 41 #> 15 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 20 272 #> 16 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 18 8 #> 17 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 15 69 #> 18 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 11 41 #> 19 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 8 127 #> 20 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 4 35 #> 21 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 1 128 #> 22 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Dec 15 264 #> 23 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Dec 12 99 #> 24 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Dec 4 69 #> 25 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Nov 30 14 #> 26 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Nov 24 218 #> 27 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Nov 22 137 #> 28 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Nov 21 203 #> 29 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Nov 17 98 #> 30 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Nov 14 59 #> 31 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Nov 10 211 #> 32 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Mar 28 3 #> 33 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Mar 22 8 #> 34 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Mar 20 108 #> 35 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Mar 13 37 #> 36 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Mar 12 34 #> 37 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Mar 6 85 #> 38 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Mar 3 148 #> 39 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Feb 27 34 #> 40 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Feb 24 138 #> 41 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Feb 20 97 #> 42 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Feb 15 19 #> 43 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Feb 13 175 #> 44 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Jan 30 37 #> 45 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Jan 27 138 #> 46 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Jan 23 45 #> 47 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Jan 18 59 #> 48 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Jan 16 34 #> 49 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Jan 13 71 #> 50 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Dec 29 45 #> 51 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Dec 21 182 #> 52 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Dec 19 100 #> 53 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Dec 15 37 #> 54 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Dec 12 41 #> 55 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Dec 9 50 #> 56 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Dec 2 297 #> 57 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Mar 7 179 #> 58 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Mar 4 57 #> 59 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Feb 29 72 #> 60 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Feb 24 9 #> 61 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Feb 22 50 #> 62 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Feb 18 111 #> 63 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Feb 15 51 #> 64 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Feb 10 5 #> 65 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Feb 8 104 #> 66 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Feb 3 84 #> 67 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Feb 1 105 #> 68 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Jan 28 42 #> 69 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Jan 25 57 #> 70 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Jan 18 104 #> 71 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Jan 15 42 #> 72 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Jan 8 103 #> 73 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Jan 4 9 #> 74 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Dec 31 64 #> 75 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Dec 28 284 #> 76 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Dec 21 125 #> 77 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Dec 17 166 #> 78 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Dec 8 72 #> 79 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Dec 3 34 #> 80 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Nov 30 24 #> 81 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Nov 29 68 #> 82 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Nov 25 353 #> 83 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Nov 23 176 #> 84 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Nov 20 147 #> 85 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Nov 15 156 #> 86 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Nov 10 32 #> 87 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Nov 6 111 #> 88 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Mar 3 174 #> 89 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Mar 1 240 #> 90 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Feb 24 222 #> 91 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Feb 22 233 #> 92 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Feb 17 47 #> 93 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Feb 15 105 #> 94 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Feb 10 109 #> 95 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Feb 8 45 #> 96 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Feb 3 146 #> 97 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Jan 27 233 #> 98 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Jan 25 222 #> 99 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Jan 20 149 #> 100 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Jan 18 206 #> 101 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Jan 13 146 #> 102 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Jan 6 308 #> 103 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Jan 4 64 #> 104 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Dec 30 240 #> 105 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Dec 28 174 #> 106 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Dec 22 228 #> 107 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Dec 19 106 #> 108 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Dec 16 11 #> 109 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Dec 14 NA #> 110 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Dec 9 112 #> 111 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Dec 2 260 #> 112 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Nov 29 128 #> 113 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Nov 25 NA #> 114 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Nov 22 108 #> 115 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Nov 20 107 #> 116 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Nov 17 345 #> 117 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Nov 14 101 #> 118 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Nov 10 286 #> opponent result ot location game_type mvp start #> 1 Syracuse L, 96-57 Neutral ACC-T Did not play #> 2 N.C. State W, 89-76 Home ACC Did not play #> 3 Notre Dame W, 74-70 Home ACC Did not play #> 4 Virginia W, 64-63 Away ACC Did not play #> 5 Boston College L, 71-55 Away ACC Did not play #> 6 Duke L, 88-70 Away ACC Did not play #> 7 Clemson W, 81-80 Home ACC Did not play #> 8 North Carolina L, 94-74 Away ACC Did not play #> 9 Pittsburgh L, 56-51 Home ACC Did not play #> 10 Wake Forest L, 68-60 Home ACC Did not play #> 11 Clemson L, 75-69 Away ACC Did not play #> 12 Virginia Tech L, 85-72 Home ACC Did not play #> 13 Georgia Tech L, 75-61 Away ACC #> 14 Miami FL W, 61-60 Away ACC #> 15 North Florida W, 86-73 Home Did not play #> 16 Duke W, 79-78 OT Home ACC #> 17 Syracuse W, 76-71 Away ACC Did not play #> 18 Miami FL W, 65-64 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 19 Louisville W, 79-70 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 20 Wake Forest L, 76-54 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 21 N.C. State W, 83-81 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 22 Lipscomb W, 97-60 Home \\u0095 #> 23 South Carolina L, 66-65 Semi-Away MVP \\u0095 #> 24 Syracuse L, 63-60 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 25 Purdue L, 93-65 Away \\u0095 #> 26 Boston University W, 81-80 OT Home \\u0095 #> 27 Missouri W, 81-58 Neutral \\u0095 #> 28 Loyola Marymount W, 73-45 Neutral MVP \\u0095 #> 29 Tulane W, 59-54 Home \\u0095 #> 30 Florida L, 71-55 Away \\u0095 #> 31 Penn W, 105-70 Home MVP \\u0095 #> 32 Michigan L, 76-58 Neutral NCAA-T #> 33 Colorado W, 71-53 Neutral NCAA-T #> 34 UNC Greensboro W, 64-54 Neutral NCAA-T #> 35 Georgia Tech L, 80-75 Neutral ACC-T #> 36 North Carolina W, 69-66 Neutral ACC-T #> 37 Notre Dame L, 83-73 Away ACC #> 38 Boston College W, 93-64 Home ACC Did not play #> 39 North Carolina L, 78-70 Away ACC #> 40 Miami FL W, 88-71 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 41 Pittsburgh W, 79-72 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 42 Virginia W, 81-60 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 43 Wake Forest W, 92-85 OT Home ACC \\u0095 #> 44 Georgia Tech L, 76-65 Away ACC #> 45 Miami FL W, 81-59 Home ACC #> 46 Clemson W, 80-61 Home ACC #> 47 Louisville W, 78-65 Away ACC #> 48 North Carolina W, 82-75 Home ACC #> 49 N.C. State W, 105-73 Home ACC #> 50 Clemson L, 77-67 Away ACC #> 51 Gardner Webb W, 72-59 Home #> 52 UCF L, 86-74 Home #> 53 Georgia Tech W, 74-61 Home ACC #> 54 Florida W, 83-71 Home #> 55 Indiana W, 69-67 OT Home #> 56 North Florida W, 86-58 Home #> 57 Boston College W, 80-62 Home ACC #> 58 Notre Dame W, 73-71 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 59 Clemson L, 70-69 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 60 Louisville W, 82-67 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 61 N.C. State W, 67-61 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 62 Pittsburgh W, 82-67 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 63 Syracuse W, 80-77 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 64 Duke L, 70-65 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 65 Miami FL W, 99-81 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 66 North Carolina W, 65-59 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 67 Virginia Tech W, 74-63 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 68 Virginia L, 61-56 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 69 Notre Dame W, 85-84 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 70 Miami FL W, 83-79 OT Away ACC \\u0095 #> 71 Virginia W, 54-50 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 72 Wake Forest W, 78-68 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 73 Louisville W, 78-65 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 74 Georgia Tech W, 70-58 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 75 North Alabama W, 88-71 Home \\u0095 #> 76 South Florida W, 66-60 Neutral #> 77 North Florida W, 98-81 Home #> 78 Clemson W, 72-53 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 79 Indiana L, 80-64 Away \\u0095 #> 80 Purdue W, 63-60 OT Neutral \\u0095 #> 81 Tennessee W, 60-57 Neutral \\u0095 #> 82 Chicago St. W, 113-56 Home \\u0095 #> 83 St. Francis PA W, 80-65 Home \\u0095 #> 84 Chattanooga W, 89-53 Home \\u0095 #> 85 Western Carolina W, 79-74 Home \\u0095 #> 86 Florida W, 63-51 Away \\u0095 #> 87 Pittsburgh L, 63-61 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 88 UTSA L, 79-60 Home CUSA \\u0095 #> 89 UTEP W, 76-70 Home CUSA \\u0095 #> 90 FIU L, 67-64 Away CUSA \\u0095 #> 91 Florida Atlantic W, 79-76 OT Away CUSA \\u0095 #> 92 Western Kentucky L, 85-66 Home CUSA \\u0095 #> 93 Marshall L, 93-80 Home CUSA \\u0095 #> 94 UAB L, 61-56 Away CUSA \\u0095 #> 95 Middle Tennessee L, 94-75 Away CUSA \\u0095 #> 96 North Texas L, 74-70 Away CUSA \\u0095 #> 97 Florida Atlantic L, 63-62 Home CUSA \\u0095 #> 98 FIU W, 73-64 Home CUSA \\u0095 #> 99 Louisiana Tech L, 69-54 Away CUSA \\u0095 #> 100 Southern Miss L, 86-75 Away CUSA \\u0095 #> 101 North Texas L, 85-78 Home CUSA \\u0095 #> 102 Charlotte W, 73-64 Home CUSA MVP \\u0095 #> 103 Old Dominion L, 82-75 OT Home CUSA \\u0095 #> 104 UTEP L, 80-62 Away CUSA \\u0095 #> 105 UTSA L, 79-66 Away CUSA \\u0095 #> 106 Texas St. L, 74-66 Home \\u0095 #> 107 New Mexico L, 78-69 Away \\u0095 #> 108 Texas Tech L, 73-53 Away \\u0095 #> 109 St. Edwards W, 91-86 Home \\u0095 #> 110 Stephen F. Austin L, 81-62 Away \\u0095 #> 111 UT Rio Grande Valley L, 69-67 Home \\u0095 #> 112 UT Arlington L, 69-49 Away \\u0095 #> 113 St. Thomas TX W, 70-59 Home \\u0095 #> 114 Mississippi L, 79-62 Neutral \\u0095 #> 115 UNLV L, 95-68 Semi-Away #> 116 Northwestern St. W, 87-65 Away #> 117 Georgia St. L, 75-54 Home #> 118 Eastern Kentucky L, 73-72 Home #> minutes_played o_rtg poss_pct pts fgm_2 fga_2 fgm_3 fga_3 ftm fta or dr a #> 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 9 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 10 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 11 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 13 19 65 16 3 1 3 0 2 1 3 0 2 1 #> 14 23 66 22 4 1 8 0 2 2 2 4 4 0 #> 15 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 16 32 100 16 7 0 1 1 6 4 4 1 6 3 #> 17 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 18 32 110 14 7 1 4 1 3 2 2 2 6 2 #> 19 24 108 18 6 1 3 0 3 4 4 2 4 2 #> 20 32 74 13 6 2 4 0 4 2 2 1 7 0 #> 21 31 139 21 19 3 6 2 4 7 8 1 6 0 #> 22 22 184 15 12 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 #> 23 33 132 18 15 1 2 3 6 4 6 3 6 0 #> 24 28 102 20 10 0 2 2 7 4 4 2 6 1 #> 25 34 122 9 6 2 3 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 #> 26 30 146 12 10 4 4 0 1 2 2 2 5 0 #> 27 19 137 17 10 2 3 2 3 0 0 1 6 0 #> 28 20 181 15 10 0 2 2 2 4 4 1 2 2 #> 29 32 128 12 9 2 4 1 1 2 3 4 6 0 #> 30 33 118 24 18 3 6 3 4 3 5 2 4 2 #> 31 23 171 22 18 3 3 1 3 9 12 7 6 0 #> 32 31 124 15 12 0 2 4 7 0 0 0 6 1 #> 33 20 120 23 11 3 4 1 4 2 3 1 4 0 #> 34 14 135 12 4 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 5 0 #> 35 22 122 7 3 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 1 #> 36 20 223 7 9 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 2 0 #> 37 8 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 #> 38 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 39 20 79 11 3 1 3 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 #> 40 9 NA NA 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 #> 41 24 170 15 12 3 3 0 1 6 7 2 7 0 #> 42 24 100 17 7 2 4 1 4 0 0 1 1 0 #> 43 25 140 21 12 0 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 1 #> 44 21 23 11 1 0 3 0 3 1 2 0 3 0 #> 45 19 167 18 11 3 5 1 2 2 2 2 8 0 #> 46 24 142 10 8 1 2 2 4 0 0 0 4 0 #> 47 25 120 21 12 4 5 0 3 4 4 1 2 0 #> 48 15 146 21 10 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 0 #> 49 20 46 7 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 3 0 #> 50 24 67 14 2 1 2 0 3 0 0 2 6 2 #> 51 17 79 34 8 3 5 0 2 2 3 6 2 0 #> 52 13 82 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 #> 53 19 68 12 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 #> 54 21 48 13 2 1 4 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 #> 55 31 164 8 5 0 2 1 1 2 2 4 5 1 #> 56 17 124 16 6 2 2 0 2 2 2 3 0 0 #> 57 12 88 11 2 0 1 0 0 2 4 1 3 0 #> 58 20 78 22 4 1 3 0 2 2 2 3 2 1 #> 59 14 91 38 11 1 3 3 3 0 3 2 6 0 #> 60 15 108 19 4 2 2 0 2 0 0 2 5 1 #> 61 30 102 20 9 4 5 0 3 1 6 5 7 0 #> 62 11 117 22 5 2 2 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 #> 63 17 124 11 4 1 4 0 0 2 2 2 1 0 #> 64 23 109 29 14 4 7 2 6 0 0 4 1 0 #> 65 12 223 8 6 0 1 2 2 0 0 1 2 0 #> 66 15 158 17 8 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 4 0 #> 67 11 104 5 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 #> 68 25 76 17 5 2 5 0 2 1 1 1 3 0 #> 69 14 0 12 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 #> 70 31 122 8 6 2 3 0 1 2 3 1 4 0 #> 71 26 125 10 5 1 2 1 3 0 0 3 1 0 #> 72 21 129 19 9 2 5 1 1 2 2 3 2 0 #> 73 30 121 15 7 2 4 1 3 0 0 4 5 1 #> 74 22 154 11 7 2 4 1 1 0 0 0 4 2 #> 75 18 132 28 14 4 7 2 5 0 0 3 1 0 #> 76 14 87 12 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 #> 77 10 101 23 2 1 4 0 1 0 0 3 2 1 #> 78 22 102 15 5 1 1 1 4 0 0 1 5 1 #> 79 22 126 15 7 2 3 1 2 0 0 1 2 1 #> 80 18 123 12 4 1 2 0 1 2 2 2 4 0 #> 81 16 128 10 4 0 0 1 1 1 4 2 4 0 #> 82 15 208 8 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 #> 83 24 131 12 9 0 2 3 5 0 0 1 3 0 #> 84 20 103 25 10 3 7 1 3 1 1 0 3 2 #> 85 25 150 12 6 2 2 0 0 2 3 4 5 1 #> 86 26 137 15 10 4 7 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 #> 87 23 62 12 2 1 2 0 2 0 0 2 7 0 #> 88 31 96 18 9 2 4 1 6 2 2 3 5 0 #> 89 27 81 29 10 2 5 1 5 3 8 4 6 1 #> 90 35 116 26 20 5 9 2 5 4 6 4 2 2 #> 91 26 57 30 8 3 7 0 5 2 3 1 5 0 #> 92 34 122 16 15 3 6 3 4 0 1 1 3 1 #> 93 32 105 33 22 4 8 3 9 5 9 3 10 1 #> 94 27 73 19 6 3 4 0 4 0 0 2 7 1 #> 95 24 81 30 11 4 7 0 3 3 4 2 3 0 #> 96 25 59 27 7 2 3 0 2 3 7 1 2 0 #> 97 33 88 26 10 3 8 1 6 1 2 4 4 1 #> 98 30 114 22 16 2 5 3 5 3 5 1 4 2 #> 99 33 96 19 11 2 6 2 4 1 1 2 5 0 #> 100 29 158 19 17 5 7 1 2 4 4 2 6 1 #> 101 26 75 17 4 0 2 0 1 4 6 2 2 1 #> 102 24 126 32 18 3 3 1 2 9 11 2 4 1 #> 103 30 113 11 5 2 4 0 0 1 3 1 4 2 #> 104 26 101 18 7 2 5 0 1 3 3 2 4 1 #> 105 33 87 14 7 3 4 0 1 1 4 4 9 0 #> 106 25 113 14 8 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 #> 107 32 137 16 12 4 7 0 0 4 4 5 6 0 #> 108 23 85 17 4 1 3 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 #> 109 24 88 20 9 1 2 0 1 7 8 0 3 1 #> 110 36 62 19 8 3 3 0 2 2 6 3 6 1 #> 111 30 128 18 14 1 4 3 5 3 3 2 4 0 #> 112 29 10 9 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 3 1 #> 113 17 95 16 4 2 3 0 1 0 1 3 4 1 #> 114 25 78 16 4 0 2 0 2 4 4 3 3 2 #> 115 25 108 10 4 2 3 0 1 0 0 5 4 0 #> 116 19 67 25 4 2 6 0 1 0 0 3 5 1 #> 117 26 97 15 5 2 4 0 1 1 2 3 5 2 #> 118 5 NA NA 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 #> to blk stl pf #> 1 NA NA NA NA #> 2 NA NA NA NA #> 3 NA NA NA NA #> 4 NA NA NA NA #> 5 NA NA NA NA #> 6 NA NA NA NA #> 7 NA NA NA NA #> 8 NA NA NA NA #> 9 NA NA NA NA #> 10 NA NA NA NA #> 11 NA NA NA NA #> 12 NA NA NA NA #> 13 0 0 0 1 #> 14 0 0 2 4 #> 15 NA NA NA NA #> 16 1 0 0 2 #> 17 NA NA NA NA #> 18 1 0 1 1 #> 19 0 0 2 1 #> 20 0 0 1 0 #> 21 1 0 1 0 #> 22 0 1 0 0 #> 23 1 1 2 2 #> 24 1 0 2 3 #> 25 0 0 1 2 #> 26 1 0 0 4 #> 27 1 0 0 0 #> 28 0 0 1 0 #> 29 1 2 0 1 #> 30 3 0 3 1 #> 31 0 0 1 1 #> 32 1 0 0 3 #> 33 0 0 1 1 #> 34 1 0 0 1 #> 35 1 0 0 2 #> 36 0 0 1 2 #> 37 2 0 1 1 #> 38 NA NA NA NA #> 39 1 0 2 4 #> 40 0 0 0 0 #> 41 0 0 0 2 #> 42 0 0 0 1 #> 43 1 0 0 3 #> 44 0 2 1 4 #> 45 0 0 0 1 #> 46 0 1 2 1 #> 47 1 0 1 2 #> 48 1 1 0 1 #> 49 0 0 0 2 #> 50 1 1 0 2 #> 51 4 1 0 4 #> 52 1 0 0 2 #> 53 1 0 0 3 #> 54 1 0 1 4 #> 55 0 1 2 3 #> 56 1 0 2 1 #> 57 0 1 0 1 #> 58 2 0 0 3 #> 59 3 0 0 4 #> 60 1 0 0 0 #> 61 0 2 0 2 #> 62 1 1 1 0 #> 63 0 0 2 1 #> 64 2 2 0 3 #> 65 0 0 0 2 #> 66 0 0 0 1 #> 67 0 0 0 0 #> 68 0 2 1 2 #> 69 2 0 0 2 #> 70 0 1 1 3 #> 71 0 1 0 0 #> 72 1 0 3 2 #> 73 1 1 0 4 #> 74 0 1 2 1 #> 75 0 1 1 2 #> 76 1 0 2 2 #> 77 0 1 0 0 #> 78 1 2 0 3 #> 79 1 0 2 1 #> 80 0 0 0 2 #> 81 0 0 3 1 #> 82 0 0 0 1 #> 83 1 2 0 2 #> 84 1 0 0 1 #> 85 1 1 0 2 #> 86 0 0 1 4 #> 87 1 4 0 5 #> 88 1 1 0 1 #> 89 2 1 1 4 #> 90 2 0 1 2 #> 91 2 1 0 4 #> 92 1 1 0 0 #> 93 2 0 0 1 #> 94 2 0 2 4 #> 95 3 1 0 1 #> 96 4 2 0 4 #> 97 0 3 1 1 #> 98 2 0 0 3 #> 99 2 2 1 0 #> 100 1 0 1 1 #> 101 2 2 1 2 #> 102 4 3 1 4 #> 103 0 1 0 4 #> 104 1 0 0 1 #> 105 2 0 1 3 #> 106 1 0 0 5 #> 107 1 1 0 1 #> 108 2 0 1 5 #> 109 4 0 1 2 #> 110 6 1 4 2 #> 111 1 0 0 3 #> 112 1 0 2 2 #> 113 1 0 0 2 #> 114 2 1 0 1 #> 115 1 2 1 1 #> 116 3 0 0 3 #> 117 1 1 0 1 #> 118 0 0 0 1 #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_playerstats.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Player Stats Leaders by Metric — kp_playerstats","title":"Get Player Stats Leaders by Metric — kp_playerstats","text":"Get Player Stats Leaders Metric","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_playerstats.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Player Stats Leaders by Metric — kp_playerstats","text":"","code":"kp_playerstats( metric = \"eFG\", conf = NULL, conf_only = FALSE, year = most_recent_mbb_season() )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_playerstats.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Player Stats Leaders by Metric — kp_playerstats","text":"metric Used get leaders different metrics. Available values : 'ORtg', 'Min', 'eFG', 'Poss', Shots', '', 'DR', '', 'ARate', 'Blk', 'FTRate', 'Stl', 'TS', 'FC40', 'FD40', '2P', '3P', 'FT'. Default 'eFG'. 'ORtg' returns list four dataframes, four tables: players used 28 percent possessions, 24 percent possessions, 20 percent possessions, possession restriction. conf Used limit players specific conference. Allowed values : 'A10', 'ACC', 'AE', 'AMER', 'ASUN', 'B10', 'B12', '', 'BSKY', 'BSTH', 'BW', 'CAA', 'CUSA', 'HORZ', 'IND', IVY', 'MAAC', 'MAC', 'MEAC', 'MVC', 'MWC', 'NEC', 'OVC', 'P12', 'PAT', 'SB', 'SC', 'SEC', 'SLND', 'SUM', 'SWAC', 'WAC', 'WCC'. try use conference exist given season, like 'IND' '2018', get empty table, kenpom.com serve 404 pages invalid table queries like . filter applied default. conf_only Used define whether stats reflect conference games . available specific conference defined. available season 2013, FALSE default. year Year data pull (earliest year data available: 2004)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_playerstats.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Player Stats Leaders by Metric — kp_playerstats","text":"Returns tibble player stats","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_playerstats.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Player Stats Leaders by Metric — kp_playerstats","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_playerstats(metric = 'eFG', conf_only = FALSE, year=2021)) #> rk player team e_fg hgt wgt yr year #> 1 1 Aher Uguak Loyola Chicago 69.8 6-7 225 Sr 2021 #> 2 1 Osinachi Smart Charleston 66.7 6-8 240 Sr 2021 #> 3 1 Ahsan Asadullah Lipscomb 62.6 6-8 260 Jr 2021 #> 4 1 Asbjorn Midtgaard Grand Canyon 69.7 7-0 270 Sr 2021 #> 5 1 Darien Jackson Tulsa 63.0 6-3 203 Sr 2021 #> 6 1 David Kachelries Stephen F. Austin 64.0 6-1 170 Sr 2021 #> 7 1 Dwight Wilson Ohio 74.6 6-8 250 Sr 2021 #> 8 1 Jeremiah Tilmon Missouri 63.1 6-10 260 Sr 2021 #> 9 1 Matt Dentlinger South Dakota St. 68.3 6-8 240 Jr 2021 #> 10 1 Mitch Ballock Creighton 65.8 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 11 1 Nick Finke Army 63.4 6-7 223 Sr 2021 #> 12 1 Flynn Cameron UC Riverside 64.2 6-5 210 Jr 2021 #> 13 1 Nate Laszewski Notre Dame 67.0 6-10 227 Jr 2021 #> 14 1 Jared Butler Baylor 62.7 6-3 195 Jr 2021 #> 15 1 Kyle Cardaci Coppin St. 65.3 6-2 190 So 2021 #> 16 1 Adrian Nelson Northern Kentucky 72.0 6-7 220 Jr 2021 #> 17 1 DJ Mitchell Hartford 64.8 6-0 160 Jr 2021 #> 18 1 Jayden Saddler Southern 67.9 6-1 195 Jr 2021 #> 19 1 Jamison Battle George Washington 61.5 6-7 225 So 2021 #> 20 1 Kofi Cockburn Illinois 66.4 7-0 285 So 2021 #> 21 1 Jubrile Belo Montana St. 66.0 6-9 240 Jr 2021 #> 22 1 Isiah Small Texas St. 66.9 6-8 170 Sr 2021 #> 23 1 Seth Pinkney Quinnipiac 79.2 7-1 200 So 2021 #> 24 1 Max Fiedler Rice 73.8 6-11 235 So 2021 #> 25 1 Michael Moreno Eastern Kentucky 69.3 6-7 220 So 2021 #> 26 1 Chris Duarte Oregon 63.5 6-6 190 Sr 2021 #> 27 1 Chris Shelton Hampton 70.9 6-4 190 So 2021 #> 28 1 Caleb Lohner BYU 70.2 6-8 230 Fr 2021 #> 29 1 Jaron Rillie Samford 76.5 6-3 175 Fr 2021 #> 30 1 Xavier DuSell Wyoming 65.9 6-4 190 Fr 2021 #> 31 1 Mike Sixsmith Sacred Heart 77.1 6-0 170 Fr 2021 #> 32 2 Brendan Barry Temple 59.9 6-2 180 Sr 2021 #> 33 2 Damien Jefferson Creighton 61.2 6-5 220 Sr 2021 #> 34 2 Gorjok Gak Cal Baptist 59.6 6-11 235 Sr 2021 #> 35 2 Jeriah Horne Colorado 62.0 6-7 220 Sr 2021 #> 36 2 Romello White Mississippi 62.4 6-8 235 Sr 2021 #> 37 2 Spencer Littleson Toledo 71.7 6-4 200 Sr 2021 #> 38 2 Alex Hunter Furman 63.3 5-11 180 Sr 2021 #> 39 2 Ayo Akinwole Nebraska Omaha 63.1 6-0 165 Sr 2021 #> 40 2 Da'Monte Williams Illinois 65.6 6-3 215 Sr 2021 #> 41 2 Davion Mitchell Baylor 60.9 6-2 205 Jr 2021 #> 42 2 Gabe Hadley UC San Diego 66.2 6-4 200 Sr 2021 #> 43 2 Gavin Kensmil Stephen F. Austin 63.5 6-7 260 Sr 2021 #> 44 2 Grayson Murphy Belmont 65.2 6-2 175 Jr 2021 #> 45 2 Jamir Harris American 61.7 6-2 198 Sr 2021 #> 46 2 Jordan Schakel San Diego St. 65.8 6-6 200 Sr 2021 #> 47 2 Lewis Djonkam Radford 66.4 6-9 245 Jr 2021 #> 48 2 Tanner Groves Eastern Washington 62.1 6-9 235 Jr 2021 #> 49 2 Zachary Simmons North Texas 69.2 6-10 239 Sr 2021 #> 50 2 Jackson Stormo Siena 64.8 6-9 247 Jr 2021 #> 51 2 Theo Akwuba Louisiana 61.6 6-11 225 Jr 2021 #> 52 2 Grant Basile Wright St. 65.1 6-9 225 So 2021 #> 53 2 Zach Walton Drexel 64.5 6-6 205 Sr 2021 #> 54 2 Jayden Martinez New Hampshire 58.9 6-7 215 Jr 2021 #> 55 2 Matthew Hurt Duke 66.0 6-9 235 So 2021 #> 56 2 Hyunjung Lee Davidson 60.9 6-7 210 So 2021 #> 57 2 Drew Timme Gonzaga 69.5 6-10 235 So 2021 #> 58 2 Cyrus Largie Florida Gulf Coast 61.8 6-3 204 So 2021 #> 59 2 Justin Webster Hawaii 61.5 6-3 180 So 2021 #> 60 2 Jawaun Daniels Prairie View A&M 66.2 6-7 190 Jr 2021 #> 61 2 Hall Elisias Bryant 63.6 6-8 230 Sr 2021 #> 62 2 Lagio Grantsaan Morgan St. 59.9 6-8 235 Sr 2021 #> 63 3 Bobby Planutis Purdue Fort Wayne 64.0 6-8 200 Jr 2021 #> 64 3 Corey Kispert Gonzaga 62.3 6-7 220 Sr 2021 #> 65 3 John Petty Alabama 61.7 6-5 184 Sr 2021 #> 66 3 Keaton Hervey Missouri St. 61.5 6-7 200 Jr 2021 #> 67 3 Kevin Samuel TCU 59.6 6-11 255 Jr 2021 #> 68 3 Matt Pile Nebraska Omaha 60.8 6-8 240 Sr 2021 #> 69 3 Myles Johnson Rutgers 64.3 6-11 255 Jr 2021 #> 70 3 Nate Watson Providence 59.5 6-10 260 Sr 2021 #> 71 3 Nelly Cummings Colgate 59.5 6-0 180 Jr 2021 #> 72 3 Prince Moss Grambling St. 61.0 6-7 180 Sr 2021 #> 73 3 Tajion Jones UNC Asheville 61.8 6-5 190 Jr 2021 #> 74 3 Manny Bates N.C. State 64.9 6-11 230 So 2021 #> 75 3 Jose Placer North Florida 61.0 6-1 174 So 2021 #> 76 3 Adam Thistlewood Colorado St. 65.0 6-6 212 Jr 2021 #> 77 3 Andre Kelly California 60.8 6-8 255 Jr 2021 #> 78 3 KJ Williams Murray St. 60.5 6-10 245 Jr 2021 #> 79 3 Jalen Slawson Furman 62.6 6-7 218 Jr 2021 #> 80 3 Andrew Taylor Marshall 67.6 6-3 188 So 2021 #> 81 3 Darius Brown Cal St. Northridge 61.2 6-2 195 Jr 2021 #> 82 3 Lester Quinones Memphis 58.7 6-5 205 So 2021 #> 83 3 Elijah Ford Wagner 61.5 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 84 3 Kvonn Cramer Hofstra 63.5 6-6 205 Fr 2021 #> 85 3 Jalen Thomas Georgia St. 59.3 6-10 235 So 2021 #> 86 3 Seikou Sisoho Jawara Weber St. 61.1 6-3 195 So 2021 #> 87 3 Miroslav Stafl Hartford 57.7 6-10 235 So 2021 #> 88 3 Rodney Carson New Orleans 62.6 6-3 180 So 2021 #> 89 3 Nelly Junior Joseph Iona 62.9 6-9 230 Fr 2021 #> 90 3 JT Shumate Toledo 68.8 6-7 210 Jr 2021 #> 91 3 Nendah Tarke Coppin St. 57.1 6-4 190 Fr 2021 #> 92 3 Montre' Gipson Tarleton St. 58.5 5-11 200 Jr 2021 #> 93 3 Mustapha Amzil Dayton 59.0 6-10 220 Fr 2021 #> 94 4 Anthony Tarke Coppin St. 56.9 6-6 220 Sr 2021 #> 95 4 Elijah Thomas Cal Baptist 57.4 6-5 220 Sr 2021 #> 96 4 Isaiah Ross Iona 59.6 6-3 200 Sr 2021 #> 97 4 Isiah Brown Weber St. 59.1 6-2 185 Sr 2021 #> 98 4 Jay Huff Virginia 64.1 7-1 240 Sr 2021 #> 99 4 Ross Cummings Mercer 62.4 6-3 180 Sr 2021 #> 100 4 Carter Collins Davidson 58.8 6-3 190 Sr 2021 #> 101 4 Elyjah Williams Fairleigh Dickinson 59.8 6-7 220 Sr 2021 #> 102 4 Evan Kuhlman Evansville 61.0 6-8 220 Sr 2021 #> 103 4 James Lewis Appalachian St. 58.3 6-8 215 Jr 2021 #> 104 4 Jason Strong Northeastern 62.4 6-8 210 Jr 2021 #> 105 4 Joel Ayayi Gonzaga 62.0 6-5 180 Jr 2021 #> 106 4 Justin Mazzulla Vermont 57.4 6-3 195 Sr 2021 #> 107 4 Sean Price Charleston Southern 60.5 6-4 210 Jr 2021 #> 108 4 Alex King Army 59.4 6-8 200 Sr 2021 #> 109 4 Feron Hunt SMU 57.8 6-8 195 Jr 2021 #> 110 4 Darius Days LSU 61.3 6-7 245 Jr 2021 #> 111 4 Kyler Edwards Texas Tech 58.1 6-4 195 Jr 2021 #> 112 4 Joe Wieskamp Iowa 62.1 6-6 212 Jr 2021 #> 113 4 Spencer Jones Stanford 59.5 6-7 225 So 2021 #> 114 4 Thomas Bell North Texas 65.8 6-6 190 Sr 2021 #> 115 4 Ben Roderick Ohio 60.8 6-5 205 So 2021 #> 116 4 Terrell Williams Southern 58.2 6-5 200 Fr 2021 #> 117 4 David Roddy Colorado St. 59.6 6-5 252 So 2021 #> 118 4 Max Abmas Oral Roberts 60.7 6-1 165 So 2021 #> 119 4 Ben Sheppard Belmont 60.1 6-6 185 So 2021 #> 120 4 Qudus Wahab Georgetown 57.5 6-11 237 So 2021 #> 121 4 Carlos Rosario McNeese St. 62.4 6-8 220 Sr 2021 #> 122 4 Micah Parrish Oakland 63.1 6-6 188 Fr 2021 #> 123 4 Jadon Jones Long Beach St. 61.2 6-5 170 Fr 2021 #> 124 5 DJ Jones Florida A&M 54.8 6-9 200 Sr 2021 #> 125 5 Justin Gorham Houston 57.1 6-7 225 Sr 2021 #> 126 5 Mark Crowe Cal Poly 59.3 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 127 5 Mark Vital Baylor 57.4 6-5 250 Sr 2021 #> 128 5 Michael Henn Portland 61.7 6-8 225 Sr 2021 #> 129 5 Peter Kiss Bryant 58.8 6-5 200 Jr 2021 #> 130 5 Sam Hauser Virginia 64.1 6-8 218 Sr 2021 #> 131 5 Alessandro Lever Grand Canyon 57.1 6-10 235 Sr 2021 #> 132 5 Brandon McKissic UMKC 60.2 6-3 195 Sr 2021 #> 133 5 Donald Carey Georgetown 57.0 6-5 187 Sr 2021 #> 134 5 Dre Marin Southern Utah 58.9 6-0 175 Sr 2021 #> 135 5 Jalon Pipkins Purdue Fort Wayne 61.7 6-4 195 Sr 2021 #> 136 5 Kyle Young Ohio St. 60.9 6-8 225 Sr 2021 #> 137 5 Maxwell Evans Vanderbilt 59.8 6-2 190 Sr 2021 #> 138 5 Tervell Beck Kent St. 60.5 6-7 230 Sr 2021 #> 139 5 Dominick Welch St. Bonaventure 57.7 6-5 200 Jr 2021 #> 140 5 Elijah McCadden Georgia Southern 57.8 6-4 210 Jr 2021 #> 141 5 Berrick JeanLouis Iona 58.0 6-4 195 Jr 2021 #> 142 5 Charles Bassey Western Kentucky 64.9 6-11 235 Jr 2021 #> 143 5 Nevin Zink USC Upstate 60.0 6-9 230 Jr 2021 #> 144 5 Neemias Queta Utah St. 58.4 7-0 245 Jr 2021 #> 145 5 Gaige Prim Missouri St. 60.7 6-8 235 Sr 2021 #> 146 5 Chico Carter Murray St. 59.8 6-2 190 So 2021 #> 147 5 Isaiah Powell Vermont 56.8 6-6 220 Jr 2021 #> 148 5 Demarkus Lampley Sam Houston St. 60.0 6-2 170 Sr 2021 #> 149 5 Xander Rice Bucknell 58.8 6-3 184 So 2021 #> 150 5 Justin Amadi James Madison 61.0 6-7 220 Fr 2021 #> 151 5 Trey Bonham VMI 60.9 6-0 170 Fr 2021 #> 152 5 Alex Peterson Kennesaw St. 59.0 6-7 217 Jr 2021 #> 153 5 Bennedict Mathurin Arizona 57.8 6-7 195 Fr 2021 #> 154 5 Samkelo Cele Southern 54.8 6-5 210 Jr 2021 #> 155 6 Ethan Claycomb Bellarmine 56.8 6-7 205 Sr 2021 #> 156 6 Jordan Bohannon Iowa 59.9 6-1 175 Sr 2021 #> 157 6 MaCio Teague Baylor 56.6 6-4 195 Sr 2021 #> 158 6 Shandon Goldman Tennessee Tech 58.9 6-10 225 Sr 2021 #> 159 6 Travis Atson St. Francis NY 58.8 6-5 200 Sr 2021 #> 160 6 Bryan Trimble Akron 59.7 6-2 185 Jr 2021 #> 161 6 Bryce Moragne Florida A&M 52.8 6-5 220 Sr 2021 #> 162 6 Cheikh Mbacke Diong UNLV 58.3 6-11 235 Sr 2021 #> 163 6 Josh Nicholas Louisiana Monroe 57.6 6-3 190 Sr 2021 #> 164 6 Kim Aiken Eastern Washington 58.7 6-7 215 Jr 2021 #> 165 6 LJ Thorpe UNC Asheville 59.3 6-5 215 Jr 2021 #> 166 6 Taylor Funk Saint Joseph's 57.5 6-8 215 Jr 2021 #> 167 6 Theo John Marquette 56.5 6-9 245 Sr 2021 #> 168 6 Trey Wade Wichita St. 54.7 6-6 221 Sr 2021 #> 169 6 George Papas Monmouth 57.9 6-5 175 Sr 2021 #> 170 6 Colin Castleton Florida 58.1 6-11 231 Jr 2021 #> 171 6 Michael Forrest Florida Atlantic 61.4 6-0 175 Jr 2021 #> 172 6 Trey Murphy Virginia 62.5 6-9 206 Jr 2021 #> 173 6 Guglielmo Caruso Santa Clara 58.2 6-11 210 Jr 2021 #> 174 6 Amadou Sow UC Santa Barbara 58.6 6-9 235 Jr 2021 #> 175 6 Josh Alexander American 57.8 6-8 243 Jr 2021 #> 176 6 Jayveous McKinnis Jackson St. 54.0 6-7 220 Jr 2021 #> 177 6 Ebby Asamoah Delaware 60.9 6-4 200 So 2021 #> 178 6 Keith Clemons Loyola Chicago 60.7 6-1 180 Sr 2021 #> 179 6 Dan Petcash Binghamton 56.2 6-4 190 So 2021 #> 180 6 Trenton Massner Northwestern St. 59.4 6-2 170 Jr 2021 #> 181 6 Daniel Oladapo Oakland 61.5 6-7 222 Jr 2021 #> 182 6 Xavier Cork Western Carolina 60.1 6-9 235 So 2021 #> 183 6 Pelle Larsson Utah 57.4 6-5 215 Fr 2021 #> 184 6 Xavier Fuller South Dakota 59.5 6-4 170 Jr 2021 #> 185 6 Emeka Udenyi Seattle 55.6 6-6 225 Jr 2021 #> 186 7 Carson Williams Western Kentucky 60.0 6-5 240 Sr 2021 #> 187 7 Grant Golden Richmond 57.1 6-10 255 Sr 2021 #> 188 7 James Butler Drexel 60.5 6-8 242 Sr 2021 #> 189 7 Ty Groce Eastern Michigan 57.6 6-8 215 Sr 2021 #> 190 7 Austin Butler Holy Cross 56.6 6-5 212 Sr 2021 #> 191 7 Cameron Christon Grambling St. 53.4 6-6 190 Jr 2021 #> 192 7 Greg Kuakumensah Niagara 56.6 6-6 200 Sr 2021 #> 193 7 Joe Quintana Loyola Marymount 57.5 6-2 170 Jr 2021 #> 194 7 Jose Alvarado Georgia Tech 61.0 6-0 179 Sr 2021 #> 195 7 Nik Mains Northern Arizona 58.6 6-9 205 Jr 2021 #> 196 7 Oscar da Silva Stanford 57.1 6-9 230 Sr 2021 #> 197 7 Eral Penn LIU 58.4 6-7 210 Jr 2021 #> 198 7 Marcus Zegarowski Creighton 56.1 6-2 180 Jr 2021 #> 199 7 Tray Maddox Cal St. Fullerton 57.2 6-6 200 Jr 2021 #> 200 7 LJ Owens UMBC 56.2 6-3 165 Jr 2021 #> 201 7 Sherwyn Devonish Morgan St. 52.6 6-1 192 Jr 2021 #> 202 7 Bul Kuol Detroit 61.1 6-7 205 Sr 2021 #> 203 7 Sean McNeil West Virginia 56.3 6-3 210 Jr 2021 #> 204 7 Messiah Thompson Campbell 59.0 5-8 165 So 2021 #> 205 7 Caleb Asberry Texas St. 57.3 6-3 170 Jr 2021 #> 206 7 Stephen Clark The Citadel 58.7 6-8 200 So 2021 #> 207 7 Ralph Agee San Jose St. 58.2 6-8 235 Sr 2021 #> 208 7 Franz Wagner Michigan 57.7 6-9 220 So 2021 #> 209 7 Josiah Allick UMKC 59.4 6-8 225 So 2021 #> 210 7 Reed Nottage Cal Baptist 55.2 6-6 215 So 2021 #> 211 7 Jaylin Williams Auburn 57.1 6-8 230 So 2021 #> 212 7 Rienk Mast Bradley 60.1 6-9 240 Fr 2021 #> 213 7 Eric Reed Southeast Missouri St. 58.7 6-2 190 Jr 2021 #> 214 7 Donte Powers Sam Houston St. 59.3 6-2 180 Jr 2021 #> 215 7 Sion James Tulane 54.4 6-5 205 Fr 2021 #> 216 7 CJ Fleming Bellarmine 55.0 6-0 180 Sr 2021 #> 217 8 Johnny McCants New Mexico St. 55.2 6-7 235 Sr 2021 #> 218 8 Marcus Burk IUPUI 57.9 6-3 195 Sr 2021 #> 219 8 Alex Arians South Dakota St. 58.5 6-4 210 Jr 2021 #> 220 8 Casdon Jardine Hawaii 56.1 6-7 215 Sr 2021 #> 221 8 De'Vondre Perry Temple 53.5 6-7 220 Sr 2021 #> 222 8 Jamal Cain Marquette 55.4 6-7 200 Sr 2021 #> 223 8 James Baker Morehead St. 58.4 6-6 205 Sr 2021 #> 224 8 Jhivvan Jackson UTSA 58.4 6-0 170 Sr 2021 #> 225 8 Ledarrius Brewer East Tennessee St. 57.9 6-5 190 Jr 2021 #> 226 8 Matt Johnson Northern Colorado 58.5 6-2 180 Jr 2021 #> 227 8 PJ Horne Georgia 57.1 6-6 230 Sr 2021 #> 228 8 Trevor Moore Morgan St. 52.4 6-5 195 Jr 2021 #> 229 8 Sukhmail Mathon Boston University 55.7 6-10 225 Sr 2021 #> 230 8 Umoja Gibson Oklahoma 55.7 6-1 176 Jr 2021 #> 231 8 Warren Williams Manhattan 56.0 6-9 240 Jr 2021 #> 232 8 Antonio Rizzuto Albany 53.6 6-3 195 Jr 2021 #> 233 8 Luka Brajkovic Davidson 56.7 6-10 250 Jr 2021 #> 234 8 Dravon Mangum Radford 58.7 6-8 200 So 2021 #> 235 8 Nolan Bertain Texas A&M Corpus Chris 58.8 6-4 185 Sr 2021 #> 236 8 Ivan Alipiev Loyola Marymount 57.2 6-8 215 Jr 2021 #> 237 8 Tremell Murphy Drake 59.6 6-6 210 Sr 2021 #> 238 8 AJ Walker Air Force 57.5 6-2 191 Jr 2021 #> 239 8 TJ Bickerstaff Drexel 60.0 6-9 207 So 2021 #> 240 8 Brandon Rush Fairleigh Dickinson 58.1 6-3 175 So 2021 #> 241 8 Donovan Gregory Appalachian St. 55.4 6-5 190 So 2021 #> 242 8 Jalen Johnson Alabama A&M 53.3 6-7 230 So 2021 #> 243 8 Giovanni Santiago Kent St. 57.5 6-1 155 So 2021 #> 244 8 Hunter Cattoor Virginia Tech 60.4 6-3 200 So 2021 #> 245 8 Evan Mobley USC 57.0 7-0 215 Fr 2021 #> 246 8 Hunter Dickinson Michigan 56.9 7-1 255 Fr 2021 #> 247 9 Austin Phyfe Northern Iowa 59.5 6-9 250 Jr 2021 #> 248 9 Brock Miller Utah St. 56.2 6-5 200 Jr 2021 #> 249 9 Cedric Russell Louisiana 55.4 6-2 190 Sr 2021 #> 250 9 Jabari Rice New Mexico St. 53.7 6-4 180 Jr 2021 #> 251 9 Jalen Adaway St. Bonaventure 56.4 6-5 210 Jr 2021 #> 252 9 Jermaine Samuels Villanova 55.3 6-7 230 Sr 2021 #> 253 9 Matt Coleman Texas 55.4 6-2 180 Sr 2021 #> 254 9 Pedro Castro Houston Baptist 58.3 6-6 185 Jr 2021 #> 255 9 Stef Smith Vermont 53.4 6-2 190 Sr 2021 #> 256 9 Tydus Verhoeven UTEP 57.7 6-9 225 Jr 2021 #> 257 9 Tyree Eady North Dakota St. 58.3 6-5 210 Jr 2021 #> 258 9 Melik Martin Monmouth 53.8 6-6 200 Sr 2021 #> 259 9 Andrew Nembhard Gonzaga 56.9 6-5 193 Jr 2021 #> 260 9 LJ Figueroa Oregon 56.5 6-6 200 Sr 2021 #> 261 9 Miles Norris UC Santa Barbara 56.0 6-10 220 Jr 2021 #> 262 9 Myja White Miami OH 56.9 6-1 185 So 2021 #> 263 9 Maurice Commander Illinois Chicago 57.8 6-0 175 Jr 2021 #> 264 9 Ricky Clemons Campbell 58.3 6-2 205 Jr 2021 #> 265 9 Ryan Larson Wofford 57.7 6-1 175 Jr 2021 #> 266 9 Malik Jefferson Mount St. Mary's 56.0 6-9 230 Jr 2021 #> 267 9 Cameron Parker Montana 56.3 6-2 170 Jr 2021 #> 268 9 Jeremiah Gambrell Prairie View A&M 52.5 6-3 180 So 2021 #> 269 9 Tolu Smith Mississippi St. 56.8 6-10 245 So 2021 #> 270 9 Jae'Lyn Withers Louisville 58.2 6-8 230 Fr 2021 #> 271 9 Quirin Emanga Northeastern 59.5 6-5 220 So 2021 #> 272 9 Chase Johnston Stetson 54.5 6-2 185 Fr 2021 #> 273 9 Santi Aldama Loyola MD 55.7 6-11 215 So 2021 #> 274 9 Donta Scott Maryland 56.4 6-7 230 So 2021 #> 275 9 Rahsaan Edwards South Carolina St. 52.3 6-0 200 So 2021 #> 276 9 Jeremiah Davenport Cincinnati 53.2 6-7 205 So 2021 #> 277 9 Johni Broome Morehead St. 58.0 6-10 235 Fr 2021 #> 278 9 Jace Roquemore UC San Diego 60.0 6-5 160 Fr 2021 #> 279 10 Jalen Tate Arkansas 56.7 6-6 175 Sr 2021 #> 280 10 Justin Hopkins Texas Southern 52.2 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 281 10 Tahj Eaddy USC 55.7 6-2 165 Sr 2021 #> 282 10 Aamir Simms Clemson 57.8 6-8 245 Sr 2021 #> 283 10 Collin Gillespie Villanova 54.9 6-3 190 Sr 2021 #> 284 10 Darnell Brodie Drake 59.3 6-10 275 Jr 2021 #> 285 10 Garrett Covington Youngstown St. 57.8 6-5 200 Sr 2021 #> 286 10 Jacob Rigoni Quinnipiac 53.6 6-6 190 Sr 2021 #> 287 10 Jaheam Cornwall Gardner Webb 58.1 6-0 175 Sr 2021 #> 288 10 James Reese North Texas 57.6 6-4 167 Sr 2021 #> 289 10 Javon Greene George Mason 56.4 6-2 190 Sr 2021 #> 290 10 David McCormack Kansas 53.9 6-10 250 Jr 2021 #> 291 10 RJ Eytle-Rock UMBC 52.5 6-3 225 Jr 2021 #> 292 10 Pete Nance Northwestern 56.1 6-10 225 Jr 2021 #> 293 10 Kendle Moore Colorado St. 56.2 5-10 151 Jr 2021 #> 294 10 Finn Sullivan San Diego 56.9 6-4 175 Jr 2021 #> 295 10 DeAndre Williams Memphis 53.0 6-9 190 Jr 2021 #> 296 10 Pedro Bradshaw Bellarmine 53.9 6-7 185 Jr 2021 #> 297 10 Derek St Hilaire New Orleans 58.1 6-0 180 Sr 2021 #> 298 10 Maizen Fausett Southern Utah 56.1 6-6 225 Jr 2021 #> 299 10 Kevin Obanor Oral Roberts 58.2 6-8 225 Jr 2021 #> 300 10 Walter Ellis Bucknell 55.1 6-5 190 Jr 2021 #> 301 10 B Artis White Western Michigan 56.8 6-0 150 So 2021 #> 302 10 Charles Pride Bryant 55.4 6-4 185 So 2021 #> 303 10 Ruot Monyyong Little Rock 55.2 6-10 215 Sr 2021 #> 304 10 Kamdyn Curfman VMI 56.6 6-1 186 So 2021 #> 305 10 Jaron Williams Tennessee Martin 57.6 6-6 210 Jr 2021 #> 306 10 Darius Burford Elon 58.6 6-0 160 Fr 2021 #> 307 10 Alex Merkviladze Cal St. Northridge 54.7 6-9 225 Fr 2021 #> 308 10 Hunter Schofield Dixie St. 53.3 6-8 225 Sr 2021 #> 309 10 Jalen Speer Florida A&M 52.3 6-1 172 Fr 2021 #> 310 11 Derrick Alston Boise St. 56.0 6-9 190 Sr 2021 #> 311 11 Ibi Watson Dayton 56.1 6-5 195 Sr 2021 #> 312 11 JaQuori McLaughlin UC Santa Barbara 52.8 6-4 190 Sr 2021 #> 313 11 Michael Weathers Texas Southern 51.8 6-3 175 Sr 2021 #> 314 11 Cameron Krutwig Loyola Chicago 57.6 6-9 255 Sr 2021 #> 315 11 Dalonte Brown Miami OH 56.2 6-7 205 Sr 2021 #> 316 11 Evan Cole Utah Valley 52.6 6-10 230 Sr 2021 #> 317 11 MJ Walker Florida St. 56.7 6-5 213 Sr 2021 #> 318 11 Myles Cale Seton Hall 54.8 6-6 210 Sr 2021 #> 319 11 Storm Murphy Wofford 56.5 6-0 180 Sr 2021 #> 320 11 Tevin Brown Murray St. 55.4 6-5 175 Jr 2021 #> 321 11 Jordan Whitfield Campbell 57.8 6-1 175 Sr 2021 #> 322 11 Brandon Mahan UCF 53.0 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 323 11 Eli Parquet Colorado 55.2 6-3 195 Jr 2021 #> 324 11 John Knight Southern Utah 55.6 6-3 205 Sr 2021 #> 325 11 Bentiu Panoam North Dakota 57.5 6-2 168 Sr 2021 #> 326 11 Jarred Godfrey Purdue Fort Wayne 57.0 6-5 185 Jr 2021 #> 327 11 Tucker Richardson Colgate 54.7 6-5 205 Jr 2021 #> 328 11 Dwight Murray Rider 52.5 6-0 180 Jr 2021 #> 329 11 Nick Guadarrama New Hampshire 52.0 6-5 250 Jr 2021 #> 330 11 Malik Miller Morgan St. 52.2 6-4 191 Jr 2021 #> 331 11 De'Vion Harmon Oklahoma 53.7 6-2 198 So 2021 #> 332 11 Dru Kuxhausen McNeese St. 57.1 6-0 180 Sr 2021 #> 333 11 Paul Mulcahy Rutgers 56.1 6-6 210 So 2021 #> 334 11 Marko Lukic Little Rock 54.9 6-7 195 So 2021 #> 335 11 Joe Pridgen UNC Wilmington 58.3 6-5 210 So 2021 #> 336 11 Isaiah Crawford Louisiana Tech 57.1 6-6 220 So 2021 #> 337 11 Pierre Crockrell Pacific 55.6 6-0 175 So 2021 #> 338 11 Emanuel Miller Texas A&M 55.0 6-7 208 So 2021 #> 339 11 Mykel Derring Merrimack 55.1 6-2 180 So 2021 #> 340 11 Juston Betz Bellarmine 53.8 6-3 190 Jr 2021 #> 341 12 Abdul Ado Mississippi St. 54.0 6-11 255 Sr 2021 #> 342 12 Ben Coupet Little Rock 54.7 6-7 185 Sr 2021 #> 343 12 DeJon Jarreau Houston 52.9 6-5 185 Sr 2021 #> 344 12 Jock Perry UC Riverside 52.6 7-1 250 Sr 2021 #> 345 12 Mike Smith Michigan 55.4 5-11 185 Sr 2021 #> 346 12 Jon Williams Robert Morris 57.0 6-1 185 Sr 2021 #> 347 12 Kellan Grady Davidson 55.7 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 348 12 Shaquille Walters Northeastern 58.2 6-6 200 Jr 2021 #> 349 12 Terrell Gomez San Diego St. 55.2 5-8 165 Sr 2021 #> 350 12 Tristan Jarrett Jackson St. 50.9 6-4 195 Sr 2021 #> 351 12 Ochai Agbaji Kansas 52.7 6-5 215 Jr 2021 #> 352 12 Jawaun Newton Evansville 57.3 6-3 170 Jr 2021 #> 353 12 Uche Dibiamaka UT Rio Grande Valley 51.6 6-4 195 Jr 2021 #> 354 12 Dalvin White USC Upstate 56.8 5-10 170 Jr 2021 #> 355 12 Tyler Bertram Binghamton 51.1 6-3 185 So 2021 #> 356 12 Kyonze Chavis Norfolk St. 51.2 6-4 195 Sr 2021 #> 357 12 Al-Amir Dawes Clemson 56.4 6-2 180 So 2021 #> 358 12 Gabe Quinnett Idaho 55.6 6-4 201 So 2021 #> 359 12 Ty Gordon Nicholls St. 57.0 6-1 200 Sr 2021 #> 360 12 Alfonso Plummer Utah 55.0 6-1 182 Sr 2021 #> 361 12 Travis Evee Rice 55.8 6-1 180 So 2021 #> 362 12 Sean Conway VMI 56.2 6-5 215 So 2021 #> 363 12 Tasos Kamateros South Dakota 57.0 6-8 240 So 2021 #> 364 12 Jordan King Siena 51.7 6-0 175 So 2021 #> 365 12 Keli Leaupepe Loyola Marymount 54.4 6-6 248 So 2021 #> 366 12 Carlos Paez Austin Peay 54.6 5-10 180 So 2021 #> 367 12 Mikey Watkins Merrimack 53.3 5-11 175 Jr 2021 #> 368 12 Romeao Ferguson Lipscomb 53.5 6-5 195 Sr 2021 #> 369 12 Dawson Garcia Marquette 54.1 6-11 235 Fr 2021 #> 370 12 Kyle Jenkins Lafayette 54.0 6-7 213 Fr 2021 #> 371 13 Jalen Coleman-Lands Iowa St. 52.7 6-4 187 Sr 2021 #> 372 13 Ben Shungu Vermont 51.0 6-2 200 Sr 2021 #> 373 13 Cainan McClelland Jackson St. 50.6 6-4 180 Sr 2021 #> 374 13 Dru Smith Missouri 53.1 6-3 203 Sr 2021 #> 375 13 Eli Scott Loyola Marymount 54.1 6-6 232 Sr 2021 #> 376 13 Greg Parham VMI 56.1 6-4 176 Sr 2021 #> 377 13 Isaiah Livers Michigan 54.9 6-7 230 Sr 2021 #> 378 13 Justin Jaworski Lafayette 53.4 6-3 196 Sr 2021 #> 379 13 Mladen Armus Boise St. 54.8 6-10 232 Jr 2021 #> 380 13 PJ Pipes Green Bay 56.9 6-2 190 Sr 2021 #> 381 13 TJ Starks Cal St. Northridge 52.3 6-2 196 Jr 2021 #> 382 13 Alex Watson Sacred Heart 52.7 6-3 170 Sr 2021 #> 383 13 Payton Youngblood North Alabama 53.5 6-5 200 Sr 2021 #> 384 13 Michael Devoe Georgia Tech 56.2 6-5 197 Jr 2021 #> 385 13 Jamal Bey Washington 54.9 6-6 210 Jr 2021 #> 386 13 Fardaws Aimaq Utah Valley 50.8 6-11 245 So 2021 #> 387 13 Skyelar Potter Morehead St. 54.6 6-3 198 Jr 2021 #> 388 13 Eddy Kayouloud Central Arkansas 56.8 6-7 220 Jr 2021 #> 389 13 Landers Nolley Memphis 52.6 6-7 220 So 2021 #> 390 13 Kobi Nwandu Niagara 50.8 6-6 210 Sr 2021 #> 391 13 Luke Bumbalough Ball St. 54.8 6-1 180 So 2021 #> 392 13 DJ Horne Illinois St. 56.5 6-1 175 So 2021 #> 393 13 Tyler Burton Richmond 55.7 6-7 215 So 2021 #> 394 13 Kyle Owens Montana 55.2 6-8 205 So 2021 #> 395 13 DJ Carton Marquette 52.1 6-2 200 So 2021 #> 396 13 Brice Williams Charlotte 55.3 6-7 215 So 2021 #> 397 13 AJ Plitzuweit South Dakota 56.8 6-2 170 So 2021 #> 398 13 Garrick Green Coastal Carolina 54.4 6-6 215 Sr 2021 #> 399 13 Davion Warren Hampton 54.6 6-6 210 Sr 2021 #> 400 13 Andrew Carr Delaware 58.2 6-9 210 Fr 2021 #> 401 13 Bryce Pope UC San Diego 55.6 6-3 185 Fr 2021 #> 402 13 Themus Fulks South Carolina St. 50.0 6-1 185 Fr 2021 #> 403 14 Andrew Jones Texas 52.6 6-4 192 Jr 2021 #> 404 14 David Jean-Baptiste Chattanooga 56.0 6-1 193 Sr 2021 #> 405 14 Josh Parrish San Diego 54.0 6-4 215 Sr 2021 #> 406 14 Loudon Love Wright St. 56.3 6-8 260 Sr 2021 #> 407 14 Tareq Coburn Hofstra 55.9 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 408 14 Dajour Dickens Hampton 53.8 7-0 215 Jr 2021 #> 409 14 Jalen Crutcher Dayton 55.4 6-1 175 Sr 2021 #> 410 14 Jordan Usher Georgia Tech 55.7 6-7 213 Sr 2021 #> 411 14 Keyshawn Feazell McNeese St. 56.5 6-9 235 Sr 2021 #> 412 14 Lat Mayen Nebraska 54.0 6-9 205 Jr 2021 #> 413 14 Mike Adewunmi SIU Edwardsville 53.9 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 414 14 Troymain Crosby Alcorn St. 50.3 6-4 200 Sr 2021 #> 415 14 Tyreke Key Indiana St. 56.2 6-3 205 Sr 2021 #> 416 14 Tyrese Martin Connecticut 52.0 6-6 215 Jr 2021 #> 417 14 Jake Wojcik Fairfield 50.3 6-5 190 Jr 2021 #> 418 14 Noah Locke Florida 52.5 6-3 203 Jr 2021 #> 419 14 Tavin Lovan UAB 55.1 6-4 210 Jr 2021 #> 420 14 Kur Jockuch Northern Colorado 54.5 6-9 220 Jr 2021 #> 421 14 Mason Harrell Texas St. 53.9 5-9 145 Jr 2021 #> 422 14 Joe Bryant Norfolk St. 49.6 6-1 225 Jr 2021 #> 423 14 Josh Caldwell Army 53.3 6-2 185 Jr 2021 #> 424 14 Dae Dae Grant Miami OH 54.7 6-2 185 So 2021 #> 425 14 Will Martinez Wagner 52.7 6-5 190 Sr 2021 #> 426 14 Darin Green UCF 52.4 6-4 185 So 2021 #> 427 14 Connor Withers UMass Lowell 50.8 6-7 195 So 2021 #> 428 14 Jaime Jaquez UCLA 53.7 6-6 220 So 2021 #> 429 14 Baylor Scheierman South Dakota St. 56.2 6-6 180 So 2021 #> 430 14 Elijah Pepper UC Davis 52.2 6-4 200 So 2021 #> 431 14 Tre Armstrong Cal Baptist 50.4 6-5 210 So 2021 #> 432 14 Tre Coleman Nevada 54.6 6-7 185 Fr 2021 #> 433 15 Dylan Painter Delaware 55.9 6-10 235 Sr 2021 #> 434 15 Troy Baxter Morgan St. 49.4 6-9 200 Sr 2021 #> 435 15 Ben Vander Plas Ohio 54.2 6-8 232 Jr 2021 #> 436 15 Darius Perry UCF 51.3 6-2 185 Sr 2021 #> 437 15 Dominick Pickett UC Riverside 52.2 6-3 210 Sr 2021 #> 438 15 RaiQuan Gray Florida St. 55.4 6-8 260 Jr 2021 #> 439 15 Terry Taylor Austin Peay 53.6 6-5 230 Sr 2021 #> 440 15 Trevion Williams Purdue 53.9 6-10 265 Jr 2021 #> 441 15 Tyreek Scott-Grayson UAB 54.8 6-5 180 Sr 2021 #> 442 15 Trey Woodbury Utah Valley 50.4 6-4 200 Jr 2021 #> 443 15 Jake Stephens VMI 55.9 6-10 266 Jr 2021 #> 444 15 Koreem Ozier Louisiana Monroe 52.5 6-1 180 Jr 2021 #> 445 15 Brandon Swaby Incarnate Word 55.8 6-3 170 So 2021 #> 446 15 Tykei Greene Stony Brook 50.4 6-4 205 Jr 2021 #> 447 15 KC Ndefo Saint Peter's 50.0 6-7 195 Jr 2021 #> 448 15 KJ Johnson Lipscomb 52.6 6-2 170 So 2021 #> 449 15 Julian Champagnie St. John's 51.8 6-8 220 So 2021 #> 450 15 Christian Ray La Salle 54.9 6-6 215 So 2021 #> 451 15 Golden Dike Loyola MD 53.0 6-10 250 So 2021 #> 452 15 Kruz Perrott-Hunt South Dakota 56.2 6-3 195 So 2021 #> 453 15 Allen Flanigan Auburn 52.5 6-6 215 So 2021 #> 454 15 Isaiah Stevens Colorado St. 53.8 6-0 180 So 2021 #> 455 15 Terreon Randolph Grambling St. 50.0 6-8 220 Sr 2021 #> 456 15 Zahir Porter Weber St. 54.3 6-6 180 Jr 2021 #> 457 15 Cade Cunningham Oklahoma St. 51.8 6-8 220 Fr 2021 #> 458 15 Demarcus Sharp Missouri St. 56.1 6-3 170 Jr 2021 #> 459 15 Marques Warrick Northern Kentucky 55.7 6-2 170 Fr 2021 #> 460 15 D'Maurian Williams Gardner Webb 53.6 6-5 195 Fr 2021 #> 461 15 Josh Reaves Mount St. Mary's 52.3 6-4 205 Fr 2021 #> 462 15 Azuolas Tubelis Arizona 52.7 6-11 245 Fr 2021 #> 463 15 Latrell Jones Portland 53.9 6-5 175 Jr 2021 #> 464 16 Darian Adams Jacksonville St. 53.1 6-3 200 Sr 2021 #> 465 16 Justin Edler-Davis Cal St. Bakersfield 52.0 6-4 220 Sr 2021 #> 466 16 Austin Williams Hartford 50.3 6-4 200 Sr 2021 #> 467 16 Galen Alexander Texas Southern 49.5 6-6 220 Sr 2021 #> 468 16 Isaac Kante Hofstra 55.1 6-7 240 Jr 2021 #> 469 16 Isaiah Whaley Connecticut 51.7 6-9 230 Sr 2021 #> 470 16 Jarrod West Marshall 53.8 5-11 181 Sr 2021 #> 471 16 John Harrar Penn St. 53.9 6-9 240 Sr 2021 #> 472 16 Justin Bean Utah St. 53.2 6-7 210 Jr 2021 #> 473 16 Luke Johnson Loyola MD 52.3 6-3 180 Sr 2021 #> 474 16 Marreon Jackson Toledo 54.0 6-1 200 Sr 2021 #> 475 16 Reggie Miller Abilene Christian 55.4 6-0 150 Sr 2021 #> 476 16 Stefan Kenic Chattanooga 55.3 6-9 223 Sr 2021 #> 477 16 Logan Johnson Saint Mary's 53.5 6-2 170 Jr 2021 #> 478 16 Quentin Grimes Houston 50.5 6-5 205 Jr 2021 #> 479 16 Alan Griffin Syracuse 55.0 6-5 190 Jr 2021 #> 480 16 Jules Bernard UCLA 52.0 6-6 205 Jr 2021 #> 481 16 Michael Meadows Eastern Washington 53.9 6-2 175 So 2021 #> 482 16 Spencer Rodgers Kennesaw St. 51.9 6-4 178 Jr 2021 #> 483 16 Javonte Smart LSU 52.4 6-4 205 Jr 2021 #> 484 16 Majesty Brandon Canisius 49.6 6-0 170 Sr 2021 #> 485 16 Deonte Billups Purdue Fort Wayne 55.6 6-4 200 So 2021 #> 486 16 Jamison Overton Utah Valley 50.0 6-6 190 Sr 2021 #> 487 16 Jaren Holmes St. Bonaventure 54.7 6-4 215 Jr 2021 #> 488 16 Sam Griffin UT Arlington 52.5 6-3 180 So 2021 #> 489 16 Ville Tahvanainen Bradley 54.9 6-4 210 So 2021 #> 490 16 Omar Croskey South Carolina St. 49.3 6-5 200 So 2021 #> 491 16 Chris Childs Bryant 52.0 6-2 180 Jr 2021 #> 492 16 Rondel Walker Oklahoma St. 51.5 6-4 170 Fr 2021 #> 493 16 Jordan Sears Gardner Webb 53.5 5-11 175 Fr 2021 #> 494 16 Will Carius Western Illinois 56.1 6-7 225 Sr 2021 #> 495 17 Bryce Nze Butler 50.9 6-7 230 Sr 2021 #> 496 17 Jeremy Sheppard Rhode Island 54.7 6-1 165 Sr 2021 #> 497 17 Oscar Frayer Grand Canyon 49.3 6-6 195 Sr 2021 #> 498 17 Ty Flowers LIU 51.5 6-9 200 Sr 2021 #> 499 17 Alex Barcello BYU 53.5 6-2 180 Sr 2021 #> 500 17 Brandon Horvath UMBC 50.0 6-10 210 Sr 2021 #> 501 17 Elijah Joiner Tulsa 50.0 6-3 201 Sr 2021 #> 502 17 Marcus Shaver Boise St. 52.9 6-2 185 Jr 2021 #> 503 17 Moses Wright Georgia Tech 54.6 6-9 233 Sr 2021 #> 504 17 Noah Gurley Furman 54.3 6-8 210 Jr 2021 #> 505 17 Yves Pons Tennessee 52.1 6-6 215 Sr 2021 #> 506 17 Riley Abercrombie Rice 53.0 6-10 210 So 2021 #> 507 17 De'Torrion Ware Morgan St. 49.0 6-4 200 Jr 2021 #> 508 17 Jr Clay Tennessee Tech 52.7 6-0 170 Jr 2021 #> 509 17 Jalen Pickett Siena 49.3 6-4 202 Jr 2021 #> 510 17 Greg Summers Navy 52.1 6-4 200 Jr 2021 #> 511 17 Christian Braun Kansas 51.0 6-6 210 So 2021 #> 512 17 Brayden Parker Idaho St. 53.1 6-8 250 So 2021 #> 513 17 Cedric Henderson Campbell 53.1 6-6 190 Jr 2021 #> 514 17 Tanner Holden Wright St. 55.5 6-6 185 So 2021 #> 515 17 EJ Liddell Ohio St. 53.8 6-7 240 So 2021 #> 516 17 Douglas Wilson South Dakota St. 53.7 6-7 210 Sr 2021 #> 517 17 Cameron Johnson Stephen F. Austin 54.7 6-4 216 Sr 2021 #> 518 17 Ben Krikke Valparaiso 54.8 6-9 230 So 2021 #> 519 17 Jonas James Jackson St. 49.0 6-0 160 Sr 2021 #> 520 17 Zyon Pullin UC Riverside 52.0 6-4 195 So 2021 #> 521 17 Kayo Goncalves South Alabama 52.4 6-8 212 Sr 2021 #> 522 17 Michael O'Connell Stanford 51.9 6-2 185 Fr 2021 #> 523 17 Meikkel Murray Central Michigan 53.4 6-6 190 Jr 2021 #> 524 17 Connor Kochera William & Mary 55.0 6-5 200 Fr 2021 #> 525 17 Dylan Penn Bellarmine 51.8 6-3 190 Jr 2021 #> 526 18 Clay Mounce Furman 54.3 6-7 210 Sr 2021 #> 527 18 Corey Allen Georgia St. 52.2 6-2 210 Sr 2021 #> 528 18 John Fulkerson Tennessee 51.9 6-9 215 Sr 2021 #> 529 18 Jordan Bell Pacific 52.8 6-8 221 Sr 2021 #> 530 18 Chauncey Hawkins St. Francis NY 51.1 5-8 172 Sr 2021 #> 531 18 Darnell Rogers UMBC 49.5 5-2 150 Sr 2021 #> 532 18 David Jenkins UNLV 51.3 6-2 195 Jr 2021 #> 533 18 Elijah Cuffee Liberty 51.1 6-4 185 Sr 2021 #> 534 18 Holland Woods Arizona St. 51.5 6-1 180 Sr 2021 #> 535 18 Justyn Mutts Virginia Tech 54.4 6-7 230 Jr 2021 #> 536 18 Kamron Reaves Florida A&M 48.0 6-2 170 Sr 2021 #> 537 18 Luka Garza Iowa 53.7 6-11 265 Sr 2021 #> 538 18 Matt Faw Holy Cross 51.9 6-9 223 Sr 2021 #> 539 18 Paul Scruggs Xavier 50.7 6-4 196 Sr 2021 #> 540 18 Rocky Kreuser North Dakota St. 53.2 6-10 245 Sr 2021 #> 541 18 Taj Benning Fairfield 48.3 6-4 202 Sr 2021 #> 542 18 Collin Welp UC Irvine 51.8 6-9 225 Jr 2021 #> 543 18 Taevion Kinsey Marshall 52.9 6-5 185 Jr 2021 #> 544 18 Bodie Hume Northern Colorado 52.6 6-7 190 Jr 2021 #> 545 18 Mekhi Lairy Miami OH 53.2 5-8 140 Jr 2021 #> 546 18 Chandler Vaudrin Winthrop 52.2 6-7 210 Sr 2021 #> 547 18 Tremont Robinson-White East Carolina 50.0 6-1 190 Jr 2021 #> 548 18 Roti Ware Stephen F. Austin 54.3 6-3 187 Sr 2021 #> 549 18 Terrence Shannon Texas Tech 51.0 6-6 210 So 2021 #> 550 18 Charles Thompson Towson 54.9 6-7 235 So 2021 #> 551 18 Brandon Battle Alabama St. 47.6 6-8 215 Sr 2021 #> 552 18 Craig Beaudion Cleveland St. 55.1 6-3 170 Sr 2021 #> 553 18 Steven Verplancken Southern Illinois 54.8 6-4 205 So 2021 #> 554 18 Darrion Trammell Seattle 46.9 5-10 165 So 2021 #> 555 18 Tyler Kolek George Mason 54.6 6-3 190 Fr 2021 #> 556 18 Damaria Franklin Tennessee Tech 52.0 6-4 210 Jr 2021 #> 557 19 KJ Walton Ball St. 52.9 6-3 200 Sr 2021 #> 558 19 Brad Greene UC Irvine 51.7 6-11 270 Sr 2021 #> 559 19 DeJuan Clayton Coppin St. 47.1 6-2 185 Sr 2021 #> 560 19 Jannson Williams Marshall 52.9 6-9 219 Sr 2021 #> 561 19 Solomon Young Iowa St. 50.4 6-8 255 Sr 2021 #> 562 19 Damion Rosser New Orleans 53.7 6-4 220 Jr 2021 #> 563 19 Devon Cooper Morehead St. 51.9 6-4 201 Jr 2021 #> 564 19 Justice Sueing Ohio St. 53.3 6-7 215 Jr 2021 #> 565 19 Ryan Allen Delaware 53.7 6-2 200 Sr 2021 #> 566 19 Sandro Mamukelashvili Seton Hall 50.0 6-11 240 Sr 2021 #> 567 19 Stacy Beckton American 51.5 6-4 186 Sr 2021 #> 568 19 Alex Rivera LIU 51.1 6-1 185 So 2021 #> 569 19 Brandon Younger Presbyterian 51.9 6-7 190 Jr 2021 #> 570 19 Jarius Cook North Dakota St. 53.1 6-3 180 So 2021 #> 571 19 Malachi Smith Chattanooga 54.2 6-4 205 So 2021 #> 572 19 DeVante' Jones Coastal Carolina 52.0 6-1 200 Jr 2021 #> 573 19 Jamie Ahale Illinois Chicago 54.9 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 574 19 Rob Perry Stetson 50.8 6-4 210 So 2021 #> 575 19 Samuell Williamson Louisville 54.2 6-7 210 So 2021 #> 576 19 Isiaih Mosley Missouri St. 54.8 6-5 201 So 2021 #> 577 19 Dylan van Eyck Iona 48.2 6-8 210 Sr 2021 #> 578 19 Jordan Wright Vanderbilt 51.7 6-6 226 So 2021 #> 579 19 Kwane Marble Wyoming 51.3 6-6 195 So 2021 #> 580 19 Nah'Shon Hyland VCU 54.0 6-3 173 So 2021 #> 581 19 Broc Finstuen Pacific 52.3 6-4 200 Sr 2021 #> 582 19 Jarod Lucas Oregon St. 51.0 6-3 195 So 2021 #> 583 19 Khalid Thomas Portland St. 52.6 6-10 210 Sr 2021 #> 584 19 Caleb Hunter Mississippi Valley St. 47.1 5-10 185 So 2021 #> 585 19 Mika Adams-Woods Cincinnati 50.0 6-3 185 So 2021 #> 586 19 Jamel Horton Albany 49.5 6-4 190 Jr 2021 #> 587 19 Cameron Gooden Dixie St. 46.2 5-11 175 Jr 2021 #> 588 20 John Pettway South Alabama 52.0 6-3 189 Sr 2021 #> 589 20 Keon Clergeot Southeastern Louisiana 52.5 6-1 190 Sr 2021 #> 590 20 Caleb Green Fairfield 48.1 5-10 175 Jr 2021 #> 591 20 Colbey Ross Pepperdine 52.3 6-1 185 Sr 2021 #> 592 20 Darryl Morsell Maryland 52.4 6-5 200 Sr 2021 #> 593 20 Felipe Haase Mercer 54.1 6-9 253 Jr 2021 #> 594 20 Kimani Lawrence Arizona St. 50.9 6-8 210 Sr 2021 #> 595 20 Kameron Langley North Carolina A&T 46.8 6-2 165 Sr 2021 #> 596 20 Tae Hardy Southern Miss 51.9 6-3 175 Jr 2021 #> 597 20 Tevian Jones Southern Utah 52.5 6-7 190 Jr 2021 #> 598 20 Dontarius James Jacksonville 50.6 6-8 228 Jr 2021 #> 599 20 Garrett Sturtz Drake 54.8 6-3 175 Jr 2021 #> 600 20 Taelyr Gatlin Denver 52.5 6-3 180 Jr 2021 #> 601 20 Nic Lynch Lehigh 51.3 6-11 250 Jr 2021 #> 602 20 Riley Grigsby Seattle 45.9 6-6 220 Jr 2021 #> 603 20 Shaun Doss Arkansas Pine Bluff 45.8 6-5 185 Jr 2021 #> 604 20 Miles McBride West Virginia 49.8 6-2 200 So 2021 #> 605 20 Justin Champagnie Pittsburgh 53.5 6-6 200 So 2021 #> 606 20 Tyson Etienne Wichita St. 49.7 6-2 200 So 2021 #> 607 20 Tyson Walker Northeastern 53.6 6-0 170 So 2021 #> 608 20 Cameron Brown Saint Joseph's 54.0 6-5 220 So 2021 #> 609 20 Chance Hunter Long Beach St. 50.5 6-6 190 Jr 2021 #> 610 20 Devan Cambridge Auburn 51.6 6-6 215 So 2021 #> 611 20 Keondre Kennedy UMBC 48.6 6-6 180 Jr 2021 #> 612 20 Ziggy Reid Merrimack 50.9 6-6 235 So 2021 #> 613 20 Winston Hill Presbyterian 51.4 6-7 230 Jr 2021 #> 614 20 Jalen Finch Jacksonville St. 51.8 6-1 165 Jr 2021 #> 615 20 Chuck Harris Butler 50.0 6-2 190 Fr 2021 #> 616 20 Ryan Rollins Toledo 52.7 6-4 180 Fr 2021 #> 617 20 Trey Townsend Oakland 54.5 6-6 222 Fr 2021 #> 618 20 Glen McClintock Air Force 50.8 6-2 185 Fr 2021 #> 619 21 Brandon Averette BYU 52.3 5-11 185 Sr 2021 #> 620 21 Eugene Omoruyi Oregon 50.5 6-6 235 Sr 2021 #> 621 21 Jacob Young Rutgers 52.2 6-2 185 Sr 2021 #> 622 21 Payton Willis Charleston 53.3 6-4 190 Sr 2021 #> 623 21 Desmond Cambridge Nevada 50.6 6-4 180 Jr 2021 #> 624 21 Isaiah Washington Long Beach St. 48.6 6-1 195 Sr 2021 #> 625 21 Jahlil Jenkins Fairleigh Dickinson 50.6 6-0 160 Sr 2021 #> 626 21 Javante McCoy Boston University 50.9 6-5 180 Sr 2021 #> 627 21 Javon Levi UT Rio Grande Valley 45.5 5-11 175 Sr 2021 #> 628 21 Koby Thomas Coppin St. 46.7 6-6 190 Sr 2021 #> 629 21 Marek Dolezaj Syracuse 52.9 6-10 201 Sr 2021 #> 630 21 Matt Halvorsen Western Carolina 54.0 6-1 183 Sr 2021 #> 631 21 Stanley Umude South Dakota 52.3 6-6 210 Sr 2021 #> 632 21 Troy Green New Orleans 52.4 6-3 215 Sr 2021 #> 633 21 Tyree Appleby Florida 51.5 6-1 170 Jr 2021 #> 634 21 Kendric Davis SMU 49.7 5-11 180 Jr 2021 #> 635 21 Shamar Givance Evansville 54.3 5-10 155 Jr 2021 #> 636 21 Jordan Gilliam Texas Southern 45.3 6-5 175 Jr 2021 #> 637 21 Antoine Davis Detroit 54.4 6-1 165 Jr 2021 #> 638 21 Bryce Workman Jacksonville 49.5 6-7 230 Jr 2021 #> 639 21 Micheal Anumba Winthrop 50.6 6-4 220 Jr 2021 #> 640 21 Avery Anderson Oklahoma St. 49.7 6-3 170 So 2021 #> 641 21 Tyler Robertson Eastern Washington 52.4 6-6 200 So 2021 #> 642 21 Keishawn Davidson Tennessee Tech 51.7 6-2 175 So 2021 #> 643 21 Jeremiah Robinson-Earl Villanova 50.0 6-9 230 So 2021 #> 644 21 Malik Curry Old Dominion 51.2 6-1 180 Sr 2021 #> 645 21 Matthew Lee Saint Peter's 48.0 6-0 160 So 2021 #> 646 21 Duke Miles Troy 51.9 6-2 175 Fr 2021 #> 647 21 Ronnie DeGray Massachusetts 54.0 6-7 220 Fr 2021 #> 648 21 LeChaun DuHart Maine 48.6 5-11 175 Fr 2021 #> 649 21 Mark Sears Ohio 51.8 6-1 185 Fr 2021 #> 650 22 Brandon Johnson Minnesota 51.7 6-8 220 Sr 2021 #> 651 22 Chyree Walker Radford 50.5 6-5 200 Jr 2021 #> 652 22 Ethan Igbanugo North Dakota 51.5 6-3 191 Jr 2021 #> 653 22 Ishmael El-Amin Ball St. 50.9 6-3 180 Sr 2021 #> 654 22 Marcus Garrett Kansas 49.7 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 655 22 Matt Mitchell San Diego St. 50.3 6-6 235 Sr 2021 #> 656 22 Remy Martin Arizona St. 50.4 6-0 175 Sr 2021 #> 657 22 San Antonio Brinson NJIT 47.8 6-8 210 Sr 2021 #> 658 22 Steffon Mitchell Boston College 52.6 6-8 220 Sr 2021 #> 659 22 Tray Hollowell Wofford 54.0 6-3 185 Sr 2021 #> 660 22 Myles Carter Delaware St. 46.1 6-1 170 Sr 2021 #> 661 22 Tre King Eastern Kentucky 51.5 6-9 225 Jr 2021 #> 662 22 DeAndre Gholston Milwaukee 54.0 6-5 215 Jr 2021 #> 663 22 Tyrone Perry Lafayette 50.5 6-2 165 Jr 2021 #> 664 22 Dre Fuller UCF 48.5 6-5 215 So 2021 #> 665 22 Trey Sides Jacksonville 49.2 6-1 170 So 2021 #> 666 22 Alex Morales Wagner 50.4 6-6 180 Sr 2021 #> 667 22 Noah Carter Northern Iowa 54.1 6-6 229 So 2021 #> 668 22 Noah Fernandes Massachusetts 53.9 5-11 175 So 2021 #> 669 22 Tre Mann Florida 51.4 6-5 190 So 2021 #> 670 22 Bryan Greenlee Florida Atlantic 51.0 6-0 195 So 2021 #> 671 22 Allen Powell Rider 47.4 6-2 165 So 2021 #> 672 22 Sedrick Altman Pepperdine 51.9 6-2 180 So 2021 #> 673 22 William FitzPatrick Sacramento St. 51.2 6-3 200 Sr 2021 #> 674 22 Jamaure Gregg Northwestern St. 52.3 6-7 232 Sr 2021 #> 675 22 Jason Gibson Towson 53.2 6-1 165 So 2021 #> 676 22 Junior Madut Hawaii 47.1 6-6 180 Jr 2021 #> 677 22 Gedi Juozapaitis Georgia Southern 51.4 6-4 210 Jr 2021 #> 678 22 Posh Alexander St. John's 50.0 6-0 190 Fr 2021 #> 679 22 Shamir Bogues Tarleton St. 44.9 6-4 190 Fr 2021 #> 680 22 Terry Collins Mississippi Valley St. 44.6 6-3 180 Jr 2021 #> 681 23 Traci Carter Hartford 47.8 6-1 175 Sr 2021 #> 682 23 Josh Hall Cal St. Fullerton 44.6 6-7 213 Sr 2021 #> 683 23 Marcus Weathers Duquesne 53.7 6-5 215 Sr 2021 #> 684 23 Abu Kigab Boise St. 50.3 6-7 220 Sr 2021 #> 685 23 Nana Opoku Mount St. Mary's 49.6 6-9 210 Jr 2021 #> 686 23 Torrey Patton Cleveland St. 53.9 6-5 195 Sr 2021 #> 687 23 Tyler Maye North Carolina A&T 45.5 6-1 175 Sr 2021 #> 688 23 Carter Hendricksen North Florida 49.0 6-7 217 Jr 2021 #> 689 23 Isaiah Mucius Wake Forest 52.6 6-8 200 Jr 2021 #> 690 23 Ayo Dosunmu Illinois 51.1 6-5 200 Jr 2021 #> 691 23 Luis Rodriguez Mississippi 51.0 6-6 210 So 2021 #> 692 23 Mac McClung Texas Tech 49.3 6-2 185 Jr 2021 #> 693 23 Sam Griesel North Dakota St. 50.7 6-6 215 Jr 2021 #> 694 23 Adrian Delph Appalachian St. 50.9 6-3 185 Jr 2021 #> 695 23 Camren Wynter Drexel 52.6 6-2 175 Jr 2021 #> 696 23 Neftali Alvarez Mercer 53.4 6-2 165 So 2021 #> 697 23 Jeenathan Williams Buffalo 50.8 6-5 206 Jr 2021 #> 698 23 Warith Alatishe Oregon St. 50.3 6-7 200 Jr 2021 #> 699 23 Tyler Stevenson Southern Miss 51.0 6-8 225 Jr 2021 #> 700 23 Ty Rowell Cal Baptist 44.9 6-2 190 Jr 2021 #> 701 23 Josh Vazquez Montana 50.5 6-3 180 So 2021 #> 702 23 Evan Taylor Lehigh 50.0 6-6 200 So 2021 #> 703 23 Garrett Hicks Alabama A&M 44.0 6-0 160 So 2021 #> 704 23 Joseph Yesufu Drake 54.1 6-0 180 So 2021 #> 705 23 Emmanuel Bandoumel SMU 48.2 6-4 180 Jr 2021 #> 706 23 Luke Smith Belmont 51.4 6-0 175 Jr 2021 #> 707 23 Colby Jones Xavier 49.3 6-5 195 Fr 2021 #> 708 23 Jacob Falko Gardner Webb 50.3 6-2 180 Jr 2021 #> 709 23 Ricardo Wright Marist 46.9 6-4 185 Fr 2021 #> 710 23 Jalen Suggs Gonzaga 51.7 6-4 205 Fr 2021 #> 711 23 Kasen Harrison Lamar 52.1 6-1 190 Fr 2021 #> 712 24 Andre Jones Nicholls St. 51.6 6-4 200 Sr 2021 #> 713 24 Michael Hughes Duquesne 52.9 6-8 240 Sr 2021 #> 714 24 Mikey Dixon Grand Canyon 43.8 6-2 165 Sr 2021 #> 715 24 Unique McLean St. Francis NY 49.5 6-2 182 Sr 2021 #> 716 24 DJ Heath Alabama St. 43.7 6-0 185 Sr 2021 #> 717 24 EJ Stephens Lafayette 49.7 6-3 176 Sr 2021 #> 718 24 Hayden Brown The Citadel 53.2 6-5 225 Jr 2021 #> 719 24 Jamaree Bouyea San Francisco 51.3 6-2 180 Sr 2021 #> 720 24 Keaton Van Soelen Air Force 50.0 6-7 190 Sr 2021 #> 721 24 Matt Lewis James Madison 52.2 6-5 200 Sr 2021 #> 722 24 Nana Akenten Southeast Missouri St. 51.2 6-6 215 Jr 2021 #> 723 24 Trey Jemison UAB 50.9 7-0 260 Jr 2021 #> 724 24 Emanuel Littles North Alabama 48.1 6-7 215 Jr 2021 #> 725 24 DeShaun Wade Longwood 50.3 6-2 200 Jr 2021 #> 726 24 Bryce Daley UMass Lowell 47.4 6-4 190 So 2021 #> 727 24 Duane Washington Ohio St. 51.0 6-3 210 Jr 2021 #> 728 24 Rasir Bolton Iowa St. 49.2 6-3 185 Jr 2021 #> 729 24 Bryce Golden Butler 49.0 6-9 260 Jr 2021 #> 730 24 Daylen Kountz Northern Colorado 50.0 6-4 191 Jr 2021 #> 731 24 Jaiden Delaire Stanford 49.8 6-9 210 Jr 2021 #> 732 24 Jase Townsend Denver 50.5 6-3 175 Jr 2021 #> 733 24 Keyshawn Bryant South Carolina 50.8 6-6 195 Jr 2021 #> 734 24 Ronaldo Segu Buffalo 50.3 6-0 160 Jr 2021 #> 735 24 MJ Randolph Florida A&M 44.0 6-4 170 Jr 2021 #> 736 24 Nikola Maric Little Rock 50.8 6-10 250 Jr 2021 #> 737 24 Marcus Sasser Houston 48.0 6-1 190 So 2021 #> 738 24 Tarik Cool Idaho St. 50.0 6-4 180 Sr 2021 #> 739 24 Tre Williams Indiana St. 53.3 6-7 250 So 2021 #> 740 24 Josh Thomas Milwaukee 53.6 6-4 205 Sr 2021 #> 741 24 Ezra Manjon UC Davis 43.7 5-11 170 So 2021 #> 742 24 Jeremy Roach Duke 52.5 6-1 175 Fr 2021 #> 743 25 CJ Keyser North Carolina Central 43.7 6-3 190 Sr 2021 #> 744 25 Devearl Ramsey UC Santa Barbara 42.8 6-0 185 Sr 2021 #> 745 25 Najee Garvin Nicholls St. 51.1 6-7 210 Jr 2021 #> 746 25 Caleb Daniels Villanova 48.6 6-4 210 Jr 2021 #> 747 25 Jamal Johnson Auburn 50.6 6-4 195 Jr 2021 #> 748 25 Keaton Wallace UTSA 50.0 6-4 195 Sr 2021 #> 749 25 Sasha Stefanovic Purdue 51.0 6-5 200 Jr 2021 #> 750 25 Lonnie Grayson Army 48.7 6-0 180 Sr 2021 #> 751 25 Jayden Gardner East Carolina 47.8 6-7 235 Jr 2021 #> 752 25 Jeremiah Bailey Pacific 50.9 6-6 220 Sr 2021 #> 753 25 Filip Rebraca North Dakota 50.4 6-9 222 Jr 2021 #> 754 25 Matt Herasme Marist 46.2 6-3 180 Jr 2021 #> 755 25 Tim Finke Wright St. 53.5 6-6 215 So 2021 #> 756 25 Buddy Boeheim Syracuse 52.2 6-6 195 Jr 2021 #> 757 25 Courtney Ramey Texas 48.5 6-3 185 Jr 2021 #> 758 25 Joel Soriano Fordham 52.8 6-11 250 So 2021 #> 759 25 Trent Brown Southern Illinois 52.8 6-2 175 So 2021 #> 760 25 Grant Sherfield Nevada 48.9 6-2 189 So 2021 #> 761 25 Ta'lon Cooper Morehead St. 50.0 6-4 190 So 2021 #> 762 25 Cam Mack Prairie View A&M 41.9 6-2 170 Jr 2021 #> 763 25 Nick Stampley Troy 50.6 6-6 210 Sr 2021 #> 764 25 Owen McCormack Presbyterian 50.0 6-9 230 So 2021 #> 765 25 Damari Monsanto East Tennessee St. 52.7 6-6 215 Fr 2021 #> 766 25 Jalen Warren Florida Gulf Coast 47.9 6-3 162 Sr 2021 #> 767 25 Johnny Juzang UCLA 49.5 6-6 210 So 2021 #> 768 25 Devin Jensen Merrimack 49.2 6-5 220 Sr 2021 #> 769 25 Juan Felix Rodriguez Stony Brook 47.2 6-0 190 Jr 2021 #> 770 25 Kaden Metheny Bowling Green 50.0 5-11 180 Fr 2021 #> 771 25 Jamahri Harvey UNC Wilmington 52.0 6-5 175 Fr 2021 #> 772 25 Frank Staine Dixie St. 43.4 6-6 205 So 2021 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pointdist.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Team Points Distribution — kp_pointdist","title":"Get Team Points Distribution — kp_pointdist","text":"Get Team Points Distribution","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pointdist.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Team Points Distribution — kp_pointdist","text":"","code":"kp_pointdist(min_year, max_year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pointdist.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Team Points Distribution — kp_pointdist","text":"min_year First year data pull max_year Last year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pointdist.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Team Points Distribution — kp_pointdist","text":"Returns tibble team points distributions","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pointdist.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Team Points Distribution — kp_pointdist","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_pointdist(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2021)) #> 2023-04-05 17:15:42: Invalid arguments or no point distribution data for 2020 - 2021 available! #> Team Conf Off.FT.Pct Off.FT.Pct.Rk Off.FG_2.Pct #> 1 Arkansas St. SB 26.2 1 48.9 #> 2 Chicago St. WAC 25.2 2 47.8 #> 3 Kentucky SEC 24.3 3 55.3 #> 4 Texas Southern SWAC 24.2 4 54.2 #> 5 South Carolina St. MEAC 24.2 5 55.3 #> 6 Wake Forest ACC 23.8 6 49.3 #> 7 New Orleans Slnd 23.6 7 55.7 #> 8 Morgan St. MEAC 23.6 8 54.8 #> 9 High Point BSth 23.5 9 48.4 #> 10 Abilene Christian Slnd 23.5 10 49.8 #> 11 Arkansas SEC 23.4 11 46.6 #> 12 Little Rock SB 23.3 12 51.3 #> 13 Prairie View A&M SWAC 23.3 13 57.1 #> 14 Western Kentucky CUSA 23.3 14 49.3 #> 15 Texas A&M SEC 23.1 15 47.0 #> 16 Saint Peter's MAAC 23.0 16 49.1 #> 17 Missouri SEC 22.9 17 47.6 #> 18 Seattle WAC 22.9 18 47.0 #> 19 Central Arkansas Slnd 22.9 19 46.9 #> 20 Auburn SEC 22.8 20 46.0 #> 21 Cleveland St. Horz 22.5 21 60.9 #> 22 Kennesaw St. ASun 22.5 22 54.8 #> 23 Montana St. BSky 22.5 23 53.2 #> 24 Maryland B10 22.5 24 45.5 #> 25 Fairfield MAAC 22.5 25 55.3 #> 26 Mississippi St. SEC 22.4 26 56.4 #> 27 South Alabama SB 22.4 27 55.5 #> 28 Vanderbilt SEC 22.4 28 43.4 #> 29 Stephen F. Austin Slnd 22.3 29 55.0 #> 30 North Alabama ASun 22.3 30 48.2 #> 31 Eastern Michigan MAC 22.3 31 52.0 #> 32 Tennessee SEC 22.2 32 50.8 #> 33 Hampton BSth 22.2 33 54.3 #> 34 Appalachian St. SB 22.2 34 49.7 #> 35 East Carolina Amer 22.1 35 54.9 #> 36 Tulsa Amer 22.1 36 51.9 #> 37 California P12 22.1 37 54.2 #> 38 Marquette BE 22.0 38 39.3 #> 39 Oregon St. P12 22.0 39 52.3 #> 40 Houston Baptist Slnd 22.0 40 50.1 #> 41 Bethune Cookman MEAC 22.0 41 52.7 #> 42 South Dakota Sum 21.9 42 50.7 #> 43 West Virginia B12 21.8 43 56.8 #> 44 UCLA P12 21.8 44 52.0 #> 45 Towson CAA 21.8 45 50.0 #> 46 Pittsburgh ACC 21.7 46 53.9 #> 47 Mississippi SEC 21.6 47 52.3 #> 48 North Dakota Sum 21.6 48 47.7 #> 49 Grambling St. SWAC 21.6 49 57.9 #> 50 Grand Canyon WAC 21.6 50 52.3 #> 51 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC 21.5 51 54.3 #> 52 Cal Baptist WAC 21.5 52 42.1 #> 53 Memphis Amer 21.4 53 51.2 #> 54 UC Santa Barbara BW 21.4 54 50.7 #> 55 Washington P12 21.4 55 49.4 #> 56 Monmouth MAAC 21.4 56 47.8 #> 57 Samford SC 21.4 57 51.5 #> 58 Detroit Horz 21.3 58 42.4 #> 59 Louisiana SB 21.3 59 46.4 #> 60 Florida A&M MEAC 21.3 60 61.1 #> 61 San Jose St. MWC 21.3 61 42.9 #> 62 Texas St. SB 21.3 62 56.9 #> 63 Rider MAAC 21.3 63 53.1 #> 64 Oklahoma St. B12 21.3 64 52.5 #> 65 Indiana B10 21.3 65 55.6 #> 66 Toledo MAC 21.2 66 43.1 #> 67 Connecticut Amer 21.2 67 50.1 #> 68 Oakland Horz 21.2 68 51.3 #> 69 Utah St. MWC 21.1 69 50.2 #> 70 North Carolina A&T MEAC 21.1 70 55.0 #> 71 Murray St. OVC 21.1 71 52.7 #> 72 Rhode Island A10 21.1 72 55.7 #> 73 Georgetown BE 21.1 73 53.1 #> 74 Brown Ivy 21.0 74 48.4 #> 75 Cincinnati Amer 21.0 75 51.9 #> 76 Central Michigan MAC 21.0 76 49.6 #> 77 Southern Utah BSky 21.0 77 54.8 #> 78 Arizona P12 20.9 78 50.5 #> 79 Boise St. MWC 20.9 79 46.3 #> 80 Akron MAC 20.9 80 42.3 #> 81 Ohio St. B10 20.9 81 44.0 #> 82 Colorado P12 20.9 82 47.3 #> 83 Jackson St. SWAC 20.8 83 59.3 #> 84 Providence BE 20.8 84 48.7 #> 85 UTEP CUSA 20.8 85 48.6 #> 86 Stetson ASun 20.8 86 53.9 #> 87 Western Michigan MAC 20.8 87 48.4 #> 88 UMass Lowell AE 20.8 88 51.6 #> 89 Cal St. Fullerton BW 20.8 89 52.2 #> 90 South Florida Amer 20.7 90 49.0 #> 91 Syracuse ACC 20.7 91 46.6 #> 92 Pepperdine WCC 20.7 92 47.9 #> 93 Lamar Slnd 20.7 93 53.9 #> 94 Hofstra CAA 20.7 94 46.6 #> 95 Sacred Heart NEC 20.6 95 48.5 #> 96 Austin Peay OVC 20.6 96 52.0 #> 97 Charlotte CUSA 20.6 97 50.6 #> 98 Alabama A&M SWAC 20.5 98 54.4 #> 99 LSU SEC 20.5 99 54.1 #> 100 Southeast Missouri St. OVC 20.4 100 51.3 #> 101 Loyola MD Pat 20.4 101 52.5 #> 102 New Mexico MWC 20.4 102 52.2 #> 103 Sacramento St. BSky 20.4 103 56.1 #> 104 Denver Sum 20.4 104 56.8 #> 105 Presbyterian BSth 20.3 105 51.7 #> 106 Iona MAAC 20.3 106 46.6 #> 107 Tulane Amer 20.3 107 46.0 #> 108 North Dakota St. Sum 20.3 108 42.2 #> 109 Utah P12 20.3 109 49.8 #> 110 Norfolk St. MEAC 20.3 110 46.5 #> 111 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC 20.3 111 58.7 #> 112 Santa Clara WCC 20.2 112 51.0 #> 113 UNC Wilmington CAA 20.2 113 53.0 #> 114 Eastern Kentucky OVC 20.2 114 48.3 #> 115 Stony Brook AE 20.1 115 43.9 #> 116 Incarnate Word Slnd 20.1 116 51.8 #> 117 Texas Tech B12 20.1 117 49.8 #> 118 James Madison CAA 20.1 118 47.5 #> 119 UAB CUSA 20.1 119 57.4 #> 120 Houston Amer 20.0 120 51.0 #> 121 Albany AE 20.0 121 44.1 #> 122 Iowa B10 20.0 122 49.6 #> 123 Wichita St. Amer 20.0 123 47.1 #> 124 Western Carolina SC 20.0 124 43.2 #> 125 George Mason A10 20.0 125 53.6 #> 126 Washington St. P12 20.0 126 48.2 #> 127 Northwestern St. Slnd 19.9 127 48.8 #> 128 Wright St. Horz 19.9 128 51.9 #> 129 Alabama St. SWAC 19.9 129 48.3 #> 130 Oklahoma B12 19.9 130 49.2 #> 131 Temple Amer 19.9 131 50.6 #> 132 Southern Illinois MVC 19.9 132 46.0 #> 133 Utah Valley WAC 19.9 133 52.6 #> 134 Coastal Carolina SB 19.9 134 52.0 #> 135 USC Upstate BSth 19.8 135 50.3 #> 136 Siena MAAC 19.8 136 52.8 #> 137 Colorado St. MWC 19.8 137 48.1 #> 138 Alcorn St. SWAC 19.7 138 46.8 #> 139 North Carolina ACC 19.7 139 57.4 #> 140 Alabama SEC 19.7 140 40.9 #> 141 Delaware St. MEAC 19.6 141 49.2 #> 142 Mount St. Mary's NEC 19.6 142 49.1 #> 143 Georgia Southern SB 19.6 143 49.8 #> 144 Southern SWAC 19.6 144 56.9 #> 145 Duke ACC 19.6 145 55.0 #> 146 Evansville MVC 19.5 146 46.7 #> 147 Illinois B10 19.5 147 57.3 #> 148 Seton Hall BE 19.5 148 48.6 #> 149 Cal Poly BW 19.5 149 51.4 #> 150 East Tennessee St. SC 19.5 150 50.5 #> 151 Rice CUSA 19.5 151 40.1 #> 152 Charleston CAA 19.4 152 47.4 #> 153 Kansas St. B12 19.4 153 49.5 #> 154 Tennessee Martin OVC 19.4 154 50.4 #> 155 Navy Pat 19.4 155 50.6 #> 156 Air Force MWC 19.3 156 45.0 #> 157 Longwood BSth 19.3 157 38.5 #> 158 Howard MEAC 19.3 158 48.2 #> 159 Bradley MVC 19.3 159 52.1 #> 160 UC Davis BW 19.3 160 46.9 #> 161 St. Francis PA NEC 19.2 161 55.4 #> 162 Long Beach St. BW 19.2 162 54.5 #> 163 South Carolina SEC 19.2 163 57.8 #> 164 Green Bay Horz 19.2 164 52.2 #> 165 UNLV MWC 19.2 165 49.5 #> 166 Idaho St. BSky 19.2 166 53.1 #> 167 Northern Kentucky Horz 19.1 167 46.8 #> 168 USC P12 19.1 168 53.3 #> 169 Florida SEC 19.1 169 51.2 #> 170 Georgia Tech ACC 19.0 170 58.5 #> 171 Sam Houston St. Slnd 19.0 171 51.5 #> 172 Portland WCC 19.0 172 50.4 #> 173 McNeese St. Slnd 19.0 173 51.4 #> 174 Hawaii BW 19.0 174 49.8 #> 175 George Washington A10 18.9 175 47.3 #> 176 NJIT ASun 18.9 176 54.2 #> 177 Loyola Marymount WCC 18.9 177 56.4 #> 178 Wagner NEC 18.8 178 51.6 #> 179 SMU Amer 18.8 179 48.8 #> 180 Georgia SEC 18.8 180 53.3 #> 181 Gonzaga WCC 18.8 181 55.6 #> 182 Manhattan MAAC 18.8 182 48.4 #> 183 Wyoming MWC 18.8 183 43.8 #> 184 North Carolina Central MEAC 18.8 184 54.0 #> 185 LIU NEC 18.8 185 44.4 #> 186 VCU A10 18.8 186 49.6 #> 187 Gardner Webb BSth 18.8 187 47.9 #> 188 San Diego WCC 18.8 188 53.3 #> 189 Georgia St. SB 18.8 189 48.5 #> 190 UT Arlington SB 18.8 190 48.5 #> 191 Arizona St. P12 18.8 191 51.5 #> 192 Loyola Chicago MVC 18.7 192 56.4 #> 193 Milwaukee Horz 18.7 193 48.8 #> 194 Pacific WCC 18.7 194 57.8 #> 195 St. John's BE 18.6 195 54.7 #> 196 Louisiana Monroe SB 18.6 196 51.4 #> 197 DePaul BE 18.6 197 57.3 #> 198 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd 18.5 198 46.9 #> 199 La Salle A10 18.5 199 46.2 #> 200 Saint Louis A10 18.5 200 58.9 #> 201 Coppin St. MEAC 18.5 201 46.4 #> 202 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd 18.4 202 53.5 #> 203 Duquesne A10 18.4 203 48.7 #> 204 Delaware CAA 18.4 204 51.3 #> 205 Portland St. BSky 18.3 205 56.2 #> 206 Louisville ACC 18.3 206 48.3 #> 207 Davidson A10 18.3 207 44.3 #> 208 Kansas B12 18.3 208 56.4 #> 209 Northern Arizona BSky 18.2 209 52.2 #> 210 Harvard Ivy 18.2 210 51.9 #> 211 Indiana St. MVC 18.2 211 51.4 #> 212 UCF Amer 18.2 212 50.9 #> 213 Central Connecticut NEC 18.2 213 51.7 #> 214 UMBC AE 18.2 214 52.2 #> 215 UNC Asheville BSth 18.2 215 51.2 #> 216 Bowling Green MAC 18.1 216 49.4 #> 217 Cal St. Bakersfield WAC 18.1 217 59.4 #> 218 Saint Joseph's A10 18.1 218 42.9 #> 219 Hartford AE 18.1 219 46.7 #> 220 Youngstown St. Horz 18.0 220 51.7 #> 221 Michigan St. B10 18.0 221 51.5 #> 222 Old Dominion CUSA 18.0 222 55.7 #> 223 SIU Edwardsville OVC 18.0 223 56.7 #> 224 Miami FL ACC 17.9 224 52.3 #> 225 Bryant NEC 17.9 225 46.6 #> 226 Florida St. ACC 17.9 226 52.6 #> 227 IUPUI Horz 17.9 227 48.5 #> 228 Vermont AE 17.9 228 47.9 #> 229 Winthrop BSth 17.8 229 47.3 #> 230 Canisius MAAC 17.8 230 55.8 #> 231 Penn St. B10 17.8 231 50.1 #> 232 Missouri St. MVC 17.8 232 52.6 #> 233 New Mexico St. WAC 17.7 233 44.5 #> 234 Baylor B12 17.7 234 50.0 #> 235 Middle Tennessee CUSA 17.7 235 46.0 #> 236 Saint Mary's WCC 17.7 236 50.7 #> 237 Ball St. MAC 17.6 237 43.0 #> 238 Cal St. Northridge BW 17.6 238 52.1 #> 239 Idaho BSky 17.6 239 60.3 #> 240 St. Francis NY NEC 17.6 240 55.3 #> 241 The Citadel SC 17.6 241 43.9 #> 242 Iowa St. B12 17.6 242 52.9 #> 243 UTSA CUSA 17.6 243 44.6 #> 244 William & Mary CAA 17.6 244 50.8 #> 245 Massachusetts A10 17.6 245 49.2 #> 246 Morehead St. OVC 17.5 246 57.9 #> 247 Fresno St. MWC 17.5 247 41.4 #> 248 Troy SB 17.5 248 44.7 #> 249 Oral Roberts Sum 17.4 249 52.7 #> 250 Quinnipiac MAAC 17.4 250 38.0 #> 251 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC 17.4 251 51.4 #> 252 Marist MAAC 17.3 252 45.8 #> 253 Liberty ASun 17.3 253 50.8 #> 254 Drake MVC 17.3 254 50.4 #> 255 Jacksonville ASun 17.3 255 54.1 #> 256 Yale Ivy 17.2 256 47.0 #> 257 Jacksonville St. OVC 17.2 257 54.0 #> 258 Elon CAA 17.2 258 39.3 #> 259 Xavier BE 17.2 259 55.4 #> 260 Maine AE 17.1 260 50.2 #> 261 Boston College ACC 17.1 261 49.5 #> 262 UMKC WAC 17.1 262 52.3 #> 263 South Dakota St. Sum 17.0 263 54.3 #> 264 Butler BE 17.0 264 53.1 #> 265 Dayton A10 17.0 265 52.9 #> 266 San Francisco WCC 17.0 266 47.9 #> 267 North Texas CUSA 17.0 267 48.5 #> 268 Wisconsin B10 17.0 268 44.3 #> 269 St. Bonaventure A10 16.9 269 54.1 #> 270 Stanford P12 16.9 270 52.5 #> 271 Furman SC 16.9 271 46.3 #> 272 Virginia ACC 16.9 272 53.3 #> 273 Richmond A10 16.8 273 51.2 #> 274 Drexel CAA 16.8 274 50.9 #> 275 Kent St. MAC 16.8 275 50.8 #> 276 Northwestern B10 16.7 276 55.1 #> 277 Nevada MWC 16.7 277 44.4 #> 278 Miami OH MAC 16.7 278 47.3 #> 279 North Florida ASun 16.7 279 38.2 #> 280 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC 16.7 280 52.7 #> 281 San Diego St. MWC 16.7 281 46.7 #> 282 Radford BSth 16.6 282 51.1 #> 283 N.C. State ACC 16.6 283 55.5 #> 284 Fordham A10 16.6 284 46.6 #> 285 UC Irvine BW 16.6 285 57.6 #> 286 Ohio MAC 16.6 286 47.7 #> 287 Lipscomb ASun 16.5 287 53.8 #> 288 Clemson ACC 16.5 288 46.9 #> 289 Charleston Southern BSth 16.5 289 47.4 #> 290 Bucknell Pat 16.5 290 47.1 #> 291 Nebraska Omaha Sum 16.5 291 57.7 #> 292 Weber St. BSky 16.5 292 55.9 #> 293 Tennessee St. OVC 16.5 293 52.2 #> 294 Chattanooga SC 16.4 294 48.1 #> 295 Northern Illinois MAC 16.4 295 50.6 #> 296 Illinois Chicago Horz 16.4 296 52.0 #> 297 Eastern Washington BSky 16.4 297 48.4 #> 298 Creighton BE 16.3 298 46.0 #> 299 American Pat 16.3 299 54.9 #> 300 Florida Atlantic CUSA 16.3 300 49.0 #> 301 Villanova BE 16.2 301 43.2 #> 302 Nicholls St. Slnd 16.2 302 52.7 #> 303 Minnesota B10 16.1 303 48.9 #> 304 Buffalo MAC 16.1 304 53.3 #> 305 Rutgers B10 16.1 305 60.5 #> 306 UC Riverside BW 16.1 306 46.8 #> 307 Lehigh Pat 16.1 307 58.5 #> 308 Eastern Illinois OVC 16.0 308 56.5 #> 309 Princeton Ivy 16.0 309 47.1 #> 310 Northern Iowa MVC 16.0 310 47.3 #> 311 Marshall CUSA 16.0 311 53.4 #> 312 Cornell Ivy 16.0 312 51.8 #> 313 Valparaiso MVC 15.9 313 49.9 #> 314 Mercer SC 15.8 314 51.9 #> 315 Nebraska B10 15.7 315 50.3 #> 316 Oregon P12 15.7 316 50.0 #> 317 Dartmouth Ivy 15.7 317 52.7 #> 318 Purdue B10 15.7 318 52.7 #> 319 Northeastern CAA 15.6 319 50.0 #> 320 Niagara MAAC 15.6 320 49.8 #> 321 New Hampshire AE 15.5 321 46.6 #> 322 FIU CUSA 15.5 322 49.9 #> 323 Louisiana Tech CUSA 15.4 323 51.2 #> 324 Notre Dame ACC 15.4 324 45.5 #> 325 Michigan B10 15.3 325 52.8 #> 326 Merrimack NEC 15.3 326 47.7 #> 327 Montana BSky 15.2 327 60.3 #> 328 Columbia Ivy 15.1 328 55.1 #> 329 Western Illinois Sum 15.1 329 49.0 #> 330 Southern Miss CUSA 15.1 330 61.0 #> 331 Illinois St. MVC 15.0 331 46.2 #> 332 Colgate Pat 15.0 332 45.4 #> 333 Campbell BSth 14.9 333 51.1 #> 334 TCU B12 14.8 334 45.8 #> 335 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 14.7 335 49.2 #> 336 Wofford SC 14.6 336 46.2 #> 337 Boston University Pat 14.6 337 57.9 #> 338 Robert Morris NEC 14.6 338 49.8 #> 339 Binghamton AE 14.5 339 43.6 #> 340 Florida Gulf Coast ASun 14.5 340 50.6 #> 341 Holy Cross Pat 14.4 341 53.8 #> 342 Lafayette Pat 14.4 342 49.7 #> 343 Purdue Fort Wayne Sum 14.3 343 49.0 #> 344 Virginia Tech ACC 13.9 344 43.0 #> 345 UNC Greensboro SC 13.7 345 50.4 #> 346 Penn Ivy 13.5 346 51.0 #> 347 Northern Colorado BSky 13.5 347 46.5 #> 348 Tennessee Tech OVC 13.5 348 48.4 #> 349 VMI SC 13.2 349 41.4 #> 350 Texas B12 13.1 350 49.5 #> 351 Army Pat 13.0 351 57.5 #> 352 Belmont OVC 12.9 352 50.9 #> 353 BYU WCC 12.3 353 48.5 #> Off.FG_2.Pct.Rk Off.FG_3.Pct Off.FG_3.Pct.Rk Def.FT.Pct Def.FT.Pct.Rk #> 1 230 24.8 307 23.1 26 #> 2 263 27.0 269 21.4 68 #> 3 51 20.4 349 19.6 131 #> 4 69 21.6 342 19.7 124 #> 5 50 20.5 347 19.8 118 #> 6 218 26.9 272 19.9 113 #> 7 40 20.7 346 20.5 88 #> 8 61 21.6 341 27.1 4 #> 9 245 28.0 241 18.3 202 #> 10 204 26.7 275 26.3 7 #> 11 299 30.0 189 23.2 24 #> 12 152 25.3 302 19.6 130 #> 13 25 19.6 351 26.4 6 #> 14 219 27.4 260 13.4 346 #> 15 281 29.9 193 16.6 272 #> 16 224 27.9 246 24.1 18 #> 17 268 29.6 210 27.3 2 #> 18 280 30.1 188 23.9 20 #> 19 283 30.2 184 19.2 147 #> 20 313 31.3 152 20.5 91 #> 21 3 16.6 353 22.2 48 #> 22 60 22.7 331 15.4 323 #> 23 90 24.3 312 18.3 197 #> 24 316 32.1 131 15.5 318 #> 25 52 22.3 337 18.7 176 #> 26 35 21.2 344 19.4 138 #> 27 46 22.1 339 15.4 321 #> 28 333 34.2 87 20.5 90 #> 29 55 22.6 332 24.6 15 #> 30 256 29.5 211 22.1 52 #> 31 129 25.8 290 18.0 216 #> 32 171 27.0 270 21.4 69 #> 33 66 23.5 321 20.1 109 #> 34 207 28.1 238 16.5 279 #> 35 59 23.0 327 21.2 75 #> 36 131 26.0 286 17.8 224 #> 37 71 23.7 318 21.4 67 #> 38 350 38.7 23 19.8 119 #> 39 114 25.7 291 18.6 177 #> 40 192 27.9 245 18.9 162 #> 41 103 25.3 300 21.1 77 #> 42 173 27.3 263 18.5 185 #> 43 28 21.3 343 22.9 33 #> 44 126 26.1 284 20.0 110 #> 45 194 28.2 235 19.1 153 #> 46 79 24.4 311 15.7 311 #> 47 117 26.1 285 24.0 19 #> 48 266 30.7 164 17.5 245 #> 49 15 20.5 348 20.4 99 #> 50 116 26.1 283 17.5 238 #> 51 67 24.2 313 23.2 25 #> 52 344 36.4 48 18.2 207 #> 53 160 27.4 261 22.6 38 #> 54 174 27.9 244 17.4 252 #> 55 217 29.2 218 20.4 100 #> 56 264 30.8 162 23.0 31 #> 57 143 27.1 265 13.1 350 #> 58 341 36.3 51 17.8 223 #> 59 303 32.3 126 19.0 158 #> 60 1 17.6 352 21.3 70 #> 61 339 35.7 62 18.1 210 #> 62 26 21.8 340 23.0 30 #> 63 93 25.7 292 17.4 251 #> 64 111 26.2 282 20.4 94 #> 65 43 23.1 326 18.8 168 #> 66 336 35.7 64 16.1 297 #> 67 191 28.7 227 21.6 63 #> 68 154 27.6 253 15.1 327 #> 69 189 28.6 228 16.9 264 #> 70 56 23.9 317 21.9 57 #> 71 106 26.2 281 19.4 139 #> 72 41 23.2 325 17.5 246 #> 73 92 25.9 287 16.1 295 #> 74 247 30.5 174 17.5 237 #> 75 134 27.1 266 18.9 163 #> 76 211 29.4 217 16.0 300 #> 77 62 24.2 314 22.2 46 #> 78 182 28.6 231 22.2 51 #> 79 305 32.8 110 17.4 250 #> 80 342 36.8 40 17.4 253 #> 81 328 35.0 75 18.0 214 #> 82 275 31.9 134 16.5 276 #> 83 8 19.8 350 24.3 17 #> 84 236 30.5 175 21.8 60 #> 85 238 30.6 169 19.8 122 #> 86 78 25.3 304 17.4 249 #> 87 250 30.8 163 17.9 218 #> 88 141 27.7 250 16.2 292 #> 89 119 27.0 267 20.7 85 #> 90 229 30.3 181 18.8 170 #> 91 296 32.7 116 18.6 181 #> 92 260 31.3 149 19.0 156 #> 93 77 25.4 299 15.8 307 #> 94 295 32.7 114 12.7 352 #> 95 243 30.9 159 14.5 332 #> 96 130 27.4 257 17.7 227 #> 97 180 28.9 222 15.6 313 #> 98 65 25.0 305 18.5 189 #> 99 72 25.4 297 15.5 319 #> 100 155 28.3 233 18.0 212 #> 101 110 27.0 268 18.8 171 #> 102 123 27.4 259 13.8 341 #> 103 37 23.5 320 22.1 53 #> 104 29 22.8 329 21.8 58 #> 105 138 27.9 243 19.7 123 #> 106 294 33.1 106 18.3 196 #> 107 309 33.7 96 16.3 288 #> 108 343 37.5 31 16.3 287 #> 109 200 29.9 195 14.4 336 #> 110 300 33.2 104 22.6 39 #> 111 10 21.0 345 24.3 16 #> 112 165 28.8 224 22.0 55 #> 113 95 26.8 274 18.2 208 #> 114 253 31.5 147 20.4 97 #> 115 330 36.0 55 17.0 261 #> 116 137 28.1 239 20.5 89 #> 117 203 30.1 186 21.0 78 #> 118 269 32.5 119 16.9 266 #> 119 22 22.5 334 16.2 293 #> 120 163 28.9 221 24.7 14 #> 121 327 35.9 60 16.6 274 #> 122 209 30.4 178 16.4 281 #> 123 277 32.9 108 23.1 27 #> 124 334 36.8 42 18.4 194 #> 125 82 26.4 277 17.0 263 #> 126 254 31.8 138 18.2 206 #> 127 234 31.3 151 21.6 65 #> 128 133 28.2 236 17.2 256 #> 129 251 31.8 140 19.7 127 #> 130 221 30.9 161 13.1 349 #> 131 176 29.5 214 18.5 186 #> 132 311 34.1 89 15.2 326 #> 133 108 27.5 254 21.3 71 #> 134 128 28.1 237 24.9 11 #> 135 187 29.8 198 21.0 79 #> 136 99 27.4 262 17.1 257 #> 137 257 32.1 132 14.5 333 #> 138 289 33.5 98 18.6 178 #> 139 21 22.8 330 18.3 198 #> 140 347 39.4 13 21.7 61 #> 141 223 31.2 156 22.4 42 #> 142 225 31.2 153 17.5 242 #> 143 202 30.6 170 16.5 277 #> 144 27 23.5 319 25.5 9 #> 145 57 25.4 294 18.5 191 #> 146 292 33.8 95 19.1 154 #> 147 23 23.2 324 15.5 317 #> 148 237 31.9 135 19.9 114 #> 149 150 29.1 219 23.1 28 #> 150 181 30.0 190 18.9 166 #> 151 348 40.5 10 16.2 294 #> 152 270 33.1 105 19.8 121 #> 153 215 31.1 158 21.5 66 #> 154 186 30.2 183 14.4 335 #> 155 178 30.0 191 16.8 268 #> 156 319 35.6 66 16.0 301 #> 157 351 42.2 6 18.8 167 #> 158 255 32.5 117 18.2 205 #> 159 125 28.6 229 20.1 107 #> 160 285 33.8 93 19.2 145 #> 161 47 25.3 301 16.4 286 #> 162 64 26.3 280 17.0 262 #> 163 16 22.9 328 30.0 1 #> 164 121 28.6 230 19.5 134 #> 165 213 31.3 150 22.9 34 #> 166 94 27.8 249 15.6 315 #> 167 287 34.0 91 18.4 195 #> 168 86 27.5 255 18.0 215 #> 169 159 29.8 203 20.4 95 #> 170 11 22.5 336 22.2 45 #> 171 144 29.5 215 24.7 13 #> 172 185 30.6 172 16.7 271 #> 173 149 29.6 206 17.8 225 #> 174 201 31.2 155 19.3 140 #> 175 274 33.8 94 17.6 235 #> 176 70 26.9 273 19.3 142 #> 177 34 24.7 308 21.2 73 #> 178 142 29.6 208 23.1 29 #> 179 232 32.4 122 17.5 243 #> 180 87 27.9 248 17.1 259 #> 181 44 25.6 293 13.8 342 #> 182 246 32.7 112 24.9 12 #> 183 331 37.4 32 20.3 103 #> 184 75 27.2 264 19.7 125 #> 185 324 36.8 41 16.9 265 #> 186 210 31.6 144 20.8 81 #> 187 261 33.3 101 18.5 190 #> 188 89 27.9 242 18.5 187 #> 189 239 32.7 115 26.6 5 #> 190 240 32.7 113 20.7 84 #> 191 146 29.8 202 19.2 149 #> 192 33 24.9 306 13.1 348 #> 193 233 32.5 118 23.7 21 #> 194 17 23.5 322 23.5 23 #> 195 63 26.6 276 20.4 98 #> 196 148 30.0 192 20.1 108 #> 197 24 24.1 315 21.3 72 #> 198 286 34.6 81 23.6 22 #> 199 308 35.3 70 22.8 36 #> 200 9 22.6 333 21.6 64 #> 201 302 35.1 73 17.5 239 #> 202 83 28.0 240 22.9 35 #> 203 235 32.9 109 16.7 270 #> 204 153 30.3 179 18.2 203 #> 205 36 25.4 295 17.8 220 #> 206 252 33.3 102 19.0 159 #> 207 326 37.4 34 19.0 157 #> 208 32 25.3 303 15.1 328 #> 209 118 29.5 213 16.1 296 #> 210 132 29.9 197 18.9 165 #> 211 151 30.5 177 18.8 169 #> 212 167 30.9 160 18.7 175 #> 213 139 30.2 185 17.8 221 #> 214 120 29.6 204 20.2 105 #> 215 158 30.7 165 18.2 204 #> 216 216 32.4 121 19.1 155 #> 217 7 22.5 335 26.1 8 #> 218 340 39.0 19 18.0 211 #> 219 290 35.2 72 18.3 199 #> 220 140 30.3 180 17.7 232 #> 221 145 30.5 176 19.2 146 #> 222 42 26.3 279 20.2 104 #> 223 30 25.4 298 22.5 40 #> 224 114 29.8 201 14.0 340 #> 225 297 35.5 68 17.8 226 #> 226 109 29.5 212 21.2 76 #> 227 242 33.7 97 16.4 282 #> 228 262 34.3 86 20.0 112 #> 229 276 34.9 77 21.7 62 #> 230 39 26.4 278 19.6 132 #> 231 193 32.1 130 19.0 160 #> 232 107 29.6 207 19.2 148 #> 233 322 37.8 29 19.1 152 #> 234 197 32.3 125 19.0 161 #> 235 312 36.3 50 20.4 96 #> 236 175 31.7 141 16.5 278 #> 237 337 39.3 15 17.7 229 #> 238 124 30.3 182 16.1 298 #> 239 6 22.1 338 16.4 280 #> 240 49 27.0 271 20.8 83 #> 241 329 38.5 24 15.4 322 #> 242 97 29.6 209 15.8 309 #> 243 321 37.8 28 20.6 87 #> 244 172 31.7 142 16.0 299 #> 245 220 33.2 103 18.6 182 #> 246 13 24.6 309 17.2 255 #> 247 346 41.1 8 17.7 231 #> 248 320 37.8 27 20.2 106 #> 249 104 29.9 196 18.5 192 #> 250 353 44.5 3 14.1 338 #> 251 147 31.2 154 17.5 240 #> 252 314 36.8 38 22.4 41 #> 253 169 31.8 137 17.9 219 #> 254 184 32.2 128 18.4 193 #> 255 73 28.6 232 18.0 213 #> 256 282 35.8 61 16.8 267 #> 257 76 28.8 223 15.9 305 #> 258 349 43.5 4 22.9 32 #> 259 48 27.5 256 18.5 188 #> 260 190 32.7 111 19.9 115 #> 261 212 33.4 99 17.5 244 #> 262 113 30.6 166 27.2 3 #> 263 68 28.7 226 15.5 316 #> 264 91 29.9 194 19.5 135 #> 265 96 30.1 187 17.6 234 #> 266 259 35.1 74 18.6 184 #> 267 244 34.6 83 21.2 74 #> 268 325 38.8 21 15.8 306 #> 269 74 29.0 220 18.7 172 #> 270 112 30.6 167 19.6 133 #> 271 304 36.8 43 16.0 302 #> 272 88 29.8 200 14.7 330 #> 273 156 32.0 133 17.7 230 #> 274 168 32.4 123 18.3 201 #> 275 170 32.4 120 20.7 86 #> 276 54 28.2 234 17.0 260 #> 277 323 38.8 20 21.8 59 #> 278 272 35.9 57 19.7 129 #> 279 352 45.1 2 16.4 284 #> 280 101 30.6 171 20.0 111 #> 281 291 36.6 46 19.7 126 #> 282 161 32.2 127 18.7 173 #> 283 45 27.9 246 20.3 101 #> 284 298 36.8 38 19.3 141 #> 285 19 25.8 288 22.2 49 #> 286 265 35.7 63 20.9 80 #> 287 81 29.6 205 15.3 324 #> 288 284 36.5 47 17.5 241 #> 289 271 36.1 53 16.4 285 #> 290 279 36.4 49 20.5 93 #> 291 18 25.8 289 17.1 258 #> 292 38 27.6 251 13.5 345 #> 293 122 31.4 148 22.7 37 #> 294 258 35.5 67 15.8 308 #> 295 177 33.0 107 19.8 120 #> 296 127 31.6 145 20.8 82 #> 297 248 35.2 71 19.4 136 #> 298 310 37.6 30 14.5 334 #> 299 58 28.8 225 20.5 92 #> 300 226 34.7 79 16.8 269 #> 301 335 40.6 9 14.7 331 #> 302 105 31.1 157 22.4 43 #> 303 231 35.0 76 17.8 222 #> 304 85 30.5 173 18.6 183 #> 305 4 23.4 323 17.9 217 #> 306 288 37.1 35 19.3 143 #> 307 12 25.4 296 18.3 200 #> 308 31 27.4 258 20.3 102 #> 309 278 36.9 37 16.2 290 #> 310 273 36.7 44 15.4 320 #> 311 84 30.6 168 22.0 54 #> 312 136 32.2 129 17.6 236 #> 313 199 34.2 88 17.4 248 #> 314 135 32.3 124 19.2 151 #> 315 188 34.0 92 12.4 353 #> 316 196 34.3 85 18.6 180 #> 317 100 31.6 145 16.2 291 #> 318 102 31.6 143 19.4 137 #> 319 195 34.4 84 17.7 233 #> 320 205 34.7 80 15.6 312 #> 321 293 37.8 26 22.2 47 #> 322 198 34.6 82 18.9 164 #> 323 157 33.4 100 19.7 128 #> 324 317 39.1 18 13.0 351 #> 325 98 31.9 136 16.3 289 #> 326 267 37.1 36 21.9 56 #> 327 5 24.5 310 25.5 10 #> 328 53 29.8 199 14.2 337 #> 329 227 35.9 58 19.2 144 #> 330 2 24.0 316 19.2 150 #> 331 306 38.8 22 17.7 228 #> 332 318 39.6 12 13.5 344 #> 333 162 34.1 90 22.4 44 #> 334 315 39.4 14 17.3 254 #> 335 222 36.0 54 18.6 179 #> 336 307 39.2 16 18.1 209 #> 337 14 27.6 252 14.9 329 #> 338 206 35.7 65 18.7 174 #> 339 332 41.9 7 15.8 310 #> 340 179 34.9 78 17.4 247 #> 341 80 31.8 139 16.5 275 #> 342 208 35.9 56 13.3 347 #> 343 228 36.7 45 16.4 283 #> 344 338 43.1 5 15.6 314 #> 345 183 35.9 59 19.8 117 #> 346 164 35.5 69 15.9 303 #> 347 301 40.0 11 15.3 325 #> 348 249 38.1 25 15.9 304 #> 349 345 45.4 1 22.2 50 #> 350 214 37.4 33 19.9 116 #> 351 20 29.4 216 13.7 343 #> 352 166 36.2 52 14.1 339 #> 353 241 39.2 17 16.6 273 #> Def.FG_2.Pct Def.FG_2.Pct.Rk Def.FG_3.Pct Def.FG_3.Pct.Rk NCAA_Seed Year #> 1 51.1 151 25.7 310 NA 2020 #> 2 45.0 326 33.6 85 NA 2020 #> 3 49.1 218 31.3 153 4 2020 #> 4 51.1 152 29.2 228 NA 2020 #> 5 53.5 77 26.7 295 NA 2020 #> 6 51.6 132 28.4 255 NA 2020 #> 7 53.3 87 26.2 300 NA 2020 #> 8 44.4 332 28.5 251 NA 2020 #> 9 41.7 349 40.0 6 NA 2020 #> 10 51.6 134 22.1 348 NA 2020 #> 11 54.7 51 22.1 349 NA 2020 #> 12 47.7 266 32.7 105 15 2020 #> 13 48.9 227 24.8 324 16 2020 #> 14 56.8 20 29.8 199 NA 2020 #> 15 41.5 352 41.9 1 NA 2020 #> 16 47.3 278 28.5 250 NA 2020 #> 17 47.0 289 25.7 314 NA 2020 #> 18 50.9 157 25.2 319 NA 2020 #> 19 48.5 237 32.3 122 NA 2020 #> 20 49.7 201 29.8 198 5 2020 #> 21 47.3 277 30.5 177 NA 2020 #> 22 52.5 109 32.2 127 NA 2020 #> 23 48.6 233 33.0 99 NA 2020 #> 24 50.4 173 34.1 72 3 2020 #> 25 48.8 229 32.5 113 NA 2020 #> 26 52.2 117 28.4 257 NA 2020 #> 27 43.7 338 40.9 3 NA 2020 #> 28 52.6 105 26.9 288 NA 2020 #> 29 45.7 312 29.7 201 12 2020 #> 30 50.9 158 27.0 284 NA 2020 #> 31 42.2 348 39.8 7 NA 2020 #> 32 49.2 214 29.4 214 NA 2020 #> 33 48.5 238 31.4 148 NA 2020 #> 34 51.8 124 31.7 139 NA 2020 #> 35 44.8 329 34.0 73 NA 2020 #> 36 45.8 310 36.4 26 NA 2020 #> 37 46.0 309 32.6 109 NA 2020 #> 38 51.3 146 28.9 242 9 2020 #> 39 50.2 187 31.2 156 NA 2020 #> 40 54.1 67 27.0 285 NA 2020 #> 41 55.2 38 23.7 340 NA 2020 #> 42 52.1 118 29.3 218 NA 2020 #> 43 49.0 221 28.1 266 6 2020 #> 44 45.7 311 34.3 66 11 2020 #> 45 45.3 318 35.6 42 NA 2020 #> 46 50.2 188 34.2 70 NA 2020 #> 47 51.8 125 24.2 335 NA 2020 #> 48 55.3 37 27.2 282 NA 2020 #> 49 48.3 246 31.3 152 NA 2020 #> 50 48.5 240 34.0 75 NA 2020 #> 51 47.2 284 29.5 208 NA 2020 #> 52 57.5 14 24.4 333 NA 2020 #> 53 48.6 234 28.8 245 NA 2020 #> 54 52.6 104 30.0 194 NA 2020 #> 55 47.3 279 32.3 118 NA 2020 #> 56 44.5 330 32.5 114 NA 2020 #> 57 46.7 296 40.3 4 NA 2020 #> 58 49.1 217 33.1 97 NA 2020 #> 59 51.6 135 29.4 213 NA 2020 #> 60 54.0 68 24.6 328 NA 2020 #> 61 53.3 83 28.5 254 NA 2020 #> 62 48.7 231 28.3 260 NA 2020 #> 63 46.7 294 35.9 36 NA 2020 #> 64 45.7 314 33.9 78 NA 2020 #> 65 49.6 205 31.6 142 10 2020 #> 66 50.6 166 33.4 91 NA 2020 #> 67 53.4 81 25.0 321 NA 2020 #> 68 48.8 230 36.1 32 NA 2020 #> 69 46.7 295 36.4 27 11 2020 #> 70 50.4 170 27.7 276 NA 2020 #> 71 51.3 144 29.3 220 NA 2020 #> 72 53.3 84 29.2 229 NA 2020 #> 73 46.2 307 37.7 13 NA 2020 #> 74 51.6 131 30.8 167 NA 2020 #> 75 50.0 195 31.1 160 12 2020 #> 76 48.9 225 35.1 48 NA 2020 #> 77 50.4 175 27.4 280 NA 2020 #> 78 47.6 271 30.3 186 7 2020 #> 79 54.2 65 28.4 256 NA 2020 #> 80 53.7 74 29.0 238 13 2020 #> 81 47.6 270 34.4 61 5 2020 #> 82 54.2 66 29.3 219 8 2020 #> 83 50.4 176 25.3 318 NA 2020 #> 84 49.8 197 28.4 258 8 2020 #> 85 52.6 106 27.7 275 NA 2020 #> 86 42.4 345 40.2 5 NA 2020 #> 87 51.3 147 30.8 166 NA 2020 #> 88 54.5 57 29.3 222 NA 2020 #> 89 53.2 91 26.2 301 NA 2020 #> 90 49.3 212 31.9 134 NA 2020 #> 91 42.4 344 39.0 9 NA 2020 #> 92 49.0 222 32.0 132 NA 2020 #> 93 51.6 133 32.6 107 NA 2020 #> 94 58.0 8 29.2 227 14 2020 #> 95 54.7 49 30.8 168 NA 2020 #> 96 53.3 85 28.9 240 NA 2020 #> 97 52.4 111 32.0 133 NA 2020 #> 98 54.5 58 27.0 286 NA 2020 #> 99 47.9 259 36.6 22 8 2020 #> 100 51.0 156 31.0 162 NA 2020 #> 101 50.1 190 31.2 159 NA 2020 #> 102 49.8 200 36.4 25 NA 2020 #> 103 54.3 62 23.6 342 NA 2020 #> 104 47.2 285 31.0 164 NA 2020 #> 105 44.1 337 36.2 30 NA 2020 #> 106 46.3 304 35.3 45 NA 2020 #> 107 48.6 235 35.1 47 NA 2020 #> 108 58.1 7 25.6 315 15 2020 #> 109 53.9 69 31.8 138 NA 2020 #> 110 46.5 302 31.0 163 NA 2020 #> 111 49.0 219 26.6 297 NA 2020 #> 112 51.1 153 27.0 287 NA 2020 #> 113 51.7 127 30.1 192 NA 2020 #> 114 53.7 76 25.9 308 NA 2020 #> 115 45.2 322 37.8 12 NA 2020 #> 116 52.8 101 26.7 293 NA 2020 #> 117 50.7 164 28.3 259 10 2020 #> 118 47.5 272 35.6 40 NA 2020 #> 119 47.7 268 36.1 31 NA 2020 #> 120 46.2 306 29.1 232 7 2020 #> 121 48.9 224 34.5 60 NA 2020 #> 122 51.0 155 32.5 112 6 2020 #> 123 49.3 213 27.6 277 11 2020 #> 124 50.4 177 31.3 155 NA 2020 #> 125 52.9 99 30.2 191 NA 2020 #> 126 57.1 17 24.8 325 NA 2020 #> 127 48.2 250 30.3 188 NA 2020 #> 128 57.1 16 25.7 313 NA 2020 #> 129 53.7 75 26.7 294 NA 2020 #> 130 49.3 210 37.6 14 10 2020 #> 131 47.2 282 34.2 67 NA 2020 #> 132 55.5 35 29.3 215 NA 2020 #> 133 54.6 53 24.1 338 NA 2020 #> 134 41.5 353 33.6 84 NA 2020 #> 135 47.7 267 31.4 150 NA 2020 #> 136 54.4 61 28.5 252 16 2020 #> 137 49.2 216 36.3 28 NA 2020 #> 138 55.6 31 25.7 312 NA 2020 #> 139 47.1 287 34.6 57 NA 2020 #> 140 51.7 129 26.6 298 NA 2020 #> 141 46.9 291 30.7 172 NA 2020 #> 142 50.2 180 32.3 121 NA 2020 #> 143 54.8 45 28.7 247 NA 2020 #> 144 51.3 143 23.1 345 NA 2020 #> 145 60.2 4 21.4 350 3 2020 #> 146 56.8 21 24.2 337 NA 2020 #> 147 55.5 33 28.9 239 7 2020 #> 148 51.1 154 29.0 235 3 2020 #> 149 47.9 260 29.0 236 NA 2020 #> 150 51.5 137 29.6 207 11 2020 #> 151 52.5 110 31.4 149 NA 2020 #> 152 49.6 203 30.6 175 NA 2020 #> 153 47.0 288 31.5 147 NA 2020 #> 154 49.8 198 35.8 38 NA 2020 #> 155 48.8 228 34.4 62 NA 2020 #> 156 42.9 341 41.1 2 NA 2020 #> 157 45.1 323 36.0 34 NA 2020 #> 158 52.1 121 29.7 203 NA 2020 #> 159 44.3 333 35.6 41 14 2020 #> 160 50.8 160 30.0 195 NA 2020 #> 161 51.3 148 32.4 116 NA 2020 #> 162 48.3 245 34.7 54 NA 2020 #> 163 42.6 343 27.4 278 NA 2020 #> 164 48.3 247 32.2 126 NA 2020 #> 165 43.4 339 33.7 82 NA 2020 #> 166 63.2 3 21.2 351 NA 2020 #> 167 55.1 40 26.5 299 15 2020 #> 168 48.0 257 34.0 74 9 2020 #> 169 50.7 162 28.9 243 9 2020 #> 170 53.4 82 24.4 332 NA 2020 #> 171 45.0 327 30.3 184 NA 2020 #> 172 49.8 199 33.5 86 NA 2020 #> 173 47.4 276 34.8 51 NA 2020 #> 174 57.7 11 22.9 346 NA 2020 #> 175 57.7 12 24.7 326 NA 2020 #> 176 52.1 120 28.6 249 NA 2020 #> 177 44.4 331 34.3 64 NA 2020 #> 178 42.4 346 34.6 58 NA 2020 #> 179 45.3 319 37.2 16 NA 2020 #> 180 55.6 32 27.3 281 NA 2020 #> 181 56.6 23 29.6 206 1 2020 #> 182 48.0 256 27.1 283 NA 2020 #> 183 46.6 297 33.1 96 NA 2020 #> 184 50.8 159 29.5 209 16 2020 #> 185 53.5 78 29.6 205 NA 2020 #> 186 50.2 184 29.0 237 NA 2020 #> 187 46.9 290 34.6 58 NA 2020 #> 188 56.8 19 24.6 329 NA 2020 #> 189 48.4 241 25.0 323 NA 2020 #> 190 53.2 89 26.1 304 NA 2020 #> 191 49.6 204 31.2 157 10 2020 #> 192 47.4 274 39.4 8 NA 2020 #> 193 48.1 254 28.2 262 NA 2020 #> 194 47.7 264 28.8 246 NA 2020 #> 195 46.5 303 33.1 94 NA 2020 #> 196 50.4 171 29.5 210 NA 2020 #> 197 45.3 317 33.4 89 NA 2020 #> 198 50.7 163 25.7 311 NA 2020 #> 199 50.4 172 26.7 291 NA 2020 #> 200 45.5 316 32.9 102 NA 2020 #> 201 47.9 262 34.6 56 NA 2020 #> 202 51.6 130 25.5 316 NA 2020 #> 203 54.4 60 28.9 241 NA 2020 #> 204 48.4 242 33.4 88 NA 2020 #> 205 57.9 10 24.3 334 NA 2020 #> 206 47.7 263 33.3 92 4 2020 #> 207 50.8 161 30.2 190 NA 2020 #> 208 48.3 248 36.6 21 1 2020 #> 209 52.3 114 31.6 143 NA 2020 #> 210 50.5 168 30.6 173 NA 2020 #> 211 53.1 96 28.2 265 NA 2020 #> 212 51.5 136 29.7 200 NA 2020 #> 213 48.4 243 33.8 80 NA 2020 #> 214 44.2 334 35.6 43 NA 2020 #> 215 56.5 25 25.4 317 NA 2020 #> 216 49.2 215 31.7 140 NA 2020 #> 217 41.6 351 32.2 124 NA 2020 #> 218 53.2 92 28.8 244 NA 2020 #> 219 53.8 72 27.9 272 NA 2020 #> 220 53.8 71 28.5 253 NA 2020 #> 221 50.4 174 30.3 181 3 2020 #> 222 41.7 350 38.0 11 NA 2020 #> 223 46.8 292 30.7 170 NA 2020 #> 224 55.8 30 30.3 187 NA 2020 #> 225 53.2 93 29.1 234 NA 2020 #> 226 46.7 293 32.1 128 2 2020 #> 227 49.7 202 33.9 77 NA 2020 #> 228 45.0 325 35.0 49 13 2020 #> 229 50.2 181 28.0 267 16 2020 #> 230 51.3 145 29.1 231 NA 2020 #> 231 53.1 95 28.0 271 6 2020 #> 232 48.9 226 31.9 135 NA 2020 #> 233 51.1 150 29.7 202 13 2020 #> 234 51.8 126 29.3 223 1 2020 #> 235 51.4 141 28.2 264 NA 2020 #> 236 56.8 22 26.8 290 8 2020 #> 237 54.2 63 28.0 269 NA 2020 #> 238 47.6 269 36.3 29 NA 2020 #> 239 52.7 102 30.9 165 NA 2020 #> 240 51.3 142 27.9 273 NA 2020 #> 241 50.3 178 34.3 63 NA 2020 #> 242 52.0 122 32.2 123 NA 2020 #> 243 47.4 275 32.0 131 NA 2020 #> 244 51.9 123 32.1 129 NA 2020 #> 245 56.3 28 25.1 320 NA 2020 #> 246 52.4 112 30.4 178 NA 2020 #> 247 45.0 324 37.3 15 NA 2020 #> 248 48.7 232 31.2 158 NA 2020 #> 249 50.2 185 31.3 151 NA 2020 #> 250 52.5 107 33.4 90 NA 2020 #> 251 49.9 196 32.6 111 NA 2020 #> 252 42.8 342 34.7 53 NA 2020 #> 253 50.2 182 31.9 136 12 2020 #> 254 45.6 315 36.0 35 NA 2020 #> 255 50.2 186 31.8 137 NA 2020 #> 256 50.2 179 32.9 101 12 2020 #> 257 53.8 70 30.3 183 NA 2020 #> 258 43.3 340 33.8 81 NA 2020 #> 259 52.4 113 29.1 230 NA 2020 #> 260 45.0 328 35.1 46 NA 2020 #> 261 52.1 119 30.4 179 NA 2020 #> 262 50.2 183 22.6 347 NA 2020 #> 263 54.5 55 29.9 196 NA 2020 #> 264 47.5 273 33.0 100 5 2020 #> 265 53.3 86 29.1 233 1 2020 #> 266 54.7 50 26.7 292 NA 2020 #> 267 48.1 253 30.7 171 13 2020 #> 268 54.9 42 29.3 223 4 2020 #> 269 44.2 335 37.1 17 NA 2020 #> 270 51.2 149 29.2 225 NA 2020 #> 271 51.4 140 32.6 108 NA 2020 #> 272 48.2 249 37.0 18 7 2020 #> 273 50.0 194 32.3 117 11 2020 #> 274 58.1 6 23.6 341 NA 2020 #> 275 49.0 223 30.4 180 NA 2020 #> 276 46.5 301 36.5 24 NA 2020 #> 277 45.2 321 32.9 104 NA 2020 #> 278 47.3 280 33.1 98 NA 2020 #> 279 64.3 2 19.3 352 NA 2020 #> 280 49.3 209 30.7 169 NA 2020 #> 281 46.3 305 34.0 76 2 2020 #> 282 45.2 320 36.1 33 NA 2020 #> 283 53.7 73 26.0 306 11 2020 #> 284 44.1 336 36.5 23 NA 2020 #> 285 47.3 281 30.6 176 14 2020 #> 286 46.6 299 32.6 110 NA 2020 #> 287 50.0 193 34.7 52 NA 2020 #> 288 45.7 313 36.8 20 NA 2020 #> 289 54.2 64 29.4 212 NA 2020 #> 290 54.6 54 25.0 322 NA 2020 #> 291 49.0 220 33.9 79 NA 2020 #> 292 56.3 29 30.3 189 NA 2020 #> 293 48.0 258 29.3 217 NA 2020 #> 294 54.9 43 29.3 216 NA 2020 #> 295 46.1 308 34.2 71 NA 2020 #> 296 50.5 167 28.7 248 NA 2020 #> 297 54.5 55 26.0 305 15 2020 #> 298 53.2 88 32.3 119 2 2020 #> 299 55.3 36 24.2 336 NA 2020 #> 300 51.7 128 31.5 144 NA 2020 #> 301 57.9 9 27.4 279 2 2020 #> 302 52.9 98 24.7 327 NA 2020 #> 303 56.4 27 25.8 309 NA 2020 #> 304 54.7 52 26.8 289 NA 2020 #> 305 46.6 298 35.5 44 9 2020 #> 306 50.1 189 30.6 174 NA 2020 #> 307 48.5 239 33.3 93 NA 2020 #> 308 51.5 139 28.2 263 NA 2020 #> 309 57.6 13 26.1 302 NA 2020 #> 310 52.2 116 32.4 115 NA 2020 #> 311 50.0 192 28.0 267 NA 2020 #> 312 48.2 252 34.3 65 NA 2020 #> 313 52.2 115 30.3 182 NA 2020 #> 314 49.6 206 31.3 154 NA 2020 #> 315 54.5 59 33.1 95 NA 2020 #> 316 47.2 286 34.2 68 4 2020 #> 317 47.9 261 35.9 37 NA 2020 #> 318 47.7 265 32.9 103 NA 2020 #> 319 52.5 108 29.8 197 NA 2020 #> 320 49.4 208 35.0 50 NA 2020 #> 321 48.3 244 29.5 211 NA 2020 #> 322 55.1 39 26.0 307 NA 2020 #> 323 48.0 255 32.3 120 NA 2020 #> 324 53.4 80 33.5 87 NA 2020 #> 325 59.2 5 24.5 330 6 2020 #> 326 54.8 46 23.2 344 NA 2020 #> 327 50.7 165 23.9 339 NA 2020 #> 328 53.2 90 32.6 106 NA 2020 #> 329 51.5 138 29.2 225 NA 2020 #> 330 42.3 347 38.6 10 NA 2020 #> 331 50.0 191 32.2 125 NA 2020 #> 332 54.8 44 31.7 141 NA 2020 #> 333 53.1 94 24.5 331 NA 2020 #> 334 53.4 79 29.3 221 NA 2020 #> 335 54.7 48 26.7 296 NA 2020 #> 336 47.2 283 34.6 55 NA 2020 #> 337 54.8 47 30.3 185 16 2020 #> 338 53.0 97 28.3 261 16 2020 #> 339 52.8 100 31.5 146 NA 2020 #> 340 50.5 169 32.1 130 NA 2020 #> 341 55.5 34 28.0 270 NA 2020 #> 342 56.6 24 30.0 193 NA 2020 #> 343 49.4 207 34.2 69 NA 2020 #> 344 48.6 235 35.8 39 NA 2020 #> 345 46.5 300 33.6 83 NA 2020 #> 346 56.4 26 27.7 274 NA 2020 #> 347 67.1 1 17.6 353 NA 2020 #> 348 52.6 103 31.5 145 NA 2020 #> 349 48.2 251 29.7 204 NA 2020 #> 350 56.9 18 23.2 343 NA 2020 #> 351 49.3 211 37.0 19 NA 2020 #> 352 54.9 41 31.0 161 14 2020 #> 353 57.3 15 26.1 303 5 2020 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pomeroy_archive_ratings.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's ratings 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columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pomeroy_archive_ratings.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's ratings archive pages — kp_pomeroy_archive_ratings","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_pomeroy_archive_ratings(date='2018-11-22')) #> adj_em_rk team conf adj_em adj_o adj_o_rk adj_d adj_d_rk #> 1 1 Duke ACC 28.79 119.5 1 90.8 8 #> 2 2 Kansas B12 28.04 117.1 4 89.1 4 #> 3 3 North Carolina ACC 26.47 116.8 5 90.3 7 #> 4 4 Virginia ACC 26.40 113.7 13 87.3 2 #> 5 5 Nevada MWC 25.31 117.2 3 91.8 15 #> 6 6 Gonzaga WCC 24.97 117.8 2 92.8 25 #> 7 7 Michigan B10 23.13 109.9 37 86.7 1 #> 8 8 Auburn SEC 22.62 114.1 9 91.5 13 #> 9 9 Florida St. ACC 22.17 114.1 10 91.9 17 #> 10 10 Tennessee SEC 22.14 113.5 14 91.3 12 #> 11 11 Michigan St. B10 20.97 113.9 11 93.0 27 #> 12 12 Texas Tech B12 20.97 109.6 42 88.6 3 #> 13 13 Purdue B10 20.79 115.9 7 95.1 45 #> 14 14 Wisconsin B10 20.56 112.4 19 91.8 14 #> 15 15 Kentucky SEC 20.55 115.1 8 94.6 40 #> 16 16 Kansas St. B12 19.85 109.7 41 89.8 5 #> 17 17 Syracuse ACC 19.79 109.9 36 90.1 6 #> 18 18 Virginia Tech ACC 19.76 116.1 6 96.4 65 #> 19 19 Iowa St. B12 19.63 113.1 18 93.4 30 #> 20 20 Indiana B10 18.90 111.2 24 92.3 21 #> 21 21 Oregon P12 18.77 111.5 22 92.8 24 #> 22 22 Miami FL ACC 18.57 111.3 23 92.7 23 #> 23 23 Villanova BE 18.37 113.1 17 94.7 43 #> 24 24 West Virginia B12 18.34 110.5 29 92.2 20 #> 25 25 Clemson ACC 18.15 110.1 33 91.9 18 #> 26 26 Mississippi St. SEC 18.09 110.0 34 91.9 16 #> 27 27 Texas B12 17.74 108.9 47 91.1 9 #> 28 28 Ohio St. B10 17.57 110.2 30 92.6 22 #> 29 29 N.C. State ACC 17.05 113.7 12 96.7 69 #> 30 30 Florida SEC 16.90 108.2 55 91.3 11 #> 31 31 Nebraska B10 16.78 109.8 40 93.0 28 #> 32 32 Iowa B10 16.40 113.4 15 97.0 75 #> 33 33 Creighton BE 15.84 111.9 21 96.0 56 #> 34 34 Marquette BE 15.78 112.0 20 96.2 59 #> 35 35 Butler BE 15.48 111.1 25 95.6 51 #> 36 36 Penn St. B10 15.44 106.7 79 91.2 10 #> 37 37 Maryland B10 14.91 110.5 28 95.6 50 #> 38 38 Oklahoma B12 14.09 108.4 51 94.3 35 #> 39 39 UCLA P12 13.75 110.1 31 96.3 61 #> 40 40 Houston Amer 13.58 110.0 35 96.4 64 #> 41 41 Arizona St. P12 13.55 109.5 44 95.9 55 #> 42 42 Buffalo MAC 13.44 109.8 38 96.4 67 #> 43 43 St. John's BE 13.20 110.1 32 96.9 70 #> 44 44 UCF Amer 13.16 106.1 89 92.9 26 #> 45 45 Minnesota B10 13.13 109.0 45 95.9 53 #> 46 46 Cincinnati Amer 13.06 106.5 83 93.4 31 #> 47 47 LSU SEC 12.83 113.1 16 100.3 136 #> 48 48 Northwestern B10 12.83 106.0 90 93.2 29 #> 49 49 Washington P12 12.64 108.1 56 95.5 47 #> 50 50 TCU B12 12.26 108.3 53 96.1 57 #> 51 51 Baylor B12 12.02 108.4 50 96.4 68 #> 52 52 Arkansas SEC 11.98 106.7 80 94.7 41 #> 53 53 BYU WCC 11.83 106.8 76 94.9 44 #> 54 54 South Carolina SEC 11.41 105.0 102 93.6 32 #> 55 55 USC P12 11.22 108.9 46 97.7 79 #> 56 56 Vanderbilt SEC 11.20 108.2 54 97.0 73 #> 57 57 Louisville ACC 11.17 109.8 39 98.6 97 #> 58 58 Saint Mary's WCC 11.00 109.5 43 98.5 93 #> 59 59 Seton Hall BE 10.95 107.2 69 96.3 60 #> 60 60 Arizona P12 10.89 107.3 68 96.4 66 #> 61 61 Oklahoma St. B12 10.79 106.3 85 95.5 48 #> 62 62 Providence BE 10.79 107.1 71 96.4 63 #> 63 63 Alabama SEC 10.57 105.9 92 95.4 46 #> 64 64 Notre Dame ACC 10.45 107.3 67 96.9 71 #> 65 65 Xavier BE 10.04 111.1 26 101.1 152 #> 66 66 DePaul BE 9.84 105.6 95 95.8 52 #> 67 67 Loyola Chicago MVC 9.76 104.2 114 94.4 38 #> 68 68 Texas A&M SEC 9.49 106.7 78 97.2 77 #> 69 69 Utah P12 9.19 107.4 65 98.2 89 #> 70 70 Boston College ACC 9.03 107.0 73 98.0 82 #> 71 71 Montana BSky 8.94 108.0 57 99.1 106 #> 72 72 Georgia Tech ACC 8.81 100.9 185 92.1 19 #> 73 73 Oregon St. P12 8.69 106.2 88 97.5 78 #> 74 74 San Diego St. MWC 8.65 107.2 70 98.6 95 #> 75 75 Mississippi SEC 8.43 107.5 63 99.0 105 #> 76 76 Georgetown BE 8.31 105.3 98 97.0 74 #> 77 77 Saint Louis A10 8.25 102.4 154 94.2 34 #> 78 78 San Francisco WCC 8.21 102.2 158 94.0 33 #> 79 79 Western Kentucky CUSA 8.14 106.9 75 98.7 98 #> 80 80 UC Irvine BW 8.02 102.4 155 94.4 37 #> 81 81 SMU Amer 7.98 108.9 48 100.9 148 #> 82 82 Missouri SEC 7.91 103.8 120 95.9 54 #> 83 83 Davidson A10 7.85 106.6 82 98.8 99 #> 84 84 Marshall CUSA 7.76 107.8 61 100.1 125 #> 85 85 Temple Amer 7.68 104.7 107 97.0 72 #> 86 86 South Dakota St. Sum 7.68 110.9 27 103.2 199 #> 87 87 UNC Greensboro SC 7.65 105.8 93 98.1 86 #> 88 88 Connecticut Amer 7.53 106.7 81 99.1 108 #> 89 89 Wichita St. Amer 7.53 107.8 62 100.2 130 #> 90 90 Saint Joseph's A10 7.51 107.9 58 100.4 138 #> 91 91 Dayton A10 7.47 106.3 84 98.9 102 #> 92 92 Belmont OVC 7.44 108.3 52 100.9 150 #> 93 93 Illinois B10 7.42 106.7 77 99.3 113 #> 94 94 Utah St. MWC 7.30 105.2 99 97.9 81 #> 95 95 Georgia St. SB 7.28 106.3 86 99.0 104 #> 96 96 Northeastern CAA 7.17 107.9 59 100.8 146 #> 97 97 Colorado P12 7.16 106.0 91 98.8 101 #> 98 98 Bradley MVC 7.13 102.6 151 95.5 49 #> 99 99 Toledo MAC 7.10 108.9 49 101.7 162 #> 100 100 Stanford P12 6.96 103.1 142 96.1 58 #> 101 101 Harvard Ivy 6.70 103.7 121 97.0 76 #> 102 102 San Diego WCC 6.65 104.8 104 98.2 87 #> 103 103 Southern Illinois MVC 6.63 103.0 144 96.3 62 #> 104 104 Old Dominion CUSA 6.33 100.7 192 94.4 36 #> 105 105 New Mexico St. WAC 5.89 105.2 100 99.3 112 #> 106 106 VCU A10 5.36 100.1 208 94.7 42 #> 107 107 Ball St. MAC 5.34 105.6 96 100.2 131 #> 108 108 Charleston CAA 5.31 104.6 108 99.2 110 #> 109 109 Rutgers B10 5.29 99.8 219 94.5 39 #> 110 110 Rider MAAC 5.27 104.9 103 99.7 117 #> 111 111 Memphis Amer 5.24 105.5 97 100.3 134 #> 112 112 Rhode Island A10 5.17 103.2 138 98.1 84 #> 113 113 Lipscomb ASun 5.16 104.4 111 99.3 111 #> 114 114 Wake Forest ACC 5.16 106.3 87 101.1 153 #> 115 115 Fresno St. MWC 5.16 103.3 133 98.1 85 #> 116 116 Loyola Marymount WCC 5.13 103.5 128 98.3 91 #> 117 117 Yale Ivy 4.96 104.8 105 99.8 121 #> 118 118 Wofford SC 4.94 107.3 66 102.4 179 #> 119 119 Murray St. OVC 4.87 104.5 109 99.7 116 #> 120 120 Louisiana Tech CUSA 4.76 103.1 141 98.3 90 #> 121 121 Vermont AE 4.75 107.1 72 102.3 177 #> 122 122 Furman SC 4.55 103.1 140 98.5 94 #> 123 123 Louisiana SB 4.48 105.1 101 100.6 143 #> 124 124 Georgia SEC 4.39 102.2 159 97.8 80 #> 125 125 Pittsburgh ACC 4.29 103.4 129 99.2 109 #> 126 126 Boise St. MWC 4.25 103.1 139 98.9 103 #> 127 127 Illinois St. MVC 3.96 105.7 94 101.7 161 #> 128 128 Tulsa Amer 3.81 104.5 110 100.7 145 #> 129 129 UNLV MWC 3.71 103.4 131 99.7 118 #> 130 130 Georgia Southern SB 3.32 104.7 106 101.4 159 #> 131 131 Grand Canyon WAC 3.32 101.9 165 98.6 96 #> 132 132 Wright St. Horz 3.16 103.6 125 100.4 139 #> 133 133 Akron MAC 3.14 103.7 122 100.5 140 #> 134 134 Northern Kentucky Horz 3.13 103.3 132 100.2 128 #> 135 135 Liberty ASun 3.13 103.7 123 100.6 142 #> 136 136 Radford BSth 2.95 103.9 119 100.9 149 #> 137 137 New Mexico MWC 2.94 107.0 74 104.0 220 #> 138 138 North Texas CUSA 2.93 104.3 113 101.3 157 #> 139 139 Hofstra CAA 2.47 107.5 64 105.0 252 #> 140 140 East Tennessee St. SC 2.47 102.7 150 100.2 127 #> 141 141 Cal St. Fullerton BW 2.39 100.8 189 98.4 92 #> 142 142 Penn Ivy 2.32 101.1 178 98.8 100 #> 143 143 Lehigh Pat 2.18 104.1 115 101.9 165 #> 144 144 Eastern Michigan MAC 1.90 100.1 207 98.2 88 #> 145 145 Northern Iowa MVC 1.70 99.7 221 98.0 83 #> 146 146 Southern Miss CUSA 1.62 101.9 166 100.2 132 #> 147 147 Weber St. BSky 1.43 103.3 135 101.8 164 #> 148 148 George Mason A10 1.25 103.4 130 102.1 171 #> 149 149 Richmond A10 1.24 103.9 118 102.7 187 #> 150 150 Valparaiso MVC 1.21 100.7 191 99.5 115 #> 151 151 Massachusetts A10 1.17 103.6 124 102.5 180 #> 152 152 Duquesne A10 0.80 102.8 148 102.0 166 #> 153 153 South Dakota Sum 0.77 100.2 204 99.5 114 #> 154 154 Stephen F. Austin Slnd 0.64 100.8 188 100.1 126 #> 155 155 Pacific WCC 0.64 104.4 112 103.8 211 #> 156 156 Indiana St. MVC 0.59 100.9 184 100.3 137 #> 157 157 Northern Colorado BSky 0.52 102.8 147 102.2 174 #> 158 158 William & Mary CAA 0.39 107.9 60 107.5 307 #> 159 159 Iona MAAC 0.27 104.0 116 103.7 209 #> 160 160 Holy Cross Pat 0.14 101.3 177 101.2 155 #> 161 161 UAB CUSA 0.03 102.2 160 102.2 173 #> 162 162 Utah Valley WAC -0.15 99.9 215 100.0 123 #> 163 163 Jacksonville St. OVC -0.32 100.5 194 100.8 147 #> 164 164 St. Bonaventure A10 -0.33 100.3 200 100.7 144 #> 165 165 Winthrop BSth -0.53 102.1 162 102.6 184 #> 166 166 California P12 -0.55 100.8 186 101.3 158 #> 167 167 Middle Tennessee CUSA -0.57 99.7 222 100.3 133 #> 168 168 James Madison CAA -0.59 100.7 190 101.3 156 #> 169 169 Central Michigan MAC -0.71 104.0 117 104.7 237 #> 170 170 St. Francis PA NEC -1.08 103.0 143 104.1 224 #> 171 171 Ohio MAC -1.14 98.7 240 99.8 120 #> 172 172 Miami OH MAC -1.17 103.6 127 104.7 241 #> 173 173 Kent St. MAC -1.21 101.6 171 102.8 191 #> 174 174 Tulane Amer -1.29 101.0 183 102.2 175 #> 175 175 Illinois Chicago Horz -1.52 102.5 153 104.0 221 #> 176 176 Canisius MAAC -1.63 102.9 145 104.6 236 #> 177 177 Colgate Pat -1.65 102.3 157 103.9 215 #> 178 178 Appalachian St. SB -1.66 102.8 146 104.4 229 #> 179 179 Washington St. P12 -1.69 103.2 137 104.9 248 #> 180 180 UC Santa Barbara BW -1.73 102.7 149 104.5 230 #> 181 181 Delaware CAA -1.78 100.3 201 102.1 169 #> 182 182 Princeton Ivy -1.83 101.1 179 102.9 192 #> 183 183 Northern Illinois MAC -1.86 102.2 161 104.0 217 #> 184 184 Missouri St. MVC -1.91 99.7 220 101.7 160 #> 185 185 Wyoming MWC -2.10 101.6 175 103.7 208 #> 186 186 Troy SB -2.15 103.2 136 105.4 261 #> 187 187 American Pat -2.18 98.4 249 100.5 141 #> 188 188 UTSA CUSA -2.19 100.5 193 102.7 185 #> 189 189 Bowling Green MAC -2.22 101.0 182 103.2 197 #> 190 190 Texas St. SB -2.50 97.5 268 100.0 124 #> 191 191 Mercer SC -2.53 100.4 196 103.0 193 #> 192 192 Brown Ivy -2.69 99.8 218 102.5 182 #> 193 193 La Salle A10 -2.92 101.6 173 104.5 235 #> 194 194 Green Bay Horz -3.04 99.5 224 102.6 183 #> 195 195 Purdue Fort Wayne Sum -3.08 101.7 168 104.8 245 #> 196 196 North Dakota St. Sum -3.08 101.6 172 104.7 239 #> 197 197 Coastal Carolina SB -3.15 100.1 206 103.3 200 #> 198 198 Colorado St. MWC -3.31 101.7 170 105.0 249 #> 199 199 North Florida ASun -3.38 103.6 126 107.0 294 #> 200 200 Evansville MVC -3.41 96.8 279 100.2 129 #> 201 201 Stony Brook AE -3.43 100.0 209 103.5 201 #> 202 202 Cal St. Bakersfield WAC -3.44 96.5 284 99.9 122 #> 203 203 UMBC AE -3.45 95.7 295 99.1 107 #> 204 204 South Alabama SB -3.62 97.5 269 101.1 154 #> 205 205 Austin Peay OVC -3.81 101.7 169 105.5 266 #> 206 206 Pepperdine WCC -3.86 101.9 167 105.7 269 #> 207 207 Abilene Christian Slnd -4.01 99.2 235 103.2 196 #> 208 208 Hawaii BW -4.04 98.0 256 102.1 168 #> 209 209 Hartford AE -4.13 100.0 212 104.1 223 #> 210 210 Nebraska Omaha Sum -4.16 101.0 180 105.2 256 #> 211 211 Morehead St. OVC -4.19 102.0 163 106.2 280 #> 212 212 Denver Sum -4.25 98.6 245 102.8 190 #> 213 213 FIU CUSA -4.33 99.5 223 103.9 213 #> 214 214 Cal Baptist WAC -4.34 99.3 231 103.6 205 #> 215 215 Western Michigan MAC -4.40 99.9 214 104.3 227 #> 216 216 Eastern Washington BSky -4.43 98.3 250 102.8 189 #> 217 217 UNC Wilmington CAA -4.48 101.6 174 106.1 277 #> 218 218 UT Arlington SB -4.49 98.2 251 102.7 186 #> 219 219 NJIT ASun -4.51 100.0 210 104.5 233 #> 220 220 Long Beach St. BW -4.54 100.0 211 104.5 234 #> 221 221 Elon CAA -4.56 100.4 197 105.0 250 #> 222 222 Bucknell Pat -4.65 99.5 225 104.2 225 #> 223 223 Portland WCC -4.84 101.4 176 106.3 281 #> 224 224 Louisiana Monroe SB -4.86 98.1 253 103.0 194 #> 225 225 Drake MVC -5.05 98.6 243 103.7 207 #> 226 226 Gardner Webb BSth -5.10 99.3 232 104.4 228 #> 227 227 Air Force MWC -5.21 97.3 272 102.5 181 #> 228 228 Boston University Pat -5.37 100.3 203 105.6 268 #> 229 229 South Florida Amer -5.40 95.6 297 101.0 151 #> 230 230 Charleston Southern BSth -5.43 98.6 242 104.1 222 #> 231 231 Saint Peter's MAAC -5.46 96.8 280 102.3 176 #> 232 232 Niagara MAAC -5.50 99.5 226 105.0 251 #> 233 233 Western Illinois Sum -5.55 98.5 247 104.0 218 #> 234 234 The Citadel SC -5.55 103.3 134 108.8 322 #> 235 235 Campbell BSth -5.59 102.6 152 108.1 313 #> 236 236 Wagner NEC -5.83 97.8 262 103.6 204 #> 237 237 Seattle WAC -5.88 97.8 258 103.7 210 #> 238 238 North Dakota Sum -5.93 97.6 266 103.6 203 #> 239 239 Portland St. BSky -5.95 99.5 227 105.4 263 #> 240 240 Albany AE -6.02 97.6 267 103.6 206 #> 241 241 Florida Gulf Coast ASun -6.03 98.6 241 104.7 238 #> 242 242 George Washington A10 -6.16 98.1 255 104.2 226 #> 243 243 Santa Clara WCC -6.18 97.8 260 104.0 216 #> 244 244 Oakland Horz -6.28 100.1 205 106.4 285 #> 245 245 Sacramento St. BSky -6.29 96.4 285 102.7 188 #> 246 246 High Point BSth -6.32 98.8 238 105.1 254 #> 247 247 Fordham A10 -6.38 95.8 294 102.2 172 #> 248 248 Central Connecticut NEC -6.46 102.4 156 108.8 323 #> 249 249 IUPUI Horz -6.54 97.0 276 103.5 202 #> 250 250 Marist MAAC -6.56 100.4 199 106.9 293 #> 251 251 Lamar Slnd -6.58 98.1 252 104.7 240 #> 252 252 Fairfield MAAC -6.67 98.1 254 104.7 242 #> 253 253 UC Davis BW -6.67 93.6 321 100.3 135 #> 254 254 Idaho St. BSky -6.67 101.0 181 107.7 308 #> 255 255 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC -6.76 100.5 195 107.2 302 #> 256 256 Monmouth MAAC -6.79 96.4 286 103.2 198 #> 257 257 Southern Utah BSky -6.82 97.6 265 104.5 232 #> 258 258 Siena MAAC -6.87 100.3 202 107.2 300 #> 259 259 Dartmouth Ivy -6.93 100.4 198 107.3 304 #> 260 260 Little Rock SB -6.95 95.4 301 102.4 178 #> 261 261 Drexel CAA -7.10 100.8 187 107.9 310 #> 262 262 Samford SC -7.13 99.4 228 106.6 289 #> 263 263 Columbia Ivy -7.15 102.0 164 109.2 330 #> 264 264 Cornell Ivy -7.22 99.4 229 106.6 290 #> 265 265 Army Pat -7.28 99.2 234 106.5 287 #> 266 266 Florida Atlantic CUSA -7.41 98.6 244 106.0 274 #> 267 267 Idaho BSky -7.53 99.8 216 107.4 305 #> 268 268 Milwaukee Horz -7.54 96.4 287 103.9 214 #> 269 269 Eastern Kentucky OVC -7.57 99.2 233 106.8 291 #> 270 270 Hampton BSth -7.64 96.8 278 104.5 231 #> 271 271 East Carolina Amer -7.81 94.0 317 101.8 163 #> 272 272 Robert Morris NEC -7.90 94.2 314 102.1 170 #> 273 273 Quinnipiac MAAC -7.91 97.5 271 105.4 262 #> 274 274 Texas Southern SWAC -7.97 96.9 277 104.9 247 #> 275 275 Oral Roberts Sum -8.15 97.7 263 105.8 273 #> 276 276 Sam Houston St. Slnd -8.74 97.3 273 106.0 275 #> 277 277 Prairie View A&M SWAC -8.76 97.5 270 106.3 282 #> 278 278 Manhattan MAAC -8.82 91.0 343 99.8 119 #> 279 279 Rice CUSA -9.10 99.1 236 108.2 315 #> 280 280 LIU Brooklyn NEC -9.27 99.9 213 109.2 331 #> 281 281 Southeast Missouri St. OVC -9.39 96.2 290 105.6 267 #> 282 282 Tennessee Martin OVC -9.54 97.7 264 107.2 301 #> 283 283 Eastern Illinois OVC -9.58 92.5 330 102.1 167 #> 284 284 Tennessee St. OVC -9.60 94.2 315 103.8 212 #> 285 285 UMKC WAC -9.63 96.5 282 106.1 279 #> 286 286 Presbyterian BSth -9.94 97.0 274 107.0 295 #> 287 287 Detroit Horz -9.97 98.9 237 108.8 324 #> 288 288 Central Arkansas Slnd -9.99 97.0 275 107.0 296 #> 289 289 Jacksonville ASun -10.16 95.3 304 105.5 264 #> 290 290 Norfolk St. MEAC -10.26 94.9 309 105.2 257 #> 291 291 Nicholls St. Slnd -10.29 95.5 298 105.8 271 #> 292 292 Arkansas St. SB -10.32 98.5 246 108.8 325 #> 293 293 UTEP CUSA -10.33 95.0 308 105.3 260 #> 294 294 Towson CAA -10.34 95.5 299 105.8 272 #> 295 295 UMass Lowell AE -10.40 99.8 217 110.2 340 #> 296 296 Howard MEAC -10.42 98.0 257 108.4 317 #> 297 297 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd -10.43 92.7 328 103.1 195 #> 298 298 Houston Baptist Slnd -10.44 98.8 239 109.2 332 #> 299 299 North Carolina Central MEAC -10.60 96.5 283 107.1 299 #> 300 300 Binghamton AE -10.65 94.1 316 104.8 244 #> 301 301 Northern Arizona BSky -10.82 95.6 296 106.4 286 #> 302 302 Loyola MD Pat -10.90 95.5 300 106.4 283 #> 303 303 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC -10.97 93.9 319 104.8 246 #> 304 304 Montana St. BSky -11.02 99.4 230 110.4 341 #> 305 305 Charlotte CUSA -11.10 94.7 311 105.8 270 #> 306 306 New Orleans Slnd -11.12 95.3 305 106.4 284 #> 307 307 Grambling St. SWAC -11.33 95.2 306 106.5 288 #> 308 308 Bethune Cookman MEAC -11.43 95.9 293 107.3 303 #> 309 309 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd -11.77 93.4 322 105.2 258 #> 310 310 VMI SC -11.80 96.7 281 108.5 319 #> 311 311 Navy Pat -11.80 93.3 324 105.1 253 #> 312 312 Lafayette Pat -11.83 98.4 248 110.2 339 #> 313 313 Cleveland St. Horz -11.84 96.1 291 107.9 311 #> 314 314 St. Francis NY NEC -11.92 96.2 288 108.2 314 #> 315 315 UC Riverside BW -12.28 92.5 331 104.8 243 #> 316 316 Longwood BSth -12.51 91.5 337 104.0 219 #> 317 317 San Jose St. MWC -12.70 92.4 332 105.1 255 #> 318 318 Sacred Heart NEC -12.74 97.8 261 110.5 343 #> 319 319 SIU Edwardsville OVC -12.99 95.4 303 108.3 316 #> 320 320 Alabama St. SWAC -13.30 95.1 307 108.4 318 #> 321 321 Youngstown St. Horz -13.34 96.1 292 109.4 334 #> 322 322 Cal Poly BW -13.71 93.2 325 106.9 292 #> 323 323 USC Upstate BSth -13.72 95.4 302 109.1 329 #> 324 324 UNC Asheville BSth -13.81 91.4 338 105.2 259 #> 325 325 Bryant NEC -14.05 97.8 259 111.9 348 #> 326 326 Tennessee Tech OVC -14.10 91.4 340 105.5 265 #> 327 327 Kennesaw St. ASun -14.38 91.7 335 106.1 278 #> 328 328 Chattanooga SC -14.39 91.6 336 106.0 276 #> 329 329 New Hampshire AE -14.89 92.2 333 107.1 297 #> 330 330 Western Carolina SC -14.91 92.5 329 107.4 306 #> 331 331 Cal St. Northridge BW -15.30 94.2 313 109.5 335 #> 332 332 North Alabama ASun -15.40 93.9 318 109.3 333 #> 333 333 McNeese St. Slnd -15.51 94.4 312 109.9 337 #> 334 334 Maine AE -15.68 91.4 339 107.1 298 #> 335 335 Morgan St. MEAC -15.95 92.0 334 107.9 312 #> 336 336 Mount St. Mary's NEC -15.96 93.0 327 108.9 327 #> 337 337 North Carolina A&T MEAC -16.02 96.2 289 112.2 349 #> 338 338 Stetson ASun -17.57 93.3 323 110.9 344 #> 339 339 Southern SWAC -17.76 91.2 341 108.9 326 #> 340 340 Incarnate Word Slnd -18.01 94.8 310 112.8 351 #> 341 341 Northwestern St. Slnd -18.49 90.2 345 108.7 320 #> 342 342 Savannah St. MEAC -18.74 93.8 320 112.5 350 #> 343 343 Alcorn St. SWAC -19.27 89.5 347 108.8 321 #> 344 344 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC -19.40 91.1 342 110.5 342 #> 345 345 South Carolina St. MEAC -19.88 93.1 326 112.9 352 #> 346 346 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC -20.17 91.0 344 111.1 345 #> 347 347 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC -20.48 89.1 348 109.6 336 #> 348 348 Florida A&M MEAC -20.58 88.5 351 109.0 328 #> 349 349 Chicago St. WAC -21.71 90.0 346 111.7 347 #> 350 350 Coppin St. MEAC -22.10 88.1 352 110.2 338 #> 351 351 Alabama A&M SWAC -22.63 89.0 349 111.6 346 #> 352 352 Jackson St. SWAC -22.99 84.8 353 107.8 309 #> 353 353 Delaware St. MEAC -26.04 88.5 350 114.5 353 #> adj_t adj_t_rk final_rk final_adj_em final_adj_o final_adj_o_rk final_adj_d #> 1 72.9 65 4 30.62 120.0 7 89.3 #> 2 73.4 48 17 21.57 113.9 27 92.3 #> 3 75.6 11 7 27.69 119.7 8 92.0 #> 4 64.0 352 1 34.22 123.4 2 89.2 #> 5 72.5 89 27 18.18 114.0 26 95.9 #> 6 73.8 35 2 32.85 124.5 1 91.6 #> 7 67.3 338 6 28.32 114.5 24 86.2 #> 8 71.4 146 11 25.00 120.9 6 95.9 #> 9 72.8 70 14 22.39 112.8 36 90.4 #> 10 70.1 227 10 26.24 122.7 3 96.5 #> 11 73.4 45 3 30.81 121.0 5 90.2 #> 12 68.3 313 5 30.03 114.1 25 84.1 #> 13 69.8 245 9 26.81 122.5 4 95.6 #> 14 66.8 346 16 21.94 110.4 62 88.5 #> 15 72.3 95 8 27.57 117.6 14 90.1 #> 16 69.3 270 20 20.06 108.4 98 88.4 #> 17 70.1 230 39 15.13 110.5 59 95.3 #> 18 69.9 237 13 24.07 118.1 11 94.0 #> 19 70.4 214 15 22.09 118.9 9 96.8 #> 20 71.6 132 52 13.73 109.1 82 95.4 #> 21 69.4 268 28 17.86 109.5 74 91.7 #> 22 69.2 273 75 9.03 109.9 68 100.8 #> 23 69.7 253 30 17.33 116.5 16 99.2 #> 24 71.7 127 95 7.15 109.8 71 102.7 #> 25 70.3 217 36 16.14 108.0 106 91.8 #> 26 69.2 276 21 20.04 117.7 13 97.6 #> 27 69.8 250 25 19.11 113.5 29 94.4 #> 28 67.8 330 44 14.66 109.1 84 94.4 #> 29 73.4 46 41 14.98 113.1 34 98.1 #> 30 69.8 248 26 18.30 110.5 61 92.2 #> 31 70.2 221 47 14.35 113.5 30 99.1 #> 32 73.7 37 37 16.02 117.4 15 101.3 #> 33 72.9 69 55 12.67 112.0 47 99.3 #> 34 70.9 172 33 16.52 113.2 32 96.7 #> 35 69.5 259 72 9.24 111.3 53 102.1 #> 36 69.5 257 43 14.89 109.4 77 94.5 #> 37 70.6 189 24 19.29 113.4 31 94.1 #> 38 74.7 17 32 16.94 111.1 57 94.1 #> 39 75.3 12 102 6.34 109.0 88 102.7 #> 40 68.3 310 12 24.13 115.3 19 91.2 #> 41 73.7 36 57 11.55 109.7 73 98.2 #> 42 74.5 23 22 19.85 115.2 21 95.4 #> 43 73.3 50 88 7.61 108.6 92 101.0 #> 44 68.4 306 34 16.51 112.1 44 95.6 #> 45 71.6 131 46 14.35 111.4 52 97.0 #> 46 66.9 344 29 17.50 112.3 42 94.8 #> 47 71.6 129 19 20.22 117.7 12 97.5 #> 48 68.2 316 74 9.06 102.9 204 93.8 #> 49 69.9 238 48 14.28 107.7 110 93.5 #> 50 70.6 187 40 15.04 110.3 64 95.2 #> 51 67.8 329 35 16.48 115.3 20 98.8 #> 52 74.1 33 54 12.92 110.1 66 97.2 #> 53 74.5 20 86 7.72 112.0 46 104.3 #> 54 72.8 72 70 9.55 108.1 104 98.6 #> 55 73.3 49 82 8.25 109.8 72 101.5 #> 56 72.2 104 155 0.81 102.2 215 101.4 #> 57 72.5 85 23 19.35 113.7 28 94.4 #> 58 65.8 350 31 17.31 114.7 23 97.4 #> 59 71.2 159 60 11.50 109.0 87 97.5 #> 60 70.4 208 94 7.35 105.5 153 98.2 #> 61 71.6 130 83 8.16 109.5 75 101.3 #> 62 70.1 228 79 8.65 105.0 164 96.3 #> 63 69.8 247 64 10.68 108.2 103 97.5 #> 64 67.6 334 97 6.95 108.0 105 101.1 #> 65 70.3 216 65 10.60 111.1 56 100.5 #> 66 70.5 199 118 5.02 111.7 49 106.7 #> 67 70.2 223 131 4.18 104.2 180 100.0 #> 68 71.4 147 91 7.49 107.2 120 99.7 #> 69 69.4 267 109 5.85 114.8 22 108.9 #> 70 71.0 164 127 4.52 107.2 119 102.7 #> 71 70.5 204 137 3.53 107.4 114 103.9 #> 72 71.4 145 115 5.26 101.7 228 96.5 #> 73 68.1 319 81 8.33 111.7 48 103.4 #> 74 69.5 258 125 4.83 103.9 184 99.0 #> 75 71.4 144 50 13.98 113.2 33 99.2 #> 76 73.1 57 100 6.45 108.9 90 102.5 #> 77 69.1 282 106 6.02 102.2 214 96.2 #> 78 70.5 200 67 9.93 112.0 45 102.1 #> 79 70.7 182 116 5.20 105.1 162 99.9 #> 80 68.1 320 73 9.16 107.4 118 98.2 #> 81 67.0 342 107 5.98 112.7 38 106.7 #> 82 68.3 311 68 9.78 107.0 127 97.2 #> 83 68.5 301 85 7.78 108.2 102 100.4 #> 84 77.7 4 157 0.56 106.9 128 106.3 #> 85 70.9 176 69 9.72 109.2 80 99.5 #> 86 71.4 140 92 7.46 112.7 37 105.3 #> 87 69.3 269 87 7.63 106.4 141 98.8 #> 88 72.2 97 98 6.78 109.0 85 102.2 #> 89 70.5 202 66 10.10 106.6 135 96.5 #> 90 70.4 210 189 -1.89 105.4 159 107.2 #> 91 68.5 304 62 11.27 112.1 43 100.8 #> 92 74.1 31 49 14.09 115.6 18 101.5 #> 93 73.5 42 84 7.97 109.1 83 101.1 #> 94 74.4 25 38 15.41 112.6 39 97.2 #> 95 70.5 198 124 4.85 107.7 111 102.8 #> 96 67.7 332 89 7.59 111.0 58 103.4 #> 97 70.9 173 63 10.75 106.8 131 96.1 #> 98 68.4 308 161 0.09 101.5 234 101.4 #> 99 70.7 183 61 11.29 109.8 70 98.5 #> 100 72.2 98 112 5.47 103.7 187 98.2 #> 101 70.2 225 114 5.32 105.7 150 100.4 #> 102 69.1 281 90 7.58 105.9 147 98.3 #> 103 68.2 315 146 1.79 104.6 172 102.8 #> 104 67.0 340 113 5.45 101.4 238 96.0 #> 105 70.4 205 53 13.62 113.0 35 99.3 #> 106 72.2 99 42 14.89 104.3 177 89.5 #> 107 70.9 171 133 3.91 102.5 209 98.6 #> 108 67.4 337 123 4.87 108.5 93 103.7 #> 109 70.4 213 78 8.76 105.6 152 96.8 #> 110 76.2 7 212 -4.44 101.5 236 105.9 #> 111 72.4 92 56 11.78 109.2 81 97.4 #> 112 71.2 157 142 2.44 103.8 185 101.4 #> 113 77.4 6 45 14.55 111.7 50 97.2 #> 114 70.3 215 174 -0.93 104.4 175 105.3 #> 115 71.3 152 71 9.36 108.4 100 99.0 #> 116 68.1 318 134 3.84 103.6 191 99.8 #> 117 72.6 81 77 8.79 111.6 51 102.8 #> 118 67.5 335 18 20.69 118.1 10 97.4 #> 119 69.3 271 51 13.83 112.5 41 98.6 #> 120 70.8 178 141 2.88 105.0 163 102.1 #> 121 67.9 328 76 8.86 108.5 97 99.6 #> 122 70.5 197 59 11.52 108.9 89 97.4 #> 123 72.6 83 178 -1.21 106.7 133 107.9 #> 124 72.0 109 132 4.13 106.1 143 102.0 #> 125 70.0 233 101 6.35 104.9 168 98.5 #> 126 70.5 203 139 3.13 107.4 116 104.2 #> 127 70.6 193 205 -3.45 101.4 240 104.8 #> 128 71.1 162 119 4.94 105.4 158 100.4 #> 129 70.6 186 165 -0.29 106.1 146 106.4 #> 130 74.9 15 103 6.33 108.5 94 102.2 #> 131 71.6 137 111 5.49 107.6 113 102.1 #> 132 70.6 192 117 5.02 107.1 122 102.0 #> 133 68.5 302 108 5.87 100.0 259 94.1 #> 134 70.7 180 96 7.14 109.4 76 102.3 #> 135 67.8 331 58 11.54 111.1 54 99.6 #> 136 67.5 336 122 4.88 109.3 79 104.4 #> 137 74.7 16 188 -1.85 104.1 183 105.9 #> 138 67.0 341 158 0.53 99.8 265 99.3 #> 139 70.3 220 93 7.37 116.4 17 109.0 #> 140 69.0 287 80 8.48 109.9 67 101.4 #> 141 72.5 86 210 -4.15 98.3 286 102.5 #> 142 71.7 126 130 4.21 104.1 181 99.9 #> 143 73.0 58 169 -0.79 108.9 91 109.7 #> 144 68.3 309 159 0.47 103.4 195 103.0 #> 145 68.9 292 177 -1.15 101.5 235 102.7 #> 146 68.0 323 120 4.93 107.1 121 102.2 #> 147 72.7 75 224 -5.03 101.7 229 106.7 #> 148 71.7 122 156 0.56 104.6 173 104.0 #> 149 69.6 256 203 -3.31 107.0 125 110.3 #> 150 68.0 324 220 -4.89 98.2 291 103.1 #> 151 71.0 166 236 -6.29 102.9 203 109.2 #> 152 69.1 280 173 -0.90 104.6 171 105.5 #> 153 70.9 175 229 -5.61 100.6 253 106.2 #> 154 71.7 123 311 -12.94 95.5 320 108.4 #> 155 69.0 283 216 -4.56 100.0 256 104.6 #> 156 71.9 116 208 -3.99 101.4 239 105.4 #> 157 72.8 73 193 -2.27 102.6 206 104.9 #> 158 71.0 165 219 -4.79 103.6 190 108.4 #> 159 74.5 24 198 -2.88 106.9 129 109.7 #> 160 65.5 351 239 -6.81 101.2 244 108.0 #> 161 71.2 158 147 1.70 107.1 123 105.4 #> 162 71.7 119 104 6.22 108.5 96 102.3 #> 163 70.7 181 110 5.81 105.4 157 99.6 #> 164 69.2 272 121 4.92 102.1 218 97.2 #> 165 75.6 10 168 -0.74 107.0 126 107.8 #> 166 69.2 274 241 -6.84 103.5 192 110.3 #> 167 73.6 39 246 -7.28 98.3 288 105.6 #> 168 69.8 249 285 -10.03 101.1 247 111.1 #> 169 71.9 115 129 4.27 110.4 63 106.1 #> 170 71.6 135 261 -8.04 105.5 155 113.5 #> 171 73.4 47 184 -1.55 98.9 278 100.5 #> 172 68.8 294 148 1.62 104.8 169 103.2 #> 173 71.9 114 143 2.38 109.9 69 107.5 #> 174 71.4 143 283 -9.99 97.3 300 107.3 #> 175 73.6 40 196 -2.78 100.8 249 103.5 #> 176 71.7 124 282 -9.91 101.6 230 111.5 #> 177 68.6 298 126 4.60 110.5 60 105.9 #> 178 73.2 54 206 -3.53 106.2 142 109.7 #> 179 72.5 84 207 -3.79 106.4 140 110.2 #> 180 68.6 300 172 -0.86 105.3 160 106.1 #> 181 69.0 288 265 -8.28 104.9 165 113.2 #> 182 67.6 333 175 -1.06 98.9 279 100.0 #> 183 69.2 275 136 3.72 109.0 86 105.3 #> 184 72.1 105 171 -0.85 103.1 199 104.0 #> 185 72.2 102 317 -13.86 95.1 325 108.9 #> 186 69.1 279 249 -7.49 102.9 202 110.4 #> 187 68.0 325 200 -3.12 102.1 220 105.2 #> 188 72.9 63 149 1.54 105.8 148 104.3 #> 189 72.2 100 105 6.04 108.4 99 102.3 #> 190 66.9 345 138 3.53 102.4 212 98.8 #> 191 68.2 314 199 -3.06 103.4 193 106.5 #> 192 74.5 22 153 1.24 99.6 269 98.4 #> 193 71.4 141 228 -5.39 100.0 257 105.4 #> 194 75.8 8 185 -1.56 104.9 166 106.5 #> 195 75.2 13 192 -2.17 106.8 130 109.0 #> 196 68.2 317 202 -3.20 107.4 117 110.6 #> 197 71.0 167 154 1.03 106.8 132 105.7 #> 198 70.7 184 180 -1.39 107.6 112 109.0 #> 199 74.3 27 167 -0.69 104.1 182 104.8 #> 200 72.5 87 227 -5.20 99.7 268 104.9 #> 201 70.7 185 166 -0.42 99.5 271 99.9 #> 202 69.0 284 226 -5.13 102.6 207 107.7 #> 203 70.6 195 230 -5.75 96.2 313 102.0 #> 204 72.2 96 214 -4.52 103.1 200 107.7 #> 205 71.7 121 128 4.29 111.1 55 106.8 #> 206 75.1 14 151 1.43 107.0 124 105.6 #> 207 69.8 244 152 1.35 103.4 196 102.0 #> 208 69.8 242 201 -3.12 103.7 188 106.8 #> 209 70.2 224 194 -2.32 108.5 95 110.8 #> 210 72.9 66 164 -0.20 110.2 65 110.4 #> 211 71.7 120 245 -7.27 102.7 205 110.0 #> 212 68.0 321 312 -13.05 99.9 261 113.0 #> 213 78.5 2 204 -3.41 102.4 211 105.8 #> 214 71.6 136 197 -2.82 106.1 144 108.9 #> 215 71.2 155 255 -7.82 99.2 275 107.0 #> 216 69.9 240 237 -6.36 101.3 242 107.6 #> 217 72.7 74 272 -9.31 105.4 156 114.7 #> 218 72.1 106 150 1.45 101.3 241 99.9 #> 219 67.3 339 183 -1.54 101.8 227 103.3 #> 220 74.6 19 225 -5.08 101.3 243 106.3 #> 221 71.3 149 309 -12.41 99.0 277 111.4 #> 222 71.3 150 145 1.85 105.8 149 103.9 #> 223 69.7 252 326 -15.64 94.6 329 110.2 #> 224 68.6 297 140 2.90 112.5 40 109.6 #> 225 72.9 64 135 3.76 106.5 137 102.8 #> 226 70.6 196 163 -0.04 107.8 109 107.8 #> 227 68.5 303 243 -7.06 100.6 252 107.7 #> 228 70.0 234 231 -5.96 104.4 176 110.4 #> 229 69.4 262 99 6.63 102.6 208 95.9 #> 230 71.6 134 160 0.17 101.1 246 101.0 #> 231 68.4 307 316 -13.63 94.7 327 108.3 #> 232 73.3 51 315 -13.52 101.8 225 115.3 #> 233 71.6 128 294 -10.86 97.6 296 108.5 #> 234 78.2 3 257 -7.83 106.7 134 114.5 #> 235 69.4 264 181 -1.49 108.3 101 109.8 #> 236 69.8 251 314 -13.51 93.9 331 107.5 #> 237 71.6 133 190 -1.99 100.8 248 102.8 #> 238 72.9 62 271 -8.76 97.6 297 106.3 #> 239 74.5 21 286 -10.21 101.9 224 112.1 #> 240 67.9 327 279 -9.86 98.4 285 108.3 #> 241 72.6 78 213 -4.52 101.6 233 106.1 #> 242 70.1 226 293 -10.81 95.4 321 106.2 #> 243 69.8 246 186 -1.77 102.1 217 103.9 #> 244 70.6 191 187 -1.77 107.8 107 109.6 #> 245 70.1 231 274 -9.44 96.6 309 106.0 #> 246 66.3 348 223 -5.00 99.7 267 104.7 #> 247 67.9 326 260 -8.00 96.7 306 104.7 #> 248 68.9 290 321 -14.89 97.2 301 112.1 #> 249 71.1 161 191 -2.07 103.8 186 105.8 #> 250 66.3 347 276 -9.52 100.2 254 109.8 #> 251 70.9 170 217 -4.66 103.3 197 107.9 #> 252 70.4 212 301 -11.43 96.0 317 107.5 #> 253 69.2 277 252 -7.61 96.5 310 104.1 #> 254 70.6 188 329 -16.18 102.2 216 118.4 #> 255 72.6 82 211 -4.22 106.5 139 110.7 #> 256 72.6 80 295 -10.89 93.2 336 104.1 #> 257 73.0 60 273 -9.40 96.4 311 105.8 #> 258 63.5 353 267 -8.38 100.7 251 109.1 #> 259 70.1 229 218 -4.70 103.4 194 108.1 #> 260 72.7 77 222 -4.99 100.0 260 105.0 #> 261 72.2 101 251 -7.57 105.6 151 113.2 #> 262 72.6 79 144 1.88 106.6 136 104.7 #> 263 73.2 56 215 -4.55 101.9 222 106.5 #> 264 72.4 94 221 -4.99 99.9 264 104.9 #> 265 73.0 59 242 -6.89 96.3 312 103.2 #> 266 70.0 235 162 0.03 99.9 263 99.9 #> 267 69.4 265 348 -23.78 95.2 324 118.9 #> 268 69.5 260 296 -11.00 98.6 283 109.6 #> 269 77.6 5 235 -6.23 99.8 266 106.0 #> 270 74.3 28 170 -0.85 107.4 115 108.2 #> 271 74.6 18 264 -8.24 98.7 282 106.9 #> 272 71.0 163 269 -8.72 96.1 314 104.9 #> 273 69.6 255 234 -6.21 105.5 154 111.7 #> 274 75.7 9 195 -2.35 105.2 161 107.5 #> 275 70.7 179 290 -10.54 103.7 189 114.2 #> 276 68.9 293 176 -1.09 106.1 145 107.2 #> 277 72.4 90 209 -4.13 102.1 219 106.2 #> 278 66.2 349 323 -15.15 89.6 346 104.8 #> 279 72.4 93 248 -7.45 103.2 198 110.7 #> 280 73.6 38 263 -8.20 98.3 290 106.5 #> 281 71.4 142 308 -12.22 97.8 294 110.0 #> 282 70.9 177 289 -10.35 104.9 167 115.3 #> 283 70.5 201 307 -11.94 100.0 258 112.0 #> 284 72.4 91 292 -10.73 98.9 280 109.6 #> 285 72.0 113 238 -6.45 101.1 245 107.6 #> 286 68.6 299 179 -1.32 109.3 78 110.7 #> 287 72.1 108 233 -6.11 106.5 138 112.6 #> 288 74.4 26 302 -11.44 99.9 262 111.4 #> 289 71.8 117 247 -7.41 99.1 276 106.5 #> 290 70.4 209 244 -7.23 98.5 284 105.7 #> 291 72.7 76 310 -12.85 98.7 281 111.6 #> 292 73.2 55 254 -7.80 102.4 210 110.2 #> 293 71.3 151 299 -11.31 90.1 343 101.4 #> 294 69.0 285 291 -10.67 100.2 255 110.9 #> 295 73.9 34 258 -7.86 104.5 174 112.4 #> 296 72.9 68 305 -11.89 102.0 221 113.9 #> 297 70.0 236 232 -6.07 99.5 272 105.5 #> 298 74.1 32 281 -9.88 103.0 201 112.9 #> 299 66.9 343 303 -11.55 97.8 295 109.3 #> 300 72.0 110 332 -16.74 96.1 316 112.9 #> 301 72.5 88 304 -11.83 100.8 250 112.6 #> 302 71.0 168 270 -8.72 101.8 226 110.5 #> 303 73.6 41 182 -1.50 99.6 270 101.1 #> 304 71.4 148 250 -7.57 107.8 108 115.4 #> 305 68.5 305 297 -11.16 95.6 319 106.8 #> 306 68.9 289 262 -8.10 97.0 302 105.1 #> 307 73.5 44 268 -8.56 95.9 318 104.4 #> 308 74.2 29 306 -11.92 93.6 332 105.5 #> 309 68.0 322 287 -10.25 94.6 328 104.8 #> 310 71.2 156 288 -10.30 102.4 213 112.7 #> 311 68.7 295 280 -9.88 97.3 299 107.2 #> 312 71.6 138 298 -11.27 101.6 231 112.9 #> 313 70.2 222 278 -9.70 101.9 223 111.6 #> 314 71.3 154 275 -9.50 96.1 315 105.6 #> 315 69.5 261 322 -15.09 98.3 289 113.4 #> 316 69.9 241 256 -7.83 99.5 274 107.3 #> 317 71.1 160 343 -21.99 92.0 339 114.0 #> 318 72.0 112 240 -6.81 104.2 179 111.0 #> 319 71.5 139 330 -16.21 96.9 304 113.1 #> 320 70.6 190 328 -15.77 95.2 323 110.9 #> 321 73.5 43 259 -7.97 104.3 178 112.3 #> 322 68.7 296 334 -17.86 97.0 303 114.9 #> 323 71.3 153 336 -18.10 93.3 334 111.4 #> 324 69.4 266 347 -23.64 93.3 333 117.0 #> 325 71.7 125 327 -15.64 99.5 273 115.1 #> 326 74.2 30 320 -14.87 89.9 345 104.7 #> 327 69.7 254 339 -18.91 92.0 338 110.9 #> 328 70.3 218 266 -8.29 101.5 237 109.7 #> 329 70.4 206 345 -23.05 84.4 353 107.5 #> 330 73.2 52 277 -9.58 101.6 232 111.2 #> 331 73.2 53 253 -7.74 104.8 170 112.5 #> 332 72.9 67 284 -10.02 95.3 322 105.3 #> 333 69.4 263 331 -16.74 98.1 292 114.9 #> 334 68.3 312 338 -18.68 93.3 335 111.9 #> 335 72.2 103 333 -17.85 92.8 337 110.7 #> 336 70.9 174 324 -15.28 94.8 326 110.1 #> 337 69.1 278 300 -11.32 96.8 305 108.1 #> 338 72.1 107 325 -15.46 97.9 293 113.3 #> 339 70.4 211 335 -17.91 94.2 330 112.1 #> 340 69.0 286 346 -23.06 97.5 298 120.6 #> 341 72.8 71 341 -19.81 90.1 342 110.0 #> 342 83.2 1 340 -19.45 96.6 307 116.1 #> 343 70.0 232 349 -24.07 89.3 348 113.4 #> 344 70.3 219 313 -13.14 96.6 308 109.7 #> 345 70.4 207 337 -18.50 98.3 287 116.8 #> 346 71.7 118 350 -24.63 89.9 344 114.5 #> 347 68.9 291 353 -29.42 85.4 351 114.8 #> 348 69.9 239 318 -13.89 89.4 347 103.3 #> 349 73.0 61 351 -28.26 90.4 340 118.6 #> 350 72.0 111 342 -20.33 88.9 349 109.3 #> 351 69.8 243 344 -22.17 87.0 350 109.1 #> 352 70.6 194 319 -14.40 90.2 341 104.6 #> 353 71.0 169 352 -29.31 84.5 352 113.8 #> final_adj_d_rk final_adj_t final_adj_t_rk rk_chg em_chg adj_t_chg ncaa_seed #> 1 6 72.1 20 -3 1.83 -0.8 1 #> 2 17 70.1 66 -15 -6.47 -3.3 4 #> 3 15 74.3 6 -4 1.22 -1.3 1 #> 4 5 59.4 353 3 7.81 -4.6 1 #> 5 35 69.3 91 -22 -7.12 -3.2 7 #> 6 12 70.2 62 4 7.88 -3.7 1 #> 7 2 64.8 317 1 5.19 -2.5 2 #> 8 36 67.9 155 -3 2.38 -3.5 5 #> 9 10 68.6 121 -5 0.22 -4.2 4 #> 10 42 67.8 164 NA 4.10 -2.3 2 #> 11 9 66.9 211 8 9.83 -6.5 2 #> 12 1 66.6 231 7 9.07 -1.7 3 #> 13 34 65.9 268 4 6.02 -3.9 3 #> 14 4 63.9 331 -2 1.38 -2.9 5 #> 15 8 65.6 284 7 7.02 -6.7 2 #> 16 3 63.4 339 -4 0.21 -5.9 4 #> 17 30 66.1 257 -22 -4.66 -3.9 8 #> 18 20 63.7 334 5 4.31 -6.3 4 #> 19 47 67.7 171 4 2.46 -2.7 6 #> 20 32 66.9 215 -32 -5.17 -4.7 1 #> 21 13 64.2 328 -7 -0.91 -5.2 12 #> 22 104 67.0 208 -53 -9.54 -2.2 NA #> 23 81 63.6 335 -7 -1.04 -6.1 6 #> 24 135 70.6 49 -71 -11.19 -1.0 NA #> 25 14 66.2 252 -11 -2.01 -4.1 2 #> 26 61 67.8 161 5 1.94 -1.4 5 #> 27 26 64.7 320 2 1.37 -5.0 2 #> 28 25 65.8 274 -16 -2.91 -2.0 11 #> 29 62 71.0 39 -12 -2.07 -2.4 2 #> 30 16 62.9 344 4 1.40 -6.9 10 #> 31 79 66.4 238 -16 -2.43 -3.8 4 #> 32 111 69.5 84 -5 -0.38 -4.2 10 #> 33 83 68.7 118 -22 -3.16 -4.2 2 #> 34 45 68.8 116 1 0.74 -2.1 5 #> 35 123 66.0 263 -37 -6.24 -3.5 5 #> 36 27 67.6 172 -7 -0.56 -1.9 NA #> 37 21 66.0 264 13 4.37 -4.7 6 #> 38 23 68.6 123 6 2.85 -6.1 9 #> 39 137 72.5 17 -63 -7.41 -2.8 NA #> 40 11 66.1 260 28 10.55 -2.3 3 #> 41 64 70.8 47 -16 -2.01 -2.9 11 #> 42 31 73.6 11 20 6.41 -0.9 6 #> 43 106 70.8 46 -45 -5.59 -2.5 11 #> 44 33 65.0 309 10 3.35 -3.5 9 #> 45 48 67.4 186 -1 1.22 -4.2 10 #> 46 28 63.4 338 17 4.44 -3.5 7 #> 47 59 70.0 67 28 7.39 -1.6 3 #> 48 19 66.0 265 -26 -3.77 -2.3 NA #> 49 18 66.0 262 1 1.64 -4.0 9 #> 50 29 68.9 107 10 2.78 -1.7 1 #> 51 75 65.2 297 16 4.47 -2.6 9 #> 52 53 70.4 57 -2 0.94 -3.7 5 #> 53 162 70.9 44 -33 -4.10 -3.6 NA #> 54 71 70.2 61 -16 -1.87 -2.6 NA #> 55 118 69.6 83 -27 -2.97 -3.8 NA #> 56 116 67.3 194 -99 -10.39 -4.9 NA #> 57 24 67.2 199 34 8.18 -5.3 7 #> 58 55 62.7 348 27 6.31 -3.2 11 #> 59 60 69.1 100 -1 0.55 -2.1 10 #> 60 63 66.7 227 -34 -3.54 -3.7 NA #> 61 110 66.1 261 -22 -2.63 -5.6 NA #> 62 41 67.9 158 -17 -2.14 -2.2 4 #> 63 58 68.7 117 -1 0.11 -1.1 1 #> 64 107 65.2 298 -33 -3.50 -2.4 NA #> 65 102 65.2 302 NA 0.57 -5.1 3 #> 66 223 70.1 64 -52 -4.82 -0.4 NA #> 67 97 62.7 346 -64 -5.58 -7.5 7 #> 68 89 67.4 187 -23 -2.01 -4.0 NA #> 69 257 66.4 240 -40 -3.34 -3.0 NA #> 70 138 67.3 192 -57 -4.51 -3.7 NA #> 71 155 66.9 220 -66 -5.40 -3.6 15 #> 72 43 66.8 225 -43 -3.55 -4.6 NA #> 73 150 65.7 280 -8 -0.36 -2.4 NA #> 74 78 66.7 229 -51 -3.82 -2.9 NA #> 75 80 68.5 131 25 5.55 -2.9 8 #> 76 133 71.9 25 -24 -1.86 -1.3 3 #> 77 40 66.4 239 -29 -2.24 -2.7 13 #> 78 125 66.6 232 11 1.72 -3.9 NA #> 79 92 67.7 168 -37 -2.94 -3.0 NA #> 80 65 65.3 293 7 1.13 -2.8 13 #> 81 221 65.0 310 -26 -2.00 -2.0 NA #> 82 51 64.8 318 14 1.87 -3.5 NA #> 83 98 64.7 319 -2 -0.07 -3.8 4 #> 84 213 74.3 5 -73 -7.19 -3.4 NA #> 85 85 68.9 110 16 2.03 -2.0 11 #> 86 183 71.0 40 -6 -0.22 -0.4 7 #> 87 74 67.8 159 NA -0.02 -1.4 1 #> 88 129 68.6 122 -10 -0.75 -3.6 NA #> 89 44 68.3 142 23 2.57 -2.2 6 #> 90 231 68.5 127 -99 -9.40 -1.8 NA #> 91 103 64.7 322 29 3.80 -3.8 5 #> 92 117 71.3 34 43 6.66 -2.9 11 #> 93 108 70.6 52 9 0.56 -3.0 NA #> 94 52 68.1 145 56 8.11 -6.3 8 #> 95 143 70.0 69 -29 -2.43 -0.5 14 #> 96 151 66.2 253 7 0.43 -1.5 13 #> 97 39 68.1 147 34 3.59 -2.8 4 #> 98 113 65.3 292 -63 -7.04 -3.1 15 #> 99 69 67.8 165 38 4.19 -2.9 6 #> 100 66 69.9 71 -12 -1.49 -2.3 NA #> 101 99 67.3 193 -13 -1.38 -2.9 6 #> 102 67 66.9 213 12 0.93 -2.2 6 #> 103 140 65.8 275 -43 -4.84 -2.4 NA #> 104 38 64.5 324 -9 -0.88 -2.5 14 #> 105 84 65.9 269 52 7.73 -4.5 12 #> 106 7 68.4 136 64 9.53 -3.8 8 #> 107 72 70.3 59 -26 -1.43 -0.7 NA #> 108 153 65.4 289 -15 -0.44 -2.0 NA #> 109 46 67.7 170 31 3.48 -2.7 NA #> 110 203 73.9 8 -102 -9.71 -2.3 NA #> 111 54 74.2 7 55 6.54 1.8 3 #> 112 112 67.5 180 -30 -2.73 -3.7 NA #> 113 49 73.3 12 68 9.39 -4.1 5 #> 114 186 67.6 179 -60 -6.09 -2.7 NA #> 115 77 67.9 157 44 4.20 -3.4 NA #> 116 90 62.7 347 -18 -1.29 -5.5 NA #> 117 141 71.0 41 40 3.84 -1.7 14 #> 118 56 65.7 278 100 15.75 -1.8 7 #> 119 73 69.4 89 68 8.96 0.1 12 #> 120 126 65.4 288 -21 -1.88 -5.4 NA #> 121 88 65.5 285 45 4.11 -2.3 13 #> 122 57 66.6 230 63 6.97 -3.9 3 #> 123 246 72.1 21 -55 -5.68 -0.5 NA #> 124 120 68.4 134 -8 -0.26 -3.6 NA #> 125 70 67.0 206 24 2.05 -3.0 NA #> 126 161 65.5 286 -13 -1.13 -5.0 NA #> 127 175 66.7 226 -78 -7.41 -3.9 NA #> 128 100 68.8 114 9 1.13 -2.3 NA #> 129 215 67.5 182 -36 -4.00 -3.1 NA #> 130 128 73.2 14 27 3.01 -1.7 NA #> 131 124 67.8 162 20 2.17 -3.8 NA #> 132 122 65.2 305 15 1.86 -5.4 7 #> 133 22 66.2 254 25 2.72 -2.3 NA #> 134 130 68.2 143 38 4.00 -2.5 14 #> 135 87 62.3 349 77 8.42 -5.5 12 #> 136 164 64.4 326 14 1.93 -3.1 NA #> 137 202 72.8 15 -51 -4.78 -1.9 NA #> 138 82 65.3 294 -20 -2.41 -1.7 NA #> 139 262 67.5 181 46 4.90 -2.7 7 #> 140 115 67.2 201 60 6.01 -1.8 NA #> 141 134 69.9 72 -69 -6.55 -2.6 NA #> 142 94 66.9 217 12 1.89 -4.8 NA #> 143 272 71.6 29 -26 -2.97 -1.5 NA #> 144 144 62.9 345 -15 -1.44 -5.5 NA #> 145 136 64.4 327 -32 -2.85 -4.5 NA #> 146 127 64.8 316 26 3.30 -3.2 NA #> 147 222 71.1 37 -77 -6.47 -1.6 NA #> 148 157 67.7 167 -8 -0.69 -4.0 NA #> 149 287 65.9 266 -54 -4.55 -3.6 NA #> 150 145 65.2 300 -70 -6.11 -2.8 NA #> 151 265 67.3 191 -85 -7.46 -3.7 NA #> 152 190 69.8 73 -21 -1.69 0.7 NA #> 153 209 67.0 210 -76 -6.39 -3.9 NA #> 154 254 68.8 112 -157 -13.58 -2.9 NA #> 155 166 65.1 308 -61 -5.20 -4.0 NA #> 156 188 68.9 106 -52 -4.59 -2.9 NA #> 157 178 66.5 236 -36 -2.79 -6.3 NA #> 158 255 68.6 120 -61 -5.19 -2.4 NA #> 159 276 70.6 51 -39 -3.15 -3.9 16 #> 160 248 63.6 336 -79 -6.95 -1.9 NA #> 161 187 65.2 299 14 1.67 -6.0 NA #> 162 131 68.8 115 58 6.37 -2.9 NA #> 163 86 67.6 173 53 6.13 -3.1 NA #> 164 50 64.0 330 43 5.25 -5.3 NA #> 165 244 72.7 16 -3 -0.21 -2.9 NA #> 166 286 66.6 234 -75 -6.29 -2.6 NA #> 167 193 67.6 175 -79 -6.70 -6.0 NA #> 168 302 65.2 301 -117 -9.43 -4.6 NA #> 169 206 71.3 33 40 4.98 -0.6 NA #> 170 332 68.4 137 -91 -6.95 -3.2 8 #> 171 101 69.2 95 -13 -0.42 -4.1 NA #> 172 146 66.3 245 24 2.79 -2.4 NA #> 173 236 67.5 183 30 3.59 -4.4 NA #> 174 232 69.7 78 -109 -8.70 -1.7 NA #> 175 152 70.0 68 -21 -1.25 -3.5 NA #> 176 307 67.7 169 -106 -8.28 -4.0 NA #> 177 201 66.4 237 51 6.25 -2.2 15 #> 178 274 71.6 28 -28 -1.88 -1.6 NA #> 179 284 70.6 50 -28 -2.11 -2.0 NA #> 180 208 64.7 321 8 0.87 -3.9 NA #> 181 328 63.3 341 -84 -6.51 -5.7 NA #> 182 96 67.6 177 7 0.77 NA NA #> 183 185 65.9 267 47 5.58 -3.2 NA #> 184 158 65.4 287 13 1.06 -6.7 NA #> 185 259 68.4 133 -132 -11.76 -3.8 NA #> 186 290 67.0 207 -63 -5.34 -2.1 NA #> 187 182 66.6 233 -13 -0.95 -1.4 NA #> 188 163 72.1 19 39 3.73 -0.8 NA #> 189 132 70.5 54 84 8.26 -1.7 NA #> 190 76 65.1 306 52 6.04 -1.7 NA #> 191 220 66.8 224 -8 -0.53 -1.4 NA #> 192 68 71.1 36 39 3.93 -3.4 NA #> 193 189 68.9 108 -35 -2.47 -2.5 NA #> 194 219 73.2 13 9 1.47 -2.6 NA #> 195 260 71.6 26 3 0.90 -3.5 NA #> 196 292 65.0 312 -6 -0.11 -3.2 16 #> 197 197 69.8 76 43 4.18 -1.3 NA #> 198 261 67.1 204 18 1.92 -3.6 NA #> 199 173 71.9 24 32 2.68 -2.5 NA #> 200 177 69.5 86 -27 -1.79 -3.0 NA #> 201 95 69.3 90 35 3.01 -1.4 NA #> 202 243 65.2 303 -24 -1.70 -3.9 NA #> 203 119 65.0 311 -27 -2.30 -5.6 NA #> 204 241 66.3 241 -10 -0.90 -5.9 NA #> 205 226 69.0 105 77 8.11 -2.7 NA #> 206 194 70.3 58 55 5.29 -4.8 NA #> 207 121 66.1 256 55 5.36 -3.7 15 #> 208 225 66.3 243 7 0.92 -3.5 NA #> 209 297 66.7 228 15 1.81 -3.5 NA #> 210 289 67.9 153 46 3.96 -5.0 NA #> 211 280 67.2 200 -34 -3.08 -4.5 NA #> 212 325 67.1 203 -100 -8.80 -0.9 NA #> 213 198 77.6 1 9 0.92 -0.9 NA #> 214 258 67.9 156 17 1.51 -3.7 NA #> 215 228 69.2 97 -40 -3.42 -2.0 NA #> 216 240 67.8 163 -21 -1.94 -2.1 NA #> 217 339 69.3 93 -55 -4.83 -3.4 NA #> 218 93 66.3 251 68 5.94 -5.8 NA #> 219 149 66.9 216 36 2.96 -0.4 NA #> 220 214 71.5 30 -5 -0.54 -3.1 NA #> 221 306 68.0 150 -88 -7.85 -3.4 NA #> 222 156 70.7 48 77 6.50 -0.7 NA #> 223 283 66.8 222 -103 -10.80 -2.9 NA #> 224 271 66.3 244 84 7.76 -2.3 NA #> 225 139 69.3 94 90 8.81 -3.7 NA #> 226 245 67.4 189 63 5.06 -3.2 16 #> 227 242 66.6 235 -16 -1.85 -2.0 NA #> 228 288 66.3 247 -3 -0.59 -3.7 NA #> 229 37 67.5 184 130 12.02 -1.9 NA #> 230 105 69.5 87 70 5.60 -2.1 NA #> 231 252 63.2 342 -85 -8.17 -5.2 NA #> 232 345 69.7 81 -83 -8.02 -3.6 NA #> 233 256 67.3 190 -61 -5.31 -4.3 NA #> 234 337 73.6 10 -23 -2.28 -4.5 NA #> 235 278 65.7 281 54 4.10 -3.7 8 #> 236 234 63.8 332 -78 -7.68 -6.0 NA #> 237 142 67.2 198 47 3.89 -4.4 NA #> 238 212 69.7 79 -33 -2.82 -3.3 NA #> 239 314 69.1 104 -47 -4.25 -5.5 NA #> 240 253 65.9 270 -39 -3.83 -2.0 NA #> 241 207 67.9 152 28 1.51 -4.7 NA #> 242 211 67.2 197 -51 -4.65 -2.9 NA #> 243 154 66.3 242 57 4.41 -3.5 NA #> 244 268 68.7 119 57 4.51 -2.0 NA #> 245 205 68.1 146 -29 -3.15 -2.0 NA #> 246 169 63.7 333 23 1.32 -2.6 NA #> 247 168 65.2 304 -13 -1.61 -2.8 NA #> 248 313 69.1 101 -73 -8.43 0.2 NA #> 249 200 68.9 111 58 4.48 -2.2 NA #> 250 277 64.5 323 -26 -2.97 -1.8 NA #> 251 247 68.3 141 34 1.93 -2.7 NA #> 252 235 67.8 160 -49 -4.76 -2.5 NA #> 253 159 65.9 272 1 -0.94 -3.3 NA #> 254 350 66.8 221 -75 -9.51 -3.8 NA #> 255 295 66.8 223 44 2.54 -5.8 16 #> 256 160 67.5 185 -39 -4.10 -5.2 NA #> 257 199 71.2 35 -16 -2.58 -1.8 NA #> 258 263 60.6 352 -9 -1.51 -2.9 NA #> 259 250 65.9 271 41 2.23 -4.2 NA #> 260 180 70.4 55 38 1.95 -2.2 NA #> 261 327 69.1 102 10 -0.47 -3.1 NA #> 262 170 69.2 99 118 9.02 -3.5 NA #> 263 218 67.6 178 48 2.60 -5.6 NA #> 264 179 67.9 154 43 2.24 -4.5 NA #> 265 147 69.8 75 23 0.39 -3.3 NA #> 266 91 67.4 188 104 7.44 -2.6 NA #> 267 352 65.4 290 -81 -16.25 -4.0 NA #> 268 269 66.1 259 -28 -3.46 -3.4 NA #> 269 204 76.6 2 34 1.35 -1.0 NA #> 270 251 71.3 32 100 6.79 -3.0 NA #> 271 227 68.1 148 7 -0.43 -6.6 NA #> 272 176 66.3 250 3 -0.81 -4.8 NA #> 273 310 66.9 218 39 1.70 -2.8 NA #> 274 238 74.7 4 79 5.62 -1.0 NA #> 275 336 66.9 219 -15 -2.39 -3.9 NA #> 276 229 66.3 249 100 7.65 -2.6 8 #> 277 210 71.1 38 68 4.64 -1.4 16 #> 278 172 61.8 351 -45 -6.34 -4.4 NA #> 279 294 70.1 63 31 1.65 -2.3 NA #> 280 217 70.8 45 17 1.06 -2.8 NA #> 281 281 67.6 174 -27 -2.83 -3.8 NA #> 282 344 68.5 132 -7 -0.81 -2.4 NA #> 283 312 66.9 214 -24 -2.37 -3.6 NA #> 284 270 69.4 88 -8 -1.12 -3.0 NA #> 285 239 66.3 248 47 3.18 -5.7 NA #> 286 293 67.8 166 107 8.61 -0.8 NA #> 287 320 68.6 125 54 3.86 -3.5 NA #> 288 304 70.5 53 -14 -1.45 -3.9 NA #> 289 216 70.9 42 42 2.75 -0.9 NA #> 290 196 69.2 98 46 3.03 -1.2 8 #> 291 308 68.5 129 -19 -2.55 -4.2 NA #> 292 285 68.3 140 38 2.52 -4.9 NA #> 293 114 68.0 151 -6 -0.97 -3.3 NA #> 294 298 63.5 337 3 -0.33 -5.5 NA #> 295 317 69.8 74 37 2.54 -4.1 NA #> 296 334 71.3 31 -9 -1.47 -1.5 NA #> 297 192 65.3 295 65 4.36 -4.7 NA #> 298 324 73.9 9 17 0.57 -0.2 NA #> 299 267 65.3 291 -4 -0.94 -1.6 16 #> 300 322 65.8 273 -32 -6.09 -6.2 NA #> 301 319 68.5 130 -3 -1.01 -4.0 NA #> 302 291 68.5 128 32 2.19 -2.5 NA #> 303 109 70.4 56 121 9.48 -3.2 NA #> 304 346 70.0 70 54 3.45 -1.4 NA #> 305 224 64.5 325 8 -0.06 -3.9 NA #> 306 181 68.6 126 44 3.02 -0.4 NA #> 307 165 69.6 82 39 2.77 -3.8 NA #> 308 191 72.2 18 2 -0.48 -2.0 NA #> 309 174 64.9 315 22 1.52 -3.1 NA #> 310 321 71.6 27 22 1.50 0.4 NA #> 311 230 66.9 212 31 1.93 -1.8 NA #> 312 323 68.9 109 14 0.56 -2.6 NA #> 313 309 69.1 103 35 2.13 -1.2 NA #> 314 195 68.3 138 39 2.42 -2.9 NA #> 315 331 63.3 340 -7 -2.81 -6.2 NA #> 316 233 67.2 195 60 4.68 -2.6 NA #> 317 335 69.3 92 -26 -9.29 -1.8 NA #> 318 301 72.0 23 78 5.93 NA NA #> 319 326 69.7 80 -11 -3.22 -1.8 NA #> 320 300 67.2 196 -8 -2.47 -3.4 NA #> 321 316 67.0 205 62 5.37 -6.4 NA #> 322 342 66.2 255 -12 -4.15 -2.5 NA #> 323 305 68.0 149 -13 -4.38 -3.3 NA #> 324 349 61.9 350 -23 -9.83 -7.5 NA #> 325 343 67.6 176 -2 -1.59 -4.1 NA #> 326 171 68.3 139 6 -0.77 -5.8 NA #> 327 299 68.2 144 -12 -4.52 -1.5 NA #> 328 275 66.1 258 62 6.10 -4.2 NA #> 329 237 65.6 283 -16 -8.17 -4.8 NA #> 330 303 69.5 85 53 5.33 -3.7 NA #> 331 318 70.9 43 78 7.56 -2.3 NA #> 332 184 68.4 135 48 5.37 -4.5 NA #> 333 341 66.3 246 2 -1.23 -3.1 NA #> 334 311 64.0 329 -4 -3.00 -4.3 NA #> 335 296 72.1 22 2 -1.90 -0.1 NA #> 336 282 67.1 202 12 0.68 -3.7 NA #> 337 249 65.7 279 37 4.71 -3.5 NA #> 338 329 68.8 113 13 2.11 -3.3 NA #> 339 315 65.7 277 4 -0.14 -4.6 NA #> 340 353 64.9 313 -6 -5.05 -4.1 NA #> 341 279 68.6 124 NA -1.32 -4.2 NA #> 342 347 74.9 3 2 -0.71 -8.3 NA #> 343 330 65.8 276 -6 -4.81 -4.3 NA #> 344 273 65.3 296 31 6.26 -5.0 NA #> 345 348 67.0 209 8 1.38 -3.4 NA #> 346 338 69.2 96 -4 -4.46 -2.5 NA #> 347 340 63.1 343 -6 -8.94 -5.8 NA #> 348 148 64.9 314 30 6.69 -5.0 NA #> 349 351 70.1 65 -2 -6.56 -2.9 NA #> 350 266 70.2 60 8 1.78 -1.8 NA #> 351 264 65.7 282 7 0.46 -4.2 NA #> 352 167 65.1 307 33 8.59 -5.5 NA #> 353 333 69.7 77 1 -3.27 -1.3 NA # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pomeroy_ratings.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom Ratings — kp_pomeroy_ratings","title":"Get KenPom Ratings — kp_pomeroy_ratings","text":"Get KenPom Ratings","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pomeroy_ratings.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom Ratings — kp_pomeroy_ratings","text":"","code":"kp_pomeroy_ratings(min_year, max_year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pomeroy_ratings.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom Ratings — kp_pomeroy_ratings","text":"min_year First year data pull max_year Last year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pomeroy_ratings.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom Ratings — kp_pomeroy_ratings","text":"Returns tibble ratings","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pomeroy_ratings.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom Ratings — kp_pomeroy_ratings","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_pomeroy_ratings(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2021)) #> year rk team conf w_l adj_em adj_o adj_o_rk adj_d #> 1 2021 1 Gonzaga WCC 31-1 36.48 126.4 1 89.9 #> 2 2021 2 Baylor B12 28-2 33.87 125.0 2 91.1 #> 3 2021 3 Michigan B10 23-5 29.67 117.6 9 87.9 #> 4 2021 4 Illinois B10 24-7 29.06 118.0 8 88.9 #> 5 2021 5 Houston Amer 28-4 28.75 118.3 7 89.6 #> 6 2021 6 USC P12 25-8 27.58 115.7 14 88.1 #> 7 2021 7 Iowa B10 22-9 26.87 123.5 3 96.7 #> 8 2021 8 Colorado P12 23-9 25.10 116.3 13 91.2 #> 9 2021 9 Alabama SEC 26-7 25.09 112.9 30 87.8 #> 10 2021 10 Loyola Chicago MVC 26-5 24.32 111.3 41 87.0 #> 11 2021 11 Ohio St. B10 21-10 23.58 120.7 4 97.1 #> 12 2021 12 Villanova BE 18-7 23.02 119.0 6 96.0 #> 13 2021 13 UCLA P12 22-10 22.43 116.9 11 94.5 #> 14 2021 14 Wisconsin B10 18-13 22.40 113.0 29 90.6 #> 15 2021 15 Florida St. ACC 18-7 22.12 114.9 16 92.8 #> 16 2021 16 Oregon P12 21-7 21.85 117.2 10 95.4 #> 17 2021 17 Texas Tech B12 18-11 21.81 112.7 32 90.9 #> 18 2021 18 Arkansas SEC 25-7 21.56 111.1 43 89.6 #> 19 2021 19 Virginia ACC 18-7 21.42 114.7 17 93.3 #> 20 2021 20 BYU WCC 20-7 21.12 113.7 23 92.5 #> 21 2021 21 Connecticut BE 15-8 20.61 113.1 27 92.5 #> 22 2021 22 Creighton BE 22-9 20.59 113.4 25 92.8 #> 23 2021 23 West Virginia B12 19-10 20.51 116.8 12 96.3 #> 24 2021 24 LSU SEC 19-10 20.35 120.1 5 99.8 #> 25 2021 25 Purdue B10 18-10 20.33 113.3 26 92.9 #> 26 2021 26 Texas B12 19-8 20.31 113.1 28 92.8 #> 27 2021 27 Kansas B12 21-9 19.98 110.1 54 90.2 #> 28 2021 28 Tennessee SEC 18-9 19.95 108.0 85 88.1 #> 29 2021 29 Arizona P12 17-9 19.92 115.6 15 95.7 #> 30 2021 30 San Diego St. MWC 23-5 19.88 111.0 45 91.1 #> 31 2021 31 Memphis Amer 20-8 19.11 105.5 117 86.4 #> 32 2021 32 St. Bonaventure A10 16-5 19.04 110.0 55 91.0 #> 33 2021 33 Oklahoma St. B12 21-9 18.95 109.6 60 90.7 #> 34 2021 34 North Carolina ACC 18-11 18.62 110.3 52 91.7 #> 35 2021 35 Maryland B10 17-14 17.63 111.8 37 94.1 #> 36 2021 36 Duke ACC 13-11 17.56 114.5 18 97.0 #> 37 2021 37 Georgia Tech ACC 17-9 17.50 113.7 22 96.2 #> 38 2021 38 Rutgers B10 16-12 17.48 108.1 82 90.6 #> 39 2021 39 Oklahoma B12 16-11 17.06 112.1 35 95.1 #> 40 2021 40 Penn St. B10 11-14 17.03 112.2 34 95.2 #> 41 2021 41 Florida SEC 15-10 16.95 111.0 44 94.1 #> 42 2021 42 Syracuse ACC 18-10 16.75 113.7 24 96.9 #> 43 2021 43 Oregon St. P12 20-13 16.40 112.1 36 95.7 #> 44 2021 44 Utah P12 12-13 15.78 112.7 31 97.0 #> 45 2021 45 Clemson ACC 16-8 15.48 106.4 107 90.9 #> 46 2021 46 Utah St. MWC 20-9 15.34 104.8 126 89.5 #> 47 2021 47 Missouri SEC 16-10 15.14 110.6 49 95.5 #> 48 2021 48 VCU A10 19-7 15.04 105.2 122 90.2 #> 49 2021 49 Kentucky SEC 9-16 14.97 108.0 84 93.1 #> 50 2021 50 Indiana B10 12-15 14.95 109.1 70 94.2 #> 51 2021 51 Mississippi SEC 16-12 14.67 106.1 109 91.4 #> 52 2021 52 Virginia Tech ACC 15-7 14.44 109.7 59 95.3 #> 53 2021 53 Saint Louis A10 14-7 14.37 110.4 50 96.0 #> 54 2021 54 Seton Hall BE 14-13 14.36 110.3 51 95.9 #> 55 2021 55 Drake MVC 26-5 14.27 112.5 33 98.2 #> 56 2021 56 SMU Amer 11-6 14.07 110.8 47 96.8 #> 57 2021 57 Stanford P12 14-13 13.78 106.0 110 92.2 #> 58 2021 58 UC Santa Barbara BW 22-5 13.63 109.9 56 96.2 #> 59 2021 59 Louisville ACC 13-7 13.54 107.7 92 94.2 #> 60 2021 60 Auburn SEC 13-14 13.20 111.6 38 98.4 #> 61 2021 61 Boise St. MWC 19-9 13.13 109.1 69 96.0 #> 62 2021 62 Minnesota B10 14-15 12.97 108.4 76 95.4 #> 63 2021 63 Georgetown BE 13-13 12.91 107.9 87 95.0 #> 64 2021 64 Michigan St. B10 15-13 12.90 107.1 98 94.2 #> 65 2021 65 Richmond A10 14-9 12.78 110.9 46 98.1 #> 66 2021 66 Xavier BE 13-8 12.73 110.6 48 97.9 #> 67 2021 67 Mississippi St. SEC 18-15 12.37 107.7 93 95.3 #> 68 2021 68 Wichita St. Amer 16-6 12.30 109.5 61 97.2 #> 69 2021 69 St. John's BE 16-11 12.26 111.2 42 98.9 #> 70 2021 70 Davidson A10 13-9 12.11 113.9 20 101.8 #> 71 2021 71 N.C. State ACC 14-11 12.02 109.4 63 97.4 #> 72 2021 72 North Texas CUSA 18-10 11.76 106.7 101 95.0 #> 73 2021 73 Wright St. Horz 18-6 11.73 108.3 80 96.6 #> 74 2021 74 Toledo MAC 21-9 11.71 114.3 19 102.6 #> 75 2021 75 Saint Mary's WCC 14-10 11.68 101.8 178 90.2 #> 76 2021 76 Colorado St. MWC 20-8 11.52 108.1 83 96.6 #> 77 2021 77 Buffalo MAC 16-9 11.30 107.4 95 96.1 #> 78 2021 78 Washington St. P12 14-13 11.10 102.4 167 91.3 #> 79 2021 79 Northwestern B10 9-15 10.97 104.3 132 93.4 #> 80 2021 80 Providence BE 13-13 10.70 107.3 96 96.6 #> 81 2021 81 Ohio MAC 17-8 10.47 111.4 40 100.9 #> 82 2021 82 Louisiana Tech CUSA 24-8 10.46 104.2 133 93.7 #> 83 2021 83 Marquette BE 13-14 10.40 107.5 94 97.1 #> 84 2021 84 Abilene Christian Slnd 24-5 10.11 101.7 184 91.6 #> 85 2021 85 Notre Dame ACC 11-15 10.03 113.8 21 103.7 #> 86 2021 86 Arizona St. P12 11-14 9.85 108.4 75 98.5 #> 87 2021 87 Dayton A10 14-10 9.69 108.3 77 98.6 #> 88 2021 88 Missouri St. MVC 17-7 9.32 107.8 90 98.5 #> 89 2021 89 Colgate Pat 14-2 9.25 110.3 53 101.0 #> 90 2021 90 Pepperdine WCC 15-12 9.04 108.3 79 99.3 #> 91 2021 91 Nevada MWC 16-10 8.98 108.8 72 99.9 #> 92 2021 92 Marshall CUSA 15-7 8.89 109.2 67 100.3 #> 93 2021 93 San Francisco WCC 11-14 8.86 106.9 100 98.0 #> 94 2021 94 Loyola Marymount WCC 13-9 8.80 107.8 89 99.0 #> 95 2021 95 Georgia SEC 14-12 8.69 107.9 86 99.2 #> 96 2021 96 Furman SC 16-9 8.64 109.8 57 101.1 #> 97 2021 97 Pittsburgh ACC 10-12 8.64 108.2 81 99.5 #> 98 2021 98 Liberty ASun 23-6 8.60 109.8 58 101.2 #> 99 2021 99 Western Kentucky CUSA 21-8 8.57 106.6 102 98.0 #> 100 2021 100 UCF Amer 11-12 8.54 106.5 103 97.9 #> 101 2021 101 Winthrop BSth 23-2 8.48 105.0 124 96.5 #> 102 2021 102 UAB CUSA 22-7 8.44 103.5 153 95.0 #> 103 2021 103 Grand Canyon WAC 17-7 8.32 105.4 121 97.1 #> 104 2021 104 Vanderbilt SEC 9-16 8.25 108.9 71 100.6 #> 105 2021 105 Eastern Washington BSky 16-8 8.19 109.5 62 101.3 #> 106 2021 106 UC Riverside BW 14-8 8.03 103.6 147 95.6 #> 107 2021 107 UC Irvine BW 18-9 7.88 101.3 192 93.4 #> 108 2021 108 UNC Greensboro SC 21-9 7.79 103.6 146 95.8 #> 109 2021 109 Nebraska B10 7-20 7.76 101.8 179 94.1 #> 110 2021 110 Belmont OVC 26-4 7.43 109.4 64 102.0 #> 111 2021 111 Rhode Island A10 10-15 7.21 104.7 127 97.5 #> 112 2021 112 Akron MAC 15-8 7.14 108.6 73 101.5 #> 113 2021 113 South Dakota St. Sum 16-7 6.85 111.5 39 104.6 #> 114 2021 114 California P12 9-20 6.43 105.5 119 99.0 #> 115 2021 115 Kent St. MAC 15-8 6.34 105.8 113 99.5 #> 116 2021 116 Cincinnati Amer 12-11 6.06 103.6 148 97.5 #> 117 2021 117 Pacific WCC 9-9 5.48 103.5 150 98.1 #> 118 2021 118 Massachusetts A10 8-7 5.40 105.4 120 100.0 #> 119 2021 119 Indiana St. MVC 15-10 5.35 102.6 166 97.3 #> 120 2021 120 Butler BE 10-15 5.34 102.7 164 97.4 #> 121 2021 121 Tulsa Amer 11-12 5.09 102.6 165 97.5 #> 122 2021 122 Weber St. BSky 17-6 4.98 107.7 91 102.7 #> 123 2021 123 Yale Ivy 0-0 4.98 107.1 99 102.1 #> 124 2021 124 South Carolina SEC 6-15 4.96 103.9 139 98.9 #> 125 2021 125 Oral Roberts Sum 18-11 4.83 109.3 66 104.4 #> 126 2021 126 Duquesne A10 9-9 4.74 101.7 183 97.0 #> 127 2021 127 Wofford SC 15-9 4.39 106.4 106 102.0 #> 128 2021 128 East Tennessee St. SC 13-12 3.99 103.2 159 99.2 #> 129 2021 129 Washington P12 5-21 3.65 104.0 135 100.4 #> 130 2021 130 Bowling Green MAC 14-12 3.62 105.5 116 101.9 #> 131 2021 131 Mercer SC 18-11 3.43 106.2 108 102.8 #> 132 2021 132 Cal St. Bakersfield BW 15-11 3.28 104.6 129 101.4 #> 133 2021 133 Vermont AE 10-5 3.22 105.5 118 102.2 #> 134 2021 134 Morehead St. OVC 23-8 3.19 100.6 205 97.4 #> 135 2021 135 Southern Utah BSky 20-4 3.13 108.5 74 105.4 #> 136 2021 136 UTEP CUSA 12-12 3.09 103.3 156 100.2 #> 137 2021 137 Texas A&M SEC 8-10 3.05 101.9 175 98.9 #> 138 2021 138 Miami FL ACC 10-17 3.01 102.1 172 99.1 #> 139 2021 139 North Dakota St. Sum 15-12 2.84 103.7 144 100.9 #> 140 2021 140 TCU B12 12-14 2.81 104.7 128 101.9 #> 141 2021 141 DePaul BE 5-14 2.80 97.6 257 94.8 #> 142 2021 142 George Mason A10 13-9 2.73 101.1 195 98.4 #> 143 2021 143 Temple Amer 5-11 2.70 101.5 189 98.8 #> 144 2021 144 Tulane Amer 10-13 1.95 99.8 225 97.8 #> 145 2021 145 Santa Clara WCC 12-8 1.94 100.4 208 98.5 #> 146 2021 146 Bradley MVC 12-16 1.87 103.5 149 101.7 #> 147 2021 147 Kansas St. B12 9-20 1.47 99.6 226 98.1 #> 148 2021 148 Boston College ACC 4-16 1.47 105.1 123 103.6 #> 149 2021 149 Ball St. MAC 10-13 1.44 103.4 154 101.9 #> 150 2021 150 New Mexico St. WAC 12-8 1.40 104.1 134 102.7 #> 151 2021 151 Stephen F. Austin Slnd 16-5 1.29 103.5 152 102.2 #> 152 2021 152 Old Dominion CUSA 15-8 1.20 101.0 196 99.9 #> 153 2021 153 VMI SC 13-12 1.09 107.8 88 106.7 #> 154 2021 154 Georgia St. SB 16-6 0.86 105.7 115 104.8 #> 155 2021 155 East Carolina Amer 8-11 0.74 99.3 232 98.6 #> 156 2021 156 Chattanooga SC 18-8 0.71 103.0 161 102.3 #> 157 2021 157 Miami OH MAC 12-11 0.70 106.0 111 105.3 #> 158 2021 158 Drexel CAA 12-8 0.67 106.5 104 105.8 #> 159 2021 159 South Dakota Sum 14-11 0.64 107.3 97 106.6 #> 160 2021 160 UTSA CUSA 15-11 0.57 106.5 105 105.9 #> 161 2021 161 Detroit Horz 12-10 0.51 109.3 65 108.8 #> 162 2021 162 Jacksonville St. OVC 18-9 0.44 104.9 125 104.5 #> 163 2021 163 Northern Iowa MVC 10-15 0.34 103.3 155 103.0 #> 164 2021 164 Wyoming MWC 14-11 0.17 109.1 68 109.0 #> 165 2021 165 Princeton Ivy 0-0 0.03 104.0 138 103.9 #> 166 2021 166 Navy Pat 15-3 0.02 103.7 145 103.7 #> 167 2021 167 Bellarmine ASun 14-8 -0.02 108.3 78 108.3 #> 168 2021 168 Northeastern CAA 10-9 -0.10 98.5 242 98.6 #> 169 2021 169 Cleveland St. Horz 19-8 -0.13 100.6 206 100.7 #> 170 2021 170 South Florida Amer 9-13 -0.14 100.8 200 101.0 #> 171 2021 171 Iowa St. B12 2-22 -0.14 100.3 213 100.4 #> 172 2021 172 UMBC AE 14-6 -0.15 100.6 203 100.8 #> 173 2021 173 Murray St. OVC 13-13 -0.17 103.3 158 103.5 #> 174 2021 174 Eastern Kentucky OVC 22-7 -0.56 101.0 197 101.5 #> 175 2021 175 Wake Forest ACC 6-16 -0.64 101.3 191 101.9 #> 176 2021 176 UNLV MWC 12-15 -0.66 103.7 143 104.4 #> 177 2021 177 James Madison CAA 13-7 -0.69 103.5 151 104.2 #> 178 2021 178 Iona MAAC 12-6 -0.78 100.2 217 101.0 #> 179 2021 179 Coastal Carolina SB 18-8 -0.86 99.3 231 100.2 #> 180 2021 180 Sam Houston St. Slnd 19-9 -1.06 101.3 193 102.3 #> 181 2021 181 Florida Atlantic CUSA 13-10 -1.14 101.9 174 103.1 #> 182 2021 182 Gardner Webb BSth 11-15 -1.18 104.5 130 105.6 #> 183 2021 183 Texas St. SB 18-7 -1.23 99.6 228 100.8 #> 184 2021 184 Harvard Ivy 0-0 -1.31 101.9 177 103.2 #> 185 2021 185 Bryant NEC 15-7 -1.50 103.2 160 104.7 #> 186 2021 186 Siena MAAC 12-5 -2.05 99.8 224 101.8 #> 187 2021 187 Hawaii BW 11-10 -2.20 101.7 185 103.9 #> 188 2021 188 Rice CUSA 15-13 -2.31 103.9 141 106.2 #> 189 2021 189 Montana BSky 15-13 -2.35 98.8 239 101.2 #> 190 2021 190 Hofstra CAA 13-10 -2.55 105.9 112 108.4 #> 191 2021 191 Fresno St. MWC 12-12 -2.64 99.6 227 102.2 #> 192 2021 192 Southern Illinois MVC 12-14 -2.89 100.0 219 102.8 #> 193 2021 193 Valparaiso MVC 10-18 -2.94 96.6 275 99.5 #> 194 2021 194 Hartford AE 15-9 -2.98 97.0 271 100.0 #> 195 2021 195 San Diego WCC 3-11 -3.22 97.4 259 100.7 #> 196 2021 196 Nicholls St. Slnd 18-7 -3.35 100.4 209 103.7 #> 197 2021 197 Army Pat 12-10 -3.47 98.1 250 101.6 #> 198 2021 198 Illinois St. MVC 7-18 -3.62 98.7 240 102.3 #> 199 2021 199 Utah Valley WAC 11-11 -3.75 100.5 207 104.3 #> 200 2021 200 La Salle A10 9-16 -3.83 101.8 181 105.6 #> 201 2021 201 Louisiana SB 17-9 -3.89 100.3 211 104.2 #> 202 2021 202 Saint Joseph's A10 5-15 -3.98 101.2 194 105.1 #> 203 2021 203 UMKC Sum 11-13 -3.99 96.2 278 100.2 #> 204 2021 204 Evansville MVC 9-16 -4.12 105.8 114 109.9 #> 205 2021 205 Elon CAA 10-9 -4.14 96.7 274 100.9 #> 206 2021 206 Northern Kentucky Horz 14-11 -4.17 103.8 142 108.0 #> 207 2021 207 Montana St. BSky 13-10 -4.19 99.4 230 103.6 #> 208 2021 208 Texas Southern SWAC 17-9 -4.37 99.8 221 104.2 #> 209 2021 209 UC Davis BW 10-8 -4.37 98.0 253 102.3 #> 210 2021 210 Norfolk St. MEAC 17-8 -4.47 99.1 234 103.6 #> 211 2021 211 Campbell BSth 17-10 -4.64 102.9 162 107.6 #> 212 2021 212 Appalachian St. SB 17-12 -4.71 98.4 245 103.1 #> 213 2021 213 Seattle WAC 12-11 -4.96 98.6 241 103.5 #> 214 2021 214 Loyola MD Pat 6-11 -5.02 96.8 272 101.8 #> 215 2021 215 Austin Peay OVC 14-13 -5.04 104.0 137 109.0 #> 216 2021 216 Milwaukee Horz 10-12 -5.05 101.8 180 106.9 #> 217 2021 217 South Alabama SB 17-11 -5.08 103.3 157 108.4 #> 218 2021 218 The Citadel SC 13-12 -5.13 104.0 136 109.1 #> 219 2021 219 Penn Ivy 0-0 -5.13 100.2 216 105.3 #> 220 2021 220 Cornell Ivy 0-0 -5.20 101.3 190 106.5 #> 221 2021 221 Oakland Horz 12-18 -5.28 103.9 140 109.2 #> 222 2021 222 Saint Peter's MAAC 14-11 -5.37 90.4 339 95.8 #> 223 2021 223 Morgan St. MEAC 14-8 -5.71 100.0 218 105.7 #> 224 2021 224 Wagner NEC 13-7 -5.72 100.8 201 106.5 #> 225 2021 225 Delaware CAA 7-8 -6.08 97.0 269 103.1 #> 226 2021 226 Monmouth MAAC 12-8 -6.09 99.0 237 105.1 #> 227 2021 227 George Washington A10 5-12 -6.17 101.6 187 107.8 #> 228 2021 228 Northern Colorado BSky 11-11 -6.19 99.0 238 105.1 #> 229 2021 229 Cal Baptist WAC 13-10 -6.23 104.3 131 110.6 #> 230 2021 230 UMass Lowell AE 11-12 -6.29 99.8 223 106.1 #> 231 2021 231 UC San Diego BW 7-10 -6.29 101.7 182 108.0 #> 232 2021 232 Charleston CAA 9-10 -6.35 102.2 170 108.6 #> 233 2021 233 Stetson ASun 12-15 -6.46 100.3 212 106.8 #> 234 2021 234 Charlotte CUSA 9-16 -6.49 97.3 261 103.8 #> 235 2021 235 Prairie View A&M SWAC 16-5 -6.51 94.6 299 101.2 #> 236 2021 236 Stony Brook AE 9-14 -6.61 94.7 295 101.3 #> 237 2021 237 Mount St. Mary's NEC 12-11 -6.62 94.5 301 101.1 #> 238 2021 238 Lipscomb ASun 15-12 -6.74 100.9 198 107.7 #> 239 2021 239 Little Rock SB 11-15 -6.86 98.4 243 105.3 #> 240 2021 240 Albany AE 7-9 -6.91 97.3 263 104.2 #> 241 2021 241 Western Carolina SC 11-16 -7.07 99.9 220 106.9 #> 242 2021 242 Long Beach St. BW 6-12 -7.12 97.6 256 104.7 #> 243 2021 243 Radford BSth 15-12 -7.12 97.7 255 104.8 #> 244 2021 244 UNC Asheville BSth 10-10 -7.13 100.6 204 107.8 #> 245 2021 245 Portland St. BSky 9-13 -7.17 93.1 314 100.3 #> 246 2021 246 Youngstown St. Horz 15-12 -7.31 102.2 171 109.5 #> 247 2021 247 Longwood BSth 12-17 -7.33 98.0 251 105.4 #> 248 2021 248 UNC Wilmington CAA 7-10 -7.42 102.1 173 109.5 #> 249 2021 249 Brown Ivy 0-0 -7.70 95.2 288 102.9 #> 250 2021 250 Niagara MAAC 9-11 -7.71 99.8 222 107.5 #> 251 2021 251 Canisius MAAC 7-6 -7.82 99.1 235 107.0 #> 252 2021 252 Arkansas St. SB 11-13 -7.84 99.2 233 107.0 #> 253 2021 253 UT Arlington SB 13-13 -7.87 98.2 246 106.1 #> 254 2021 254 Sacramento St. BSky 8-12 -7.93 102.4 168 110.3 #> 255 2021 255 Cal St. Fullerton BW 6-10 -8.09 101.6 188 109.6 #> 256 2021 256 Southern Miss CUSA 8-17 -8.19 92.9 317 101.1 #> 257 2021 257 Green Bay Horz 8-17 -8.28 102.3 169 110.6 #> 258 2021 258 Idaho St. BSky 13-11 -8.54 93.7 306 102.2 #> 259 2021 259 Cal St. Northridge BW 9-13 -8.79 101.7 186 110.4 #> 260 2021 260 Boston University Pat 7-11 -8.93 100.3 210 109.3 #> 261 2021 261 Tarleton St. WAC 10-10 -8.95 97.0 270 105.9 #> 262 2021 262 Lafayette Pat 9-6 -9.08 102.9 163 112.0 #> 263 2021 263 IUPUI Horz 8-10 -9.37 96.2 279 105.5 #> 264 2021 264 Samford SC 6-13 -9.49 96.5 276 106.0 #> 265 2021 265 Jackson St. SWAC 12-6 -9.62 88.1 349 97.7 #> 266 2021 266 Marist MAAC 12-9 -9.69 91.6 328 101.3 #> 267 2021 267 American Pat 4-6 -9.74 96.5 277 106.2 #> 268 2021 268 New Hampshire AE 10-9 -9.83 96.0 282 105.8 #> 269 2021 269 Southeast Missouri St. OVC 11-16 -10.05 95.5 287 105.5 #> 270 2021 270 Georgia Southern SB 13-13 -10.11 94.1 305 104.2 #> 271 2021 271 LIU NEC 9-9 -10.34 93.4 310 103.7 #> 272 2021 272 North Dakota Sum 9-17 -10.39 97.7 254 108.1 #> 273 2021 273 North Alabama ASun 13-11 -10.48 94.7 297 105.2 #> 274 2021 274 Western Michigan MAC 5-16 -10.48 94.7 294 105.2 #> 275 2021 275 Dartmouth Ivy 0-0 -10.70 94.8 292 105.5 #> 276 2021 276 Bucknell Pat 5-7 -10.71 97.3 262 108.0 #> 277 2021 277 Florida A&M MEAC 8-12 -10.72 90.2 341 100.9 #> 278 2021 278 New Orleans Slnd 10-15 -10.73 97.3 260 108.1 #> 279 2021 279 Florida Gulf Coast ASun 10-8 -10.92 93.5 309 104.4 #> 280 2021 280 Purdue Fort Wayne Horz 8-15 -10.97 100.3 214 111.2 #> 281 2021 281 Central Michigan MAC 7-16 -11.04 100.2 215 111.3 #> 282 2021 282 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC 9-10 -11.05 91.8 325 102.8 #> 283 2021 283 North Carolina A&T MEAC 11-10 -11.09 95.6 284 106.7 #> 284 2021 284 High Point BSth 9-15 -11.20 96.1 280 107.3 #> 285 2021 285 Quinnipiac MAAC 9-13 -11.21 89.6 345 100.8 #> 286 2021 286 Columbia Ivy 0-0 -11.25 94.7 298 105.9 #> 287 2021 287 Merrimack NEC 9-9 -11.37 90.7 336 102.1 #> 288 2021 288 Illinois Chicago Horz 9-13 -11.42 93.1 315 104.5 #> 289 2021 289 Eastern Michigan MAC 6-12 -11.42 97.1 268 108.5 #> 290 2021 290 Western Illinois Sum 7-15 -11.43 98.0 252 109.4 #> 291 2021 291 Coppin St. MEAC 9-13 -11.69 91.0 334 102.6 #> 292 2021 292 FIU CUSA 9-17 -11.81 97.3 264 109.1 #> 293 2021 293 Jacksonville ASun 11-13 -11.85 93.7 307 105.5 #> 294 2021 294 New Mexico MWC 6-16 -11.86 91.6 327 103.5 #> 295 2021 295 NJIT AE 7-12 -12.08 94.2 303 106.2 #> 296 2021 296 Louisiana Monroe SB 7-19 -12.16 93.2 313 105.4 #> 297 2021 297 North Florida ASun 8-15 -12.34 101.9 176 114.2 #> 298 2021 298 Towson CAA 4-14 -12.35 99.0 236 111.4 #> 299 2021 299 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC 9-15 -12.39 100.7 202 113.1 #> 300 2021 300 Nebraska Omaha Sum 5-20 -12.44 94.6 300 107.0 #> 301 2021 301 St. Francis NY NEC 9-10 -12.46 100.9 199 113.4 #> 302 2021 302 William & Mary CAA 7-10 -12.46 94.8 291 107.3 #> 303 2021 303 Robert Morris Horz 4-15 -12.51 98.1 249 110.6 #> 304 2021 304 Holy Cross Pat 5-11 -12.55 97.2 265 109.8 #> 305 2021 305 Troy SB 11-17 -12.62 92.4 322 105.0 #> 306 2021 306 Middle Tennessee CUSA 5-18 -12.66 91.2 332 103.9 #> 307 2021 307 Lamar Slnd 10-18 -12.82 93.1 316 105.9 #> 308 2021 308 Southern SWAC 8-11 -12.84 91.5 329 104.3 #> 309 2021 309 Fairfield MAAC 10-17 -12.92 94.9 290 107.8 #> 310 2021 310 Fordham A10 2-12 -12.93 86.3 352 99.3 #> 311 2021 311 Eastern Illinois OVC 9-18 -13.22 95.5 286 108.7 #> 312 2021 312 St. Francis PA NEC 6-16 -13.27 94.7 296 108.0 #> 313 2021 313 Tennessee Tech OVC 5-22 -13.90 96.0 281 109.9 #> 314 2021 314 Howard MEAC 1-4 -13.94 98.2 247 112.2 #> 315 2021 315 Manhattan MAAC 7-13 -14.18 89.5 346 103.7 #> 316 2021 316 Rider MAAC 6-17 -14.19 99.5 229 113.7 #> 317 2021 317 Northwestern St. Slnd 11-18 -14.21 96.7 273 110.9 #> 318 2021 318 Grambling St. SWAC 12-12 -14.24 92.1 324 106.3 #> 319 2021 319 Northern Arizona BSky 6-16 -14.31 98.4 244 112.7 #> 320 2021 320 Tennessee St. OVC 4-19 -14.65 90.2 340 104.9 #> 321 2021 321 Portland WCC 6-15 -14.72 97.1 267 111.8 #> 322 2021 322 USC Upstate BSth 5-18 -14.75 94.8 293 109.5 #> 323 2021 323 SIU Edwardsville OVC 9-17 -14.80 92.6 319 107.4 #> 324 2021 324 Sacred Heart NEC 9-9 -15.26 98.2 248 113.5 #> 325 2021 325 Binghamton AE 4-14 -15.31 97.2 266 112.5 #> 326 2021 326 Presbyterian BSth 7-15 -15.46 90.6 337 106.1 #> 327 2021 327 Hampton BSth 11-14 -15.71 94.9 289 110.6 #> 328 2021 328 Dixie St. WAC 8-13 -15.71 91.3 330 107.0 #> 329 2021 329 Cal Poly BW 4-20 -15.85 90.1 343 105.9 #> 330 2021 330 North Carolina Central MEAC 5-9 -16.21 93.3 311 109.5 #> 331 2021 331 Central Arkansas Slnd 5-19 -16.26 97.6 258 113.8 #> 332 2021 332 Air Force MWC 5-20 -16.51 94.4 302 110.9 #> 333 2021 333 San Jose St. MWC 5-16 -16.79 95.5 285 112.3 #> 334 2021 334 Lehigh Pat 4-11 -17.39 91.6 326 109.0 #> 335 2021 335 Kennesaw St. ASun 5-19 -17.57 87.8 350 105.4 #> 336 2021 336 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd 8-18 -17.92 92.9 318 110.8 #> 337 2021 337 Northern Illinois MAC 3-16 -17.94 93.3 312 111.2 #> 338 2021 338 Denver Sum 2-19 -18.40 94.2 304 112.6 #> 339 2021 339 Charleston Southern BSth 3-18 -18.49 89.8 344 108.3 #> 340 2021 340 McNeese St. Slnd 10-14 -18.77 95.7 283 114.5 #> 341 2021 341 Houston Baptist Slnd 6-19 -18.90 92.5 321 111.4 #> 342 2021 342 Alcorn St. SWAC 6-13 -19.09 91.1 333 110.2 #> 343 2021 343 Incarnate Word Slnd 8-14 -19.09 93.6 308 112.7 #> 344 2021 344 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd 5-19 -19.44 89.4 347 108.8 #> 345 2021 345 Central Connecticut NEC 5-16 -19.46 92.5 320 112.0 #> 346 2021 346 Maine AE 2-7 -20.00 85.9 353 105.9 #> 347 2021 347 Tennessee Martin OVC 8-16 -21.00 92.3 323 113.3 #> 348 2021 348 Alabama A&M SWAC 6-9 -21.04 84.8 354 105.8 #> 349 2021 349 Bethune Cookman MEAC 0-0 -22.53 90.1 342 112.7 #> 350 2021 350 Idaho BSky 1-21 -23.01 90.6 338 113.6 #> 351 2021 351 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC 4-21 -23.47 91.2 331 114.7 #> 352 2021 352 Delaware St. MEAC 3-16 -24.53 90.9 335 115.4 #> 353 2021 353 South Carolina St. MEAC 1-17 -25.23 87.2 351 112.4 #> 354 2021 354 Alabama St. SWAC 4-14 -25.94 84.4 355 110.3 #> 355 2021 355 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC 0-0 -27.60 83.9 356 111.5 #> 356 2021 356 Chicago St. WAC 0-9 -29.85 88.3 348 118.1 #> 357 2021 357 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 2-22 -41.29 79.4 357 120.7 #> 358 2020 1 Kansas B12 28-3 30.23 115.8 8 85.5 #> 359 2020 2 Gonzaga WCC 31-2 26.95 121.3 1 94.4 #> 360 2020 3 Baylor B12 26-4 25.49 113.5 17 88.1 #> 361 2020 4 Dayton A10 29-2 24.93 119.1 2 94.1 #> 362 2020 5 Duke ACC 25-6 24.62 115.7 9 91.1 #> 363 2020 6 San Diego St. MWC 30-2 24.48 115.1 11 90.6 #> 364 2020 7 Michigan St. B10 22-9 24.03 115.2 10 91.2 #> 365 2020 8 Ohio St. B10 21-10 22.23 114.3 13 92.0 #> 366 2020 9 Louisville ACC 24-7 21.36 114.5 12 93.1 #> 367 2020 10 West Virginia B12 21-10 21.26 108.3 67 87.1 #> 368 2020 11 Maryland B10 24-7 21.12 113.5 18 92.4 #> 369 2020 12 Creighton BE 24-7 20.93 118.2 3 97.3 #> 370 2020 13 BYU WCC 24-8 20.68 116.3 7 95.6 #> 371 2020 14 Houston Amer 23-8 20.39 112.7 22 92.3 #> 372 2020 15 Florida St. ACC 26-5 20.22 111.7 32 91.5 #> 373 2020 16 Michigan B10 19-12 20.12 113.2 20 93.0 #> 374 2020 17 Oregon P12 24-7 20.00 117.1 6 97.1 #> 375 2020 18 Villanova BE 24-7 19.98 113.9 15 94.0 #> 376 2020 19 Arizona P12 21-11 19.60 111.0 35 91.4 #> 377 2020 20 Seton Hall BE 21-9 19.54 112.3 29 92.7 #> 378 2020 21 Texas Tech B12 18-13 19.28 109.8 47 90.5 #> 379 2020 22 Wisconsin B10 21-10 18.95 110.8 40 91.9 #> 380 2020 23 Iowa B10 20-11 18.65 117.3 5 98.6 #> 381 2020 24 Purdue B10 16-15 18.57 109.3 50 90.8 #> 382 2020 25 Butler BE 22-9 18.39 112.6 25 94.2 #> 383 2020 26 Penn St. B10 21-10 17.91 110.3 43 92.4 #> 384 2020 27 Minnesota B10 15-16 17.83 112.1 30 94.2 #> 385 2020 28 Rutgers B10 20-11 17.72 107.9 72 90.2 #> 386 2020 29 Kentucky SEC 25-6 17.60 112.7 24 95.1 #> 387 2020 30 Illinois B10 21-10 17.23 110.9 38 93.7 #> 388 2020 31 Marquette BE 18-12 17.19 114.0 14 96.9 #> 389 2020 32 Florida SEC 19-12 16.79 112.5 27 95.7 #> 390 2020 33 Auburn SEC 25-6 15.91 111.4 33 95.5 #> 391 2020 34 Indiana B10 20-12 15.73 108.5 65 92.7 #> 392 2020 35 Colorado P12 21-11 15.71 109.1 54 93.4 #> 393 2020 36 Oklahoma B12 19-12 15.70 108.8 58 93.1 #> 394 2020 37 LSU SEC 21-10 15.62 118.1 4 102.4 #> 395 2020 38 Saint Mary's WCC 26-8 15.19 113.7 16 98.5 #> 396 2020 39 Wichita St. Amer 23-8 15.19 105.6 117 90.4 #> 397 2020 40 Providence BE 19-12 15.00 107.8 75 92.8 #> 398 2020 41 Utah St. MWC 26-8 14.92 109.5 49 94.6 #> 399 2020 42 Virginia ACC 23-7 14.22 99.3 234 85.1 #> 400 2020 43 Stanford P12 20-12 14.11 104.4 143 90.3 #> 401 2020 44 Cincinnati Amer 20-10 14.02 108.8 59 94.7 #> 402 2020 45 Xavier BE 19-13 13.90 106.1 103 92.2 #> 403 2020 46 Richmond A10 24-7 13.87 109.2 53 95.3 #> 404 2020 47 Arkansas SEC 20-12 13.59 109.1 55 95.5 #> 405 2020 48 Mississippi St. SEC 20-11 13.57 113.4 19 99.8 #> 406 2020 49 Northern Iowa MVC 25-6 13.43 112.7 23 99.3 #> 407 2020 50 N.C. State ACC 20-12 13.39 110.7 42 97.3 #> 408 2020 51 Syracuse ACC 18-14 13.28 112.8 21 99.6 #> 409 2020 52 Connecticut Amer 19-12 12.97 108.6 64 95.6 #> 410 2020 53 Oklahoma St. B12 18-14 12.73 107.2 84 94.5 #> 411 2020 54 Washington P12 15-17 12.67 105.8 112 93.1 #> 412 2020 55 USC P12 22-9 12.35 104.3 145 92.0 #> 413 2020 56 East Tennessee St. SC 30-4 12.23 108.2 69 96.0 #> 414 2020 57 Notre Dame ACC 20-12 12.09 110.7 41 98.6 #> 415 2020 58 Yale Ivy 23-7 11.57 107.9 73 96.4 #> 416 2020 59 Memphis Amer 21-10 11.53 100.6 210 89.1 #> 417 2020 60 Alabama SEC 16-15 11.50 111.0 37 99.5 #> 418 2020 61 Texas B12 19-12 11.46 104.1 153 92.6 #> 419 2020 62 Saint Louis A10 23-8 11.41 105.8 111 94.4 #> 420 2020 63 Arizona St. P12 20-11 11.30 106.0 108 94.7 #> 421 2020 64 Georgia Tech ACC 17-14 11.26 103.1 171 91.8 #> 422 2020 65 Rhode Island A10 21-9 11.06 105.2 126 94.2 #> 423 2020 66 St. John's BE 17-15 10.92 106.1 104 95.2 #> 424 2020 67 Georgetown BE 15-17 10.82 111.0 36 100.2 #> 425 2020 68 Tennessee SEC 17-14 10.80 106.6 96 95.8 #> 426 2020 69 South Carolina SEC 18-13 10.66 105.4 122 94.7 #> 427 2020 70 Davidson A10 16-14 10.62 112.5 26 101.9 #> 428 2020 71 Louisiana Tech CUSA 22-8 10.47 108.7 60 98.2 #> 429 2020 72 Clemson ACC 16-15 10.42 103.9 155 93.5 #> 430 2020 73 VCU A10 18-13 10.29 104.7 138 94.4 #> 431 2020 74 San Francisco WCC 22-12 10.13 108.3 68 98.2 #> 432 2020 75 Northern Colorado BSky 22-9 10.12 110.2 45 100.1 #> 433 2020 76 Vermont AE 26-7 10.10 106.5 98 96.4 #> 434 2020 77 North Texas CUSA 20-11 9.97 111.2 34 101.2 #> 435 2020 78 UCLA P12 19-12 9.92 109.3 51 99.4 #> 436 2020 79 Liberty ASun 30-4 9.68 106.1 107 96.4 #> 437 2020 80 Tulsa Amer 21-10 9.65 103.2 168 93.6 #> 438 2020 81 Furman SC 25-7 9.59 107.7 78 98.1 #> 439 2020 82 Akron MAC 24-7 9.54 108.5 66 98.9 #> 440 2020 83 Boise St. MWC 20-12 9.40 107.0 88 97.6 #> 441 2020 84 North Carolina ACC 14-19 9.36 107.7 77 98.4 #> 442 2020 85 Nevada MWC 19-12 9.32 110.3 44 101.0 #> 443 2020 86 TCU B12 16-16 9.31 105.5 119 96.1 #> 444 2020 87 Oregon St. P12 18-13 8.93 110.9 39 102.0 #> 445 2020 88 SMU Amer 19-11 8.62 112.4 28 103.8 #> 446 2020 89 Iowa St. B12 12-20 8.35 109.6 48 101.2 #> 447 2020 90 Kansas St. B12 11-21 8.25 102.5 177 94.2 #> 448 2020 91 New Mexico St. WAC 25-6 8.14 107.6 80 99.4 #> 449 2020 92 UNC Greensboro SC 23-9 8.12 103.7 160 95.5 #> 450 2020 93 Texas St. SB 21-11 7.91 106.3 101 98.3 #> 451 2020 94 DePaul BE 16-16 7.90 103.4 165 95.5 #> 452 2020 95 Duquesne A10 21-9 7.58 106.6 94 99.0 #> 453 2020 96 Georgia SEC 16-16 7.44 108.2 71 100.8 #> 454 2020 97 Missouri SEC 15-16 7.44 104.1 150 96.7 #> 455 2020 98 UNLV MWC 17-15 7.28 107.9 74 100.6 #> 456 2020 99 Colorado St. MWC 20-12 7.15 109.3 52 102.1 #> 457 2020 100 Stephen F. Austin Slnd 28-3 7.00 104.1 152 97.1 #> 458 2020 101 Loyola Chicago MVC 21-11 6.87 103.7 159 96.8 #> 459 2020 102 Mississippi SEC 15-17 6.72 103.7 158 97.0 #> 460 2020 103 Wake Forest ACC 13-18 6.70 108.7 61 102.0 #> 461 2020 104 Miami FL ACC 15-16 6.39 107.7 79 101.3 #> 462 2020 105 Virginia Tech ACC 16-16 6.33 104.3 147 98.0 #> 463 2020 106 UC Irvine BW 21-11 6.11 105.4 121 99.3 #> 464 2020 107 Bradley MVC 23-11 6.09 106.8 92 100.7 #> 465 2020 108 Hofstra CAA 26-8 6.06 108.7 62 102.6 #> 466 2020 109 Belmont OVC 26-7 6.02 106.5 97 100.5 #> 467 2020 110 Harvard Ivy 21-8 5.69 104.7 137 99.0 #> 468 2020 111 Pittsburgh ACC 16-17 5.65 104.0 154 98.3 #> 469 2020 112 North Dakota St. Sum 25-8 5.56 106.8 91 101.2 #> 470 2020 113 Western Kentucky CUSA 20-10 5.56 108.9 56 103.3 #> 471 2020 114 Utah P12 16-15 5.56 106.3 100 100.8 #> 472 2020 115 Temple Amer 14-17 5.49 100.1 217 94.6 #> 473 2020 116 Ball St. MAC 18-13 5.25 99.2 235 94.0 #> 474 2020 117 UCF Amer 16-14 4.88 103.5 162 98.6 #> 475 2020 118 Colgate Pat 25-9 4.73 107.2 86 102.5 #> 476 2020 119 South Dakota St. Sum 22-10 4.72 110.0 46 105.3 #> 477 2020 120 Pacific WCC 23-10 4.70 103.8 156 99.1 #> 478 2020 121 Missouri St. MVC 16-17 4.69 104.8 133 100.2 #> 479 2020 122 Indiana St. MVC 18-12 4.59 105.8 113 101.2 #> 480 2020 123 St. Bonaventure A10 19-12 4.37 106.6 95 102.2 #> 481 2020 124 Eastern Washington BSky 23-8 4.32 105.4 120 101.1 #> 482 2020 125 South Florida Amer 14-17 4.29 100.2 214 95.9 #> 483 2020 126 Georgia St. SB 19-13 4.29 105.6 115 101.4 #> 484 2020 127 Washington St. P12 16-16 4.22 102.2 182 98.0 #> 485 2020 128 Kent St. MAC 20-12 4.06 106.1 105 102.1 #> 486 2020 129 Little Rock SB 21-10 3.93 106.4 99 102.5 #> 487 2020 130 UT Arlington SB 14-18 3.87 102.3 180 98.4 #> 488 2020 131 Texas A&M SEC 16-14 3.77 101.0 203 97.2 #> 489 2020 132 Northwestern B10 8-23 3.61 104.9 131 101.3 #> 490 2020 133 Wright St. Horz 25-7 3.47 104.9 132 101.4 #> 491 2020 134 Georgia Southern SB 20-13 3.39 102.2 184 98.8 #> 492 2020 135 Oral Roberts Sum 17-14 3.34 108.2 70 104.9 #> 493 2020 136 Murray St. OVC 23-9 3.15 102.4 178 99.3 #> 494 2020 137 Montana BSky 18-13 3.08 103.2 169 100.1 #> 495 2020 138 New Mexico MWC 19-14 2.88 105.3 125 102.4 #> 496 2020 139 Pepperdine WCC 16-16 2.87 107.2 85 104.4 #> 497 2020 140 Winthrop BSth 24-10 2.65 104.7 136 102.1 #> 498 2020 141 Penn Ivy 16-11 2.63 103.4 163 100.8 #> 499 2020 142 Northeastern CAA 17-16 2.19 105.4 123 103.2 #> 500 2020 143 Marshall CUSA 17-15 2.11 101.2 199 99.1 #> 501 2020 144 Northern Kentucky Horz 23-9 2.11 102.0 191 99.8 #> 502 2020 145 Siena MAAC 20-10 2.06 107.2 87 105.1 #> 503 2020 146 Valparaiso MVC 19-16 2.06 104.5 141 102.5 #> 504 2020 147 Chattanooga SC 20-13 1.87 106.6 93 104.8 #> 505 2020 148 Buffalo MAC 20-12 1.84 104.1 151 102.3 #> 506 2020 149 FIU CUSA 19-13 1.58 103.7 157 102.1 #> 507 2020 150 Princeton Ivy 14-13 1.50 107.0 89 105.5 #> 508 2020 151 Santa Clara WCC 20-13 1.22 102.6 176 101.3 #> 509 2020 152 Toledo MAC 17-15 1.14 106.3 102 105.1 #> 510 2020 153 California P12 14-18 1.10 101.5 195 100.4 #> 511 2020 154 Wofford SC 19-16 1.08 104.5 142 103.4 #> 512 2020 155 South Alabama SB 20-11 1.05 104.9 130 103.9 #> 513 2020 156 Western Carolina SC 19-12 1.04 107.3 83 106.3 #> 514 2020 157 Fresno St. MWC 11-19 1.03 105.1 127 104.1 #> 515 2020 158 Towson CAA 19-13 0.87 105.7 114 104.8 #> 516 2020 159 Boston University Pat 21-13 0.78 103.3 166 102.6 #> 517 2020 160 UC Santa Barbara BW 21-10 0.76 106.1 106 105.3 #> 518 2020 161 Southern Utah BSky 17-15 0.70 98.8 240 98.1 #> 519 2020 162 Nebraska B10 7-25 0.64 102.0 190 101.3 #> 520 2020 163 Drake MVC 20-14 0.62 102.0 189 101.3 #> 521 2020 164 Charlotte CUSA 16-13 0.45 98.5 247 98.0 #> 522 2020 165 Massachusetts A10 14-17 0.43 102.9 174 102.5 #> 523 2020 166 North Florida ASun 21-12 0.37 112.0 31 111.6 #> 524 2020 167 Ohio MAC 17-15 0.36 103.6 161 103.3 #> 525 2020 168 Bowling Green MAC 21-10 0.33 104.3 146 104.0 #> 526 2020 169 Vanderbilt SEC 11-21 0.14 104.7 139 104.5 #> 527 2020 170 Charleston CAA 17-14 0.08 105.0 129 104.9 #> 528 2020 171 Old Dominion CUSA 13-19 -0.02 98.3 249 98.3 #> 529 2020 172 Austin Peay OVC 21-12 -0.02 106.9 90 107.0 #> 530 2020 173 Portland St. BSky 18-14 -0.03 108.8 57 108.8 #> 531 2020 174 George Mason A10 17-15 -0.04 101.3 197 101.3 #> 532 2020 175 Appalachian St. SB 18-15 -0.27 99.9 220 100.2 #> 533 2020 176 St. Francis PA NEC 22-10 -0.32 107.6 81 107.9 #> 534 2020 177 South Dakota Sum 20-12 -0.36 108.6 63 108.9 #> 535 2020 178 Southern Illinois MVC 16-16 -0.41 98.2 252 98.6 #> 536 2020 179 Boston College ACC 13-19 -0.68 99.6 228 100.3 #> 537 2020 180 Delaware CAA 22-11 -0.78 105.6 116 106.4 #> 538 2020 181 La Salle A10 15-15 -0.81 99.6 226 100.4 #> 539 2020 182 Northern Illinois MAC 18-13 -1.03 99.8 222 100.8 #> 540 2020 183 Sacramento St. BSky 16-14 -1.10 97.1 268 98.2 #> 541 2020 184 Abilene Christian Slnd 20-11 -1.14 99.1 239 100.2 #> 542 2020 185 Tulane Amer 12-18 -1.15 101.9 192 103.1 #> 543 2020 186 Radford BSth 21-11 -1.17 105.6 118 106.8 #> 544 2020 187 Rider MAAC 18-12 -1.19 100.9 204 102.1 #> 545 2020 188 UTEP CUSA 17-15 -1.28 96.9 273 98.2 #> 546 2020 189 UAB CUSA 19-13 -1.32 100.8 205 102.1 #> 547 2020 190 Coastal Carolina SB 16-17 -1.33 104.8 134 106.2 #> 548 2020 191 Florida Atlantic CUSA 17-15 -1.66 99.7 225 101.3 #> 549 2020 192 Stony Brook AE 20-13 -1.74 97.7 260 99.4 #> 550 2020 193 Nicholls St. Slnd 21-10 -1.82 99.7 223 101.5 #> 551 2020 194 Saint Peter's MAAC 18-12 -1.98 95.4 300 97.3 #> 552 2020 195 William & Mary CAA 21-11 -2.17 103.3 167 105.5 #> 553 2020 196 Eastern Michigan MAC 16-16 -2.34 94.2 318 96.6 #> 554 2020 197 Air Force MWC 12-20 -2.49 107.8 76 110.3 #> 555 2020 198 Mercer SC 17-15 -2.61 100.1 216 102.7 #> 556 2020 199 Rice CUSA 15-17 -2.62 105.8 110 108.4 #> 557 2020 200 Sacred Heart NEC 20-13 -2.64 102.2 185 104.8 #> 558 2020 201 Monmouth MAAC 18-13 -2.72 99.1 238 101.8 #> 559 2020 202 Cal Baptist WAC 21-10 -2.73 105.3 124 108.1 #> 560 2020 203 American Pat 16-14 -2.88 101.1 202 104.0 #> 561 2020 204 Illinois Chicago Horz 18-17 -3.14 96.4 280 99.5 #> 562 2020 205 Dartmouth Ivy 12-17 -3.18 96.7 276 99.9 #> 563 2020 206 Arkansas St. SB 16-16 -3.29 104.2 148 107.5 #> 564 2020 207 Robert Morris NEC 20-14 -3.29 100.5 212 103.8 #> 565 2020 208 Hawaii BW 17-13 -3.34 97.6 261 101.0 #> 566 2020 209 Loyola Marymount WCC 11-21 -3.42 100.6 209 104.0 #> 567 2020 210 UTSA CUSA 13-19 -3.84 104.2 149 108.0 #> 568 2020 211 UC Riverside BW 17-15 -3.97 95.8 294 99.8 #> 569 2020 212 Sam Houston St. Slnd 18-13 -4.13 99.5 229 103.7 #> 570 2020 213 Prairie View A&M SWAC 19-13 -4.16 96.3 282 100.5 #> 571 2020 214 Seattle WAC 14-15 -4.34 101.2 200 105.5 #> 572 2020 215 Northern Arizona BSky 16-14 -4.35 102.3 179 106.7 #> 573 2020 216 Central Michigan MAC 14-18 -4.40 102.0 187 106.4 #> 574 2020 217 East Carolina Amer 11-20 -4.42 99.6 227 104.0 #> 575 2020 218 Gardner Webb BSth 16-16 -4.48 102.2 181 106.7 #> 576 2020 219 Nebraska Omaha Sum 16-16 -4.50 103.2 170 107.7 #> 577 2020 220 Illinois St. MVC 10-21 -4.55 98.4 248 102.9 #> 578 2020 221 Iona MAAC 12-17 -4.56 101.6 194 106.1 #> 579 2020 222 Montana St. BSky 16-15 -4.60 97.0 270 101.6 #> 580 2020 223 Green Bay Horz 17-16 -4.64 105.8 109 110.5 #> 581 2020 224 Brown Ivy 15-12 -4.69 96.4 278 101.1 #> 582 2020 225 UC Davis BW 14-18 -4.77 104.7 140 109.4 #> 583 2020 226 Louisiana SB 14-19 -4.89 101.3 196 106.2 #> 584 2020 227 Merrimack NEC 20-11 -4.89 93.9 325 98.8 #> 585 2020 228 Lafayette Pat 19-12 -4.91 100.6 211 105.5 #> 586 2020 229 Miami OH MAC 13-19 -4.99 102.0 188 107.0 #> 587 2020 230 San Diego WCC 9-23 -5.38 94.4 315 99.8 #> 588 2020 231 North Dakota Sum 15-18 -5.49 102.2 183 107.7 #> 589 2020 232 Youngstown St. Horz 18-15 -5.59 103.0 173 108.5 #> 590 2020 233 Cal St. Northridge BW 15-17 -5.86 107.4 82 113.3 #> 591 2020 234 Bryant NEC 15-17 -6.03 97.8 257 103.8 #> 592 2020 235 UMKC WAC 16-14 -6.09 97.5 263 103.6 #> 593 2020 236 Lamar Slnd 17-15 -6.16 96.3 283 102.5 #> 594 2020 237 Western Michigan MAC 13-19 -6.35 99.4 232 105.7 #> 595 2020 238 Eastern Illinois OVC 17-15 -6.36 98.2 253 104.5 #> 596 2020 239 Oakland Horz 14-19 -6.47 98.6 246 105.0 #> 597 2020 240 Jacksonville ASun 14-18 -6.52 96.0 290 102.5 #> 598 2020 241 George Washington A10 12-20 -6.54 99.2 236 105.8 #> 599 2020 242 Bucknell Pat 14-20 -6.68 96.2 285 102.9 #> 600 2020 243 Hartford AE 18-15 -6.72 94.4 312 101.1 #> 601 2020 244 Drexel CAA 14-19 -6.76 100.0 219 106.7 #> 602 2020 245 Fordham A10 9-22 -6.79 89.1 347 95.9 #> 603 2020 246 Wyoming MWC 9-24 -6.79 94.1 322 100.9 #> 604 2020 247 Lipscomb ASun 16-16 -6.86 101.2 201 108.0 #> 605 2020 248 New Hampshire AE 15-15 -7.11 95.0 304 102.1 #> 606 2020 249 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC 14-16 -7.32 98.7 244 106.0 #> 607 2020 250 Southern SWAC 17-15 -7.57 97.2 267 104.8 #> 608 2020 251 Quinnipiac MAAC 15-15 -7.65 100.7 207 108.3 #> 609 2020 252 Louisiana Monroe SB 9-20 -7.68 96.1 287 103.7 #> 610 2020 253 Utah Valley WAC 11-19 -7.74 96.5 277 104.2 #> 611 2020 254 Norfolk St. MEAC 16-15 -7.76 94.2 321 101.9 #> 612 2020 255 Navy Pat 14-16 -7.90 98.1 254 106.0 #> 613 2020 256 UMBC AE 16-17 -7.93 97.8 258 105.7 #> 614 2020 257 VMI SC 9-24 -7.96 100.2 215 108.1 #> 615 2020 258 Canisius MAAC 12-20 -7.97 97.7 259 105.7 #> 616 2020 259 Tennessee St. OVC 18-15 -8.15 96.4 279 104.6 #> 617 2020 260 Saint Joseph's A10 6-26 -8.34 101.9 193 110.2 #> 618 2020 261 Purdue Fort Wayne Sum 14-19 -8.43 95.4 299 103.8 #> 619 2020 262 Campbell BSth 15-16 -8.50 96.8 275 105.3 #> 620 2020 263 Cal St. Fullerton BW 11-20 -8.54 95.9 292 104.5 #> 621 2020 264 Army Pat 15-15 -8.63 98.8 242 107.4 #> 622 2020 265 Grand Canyon WAC 13-17 -8.68 103.4 164 112.1 #> 623 2020 266 Cal St. Bakersfield WAC 12-19 -8.70 96.2 286 104.9 #> 624 2020 267 LIU NEC 15-18 -8.71 97.4 265 106.1 #> 625 2020 268 Loyola MD Pat 15-17 -8.75 100.4 213 109.1 #> 626 2020 269 Manhattan MAAC 13-18 -8.76 92.8 331 101.6 #> 627 2020 270 Northwestern St. Slnd 15-15 -8.87 98.3 251 107.1 #> 628 2020 271 Milwaukee Horz 12-19 -8.89 96.0 288 104.9 #> 629 2020 272 North Carolina Central MEAC 18-13 -9.00 94.2 319 103.2 #> 630 2020 273 Weber St. BSky 12-20 -9.09 98.8 241 107.9 #> 631 2020 274 Cornell Ivy 7-20 -9.10 101.2 198 110.3 #> 632 2020 275 UMass Lowell AE 13-19 -9.15 104.4 144 113.6 #> 633 2020 276 McNeese St. Slnd 15-17 -9.32 103.0 172 112.3 #> 634 2020 277 Elon CAA 13-21 -9.35 100.6 208 110.0 #> 635 2020 278 Texas Southern SWAC 16-16 -9.42 99.1 237 108.6 #> 636 2020 279 Southern Miss CUSA 9-22 -9.44 94.4 313 103.8 #> 637 2020 280 Eastern Kentucky OVC 16-17 -9.46 95.4 297 104.9 #> 638 2020 281 Jackson St. SWAC 15-17 -9.55 92.8 333 102.3 #> 639 2020 282 Albany AE 14-18 -9.55 94.3 316 103.9 #> 640 2020 283 Central Arkansas Slnd 10-21 -9.56 98.0 256 107.6 #> 641 2020 284 North Alabama ASun 13-17 -9.57 96.0 289 105.6 #> 642 2020 285 Jacksonville St. OVC 13-19 -9.67 95.8 293 105.5 #> 643 2020 286 Portland WCC 9-23 -9.93 94.4 314 104.3 #> 644 2020 287 North Carolina A&T MEAC 17-15 -10.07 92.3 335 102.4 #> 645 2020 288 Stetson ASun 16-17 -10.22 98.1 255 108.3 #> 646 2020 289 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC 11-19 -10.23 102.1 186 112.4 #> 647 2020 290 San Jose St. MWC 7-24 -10.31 97.5 262 107.8 #> 648 2020 291 Idaho St. BSky 8-22 -10.37 100.8 206 111.1 #> 649 2020 292 Bethune Cookman MEAC 16-14 -10.39 95.4 298 105.8 #> 650 2020 293 Troy SB 9-22 -10.43 96.2 284 106.6 #> 651 2020 294 Evansville MVC 9-23 -10.56 96.9 274 107.4 #> 652 2020 295 Middle Tennessee CUSA 8-23 -10.66 97.5 264 108.2 #> 653 2020 296 NJIT ASun 9-21 -11.07 94.7 307 105.8 #> 654 2020 297 Long Beach St. BW 11-21 -11.08 94.2 320 105.3 #> 655 2020 298 Mount St. Mary's NEC 11-21 -11.10 96.4 281 107.5 #> 656 2020 299 Columbia Ivy 6-24 -11.27 95.2 302 106.5 #> 657 2020 300 Niagara MAAC 12-20 -11.54 100.1 218 111.6 #> 658 2020 301 Fairfield MAAC 12-20 -11.59 90.1 344 101.6 #> 659 2020 302 UNC Asheville BSth 15-16 -11.61 98.7 243 110.3 #> 660 2020 303 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd 14-18 -11.71 94.3 317 106.0 #> 661 2020 304 Lehigh Pat 11-21 -11.72 97.0 269 108.8 #> 662 2020 305 Denver Sum 7-24 -11.75 95.0 303 106.8 #> 663 2020 306 Detroit Horz 8-23 -11.84 99.9 221 111.7 #> 664 2020 307 St. Francis NY NEC 13-18 -11.90 94.6 308 106.5 #> 665 2020 308 Hampton BSth 15-19 -11.95 104.8 135 116.7 #> 666 2020 309 Grambling St. SWAC 17-15 -11.99 93.1 328 105.1 #> 667 2020 310 Florida Gulf Coast ASun 10-22 -12.02 91.2 340 103.3 #> 668 2020 311 James Madison CAA 9-21 -12.11 99.5 230 111.6 #> 669 2020 312 UNC Wilmington CAA 10-22 -12.40 92.1 337 104.5 #> 670 2020 313 Cleveland St. Horz 11-21 -12.83 92.9 329 105.7 #> 671 2020 314 Florida A&M MEAC 12-15 -12.85 94.4 311 107.3 #> 672 2020 315 Cal Poly BW 7-23 -13.25 95.2 301 108.5 #> 673 2020 316 Morehead St. OVC 13-19 -13.52 94.6 309 108.1 #> 674 2020 317 Marist MAAC 7-23 -13.59 90.2 343 103.8 #> 675 2020 318 Charleston Southern BSth 14-18 -13.61 95.4 296 109.1 #> 676 2020 319 Longwood BSth 14-18 -13.82 91.3 339 105.1 #> 677 2020 320 Maine AE 9-22 -13.91 92.9 330 106.8 #> 678 2020 321 Samford SC 10-23 -14.01 98.6 245 112.6 #> 679 2020 322 Morgan St. MEAC 15-16 -14.26 93.2 327 107.5 #> 680 2020 323 Idaho BSky 8-24 -14.29 92.8 332 107.1 #> 681 2020 324 Alcorn St. SWAC 15-15 -14.36 96.9 271 111.3 #> 682 2020 325 USC Upstate BSth 13-20 -15.34 95.5 295 110.8 #> 683 2020 326 New Orleans Slnd 9-21 -15.51 99.3 233 114.8 #> 684 2020 327 Coppin St. MEAC 11-20 -15.66 89.6 346 105.3 #> 685 2020 328 IUPUI Horz 7-25 -16.18 99.4 231 115.6 #> 686 2020 329 Wagner NEC 8-21 -16.64 97.3 266 113.9 #> 687 2020 330 Western Illinois Sum 5-21 -16.68 98.3 250 115.0 #> 688 2020 331 Tennessee Tech OVC 9-22 -16.73 92.5 334 109.3 #> 689 2020 332 Alabama St. SWAC 8-24 -17.19 86.2 350 103.4 #> 690 2020 333 Binghamton AE 10-19 -17.22 99.7 224 116.9 #> 691 2020 334 The Citadel SC 6-24 -17.25 94.9 305 112.2 #> 692 2020 335 Presbyterian BSth 10-22 -17.47 96.9 272 114.4 #> 693 2020 336 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd 8-23 -17.62 92.0 338 109.6 #> 694 2020 337 SIU Edwardsville OVC 8-23 -17.72 92.3 336 110.0 #> 695 2020 338 Tennessee Martin OVC 9-20 -17.82 105.1 128 122.9 #> 696 2020 339 South Carolina St. MEAC 11-18 -18.29 94.9 306 113.2 #> 697 2020 340 Southeast Missouri St. OVC 7-24 -19.00 94.0 324 113.0 #> 698 2020 341 High Point BSth 9-23 -19.07 94.5 310 113.6 #> 699 2020 342 Houston Baptist Slnd 4-25 -19.38 102.9 175 122.3 #> 700 2020 343 Alabama A&M SWAC 8-22 -20.22 87.9 348 108.2 #> 701 2020 344 Holy Cross Pat 3-29 -21.34 95.9 291 117.3 #> 702 2020 345 Incarnate Word Slnd 9-22 -22.46 90.3 341 112.8 #> 703 2020 346 Delaware St. MEAC 6-26 -23.11 94.1 323 117.2 #> 704 2020 347 Central Connecticut NEC 4-27 -23.67 90.3 342 114.0 #> 705 2020 348 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC 4-26 -25.63 79.0 353 104.6 #> 706 2020 349 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC 5-27 -26.14 81.7 352 107.8 #> 707 2020 350 Howard MEAC 4-29 -26.15 93.6 326 119.7 #> 708 2020 351 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 4-27 -27.87 89.8 345 117.6 #> 709 2020 352 Kennesaw St. ASun 1-28 -28.71 83.5 351 112.2 #> 710 2020 353 Chicago St. WAC 4-25 -33.99 86.9 349 120.8 #> adj_d_rk adj_t adj_t_rk luck luck_rk sos_adj_em sos_adj_em_rk sos_opp_o #> 1 11 73.8 7 0.022 127 11.35 72 108.1 #> 2 22 67.4 213 0.046 80 13.25 54 108.7 #> 3 4 66.6 256 0.007 156 16.44 19 111.7 #> 4 7 70.5 79 0.022 128 18.17 5 112.3 #> 5 9 64.4 332 0.018 133 9.21 90 105.7 #> 6 6 67.0 235 0.001 171 16.27 21 111.1 #> 7 75 69.9 93 -0.027 244 16.41 20 110.4 #> 8 23 66.1 276 -0.025 237 15.43 28 110.3 #> 9 3 73.3 11 0.020 131 14.80 33 110.1 #> 10 2 63.7 342 -0.024 233 6.27 112 105.6 #> 11 82 66.7 251 -0.012 212 17.90 9 111.6 #> 12 66 64.2 336 -0.007 200 13.66 47 109.3 #> 13 46 63.8 341 0.028 110 17.38 11 111.3 #> 14 15 64.6 328 -0.052 289 18.13 6 112.1 #> 15 33 69.9 90 0.002 167 13.48 50 109.5 #> 16 55 67.2 226 0.049 72 15.20 30 110.6 #> 17 18 65.1 316 -0.099 340 12.84 59 108.5 #> 18 10 72.6 19 0.064 51 12.69 63 109.4 #> 19 36 59.9 357 0.025 118 12.05 69 109.8 #> 20 30 67.6 206 0.037 91 12.31 65 109.1 #> 21 29 65.5 309 -0.068 310 12.99 57 108.2 #> 22 32 68.7 144 0.017 137 13.19 55 108.8 #> 23 70 69.2 122 -0.056 294 15.18 31 109.6 #> 24 124 70.6 70 -0.007 201 14.77 35 108.7 #> 25 34 66.1 278 0.010 148 16.61 17 111.2 #> 26 31 68.6 146 -0.004 190 14.52 38 109.2 #> 27 12 68.2 174 0.070 44 15.83 24 110.7 #> 28 5 67.1 232 -0.013 215 13.11 56 108.9 #> 29 59 67.7 198 -0.017 220 13.38 51 109.3 #> 30 21 65.5 307 0.027 114 7.22 103 106.4 #> 31 1 71.3 48 -0.068 311 8.72 96 105.9 #> 32 20 64.8 320 0.016 140 8.53 98 106.6 #> 33 17 72.4 24 0.038 90 15.52 27 111.1 #> 34 27 71.5 43 -0.005 194 14.79 34 110.9 #> 35 42 64.7 321 -0.024 234 17.10 13 110.2 #> 36 79 68.5 152 -0.109 347 12.27 67 109.1 #> 37 68 67.3 223 -0.005 193 12.70 61 108.7 #> 38 16 67.4 214 0.027 113 17.99 7 112.4 #> 39 51 67.1 228 -0.025 238 14.29 43 109.5 #> 40 52 69.1 125 -0.050 286 19.38 1 112.2 #> 41 41 68.3 167 -0.004 188 14.72 36 109.9 #> 42 77 68.6 151 0.029 109 12.94 58 109.4 #> 43 60 65.5 306 0.072 40 16.72 16 111.2 #> 44 78 67.6 203 -0.077 319 15.67 25 110.5 #> 45 19 64.0 337 0.100 18 14.39 41 109.7 #> 46 8 68.6 149 -0.037 262 5.64 120 105.4 #> 47 57 68.4 163 0.070 43 15.85 23 110.2 #> 48 14 69.6 107 0.035 97 8.57 97 106.5 #> 49 35 68.1 181 -0.148 354 16.91 15 110.9 #> 50 43 65.9 289 -0.053 290 18.33 3 111.4 #> 51 25 64.9 318 -0.063 301 10.75 78 107.9 #> 52 53 65.7 298 0.043 82 9.69 85 107.9 #> 53 65 68.0 184 -0.037 263 5.58 121 104.7 #> 54 63 66.5 264 -0.027 245 14.43 40 109.7 #> 55 101 66.3 271 0.102 17 3.98 137 104.1 #> 56 76 68.8 141 -0.012 210 8.72 95 105.0 #> 57 28 69.2 120 0.022 126 16.46 18 111.2 #> 58 69 65.6 301 0.030 108 1.80 168 102.8 #> 59 44 65.7 300 0.118 9 13.29 53 109.9 #> 60 103 71.0 54 -0.044 275 14.54 37 109.3 #> 61 64 69.1 128 -0.026 242 6.12 115 105.4 #> 62 56 69.9 88 0.011 147 17.03 14 111.4 #> 63 49 69.7 101 0.008 154 14.96 32 110.6 #> 64 45 68.3 164 0.090 22 17.72 10 112.5 #> 65 99 68.2 169 -0.061 298 9.22 89 107.2 #> 66 94 67.9 186 0.003 165 10.29 82 107.9 #> 67 54 65.8 296 -0.011 207 12.31 66 107.5 #> 68 84 67.0 234 0.089 23 10.47 81 106.4 #> 69 112 73.4 10 0.014 144 11.04 74 107.6 #> 70 164 62.5 353 -0.074 316 6.91 106 104.7 #> 71 87 67.8 193 -0.011 209 10.91 75 109.1 #> 72 48 62.7 350 -0.018 222 6.35 109 105.0 #> 73 73 71.1 52 -0.078 321 -3.35 251 102.7 #> 74 182 68.7 143 -0.024 236 3.03 150 104.8 #> 75 13 62.9 348 0.037 92 10.85 76 108.8 #> 76 72 69.0 133 0.045 81 5.44 122 104.3 #> 77 67 73.1 16 -0.098 339 3.27 145 105.6 #> 78 24 67.6 207 -0.010 203 12.08 68 108.9 #> 79 37 68.4 160 -0.091 331 19.18 2 112.9 #> 80 74 66.3 270 0.001 170 13.51 49 109.4 #> 81 145 69.2 123 0.031 104 5.23 126 106.1 #> 82 39 69.4 112 0.055 62 3.02 151 103.2 #> 83 83 67.4 216 -0.007 199 14.12 44 109.7 #> 84 26 69.3 115 0.009 150 -5.43 298 99.4 #> 85 203 67.2 227 -0.029 248 14.31 42 110.7 #> 86 106 72.5 21 0.026 116 16.04 22 110.9 #> 87 109 65.5 305 0.006 160 8.46 99 105.1 #> 88 104 69.1 127 0.039 87 3.85 140 104.0 #> 89 148 72.2 26 0.048 74 -5.80 305 99.6 #> 90 120 71.4 47 0.002 169 9.52 86 107.1 #> 91 125 69.8 95 -0.012 213 6.26 113 104.7 #> 92 133 72.6 20 -0.068 312 1.45 172 102.9 #> 93 96 67.7 197 -0.104 342 8.22 101 106.8 #> 94 114 66.0 284 0.033 99 8.41 100 105.6 #> 95 118 73.2 13 0.048 75 12.37 64 107.9 #> 96 151 67.7 200 -0.086 324 2.56 160 104.3 #> 97 122 68.3 165 -0.068 309 10.58 80 108.3 #> 98 153 63.1 347 -0.023 231 -4.82 287 99.5 #> 99 97 67.4 219 0.083 27 4.32 133 103.6 #> 100 95 67.2 225 0.053 64 12.76 60 107.1 #> 101 71 73.1 14 0.036 96 -5.62 302 99.6 #> 102 50 67.0 238 0.005 162 -1.59 216 100.1 #> 103 81 64.9 319 -0.061 299 -1.44 211 102.0 #> 104 136 68.6 147 -0.128 352 12.70 62 107.9 #> 105 156 72.2 27 -0.085 323 -0.43 195 102.0 #> 106 58 66.7 254 -0.066 305 0.84 182 102.6 #> 107 38 67.4 222 0.031 103 3.13 147 103.6 #> 108 62 68.0 183 0.003 166 1.48 171 103.8 #> 109 40 71.8 35 -0.128 351 18.30 4 112.4 #> 110 170 70.7 64 0.050 69 -5.84 307 98.9 #> 111 89 69.0 134 -0.109 344 9.40 87 106.6 #> 112 159 68.5 153 -0.001 183 4.26 134 105.8 #> 113 222 70.9 59 0.008 153 1.43 173 103.6 #> 114 115 64.7 322 -0.067 308 15.58 26 110.7 #> 115 121 69.8 98 0.023 123 3.94 138 106.5 #> 116 90 70.7 66 0.115 11 11.11 73 107.3 #> 117 98 67.0 237 0.021 130 9.97 84 107.6 #> 118 128 71.6 41 -0.057 297 3.71 141 103.1 #> 119 85 66.9 244 0.079 31 6.51 108 105.7 #> 120 86 64.6 326 0.069 45 14.50 39 109.9 #> 121 91 65.6 303 -0.024 235 8.99 93 105.6 #> 122 185 71.9 33 -0.028 246 -3.07 246 101.0 #> 123 172 67.9 185 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 124 113 74.6 3 -0.055 293 15.42 29 109.7 #> 125 219 71.4 46 0.023 125 4.09 135 105.2 #> 126 80 69.0 135 0.007 159 6.63 107 105.0 #> 127 171 65.9 291 0.025 119 3.38 144 105.0 #> 128 117 65.4 311 -0.063 302 3.87 139 104.9 #> 129 134 71.0 53 -0.061 300 17.97 8 112.0 #> 130 168 69.8 96 -0.037 260 3.46 143 105.5 #> 131 186 67.7 196 -0.002 184 2.05 165 104.1 #> 132 158 63.6 344 -0.024 232 1.53 170 102.7 #> 133 177 66.4 267 -0.069 313 -7.92 332 96.4 #> 134 88 65.2 314 0.146 4 -1.10 204 102.1 #> 135 240 69.9 92 0.082 28 -3.56 255 100.9 #> 136 131 67.8 191 -0.065 304 5.18 127 104.0 #> 137 111 64.3 334 0.018 135 9.10 91 107.0 #> 138 116 67.8 190 0.019 132 11.91 70 109.2 #> 139 143 64.6 327 -0.033 254 1.30 176 104.4 #> 140 166 66.6 258 0.089 24 11.88 71 107.9 #> 141 47 70.6 72 -0.048 280 13.30 52 109.0 #> 142 102 68.1 176 0.046 77 3.26 146 104.5 #> 143 110 68.6 148 -0.092 332 8.84 94 105.8 #> 144 93 67.4 221 0.013 145 7.32 102 104.4 #> 145 105 70.4 81 0.147 3 5.78 119 104.5 #> 146 162 65.9 288 -0.086 325 5.85 118 105.5 #> 147 100 65.5 308 0.026 117 14.05 45 109.9 #> 148 200 70.9 58 -0.097 337 13.86 46 110.5 #> 149 167 70.7 67 -0.049 283 4.48 130 106.1 #> 150 184 64.6 325 -0.066 306 -2.44 231 100.5 #> 151 174 69.7 102 0.047 76 -7.61 329 98.1 #> 152 126 67.4 217 0.140 5 2.72 157 102.8 #> 153 269 69.9 89 -0.048 279 2.95 153 104.6 #> 154 226 70.5 78 0.076 35 -1.79 217 101.2 #> 155 107 67.9 187 -0.016 218 6.22 114 104.7 #> 156 178 66.4 269 0.102 16 0.68 185 103.3 #> 157 234 65.8 293 0.002 168 2.88 154 104.8 #> 158 248 63.9 340 0.007 158 -2.28 227 101.2 #> 159 267 68.9 136 -0.015 216 0.22 191 103.3 #> 160 252 71.8 37 0.021 129 3.10 148 102.6 #> 161 299 67.1 230 -0.051 287 -1.93 221 103.6 #> 162 220 65.8 292 0.017 139 -2.68 239 101.1 #> 163 190 68.8 139 -0.022 229 7.13 104 105.2 #> 164 301 69.0 129 0.046 78 1.30 175 102.4 #> 165 209 66.6 257 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 166 201 65.9 286 0.179 2 -5.28 294 98.2 #> 167 293 65.1 315 -0.015 217 -3.95 268 100.1 #> 168 108 67.0 236 0.056 58 3.03 149 105.2 #> 169 138 66.1 279 0.199 1 -0.83 202 105.1 #> 170 147 66.8 247 0.049 73 10.01 83 106.1 #> 171 135 69.9 91 -0.120 349 17.29 12 111.6 #> 172 139 67.5 208 -0.013 214 -4.60 283 98.8 #> 173 195 66.2 275 -0.177 356 -5.03 290 99.6 #> 174 160 74.8 2 0.085 26 -5.34 297 99.8 #> 175 169 67.0 241 -0.109 345 13.51 48 110.4 #> 176 217 66.1 281 -0.037 261 5.30 125 104.3 #> 177 210 71.8 36 -0.048 278 -1.91 220 101.1 #> 178 146 67.7 199 0.030 107 -5.67 303 98.3 #> 179 130 71.1 51 -0.020 226 -5.02 289 99.8 #> 180 179 70.9 57 0.092 20 -2.65 238 100.4 #> 181 192 68.1 177 -0.098 338 -1.50 212 101.2 #> 182 246 66.7 252 -0.165 355 -3.83 266 100.3 #> 183 141 62.4 354 0.072 41 -5.94 308 98.6 #> 184 194 68.1 180 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 185 223 74.0 6 -0.044 273 -7.65 330 98.2 #> 186 163 66.2 273 -0.057 296 -7.28 325 96.7 #> 187 208 66.9 245 -0.020 225 0.65 186 101.8 #> 188 261 69.3 114 0.039 88 2.38 162 102.1 #> 189 154 65.7 299 0.009 149 2.56 159 104.7 #> 190 295 68.1 179 0.052 65 -1.31 210 101.6 #> 191 176 65.8 295 0.065 48 4.63 129 104.5 #> 192 188 66.2 274 0.075 37 4.76 128 104.4 #> 193 123 67.0 239 -0.028 247 6.33 110 105.7 #> 194 127 66.9 243 0.081 30 -5.09 291 99.2 #> 195 137 70.2 84 -0.025 239 10.79 77 108.1 #> 196 204 71.6 42 0.121 8 -6.96 320 98.6 #> 197 161 68.4 157 0.034 98 -1.17 208 103.3 #> 198 180 69.0 132 -0.112 348 5.34 123 105.4 #> 199 215 70.2 85 0.007 157 0.60 189 103.2 #> 200 245 68.5 155 -0.012 211 7.06 105 104.7 #> 201 214 71.0 56 0.096 19 -3.74 265 100.4 #> 202 230 72.1 30 0.027 115 10.62 79 107.8 #> 203 129 62.5 352 -0.074 317 1.37 174 104.6 #> 204 315 62.0 355 0.011 146 4.00 136 103.5 #> 205 142 66.5 265 0.014 142 -1.59 215 102.1 #> 206 286 64.7 323 0.056 59 -2.82 242 102.2 #> 207 198 68.2 168 0.055 61 -1.12 205 102.4 #> 208 212 71.5 45 0.059 54 -7.73 331 95.5 #> 209 181 69.2 119 0.087 25 -1.01 203 101.7 #> 210 199 67.5 211 0.090 21 -7.09 322 98.1 #> 211 281 63.9 338 0.064 49 -5.23 293 99.0 #> 212 191 65.5 310 0.039 86 -2.83 243 100.4 #> 213 197 68.8 140 -0.036 258 -1.24 209 102.7 #> 214 165 68.4 162 -0.190 357 -4.36 276 101.9 #> 215 302 66.8 249 -0.071 315 -5.33 296 98.6 #> 216 271 69.8 97 -0.010 204 -2.14 225 101.9 #> 217 294 66.5 261 0.043 84 -3.09 247 99.2 #> 218 305 74.2 4 0.064 50 2.53 161 104.2 #> 219 236 69.2 124 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 220 266 66.8 246 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 221 306 69.6 104 0.046 79 2.29 164 105.4 #> 222 61 66.7 253 -0.006 197 -6.37 316 98.3 #> 223 247 71.9 32 -0.037 259 -8.44 335 95.8 #> 224 265 65.5 304 0.068 46 -8.56 336 97.8 #> 225 193 66.5 262 -0.069 314 -4.03 269 101.9 #> 226 229 74.2 5 0.050 71 -6.16 312 96.9 #> 227 285 67.8 188 -0.094 335 0.63 187 99.9 #> 228 231 67.8 189 -0.004 192 -2.05 222 100.8 #> 229 321 70.5 76 -0.016 219 -4.46 277 99.8 #> 230 259 69.0 131 0.055 60 -1.81 218 100.3 #> 231 289 69.7 99 0.023 124 6.01 116 104.0 #> 232 297 63.5 345 -0.030 249 -2.06 223 101.5 #> 233 270 67.8 194 -0.006 196 -2.07 224 101.7 #> 234 206 62.7 351 -0.032 251 0.99 180 102.5 #> 235 152 69.2 121 0.111 12 -13.88 346 93.3 #> 236 157 66.4 268 -0.090 330 -3.12 248 100.2 #> 237 150 61.6 356 -0.004 191 -6.45 317 99.4 #> 238 282 66.0 282 0.024 120 -3.63 259 100.2 #> 239 235 67.0 240 -0.040 266 -2.76 241 99.8 #> 240 211 69.6 108 -0.079 322 -4.50 280 98.9 #> 241 272 70.5 77 0.031 105 1.92 166 104.4 #> 242 224 73.7 8 -0.011 208 0.68 184 102.4 #> 243 225 63.5 346 0.023 122 -4.51 281 100.1 #> 244 283 68.2 170 -0.008 202 -5.46 299 99.4 #> 245 132 69.2 116 -0.135 353 -2.41 230 101.1 #> 246 310 67.6 202 0.032 101 -4.05 271 102.0 #> 247 237 65.0 317 -0.027 243 -4.04 270 100.4 #> 248 309 69.0 130 -0.122 350 -4.61 284 100.1 #> 249 189 69.7 100 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 250 280 64.5 329 -0.041 268 -5.72 304 96.5 #> 251 273 70.6 74 0.058 56 -5.54 301 96.0 #> 252 276 67.6 201 -0.041 270 -3.60 257 99.4 #> 253 260 69.2 118 0.051 67 -2.71 240 99.8 #> 254 318 65.3 313 -0.030 250 0.63 188 103.2 #> 255 313 71.8 39 -0.044 274 -0.03 193 102.3 #> 256 149 67.4 218 -0.078 320 1.08 178 102.1 #> 257 324 65.9 285 -0.042 271 -1.16 207 103.2 #> 258 175 64.2 335 0.000 172 -2.49 234 101.1 #> 259 320 70.1 86 0.059 55 1.03 179 102.3 #> 260 307 65.6 302 0.008 152 -2.16 226 102.5 #> 261 256 64.4 331 -0.052 288 0.81 183 102.0 #> 262 335 68.6 145 0.062 53 -8.82 338 96.6 #> 263 243 72.1 28 0.076 36 -2.49 233 102.1 #> 264 257 72.7 17 -0.035 255 2.79 155 104.1 #> 265 92 68.4 159 0.111 13 -12.38 344 93.8 #> 266 155 66.1 280 0.082 29 -7.36 327 97.2 #> 267 262 67.4 215 0.065 47 -1.53 213 101.0 #> 268 249 66.4 266 0.056 57 -6.27 314 97.3 #> 269 242 68.4 158 -0.003 185 -4.48 278 99.9 #> 270 213 66.6 255 0.032 102 -3.37 253 100.4 #> 271 205 73.7 9 -0.021 228 -9.13 340 98.2 #> 272 291 67.1 229 0.077 33 0.98 181 104.3 #> 273 232 70.6 75 0.051 66 -4.68 285 100.6 #> 274 233 66.0 283 -0.036 257 4.37 131 106.4 #> 275 244 66.6 259 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 276 288 71.8 34 -0.018 224 -6.93 319 99.8 #> 277 144 68.4 161 -0.011 206 -6.24 313 98.8 #> 278 290 72.4 23 -0.093 333 -8.05 333 98.7 #> 279 218 70.6 69 0.072 39 -6.14 311 99.0 #> 280 329 69.5 109 -0.025 240 -3.72 264 102.2 #> 281 330 72.1 29 -0.046 276 1.08 177 103.7 #> 282 187 69.6 103 -0.050 285 -3.66 262 99.8 #> 283 268 70.6 73 0.078 32 -4.98 288 97.8 #> 284 277 66.1 277 -0.033 253 -4.75 286 99.8 #> 285 140 72.0 31 -0.042 272 -7.27 323 97.6 #> 286 255 68.9 137 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 287 173 66.5 263 0.014 143 -9.01 339 98.6 #> 288 221 68.2 175 0.050 68 -3.33 250 102.4 #> 289 296 68.1 178 -0.039 264 5.33 124 106.9 #> 290 308 71.5 44 -0.010 205 -0.67 198 104.0 #> 291 183 76.8 1 0.073 38 -2.62 236 101.4 #> 292 304 70.3 82 -0.090 328 -0.33 194 101.9 #> 293 241 67.6 204 0.050 70 -4.53 282 100.4 #> 294 196 67.7 195 -0.039 265 3.60 142 104.6 #> 295 263 68.2 171 0.024 121 -4.29 275 98.8 #> 296 239 67.1 231 -0.040 267 -3.63 258 99.7 #> 297 352 66.5 260 0.036 94 -1.84 219 100.7 #> 298 332 65.8 294 -0.022 230 -0.50 196 102.4 #> 299 345 70.6 68 0.017 138 -6.04 309 98.9 #> 300 275 70.7 65 -0.017 221 2.38 163 104.3 #> 301 347 72.5 22 0.030 106 -8.66 337 97.1 #> 302 278 68.1 182 0.106 14 -0.79 201 103.1 #> 303 323 67.3 224 -0.053 291 -0.61 197 104.7 #> 304 314 69.1 126 -0.047 277 -2.51 235 102.0 #> 305 228 68.2 173 0.036 93 -0.78 199 101.2 #> 306 207 69.2 117 -0.035 256 2.63 158 102.6 #> 307 254 67.5 210 0.009 151 -4.23 274 99.3 #> 308 216 70.6 71 -0.075 318 -12.47 345 93.4 #> 309 284 64.3 333 0.005 163 -5.31 295 96.9 #> 310 119 63.7 343 0.018 136 6.28 111 105.8 #> 311 298 68.9 138 -0.004 189 -3.67 263 100.9 #> 312 287 68.5 154 -0.066 307 -5.49 300 99.9 #> 313 316 68.8 142 -0.055 292 0.13 192 102.4 #> 314 337 69.5 110 0.102 15 -1.12 206 103.6 #> 315 202 67.1 233 -0.006 195 -7.27 324 96.6 #> 316 350 67.6 205 -0.041 269 -4.09 273 97.4 #> 317 327 70.8 62 0.077 34 -3.41 254 101.1 #> 318 264 69.8 94 0.036 95 -10.43 342 94.0 #> 319 344 63.9 339 0.038 89 1.69 169 103.4 #> 320 227 71.2 49 -0.103 341 -3.65 261 100.7 #> 321 334 71.0 55 0.054 63 9.28 88 106.9 #> 322 312 68.3 166 -0.032 252 -2.37 229 100.6 #> 323 279 68.2 172 0.008 155 -2.48 232 101.3 #> 324 348 66.2 272 0.130 6 -7.28 326 98.1 #> 325 340 65.9 290 -0.095 336 -4.07 272 98.4 #> 326 258 65.7 297 -0.057 295 -6.62 318 99.0 #> 327 322 70.4 80 0.118 10 -7.39 328 98.6 #> 328 274 73.1 15 0.070 42 -2.34 228 101.3 #> 329 253 66.8 248 0.015 141 2.76 156 103.0 #> 330 311 65.9 287 0.033 100 -6.13 310 96.5 #> 331 351 70.9 61 -0.018 223 1.85 167 102.8 #> 332 326 62.8 349 0.028 111 4.35 132 104.6 #> 333 338 71.8 38 0.006 161 5.92 117 104.0 #> 334 303 70.0 87 0.063 52 -5.82 306 101.0 #> 335 238 69.3 113 -0.088 327 -1.56 214 102.9 #> 336 325 68.6 150 0.043 83 -5.13 292 100.2 #> 337 328 65.4 312 -0.003 187 2.98 152 105.4 #> 338 341 70.9 60 -0.105 343 -2.88 244 101.5 #> 339 292 69.6 106 -0.049 284 -3.32 249 100.8 #> 340 353 68.5 156 -0.090 329 -9.21 341 97.6 #> 341 331 72.6 18 -0.003 186 -2.99 245 100.6 #> 342 317 69.5 111 -0.026 241 -8.11 334 96.1 #> 343 342 64.7 324 -0.049 281 -7.08 321 98.2 #> 344 300 69.6 105 -0.093 334 -3.59 256 99.1 #> 345 336 70.3 83 0.003 164 -6.27 315 99.0 #> 346 251 64.5 330 0.028 112 -0.78 200 100.9 #> 347 346 67.4 220 0.122 7 -2.64 237 101.2 #> 348 250 67.5 209 0.018 134 -11.82 343 93.6 #> 349 343 72.3 25 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 350 349 66.8 250 -0.021 227 0.42 190 102.9 #> 351 354 67.0 242 -0.086 326 -3.36 252 97.6 #> 352 355 73.3 12 -0.064 303 -3.65 260 98.9 #> 353 339 71.6 40 -0.109 346 -4.49 279 98.3 #> 354 319 70.8 63 -0.049 282 -14.36 347 91.6 #> 355 333 67.8 192 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 356 356 67.5 212 -0.006 198 9.06 92 106.6 #> 357 357 71.1 50 0.040 85 -3.93 267 97.7 #> 358 2 67.3 233 0.040 79 12.66 2 107.4 #> 359 43 71.9 35 0.050 50 2.42 109 103.5 #> 360 4 66.2 277 0.016 144 10.20 27 106.4 #> 361 38 67.6 220 0.002 180 2.74 105 104.1 #> 362 12 72.0 34 -0.009 209 7.28 54 106.0 #> 363 10 64.6 332 -0.008 204 2.98 101 105.3 #> 364 13 69.1 130 -0.012 217 12.04 7 108.6 #> 365 19 66.2 280 -0.038 280 11.10 16 108.0 #> 366 30 67.1 242 -0.003 193 7.10 58 105.3 #> 367 3 69.4 112 -0.028 260 11.28 15 107.2 #> 368 22 67.0 245 0.037 87 11.35 13 107.9 #> 369 78 68.3 178 0.072 23 10.72 21 107.9 #> 370 60 69.5 108 -0.028 259 6.06 74 106.0 #> 371 21 65.7 300 -0.052 308 6.33 68 104.2 #> 372 15 69.9 89 0.065 37 7.96 48 106.3 #> 373 28 68.7 150 -0.048 301 12.79 1 110.2 #> 374 76 65.0 319 0.023 120 8.15 42 105.6 #> 375 36 66.2 275 0.082 16 10.88 17 108.2 #> 376 14 69.3 115 -0.077 327 7.72 50 106.5 #> 377 25 69.8 93 0.006 169 11.48 12 108.4 #> 378 9 67.3 236 -0.113 346 8.74 37 106.0 #> 379 17 63.7 342 0.031 102 11.74 10 108.7 #> 380 97 70.2 77 0.005 172 12.28 4 108.6 #> 381 11 64.6 333 -0.104 342 12.19 6 108.4 #> 382 42 63.7 341 0.032 101 10.22 26 107.6 #> 383 23 70.9 54 0.014 149 10.72 22 108.1 #> 384 41 66.8 257 -0.130 351 12.38 3 108.6 #> 385 6 67.4 231 -0.042 286 9.88 31 107.4 #> 386 52 67.7 215 0.018 138 6.37 66 105.9 #> 387 35 66.0 288 0.022 123 10.38 25 107.7 #> 388 73 70.7 60 -0.046 293 10.78 20 107.6 #> 389 61 64.9 326 -0.047 296 8.82 36 107.8 #> 390 55 69.2 127 0.103 7 6.70 62 107.0 #> 391 26 67.9 206 0.016 143 10.71 23 108.3 #> 392 32 68.2 188 -0.010 213 7.42 52 105.5 #> 393 29 69.6 98 0.031 103 12.22 5 107.5 #> 394 179 70.0 84 -0.020 237 7.18 56 105.8 #> 395 96 63.9 339 0.055 46 4.46 88 105.4 #> 396 8 69.5 101 0.041 78 4.78 81 103.7 #> 397 27 68.4 171 -0.008 205 8.85 35 106.7 #> 398 48 67.4 229 0.034 94 3.09 100 105.0 #> 399 1 59.4 353 0.109 6 6.93 60 105.6 #> 400 7 68.3 183 -0.080 330 4.97 79 104.2 #> 401 51 68.0 199 -0.013 220 6.52 65 104.4 #> 402 20 68.1 191 -0.013 222 9.93 30 108.3 #> 403 54 69.3 124 0.044 69 1.86 115 104.2 #> 404 57 71.2 45 -0.047 298 6.53 64 106.7 #> 405 119 66.2 276 -0.001 187 6.27 70 106.0 #> 406 108 65.8 299 0.019 134 0.97 124 102.6 #> 407 79 69.5 103 -0.020 236 7.04 59 105.4 #> 408 116 68.3 179 -0.060 315 6.70 61 105.6 #> 409 59 68.5 167 -0.077 325 4.52 86 103.1 #> 410 46 68.4 173 0.034 96 11.31 14 107.1 #> 411 31 69.8 96 -0.157 353 7.60 51 105.4 #> 412 18 68.9 139 0.083 15 6.32 69 105.2 #> 413 65 66.1 281 0.067 33 -1.96 201 103.0 #> 414 100 68.1 190 -0.021 239 5.02 78 104.9 #> 415 67 67.4 227 -0.026 253 0.22 143 102.1 #> 416 5 72.6 28 0.025 116 4.81 80 104.5 #> 417 114 74.8 4 -0.076 324 7.83 49 106.9 #> 418 24 65.9 292 0.089 12 10.04 29 106.9 #> 419 44 67.6 219 0.026 111 1.83 116 103.1 #> 420 49 73.2 14 0.069 28 8.22 41 106.4 #> 421 16 70.0 88 -0.006 200 9.42 34 107.0 #> 422 39 71.2 46 0.068 32 4.64 83 105.0 #> 423 53 72.9 21 -0.037 278 8.27 40 106.3 #> 424 125 70.0 87 -0.049 302 10.86 18 108.1 #> 425 62 65.2 313 -0.020 235 8.11 45 106.2 #> 426 50 73.1 17 -0.023 247 6.10 72 105.4 #> 427 163 64.8 330 -0.094 339 3.66 93 103.1 #> 428 90 66.5 266 -0.023 246 -1.65 192 101.7 #> 429 33 66.0 290 -0.043 289 8.15 44 106.3 #> 430 45 69.0 134 -0.064 320 3.55 94 104.2 #> 431 88 68.7 155 -0.006 201 2.96 102 104.4 #> 432 122 65.0 320 -0.035 274 -2.29 213 101.1 #> 433 68 66.3 273 -0.027 257 -5.44 280 98.7 #> 434 146 62.9 350 -0.032 268 1.92 113 102.5 #> 435 112 64.9 325 0.047 59 7.16 57 105.5 #> 436 69 61.5 352 0.023 119 -9.00 345 98.3 #> 437 34 65.8 297 0.076 19 3.19 98 103.5 #> 438 85 68.2 187 0.041 75 -0.81 170 102.9 #> 439 103 69.4 110 0.022 124 -1.21 180 101.3 #> 440 81 69.1 133 0.025 115 4.28 89 105.0 #> 441 94 70.4 67 -0.050 304 10.39 24 107.9 #> 442 141 71.0 50 -0.007 203 2.68 106 104.3 #> 443 66 65.1 318 -0.005 199 9.71 32 105.6 #> 444 165 65.6 305 -0.002 191 5.06 77 104.6 #> 445 202 64.8 331 0.004 173 2.60 107 102.2 #> 446 147 69.9 90 -0.092 337 11.89 9 107.0 #> 447 40 67.2 239 -0.129 348 10.83 19 106.4 #> 448 113 63.5 343 0.060 42 -4.86 261 99.7 #> 449 58 67.8 210 -0.009 208 -1.77 196 102.2 #> 450 93 65.2 312 -0.050 303 -0.69 167 102.0 #> 451 56 70.6 63 0.022 126 10.11 28 108.1 #> 452 104 67.8 211 0.049 54 0.52 133 102.8 #> 453 136 70.5 64 -0.017 232 8.15 43 106.9 #> 454 71 66.5 267 -0.057 313 7.22 55 106.0 #> 455 133 67.0 247 -0.019 234 3.75 92 104.6 #> 456 172 69.3 116 0.045 66 2.91 104 104.4 #> 457 75 71.8 39 0.042 73 -8.13 338 98.6 #> 458 72 65.3 311 0.006 167 -0.19 150 102.4 #> 459 74 68.0 196 -0.042 285 6.58 63 106.1 #> 460 166 70.1 79 -0.034 271 8.52 38 106.0 #> 461 149 68.3 180 0.034 92 9.57 33 106.3 #> 462 82 65.5 309 -0.040 283 6.34 67 105.3 #> 463 109 67.7 212 -0.064 319 -2.29 212 101.1 #> 464 134 67.1 244 0.036 89 -0.51 161 101.6 #> 465 187 67.9 202 0.064 39 -4.37 248 101.1 #> 466 132 70.5 65 0.012 155 -7.08 324 99.0 #> 467 105 68.8 148 0.039 80 -0.95 175 102.0 #> 468 91 65.5 308 0.001 182 7.32 53 105.4 #> 469 148 66.0 287 0.032 99 -3.91 239 101.8 #> 470 196 68.3 176 0.023 122 0.85 126 102.3 #> 471 135 66.7 260 0.029 107 8.33 39 107.1 #> 472 47 70.3 73 -0.052 307 6.19 71 104.8 #> 473 37 68.0 200 -0.089 335 -2.22 208 101.1 #> 474 98 67.8 208 0.002 179 3.18 99 103.3 #> 475 182 68.5 168 0.020 132 -6.14 300 100.6 #> 476 241 68.0 201 -0.022 242 -4.79 259 100.7 #> 477 107 64.9 323 0.072 24 -1.29 182 101.9 #> 478 124 68.3 181 -0.083 333 0.84 127 103.0 #> 479 145 66.4 270 0.043 72 2.19 112 103.7 #> 480 174 65.7 301 0.052 49 1.24 123 102.6 #> 481 142 73.1 18 0.121 4 -1.53 190 102.0 #> 482 63 64.9 324 -0.047 297 4.52 85 103.4 #> 483 156 73.0 19 -0.035 273 0.56 132 102.7 #> 484 83 70.8 59 -0.002 192 4.53 84 103.6 #> 485 167 68.9 143 -0.011 214 -1.26 181 102.1 #> 486 184 69.3 125 0.069 29 -0.59 162 102.1 #> 487 95 67.7 214 -0.130 349 2.34 111 104.7 #> 488 77 64.5 334 0.098 10 6.10 73 105.8 #> 489 150 66.7 259 -0.087 334 11.64 11 107.5 #> 490 157 72.1 31 0.033 97 -6.80 315 99.7 #> 491 102 71.8 41 0.005 170 -0.35 157 102.9 #> 492 231 70.4 68 -0.103 341 -0.49 160 104.4 #> 493 110 68.9 144 -0.030 263 -7.75 329 99.1 #> 494 123 68.2 185 0.019 137 -1.01 176 102.1 #> 495 178 71.8 38 0.044 70 1.50 118 105.0 #> 496 217 70.8 57 0.034 95 3.22 97 104.3 #> 497 169 71.9 36 -0.044 292 -8.04 336 99.9 #> 498 137 70.2 76 0.025 117 0.42 134 102.6 #> 499 192 65.9 291 -0.113 345 -3.51 233 102.0 #> 500 106 74.9 3 -0.037 277 -0.16 149 102.8 #> 501 120 65.7 304 0.074 20 -5.16 270 100.0 #> 502 236 66.7 261 -0.001 189 -5.42 277 98.3 #> 503 181 69.3 123 0.020 128 1.39 120 103.0 #> 504 225 67.0 248 0.025 114 -1.70 194 101.6 #> 505 175 73.9 8 0.045 64 -0.62 164 102.4 #> 506 170 72.2 30 0.010 161 -0.82 171 101.6 #> 507 243 66.3 274 -0.025 251 -0.66 165 101.7 #> 508 154 71.6 42 0.049 52 -1.84 199 101.7 #> 509 237 68.1 193 -0.057 312 -1.36 186 101.4 #> 510 130 65.2 315 0.090 11 8.03 46 106.4 #> 511 197 65.9 293 -0.019 233 -1.03 178 102.3 #> 512 209 65.3 310 0.063 40 -1.01 177 102.0 #> 513 263 71.5 43 0.049 53 -0.93 174 102.2 #> 514 214 64.2 338 -0.117 347 2.92 103 105.2 #> 515 226 65.1 317 0.014 152 -2.19 207 102.5 #> 516 186 66.3 272 0.002 177 -4.98 264 100.6 #> 517 242 64.5 335 0.022 125 -4.63 253 100.0 #> 518 86 69.3 118 -0.063 317 -1.85 200 101.9 #> 519 152 73.1 16 -0.047 299 11.96 8 108.1 #> 520 155 67.9 204 0.065 36 0.39 135 102.9 #> 521 84 65.5 307 0.008 164 -1.31 183 102.0 #> 522 185 68.6 161 0.012 153 4.20 90 103.6 #> 523 324 69.4 111 0.034 93 -4.23 245 99.8 #> 524 195 68.0 195 -0.010 212 -0.67 166 102.2 #> 525 210 70.1 81 0.142 1 -0.24 151 102.3 #> 526 221 69.4 109 -0.061 316 5.97 75 105.9 #> 527 229 65.9 295 -0.004 196 -1.32 184 102.8 #> 528 92 66.4 268 -0.091 336 0.03 146 102.3 #> 529 275 67.8 209 0.032 100 -5.29 273 100.1 #> 530 306 71.8 40 0.000 183 -1.81 197 101.5 #> 531 153 67.0 246 0.056 44 0.32 138 102.4 #> 532 127 67.2 240 0.041 77 0.64 130 103.1 #> 533 290 68.9 138 0.037 86 -6.85 317 99.0 #> 534 307 70.0 85 0.011 159 -3.99 241 101.4 #> 535 99 64.2 337 -0.002 190 0.28 142 102.8 #> 536 128 69.3 120 0.065 38 8.02 47 106.0 #> 537 265 68.3 182 0.074 21 -4.18 243 101.4 #> 538 129 69.1 131 0.057 43 1.36 121 102.8 #> 539 138 64.8 329 0.044 68 -2.25 209 101.7 #> 540 87 63.9 340 -0.026 252 -2.36 214 101.7 #> 541 126 68.4 172 -0.023 245 -7.05 323 99.6 #> 542 191 68.7 154 -0.014 225 3.24 96 102.8 #> 543 272 64.3 336 0.026 112 -5.96 293 100.9 #> 544 171 71.1 49 0.036 90 -5.29 272 98.3 #> 545 89 67.5 224 -0.005 197 -0.61 163 101.7 #> 546 173 65.7 302 0.048 57 -2.46 216 100.1 #> 547 261 72.8 26 -0.033 270 -0.29 154 102.3 #> 548 151 68.8 146 -0.001 188 -1.38 188 101.4 #> 549 111 69.8 92 0.021 127 -4.66 255 99.2 #> 550 158 68.7 158 0.050 51 -6.25 303 99.9 #> 551 80 68.0 197 0.023 121 -5.99 296 99.1 #> 552 244 67.5 222 0.132 3 -3.09 226 102.2 #> 553 70 66.8 254 0.028 109 1.46 119 103.7 #> 554 316 68.8 147 -0.059 314 2.40 110 103.9 #> 555 188 68.1 192 0.014 148 -2.16 206 101.8 #> 556 301 70.1 80 -0.004 194 -0.91 173 101.7 #> 557 227 68.7 152 0.019 136 -7.26 326 99.3 #> 558 162 72.6 27 0.061 41 -5.21 271 98.7 #> 559 295 68.6 162 0.029 104 -7.75 328 98.5 #> 560 212 68.7 159 -0.033 269 -6.03 299 100.2 #> 561 115 69.5 105 -0.004 195 -4.74 257 100.1 #> 562 121 65.8 298 -0.081 331 -1.62 191 101.1 #> 563 284 67.3 237 0.042 74 -0.47 159 102.4 #> 564 205 66.1 282 0.027 110 -6.38 308 99.7 #> 565 140 68.4 170 0.029 106 -4.49 251 100.9 #> 566 211 63.0 349 -0.022 240 3.40 95 105.0 #> 567 293 72.8 24 -0.047 295 0.33 137 101.6 #> 568 118 63.2 347 -0.029 261 -4.74 258 100.5 #> 569 200 71.1 48 -0.028 258 -5.71 290 100.1 #> 570 131 70.7 61 -0.001 186 -7.97 333 96.3 #> 571 247 69.9 91 -0.051 306 -4.72 256 100.1 #> 572 269 66.6 265 0.071 25 -2.00 202 101.9 #> 573 264 73.6 11 -0.036 276 0.65 129 102.7 #> 574 213 70.6 62 -0.010 210 1.25 122 101.5 #> 575 270 66.2 279 -0.047 294 -5.61 288 101.1 #> 576 286 69.2 126 0.077 18 -0.24 152 104.0 #> 577 190 68.5 169 -0.005 198 1.91 114 103.6 #> 578 260 68.7 156 -0.077 326 -5.10 268 98.4 #> 579 159 67.3 234 0.056 45 -1.39 189 102.4 #> 580 319 74.0 7 0.045 67 -2.95 221 100.9 #> 581 143 69.4 113 0.120 5 -1.19 179 101.6 #> 582 311 68.0 194 -0.024 250 -2.55 218 100.7 #> 583 262 71.8 37 0.020 131 -0.38 158 102.6 #> 584 101 63.2 348 0.137 2 -5.75 291 99.7 #> 585 246 66.9 251 0.101 8 -5.07 267 101.0 #> 586 276 67.1 243 -0.022 243 -0.30 155 102.4 #> 587 117 70.2 78 -0.032 267 4.48 87 105.4 #> 588 287 68.9 145 0.038 83 0.35 136 104.2 #> 589 303 66.4 269 0.038 84 -5.48 283 99.9 #> 590 336 70.3 74 0.071 26 -0.70 168 102.5 #> 591 206 70.3 71 -0.055 310 -6.58 313 98.9 #> 592 199 64.9 327 0.048 56 -3.70 236 101.8 #> 593 180 69.6 99 0.003 176 -6.24 302 100.1 #> 594 251 67.4 228 0.043 71 0.31 140 102.4 #> 595 220 69.1 129 -0.050 305 -8.64 342 99.0 #> 596 233 66.1 285 -0.014 223 -3.24 231 101.4 #> 597 183 66.6 262 -0.072 322 -5.52 285 99.7 #> 598 253 66.6 264 0.020 133 0.31 139 101.8 #> 599 189 69.5 107 0.004 174 -3.13 228 101.7 #> 600 144 68.2 184 0.048 58 -6.45 310 99.2 #> 601 271 67.3 235 0.002 178 -2.50 217 101.8 #> 602 64 64.8 328 -0.100 340 -2.59 219 101.2 #> 603 139 66.7 258 -0.017 231 3.99 91 105.9 #> 604 292 68.7 153 0.053 48 -3.92 240 99.9 #> 605 168 68.6 163 0.011 157 -5.88 292 99.1 #> 606 256 70.4 66 -0.013 221 -3.20 229 101.5 #> 607 224 66.8 256 0.006 168 -8.34 340 96.6 #> 608 300 68.9 141 0.028 108 -6.46 311 98.0 #> 609 201 64.9 322 -0.056 311 0.58 131 103.1 #> 610 215 70.4 69 -0.092 338 -3.73 237 100.9 #> 611 164 67.5 225 -0.052 309 -9.57 349 97.0 #> 612 258 62.5 351 0.018 140 -5.44 281 99.7 #> 613 252 66.8 255 0.011 158 -4.23 247 99.7 #> 614 296 67.9 203 -0.143 352 -2.27 211 102.2 #> 615 249 70.0 86 -0.040 282 -4.41 249 99.1 #> 616 222 69.3 121 0.054 47 -6.32 307 99.5 #> 617 315 71.2 47 0.009 162 5.48 76 105.0 #> 618 204 67.9 205 -0.006 202 -2.76 220 103.7 #> 619 239 65.6 306 -0.047 300 -8.04 335 99.6 #> 620 218 69.3 114 0.010 160 -1.83 198 101.5 #> 621 281 69.5 106 0.046 60 -6.82 316 99.9 #> 622 327 68.0 198 0.020 130 -5.37 274 99.1 #> 623 228 64.9 321 -0.063 318 -3.58 234 101.9 #> 624 259 72.8 23 0.017 141 -6.28 305 100.1 #> 625 309 71.0 52 0.018 139 -6.87 318 99.9 #> 626 160 65.8 296 -0.011 215 -5.62 289 98.6 #> 627 278 72.4 29 0.015 147 -7.15 325 100.0 #> 628 232 69.5 102 -0.015 227 -5.12 269 100.6 #> 629 193 66.6 263 0.065 35 -8.95 344 97.3 #> 630 291 67.6 216 0.015 145 0.04 145 102.3 #> 631 317 65.2 314 -0.105 343 -0.05 148 101.7 #> 632 337 70.3 72 -0.036 275 -6.19 301 97.8 #> 633 330 69.0 137 -0.039 281 -6.68 314 99.2 #> 634 313 66.2 278 -0.013 219 -2.08 204 102.2 #> 635 304 72.9 22 0.086 13 -5.49 284 97.6 #> 636 207 67.2 238 -0.010 211 2.47 108 104.7 #> 637 230 74.5 6 0.070 27 -5.40 276 99.9 #> 638 176 68.7 157 -0.012 218 -7.80 330 97.1 #> 639 208 68.5 166 0.011 156 -5.60 287 99.1 #> 640 285 73.2 15 -0.021 238 -2.02 203 101.9 #> 641 248 70.1 83 -0.011 216 -5.38 275 99.5 #> 642 245 68.1 189 -0.078 328 -8.00 334 98.9 #> 643 216 69.3 122 -0.015 226 1.74 117 103.7 #> 644 177 73.7 9 0.068 30 -8.66 343 97.1 #> 645 299 63.2 344 0.083 14 -5.43 279 99.4 #> 646 331 68.9 142 -0.027 255 -4.93 263 99.4 #> 647 289 73.3 13 0.009 163 4.69 82 106.0 #> 648 321 67.4 230 0.008 165 -0.26 153 102.4 #> 649 254 73.0 20 0.012 154 -9.66 350 96.1 #> 650 268 69.3 119 -0.027 256 -0.83 172 102.3 #> 651 280 67.6 217 0.015 146 0.30 141 103.0 #> 652 298 69.8 95 0.003 175 0.97 125 102.7 #> 653 255 66.9 249 -0.079 329 -4.00 242 100.5 #> 654 238 70.9 55 0.080 17 0.81 128 102.8 #> 655 283 63.2 345 -0.074 323 -6.02 298 99.8 #> 656 267 69.1 132 -0.130 350 -0.80 169 101.6 #> 657 325 66.0 289 0.068 31 -2.97 222 99.4 #> 658 161 63.2 346 0.045 65 -4.52 252 99.6 #> 659 318 71.0 51 0.017 142 -9.29 347 99.5 #> 660 257 65.7 303 0.029 105 -6.58 312 99.6 #> 661 305 68.4 174 0.046 62 -2.26 210 102.2 #> 662 274 70.9 53 -0.044 291 -1.67 193 103.2 #> 663 326 69.3 117 -0.031 265 -2.12 205 101.7 #> 664 266 70.3 70 0.024 118 -7.00 322 98.8 #> 665 345 70.9 56 0.041 76 -5.58 286 99.8 #> 666 235 68.7 151 0.046 61 -9.04 346 96.6 #> 667 194 66.1 286 -0.032 266 -3.89 238 100.2 #> 668 323 72.1 32 -0.016 230 -3.35 232 100.8 #> 669 219 68.5 165 0.019 135 -1.37 187 103.2 #> 670 250 67.1 241 0.048 55 -2.37 215 101.8 #> 671 279 68.6 160 0.100 9 -6.28 304 97.9 #> 672 302 68.3 175 -0.038 279 -0.34 156 103.0 #> 673 294 67.3 232 -0.001 184 -7.49 327 98.6 #> 674 203 65.2 316 -0.105 344 -6.90 319 97.8 #> 675 308 66.9 250 0.033 98 -7.88 331 99.6 #> 676 234 67.8 207 -0.001 185 -9.51 348 98.4 #> 677 273 65.9 294 -0.030 264 -3.08 225 99.6 #> 678 332 72.8 25 0.008 166 0.07 144 103.5 #> 679 282 69.6 100 0.039 81 -10.67 353 96.2 #> 680 277 68.9 140 -0.023 244 -1.35 185 102.2 #> 681 322 70.1 82 0.037 85 -8.46 341 95.1 #> 682 320 69.2 128 0.036 88 -6.31 306 100.4 #> 683 342 69.8 94 -0.044 290 -4.21 244 100.6 #> 684 240 73.4 12 0.038 82 -7.96 332 97.5 #> 685 344 70.8 58 -0.068 321 -3.07 224 100.5 #> 686 339 67.5 223 -0.024 249 -5.43 278 98.9 #> 687 343 71.3 44 -0.082 332 -3.06 223 102.5 #> 688 310 66.9 252 0.025 113 -5.01 265 100.6 #> 689 198 69.7 97 -0.022 241 -5.47 282 98.7 #> 690 346 68.6 164 0.073 22 -4.46 250 99.6 #> 691 328 73.7 10 0.020 129 0.01 147 103.2 #> 692 341 66.9 253 0.005 171 -6.95 321 99.5 #> 693 312 72.1 33 -0.008 206 -4.86 262 100.3 #> 694 314 69.0 136 -0.034 272 -5.97 294 100.5 #> 695 353 68.7 149 0.045 63 -4.80 260 100.1 #> 696 335 67.4 226 0.014 151 -10.23 351 95.9 #> 697 334 67.6 218 -0.016 229 -5.99 295 99.7 #> 698 338 66.4 271 0.035 91 -5.06 266 101.0 #> 699 352 76.1 2 0.002 181 -3.12 227 101.0 #> 700 297 67.7 213 0.014 150 -8.13 337 96.3 #> 701 348 68.3 177 -0.042 288 -3.21 230 100.7 #> 702 333 66.1 283 0.066 34 -6.92 320 99.3 #> 703 347 74.7 5 -0.042 284 -10.56 352 95.0 #> 704 340 69.5 104 -0.014 224 -4.23 246 100.1 #> 705 223 66.1 284 -0.008 207 -4.63 254 98.7 #> 706 288 67.5 221 -0.024 248 -6.40 309 97.6 #> 707 350 70.2 75 -0.015 228 -8.29 339 96.7 #> 708 349 77.1 1 -0.027 254 -6.01 297 97.8 #> 709 329 68.2 186 -0.042 287 -1.74 195 102.0 #> 710 351 69.0 135 -0.029 262 -3.64 235 100.6 #> sos_opp_o_rk sos_opp_d sos_opp_d_rk ncsos_adj_em ncsos_adj_em_rk ncaa_seed #> 1 70 96.8 74 6.21 112 1 #> 2 64 95.5 44 -2.83 258 1 #> 3 9 95.3 39 2.51 178 1 #> 4 5 94.1 13 10.44 59 1 #> 5 105 96.5 67 2.11 187 2 #> 6 19 94.8 28 6.28 111 6 #> 7 31 94.0 9 -4.90 285 2 #> 8 32 94.9 31 3.82 157 5 #> 9 35 95.3 41 9.45 71 2 #> 10 110 99.4 123 4.81 139 8 #> 11 10 93.7 5 3.47 164 2 #> 12 51 95.7 50 8.12 89 5 #> 13 14 93.9 6 9.87 66 11 #> 14 7 93.9 8 1.24 199 9 #> 15 46 96.0 60 4.42 145 4 #> 16 26 95.4 43 3.72 160 7 #> 17 67 95.7 51 -4.88 283 6 #> 18 49 96.7 73 -4.09 272 3 #> 19 40 97.8 96 0.24 211 4 #> 20 57 96.8 76 10.05 65 6 #> 21 69 95.2 33 -1.27 240 7 #> 22 63 95.6 49 -0.73 230 5 #> 23 45 94.4 20 13.77 29 3 #> 24 66 93.9 7 1.13 202 8 #> 25 16 94.6 22 5.71 122 4 #> 26 54 94.7 23 8.20 85 3 #> 27 25 94.8 29 10.43 60 3 #> 28 60 95.8 53 -0.34 221 5 #> 29 52 95.9 56 -4.01 271 NA #> 30 97 99.2 117 13.66 31 6 #> 31 101 97.2 82 1.45 198 1 #> 32 92 98.0 103 2.44 180 9 #> 33 18 95.6 47 5.81 121 4 #> 34 21 96.1 62 8.20 87 8 #> 35 34 93.1 2 -1.11 236 10 #> 36 58 96.8 77 5.59 127 NA #> 37 65 96.0 58 -0.96 233 9 #> 38 3 94.4 19 -5.69 294 10 #> 39 47 95.2 34 1.93 192 8 #> 40 6 92.8 1 11.55 47 NA #> 41 36 95.2 35 8.88 76 7 #> 42 48 96.5 66 2.09 188 11 #> 43 15 94.5 21 -4.52 278 12 #> 44 29 94.8 27 -5.46 290 NA #> 45 43 95.3 38 11.60 46 7 #> 46 118 99.7 130 8.20 86 11 #> 47 33 94.4 17 11.39 50 9 #> 48 93 98.0 99 5.66 124 10 #> 49 22 94.0 10 15.29 23 NA #> 50 13 93.1 3 9.18 72 NA #> 51 75 97.2 81 -6.82 302 1 #> 52 72 98.2 106 0.63 207 10 #> 53 133 99.1 116 -1.43 244 1 #> 54 41 95.3 40 11.86 44 NA #> 55 155 100.1 137 -8.21 309 11 #> 56 127 96.2 64 -8.32 310 3 #> 57 17 94.7 25 9.76 67 NA #> 58 187 101.0 145 4.03 151 12 #> 59 39 96.6 69 7.71 95 NA #> 60 53 94.7 24 6.37 109 NA #> 61 114 99.3 121 15.51 20 2 #> 62 12 94.4 18 0.16 214 NA #> 63 27 95.6 48 4.64 142 12 #> 64 2 94.8 26 -1.03 234 11 #> 65 83 97.9 98 10.89 54 2 #> 66 74 97.6 92 2.03 190 NA #> 67 81 95.2 36 -1.44 245 4 #> 68 96 96.0 57 13.71 30 11 #> 69 79 96.6 68 -2.94 259 NA #> 70 137 97.8 95 1.16 201 2 #> 71 56 98.2 105 -6.18 299 3 #> 72 126 98.6 111 6.16 113 13 #> 73 190 106.0 336 5.39 130 NA #> 74 130 101.7 172 5.90 118 3 #> 75 62 98.0 100 2.91 168 2 #> 76 149 98.9 114 2.76 172 1 #> 77 111 102.3 192 2.40 182 4 #> 78 61 96.8 75 -8.58 312 NA #> 79 1 93.7 4 -18.34 328 NA #> 80 50 95.9 54 7.01 103 NA #> 81 99 100.9 142 1.20 200 13 #> 82 175 100.2 138 -8.57 311 4 #> 83 42 95.6 46 7.66 96 NA #> 84 287 104.8 300 4.93 137 14 #> 85 24 96.4 65 13.83 28 NA #> 86 20 94.9 30 9.16 73 NA #> 87 123 96.7 72 4.29 148 4 #> 88 162 100.1 136 -12.01 320 NA #> 89 282 105.4 316 -99.00 331 14 #> 90 84 97.6 90 9.71 68 NA #> 91 132 98.5 108 7.37 98 NA #> 92 184 101.4 157 0.58 209 NA #> 93 89 98.5 110 5.87 120 NA #> 94 108 97.2 84 6.76 105 NA #> 95 76 95.5 45 -6.05 297 NA #> 96 151 101.8 173 2.70 173 NA #> 97 68 97.7 94 -4.78 281 NA #> 98 283 104.3 272 1.58 195 13 #> 99 166 99.3 120 10.37 61 3 #> 100 85 94.3 16 24.70 1 NA #> 101 281 105.2 311 4.18 149 12 #> 102 265 101.7 168 -12.09 321 NA #> 103 211 103.5 238 2.54 177 15 #> 104 73 95.2 37 -3.13 260 NA #> 105 212 102.4 195 21.28 5 14 #> 106 192 101.8 174 0.78 204 NA #> 107 167 100.5 141 6.68 107 NA #> 108 163 102.3 190 -2.78 257 13 #> 109 4 94.1 12 5.60 126 NA #> 110 298 104.8 299 -5.87 296 NA #> 111 90 97.2 85 11.37 51 NA #> 112 104 101.5 159 20.90 7 NA #> 113 165 102.2 184 8.01 92 NA #> 114 23 95.1 32 3.18 166 NA #> 115 94 102.6 202 8.03 90 NA #> 116 82 96.2 63 9.57 70 NA #> 117 80 97.6 89 5.11 134 NA #> 118 180 99.3 122 0.22 212 NA #> 119 107 99.2 118 8.52 83 NA #> 120 38 95.4 42 -0.56 227 NA #> 121 109 96.7 70 -3.27 261 NA #> 122 240 104.0 264 6.57 108 NA #> 123 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 124 44 94.2 14 9.09 74 NA #> 125 120 101.1 149 22.06 4 15 #> 126 124 98.4 107 2.39 183 NA #> 127 125 101.6 165 6.31 110 NA #> 128 128 101.0 147 4.67 140 NA #> 129 8 94.0 11 11.85 45 NA #> 130 113 102.0 178 1.52 197 NA #> 131 156 102.0 179 1.56 196 NA #> 132 188 101.2 153 3.80 159 NA #> 133 337 104.3 274 -99.00 331 NA #> 134 209 103.2 228 16.21 16 14 #> 135 243 104.5 282 -0.64 228 NA #> 136 160 98.8 113 20.55 8 NA #> 137 86 97.9 97 -5.63 293 NA #> 138 55 97.3 86 -7.27 304 NA #> 139 148 103.1 222 10.84 55 NA #> 140 77 96.0 59 0.60 208 NA #> 141 59 95.7 52 -8.60 313 NA #> 142 144 101.2 154 -4.89 284 NA #> 143 102 97.0 79 -13.51 324 NA #> 144 145 97.1 80 -14.54 325 NA #> 145 143 98.7 112 0.73 205 NA #> 146 112 99.7 129 6.06 114 NA #> 147 37 95.9 55 -1.47 247 NA #> 148 28 96.7 71 12.89 38 NA #> 149 100 101.6 162 3.81 158 NA #> 150 252 103.0 218 -3.53 267 NA #> 151 319 105.7 325 -2.05 250 NA #> 152 185 100.1 135 5.55 128 NA #> 153 140 101.7 169 5.01 136 NA #> 154 230 103.0 219 4.62 144 NA #> 155 135 98.5 109 -6.89 303 NA #> 156 174 102.6 208 -3.51 266 NA #> 157 129 101.9 175 -0.46 222 NA #> 158 229 103.5 241 -5.75 295 16 #> 159 173 103.1 226 10.69 57 NA #> 160 191 99.5 127 5.87 119 NA #> 161 169 105.5 322 8.53 82 NA #> 162 235 103.8 255 4.66 141 NA #> 163 121 98.0 101 14.82 25 NA #> 164 197 101.1 151 -11.70 318 NA #> 165 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 166 316 103.5 240 7.37 99 NA #> 167 266 104.0 263 7.14 102 NA #> 168 119 102.2 183 15.12 24 NA #> 169 122 106.0 335 20.35 9 15 #> 170 98 96.1 61 2.23 185 NA #> 171 11 94.3 15 4.15 150 NA #> 172 301 103.4 235 -3.40 264 NA #> 173 280 104.7 295 -3.47 265 NA #> 174 272 105.2 309 -7.97 307 NA #> 175 30 96.9 78 -17.91 327 NA #> 176 150 99.0 115 13.13 33 NA #> 177 236 103.0 220 -0.26 220 NA #> 178 312 103.9 260 -0.54 225 15 #> 179 274 104.8 301 -13.04 322 NA #> 180 255 103.1 223 15.53 19 NA #> 181 232 102.7 209 -0.22 218 NA #> 182 260 104.2 268 12.76 41 NA #> 183 305 104.6 289 -7.87 306 NA #> 184 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 185 314 105.9 328 4.63 143 NA #> 186 332 104.0 262 -99.00 331 NA #> 187 220 101.1 150 -99.00 331 NA #> 188 207 99.7 131 -11.86 319 NA #> 189 136 102.1 181 19.82 10 NA #> 190 223 102.9 216 5.15 133 NA #> 191 142 99.9 132 -99.00 331 NA #> 192 147 99.7 128 -4.30 274 NA #> 193 106 99.4 124 5.09 135 NA #> 194 289 104.3 275 -0.17 217 16 #> 195 71 97.3 87 9.58 69 NA #> 196 304 105.6 323 8.56 80 NA #> 197 172 104.5 286 2.78 171 NA #> 198 116 100.1 134 1.99 191 NA #> 199 176 102.6 207 12.48 43 NA #> 200 134 97.6 93 5.97 116 NA #> 201 257 104.1 267 -1.65 248 NA #> 202 78 97.2 83 15.47 21 NA #> 203 141 103.2 229 11.29 52 NA #> 204 170 99.5 125 -4.40 276 NA #> 205 206 103.7 249 -4.32 275 NA #> 206 205 105.0 306 3.87 154 NA #> 207 196 103.6 243 5.66 123 NA #> 208 341 103.2 230 14.62 27 16 #> 209 222 102.7 210 -0.67 229 NA #> 210 318 105.2 310 -0.76 231 16 #> 211 292 104.3 271 -1.81 249 NA #> 212 254 103.3 231 5.52 129 16 #> 213 189 103.9 259 -1.33 242 NA #> 214 218 106.3 339 -99.00 331 NA #> 215 307 103.9 258 -1.46 246 NA #> 216 216 104.1 265 0.69 206 NA #> 217 290 102.3 189 -1.13 238 NA #> 218 154 101.6 167 -10.53 317 NA #> 219 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 220 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 221 115 103.1 227 19.69 12 NA #> 222 311 104.6 294 3.94 153 NA #> 223 340 104.3 273 0.09 215 NA #> 224 320 106.4 340 19.76 11 NA #> 225 219 105.9 330 -2.15 252 NA #> 226 330 103.1 224 -3.73 268 NA #> 227 269 99.2 119 -6.36 300 NA #> 228 245 102.9 215 14.75 26 NA #> 229 278 104.2 269 -8.93 314 NA #> 230 259 102.1 182 12.68 42 NA #> 231 159 98.0 102 6.01 115 NA #> 232 225 103.6 245 2.49 179 NA #> 233 221 103.8 252 8.03 91 NA #> 234 194 101.5 160 -4.60 280 NA #> 235 346 107.2 345 7.32 100 NA #> 236 262 103.3 232 2.20 186 NA #> 237 285 105.9 329 11.14 53 16 #> 238 263 103.8 254 3.14 167 NA #> 239 275 102.6 203 3.86 155 NA #> 240 297 103.4 236 -3.88 270 NA #> 241 146 102.5 197 -3.78 269 NA #> 242 199 101.7 171 4.92 138 NA #> 243 267 104.6 291 8.22 84 NA #> 244 286 104.9 303 -4.57 279 NA #> 245 234 103.6 242 10.17 63 NA #> 246 214 106.0 337 -9.99 315 NA #> 247 253 104.5 285 1.92 193 NA #> 248 264 104.7 297 -2.07 251 NA #> 249 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 250 335 102.2 185 10.14 64 NA #> 251 339 101.6 161 -99.00 331 NA #> 252 284 103.0 221 8.54 81 NA #> 253 276 102.5 196 12.89 37 NA #> 254 178 102.5 199 4.37 147 NA #> 255 203 102.3 191 -1.35 243 NA #> 256 208 101.0 146 -5.63 292 NA #> 257 177 104.3 278 13.51 32 NA #> 258 237 103.6 244 5.63 125 NA #> 259 202 101.3 155 3.97 152 NA #> 260 195 104.6 293 -99.00 331 NA #> 261 213 101.2 152 11.46 49 NA #> 262 333 105.4 318 -99.00 331 NA #> 263 210 104.5 288 -15.79 326 NA #> 264 157 101.3 156 -3.32 262 NA #> 265 343 106.2 338 13.02 36 NA #> 266 328 104.5 287 -13.45 323 NA #> 267 239 102.5 200 -99.00 331 NA #> 268 327 103.6 246 -4.42 277 NA #> 269 270 104.3 277 -0.50 224 NA #> 270 258 103.7 250 -1.33 241 NA #> 271 313 107.4 346 -99.00 331 NA #> 272 152 103.3 233 5.95 117 NA #> 273 251 105.3 313 2.80 170 NA #> 274 95 102.1 180 5.17 132 NA #> 275 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 276 273 106.7 341 -99.00 331 NA #> 277 302 105.0 307 13.05 35 NA #> 278 303 106.8 342 2.41 181 NA #> 279 295 105.1 308 -5.02 286 NA #> 280 204 105.9 333 -19.28 329 NA #> 281 164 102.6 205 -6.06 298 NA #> 282 277 103.4 237 -1.17 239 NA #> 283 321 102.8 212 2.87 169 NA #> 284 271 104.6 292 0.18 213 NA #> 285 324 104.9 302 -5.16 287 NA #> 286 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 287 308 107.6 347 -99.00 331 NA #> 288 198 105.8 327 -1.09 235 NA #> 289 87 101.6 164 18.07 13 NA #> 290 158 104.7 298 -0.24 219 NA #> 291 226 104.0 261 7.19 101 NA #> 292 217 102.2 187 -7.66 305 NA #> 293 256 104.9 305 -4.87 282 NA #> 294 139 101.0 148 -4.14 273 NA #> 295 300 103.1 225 -0.50 223 NA #> 296 279 103.3 234 -2.77 256 NA #> 297 247 102.5 201 4.38 146 NA #> 298 201 102.9 214 8.63 78 NA #> 299 299 104.9 304 3.84 156 NA #> 300 153 101.9 176 10.20 62 NA #> 301 329 105.7 326 -6.68 301 NA #> 302 179 103.8 257 0.32 210 NA #> 303 131 105.3 315 8.17 88 NA #> 304 215 104.5 283 -99.00 331 NA #> 305 231 102.0 177 3.59 162 NA #> 306 193 99.9 133 0.99 203 NA #> 307 288 103.5 239 2.64 176 NA #> 308 345 105.9 331 17.22 14 NA #> 309 331 102.2 186 -0.56 226 NA #> 310 103 99.5 126 -99.00 331 NA #> 311 242 104.6 290 2.66 175 NA #> 312 268 105.4 320 13.07 34 NA #> 313 200 102.2 188 10.77 56 NA #> 314 168 104.7 296 -1.12 237 NA #> 315 334 103.8 256 -19.54 330 NA #> 316 326 101.4 158 10.52 58 NA #> 317 238 104.5 284 15.36 22 NA #> 318 342 104.4 281 8.61 79 NA #> 319 171 101.7 170 12.79 40 NA #> 320 248 104.3 276 -2.67 255 NA #> 321 88 97.6 91 3.26 165 NA #> 322 250 103.0 217 7.84 93 NA #> 323 228 103.8 251 3.48 163 NA #> 324 317 105.4 319 22.79 2 NA #> 325 309 102.4 194 -8.19 308 NA #> 326 293 105.6 324 -10.52 316 NA #> 327 306 106.0 334 -3.36 263 NA #> 328 227 103.7 248 -2.47 254 NA #> 329 181 100.2 139 -0.10 216 NA #> 330 336 102.6 206 12.85 39 NA #> 331 186 101.0 144 21.14 6 NA #> 332 138 100.3 140 -2.18 253 NA #> 333 161 98.1 104 2.69 174 NA #> 334 241 106.8 343 -99.00 331 NA #> 335 183 104.4 280 8.80 77 NA #> 336 261 105.4 317 5.34 131 NA #> 337 117 102.4 193 -5.23 288 NA #> 338 224 104.4 279 -5.27 289 NA #> 339 246 104.1 266 1.74 194 NA #> 340 323 106.8 344 6.78 104 NA #> 341 249 103.6 247 11.53 48 NA #> 342 338 104.2 270 22.33 3 NA #> 343 315 105.3 314 7.53 97 NA #> 344 291 102.7 211 3.71 161 NA #> 345 294 105.2 312 7.82 94 NA #> 346 244 101.6 166 6.69 106 NA #> 347 233 103.8 253 -0.86 232 NA #> 348 344 105.4 321 -5.52 291 NA #> 349 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 350 182 102.5 198 15.56 18 NA #> 351 325 100.9 143 15.77 17 NA #> 352 296 102.6 204 2.33 184 NA #> 353 310 102.8 213 2.06 189 NA #> 354 347 105.9 332 -99.00 331 NA #> 355 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 356 91 97.6 88 9.06 75 NA #> 357 322 101.6 163 16.42 15 NA #> 358 26 94.7 1 9.58 10 1 #> 359 115 101.0 99 -2.09 245 1 #> 360 39 96.2 11 1.38 132 1 #> 361 103 101.3 105 -0.74 203 1 #> 362 53 98.7 58 2.60 85 3 #> 363 76 102.3 136 -1.80 239 2 #> 364 5 96.5 14 1.83 109 3 #> 365 15 96.9 20 -1.31 225 5 #> 366 75 98.2 48 -1.09 216 4 #> 367 27 95.9 8 5.80 32 6 #> 368 16 96.6 15 -0.44 192 3 #> 369 18 97.2 22 2.69 81 2 #> 370 49 100.0 86 7.40 20 5 #> 371 99 97.9 38 2.56 88 7 #> 372 44 98.4 53 1.22 140 2 #> 373 1 97.4 27 2.00 105 6 #> 374 62 97.4 30 4.11 54 4 #> 375 10 97.3 25 4.22 51 2 #> 376 38 98.8 62 2.41 92 7 #> 377 7 96.9 19 4.86 41 3 #> 378 51 97.3 24 -3.87 296 10 #> 379 2 96.9 21 1.61 120 4 #> 380 3 96.3 13 2.40 93 6 #> 381 6 96.3 12 2.78 77 NA #> 382 22 97.4 28 1.07 144 5 #> 383 11 97.4 29 -4.20 304 6 #> 384 4 96.2 10 2.88 76 NA #> 385 25 97.5 32 -4.44 309 9 #> 386 57 99.6 78 -0.87 207 4 #> 387 20 97.3 26 -5.83 333 7 #> 388 21 96.9 18 2.13 100 9 #> 389 19 98.9 67 6.92 23 9 #> 390 32 100.3 90 1.38 133 5 #> 391 8 97.6 35 -0.60 198 10 #> 392 66 98.0 43 2.77 78 8 #> 393 24 95.3 3 5.86 30 10 #> 394 61 98.6 55 2.01 103 8 #> 395 70 100.9 97 -0.32 188 8 #> 396 109 98.9 66 -1.25 223 11 #> 397 37 97.8 37 -1.12 217 8 #> 398 81 101.9 122 1.55 124 11 #> 399 63 98.7 57 -3.70 292 7 #> 400 101 99.2 71 -4.02 301 NA #> 401 94 97.9 39 3.60 64 12 #> 402 9 98.4 52 1.74 112 NA #> 403 98 102.4 142 -0.95 211 11 #> 404 36 100.2 88 1.28 136 NA #> 405 50 99.7 83 0.07 178 NA #> 406 146 101.6 114 1.26 138 NA #> 407 73 98.3 50 -2.93 271 11 #> 408 65 98.9 64 -1.28 224 NA #> 409 124 98.6 54 -1.69 233 NA #> 410 28 95.8 5 4.17 53 NA #> 411 72 97.8 36 1.03 148 NA #> 412 78 98.8 63 -1.48 229 9 #> 413 129 105.0 273 -0.64 199 11 #> 414 85 99.9 84 -8.69 348 NA #> 415 179 101.9 120 3.64 63 12 #> 416 91 99.7 81 -2.18 247 NA #> 417 33 99.1 69 3.96 59 NA #> 418 35 96.8 17 -0.30 187 NA #> 419 125 101.2 101 -1.72 236 NA #> 420 41 98.1 47 2.65 82 10 #> 421 31 97.6 34 4.04 58 NA #> 422 79 100.4 92 4.07 57 NA #> 423 46 98.0 42 -5.52 328 NA #> 424 14 97.2 23 1.50 126 NA #> 425 47 98.1 45 2.75 79 NA #> 426 68 99.3 72 -0.56 196 NA #> 427 122 99.5 74 2.91 74 NA #> 428 206 103.3 187 -4.54 312 NA #> 429 45 98.1 46 -1.70 235 NA #> 430 102 100.6 94 -1.01 213 NA #> 431 92 101.5 110 -1.43 226 NA #> 432 229 103.4 193 1.74 113 NA #> 433 319 104.2 234 1.80 110 13 #> 434 152 100.6 93 6.11 28 13 #> 435 67 98.3 49 -0.73 202 11 #> 436 331 107.3 347 -5.13 322 12 #> 437 116 100.3 89 -4.68 315 NA #> 438 132 103.8 207 1.74 114 NA #> 439 224 102.5 151 -1.88 242 13 #> 440 82 100.7 95 1.32 135 NA #> 441 17 97.5 33 7.39 21 NA #> 442 97 101.6 115 2.00 104 NA #> 443 64 95.9 6 -1.05 214 NA #> 444 90 99.5 76 -5.88 334 NA #> 445 169 99.6 80 -4.81 317 NA #> 446 30 95.2 2 2.61 84 NA #> 447 40 95.5 4 1.48 127 NA #> 448 284 104.6 254 1.26 139 13 #> 449 168 104.0 224 -1.46 228 NA #> 450 184 102.7 162 0.28 173 NA #> 451 12 98.0 41 -2.38 252 NA #> 452 138 102.3 137 -5.04 320 NA #> 453 34 98.7 59 1.66 117 NA #> 454 52 98.8 61 0.12 175 NA #> 455 89 100.9 96 1.02 150 NA #> 456 93 101.5 112 1.71 115 NA #> 457 325 106.7 337 0.55 162 12 #> 458 153 102.6 155 -3.32 281 NA #> 459 48 99.5 77 -3.68 291 NA #> 460 55 97.4 31 0.91 153 NA #> 461 43 96.8 16 1.07 145 NA #> 462 74 99.0 68 -9.83 351 NA #> 463 230 103.4 192 2.91 75 14 #> 464 209 102.2 129 -4.10 303 14 #> 465 228 105.5 295 -4.39 308 14 #> 466 314 106.0 315 -2.73 262 14 #> 467 186 102.9 168 0.30 168 NA #> 468 71 98.1 44 -4.01 300 NA #> 469 193 105.7 308 -1.84 240 15 #> 470 161 101.4 106 1.02 149 NA #> 471 29 98.8 60 2.26 98 NA #> 472 86 98.6 56 2.93 73 NA #> 473 226 103.4 190 -4.52 311 NA #> 474 118 100.1 87 -3.56 286 NA #> 475 246 106.7 341 -0.89 209 NA #> 476 242 105.5 291 -3.54 285 NA #> 477 190 103.2 179 -7.90 346 NA #> 478 127 102.2 132 -1.22 222 NA #> 479 110 101.5 108 2.74 80 NA #> 480 147 101.3 104 -0.71 200 NA #> 481 185 103.5 197 3.14 71 15 #> 482 117 98.9 65 -2.74 263 NA #> 483 142 102.2 130 4.84 42 NA #> 484 112 99.1 70 -8.19 347 NA #> 485 178 103.4 191 -3.61 289 NA #> 486 180 102.7 156 1.35 134 15 #> 487 87 102.4 141 11.60 8 NA #> 488 60 99.7 82 -3.20 278 NA #> 489 23 95.9 7 -2.56 258 NA #> 490 286 106.5 332 -5.49 327 NA #> 491 133 103.3 181 1.11 142 NA #> 492 95 104.9 268 12.03 6 NA #> 493 311 106.8 342 -5.57 329 NA #> 494 177 103.1 174 5.25 35 NA #> 495 80 103.5 198 -3.24 280 NA #> 496 96 101.1 100 0.30 170 NA #> 497 274 107.9 351 3.54 65 16 #> 498 148 102.1 128 3.20 70 NA #> 499 181 105.6 297 -2.89 269 NA #> 500 139 103.0 169 0.60 160 NA #> 501 267 105.2 279 -0.21 185 15 #> 502 329 103.7 205 0.29 171 16 #> 503 128 101.6 116 0.08 177 NA #> 504 210 103.3 188 -3.57 287 NA #> 505 155 103.1 172 -1.49 230 NA #> 506 212 102.4 145 -4.61 314 NA #> 507 200 102.4 143 0.27 174 NA #> 508 202 103.6 199 -11.52 352 NA #> 509 219 102.8 165 -2.00 243 NA #> 510 42 98.3 51 1.84 108 NA #> 511 163 103.3 185 -1.80 238 NA #> 512 182 103.1 171 -0.54 195 NA #> 513 171 103.2 177 -1.67 232 NA #> 514 77 102.3 138 0.40 165 NA #> 515 149 104.7 259 0.97 151 NA #> 516 245 105.6 300 0.04 180 16 #> 517 266 104.7 258 -2.90 270 NA #> 518 189 103.8 206 2.51 91 NA #> 519 13 96.1 9 -1.05 215 NA #> 520 134 102.5 147 -5.30 324 NA #> 521 183 103.3 189 -5.42 326 NA #> 522 111 99.4 73 1.15 141 NA #> 523 277 104.1 228 6.98 22 NA #> 524 173 102.9 167 -1.18 219 NA #> 525 165 102.5 149 -2.44 254 NA #> 526 58 100.0 85 -5.62 330 NA #> 527 135 104.2 233 3.69 62 NA #> 528 167 102.2 133 1.39 131 NA #> 529 264 105.4 284 3.47 67 NA #> 530 217 103.3 184 0.30 169 NA #> 531 160 102.0 125 -6.46 341 NA #> 532 126 102.4 146 1.61 121 NA #> 533 312 105.9 314 0.03 181 NA #> 534 221 105.4 286 -2.78 268 NA #> 535 140 102.5 148 -3.73 293 NA #> 536 56 97.9 40 -1.74 237 NA #> 537 222 105.6 299 -5.78 332 NA #> 538 136 101.5 109 -3.54 284 NA #> 539 204 104.0 220 -5.93 335 NA #> 540 201 104.1 230 -0.32 189 NA #> 541 292 106.6 335 5.58 33 NA #> 542 137 99.6 79 -5.36 325 NA #> 543 238 106.8 343 7.52 19 NA #> 544 330 103.6 202 -0.94 210 NA #> 545 199 102.4 140 1.55 125 NA #> 546 259 102.6 154 -5.65 331 NA #> 547 166 102.6 152 -3.87 295 NA #> 548 223 102.7 163 -3.81 294 NA #> 549 305 103.8 211 1.61 119 NA #> 550 269 106.2 322 11.95 7 NA #> 551 307 105.1 276 -3.63 290 NA #> 552 175 105.3 283 -1.14 218 NA #> 553 106 102.2 135 3.13 72 NA #> 554 105 101.5 111 -3.00 273 NA #> 555 194 104.0 221 -4.91 319 NA #> 556 208 102.6 153 -0.86 206 NA #> 557 302 106.5 333 -3.97 298 NA #> 558 320 103.9 217 -1.21 221 NA #> 559 326 106.2 323 -6.96 344 NA #> 560 255 106.2 324 -3.00 274 NA #> 561 258 104.9 267 -0.51 193 NA #> 562 231 102.7 161 -2.54 256 NA #> 563 159 102.8 166 -0.17 183 NA #> 564 279 106.1 319 1.65 118 16 #> 565 237 105.4 287 -3.06 275 NA #> 566 83 101.6 113 -2.23 249 NA #> 567 211 101.3 103 1.42 128 NA #> 568 251 105.2 281 -3.90 297 NA #> 569 257 105.9 312 4.54 47 NA #> 570 348 104.3 243 9.36 11 16 #> 571 260 104.8 265 -2.76 267 NA #> 572 191 103.9 216 0.29 172 NA #> 573 144 102.0 126 1.94 107 NA #> 574 215 100.3 91 -9.14 350 NA #> 575 227 106.7 340 6.08 29 NA #> 576 104 104.3 238 4.54 48 NA #> 577 113 101.7 117 0.47 164 NA #> 578 328 103.5 195 0.72 155 NA #> 579 157 103.8 210 0.73 154 NA #> 580 236 103.8 214 5.00 39 NA #> 581 214 102.8 164 -2.12 246 NA #> 582 241 103.2 180 0.63 159 NA #> 583 145 103.0 170 -1.69 234 NA #> 584 285 105.4 289 0.40 166 NA #> 585 233 106.1 316 -2.99 272 NA #> 586 158 102.7 158 -3.35 282 NA #> 587 69 101.0 98 1.42 130 NA #> 588 100 103.8 212 6.91 24 NA #> 589 271 105.4 285 -2.75 266 NA #> 590 150 103.2 178 4.63 46 NA #> 591 317 105.5 293 -2.20 248 NA #> 592 195 105.5 294 2.57 86 NA #> 593 261 106.3 327 2.31 96 NA #> 594 154 102.1 127 -1.46 227 NA #> 595 313 107.7 350 -6.08 337 NA #> 596 220 104.6 255 3.71 61 NA #> 597 282 105.2 280 -2.41 253 NA #> 598 197 101.5 107 -6.19 339 NA #> 599 205 104.8 263 2.63 83 NA #> 600 303 105.7 303 -5.11 321 NA #> 601 196 104.3 241 -1.01 212 NA #> 602 225 103.8 208 -13.52 353 NA #> 603 59 101.9 121 -3.15 277 NA #> 604 270 103.8 213 2.56 87 NA #> 605 306 105.0 275 -3.57 288 NA #> 606 216 104.7 261 4.75 43 NA #> 607 345 105.0 272 6.45 26 NA #> 608 332 104.5 251 -6.81 343 NA #> 609 123 102.5 150 1.79 111 NA #> 610 235 104.7 256 -0.71 201 NA #> 611 343 106.6 334 2.04 102 NA #> 612 281 105.2 277 -4.06 302 NA #> 613 280 104.0 219 -0.17 184 NA #> 614 174 104.5 250 -6.37 340 NA #> 615 308 103.5 196 -0.87 208 NA #> 616 297 105.8 309 -0.38 191 NA #> 617 84 99.5 75 4.70 45 NA #> 618 107 106.5 331 -2.54 255 NA #> 619 293 107.6 349 -4.59 313 NA #> 620 218 103.3 183 2.33 95 NA #> 621 272 106.7 336 -6.73 342 NA #> 622 310 104.4 247 -2.57 259 NA #> 623 192 105.4 290 2.55 89 NA #> 624 263 106.4 328 -0.08 182 NA #> 625 275 106.7 338 -7.30 345 NA #> 626 323 104.3 239 -4.38 307 NA #> 627 268 107.2 346 5.85 31 NA #> 628 248 105.7 305 -3.09 276 NA #> 629 340 106.3 326 6.55 25 16 #> 630 162 102.2 134 5.18 36 NA #> 631 203 101.8 119 -0.27 186 NA #> 632 336 104.0 223 -5.29 323 NA #> 633 304 105.9 313 7.69 17 NA #> 634 170 104.3 244 1.10 143 NA #> 635 338 103.1 175 14.38 2 NA #> 636 88 102.2 131 9.01 13 NA #> 637 273 105.3 282 1.05 146 NA #> 638 341 104.9 271 7.60 18 NA #> 639 309 104.7 257 -4.51 310 NA #> 640 188 104.0 222 12.93 4 NA #> 641 296 104.9 266 0.59 161 NA #> 642 316 106.9 345 -2.74 265 NA #> 643 108 102.0 124 -4.31 305 NA #> 644 342 105.7 307 4.11 55 NA #> 645 299 104.8 262 -2.55 257 NA #> 646 298 104.3 245 3.47 66 NA #> 647 54 101.3 102 2.30 97 NA #> 648 156 102.7 159 4.22 52 NA #> 649 350 105.7 306 1.58 122 NA #> 650 164 103.1 173 -2.74 264 NA #> 651 131 102.7 157 -4.81 318 NA #> 652 143 101.7 118 4.27 50 NA #> 653 249 104.5 252 0.65 158 NA #> 654 141 101.9 123 7.78 16 NA #> 655 278 105.8 310 -2.64 261 NA #> 656 213 102.4 144 -2.23 250 NA #> 657 300 102.3 139 3.87 60 NA #> 658 287 104.2 235 -1.19 220 NA #> 659 295 108.8 353 -3.42 283 NA #> 660 290 106.2 321 0.37 167 NA #> 661 176 104.4 248 5.40 34 NA #> 662 119 104.9 269 -0.59 197 NA #> 663 207 103.8 209 4.31 49 NA #> 664 318 105.8 311 -5.94 336 NA #> 665 276 105.4 288 1.66 116 NA #> 666 346 105.6 301 5.03 38 NA #> 667 256 104.1 225 1.03 147 NA #> 668 239 104.1 231 -3.99 299 NA #> 669 120 104.5 253 1.96 106 NA #> 670 198 104.1 232 3.41 69 NA #> 671 333 104.2 237 8.42 14 NA #> 672 130 103.3 186 6.25 27 NA #> 673 324 106.1 318 -4.35 306 NA #> 674 335 104.7 260 -8.93 349 NA #> 675 291 107.5 348 0.67 157 NA #> 676 327 107.9 352 -6.18 338 NA #> 677 288 102.7 160 0.48 163 NA #> 678 114 103.4 194 0.08 176 NA #> 679 349 106.9 344 -0.52 194 NA #> 680 172 103.6 201 -1.61 231 NA #> 681 352 103.6 200 9.06 12 NA #> 682 253 106.7 339 1.57 123 NA #> 683 243 104.8 264 15.78 1 NA #> 684 339 105.5 292 2.53 90 NA #> 685 250 103.6 203 1.27 137 NA #> 686 315 104.4 246 2.13 99 NA #> 687 151 105.5 296 -4.75 316 NA #> 688 247 105.6 302 2.09 101 NA #> 689 321 104.2 236 10.67 9 NA #> 690 289 104.1 227 -1.86 241 NA #> 691 121 103.1 176 -2.59 260 NA #> 692 294 106.4 329 -2.03 244 NA #> 693 254 105.2 278 4.94 40 NA #> 694 252 106.5 330 -0.36 190 NA #> 695 262 104.9 270 4.71 44 NA #> 696 351 106.1 320 0.68 156 NA #> 697 283 105.7 304 -0.78 205 NA #> 698 232 106.1 317 3.44 68 NA #> 699 234 104.1 229 13.24 3 NA #> 700 347 104.5 249 2.36 94 NA #> 701 240 103.9 218 0.04 179 NA #> 702 301 106.3 325 -2.27 251 NA #> 703 353 105.6 298 -3.21 279 NA #> 704 265 104.3 242 1.42 129 NA #> 705 322 103.3 182 12.03 5 NA #> 706 337 104.1 226 7.78 15 NA #> 707 344 105.0 274 0.96 152 NA #> 708 334 103.9 215 5.14 37 NA #> 709 187 103.7 204 4.10 56 NA #> 710 244 104.3 240 -0.75 204 NA # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_program_ratings.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's program ratings — kp_program_ratings","title":"Get KenPom's program ratings — kp_program_ratings","text":"Get KenPom's program ratings","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_program_ratings.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's program ratings — kp_program_ratings","text":"","code":"kp_program_ratings()"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_program_ratings.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's program ratings — kp_program_ratings","text":"data frame 17 columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_program_ratings.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's program ratings — kp_program_ratings","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_program_ratings()) #> rk team conf rtg best_rk best_yr worst_rk worst_yr #> 1 1 Duke ACC 46.57 1 2010 36 2021 #> 2 2 Kentucky SEC 40.58 1 2015 78 2008 #> 3 3 Kansas B12 36.45 1 2020 27 2021 #> 4 4 North Carolina ACC 33.75 1 2009 137 2002 #> 5 5 Michigan St. B10 31.24 1 2000 64 2021 #> 6 6 Gonzaga WCC 30.26 1 2022 149 1997 #> 7 7 Arizona P12 30.00 2 2014 94 2019 #> 8 8 Villanova BE 29.60 1 2018 91 1998 #> 9 9 Texas B12 27.42 3 2006 117 1998 #> 10 10 Ohio St. B10 27.25 1 2011 155 1998 #> 11 11 Florida SEC 27.00 1 2006 106 1997 #> 12 12 Louisville ACC 26.67 1 2014 133 2001 #> 13 13 Michigan B10 26.52 3 2021 146 2001 #> 14 14 UCLA P12 25.83 4 2008 144 2004 #> 15 15 Illinois B10 24.77 2 2005 125 2016 #> 16 16 Virginia ACC 24.73 1 2019 104 2009 #> 17 17 Connecticut BE 24.47 2 2009 179 2018 #> 18 18 Wisconsin B10 24.31 2 2015 95 1998 #> 19 19 Tennessee SEC 24.31 9 2022 158 1997 #> 20 20 Syracuse ACC 23.48 3 2010 69 2022 #> 21 21 Purdue B10 23.19 5 2018 155 2006 #> 22 22 Indiana B10 22.97 3 2013 209 2009 #> 23 23 Maryland B10 22.91 3 2002 134 2012 #> 24 24 Oregon P12 22.50 9 2002 159 2009 #> 25 25 Baylor B12 22.31 2 2021 236 2005 #> 26 26 Memphis Amer 21.92 2 2008 161 2018 #> 27 27 Florida St. ACC 21.86 14 2019 134 2001 #> 28 28 Oklahoma B12 21.28 5 2002 144 2011 #> 29 29 Alabama SEC 21.14 9 2021 100 2009 #> 30 30 Xavier BE 21.03 12 1998 81 2005 #> 31 31 West Virginia B12 20.59 5 2010 192 2002 #> 32 32 Arkansas SEC 20.41 18 2022 134 2003 #> 33 33 Notre Dame ACC 20.34 9 2015 108 1999 #> 34 34 USC P12 20.10 6 2021 220 2012 #> 35 35 LSU SEC 20.06 11 2006 232 2011 #> 36 36 Oklahoma St. B12 20.06 4 2004 98 2016 #> 37 37 Stanford P12 19.70 2 2001 112 2019 #> 38 38 Texas Tech B12 19.49 5 2019 239 2013 #> 39 39 Cincinnati Amer 19.35 2 2002 141 2007 #> 40 40 Iowa B10 19.08 7 2021 174 2010 #> 41 41 Marquette BE 19.06 11 2002 113 1999 #> 42 42 Creighton BE 18.95 12 2020 116 2010 #> 43 43 Miami FL ACC 18.43 13 2013 138 2021 #> 44 44 Pittsburgh ACC 18.22 3 2009 227 2018 #> 45 45 Georgetown BE 18.19 4 2007 175 2022 #> 46 46 Iowa St. B12 18.12 10 2000 171 2021 #> 47 47 Auburn SEC 17.76 4 1999 234 2011 #> 48 48 N.C. State ACC 17.32 9 2004 128 2022 #> 49 49 Clemson ACC 17.20 11 1997 164 2000 #> 50 50 Butler BE 17.03 12 2010 145 2005 #> 51 51 Missouri SEC 16.30 6 2009 192 2015 #> 52 52 Kansas St. B12 15.99 6 2010 161 2000 #> 53 53 Mississippi St. SEC 15.92 14 2004 256 2013 #> 54 54 Minnesota B10 15.90 3 1997 192 2016 #> 55 55 BYU WCC 15.90 10 2010 280 1997 #> 56 56 Wichita St. Amer 15.73 6 2014 189 2001 #> 57 57 Vanderbilt SEC 15.68 16 2012 169 2020 #> 58 58 Providence BE 15.65 24 2004 162 2000 #> 59 59 Washington P12 15.64 14 2005 181 2001 #> 60 60 Utah P12 15.63 7 1998 302 2012 #> 61 61 Mississippi SEC 15.31 17 1998 147 2006 #> 62 62 Virginia Tech ACC 15.26 13 2019 234 2001 #> 63 63 Seton Hall BE 15.21 20 2020 117 2013 #> 64 64 Texas A&M SEC 15.20 7 2007 213 2002 #> 65 65 Arizona St. P12 14.99 15 2009 230 2012 #> 66 66 Wake Forest ACC 14.59 5 1997 259 2011 #> 67 67 Georgia Tech ACC 14.36 8 2004 174 2012 #> 68 68 Colorado P12 13.95 8 2021 216 2007 #> 69 69 San Diego St. MWC 13.93 6 2020 275 1999 #> 70 70 Dayton A10 13.92 4 2020 172 2018 #> 71 71 Houston Amer 13.91 2 2022 230 1998 #> 72 72 South Carolina SEC 13.82 19 2006 209 2013 #> 73 73 Georgia SEC 13.55 16 2003 219 2022 #> 74 74 Saint Mary's WCC 13.38 15 2017 315 2001 #> 75 75 California P12 13.19 14 2010 244 2018 #> 76 76 Temple Amer 13.15 4 2000 150 2014 #> 77 77 VCU A10 12.80 18 2013 218 1998 #> 78 78 St. John's BE 12.60 7 1999 211 2016 #> 79 79 Penn St. B10 12.17 19 2018 227 2004 #> 80 80 Nebraska B10 12.04 39 2008 162 2020 #> 81 81 Utah St. MWC 11.86 21 2005 142 1999 #> 82 82 UNLV MWC 11.41 29 2011 248 2017 #> 83 83 Boston College ACC 10.79 12 2001 261 2012 #> 84 84 TCU B12 10.58 18 1998 265 2013 #> 85 85 Northwestern B10 10.34 38 2017 257 2000 #> 86 86 New Mexico MWC 9.96 20 2012 294 2021 #> 87 87 Davidson A10 9.91 11 2008 232 2001 #> 88 88 SMU Amer 9.82 11 2017 283 2008 #> 89 89 Rutgers B10 9.82 28 2020 279 2016 #> 90 90 Tulsa Amer 9.68 7 2000 211 2006 #> 91 91 Nevada MWC 9.53 20 2004 270 2015 #> 92 92 Washington St. P12 9.39 10 2008 216 2002 #> 93 93 Saint Louis A10 9.17 14 2012 289 2015 #> 94 94 Northern Iowa MVC 9.06 18 2015 228 2001 #> 95 95 Saint Joseph's A10 8.96 3 2004 260 2020 #> 96 96 Boise St. MWC 8.62 39 2022 214 2005 #> 97 97 Richmond A10 8.45 38 2004 278 2007 #> 98 98 Rhode Island A10 8.28 20 1997 251 2005 #> 99 99 DePaul BE 8.12 30 2000 234 1997 #> 100 100 Colorado St. MWC 7.68 22 2013 265 2008 #> 101 101 UAB CUSA 7.64 46 2004 196 2017 #> 102 102 Oregon St. P12 7.63 43 2021 264 2017 #> 103 103 Murray St. MVC 7.62 35 2012 218 2007 #> 104 104 Missouri St. MVC 7.42 21 1999 255 2015 #> 105 105 Belmont MVC 6.79 23 2011 282 1998 #> 106 106 St. Bonaventure A10 6.69 32 2021 321 2005 #> 107 107 Fresno St. MWC 6.46 30 2001 207 2009 #> 108 108 New Mexico St. WAC 6.45 53 2019 271 2005 #> 109 109 Akron MAC 6.42 45 2007 255 2018 #> 110 110 Kent St. MAC 6.31 14 2002 211 2018 #> 111 111 Western Kentucky CUSA 6.21 43 2008 232 2017 #> 112 112 Massachusetts A10 6.18 28 1998 236 2019 #> 113 113 Southern Illinois MVC 6.00 16 2007 223 2015 #> 114 114 George Washington A10 5.97 38 2005 293 2019 #> 115 115 Illinois St. MVC 5.77 42 1997 237 2011 #> 116 116 UCF Amer 5.66 34 2019 300 1997 #> 117 117 Old Dominion SB 5.49 37 2010 276 2013 #> 118 118 George Mason A10 5.42 22 2006 220 2018 #> 119 119 San Francisco WCC 5.25 23 2022 254 2008 #> 120 120 Loyola Chicago A10 5.02 10 2021 288 2012 #> 121 121 Valparaiso MVC 4.94 42 2016 226 2009 #> 122 122 Louisiana Tech CUSA 4.76 37 2014 328 2008 #> 123 123 Ohio MAC 4.70 51 1999 256 1998 #> 124 124 Wyoming MWC 4.69 65 2022 317 2019 #> 125 125 Buffalo MAC 4.43 22 2019 281 2000 #> 126 126 Charlotte CUSA 4.09 26 1998 308 2018 #> 127 127 Toledo MAC 3.92 61 2019 332 2011 #> 128 128 South Florida Amer 3.90 48 2012 292 2017 #> 129 129 UTEP CUSA 3.90 41 2004 299 2019 #> 130 130 Princeton Ivy 3.85 15 1998 312 2008 #> 131 131 Bradley MVC 3.81 25 2006 323 2016 #> 132 132 Vermont AE 3.49 43 2005 253 2001 #> 133 133 Iona MAAC 3.30 45 1998 323 2007 #> 134 134 Pacific WCC 3.05 40 2005 293 2022 #> 135 135 Middle Tennessee CUSA 3.04 43 2017 306 2021 #> 136 136 South Dakota St. Sum 3.04 61 2012 319 2007 #> 137 137 Indiana St. MVC 2.79 64 1999 266 2003 #> 138 138 Charleston CAA 2.79 61 1999 279 2015 #> 139 139 Santa Clara WCC 2.74 76 2022 277 2018 #> 140 140 La Salle A10 2.73 50 2013 267 2016 #> 141 141 Drake MVC 2.66 17 2008 287 1998 #> 142 142 North Dakota St. Sum 2.50 61 2014 242 2010 #> 143 143 Wright St. Horz 2.21 65 2010 243 2015 #> 144 144 Miami OH MAC 2.17 28 1999 279 2017 #> 145 145 Hofstra CAA 1.98 63 2006 303 2013 #> 146 146 UC Santa Barbara BW 1.94 58 2021 331 2017 #> 147 147 Marshall SB 1.82 78 2012 261 2015 #> 148 148 San Diego WCC 1.77 72 2000 294 2011 #> 149 149 Hawaii BW 1.68 51 2002 269 2017 #> 150 150 UC Irvine BW 1.44 73 2019 303 1997 #> 151 151 Oral Roberts Sum 1.43 66 1997 290 2019 #> 152 152 Duquesne A10 1.21 55 2011 301 2006 #> 153 153 Evansville MVC 1.18 72 2016 321 2022 #> 154 154 Georgia St. SB 1.12 66 2014 281 1997 #> 155 155 Louisiana SB 1.08 65 2003 271 2007 #> 156 156 Pepperdine WCC 1.06 34 2000 303 2017 #> 157 157 Detroit Mercy Horz 1.05 29 1998 319 2018 #> 158 158 Harvard Ivy 0.96 32 2014 307 2004 #> 159 159 East Tennessee St. SC 0.96 56 2020 319 2013 #> 160 160 Stephen F. Austin WAC 0.93 41 2016 311 2019 #> 161 161 Grand Canyon WAC 0.92 93 2022 265 2020 #> 162 162 Western Michigan MAC 0.88 31 2004 329 2022 #> 163 163 Tulane Amer 0.72 68 1997 285 2014 #> 164 164 Southern Miss SB 0.72 45 2001 341 2022 #> 165 165 Penn Ivy 0.68 48 2003 308 2010 #> 166 166 Bowling Green MAC 0.65 60 2002 284 2022 #> 167 167 Ball St. MAC 0.60 55 2002 296 2014 #> 168 168 Drexel CAA 0.58 45 2012 257 2008 #> 169 169 Air Force MWC 0.53 20 2007 332 2021 #> 170 170 Oakland Horz 0.53 56 2011 270 2006 #> 171 171 Montana BSky 0.50 72 2018 248 2022 #> 172 172 Green Bay Horz 0.43 71 2015 343 2022 #> 173 173 Milwaukee Horz 0.17 36 2005 335 2022 #> 174 174 Weber St. BSky 0.14 71 2013 273 2020 #> 175 175 UNC Wilmington CAA -0.08 37 2003 312 2020 #> 176 176 Yale Ivy -0.15 47 2016 302 2000 #> 177 177 Northeastern CAA -0.17 71 2010 287 2000 #> 178 178 Wofford SC -0.57 18 2019 292 1997 #> 179 179 North Texas CUSA -0.69 57 2022 320 2017 #> 180 180 Siena MAAC -0.79 59 2010 303 2018 #> 181 181 Bucknell Pat -0.79 58 2013 336 2022 #> 182 182 Long Beach St. BW -0.93 36 2012 304 2008 #> 183 183 Cleveland St. Horz -0.99 66 2009 313 2020 #> 184 184 East Carolina Amer -1.03 109 1997 307 2018 #> 185 185 Illinois Chicago MVC -1.16 41 1998 335 2016 #> 186 186 South Alabama SB -1.46 49 1998 297 2015 #> 187 187 Winthrop BSth -1.68 51 2007 305 1998 #> 188 188 UT Arlington WAC -1.75 75 2017 274 1997 #> 189 189 Chattanooga SC -1.87 67 2022 310 2013 #> 190 190 Northern Kentucky Horz -1.95 90 2018 311 2014 #> 191 191 Loyola Marymount WCC -2.05 94 2021 332 2008 #> 192 192 Furman SC -2.22 59 2019 342 2014 #> 193 193 Sam Houston St. WAC -2.24 95 2015 287 2012 #> 194 194 Eastern Washington BSky -2.33 105 2021 299 2013 #> 195 195 Boston University Pat -2.37 92 2005 291 2000 #> 196 196 Portland WCC -2.59 79 2010 326 2019 #> 197 197 Rice CUSA -2.60 71 2004 325 2013 #> 198 198 Eastern Michigan MAC -2.69 65 1998 316 2022 #> 199 199 Rider MAAC -2.73 120 1998 316 2021 #> 200 200 Delaware CAA -2.75 104 1999 295 2007 #> 201 201 Arkansas St. SB -2.78 101 1999 295 2015 #> 202 202 Bellarmine ASun -2.86 167 2021 200 2022 #> 203 203 Manhattan MAAC -2.95 48 2004 323 2019 #> 204 204 UNC Greensboro SC -2.99 82 2018 324 2009 #> 205 205 Fairfield MAAC -3.22 104 2011 309 2021 #> 206 206 Niagara MAAC -3.43 75 2009 315 2019 #> 207 207 Appalachian St. SB -3.46 76 2007 331 2014 #> 208 208 William & Mary CAA -3.47 87 2016 338 2022 #> 209 209 Central Michigan MAC -3.54 70 2003 318 2022 #> 210 210 Fordham A10 -3.55 127 2006 321 2009 #> 211 211 Austin Peay ASun -3.88 103 2004 317 2015 #> 212 212 James Madison SB -3.95 91 2016 312 2005 #> 213 213 Little Rock OVC -3.98 56 2016 328 2022 #> 214 214 Utah Valley WAC -4.06 92 2018 326 2010 #> 215 215 South Dakota Sum -4.10 81 2018 288 2011 #> 216 216 Mercer SC -4.15 87 2014 318 2006 #> 217 217 Texas St. SB -4.17 93 2020 321 2006 #> 218 218 Stony Brook CAA -4.18 60 2013 313 2006 #> 219 219 Denver Sum -4.23 47 2013 338 2021 #> 220 220 Canisius MAAC -4.29 89 1997 326 2012 #> 221 221 Georgia Southern SB -4.40 103 2019 328 2011 #> 222 222 Cal St. Northridge BW -4.42 85 2001 332 2022 #> 223 223 Cal St. Fullerton BW -4.43 88 2008 304 2001 #> 224 224 Northern Illinois MAC -4.45 120 2006 337 2021 #> 225 225 Morehead St. OVC -4.49 89 2011 328 2006 #> 226 226 Coastal Carolina SB -4.61 117 2011 308 1999 #> 227 227 Northern Colorado BSky -4.89 75 2020 314 2016 #> 228 228 Saint Peter's MAAC -4.94 95 2017 316 2019 #> 229 229 Portland St. BSky -4.98 112 2008 304 2013 #> 230 230 Troy SB -5.00 88 2004 305 2021 #> 231 231 IUPUI Horz -5.13 66 2008 358 2022 #> 232 232 UTSA CUSA -5.15 149 2019 338 2016 #> 233 233 Towson CAA -5.15 75 2022 339 2012 #> 234 234 Purdue Fort Wayne Horz -5.17 135 2016 292 2005 #> 235 235 Monmouth CAA -5.24 81 2017 326 2009 #> 236 236 Cal Baptist WAC -5.37 197 2019 229 2021 #> 237 237 Florida Gulf Coast ASun -5.40 105 2013 310 2020 #> 238 238 Colgate Pat -5.40 89 2021 324 2012 #> 239 239 Robert Morris Horz -5.63 123 2012 327 2022 #> 240 240 American Pat -5.64 112 2009 331 2022 #> 241 241 Seattle WAC -5.68 139 2022 294 2016 #> 242 242 Lipscomb ASun -5.68 45 2019 310 2002 #> 243 243 Holy Cross Pat -5.70 66 2005 349 2022 #> 244 244 FIU CUSA -5.74 111 1998 311 2004 #> 245 245 Cornell Ivy -5.76 46 2010 340 2014 #> 246 246 Cal St. Bakersfield BW -5.85 90 2017 320 2008 #> 247 247 Montana St. BSky -5.91 118 1998 320 2015 #> 248 248 Florida Atlantic CUSA -5.96 129 2022 317 2000 #> 249 249 Samford SC -5.97 113 2000 321 2020 #> 250 250 Northern Arizona BSky -6.00 71 1998 343 2016 #> 251 251 Liberty ASun -6.07 58 2019 333 2015 #> 252 252 Albany AE -6.07 121 2016 318 2001 #> 253 253 Lehigh Pat -6.29 79 2012 334 2021 #> 254 254 Eastern Kentucky ASun -6.46 110 2013 300 1999 #> 255 255 Youngstown St. Horz -6.54 138 1998 322 2018 #> 256 256 Idaho BSky -6.59 126 2018 350 2021 #> 257 257 Tennessee Tech OVC -6.65 72 2002 331 2020 #> 258 258 Cal Poly BW -6.68 152 2013 334 2019 #> 259 259 UNC Asheville BSth -6.70 110 2017 347 2019 #> 260 260 San Jose St. MWC -6.74 110 2001 347 2015 #> 261 261 Gardner Webb BSth -6.83 163 2019 331 2010 #> 262 262 UC Davis BW -7.06 101 2015 328 2012 #> 263 263 Marist MAAC -7.21 108 2006 336 2010 #> 264 264 Brown Ivy -7.26 134 2008 310 2012 #> 265 265 Quinnipiac MAAC -7.33 149 2014 312 2001 #> 266 266 Abilene Christian WAC -7.38 84 2021 348 2014 #> 267 267 Wagner NEC -7.39 102 2012 335 2010 #> 268 268 Jacksonville St. ASun -7.44 110 2019 326 2008 #> 269 269 UC Riverside BW -7.45 106 2021 322 2019 #> 270 270 Columbia Ivy -7.55 113 2016 351 2022 #> 271 271 Louisiana Monroe SB -7.60 133 2016 327 2013 #> 272 272 UMKC Sum -7.62 147 2004 318 2013 #> 273 273 Tarleton St. WAC -7.64 212 2022 261 2021 #> 274 274 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd -7.76 91 2007 344 2021 #> 275 275 Loyola MD Pat -7.76 124 2013 323 2018 #> 276 276 Navy Pat -7.77 127 2000 329 2012 #> 277 277 Elon CAA -7.81 136 2017 311 2001 #> 278 278 Radford BSth -7.85 122 2019 331 2011 #> 279 279 Southern Utah WAC -7.86 97 2001 351 2014 #> 280 280 Western Carolina SC -7.94 155 2010 322 2017 #> 281 281 Mount St. Mary's MAAC -7.94 145 2009 325 2002 #> 282 282 Hampton CAA -8.18 116 2002 327 2021 #> 283 283 Tennessee St. OVC -8.38 160 2017 334 2015 #> 284 284 Lafayette Pat -8.42 140 2000 330 2017 #> 285 285 New Orleans Slnd -8.68 90 1997 345 2013 #> 286 286 UC San Diego BW -8.84 231 2021 261 2022 #> 287 287 Jacksonville ASun -8.91 122 2009 340 2015 #> 288 288 Lamar Slnd -8.93 108 2012 350 2022 #> 289 289 LIU NEC -9.04 93 1997 321 2002 #> 290 290 Nebraska Omaha Sum -9.21 148 2016 344 2022 #> 291 291 Southeast Missouri St. OVC -9.28 84 2000 340 2020 #> 292 292 High Point BSth -9.47 145 2015 341 2020 #> 293 293 North Florida ASun -9.47 143 2015 337 2008 #> 294 294 Eastern Illinois OVC -9.82 112 2001 357 2022 #> 295 295 St. Francis NY NEC -9.86 157 2015 346 2017 #> 296 296 Northwestern St. Slnd -9.88 93 2006 345 2018 #> 297 297 VMI SC -9.99 153 2021 331 2018 #> 298 298 Hartford ind -10.12 144 1997 334 2017 #> 299 298 Western Illinois Sum -10.13 147 1997 330 2020 #> 300 299 Idaho St. BSky -10.27 158 2007 339 2022 #> 301 300 UMBC AE -10.42 127 2008 343 2015 #> 302 301 Dartmouth Ivy -10.42 116 1997 341 2010 #> 303 302 McNeese St. Slnd -10.45 100 2002 340 2021 #> 304 303 North Dakota Sum -10.83 168 2017 348 2022 #> 305 304 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd -10.87 134 2005 336 2021 #> 306 305 Norfolk St. MEAC -11.13 176 2022 322 2007 #> 307 306 Texas Southern SWAC -11.19 155 2013 335 2008 #> 308 307 Sacramento St. BSky -11.27 156 2006 339 2009 #> 309 308 Tennessee Martin OVC -11.46 117 2009 347 2021 #> 310 309 Nicholls St. Slnd -11.48 167 2009 331 2016 #> 311 310 Campbell BSth -11.51 163 2010 327 2014 #> 312 311 Charleston Southern BSth -11.55 160 2019 347 2022 #> 313 312 North Carolina Central MEAC -11.56 92 2014 343 2009 #> 314 313 USC Upstate BSth -11.59 136 2012 338 2018 #> 315 314 Central Connecticut NEC -11.72 135 2000 351 2016 #> 316 315 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC -11.81 97 1998 345 2022 #> 317 316 Sacred Heart NEC -11.84 185 2007 324 2021 #> 318 317 Army Pat -12.01 158 2013 331 2006 #> 319 318 New Hampshire AE -12.02 182 2017 345 2019 #> 320 319 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC -12.16 167 2002 348 2016 #> 321 320 St. Francis PA NEC -12.33 176 2020 330 2013 #> 322 321 Merrimack NEC -12.37 227 2020 299 2022 #> 323 322 Maine AE -12.67 153 1999 354 2022 #> 324 323 The Citadel SC -12.70 151 2002 345 2014 #> 325 324 Stetson ASun -12.82 198 2001 338 2015 #> 326 325 UMass Lowell AE -12.98 230 2021 322 2014 #> 327 326 Morgan St. MEAC -13.22 150 2009 333 2019 #> 328 327 Bryant AE -13.37 176 2013 346 2016 #> 329 328 Binghamton AE -13.82 177 2009 344 2012 #> 330 329 Jackson St. SWAC -13.97 218 1999 337 2018 #> 331 330 North Alabama ASun -13.98 273 2021 315 2022 #> 332 331 Southern SWAC -14.10 162 2013 345 2011 #> 333 332 Coppin St. MEAC -14.30 128 1997 347 2018 #> 334 333 North Carolina A&T CAA -14.69 227 2013 349 2017 #> 335 334 NJIT AE -14.81 173 2015 344 2009 #> 336 335 Utah Tech WAC -14.89 278 2022 328 2021 #> 337 336 South Carolina St. MEAC -15.26 149 1998 353 2021 #> 338 337 Alabama St. SWAC -15.87 200 2009 354 2021 #> 339 338 St. Thomas Sum -16.00 305 2022 305 2022 #> 340 339 Central Arkansas ASun -16.23 213 2018 349 2015 #> 341 340 Delaware St. MEAC -16.74 200 2007 356 2022 #> 342 341 Longwood BSth -16.81 145 2022 347 2017 #> 343 342 Presbyterian BSth -16.89 179 2019 350 2017 #> 344 343 SIU Edwardsville OVC -17.00 248 2015 342 2011 #> 345 344 Prairie View A&M SWAC -17.02 209 2019 337 2016 #> 346 345 Kennesaw St. ASun -17.05 223 2022 352 2020 #> 347 346 Bethune Cookman SWAC -17.17 230 2000 349 2021 #> 348 347 Florida A&M SWAC -18.29 254 2007 350 2015 #> 349 348 Howard MEAC -18.42 224 2002 350 2020 #> 350 349 Alcorn St. SWAC -18.43 155 1999 349 2019 #> 351 350 Houston Christian Slnd -18.56 221 2017 342 2020 #> 352 351 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC -19.14 168 2004 357 2021 #> 353 352 Incarnate Word Slnd -19.23 228 2015 353 2022 #> 354 353 Alabama A&M SWAC -19.73 247 2000 351 2018 #> 355 354 Chicago St. ind -19.79 203 2007 356 2021 #> 356 355 Grambling St. SWAC -20.99 250 1998 351 2015 #> 357 356 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC -21.68 207 2015 355 2021 #> 358 357 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC -21.69 231 2010 352 2022 #> kp_median top10 top25 top50 ch f4 s16 r1 chg #> 1 5 22 25 26 3 6 18 24 0 #> 2 8 16 21 24 2 6 15 22 0 #> 3 6 18 25 26 2 6 15 25 0 #> 4 10 14 19 22 3 9 14 22 0 #> 5 12 13 18 25 1 8 14 23 0 #> 6 22 10 17 25 0 2 12 23 0 #> 7 19 7 19 23 1 2 13 21 0 #> 8 20 7 14 18 2 4 8 18 0 #> 9 26 5 12 22 0 1 6 21 2 #> 10 19 7 15 20 0 3 6 17 2 #> 11 21 9 15 23 2 4 9 18 -2 #> 12 19 9 16 21 1 3 8 17 -2 #> 13 37 4 10 16 0 2 7 12 0 #> 14 34 3 10 16 0 4 13 18 2 #> 15 28 6 13 17 0 1 4 15 5 #> 16 50 5 8 13 1 1 3 11 2 #> 17 24 6 13 17 4 5 9 16 -2 #> 18 16 8 18 24 0 3 10 23 -4 #> 19 34 3 7 14 0 0 6 15 3 #> 20 38 4 10 20 1 3 11 18 -1 #> 21 28 5 12 20 0 0 9 18 0 #> 22 38 3 9 18 0 1 4 15 4 #> 23 30 3 12 20 1 2 6 16 -6 #> 24 44 2 6 14 0 1 7 12 0 #> 25 38 4 8 14 1 1 5 10 3 #> 26 46 4 6 14 0 1 4 11 -3 #> 27 38 0 5 16 0 0 4 9 -2 #> 28 36 4 8 18 0 2 6 18 3 #> 29 60 1 3 8 0 0 2 9 10 #> 30 32 0 11 17 0 0 7 17 -1 #> 31 32 4 12 16 0 1 8 13 -4 #> 32 46 0 4 14 0 0 2 12 15 #> 33 38 1 6 16 0 0 3 13 3 #> 34 54 1 3 10 0 0 3 10 6 #> 35 66 0 6 10 0 1 3 9 0 #> 36 38 3 7 15 0 1 3 15 -4 #> 37 46 5 8 14 0 1 5 12 -7 #> 38 72 2 5 11 0 1 4 9 8 #> 39 30 4 11 20 0 0 2 18 -5 #> 40 34 1 10 15 0 0 1 10 1 #> 41 38 0 6 14 0 1 4 14 -8 #> 42 45 0 4 14 0 0 1 14 -5 #> 43 51 0 3 13 0 0 4 10 -1 #> 44 50 4 11 13 0 0 5 13 1 #> 45 52 2 7 12 0 1 3 11 -7 #> 46 64 1 7 12 0 0 5 12 -3 #> 47 84 1 4 7 0 1 3 6 7 #> 48 50 1 3 14 0 0 3 10 -4 #> 49 48 0 7 13 0 0 2 8 0 #> 50 37 0 8 15 0 2 5 15 -2 #> 51 54 2 4 11 0 0 2 12 0 #> 52 58 1 3 9 0 0 2 9 5 #> 53 68 0 3 11 0 0 0 7 0 #> 54 52 1 2 12 0 1 1 8 -2 #> 55 50 1 6 14 0 0 1 11 6 #> 56 64 2 7 11 0 1 3 8 -1 #> 57 57 0 3 12 0 0 2 8 1 #> 58 69 0 2 9 0 0 2 8 1 #> 59 67 0 4 8 0 0 4 9 -9 #> 60 46 4 5 14 0 1 4 11 -4 #> 61 66 0 3 9 0 0 1 8 3 #> 62 84 0 2 8 0 0 1 6 6 #> 63 64 0 1 5 0 0 1 8 0 #> 64 90 1 4 10 0 0 3 8 -4 #> 65 71 0 1 6 0 0 0 4 -3 #> 66 66 3 6 10 0 0 1 8 0 #> 67 74 1 3 8 0 1 1 6 -2 #> 68 72 1 1 4 0 0 0 7 1 #> 69 70 2 4 11 0 0 2 11 2 #> 70 64 1 1 9 0 0 1 8 2 #> 71 102 2 5 5 0 1 3 5 11 #> 72 70 0 3 7 0 1 1 4 2 #> 73 77 0 2 6 0 0 0 6 -6 #> 74 62 0 3 11 0 0 1 9 2 #> 75 62 0 3 10 0 0 1 9 -5 #> 76 65 1 6 10 0 0 2 12 -3 #> 77 66 0 2 8 0 1 1 12 -2 #> 78 75 1 1 5 0 0 1 6 0 #> 79 88 0 1 7 0 0 1 2 0 #> 80 84 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 -3 #> 81 74 0 3 10 0 0 0 11 0 #> 82 80 0 0 7 0 0 1 8 -2 #> 83 104 0 3 7 0 0 1 8 0 #> 84 118 0 2 5 0 0 0 3 3 #> 85 111 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 #> 86 92 0 3 10 0 0 0 8 -2 #> 87 110 0 1 4 0 0 1 10 4 #> 88 114 0 2 4 0 0 0 2 2 #> 89 107 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 #> 90 88 1 2 5 0 0 1 6 -4 #> 91 104 0 2 5 0 0 2 7 -3 #> 92 120 1 1 4 0 0 1 2 4 #> 93 92 0 2 3 0 0 0 6 1 #> 94 93 0 1 5 0 0 1 7 -1 #> 95 96 1 3 8 0 0 2 7 -3 #> 96 114 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 3 #> 97 94 0 0 4 0 0 1 5 0 #> 98 113 0 1 4 0 0 1 5 -3 #> 99 130 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 1 #> 100 102 0 1 2 0 0 0 4 3 #> 101 98 0 0 1 0 0 1 6 0 #> 102 118 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 -4 #> 103 122 0 0 2 0 0 0 11 13 #> 104 88 0 1 3 0 0 1 1 -2 #> 105 121 0 2 4 0 0 0 8 13 #> 106 111 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 3 #> 107 107 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 6 #> 108 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 6 #> 109 108 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 -4 #> 110 116 0 1 2 0 0 1 5 -4 #> 111 117 0 0 3 0 0 1 7 -4 #> 112 126 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 -8 #> 113 128 0 1 5 0 0 2 6 -1 #> 114 110 0 0 5 0 0 0 6 -6 #> 115 120 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 -4 #> 116 132 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 3 #> 117 112 0 0 2 0 0 0 6 -7 #> 118 132 0 2 2 0 1 1 5 -3 #> 119 146 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 7 #> 120 168 1 1 3 0 1 2 3 8 #> 121 142 0 0 2 0 0 1 8 -4 #> 122 124 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 #> 123 120 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 -3 #> 124 118 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 #> 125 138 0 1 1 0 0 0 4 -3 #> 126 134 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 -3 #> 127 116 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 #> 128 134 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -4 #> 129 124 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 -4 #> 130 126 0 1 2 0 0 0 6 -1 #> 131 125 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 #> 132 134 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 4 #> 133 138 0 0 1 0 0 0 10 4 #> 134 148 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 -3 #> 135 162 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 4 #> 136 113 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 #> 137 139 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -3 #> 138 124 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 -5 #> 139 152 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 #> 140 154 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 -5 #> 141 161 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 4 #> 142 152 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 -4 #> 143 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 #> 144 141 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 -4 #> 145 138 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -1 #> 146 148 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 #> 147 156 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -6 #> 148 147 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -2 #> 149 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 #> 150 147 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 #> 151 140 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 #> 152 183 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 #> 153 161 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -2 #> 154 176 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 11 #> 155 154 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 #> 156 155 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 -1 #> 157 142 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 -1 #> 158 201 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 #> 159 159 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 #> 160 156 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 12 #> 161 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 18 #> 162 159 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 -8 #> 163 188 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 #> 164 143 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -17 #> 165 149 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 1 #> 166 172 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6 #> 167 166 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -4 #> 168 156 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -1 #> 169 209 0 1 4 0 0 0 2 -1 #> 170 176 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 #> 171 175 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 -2 #> 172 157 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -13 #> 173 168 0 0 1 0 0 1 4 -12 #> 174 164 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 -1 #> 175 162 0 0 2 0 0 0 6 -1 #> 176 188 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 #> 177 183 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -6 #> 178 198 0 1 1 0 0 0 5 3 #> 179 207 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 #> 180 167 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 -2 #> 181 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 -5 #> 182 172 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 #> 183 195 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -3 #> 184 190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 #> 185 188 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 #> 186 194 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 3 #> 187 172 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 3 #> 188 201 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 #> 189 176 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 14 #> 190 202 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -2 #> 191 204 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #> 192 222 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 #> 193 190 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 8 #> 194 199 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 #> 195 193 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -2 #> 196 211 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 #> 197 201 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 #> 198 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -6 #> 199 193 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 #> 200 188 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 #> 201 194 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 #> 202 184 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -18 #> 203 199 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 -4 #> 204 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 #> 205 205 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 #> 206 191 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 #> 207 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 #> 208 212 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -12 #> 209 222 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -3 #> 210 211 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 #> 211 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -7 #> 212 216 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 #> 213 215 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -15 #> 214 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 #> 215 219 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #> 216 204 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 #> 217 228 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 #> 218 233 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 #> 219 214 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -8 #> 220 224 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 #> 221 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #> 222 223 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -6 #> 223 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 #> 224 216 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 #> 225 213 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -3 #> 226 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 8 #> 227 232 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 #> 228 220 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 16 #> 229 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -4 #> 230 234 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 #> 231 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -18 #> 232 216 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -9 #> 233 249 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 #> 234 237 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4 #> 235 236 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 #> 236 214 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 #> 237 208 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 4 #> 238 242 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 #> 239 246 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -6 #> 240 204 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -8 #> 241 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 #> 242 238 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -4 #> 243 232 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 -14 #> 244 232 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 #> 245 232 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 2 #> 246 242 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -10 #> 247 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 #> 248 238 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 #> 249 246 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 #> 250 218 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -10 #> 251 264 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 #> 252 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 -10 #> 253 241 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -8 #> 254 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -1 #> 255 247 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 #> 256 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6 #> 257 235 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -9 #> 258 228 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -6 #> 259 242 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 #> 260 255 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 #> 261 232 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 #> 262 234 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 #> 263 244 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 #> 264 244 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 #> 265 252 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 #> 266 262 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 24 #> 267 238 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 #> 268 260 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 13 #> 269 266 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 #> 270 262 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -9 #> 271 258 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 #> 272 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 #> 273 236 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 #> 274 238 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 #> 275 248 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -5 #> 276 260 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 #> 277 254 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -9 #> 278 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -3 #> 279 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 #> 280 242 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 #> 281 241 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 #> 282 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 #> 283 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -7 #> 284 242 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -4 #> 285 231 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 #> 286 246 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -20 #> 287 262 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 #> 288 231 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -16 #> 289 268 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 #> 290 256 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -19 #> 291 248 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -5 #> 292 252 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 #> 293 263 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 #> 294 262 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -9 #> 295 254 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #> 296 256 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -2 #> 297 276 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 #> 298 270 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 #> 299 278 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #> 300 268 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 #> 301 264 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 #> 302 290 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 #> 303 272 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -2 #> 304 264 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -11 #> 305 276 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 #> 306 270 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 10 #> 307 264 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 8 #> 308 282 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 #> 309 286 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4 #> 310 272 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 #> 311 284 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 #> 312 290 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -2 #> 313 302 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 #> 314 283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 #> 315 255 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -4 #> 316 280 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -4 #> 317 282 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 #> 318 280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #> 319 274 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 #> 320 289 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 #> 321 282 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 #> 322 287 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -18 #> 323 277 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 #> 324 304 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 #> 325 282 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #> 326 287 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 #> 327 294 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 #> 328 293 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 #> 329 297 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 #> 330 279 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 #> 331 284 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 #> 332 297 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 #> 333 292 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 #> 334 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 #> 335 298 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 #> 336 303 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 #> 337 281 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -1 #> 338 292 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -1 #> 339 305 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 #> 340 313 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 #> 341 292 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 #> 342 318 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 #> 343 326 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 #> 344 314 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 #> 345 312 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -2 #> 346 317 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #> 347 306 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 #> 348 310 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 #> 349 316 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 #> 350 324 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 #> 351 324 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 #> 352 316 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 #> 353 342 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6 #> 354 320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 #> 355 310 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -10 #> 356 312 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #> 357 324 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 #> 358 322 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_referee.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get referee game log — kp_referee","title":"Get referee game log — kp_referee","text":"Get referee game log","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_referee.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get referee game log — kp_referee","text":"","code":"kp_referee(referee, year)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_referee.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get referee game log — kp_referee","text":"referee Referee ID year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_referee.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get referee game log — kp_referee","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_referee.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get referee game log — kp_referee","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_referee(referee = 714363, year = 2021)) #> game_number date time_et #> 1 73 Mon Apr 5 9:20 PM #> 2 72 Sat Mar 27 7:25 PM #> 3 71 Mon Mar 22 8:45 PM #> 4 70 Sat Mar 20 3:30 PM #> 5 69 Fri Mar 19 1:15 PM #> 6 68 Sat Mar 13 6:00 PM #> 7 67 Thu Mar 11 11:30 AM #> 8 66 Wed Mar 10 9:30 PM #> 9 65 Sun Mar 7 4:00 PM #> 10 64 Sat Mar 6 5:00 PM #> 11 63 Fri Mar 5 8:00 PM #> 12 62 Thu Mar 4 7:00 PM #> 13 61 Wed Mar 3 9:00 PM #> 14 60 Tue Mar 2 7:00 PM #> 15 59 Mon Mar 1 9:00 PM #> 16 58 Sat Feb 27 12:00 PM #> 17 57 Fri Feb 26 8:00 PM #> 18 56 Wed Feb 24 6:30 PM #> 19 55 Tue Feb 23 7:00 PM #> 20 54 Mon Feb 22 7:00 PM #> 21 53 Sun Feb 21 1:00 PM #> 22 52 Sat Feb 20 12:00 PM #> 23 51 Sun Feb 14 1:00 PM #> 24 50 Sat Feb 13 1:00 PM #> 25 49 Fri Feb 12 6:00 PM #> 26 48 Wed Feb 10 9:00 PM #> 27 47 Tue Feb 9 9:00 PM #> 28 46 Mon Feb 8 9:00 PM #> 29 45 Sat Feb 6 3:00 PM #> 30 44 Tue Feb 2 7:00 PM #> 31 43 Mon Feb 1 9:00 PM #> 32 42 Sat Jan 30 2:00 PM #> 33 41 Thu Jan 28 7:00 PM #> 34 40 Wed Jan 27 9:00 PM #> 35 39 Tue Jan 26 9:00 PM #> 36 38 Mon Jan 25 7:00 PM #> 37 37 Sat Jan 23 12:00 PM #> 38 36 Mon Jan 18 7:00 PM #> 39 35 Sun Jan 17 5:00 PM #> 40 34 Sat Jan 16 3:00 PM #> 41 33 Wed Jan 13 9:00 PM #> 42 32 Sat Jan 9 4:00 PM #> 43 31 Fri Jan 8 8:00 PM #> 44 30 Wed Jan 6 9:00 PM #> 45 29 Tue Jan 5 10:00 PM #> 46 28 Sun Jan 3 6:00 PM #> 47 27 Sat Jan 2 4:00 PM #> 48 26 Fri Jan 1 6:00 PM #> 49 25 Wed Dec 30 6:30 PM #> 50 24 Tue Dec 29 9:07 PM #> 51 23 Mon Dec 28 8:00 PM #> 52 22 Sat Dec 26 4:00 PM #> 53 21 Fri Dec 25 2:30 PM #> 54 20 Wed Dec 23 5:00 PM #> 55 19 Mon Dec 21 3:00 PM #> 56 18 Sun Dec 20 4:00 PM #> 57 17 Sat Dec 19 12:00 PM #> 58 16 Thu Dec 17 7:00 PM #> 59 15 Wed Dec 16 8:00 PM #> 60 14 Tue Dec 15 9:00 PM #> 61 13 Sun Dec 13 12:00 PM #> 62 12 Sat Dec 12 3:00 PM #> 63 11 Fri Dec 11 7:00 PM #> 64 10 Tue Dec 8 10:00 PM #> 65 9 Mon Dec 7 7:00 PM #> 66 8 Thu Dec 3 8:00 PM #> 67 7 Wed Dec 2 10:00 PM #> 68 6 Mon Nov 30 8:00 PM #> 69 5 Sun Nov 29 5:30 PM #> 70 4 Sat Nov 28 7:30 PM #> 71 3 Fri Nov 27 8:30 PM #> 72 2 Thu Nov 26 8:00 PM #> 73 1 Wed Nov 25 4:00 PM #> game location #> 1 2 Baylor 86, 1 Gonzaga 70 Indianapolis, IN #> 2 15 Arkansas 72, 128 Oral Roberts 70 Indianapolis, IN #> 3 8 Alabama 96, 30 Maryland 77 Indianapolis, IN #> 4 20 Creighton 63, 71 UC Santa Barbara 62 Indianapolis, IN #> 5 3 Illinois 78, 145 Drexel 49 Indianapolis, IN #> 6 25 Texas 91, 30 Oklahoma St. 86 Kansas City, MO #> 7 37 Oklahoma St. 72, 25 West Virginia 69 Kansas City, MO #> 8 38 Oklahoma 79, 179 Iowa St. 73 Kansas City, MO #> 9 3 Baylor 88, 20 Texas Tech 73 Waco, TX #> 10 183 Kansas St. 61, 175 Iowa St. 56 Manhattan, KS #> 11 114 UAB 65, 62 North Texas 51 Denton, TX #> 12 20 West Virginia 76, 127 TCU 67 Morgantown, WV #> 13 72 Northwestern 60, 26 Maryland 55 Evanston, IL #> 14 6 Illinois 76, 2 Michigan 53 Ann Arbor, MI #> 15 36 Oklahoma St. 79, 33 Oklahoma 75 Stillwater, OK #> 16 25 Texas Tech 68, 22 Texas 59 Lubbock, TX #> 17 173 New Mexico St. 78, 311 Tarleton St. 51 Stephenville, TX #> 18 71 N.C. State 68, 9 Virginia 61 Charlottesville, VA #> 19 51 Louisville 69, 56 Notre Dame 57 Louisville, KY #> 20 31 Duke 85, 53 Syracuse 71 Durham, NC #> 21 4 Michigan 92, 6 Ohio St. 87 Columbus, OH #> 22 56 Georgia Tech 87, 129 Miami FL 60 Coral Gables, FL #> 23 92 Cincinnati 69, 105 UCF 68 Cincinnati, OH #> 24 23 Oklahoma 91, 16 West Virginia 90 (2OT) Morgantown, WV #> 25 72 Marshall 107, 261 Middle Tennessee 79 Huntington, WV #> 26 48 Saint Louis 67, 74 Rhode Island 60 St. Louis, MO #> 27 20 Creighton 63, 96 Georgetown 48 Washington, DC #> 28 357 Mississippi Valley St. 68, 352 Alabama St. 65 Montgomery, AL #> 29 38 Oklahoma St. 75, 12 Texas 67 (2OT) Stillwater, OK #> 30 61 Clemson 63, 37 North Carolina 50 Clemson, SC #> 31 12 Texas Tech 57, 20 Oklahoma 52 Lubbock, TX #> 32 25 Florida 85, 16 West Virginia 80 Morgantown, WV #> 33 204 UTSA 86, 171 UTEP 79 San Antonio, TX #> 34 50 Clemson 54, 38 Louisville 50 Clemson, SC #> 35 34 Duke 75, 58 Georgia Tech 68 Durham, NC #> 36 9 Virginia 81, 36 Syracuse 58 Charlottesville, VA #> 37 26 Oklahoma 75, 14 Kansas 68 Norman, OK #> 38 23 Florida St. 78, 31 Louisville 65 Louisville, KY #> 39 134 Santa Clara 69, 180 San Diego 63 San Diego, CA #> 40 14 Colorado 77, 45 Stanford 64 Boulder, CO #> 41 62 Boise St. 90, 198 Wyoming 70 Laramie, WY #> 42 14 Texas Tech 91, 87 Iowa St. 64 Ames, IA #> 43 89 Western Kentucky 66, 112 Louisiana Tech 64 Bowling Green, KY #> 44 2 Baylor 76, 44 Oklahoma 61 Waco, TX #> 45 12 Kansas 93, 63 TCU 64 Fort Worth, TX #> 46 73 Georgia Tech 70, 117 Wake Forest 54 Atlanta, GA #> 47 27 North Carolina 66, 92 Notre Dame 65 Chapel Hill, NC #> 48 295 Troy 69, 197 Appalachian St. 56 Boone, NC #> 49 16 Ohio St. 90, 116 Nebraska 54 Columbus, OH #> 50 5 Iowa 87, 53 Northwestern 72 Iowa City, IA #> 51 42 Minnesota 81, 31 Michigan St. 56 Minneapolis, MN #> 52 7 Illinois 69, 21 Indiana 60 Champaign, IL #> 53 33 Purdue 73, 47 Maryland 70 West Lafayette, IN #> 54 7 Tennessee 80, 303 USC Upstate 60 Knoxville, TN #> 55 261 Rice 73, 316 New Orleans 62 Houston, TX #> 56 183 UTSA 102, NR Our Lady of the Lake 70 San Antonio, TX #> 57 1 Gonzaga 99, 4 Iowa 88 Sioux Falls, SD #> 58 9 Kansas 58, 8 Texas Tech 57 Lubbock, TX #> 59 5 Texas 79, 309 Sam Houston St. 63 Austin, TX #> 60 155 Kansas St. 74, 78 Iowa St. 65 Ames, IA #> 61 82 Western Kentucky 68, 73 Rhode Island 65 Bowling Green, KY #> 62 46 Oklahoma St. 67, 101 Wichita St. 64 Wichita, KS #> 63 13 Creighton 98, 111 Nebraska 74 Omaha, NE #> 64 68 Saint Mary's 73, 197 UTEP 61 Moraga, CA #> 65 118 Nevada 86, NR William Jessup 64 Reno, NV #> 66 57 TCU 74, 274 Northwestern St. 68 Fort Worth, TX #> 67 2 Baylor 82, 22 Illinois 69 Indianapolis, IN #> 68 58 SMU 91, 315 Texas A&M Corpus Chris 54 Dallas, TX #> 69 17 Houston 64, 5 Texas Tech 53 Fort Worth, TX #> 70 57 TCU 70, 93 Tulsa 65 Kansas City, MO #> 71 58 Colorado 76, 127 Kansas St. 58 Manhattan, KS #> 72 105 North Texas 116, 357 Mississippi Valley St. 62 Denton, TX #> 73 34 Oklahoma St. 75, 159 UT Arlington 68 Arlington, TX #> venue conference thrill_score referee_name #> 1 Lucas Oil Stadium NCAA 88.4 Keith Kimble #> 2 Bankers Life Fieldhouse NCAA 36.5 Keith Kimble #> 3 Bankers Life Fieldhouse NCAA 74.3 Keith Kimble #> 4 Lucas Oil Stadium NCAA 62.0 Keith Kimble #> 5 Indiana Farmers Coliseum NCAA 26.4 Keith Kimble #> 6 T-Mobile Center B12-T 79.0 Keith Kimble #> 7 T-Mobile Center B12-T 77.9 Keith Kimble #> 8 T-Mobile Center B12-T 30.6 Keith Kimble #> 9 Ferrell Center B12 65.8 Keith Kimble #> 10 Fred Bramlage Coliseum B12 37.7 Keith Kimble #> 11 The Super Pit CUSA 44.3 Keith Kimble #> 12 WVU Coliseum B12 32.5 Keith Kimble #> 13 Welsh-Ryan Arena B10 68.0 Keith Kimble #> 14 Crisler Center B10 76.5 Keith Kimble #> 15 Gallagher-Iba Arena B12 73.2 Keith Kimble #> 16 United Supermarkets Arena B12 76.3 Keith Kimble #> 17 Wisdom Gymnasium WAC 26.5 Keith Kimble #> 18 John Paul Jones Arena ACC 47.9 Keith Kimble #> 19 KFC Yum! Center ACC 66.5 Keith Kimble #> 20 Cameron Indoor Stadium ACC 67.6 Keith Kimble #> 21 Value City Arena B10 87.2 Keith Kimble #> 22 Watsco Center ACC 52.8 Keith Kimble #> 23 Fifth Third Arena Amer 49.1 Keith Kimble #> 24 WVU Coliseum B12 75.1 Keith Kimble #> 25 Henderson Center CUSA 14.9 Keith Kimble #> 26 Chaifetz Arena A10 57.8 Keith Kimble #> 27 McDonough Arena BE 58.8 Keith Kimble #> 28 Dunn-Oliver Acadome SWAC 10.2 Keith Kimble #> 29 Gallagher-Iba Arena B12 77.3 Keith Kimble #> 30 Littlejohn Coliseum ACC 69.0 Keith Kimble #> 31 United Supermarkets Arena B12 74.4 Keith Kimble #> 32 WVU Coliseum 72.7 Keith Kimble #> 33 UTSA Convocation Center CUSA 37.5 Keith Kimble #> 34 Littlejohn Coliseum ACC 68.5 Keith Kimble #> 35 Cameron Indoor Stadium ACC 63.7 Keith Kimble #> 36 John Paul Jones Arena ACC 63.8 Keith Kimble #> 37 Lloyd Noble Center B12 78.3 Keith Kimble #> 38 KFC Yum! Center ACC 75.0 Keith Kimble #> 39 Jenny Craig Pavilion WCC 39.2 Keith Kimble #> 40 CU Events Center P12 63.4 Keith Kimble #> 41 Arena-Auditorium MWC 34.3 Keith Kimble #> 42 Hilton Coliseum B12 60.6 Keith Kimble #> 43 Diddle Arena CUSA 45.9 Keith Kimble #> 44 Ferrell Center B12 53.1 Keith Kimble #> 45 Schollmaier Arena B12 67.1 Keith Kimble #> 46 McCamish Pavilion ACC 42.1 Keith Kimble #> 47 Dean E. Smith Center ACC 45.9 Keith Kimble #> 48 Holmes Convocation Center SB 23.6 Keith Kimble #> 49 Value City Arena B10 33.6 Keith Kimble #> 50 Carver-Hawkeye Arena B10 59.5 Keith Kimble #> 51 Williams Arena B10 74.7 Keith Kimble #> 52 State Farm Center B10 72.6 Keith Kimble #> 53 Mackey Arena B10 66.8 Keith Kimble #> 54 Thompson-Boling Arena 9.8 Keith Kimble #> 55 Tudor Fieldhouse 25.4 Keith Kimble #> 56 UTSA Convocation Center 0.0 Keith Kimble #> 57 Sanford Pentagon 85.7 Keith Kimble #> 58 United Supermarkets Arena B12 77.4 Keith Kimble #> 59 Erwin Center 9.9 Keith Kimble #> 60 Hilton Coliseum B12 32.0 Keith Kimble #> 61 E.A. Diddle Arena 59.6 Keith Kimble #> 62 Charles Koch Arena 56.3 Keith Kimble #> 63 CHI Health Center Omaha 33.8 Keith Kimble #> 64 University Credit Union Pavilion 23.0 Keith Kimble #> 65 Lawlor Events Center 0.0 Keith Kimble #> 66 Schollmaier Arena 12.8 Keith Kimble #> 67 Bankers Life Fieldhouse 73.9 Keith Kimble #> 68 Moody Coliseum 10.9 Keith Kimble #> 69 Dickies Arena 78.1 Keith Kimble #> 70 T-Mobile Center 54.0 Keith Kimble #> 71 Bramlage Coliseum 49.4 Keith Kimble #> 72 The Super Pit 6.4 Keith Kimble #> 73 College Park Center 36.3 Keith Kimble #> ref_rank year #> 1 3 2021 #> 2 3 2021 #> 3 3 2021 #> 4 3 2021 #> 5 3 2021 #> 6 3 2021 #> 7 3 2021 #> 8 3 2021 #> 9 3 2021 #> 10 3 2021 #> 11 3 2021 #> 12 3 2021 #> 13 3 2021 #> 14 3 2021 #> 15 3 2021 #> 16 3 2021 #> 17 3 2021 #> 18 3 2021 #> 19 3 2021 #> 20 3 2021 #> 21 3 2021 #> 22 3 2021 #> 23 3 2021 #> 24 3 2021 #> 25 3 2021 #> 26 3 2021 #> 27 3 2021 #> 28 3 2021 #> 29 3 2021 #> 30 3 2021 #> 31 3 2021 #> 32 3 2021 #> 33 3 2021 #> 34 3 2021 #> 35 3 2021 #> 36 3 2021 #> 37 3 2021 #> 38 3 2021 #> 39 3 2021 #> 40 3 2021 #> 41 3 2021 #> 42 3 2021 #> 43 3 2021 #> 44 3 2021 #> 45 3 2021 #> 46 3 2021 #> 47 3 2021 #> 48 3 2021 #> 49 3 2021 #> 50 3 2021 #> 51 3 2021 #> 52 3 2021 #> 53 3 2021 #> 54 3 2021 #> 55 3 2021 #> 56 3 2021 #> 57 3 2021 #> 58 3 2021 #> 59 3 2021 #> 60 3 2021 #> 61 3 2021 #> 62 3 2021 #> 63 3 2021 #> 64 3 2021 #> 65 3 2021 #> 66 3 2021 #> 67 3 2021 #> 68 3 2021 #> 69 3 2021 #> 70 3 2021 #> 71 3 2021 #> 72 3 2021 #> 73 3 2021 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_depth_chart.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Depth Chart Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_depth_chart","title":"Get Depth Chart Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_depth_chart","text":"Get Depth Chart Last 5 Games Team Page","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_depth_chart.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Depth Chart Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_depth_chart","text":"","code":"kp_team_depth_chart(team, year = 2021)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_depth_chart.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Depth Chart Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_depth_chart","text":"team Team filter select. year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_depth_chart.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Depth Chart Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_depth_chart","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_depth_chart.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Depth Chart Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_depth_chart","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_team_depth_chart(team = 'Florida St.', year= 2021)) #> pg_number pg_player_first_name pg_player_last_name pg_hgt pg_wgt pg_yr #> 1 23 MJ Walker 6-5 213  Sr #> 2 4 Scottie Barnes 6-9 227  Fr #> 3 0 RayQuan Evans 6-4 210  Sr #> 4 NA NA #> pg_min_pct sg_number sg_player_first_name sg_player_last_name sg_hgt sg_wgt #> 1 0.71 2 Anthony Polite 6-6 215 #> 2 0.22 0 RayQuan Evans 6-4 210 #> 3 0.06 24 Sardaar Calhoun 6-6 220 #> 4 NA 11 Nathanael Jack 6-5 195 #> sg_yr sg_min_pct sf_number sf_player_first_name sf_player_last_name sf_hgt #> 1  Jr 0.35 4 Scottie Barnes 6-9 #> 2  Sr 0.29 2 Anthony Polite 6-6 #> 3  Jr 0.26 31 Wyatt Wilkes 6-8 #> 4  Sr 0.08 24 Sardaar Calhoun 6-6 #> sf_wgt sf_yr sf_min_pct pf_number pf_player_first_name pf_player_last_name #> 1 227  Fr 0.42 10 Malik Osborne #> 2 215  Jr 0.35 1 RaiQuan Gray #> 3 220  Jr 0.13 31 Wyatt Wilkes #> 4 220  Jr 0.07 NA #> pf_hgt pf_wgt pf_yr pf_min_pct c_number c_player_first_name #> 1 6-9 225  Jr 0.50 5 Balsa #> 2 6-8 260  Jr 0.41 1 RaiQuan #> 3 6-8 220  Jr 0.06 34 Tanor #> 4 NA NA NA #> c_player_last_name c_hgt c_wgt c_yr c_min_pct team year #> 1 Koprivica 7-1 240  So 0.54 Florida St. 2021 #> 2 Gray 6-8 260  Jr 0.24 Florida St. 2021 #> 3 Ngom 7-2 236  Sr 0.18 Florida St. 2021 #> 4 NA NA Florida St. 2021 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_history.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's team efficiency history — kp_team_history","title":"Get KenPom's team efficiency history — kp_team_history","text":"Get KenPom's team efficiency history","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_history.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's team efficiency history — kp_team_history","text":"","code":"kp_team_history(team)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_history.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom's team efficiency history — kp_team_history","text":"team Team filter select.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_history.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's team efficiency history — kp_team_history","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_history.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's team efficiency history — kp_team_history","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_team_history(team = 'Florida St.')) #> # A tibble: 27 × 57 #> year team_rk team coach conf adj_t adj_o adj_d off_e_fg_pct off_to_pct #> #> 1 2023 205 Florida+… Leon… ACC 68.6 105. 108. 49.3 17.6 #> 2 2022 105 Florida+… Leon… ACC 67.8 105. 99.1 49 18.1 #> 3 2021 15 Florida+… Leon… ACC 69.9 115. 92.8 54 20.4 #> 4 2020 15 Florida+… Leon… ACC 69.9 112. 91.5 51.9 18.9 #> 5 2019 14 Florida+… Leon… ACC 68.6 113. 90.4 50.5 18.9 #> 6 2018 27 Florida+… Leon… ACC 71.2 114. 96.5 53.2 17.8 #> 7 2017 26 Florida+… Leon… ACC 71.3 116. 95.5 53.7 16.4 #> 8 2016 48 Florida+… Leon… ACC 71.6 113. 98.9 51.8 18 #> 9 2015 99 Florida+… Leon… ACC 65.9 106. 99.3 50.1 21.9 #> 10 2014 38 Florida+… Leon… ACC 65.2 112. 97.4 51.7 21.4 #> # ℹ 17 more rows #> # ℹ 47 more variables: off_or_pct , off_ft_rate , off_fg_2_pct , #> # off_fg_3_pct , off_ft_pct , off_fg_3a_pct , off_a_pct , #> # off_apl , def_e_fg_pct , def_to_pct , def_or_pct , #> # def_ft_rate , def_fg_2_pct , def_fg_3_pct , #> # def_blk_pct , def_fg_3a_pct , def_a_pct , def_apl , #> # foul2partic_pct , wl , wl_conf , adj_t_rk , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_lineups.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Lineups Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_lineups","title":"Get Lineups Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_lineups","text":"Get Lineups Last 5 Games Team Page","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_lineups.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Lineups Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_lineups","text":"","code":"kp_team_lineups(team, year = 2021)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_lineups.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Lineups Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_lineups","text":"team Team filter select. year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_lineups.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Lineups Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_lineups","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_lineups.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Lineups Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_lineups","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_team_lineups(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2021)) #> year team min_pct pg_number pg_player_first_name pg_player_last_name #> 1 2021 Florida St. 0.131 23 MJ Walker #> 2 2021 Florida St. 0.110 23 MJ Walker #> 3 2021 Florida St. 0.077 23 MJ Walker #> 4 2021 Florida St. 0.046 23 MJ Walker #> 5 2021 Florida St. 0.045 4 Scottie Barnes #> 6 2021 Florida St. 0.030 23 MJ Walker #> 7 2021 Florida St. 0.028 23 MJ Walker #> 8 2021 Florida St. 0.027 4 Scottie Barnes #> 9 2021 Florida St. 0.024 23 MJ Walker #> 10 2021 Florida St. 0.022 4 Scottie Barnes #> 11 2021 Florida St. 0.032 NA UNKNOWN #> pg_hgt pg_wgt pg_yr sg_number sg_player_first_name sg_player_last_name #> 1 6-5 213  Sr 2 Anthony Polite #> 2 6-5 213  Sr 0 RayQuan Evans #> 3 6-5 213  Sr 2 Anthony Polite #> 4 6-5 213  Sr 2 Anthony Polite #> 5 6-9 227  Fr 24 Sardaar Calhoun #> 6 6-5 213  Sr 24 Sardaar Calhoun #> 7 6-5 213  Sr 2 Anthony Polite #> 8 6-9 227  Fr 24 Sardaar Calhoun #> 9 6-5 213  Sr 0 RayQuan Evans #> 10 6-9 227  Fr 24 Sardaar Calhoun #> 11 NA NA #> sg_hgt sg_wgt sg_yr sf_number sf_player_first_name sf_player_last_name #> 1 6-6 215  Jr 4 Scottie Barnes #> 2 6-4 210  Sr 2 Anthony Polite #> 3 6-6 215  Jr 4 Scottie Barnes #> 4 6-6 215  Jr 4 Scottie Barnes #> 5 6-6 220  Jr 2 Anthony Polite #> 6 6-6 220  Jr 4 Scottie Barnes #> 7 6-6 215  Jr 4 Scottie Barnes #> 8 6-6 220  Jr 2 Anthony Polite #> 9 6-4 210  Sr 2 Anthony Polite #> 10 6-6 220  Jr 2 Anthony Polite #> 11 NA NA #> sf_hgt sf_wgt sf_yr pf_number pf_player_first_name pf_player_last_name #> 1 6-9 227  Fr 1 RaiQuan Gray #> 2 6-6 215  Jr 1 RaiQuan Gray #> 3 6-9 227  Fr 10 Malik Osborne #> 4 6-9 227  Fr 10 Malik Osborne #> 5 6-6 215  Jr 10 Malik Osborne #> 6 6-9 227  Fr 1 RaiQuan Gray #> 7 6-9 227  Fr 1 RaiQuan Gray #> 8 6-6 215  Jr 10 Malik Osborne #> 9 6-6 215  Jr 4 Scottie Barnes #> 10 6-6 215  Jr 10 Malik Osborne #> 11 NA NA #> pf_hgt pf_wgt pf_yr c_number c_player_first_name c_player_last_name c_hgt #> 1 6-8 260  Jr 5 Balsa Koprivica 7-1 #> 2 6-8 260  Jr 5 Balsa Koprivica 7-1 #> 3 6-9 225  Jr 1 RaiQuan Gray 6-8 #> 4 6-9 225  Jr 5 Balsa Koprivica 7-1 #> 5 6-9 225  Jr 34 Tanor Ngom 7-2 #> 6 6-8 260  Jr 5 Balsa Koprivica 7-1 #> 7 6-8 260  Jr 34 Tanor Ngom 7-2 #> 8 6-9 225  Jr 5 Balsa Koprivica 7-1 #> 9 6-9 227  Fr 1 RaiQuan Gray 6-8 #> 10 6-9 225  Jr 1 RaiQuan Gray 6-8 #> 11 NA NA #> c_wgt c_yr #> 1 240  So #> 2 240  So #> 3 260  Jr #> 4 240  So #> 5 236  Sr #> 6 240  So #> 7 236  Sr #> 8 240  So #> 9 260  Jr #> 10 260  Jr #> 11 NA # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_player_stats.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Team Player Stats — kp_team_player_stats","title":"Get Team Player Stats — kp_team_player_stats","text":"Get Team Player Stats","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_player_stats.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Team Player Stats — kp_team_player_stats","text":"","code":"kp_team_player_stats(team, year = 2021)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_player_stats.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Team Player Stats — kp_team_player_stats","text":"team Team filter select. year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_player_stats.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Team Player Stats — kp_team_player_stats","text":"Returns list named data frames: all_games, conference_games all_games conference_games","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_player_stats.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Team Player Stats — kp_team_player_stats","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_team_player_stats(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2021)) #> $all_games #> # A tibble: 13 × 54 #> role number player ht wt yr g min_pct o_rtg poss_pct shots_pct #> #> 1 Major… 4 Scott… 6-9 227 Fr 24 58.7 108. 25.4 22.7 #> 2 Signi… 23 MJ Wa… 6-5 213 Sr 24 69 106. 21.9 21.6 #> 3 Signi… 1 RaiQu… 6-8 260 Jr 25 65 110. 23.6 22.2 #> 4 Signi… 5 Balsa… 7-1 240 So 24 46.4 117. 22 21.7 #> 5 Signi… 11 Natha… 6-5 195 Sr 19 14.4 109. 21.1 26.7 #> 6 Role … 2 Antho… 6-6 215 Jr 21 55.1 122. 17.1 18.6 #> 7 Role … 0 RayQu… 6-4 210 Sr 24 45.5 97.5 16.7 15.2 #> 8 Role … 24 Sarda… 6-6 220 Jr 25 35.5 106. 17.8 22.4 #> 9 Role … 34 Tanor… 7-2 236 Sr 23 14.8 98.2 19 15.3 #> 10 Limit… 10 Malik… 6-9 225 Jr 24 47.8 115. 14.3 15.6 #> 11 Limit… 31 Wyatt… 6-8 220 Jr 25 34 112. 14.2 17.3 #> 12 Bench… 15 Quinc… 6-11 240 Fr 18 6 95 19.1 15.9 #> 13 Bench… 12 Justi… 6-1 180 Sr 9 2.2 104. 27.9 31.4 #> # ℹ 43 more variables: e_fg_pct , ts_pct , or_pct , #> # dr_pct , a_rate , to_rate , blk_pct , stl_pct , #> # f_cper40 , f_dper40 , ft_rate , ftm , fta , #> # ft_pct , fgm_2 , fga_2 , fg_2_pct , fgm_3 , #> # fga_3 , fg_3_pct , category , min_pct_rk , #> # o_rtg_rk , poss_pct_rk , shots_pct_rk , e_fg_pct_rk , #> # ts_pct_rk , or_pct_rk , dr_pct_rk , a_rate_rk , … #> #> $conference_games #> # A tibble: 11 × 54 #> role number player ht wt yr g min_pct o_rtg poss_pct shots_pct #> #> 1 Major… 1 RaiQu… 6-8 260 Jr 15 67.1 112. 25.9 22.9 #> 2 Major… 4 Scott… 6-9 227 Fr 14 55 114 26.2 23.6 #> 3 Signi… 23 MJ Wa… 6-5 213 Sr 14 65.5 111. 20.5 21.6 #> 4 Signi… 11 Natha… 6-5 195 Sr 13 17 114. 21.4 27.4 #> 5 Role … 0 RayQu… 6-4 210 Sr 14 49.3 110. 16.9 15.8 #> 6 Role … 2 Antho… 6-6 215 Jr 11 45.5 115. 16.6 17.6 #> 7 Role … 5 Balsa… 7-1 240 So 14 43.8 124. 19.9 19.6 #> 8 Role … 24 Sarda… 6-6 220 Jr 15 39.8 111 18.6 22.6 #> 9 Role … 34 Tanor… 7-2 236 Sr 13 15.2 108 16.8 13.9 #> 10 Limit… 10 Malik… 6-9 225 Jr 14 45.8 114. 14.5 16.3 #> 11 Limit… 31 Wyatt… 6-8 220 Jr 15 38.4 122. 14.3 16.5 #> # ℹ 43 more variables: e_fg_pct , ts_pct , or_pct , #> # dr_pct , a_rate , to_rate , blk_pct , stl_pct , #> # f_cper40 , f_dper40 , ft_rate , ftm , fta , #> # ft_pct , fgm_2 , fga_2 , fg_2_pct , fgm_3 , #> # fga_3 , fg_3_pct , category , min_pct_rk , #> # o_rtg_rk , poss_pct_rk , shots_pct_rk , e_fg_pct_rk , #> # ts_pct_rk , or_pct_rk , dr_pct_rk , a_rate_rk , … #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_players.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's player stats from the team page — kp_team_players","title":"Get KenPom's player stats from the team page — kp_team_players","text":"Get KenPom's player stats team page","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_players.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's player stats from the team page — kp_team_players","text":"","code":"kp_team_players(team, year = 2021)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_players.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom's player stats from the team page — kp_team_players","text":"team Team filter select. year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_players.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's player stats from the team page — kp_team_players","text":"Returns tibble team player data","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_players.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's player stats from the team page — kp_team_players","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_team_players(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2021)) #> # A tibble: 13 × 54 #> role number player ht wt yr g s min_pct o_rtg poss_pct #> #> 1 Major Con… 4 Scott… 6-9 227 Fr 24 7 58.7 108. 25.4 #> 2 Significa… 23 MJ Wa… 6-5 213 Sr 24 23 69 106. 21.9 #> 3 Significa… 1 RaiQu… 6-8 260 Jr 25 24 65 110. 23.6 #> 4 Significa… 5 Balsa… 7-1 240 So 24 20 46.4 117. 22 #> 5 Significa… 11 Natha… 6-5 195 Sr 19 NA 14.4 109. 21.1 #> 6 Role Play… 2 Antho… 6-6 215 Jr 21 16 55.1 122. 17.1 #> 7 Role Play… 0 RayQu… 6-4 210 Sr 24 18 45.5 97.5 16.7 #> 8 Role Play… 24 Sarda… 6-6 220 Jr 25 NA 35.5 106. 17.8 #> 9 Role Play… 34 Tanor… 7-2 236 Sr 23 NA 14.8 98.2 19 #> 10 Limited R… 10 Malik… 6-9 225 Jr 24 4 47.8 115. 14.3 #> 11 Limited R… 31 Wyatt… 6-8 220 Jr 25 9 34 112. 14.2 #> 12 Benchwarm… 15 Quinc… 6-11 240 Fr 18 NA 6 95 19.1 #> 13 Benchwarm… 12 Justi… 6-1 180 Sr 9 1 2.2 104. 27.9 #> # ℹ 43 more variables: shots_pct , e_fg_pct , ts_pct , #> # or_pct , dr_pct , a_rate , to_rate , blk_pct , #> # stl_pct , f_cper40 , f_dper40 , ft_rate , ftm , #> # fta , ft_pct , fgm_2 , fga_2 , fg_2_pct , #> # fgm_3 , fga_3 , fg_3_pct , min_pct_rk , o_rtg_rk , #> # poss_pct_rk , shots_pct_rk , e_fg_pct_rk , ts_pct_rk , #> # or_pct_rk , dr_pct_rk , a_rate_rk , to_rate_rk , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_schedule.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get team schedule results — kp_team_schedule","title":"Get team schedule results — kp_team_schedule","text":"Get team schedule results","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_schedule.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get team schedule results — kp_team_schedule","text":"","code":"kp_team_schedule(team, year = 2022)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_schedule.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get team schedule results — kp_team_schedule","text":"team Team filter select. year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_schedule.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get team schedule results — kp_team_schedule","text":"Returns tibble team schedules","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_schedule.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get team schedule results — kp_team_schedule","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_team_schedule(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2022)) #> team_rk team opponent_rk opponent result poss ot pre_wp #> 1 24 Florida St. 211 Penn W, 105-70 80 0 NA #> 2 23 Florida St. 59 Florida L, 71-55 68 0 NA #> 3 31 Florida St. 98 Tulane W, 59-54 63 0 NA #> 4 32 Florida St. 203 Loyola Marymount W, 73-45 70 0 NA #> 5 27 Florida St. 137 Missouri W, 81-58 67 0 NA #> 6 23 Florida St. 218 Boston University W, 81-80 74 1 NA #> 7 29 Florida St. 14 Purdue L, 93-65 68 0 NA #> 8 32 Florida St. 69 Syracuse L, 63-60 69 0 NA #> 9 40 Florida St. 99 South Carolina L, 66-65 71 0 NA #> 10 41 Florida St. 264 Lipscomb W, 97-60 77 0 NA #> 11 39 Florida St. 128 N.C. State W, 83-81 71 0 NA #> 12 42 Florida St. 35 Wake Forest L, 76-54 78 0 NA #> 13 47 Florida St. 127 Louisville W, 79-70 68 0 NA #> 14 46 Florida St. 41 Miami FL W, 65-64 62 0 NA #> 15 53 Florida St. 69 Syracuse W, 76-71 63 0 NA #> 16 54 Florida St. 8 Duke W, 79-78 71 1 NA #> 17 49 Florida St. 272 North Florida W, 86-73 72 0 NA #> 18 53 Florida St. 41 Miami FL W, 61-60 64 0 NA #> 19 53 Florida St. 156 Georgia Tech L, 75-61 66 0 NA #> 20 71 Florida St. 19 Virginia Tech L, 85-72 62 0 NA #> 21 78 Florida St. 71 Clemson L, 75-69 66 0 NA #> 22 85 Florida St. 35 Wake Forest L, 68-60 76 0 NA #> 23 86 Florida St. 195 Pittsburgh L, 56-51 66 0 NA #> 24 95 Florida St. 16 North Carolina L, 94-74 75 0 NA #> 25 100 Florida St. 71 Clemson W, 81-80 70 0 NA #> 26 101 Florida St. 8 Duke L, 88-70 67 0 NA #> 27 100 Florida St. 114 Boston College L, 71-55 67 0 NA #> 28 110 Florida St. 72 Virginia W, 64-63 62 0 NA #> 29 104 Florida St. 38 Notre Dame W, 74-70 69 0 NA #> 30 105 Florida St. 128 N.C. State W, 89-76 69 0 NA #> 31 101 Florida St. 69 Syracuse L, 96-57 71 0 NA #> location w l w_conference l_conference conference_game #> 1 Home 1 0 NA NA FALSE #> 2 Away 1 1 NA NA FALSE #> 3 Home 2 1 NA NA FALSE #> 4 Neutral 3 1 NA NA FALSE #> 5 Neutral 4 1 NA NA FALSE #> 6 Home 5 1 NA NA FALSE #> 7 Away 5 2 NA NA FALSE #> 8 Home 5 3 0 1 TRUE #> 9 Semi-Away 5 4 NA NA FALSE #> 10 Home 6 4 NA NA FALSE #> 11 Away 7 4 1 1 TRUE #> 12 Away 7 5 1 2 TRUE #> 13 Home 8 5 2 2 TRUE #> 14 Home 9 5 3 2 TRUE #> 15 Away 10 5 4 2 TRUE #> 16 Home 11 5 5 2 TRUE #> 17 Home 12 5 NA NA FALSE #> 18 Away 13 5 6 2 TRUE #> 19 Away 13 6 6 3 TRUE #> 20 Home 13 7 6 4 TRUE #> 21 Away 13 8 6 5 TRUE #> 22 Home 13 9 6 6 TRUE #> 23 Home 13 10 6 7 TRUE #> 24 Away 13 11 6 8 TRUE #> 25 Home 14 11 7 8 TRUE #> 26 Away 14 12 7 9 TRUE #> 27 Away 14 13 7 10 TRUE #> 28 Away 15 13 8 10 TRUE #> 29 Home 16 13 9 10 TRUE #> 30 Home 17 13 10 10 TRUE #> 31 Neutral 17 14 NA NA FALSE #> postseason year day_date game_date w_proj l_proj #> 1 Regular 2022 Wed Nov 10 20211110 1 0 #> 2 Regular 2022 Sun Nov 14 20211114 1 1 #> 3 Regular 2022 Wed Nov 17 20211117 2 1 #> 4 Regular 2022 Sun Nov 21 20211121 3 1 #> 5 Regular 2022 Mon Nov 22 20211122 4 1 #> 6 Regular 2022 Wed Nov 24 20211124 5 1 #> 7 Regular 2022 Tue Nov 30 20211130 5 2 #> 8 Regular 2022 Sat Dec 4 20211204 5 3 #> 9 Regular 2022 Sun Dec 12 20211212 5 4 #> 10 Regular 2022 Wed Dec 15 20211215 6 4 #> 11 Regular 2022 Sat Jan 1 20220101 7 4 #> 12 Regular 2022 Tue Jan 4 20220104 7 5 #> 13 Regular 2022 Sat Jan 8 20220108 8 5 #> 14 Regular 2022 Tue Jan 11 20220111 9 5 #> 15 Regular 2022 Sat Jan 15 20220115 10 5 #> 16 Regular 2022 Tue Jan 18 20220118 11 5 #> 17 Regular 2022 Thu Jan 20 20220120 12 5 #> 18 Regular 2022 Sat Jan 22 20220122 13 5 #> 19 Regular 2022 Wed Jan 26 20220126 13 6 #> 20 Regular 2022 Sat Jan 29 20220129 13 7 #> 21 Regular 2022 Wed Feb 2 20220202 13 8 #> 22 Regular 2022 Sat Feb 5 20220205 13 9 #> 23 Regular 2022 Wed Feb 9 20220209 13 10 #> 24 Regular 2022 Sat Feb 12 20220212 13 11 #> 25 Regular 2022 Tue Feb 15 20220215 14 11 #> 26 Regular 2022 Sat Feb 19 20220219 14 12 #> 27 Regular 2022 Mon Feb 21 20220221 14 13 #> 28 Regular 2022 Sat Feb 26 20220226 15 13 #> 29 Regular 2022 Wed Mar 2 20220302 16 13 #> 30 Regular 2022 Sat Mar 5 20220305 17 13 #> 31 Atlantic Coast Conference Tournament 2022 Wed Mar 9 20220309 17 14 #> w_conference_proj l_conference_proj date game_id tiers_of_joy #> 1 0 0 2021-11-10 188 #> 2 0 0 2021-11-14 425 A #> 3 0 0 2021-11-17 574 #> 4 0 0 2021-11-21 790 #> 5 0 0 2021-11-22 5602 #> 6 0 0 2021-11-24 945 #> 7 0 0 2021-11-30 1193 A #> 8 0 1 2021-12-04 1358 #> 9 0 1 2021-12-12 1766 B #> 10 0 1 2021-12-15 1860 #> 11 1 1 2022-01-01 2443 B #> 12 1 2 2022-01-04 2587 A #> 13 2 2 2022-01-08 2833 #> 14 3 2 2022-01-11 2936 B #> 15 4 2 2022-01-15 3203 A #> 16 5 2 2022-01-18 3249 A #> 17 5 2 2022-01-20 2491 #> 18 6 2 2022-01-22 3528 A #> 19 6 3 2022-01-26 3641 #> 20 6 4 2022-01-29 3842 A #> 21 6 5 2022-02-02 3956 A #> 22 6 6 2022-02-05 4154 B #> 23 6 7 2022-02-09 4312 #> 24 6 8 2022-02-12 4543 A #> 25 7 8 2022-02-15 4605 #> 26 7 9 2022-02-19 4798 A #> 27 7 10 2022-02-21 2402 B #> 28 8 10 2022-02-26 5236 A #> 29 9 10 2022-03-02 5301 B #> 30 10 10 2022-03-05 5438 #> 31 10 10 2022-03-09 3845 B # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_teamstats.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Team Stats — kp_teamstats","title":"Get Team Stats — kp_teamstats","text":"Get Team Stats","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_teamstats.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Team Stats — kp_teamstats","text":"","code":"kp_teamstats(min_year, max_year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_teamstats.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Team Stats — kp_teamstats","text":"min_year First year data pull max_year Last year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_teamstats.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Team Stats — kp_teamstats","text":"Returns tibble team stats","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_teamstats.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Team Stats — kp_teamstats","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_teamstats(min_year = 2019, max_year =2021)) #> 2023-04-05 17:16:55: Invalid arguments or no team stats data for 2019 - 2021 available! #> Error in kp_teamstats(min_year = 2019, max_year = 2021) : #> object 'kenpom' not found # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_trends.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Division-I statistical trends — kp_trends","title":"Get Division-I statistical trends — kp_trends","text":"Get Division-statistical trends","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_trends.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Division-I statistical trends — kp_trends","text":"","code":"kp_trends()"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_trends.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Division-I statistical trends — kp_trends","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_trends.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Division-I statistical trends — kp_trends","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_trends()) #> season efficiency tempo e_fg_pct to_pct or_pct ft_rate fg_2_pct fg_3_pct #> 1 2023 103.2 67.9 50.4 18.2 28.5 31.5 50.1 34.0 #> 2 2022 102.0 68.1 50.0 18.4 28.1 30.3 49.7 33.6 #> 3 2021 101.4 69.2 50.1 18.9 28.0 31.4 49.8 33.8 #> 4 2020 100.8 69.1 49.6 18.9 28.0 32.6 49.4 33.3 #> 5 2019 103.2 69.0 50.7 18.5 28.4 33.0 50.1 34.4 #> 6 2018 104.2 69.4 51.0 18.4 28.7 33.5 50.0 35.1 #> 7 2017 103.7 69.4 50.5 18.5 29.3 35.3 49.3 35.0 #> 8 2016 103.3 69.1 49.9 18.1 29.8 36.6 48.7 34.7 #> 9 2015 102.1 64.9 49.0 19.1 31.0 37.0 47.8 34.3 #> 10 2014 104.5 66.5 49.6 18.3 31.4 40.5 48.5 34.4 #> 11 2013 100.6 65.9 48.6 20.0 31.8 35.9 47.5 33.9 #> 12 2012 100.1 66.8 49.0 20.1 31.4 36.4 47.8 34.3 #> 13 2011 101.5 66.8 49.1 20.1 33.8 37.7 47.8 34.4 #> 14 2010 101.1 67.3 48.8 20.4 34.3 37.7 47.7 34.2 #> 15 2009 101.4 66.5 49.1 20.4 34.5 36.4 48.0 34.2 #> 16 2008 101.8 67.0 49.8 21.0 34.5 36.3 48.4 35.1 #> 17 2007 102.1 66.8 49.9 21.2 35.1 36.7 48.7 34.9 #> 18 2006 101.5 67.0 49.5 21.3 35.6 36.1 48.1 34.8 #> 19 2005 101.3 67.3 49.3 21.3 35.5 36.5 48.0 34.6 #> 20 2004 101.0 67.7 49.2 21.4 35.5 37.1 48.0 34.4 #> 21 2003 98.8 70.0 49.4 21.1 32.2 36.7 48.1 34.7 #> 22 2002 100.9 69.6 49.1 21.5 34.1 37.6 47.8 34.5 #> 23 2001 100.9 69.7 49.1 21.7 34.1 39.4 47.9 34.5 #> 24 2000 99.3 70.0 48.6 22.4 34.7 36.9 47.3 34.3 #> 25 1999 99.1 70.0 48.6 22.8 35.1 37.8 47.4 34.1 #> 26 1998 100.0 70.4 48.8 22.5 35.6 38.2 47.7 34.3 #> 27 1997 99.8 69.6 48.5 22.3 35.6 38.3 47.5 33.9 #> 28 1996 NA NA 49.1 NA NA 38.3 48.2 34.2 #> 29 1995 NA NA 49.4 NA NA 37.9 48.4 34.4 #> 30 1994 NA NA 49.0 NA NA 38.3 48.0 34.5 #> 31 1993 NA NA 49.7 NA NA 38.9 48.5 35.4 #> 32 1992 NA NA 50.0 NA NA 39.9 48.9 35.6 #> 33 1991 NA NA 50.2 NA NA 38.3 49.0 36.2 #> 34 1990 NA NA 50.2 NA NA 38.0 48.8 36.8 #> 35 1989 NA NA 51.1 NA NA 38.0 49.7 37.8 #> 36 1988 NA NA 50.7 NA NA 37.7 49.2 38.3 #> 37 1987 NA NA 49.4 NA NA 36.6 47.9 38.4 #> 38 1986 NA NA 47.7 NA NA NA 47.7 NA #> 39 1985 NA NA 47.9 NA NA NA 47.9 NA #> 40 1984 NA NA 48.1 NA NA NA 48.1 NA #> 41 1983 NA NA 47.7 NA NA NA 47.7 NA #> 42 1982 NA NA 47.9 NA NA NA 47.9 NA #> 43 1981 NA NA 48.0 NA NA NA 48.0 NA #> 44 1980 NA NA 47.9 NA NA NA 47.9 NA #> 45 1979 NA NA 47.7 NA NA NA 47.7 NA #> 46 1978 NA NA 47.3 NA NA NA 47.3 NA #> 47 1977 NA NA 46.7 NA NA NA 46.7 NA #> 48 1976 NA NA 46.7 NA NA NA 46.7 NA #> 49 1975 NA NA 46.0 NA NA NA 46.0 NA #> 50 1974 NA NA 45.4 NA NA NA 45.4 NA #> 51 1973 NA NA 44.8 NA NA NA 44.8 NA #> 52 1972 NA NA 44.8 NA NA NA 44.8 NA #> 53 1971 NA NA 44.4 NA NA NA 44.4 NA #> 54 1970 NA NA 44.2 NA NA NA 44.2 NA #> 55 1969 NA NA 43.8 NA NA NA 43.8 NA #> 56 1968 NA NA 43.7 NA NA NA 43.7 NA #> 57 1967 NA NA 43.8 NA NA NA 43.8 NA #> 58 1966 NA NA 43.6 NA NA NA 43.6 NA #> 59 1965 NA NA 43.1 NA NA NA 43.1 NA #> 60 1964 NA NA 42.5 NA NA NA 42.5 NA #> 61 1963 NA NA 41.7 NA NA NA 41.7 NA #> 62 1962 NA NA 40.2 NA NA NA 40.2 NA #> 63 1961 NA NA 40.7 NA NA NA 40.7 NA #> 64 1960 NA NA 39.8 NA NA NA 39.8 NA #> 65 1959 NA NA 39.1 NA NA NA 39.1 NA #> 66 1958 NA NA 38.4 NA NA NA 38.4 NA #> 67 1957 NA NA 38.2 NA NA NA 38.2 NA #> 68 1956 NA NA 37.5 NA NA NA 37.5 NA #> 69 1955 NA NA 36.9 NA NA NA 36.9 NA #> 70 1954 NA NA 35.4 NA NA NA 35.4 NA #> 71 1953 NA NA 34.7 NA NA NA 34.7 NA #> 72 1952 NA NA 33.7 NA NA NA 33.7 NA #> 73 1951 NA NA 33.1 NA NA NA 33.1 NA #> 74 1950 NA NA 31.6 NA NA NA 31.6 NA #> 75 1949 NA NA 30.8 NA NA NA 30.8 NA #> 76 1948 NA NA 29.3 NA NA NA 29.3 NA #> fg_3a_pct ft_pct a_pct blk_pct stl_pct non_stl_pct avg_hgt continuity #> 1 37.3 71.7 50.9 8.8 9.3 8.9 77.1 41.5 #> 2 37.7 71.7 50.9 9.0 9.3 9.0 77.0 48.9 #> 3 37.4 71.0 51.8 8.8 9.1 9.8 76.9 46.0 #> 4 37.5 70.8 51.5 8.9 9.0 9.9 76.8 46.9 #> 5 38.7 70.7 51.9 9.3 8.9 9.7 76.8 47.8 #> 6 37.5 71.4 52.3 9.3 8.7 9.7 76.8 48.4 #> 7 36.4 70.4 52.4 9.2 8.7 9.8 76.8 49.5 #> 8 35.4 70.0 52.4 9.2 8.6 9.5 76.8 49.2 #> 9 34.2 69.3 53.1 9.6 9.4 9.7 76.7 49.4 #> 10 32.9 69.9 51.8 9.7 9.0 9.3 76.7 51.4 #> 11 33.0 69.4 53.6 9.3 9.9 10.0 76.6 50.3 #> 12 32.9 69.2 53.6 9.2 9.5 10.5 76.5 48.7 #> 13 32.9 69.3 53.7 9.2 9.4 10.7 76.5 51.6 #> 14 32.6 68.9 53.5 9.2 9.8 10.6 76.5 53.0 #> 15 33.1 68.9 54.0 8.8 9.9 10.5 76.5 51.4 #> 16 34.5 69.1 54.8 9.1 9.9 11.0 76.4 51.2 #> 17 34.2 69.1 55.2 9.0 9.9 11.3 76.5 50.5 #> 18 33.2 69.2 55.7 8.8 10.3 11.0 NA 50.1 #> 19 33.0 68.7 55.7 8.8 10.4 10.8 NA NA #> 20 32.7 68.8 55.6 8.5 10.4 11.0 NA NA #> 21 32.1 69.5 55.2 8.6 10.0 11.1 NA NA #> 22 32.1 69.0 55.2 8.5 10.3 11.2 NA NA #> 23 31.2 68.6 55.4 8.4 10.0 11.6 NA NA #> 24 30.9 68.2 55.8 8.4 10.7 11.7 NA NA #> 25 30.6 67.9 55.7 8.3 11.0 11.8 NA NA #> 26 30.2 67.5 55.2 7.9 10.6 11.9 NA NA #> 27 29.9 67.5 55.6 7.8 10.6 11.8 NA NA #> 28 29.2 67.4 54.7 7.7 NA NA NA NA #> 29 28.8 67.6 54.7 7.8 NA NA NA NA #> 30 27.2 67.1 54.0 7.5 NA NA NA NA #> 31 25.4 67.7 54.7 7.3 NA NA NA NA #> 32 24.0 68.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 33 22.8 68.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 34 21.5 68.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 35 19.9 69.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 36 17.8 68.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 37 15.7 69.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 38 NA 69.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 39 NA 68.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 40 NA 68.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 41 NA 68.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 42 NA 68.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 43 NA 68.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 44 NA 69.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 45 NA 69.7 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 46 NA 69.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 47 NA 69.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 48 NA 69.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 49 NA 69.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 50 NA 68.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 51 NA 68.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 52 NA 68.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 53 NA 68.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 54 NA 68.7 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 55 NA 68.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 56 NA 69.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 57 NA 69.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 58 NA 69.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 59 NA 69.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 60 NA 68.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 61 NA 68.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 62 NA 67.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 63 NA 68.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 64 NA 67.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 65 NA 67.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 66 NA 66.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 67 NA 67.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 68 NA 66.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 69 NA 66.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 70 NA 65.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 71 NA 64.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 72 NA 62.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 73 NA 62.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 74 NA 61.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 75 NA 61.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 76 NA 59.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> home_win_pct ppg #> 1 59.9 70.7 #> 2 57.5 70.1 #> 3 57.5 70.8 #> 4 61.0 70.2 #> 5 59.0 71.9 #> 6 61.0 73.6 #> 7 59.0 72.7 #> 8 60.5 72.3 #> 9 59.8 66.9 #> 10 60.3 70.2 #> 11 61.3 66.9 #> 12 60.5 67.4 #> 13 60.9 68.4 #> 14 61.2 68.6 #> 15 62.2 68.1 #> 16 61.7 68.9 #> 17 62.4 68.8 #> 18 61.3 68.6 #> 19 62.9 68.7 #> 20 62.0 69.0 #> 21 62.4 69.8 #> 22 62.3 70.9 #> 23 63.4 71.5 #> 24 62.3 70.5 #> 25 62.6 69.9 #> 26 62.2 70.9 #> 27 64.3 70.0 #> 28 NA 72.5 #> 29 NA 74.2 #> 30 NA 75.0 #> 31 NA 73.6 #> 32 NA 74.2 #> 33 NA 76.7 #> 34 NA 75.3 #> 35 NA 76.2 #> 36 NA 74.4 #> 37 NA 72.8 #> 38 NA 69.4 #> 39 NA 69.2 #> 40 NA 68.2 #> 41 NA 69.3 #> 42 NA 67.6 #> 43 NA 70.1 #> 44 NA 72.0 #> 45 NA 74.0 #> 46 NA 74.5 #> 47 NA 74.9 #> 48 NA 75.7 #> 49 NA 76.6 #> 50 NA 74.8 #> 51 NA 75.5 #> 52 NA 77.7 #> 53 NA 77.7 #> 54 NA 77.6 #> 55 NA 75.6 #> 56 NA 75.5 #> 57 NA 74.9 #> 58 NA 77.5 #> 59 NA 75.7 #> 60 NA 74.4 #> 61 NA 69.5 #> 62 NA 70.5 #> 63 NA 70.7 #> 64 NA 70.0 #> 65 NA 68.7 #> 66 NA 68.4 #> 67 NA 72.0 #> 68 NA 73.3 #> 69 NA 72.7 #> 70 NA 69.0 #> 71 NA 69.1 #> 72 NA 63.3 #> 73 NA 60.7 #> 74 NA 57.6 #> 75 NA 54.8 #> 76 NA 53.3 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_user_pw.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"KenPom Login and Password credentials — kp_user_pw","title":"KenPom Login and Password credentials — kp_user_pw","text":"Save KenPom login e-mail password system environment variables KP_USER KP_PW Requires subscription KenPom.com","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_user_pw.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"KenPom Login and Password credentials — kp_user_pw","text":"","code":"login(user_email = Sys.getenv(\"KP_USER\"), user_pw = Sys.getenv(\"KP_PW\")) kp_user_email() kp_password() has_kp_user_and_pw()"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_user_pw.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"KenPom Login and Password credentials — kp_user_pw","text":"user_email User subscription e-mail user_pw User subscription password","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_user_pw.html","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"KenPom Login and Password credentials — kp_user_pw","text":"Using KenPom subscription package: Run usethis::edit_r_environ() paste following new script pops (without quotations) can save login information consistent usage adding","code":"KP_USER = YOUR-EMAIL@DOMAIN.COM KP_PW = XXX-YOUR-PASSWORD-XXX KP_USER = YOUR-EMAIL@DOMAIN.COM KP_PW = XXX-YOUR-PASSWORD-XXX ``` \\cr to your .REnviron file (easily accessed via [**`usethis::edit_r_environ()`**](https://usethis.r-lib.org/reference/edit.html)).\\cr \\cr For less consistent usage:\\cr At the beginning of every session or within an R environment, save your login e-mail and password as the environment variables `KP_USER` and `KP_PW` (with quotations) using a command like the following.\\cr ```{r} Sys.setenv(KP_USER = \"YOUR-EMAIL@DOMAIN.COM\") Sys.setenv(KP_PW = \"XXX-YOUR-PASSWORD-XXX\")"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_winprob.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom Win Probability — kp_winprob","title":"Get KenPom Win Probability — kp_winprob","text":"Get KenPom Win Probability","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_winprob.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom Win Probability — kp_winprob","text":"","code":"kp_winprob(game_id, year)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_winprob.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom Win Probability — kp_winprob","text":"game_id Game id game pull year Year game pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_winprob.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom Win Probability — kp_winprob","text":"Returns named list tibbles: winprob_dataset, game_data, runs winprob_dataset game_data runs","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_winprob.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom Win Probability — kp_winprob","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_winprob(game_id = 1238, year = 2020)) #> $winprob_dataset #> period wp time_left visitor_score home_score visitor_scoring #> 1 1 0.5264 40.00 0 0 0 #> 2 1 0.5529 39.63 2 0 1 #> 3 1 0.5763 39.40 2 0 0 #> 4 1 0.6022 39.23 4 0 1 #> 5 1 0.6240 38.92 4 0 0 #> 6 1 0.6021 38.58 4 0 0 #> 7 1 0.5759 38.38 4 2 0 #> 8 1 0.6001 38.20 6 2 1 #> 9 1 0.6219 37.80 6 2 0 #> 10 1 0.5990 37.72 6 2 0 #> 11 1 0.6231 37.48 6 2 0 #> 12 1 0.6462 37.38 8 2 1 #> 13 1 0.6693 36.97 8 2 0 #> 14 1 0.6477 36.83 8 2 0 #> 15 1 0.6716 36.65 8 2 0 #> 16 1 0.6502 36.48 8 2 0 #> 17 1 0.6751 36.23 8 2 0 #> 18 1 0.6998 35.95 10 2 1 #> 19 1 0.7228 35.48 10 2 0 #> 20 1 0.7448 35.47 12 2 1 #> 21 1 0.7635 35.08 12 2 0 #> 22 1 0.7444 35.00 12 2 0 #> 23 1 0.7642 34.68 12 2 0 #> 24 1 0.7454 34.58 12 2 0 #> 25 1 0.7651 34.38 12 2 0 #> 26 1 0.7853 34.25 14 2 1 #> 27 1 0.7671 33.93 14 4 0 #> 28 1 0.7509 33.42 14 4 0 #> 29 1 0.7291 33.15 14 6 0 #> 30 1 0.7084 32.87 14 6 0 #> 31 1 0.6840 32.80 14 8 0 #> 32 1 0.7335 32.33 17 8 1 #> 33 1 0.7562 32.12 17 8 0 #> 34 1 0.7353 31.97 17 8 0 #> 35 1 0.6892 31.68 17 11 0 #> 36 1 0.6647 31.42 17 11 0 #> 37 1 0.6927 30.82 17 11 0 #> 38 1 0.6929 30.67 18 11 1 #> 39 1 0.7177 30.43 18 11 0 #> 40 1 0.7410 30.35 20 11 1 #> 41 1 0.7166 29.97 20 13 0 #> 42 1 0.6938 29.55 20 13 0 #> 43 1 0.6670 29.20 20 15 0 #> 44 1 0.6942 29.00 22 15 1 #> 45 1 0.7194 28.48 22 15 0 #> 46 1 0.6966 28.25 22 15 0 #> 47 1 0.7209 27.95 22 15 0 #> 48 1 0.6959 27.60 22 15 0 #> 49 1 0.7208 27.30 22 15 0 #> 50 1 0.6961 27.17 22 15 0 #> 51 1 0.6688 27.10 22 17 0 #> 52 1 0.6444 26.70 22 17 0 #> 53 1 0.6743 26.32 22 17 0 #> 54 1 0.6756 26.08 23 17 1 #> 55 1 0.7037 25.72 23 17 0 #> 56 1 0.7301 25.32 25 17 1 #> 57 1 0.7553 25.00 25 17 0 #> 58 1 0.7306 24.77 25 17 0 #> 59 1 0.7052 24.13 25 19 0 #> 60 1 0.6792 23.93 25 19 0 #> 61 1 0.7102 23.62 25 19 0 #> 62 1 0.6865 23.17 25 19 0 #> 63 1 0.7160 22.82 25 19 0 #> 64 1 0.7407 22.52 27 19 1 #> 65 1 0.7695 22.13 27 19 0 #> 66 1 0.7927 22.03 29 19 1 #> 67 1 0.7744 21.53 29 21 0 #> 68 1 0.7558 21.15 29 21 0 #> 69 1 0.7055 20.75 29 24 0 #> 70 1 0.6747 20.00 29 24 0 #> 71 2 0.6747 20.00 29 24 0 #> 72 2 0.7138 19.55 29 24 0 #> 73 2 0.7444 19.17 31 24 1 #> 74 2 0.7755 19.12 31 24 0 #> 75 2 0.7394 18.48 31 24 0 #> 76 2 0.7397 18.27 31 25 0 #> 77 2 0.7111 18.03 31 25 0 #> 78 2 0.7440 17.75 31 25 0 #> 79 2 0.7163 17.37 31 25 0 #> 80 2 0.7492 17.18 31 25 0 #> 81 2 0.8046 17.07 34 25 1 #> 82 2 0.7505 16.70 34 28 0 #> 83 2 0.7793 16.48 36 28 1 #> 84 2 0.7818 16.12 36 29 0 #> 85 2 0.8099 15.68 38 29 1 #> 86 2 0.8411 15.30 38 29 0 #> 87 2 0.8638 15.05 40 29 1 #> 88 2 0.8871 14.63 40 29 0 #> 89 2 0.8696 14.28 40 29 0 #> 90 2 0.8918 13.92 40 29 0 #> 91 2 0.8752 13.75 40 29 0 #> 92 2 0.8947 13.63 40 29 0 #> 93 2 0.8786 13.27 40 29 0 #> 94 2 0.8597 13.13 40 31 0 #> 95 2 0.8362 12.85 40 31 0 #> 96 2 0.8118 12.58 40 33 0 #> 97 2 0.8130 12.27 41 33 1 #> 98 2 0.8416 12.27 41 33 0 #> 99 2 0.8135 12.20 41 33 0 #> 100 2 0.8483 11.68 41 33 0 #> 101 2 0.8706 11.62 43 33 1 #> 102 2 0.8965 11.07 43 33 0 #> 103 2 0.9294 10.70 46 33 1 #> 104 2 0.9482 10.27 46 33 0 #> 105 2 0.9441 9.75 46 33 0 #> 106 2 0.9360 9.22 46 35 0 #> 107 2 0.9230 8.75 46 35 0 #> 108 2 0.9081 8.63 46 37 0 #> 109 2 0.8870 8.45 46 37 0 #> 110 2 0.8633 8.43 46 39 0 #> 111 2 0.8970 7.68 48 39 1 #> 112 2 0.8775 7.38 48 41 0 #> 113 2 0.8469 7.17 48 41 0 #> 114 2 0.8817 6.98 48 41 0 #> 115 2 0.9274 6.63 51 41 1 #> 116 2 0.9499 6.15 51 41 0 #> 117 2 0.9393 5.75 51 41 0 #> 118 2 0.9067 5.40 51 44 0 #> 119 2 0.8834 5.05 51 44 0 #> 120 2 0.9167 4.85 51 44 0 #> 121 2 0.8960 4.32 51 44 0 #> 122 2 0.9251 4.32 51 44 0 #> 123 2 0.9519 4.07 53 44 1 #> 124 2 0.9359 3.77 53 46 0 #> 125 2 0.9634 3.30 55 46 1 #> 126 2 0.9714 2.85 55 47 0 #> 127 2 0.9633 2.35 55 47 0 #> 128 2 0.9797 2.18 55 47 0 #> 129 2 0.9842 1.75 56 47 1 #> 130 2 0.9778 1.62 56 49 0 #> 131 2 0.9779 1.55 57 49 1 #> 132 2 0.9499 1.38 57 52 0 #> 133 2 0.9168 1.30 57 52 0 #> 134 2 0.8880 1.05 57 54 0 #> 135 2 0.9276 0.52 58 54 1 #> 136 2 0.9818 0.33 58 54 0 #> 137 2 0.9930 0.25 60 54 1 #> 138 2 0.9988 0.15 60 54 0 #> 139 2 0.9978 0.08 60 54 0 #> 140 2 1.0000 0.00 60 57 0 #> home_scoring possession_team possession_number game_id year #> 1 0 0 1238 2020 #> 2 0 V 1 1238 2020 #> 3 0 H 1 1238 2020 #> 4 0 V 2 1238 2020 #> 5 0 H 2 1238 2020 #> 6 0 V 3 1238 2020 #> 7 1 H 3 1238 2020 #> 8 0 V 4 1238 2020 #> 9 0 H 4 1238 2020 #> 10 0 V 5 1238 2020 #> 11 0 H 5 1238 2020 #> 12 0 V 6 1238 2020 #> 13 0 H 6 1238 2020 #> 14 0 V 7 1238 2020 #> 15 0 H 7 1238 2020 #> 16 0 V 8 1238 2020 #> 17 0 H 8 1238 2020 #> 18 0 V 9 1238 2020 #> 19 0 H 9 1238 2020 #> 20 0 V 10 1238 2020 #> 21 0 H 10 1238 2020 #> 22 0 V 11 1238 2020 #> 23 0 H 11 1238 2020 #> 24 0 V 12 1238 2020 #> 25 0 H 12 1238 2020 #> 26 0 V 13 1238 2020 #> 27 1 H 13 1238 2020 #> 28 0 V 14 1238 2020 #> 29 1 H 14 1238 2020 #> 30 0 V 15 1238 2020 #> 31 1 H 15 1238 2020 #> 32 0 V 16 1238 2020 #> 33 0 H 16 1238 2020 #> 34 0 V 17 1238 2020 #> 35 1 H 17 1238 2020 #> 36 0 V 18 1238 2020 #> 37 0 H 18 1238 2020 #> 38 0 V 19 1238 2020 #> 39 0 H 19 1238 2020 #> 40 0 V 20 1238 2020 #> 41 1 H 20 1238 2020 #> 42 0 V 21 1238 2020 #> 43 1 H 21 1238 2020 #> 44 0 V 22 1238 2020 #> 45 0 H 22 1238 2020 #> 46 0 V 23 1238 2020 #> 47 0 H 23 1238 2020 #> 48 0 V 24 1238 2020 #> 49 0 H 24 1238 2020 #> 50 0 V 25 1238 2020 #> 51 1 H 25 1238 2020 #> 52 0 V 26 1238 2020 #> 53 0 H 26 1238 2020 #> 54 0 V 27 1238 2020 #> 55 0 H 27 1238 2020 #> 56 0 V 28 1238 2020 #> 57 0 H 28 1238 2020 #> 58 0 V 29 1238 2020 #> 59 1 H 29 1238 2020 #> 60 0 V 30 1238 2020 #> 61 0 H 30 1238 2020 #> 62 0 V 31 1238 2020 #> 63 0 H 31 1238 2020 #> 64 0 V 32 1238 2020 #> 65 0 H 32 1238 2020 #> 66 0 V 33 1238 2020 #> 67 1 H 33 1238 2020 #> 68 0 V 34 1238 2020 #> 69 1 H 34 1238 2020 #> 70 0 V 35 1238 2020 #> 71 0 H 35 1238 2020 #> 72 0 H 36 1238 2020 #> 73 0 V 36 1238 2020 #> 74 0 H 37 1238 2020 #> 75 0 V 37 1238 2020 #> 76 1 H 38 1238 2020 #> 77 0 V 38 1238 2020 #> 78 0 H 39 1238 2020 #> 79 0 V 39 1238 2020 #> 80 0 H 40 1238 2020 #> 81 0 V 40 1238 2020 #> 82 1 H 41 1238 2020 #> 83 0 V 41 1238 2020 #> 84 1 H 42 1238 2020 #> 85 0 V 42 1238 2020 #> 86 0 H 43 1238 2020 #> 87 0 V 43 1238 2020 #> 88 0 H 44 1238 2020 #> 89 0 V 44 1238 2020 #> 90 0 H 45 1238 2020 #> 91 0 V 45 1238 2020 #> 92 0 H 46 1238 2020 #> 93 0 V 46 1238 2020 #> 94 1 H 47 1238 2020 #> 95 0 V 47 1238 2020 #> 96 1 H 48 1238 2020 #> 97 0 V 48 1238 2020 #> 98 0 H 49 1238 2020 #> 99 0 V 49 1238 2020 #> 100 0 H 50 1238 2020 #> 101 0 V 50 1238 2020 #> 102 0 H 51 1238 2020 #> 103 0 V 51 1238 2020 #> 104 0 H 52 1238 2020 #> 105 0 V 52 1238 2020 #> 106 1 H 53 1238 2020 #> 107 0 V 53 1238 2020 #> 108 1 H 54 1238 2020 #> 109 0 V 54 1238 2020 #> 110 1 H 55 1238 2020 #> 111 0 V 55 1238 2020 #> 112 1 H 56 1238 2020 #> 113 0 V 56 1238 2020 #> 114 0 H 57 1238 2020 #> 115 0 V 57 1238 2020 #> 116 0 H 58 1238 2020 #> 117 0 V 58 1238 2020 #> 118 1 H 59 1238 2020 #> 119 0 V 59 1238 2020 #> 120 0 H 60 1238 2020 #> 121 0 V 60 1238 2020 #> 122 0 H 61 1238 2020 #> 123 0 V 61 1238 2020 #> 124 1 H 62 1238 2020 #> 125 0 V 62 1238 2020 #> 126 1 H 63 1238 2020 #> 127 0 V 63 1238 2020 #> 128 0 H 64 1238 2020 #> 129 0 V 64 1238 2020 #> 130 1 H 65 1238 2020 #> 131 0 V 65 1238 2020 #> 132 1 H 66 1238 2020 #> 133 0 V 66 1238 2020 #> 134 1 H 67 1238 2020 #> 135 0 V 67 1238 2020 #> 136 0 H 68 1238 2020 #> 137 0 V 68 1238 2020 #> 138 0 H 69 1238 2020 #> 139 0 V 69 1238 2020 #> 140 1 H 70 1238 2020 #> #> $game_data #> game_id year full_date date game_time #> 1 1238 2020 Friday, November 29, 2019 2019-11-29 7:00 PM #> venue city team1 team1score team1_rk #> 1 The Arena at NW Florida St Niceville, FL Florida St. 60 16 #> team2 team2score team2_rk dominance_season_rk tension_season_rk #> 1 Tennessee 57 21 2265 2424 #> excitement_season_rk lead_changes_season_rk minimum_wp_season_rk dominance_rk #> 1 2519 2503 2803 99999 #> tension_rk excitement_rk lead_changes_rk minimum_wp_rk dominance tension #> 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 1.08 1.18 #> excitement favchg min_wp #> 1 1.07 0 0.5264 #> #> $runs #> start end visitor home #> 1 39.63 34.25 14 2 #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_pbp.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load hoopR men's college basketball play-by-play — load_mbb_pbp","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball play-by-play — load_mbb_pbp","text":"helper loads multiple seasons data repo either memory writes db using forwarded arguments dots","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_pbp.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball play-by-play — load_mbb_pbp","text":"","code":"load_mbb_pbp( seasons = most_recent_mbb_season(), ..., dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_pbp.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball play-by-play — load_mbb_pbp","text":"seasons vector 4-digit years associated given men's college basketball seasons. (Min: 2006) ... Additional arguments passed underlying function writes season data database (used update_mbb_db()). dbConnection DBIConnection object, returned tablename name play play data table within database","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_pbp.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball play-by-play — load_mbb_pbp","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_pbp.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball play-by-play — load_mbb_pbp","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ load_mbb_pbp(seasons = most_recent_mbb_season()) #> ── ESPN MBB Play-by-Play from hoopR data repository ───────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 09:36:43 UTC #> # A tibble: 1,957,449 × 59 #> id sequence_number type_id type_text text away_score home_score #> #> 1 4.02e17 101799901 615 Jumpball Jump… 0 0 #> 2 4.02e17 101806501 558 JumpShot Jord… 0 2 #> 3 4.02e17 101808701 558 JumpShot Lamo… 3 2 #> 4 4.02e17 101814901 598 Lost Ball Turnov… Tris… 3 2 #> 5 4.02e17 101817101 558 JumpShot Darr… 6 2 #> 6 4.02e17 101819701 558 JumpShot Adam… 6 4 #> 7 4.02e17 101825501 558 JumpShot Kesh… 8 4 #> 8 4.02e17 101828401 558 JumpShot Tris… 8 4 #> 9 4.02e17 101828402 587 Defensive Rebound Nath… 8 4 #> 10 4.02e17 101829701 558 JumpShot Nath… 8 4 #> # ℹ 1,957,439 more rows #> # ℹ 52 more variables: period_number , period_display_value , #> # clock_display_value , scoring_play , score_value , #> # team_id , athlete_id_1 , wallclock , shooting_play , #> # season , season_type , away_team_id , away_team_name , #> # away_team_mascot , away_team_abbrev , away_team_name_alt , #> # home_team_id , home_team_name , home_team_mascot , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_player_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load hoopR men's college basketball player box scores — load_mbb_player_box","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball player box scores — load_mbb_player_box","text":"helper loads multiple seasons data repo either memory writes db using forwarded arguments dots","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_player_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball player box scores — load_mbb_player_box","text":"","code":"load_mbb_player_box( seasons = most_recent_mbb_season(), ..., dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_player_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball player box scores — load_mbb_player_box","text":"seasons vector 4-digit years associated given men's college basketball seasons. (Min: 2003) ... Additional arguments passed underlying function writes season data database (used update_mbb_db()). dbConnection DBIConnection object, returned tablename name play play data table within database","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_player_box.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball player box scores — load_mbb_player_box","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_player_box.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball player box scores — load_mbb_player_box","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ load_mbb_player_box(seasons = most_recent_mbb_season()) #> ── ESPN MBB Player Boxscores from hoopR data repository ───────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 11:53:16 UTC #> # A tibble: 12,370 × 54 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time team_id team_uid #> #> 1 401522202 2023 3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00 21 s:40~l:4… #> 2 401522202 2023 3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00 41 s:40~l:4… #> 3 401522201 2023 3 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 21:16:00 2390 s:40~l:4… #> 4 401522201 2023 3 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 21:16:00 41 s:40~l:4… #> 5 401522200 2023 3 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 18:09:00 2226 s:40~l:4… #> 6 401522200 2023 3 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 18:09:00 21 s:40~l:4… #> 7 401526932 2023 3 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 21:42:00 5 s:40~l:4… #> 8 401526932 2023 3 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 21:42:00 249 s:40~l:4… #> 9 401526927 2023 3 2023-03-28 2023-03-28 21:30:00 3084 s:40~l:4… #> 10 401526927 2023 3 2023-03-28 2023-03-28 21:30:00 5 s:40~l:4… #> # ℹ 12,360 more rows #> # ℹ 47 more variables: team_slug , team_location , team_name , #> # team_abbreviation , team_display_name , #> # team_short_display_name , team_color , #> # team_alternate_color , team_logo , team_home_away , #> # team_score , team_winner , assists , blocks , #> # defensive_rebounds , field_goal_pct , field_goals_made , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_schedule.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load hoopR men's college basketball schedule — load_mbb_schedule","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball schedule — load_mbb_schedule","text":"helper loads multiple seasons data repo either memory writes db using forwarded arguments dots","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_schedule.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball schedule — load_mbb_schedule","text":"","code":"load_mbb_schedule( seasons = most_recent_mbb_season(), ..., dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_schedule.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball schedule — load_mbb_schedule","text":"seasons vector 4-digit years associated given men's college basketball seasons. (Min: 2002) ... Additional arguments passed underlying function writes season data database (used update_mbb_db()). dbConnection DBIConnection object, returned tablename name play play data table within database","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_schedule.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball schedule — load_mbb_schedule","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_schedule.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball schedule — load_mbb_schedule","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ load_mbb_schedule(seasons = most_recent_mbb_season()) #> ── ESPN MBB Schedule from hoopR data repository ───────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 11:54:11 UTC #> # A tibble: 6,225 × 74 #> id uid date attendance time_valid neutral_site conference_competition #> #> 1 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 72423 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> 2 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 73860 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> 3 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 73860 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> 4 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> 5 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 2931 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> 6 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> 7 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 17530 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> 8 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 20051 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> 9 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 18119 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> 10 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 19680 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> # ℹ 6,215 more rows #> # ℹ 67 more variables: recent , start_date , notes_type , #> # notes_headline , type_id , type_abbreviation , #> # venue_id , venue_full_name , venue_address_city , #> # venue_address_state , venue_capacity , venue_indoor , #> # status_clock , status_display_clock , status_period , #> # status_type_id , status_type_name , status_type_state , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_team_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load hoopR men's college basketball team box scores — load_mbb_team_box","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball team box scores — load_mbb_team_box","text":"helper loads multiple seasons data repo either memory writes db using forwarded arguments dots","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_team_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball team box scores — load_mbb_team_box","text":"","code":"load_mbb_team_box( seasons = most_recent_mbb_season(), ..., dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_team_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball team box scores — load_mbb_team_box","text":"seasons vector 4-digit years associated given men's college basketball seasons. (Min: 2003) ... Additional arguments passed underlying function writes season data database (used update_mbb_db()). dbConnection DBIConnection object, returned tablename name play play data table within database","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_team_box.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball team box scores — load_mbb_team_box","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_team_box.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball team box scores — load_mbb_team_box","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ load_mbb_team_box(seasons = most_recent_mbb_season()) #> ── ESPN MBB Team Boxscores from hoopR data repository ─────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 09:42:07 UTC #> # A tibble: 12,440 × 54 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time team_id team_uid #> #> 1 401522202 2023 3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00 21 s:40~l:4… #> 2 401522202 2023 3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00 41 s:40~l:4… #> 3 401522201 2023 3 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 21:16:00 2390 s:40~l:4… #> 4 401522201 2023 3 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 21:16:00 41 s:40~l:4… #> 5 401522200 2023 3 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 18:09:00 2226 s:40~l:4… #> 6 401522200 2023 3 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 18:09:00 21 s:40~l:4… #> 7 401526932 2023 3 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 21:42:00 5 s:40~l:4… #> 8 401526932 2023 3 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 21:42:00 249 s:40~l:4… #> 9 401526927 2023 3 2023-03-28 2023-03-28 21:30:00 3084 s:40~l:4… #> 10 401526927 2023 3 2023-03-28 2023-03-28 21:30:00 5 s:40~l:4… #> # ℹ 12,430 more rows #> # ℹ 47 more variables: team_slug , team_location , team_name , #> # team_abbreviation , team_display_name , #> # team_short_display_name , team_color , #> # team_alternate_color , team_logo , team_home_away , #> # team_score , team_winner , assists , blocks , #> # defensive_rebounds , field_goal_pct , field_goals_made , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_pbp.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load hoopR NBA play-by-play — load_nba_pbp","title":"Load hoopR NBA play-by-play — load_nba_pbp","text":"helper loads multiple seasons data repo either memory writes db using forwarded arguments dots","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_pbp.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load hoopR NBA play-by-play — load_nba_pbp","text":"","code":"load_nba_pbp( seasons = most_recent_nba_season(), ..., dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_pbp.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load hoopR NBA play-by-play — load_nba_pbp","text":"seasons vector 4-digit years associated given NBA seasons. (Min: 2002) ... Additional arguments passed underlying function writes season data database (used update_nba_db()). dbConnection DBIConnection object, returned tablename name play play data table within database","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_pbp.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load hoopR NBA play-by-play — load_nba_pbp","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_pbp.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Load hoopR NBA play-by-play — load_nba_pbp","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ load_nba_pbp(seasons = most_recent_nba_season()) #> ── ESPN NBA Play-by-Play from hoopR data repository ───────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 10:10:41 UTC #> # A tibble: 559,934 × 60 #> id sequence_number type_id type_text text away_score home_score #> #> 1 4014693314 4 615 \"Jumpball\" Jako… 0 0 #> 2 4014693317 7 120 \"Turnaround … Scot… 0 0 #> 3 4014693318 8 155 \"Defensive R… JT T… 0 0 #> 4 4014693319 9 45 \"Personal Fo… Fred… 0 0 #> 5 40146933111 11 62 \"Bad Pass\\nT… Svi … 0 0 #> 6 40146933113 13 110 \"Driving Lay… O.G.… 0 0 #> 7 40146933114 14 155 \"Defensive R… Nick… 0 0 #> 8 40146933115 15 92 \"Jump Shot\" Pasc… 0 0 #> 9 40146933117 17 156 \"Offensive R… Theo… 0 0 #> 10 40146933118 18 151 \"Cutting Dun… Nick… 0 2 #> # ℹ 559,924 more rows #> # ℹ 53 more variables: period_number , period_display_value , #> # clock_display_value , scoring_play , score_value , #> # team_id , athlete_id_1 , athlete_id_2 , athlete_id_3 , #> # wallclock , shooting_play , coordinate_x_raw , #> # coordinate_y_raw , season , season_type , #> # away_team_id , away_team_name , away_team_mascot , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_player_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load hoopR NBA player box scores — load_nba_player_box","title":"Load hoopR NBA player box scores — load_nba_player_box","text":"helper loads multiple seasons data repo either memory writes db using forwarded arguments dots","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_player_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load hoopR NBA player box scores — load_nba_player_box","text":"","code":"load_nba_player_box( seasons = most_recent_nba_season(), ..., dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_player_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load hoopR NBA player box scores — load_nba_player_box","text":"seasons vector 4-digit years associated given NBA seasons. (Min: 2002) ... Additional arguments passed underlying function writes season data database (used update_nba_db()). dbConnection DBIConnection object, returned tablename name play play data table within database","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_player_box.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load hoopR NBA player box scores — load_nba_player_box","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_player_box.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Load hoopR NBA player box scores — load_nba_player_box","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ load_nba_player_box(seasons = most_recent_nba_season()) #> ── ESPN NBA Player Boxscores from hoopR data repository ───────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 10:15:21 UTC #> # A tibble: 30,514 × 57 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time athlete_id #> #> 1 401469342 2023 2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00 4432823 #> 2 401469342 2023 2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00 4593803 #> 3 401469342 2023 2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00 4278073 #> 4 401469342 2023 2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00 4871145 #> 5 401469342 2023 2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00 4397020 #> 6 401469342 2023 2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00 3032978 #> 7 401469342 2023 2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00 4997526 #> 8 401469342 2023 2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00 4278046 #> 9 401469342 2023 2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00 4432819 #> 10 401469342 2023 2 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 22:00:00 4395695 #> # ℹ 30,504 more rows #> # ℹ 51 more variables: athlete_display_name , team_id , #> # team_name , team_location , team_short_display_name , #> # minutes , field_goals_made , field_goals_attempted , #> # three_point_field_goals_made , #> # three_point_field_goals_attempted , free_throws_made , #> # free_throws_attempted , offensive_rebounds , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_schedule.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load hoopR NBA schedules — load_nba_schedule","title":"Load hoopR NBA schedules — load_nba_schedule","text":"helper loads multiple seasons data repo either memory writes db using forwarded arguments dots","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_schedule.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load hoopR NBA schedules — load_nba_schedule","text":"","code":"load_nba_schedule( seasons = most_recent_nba_season(), ..., dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_schedule.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load hoopR NBA schedules — load_nba_schedule","text":"seasons vector 4-digit years associated given NBA seasons. (Min: 2002) ... Additional arguments passed underlying function writes season data database (used update_nba_db()). dbConnection DBIConnection object, returned tablename name play play data table within database","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_schedule.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load hoopR NBA schedules — load_nba_schedule","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_schedule.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Load hoopR NBA schedules — load_nba_schedule","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ load_nba_schedule(seasons = most_recent_nba_season()) #> ── ESPN NBA Schedule from hoopR data repository ───────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 10:15:33 UTC #> # A tibble: 1,232 × 67 #> id uid date attendance time_valid neutral_site conference_competition #> #> 1 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> 2 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> 3 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> 4 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> 5 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> 6 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> 7 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> 8 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> 9 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> 10 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> # ℹ 1,222 more rows #> # ℹ 60 more variables: recent , start_date , notes_type , #> # notes_headline , type_id , type_abbreviation , #> # venue_id , venue_full_name , venue_address_city , #> # venue_capacity , venue_indoor , status_clock , #> # status_display_clock , status_period , status_type_id , #> # status_type_name , status_type_state , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_team_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load hoopR NBA team box scores — load_nba_team_box","title":"Load hoopR NBA team box scores — load_nba_team_box","text":"helper loads multiple seasons data repo either memory writes db using forwarded arguments dots","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_team_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load hoopR NBA team box scores — load_nba_team_box","text":"","code":"load_nba_team_box( seasons = most_recent_nba_season(), ..., dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_team_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load hoopR NBA team box scores — load_nba_team_box","text":"seasons vector 4-digit years associated given NBA seasons. (Min: 2002) ... 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Additional arguments passed underlying function like httr.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_alltimeleadersgrids.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get NBA Stats API All-time Leaders Grid — nba_alltimeleadersgrids","text":"Returns named list data frames: ASTLeaders, BLKLeaders, DREBLeaders, FG3ALeaders, FG3MLeaders, FG3_PCTLeaders, FGALeaders, FGMLeaders, FG_PCTLeaders, FTALeaders, FTMLeaders, FT_PCTLeaders, GPLeaders, OREBLeaders, PFLeaders, PTSLeaders, REBLeaders, STLLeaders, TOVLeaders GPLeaders PTSLeaders ASTLeaders STLLeaders OREBLeaders DREBLeaders REBLeaders BLKLeaders FGMLeaders FGALeaders FG_PCTLeaders TOVLeaders FG3MLeaders FG3ALeaders FG3_PCTLeaders PFLeaders FTMLeaders FTALeaders FT_PCTLeaders","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_alltimeleadersgrids.html","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get NBA Stats API All-time Leaders Grid — nba_alltimeleadersgrids","text":"","code":"nba_alltimeleadersgrids(league_id = '00')"},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_alltimeleadersgrids.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get NBA Stats API All-time Leaders Grid — nba_alltimeleadersgrids","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assistleaders.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Leaders — nba_assistleaders","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Leaders — nba_assistleaders","text":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Leaders Get NBA Stats API Assist Leaders","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assistleaders.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Leaders — nba_assistleaders","text":"","code":"nba_assistleaders( league_id = \"00\", per_mode = \"PerGame\", player_or_team = \"Team\", season = year_to_season(most_recent_nba_season() - 1), season_type = \"Regular Season\", ... )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assistleaders.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Leaders — nba_assistleaders","text":"league_id League - default: '00'. options include '10': WNBA, '20': G-League per_mode Per Mode - PerGame, Totals player_or_team Player Team season Season - format 2020-21 season_type Season Type - Regular Season, Playoffs, -Star ... Additional arguments passed underlying function like httr.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assistleaders.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Leaders — nba_assistleaders","text":"Returns named list data frames: AssistLeaders AssistLeaders","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assistleaders.html","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Leaders — nba_assistleaders","text":"","code":"nba_assistleaders(league_id = '00', player_or_team = \"Player\") nba_assistleaders(league_id = '00', player_or_team = \"Team\")"},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assistleaders.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Leaders — nba_assistleaders","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assisttracker.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Tracker — nba_assisttracker","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Tracker — nba_assisttracker","text":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Tracker Get NBA Stats API Assist Tracker","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assisttracker.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Tracker — nba_assisttracker","text":"","code":"nba_assisttracker( league_id = \"00\", per_mode = \"PerGame\", season = year_to_season(most_recent_nba_season() - 1), season_type = \"Regular Season\", ... )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assisttracker.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Tracker — nba_assisttracker","text":"league_id League - default: '00'. options include '10': WNBA, '20': G-League per_mode Per Mode - PerGame, Totals season Season - format 2020-21 season_type Season Type - Regular Season, Playoffs, -Star ... 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Additional arguments passed underlying function like httr.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nbagl_standings.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Current G League Standings from NBA API — nbagl_standings","text":"Returns tibble G League Season Standings","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nbagl_standings.html","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get Current G League Standings from NBA API — nbagl_standings","text":"","code":"nbagl_standings(season = most_recent_nba_season() - 1)"},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nbagl_standings.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get Current G League Standings from NBA API — nbagl_standings","text":"Billy Fryer","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get men's college basketball NET rankings for the current date from the NCAA website — ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings","title":"Get men's college basketball NET rankings for the current date from the NCAA website — ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings","text":"Get men's college basketball NET rankings current date NCAA website","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get men's college basketball NET rankings for the current date from the NCAA website — ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings","text":"","code":"ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings()"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get men's college basketball NET rankings for the current date from the NCAA website — ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get men's college basketball NET rankings for the current date from the NCAA website — ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get men's college basketball NET rankings for the current date from the NCAA website — ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings","text":"","code":"# Get current NCAA NET rankings # \\donttest{ try(ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings()) #> ── NCAA MBB NET Rankings Information from ESPN.com ────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 17:18:22 UTC #> # A tibble: 363 × 12 #> rank previous school conference record road neutral home quad_1 quad_2 #> #> 1 1 1 Houston AAC 33-4 11-0 6-2 16-2 8-3 8-0 #> 2 2 2 Alabama SEC 31-6 9-3 7-3 15-0 13-6 7-0 #> 3 3 8 UConn Big East 31-8 6-5 10-1 15-2 12-7 8-0 #> 4 4 3 UCLA Pac-12 31-6 9-2 5-4 17-0 7-6 9-0 #> 5 5 4 Tennessee SEC 25-11 4-6 7-3 14-2 7-8 5-3 #> 6 6 5 Purdue Big Ten 29-6 8-3 7-1 14-2 12-3 7-2 #> 7 7 7 Texas Big 12 29-9 4-6 8-2 17-1 16-9 4-0 #> 8 8 6 Gonzaga WCC 30-6 7-2 9-3 14-1 8-5 5-0 #> 9 9 9 Kansas Big 12 28-8 7-4 6-3 15-1 16-8 6-0 #> 10 10 10 Arizona Pac-12 28-7 6-4 7-1 15-2 8-2 7-4 #> # ℹ 353 more rows #> # ℹ 2 more variables: quad_3 , quad_4 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/ncaa_mbb_teams.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Scrape NCAA Men's Baskebtall Teams (Division I, II, and III) — ncaa_mbb_teams","title":"Scrape NCAA Men's Baskebtall Teams (Division I, II, and III) — ncaa_mbb_teams","text":"function allows user obtain NCAA teams year division","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/ncaa_mbb_teams.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Scrape NCAA Men's Baskebtall Teams (Division I, II, and III) — ncaa_mbb_teams","text":"","code":"ncaa_mbb_teams(year = most_recent_mbb_season(), division = 1, ...)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/ncaa_mbb_teams.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Scrape NCAA Men's Baskebtall Teams (Division I, II, and III) — ncaa_mbb_teams","text":"year season data returned, form \"YYYY\". 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iteration.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/progressively.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Progressively — progressively","text":"","code":"progressively(f, p = NULL)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/progressively.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Progressively — progressively","text":"f function add progressr functionality . p progressor function created progressr::progressor()","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/progressively.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Progressively — progressively","text":"function f calls p() iteration.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/progressively.html","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Progressively — progressively","text":"inspired purrr's safely, quietly, possibly function decorators.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/rds_from_url.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load .rds file from a remote connection — rds_from_url","title":"Load .rds file from a remote connection — rds_from_url","text":"Load .rds file remote connection","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/rds_from_url.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load .rds file from a remote connection — rds_from_url","text":"","code":"rds_from_url(url)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/rds_from_url.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load .rds file from a remote connection — rds_from_url","text":"url character url","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/rds_from_url.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load .rds file from a remote connection — rds_from_url","text":"dataframe created readRDS()","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/rejoin_schedules.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"rejoin schedules (when used from league game finder) — rejoin_schedules","title":"rejoin schedules (when used from league game finder) — rejoin_schedules","text":"rejoin schedules (used league game finder)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/rejoin_schedules.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"rejoin schedules (when used from league game finder) — rejoin_schedules","text":"","code":"rejoin_schedules(df)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/rejoin_schedules.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"rejoin schedules (when used from league game finder) — rejoin_schedules","text":"df data frame pulled nba_leaguegamefinder()","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/request_with_proxy.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Retry http request with proxy — request_with_proxy","title":"Retry http request with proxy — request_with_proxy","text":"thin wrapper httr::RETRY","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/request_with_proxy.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Retry http request with proxy — request_with_proxy","text":"","code":"request_with_proxy( url, params = list(), origin = \"https://stats.nba.com\", referer = \"https://www.nba.com/\", ... )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/request_with_proxy.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Retry http request with proxy — request_with_proxy","text":"url Request url params list params origin Origin url referer Referer url ... passed httr::RETRY","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/teams_links.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Men's College Basketball KenPom Teams Dictionary\nTeam link KenPom reference lookup for the package — teams_links","title":"Men's College Basketball KenPom Teams Dictionary\nTeam link KenPom reference lookup for the package — teams_links","text":"Men's College Basketball KenPom Teams Dictionary Team link KenPom reference lookup package","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/teams_links.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Men's College Basketball KenPom Teams Dictionary\nTeam link KenPom reference lookup for the package — teams_links","text":"","code":"teams_links"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/teams_links.html","id":"format","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Format","title":"Men's College Basketball KenPom Teams Dictionary\nTeam link KenPom reference lookup for the package — teams_links","text":"data frame 357 rows 6 variables:\\ Team character. Team.link character. team.link.ref character. Year double. Conf character. Conf.link character. conf.link.ref character.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_mbb_db.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_mbb_db","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_mbb_db","text":"update_mbb_db() updates creates database hoopR play play data completed available games since 2006.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_mbb_db.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_mbb_db","text":"","code":"update_mbb_db( dbdir = \".\", dbname = \"hoopR_db\", tblname = \"hoopR_mbb_pbp\", force_rebuild = FALSE, db_connection = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_mbb_db.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_mbb_db","text":"dbdir Directory database shall located dbname File name existing desired SQLite database within dbdir tblname name play play data table within database force_rebuild Hybrid parameter (logical numeric) rebuild parts complete play play data table within database (please see details information) db_connection DBIConnection object, returned DBI::dbConnect() (please see details information)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_mbb_db.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_mbb_db","text":"Returns logical value (TRUE/FALSE)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_mbb_db.html","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_mbb_db","text":"function creates updates data table name tblname within SQLite database (drivers via db_connection) located dbdir named dbname. data table combines play play data every available game back 2006 season adds recent completed games soon available hoopR. argument force_rebuild hybrid type. can rebuild play play data table either whole hoopR era (force_rebuild = TRUE) just specified seasons (e.g. force_rebuild = c(2019, 2020)). Please note following behavior: force_rebuild = TRUE: data table name tblname removed completely rebuilt scratch. helpful new columns added -Season. force_rebuild = c(2019, 2020): data table name tblname preserved rows 2019 2020 seasons deleted re-added. intended used ongoing seasons ESPN's data provider can make changes underlying data week. parameter db_connection intended advanced users want use DBI drivers, MariaDB, Postgres odbc. Please note arguments dbdir dbname dropped case db_connection provided argument tblname still used write data table database.","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_nba_db.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_nba_db","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_nba_db","text":"update_nba_db() updates creates database hoopR play play data completed available games since 2002.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_nba_db.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_nba_db","text":"","code":"update_nba_db( dbdir = \".\", dbname = \"hoopR_db\", tblname = \"hoopR_nba_pbp\", force_rebuild = FALSE, db_connection = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_nba_db.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_nba_db","text":"dbdir Directory database shall located dbname File name existing desired SQLite database within dbdir tblname name play play data table within database force_rebuild Hybrid parameter (logical numeric) rebuild parts complete play play data table within database (please see details information) db_connection DBIConnection object, returned DBI::dbConnect() (please see details information)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_nba_db.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_nba_db","text":"Returns logical value (TRUE/FALSE)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_nba_db.html","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_nba_db","text":"function creates updates data table name tblname within SQLite database (drivers via db_connection) located dbdir named dbname. data table combines play play data every available game back 2002 season adds recent completed games soon available hoopR. argument force_rebuild hybrid type. can rebuild play play data table either whole hoopR era (force_rebuild = TRUE) just specified seasons (e.g. force_rebuild = c(2019, 2020)). Please note following behavior: force_rebuild = TRUE: data table name tblname removed completely rebuilt scratch. helpful new columns added -Season. force_rebuild = c(2019, 2020): data table name tblname preserved rows 2019 2020 seasons deleted re-added. intended used ongoing seasons ESPN's data provider can make changes underlying data week. parameter db_connection intended advanced users want use DBI drivers, MariaDB, Postgres odbc. Please note arguments dbdir dbname dropped case db_connection provided argument tblname still used write data table database.","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/year_to_season.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"year to season (XXXX -> XXXX-YY) — year_to_season","title":"year to season (XXXX -> XXXX-YY) — year_to_season","text":"year season (XXXX -> XXXX-YY)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/year_to_season.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"year to season (XXXX -> XXXX-YY) — year_to_season","text":"","code":"year_to_season(year)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/year_to_season.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"year to season (XXXX -> XXXX-YY) — year_to_season","text":"year Four digit year (XXXX)","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"nba-stats-api-live-endpoints-2-0-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"NBA Stats API Live Endpoints","title":"hoopR 2.0.0","text":"nba_live_pbp() function added. nba_live_boxscore() function added. nba_todays_scoreboard() function added.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"nba-boxscore-v3-and-v3-styled-endpoints-added-2-0-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"NBA Boxscore V3 (and V3-styled) Endpoints Added","title":"hoopR 2.0.0","text":"nba_scoreboardv3() function added. nba_boxscoretraditionalv3() function added. nba_boxscoreadvancedv3() function added. nba_boxscoremiscv3() function added. nba_boxscorescoringv3() function added. nba_boxscoreusagev3() function added. nba_boxscorefourfactorsv3() function added. nba_boxscoreplayertrackv3() function added. nba_boxscorematchupsv3() function added. nba_boxscorehustlev2() function added. nba_boxscoredefensivev2() function added.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"other-nba-stats-api-functions-added-2-0-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Other NBA Stats API functions added","title":"hoopR 2.0.0","text":"nba_shotchartlineupdetail() function added. nba_synergyplaytypes() function added. nba_franchiseleaderswrank() function added. nba_videodetailsasset() function added. nba_infographicfanduelplayer() function added. nba_teams() function added.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"other-functions-added-2-0-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Other Functions Added","title":"hoopR 2.0.0","text":"ncaa_mbb_teams() function added.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"proxy-capability-added-and-other-notes-2-0-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Proxy Capability Added and Other Notes","title":"hoopR 2.0.0","text":"Add rlang dots option passing httr::use_proxy() option nba_*() functions Returns documentation added working NBA Stats API endpoints ESPN functions Tests added working NBA Stats API endpoints ESPN functions, 1000 tests run locally","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-191","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.9.1","title":"hoopR 1.9.1","text":"Updates --hood urls ESPN site API v2 summary endpoints","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-190","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.9.0","title":"hoopR 1.9.0","text":"Takes care tidyselect deprecation data masking certain tidyr dplyr functions. Regular minor maintenance kp_* functions espn_mbb_game_rosters() function added. espn_nba_game_rosters() function added.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-181","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.8.1","title":"hoopR 1.8.1","text":"espn_mbb_player_stats() function exported properly. espn_nba_player_stats() function exported properly. Fixing headers kp_ functions.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-180","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.8.0","title":"hoopR 1.8.0","text":"CRAN release: 2022-06-17 espn_mbb_player_stats() function added. espn_mbb_team_stats() function added. espn_nba_player_stats() function added. espn_nba_team_stats() function added.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-170","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.7.0","title":"hoopR 1.7.0","text":"nba_pbps() function added, courtesy @papagorgio23. nbagl_players() function added, courtesy @billyfryer. nbagl_schedule() function added, courtesy @billyfryer. nbagl_pbp() function added, courtesy @billyfryer. nbagl_standings() function added, courtesy @billyfryer. nba_gamerotation() function added.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-160","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.6.0","title":"hoopR 1.6.0","text":"nba_playerindex() function added. nba_playerheadshot() function added. nba_drafthistory() function added.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-150","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.5.0","title":"hoopR 1.5.0","text":"CRAN release: 2021-11-10 Major documentation update include names returned lists data frames exported NBA Stats API, ESPN API, KenPom, NCAA Data repository functions.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-145","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.4.5","title":"hoopR 1.4.5","text":"Add kp_referee() function","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-144","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.4.4","title":"hoopR 1.4.4","text":"Remove referee ranks kp_box() function","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-143","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.4.3","title":"hoopR 1.4.3","text":"Option configs changed revert user options","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-142","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.4.2","title":"hoopR 1.4.2","text":"Implement additional boxscore function parameters nba_boxscore(.*) functions","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-141","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.4.1","title":"hoopR 1.4.1","text":"Update teams_links internal dataset 2022 (need better solve ) Added nba_teams dataset working NBA Stats API","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-140","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.4.0","title":"hoopR 1.4.0","text":"hoopR::espn_mbb_betting() function added hoopR::espn_nba_betting() function added","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-131","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.3.1","title":"hoopR 1.3.1","text":"Fix kp_winprob function, adding runs third output","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"add-full-coverage-for-nba-stats-api-1-3-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Add Full Coverage for NBA Stats API","title":"hoopR 1.3.0","text":"Adding roughly 127 functions","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"add-schedule-loaders-1-2-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Add schedule loaders","title":"hoopR 1.2.0","text":"hoopR::load_mbb_schedule() function added hoopR::load_nba_schedule() function added","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"add-team-box-score-loaders-1-1-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Add team box score loaders","title":"hoopR 1.1.0","text":"hoopR::load_mbb_team_box() function added hoopR::load_nba_team_box() function added","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"add-player-box-score-loaders-1-1-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Add player box score loaders","title":"hoopR 1.1.0","text":"hoopR::load_mbb_player_box() function added hoopR::load_nba_player_box() function added","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"standings-functions-1-0-5","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Standings functions","title":"hoopR 1.0.5","text":"hoopR::espn_nba_standings() hoopR::espn_mbb_standings()","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"add-retry-1-0-4","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Add retry","title":"hoopR 1.0.4","text":"Adding httr::retry() function calls naturally navigate rejected/failed requests API.","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":[]},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"dependency-pruning-1-0-1-4","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Dependency pruning","title":"hoopR 1.0.1-4","text":"update non-user facing change package dependencies shrink list dependencies.","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"package-renamed-to-hoopr-1-0-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Package renamed to hoopR","title":"hoopR 1.0.0","text":"reflect package longer just men’s college basketball KenPom package, also NBA package.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"clean-names-and-team-returns-1-0-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Clean names and team returns","title":"hoopR 1.0.0","text":"functions now given janitor::clean_names() treatment hoopR::espn_mbb_teams() updated returns identity information related hoopR::espn_nba_teams() identity information related tests updated","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"loading-capabilities-added-to-the-package-1-0-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Loading capabilities added to the package","title":"hoopR 1.0.0","text":"hoopR::load_mbb_pbp() hoopR::update_mbb_db() functions added hoopR::load_nba_pbp() hoopR::update_nba_db() functions added","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-04","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 0.4","title":"hoopR 0.4","text":"Added support ESPN’s NBA play--play endpoints addition following functions: hoopR::espn_nba_game_all() - convenience wrapper function around following three functions (returns results list three data frames) hoopR::espn_nba_team_box() hoopR::espn_nba_player_box() hoopR::espn_nba_pbp() hoopR::espn_nba_teams() hoopR::espn_nba_scoreboard()","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"dependencies-0-3-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Dependencies","title":"hoopR 0.3.0","text":"R version 3.5.0 greater dependency added purrr version 0.3.0 greater dependency added rvest version 1.0.0 greater dependency added progressr version 0.6.0 greater dependency added usethis version 1.6.0 greater dependency added xgboost version 1.1.0 greater dependency added tidyr version 1.0.0 greater dependency added stringr version 1.3.0 greater dependency added tibble version 3.0.0 greater dependency added furrr dependency added future dependency added","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"test-coverage-0-3-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Test coverage","title":"hoopR 0.3.0","text":"Added tests KP ESPN functions","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"function-naming-convention-change-0-3-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"Test coverage","what":"Function Naming Convention Change","title":"hoopR 0.3.0","text":"functions sourced kenpom.com start kp_ opposed get_ Similarly, data metrics sourced ESPN begin espn_ opposed cbb_. Moreover, references cbb_ changed mbb_ appropriate. Data sourced directly NCAA website start function ncaa_","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-020-3","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 0.2.0-3","title":"hoopR 0.2.0-3","text":"Added support ESPN’s men’s college basketball play--play endpoints addition following functions: hoopR::espn_mbb_game_all() - convenience wrapper function around following three functions (returns results list three data frames) hoopR::espn_mbb_team_box() hoopR::espn_mbb_player_box() hoopR::espn_mbb_pbp() hoopR::espn_mbb_teams() (bumps v0.2.1) hoopR::espn_mbb_conferences() (bumps v0.2.1) hoopR::espn_mbb_scoreboard() (bumps v0.2.2) hoopR::ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings() (bumps v0.2.3) hoopR::espn_mbb_rankings() (bumps v0.2.3)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-010","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 0.1.0","title":"hoopR 0.1.0","text":"Minor fixes","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-0009","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR","title":"hoopR","text":"Initial Commits, remaining tasks: Game Prep Tables Player Career Tables Game Box Scores Argument assertions","code":""}] +[{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"our-pledge","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Our Pledge","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"members, contributors, leaders pledge make participation community harassment-free experience everyone, regardless age, body size, visible invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity expression, level experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, sexual identity orientation. pledge act interact ways contribute open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, healthy community.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"our-standards","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Our Standards","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Examples behavior contributes positive environment community include: Demonstrating empathy kindness toward people respectful differing opinions, viewpoints, experiences Giving gracefully accepting constructive feedback Accepting responsibility apologizing affected mistakes, learning experience Focusing best just us individuals, overall community Examples unacceptable behavior include: use sexualized language imagery, sexual attention advances kind Trolling, insulting derogatory comments, personal political attacks Public private harassment Publishing others’ private information, physical email address, without explicit permission conduct reasonably considered inappropriate professional setting","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"enforcement-responsibilities","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Enforcement Responsibilities","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Community leaders responsible clarifying enforcing standards acceptable behavior take appropriate fair corrective action response behavior deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, harmful. Community leaders right responsibility remove, edit, reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, contributions aligned Code Conduct, communicate reasons moderation decisions appropriate.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"scope","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Scope","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Code Conduct applies within community spaces, also applies individual officially representing community public spaces. Examples representing community include using official e-mail address, posting via official social media account, acting appointed representative online offline event.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"enforcement","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Enforcement","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Instances abusive, harassing, otherwise unacceptable behavior may reported community leaders responsible enforcement [INSERT CONTACT METHOD]. complaints reviewed investigated promptly fairly. community leaders obligated respect privacy security reporter incident.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"enforcement-guidelines","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Enforcement Guidelines","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Community leaders follow Community Impact Guidelines determining consequences action deem violation Code Conduct:","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"id_1-correction","dir":"","previous_headings":"Enforcement Guidelines","what":"1. Correction","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Community Impact: Use inappropriate language behavior deemed unprofessional unwelcome community. Consequence: private, written warning community leaders, providing clarity around nature violation explanation behavior inappropriate. public apology may requested.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"id_2-warning","dir":"","previous_headings":"Enforcement Guidelines","what":"2. Warning","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Community Impact: violation single incident series actions. Consequence: warning consequences continued behavior. interaction people involved, including unsolicited interaction enforcing Code Conduct, specified period time. includes avoiding interactions community spaces well external channels like social media. Violating terms may lead temporary permanent ban.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"id_3-temporary-ban","dir":"","previous_headings":"Enforcement Guidelines","what":"3. Temporary Ban","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Community Impact: serious violation community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior. Consequence: temporary ban sort interaction public communication community specified period time. public private interaction people involved, including unsolicited interaction enforcing Code Conduct, allowed period. Violating terms may lead permanent ban.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"id_4-permanent-ban","dir":"","previous_headings":"Enforcement Guidelines","what":"4. Permanent Ban","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Community Impact: Demonstrating pattern violation community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment individual, aggression toward disparagement classes individuals. Consequence: permanent ban sort public interaction within community.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html","id":"attribution","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Attribution","title":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct","text":"Code Conduct adapted Contributor Covenant, version 2.0, available https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/ code_of_conduct.html. Community Impact Guidelines inspired Mozilla’s code conduct enforcement ladder. answers common questions code conduct, see FAQ https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq. Translations available https:// www.contributor-covenant.org/translations.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/LICENSE.html","id":null,"dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"MIT License","title":"MIT License","text":"Copyright (c) 2020 hoopR authors Permission hereby granted, free charge, person obtaining copy software associated documentation files (“Software”), deal Software without restriction, including without limitation rights use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, /sell copies Software, permit persons Software furnished , subject following conditions: copyright notice permission notice shall included copies substantial portions Software. SOFTWARE PROVIDED “”, WITHOUT WARRANTY KIND, EXPRESS IMPLIED, INCLUDING LIMITED WARRANTIES MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS PARTICULAR PURPOSE NONINFRINGEMENT. EVENT SHALL AUTHORS COPYRIGHT HOLDERS LIABLE CLAIM, DAMAGES LIABILITY, WHETHER ACTION CONTRACT, TORT OTHERWISE, ARISING , CONNECTION SOFTWARE USE DEALINGS SOFTWARE.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"installing-r-and-rstudio","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Installing R and RStudio","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"Head https://cran.r-project.org Select appropriate link operating system (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) Windows - Select base download recent version Mac OS X - Select Latest Release, check make sure OS correct version. Look Binaries Legacy OS X Systems older release Linux - Select appropriate distro follow installation instructions Head RStudio.com Follow associated download installation instructions RStudio. Start peering RStudio IDE Cheatsheet. IDE integrated development environment. Windows users: recommend install Rtools. R package! “collection resources building packages R Microsoft Windows, building R ”. Go https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/ follow directions installation.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"install-hoopr","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Install hoopR","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"","code":"# You can install using the pacman package using the following code: if (!requireNamespace('pacman', quietly = TRUE)){ install.packages('pacman') } pacman::p_load_current_gh(\"sportsdataverse/hoopR\", dependencies = TRUE, update = TRUE) pacman::p_load(dplyr, zoo, ggimage, gt)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"the-data","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Install hoopR","what":"The Data","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"generally speaking six men’s basketball data sources accessed package: hoopR-data repo NBA Stats Data API NBA G-League Stats Data API ESPN KenPom (Requires subscription access) NCAA","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"function-names-indicate-the-data-source","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Install hoopR > The Data","what":"Function names indicate the data source","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"Functions use hoopR-data repository contain load_ update_ function name considered loading functions play--play data, team box scores, player box scores. Functions use NBA Stats API start nba_ convention assumed get functions. hoopR version 2.0.0, package exports 127 functions covering NBA Stats API Functions use NBA G-League Stats API start nbagl_ convention assumed get functions. hoopR version 2.0.0, package exports 4 functions covering NBA G-League Stats API Functions use one ESPN’s APIs start espn_ convention assumed get functions. functions allow live access game data men’s college basketball NBA. hoopR version 2.0.0, package exports 10 functions covering men’s college basketball endpoints 10 NBA. Functions use Ken Pomeroy’s college basketball website start kp_ convention assumed get functions. functions allow users active subscription get access data tidy format. hoopR version 2.0.0, package exports 36 functions covering KenPom.com. Functions use NCAA website start ncaa_ convention assumed get functions. hoopR version 2.0.0, package exports 1 function(s) covering NCAA website, namely function access current NET rankings.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"quick-start","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Quick Start","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"sake R session, look previous 3 years data, indicated years data goes back .","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"nba-play-by-plays-2002-2023-60-120-seconds","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Quick Start","what":"NBA play-by-plays (2002-2023) ~ 60-120 seconds","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"","code":"tictoc::tic() progressr::with_progress({ nba_pbp <- hoopR::load_nba_pbp(2021:hoopR::most_recent_nba_season()) }) tictoc::toc() ## 17.599 sec elapsed glue::glue(\"{nrow(nba_pbp)} rows of nba play-by-play data from {length(unique(nba_pbp$game_id))} games.\") ## 1721104 rows of nba play-by-play data from 3681 games. dplyr::glimpse(nba_pbp) ## Rows: 1,721,104 ## Columns: 60 ## $ id 4013441404, 4013441407, 4013441408, 40… ## $ sequence_number \"4\", \"7\", \"8\", \"10\", \"11\", \"12\", \"14\",… ## $ type_id 615, 131, 155, 131, 155, 109, 155, 145… ## $ type_text \"Jumpball\", \"Pullup Jump Shot\", \"Defen… ## $ text \"Deandre Ayton vs. Brook Lopez (Devin … ## $ away_score 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,… ## $ home_score 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,… ## $ period_number 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,… ## $ period_display_value \"1st Quarter\", \"1st Quarter\", \"1st Qua… ## $ clock_display_value \"12:00\", \"11:40\", \"11:39\", \"11:21\", \"1… ## $ scoring_play FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FAL… ## $ score_value 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0,… ## $ team_id 21, 21, 15, 15, 21, 21, 15, 15, 21, 15… ## $ athlete_id_1 4278129, 2779, 3032977, 3995, 6581, 31… ## $ athlete_id_2 3448, NA, NA, NA, NA, 3032977, NA, 660… ## $ athlete_id_3 3136193, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N… ## $ shooting_play FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE,… ## $ coordinate_x_raw -214748340, 30, 30, 6, 6, 25, 25, 28, … ## $ coordinate_y_raw -214748365, 19, 19, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 12,… ## $ season 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 20… ## $ season_type 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,… ## $ away_team_id 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21… ## $ away_team_name \"Phoenix\", \"Phoenix\", \"Phoenix\", \"Phoe… ## $ away_team_mascot \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Suns\"… ## $ away_team_abbrev \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"PH… ## $ away_team_name_alt \"Phoenix\", \"Phoenix\", \"Phoenix\", \"Phoe… ## $ home_team_id 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15… ## $ home_team_name \"Milwaukee\", \"Milwaukee\", \"Milwaukee\",… ## $ home_team_mascot \"Bucks\", \"Bucks\", \"Bucks\", \"Bucks\", \"B… ## $ home_team_abbrev \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"MI… ## $ home_team_name_alt \"Milwaukee\", \"Milwaukee\", \"Milwaukee\",… ## $ home_team_spread 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5… ## $ game_spread -4.5, -4.5, -4.5, -4.5, -4.5, -4.5, -4… ## $ home_favorite TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TR… ## $ game_spread_available TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TR… ## $ game_id 401344140, 401344140, 401344140, 40134… ## $ qtr 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,… ## $ time \"12:00\", \"11:40\", \"11:39\", \"11:21\", \"1… ## $ clock_minutes 12, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 10… ## $ clock_seconds 0, 40, 39, 21, 20, 14, 13, 6, 48, 24, … ## $ half \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\"… ## $ game_half \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\"… ## $ lead_qtr 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,… ## $ lead_game_half \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\"… ## $ start_quarter_seconds_remaining 720, 700, 699, 681, 680, 674, 673, 666… ## $ start_half_seconds_remaining 1320, 1300, 1299, 1281, 1280, 1274, 12… ## $ start_game_seconds_remaining 2520, 2500, 2499, 2481, 2480, 2474, 24… ## $ game_play_number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,… ## $ end_quarter_seconds_remaining 600, 720, 700, 699, 681, 680, 674, 673… ## $ end_half_seconds_remaining 1200, 1320, 1300, 1299, 1281, 1280, 12… ## $ end_game_seconds_remaining 2400, 2520, 2500, 2499, 2481, 2480, 24… ## $ period 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,… ## $ lag_qtr NA, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1… ## $ lag_game_half NA, \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\",… ## $ coordinate_x -214748406.75, -22.75, 22.75, 36.75, -… ## $ coordinate_y -214748365, 5, -5, 19, -19, 0, 0, -3, … ## $ game_date 2021-07-20, 2021-07-20, 2021-07-20, 2… ## $ game_date_time 2021-07-20 21:00:00, 2021-07-20 21:00… ## $ type_abbreviation NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA… ## $ wallclock NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA…"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"nba-team-box-scores-2002-2023-5-30-seconds","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Quick Start","what":"NBA team box scores (2002-2023) ~ 5-30 seconds","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"","code":"tictoc::tic() progressr::with_progress({ nba_team_box <- hoopR::load_nba_team_box(2021:hoopR::most_recent_nba_season()) }) tictoc::toc() ## 2.224 sec elapsed glue::glue(\"{nrow(nba_team_box)} rows of NBA team boxscore data from {length(unique(nba_team_box$game_id))} games.\") ## 7362 rows of NBA team boxscore data from 3681 games. dplyr::glimpse(nba_team_box) ## Rows: 7,362 ## Columns: 57 ## $ game_id 401344140, 401344140, 401344139, 401… ## $ season 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, … ## $ season_type 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, … ## $ game_date 2021-07-20, 2021-07-20, 2021-07-17,… ## $ game_date_time 2021-07-20 21:00:00, 2021-07-20 21:… ## $ team_id 21, 15, 15, 21, 21, 15, 21, 15, 15, … ## $ team_uid \"s:40~l:46~t:21\", \"s:40~l:46~t:15\", … ## $ team_slug \"phoenix-suns\", \"milwaukee-bucks\", \"… ## $ team_location \"Phoenix\", \"Milwaukee\", \"Milwaukee\",… ## $ team_name \"Suns\", \"Bucks\", \"Bucks\", \"Suns\", \"S… ## $ team_abbreviation \"PHX\", \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"… ## $ team_display_name \"Phoenix Suns\", \"Milwaukee Bucks\", \"… ## $ team_short_display_name \"Suns\", \"Bucks\", \"Bucks\", \"Suns\", \"S… ## $ team_color \"23006a\", \"003813\", \"003813\", \"23006… ## $ team_alternate_color \"f1f2f3\", \"f0ebd2\", \"f0ebd2\", \"f1f2f… ## $ team_logo \"https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/n… ## $ team_home_away \"away\", \"home\", \"away\", \"home\", \"awa… ## $ team_score 98, 105, 123, 119, 103, 109, 100, 12… ## $ team_winner FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRU… ## $ assists 14, 20, 26, 23, 18, 22, 21, 28, 21, … ## $ blocks 4, 6, 1, 5, 9, 3, 3, 2, 7, 2, 2, 1, … ## $ defensive_rebounds 31, 42, 26, 27, 35, 31, 30, 34, 28, … ## $ fast_break_points \"11\", \"11\", \"21\", \"12\", \"0\", \"15\", \"… ## $ field_goal_pct 44.2, 45.1, 57.5, 55.2, 51.3, 40.2, … ## $ field_goals_made 38, 37, 50, 48, 40, 39, 40, 43, 42, … ## $ field_goals_attempted 86, 82, 87, 87, 78, 97, 83, 90, 93, … ## $ flagrant_fouls 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, … ## $ fouls 21, 17, 17, 20, 24, 18, 24, 18, 17, … ## $ free_throw_pct 84.2, 86.2, 52.9, 90.9, 84.2, 82.8, … ## $ free_throws_made 16, 25, 9, 10, 16, 24, 11, 20, 15, 1… ## $ free_throws_attempted 19, 29, 17, 11, 19, 29, 16, 26, 23, … ## $ largest_lead \"7\", \"13\", \"14\", \"16\", \"9\", \"8\", \"6\"… ## $ offensive_rebounds 6, 11, 11, 8, 5, 17, 6, 13, 18, 11, … ## $ points_in_paint \"44\", \"50\", \"46\", \"52\", \"40\", \"48\", … ## $ steals 11, 10, 7, 9, 3, 11, 3, 8, 8, 7, 4, … ## $ team_turnovers 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, … ## $ technical_fouls 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, … ## $ three_point_field_goal_pct 24.0, 22.2, 50.0, 68.4, 30.4, 24.1, … ## $ three_point_field_goals_made 6, 6, 14, 13, 7, 7, 9, 14, 9, 20, 16… ## $ three_point_field_goals_attempted 25, 27, 28, 19, 23, 29, 31, 36, 31, … ## $ total_rebounds 37, 53, 37, 35, 40, 48, 36, 47, 46, … ## $ total_technical_fouls 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, … ## $ total_turnovers 15, 19, 12, 9, 17, 5, 15, 9, 9, 13, … ## $ turnover_points \"10\", \"16\", \"17\", \"16\", \"24\", \"5\", \"… ## $ turnovers 14, 18, 11, 8, 17, 5, 14, 9, 9, 12, … ## $ opponent_team_id 15, 21, 21, 15, 15, 21, 15, 21, 21, … ## $ opponent_team_uid \"s:40~l:46~t:15\", \"s:40~l:46~t:21\", … ## $ opponent_team_slug \"milwaukee-bucks\", \"phoenix-suns\", \"… ## $ opponent_team_location \"Milwaukee\", \"Phoenix\", \"Phoenix\", \"… ## $ opponent_team_name \"Bucks\", \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Bucks\", \"B… ## $ opponent_team_abbreviation \"MIL\", \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"… ## $ opponent_team_display_name \"Milwaukee Bucks\", \"Phoenix Suns\", \"… ## $ opponent_team_short_display_name \"Bucks\", \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Bucks\", \"B… ## $ opponent_team_color \"003813\", \"23006a\", \"23006a\", \"00381… ## $ opponent_team_alternate_color \"f0ebd2\", \"f1f2f3\", \"f1f2f3\", \"f0ebd… ## $ opponent_team_logo \"https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/n… ## $ opponent_team_score 105, 98, 119, 123, 109, 103, 120, 10…"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"nba-player-box-scores-2002-2023-5-30-seconds","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Quick Start","what":"NBA player box scores (2002-2023) ~ 5-30 seconds","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"","code":"tictoc::tic() progressr::with_progress({ nba_player_box <- hoopR::load_nba_player_box(2021:hoopR::most_recent_nba_season()) }) tictoc::toc() ## 3.586 sec elapsed glue::glue(\"{nrow(nba_player_box)} rows of NBA player boxscore data from {length(unique(nba_player_box$game_id))} games.\") ## 95878 rows of NBA player boxscore data from 3681 games. dplyr::glimpse(nba_player_box) ## Rows: 95,878 ## Columns: 57 ## $ game_id 401344140, 401344140, 401344140, 401… ## $ season 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, … ## $ season_type 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, … ## $ game_date 2021-07-20, 2021-07-20, 2021-07-20,… ## $ game_date_time 2021-07-20 21:00:00, 2021-07-20 21:… ## $ athlete_id 6581, 3147657, 4278129, 2779, 313619… ## $ athlete_display_name \"Jae Crowder\", \"Mikal Bridges\", \"Dea… ## $ team_id 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, … ## $ team_name \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Sun… ## $ team_location \"Phoenix\", \"Phoenix\", \"Phoenix\", \"Ph… ## $ team_short_display_name \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Suns\", \"Sun… ## $ minutes 41, 39, 36, 39, 46, 11, 1, 16, 10, N… ## $ field_goals_made 4, 3, 4, 11, 8, 3, 0, 1, 4, NA, NA, … ## $ field_goals_attempted 11, 7, 12, 19, 22, 4, 0, 5, 6, NA, N… ## $ three_point_field_goals_made 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, NA, NA, N… ## $ three_point_field_goals_attempted 9, 1, 0, 2, 7, 0, 0, 4, 2, NA, NA, N… ## $ free_throws_made 5, 1, 4, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, NA, NA, N… ## $ free_throws_attempted 5, 2, 5, 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, NA, NA, N… ## $ offensive_rebounds 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, NA, NA, N… ## $ defensive_rebounds 11, 5, 5, 1, 3, 1, 0, 3, 2, NA, NA, … ## $ rebounds 13, 6, 6, 2, 3, 2, 0, 3, 2, NA, NA, … ## $ assists 0, 2, 1, 5, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, NA, NA, N… ## $ steals 4, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, NA, NA, N… ## $ blocks 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, NA, NA, N… ## $ turnovers 2, 0, 2, 3, 6, 0, 0, 0, 1, NA, NA, N… ## $ fouls 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, NA, NA, N… ## $ plus_minus \"+4\", \"-18\", \"-7\", \"-8\", \"-15\", \"0\",… ## $ points 15, 7, 12, 26, 19, 6, 0, 3, 10, NA, … ## $ starter TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE,… ## $ ejected FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, F… ## $ did_not_play FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, F… ## $ reason \"COACH'S DECISION\", \"COACH'S DECISIO… ## $ active TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE,… ## $ athlete_jersey \"99\", \"25\", \"22\", \"3\", \"1\", \"8\", \"0\"… ## $ athlete_short_name \"J. Crowder\", \"M. Bridges\", \"D. Ayto… ## $ athlete_headshot_href \"https://a.espncdn.com/i/headshots/n… ## $ athlete_position_name \"Power Forward\", \"Small Forward\", \"C… ## $ athlete_position_abbreviation \"PF\", \"SF\", \"C\", \"PG\", \"SG\", \"PF\", \"… ## $ team_display_name \"Phoenix Suns\", \"Phoenix Suns\", \"Pho… ## $ team_uid \"s:40~l:46~t:21\", \"s:40~l:46~t:21\", … ## $ team_slug \"phoenix-suns\", \"phoenix-suns\", \"pho… ## $ team_logo \"https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/n… ## $ team_abbreviation \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"PHX\", \"… ## $ team_color \"23006a\", \"23006a\", \"23006a\", \"23006… ## $ team_alternate_color \"f1f2f3\", \"f1f2f3\", \"f1f2f3\", \"f1f2f… ## $ home_away \"away\", \"away\", \"away\", \"away\", \"awa… ## $ team_winner FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, F… ## $ team_score 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, … ## $ opponent_team_id 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, … ## $ opponent_team_name \"Bucks\", \"Bucks\", \"Bucks\", \"Bucks\", … ## $ opponent_team_location \"Milwaukee\", \"Milwaukee\", \"Milwaukee… ## $ opponent_team_display_name \"Milwaukee Bucks\", \"Milwaukee Bucks\"… ## $ opponent_team_abbreviation \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"MIL\", \"… ## $ opponent_team_logo \"https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/n… ## $ opponent_team_color \"003813\", \"003813\", \"003813\", \"00381… ## $ opponent_team_alternate_color \"f0ebd2\", \"f0ebd2\", \"f0ebd2\", \"f0ebd… ## $ opponent_team_score 105, 105, 105, 105, 105, 105, 105, 1…"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"mens-college-basketball-play-by-plays-2006-2023-120-180-seconds","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Quick Start","what":"Men’s college basketball play-by-plays (2006-2023) ~ 120-180 seconds","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"","code":"tictoc::tic() progressr::with_progress({ mbb_pbp <- hoopR::load_mbb_pbp(2021:hoopR::most_recent_mbb_season()) }) tictoc::toc() ## 48.148 sec elapsed glue::glue(\"{nrow(mbb_pbp)} rows of men's college basketball play-by-play data from {length(unique(mbb_pbp$game_id))} games.\") ## 5090789 rows of men's college basketball play-by-play data from 15887 games. dplyr::glimpse(mbb_pbp) ## Rows: 5,090,789 ## Columns: 61 ## $ shooting_play TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE… ## $ sequence_number \"101805201\", \"101805501\", \"101805701\",… ## $ period_display_value \"1st Half\", \"1st Half\", \"1st Half\", \"1… ## $ period_number 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,… ## $ home_score 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,… ## $ scoring_play FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALS… ## $ clock_display_value \"19:47\", \"19:44\", \"19:42\", \"19:22\", \"1… ## $ team_id \"2229\", \"2229\", \"2229\", \"2454\", \"2229\"… ## $ type_id \"558\", \"586\", \"558\", \"598\", \"607\", \"59… ## $ type_text \"JumpShot\", \"Offensive Rebound\", \"Jump… ## $ away_score 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,… ## $ id 4.012525e+17, 4.012525e+17, 4.012525e+… ## $ text \"Antonio Daye Jr. missed Jumper.\", \"Da… ## $ score_value 2, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0,… ## $ participants_0_athlete_id \"4397500\", \"4432143\", \"4397680\", \"4700… ## $ participants_1_athlete_id NA, NA, \"4432143\", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,… ## $ season 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 20… ## $ season_type 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,… ## $ away_team_id 2229, 2229, 2229, 2229, 2229, 2229, 22… ## $ away_team_name \"Florida International\", \"Florida Inte… ## $ away_team_mascot \"Panthers\", \"Panthers\", \"Panthers\", \"P… ## $ away_team_abbrev \"FIU\", \"FIU\", \"FIU\", \"FIU\", \"FIU\", \"FI… ## $ away_team_name_alt \"Florida International\", \"Florida Inte… ## $ home_team_id 2454, 2454, 2454, 2454, 2454, 2454, 24… ## $ home_team_name \"North Florida\", \"North Florida\", \"Nor… ## $ home_team_mascot \"Ospreys\", \"Ospreys\", \"Ospreys\", \"Ospr… ## $ home_team_abbrev \"UNF\", \"UNF\", \"UNF\", \"UNF\", \"UNF\", \"UN… ## $ home_team_name_alt \"North Florida\", \"North Florida\", \"Nor… ## $ home_team_spread -7.5, -7.5, -7.5, -7.5, -7.5, -7.5, -7… ## $ game_spread 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5… ## $ home_favorite FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FAL… ## $ game_spread_available TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TR… ## $ game_id 401252483, 401252483, 401252483, 40125… ## $ qtr 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,… ## $ time \"19:47\", \"19:44\", \"19:42\", \"19:22\", \"1… ## $ clock_minutes \"19\", \"19\", \"19\", \"19\", \"19\", \"19\", \"1… ## $ clock_seconds \"47\", \"44\", \"42\", \"22\", \"22\", \"20\", \"0… ## $ half \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\"… ## $ game_half \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\"… ## $ lag_qtr NA, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1… ## $ lead_qtr 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,… ## $ lag_game_half NA, \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\",… ## $ lead_game_half \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\", \"1\"… ## $ start_quarter_seconds_remaining 1187, 1184, 1182, 1162, 1162, 1160, 11… ## $ start_half_seconds_remaining 1787, 1784, 1782, 1762, 1762, 1760, 17… ## $ start_game_seconds_remaining 2987, 2984, 2982, 2962, 2962, 2960, 29… ## $ game_play_number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,… ## $ end_quarter_seconds_remaining 600, 1187, 1184, 1182, 1162, 1162, 116… ## $ end_half_seconds_remaining 1200, 1787, 1784, 1782, 1762, 1762, 17… ## $ end_game_seconds_remaining 2400, 2987, 2984, 2982, 2962, 2962, 29… ## $ period 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,… ## $ coordinate_x NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA… ## $ coordinate_y NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA… ## $ athlete_id_1 NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA… ## $ wallclock NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA… ## $ athlete_id_2 NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA… ## $ game_date NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N… ## $ game_date_time NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N… ## $ coordinate_x_raw NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA… ## $ coordinate_y_raw NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA… ## $ media_id NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA…"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"mens-college-basketball-team-box-scores-2003-2023-5-30-seconds","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Quick Start","what":"Men’s college basketball team box scores (2003-2023) ~ 5-30 seconds","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"","code":"tictoc::tic() progressr::with_progress({ mbb_team_box <- hoopR::load_mbb_team_box(2021:hoopR::most_recent_mbb_season()) }) tictoc::toc() ## 3.014 sec elapsed glue::glue(\"{nrow(mbb_team_box)} rows of men's college basketball team boxscore data from {length(unique(mbb_team_box$game_id))} games.\") ## 32778 rows of men's college basketball team boxscore data from 16389 games. dplyr::glimpse(mbb_team_box) ## Rows: 32,778 ## Columns: 63 ## $ team_short_display_name \"Florid… ## $ team_uid \"s:40~l… ## $ team_alternate_color \"c5960c… ## $ team_color \"091731… ## $ team_display_name \"Florid… ## $ team_name \"Panthe… ## $ team_logo \"https:… ## $ team_location \"Florid… ## $ team_id \"2229\",… ## $ team_abbreviation \"FIU\", … ## $ team_slug \"florid… ## $ field_goals_made_field_goals_attempted \"28-67\"… ## $ field_goal_pct \"41.8\",… ## $ three_point_field_goals_made_three_point_field_goals_attempted \"9-26\",… ## $ three_point_field_goal_pct \"34.6\",… ## $ free_throws_made_free_throws_attempted \"12-15\"… ## $ free_throw_pct \"80.0\",… ## $ total_rebounds \"35\", \"… ## $ offensive_rebounds \"16\", \"… ## $ defensive_rebounds \"19\", \"… ## $ team_rebounds \"0\", \"0… ## $ assists \"16\", \"… ## $ steals \"11\", \"… ## $ blocks \"3\", \"7… ## $ turnovers \"13\", \"… ## $ team_turnovers \"0\", \"0… ## $ total_turnovers \"13\", \"… ## $ technical_fouls \"0\", \"0… ## $ total_technical_fouls \"0\", \"0… ## $ flagrant_fouls \"0\", \"0… ## $ fouls \"19\", \"… ## $ largest_lead \"9\", \"1… ## $ home_away \"HOME\",… ## $ opponent_id 2454, 2… ## $ opponent_name \"North … ## $ opponent_mascot \"Osprey… ## $ opponent_abbrev \"UNF\", … ## $ game_id 4012524… ## $ season 2021, 2… ## $ season_type 2, 2, 2… ## $ game_date 2020-1… ## $ game_date_time NA, NA… ## $ team_home_away NA, NA,… ## $ team_score NA, NA,… ## $ team_winner NA, NA,… ## $ field_goals_made NA, NA,… ## $ field_goals_attempted NA, NA,… ## $ free_throws_made NA, NA,… ## $ free_throws_attempted NA, NA,… ## $ three_point_field_goals_made NA, NA,… ## $ three_point_field_goals_attempted NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_id NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_uid NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_slug NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_location NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_name NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_abbreviation NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_display_name NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_short_display_name NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_color NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_alternate_color NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_logo NA, NA,… ## $ opponent_team_score NA, NA,…"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"mens-college-basketball-player-box-scores-2003-2023-5-30-seconds","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Quick Start","what":"Men’s college basketball player box scores (2003-2023) ~ 5-30 seconds","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"","code":"tictoc::tic() progressr::with_progress({ mbb_player_box <- hoopR::load_mbb_player_box(2021:hoopR::most_recent_mbb_season()) }) tictoc::toc() ## 7.63 sec elapsed glue::glue(\"{nrow(mbb_player_box)} rows of men's college basketball player boxscore data from {length(unique(mbb_player_box$game_id))} games.\") ## 519348 rows of men's college basketball player boxscore data from 16354 games. dplyr::glimpse(mbb_player_box) ## Rows: 519,348 ## Columns: 55 ## $ game_id 401310865, 401310865, 401310865, 401… ## $ season 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, … ## $ season_type 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, … ## $ game_date 2021-04-05, 2021-04-05, 2021-04-05,… ## $ game_date_time 2021-04-05 21:20:00, 2021-04-05 21:… ## $ athlete_id 4395692, 4395695, 4278053, 4067696, … ## $ athlete_display_name \"Flo Thamba\", \"Jared Butler\", \"Davio… ## $ team_id 239, 239, 239, 239, 239, 239, 239, 2… ## $ team_name \"Bears\", \"Bears\", \"Bears\", \"Bears\", … ## $ team_location \"Baylor\", \"Baylor\", \"Baylor\", \"Baylo… ## $ team_short_display_name \"Baylor\", \"Baylor\", \"Baylor\", \"Baylo… ## $ minutes 16, 31, 36, 31, 27, 1, 16, 16, 1, 1,… ## $ field_goals_made 0, 6, 6, 8, 3, 0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0, … ## $ field_goals_attempted 3, 14, 15, 15, 7, 0, 4, 2, 0, 1, 6, … ## $ three_point_field_goals_made 0, 4, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, … ## $ three_point_field_goals_attempted 0, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 4, 0, … ## $ free_throws_made 3, 6, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, … ## $ free_throws_attempted 4, 6, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, … ## $ offensive_rebounds 3, 0, 1, 0, 8, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, … ## $ defensive_rebounds 3, 3, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, … ## $ rebounds 6, 3, 6, 2, 11, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0,… ## $ assists 0, 7, 5, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, … ## $ steals 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, … ## $ blocks 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, … ## $ turnovers 1, 0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, … ## $ fouls 5, 3, 1, 0, 3, 0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, … ## $ points 3, 22, 15, 19, 6, 0, 6, 2, 0, 0, 13,… ## $ starter TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE,… ## $ ejected FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, F… ## $ did_not_play FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, F… ## $ active FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, F… ## $ athlete_jersey \"0\", \"12\", \"45\", \"31\", \"11\", \"32\", \"… ## $ athlete_short_name \"F. Thamba\", \"J. Butler\", \"D. Mitche… ## $ athlete_headshot_href \"https://a.espncdn.com/i/headshots/m… ## $ athlete_position_name \"Forward\", \"Guard\", \"Guard\", \"Guard\"… ## $ athlete_position_abbreviation \"F\", \"G\", \"G\", \"G\", \"G\", \"F\", \"F\", \"… ## $ team_display_name \"Baylor Bears\", \"Baylor Bears\", \"Bay… ## $ team_uid \"s:40~l:41~t:239\", \"s:40~l:41~t:239\"… ## $ team_slug \"baylor-bears\", \"baylor-bears\", \"bay… ## $ team_logo \"https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/n… ## $ team_abbreviation \"BAY\", \"BAY\", \"BAY\", \"BAY\", \"BAY\", \"… ## $ team_color \"004834\", \"004834\", \"004834\", \"00483… ## $ team_alternate_color \"ffb81c\", \"ffb81c\", \"ffb81c\", \"ffb81… ## $ home_away \"away\", \"away\", \"away\", \"away\", \"awa… ## $ team_winner TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, … ## $ team_score 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, … ## $ opponent_team_id 2250, 2250, 2250, 2250, 2250, 2250, … ## $ opponent_team_name \"Bulldogs\", \"Bulldogs\", \"Bulldogs\", … ## $ opponent_team_location \"Gonzaga\", \"Gonzaga\", \"Gonzaga\", \"Go… ## $ opponent_team_display_name \"Gonzaga Bulldogs\", \"Gonzaga Bulldog… ## $ opponent_team_abbreviation \"GONZ\", \"GONZ\", \"GONZ\", \"GONZ\", \"GON… ## $ opponent_team_logo \"https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/n… ## $ opponent_team_color \"002967\", \"002967\", \"002967\", \"00296… ## $ opponent_team_alternate_color \"cfd4d8\", \"cfd4d8\", \"cfd4d8\", \"cfd4d… ## $ opponent_team_score 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, …"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"our-authors","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Our Authors","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/getting-started-hoopR.html","id":"our-contributors-theyre-awesome","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Our Authors","what":"Our Contributors (they’re awesome)","title":"Getting Started with hoopR","text":"Jason Lee Billy Fryer Ross Drucker","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/kenpom-example-functions.html","id":"ratings-table-function-examples","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Ratings Table Function examples","title":"KenPom Example Functions","text":"","code":"#---- kp_ratings_tables.R ---------------- pomeroy_ratings <- kp_pomeroy_ratings(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2020) efficiency <- kp_efficiency(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2020) fourfactors <- kp_fourfactors(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2020) pointdist <- kp_pointdist(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2020) height <- kp_height(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2020) teamstats <- kp_teamstats(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2020) playerstats <- kp_playerstats(metric = 'eFG', conf_only = FALSE, year = 2020) kpoy <- kp_kpoy(year = 2020)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/kenpom-example-functions.html","id":"team-tables","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Team Tables","title":"KenPom Example Functions","text":"","code":"#---- kp_team_tables.R ------------------- team_sched <- kp_team_schedule(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020) gameplan <- kp_gameplan(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020) opptracker <- kp_opptracker(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020) team_players <- kp_team_players(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020) minutes_matrix <- kp_minutes_matrix(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020) team_player_stats <- kp_team_player_stats(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020) team_player_stats1 <- team_player_stats[[1]] team_player_stats2 <- team_player_stats[[2]] team_depth_chart <- kp_team_depth_chart(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020) team_lineups <- kp_team_lineups(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/kenpom-example-functions.html","id":"historical-tables","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Historical Tables","title":"KenPom Example Functions","text":"","code":"#---- kp_historical_tables.R ------------ team_history <- kp_team_history(team = 'Florida St.') coach_history <- kp_coach_history(coach = 'Leonard Hamilton') program_ratings <- kp_program_ratings() # records_team appears to be working but there isn't anything # there anymore at the moment for all years # records_team <- get_records_team(browser, team = 'Florida St.') pomeroy_archive_ratings <- kp_pomeroy_archive_ratings(date = '2018-11-22') conf <- kp_conf(year = '2020',conf = 'ACC') conf_stats <- kp_confstats(year = '2020') conf_history <- kp_confhistory(conf = 'ACC')"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/articles/kenpom-example-functions.html","id":"miscellaneous-stats-tables","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Miscellaneous Stats Tables","title":"KenPom Example Functions","text":"","code":"#---- kp_misc_stats.R ------------------ trends <- kp_trends() officials <- kp_officials(year = 2020) hca <- kp_hca() arenas <- kp_arenas(year = 2020) game_attrs <- kp_game_attrs(year = 2020, attr = \"Excitement\") fanmatch <- kp_fanmatch(date = \"2020-03-10\")"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/authors.html","id":null,"dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Authors","title":"Authors and Citation","text":"Saiem Gilani. Author, maintainer. Jason Lee. Contributor. Billy Fryer. Contributor. Ross Drucker. Contributor.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/authors.html","id":"citation","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Citation","title":"Authors and Citation","text":"Saiem Gilani. hoopR: SportsDataverse's R Package Men's Basketball Data. Retrieved https://hoopr.sportsdataverse.org","code":"@Misc{, author = {Saiem Gilani}, title = {hoopR: The SportsDataverse's R Package for Men's Basketball Data.}, url = {https://hoopr.sportsdataverse.org}, note = {R package version 2.0.0}, }"},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/index.html","id":"hoopr-","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR","title":"hoopR • Data and Tools for Men's Basketball","text":"hoopR R package working men’s basketball data. package functions access live play play box score data ESPN shot locations available. version 1.3.0, hoopR also full NBA Stats API wrapper 127 functions added release. additionally scraping aggregating interface Ken Pomeroy’s men’s college basketball statistics website, kenpom.com. provides users active subscription capability scrape website tables analyze data .","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/index.html","id":"installation","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Installation","title":"hoopR • Data and Tools for Men's Basketball","text":"can install CRAN version hoopR : can install released version hoopR GitHub :","code":"install.packages(\"hoopR\") # You can install using the pacman package using the following code: if (!requireNamespace('pacman', quietly = TRUE)){ install.packages('pacman') } pacman::p_load_current_gh(\"sportsdataverse/hoopR\", dependencies = TRUE, update = TRUE)"},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/index.html","id":"nba-full-play-by-play-seasons-2002-2023--1-2-minutes","dir":"","previous_headings":"Quick Start","what":"NBA full play-by-play seasons (2002-2023) ~ 1-2 minutes","title":"hoopR • Data and Tools for Men's Basketball","text":"","code":"tictoc::tic() progressr::with_progress({ nba_pbp <- hoopR::load_nba_pbp() }) tictoc::toc() ## 5.23 sec elapsed ## 546926 rows of NBA play-by-play data from 1161 games."},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/index.html","id":"mens-college-basketball-full-play-by-play-seasons-2006-2023--2-3-minutes","dir":"","previous_headings":"Quick Start","what":"Men’s college basketball full play-by-play seasons (2006-2023) ~ 2-3 minutes","title":"hoopR • Data and Tools for Men's Basketball","text":"","code":"tictoc::tic() progressr::with_progress({ mbb_pbp <- hoopR::load_mbb_pbp() }) tictoc::toc() ## 17.72 sec elapsed ## 1956490 rows of men's college basketball play-by-play data from 6113 games."},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/index.html","id":"documentation","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Documentation","title":"hoopR • Data and Tools for Men's Basketball","text":"information package function reference, please see hoopR documentation website.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/index.html","id":"breaking-changes","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Breaking Changes","title":"hoopR • Data and Tools for Men's Basketball","text":"Full News Releases","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/index.html","id":"our-authors","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Our Authors","title":"hoopR • Data and Tools for Men's Basketball","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/index.html","id":"our-contributors-theyre-awesome","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Our Contributors (they’re awesome)","title":"hoopR • Data and Tools for Men's Basketball","text":"Jason Lee Billy Fryer Ross Drucker","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/index.html","id":"citations","dir":"","previous_headings":"","what":"Citations","title":"hoopR • Data and Tools for Men's Basketball","text":"cite hoopR R package publications, use: BibTex Citation","code":"@misc{gilani_2021_hoopR, author = {Gilani, Saiem}, title = {hoopR: The SportsDataverse's R Package for Men's Basketball Data.}, url = {https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org}, year = {2021} }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/check_status.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Check Status function — check_status","title":"Check Status function — check_status","text":"Check Status function","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/check_status.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Check Status function — check_status","text":"","code":"check_status(res)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/check_status.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Check Status function — check_status","text":"res Response API","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/clean_team_names_NCAA_merge.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Clean KenPom Data Frame Team Names to match NCAA Team Names for easier merging — clean_team_names_NCAA_merge","title":"Clean KenPom Data Frame Team Names to match NCAA Team Names for easier merging — clean_team_names_NCAA_merge","text":"Clean KenPom Data Frame Team Names match NCAA Team Names easier merging","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/clean_team_names_NCAA_merge.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Clean KenPom Data Frame Team Names to match NCAA Team Names for easier merging — clean_team_names_NCAA_merge","text":"","code":"clean_team_names_NCAA_merge(df)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/clean_team_names_NCAA_merge.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Clean KenPom Data Frame Team Names to match NCAA Team Names for easier merging — clean_team_names_NCAA_merge","text":"df KenPom dataframe","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/csv_from_url.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load .csv / .csv.gz file from a remote connection — csv_from_url","title":"Load .csv / .csv.gz file from a remote connection — csv_from_url","text":"thin wrapper data.table::fread","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/csv_from_url.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load .csv / .csv.gz file from a remote connection — csv_from_url","text":"","code":"csv_from_url(...)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/csv_from_url.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load .csv / .csv.gz file from a remote connection — csv_from_url","text":"... Arguments passed data.table::fread input single character string. value inspected deferred either file= (\\n present), text= (least one \\n present) cmd= (\\n present, least one space present, file name). Exactly one input=, file=, text=, cmd= used call. file File name working directory, path file (passed path.expand convenience), URL starting http://, file://, etc. Compressed files extension .gz .bz2 supported R.utils package installed. text input data character vector one lines, example returned readLines(). cmd shell command pre-processes file; e.g. fread(cmd=paste(\"grep\",word,\"filename\")). See Details. sep separator columns. Defaults character set [,\\t |;:] separates sample rows number lines number fields. Use NULL \"\" specify separator; .e. line single character column like base::readLines . sep2 separator within columns. list column returned cell vector values. much faster using less working memory strsplit afterwards similar techniques. column sep2 can different first character set [,\\t |;], sep, exists inside field outside quoted regions sample. NB: sep2 yet implemented. nrows maximum number rows read. Unlike read.table, need set estimate number rows file better speed already automatically determined fread almost instantly using large sample lines. nrows=0 returns column names typed empty columns determined large sample; useful dry run large file quickly check format consistency set files starting read . header first data line contain column names? Defaults according whether every non-empty field first data line type character. , TRUE supplied, empty column names given default name. na.strings character vector strings interpreted NA values. default, \",,\" columns types, including type character read NA consistency. ,\"\", unambiguous read empty string. read ,NA, NA, set na.strings=\"NA\". read ,, blank string \"\", set na.strings=NULL. occur file, strings na.strings appear quoted since string literal ,\"NA\", distinguished ,NA,, example, na.strings=\"NA\". stringsAsFactors Convert character columns factors? verbose chatty report timings? skip 0 (default) start first line finds first row consistent number columns. automatically avoids irregular header information column names row. skip>0 means ignore first skip rows manually. skip=\"string\" searches \"string\" file (e.g. substring column names row) starts line (inspired read.xls package gdata). select vector column names numbers keep, drop rest. select may specify types way colClasses; .e., vector colname=type pairs, list type=col(s) pairs. forms select, order columns specified determines order columns result. drop Vector column names numbers drop, keep rest. colClasses utils::read.csv; .e., unnamed vector types corresponding columns file, named vector specifying types subset columns name. default, NULL means types inferred data file. , data.table supports named list vectors column names numbers list names class names; see examples. list form makes easier set batch columns particular class. column numbers used list form, refer column number file column number select drop applied. type coercion results error, introduces NAs, result loss accuracy, coercion attempt aborted column warning column's type left unchanged. really desire data loss (e.g. reading 3.14 integer) truncate columns afterwards explicitly clear future readers code. integer64 \"integer64\" (default) reads columns detected containing integers larger 2^31 type bit64::integer64. Alternatively, \"double\"|\"numeric\" reads utils::read.csv ; .e., possibly loss precision silently. , \"character\". dec decimal separator utils::read.csv. \".\" (default) usually \",\". See details. col.names vector optional names variables (columns). default use header column present detected, \"V\" followed column number. applied check.names key index. check.names default FALSE. TRUE names variables data.table checked ensure syntactically valid variable names. necessary adjusted (make.names) , also ensure duplicates. encoding default \"unknown\". possible options \"UTF-8\" \"Latin-1\". Note: used re-encode input, rather enables handling encoded strings native encoding. quote default (\"\\\"\"), field starts double quote, fread handles embedded quotes robustly explained Details. fails, another attempt made read field , .e., quotes disabled. setting quote=\"\", field always read quotes disabled. expected ever need pass anything \\\"\\\" quote; .e., turn . strip.white default TRUE. Strips leading trailing whitespaces unquoted fields. FALSE, header trailing spaces removed. fill logical (default FALSE). TRUE case rows unequal length, blank fields implicitly filled. blank.lines.skip logical, default FALSE. TRUE blank lines input ignored. key Character vector one column names passed setkey. may single comma separated string key=\"x,y,z\", vector names key=c(\"x\",\"y\",\"z\"). valid argument data.table=TRUE. applicable, refer column names given col.names. index Character vector list character vectors one column names passed setindexv. key, comma-separated notation like index=\"x,y,z\" accepted convenience. valid argument data.table=TRUE. applicable, refer column names given col.names. showProgress TRUE displays progress console ETA greater 3 seconds. produced fread's C code nice (R level) txtProgressBar tkProgressBar easily available. data.table TRUE returns data.table. FALSE returns data.frame. default argument can changed options(datatable.fread.datatable=FALSE). nThread number threads use. Experiment see works best data hardware. logical01 TRUE column containing 0s 1s read logical, otherwise integer. keepLeadingZeros TRUE column containing numeric data leading zeros read character, otherwise leading zeros removed converted numeric. yaml TRUE, fread attempt parse (using yaml.load) top input YAML, glean parameters relevant improving performance fread data . entire YAML section returned parsed list yaml_metadata attribute. See Details. autostart Deprecated ignored warning. Please use skip instead. tmpdir Directory use tmpdir argument tempfile calls, e.g. input URL shell command. default tempdir() can controlled setting TMPDIR starting R session; see base::tempdir. tz Relevant datetime values Z UTC-offset end, .e. unmarked datetime, written utils::write.csv. default tz=\"UTC\" reads unmarked datetime UTC POSIXct efficiently. tz=\"\" reads unmarked datetime type character (slowly) .POSIXct can interpret (slowly) character datetimes local timezone; e.g. using \"POSIXct\" colClasses=. Note fwrite() default writes datetime UTC including final Z therefore fwrite's output read fread consistently quickly without needing use tz= colClasses=. TZ environment variable set \"UTC\" (\"\" non-Windows unset vs `\"\"` significant) R session's timezone already UTC tz=\"\" result unmarked datetimes read UTC POSIXct. information, please see news items v1.13.0 v1.14.0.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/csv_from_url.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load .csv / .csv.gz file from a remote connection — csv_from_url","text":"dataframe created data.table::fread()","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_betting.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN MBB's Betting information — espn_mbb_betting","title":"Get ESPN MBB's Betting information — espn_mbb_betting","text":"Get ESPN MBB's Betting information","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_betting.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN MBB's Betting information — espn_mbb_betting","text":"","code":"espn_mbb_betting(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_betting.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN MBB's Betting information — espn_mbb_betting","text":"game_id Game ID","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_betting.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN MBB's Betting information — espn_mbb_betting","text":"Returns named list data frames: pickcenter, againstTheSpread, predictor pickcenter againstTheSpread predictor","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_betting.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN MBB's Betting information — espn_mbb_betting","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_mbb_betting(game_id = 401256760)) #> $pickcenter #> ── ESPN MBB Pickcenter Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:23 UTC #> # A tibble: 4 × 33 #> details over_under spread provider_id provider_name provider_priority #> * #> 1 FSU -1.5 134. -1.5 45 Caesars Sportsbook (… 1 #> 2 FSU -1.5 136. -1.5 1004 consensus 0 #> 3 FSU -1.5 134. -1.5 1003 numberfire 0 #> 4 FSU -1.0 134. -1 1002 teamrankings 0 #> # ℹ 27 more variables: away_team_odds_favorite , #> # away_team_odds_underdog , away_team_odds_money_line , #> # away_team_odds_spread_odds , away_team_odds_team_id , #> # away_team_odds_win_percentage , away_team_odds_average_score , #> # away_team_odds_money_line_odds , away_team_odds_spread_return , #> # away_team_odds_spread_record_wins , #> # away_team_odds_spread_record_losses , … #> #> $againstTheSpread #> ── ESPN MBB Against the Spread Information from ESPN.com ──────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:23 UTC #> # A tibble: 2 × 9 #> id uid display_name abbreviation logo logos records game_id team_id #> * #> 1 57 s:40~l:41… Florida Gat… FLA http… 4.01e8 57 #> 2 52 s:40~l:41… Florida Sta… FSU http… 4.01e8 52 #> #> $predictor #> ── ESPN MBB Predictor Information from ESPN.com ───────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:23 UTC #> # A tibble: 1 × 5 #> game_id home_team_id away_team_id away_team_game_proje…¹ away_team_chance_loss #> #> 1 4.01e8 52 57 58.5 41.5 #> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​away_team_game_projection #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_conferences.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN conference names and IDs — espn_mbb_conferences","title":"Get ESPN conference names and IDs — espn_mbb_conferences","text":"Get ESPN conference names IDs","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_conferences.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN conference names and IDs — espn_mbb_conferences","text":"","code":"espn_mbb_conferences()"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_conferences.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN conference names and IDs — espn_mbb_conferences","text":"conferences data frame","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_conferences.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get ESPN conference names and IDs — espn_mbb_conferences","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_conferences.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN conference names and IDs — espn_mbb_conferences","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_mbb_conferences()) #> ── ESPN MBB Conferences Information from ESPN.com ─────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:24 UTC #> # A tibble: 33 × 7 #> group_id conference_short_name conference_uid conference_name conference_logo #> #> 1 3 A 10 s:40~l:41~g:3 Atlantic 10 Co… https://a.espn… #> 2 2 ACC s:40~l:41~g:2 Atlantic Coast… https://a.espn… #> 3 46 ASUN s:40~l:41~g:46 ASUN Conference NA #> 4 1 Am. East s:40~l:41~g:1 America East C… https://a.espn… #> 5 62 American s:40~l:41~g:62 American Athle… https://a.espn… #> 6 8 Big 12 s:40~l:41~g:8 Big 12 Confere… https://a.espn… #> 7 4 Big East s:40~l:41~g:4 Big East Confe… https://a.espn… #> 8 5 Big Sky s:40~l:41~g:5 Big Sky Confer… https://a.espn… #> 9 6 Big South s:40~l:41~g:6 Big South Conf… https://a.espn… #> 10 7 Big Ten s:40~l:41~g:7 Big Ten Confer… https://a.espn… #> # ℹ 23 more rows #> # ℹ 2 more variables: parent_group_id , conference_id # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_all.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN men's college basketball data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_mbb_game_all","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_mbb_game_all","text":"Get ESPN men's college basketball data (Pbp, Team Player Box)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_all.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_mbb_game_all","text":"","code":"espn_mbb_game_all(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_all.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_mbb_game_all","text":"game_id Game ID","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_all.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_mbb_game_all","text":"named list data frames: Plays, Team, Player Plays Team Player","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_all.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_mbb_game_all","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_all.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_mbb_game_all","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_mbb_game_all(game_id = 401479672)) #> $Plays #> ── ESPN MBB Play-by-Play Information from ESPN.com ────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:25 UTC #> # A tibble: 360 × 51 #> id sequence_number text away_score home_score scoring_play score_value #> #> 1 4014796… 101799901 Jump… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 2 4014796… 101805501 Jess… 0 0 FALSE 2 #> 3 4014796… 101805502 RJ M… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 4 4014796… 101805503 Skyy… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 5 4014796… 101808101 Terr… 0 0 FALSE 3 #> 6 4014796… 101808102 RJ M… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 7 4014796… 101809301 RJ M… 0 0 FALSE 2 #> 8 4014796… 101809302 Benn… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 9 4014796… 101809501 Foul… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 10 4014796… 101814601 Juda… 0 0 FALSE 2 #> # ℹ 350 more rows #> # ℹ 44 more variables: wallclock , shooting_play , type_id , #> # type_text , period_number , period_display_value , #> # clock_display_value , team_id , coordinate_x_raw , #> # coordinate_y_raw , coordinate_x , coordinate_y , #> # play_id , athlete_id_1 , athlete_id_2 , home_team_id , #> # home_team_mascot , home_team_name , home_team_abbrev , … #> #> $Team #> ── ESPN MBB Team Box Information from ESPN.com ────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:25 UTC #> # A tibble: 2 × 54 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time team_id team_uid #> #> 1 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 183 s:40~l:41… #> 2 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 356 s:40~l:41… #> # ℹ 47 more variables: team_slug , team_location , team_name , #> # team_abbreviation , team_display_name , #> # team_short_display_name , team_color , #> # team_alternate_color , team_logo , team_home_away , #> # team_score , team_winner , assists , blocks , #> # defensive_rebounds , field_goal_pct , field_goals_made , #> # field_goals_attempted , flagrant_fouls , fouls , … #> #> $Player #> ── ESPN MBB Player Box Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:26 UTC #> # A tibble: 30 × 55 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time athlete_id #> #> 1 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 4684627 #> 2 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 4575472 #> 3 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 4431816 #> 4 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 4684729 #> 5 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 4431746 #> 6 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 5105337 #> 7 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 4592369 #> 8 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 4700878 #> 9 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 4684746 #> 10 401479672 2023 2 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 19:30:00 4683860 #> # ℹ 20 more rows #> # ℹ 49 more variables: athlete_display_name , team_id , #> # team_name , team_location , team_short_display_name , #> # minutes , field_goals_made , field_goals_attempted , #> # three_point_field_goals_made , #> # three_point_field_goals_attempted , free_throws_made , #> # free_throws_attempted , offensive_rebounds , … #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_rosters.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN men's college basketball game rosters — espn_mbb_game_rosters","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball game rosters — espn_mbb_game_rosters","text":"Get ESPN men's college basketball game rosters","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_rosters.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball game rosters — espn_mbb_game_rosters","text":"","code":"espn_mbb_game_rosters(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_rosters.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball game rosters — espn_mbb_game_rosters","text":"game_id Game ID","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_rosters.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball game rosters — espn_mbb_game_rosters","text":"game rosters data frame","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_rosters.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball game rosters — espn_mbb_game_rosters","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_game_rosters.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball game rosters — espn_mbb_game_rosters","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_mbb_game_rosters(game_id = 401256760)) #> ── ESPN MBB Game Roster Information from ESPN.com ─────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:31 UTC #> # A tibble: 34 × 71 #> athlete_id athlete_uid athlete_guid athlete_type sdr first_name last_name #> #> 1 4277850 s:40~l:41~a… 7b156c52fa1… basketball 4.28e6 RaiQuan Gray #> 2 4432829 s:40~l:41~a… 2734604d097… basketball 4.43e6 Balsa Koprivica #> 3 4433134 s:40~l:41~a… dd0bb1da-07… basketball 4.43e6 Scottie Barnes #> 4 4277854 s:40~l:41~a… f44291c90d0… basketball 4.28e6 MJ Walker #> 5 4277852 s:40~l:41~a… f376da3f468… basketball 4.28e6 Anthony Polite #> 6 4279098 s:40~l:41~a… 89f097edf5d… basketball 4.28e6 Malik Osborne #> 7 4701240 s:40~l:41~a… f35c5378-4b… basketball 4.70e6 Tanor Ngom #> 8 4683134 s:40~l:41~a… f878c598-70… basketball 4.68e6 Quincy Ballard #> 9 4701239 s:40~l:41~a… 88820814-39… basketball 4.70e6 Sardaar Calhoun #> 10 4592191 s:40~l:41~a… 066a390d78f… basketball 4.59e6 Nathanael Jack #> # ℹ 24 more rows #> # ℹ 64 more variables: full_name , athlete_display_name , #> # short_name , weight , display_weight , height , #> # display_height , age , date_of_birth , #> # birth_place_city , birth_place_state , birth_place_country , #> # slug , headshot_href , headshot_alt , jersey , #> # hand_type , hand_abbreviation , hand_display_value , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_pbp.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN men's college basketball PBP data — espn_mbb_pbp","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball PBP data — espn_mbb_pbp","text":"Get ESPN men's college basketball PBP data","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_pbp.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball PBP data — espn_mbb_pbp","text":"","code":"espn_mbb_pbp(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_pbp.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball PBP data — espn_mbb_pbp","text":"game_id Game ID","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_pbp.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball PBP data — espn_mbb_pbp","text":"play--play data frame. 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team_location , team_name , team_nickname , #> # team_abbreviation , team_color , team_logo , #> # occurrence_number , occurrence_type , occurrence_last , #> # occurrence_value , occurrence_display_value , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_scoreboard.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN men's college basketball schedule for a specific year — espn_mbb_scoreboard","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball schedule for a specific year — espn_mbb_scoreboard","text":"Get ESPN men's college basketball schedule specific year","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_scoreboard.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball schedule for a specific year — espn_mbb_scoreboard","text":"","code":"espn_mbb_scoreboard(season)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_scoreboard.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball schedule for a specific year — espn_mbb_scoreboard","text":"season Either numeric character","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_scoreboard.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball schedule for a specific year — espn_mbb_scoreboard","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_scoreboard.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball schedule for a specific year — espn_mbb_scoreboard","text":"","code":"# Get schedule from date 2022-11-17 # 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broadcast_market , broadcast_name , start_date , #> # game_date_time , home_team_name , home_team_logo , #> # home_team_abb , home_team_id , home_team_location , #> # home_team_full_name , home_team_color , home_score , #> # home_win , home_record , away_team_name , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_standings.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN men's college basketball standings — espn_mbb_standings","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball standings — espn_mbb_standings","text":"Get ESPN men's college basketball standings","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_standings.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball standings — espn_mbb_standings","text":"","code":"espn_mbb_standings(year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_standings.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball standings — espn_mbb_standings","text":"year Either numeric character (YYYY)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_standings.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball standings — espn_mbb_standings","text":"standings data frame","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_standings.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball standings — espn_mbb_standings","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_mbb_standings(2021)) #> ── ESPN MBB Standings Information from ESPN.com ───────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:38 UTC #> # A tibble: 348 × 74 #> team_id team avgpointsagainst avgpointsfor gamesbehind leaguewinpercent #> * #> 1 2250 Gonzaga B… 69.7 91.0 0 1 #> 2 239 Baylor Be… 65.5 82.9 0 0.929 #> 3 2737 Winthrop … 67.0 78.9 0 0.944 #> 4 248 Houston C… 58.2 76.1 0 0.824 #> 5 2142 Colgate R… 69.6 85.2 0 0.917 #> 6 2057 Belmont B… 69.1 81.3 -0.5 0.9 #> 7 2350 Loyola Ch… 56.1 71.0 -5 0.889 #> 8 2181 Drake Bul… 64.5 75.9 0 0.833 #> 9 253 Southern … 69.5 84.2 -3 0.857 #> 10 2426 Navy Mids… 67 71.5 0 0.923 #> # ℹ 338 more rows #> # ℹ 68 more variables: losses , playoffseed , pointsagainst , #> # pointsfor , streak , winpercent , wins , total , #> # home_avgpointsagainst , home_avgpointsfor , #> # home_gamesbehind , home_leaguewinpercent , home_losses , #> # home_playoffseed , home_pointsagainst , home_pointsfor , #> # home_streak , home_winpercent , home_wins , home , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_team_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN men's college basketball team box scores — espn_mbb_team_box","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball team box scores — espn_mbb_team_box","text":"Get ESPN men's college basketball team box scores","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_team_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball team box scores — espn_mbb_team_box","text":"","code":"espn_mbb_team_box(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_team_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball team box scores — espn_mbb_team_box","text":"game_id Game ID","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_team_box.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball team box scores — espn_mbb_team_box","text":"team boxscore data frame Team","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_team_box.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball team box scores — espn_mbb_team_box","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_team_box.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN men's college basketball team box scores — espn_mbb_team_box","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_mbb_team_box(game_id = 401479672)) #> ── ESPN MBB Team Box Information from ESPN.com ────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:39 UTC #> # 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A tibble: 360 × 20 #> team_id abbreviation display_name short_name mascot nickname team color #> #> 1 2000 ACU Abilene Christia… Abilene C… Wildc… Abilene… Abil… 4e26… #> 2 2005 AFA Air Force Falcons Air Force Falco… Air For… Air … 004a… #> 3 2006 AKR Akron Zips Akron Zips Akron Akron 0028… #> 4 2010 AAMU Alabama A&M Bull… Alabama A… Bulld… Alabama… Alab… 7900… #> 5 333 ALA Alabama Crimson … Alabama Crims… Alabama Alab… 6900… #> 6 2011 ALST Alabama State Ho… Alabama St Horne… Alabama… Alab… e9a9… #> 7 399 ALB Albany Great Dan… Albany Great… Albany Alba… 3D27… #> 8 2016 ALCN Alcorn State Bra… Alcorn St Braves Alcorn … Alco… 4b00… #> 9 44 AMER American Univers… American Eagles American Amer… c411… #> 10 2026 APP Appalachian Stat… Appalachi… Mount… Appalac… Appa… 0000… #> # ℹ 350 more rows #> # ℹ 12 more variables: alternate_color , logo , logo_dark , #> # href , conference_url , group_id , #> # conference_short_name , conference_uid , conference_name , #> # conference_logo , parent_group_id , conference_id # 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Referencing game ID (game_id functions). play_id: character. Referencing play ID. period: integer. Clock (time) left game. time_left: character. Clock (time) left game. period_seconds_left: integer. Seconds left period. game_seconds_left: integer. Seconds left game. home_win_percentage: double. probability home team winning game. away_win_percentage: double. probability away team winning game (calculated 1 - home_win_percentage - tie_percentage). tie_percentage: double. probability game ending final period tie.","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_mbb_wp.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Men's College Basketball win probability chart data from ESPN — espn_mbb_wp","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ espn_mbb_wp(game_id = 401256760) #> ── ESPN MBB Win Probability Information from ESPN.com ─────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:44 UTC #> # A tibble: 352 × 9 #> game_id play_id period time_left period_seconds_left game_seconds_left #> * #> 1 401256760 40125676010… 1 19:40 1180 2380 #> 2 401256760 40125676010… 1 19:36 1176 2376 #> 3 401256760 40125676010… 1 19:36 1176 2376 #> 4 401256760 40125676010… 1 19:11 1151 2351 #> 5 401256760 40125676010… 1 19:09 1149 2349 #> 6 401256760 40125676010… 1 18:54 1134 2334 #> 7 401256760 40125676010… 1 18:54 1134 2334 #> 8 401256760 40125676010… 1 18:29 1109 2309 #> 9 401256760 40125676010… 1 18:17 1097 2297 #> 10 401256760 40125676010… 1 18:17 1097 2297 #> # ℹ 342 more rows #> # ℹ 3 more variables: home_win_percentage , away_win_percentage , #> # tie_percentage # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_betting.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA's Betting information — espn_nba_betting","title":"Get ESPN NBA's Betting information — espn_nba_betting","text":"Get ESPN NBA's Betting information","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_betting.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA's Betting information — espn_nba_betting","text":"","code":"espn_nba_betting(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_betting.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN NBA's Betting information — espn_nba_betting","text":"game_id Game ID","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_betting.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN NBA's Betting information — espn_nba_betting","text":"Returns named list data frames: pickcenter, againstTheSpread, predictor pickcenter againstTheSpread predictor","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_betting.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN NBA's Betting information — espn_nba_betting","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_nba_betting(game_id = 401283399)) #> $pickcenter #> ── ESPN NBA Pickcenter Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:45 UTC #> # A tibble: 4 × 33 #> details over_under spread provider_id provider_name provider_priority #> * #> 1 MEM -7.0 227 -7 45 Caesars Sportsbook (… 1 #> 2 MEM -7.0 227 -7 1004 consensus 0 #> 3 MEM -7.0 228 -7 1003 numberfire 0 #> 4 MEM -7.0 228 -7 1002 teamrankings 0 #> # ℹ 27 more variables: away_team_odds_favorite , #> # away_team_odds_underdog , away_team_odds_money_line , #> # away_team_odds_spread_odds , away_team_odds_team_id , #> # away_team_odds_win_percentage , away_team_odds_average_score , #> # away_team_odds_money_line_odds , away_team_odds_spread_return , #> # away_team_odds_spread_record_wins , #> # away_team_odds_spread_record_losses , … #> #> $againstTheSpread #> ── ESPN NBA Against the Spread Information from ESPN.com ──────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:45 UTC #> # A tibble: 2 × 9 #> id uid display_name abbreviation logo logos records game_id team_id #> * #> 1 25 s:40~l:46… Oklahoma Ci… OKC http… 4.01e8 25 #> 2 29 s:40~l:46… Memphis Gri… MEM http… 4.01e8 29 #> #> $predictor #> ── ESPN NBA Predictor Information from ESPN.com ───────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:45 UTC #> # A tibble: 1 × 5 #> game_id home_team_id away_team_id away_team_game_proje…¹ away_team_chance_loss #> #> 1 4.01e8 29 25 39.4 60.6 #> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​away_team_game_projection #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_all.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA game data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_nba_game_all","title":"Get ESPN NBA game data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_nba_game_all","text":"Get ESPN NBA game data (Pbp, Team Player Box)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_all.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA game data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_nba_game_all","text":"","code":"espn_nba_game_all(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_all.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN NBA game data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_nba_game_all","text":"game_id Game ID","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_all.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN NBA game data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_nba_game_all","text":"named list data frames: Plays, Team, Player Plays Team Player","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_all.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get ESPN NBA game data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_nba_game_all","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_all.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN NBA game data (Pbp, Team and Player Box) — espn_nba_game_all","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_nba_game_all(game_id = 401283399)) #> $Plays #> ── ESPN NBA Play-by-Play Information from ESPN.com ────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:47 UTC #> # A tibble: 472 × 52 #> id sequence_number text away_score home_score scoring_play score_value #> #> 1 4012833… 4 Isai… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 2 4012833… 7 Jona… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 3 4012833… 8 Dari… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 4 4012833… 9 Dill… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 5 4012833… 11 Dari… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 6 4012833… 12 Ja M… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 7 4012833… 13 Gray… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 8 4012833… 14 Isai… 0 0 FALSE 0 #> 9 4012833… 15 Shai… 3 0 TRUE 3 #> 10 4012833… 16 Theo… 3 0 FALSE 0 #> # ℹ 462 more rows #> # ℹ 45 more variables: wallclock , shooting_play , type_id , #> # type_text , period_number , period_display_value , #> # clock_display_value , team_id , coordinate_x_raw , #> # coordinate_y_raw , coordinate_x , coordinate_y , #> # play_id , athlete_id_1 , athlete_id_2 , athlete_id_3 , #> # home_team_id , home_team_mascot , home_team_name , … #> #> $Team #> ── ESPN NBA Team Box Information from ESPN.com ────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:47 UTC #> # A tibble: 2 × 57 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time team_id team_uid #> #> 1 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 25 s:40~l:46… #> 2 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 29 s:40~l:46… #> # ℹ 50 more variables: team_slug , team_location , team_name , #> # team_abbreviation , team_display_name , #> # team_short_display_name , team_color , #> # team_alternate_color , team_logo , team_home_away , #> # team_score , team_winner , assists , blocks , #> # defensive_rebounds , fast_break_points , field_goal_pct , #> # field_goals_made , field_goals_attempted , … #> #> $Player #> ── ESPN NBA Player Box Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:47 UTC #> # A tibble: 24 × 57 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time athlete_id #> #> 1 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 4066392 #> 2 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 4423545 #> 3 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 4278073 #> 4 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 4683027 #> 5 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 4397020 #> 6 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 6610 #> 7 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 3133626 #> 8 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 3138156 #> 9 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 2490089 #> 10 401283399 2021 2 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 21:00:00 4080610 #> # ℹ 14 more rows #> # ℹ 51 more variables: athlete_display_name , team_id , #> # team_name , team_location , team_short_display_name , #> # minutes , field_goals_made , field_goals_attempted , #> # three_point_field_goals_made , #> # three_point_field_goals_attempted , free_throws_made , #> # free_throws_attempted , offensive_rebounds , … #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_rosters.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA game rosters — espn_nba_game_rosters","title":"Get ESPN NBA game rosters — espn_nba_game_rosters","text":"Get ESPN NBA game rosters","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_rosters.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA game rosters — espn_nba_game_rosters","text":"","code":"espn_nba_game_rosters(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_rosters.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN NBA game rosters — espn_nba_game_rosters","text":"game_id Game ID","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_rosters.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN NBA game rosters — espn_nba_game_rosters","text":"game rosters data frame","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_rosters.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get ESPN NBA game rosters — espn_nba_game_rosters","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_game_rosters.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN NBA game rosters — espn_nba_game_rosters","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_nba_game_rosters(game_id = 401283399)) #> ── ESPN NBA Game Roster Information from ESPN.com ─────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:51 UTC #> # A tibble: 24 × 90 #> athlete_id athlete_uid athlete_guid athlete_type sdr first_name last_name #> #> 1 2993874 s:40~l:46~a… 0b5e3fdc796… basketball 2.99e6 Kyle Anderson #> 2 3155526 s:40~l:46~a… 653c07b5853… basketball 3.16e6 Dillon Brooks #> 3 6477 s:40~l:46~a… 585a3d05447… basketball 2.56e6 Jonas Valanciu… #> 4 4279888 s:40~l:46~a… de5f87e0857… basketball 4.28e6 Ja Morant #> 5 3135045 s:40~l:46~a… fedd8adfa9c… basketball 3.14e6 Grayson Allen #> 6 3906665 s:40~l:46~a… ac9aa77ddbe… basketball 3.91e6 Brandon Clarke #> 7 3908903 s:40~l:46~a… 6445df83a2d… basketball 3.91e6 Sean McDermott #> 8 4277964 s:40~l:46~a… 4b87dfe2263… basketball 4.28e6 Xavier Tillman #> 9 3135046 s:40~l:46~a… c4cddbcc957… basketball 3.14e6 Tyus Jones #> 10 3134932 s:40~l:46~a… d4c8df921ba… basketball 3.13e6 John Konchar #> # ℹ 14 more rows #> # ℹ 83 more variables: full_name , athlete_display_name , #> # short_name , weight , display_weight , height , #> # display_height , age , date_of_birth , debut_year , #> # birth_place_city , birth_place_state , birth_place_country , #> # slug , headshot_href , headshot_alt , jersey , #> # position_id , position_name , position_display_name , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_pbp.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA PBP data — espn_nba_pbp","title":"Get ESPN NBA PBP data — espn_nba_pbp","text":"Get ESPN NBA PBP data","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_pbp.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA PBP data — espn_nba_pbp","text":"","code":"espn_nba_pbp(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_pbp.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN NBA PBP data — espn_nba_pbp","text":"game_id Game ID","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_pbp.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN NBA PBP data — espn_nba_pbp","text":"play--play data frame. 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4010718… 16 King… 4 5 FALSE 0 #> 9 4010718… 17 Ian … 7 5 TRUE 3 #> 10 4010718… 19 Chri… 7 5 FALSE 0 #> # ℹ 465 more rows #> # ℹ 45 more variables: wallclock , shooting_play , type_id , #> # type_text , period_number , period_display_value , #> # clock_display_value , team_id , coordinate_x_raw , #> # coordinate_y_raw , coordinate_x , coordinate_y , #> # play_id , athlete_id_1 , athlete_id_2 , athlete_id_3 , #> # home_team_id , home_team_mascot , home_team_name , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_player_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA player box scores — espn_nba_player_box","title":"Get ESPN NBA player box scores — espn_nba_player_box","text":"Get ESPN NBA player box scores","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_player_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA player box scores — 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Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_player_box.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN NBA player box scores — espn_nba_player_box","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_nba_player_box(game_id = 401071880)) #> ── ESPN NBA Player Box Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:54 UTC #> # A tibble: 26 × 57 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time athlete_id #> #> 1 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 3058254 #> 2 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 3133626 #> 3 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 3135048 #> 4 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 2583639 #> 5 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 2489785 #> 6 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 3919335 #> 7 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 2488958 #> 8 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 2585637 #> 9 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 6583 #> 10 401071880 2019 2 2019-04-07 2019-04-07 21:00:00 3064514 #> # ℹ 16 more rows #> # ℹ 51 more variables: athlete_display_name , team_id , #> # team_name , team_location , team_short_display_name , #> # minutes , field_goals_made , field_goals_attempted , #> # three_point_field_goals_made , #> # three_point_field_goals_attempted , free_throws_made , #> # free_throws_attempted , offensive_rebounds , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_player_stats.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA player stats data — espn_nba_player_stats","title":"Get ESPN NBA player stats data — espn_nba_player_stats","text":"Get ESPN NBA player stats data","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_player_stats.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA player stats data — espn_nba_player_stats","text":"","code":"espn_nba_player_stats(athlete_id, year, season_type = \"regular\", total = FALSE)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_player_stats.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN NBA player stats data — espn_nba_player_stats","text":"athlete_id Athlete ID year Year season_type (character, default: regular): Season type - regular postseason total (boolean, default: FALSE): Totals","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_player_stats.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN NBA player stats data — espn_nba_player_stats","text":"Returns tibble player stats data","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_player_stats.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get ESPN NBA player stats data — 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, active , #> # contract_x_ref , contract_bird_status , contract_active , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_scoreboard.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA schedule for a specific year — espn_nba_scoreboard","title":"Get ESPN NBA schedule for a specific year — espn_nba_scoreboard","text":"Get ESPN NBA schedule specific year","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_scoreboard.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA schedule for a specific year — espn_nba_scoreboard","text":"","code":"espn_nba_scoreboard(season)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_scoreboard.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN NBA schedule for a specific year — espn_nba_scoreboard","text":"season Either numeric character (YYYYMMDD)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_scoreboard.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN NBA schedule for a specific year — espn_nba_scoreboard","text":"Returns tibble scoreboard data","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_scoreboard.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN NBA schedule for a specific year — espn_nba_scoreboard","text":"","code":"# Get schedule from date 2022-11-17 (returns 1000 results, max allowable.) # \\donttest{ try(espn_nba_scoreboard (season = \"20221117\")) #> ── ESPN NBA Scoreboard Information from ESPN.com ──────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:56 UTC #> # A tibble: 3 × 35 #> matchup matchup_short season season_type season_slug game_id game_uid #> #> 1 Brooklyn Nets a… BKN @ POR 2023 2 regular-se… 4.01e8 s:40~l:… #> 2 San Antonio Spu… SA @ SAC 2023 2 regular-se… 4.01e8 s:40~l:… #> 3 Detroit Pistons… DET @ LAC 2023 2 regular-se… 4.01e8 s:40~l:… #> # ℹ 28 more variables: game_date , attendance , notes , #> # status_name , broadcasts , start_date , #> # geo_broadcasts , game_date_time , home_team_name , #> # home_team_logo , home_team_abb , home_team_id , #> # home_team_location , home_team_full_name , home_team_color , #> # home_score , home_win , home_record , away_team_name , #> # away_team_logo , away_team_abb , away_team_id , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_standings.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA's Standings — espn_nba_standings","title":"Get ESPN NBA's Standings — espn_nba_standings","text":"Get ESPN NBA's Standings","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_standings.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA's Standings — 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# A tibble: 30 × 20 #> team_id team avgpointsagainst avgpointsfor clincher differential #> * #> 1 26 Utah Jazz 107. 116. 5 9.2 #> 2 21 Phoenix Suns 109. 115. 2 5.8 #> 3 20 Philadelphia 76e… 108. 114. 3 5.5 #> 4 17 Brooklyn Nets 114. 119. 1 4.5 #> 5 7 Denver Nuggets 110. 115. 1 5 #> 6 12 LA Clippers 108. 114. 1 6.2 #> 7 15 Milwaukee Bucks 114. 120. 2 5.90 #> 8 6 Dallas Mavericks 110. 112. 2 2.2 #> 9 13 Los Angeles Lake… 107. 110. 7 2.7 #> 10 22 Portland Trail B… 114. 116. 1 1.8 #> # ℹ 20 more rows #> # ℹ 14 more variables: divisionwinpercent , gamesbehind , #> # leaguewinpercent , losses , playoffseed , streak , #> # winpercent , wins , leaguestandings , home , #> # road , vsdiv , vsconf , lasttengames # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_team_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA team box scores — espn_nba_team_box","title":"Get ESPN NBA team box scores — espn_nba_team_box","text":"Get ESPN NBA team box 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fast_break_points , field_goal_pct , #> # field_goals_made , field_goals_attempted , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_team_stats.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA team stats data — espn_nba_team_stats","title":"Get ESPN NBA team stats data — espn_nba_team_stats","text":"Get ESPN NBA team stats data","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_team_stats.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA team stats data — espn_nba_team_stats","text":"","code":"espn_nba_team_stats(team_id, year, season_type = \"regular\", total = FALSE)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_team_stats.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get ESPN NBA team stats data — espn_nba_team_stats","text":"team_id Team ID year Year season_type (character, default: regular): Season type - regular postseason total (boolean, default: FALSE): Totals","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_team_stats.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN NBA team stats data — espn_nba_team_stats","text":"Returns tibble team stats data","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_team_stats.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get ESPN NBA team stats data — espn_nba_team_stats","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_team_stats.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN NBA team stats data — espn_nba_team_stats","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_nba_team_stats(team_id = 18, year = 2020)) #> ── ESPN NBA Team Season Stats from ESPN.com ───────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:58 UTC #> # A tibble: 1 × 128 #> team_id team_guid team_uid team_slug team_location team_name team_abbreviation #> #> 1 18 61719eb2… s:40~l:… new-york… New York Knicks NY #> # ℹ 121 more variables: team_display_name , team_short_display_name , #> # team_color , team_alternate_color , team_is_active , #> # team_is_all_star , logo_href , logo_dark_href , #> # logos_href_2 , logos_href_3 , defensive_blocks , #> # defensive_defensive_rebounds , defensive_steals , #> # defensive_turnover_points , defensive_def_rebound_rate , #> # defensive_avg_defensive_rebounds , defensive_avg_blocks , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_teams.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get ESPN NBA team names and IDs — espn_nba_teams","title":"Get ESPN NBA team names and IDs — espn_nba_teams","text":"Get ESPN NBA team names IDs","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_teams.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get ESPN NBA team names and IDs — espn_nba_teams","text":"","code":"espn_nba_teams()"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_teams.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get ESPN NBA team names and IDs — espn_nba_teams","text":"teams data frame","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_teams.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get ESPN NBA team names and IDs — espn_nba_teams","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_teams.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get ESPN NBA team names and IDs — espn_nba_teams","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(espn_nba_teams()) #> ── ESPN NBA Teams Information from ESPN.com ───────────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:12:59 UTC #> # A tibble: 30 × 13 #> team_id abbreviation display_name short_name mascot nickname team color #> #> 1 1 ATL Atlanta Hawks Hawks Hawks Atlanta Atla… c810… #> 2 2 BOS Boston Celtics Celtics Celti… Boston Bost… 0065… #> 3 17 BKN Brooklyn Nets Nets Nets Brooklyn Broo… 0000… #> 4 30 CHA Charlotte Hornets Hornets Horne… Charlot… Char… 1D10… #> 5 4 CHI Chicago Bulls Bulls Bulls Chicago Chic… 0000… #> 6 5 CLE Cleveland Cavali… Cavaliers Caval… Clevela… Clev… 0616… #> 7 6 DAL Dallas Mavericks Mavericks Maver… Dallas Dall… 0C47… #> 8 7 DEN Denver Nuggets Nuggets Nugge… Denver Denv… 0860… #> 9 8 DET Detroit Pistons Pistons Pisto… Detroit Detr… FA00… #> 10 9 GS Golden State War… Warriors Warri… Golden … Gold… 003d… #> # ℹ 20 more rows #> # ℹ 5 more variables: alternate_color , logo , logo_dark , #> # logos_href_3 , logos_href_4 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_wp.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get NBA win probability chart data from ESPN — espn_nba_wp","title":"Get NBA win probability chart data from ESPN — espn_nba_wp","text":"Get NBA win probability chart data ESPN","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_wp.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get NBA win probability chart data from ESPN — espn_nba_wp","text":"","code":"espn_nba_wp(game_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_wp.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get NBA win probability chart data from ESPN — espn_nba_wp","text":"game_id (Integer required): Game ID filter querying single game","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_wp.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get NBA win probability chart data from ESPN — espn_nba_wp","text":"espn_nba_wp() - data frame 21 variables:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/espn_nba_wp.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get NBA win probability chart data from ESPN — espn_nba_wp","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ espn_nba_wp(game_id = 401283399) #> ── ESPN NBA Win Probability Information from ESPN.com ─────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:13:00 UTC #> # A tibble: 472 × 22 #> game_id play_id home_win_percentage away_win_percentage tie_percentage #> #> 1 401283399 4012833994 0.615 0.385 0 #> 2 401283399 4012833997 0.6 0.4 0 #> 3 401283399 4012833998 0.595 0.405 0 #> 4 401283399 4012833999 0.594 0.406 0 #> 5 401283399 40128339911 0.61 0.39 0 #> 6 401283399 40128339912 0.615 0.385 0 #> 7 401283399 40128339913 0.599 0.401 0 #> 8 401283399 40128339914 0.593 0.407 0 #> 9 401283399 40128339915 0.54 0.46 0 #> 10 401283399 40128339916 0.577 0.423 0 #> # ℹ 462 more rows #> # ℹ 17 more variables: sequence_number , text , away_score , #> # home_score , scoring_play , score_value , #> # participants , wallclock , shooting_play , type_id , #> # type_text , period_number , period_display_value , #> # clock_display_value , team_id , coordinate_x , #> # coordinate_y # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_mbb_pbp.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Parse ESPN MBB PBP, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_pbp","title":"Parse ESPN MBB PBP, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_pbp","text":"Parse ESPN MBB PBP, helper 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Box, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_player_box","title":"Parse ESPN MBB Player Box, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_player_box","text":"Parse ESPN MBB Player Box, helper function","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_mbb_player_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Parse ESPN MBB Player Box, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_player_box","text":"","code":"helper_espn_mbb_player_box(resp)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_mbb_player_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Parse ESPN MBB Player Box, helper function — helper_espn_mbb_player_box","text":"resp Response object ESPN MBB game summary endpoint","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_mbb_player_box.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Parse ESPN MBB Player Box, 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tibble","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_nba_team_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Parse ESPN NBA Team Box, helper function — helper_espn_nba_team_box","title":"Parse ESPN NBA Team Box, helper function — helper_espn_nba_team_box","text":"Parse ESPN NBA Team Box, helper function","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_nba_team_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Parse ESPN NBA Team Box, helper function — helper_espn_nba_team_box","text":"","code":"helper_espn_nba_team_box(resp)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/helper_espn_nba_team_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Parse ESPN NBA Team Box, helper function — helper_espn_nba_team_box","text":"resp Response object ESPN NBA game summary 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Provides functions access live play play box score data ESPNhttps://www.espn.com shot locations available. also full NBA Stats APIhttps://www.nba.com/stats/ wrapper. also scraping aggregating interface Ken Pomeroy's men's college basketball statistics websitehttps://kenpom.com. provides users active subscription capability scrape website tables analyze data .","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/hoopR-package.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"hoopR: Access Men's Basketball Play by Play Data — hoopR-package","text":"Maintainer: Saiem Gilani saiem.gilani@gmail.com contributors: Jason Lee Jason@aisportsfirm.com [contributor] Billy Fryer billyfryer@att.net [contributor] Ross Drucker ross..drucker@gmail.com [contributor]","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_arenas.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Home Court Arenas — kp_arenas","title":"Get Home Court Arenas — kp_arenas","text":"Get Home Court Arenas","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_arenas.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Home Court Arenas — kp_arenas","text":"","code":"kp_arenas(year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_arenas.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Home Court Arenas — kp_arenas","text":"year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_arenas.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Home Court Arenas — kp_arenas","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_arenas.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Home Court Arenas — kp_arenas","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_arenas(year=2021)) #> rk team conf #> 1 1 Syracuse ACC #> 2 2 Louisville ACC #> 3 3 North Carolina ACC #> 4 4 Tennessee SEC #> 5 5 Kentucky SEC #> 6 6 N.C. State ACC #> 7 7 Arkansas SEC #> 8 8 Ohio St. B10 #> 9 9 BYU WCC #> 10 10 Memphis Amer #> 11 11 Bellarmine ASun #> 12 12 South Carolina SEC #> 13 12 UNLV MWC #> 14 14 Maryland B10 #> 15 15 Marquette BE #> 16 16 Indiana B10 #> 17 17 Creighton BE #> 18 18 Wisconsin B10 #> 19 19 Texas B12 #> 20 20 Kansas B12 #> 21 21 Fresno St. MWC #> 22 22 Illinois B10 #> 23 23 New Mexico MWC #> 24 24 Alabama SEC #> 25 25 Penn St. B10 #> 26 26 Texas Tech B12 #> 27 27 Missouri SEC #> 28 28 Iowa B10 #> 29 29 Nebraska B10 #> 30 29 Utah P12 #> 31 31 Purdue B10 #> 32 32 Michigan St. B10 #> 33 33 Wake Forest ACC #> 34 34 Arizona P12 #> 35 35 Minnesota B10 #> 36 36 Virginia ACC #> 37 37 Iowa St. B12 #> 38 38 Vanderbilt SEC #> 39 39 West Virginia B12 #> 40 40 UCLA P12 #> 41 41 Oklahoma St. B12 #> 42 42 Dayton A10 #> 43 43 LSU SEC #> 44 44 Ohio MAC #> 45 45 Texas A&M SEC #> 46 46 Michigan B10 #> 47 47 Oregon P12 #> 48 48 Kansas St. B12 #> 49 49 Pittsburgh ACC #> 50 50 New Mexico St. WAC #> 51 51 Boise St. MWC #> 52 52 San Diego St. MWC #> 53 53 Providence BE #> 54 54 Louisiana SB #> 55 55 Florida St. ACC #> 56 56 Cincinnati Amer #> 57 57 UTEP CUSA #> 58 58 California P12 #> 59 59 Washington St. P12 #> 60 60 Oklahoma B12 #> 61 61 Nevada MWC #> 62 62 Middle Tennessee CUSA #> 63 63 Ball St. MAC #> 64 63 Weber St. BSky #> 65 65 Wyoming MWC #> 66 66 Colorado P12 #> 67 67 Bradley MVC #> 68 68 Missouri St. MVC #> 69 69 Chattanooga SC #> 70 70 Milwaukee Horz #> 71 71 Arizona St. P12 #> 72 72 Saint Louis A10 #> 73 73 Mississippi St. SEC #> 74 73 Oral Roberts Sum #> 75 75 Georgia SEC #> 76 76 Wichita St. Amer #> 77 77 North Texas CUSA #> 78 77 Tennessee St. OVC #> 79 79 Seton Hall BE #> 80 80 Wright St. Horz #> 81 81 South Florida Amer #> 82 82 DePaul BE #> 83 83 Hawaii BW #> 84 84 Baylor B12 #> 85 85 Utah St. MWC #> 86 86 USC P12 #> 87 87 Xavier BE #> 88 88 Temple Amer #> 89 89 Illinois St. MVC #> 90 89 Indiana St. MVC #> 91 91 Connecticut BE #> 92 92 Florida SEC #> 93 93 Lamar Slnd #> 94 94 Arkansas St. SB #> 95 95 South Alabama SB #> 96 95 UCF Amer #> 97 97 Green Bay Horz #> 98 98 Oregon St. P12 #> 99 99 Mississippi SEC #> 100 100 Massachusetts A10 #> 101 101 Northern Kentucky Horz #> 102 102 Duke ACC #> 103 103 Washington P12 #> 104 104 Notre Dame ACC #> 105 105 Auburn SEC #> 106 106 Charlotte CUSA #> 107 107 Butler BE #> 108 107 Northern Illinois MAC #> 109 109 Marshall CUSA #> 110 110 Clemson ACC #> 111 110 Florida A&M MEAC #> 112 112 SMU Amer #> 113 113 Evansville MVC #> 114 114 Virginia Tech ACC #> 115 115 New Orleans Slnd #> 116 116 Eastern Michigan MAC #> 117 117 Colorado St. MWC #> 118 118 Penn Ivy #> 119 119 Boston College ACC #> 120 120 Georgia Tech ACC #> 121 120 Murray St. OVC #> 122 120 William & Mary CAA #> 123 123 Cleveland St. Horz #> 124 123 James Madison CAA #> 125 123 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd #> 126 123 UAB CUSA #> 127 127 Old Dominion CUSA #> 128 128 Tulsa Amer #> 129 129 Southern Illinois MVC #> 130 130 Appalachian St. SB #> 131 131 Detroit Horz #> 132 132 Texas Southern SWAC #> 133 133 Southern Miss CUSA #> 134 134 East Carolina Amer #> 135 134 Illinois Chicago Horz #> 136 134 Jackson St. SWAC #> 137 134 Louisiana Tech CUSA #> 138 134 Rutgers B10 #> 139 139 Miami FL ACC #> 140 140 Nebraska Omaha Sum #> 141 141 George Mason A10 #> 142 142 Western Carolina SC #> 143 143 Rhode Island A10 #> 144 144 VCU A10 #> 145 145 UNC Greensboro SC #> 146 146 Western Kentucky CUSA #> 147 147 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd #> 148 147 Southern SWAC #> 149 147 Tennessee Tech OVC #> 150 147 Utah Valley WAC #> 151 151 Alabama St. SWAC #> 152 152 Stanford P12 #> 153 153 Montana BSky #> 154 154 Toledo MAC #> 155 155 Northern Iowa MVC #> 156 156 Austin Peay OVC #> 157 157 Stephen F. Austin Slnd #> 158 158 Richmond A10 #> 159 159 Hampton BSth #> 160 159 Texas St. SB #> 161 161 Drake MVC #> 162 162 UC Davis BW #> 163 163 Northwestern B10 #> 164 164 Houston Amer #> 165 165 Alcorn St. SWAC #> 166 165 Grand Canyon WAC #> 167 165 Idaho BSky #> 168 165 Louisiana Monroe SB #> 169 165 Southeast Missouri St. OVC #> 170 165 UT Arlington SB #> 171 171 Princeton Ivy #> 172 172 IUPUI Horz #> 173 172 TCU B12 #> 174 174 North Carolina A&T MEAC #> 175 175 East Tennessee St. SC #> 176 175 Eastern Kentucky OVC #> 177 175 Morehead St. OVC #> 178 175 South Dakota St. Sum #> 179 175 Villanova BE #> 180 180 Miami OH MAC #> 181 180 Youngstown St. Horz #> 182 182 Kent St. MAC #> 183 183 Norfolk St. MEAC #> 184 184 Pacific WCC #> 185 185 Sam Houston St. Slnd #> 186 186 Buffalo MAC #> 187 186 UNC Wilmington CAA #> 188 186 Winthrop BSth #> 189 189 Alabama A&M SWAC #> 190 189 Gonzaga WCC #> 191 189 South Dakota Sum #> 192 189 The Citadel SC #> 193 189 UC Santa Barbara BW #> 194 194 Air Force MWC #> 195 195 Maine AE #> 196 195 North Florida ASun #> 197 197 St. Bonaventure A10 #> 198 198 Navy Pat #> 199 199 North Dakota St. Sum #> 200 200 St. John's BE #> 201 201 Lehigh Pat #> 202 201 Little Rock SB #> 203 203 Akron MAC #> 204 203 Central Arkansas Slnd #> 205 203 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC #> 206 203 Troy SB #> 207 207 Western Michigan MAC #> 208 208 Central Michigan MAC #> 209 208 Eastern Illinois OVC #> 210 208 Southern Utah BSky #> 211 211 Davidson A10 #> 212 212 Rice CUSA #> 213 213 Towson CAA #> 214 214 Binghamton AE #> 215 215 Western Illinois Sum #> 216 216 Charleston CAA #> 217 216 Elon CAA #> 218 216 San Diego WCC #> 219 219 Northeastern CAA #> 220 220 Cal Baptist WAC #> 221 221 Hofstra CAA #> 222 222 Army Pat #> 223 223 VMI SC #> 224 224 Lipscomb ASun #> 225 225 Belmont OVC #> 226 225 Chicago St. WAC #> 227 225 Delaware CAA #> 228 225 Eastern Washington BSky #> 229 225 FIU CUSA #> 230 225 Furman SC #> 231 225 Samford SC #> 232 225 San Jose St. MWC #> 233 225 UC Irvine BW #> 234 225 Valparaiso MVC #> 235 235 Portland WCC #> 236 236 Dixie St. WAC #> 237 237 UMBC AE #> 238 238 Kennesaw St. ASun #> 239 239 Albany AE #> 240 240 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC #> 241 240 Florida Gulf Coast ASun #> 242 240 Montana St. BSky #> 243 240 Morgan St. MEAC #> 244 240 Santa Clara WCC #> 245 245 Loyola Chicago MVC #> 246 246 Cornell Ivy #> 247 247 Georgia Southern SB #> 248 248 Bowling Green MAC #> 249 249 George Washington A10 #> 250 250 Tennessee Martin OVC #> 251 251 Long Beach St. BW #> 252 251 McNeese St. Slnd #> 253 251 Saint Joseph's A10 #> 254 251 San Francisco WCC #> 255 255 Loyola Marymount WCC #> 256 256 Coppin St. MEAC #> 257 256 Monmouth MAAC #> 258 258 UTSA CUSA #> 259 259 Bucknell Pat #> 260 259 Cal St. Fullerton BW #> 261 259 La Salle A10 #> 262 259 Liberty ASun #> 263 259 North Alabama ASun #> 264 259 Robert Morris Horz #> 265 259 SIU Edwardsville OVC #> 266 259 Stetson ASun #> 267 259 Stony Brook AE #> 268 259 UC San Diego BW #> 269 259 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC #> 270 270 Cal St. Bakersfield BW #> 271 271 Nicholls St. Slnd #> 272 272 Coastal Carolina SB #> 273 272 Holy Cross Pat #> 274 272 Northwestern St. Slnd #> 275 272 Tulane Amer #> 276 276 Hartford AE #> 277 277 Duquesne A10 #> 278 277 Gardner Webb BSth #> 279 277 Jacksonville St. OVC #> 280 277 Lafayette Pat #> 281 277 NJIT AE #> 282 277 Prairie View A&M SWAC #> 283 277 Saint Mary's WCC #> 284 277 St. Francis PA NEC #> 285 285 Georgia St. SB #> 286 285 Wofford SC #> 287 287 Vermont AE #> 288 288 Quinnipiac MAAC #> 289 289 Central Connecticut NEC #> 290 289 Fordham A10 #> 291 289 Marist MAAC #> 292 289 Mercer SC #> 293 289 Radford BSth #> 294 289 Saint Peter's MAAC #> 295 289 South Carolina St. MEAC #> 296 289 UNC Asheville BSth #> 297 297 Idaho St. BSky #> 298 298 Mount St. Mary's NEC #> 299 299 North Carolina Central MEAC #> 300 300 Pepperdine WCC #> 301 301 Campbell BSth #> 302 302 Portland St. BSky #> 303 303 North Dakota Sum #> 304 304 Cal Poly BW #> 305 305 Bethune Cookman MEAC #> 306 305 Grambling St. SWAC #> 307 305 New Hampshire AE #> 308 305 Oakland Horz #> 309 305 Tarleton St. WAC #> 310 310 Northern Colorado BSky #> 311 311 American Pat #> 312 312 Brown Ivy #> 313 313 UC Riverside BW #> 314 314 Columbia Ivy #> 315 314 Howard MEAC #> 316 314 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC #> 317 317 Iona MAAC #> 318 318 Bryant NEC #> 319 319 Drexel CAA #> 320 319 Yale Ivy #> 321 321 Denver Sum #> 322 321 Florida Atlantic CUSA #> 323 321 Georgetown BE #> 324 321 Manhattan MAAC #> 325 325 Fairfield MAAC #> 326 326 Niagara MAAC #> 327 327 Presbyterian BSth #> 328 328 Harvard Ivy #> 329 329 Canisius MAAC #> 330 330 Siena MAAC #> 331 331 Dartmouth Ivy #> 332 331 Loyola MD Pat #> 333 331 Sacred Heart NEC #> 334 331 UMass Lowell AE #> 335 331 Wagner NEC #> 336 336 Delaware St. MEAC #> 337 336 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC #> 338 336 Incarnate Word Slnd #> 339 336 LIU NEC #> 340 340 Longwood BSth #> 341 341 Boston University Pat #> 342 341 Purdue Fort Wayne Horz #> 343 343 Colgate Pat #> 344 344 High Point BSth #> 345 345 Rider MAAC #> 346 346 Cal St. Northridge BW #> 347 346 UMKC Sum #> 348 348 Jacksonville ASun #> 349 349 Northern Arizona BSky #> 350 350 Merrimack NEC #> 351 350 St. Francis NY NEC #> 352 352 Sacramento St. BSky #> 353 353 Abilene Christian Slnd #> 354 353 Houston Baptist Slnd #> 355 355 Seattle WAC #> 356 356 Charleston Southern BSth #> 357 357 USC Upstate BSth #> arena #> 1 Carrier Dome (35,642) #> 2 KFC Yum! Center (22,090) #> 3 Dean E. Smith Center (21,750) #> 4 Thompson Boling Arena (21,678) #> 5 Rupp Arena (20,500) #> 6 PNC Arena (19,700) #> 7 Bud Walton Arena (19,200) #> 8 Value City Arena (19,049) #> 9 Marriott Center (18,987) #> 10 FedExForum (18,400) #> 11 Freedom Hall (18,252) #> 12 Colonial Life Arena (18,000) #> 13 Thomas & Mack Center (18,000) #> 14 Xfinity Center (17,950) #> 15 Fiserv Forum (17,600) #> 16 Assembly Hall (17,472) #> 17 CHI Health Center Omaha (17,352) #> 18 Kohl Center (17,287) #> 19 Erwin Center (16,540) #> 20 Allen Fieldhouse (16,300) #> 21 Save Mart Center (15,596) #> 22 State Farm Center (15,544) #> 23 Dreamstyle Arena (15,411) #> 24 Coleman Coliseum (15,316) #> 25 Bryce Jordan Center (15,261) #> 26 United Supermarkets Arena (15,098) #> 27 Mizzou Arena (15,061) #> 28 Carver Hawkeye Arena (15,056) #> 29 Pinnacle Bank Arena (15,000) #> 30 Huntsman Center (15,000) #> 31 Mackey Arena (14,804) #> 32 Breslin Center (14,797) #> 33 Joel Coliseum (14,665) #> 34 McKale Memorial Center (14,644) #> 35 Williams Arena (14,625) #> 36 John Paul Jones Arena (14,623) #> 37 Hilton Coliseum (14,384) #> 38 Memorial Gym (14,316) #> 39 WVU Coliseum (14,000) #> 40 Pauley Pavilion (13,800) #> 41 Gallagher Iba Arena (13,611) #> 42 University of Dayton Arena (13,455) #> 43 Maravich Assembly Center (13,215) #> 44 Convocation Center (13,080) #> 45 Reed Arena (12,989) #> 46 Crisler Center (12,707) #> 47 Knight Arena (12,541) #> 48 Bramlage Coliseum (12,528) #> 49 Petersen Events Center (12,508) #> 50 Pan American Center (12,482) #> 51 ExtraMile Arena (12,480) #> 52 Viejas Arena (12,414) #> 53 Dunkin' Donuts Center (12,410) #> 54 Cajundome (12,362) #> 55 Donald L. Tucker Center (12,100) #> 56 Fifth Third Arena (12,012) #> 57 Don Haskins Center (11,892) #> 58 Haas Pavilion (11,877) #> 59 Beasley Coliseum (11,671) #> 60 Lloyd Noble Center (11,562) #> 61 Lawlor Events Center (11,536) #> 62 Murphy Center (11,520) #> 63 Worthen Arena (11,500) #> 64 Dee Events Center (11,500) #> 65 Arena Auditorium (11,445) #> 66 CU Events Center (11,064) #> 67 Carver Arena (11,060) #> 68 JQH Arena (11,000) #> 69 McKenzie Arena (10,995) #> 70 UWM Panther Arena (10,783) #> 71 Desert Financial Arena (10,754) #> 72 Chaifetz Arena (10,600) #> 73 Humphrey Coliseum (10,575) #> 74 Mabee Center (10,575) #> 75 Stegeman Coliseum (10,523) #> 76 Charles Koch Arena (10,506) #> 77 The Super Pit (10,500) #> 78 Gentry Center (10,500) #> 79 Prudential Center (10,481) #> 80 Nutter Center (10,449) #> 81 Yuengling Center (10,411) #> 82 Wintrust Arena (10,387) #> 83 Stan Sheriff Center (10,300) #> 84 Ferrell Center (10,284) #> 85 Dee Glen Smith Spectrum (10,270) #> 86 Galen Center (10,258) #> 87 Cintas Center (10,224) #> 88 The Liacouras Center (10,206) #> 89 Redbird Arena (10,200) #> 90 Hulman Center (10,200) #> 91 Gampel Pavilion (10,167) #> 92 Exactech Arena (10,151) #> 93 Montagne Center (10,080) #> 94 First National Bank Arena (10,038) #> 95 Mitchell Center (10,000) #> 96 Addition Financial Arena (10,000) #> 97 Resch Center (9,729) #> 98 Gill Coliseum (9,604) #> 99 The Pavilion at Ole Miss (9,500) #> 100 Mullins Center (9,493) #> 101 BB&T Arena (9,400) #> 102 Cameron Indoor Stadium (9,314) #> 103 Alaska Airlines Arena (9,268) #> 104 Joyce Center (9,149) #> 105 Auburn Arena (9,121) #> 106 Halton Arena (9,105) #> 107 Hinkle Fieldhouse (9,100) #> 108 Convocation Center (9,100) #> 109 Henderson Center (9,043) #> 110 Littlejohn Coliseum (9,000) #> 111 Lawson Center (9,000) #> 112 Moody Coliseum (8,998) #> 113 Ford Center (8,930) #> 114 Cassell Coliseum (8,925) #> 115 Lakefront Arena (8,785) #> 116 Convocation Center (8,754) #> 117 Moby Arena (8,745) #> 118 The Palestra (8,722) #> 119 Conte Forum (8,606) #> 120 McCamish Pavilion (8,600) #> 121 CFSB Center (8,600) #> 122 Kaplan Arena (8,600) #> 123 Wolstein Center (8,500) #> 124 Atlantic Union Bank Center (8,500) #> 125 American Bank Center (8,500) #> 126 Bartow Arena (8,500) #> 127 Constant Convocation Center (8,472) #> 128 Reynolds Center (8,355) #> 129 Banterra Center (8,339) #> 130 Holmes Center (8,325) #> 131 Calihan Hall (8,295) #> 132 Health & PE Arena (8,100) #> 133 Reed Green Coliseum (8,095) #> 134 Williams Arena at Minges Coliseum (8,000) #> 135 Credit Union 1 Arena (8,000) #> 136 Williams Center (8,000) #> 137 Thomas Assembly Center (8,000) #> 138 Rutgers Athletic Center (8,000) #> 139 Watsco Center (7,972) #> 140 Baxter Arena (7,898) #> 141 EagleBank Arena (7,860) #> 142 Ramsey Center (7,826) #> 143 Ryan Center (7,657) #> 144 Siegel Center (7,637) #> 145 Greensboro Coliseum (7,617) #> 146 E.A. Diddle Arena (7,523) #> 147 University Center (7,500) #> 148 Clark Activity Center (7,500) #> 149 Eblen Center (7,500) #> 150 UCCU Center (7,500) #> 151 Dunn-Oliver Acadome (7,400) #> 152 Maples Pavilion (7,329) #> 153 Dahlberg Arena (7,322) #> 154 Savage Arena (7,300) #> 155 McLeod Center (7,293) #> 156 Winfield Dunn Center (7,275) #> 157 Johnson Coliseum (7,203) #> 158 Robins Center (7,201) #> 159 Hampton Convocation Center (7,200) #> 160 Strahan Coliseum (7,200) #> 161 Knapp Center (7,152) #> 162 The Pavilion (7,100) #> 163 Welsh-Ryan Arena (7,039) #> 164 Fertitta Center (7,035) #> 165 Whitney Complex (7,000) #> 166 GCU Arena (7,000) #> 167 Cowan Spectrum (7,000) #> 168 Fant-Ewing Coliseum (7,000) #> 169 Show Me Center (7,000) #> 170 College Park Center (7,000) #> 171 Jadwin Gymnasium (6,854) #> 172 Indiana Farmers Coliseum (6,800) #> 173 Schollmaier Arena (6,800) #> 174 Corbett Sports Center (6,700) #> 175 Freedom Hall Civic Center (6,500) #> 176 McBrayer Arena (6,500) #> 177 Johnson Arena (6,500) #> 178 Frost Arena (6,500) #> 179 Finneran Pavilion (6,500) #> 180 Millett Hall (6,400) #> 181 Beeghly Center (6,400) #> 182 Memorial Athletic & Convocation Center (6,327) #> 183 Echols Hall (6,191) #> 184 Spanos Center (6,150) #> 185 Johnson Coliseum (6,110) #> 186 Alumni Arena (6,100) #> 187 Trask Coliseum (6,100) #> 188 Winthrop Coliseum (6,100) #> 189 Elmore Gymnasium (6,000) #> 190 McCarthey Athletic Center (6,000) #> 191 Sanford Coyote Sports Center (6,000) #> 192 McAlister Field House (6,000) #> 193 Thunderdome (6,000) #> 194 Clune Arena (5,843) #> 195 Cross Insurance Center (5,800) #> 196 UNF Arena (5,800) #> 197 Reilly Center (5,780) #> 198 Alumni Hall (5,710) #> 199 Scheels Center (5,644) #> 200 Carnesecca Arena (5,602) #> 201 Stabler Arena (5,600) #> 202 Stephens Center (5,600) #> 203 Rhodes Arena (5,500) #> 204 Farris Center (5,500) #> 205 Hytche Athletic Center (5,500) #> 206 Trojan Arena (5,500) #> 207 University Arena (5,421) #> 208 McGuirk Arena (5,300) #> 209 Lantz Arena (5,300) #> 210 America First Event Center (5,300) #> 211 Belk Arena (5,223) #> 212 Tudor Fieldhouse (5,208) #> 213 SECU Arena (5,200) #> 214 Events Center (5,142) #> 215 Western Hall (5,139) #> 216 TD Arena (5,100) #> 217 Schar Center (5,100) #> 218 Jenny Craig Pavilion (5,100) #> 219 Matthews Arena (5,065) #> 220 CBU Events Center (5,050) #> 221 Mack Sports Complex (5,045) #> 222 Christl Arena (5,043) #> 223 Cameron Hall (5,029) #> 224 Allen Arena (5,028) #> 225 Curb Event Center (5,000) #> 226 Jones Convocation Center (5,000) #> 227 Bob Carpenter Center (5,000) #> 228 Reese Court (5,000) #> 229 Ocean Bank Convocation Center (5,000) #> 230 Timmons Arena (5,000) #> 231 Hanna Center (5,000) #> 232 Provident Credit Union Event Center (5,000) #> 233 Bren Events Center (5,000) #> 234 Athletics Recreation Center (5,000) #> 235 Chiles Center (4,854) #> 236 Burns Arena (4,779) #> 237 UMBC Event Center (4,753) #> 238 KSU Convocation Center (4,600) #> 239 SEFCU Arena (4,538) #> 240 Clemmons Arena (4,500) #> 241 Alico Arena (4,500) #> 242 Worthington Arena (4,500) #> 243 Hill Field House (4,500) #> 244 Leavey Center (4,500) #> 245 Gentile Arena (4,486) #> 246 Newman Arena (4,473) #> 247 Hanner Fieldhouse (4,358) #> 248 Stroh Center (4,347) #> 249 Charles E. Smith Center (4,338) #> 250 Elam Center (4,300) #> 251 The Walter Pyramid (4,200) #> 252 H&HP Complex (4,200) #> 253 Hagan Arena (4,200) #> 254 War Memorial at the Sobrato Center (4,200) #> 255 Gersten Pavilion (4,156) #> 256 Physical Education Complex (4,100) #> 257 OceanFirst Bank Center (4,100) #> 258 UTSA Convocation Center (4,080) #> 259 Sojka Pavilion (4,000) #> 260 Titan Gym (4,000) #> 261 Tom Gola Arena (4,000) #> 262 Liberty Arena (4,000) #> 263 Flowers Hall (4,000) #> 264 UPMC Events Center (4,000) #> 265 First Community Arena (4,000) #> 266 Edmunds Center (4,000) #> 267 Island Federal Credit Union Arena (4,000) #> 268 Rimac Arena (4,000) #> 269 UTRGV Fieldhouse (4,000) #> 270 Icardo Center (3,880) #> 271 Stopher Gym (3,800) #> 272 HTC Center (3,600) #> 273 Hart Center (3,600) #> 274 Prather Coliseum (3,600) #> 275 Fogelman Arena (3,600) #> 276 Chase Arena (3,508) #> 277 UPMC Cooper Fieldhouse (3,500) #> 278 Paul Porter Arena (3,500) #> 279 Mathews Coliseum (3,500) #> 280 Kirby Sports Center (3,500) #> 281 Wellness and Events Center (3,500) #> 282 William Nicks Building (3,500) #> 283 University Credit Union Pavilion (3,500) #> 284 DeGol Arena (3,500) #> 285 GSU Sports Arena (3,400) #> 286 Richardson Indoor Stadium (3,400) #> 287 Patrick Gymnasium (3,266) #> 288 People's United Center (3,254) #> 289 Detrick Gymnasium (3,200) #> 290 Rose Hill Gym (3,200) #> 291 McCann Center (3,200) #> 292 Hawkins Arena (3,200) #> 293 Dedmon Center (3,200) #> 294 Yanitelli Center (3,200) #> 295 Smith Hammond Middleton Center (3,200) #> 296 Kimmel Arena (3,200) #> 297 Reed Gym (3,141) #> 298 Knott Arena (3,121) #> 299 McLendon-McDougald Gymnasium (3,116) #> 300 Firestone Fieldhouse (3,104) #> 301 Pope Convocation Center (3,095) #> 302 Viking Pavilion (3,094) #> 303 Betty Engelstad Sioux Center (3,064) #> 304 Mott Gymnasium (3,032) #> 305 Moore Gym (3,000) #> 306 Assembly Center (3,000) #> 307 Lundholm Gymnasium (3,000) #> 308 Athletics Center O'Rena (3,000) #> 309 Wisdom Gymnasium (3,000) #> 310 Bank of Colorado Arena (2,977) #> 311 Bender Arena (2,930) #> 312 Pizzitola Sports Center (2,800) #> 313 SRC Arena (2,750) #> 314 Levien Gymnasium (2,700) #> 315 Burr Arena (2,700) #> 316 Harrison Complex (2,700) #> 317 Hynes Athletics Center (2,611) #> 318 Chace Athletic Center (2,600) #> 319 Daskalakis Athletic Center (2,532) #> 320 Lee Amphitheater (2,532) #> 321 Hamilton Gymnasium (2,500) #> 322 FAU Arena (2,500) #> 323 McDonough Arena (2,500) #> 324 Draddy Gymnasium (2,500) #> 325 Alumni Hall (2,479) #> 326 Gallagher Center (2,400) #> 327 Templeton P.E. Center (2,300) #> 328 Lavietes Pavilion (2,195) #> 329 Koessler Athletic Center (2,176) #> 330 UHY Center (2,148) #> 331 Leede Arena (2,100) #> 332 Reitz Arena (2,100) #> 333 Pitt Center (2,100) #> 334 Costello Athletic Center (2,100) #> 335 Spiro Sports Center (2,100) #> 336 Memorial Hall (2,000) #> 337 Rothman Center (2,000) #> 338 McDermott Convocation Center (2,000) #> 339 Steinberg Wellness Center (2,000) #> 340 Willett Hall (1,807) #> 341 Case Gym (1,800) #> 342 Gates Sports Center (1,800) #> 343 Cotterell Court (1,782) #> 344 Millis Athletic and Convocation Center (1,750) #> 345 Alumni Gymnasium (1,650) #> 346 Matadome (1,600) #> 347 Swinney Recreation Center (1,600) #> 348 Historic Swisher Gymnasium (1,500) #> 349 Rolle Activity Center (1,210) #> 350 Hammel Court (1,200) #> 351 Pope P.E. Center (1,200) #> 352 The Nest (1,012) #> 353 Teague Special Events Center (1,000) #> 354 Sharp Gym (1,000) #> 355 Redhawk Center (999) #> 356 Buccaneer Field House (881) #> 357 Hodge Center (837) #> alternate year #> 1 2021 #> 2 2021 #> 3 2021 #> 4 2021 #> 5 2021 #> 6 2021 #> 7 2021 #> 8 2021 #> 9 2021 #> 10 2021 #> 11 2021 #> 12 2021 #> 13 2021 #> 14 2021 #> 15 2021 #> 16 2021 #> 17 2021 #> 18 2021 #> 19 2021 #> 20 2021 #> 21 2021 #> 22 2021 #> 23 2021 #> 24 2021 #> 25 2021 #> 26 2021 #> 27 2021 #> 28 2021 #> 29 2021 #> 30 2021 #> 31 2021 #> 32 2021 #> 33 2021 #> 34 2021 #> 35 2021 #> 36 2021 #> 37 2021 #> 38 2021 #> 39 2021 #> 40 2021 #> 41 2021 #> 42 2021 #> 43 2021 #> 44 2021 #> 45 2021 #> 46 2021 #> 47 2021 #> 48 2021 #> 49 2021 #> 50 2021 #> 51 2021 #> 52 2021 #> 53 2021 #> 54 2021 #> 55 2021 #> 56 2021 #> 57 2021 #> 58 2021 #> 59 2021 #> 60 2021 #> 61 2021 #> 62 2021 #> 63 2021 #> 64 2021 #> 65 2021 #> 66 2021 #> 67 2021 #> 68 2021 #> 69 2021 #> 70 2021 #> 71 2021 #> 72 2021 #> 73 2021 #> 74 2021 #> 75 2021 #> 76 2021 #> 77 2021 #> 78 2021 #> 79 2021 #> 80 2021 #> 81 2021 #> 82 2021 #> 83 2021 #> 84 2021 #> 85 2021 #> 86 2021 #> 87 2021 #> 88 2021 #> 89 2021 #> 90 2021 #> 91 XL Center (15,564) 2021 #> 92 2021 #> 93 2021 #> 94 2021 #> 95 2021 #> 96 2021 #> 97 Kress Events Center (4,018) 2021 #> 98 2021 #> 99 2021 #> 100 2021 #> 101 2021 #> 102 2021 #> 103 2021 #> 104 2021 #> 105 2021 #> 106 2021 #> 107 2021 #> 108 2021 #> 109 2021 #> 110 2021 #> 111 2021 #> 112 2021 #> 113 2021 #> 114 2021 #> 115 2021 #> 116 2021 #> 117 2021 #> 118 2021 #> 119 2021 #> 120 2021 #> 121 2021 #> 122 2021 #> 123 2021 #> 124 2021 #> 125 2021 #> 126 2021 #> 127 2021 #> 128 2021 #> 129 2021 #> 130 2021 #> 131 2021 #> 132 2021 #> 133 2021 #> 134 2021 #> 135 2021 #> 136 2021 #> 137 2021 #> 138 2021 #> 139 2021 #> 140 2021 #> 141 2021 #> 142 2021 #> 143 2021 #> 144 2021 #> 145 Fleming Gymnasium (2,320) 2021 #> 146 2021 #> 147 2021 #> 148 2021 #> 149 2021 #> 150 2021 #> 151 2021 #> 152 2021 #> 153 2021 #> 154 2021 #> 155 2021 #> 156 2021 #> 157 2021 #> 158 2021 #> 159 2021 #> 160 2021 #> 161 2021 #> 162 2021 #> 163 2021 #> 164 2021 #> 165 2021 #> 166 2021 #> 167 2021 #> 168 2021 #> 169 2021 #> 170 2021 #> 171 2021 #> 172 2021 #> 173 2021 #> 174 2021 #> 175 2021 #> 176 2021 #> 177 2021 #> 178 2021 #> 179 Wells Fargo Center (20,478) 2021 #> 180 2021 #> 181 2021 #> 182 2021 #> 183 2021 #> 184 2021 #> 185 2021 #> 186 2021 #> 187 2021 #> 188 2021 #> 189 2021 #> 190 2021 #> 191 2021 #> 192 2021 #> 193 2021 #> 194 2021 #> 195 2021 #> 196 2021 #> 197 2021 #> 198 2021 #> 199 2021 #> 200 Madison Square Garden (19,786) 2021 #> 201 2021 #> 202 2021 #> 203 2021 #> 204 2021 #> 205 2021 #> 206 2021 #> 207 2021 #> 208 2021 #> 209 2021 #> 210 2021 #> 211 2021 #> 212 2021 #> 213 2021 #> 214 2021 #> 215 2021 #> 216 2021 #> 217 2021 #> 218 2021 #> 219 2021 #> 220 2021 #> 221 2021 #> 222 2021 #> 223 2021 #> 224 2021 #> 225 2021 #> 226 2021 #> 227 2021 #> 228 2021 #> 229 2021 #> 230 2021 #> 231 2021 #> 232 2021 #> 233 2021 #> 234 2021 #> 235 2021 #> 236 2021 #> 237 2021 #> 238 2021 #> 239 2021 #> 240 2021 #> 241 2021 #> 242 2021 #> 243 2021 #> 244 2021 #> 245 2021 #> 246 2021 #> 247 2021 #> 248 2021 #> 249 2021 #> 250 2021 #> 251 2021 #> 252 2021 #> 253 2021 #> 254 2021 #> 255 2021 #> 256 2021 #> 257 2021 #> 258 2021 #> 259 2021 #> 260 2021 #> 261 2021 #> 262 2021 #> 263 2021 #> 264 2021 #> 265 2021 #> 266 2021 #> 267 2021 #> 268 2021 #> 269 2021 #> 270 2021 #> 271 2021 #> 272 2021 #> 273 2021 #> 274 2021 #> 275 2021 #> 276 2021 #> 277 2021 #> 278 2021 #> 279 2021 #> 280 2021 #> 281 2021 #> 282 2021 #> 283 2021 #> 284 2021 #> 285 2021 #> 286 2021 #> 287 2021 #> 288 2021 #> 289 2021 #> 290 2021 #> 291 2021 #> 292 2021 #> 293 2021 #> 294 2021 #> 295 2021 #> 296 2021 #> 297 2021 #> 298 2021 #> 299 2021 #> 300 2021 #> 301 2021 #> 302 2021 #> 303 2021 #> 304 2021 #> 305 2021 #> 306 2021 #> 307 2021 #> 308 2021 #> 309 2021 #> 310 2021 #> 311 2021 #> 312 2021 #> 313 2021 #> 314 2021 #> 315 2021 #> 316 2021 #> 317 2021 #> 318 2021 #> 319 2021 #> 320 2021 #> 321 2021 #> 322 2021 #> 323 2021 #> 324 2021 #> 325 Webster Bank Arena (10,000) 2021 #> 326 2021 #> 327 2021 #> 328 2021 #> 329 2021 #> 330 2021 #> 331 2021 #> 332 2021 #> 333 2021 #> 334 Tsongas Center (6,111) 2021 #> 335 2021 #> 336 2021 #> 337 2021 #> 338 2021 #> 339 2021 #> 340 2021 #> 341 2021 #> 342 2021 #> 343 2021 #> 344 2021 #> 345 2021 #> 346 2021 #> 347 2021 #> 348 2021 #> 349 2021 #> 350 2021 #> 351 2021 #> 352 2021 #> 353 2021 #> 354 2021 #> 355 2021 #> 356 2021 #> 357 2021 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom Game Box Score — kp_box","title":"Get KenPom Game Box Score — kp_box","text":"Get KenPom Game Box Score","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom Game Box Score — kp_box","text":"","code":"kp_box(game_id, year)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom Game Box Score — kp_box","text":"game_id Game id game pull year Year game pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_box.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom Game Box Score — kp_box","text":"Returns tibble game box scores names: away_team, home_team, linescore, officials away_team home_team linescore officials","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_box.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom Game Box Score — kp_box","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_box(game_id = 6, year = 2021)) #> $away_team #> # A tibble: 11 × 26 #> hgt wgt yr number player min o_rtg percent_ps pts fgm_2 fga_2 #> #> 1 \"6-2\" 180 So 11 James Bis… 36 108 35 20 4 8 #> 2 \"6-7\" 225 So 10 Jamison B… 35 99 24 20 2 2 #> 3 \"6-9\" 225 Sr 0 Matt Moyer 31 53 17 2 1 3 #> 4 \"6-1\" 200 So 1 Jameer Ne… 30 127 25 18 5 6 #> 5 \"6-9\" 245 So 3 Chase Paar 24 48 6 2 1 1 #> 6 \"6-9\" 215 Jr 23 Sloan Sey… 20 107 13 5 0 1 #> 7 \"6-5\" 190 Sr 33 Maceo Jack 15 56 12 2 1 1 #> 8 \"6-11\" 270 Fr 21 Noel Brown 7 NA NA 2 1 1 #> 9 \"6-10\" 245 Sr 20 Ace Stall… 2 NA NA 0 0 0 #> 10 \"\" NA NA NA Team NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 11 \"\" NA NA NA TOTAL 200 NA NA 71 15 23 #> # ℹ 15 more variables: fgm_3 , fga_3 , ftm , fta , #> # or , dr , a , to , blk , stl , pf , #> # team , wp_note , game_id , year #> #> $home_team #> # A tibble: 14 × 26 #> hgt wgt yr number player min o_rtg percent_ps pts fgm_2 fga_2 #> #> 1 \"6-0\" 183 Sr 22 \"Cam Davi… 33 115 23 15 6 10 #> 2 \"6-4\" 200 Jr 20 \"Greg Sum… 29 102 15 5 1 3 #> 3 \"6-3\" 195 Jr 1 \"John Car… 28 120 25 17 1 2 #> 4 \"6-7\" 230 Jr 55 \"Richard … 27 136 18 12 6 10 #> 5 \"6-6\" 214 So 5 \"Tyler Ne… 21 139 21 12 3 5 #> 6 \"6-7\" 225 Sr 33 \"Luke Loe… 14 110 22 9 3 4 #> 7 \"6-8\" 225 So 31 \"Daniel D… 13 74 26 2 1 5 #> 8 \"6-5\" 208 So 21 \"Patrick … 13 93 16 3 0 1 #> 9 \"6-2\" 195 So 3 \"Sean Yod… 10 100 9 3 0 0 #> 10 \"6-2\" 175 So 15 \"PJ Roach\" 7 NA NA 0 0 0 #> 11 \"6-5\" 218 So 11 \"Jaylen W… 5 NA NA 0 0 1 #> 12 \"\" NA NA NA \"Team\" NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 13 \"\" NA NA NA \"TOTAL\" 200 NA NA 78 21 41 #> 14 \"DNP:\" NA Inge. NA \"DNP: Aus… NA NA NA NA NA NA #> # ℹ 15 more variables: fgm_3 , fga_3 , ftm , fta , #> # or , dr , a , to , blk , stl , pf , #> # team , wp_note , game_id , year #> #> $linescore #> # A tibble: 2 × 6 #> team q1 q2 q3 q4 t #> #> 1 George Washington 15 15 22 19 71 #> 2 Navy 22 19 16 21 78 #> #> $officials #> official_id official_name game_id year #> 1 714272 Mike McCloskey 6 2021 #> 2 719474 Mike Millione 6 2021 #> 3 721752 Dave Fernandez 6 2021 #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_coach_history.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's coaching resume data — kp_coach_history","title":"Get KenPom's coaching resume data — kp_coach_history","text":"Get KenPom's coaching resume data","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_coach_history.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's coaching resume data — kp_coach_history","text":"","code":"kp_coach_history(coach)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_coach_history.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom's coaching resume data — kp_coach_history","text":"coach Coach filter select.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_coach_history.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's coaching resume data — kp_coach_history","text":"data frame 30 columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_coach_history.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's coaching resume data — kp_coach_history","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_coach_history(coach = 'Leonard Hamilton')) #> # A tibble: 25 × 57 #> year team_rk team coach conf adj_t adj_o adj_d off_e_fg_pct off_to_pct #> #> 1 2023 205 Florida … Leon… ACC 68.6 105.4 107.8 49.3 17.6 #> 2 2022 105 Florida … Leon… ACC 67.8 105.3 99.1 49.0 18.1 #> 3 2021 15 Florida … Leon… ACC 69.9 114.9 92.8 54.0 20.4 #> 4 2020 15 Florida … Leon… ACC 69.9 111.7 91.5 51.9 18.9 #> 5 2019 14 Florida … Leon… ACC 68.6 112.8 90.4 50.5 18.9 #> 6 2018 27 Florida … Leon… ACC 71.2 114.3 96.5 53.2 17.8 #> 7 2017 26 Florida … Leon… ACC 71.3 115.5 95.5 53.7 16.4 #> 8 2016 48 Florida … Leon… ACC 71.6 113.1 98.9 51.8 18.0 #> 9 2015 99 Florida … Leon… ACC 65.9 105.6 99.3 50.1 21.9 #> 10 2014 38 Florida … Leon… ACC 65.2 112.2 97.4 51.7 21.4 #> # ℹ 15 more rows #> # ℹ 47 more variables: off_or_pct , off_ft_rate , off_fg_2_pct , #> # off_fg_3_pct , off_ft_pct , off_fg_3a_pct , off_a_pct , #> # off_apl , def_e_fg_pct , def_to_pct , def_or_pct , #> # def_ft_rate , def_fg_2_pct , def_fg_3_pct , #> # def_blk_pct , def_fg_3a_pct , def_a_pct , def_apl , #> # foul2partic_pct , wl , wl_conf , adj_t_rk , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_conf.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's conference-wide stats — kp_conf","title":"Get KenPom's conference-wide stats — kp_conf","text":"Get KenPom's conference-wide stats","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_conf.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's conference-wide stats — kp_conf","text":"","code":"kp_conf(year, conf)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_conf.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom's conference-wide stats — kp_conf","text":"year Year (YYYY) conf Used limit players specific conference. Allowed values : 'A10', 'ACC', 'AE', 'AMER', 'ASUN', 'B10', 'B12', '', 'BSKY', 'BSTH', 'BW', 'CAA', 'CUSA', 'HORZ', 'IND', IVY', 'MAAC', 'MAC', 'MEAC', 'MVC', 'MWC', 'NEC', 'OVC', 'P12', 'PAT', 'SB', 'SC', 'SEC', 'SLND', 'SUM', 'SWAC', 'WAC', 'WCC'. try use conference exist given season, like 'IND' '2018', get empty table, kenpom.com serve 404 pages invalid table queries like . filter applied default.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_conf.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's conference-wide stats — kp_conf","text":"list named data frames: Standings ConferencePlayOffense ConferencePlayDefense AllKenPom ConferenceAggregateStats WinningTrends ConferenceComparison","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_conf.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's conference-wide stats — kp_conf","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_conf(year = 2020, conf = 'ACC')) #> $Standings #> team #> 1 Florida St. 2* #> 2 Duke 3* #> 3 Louisville 4* #> 4 Virginia 7* #> 5 Georgia Tech #> 6 N.C. State 11* #> 7 Syracuse #> 8 Notre Dame #> 9 Clemson #> 10 Miami FL #> 11 Virginia Tech #> 12 Boston College #> 13 North Carolina #> 14 Wake Forest #> 15 Pittsburgh #> 16 *Tournament seed is from the consensus at bracketmatrix.com. #> overall #> 1 26-5 #> 2 25-6 #> 3 24-7 #> 4 23-7 #> 5 17-14 #> 6 20-12 #> 7 18-14 #> 8 20-12 #> 9 16-15 #> 10 15-16 #> 11 16-16 #> 12 13-19 #> 13 14-19 #> 14 13-18 #> 15 16-17 #> 16 *Tournament seed is from the consensus at bracketmatrix.com. #> conf adj_em #> 1 16-4 20.22 #> 2 15-5 24.62 #> 3 15-5 21.36 #> 4 15-5 14.22 #> 5 11-9 11.26 #> 6 10-10 13.39 #> 7 10-10 13.28 #> 8 10-10 12.09 #> 9 9-11 10.42 #> 10 7-13 6.39 #> 11 7-13 6.33 #> 12 7-13 -0.68 #> 13 6-14 9.36 #> 14 6-14 6.70 #> 15 6-14 5.65 #> 16 *Tournament seed is from the consensus at bracketmatrix.com. NA #> adj_em_rk adj_o adj_o_rk adj_d adj_d_rk adj_t adj_t_rk conf_sos conf_sos_rk #> 1 15 111.7 32 91.5 15 69.9 89 10.90 11 #> 2 5 115.7 9 91.1 12 72.0 34 9.43 15 #> 3 9 114.5 12 93.1 30 67.1 242 10.70 13 #> 4 42 99.3 234 85.1 1 59.4 353 11.36 9 #> 5 64 103.1 171 91.8 16 70.0 88 11.74 6 #> 6 50 110.7 42 97.3 79 69.5 103 11.23 10 #> 7 51 112.8 21 99.6 116 68.3 179 10.24 14 #> 8 57 110.7 41 98.6 100 68.1 190 10.88 12 #> 9 72 103.9 155 93.5 33 66.0 290 11.95 4 #> 10 104 107.7 79 101.3 149 68.3 180 12.93 1 #> 11 105 104.3 147 98.0 82 65.5 309 11.60 8 #> 12 179 99.6 228 100.3 128 69.3 120 12.34 2 #> 13 84 107.7 77 98.4 94 70.4 67 11.87 5 #> 14 103 108.7 61 102.0 166 70.1 79 11.63 7 #> 15 111 104.0 154 98.3 91 65.5 308 12.32 3 #> 16 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> next_game year #> 1 2020 #> 2 2020 #> 3 2020 #> 4 2020 #> 5 2020 #> 6 2020 #> 7 2020 #> 8 2020 #> 9 2020 #> 10 2020 #> 11 2020 #> 12 2020 #> 13 2020 #> 14 2020 #> 15 2020 #> 16 *Tournament seed is from the consensus at bracketmatrix.com. 2020 #> #> $ConferencePlayOffense #> team oe oe_rk e_fg_pct e_fg_pct_rk to_pct to_pct_rk or_pct #> 1 Duke 111.2 1 52.7 1 17.1 4 31.9 #> 2 Louisville 107.9 2 51.7 2 17.9 6 31.4 #> 3 Syracuse 106.3 3 48.8 9 16.0 3 29.6 #> 4 Florida St. 106.1 4 51.5 3 19.1 12 34.0 #> 5 Notre Dame 105.8 5 50.0 6 14.8 1 26.9 #> 6 North Carolina 102.8 6 48.0 11 18.5 10 34.8 #> 7 Wake Forest 102.3 7 50.1 5 19.8 13 27.4 #> 8 N.C. State 102.1 8 49.1 8 17.2 5 28.5 #> 9 Georgia Tech 99.5 9 51.1 4 22.8 15 31.4 #> 10 Miami FL 97.3 10 46.1 14 18.0 7 27.2 #> 11 Clemson 97.3 11 49.6 7 18.3 9 22.8 #> 12 Pittsburgh 95.2 12 43.5 15 18.0 8 31.1 #> 13 Virginia Tech 94.8 13 48.1 10 15.6 2 18.0 #> 14 Virginia 93.5 14 46.9 12 20.2 14 25.7 #> 15 Boston College 93.1 15 46.9 13 18.8 11 26.3 #> or_pct_rk ft_rate ft_rate_rk fg_2_pct fg_2_pct_rk fg_3_pct fg_3_pct_rk #> 1 3 34.7 4 52.5 2 35.4 4 #> 2 5 30.7 7 47.6 11 38.9 1 #> 3 7 34.2 5 50.4 4 30.9 12 #> 4 2 26.8 13 49.3 6 36.9 2 #> 5 11 24.3 14 49.2 7 34.1 5 #> 6 1 33.2 6 48.6 8 30.9 11 #> 7 9 41.6 1 48.0 10 36.1 3 #> 8 8 28.1 9 50.2 5 31.4 8 #> 9 4 35.0 2 51.2 3 34.1 6 #> 10 10 29.6 8 48.3 9 28.3 15 #> 11 14 27.9 11 52.6 1 30.8 13 #> 12 6 34.9 3 42.5 15 30.3 14 #> 13 15 22.6 15 47.6 12 32.4 7 #> 14 13 28.1 10 46.9 14 31.4 9 #> 15 12 27.3 12 47.1 13 31.0 10 #> ft_pct ft_pct_rk tempo tempo_rk year #> 1 73.7 6 72.3 1 2020 #> 2 73.5 7 67.1 11 2020 #> 3 76.9 2 68.5 8 2020 #> 4 74.1 4 69.0 6 2020 #> 5 75.3 3 68.4 9 2020 #> 6 68.9 13 69.6 5 2020 #> 7 74.0 5 70.3 2 2020 #> 8 71.6 10 69.8 3 2020 #> 9 69.0 12 69.7 4 2020 #> 10 78.0 1 68.7 7 2020 #> 11 65.7 14 66.1 13 2020 #> 12 71.0 11 65.7 14 2020 #> 13 71.8 9 66.2 12 2020 #> 14 71.8 8 60.5 15 2020 #> 15 62.9 15 68.3 10 2020 #> #> $ConferencePlayDefense #> team de de_rk e_fg_pct e_fg_pct_rk to_pct to_pct_rk or_pct #> 1 Virginia 87.9 1 43.3 1 17.4 10 23.1 #> 2 Duke 95.4 2 45.8 2 18.5 6 29.4 #> 3 Florida St. 95.8 3 47.3 4 22.0 2 29.6 #> 4 Louisville 97.3 4 47.9 5 17.8 9 24.3 #> 5 Georgia Tech 98.6 5 46.2 3 18.1 7 29.7 #> 6 Clemson 99.0 6 49.5 8 17.9 8 23.7 #> 7 Virginia Tech 101.4 7 49.3 7 16.0 13 24.5 #> 8 N.C. State 101.7 8 48.8 6 19.6 4 31.7 #> 9 Syracuse 103.0 9 50.3 10 19.9 3 32.0 #> 10 Pittsburgh 103.8 10 52.0 14 22.2 1 33.6 #> 11 North Carolina 105.2 11 50.2 9 16.1 12 25.6 #> 12 Miami FL 105.5 12 50.5 12 17.1 11 31.8 #> 13 Notre Dame 106.5 13 50.8 13 16.0 14 29.6 #> 14 Boston College 107.0 14 52.2 15 19.1 5 31.5 #> 15 Wake Forest 107.5 15 50.3 11 14.2 15 27.0 #> or_pct_rk ft_rate ft_rate_rk fg_2_pct fg_2_pct_rk fg_3_pct fg_3_pct_rk #> 1 1 23.1 3 43.2 1 28.9 1 #> 2 7 31.4 9 46.7 2 29.0 2 #> 3 9 32.6 12 46.7 3 32.1 6 #> 4 3 29.7 5 47.5 5 32.2 7 #> 5 10 38.4 14 47.4 4 29.2 3 #> 6 2 31.0 8 49.4 8 33.1 8 #> 7 4 29.8 6 50.3 13 31.9 5 #> 8 12 39.4 15 49.6 10 31.3 4 #> 9 14 29.3 4 49.8 12 33.8 10 #> 10 15 29.9 7 51.6 14 35.0 13 #> 11 5 32.1 11 49.5 9 34.2 12 #> 12 13 22.8 2 49.3 7 35.4 14 #> 13 8 20.9 1 48.6 6 36.5 15 #> 14 11 31.7 10 53.3 15 33.5 9 #> 15 6 37.2 13 49.7 11 34.2 11 #> blk_pct blk_pct_rk stl_pct stl_pct_rk year #> 1 15.8 2 8.4 10 2020 #> 2 12.3 4 10.4 3 2020 #> 3 16.2 1 11.4 1 2020 #> 4 8.4 9 7.7 14 2020 #> 5 10.4 6 9.9 7 2020 #> 6 8.0 11 9.2 8 2020 #> 7 7.5 13 8.6 9 2020 #> 8 11.2 5 10.0 6 2020 #> 9 14.5 3 10.3 4 2020 #> 10 9.7 7 11.1 2 2020 #> 11 8.1 10 8.1 12 2020 #> 12 8.8 8 7.9 13 2020 #> 13 7.6 12 8.1 11 2020 #> 14 6.4 14 10.1 5 2020 #> 15 6.3 15 6.3 15 2020 #> #> $AllKenPom #> rk player year #> 1 1 Vernon Carey, Duke (Fr) 2020 #> 2 2 Jordan Nwora, Louisville (Jr) 2020 #> 3 3 John Mooney, Notre Dame (Sr) 2020 #> 4 4 Elijah Hughes, Syracuse (Jr) 2020 #> 5 5 Tre Jones, Duke (So) 2020 #> #> $ConferenceAggregateStats #> stat value rk year #> 1 Efficiency 100.9 22 2020 #> 2 Tempo 68.0 17 2020 #> 3 Effective FG% 49.0 25 2020 #> 4 Turnover % 18.1 12 2020 #> 5 Off. Reb. % 28.5 12 2020 #> 6 FTA/FGA 30.6 26 2020 #> 7 Block % 10.0 4 2020 #> 8 Steal % 9.2 8 2020 #> 9 3PA/FGA 37.4 16 2020 #> 10 A/FGM 52.2 14 2020 #> 11 3P% 32.8 23 2020 #> 12 2P% 48.8 22 2020 #> 13 FT% 72.0 11 2020 #> #> $WinningTrends #> stat count value rk year #> 1 Home win% (91 of 150) NA 16 2020 #> 2 Close game% ( (40 of 150) NA 3 2020 #> 3 Blowout % (>19 pts) (17 of 150) NA 24 2020 #> #> $ConferenceComparison #> rk conference rating year #> 1 1 Big Ten Conference 17.49 2020 #> 2 2 Big 12 Conference 15.73 2020 #> 3 3 Big East Conference 15.49 2020 #> 4 4 Atlantic Coast Conference 11.45 2020 #> 5 5 Pac 12 Conference 11.35 2020 #> 6 6 Southeastern Conference 10.98 2020 #> 7 7 American Athletic Conference 8.62 2020 #> 8 8 West Coast Conference 5.29 2020 #> 9 9 Atlantic 10 Conference 5.01 2020 #> 10 10 Mountain West Conference 4.99 2020 #> 11 11 Missouri Valley Conference 2.46 2020 #> 12 12 Mid American Conference 0.22 2020 #> 13 13 Conference USA -0.12 2020 #> 14 14 Sun Belt Conference -0.14 2020 #> 15 15 Southern Conference -0.20 2020 #> 16 16 Ivy League -0.95 2020 #> 17 17 Big Sky Conference -2.26 2020 #> 18 18 Colonial Athletic Association -3.35 2020 #> 19 19 Summit League -3.53 2020 #> 20 20 Big West Conference -5.07 2020 #> 21 21 Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference -6.30 2020 #> 22 22 Horizon League -6.46 2020 #> 23 23 Patriot League -6.55 2020 #> 24 24 Western Athletic Conference -6.64 2020 #> 25 25 America East Conference -7.69 2020 #> 26 26 ASUN Conference -8.16 2020 #> 27 27 Northeast Conference -8.63 2020 #> 28 28 Southland Conference -9.41 2020 #> 29 29 Ohio Valley Conference -9.67 2020 #> 30 30 Big South Conference -10.82 2020 #> 31 31 Southwestern Athletic Conference -14.37 2020 #> 32 32 Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference -15.47 2020 #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confhistory.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's historical conference ratings — kp_confhistory","title":"Get KenPom's historical conference ratings — kp_confhistory","text":"Get KenPom's historical conference ratings","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confhistory.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's historical conference ratings — kp_confhistory","text":"","code":"kp_confhistory(conf)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confhistory.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom's historical conference ratings — kp_confhistory","text":"conf Used limit players specific conference. Allowed values : 'A10', 'ACC', 'AE', 'AMER', 'ASUN', 'B10', 'B12', '', 'BSKY', 'BSTH', 'BW', 'CAA', 'CUSA', 'HORZ', 'IND', IVY', 'MAAC', 'MAC', 'MEAC', 'MVC', 'MWC', 'NEC', 'OVC', 'P12', 'PAT', 'SB', 'SC', 'SEC', 'SLND', 'SUM', 'SWAC', 'WAC', 'WCC'. try use conference exist given season, like 'IND' '2018', get empty table, kenpom.com serve 404 pages invalid table queries like . filter applied default.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confhistory.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's historical conference ratings — kp_confhistory","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confhistory.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's historical conference ratings — kp_confhistory","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_confhistory(conf = 'ACC')) #> year rank tempo efficiency #> 1 2023 7 67.4 106.4 #> 2 2022 5 66.2 105.9 #> 3 2021 5 67.2 104.1 #> 4 2020 4 68.0 100.9 #> 5 2019 3 67.3 102.2 #> 6 2018 2 67.2 105.0 #> 7 2017 2 68.0 107.9 #> 8 2016 2 66.4 106.0 #> 9 2015 3 63.3 104.2 #> 10 NA Dropped: Maryland (B10) Added: Louisville (Amer) NA NA #> 11 2014 3 61.8 105.2 #> 12 NA Added: Notre Dame (BE), Pittsburgh (BE), Syracuse (BE) NA NA #> 13 2013 6 65.5 101.6 #> 14 2012 5 65.1 100.2 #> 15 2011 3 67.2 101.7 #> 16 2010 2 67.8 100.5 #> 17 2009 5 69.8 104.2 #> 18 2008 3 71.0 104.8 #> 19 2007 1 68.1 105.8 #> 20 2006 3 68.6 104.7 #> 21 NA Added: Boston College (BE) NA NA #> 22 2005 1 70.6 104.8 #> 23 NA Added: Miami FL (BE), Virginia Tech (BE) NA NA #> 24 2004 1 70.1 103.0 #> 25 2003 3 69.6 102.5 #> 26 2002 3 74.2 106.3 #> 27 2001 1 73.7 103.7 #> 28 2000 3 70.0 102.2 #> 29 1999 2 69.8 101.7 #> 30 1998 1 68.7 102.5 #> 31 1997 1 65.1 100.2 #> e_fg_pct to_pct or_pct ft_rate fg_2_pct fg_3_pct ft_pct fg_3a_pct a_pct #> 1 51.2 16.0 27.2 28.4 50.6 34.8 75.0 38.2 52.4 #> 2 51.4 16.7 27.7 27.0 50.6 35.1 73.8 38.2 53.5 #> 3 51.2 17.9 28.1 27.8 50.5 34.8 72.3 37.8 53.4 #> 4 49.0 18.1 28.5 30.6 48.8 32.8 72.0 37.4 52.2 #> 5 48.8 18.0 29.9 30.8 48.2 33.2 72.2 40.0 53.5 #> 6 50.8 17.4 29.4 30.1 48.8 36.0 72.3 37.8 54.3 #> 7 52.1 17.2 29.6 32.8 50.0 37.2 72.2 35.5 52.6 #> 8 49.9 17.3 31.6 34.0 49.0 34.5 71.4 33.7 52.3 #> 9 49.1 16.9 31.4 33.8 47.7 34.7 68.5 32.6 55.0 #> 10 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 11 48.8 17.1 33.1 38.3 47.5 34.3 68.2 32.5 51.9 #> 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 13 49.1 18.4 30.6 33.1 47.7 34.9 68.6 31.2 49.9 #> 14 47.9 18.8 31.4 33.1 46.7 33.7 69.9 31.9 50.1 #> 15 48.4 19.0 30.7 33.4 46.8 34.6 70.6 32.1 52.5 #> 16 47.0 20.0 33.5 36.5 46.2 32.8 70.2 29.3 51.9 #> 17 49.2 19.9 34.2 34.5 47.7 35.1 72.3 31.6 51.5 #> 18 50.2 19.9 32.8 36.9 48.9 35.5 70.8 31.4 50.3 #> 19 51.0 19.9 33.4 36.8 50.0 35.4 70.0 30.0 52.3 #> 20 50.5 21.0 33.7 38.0 48.4 36.7 71.4 31.6 55.7 #> 21 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 22 50.0 20.2 33.6 38.9 48.2 35.9 69.6 32.2 51.8 #> 23 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 24 49.6 21.9 35.7 39.9 48.1 35.0 69.8 33.8 54.9 #> 25 49.3 20.9 33.2 36.1 47.9 34.9 70.6 33.0 55.0 #> 26 51.9 20.2 33.7 37.7 50.9 36.0 70.8 33.1 56.9 #> 27 49.8 19.8 33.9 37.7 47.5 36.5 69.7 30.8 54.1 #> 28 49.0 20.7 35.3 35.3 47.2 35.5 69.6 29.7 54.5 #> 29 49.7 22.3 36.1 37.6 49.3 33.7 68.8 32.0 56.0 #> 30 49.6 21.1 34.8 40.6 49.1 33.9 68.2 30.0 54.2 #> 31 48.0 21.4 36.3 35.9 47.0 33.4 68.0 30.4 54.1 #> blk_pct stl_pct home_record #> 1 9.9 8.3 96-54 #> 2 9.5 9.4 83-67 #> 3 10.7 9.7 80-41 #> 4 10.0 9.2 91-59 #> 5 10.8 9.0 80-55 #> 6 10.8 8.8 85-50 #> 7 10.0 8.5 93-42 #> 8 9.6 8.7 89-46 #> 9 10.0 8.7 76-59 #> 10 NA NA Dropped: Maryland (B10) Added: Louisville (Amer) #> 11 10.1 8.5 77-58 #> 12 NA NA Added: Notre Dame (BE), Pittsburgh (BE), Syracuse (BE) #> 13 10.1 8.8 74-34 #> 14 10.0 9.1 58-38 #> 15 10.3 9.5 63-33 #> 16 10.3 9.8 66-30 #> 17 10.7 10.2 61-35 #> 18 10.8 9.7 58-38 #> 19 9.6 9.7 63-33 #> 20 10.4 10.7 60-36 #> 21 NA NA Added: Boston College (BE) #> 22 10.7 10.7 55-33 #> 23 NA NA Added: Miami FL (BE), Virginia Tech (BE) #> 24 10.9 11.0 47-25 #> 25 10.7 10.5 53-19 #> 26 8.0 10.2 46-26 #> 27 9.4 9.5 44-28 #> 28 9.8 9.8 46-26 #> 29 10.4 10.6 47-25 #> 30 9.8 9.7 42-30 #> 31 8.9 9.9 45-27 #> bids #> 1 5 #> 2 5 #> 3 7 #> 4 5* #> 5 7 #> 6 9 #> 7 9 #> 8 7 #> 9 6 #> 10 Dropped: Maryland (B10) Added: Louisville (Amer) #> 11 6 #> 12 Added: Notre Dame (BE), Pittsburgh (BE), Syracuse (BE) #> 13 4 #> 14 5 #> 15 4 #> 16 6 #> 17 7 #> 18 4 #> 19 7 #> 20 4 #> 21 Added: Boston College (BE) #> 22 5 #> 23 Added: Miami FL (BE), Virginia Tech (BE) #> 24 6 #> 25 4 #> 26 4 #> 27 6 #> 28 3 #> 29 3 #> 30 5 #> 31 6 #> s16 #> 1 1 #> 2 3 #> 3 2 #> 4 No tournament #> 5 5 #> 6 4 #> 7 1 #> 8 6 #> 9 5 #> 10 Dropped: Maryland (B10) Added: Louisville (Amer) #> 11 1 #> 12 Added: Notre Dame (BE), Pittsburgh (BE), Syracuse (BE) #> 13 2 #> 14 2 #> 15 3 #> 16 1 #> 17 2 #> 18 1 #> 19 1 #> 20 2 #> 21 Added: Boston College (BE) #> 22 3 #> 23 Added: Miami FL (BE), Virginia Tech (BE) #> 24 3 #> 25 2 #> 26 2 #> 27 2 #> 28 2 #> 29 2 #> 30 3 #> 31 2 #> f4 #> 1 1 #> 2 2 #> 3 0 #> 4 No tournament #> 5 1 #> 6 0 #> 7 1 #> 8 2 #> 9 1 #> 10 Dropped: Maryland (B10) Added: Louisville (Amer) #> 11 0 #> 12 Added: Notre Dame (BE), Pittsburgh (BE), Syracuse (BE) #> 13 0 #> 14 0 #> 15 0 #> 16 1 #> 17 1 #> 18 1 #> 19 0 #> 20 0 #> 21 Added: Boston College (BE) #> 22 1 #> 23 Added: Miami FL (BE), Virginia Tech (BE) #> 24 2 #> 25 0 #> 26 1 #> 27 2 #> 28 1 #> 29 1 #> 30 1 #> 31 1 #> ch #> 1 0 #> 2 0 #> 3 0 #> 4 No tournament #> 5 1 #> 6 0 #> 7 1 #> 8 0 #> 9 1 #> 10 Dropped: Maryland (B10) Added: Louisville (Amer) #> 11 0 #> 12 Added: Notre Dame (BE), Pittsburgh (BE), Syracuse (BE) #> 13 0 #> 14 0 #> 15 0 #> 16 1 #> 17 1 #> 18 0 #> 19 0 #> 20 0 #> 21 Added: Boston College (BE) #> 22 1 #> 23 Added: Miami FL (BE), Virginia Tech (BE) #> 24 0 #> 25 0 #> 26 1 #> 27 1 #> 28 0 #> 29 0 #> 30 0 #> 31 0 #> reg_season_champ #> 1 2-way tie #> 2 Duke 2 #> 3 Virginia 4 #> 4 Florida St. 2* #> 5 2-way tie #> 6 Virginia 1 #> 7 North Carolina 1 #> 8 North Carolina 1 #> 9 Virginia 2 #> 10 Dropped: Maryland (B10) Added: Louisville (Amer) #> 11 Virginia 1 #> 12 Added: Notre Dame (BE), Pittsburgh (BE), Syracuse (BE) #> 13 Miami FL 2 #> 14 North Carolina 1 #> 15 North Carolina 2 #> 16 2-way tie #> 17 North Carolina 1 #> 18 North Carolina 1 #> 19 2-way tie #> 20 Duke 1 #> 21 Added: Boston College (BE) #> 22 North Carolina 1 #> 23 Added: Miami FL (BE), Virginia Tech (BE) #> 24 Duke 1 #> 25 Wake Forest 2 #> 26 Maryland 1 #> 27 2-way tie #> 28 Duke 1 #> 29 Duke 1 #> 30 Duke 1 #> 31 Duke 2 #> tourney_champ #> 1 Duke 5 #> 2 Virginia Tech 11 #> 3 Georgia Tech 9 #> 4 #> 5 Duke 1 #> 6 Virginia 1 #> 7 Duke 2 #> 8 North Carolina 1 #> 9 Notre Dame 3 #> 10 Dropped: Maryland (B10) Added: Louisville (Amer) #> 11 Virginia 1 #> 12 Added: Notre Dame (BE), Pittsburgh (BE), Syracuse (BE) #> 13 Miami FL 2 #> 14 Florida St. 3 #> 15 Duke 1 #> 16 Duke 1 #> 17 Duke 2 #> 18 North Carolina 1 #> 19 North Carolina 1 #> 20 Duke 1 #> 21 Added: Boston College (BE) #> 22 Duke 1 #> 23 Added: Miami FL (BE), Virginia Tech (BE) #> 24 Maryland 4 #> 25 Duke 3 #> 26 Duke 1 #> 27 Duke 1 #> 28 Duke 1 #> 29 Duke 1 #> 30 North Carolina 1 #> 31 North Carolina 1 #> best_team #> 1 Duke 5 #> 2 Duke 2 #> 3 Florida St. 4 #> 4 Duke 3* #> 5 Virginia 1 #> 6 Virginia 1 #> 7 North Carolina 1 #> 8 North Carolina 1 #> 9 Duke 1 #> 10 Dropped: Maryland (B10) Added: Louisville (Amer) #> 11 Virginia 1 #> 12 Added: Notre Dame (BE), Pittsburgh (BE), Syracuse (BE) #> 13 Duke 2 #> 14 North Carolina 1 #> 15 Duke 1 #> 16 Duke 1 #> 17 North Carolina 1 #> 18 North Carolina 1 #> 19 North Carolina 1 #> 20 Duke 1 #> 21 Added: Boston College (BE) #> 22 North Carolina 1 #> 23 Added: Miami FL (BE), Virginia Tech (BE) #> 24 Duke 1 #> 25 Duke 3 #> 26 Duke 1 #> 27 Duke 1 #> 28 Duke 1 #> 29 Duke 1 #> 30 Duke 1 #> 31 North Carolina 1 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confstats.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's conference comparison stats — kp_confstats","title":"Get KenPom's conference comparison stats — kp_confstats","text":"Get KenPom's conference comparison stats","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confstats.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's conference comparison stats — kp_confstats","text":"","code":"kp_confstats(year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confstats.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom's conference comparison stats — kp_confstats","text":"year Year (YYYY)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confstats.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's conference comparison stats — kp_confstats","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_confstats.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's conference comparison stats — kp_confstats","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_confstats(year=most_recent_mbb_season())) #> conf eff eff_rk tempo tempo_rk e_fg_pct e_fg_pct_rk to_pct to_pct_rk #> 1 A10 103.1 21 68.0 13 50.4 23 18.1 21 #> 2 ACC 106.4 6 67.4 14 51.2 15 16.0 2 #> 3 AE 105.3 11 66.9 20 51.3 14 16.3 4 #> 4 Amer 104.7 13 69.2 6 50.8 20 18.1 20 #> 5 ASun 106.6 5 67.0 19 52.2 5 16.6 5 #> 6 B10 104.5 15 65.2 32 50.7 21 16.1 3 #> 7 B12 103.4 20 68.9 10 50.4 24 18.9 25 #> 8 BE 104.9 12 68.9 9 51.0 18 17.3 10 #> 9 BSky 106.4 7 66.0 27 52.4 3 16.8 7 #> 10 BSth 103.8 19 65.9 28 51.8 7 19.2 28 #> 11 BW 101.5 28 66.3 26 49.5 27 18.5 24 #> 12 CAA 102.3 25 66.7 22 49.6 26 17.7 17 #> 13 CUSA 104.1 18 66.5 25 51.1 16 19.0 26 #> 14 Horz 106.1 9 68.1 12 51.6 9 18.2 22 #> 15 Ivy 104.5 16 70.2 4 51.6 8 17.6 15 #> 16 MAAC 101.9 26 65.2 31 49.2 28 17.9 18 #> 17 MAC 108.2 2 69.1 7 52.2 4 17.5 13 #> 18 MEAC 101.5 30 71.3 1 50.9 19 22.5 32 #> 19 MVC 102.7 22 66.7 21 51.3 13 17.6 16 #> 20 MWC 106.0 10 65.5 30 52.0 6 17.3 9 #> 21 NEC 99.8 31 67.0 18 49.7 25 19.6 30 #> 22 OVC 104.7 14 70.6 2 51.1 17 17.6 14 #> 23 P12 101.5 29 66.5 23 48.8 31 18.2 23 #> 24 Pat 101.8 27 65.8 29 51.4 11 18.0 19 #> 25 SB 102.4 24 67.1 15 49.1 29 17.4 12 #> 26 SC 106.3 8 66.5 24 51.4 12 16.8 6 #> 27 SEC 104.3 17 67.1 16 48.9 30 17.4 11 #> 28 Slnd 107.3 3 68.9 8 52.5 2 19.2 27 #> 29 Sum 106.7 4 67.1 17 51.5 10 15.8 1 #> 30 SWAC 98.2 32 68.6 11 48.3 32 20.4 31 #> 31 WAC 102.4 23 69.3 5 50.4 22 19.4 29 #> 32 WCC 109.5 1 70.4 3 53.8 1 16.9 8 #> or_pct or_pct_rk ft_rate ft_rate_rk blk_pct blk_pct_rk stl_pct stl_pct_rk #> 1 28.0 18 33.2 12 9.1 12 9.3 14 #> 2 27.2 23 28.4 30 9.9 3 8.3 29 #> 3 26.3 28 29.3 25 7.3 29 8.7 25 #> 4 29.4 10 33.5 11 9.5 5 9.8 7 #> 5 26.6 25 27.8 31 8.1 24 8.6 26 #> 6 26.7 24 27.7 32 9.4 7 8.3 30 #> 7 29.8 6 34.7 9 9.2 11 9.7 8 #> 8 28.5 14 29.5 23 9.9 2 9.7 10 #> 9 25.1 31 32.6 15 6.7 32 7.8 31 #> 10 28.6 13 36.1 4 9.8 4 9.2 15 #> 11 27.7 21 33.7 10 7.2 30 8.9 21 #> 12 28.3 17 29.7 22 8.7 16 9.1 17 #> 13 29.4 11 31.4 17 9.3 10 9.9 5 #> 14 30.2 4 29.4 24 8.0 25 9.8 6 #> 15 26.5 26 32.3 16 8.6 20 9.0 18 #> 16 29.5 9 30.6 21 8.6 19 9.0 19 #> 17 29.8 8 34.9 7 7.8 27 8.7 24 #> 18 32.1 1 37.8 2 9.3 8 10.9 1 #> 19 24.9 32 28.8 27 8.3 23 9.1 16 #> 20 26.4 27 30.6 20 9.3 9 8.5 27 #> 21 28.4 16 31.0 19 8.6 21 10.2 3 #> 22 27.4 22 34.8 8 8.8 15 8.8 23 #> 23 29.8 7 28.7 28 9.9 1 9.4 13 #> 24 25.6 30 28.4 29 8.4 22 9.7 11 #> 25 28.9 12 32.8 13 8.9 13 9.7 9 #> 26 27.9 20 31.1 18 7.6 28 8.9 20 #> 27 31.1 2 35.1 6 9.4 6 9.6 12 #> 28 30.6 3 35.6 5 7.0 31 9.9 4 #> 29 26.1 29 29.2 26 8.7 17 7.7 32 #> 30 30.0 5 39.1 1 8.9 14 10.4 2 #> 31 28.5 15 36.9 3 8.6 18 8.9 22 #> 32 27.9 19 32.8 14 7.8 26 8.4 28 #> fg_2_pct fg_2_pct_rk fg_3_pct fg_3_pct_rk ft_pct ft_pct_rk fg_3a_pct #> 1 50.1 20 34.0 23 71.6 22 36.8 #> 2 50.6 16 34.8 12 75.0 2 38.2 #> 3 51.0 14 34.5 19 72.9 12 36.0 #> 4 50.9 15 33.8 26 72.1 17 38.9 #> 5 51.7 4 35.3 6 73.8 7 41.4 #> 6 50.0 22 34.7 16 71.5 23 36.0 #> 7 50.4 17 33.5 28 73.0 11 36.9 #> 8 50.3 18 34.7 13 73.3 9 35.2 #> 9 52.2 3 35.2 7 74.5 4 36.6 #> 10 51.5 7 34.8 11 68.0 32 38.1 #> 11 48.8 27 33.9 25 74.0 6 33.3 #> 12 49.0 25 33.7 27 71.5 24 37.1 #> 13 50.0 21 35.3 5 72.8 13 37.9 #> 14 51.7 5 34.3 22 74.1 5 37.5 #> 15 51.6 6 34.4 21 71.8 19 39.3 #> 16 48.3 29 33.9 24 71.6 21 34.6 #> 17 52.3 2 34.8 10 72.2 16 38.0 #> 18 50.3 19 34.7 15 71.0 28 37.0 #> 19 51.0 13 34.5 20 71.7 20 39.1 #> 20 51.5 8 35.2 8 75.2 1 38.5 #> 21 48.2 30 35.0 9 70.5 29 34.7 #> 22 50.0 23 35.3 4 71.4 25 37.2 #> 23 48.1 31 33.3 29 72.2 15 36.9 #> 24 51.1 11 34.7 14 68.1 31 35.9 #> 25 48.7 28 33.2 30 71.0 27 35.5 #> 26 51.0 12 34.6 18 72.7 14 41.0 #> 27 49.4 24 32.0 32 71.8 18 37.9 #> 28 51.4 9 36.4 2 73.3 8 36.1 #> 29 51.2 10 34.6 17 74.8 3 38.2 #> 30 47.7 32 33.0 31 69.3 30 34.6 #> 31 48.9 26 35.3 3 71.2 26 36.3 #> 32 52.9 1 36.8 1 73.0 10 38.1 #> fg_3a_pct_rk a_pct a_pct_rk home_w_l home_w_l_pct home_w_l_rk close close_rk #> 1 20 52.0 10 83-52 0.615 13 NA 12 #> 2 8 52.4 9 96-54 0.640 6 NA 16 #> 3 25 48.2 27 49-23 0.681 1 NA 17 #> 4 5 55.5 1 55-44 0.556 26 NA 6 #> 5 1 50.3 17 75-51 0.595 18 NA 8 #> 6 24 51.0 15 90-47 0.657 2 NA 5 #> 7 19 53.7 5 58-32 0.644 3 NA 4 #> 8 28 54.5 3 67-43 0.609 14 NA 25 #> 9 21 49.3 20 49-39 0.557 25 NA 1 #> 10 9 48.1 28 54-36 0.600 17 NA 21 #> 11 32 48.7 23 58-49 0.542 29 NA 3 #> 12 16 49.4 19 71-46 0.607 15 NA 20 #> 13 12 46.8 31 65-45 0.591 20 NA 10 #> 14 14 50.2 18 64-46 0.582 22 NA 21 #> 15 3 49.1 21 35-21 0.625 10 NA 15 #> 16 31 48.1 29 57-51 0.528 30 NA 2 #> 17 11 48.3 26 68-40 0.630 9 NA 32 #> 18 17 54.1 4 32-24 0.571 23 NA 27 #> 19 4 50.8 16 74-46 0.617 12 NA 9 #> 20 6 51.7 12 60-39 0.606 16 NA 14 #> 21 29 55.2 2 38-34 0.528 30 NA 26 #> 22 15 51.5 14 58-32 0.644 3 NA 23 #> 23 18 52.7 7 76-44 0.633 7 NA 29 #> 24 26 53.1 6 47-43 0.522 32 NA 13 #> 25 27 48.9 22 75-51 0.595 18 NA 19 #> 26 2 48.5 24 49-41 0.544 27 NA 28 #> 27 13 52.6 8 78-48 0.619 11 NA 17 #> 28 23 52.0 11 49-41 0.544 27 NA 7 #> 29 7 44.8 32 58-32 0.644 3 NA 31 #> 30 30 48.4 25 61-46 0.570 24 NA 11 #> 31 22 51.6 13 70-41 0.631 8 NA 30 #> 32 10 47.6 30 47-33 0.587 21 NA 24 #> blowouts blowouts_rk year #> 1 NA 20 2023 #> 2 NA 15 2023 #> 3 NA 16 2023 #> 4 NA 10 2023 #> 5 NA 11 2023 #> 6 NA 22 2023 #> 7 NA 23 2023 #> 8 NA 4 2023 #> 9 NA 28 2023 #> 10 NA 26 2023 #> 11 NA 21 2023 #> 12 NA 5 2023 #> 13 NA 17 2023 #> 14 NA 13 2023 #> 15 NA 19 2023 #> 16 NA 23 2023 #> 17 NA 1 2023 #> 18 NA 6 2023 #> 19 NA 8 2023 #> 20 NA 14 2023 #> 21 NA 32 2023 #> 22 NA 30 2023 #> 23 NA 12 2023 #> 24 NA 29 2023 #> 25 NA 27 2023 #> 26 NA 2 2023 #> 27 NA 8 2023 #> 28 NA 23 2023 #> 29 NA 3 2023 #> 30 NA 31 2023 #> 31 NA 18 2023 #> 32 NA 7 2023 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_efficiency.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom Efficiency and Tempo Summary — kp_efficiency","title":"Get KenPom Efficiency and Tempo Summary — kp_efficiency","text":"Get KenPom Efficiency Tempo Summary","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_efficiency.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom Efficiency and Tempo Summary — kp_efficiency","text":"","code":"kp_efficiency(min_year, max_year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_efficiency.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom Efficiency and Tempo Summary — kp_efficiency","text":"min_year First year data pull max_year Last year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_efficiency.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom Efficiency and Tempo Summary — kp_efficiency","text":"Returns tibble efficiency tempo ratings","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_efficiency.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom Efficiency and Tempo Summary — kp_efficiency","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_efficiency(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2021)) #> 2023-04-06 19:13:51: Invalid arguments or no efficiency data for 2020 - 2021 available! #> Team Conf AdjT AdjT.Rk RawT RawT.Rk AvgPossLengthOff #> 1 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 77.1 1 78.9 1 15.6 #> 2 Houston Baptist Slnd 76.1 2 77.9 2 14.8 #> 3 Marshall CUSA 74.9 3 75.2 7 14.8 #> 4 Alabama SEC 74.8 4 76.1 4 15.2 #> 5 Delaware St. MEAC 74.7 5 76.2 3 15.3 #> 6 Eastern Kentucky OVC 74.5 6 75.6 6 15.8 #> 7 Green Bay Horz 74.0 7 74.2 14 14.4 #> 8 Buffalo MAC 73.9 8 74.6 8 14.9 #> 9 North Carolina A&T MEAC 73.7 9 74.6 9 16.0 #> 10 The Citadel SC 73.7 10 74.3 13 15.9 #> 11 Central Michigan MAC 73.6 11 74.4 11 15.6 #> 12 Coppin St. MEAC 73.4 12 74.4 10 15.4 #> 13 San Jose St. MWC 73.3 13 74.0 19 16.3 #> 14 Arizona St. P12 73.2 14 73.6 23 15.8 #> 15 Central Arkansas Slnd 73.2 15 75.9 5 15.8 #> 16 Nebraska B10 73.1 16 72.8 33 15.1 #> 17 South Carolina SEC 73.1 17 72.5 37 15.3 #> 18 Eastern Washington BSky 73.1 18 73.6 24 15.3 #> 19 Georgia St. SB 73.0 19 73.7 21 15.8 #> 20 Bethune Cookman MEAC 73.0 20 74.0 18 15.6 #> 21 St. John's BE 72.9 21 74.1 16 15.5 #> 22 Texas Southern SWAC 72.9 22 74.4 12 16.0 #> 23 LIU NEC 72.8 23 73.3 26 16.1 #> 24 UTSA CUSA 72.8 24 73.0 30 16.2 #> 25 Samford SC 72.8 25 74.0 17 15.9 #> 26 Coastal Carolina SB 72.8 26 73.3 27 16.4 #> 27 Monmouth MAAC 72.6 27 72.0 44 15.6 #> 28 Memphis Amer 72.6 28 73.1 29 15.6 #> 29 Northwestern St. Slnd 72.4 29 74.1 15 16.3 #> 30 FIU CUSA 72.2 30 72.5 38 15.2 #> 31 Wright St. Horz 72.1 31 73.1 28 15.7 #> 32 James Madison CAA 72.1 32 71.6 57 15.8 #> 33 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd 72.1 33 73.9 20 15.8 #> 34 Duke ACC 72.0 34 72.8 31 16.2 #> 35 Gonzaga WCC 71.9 35 72.6 36 15.2 #> 36 Winthrop BSth 71.9 36 71.7 55 15.4 #> 37 Louisiana SB 71.8 37 72.4 39 16.7 #> 38 New Mexico MWC 71.8 38 72.6 35 16.3 #> 39 Stephen F. Austin Slnd 71.8 39 73.7 22 16.4 #> 40 Portland St. BSky 71.8 40 71.8 50 16.4 #> 41 Georgia Southern SB 71.8 41 72.7 34 15.8 #> 42 Santa Clara WCC 71.6 42 72.8 32 15.3 #> 43 Western Carolina SC 71.5 43 72.3 41 16.7 #> 44 Western Illinois Sum 71.3 44 72.0 45 17.1 #> 45 Arkansas SEC 71.2 45 71.4 61 16.7 #> 46 Rhode Island A10 71.2 46 71.9 47 16.1 #> 47 Saint Joseph's A10 71.2 47 71.2 66 16.5 #> 48 Sam Houston St. Slnd 71.1 48 73.4 25 16.0 #> 49 Rider MAAC 71.1 49 71.8 52 16.6 #> 50 Nevada MWC 71.0 50 71.7 56 16.3 #> 51 UNC Asheville BSth 71.0 51 70.8 79 16.5 #> 52 Loyola MD Pat 71.0 52 71.2 68 16.7 #> 53 Denver Sum 70.9 53 71.5 60 16.5 #> 54 Penn St. B10 70.9 54 71.4 62 16.2 #> 55 Long Beach St. BW 70.9 55 71.3 64 16.6 #> 56 Hampton BSth 70.9 56 70.7 86 16.5 #> 57 Pepperdine WCC 70.8 57 71.8 51 15.8 #> 58 IUPUI Horz 70.8 58 71.2 70 16.5 #> 59 Washington St. P12 70.8 59 71.1 71 16.7 #> 60 Marquette BE 70.7 60 71.4 63 16.5 #> 61 Prairie View A&M SWAC 70.7 61 72.4 40 16.3 #> 62 East Carolina Amer 70.6 62 70.7 87 16.6 #> 63 DePaul BE 70.6 63 71.7 53 15.5 #> 64 Georgia SEC 70.5 64 71.9 48 16.3 #> 65 Belmont OVC 70.5 65 72.3 42 15.7 #> 66 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC 70.4 66 70.5 99 15.9 #> 67 North Carolina ACC 70.4 67 70.4 106 16.6 #> 68 Oral Roberts Sum 70.4 68 71.8 49 16.1 #> 69 Utah Valley WAC 70.4 69 70.3 111 16.8 #> 70 St. Francis NY NEC 70.3 70 70.6 92 17.1 #> 71 Bryant NEC 70.3 71 70.2 116 17.2 #> 72 UMass Lowell AE 70.3 72 70.8 78 16.2 #> 73 Temple Amer 70.3 73 70.6 89 16.1 #> 74 Cal St. Northridge BW 70.3 74 70.9 74 16.9 #> 75 Howard MEAC 70.2 75 71.9 46 16.9 #> 76 Penn Ivy 70.2 76 71.0 72 16.8 #> 77 Iowa B10 70.2 77 70.6 93 16.2 #> 78 San Diego WCC 70.2 78 70.7 85 17.0 #> 79 Wake Forest ACC 70.1 79 70.8 81 16.6 #> 80 Rice CUSA 70.1 80 71.3 65 16.9 #> 81 Bowling Green MAC 70.1 81 70.9 76 16.6 #> 82 Alcorn St. SWAC 70.1 82 72.1 43 16.8 #> 83 North Alabama ASun 70.1 83 69.8 124 16.9 #> 84 LSU SEC 70.0 84 70.8 80 16.8 #> 85 South Dakota Sum 70.0 85 71.0 73 16.8 #> 86 Canisius MAAC 70.0 86 70.3 110 17.1 #> 87 Georgetown BE 70.0 87 71.6 58 15.9 #> 88 Georgia Tech ACC 70.0 88 70.5 96 17.0 #> 89 Florida St. ACC 69.9 89 69.6 139 16.7 #> 90 Iowa St. B12 69.9 90 70.4 102 16.4 #> 91 Seattle WAC 69.9 91 70.4 103 17.4 #> 92 Stony Brook AE 69.8 92 69.8 128 17.0 #> 93 Seton Hall BE 69.8 93 70.9 75 16.9 #> 94 New Orleans Slnd 69.8 94 71.7 54 16.4 #> 95 Middle Tennessee CUSA 69.8 95 70.5 94 16.5 #> 96 Washington P12 69.8 96 70.3 113 16.1 #> 97 Alabama St. SWAC 69.7 97 70.8 83 17.0 #> 98 Oklahoma B12 69.6 98 69.7 135 16.2 #> 99 Lamar Slnd 69.6 99 71.2 67 16.6 #> 100 Morgan St. MEAC 69.6 100 70.9 77 17.1 #> 101 Wichita St. Amer 69.5 101 70.6 88 17.3 #> 102 Milwaukee Horz 69.5 102 70.3 112 16.6 #> 103 N.C. State ACC 69.5 103 70.6 91 16.6 #> 104 Central Connecticut NEC 69.5 104 70.5 97 16.8 #> 105 Illinois Chicago Horz 69.5 105 70.6 90 17.3 #> 106 Army Pat 69.5 106 69.7 132 15.8 #> 107 Bucknell Pat 69.5 107 69.8 126 16.5 #> 108 BYU WCC 69.5 108 69.7 133 17.0 #> 109 Vanderbilt SEC 69.4 109 70.0 120 17.8 #> 110 Akron MAC 69.4 110 70.1 118 16.4 #> 111 North Florida ASun 69.4 111 69.2 161 16.7 #> 112 West Virginia B12 69.4 112 69.4 148 17.5 #> 113 Brown Ivy 69.4 113 69.9 121 17.3 #> 114 Cal St. Fullerton BW 69.3 114 69.2 168 16.6 #> 115 Arizona P12 69.3 115 70.3 109 16.3 #> 116 Colorado St. MWC 69.3 116 69.7 134 16.7 #> 117 Detroit Horz 69.3 117 70.5 95 17.6 #> 118 Southern Utah BSky 69.3 118 69.5 147 17.1 #> 119 Troy SB 69.3 119 70.4 108 17.1 #> 120 Boston College ACC 69.3 120 69.6 138 17.1 #> 121 Tennessee St. OVC 69.3 121 70.4 104 17.1 #> 122 Portland WCC 69.3 122 70.2 115 16.8 #> 123 Valparaiso MVC 69.3 123 69.2 164 16.6 #> 124 Richmond A10 69.3 124 69.3 159 16.7 #> 125 Little Rock SB 69.3 125 70.2 117 17.6 #> 126 Nebraska Omaha Sum 69.2 126 70.8 82 16.6 #> 127 Auburn SEC 69.2 127 70.5 100 16.4 #> 128 USC Upstate BSth 69.2 128 69.3 156 17.8 #> 129 Eastern Illinois OVC 69.1 129 70.4 101 17.4 #> 130 Michigan St. B10 69.1 130 69.3 157 16.6 #> 131 La Salle A10 69.1 131 69.7 129 17.3 #> 132 Columbia Ivy 69.1 132 69.4 151 16.7 #> 133 Boise St. MWC 69.1 133 69.7 131 17.0 #> 134 VCU A10 69.0 134 69.2 162 16.0 #> 135 Chicago St. WAC 69.0 135 69.4 150 17.9 #> 136 SIU Edwardsville OVC 69.0 136 69.9 122 17.4 #> 137 McNeese St. Slnd 69.0 137 71.2 69 17.3 #> 138 St. Francis PA NEC 68.9 138 69.7 130 16.3 #> 139 USC P12 68.9 139 70.0 119 16.9 #> 140 Idaho BSky 68.9 140 69.0 175 17.5 #> 141 Quinnipiac MAAC 68.9 141 68.9 184 17.1 #> 142 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC 68.9 142 69.0 174 16.8 #> 143 Kent St. MAC 68.9 143 69.6 140 17.3 #> 144 Murray St. OVC 68.9 144 69.5 143 17.0 #> 145 North Dakota Sum 68.9 145 70.2 114 17.9 #> 146 Florida Atlantic CUSA 68.8 146 69.6 141 16.1 #> 147 Air Force MWC 68.8 147 68.9 183 17.6 #> 148 Harvard Ivy 68.8 148 68.8 186 16.9 #> 149 Tennessee Martin OVC 68.7 149 69.7 136 18.1 #> 150 Michigan B10 68.7 150 69.4 152 17.1 #> 151 Grambling St. SWAC 68.7 151 70.5 98 17.0 #> 152 Sacred Heart NEC 68.7 152 69.5 145 17.8 #> 153 Lipscomb ASun 68.7 153 68.1 232 17.4 #> 154 Tulane Amer 68.7 154 69.4 154 16.7 #> 155 San Francisco WCC 68.7 155 69.0 176 17.0 #> 156 Iona MAAC 68.7 156 68.6 203 17.0 #> 157 Jackson St. SWAC 68.7 157 70.4 107 17.5 #> 158 Nicholls St. Slnd 68.7 158 71.5 59 17.1 #> 159 American Pat 68.7 159 68.9 181 17.9 #> 160 Florida A&M MEAC 68.6 160 70.8 84 17.3 #> 161 Massachusetts A10 68.6 161 69.2 169 18.0 #> 162 Cal Baptist WAC 68.6 162 69.4 149 16.7 #> 163 New Hampshire AE 68.6 163 69.5 146 18.1 #> 164 Binghamton AE 68.6 164 68.9 182 17.4 #> 165 UNC Wilmington CAA 68.5 165 68.4 216 16.8 #> 166 Albany AE 68.5 166 69.4 153 17.6 #> 167 Connecticut Amer 68.5 167 69.0 179 17.5 #> 168 Colgate Pat 68.5 168 68.6 201 17.2 #> 169 Illinois St. MVC 68.5 169 68.2 229 16.4 #> 170 Hawaii BW 68.4 170 69.1 172 17.9 #> 171 Providence BE 68.4 171 69.6 142 17.3 #> 172 Abilene Christian Slnd 68.4 172 70.4 105 17.0 #> 173 Oklahoma St. B12 68.4 173 68.4 214 17.3 #> 174 Lehigh Pat 68.4 174 68.7 199 17.7 #> 175 Cal Poly BW 68.3 175 68.2 228 17.6 #> 176 Western Kentucky CUSA 68.3 176 69.5 144 17.3 #> 177 Holy Cross Pat 68.3 177 68.7 195 17.9 #> 178 Creighton BE 68.3 178 69.8 127 16.5 #> 179 Syracuse ACC 68.3 179 68.4 220 16.8 #> 180 Miami FL ACC 68.3 180 68.7 193 18.1 #> 181 Missouri St. MVC 68.3 181 68.6 207 17.6 #> 182 Delaware CAA 68.3 182 68.5 209 17.5 #> 183 Stanford P12 68.3 183 68.7 194 17.4 #> 184 Hartford AE 68.2 184 68.5 211 18.2 #> 185 Montana BSky 68.2 185 69.2 163 17.0 #> 186 Kennesaw St. ASun 68.2 186 68.1 230 18.3 #> 187 Furman SC 68.2 187 69.2 166 17.2 #> 188 Colorado P12 68.2 188 68.1 231 17.5 #> 189 Jacksonville St. OVC 68.1 189 69.1 171 18.2 #> 190 Notre Dame ACC 68.1 190 69.0 177 16.8 #> 191 Xavier BE 68.1 191 69.2 167 17.7 #> 192 Mercer SC 68.1 192 69.8 125 17.5 #> 193 Toledo MAC 68.1 193 69.3 160 17.2 #> 194 UC Davis BW 68.0 194 67.8 241 17.3 #> 195 Ohio MAC 68.0 195 68.8 189 18.1 #> 196 Mississippi SEC 68.0 196 68.8 191 17.4 #> 197 Saint Peter's MAAC 68.0 197 68.6 204 17.8 #> 198 Grand Canyon WAC 68.0 198 67.5 254 17.8 #> 199 Cincinnati Amer 68.0 199 68.8 185 17.0 #> 200 Ball St. MAC 68.0 200 69.1 173 17.9 #> 201 South Dakota St. Sum 68.0 201 69.8 123 17.1 #> 202 Hofstra CAA 67.9 202 68.4 221 16.8 #> 203 VMI SC 67.9 203 68.7 196 16.9 #> 204 Drake MVC 67.9 204 67.3 262 17.8 #> 205 Purdue Fort Wayne Sum 67.9 205 68.9 180 16.9 #> 206 Indiana B10 67.9 206 68.7 200 17.5 #> 207 Longwood BSth 67.8 207 68.5 213 16.8 #> 208 UCF Amer 67.8 208 68.7 197 17.6 #> 209 Austin Peay OVC 67.8 209 69.1 170 17.6 #> 210 UNC Greensboro SC 67.8 210 68.6 205 17.0 #> 211 Duquesne A10 67.8 211 67.7 247 17.9 #> 212 UC Irvine BW 67.7 212 68.4 218 17.5 #> 213 Alabama A&M SWAC 67.7 213 69.6 137 17.5 #> 214 UT Arlington SB 67.7 214 68.7 198 17.2 #> 215 Kentucky SEC 67.7 215 68.5 212 17.4 #> 216 Weber St. BSky 67.6 216 67.9 236 17.9 #> 217 Evansville MVC 67.6 217 67.8 243 18.1 #> 218 Southeast Missouri St. OVC 67.6 218 68.6 202 16.9 #> 219 Saint Louis A10 67.6 219 68.4 215 17.5 #> 220 Dayton A10 67.6 220 68.0 233 17.1 #> 221 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC 67.5 221 69.3 158 17.9 #> 222 William & Mary CAA 67.5 222 67.9 239 18.2 #> 223 Wagner NEC 67.5 223 68.8 192 18.1 #> 224 UTEP CUSA 67.5 224 68.4 219 17.4 #> 225 Norfolk St. MEAC 67.5 225 69.3 155 17.5 #> 226 South Carolina St. MEAC 67.4 226 69.2 165 18.3 #> 227 Yale Ivy 67.4 227 67.9 237 18.2 #> 228 Western Michigan MAC 67.4 228 68.4 217 17.8 #> 229 Utah St. MWC 67.4 229 68.0 234 17.3 #> 230 Idaho St. BSky 67.4 230 67.6 250 18.3 #> 231 Rutgers B10 67.4 231 67.6 253 17.4 #> 232 Morehead St. OVC 67.3 232 68.8 188 17.4 #> 233 Kansas B12 67.3 233 67.6 248 17.0 #> 234 Montana St. BSky 67.3 234 67.8 242 17.6 #> 235 Drexel CAA 67.3 235 67.7 244 18.4 #> 236 Texas Tech B12 67.3 236 68.3 223 17.4 #> 237 Arkansas St. SB 67.3 237 68.3 225 17.0 #> 238 Southern Miss CUSA 67.2 238 68.2 226 18.2 #> 239 Kansas St. B12 67.2 239 67.3 267 17.5 #> 240 Appalachian St. SB 67.2 240 68.3 222 17.2 #> 241 Cleveland St. Horz 67.1 241 69.0 178 17.9 #> 242 Louisville ACC 67.1 242 67.2 269 17.3 #> 243 Miami OH MAC 67.1 243 68.8 190 17.8 #> 244 Bradley MVC 67.1 244 67.1 271 17.4 #> 245 Maryland B10 67.0 245 67.6 249 17.6 #> 246 George Mason A10 67.0 246 67.4 261 17.9 #> 247 UNLV MWC 67.0 247 67.3 266 18.0 #> 248 Chattanooga SC 67.0 248 68.2 227 18.1 #> 249 NJIT ASun 66.9 249 66.6 291 18.2 #> 250 Charleston Southern BSth 66.9 250 67.9 238 17.7 #> 251 Lafayette Pat 66.9 251 67.5 255 17.8 #> 252 Tennessee Tech OVC 66.9 252 68.5 210 17.5 #> 253 Presbyterian BSth 66.9 253 67.0 279 18.4 #> 254 Eastern Michigan MAC 66.8 254 67.7 245 17.3 #> 255 UMBC AE 66.8 255 67.3 265 17.5 #> 256 Southern SWAC 66.8 256 68.5 208 18.0 #> 257 Minnesota B10 66.8 257 67.3 264 17.9 #> 258 Wyoming MWC 66.7 258 67.4 260 18.0 #> 259 Northwestern B10 66.7 259 66.7 287 17.6 #> 260 Utah P12 66.7 260 67.6 252 18.1 #> 261 Siena MAAC 66.7 261 67.2 270 17.6 #> 262 Jacksonville ASun 66.6 262 66.7 285 17.7 #> 263 North Carolina Central MEAC 66.6 263 68.8 187 17.2 #> 264 George Washington A10 66.6 264 66.7 283 18.9 #> 265 Northern Arizona BSky 66.6 265 67.1 273 18.2 #> 266 Louisiana Tech CUSA 66.5 266 67.7 246 17.7 #> 267 Missouri SEC 66.5 267 67.0 277 17.7 #> 268 Old Dominion CUSA 66.4 268 67.5 257 18.2 #> 269 Youngstown St. Horz 66.4 269 68.0 235 17.9 #> 270 Indiana St. MVC 66.4 270 66.2 305 18.4 #> 271 High Point BSth 66.4 271 67.0 275 18.7 #> 272 Boston University Pat 66.3 272 66.5 299 17.9 #> 273 Vermont AE 66.3 273 66.5 298 18.1 #> 274 Princeton Ivy 66.3 274 67.1 272 18.1 #> 275 Villanova BE 66.2 275 67.6 251 18.1 #> 276 Mississippi St. SEC 66.2 276 67.3 263 18.2 #> 277 Baylor B12 66.2 277 66.6 289 18.2 #> 278 Elon CAA 66.2 278 66.5 301 18.0 #> 279 Gardner Webb BSth 66.2 279 66.8 281 17.9 #> 280 Ohio St. B10 66.2 280 66.7 286 18.1 #> 281 East Tennessee St. SC 66.1 281 67.5 258 18.2 #> 282 Robert Morris NEC 66.1 282 67.1 274 17.4 #> 283 Incarnate Word Slnd 66.1 283 68.6 206 18.4 #> 284 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC 66.1 284 67.5 259 18.9 #> 285 Oakland Horz 66.1 285 67.2 268 18.8 #> 286 Florida Gulf Coast ASun 66.1 286 66.2 307 18.5 #> 287 North Dakota St. Sum 66.0 287 67.5 256 18.7 #> 288 Illinois B10 66.0 288 67.0 278 18.6 #> 289 Niagara MAAC 66.0 289 66.5 300 18.2 #> 290 Clemson ACC 66.0 290 66.6 294 17.6 #> 291 Northeastern CAA 65.9 291 65.8 320 18.2 #> 292 Texas B12 65.9 292 66.2 310 18.1 #> 293 Wofford SC 65.9 293 66.6 296 18.0 #> 294 Maine AE 65.9 294 66.0 317 18.8 #> 295 Charleston CAA 65.9 295 66.6 288 18.1 #> 296 Manhattan MAAC 65.8 296 66.2 306 17.7 #> 297 Tulsa Amer 65.8 297 67.0 276 17.6 #> 298 Dartmouth Ivy 65.8 298 66.3 303 18.2 #> 299 Northern Iowa MVC 65.8 299 65.7 323 18.4 #> 300 Houston Amer 65.7 300 66.8 282 18.4 #> 301 St. Bonaventure A10 65.7 301 66.2 309 18.3 #> 302 UAB CUSA 65.7 302 67.0 280 18.6 #> 303 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd 65.7 303 68.3 224 18.4 #> 304 Northern Kentucky Horz 65.7 304 67.9 240 18.1 #> 305 Oregon St. P12 65.6 305 66.6 295 18.2 #> 306 Campbell BSth 65.6 306 66.6 292 18.3 #> 307 Charlotte CUSA 65.5 307 66.6 290 18.5 #> 308 Pittsburgh ACC 65.5 308 66.0 314 18.3 #> 309 Virginia Tech ACC 65.5 309 66.1 311 18.0 #> 310 South Alabama SB 65.3 310 66.7 284 17.6 #> 311 Loyola Chicago MVC 65.3 311 65.5 328 17.9 #> 312 Texas St. SB 65.2 312 66.6 293 18.7 #> 313 Tennessee SEC 65.2 313 66.6 297 18.0 #> 314 Cornell Ivy 65.2 314 65.8 319 18.8 #> 315 California P12 65.2 315 65.7 322 19.1 #> 316 Marist MAAC 65.2 316 65.5 327 18.9 #> 317 Towson CAA 65.1 317 65.4 332 19.3 #> 318 TCU B12 65.1 318 65.6 326 18.6 #> 319 Oregon P12 65.0 319 66.2 308 17.9 #> 320 Northern Colorado BSky 65.0 320 65.5 331 19.0 #> 321 Cal St. Bakersfield WAC 64.9 321 65.5 330 18.8 #> 322 Louisiana Monroe SB 64.9 322 66.1 313 19.2 #> 323 Pacific WCC 64.9 323 65.9 318 19.3 #> 324 South Florida Amer 64.9 324 65.5 329 18.5 #> 325 UCLA P12 64.9 325 66.3 302 18.6 #> 326 Florida SEC 64.9 326 66.2 304 17.9 #> 327 UMKC WAC 64.9 327 65.6 324 18.8 #> 328 Fordham A10 64.8 328 65.2 333 18.8 #> 329 Northern Illinois MAC 64.8 329 66.1 312 18.1 #> 330 Davidson A10 64.8 330 65.6 325 18.9 #> 331 SMU Amer 64.8 331 66.0 315 18.4 #> 332 San Diego St. MWC 64.6 332 66.0 316 17.5 #> 333 Purdue B10 64.6 333 64.7 338 18.6 #> 334 Texas A&M SEC 64.5 334 65.7 321 18.8 #> 335 UC Santa Barbara BW 64.5 335 64.9 337 18.7 #> 336 Radford BSth 64.3 336 64.9 336 19.2 #> 337 Southern Illinois MVC 64.2 337 64.1 346 19.6 #> 338 Fresno St. MWC 64.2 338 65.0 334 18.8 #> 339 Saint Mary's WCC 63.9 339 65.0 335 19.9 #> 340 Sacramento St. BSky 63.9 340 64.4 341 19.5 #> 341 Butler BE 63.7 341 64.5 339 19.7 #> 342 Wisconsin B10 63.7 342 64.5 340 19.9 #> 343 New Mexico St. WAC 63.5 343 64.3 342 19.7 #> 344 Stetson ASun 63.2 344 63.9 349 19.8 #> 345 Mount St. Mary's NEC 63.2 345 64.3 344 19.5 #> 346 Fairfield MAAC 63.2 346 63.6 350 20.2 #> 347 UC Riverside BW 63.2 347 64.1 347 20.1 #> 348 Merrimack NEC 63.2 348 64.0 348 18.5 #> 349 Loyola Marymount WCC 63.0 349 64.3 343 20.1 #> 350 North Texas CUSA 62.9 350 64.2 345 19.0 #> 351 Navy Pat 62.5 351 62.2 351 19.9 #> 352 Liberty ASun 61.5 352 61.3 352 20.6 #> 353 Virginia ACC 59.4 353 60.3 353 20.8 #> AvgPossLengthOff.Rk AvgPossLengthDef AvgPossLengthDef.Rk AdjO AdjO.Rk #> 1 21 14.7 1 89.8 345 #> 2 3 16.0 5 102.9 175 #> 3 2 17.1 111 101.2 199 #> 4 6 16.4 18 111.0 37 #> 5 10 16.2 10 94.1 323 #> 6 27 15.8 2 95.4 297 #> 7 1 17.9 302 105.8 109 #> 8 4 17.3 171 104.1 151 #> 9 37 15.9 4 92.3 335 #> 10 35 16.4 19 94.9 305 #> 11 18 16.6 40 102.0 187 #> 12 13 16.9 71 89.6 346 #> 13 53 16.1 9 97.5 262 #> 14 29 16.6 41 106.0 108 #> 15 28 15.9 3 98.0 256 #> 16 5 17.6 241 102.0 190 #> 17 11 17.7 265 105.4 122 #> 18 9 17.4 187 105.4 120 #> 19 24 16.9 82 105.6 115 #> 20 20 16.7 48 95.4 298 #> 21 16 16.8 59 106.1 104 #> 22 39 16.6 30 99.1 237 #> 23 41 16.7 57 97.4 265 #> 24 48 16.6 32 104.2 149 #> 25 34 16.7 45 98.6 245 #> 26 62 16.3 16 104.8 134 #> 27 19 17.6 229 99.1 238 #> 28 17 17.1 140 100.6 210 #> 29 58 16.1 7 98.3 251 #> 30 8 17.6 224 103.7 157 #> 31 23 17.1 113 104.9 132 #> 32 25 17.6 231 99.5 230 #> 33 32 16.7 53 92.0 338 #> 34 49 16.6 42 115.7 9 #> 35 7 17.7 266 121.3 1 #> 36 14 17.9 306 104.7 136 #> 37 101 16.6 33 101.3 196 #> 38 59 16.7 58 105.3 125 #> 39 65 16.0 6 104.1 152 #> 40 68 16.9 85 108.8 57 #> 41 26 17.1 132 102.2 184 #> 42 12 17.5 202 102.6 176 #> 43 96 16.4 21 107.3 83 #> 44 143 16.2 13 98.3 250 #> 45 94 17.0 103 109.1 55 #> 46 44 17.3 166 105.2 126 #> 47 74 17.1 129 101.9 193 #> 48 40 16.9 77 99.5 229 #> 49 85 16.9 81 100.9 204 #> 50 57 17.3 174 110.3 44 #> 51 72 17.2 151 98.7 243 #> 52 92 16.7 44 100.4 213 #> 53 73 16.9 87 95.0 303 #> 54 50 17.4 183 110.3 43 #> 55 81 17.2 146 94.2 320 #> 56 77 17.1 133 104.8 135 #> 57 30 17.7 252 107.2 85 #> 58 71 17.2 147 99.4 231 #> 59 102 17.0 98 102.2 182 #> 60 76 17.4 185 114.0 14 #> 61 56 16.8 66 96.3 282 #> 62 78 17.5 219 99.6 227 #> 63 15 17.8 271 103.4 165 #> 64 60 16.9 76 108.2 71 #> 65 22 17.3 175 106.5 97 #> 66 33 17.9 294 98.7 244 #> 67 90 17.3 181 107.7 77 #> 68 43 17.1 143 108.2 70 #> 69 106 17.1 139 96.5 277 #> 70 150 16.7 49 94.6 308 #> 71 155 16.8 67 97.8 257 #> 72 47 17.3 179 104.4 144 #> 73 45 17.9 284 100.1 217 #> 74 125 16.8 70 107.4 82 #> 75 124 16.1 8 93.6 326 #> 76 112 17.0 92 103.4 163 #> 77 52 17.6 233 117.3 5 #> 78 139 17.1 128 94.4 315 #> 79 86 17.1 123 108.7 61 #> 80 118 16.7 52 105.8 110 #> 81 88 17.0 93 104.3 146 #> 82 103 16.5 22 96.9 271 #> 83 116 17.5 207 96.0 289 #> 84 111 17.0 101 118.1 4 #> 85 114 17.0 97 108.6 63 #> 86 152 17.0 108 97.7 259 #> 87 36 17.6 232 111.0 36 #> 88 140 17.0 94 103.1 171 #> 89 95 17.9 293 111.7 32 #> 90 64 17.5 220 109.6 48 #> 91 179 17.0 95 101.2 200 #> 92 128 17.6 245 97.7 260 #> 93 119 16.9 90 112.3 29 #> 94 66 17.0 100 99.3 233 #> 95 70 17.4 194 97.5 264 #> 96 46 18.1 327 105.8 112 #> 97 126 17.1 127 86.2 350 #> 98 51 18.1 329 108.8 58 #> 99 84 16.9 74 96.3 283 #> 100 146 16.7 51 93.2 327 #> 101 165 16.6 35 105.6 117 #> 102 87 17.4 186 96.0 288 #> 103 80 17.3 172 110.7 42 #> 104 115 16.9 89 90.3 342 #> 105 171 16.7 46 96.4 280 #> 106 31 18.3 345 98.8 242 #> 107 75 17.9 286 96.2 285 #> 108 131 17.4 184 116.3 7 #> 109 236 16.2 11 104.7 139 #> 110 63 17.7 253 108.5 66 #> 111 91 17.9 307 112.0 31 #> 112 197 17.1 130 108.3 67 #> 113 164 16.9 78 96.4 278 #> 114 82 18.1 326 95.9 292 #> 115 54 17.9 288 111.0 35 #> 116 98 17.5 213 109.3 52 #> 117 214 16.2 14 99.9 221 #> 118 147 17.6 243 98.8 240 #> 119 142 17.1 136 96.2 284 #> 120 149 17.2 155 99.6 228 #> 121 145 16.8 65 96.4 279 #> 122 110 17.2 154 94.4 314 #> 123 83 17.9 297 104.5 141 #> 124 99 17.5 221 109.2 53 #> 125 213 16.6 31 106.4 99 #> 126 89 17.1 125 103.2 170 #> 127 67 17.5 205 111.4 33 #> 128 233 16.6 43 95.5 295 #> 129 176 16.6 37 98.2 253 #> 130 79 18.0 316 115.2 10 #> 131 175 17.0 110 99.6 226 #> 132 100 17.9 282 95.2 302 #> 133 130 17.5 206 107.0 88 #> 134 38 18.4 349 104.7 138 #> 135 253 16.6 39 86.9 349 #> 136 189 16.7 54 92.3 336 #> 137 166 16.5 24 103.0 172 #> 138 55 18.0 309 107.6 81 #> 139 123 17.5 203 104.3 145 #> 140 203 17.3 180 92.8 332 #> 141 154 17.7 260 100.7 207 #> 142 109 17.8 269 102.1 186 #> 143 174 17.2 153 106.1 105 #> 144 138 17.4 201 102.4 178 #> 145 239 16.2 12 102.2 183 #> 146 42 18.1 332 99.7 225 #> 147 219 17.2 148 107.8 76 #> 148 121 17.8 278 104.7 137 #> 149 263 16.3 17 105.1 128 #> 150 148 17.4 188 113.2 20 #> 151 129 17.3 161 93.1 328 #> 152 234 16.6 34 102.2 185 #> 153 182 17.8 273 101.2 201 #> 154 97 17.6 236 101.9 192 #> 155 136 17.5 211 108.3 68 #> 156 141 17.8 280 101.6 194 #> 157 191 16.8 64 92.8 333 #> 158 144 16.5 26 99.7 223 #> 159 242 16.9 84 101.1 202 #> 160 172 16.6 38 94.4 311 #> 161 262 16.6 28 102.9 174 #> 162 93 17.5 208 105.3 124 #> 163 269 16.3 15 95.0 304 #> 164 178 17.1 124 99.7 224 #> 165 113 18.1 325 92.1 337 #> 166 217 17.1 137 94.3 316 #> 167 190 17.2 156 108.6 64 #> 168 156 17.7 246 107.2 86 #> 169 61 18.8 353 98.4 248 #> 170 251 17.1 141 97.6 261 #> 171 167 17.1 114 107.8 75 #> 172 133 17.2 152 99.1 239 #> 173 170 17.5 209 107.2 84 #> 174 223 17.1 142 97.0 269 #> 175 208 17.3 164 95.2 301 #> 176 162 17.1 126 108.9 56 #> 177 254 16.9 75 95.9 291 #> 178 69 17.8 272 118.2 3 #> 179 104 18.2 333 112.8 21 #> 180 266 16.7 50 107.7 79 #> 181 216 17.3 160 104.8 133 #> 182 193 17.6 234 105.6 116 #> 183 181 17.4 196 104.4 143 #> 184 292 16.7 55 94.4 312 #> 185 134 17.5 204 103.2 169 #> 186 297 16.8 61 83.5 351 #> 187 158 17.4 197 107.7 78 #> 188 196 17.7 250 109.1 54 #> 189 286 16.5 23 95.8 293 #> 190 107 17.9 287 110.7 41 #> 191 227 17.1 115 106.1 103 #> 192 201 16.9 86 100.1 216 #> 193 160 17.0 106 106.3 102 #> 194 173 18.0 310 104.7 140 #> 195 265 16.8 62 103.6 161 #> 196 186 17.3 159 103.7 158 #> 197 235 17.1 121 95.4 300 #> 198 228 17.7 267 103.4 164 #> 199 137 17.7 258 108.8 59 #> 200 240 16.9 80 99.2 235 #> 201 153 17.2 157 110.0 46 #> 202 105 18.3 342 108.7 62 #> 203 122 17.8 281 100.2 215 #> 204 231 17.7 248 102.0 189 #> 205 117 17.7 264 95.4 299 #> 206 195 17.5 218 108.5 65 #> 207 108 18.0 313 91.3 339 #> 208 220 17.1 119 103.5 162 #> 209 207 16.9 83 106.9 90 #> 210 135 17.9 300 103.7 160 #> 211 244 17.9 290 106.6 94 #> 212 204 17.3 168 105.4 121 #> 213 198 17.0 99 87.9 348 #> 214 161 17.6 235 102.3 180 #> 215 183 17.7 251 112.7 24 #> 216 246 17.5 215 98.8 241 #> 217 267 17.0 105 96.9 274 #> 218 120 17.7 249 94.0 324 #> 219 194 17.3 182 105.8 111 #> 220 151 18.1 323 119.1 2 #> 221 247 16.5 25 81.7 352 #> 222 280 17.0 102 103.3 167 #> 223 278 16.9 73 97.3 266 #> 224 177 17.7 261 96.9 273 #> 225 199 16.9 72 94.2 321 #> 226 296 16.7 47 94.9 306 #> 227 281 17.1 138 107.9 73 #> 228 230 17.1 120 99.4 232 #> 229 168 17.8 275 109.5 49 #> 230 298 17.2 150 100.8 206 #> 231 180 17.9 291 107.9 72 #> 232 188 17.3 167 94.6 309 #> 233 132 18.2 338 115.8 8 #> 234 206 17.9 295 97.0 270 #> 235 306 16.8 63 100.0 219 #> 236 187 17.8 274 109.8 47 #> 237 127 18.1 322 104.2 148 #> 238 293 16.6 36 94.4 313 #> 239 192 18.0 319 102.5 177 #> 240 159 17.6 239 99.9 220 #> 241 245 16.6 29 92.9 329 #> 242 169 18.1 331 114.5 12 #> 243 229 17.0 96 102.0 188 #> 244 184 18.0 312 106.8 92 #> 245 209 17.9 289 113.5 18 #> 246 238 17.4 189 101.3 197 #> 247 259 17.4 191 107.9 74 #> 248 277 16.8 68 106.6 93 #> 249 288 17.5 222 94.7 307 #> 250 225 17.3 170 95.4 296 #> 251 232 17.7 254 100.6 211 #> 252 200 17.4 193 92.5 334 #> 253 304 17.2 158 96.9 272 #> 254 163 18.0 314 94.2 318 #> 255 205 17.9 303 97.8 258 #> 256 260 17.1 131 97.2 267 #> 257 241 17.6 227 112.1 30 #> 258 258 17.4 190 94.1 322 #> 259 210 18.1 321 104.9 131 #> 260 264 17.3 163 106.3 100 #> 261 218 18.2 336 107.2 87 #> 262 222 18.2 335 96.0 290 #> 263 157 17.7 259 94.2 319 #> 264 331 17.2 149 99.2 236 #> 265 279 17.7 256 102.3 179 #> 266 221 17.6 226 108.7 60 #> 267 226 17.8 270 104.1 150 #> 268 290 17.1 117 98.3 249 #> 269 252 17.3 169 103.0 173 #> 270 307 17.6 228 105.8 113 #> 271 318 16.7 56 94.5 310 #> 272 250 18.1 324 103.3 166 #> 273 276 17.8 279 106.5 98 #> 274 268 17.3 165 107.0 89 #> 275 270 17.1 122 113.9 15 #> 276 285 17.0 109 113.4 19 #> 277 282 17.7 262 113.5 17 #> 278 255 18.0 315 100.6 208 #> 279 249 17.9 296 102.2 181 #> 280 274 17.6 230 114.3 13 #> 281 287 17.1 118 108.2 69 #> 282 185 18.0 318 100.5 212 #> 283 305 16.5 27 90.3 341 #> 284 332 16.9 79 79.0 353 #> 285 322 16.8 60 98.6 246 #> 286 309 17.7 257 91.2 340 #> 287 320 16.8 69 106.8 91 #> 288 316 16.9 88 110.9 38 #> 289 289 17.6 244 100.1 218 #> 290 211 18.2 340 103.9 155 #> 291 284 18.3 344 105.4 123 #> 292 271 17.9 305 104.1 153 #> 293 257 18.2 334 104.5 142 #> 294 327 17.4 199 92.9 330 #> 295 273 17.8 276 105.0 129 #> 296 224 18.1 328 92.8 331 #> 297 215 18.0 308 103.2 168 #> 298 283 17.4 200 96.7 276 #> 299 302 17.9 292 112.7 23 #> 300 303 17.3 178 112.7 22 #> 301 294 17.8 277 106.6 95 #> 302 315 17.0 107 100.8 205 #> 303 301 16.4 20 94.3 317 #> 304 275 17.1 116 102.0 191 #> 305 291 17.8 268 110.9 39 #> 306 295 17.4 195 96.8 275 #> 307 311 17.2 144 98.5 247 #> 308 299 17.7 263 104.0 154 #> 309 256 18.1 320 104.3 147 #> 310 212 18.2 337 104.9 130 #> 311 243 18.3 343 103.7 159 #> 312 319 17.1 135 106.3 101 #> 313 261 17.9 285 106.6 96 #> 314 325 17.5 212 101.2 198 #> 315 335 17.4 192 101.5 195 #> 316 330 17.5 216 90.2 343 #> 317 338 17.3 162 105.7 114 #> 318 312 17.9 304 105.5 119 #> 319 248 18.3 341 117.1 6 #> 320 334 17.6 225 110.2 45 #> 321 326 17.6 240 96.2 286 #> 322 337 16.9 91 96.1 287 #> 323 339 17.2 145 103.8 156 #> 324 308 18.0 317 100.2 214 #> 325 313 17.3 177 109.3 51 #> 326 237 18.2 339 112.5 27 #> 327 323 17.7 247 97.5 263 #> 328 328 17.6 238 89.1 347 #> 329 272 17.9 301 99.8 222 #> 330 329 17.6 242 112.5 26 #> 331 300 18.0 311 112.4 28 #> 332 202 18.5 350 115.1 11 #> 333 314 18.4 348 109.3 50 #> 334 321 17.9 299 101.0 203 #> 335 317 18.1 330 106.1 106 #> 336 336 17.5 210 105.6 118 #> 337 342 17.3 176 98.2 252 #> 338 324 17.9 283 105.1 127 #> 339 348 17.1 134 113.7 16 #> 340 340 17.5 214 97.1 268 #> 341 344 17.4 198 112.6 25 #> 342 346 17.0 104 110.8 40 #> 343 343 17.7 255 107.6 80 #> 344 345 17.5 223 98.1 255 #> 345 341 17.5 217 96.4 281 #> 346 351 17.3 173 90.1 344 #> 347 349 17.1 112 95.8 294 #> 348 310 18.7 352 93.9 325 #> 349 350 17.6 237 100.6 209 #> 350 333 17.9 298 111.2 34 #> 351 347 18.3 347 98.1 254 #> 352 352 18.3 346 106.1 107 #> 353 353 18.6 351 99.3 234 #> RawO RawO.Rk AdjD AdjD.Rk RawD RawD.Rk NCAA_Seed Year #> 1 86.7 349 117.6 349 112.7 343 NA 2020 #> 2 102.5 140 122.3 352 120.0 352 NA 2020 #> 3 100.1 193 99.1 106 97.8 107 NA 2020 #> 4 106.0 71 99.5 114 102.2 221 NA 2020 #> 5 94.7 310 117.2 347 109.6 329 NA 2020 #> 6 95.7 287 104.9 230 101.7 202 NA 2020 #> 7 105.4 79 110.5 319 107.9 317 NA 2020 #> 8 103.3 123 102.3 175 101.0 187 NA 2020 #> 9 93.3 323 102.4 177 96.6 83 NA 2020 #> 10 94.2 317 112.2 328 111.7 340 NA 2020 #> 11 100.8 175 106.4 264 105.4 283 NA 2020 #> 12 90.5 342 105.3 240 99.2 143 NA 2020 #> 13 93.2 324 107.8 289 110.5 335 NA 2020 #> 14 100.1 191 94.7 49 96.1 64 10 2020 #> 15 96.4 273 107.6 285 107.1 310 NA 2020 #> 16 94.3 316 101.3 152 105.5 287 NA 2020 #> 17 100.8 176 94.7 50 95.4 54 NA 2020 #> 18 105.0 88 101.1 142 99.7 156 15 2020 #> 19 104.1 107 101.4 156 99.9 162 NA 2020 #> 20 96.6 267 105.8 254 98.3 122 NA 2020 #> 21 100.4 183 95.2 53 96.9 91 NA 2020 #> 22 96.7 264 108.6 304 102.2 220 NA 2020 #> 23 100.0 195 106.1 259 103.1 241 NA 2020 #> 24 101.2 168 108.0 293 106.1 296 NA 2020 #> 25 97.5 244 112.6 332 113.2 345 NA 2020 #> 26 103.6 112 106.2 261 104.5 270 NA 2020 #> 27 98.5 222 101.8 162 97.3 101 NA 2020 #> 28 97.4 250 89.1 5 88.5 2 NA 2020 #> 29 100.1 192 107.1 278 104.1 265 NA 2020 #> 30 102.1 149 102.1 170 99.8 159 NA 2020 #> 31 107.9 39 101.4 157 96.2 71 NA 2020 #> 32 99.1 210 111.6 323 108.5 324 NA 2020 #> 33 92.2 332 109.6 312 106.3 300 NA 2020 #> 34 111.9 6 91.1 12 91.4 11 3 2020 #> 35 120.1 1 94.4 43 93.3 23 1 2020 #> 36 108.9 26 102.1 169 98.3 125 16 2020 #> 37 99.5 199 106.2 262 105.2 282 NA 2020 #> 38 104.9 91 102.4 178 103.8 256 NA 2020 #> 39 106.3 65 97.1 75 91.8 14 12 2020 #> 40 107.9 40 108.8 306 106.6 304 NA 2020 #> 41 101.3 162 98.8 102 98.0 115 NA 2020 #> 42 101.6 157 101.3 154 99.7 155 NA 2020 #> 43 106.6 60 106.3 263 104.9 277 NA 2020 #> 44 99.0 212 115.0 343 114.7 349 NA 2020 #> 45 104.7 95 95.5 57 96.2 68 NA 2020 #> 46 101.2 167 94.2 39 95.0 47 NA 2020 #> 47 96.5 270 110.2 315 111.3 338 NA 2020 #> 48 101.6 158 103.7 200 99.8 161 NA 2020 #> 49 100.0 196 102.1 171 96.6 80 NA 2020 #> 50 107.1 52 101.0 141 100.8 183 NA 2020 #> 51 103.8 110 110.3 318 106.7 305 NA 2020 #> 52 102.2 145 109.1 309 105.4 285 NA 2020 #> 53 95.3 297 106.8 274 106.6 302 NA 2020 #> 54 105.0 86 92.4 23 95.8 59 6 2020 #> 55 92.2 333 105.3 238 105.6 288 NA 2020 #> 56 105.6 75 116.7 345 114.3 348 NA 2020 #> 57 104.3 104 104.4 217 105.4 286 NA 2020 #> 58 97.7 239 115.6 344 114.0 347 NA 2020 #> 59 97.5 243 98.0 83 97.4 102 NA 2020 #> 60 107.2 51 96.9 73 99.0 137 9 2020 #> 61 96.2 278 100.5 131 93.3 22 16 2020 #> 62 95.6 292 104.0 213 101.9 213 NA 2020 #> 63 97.3 251 95.5 56 99.2 144 NA 2020 #> 64 103.5 117 100.8 136 103.4 249 NA 2020 #> 65 109.0 25 100.5 132 94.3 38 14 2020 #> 66 98.7 218 106.0 256 103.4 247 NA 2020 #> 67 100.9 173 98.4 94 102.1 219 NA 2020 #> 68 109.8 18 104.9 231 105.0 279 NA 2020 #> 69 96.8 261 104.2 215 101.5 197 NA 2020 #> 70 96.0 281 106.5 266 101.7 204 NA 2020 #> 71 99.0 213 103.8 206 98.7 130 NA 2020 #> 72 103.5 119 113.6 337 107.4 313 NA 2020 #> 73 95.2 299 94.6 47 95.1 51 NA 2020 #> 74 105.5 78 113.3 336 112.6 342 NA 2020 #> 75 94.5 313 119.7 350 113.9 346 NA 2020 #> 76 101.7 154 100.8 137 99.7 157 NA 2020 #> 77 110.3 14 98.6 97 102.4 225 6 2020 #> 78 90.6 340 99.8 117 101.8 206 NA 2020 #> 79 101.9 152 102.0 166 104.0 263 NA 2020 #> 80 102.9 131 108.4 301 106.0 295 NA 2020 #> 81 102.8 133 104.0 210 102.3 222 NA 2020 #> 82 95.8 285 111.3 322 103.0 239 NA 2020 #> 83 96.3 276 105.6 248 100.8 185 NA 2020 #> 84 112.8 4 102.4 179 102.6 231 8 2020 #> 85 109.4 21 108.9 307 106.3 299 NA 2020 #> 86 97.5 245 105.7 249 100.8 181 NA 2020 #> 87 104.5 100 100.2 125 103.6 251 NA 2020 #> 88 96.0 282 91.8 16 94.2 36 NA 2020 #> 89 107.1 53 91.5 15 93.6 24 2 2020 #> 90 101.4 160 101.2 147 103.5 250 NA 2020 #> 91 101.0 169 105.5 247 101.3 193 NA 2020 #> 92 97.4 249 99.4 111 94.5 42 NA 2020 #> 93 105.4 80 92.7 25 96.1 65 3 2020 #> 94 98.8 216 114.8 342 111.8 341 NA 2020 #> 95 95.0 305 108.2 298 107.8 315 NA 2020 #> 96 99.9 197 93.1 31 93.9 30 NA 2020 #> 97 86.7 348 103.4 198 100.7 178 NA 2020 #> 98 100.7 179 93.1 29 96.8 89 10 2020 #> 99 98.3 228 102.5 180 99.3 151 NA 2020 #> 100 95.6 291 107.5 282 100.8 182 NA 2020 #> 101 100.7 177 90.4 8 89.7 5 11 2020 #> 102 97.7 237 104.9 232 102.4 227 NA 2020 #> 103 105.2 82 97.3 79 98.5 127 11 2020 #> 104 88.5 346 114.0 340 110.6 336 NA 2020 #> 105 97.0 258 99.5 115 96.8 87 NA 2020 #> 106 100.7 178 107.4 281 104.0 262 NA 2020 #> 107 96.9 260 102.9 189 101.6 200 NA 2020 #> 108 112.1 5 95.6 60 97.0 92 5 2020 #> 109 101.4 161 104.5 221 106.3 301 NA 2020 #> 110 106.8 58 98.9 103 95.6 57 13 2020 #> 111 111.2 8 111.6 324 107.1 311 NA 2020 #> 112 100.9 172 87.1 3 89.5 4 6 2020 #> 113 95.0 303 101.1 143 99.3 148 NA 2020 #> 114 94.4 314 104.5 218 102.0 217 NA 2020 #> 115 107.6 49 91.4 14 92.4 15 7 2020 #> 116 106.1 69 102.1 172 102.4 229 NA 2020 #> 117 99.1 209 111.7 326 110.1 333 NA 2020 #> 118 98.9 215 98.1 86 95.5 55 NA 2020 #> 119 94.6 312 106.6 268 105.4 284 NA 2020 #> 120 92.5 329 100.3 128 101.4 195 NA 2020 #> 121 98.5 223 104.6 222 100.3 172 NA 2020 #> 122 92.7 328 104.3 216 104.5 272 NA 2020 #> 123 101.9 151 102.5 181 101.6 198 NA 2020 #> 124 107.8 43 95.3 54 95.2 52 11 2020 #> 125 104.2 106 102.5 184 99.8 160 15 2020 #> 126 102.5 139 107.7 286 108.2 319 NA 2020 #> 127 108.3 33 95.5 55 97.7 106 5 2020 #> 128 97.2 255 110.8 320 108.5 323 NA 2020 #> 129 102.0 150 104.5 220 98.9 133 NA 2020 #> 130 109.3 22 91.2 13 93.8 27 3 2020 #> 131 96.5 271 100.4 129 99.1 142 NA 2020 #> 132 93.5 321 106.5 267 104.3 268 NA 2020 #> 133 104.5 99 97.6 81 99.1 141 NA 2020 #> 134 101.7 155 94.4 45 93.8 28 NA 2020 #> 135 83.8 350 120.8 351 120.5 353 NA 2020 #> 136 94.3 315 110.0 314 106.8 307 NA 2020 #> 137 104.9 90 112.3 330 108.3 320 NA 2020 #> 138 109.1 24 107.9 290 102.9 236 NA 2020 #> 139 99.3 206 92.0 18 93.0 21 9 2020 #> 140 91.4 337 107.1 277 106.1 297 NA 2020 #> 141 101.3 163 108.3 300 102.8 234 NA 2020 #> 142 102.2 147 112.4 331 108.3 321 NA 2020 #> 143 106.0 70 102.1 167 100.0 163 NA 2020 #> 144 105.6 77 99.3 110 94.1 33 NA 2020 #> 145 101.7 156 107.7 287 108.6 325 NA 2020 #> 146 98.4 225 101.3 151 99.0 138 NA 2020 #> 147 104.9 89 110.3 316 110.0 332 NA 2020 #> 148 103.8 111 99.0 105 97.0 93 NA 2020 #> 149 105.8 74 122.9 353 119.9 351 NA 2020 #> 150 106.8 57 93.0 28 97.6 103 6 2020 #> 151 94.7 311 105.1 235 98.6 129 NA 2020 #> 152 104.3 102 104.8 227 100.5 174 NA 2020 #> 153 100.2 189 108.0 292 104.1 266 NA 2020 #> 154 97.7 236 103.1 191 101.8 209 NA 2020 #> 155 106.1 68 98.2 88 99.3 147 NA 2020 #> 156 101.0 171 106.1 260 101.5 196 NA 2020 #> 157 93.4 322 102.3 176 96.6 81 NA 2020 #> 158 101.2 166 101.5 158 97.8 111 NA 2020 #> 159 103.5 120 104.0 212 100.2 168 NA 2020 #> 160 93.1 325 107.3 279 101.4 194 NA 2020 #> 161 98.2 229 102.5 185 102.0 218 NA 2020 #> 162 108.3 34 108.1 295 101.9 214 NA 2020 #> 163 95.7 289 102.1 168 97.8 108 NA 2020 #> 164 97.6 240 116.9 346 112.9 344 NA 2020 #> 165 92.4 330 104.5 219 104.7 276 NA 2020 #> 166 94.8 308 103.9 208 99.1 139 NA 2020 #> 167 102.9 132 95.6 59 94.1 34 NA 2020 #> 168 109.9 17 102.5 182 99.6 153 NA 2020 #> 169 96.2 277 102.9 190 103.1 240 NA 2020 #> 170 99.4 205 101.0 140 98.3 123 NA 2020 #> 171 102.2 146 92.8 27 94.9 46 8 2020 #> 172 101.5 159 100.2 126 96.1 67 NA 2020 #> 173 98.7 219 94.5 46 96.7 86 NA 2020 #> 174 97.0 257 108.8 305 107.4 314 NA 2020 #> 175 93.6 320 108.5 302 107.8 316 NA 2020 #> 176 106.3 63 103.3 196 101.7 203 NA 2020 #> 177 95.2 300 117.3 348 115.0 350 NA 2020 #> 178 111.1 10 97.3 78 100.6 176 2 2020 #> 179 107.9 42 99.6 116 100.4 173 NA 2020 #> 180 101.0 170 101.3 149 104.0 264 NA 2020 #> 181 102.5 138 100.2 124 98.8 131 NA 2020 #> 182 107.1 54 106.4 265 103.7 255 NA 2020 #> 183 100.5 182 90.3 7 90.5 9 NA 2020 #> 184 95.7 288 101.1 144 97.0 95 NA 2020 #> 185 101.3 165 100.1 123 97.9 114 NA 2020 #> 186 81.2 352 112.2 329 110.8 337 NA 2020 #> 187 108.2 35 98.1 85 96.4 79 NA 2020 #> 188 103.4 122 93.4 32 93.9 31 8 2020 #> 189 98.5 224 105.5 245 101.2 191 NA 2020 #> 190 106.9 56 98.6 100 98.9 134 NA 2020 #> 191 100.3 186 92.2 20 96.2 69 NA 2020 #> 192 100.3 187 102.7 188 101.0 188 NA 2020 #> 193 105.9 73 105.1 237 102.3 223 NA 2020 #> 194 103.1 128 109.4 311 106.2 298 NA 2020 #> 195 102.2 148 103.3 195 101.7 201 NA 2020 #> 196 99.5 201 97.0 74 98.8 132 NA 2020 #> 197 96.5 272 97.3 80 93.0 20 NA 2020 #> 198 103.3 124 112.1 327 106.8 308 NA 2020 #> 199 102.3 142 94.7 51 94.4 40 12 2020 #> 200 100.2 190 94.0 37 91.5 12 NA 2020 #> 201 110.8 11 105.3 241 101.2 192 NA 2020 #> 202 110.2 15 102.6 187 100.0 165 14 2020 #> 203 100.5 181 108.1 296 106.6 303 NA 2020 #> 204 100.4 185 101.3 155 100.6 175 NA 2020 #> 205 97.7 238 103.8 204 104.6 275 NA 2020 #> 206 103.2 126 92.7 26 97.3 99 10 2020 #> 207 95.5 295 105.1 234 100.0 164 NA 2020 #> 208 99.4 204 98.6 98 98.0 116 NA 2020 #> 209 108.4 31 107.0 275 103.7 253 NA 2020 #> 210 103.4 121 95.5 58 92.9 18 NA 2020 #> 211 104.7 94 99.0 104 97.0 96 NA 2020 #> 212 104.8 93 99.3 109 96.2 72 14 2020 #> 213 88.2 347 108.2 297 101.9 216 NA 2020 #> 214 100.4 184 98.4 95 99.2 145 NA 2020 #> 215 108.0 37 95.1 52 96.2 70 4 2020 #> 216 95.5 294 107.9 291 107.2 312 NA 2020 #> 217 95.0 302 107.4 280 106.8 309 NA 2020 #> 218 95.3 296 113.0 334 109.2 328 NA 2020 #> 219 103.1 129 94.4 44 93.9 29 NA 2020 #> 220 116.4 2 94.1 38 93.7 25 1 2020 #> 221 81.2 351 107.8 288 103.8 257 NA 2020 #> 222 104.3 103 105.5 244 103.7 252 NA 2020 #> 223 97.2 254 113.9 339 109.6 330 NA 2020 #> 224 95.6 290 98.2 89 96.1 66 NA 2020 #> 225 96.8 263 101.9 164 95.0 48 NA 2020 #> 226 96.6 269 113.2 335 106.8 306 NA 2020 #> 227 106.2 67 96.4 67 94.3 37 12 2020 #> 228 97.4 248 105.7 251 105.0 278 NA 2020 #> 229 108.0 38 94.6 48 94.1 35 11 2020 #> 230 99.5 202 111.1 321 109.9 331 NA 2020 #> 231 101.9 153 90.2 6 92.9 19 9 2020 #> 232 96.3 275 108.1 294 102.8 235 NA 2020 #> 233 108.6 28 85.5 2 89.3 3 1 2020 #> 234 96.6 268 101.6 159 100.1 166 NA 2020 #> 235 99.7 198 106.7 271 104.6 274 NA 2020 #> 236 103.8 109 90.5 9 91.7 13 10 2020 #> 237 102.5 137 107.5 284 105.8 292 NA 2020 #> 238 92.3 331 103.8 207 105.6 290 NA 2020 #> 239 95.0 304 94.2 40 96.3 76 NA 2020 #> 240 98.2 230 100.2 127 99.2 146 NA 2020 #> 241 91.9 335 105.7 250 104.2 267 NA 2020 #> 242 109.7 20 93.1 30 94.0 32 4 2020 #> 243 100.3 188 107.0 276 105.6 289 NA 2020 #> 244 105.0 85 100.7 134 97.8 110 14 2020 #> 245 106.3 64 92.4 22 95.7 58 3 2020 #> 246 99.0 214 101.3 153 100.2 167 NA 2020 #> 247 104.3 101 100.6 133 101.8 207 NA 2020 #> 248 105.4 81 104.8 225 102.5 230 NA 2020 #> 249 94.8 309 105.8 255 102.6 232 NA 2020 #> 250 97.3 253 109.1 308 105.9 293 NA 2020 #> 251 102.7 135 105.5 246 102.7 233 NA 2020 #> 252 92.9 327 109.3 310 105.9 294 NA 2020 #> 253 97.9 232 114.4 341 110.3 334 NA 2020 #> 254 91.6 336 96.6 70 96.9 90 NA 2020 #> 255 96.8 262 105.7 252 101.9 211 NA 2020 #> 256 97.5 246 104.8 224 97.8 109 NA 2020 #> 257 104.6 96 94.2 41 98.1 118 NA 2020 #> 258 90.7 339 100.9 139 102.9 237 NA 2020 #> 259 96.7 265 101.3 150 104.5 273 NA 2020 #> 260 102.3 143 100.8 135 103.2 243 NA 2020 #> 261 106.5 61 105.1 236 99.4 152 16 2020 #> 262 96.4 274 102.5 183 97.9 112 NA 2020 #> 263 95.9 284 103.2 193 97.7 105 16 2020 #> 264 96.0 280 105.8 253 103.7 254 NA 2020 #> 265 102.2 144 106.7 269 105.6 291 NA 2020 #> 266 107.7 47 98.2 90 94.7 44 NA 2020 #> 267 99.5 203 96.7 71 96.7 85 NA 2020 #> 268 96.2 279 98.3 92 96.3 74 NA 2020 #> 269 103.5 118 108.5 303 104.4 269 NA 2020 #> 270 103.3 125 101.2 145 100.9 186 NA 2020 #> 271 95.5 293 113.6 338 111.4 339 NA 2020 #> 272 104.6 97 102.6 186 99.6 154 16 2020 #> 273 106.5 62 96.4 68 90.1 8 13 2020 #> 274 105.2 83 105.5 243 103.8 258 NA 2020 #> 275 107.8 44 94.0 36 98.3 121 2 2020 #> 276 109.2 23 99.8 119 101.1 189 NA 2020 #> 277 106.3 66 88.1 4 90.1 7 1 2020 #> 278 100.0 194 110.0 313 108.3 322 NA 2020 #> 279 104.6 98 106.7 270 103.9 260 NA 2020 #> 280 108.1 36 92.0 19 94.5 41 5 2020 #> 281 109.7 19 96.0 65 95.9 62 11 2020 #> 282 102.8 134 103.8 205 100.2 169 16 2020 #> 283 92.0 334 112.8 333 109.0 327 NA 2020 #> 284 78.2 353 104.6 223 100.8 180 NA 2020 #> 285 98.4 226 105.0 233 102.3 224 NA 2020 #> 286 90.8 338 103.3 194 99.7 158 NA 2020 #> 287 108.4 30 101.2 148 99.3 150 15 2020 #> 288 105.1 84 93.7 35 97.2 98 7 2020 #> 289 97.8 235 111.6 325 107.9 318 NA 2020 #> 290 98.6 220 93.5 33 95.2 53 NA 2020 #> 291 107.7 45 103.2 192 100.7 179 NA 2020 #> 292 97.0 259 92.6 24 95.6 56 NA 2020 #> 293 104.3 105 103.4 197 102.4 228 NA 2020 #> 294 90.3 343 106.8 273 103.1 242 NA 2020 #> 295 105.0 87 104.9 229 103.3 246 NA 2020 #> 296 93.1 326 101.6 160 96.4 78 NA 2020 #> 297 99.5 200 93.6 34 92.8 17 NA 2020 #> 298 95.3 298 99.9 121 96.7 84 NA 2020 #> 299 110.7 12 99.3 108 97.9 113 NA 2020 #> 300 107.7 48 92.3 21 92.7 16 7 2020 #> 301 103.6 115 102.2 174 100.8 184 NA 2020 #> 302 99.3 207 102.1 173 98.5 128 NA 2020 #> 303 96.0 283 106.0 257 101.9 210 NA 2020 #> 304 103.6 116 99.8 120 96.3 75 15 2020 #> 305 106.7 59 102.0 165 101.8 208 NA 2020 #> 306 100.5 180 105.3 239 100.7 177 NA 2020 #> 307 98.1 231 98.0 84 95.8 60 NA 2020 #> 308 98.3 227 98.3 91 99.1 140 NA 2020 #> 309 101.3 164 98.0 82 98.4 126 NA 2020 #> 310 104.0 108 103.9 209 102.4 226 NA 2020 #> 311 102.6 136 96.8 72 94.8 45 NA 2020 #> 312 104.8 92 98.3 93 96.4 77 NA 2020 #> 313 100.8 174 95.8 62 96.8 88 NA 2020 #> 314 98.8 217 110.3 317 108.8 326 NA 2020 #> 315 95.1 301 100.4 130 103.9 261 NA 2020 #> 316 90.6 341 103.8 203 98.2 119 NA 2020 #> 317 105.6 76 104.8 226 103.2 244 NA 2020 #> 318 97.5 242 96.1 66 98.2 120 NA 2020 #> 319 111.9 7 97.1 76 98.3 124 4 2020 #> 320 110.3 13 100.1 122 97.0 94 NA 2020 #> 321 97.6 241 104.9 228 103.4 248 NA 2020 #> 322 93.7 318 103.7 201 103.2 245 NA 2020 #> 323 102.4 141 99.1 107 97.1 97 NA 2020 #> 324 95.0 306 95.9 63 95.0 49 NA 2020 #> 325 103.6 114 99.4 112 101.1 190 11 2020 #> 326 107.3 50 95.7 61 99.0 136 9 2020 #> 327 98.5 221 103.6 199 101.9 215 NA 2020 #> 328 88.6 345 95.9 64 93.7 26 NA 2020 #> 329 99.1 211 100.8 138 98.1 117 NA 2020 #> 330 108.6 27 101.9 163 100.3 170 NA 2020 #> 331 108.3 32 103.8 202 101.7 205 NA 2020 #> 332 112.8 3 90.6 10 91.0 10 2 2020 #> 333 102.9 130 90.8 11 94.3 39 NA 2020 #> 334 95.8 286 97.2 77 99.0 135 NA 2020 #> 335 107.0 55 105.3 242 101.6 199 NA 2020 #> 336 108.5 29 106.8 272 103.9 259 NA 2020 #> 337 96.6 266 98.6 99 97.3 100 NA 2020 #> 338 103.2 127 104.1 214 105.1 280 NA 2020 #> 339 111.2 9 98.5 96 100.3 171 8 2020 #> 340 97.1 256 98.2 87 95.8 61 NA 2020 #> 341 105.9 72 94.2 42 95.9 63 5 2020 #> 342 103.6 113 91.9 17 96.3 73 4 2020 #> 343 107.9 41 99.4 113 94.6 43 13 2020 #> 344 97.9 233 108.3 299 104.5 271 NA 2020 #> 345 97.9 234 107.5 283 102.9 238 NA 2020 #> 346 90.2 344 101.6 161 97.7 104 NA 2020 #> 347 97.3 252 99.8 118 96.6 82 NA 2020 #> 348 94.9 307 98.8 101 95.0 50 NA 2020 #> 349 97.4 247 104.0 211 105.2 281 NA 2020 #> 350 107.7 46 101.2 146 99.3 149 13 2020 #> 351 99.2 208 106.0 258 101.9 212 NA 2020 #> 352 109.9 16 96.4 69 89.8 6 12 2020 #> 353 93.6 319 85.1 1 85.9 1 7 2020 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fanmatch.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get FanMatch by date — kp_fanmatch","title":"Get FanMatch by date — kp_fanmatch","text":"Get FanMatch date","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fanmatch.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get FanMatch by date — kp_fanmatch","text":"","code":"kp_fanmatch(date = \"2022-02-22\")"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fanmatch.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get FanMatch by date — kp_fanmatch","text":"date Date games pull (YYYY-MM-DD)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fanmatch.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get FanMatch by date — kp_fanmatch","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fanmatch.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get FanMatch by date — kp_fanmatch","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_fanmatch(date=\"2022-02-22\")) #> # A tibble: 28 × 20 #> prediction time_et location thrill_score comeback excitement road_rk #> #> 1 Connecticut 68-67 … \"box\\n… Hartfor… 78.6 5 2.83 NA #> 2 Arkansas 69-68 (52… \"box\\n… Gainesv… 69.9 8 1.97 NA #> 3 Alabama 77-74 (60%) \"box\\n… Nashvil… 67.7 9 1.85 NA #> 4 Boise St. 59-56 (5… \"box\\n… Boise, … 65.3 6 1.98 NA #> 5 Iowa 81-75 (71%) \"box\\n… Iowa Ci… 65.2 2 -0.1 NA #> 6 UNLV 75-74 (51%) \"box\\n… Reno, N… 53.7 6 1.3 NA #> 7 Texas Tech 70-60 (… \"box\\n… Lubbock… 51.5 0 -0.09 NA #> 8 Miami FL 72-68 (65… \"box\\n… Pittsbu… 46.1 0 -0.3 NA #> 9 Kansas 78-66 (86%) \"box\\n… Lawrenc… 45.6 3 0.3 NA #> 10 Tennessee 71-60 (8… \"box\\n… Columbi… 41.9 4 0.35 NA #> # ℹ 18 more rows #> # ℹ 13 more variables: road_team , home_rk , home_team , #> # win_rk , win_team , win_score , loss_rk , #> # loss_team , loss_score , poss , mvp , event , #> # date # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_foul_trouble.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get 2-Foul Participation Stats — kp_foul_trouble","title":"Get 2-Foul Participation Stats — kp_foul_trouble","text":"Get 2-Foul Participation Stats","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_foul_trouble.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get 2-Foul Participation Stats — kp_foul_trouble","text":"","code":"kp_foul_trouble(min_year, max_year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_foul_trouble.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get 2-Foul Participation Stats — kp_foul_trouble","text":"min_year First year data pull max_year Last year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_foul_trouble.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get 2-Foul Participation Stats — kp_foul_trouble","text":"Returns tibble foul participation stats","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_foul_trouble.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get 2-Foul Participation Stats — kp_foul_trouble","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_foul_trouble(min_year = 2020, max_year = most_recent_mbb_season())) #> 2023-04-06 19:14:15: Invalid arguments or no foul trouble data for 2020 - 2023 available! #> Team Conf TwoFoulParticpation.Pct #> 1 Georgia Tech ACC 68.7 #> 2 Ball St. MAC 61.2 #> 3 Delaware CAA 57.3 #> 4 Little Rock SB 56.4 #> 5 Oakland Horz 55.8 #> 6 Syracuse ACC 54.0 #> 7 Merrimack NEC 53.6 #> 8 Eastern Michigan MAC 52.7 #> 9 Army Pat 52.3 #> 10 Eastern Washington BSky 52.1 #> 11 Binghamton AE 51.3 #> 12 Southern Miss CUSA 50.9 #> 13 Washington P12 49.7 #> 14 Coppin St. MEAC 49.6 #> 15 McNeese St. Slnd 48.8 #> 16 San Francisco WCC 48.3 #> 17 North Florida ASun 48.1 #> 18 IUPUI Horz 48.0 #> 19 Minnesota B10 47.7 #> 20 Florida A&M MEAC 47.3 #> 21 Northern Kentucky Horz 46.8 #> 22 Central Michigan MAC 45.6 #> 23 Washington St. P12 45.0 #> 24 Fordham A10 44.7 #> 25 Louisiana SB 44.1 #> 26 New Mexico MWC 43.8 #> 27 Brown Ivy 43.7 #> 28 Detroit Horz 43.5 #> 29 South Dakota Sum 43.2 #> 30 Incarnate Word Slnd 42.6 #> 31 FIU CUSA 42.2 #> 32 Sacramento St. BSky 42.2 #> 33 Toledo MAC 42.1 #> 34 Penn Ivy 41.8 #> 35 Tennessee Martin OVC 41.8 #> 36 Colorado St. MWC 41.4 #> 37 Bethune Cookman MEAC 41.2 #> 38 Alabama SEC 40.7 #> 39 Cal St. Bakersfield WAC 40.6 #> 40 The Citadel SC 40.4 #> 41 Texas Tech B12 38.5 #> 42 Mississippi SEC 38.3 #> 43 North Alabama ASun 38.2 #> 44 Hampton BSth 37.9 #> 45 Seattle WAC 37.7 #> 46 Howard MEAC 37.4 #> 47 LIU NEC 36.9 #> 48 Cal St. Northridge BW 36.6 #> 49 Tulane Amer 36.4 #> 50 Pepperdine WCC 35.9 #> 51 Rhode Island A10 35.7 #> 52 Cornell Ivy 35.5 #> 53 Furman SC 35.4 #> 54 Georgia SEC 35.3 #> 55 North Carolina Central MEAC 35.3 #> 56 Central Arkansas Slnd 34.3 #> 57 NJIT ASun 34.1 #> 58 Santa Clara WCC 34.1 #> 59 Kansas B12 34.0 #> 60 UTSA CUSA 33.8 #> 61 Prairie View A&M SWAC 33.3 #> 62 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 33.0 #> 63 North Dakota Sum 32.9 #> 64 Bryant NEC 32.9 #> 65 Grambling St. SWAC 32.7 #> 66 Tennessee Tech OVC 32.3 #> 67 Western Carolina SC 32.2 #> 68 Akron MAC 32.0 #> 69 Sacred Heart NEC 31.6 #> 70 Duquesne A10 31.4 #> 71 North Carolina ACC 31.4 #> 72 LSU SEC 31.1 #> 73 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC 30.9 #> 74 Lipscomb ASun 30.8 #> 75 Maine AE 30.3 #> 76 Portland WCC 30.1 #> 77 Chicago St. WAC 30.0 #> 78 Notre Dame ACC 30.0 #> 79 Northeastern CAA 30.0 #> 80 UMBC AE 29.6 #> 81 Saint Joseph's A10 29.6 #> 82 UNLV MWC 29.5 #> 83 Kennesaw St. ASun 29.5 #> 84 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC 29.4 #> 85 St. Francis PA NEC 29.4 #> 86 UNC Asheville BSth 29.3 #> 87 San Diego WCC 29.2 #> 88 Northwestern St. Slnd 29.2 #> 89 Grand Canyon WAC 29.1 #> 90 Utah St. MWC 29.1 #> 91 UMass Lowell AE 29.0 #> 92 Boise St. MWC 28.9 #> 93 Wagner NEC 28.9 #> 94 Northern Arizona BSky 28.8 #> 95 Alabama A&M SWAC 28.7 #> 96 Auburn SEC 28.4 #> 97 Georgia Southern SB 28.2 #> 98 Canisius MAAC 28.2 #> 99 Holy Cross Pat 28.0 #> 100 Texas B12 28.0 #> 101 Ohio MAC 28.0 #> 102 Fresno St. MWC 27.7 #> 103 Louisiana Monroe SB 27.7 #> 104 Robert Morris NEC 27.7 #> 105 George Washington A10 27.5 #> 106 American Pat 27.4 #> 107 Presbyterian BSth 27.4 #> 108 Green Bay Horz 27.3 #> 109 Xavier BE 27.2 #> 110 Baylor B12 27.1 #> 111 Murray St. OVC 27.0 #> 112 Montana BSky 26.8 #> 113 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd 26.8 #> 114 Iowa St. B12 26.5 #> 115 Creighton BE 26.3 #> 116 New Orleans Slnd 26.3 #> 117 UC Davis BW 26.1 #> 118 Pittsburgh ACC 26.0 #> 119 Saint Louis A10 26.0 #> 120 Tennessee SEC 25.9 #> 121 Saint Mary's WCC 25.6 #> 122 Quinnipiac MAAC 25.5 #> 123 Colgate Pat 25.5 #> 124 Boston College ACC 25.4 #> 125 Cal St. Fullerton BW 25.4 #> 126 Cleveland St. Horz 25.3 #> 127 Cal Baptist WAC 25.2 #> 128 Butler BE 25.2 #> 129 Miami FL ACC 25.2 #> 130 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd 25.2 #> 131 Harvard Ivy 25.1 #> 132 Jackson St. SWAC 25.1 #> 133 Nevada MWC 25.1 #> 134 South Alabama SB 24.9 #> 135 Lamar Slnd 24.8 #> 136 Southern SWAC 24.8 #> 137 Mount St. Mary's NEC 24.7 #> 138 Coastal Carolina SB 24.5 #> 139 New Hampshire AE 24.4 #> 140 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC 24.2 #> 141 Virginia Tech ACC 23.8 #> 142 Nebraska B10 23.7 #> 143 Portland St. BSky 23.6 #> 144 Arkansas SEC 23.3 #> 145 Tennessee St. OVC 23.1 #> 146 Georgetown BE 23.1 #> 147 Evansville MVC 22.9 #> 148 California P12 22.9 #> 149 Long Beach St. BW 22.8 #> 150 Villanova BE 22.8 #> 151 Charleston Southern BSth 22.8 #> 152 Oral Roberts Sum 22.5 #> 153 Drake MVC 22.4 #> 154 San Jose St. MWC 22.4 #> 155 Youngstown St. Horz 22.3 #> 156 Manhattan MAAC 22.2 #> 157 Chattanooga SC 22.1 #> 158 Troy SB 21.9 #> 159 Monmouth MAAC 21.9 #> 160 Seton Hall BE 21.9 #> 161 Ohio St. B10 21.9 #> 162 East Tennessee St. SC 21.8 #> 163 Duke ACC 21.6 #> 164 Providence BE 21.6 #> 165 Elon CAA 21.5 #> 166 Kansas St. B12 21.4 #> 167 Morgan St. MEAC 21.4 #> 168 North Texas CUSA 21.3 #> 169 Gonzaga WCC 21.2 #> 170 Loyola MD Pat 21.1 #> 171 Charleston CAA 21.0 #> 172 Missouri St. MVC 20.9 #> 173 Missouri SEC 20.8 #> 174 Vermont AE 20.8 #> 175 Western Kentucky CUSA 20.6 #> 176 Winthrop BSth 20.6 #> 177 Connecticut Amer 20.4 #> 178 Arizona St. P12 20.3 #> 179 Rider MAAC 20.0 #> 180 Arizona P12 20.0 #> 181 Temple Amer 20.0 #> 182 Delaware St. MEAC 19.9 #> 183 Boston University Pat 19.9 #> 184 Texas A&M SEC 19.8 #> 185 Samford SC 19.8 #> 186 Northern Colorado BSky 19.8 #> 187 Southern Illinois MVC 19.8 #> 188 Hartford AE 19.6 #> 189 VMI SC 19.4 #> 190 Wisconsin B10 19.4 #> 191 Utah P12 19.4 #> 192 Buffalo MAC 19.0 #> 193 Western Michigan MAC 18.6 #> 194 Abilene Christian Slnd 18.6 #> 195 Middle Tennessee CUSA 18.4 #> 196 Mercer SC 18.3 #> 197 DePaul BE 18.3 #> 198 Mississippi St. SEC 18.2 #> 199 Dayton A10 18.2 #> 200 Wyoming MWC 18.1 #> 201 Penn St. B10 17.8 #> 202 Northwestern B10 17.6 #> 203 Towson CAA 17.6 #> 204 Central Connecticut NEC 17.6 #> 205 Wofford SC 17.5 #> 206 Idaho BSky 17.5 #> 207 Denver Sum 17.5 #> 208 Morehead St. OVC 17.1 #> 209 Pacific WCC 17.1 #> 210 Northern Illinois MAC 17.0 #> 211 Princeton Ivy 17.0 #> 212 Jacksonville ASun 16.8 #> 213 Milwaukee Horz 16.6 #> 214 Bradley MVC 16.6 #> 215 Stanford P12 16.6 #> 216 Kentucky SEC 16.5 #> 217 Arkansas St. SB 16.5 #> 218 UNC Wilmington CAA 16.5 #> 219 Iona MAAC 16.4 #> 220 James Madison CAA 16.3 #> 221 Kent St. MAC 16.3 #> 222 Purdue B10 16.2 #> 223 Stony Brook AE 16.0 #> 224 Columbia Ivy 16.0 #> 225 Hofstra CAA 16.0 #> 226 UNC Greensboro SC 15.6 #> 227 Old Dominion CUSA 15.6 #> 228 Hawaii BW 15.6 #> 229 Gardner Webb BSth 15.2 #> 230 Austin Peay OVC 15.2 #> 231 UAB CUSA 15.1 #> 232 Wake Forest ACC 15.0 #> 233 Clemson ACC 15.0 #> 234 Lafayette Pat 14.9 #> 235 Illinois St. MVC 14.9 #> 236 Loyola Chicago MVC 14.9 #> 237 N.C. State ACC 14.7 #> 238 St. Bonaventure A10 14.6 #> 239 BYU WCC 14.6 #> 240 Southern Utah BSky 14.5 #> 241 Longwood BSth 14.5 #> 242 Valparaiso MVC 14.4 #> 243 Drexel CAA 14.2 #> 244 Vanderbilt SEC 14.2 #> 245 TCU B12 14.2 #> 246 Cincinnati Amer 14.0 #> 247 Sam Houston St. Slnd 14.0 #> 248 Nebraska Omaha Sum 14.0 #> 249 Lehigh Pat 13.9 #> 250 Weber St. BSky 13.8 #> 251 Oklahoma B12 13.7 #> 252 UMKC WAC 13.5 #> 253 Bucknell Pat 13.4 #> 254 UT Arlington SB 13.4 #> 255 Texas Southern SWAC 13.4 #> 256 Oregon P12 13.3 #> 257 UCLA P12 13.3 #> 258 Stephen F. Austin Slnd 13.2 #> 259 Eastern Kentucky OVC 13.1 #> 260 USC Upstate BSth 12.9 #> 261 SMU Amer 12.8 #> 262 Marshall CUSA 12.8 #> 263 St. John's BE 12.8 #> 264 Stetson ASun 12.8 #> 265 Wright St. Horz 12.7 #> 266 USC P12 12.6 #> 267 Miami OH MAC 12.6 #> 268 Nicholls St. Slnd 12.4 #> 269 Maryland B10 12.4 #> 270 Appalachian St. SB 12.4 #> 271 Georgia St. SB 12.3 #> 272 Indiana St. MVC 12.2 #> 273 George Mason A10 12.2 #> 274 Northern Iowa MVC 12.1 #> 275 William & Mary CAA 12.1 #> 276 Texas St. SB 12.0 #> 277 Oklahoma St. B12 12.0 #> 278 Cal Poly BW 11.7 #> 279 Idaho St. BSky 11.7 #> 280 Louisville ACC 11.7 #> 281 Loyola Marymount WCC 11.7 #> 282 Yale Ivy 11.6 #> 283 Siena MAAC 11.6 #> 284 Florida Atlantic CUSA 11.4 #> 285 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC 11.4 #> 286 South Carolina St. MEAC 11.3 #> 287 San Diego St. MWC 11.1 #> 288 Indiana B10 11.0 #> 289 Rutgers B10 10.9 #> 290 Air Force MWC 10.9 #> 291 Utah Valley WAC 10.9 #> 292 West Virginia B12 10.8 #> 293 Albany AE 10.7 #> 294 Rice CUSA 10.7 #> 295 North Carolina A&T MEAC 10.5 #> 296 Alcorn St. SWAC 10.3 #> 297 VCU A10 10.1 #> 298 Tulsa Amer 9.9 #> 299 Louisiana Tech CUSA 9.8 #> 300 Iowa B10 9.4 #> 301 Alabama St. SWAC 9.2 #> 302 Houston Baptist Slnd 9.1 #> 303 St. Francis NY NEC 9.0 #> 304 UC Santa Barbara BW 9.0 #> 305 UTEP CUSA 8.7 #> 306 Niagara MAAC 8.5 #> 307 Marist MAAC 8.4 #> 308 UC Riverside BW 8.3 #> 309 South Dakota St. Sum 8.3 #> 310 SIU Edwardsville OVC 8.3 #> 311 Jacksonville St. OVC 8.2 #> 312 Radford BSth 8.2 #> 313 Illinois Chicago Horz 8.0 #> 314 UC Irvine BW 8.0 #> 315 Marquette BE 7.9 #> 316 South Carolina SEC 7.8 #> 317 Massachusetts A10 7.8 #> 318 Liberty ASun 7.6 #> 319 Colorado P12 7.5 #> 320 Southeast Missouri St. OVC 7.2 #> 321 Oregon St. P12 7.0 #> 322 Norfolk St. MEAC 6.4 #> 323 Purdue Fort Wayne Sum 6.2 #> 324 Saint Peter's MAAC 6.2 #> 325 High Point BSth 6.1 #> 326 Dartmouth Ivy 6.1 #> 327 Virginia ACC 6.0 #> 328 Montana St. BSky 6.0 #> 329 Illinois B10 6.0 #> 330 La Salle A10 5.9 #> 331 Houston Amer 5.8 #> 332 Memphis Amer 5.7 #> 333 Charlotte CUSA 5.7 #> 334 Fairfield MAAC 5.7 #> 335 New Mexico St. WAC 5.6 #> 336 Florida SEC 5.3 #> 337 North Dakota St. Sum 5.3 #> 338 Richmond A10 4.9 #> 339 Michigan B10 4.9 #> 340 Florida Gulf Coast ASun 4.9 #> 341 Florida St. ACC 4.4 #> 342 Belmont OVC 4.3 #> 343 Bowling Green MAC 4.2 #> 344 Navy Pat 4.2 #> 345 Davidson A10 4.0 #> 346 Eastern Illinois OVC 4.0 #> 347 UCF Amer 3.6 #> 348 South Florida Amer 3.2 #> 349 East Carolina Amer 3.1 #> 350 Wichita St. Amer 2.6 #> 351 Campbell BSth 2.5 #> 352 Michigan St. B10 2.1 #> 353 Western Illinois Sum 1.7 #> 354 Alabama A&M SWAC 85.0 #> 355 Bethune Cookman MEAC 0.0 #> 356 Brown Ivy 0.0 #> 357 Columbia Ivy 0.0 #> 358 Cornell Ivy 0.0 #> 359 Dartmouth Ivy 0.0 #> 360 Harvard Ivy 0.0 #> 361 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC 0.0 #> 362 Penn Ivy 0.0 #> 363 Princeton Ivy 0.0 #> 364 Yale Ivy 0.0 #> 365 Howard MEAC 69.8 #> 366 Georgia Tech ACC 66.7 #> 367 Little Rock SB 66.3 #> 368 Fordham A10 62.9 #> 369 Air Force MWC 59.6 #> 370 Detroit Horz 58.2 #> 371 North Florida ASun 58.1 #> 372 San Francisco WCC 58.0 #> 373 Syracuse ACC 56.6 #> 374 Northern Kentucky Horz 54.8 #> 375 Delaware CAA 53.4 #> 376 Oakland Horz 53.3 #> 377 Oral Roberts Sum 53.1 #> 378 Bryant NEC 52.4 #> 379 Alcorn St. SWAC 51.4 #> 380 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 50.3 #> 381 Eastern Michigan MAC 50.2 #> 382 Cal Baptist WAC 49.0 #> 383 Pacific WCC 48.0 #> 384 Florida A&M MEAC 47.9 #> 385 Coppin St. MEAC 47.8 #> 386 Merrimack NEC 46.9 #> 387 Chicago St. WAC 46.6 #> 388 IUPUI Horz 46.5 #> 389 Toledo MAC 46.1 #> 390 Ball St. MAC 46.1 #> 391 Prairie View A&M SWAC 46.0 #> 392 St. Francis PA NEC 45.3 #> 393 Cal St. Northridge BW 44.7 #> 394 Grand Canyon WAC 44.1 #> 395 Colorado St. MWC 43.8 #> 396 Georgia SEC 43.7 #> 397 Tulane Amer 43.5 #> 398 Southern Miss CUSA 42.8 #> 399 Sacramento St. BSky 42.4 #> 400 Portland WCC 42.2 #> 401 Mount St. Mary's NEC 41.9 #> 402 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC 41.9 #> 403 Samford SC 41.9 #> 404 Tarleton St. WAC 41.6 #> 405 Iowa St. B12 41.4 #> 406 Saint Mary's WCC 41.0 #> 407 Notre Dame ACC 40.9 #> 408 Hofstra CAA 40.9 #> 409 Northern Illinois MAC 40.7 #> 410 Wofford SC 40.1 #> 411 Central Arkansas Slnd 39.8 #> 412 NJIT AE 39.2 #> 413 North Carolina Central MEAC 39.0 #> 414 Furman SC 38.8 #> 415 Manhattan MAAC 38.6 #> 416 McNeese St. Slnd 38.0 #> 417 Washington P12 38.0 #> 418 Buffalo MAC 37.8 #> 419 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd 37.3 #> 420 Wyoming MWC 37.2 #> 421 Seattle WAC 36.8 #> 422 Fresno St. MWC 36.8 #> 423 Chattanooga SC 36.7 #> 424 Youngstown St. Horz 36.3 #> 425 Elon CAA 36.2 #> 426 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC 36.0 #> 427 Abilene Christian Slnd 35.9 #> 428 Pepperdine WCC 35.9 #> 429 The Citadel SC 35.8 #> 430 UTSA CUSA 35.6 #> 431 St. Bonaventure A10 35.5 #> 432 Xavier BE 35.5 #> 433 UC San Diego BW 35.2 #> 434 North Texas CUSA 35.1 #> 435 American Pat 34.9 #> 436 Wagner NEC 34.5 #> 437 Lafayette Pat 34.4 #> 438 Robert Morris Horz 34.2 #> 439 Providence BE 34.1 #> 440 Louisville ACC 34.1 #> 441 Army Pat 34.1 #> 442 Central Michigan MAC 33.9 #> 443 South Alabama SB 33.9 #> 444 San Diego WCC 33.8 #> 445 LIU NEC 33.5 #> 446 South Dakota Sum 33.2 #> 447 Texas Tech B12 33.1 #> 448 Loyola Marymount WCC 33.1 #> 449 UNLV MWC 33.0 #> 450 Incarnate Word Slnd 32.9 #> 451 Binghamton AE 32.1 #> 452 Kansas B12 32.0 #> 453 Ohio MAC 31.8 #> 454 Northeastern CAA 31.8 #> 455 Kent St. MAC 31.1 #> 456 Longwood BSth 30.8 #> 457 Northern Arizona BSky 30.5 #> 458 UNC Wilmington CAA 30.4 #> 459 Western Carolina SC 30.3 #> 460 LSU SEC 30.2 #> 461 VMI SC 29.9 #> 462 Towson CAA 29.8 #> 463 Washington St. P12 29.7 #> 464 New Mexico MWC 29.4 #> 465 Rhode Island A10 29.3 #> 466 Boston College ACC 29.3 #> 467 Baylor B12 29.2 #> 468 Stephen F. Austin Slnd 29.2 #> 469 William & Mary CAA 29.1 #> 470 Lamar Slnd 29.0 #> 471 Arizona St. P12 28.2 #> 472 Hartford AE 28.0 #> 473 Minnesota B10 28.0 #> 474 Rutgers B10 27.9 #> 475 Siena MAAC 27.8 #> 476 North Alabama ASun 27.7 #> 477 Arizona P12 27.5 #> 478 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC 27.5 #> 479 Alabama SEC 27.4 #> 480 Boston University Pat 27.4 #> 481 Auburn SEC 27.4 #> 482 UMKC Sum 27.3 #> 483 Niagara MAAC 27.3 #> 484 Morgan St. MEAC 27.2 #> 485 Middle Tennessee CUSA 27.2 #> 486 Santa Clara WCC 26.8 #> 487 Boise St. MWC 26.6 #> 488 Illinois Chicago Horz 26.2 #> 489 George Washington A10 26.1 #> 490 Duke ACC 25.7 #> 491 Missouri St. MVC 25.7 #> 492 Charleston Southern BSth 25.3 #> 493 Drexel CAA 25.3 #> 494 James Madison CAA 25.2 #> 495 FIU CUSA 25.2 #> 496 Presbyterian BSth 25.1 #> 497 Maine AE 25.1 #> 498 UNC Greensboro SC 25.0 #> 499 Tennessee Tech OVC 24.9 #> 500 San Jose St. MWC 24.8 #> 501 Grambling St. SWAC 24.6 #> 502 Kennesaw St. ASun 24.5 #> 503 Seton Hall BE 24.4 #> 504 Oklahoma St. B12 24.3 #> 505 Evansville MVC 24.2 #> 506 Morehead St. OVC 24.1 #> 507 UMass Lowell AE 24.1 #> 508 California P12 24.1 #> 509 Oklahoma B12 24.0 #> 510 Akron MAC 23.9 #> 511 Southern SWAC 23.9 #> 512 Hampton BSth 23.8 #> 513 North Carolina ACC 23.7 #> 514 TCU B12 23.6 #> 515 Vermont AE 23.5 #> 516 Alabama St. SWAC 23.3 #> 517 Louisiana Monroe SB 23.2 #> 518 Mississippi St. SEC 22.9 #> 519 Duquesne A10 22.9 #> 520 Virginia Tech ACC 22.8 #> 521 Long Beach St. BW 22.8 #> 522 Oregon P12 22.8 #> 523 Nebraska B10 22.8 #> 524 Winthrop BSth 22.8 #> 525 Florida Atlantic CUSA 22.7 #> 526 Rider MAAC 22.7 #> 527 Illinois St. MVC 22.6 #> 528 Georgia St. SB 22.4 #> 529 Central Connecticut NEC 22.2 #> 530 Charleston CAA 22.1 #> 531 Charlotte CUSA 22.0 #> 532 Eastern Washington BSky 21.9 #> 533 Saint Joseph's A10 21.7 #> 534 Idaho St. BSky 21.5 #> 535 Nebraska Omaha Sum 21.5 #> 536 Drake MVC 21.2 #> 537 Marquette BE 21.0 #> 538 Butler BE 20.9 #> 539 Purdue B10 20.9 #> 540 Ohio St. B10 20.6 #> 541 UC Davis BW 20.3 #> 542 Mississippi SEC 20.2 #> 543 Dayton A10 20.1 #> 544 Montana St. BSky 19.8 #> 545 UTEP CUSA 19.6 #> 546 Old Dominion CUSA 19.6 #> 547 Utah St. MWC 19.5 #> 548 Cal Poly BW 19.5 #> 549 Georgetown BE 19.5 #> 550 Richmond A10 19.4 #> 551 Hawaii BW 19.3 #> 552 Jackson St. SWAC 18.9 #> 553 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd 18.9 #> 554 UCF Amer 18.6 #> 555 DePaul BE 18.5 #> 556 Pittsburgh ACC 18.4 #> 557 Tennessee St. OVC 18.4 #> 558 Gonzaga WCC 18.3 #> 559 Denver Sum 18.2 #> 560 Louisiana Tech CUSA 18.1 #> 561 Idaho BSky 17.9 #> 562 Jacksonville ASun 17.8 #> 563 Valparaiso MVC 17.7 #> 564 Monmouth MAAC 17.6 #> 565 Sam Houston St. Slnd 17.6 #> 566 Marshall CUSA 17.5 #> 567 North Dakota St. Sum 17.5 #> 568 N.C. State ACC 17.5 #> 569 Texas B12 17.4 #> 570 North Dakota Sum 17.4 #> 571 Cincinnati Amer 17.4 #> 572 UC Santa Barbara BW 17.3 #> 573 Eastern Illinois OVC 17.3 #> 574 Loyola MD Pat 17.3 #> 575 New Hampshire AE 17.2 #> 576 Dixie St. WAC 17.2 #> 577 Montana BSky 17.1 #> 578 Texas Southern SWAC 17.1 #> 579 Quinnipiac MAAC 16.9 #> 580 Arkansas SEC 16.9 #> 581 Missouri SEC 16.9 #> 582 Texas St. SB 16.6 #> 583 Nevada MWC 16.6 #> 584 Tulsa Amer 16.5 #> 585 Saint Louis A10 16.4 #> 586 Memphis Amer 16.2 #> 587 Milwaukee Horz 16.1 #> 588 Nicholls St. Slnd 15.9 #> 589 Arkansas St. SB 15.8 #> 590 Sacred Heart NEC 15.4 #> 591 Coastal Carolina SB 15.2 #> 592 Delaware St. MEAC 15.2 #> 593 Northern Iowa MVC 15.1 #> 594 Murray St. OVC 14.7 #> 595 South Carolina St. MEAC 14.7 #> 596 Louisiana SB 14.7 #> 597 Troy SB 14.7 #> 598 Southern Illinois MVC 14.7 #> 599 Austin Peay OVC 14.6 #> 600 West Virginia B12 14.4 #> 601 Bradley MVC 14.1 #> 602 Cal St. Bakersfield BW 14.1 #> 603 Bellarmine ASun 14.0 #> 604 UNC Asheville BSth 13.9 #> 605 Kentucky SEC 13.7 #> 606 Cal St. Fullerton BW 13.7 #> 607 Northern Colorado BSky 13.7 #> 608 Maryland B10 13.5 #> 609 Lipscomb ASun 13.2 #> 610 Green Bay Horz 13.2 #> 611 Portland St. BSky 13.2 #> 612 Georgia Southern SB 13.2 #> 613 New Orleans Slnd 13.1 #> 614 Indiana B10 13.0 #> 615 SIU Edwardsville OVC 12.7 #> 616 Stanford P12 12.6 #> 617 Holy Cross Pat 12.4 #> 618 Northwestern B10 12.4 #> 619 Wright St. Horz 12.3 #> 620 St. John's BE 12.3 #> 621 Saint Peter's MAAC 12.2 #> 622 Northwestern St. Slnd 12.1 #> 623 USC Upstate BSth 12.0 #> 624 UC Riverside BW 11.9 #> 625 BYU WCC 11.8 #> 626 Bucknell Pat 11.8 #> 627 Vanderbilt SEC 11.8 #> 628 George Mason A10 11.7 #> 629 Temple Amer 11.7 #> 630 Clemson ACC 11.5 #> 631 South Dakota St. Sum 11.4 #> 632 Rice CUSA 11.3 #> 633 Stony Brook AE 11.3 #> 634 Colorado P12 11.0 #> 635 Utah Valley WAC 10.9 #> 636 Campbell BSth 10.6 #> 637 Illinois B10 10.5 #> 638 La Salle A10 10.5 #> 639 Houston Baptist Slnd 10.5 #> 640 UT Arlington SB 10.3 #> 641 Gardner Webb BSth 10.3 #> 642 San Diego St. MWC 10.2 #> 643 Michigan B10 10.1 #> 644 USC P12 10.1 #> 645 Belmont OVC 10.0 #> 646 Villanova BE 10.0 #> 647 Marist MAAC 9.9 #> 648 Texas A&M SEC 9.7 #> 649 Colgate Pat 9.6 #> 650 Purdue Fort Wayne Horz 9.5 #> 651 Canisius MAAC 9.2 #> 652 UMBC AE 9.1 #> 653 East Tennessee St. SC 9.0 #> 654 Wisconsin B10 9.0 #> 655 St. Francis NY NEC 8.9 #> 656 Southeast Missouri St. OVC 8.9 #> 657 VCU A10 8.7 #> 658 Florida Gulf Coast ASun 8.6 #> 659 Mercer SC 8.6 #> 660 Connecticut BE 8.5 #> 661 Miami OH MAC 8.5 #> 662 Fairfield MAAC 8.3 #> 663 Creighton BE 8.2 #> 664 Miami FL ACC 7.8 #> 665 Western Illinois Sum 7.7 #> 666 Southern Utah BSky 7.7 #> 667 Michigan St. B10 7.4 #> 668 Appalachian St. SB 7.3 #> 669 Houston Amer 7.1 #> 670 Iona MAAC 7.1 #> 671 Wake Forest ACC 7.0 #> 672 Tennessee SEC 6.9 #> 673 Radford BSth 6.7 #> 674 Norfolk St. MEAC 6.6 #> 675 Jacksonville St. OVC 6.6 #> 676 Kansas St. B12 6.6 #> 677 Penn St. B10 6.4 #> 678 Cleveland St. Horz 6.4 #> 679 SMU Amer 6.2 #> 680 UAB CUSA 5.5 #> 681 Western Kentucky CUSA 5.5 #> 682 Eastern Kentucky OVC 5.5 #> 683 North Carolina A&T MEAC 5.5 #> 684 Tennessee Martin OVC 5.3 #> 685 UCLA P12 5.2 #> 686 Virginia ACC 5.2 #> 687 Loyola Chicago MVC 5.1 #> 688 Bowling Green MAC 5.0 #> 689 Indiana St. MVC 5.0 #> 690 Navy Pat 4.9 #> 691 Massachusetts A10 4.7 #> 692 Utah P12 4.2 #> 693 Liberty ASun 4.0 #> 694 New Mexico St. WAC 4.0 #> 695 UC Irvine BW 4.0 #> 696 Albany AE 3.9 #> 697 Western Michigan MAC 3.8 #> 698 High Point BSth 3.7 #> 699 Oregon St. P12 3.6 #> 700 East Carolina Amer 3.4 #> 701 South Florida Amer 3.2 #> 702 Stetson ASun 3.0 #> 703 Weber St. BSky 2.6 #> 704 Lehigh Pat 2.6 #> 705 Davidson A10 2.4 #> 706 South Carolina SEC 1.9 #> 707 Iowa B10 1.6 #> 708 Florida St. ACC 1.1 #> 709 Wichita St. Amer 0.8 #> 710 Florida SEC 0.7 #> TwoFoulParticpation.Pct.Rk Adj2FP Adj2FP.Rk TwoFoulTotalTime #> 1 1 45.2 1 334:36 #> 2 2 39.0 2 173:06 #> 3 3 33.6 4 269:13 #> 4 4 32.0 7 395:19 #> 5 5 32.4 6 276:14 #> 6 6 34.1 3 342:08 #> 7 7 32.6 5 275:21 #> 8 8 29.7 10 225:56 #> 9 9 30.0 8 160:07 #> 10 10 30.0 9 261:18 #> 11 11 28.7 11 160:45 #> 12 12 28.6 12 164:15 #> 13 13 25.9 16 340:00 #> 14 14 28.2 13 297:24 #> 15 15 25.1 18 266:50 #> 16 16 26.4 14 263:50 #> 17 17 25.3 17 318:53 #> 18 18 26.1 15 375:07 #> 19 19 22.1 22 277:50 #> 20 20 24.8 19 308:27 #> 21 21 23.2 20 354:41 #> 22 22 23.0 21 161:17 #> 23 23 20.3 26 285:39 #> 24 24 21.1 25 269:16 #> 25 25 21.9 23 471:23 #> 26 26 21.6 24 215:57 #> 27 27 19.4 29 123:25 #> 28 28 19.6 28 243:49 #> 29 29 19.1 33 265:36 #> 30 30 19.3 31 282:29 #> 31 31 15.8 42 177:27 #> 32 32 19.3 30 280:25 #> 33 33 19.2 32 141:25 #> 34 34 15.5 43 145:34 #> 35 35 19.1 34 210:25 #> 36 36 18.2 35 184:14 #> 37 37 17.9 37 244:42 #> 38 38 17.3 38 275:04 #> 39 39 18.1 36 225:09 #> 40 40 19.8 27 197:31 #> 41 41 16.2 41 301:01 #> 42 42 16.3 40 447:05 #> 43 43 14.0 49 228:31 #> 44 44 12.9 54 298:21 #> 45 45 15.2 45 321:42 #> 46 46 16.4 39 204:23 #> 47 47 13.4 50 281:35 #> 48 48 15.3 44 272:52 #> 49 49 13.2 51 225:53 #> 50 50 13.0 53 380:20 #> 51 51 12.3 55 331:25 #> 52 52 15.0 46 216:30 #> 53 53 14.3 48 362:33 #> 54 54 14.7 47 354:30 #> 55 55 13.1 52 323:55 #> 56 56 10.6 62 335:12 #> 57 57 11.0 59 226:06 #> 58 58 10.8 60 352:31 #> 59 59 8.8 70 205:32 #> 60 60 10.1 65 277:27 #> 61 61 11.1 57 303:26 #> 62 62 11.6 56 279:23 #> 63 63 8.4 71 268:47 #> 64 64 11.0 58 242:43 #> 65 65 10.8 61 219:00 #> 66 66 7.7 74 169:37 #> 67 67 6.2 86 216:18 #> 68 68 9.5 66 234:16 #> 69 69 9.0 69 283:37 #> 70 70 10.1 64 204:51 #> 71 71 9.4 67 316:51 #> 72 72 6.4 85 238:19 #> 73 73 9.1 68 340:33 #> 74 74 10.3 63 183:07 #> 75 75 6.9 79 254:39 #> 76 76 7.2 77 320:57 #> 77 77 8.2 72 311:49 #> 78 78 7.6 75 146:02 #> 79 79 5.9 93 271:43 #> 80 80 6.6 81 229:56 #> 81 81 4.8 104 154:13 #> 82 82 7.8 73 372:09 #> 83 83 5.6 96 247:02 #> 84 84 5.6 97 187:42 #> 85 85 6.0 88 230:31 #> 86 86 5.0 101 395:35 #> 87 87 6.7 80 217:35 #> 88 88 7.0 78 228:52 #> 89 89 5.6 95 203:50 #> 90 90 6.2 87 228:26 #> 91 91 5.9 92 232:57 #> 92 92 7.5 76 208:32 #> 93 93 6.0 89 250:56 #> 94 94 4.9 103 137:06 #> 95 95 4.2 110 107:14 #> 96 96 5.5 98 258:53 #> 97 97 4.8 105 223:29 #> 98 98 4.5 107 307:57 #> 99 99 6.6 82 408:27 #> 100 100 6.4 84 325:32 #> 101 101 6.5 83 242:35 #> 102 102 3.2 114 279:32 #> 103 103 6.0 90 174:32 #> 104 104 4.5 108 263:14 #> 105 105 5.9 91 186:26 #> 106 106 5.1 100 215:52 #> 107 107 5.3 99 232:44 #> 108 108 4.2 109 311:39 #> 109 109 2.9 119 244:20 #> 110 110 1.8 126 259:02 #> 111 111 2.2 122 190:31 #> 112 112 4.7 106 327:18 #> 113 113 2.7 120 313:41 #> 114 114 3.0 118 204:17 #> 115 115 5.8 94 128:32 #> 116 116 3.3 111 246:43 #> 117 117 4.9 102 208:34 #> 118 118 1.1 131 274:14 #> 119 119 3.0 116 289:12 #> 120 120 1.0 134 303:15 #> 121 121 3.2 112 289:25 #> 122 122 0.3 143 127:02 #> 123 123 3.2 113 187:12 #> 124 124 -0.1 145 243:31 #> 125 125 1.0 133 234:51 #> 126 126 -1.0 157 314:51 #> 127 127 2.2 121 233:29 #> 128 128 1.1 132 215:21 #> 129 129 3.0 117 93:42 #> 130 130 1.9 124 325:58 #> 131 131 -0.2 146 190:11 #> 132 132 -0.4 152 289:40 #> 133 133 3.2 115 276:24 #> 134 134 0.8 135 288:16 #> 135 135 0.5 138 314:35 #> 136 136 0.8 136 408:54 #> 137 137 1.3 130 220:18 #> 138 138 1.8 125 403:55 #> 139 139 0.4 141 352:24 #> 140 140 1.9 123 168:45 #> 141 141 -0.3 149 164:30 #> 142 142 0.1 144 196:27 #> 143 143 -0.9 156 289:42 #> 144 144 -1.2 160 305:15 #> 145 145 1.6 129 329:25 #> 146 146 0.4 140 282:00 #> 147 147 -0.2 148 239:53 #> 148 148 1.7 127 363:32 #> 149 149 -2.0 171 366:29 #> 150 150 -0.4 153 208:49 #> 151 151 0.5 139 232:34 #> 152 152 -1.7 167 208:16 #> 153 153 -0.4 151 234:00 #> 154 154 -0.8 155 209:53 #> 155 155 0.6 137 228:11 #> 156 156 -2.1 172 310:43 #> 157 157 1.6 128 158:57 #> 158 158 -3.0 181 207:39 #> 159 159 -2.9 179 259:35 #> 160 160 -0.2 147 219:39 #> 161 161 -1.6 165 268:02 #> 162 162 -1.4 161 368:33 #> 163 163 -2.5 176 251:20 #> 164 164 -1.1 158 294:26 #> 165 165 -0.3 150 376:12 #> 166 166 -1.2 159 382:18 #> 167 167 0.4 142 265:42 #> 168 168 -1.8 168 194:28 #> 169 169 -4.9 200 165:29 #> 170 170 -1.5 163 214:21 #> 171 171 -3.5 185 135:39 #> 172 172 -3.1 182 320:44 #> 173 173 -0.6 154 352:29 #> 174 174 -1.9 169 315:37 #> 175 175 -3.6 186 152:03 #> 176 176 -4.0 189 255:25 #> 177 177 -1.6 166 310:46 #> 178 178 -6.0 209 179:00 #> 179 179 -2.1 173 267:39 #> 180 180 -5.3 203 212:19 #> 181 181 -1.5 164 190:38 #> 182 182 -1.4 162 297:50 #> 183 183 -4.4 194 100:13 #> 184 184 -3.1 183 140:05 #> 185 185 -3.0 180 299:18 #> 186 186 -2.5 177 193:42 #> 187 187 -3.8 187 216:06 #> 188 188 -4.8 198 404:54 #> 189 189 -4.4 192 160:12 #> 190 190 -2.4 175 173:28 #> 191 191 -3.3 184 148:33 #> 192 192 -4.3 190 261:28 #> 193 193 -3.8 188 308:33 #> 194 194 -7.1 223 270:49 #> 195 195 -5.3 204 279:20 #> 196 196 -5.7 208 245:40 #> 197 197 -6.3 213 294:04 #> 198 198 -4.4 193 243:31 #> 199 199 -7.0 220 217:47 #> 200 200 -4.7 197 368:55 #> 201 201 -7.2 224 280:30 #> 202 202 -5.5 205 231:53 #> 203 203 -4.9 201 251:17 #> 204 204 -6.0 210 303:01 #> 205 205 -2.3 174 192:04 #> 206 206 -2.7 178 260:02 #> 207 207 -4.6 195 287:24 #> 208 208 -7.1 221 196:08 #> 209 209 -2.0 170 206:50 #> 210 210 -6.3 214 165:44 #> 211 211 -8.1 234 133:04 #> 212 212 -7.7 230 123:00 #> 213 213 -7.7 229 230:33 #> 214 214 -10.1 261 238:37 #> 215 215 -8.5 240 190:46 #> 216 216 -6.5 216 323:31 #> 217 217 -5.3 202 450:15 #> 218 218 -6.7 219 279:43 #> 219 219 -6.5 217 330:45 #> 220 220 -6.7 218 242:00 #> 221 221 -8.0 233 241:33 #> 222 222 -6.1 211 200:47 #> 223 223 -4.6 196 192:10 #> 224 224 -4.3 191 218:31 #> 225 225 -4.9 199 221:43 #> 226 226 -7.8 231 183:01 #> 227 227 -9.1 248 250:57 #> 228 228 -5.6 206 215:42 #> 229 229 -11.2 275 188:34 #> 230 230 -10.0 259 281:40 #> 231 231 -8.8 245 146:24 #> 232 232 -8.5 239 239:57 #> 233 233 -9.4 250 168:26 #> 234 234 -8.6 244 111:35 #> 235 235 -8.3 235 208:16 #> 236 236 -13.4 298 144:32 #> 237 237 -8.4 236 278:21 #> 238 238 -6.2 212 226:44 #> 239 239 -9.7 254 156:23 #> 240 240 -7.1 222 297:59 #> 241 241 -7.4 226 186:52 #> 242 242 -9.2 249 292:49 #> 243 243 -9.6 253 183:33 #> 244 244 -8.6 243 408:16 #> 245 245 -10.0 260 164:08 #> 246 246 -8.6 242 211:41 #> 247 247 -7.6 227 365:33 #> 248 248 -6.5 215 311:52 #> 249 249 -8.9 247 186:08 #> 250 250 -9.4 251 191:54 #> 251 251 -13.5 300 83:38 #> 252 252 -9.9 257 312:42 #> 253 253 -8.4 237 356:48 #> 254 254 -11.7 279 211:34 #> 255 255 -10.8 268 216:23 #> 256 256 -8.4 238 211:32 #> 257 257 -10.3 263 292:00 #> 258 258 -9.5 252 223:37 #> 259 259 -10.8 270 337:40 #> 260 260 -9.8 255 258:48 #> 261 261 -12.3 284 196:12 #> 262 262 -5.6 207 198:35 #> 263 263 -12.0 281 293:10 #> 264 264 -7.8 232 180:33 #> 265 265 -12.1 283 200:40 #> 266 266 -11.3 276 234:29 #> 267 267 -10.2 262 243:14 #> 268 268 -8.8 246 361:26 #> 269 269 -7.7 228 177:17 #> 270 270 -12.5 286 172:15 #> 271 271 -8.5 241 261:08 #> 272 272 -11.0 272 226:26 #> 273 273 -10.9 271 293:49 #> 274 274 -12.6 287 150:27 #> 275 275 -13.3 295 193:54 #> 276 276 -10.4 265 236:33 #> 277 277 -10.0 258 264:19 #> 278 278 -9.9 256 279:03 #> 279 279 -15.1 307 142:37 #> 280 280 -12.9 293 145:04 #> 281 281 -11.7 278 234:49 #> 282 282 -15.6 313 120:30 #> 283 283 -10.8 269 253:04 #> 284 284 -10.4 266 110:33 #> 285 285 -13.6 302 183:02 #> 286 286 -12.4 285 109:34 #> 287 287 -13.3 294 287:34 #> 288 288 -13.4 299 233:52 #> 289 289 -7.3 225 170:30 #> 290 290 -11.1 274 240:28 #> 291 291 -11.8 280 233:23 #> 292 292 -10.6 267 260:51 #> 293 293 -11.3 277 209:17 #> 294 294 -15.7 315 158:14 #> 295 295 -12.7 290 306:00 #> 296 296 -11.1 273 229:50 #> 297 297 -14.2 304 196:33 #> 298 298 -17.2 332 171:00 #> 299 299 -12.9 292 203:56 #> 300 300 -15.7 316 152:31 #> 301 301 -12.1 282 337:03 #> 302 302 -12.6 288 285:17 #> 303 303 -16.3 322 263:59 #> 304 304 -12.7 289 213:33 #> 305 305 -14.9 306 238:51 #> 306 306 -12.8 291 184:27 #> 307 307 -13.4 296 256:33 #> 308 308 -15.9 317 174:33 #> 309 309 -16.3 324 244:01 #> 310 310 -14.1 303 235:48 #> 311 311 -10.3 264 104:33 #> 312 312 -13.6 301 117:36 #> 313 313 -15.5 311 301:57 #> 314 314 -16.5 326 248:34 #> 315 315 -16.5 327 271:57 #> 316 316 -15.5 310 304:11 #> 317 317 -16.2 321 246:58 #> 318 318 -15.6 312 149:36 #> 319 319 -13.4 297 189:46 #> 320 320 -15.2 308 311:47 #> 321 321 -17.6 335 199:29 #> 322 322 -16.7 328 153:21 #> 323 323 -17.9 337 170:24 #> 324 324 -14.3 305 267:50 #> 325 325 -17.5 334 274:20 #> 326 326 -19.0 343 142:57 #> 327 327 -15.7 314 142:54 #> 328 328 -16.1 320 222:52 #> 329 329 -16.9 331 241:52 #> 330 330 -15.3 309 268:03 #> 331 331 -16.7 329 329:50 #> 332 332 -18.6 341 344:23 #> 333 333 -19.1 344 104:53 #> 334 334 -18.0 338 185:33 #> 335 335 -16.4 325 206:06 #> 336 336 -16.3 323 327:17 #> 337 337 -17.3 333 211:45 #> 338 338 -18.3 340 113:44 #> 339 339 -19.4 347 178:12 #> 340 340 -16.7 330 185:31 #> 341 341 -18.7 342 208:34 #> 342 342 -22.2 352 143:04 #> 343 343 -16.1 319 241:38 #> 344 344 -18.2 339 146:07 #> 345 345 -21.3 350 156:33 #> 346 346 -17.7 336 216:32 #> 347 347 -15.9 318 312:37 #> 348 348 -21.2 349 271:52 #> 349 349 -19.1 345 301:02 #> 350 350 -20.3 348 236:19 #> 351 351 -24.8 353 109:59 #> 352 352 -22.0 351 205:31 #> 353 353 -19.4 346 195:34 #> 354 1 52.8 1 6:08 #> 355 1 0.0 1 0:00 #> 356 1 0.0 1 0:00 #> 357 1 0.0 1 0:00 #> 358 1 0.0 1 0:00 #> 359 1 0.0 1 0:00 #> 360 1 0.0 1 0:00 #> 361 1 0.0 1 0:00 #> 362 1 0.0 1 0:00 #> 363 1 0.0 1 0:00 #> 364 1 0.0 1 0:00 #> 365 2 38.5 5 17:40 #> 366 3 43.4 3 184:29 #> 367 4 45.0 2 220:08 #> 368 5 40.2 4 151:07 #> 369 6 36.6 6 240:37 #> 370 7 34.9 8 103:28 #> 371 8 33.3 10 115:42 #> 372 9 33.5 9 200:21 #> 373 10 36.1 7 159:53 #> 374 11 32.3 11 156:34 #> 375 12 28.3 16 140:30 #> 376 13 26.3 19 179:33 #> 377 14 29.8 13 221:18 #> 378 15 30.0 12 246:06 #> 379 16 29.5 14 191:39 #> 380 17 27.6 17 310:27 #> 381 18 25.0 21 134:58 #> 382 19 27.1 18 312:56 #> 383 20 25.1 20 145:05 #> 384 21 23.2 26 214:39 #> 385 22 28.7 15 258:36 #> 386 23 24.5 22 154:51 #> 387 24 20.3 34 108:26 #> 388 25 22.5 28 154:42 #> 389 26 20.7 32 172:51 #> 390 27 23.0 27 189:45 #> 391 28 23.2 25 198:25 #> 392 29 20.0 36 123:14 #> 393 30 23.9 23 215:02 #> 394 31 21.2 30 179:38 #> 395 32 20.6 33 202:23 #> 396 33 23.7 24 205:23 #> 397 34 21.2 29 139:29 #> 398 35 21.0 31 156:33 #> 399 36 20.1 35 149:35 #> 400 37 19.0 37 175:29 #> 401 38 18.7 38 193:23 #> 402 39 18.0 41 205:07 #> 403 40 17.9 42 176:27 #> 404 41 17.2 45 218:25 #> 405 42 18.1 40 316:05 #> 406 43 17.0 47 230:20 #> 407 44 18.3 39 177:01 #> 408 45 14.7 56 189:17 #> 409 46 14.8 55 151:40 #> 410 47 15.8 50 171:03 #> 411 48 14.5 57 218:11 #> 412 49 17.5 43 238:11 #> 413 50 17.5 44 189:58 #> 414 51 15.1 52 206:06 #> 415 52 14.4 58 227:46 #> 416 53 16.3 49 249:49 #> 417 54 17.1 46 374:51 #> 418 55 13.6 60 182:34 #> 419 56 15.0 54 285:24 #> 420 57 15.7 51 314:54 #> 421 58 13.8 59 190:57 #> 422 59 11.3 70 131:08 #> 423 60 12.3 64 166:17 #> 424 61 12.1 65 160:14 #> 425 62 9.5 83 150:34 #> 426 63 16.5 48 206:03 #> 427 64 8.2 89 218:49 #> 428 65 11.4 69 286:49 #> 429 66 12.3 63 194:18 #> 430 67 9.7 80 227:43 #> 431 68 11.4 67 212:53 #> 432 69 11.4 68 125:47 #> 433 70 15.1 53 65:11 #> 434 71 10.5 73 228:25 #> 435 72 9.7 81 74:48 #> 436 73 12.3 62 263:15 #> 437 74 9.3 85 109:17 #> 438 75 10.0 78 201:55 #> 439 76 9.1 87 192:10 #> 440 77 11.5 66 171:53 #> 441 78 10.2 76 170:12 #> 442 79 12.9 61 135:01 #> 443 80 9.8 79 145:23 #> 444 81 5.3 108 80:40 #> 445 82 9.6 82 167:43 #> 446 83 7.8 90 202:41 #> 447 84 10.5 74 223:23 #> 448 85 10.5 72 218:55 #> 449 86 8.6 88 256:10 #> 450 87 11.3 71 168:09 #> 451 88 10.4 75 106:25 #> 452 89 9.1 86 188:32 #> 453 90 5.1 109 157:52 #> 454 91 6.2 100 145:29 #> 455 92 5.0 111 236:48 #> 456 93 9.3 84 187:58 #> 457 94 5.8 103 181:13 #> 458 95 3.8 121 292:40 #> 459 96 6.2 101 233:37 #> 460 97 7.2 95 198:32 #> 461 98 3.8 120 103:54 #> 462 99 5.7 104 121:05 #> 463 100 7.0 96 220:00 #> 464 101 7.3 93 67:45 #> 465 102 10.2 77 246:09 #> 466 103 2.4 129 146:14 #> 467 104 7.7 91 303:04 #> 468 105 7.2 94 214:50 #> 469 106 4.3 118 127:35 #> 470 107 5.9 102 253:31 #> 471 108 6.3 98 302:51 #> 472 109 3.1 125 303:52 #> 473 110 7.6 92 283:49 #> 474 111 4.8 113 200:19 #> 475 112 5.7 105 100:49 #> 476 113 4.3 117 218:07 #> 477 114 6.2 99 276:16 #> 478 115 4.8 112 135:42 #> 479 116 4.1 119 301:20 #> 480 117 2.5 127 79:29 #> 481 118 5.7 106 226:30 #> 482 119 5.3 107 381:27 #> 483 120 -1.3 162 86:51 #> 484 121 6.5 97 236:59 #> 485 122 2.6 126 85:30 #> 486 123 4.4 116 202:33 #> 487 124 1.2 138 247:01 #> 488 125 4.5 114 241:30 #> 489 126 3.1 124 94:26 #> 490 127 2.1 133 249:29 #> 491 128 0.5 144 190:37 #> 492 129 1.2 139 177:32 #> 493 130 0.4 146 133:12 #> 494 131 0.2 150 132:42 #> 495 132 2.1 134 130:16 #> 496 133 1.5 136 225:14 #> 497 134 2.5 128 126:47 #> 498 135 3.6 123 307:55 #> 499 136 3.6 122 212:49 #> 500 137 5.0 110 207:33 #> 501 138 -0.5 156 168:34 #> 502 139 1.4 137 171:28 #> 503 140 1.1 140 181:41 #> 504 141 2.4 130 298:50 #> 505 142 -1.7 166 153:04 #> 506 143 0.7 143 170:59 #> 507 144 0.3 148 208:24 #> 508 145 -1.3 161 198:55 #> 509 146 -3.0 174 174:57 #> 510 147 4.4 115 139:25 #> 511 148 0.1 151 215:32 #> 512 149 -0.3 154 287:29 #> 513 150 0.3 147 149:51 #> 514 151 -3.0 176 149:50 #> 515 152 0.9 141 81:41 #> 516 153 0.5 145 154:58 #> 517 154 0.9 142 176:49 #> 518 155 -2.3 170 236:46 #> 519 156 -1.2 160 133:29 #> 520 157 -4.7 187 125:43 #> 521 158 0.2 149 233:55 #> 522 159 -1.6 163 183:48 #> 523 160 2.1 131 254:59 #> 524 161 -1.2 159 167:13 #> 525 162 -0.4 155 158:52 #> 526 163 1.9 135 205:38 #> 527 164 -4.3 184 121:55 #> 528 165 -0.9 157 148:54 #> 529 166 -4.2 183 202:08 #> 530 167 2.1 132 70:32 #> 531 168 -2.5 171 135:14 #> 532 169 -0.1 153 207:16 #> 533 170 -4.7 188 108:44 #> 534 171 -2.3 169 161:32 #> 535 172 -1.7 164 225:29 #> 536 173 -1.9 167 230:18 #> 537 174 -3.4 178 238:53 #> 538 175 -4.6 185 178:15 #> 539 176 -1.0 158 224:38 #> 540 177 -3.7 180 208:31 #> 541 178 -1.7 165 161:30 #> 542 179 -3.0 175 269:41 #> 543 180 0.1 152 192:29 #> 544 181 -4.9 194 192:56 #> 545 182 -2.2 168 182:44 #> 546 183 -2.8 172 293:58 #> 547 184 -7.2 219 150:23 #> 548 185 -5.1 197 248:14 #> 549 186 -3.0 173 180:27 #> 550 187 -6.5 205 142:29 #> 551 188 -4.7 190 75:43 #> 552 189 -7.2 218 144:56 #> 553 190 -5.0 195 184:47 #> 554 191 -3.6 179 191:57 #> 555 192 -5.7 202 178:40 #> 556 193 -6.8 210 224:28 #> 557 194 -3.1 177 215:05 #> 558 195 -8.7 233 211:02 #> 559 196 -4.9 193 272:35 #> 560 197 -4.6 186 178:31 #> 561 198 -4.0 181 227:46 #> 562 199 -4.9 192 208:41 #> 563 200 -5.3 199 176:24 #> 564 201 -6.5 206 202:08 #> 565 202 -4.2 182 294:08 #> 566 203 -5.4 200 190:03 #> 567 204 -7.9 225 134:00 #> 568 205 -4.7 189 206:20 #> 569 206 -6.2 204 320:52 #> 570 207 -8.2 228 206:44 #> 571 208 -5.1 198 236:28 #> 572 209 -7.9 224 105:55 #> 573 210 -6.5 207 176:07 #> 574 211 -7.1 216 119:23 #> 575 212 -9.1 239 155:15 #> 576 213 -4.7 191 211:48 #> 577 214 -5.7 201 269:33 #> 578 215 -6.9 211 190:51 #> 579 216 -6.9 212 188:32 #> 580 217 -10.2 249 257:20 #> 581 218 -6.8 209 286:26 #> 582 219 -5.1 196 216:20 #> 583 220 -6.6 208 238:41 #> 584 221 -7.2 217 176:24 #> 585 222 -7.0 213 125:18 #> 586 223 -7.0 214 305:22 #> 587 224 -8.6 232 140:20 #> 588 225 -7.5 221 248:24 #> 589 226 -8.0 226 135:49 #> 590 227 -8.3 229 130:48 #> 591 228 -8.5 231 138:32 #> 592 229 -8.2 227 258:16 #> 593 230 -9.6 242 102:00 #> 594 231 -7.7 222 199:35 #> 595 232 -7.1 215 124:06 #> 596 233 -9.2 240 253:57 #> 597 234 -6.1 203 192:50 #> 598 235 -7.3 220 189:33 #> 599 236 -10.6 256 128:58 #> 600 237 -8.7 234 232:54 #> 601 238 -10.9 258 180:26 #> 602 239 -8.9 237 203:28 #> 603 240 -11.1 259 115:20 #> 604 241 -12.3 269 123:47 #> 605 242 -9.6 243 258:51 #> 606 243 -12.0 267 100:41 #> 607 244 -8.8 235 112:36 #> 608 245 -9.7 244 171:37 #> 609 246 -10.3 251 92:59 #> 610 247 -10.5 255 167:17 #> 611 248 -9.2 241 236:58 #> 612 249 -9.9 246 70:45 #> 613 250 -10.0 247 302:07 #> 614 251 -12.9 273 170:35 #> 615 252 -8.3 230 342:18 #> 616 253 -11.1 260 225:52 #> 617 254 -10.2 248 130:24 #> 618 255 -11.5 261 202:40 #> 619 256 -16.0 305 130:28 #> 620 257 -9.9 245 212:46 #> 621 258 -11.5 262 199:46 #> 622 259 -7.8 223 188:00 #> 623 260 -11.8 265 149:16 #> 624 261 -12.6 270 257:12 #> 625 262 -12.8 272 152:12 #> 626 263 -10.8 257 111:31 #> 627 264 -10.5 254 195:08 #> 628 265 -12.3 268 154:16 #> 629 266 -9.0 238 164:59 #> 630 267 -10.3 252 135:36 #> 631 268 -11.7 264 138:09 #> 632 269 -14.1 284 91:04 #> 633 270 -13.8 281 190:42 #> 634 271 -13.8 280 228:29 #> 635 272 -13.7 279 220:42 #> 636 273 -12.9 275 173:52 #> 637 274 -14.8 291 165:06 #> 638 275 -12.9 274 233:08 #> 639 276 -10.4 253 212:27 #> 640 277 -10.3 250 171:28 #> 641 278 -14.1 285 158:20 #> 642 279 -14.3 286 210:04 #> 643 280 -13.4 277 110:27 #> 644 281 -15.9 304 118:21 #> 645 282 -14.7 290 142:20 #> 646 283 -14.8 292 141:46 #> 647 284 -13.6 278 230:08 #> 648 285 -11.6 263 111:12 #> 649 286 -8.8 236 83:02 #> 650 287 -15.5 300 135:24 #> 651 288 -11.8 266 156:05 #> 652 289 -16.5 311 90:37 #> 653 290 -15.8 303 220:44 #> 654 291 -13.8 282 187:22 #> 655 292 -14.5 289 150:57 #> 656 293 -14.4 287 173:26 #> 657 294 -15.3 298 251:44 #> 658 295 -15.7 302 133:51 #> 659 296 -15.5 301 225:41 #> 660 297 -13.1 276 267:59 #> 661 298 -14.0 283 188:34 #> 662 299 -15.2 297 205:05 #> 663 300 -14.9 293 144:25 #> 664 301 -15.3 299 114:26 #> 665 302 -18.2 317 282:01 #> 666 303 -16.2 308 173:23 #> 667 304 -14.9 294 330:00 #> 668 305 -18.7 322 92:52 #> 669 306 -18.0 316 284:29 #> 670 307 -15.1 296 228:46 #> 671 308 -12.7 271 194:31 #> 672 309 -16.1 306 211:08 #> 673 310 -17.4 315 125:52 #> 674 311 -14.4 288 249:18 #> 675 312 -18.2 318 153:20 #> 676 313 -16.2 309 255:07 #> 677 314 -18.7 321 192:56 #> 678 315 -19.3 326 221:26 #> 679 316 -17.0 314 84:28 #> 680 317 -16.1 307 198:14 #> 681 318 -18.5 319 163:52 #> 682 319 -19.8 329 227:59 #> 683 320 -19.3 325 130:25 #> 684 321 -20.0 332 173:17 #> 685 322 -16.5 312 245:37 #> 686 323 -20.0 331 69:24 #> 687 324 -22.6 344 134:40 #> 688 325 -15.0 295 243:48 #> 689 326 -16.2 310 188:03 #> 690 327 -18.5 320 116:12 #> 691 328 -19.9 330 98:48 #> 692 329 -18.9 323 218:51 #> 693 330 -20.4 337 127:37 #> 694 331 -21.0 340 68:18 #> 695 332 -17.0 313 152:07 #> 696 333 -20.7 338 131:07 #> 697 334 -19.5 327 114:32 #> 698 335 -20.1 334 133:12 #> 699 336 -19.1 324 269:54 #> 700 337 -20.1 336 135:15 #> 701 338 -22.2 343 89:25 #> 702 339 -19.6 328 133:58 #> 703 340 -20.1 333 188:19 #> 704 341 -20.1 335 105:58 #> 705 342 -22.1 342 79:13 #> 706 343 -20.8 339 212:38 #> 707 344 -23.6 347 160:27 #> 708 345 -22.7 345 187:14 #> 709 346 -21.6 341 104:15 #> 710 347 -23.6 346 175:14 #> TwoFoulTotalTime.Rk TwoFoulTimeOn TwoFoulTimeOn.Rk Bench.Pct Bench.Pct.Rk #> 1 36 229:52 1 26.5 267 #> 2 294 105:56 40 27.2 254 #> 3 123 154:20 9 17.8 350 #> 4 10 223:04 2 26.2 272 #> 5 112 154:13 10 30.1 174 #> 6 30 184:45 4 18.0 349 #> 7 113 147:33 13 28.2 229 #> 8 203 119:04 27 30.9 155 #> 9 310 83:47 65 17.2 352 #> 10 137 136:13 16 26.8 262 #> 11 308 82:29 69 22.1 327 #> 12 305 83:36 67 20.4 340 #> 13 32 169:05 7 28.4 222 #> 14 80 147:40 12 27.6 249 #> 15 129 130:20 18 26.4 268 #> 16 134 127:23 21 30.4 167 #> 17 50 153:27 11 26.4 269 #> 18 14 180:02 5 18.2 348 #> 19 109 132:34 17 21.9 330 #> 20 65 145:49 14 29.4 197 #> 21 24 165:55 8 31.0 151 #> 22 307 73:34 95 28.6 216 #> 23 94 128:25 19 32.9 110 #> 24 122 120:25 24 41.6 10 #> 25 1 207:43 3 26.8 263 #> 26 221 94:38 50 32.8 114 #> 27 339 53:59 155 29.7 187 #> 28 161 106:04 39 35.2 77 #> 29 131 114:46 33 21.1 336 #> 30 97 120:21 25 31.6 139 #> 31 289 74:57 90 33.1 106 #> 32 102 118:20 28 28.9 210 #> 33 332 59:30 134 18.8 347 #> 34 325 60:53 131 23.8 308 #> 35 232 88:00 58 22.9 316 #> 36 281 76:21 87 28.7 215 #> 37 158 100:53 45 29.0 206 #> 38 114 111:59 37 28.7 212 #> 39 205 91:27 54 38.3 28 #> 40 255 79:44 78 29.9 182 #> 41 75 116:01 30 27.3 253 #> 42 3 171:21 6 25.5 287 #> 43 197 87:20 60 27.6 248 #> 44 77 113:00 36 22.3 326 #> 45 47 121:20 23 27.7 246 #> 46 247 76:22 86 31.8 136 #> 47 100 103:57 42 23.9 306 #> 48 117 99:55 46 29.6 191 #> 49 204 82:18 70 23.9 304 #> 50 12 136:37 15 24.2 299 #> 51 37 118:13 29 23.8 307 #> 52 217 76:52 85 34.4 88 #> 53 21 128:10 20 20.8 339 #> 54 25 125:12 22 33.8 95 #> 55 45 114:14 35 35.6 73 #> 56 35 115:05 32 30.8 156 #> 57 202 77:01 84 22.1 328 #> 58 26 120:03 26 32.5 121 #> 59 244 69:59 107 23.6 312 #> 60 110 93:47 51 31.0 154 #> 61 70 101:07 44 42.8 4 #> 62 105 92:14 53 37.0 44 #> 63 124 88:27 57 17.7 351 #> 64 165 79:48 76 33.6 99 #> 65 212 71:41 103 37.5 34 #> 66 299 54:50 148 37.9 31 #> 67 219 69:44 108 25.1 291 #> 68 183 74:52 91 23.9 305 #> 69 96 89:31 56 25.4 289 #> 70 246 64:24 124 28.0 236 #> 71 51 99:34 47 31.5 140 #> 72 176 74:01 94 22.6 321 #> 73 31 105:24 41 38.7 23 #> 74 283 56:19 145 29.6 188 #> 75 147 77:11 83 32.6 118 #> 76 48 96:38 49 36.1 63 #> 77 59 93:34 52 40.3 13 #> 78 324 43:48 191 21.8 333 #> 79 120 81:24 73 23.8 309 #> 80 194 68:01 112 30.1 177 #> 81 315 45:34 183 32.8 115 #> 82 15 109:46 38 35.1 79 #> 83 154 72:47 99 37.5 33 #> 84 273 55:08 146 24.0 302 #> 85 193 67:39 114 31.3 143 #> 86 9 115:57 31 21.1 338 #> 87 215 63:34 127 28.4 223 #> 88 196 66:47 117 39.1 19 #> 89 250 59:23 136 21.9 331 #> 90 198 66:33 120 27.6 247 #> 91 188 67:31 115 22.7 318 #> 92 238 60:20 132 30.2 171 #> 93 152 72:36 101 29.3 200 #> 94 334 39:25 207 25.6 283 #> 95 348 30:46 243 30.1 173 #> 96 143 73:33 96 29.4 199 #> 97 207 63:08 129 27.1 255 #> 98 66 86:46 61 26.1 273 #> 99 5 114:29 34 28.8 211 #> 100 44 91:11 55 32.8 113 #> 101 166 67:49 113 22.8 317 #> 102 104 77:31 82 31.2 148 #> 103 292 48:21 172 36.1 61 #> 104 135 72:49 98 27.7 245 #> 105 276 51:13 166 28.1 234 #> 106 222 59:12 138 28.1 233 #> 107 189 63:44 125 36.8 51 #> 108 61 85:12 63 29.8 184 #> 109 159 66:34 119 25.2 290 #> 110 142 70:19 106 26.1 274 #> 111 269 51:31 163 24.1 301 #> 112 41 87:51 59 24.3 298 #> 113 55 84:03 64 34.6 82 #> 114 248 54:10 153 34.9 80 #> 115 337 33:51 223 19.4 343 #> 116 156 64:58 123 31.1 150 #> 117 237 54:26 149 36.2 58 #> 118 116 71:12 104 24.0 303 #> 119 90 75:05 89 24.9 294 #> 120 71 78:42 80 25.7 280 #> 121 89 74:11 93 23.8 310 #> 122 338 32:22 232 30.2 169 #> 123 274 47:40 176 20.2 341 #> 124 163 61:45 130 33.9 94 #> 125 180 59:32 133 28.6 218 #> 126 53 79:47 77 35.1 78 #> 127 186 58:51 139 30.7 161 #> 128 224 54:15 152 27.4 252 #> 129 352 23:36 278 32.4 123 #> 130 43 82:01 71 36.9 45 #> 131 270 47:49 175 36.6 53 #> 132 88 72:44 100 31.3 144 #> 133 111 69:24 109 30.7 160 #> 134 91 71:49 102 21.1 337 #> 135 54 78:01 81 22.6 319 #> 136 4 101:12 43 39.0 20 #> 137 210 54:24 151 21.1 335 #> 138 8 99:02 48 39.2 18 #> 139 28 85:51 62 21.9 329 #> 140 300 40:54 202 42.8 6 #> 141 304 39:05 209 30.8 158 #> 142 257 46:38 180 30.1 178 #> 143 87 68:25 111 34.5 84 #> 144 68 71:10 105 23.7 311 #> 145 40 76:06 88 31.7 138 #> 146 98 65:05 122 21.4 334 #> 147 173 54:57 147 37.7 32 #> 148 20 83:10 68 26.6 265 #> 149 18 83:36 66 36.1 62 #> 150 235 47:38 177 18.9 345 #> 151 190 52:59 160 28.2 228 #> 152 240 46:56 179 29.8 183 #> 153 184 52:29 162 26.1 275 #> 154 233 47:01 178 36.0 65 #> 155 199 50:53 167 29.7 186 #> 156 63 68:56 110 34.7 81 #> 157 311 35:07 221 28.3 225 #> 158 241 45:35 182 41.8 9 #> 159 141 56:53 144 37.2 41 #> 160 211 48:04 173 33.0 107 #> 161 126 58:37 140 30.5 163 #> 162 17 80:15 75 29.6 190 #> 163 149 54:24 150 35.6 75 #> 164 81 63:42 126 30.7 159 #> 165 13 81:03 74 30.1 172 #> 166 11 81:59 72 33.1 105 #> 167 130 56:54 143 29.3 201 #> 168 261 41:27 199 28.5 221 #> 169 303 35:09 220 23.6 313 #> 170 225 45:14 185 32.8 116 #> 171 335 28:32 253 27.5 251 #> 172 49 66:56 116 38.9 21 #> 173 27 73:18 97 36.4 57 #> 174 52 65:29 121 34.6 83 #> 175 318 31:22 238 19.2 344 #> 176 146 52:32 161 36.7 52 #> 177 62 63:15 128 38.5 25 #> 178 287 36:23 215 34.0 92 #> 179 128 53:33 157 27.9 241 #> 180 227 42:26 196 31.0 153 #> 181 268 38:05 213 29.6 189 #> 182 79 59:23 135 27.0 258 #> 183 351 19:57 297 33.5 100 #> 184 333 27:46 259 32.5 120 #> 185 76 59:16 137 29.0 207 #> 186 263 38:19 212 26.1 276 #> 187 220 42:41 195 28.5 219 #> 188 7 79:18 79 25.7 279 #> 189 309 31:10 239 31.4 142 #> 190 293 33:36 225 28.9 209 #> 191 321 28:45 250 29.5 194 #> 192 136 49:43 171 25.4 288 #> 193 64 57:32 142 33.3 102 #> 194 121 50:24 168 38.3 27 #> 195 106 51:21 164 30.1 175 #> 196 157 44:53 187 33.1 104 #> 197 82 53:42 156 22.4 324 #> 198 162 44:19 189 22.6 320 #> 199 214 39:33 204 25.9 278 #> 200 16 66:40 118 30.6 162 #> 201 101 49:54 170 34.4 89 #> 202 191 40:56 200 32.2 127 #> 203 150 44:15 190 33.6 98 #> 204 72 53:10 159 42.7 7 #> 205 265 33:39 224 34.5 85 #> 206 140 45:26 184 40.6 12 #> 207 93 50:12 169 27.9 239 #> 208 259 33:28 227 32.4 124 #> 209 242 35:17 219 47.0 2 #> 210 302 28:13 256 28.3 226 #> 211 336 22:38 283 30.4 166 #> 212 340 20:41 294 33.6 97 #> 213 192 38:19 211 28.1 232 #> 214 175 39:39 203 29.6 192 #> 215 267 31:38 236 25.0 293 #> 216 46 53:30 158 25.7 281 #> 217 2 74:27 92 32.6 119 #> 218 103 46:03 181 32.9 112 #> 219 38 54:09 154 25.1 292 #> 220 167 39:32 205 27.1 257 #> 221 170 39:27 206 26.4 270 #> 222 251 32:35 231 35.7 72 #> 223 264 30:46 242 27.9 240 #> 224 213 34:58 222 25.5 286 #> 225 209 35:26 218 14.2 353 #> 226 285 28:36 252 36.6 54 #> 227 151 39:05 208 32.2 128 #> 228 223 33:35 226 22.4 325 #> 229 272 28:36 251 27.1 256 #> 230 99 42:41 194 23.1 315 #> 231 322 22:04 286 32.6 117 #> 232 172 36:02 216 35.7 71 #> 233 301 25:13 273 29.5 195 #> 234 344 16:41 312 34.5 86 #> 235 239 31:02 240 35.9 66 #> 236 327 21:29 290 29.0 205 #> 237 108 40:54 201 27.0 259 #> 238 200 33:11 229 28.1 235 #> 239 314 22:45 282 27.7 244 #> 240 78 43:10 193 32.5 122 #> 241 275 27:04 262 38.8 22 #> 242 85 42:10 198 35.6 74 #> 243 282 26:07 265 26.3 271 #> 244 6 58:01 141 31.5 141 #> 245 306 23:19 280 31.2 149 #> 246 229 29:41 245 29.2 203 #> 247 19 51:15 165 36.2 59 #> 248 58 43:43 192 26.7 264 #> 249 277 25:57 267 30.1 176 #> 250 266 26:25 263 26.5 266 #> 251 353 11:27 327 22.5 323 #> 252 56 42:20 197 37.3 38 #> 253 23 47:54 174 30.1 179 #> 254 230 28:21 254 37.1 43 #> 255 218 28:56 249 39.6 16 #> 256 231 28:11 257 31.2 146 #> 257 86 38:46 210 35.8 68 #> 258 206 29:31 247 37.3 39 #> 259 33 44:23 188 30.8 157 #> 260 144 33:20 228 32.3 126 #> 261 258 25:13 272 27.8 242 #> 262 254 25:30 269 29.5 193 #> 263 84 37:30 214 36.9 46 #> 264 286 23:03 281 28.3 227 #> 265 252 25:26 270 27.9 237 #> 266 182 29:33 246 32.1 129 #> 267 164 30:37 244 40.8 11 #> 268 22 45:00 186 31.0 152 #> 269 290 22:02 287 18.8 346 #> 270 295 21:24 291 25.9 277 #> 271 138 32:03 234 30.5 164 #> 272 201 27:43 260 28.3 224 #> 273 83 35:52 217 25.5 285 #> 274 319 18:11 306 19.9 342 #> 275 262 23:26 279 29.4 196 #> 276 177 28:21 255 34.0 91 #> 277 132 31:37 237 32.3 125 #> 278 107 32:44 230 42.6 8 #> 279 331 16:41 311 27.0 260 #> 280 326 16:58 308 32.9 111 #> 281 181 27:24 261 34.4 87 #> 282 341 14:01 321 21.8 332 #> 283 148 29:14 248 25.6 282 #> 284 345 12:38 324 36.5 56 #> 285 284 20:54 292 39.6 14 #> 286 347 12:24 325 35.8 69 #> 287 92 31:58 235 24.7 296 #> 288 185 25:45 268 37.1 42 #> 289 297 18:38 305 36.5 55 #> 290 171 26:14 264 28.5 220 #> 291 187 25:23 271 33.3 101 #> 292 139 28:04 258 42.8 5 #> 293 234 22:25 284 30.2 170 #> 294 312 16:53 309 31.9 135 #> 295 67 32:09 233 33.6 96 #> 296 195 23:36 277 29.2 202 #> 297 256 19:51 298 38.2 29 #> 298 296 16:52 310 33.2 103 #> 299 249 20:00 296 32.0 131 #> 300 317 14:23 319 29.0 204 #> 301 34 30:50 241 38.1 30 #> 302 95 26:03 266 37.4 37 #> 303 133 23:51 276 28.6 217 #> 304 226 19:12 304 27.8 243 #> 305 174 20:43 293 30.5 165 #> 306 280 15:41 316 36.0 64 #> 307 145 21:33 289 31.9 134 #> 308 291 14:33 317 43.2 3 #> 309 160 20:18 295 28.9 208 #> 310 179 19:35 301 36.8 49 #> 311 350 8:33 344 39.6 15 #> 312 342 9:37 335 30.0 180 #> 313 73 24:04 274 33.9 93 #> 314 153 19:45 299 37.5 35 #> 315 118 21:35 288 31.2 145 #> 316 69 23:53 275 35.8 67 #> 317 155 19:12 303 27.6 250 #> 318 320 11:22 328 23.5 314 #> 319 271 14:15 320 31.2 147 #> 320 60 22:23 285 33.0 109 #> 321 253 14:00 322 24.7 295 #> 322 316 9:46 334 34.1 90 #> 323 298 10:38 331 31.7 137 #> 324 127 16:37 314 49.1 1 #> 325 115 16:40 313 36.8 50 #> 326 329 8:40 341 28.2 230 #> 327 330 8:36 343 22.5 322 #> 328 208 13:20 323 28.2 231 #> 329 168 14:23 318 26.9 261 #> 330 125 15:44 315 39.5 17 #> 331 39 19:16 302 36.9 47 #> 332 29 19:42 300 37.3 40 #> 333 349 5:59 349 25.6 284 #> 334 278 10:31 332 33.0 108 #> 335 243 11:33 326 36.9 48 #> 336 42 17:24 307 24.2 300 #> 337 228 11:12 330 32.1 130 #> 338 343 5:37 350 29.4 198 #> 339 288 8:44 340 30.0 181 #> 340 279 9:01 338 35.7 70 #> 341 236 9:08 337 38.5 24 #> 342 328 6:12 347 29.7 185 #> 343 169 10:16 333 35.6 76 #> 344 323 6:11 348 28.7 214 #> 345 313 6:20 345 27.9 238 #> 346 216 8:38 342 30.2 168 #> 347 57 11:20 329 37.5 36 #> 348 119 8:49 339 28.7 213 #> 349 74 9:25 336 31.9 133 #> 350 178 6:13 346 38.4 26 #> 351 346 2:45 353 36.2 60 #> 352 245 4:17 351 32.0 132 #> 353 260 3:15 352 24.5 297 #> 354 347 5:13 328 34.7 85 #> 355 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 #> 356 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 #> 357 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 #> 358 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 #> 359 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 #> 360 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 #> 361 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 #> 362 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 #> 363 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 #> 364 1 0:00 1 0.0 348 #> 365 346 12:20 302 34.7 86 #> 366 174 123:08 9 20.1 336 #> 367 92 145:51 3 28.5 235 #> 368 240 95:00 21 18.9 340 #> 369 57 143:19 4 28.0 255 #> 370 319 60:11 93 27.8 261 #> 371 303 67:12 77 35.5 74 #> 372 136 116:18 12 26.5 275 #> 373 223 90:30 27 19.1 339 #> 374 227 85:50 36 27.2 269 #> 375 258 75:00 53 28.1 250 #> 376 183 95:41 19 20.4 333 #> 377 89 117:26 10 22.3 321 #> 378 53 128:57 7 23.2 318 #> 379 154 98:28 17 47.5 1 #> 380 9 156:13 1 36.3 58 #> 381 271 67:47 75 30.1 196 #> 382 8 153:17 2 17.6 345 #> 383 252 69:35 70 27.2 268 #> 384 105 102:42 16 24.6 308 #> 385 36 123:32 8 26.5 274 #> 386 232 72:38 62 20.0 338 #> 387 313 50:31 117 39.9 20 #> 388 233 71:55 66 21.8 325 #> 389 201 79:43 45 20.9 331 #> 390 161 87:29 33 35.8 65 #> 391 142 91:20 24 32.6 134 #> 392 297 55:50 104 36.6 52 #> 393 103 96:02 18 36.6 53 #> 394 182 79:11 47 26.4 276 #> 395 132 88:43 30 27.2 270 #> 396 125 89:47 28 25.8 289 #> 397 260 60:40 90 28.2 247 #> 398 228 66:59 78 32.1 143 #> 399 246 63:24 84 25.9 288 #> 400 194 74:06 55 34.4 97 #> 401 147 81:03 41 21.0 330 #> 402 126 85:58 35 29.9 199 #> 403 190 73:57 58 45.1 3 #> 404 97 90:56 25 23.8 315 #> 405 6 130:51 6 31.7 159 #> 406 70 94:25 22 28.1 253 #> 407 188 72:25 64 20.2 334 #> 408 163 77:25 49 18.6 342 #> 409 239 61:43 88 36.5 54 #> 410 206 68:32 74 29.9 202 #> 411 98 86:44 34 32.6 133 #> 412 60 93:22 23 30.1 195 #> 413 160 74:01 57 39.5 23 #> 414 122 79:55 44 24.0 314 #> 415 78 87:58 32 32.9 125 #> 416 46 95:02 20 33.0 123 #> 417 2 142:31 5 33.2 122 #> 418 177 69:03 71 25.7 291 #> 419 24 106:27 13 35.6 72 #> 420 7 117:04 11 30.9 170 #> 421 155 70:21 68 22.6 319 #> 422 280 48:18 128 30.5 185 #> 423 215 60:58 89 25.4 298 #> 424 222 58:13 96 28.0 254 #> 425 242 54:31 108 29.0 224 #> 426 123 74:08 54 31.6 161 #> 427 96 78:37 48 36.5 56 #> 428 22 103:00 15 27.6 263 #> 429 146 69:35 69 21.2 326 #> 430 79 80:59 42 32.8 127 #> 431 106 75:33 52 9.8 347 #> 432 292 44:38 139 32.1 146 #> 433 345 22:58 237 29.2 217 #> 434 75 80:05 43 25.9 287 #> 435 339 26:08 222 32.0 150 #> 436 34 90:48 26 22.0 323 #> 437 311 37:37 163 25.9 285 #> 438 135 69:00 72 36.0 61 #> 439 152 65:37 80 28.4 240 #> 440 202 58:35 95 21.1 328 #> 441 209 57:58 98 28.2 248 #> 442 270 45:49 135 33.3 119 #> 443 251 49:13 123 18.6 343 #> 444 335 27:18 219 37.4 43 #> 445 212 56:10 102 25.5 296 #> 446 129 67:17 76 29.1 219 #> 447 87 74:03 56 32.4 140 #> 448 94 72:32 63 29.1 218 #> 449 40 84:40 39 26.1 282 #> 450 211 55:18 107 30.6 181 #> 451 314 34:13 186 28.2 244 #> 452 166 60:17 92 25.5 295 #> 453 226 50:11 120 24.6 307 #> 454 250 46:13 133 29.4 212 #> 455 63 73:31 60 30.7 178 #> 456 170 57:55 99 32.8 129 #> 457 179 55:21 106 35.1 80 #> 458 20 88:55 29 26.3 278 #> 459 67 70:52 67 28.8 228 #> 460 141 59:57 94 26.3 277 #> 461 318 31:03 202 16.0 346 #> 462 299 36:04 173 36.0 60 #> 463 93 65:19 81 39.4 24 #> 464 344 19:53 257 38.4 34 #> 465 52 72:05 65 38.7 30 #> 466 249 42:47 144 33.9 107 #> 467 13 88:39 31 28.6 234 #> 468 104 62:49 86 29.9 201 #> 469 289 37:09 168 27.9 257 #> 470 44 73:36 59 28.1 251 #> 471 14 85:22 37 34.6 87 #> 472 12 85:09 38 25.5 297 #> 473 26 79:29 46 35.8 66 #> 474 137 55:58 103 26.2 279 #> 475 321 28:02 214 22.3 322 #> 476 99 60:21 91 35.2 78 #> 477 28 76:01 51 33.4 118 #> 478 265 37:17 165 43.4 10 #> 479 16 82:39 40 33.0 124 #> 480 336 21:47 246 35.1 79 #> 481 80 62:01 87 33.5 116 #> 482 1 104:16 14 28.4 239 #> 483 330 23:43 231 33.2 121 #> 484 61 64:28 82 27.1 271 #> 485 331 23:15 234 39.2 25 #> 486 131 54:15 110 30.7 177 #> 487 51 65:40 79 29.6 205 #> 488 56 63:13 85 30.2 192 #> 489 324 24:39 226 36.0 63 #> 490 47 64:13 83 24.7 306 #> 491 158 48:58 124 21.9 324 #> 492 187 44:54 138 34.4 94 #> 493 278 33:40 187 27.9 258 #> 494 279 33:25 189 35.3 77 #> 495 286 32:47 195 44.0 9 #> 496 84 56:37 101 27.0 272 #> 497 290 31:52 199 37.4 42 #> 498 10 76:57 50 36.2 59 #> 499 107 52:58 113 32.4 138 #> 500 118 51:23 116 32.4 137 #> 501 210 41:29 148 37.5 41 #> 502 205 41:57 146 27.4 264 #> 503 178 44:19 140 24.2 312 #> 504 17 72:44 61 34.2 99 #> 505 236 36:59 169 21.1 327 #> 506 207 41:15 150 25.8 290 #> 507 117 50:11 119 32.9 126 #> 508 140 47:50 130 34.5 90 #> 509 196 42:00 145 31.8 157 #> 510 261 33:20 192 33.6 110 #> 511 101 51:24 115 44.2 7 #> 512 21 68:33 73 18.7 341 #> 513 244 35:32 181 34.8 84 #> 514 245 35:19 182 33.7 109 #> 515 334 19:12 260 31.9 156 #> 516 231 36:06 171 33.5 115 #> 517 189 41:01 152 31.3 165 #> 518 64 54:11 111 28.8 231 #> 519 276 30:31 205 36.5 55 #> 520 293 28:42 210 28.5 236 #> 521 66 53:23 112 36.6 51 #> 522 175 41:52 147 28.5 237 #> 523 42 58:04 97 35.7 69 #> 524 214 38:03 162 42.0 14 #> 525 224 36:05 172 33.9 108 #> 526 124 46:39 132 32.8 130 #> 527 298 27:32 217 32.6 135 #> 528 248 33:23 190 26.9 273 #> 529 134 44:57 137 42.8 11 #> 530 341 15:34 283 30.6 182 #> 531 269 29:44 206 24.9 304 #> 532 119 45:21 136 34.6 88 #> 533 312 23:35 232 34.6 89 #> 534 219 34:44 185 25.0 301 #> 535 83 48:26 127 40.9 16 #> 536 71 48:47 125 32.0 152 #> 537 58 50:14 118 25.4 299 #> 538 186 37:12 166 28.9 227 #> 539 85 46:52 131 38.7 31 #> 540 116 43:03 143 29.6 207 #> 541 220 32:47 194 29.0 221 #> 542 31 54:24 109 29.3 214 #> 543 151 38:47 159 32.1 145 #> 544 149 38:14 161 34.1 103 #> 545 176 35:53 177 18.4 344 #> 546 19 57:39 100 32.1 147 #> 547 243 29:22 207 28.3 241 #> 548 50 48:28 126 39.0 28 #> 549 180 35:09 183 21.0 329 #> 550 255 27:38 216 20.5 332 #> 551 338 14:38 287 34.0 104 #> 552 253 27:27 218 27.3 266 #> 553 173 34:57 184 34.3 98 #> 554 153 35:37 178 30.5 183 #> 555 184 33:03 193 37.1 45 #> 556 86 41:15 149 33.5 113 #> 557 102 39:30 157 39.6 22 #> 558 113 38:38 160 24.3 311 #> 559 29 49:45 121 37.6 39 #> 560 185 32:14 197 30.4 187 #> 561 77 40:45 153 38.4 33 #> 562 115 37:10 167 25.9 286 #> 563 192 31:17 200 31.4 163 #> 564 133 35:34 180 34.0 105 #> 565 18 51:40 114 30.4 189 #> 566 159 33:20 191 25.6 294 #> 567 273 23:29 233 26.0 284 #> 568 121 36:01 174 35.6 73 #> 569 5 55:45 105 27.8 259 #> 570 120 35:54 176 32.0 151 #> 571 65 41:01 151 34.4 95 #> 572 316 18:22 263 29.0 220 #> 573 193 30:31 204 44.7 5 #> 574 300 20:36 252 32.7 131 #> 575 230 26:41 220 30.9 171 #> 576 111 36:23 170 35.8 64 #> 577 32 46:08 134 33.2 120 #> 578 156 32:33 196 32.7 132 #> 579 165 31:55 198 34.9 83 #> 580 38 43:25 141 29.9 200 #> 581 23 48:16 129 32.4 139 #> 582 100 35:59 175 27.9 256 #> 583 59 39:39 155 30.1 193 #> 584 191 29:08 209 29.0 222 #> 585 294 20:36 253 30.6 180 #> 586 11 49:24 122 37.2 44 #> 587 259 22:39 241 34.1 101 #> 588 49 39:37 156 28.2 242 #> 589 264 21:29 248 34.4 96 #> 590 282 20:10 255 31.4 164 #> 591 262 21:07 251 28.8 229 #> 592 37 39:08 158 36.7 50 #> 593 320 15:26 284 25.6 293 #> 594 139 29:20 208 30.8 176 #> 595 295 18:14 264 44.1 8 #> 596 43 37:18 164 30.1 194 #> 597 150 28:16 213 31.6 162 #> 598 162 27:46 215 30.2 191 #> 599 287 18:53 261 32.1 144 #> 600 69 33:26 188 29.8 203 #> 601 181 25:31 223 39.0 29 #> 602 128 28:40 211 40.1 19 #> 603 304 16:07 278 24.7 305 #> 604 296 17:13 270 33.5 114 #> 605 35 35:34 179 31.7 158 #> 606 322 13:48 293 32.5 136 #> 607 307 15:24 286 26.2 280 #> 608 203 23:14 235 22.4 320 #> 609 325 12:18 303 27.8 260 #> 610 213 22:07 244 31.9 154 #> 611 62 31:16 201 39.1 27 #> 612 340 9:20 315 40.5 18 #> 613 15 39:39 154 28.2 245 #> 614 208 22:14 243 29.4 211 #> 615 3 43:24 142 33.4 117 #> 616 81 28:32 212 38.0 37 #> 617 285 16:11 277 25.3 300 #> 618 130 25:04 225 32.2 142 #> 619 283 16:04 279 20.2 335 #> 620 108 26:11 221 35.3 76 #> 621 138 24:16 229 30.4 186 #> 622 169 22:45 239 45.1 4 #> 623 247 17:51 267 29.6 208 #> 624 39 30:42 203 31.6 160 #> 625 237 18:02 266 36.5 57 #> 626 308 13:10 297 35.7 67 #> 627 144 23:00 236 39.9 21 #> 628 234 18:05 265 33.6 111 #> 629 217 19:13 259 31.9 155 #> 630 266 15:35 282 37.6 38 #> 631 263 15:44 281 30.5 184 #> 632 327 10:19 311 32.8 128 #> 633 157 21:28 249 32.4 141 #> 634 74 25:12 224 30.4 188 #> 635 91 24:01 230 28.9 226 #> 636 197 18:30 262 26.0 283 #> 637 216 17:21 269 28.1 249 #> 638 68 24:29 228 37.1 46 #> 639 110 22:17 242 44.5 6 #> 640 204 17:44 268 37.5 40 #> 641 225 16:17 275 35.0 81 #> 642 114 21:23 250 35.0 82 #> 643 310 11:08 308 25.0 303 #> 644 301 11:54 305 28.7 232 #> 645 256 14:16 290 34.1 100 #> 646 257 14:10 292 25.6 292 #> 647 72 22:41 240 37.0 47 #> 648 309 10:45 310 36.9 48 #> 649 333 8:00 322 33.6 112 #> 650 267 12:52 299 29.2 216 #> 651 229 14:17 289 34.5 91 #> 652 328 8:17 321 24.5 309 #> 653 90 19:55 256 31.1 168 #> 654 171 16:52 272 28.8 230 #> 655 241 13:26 295 29.0 225 #> 656 198 15:25 285 33.9 106 #> 657 45 21:50 245 35.4 75 #> 658 275 11:33 307 34.5 93 #> 659 82 19:24 258 24.1 313 #> 660 33 22:51 238 35.6 71 #> 661 164 16:00 280 31.1 167 #> 662 127 17:01 271 30.8 174 #> 663 254 11:49 306 23.4 317 #> 664 306 8:59 319 30.0 197 #> 665 27 21:46 247 38.1 36 #> 666 199 13:17 296 23.6 316 #> 667 4 24:29 227 38.6 32 #> 668 326 6:46 325 26.1 281 #> 669 25 20:18 254 29.5 209 #> 670 73 16:15 276 24.4 310 #> 671 145 13:35 294 38.1 35 #> 672 112 14:36 288 31.9 153 #> 673 291 8:24 320 35.7 70 #> 674 48 16:30 274 40.6 17 #> 675 235 10:05 312 29.9 198 #> 676 41 16:44 273 29.0 223 #> 677 148 12:26 301 28.4 238 #> 678 88 14:12 291 29.2 215 #> 679 332 5:12 329 32.0 149 #> 680 143 10:59 309 30.8 172 #> 681 218 9:04 318 30.6 179 #> 682 76 12:32 300 30.2 190 #> 683 284 7:10 323 45.9 2 #> 684 200 9:08 317 34.5 92 #> 685 54 12:52 298 27.4 265 #> 686 342 3:37 339 20.0 337 #> 687 272 6:51 324 29.5 210 #> 688 55 12:16 304 28.1 252 #> 689 168 9:24 314 28.2 246 #> 690 302 5:42 327 42.2 13 #> 691 323 4:37 334 30.8 173 #> 692 95 9:11 316 32.0 148 #> 693 288 5:07 330 27.2 267 #> 694 343 2:44 342 31.2 166 #> 695 238 6:04 326 42.3 12 #> 696 281 5:04 331 30.9 169 #> 697 305 4:23 336 41.2 15 #> 698 277 4:53 333 36.0 62 #> 699 30 9:40 313 29.6 206 #> 700 268 4:34 335 27.8 262 #> 701 329 2:52 340 36.7 49 #> 702 274 3:59 338 29.4 213 #> 703 167 4:57 332 28.2 243 #> 704 315 2:45 341 34.1 102 #> 705 337 1:56 345 28.6 233 #> 706 109 4:05 337 35.7 68 #> 707 221 2:39 343 30.8 175 #> 708 172 2:07 344 39.2 26 #> 709 317 0:48 347 25.0 302 #> 710 195 1:13 346 29.8 204 #> NCAA_Seed Year #> 1 NA 2020 #> 2 NA 2020 #> 3 NA 2020 #> 4 15 2020 #> 5 NA 2020 #> 6 NA 2020 #> 7 NA 2020 #> 8 NA 2020 #> 9 NA 2020 #> 10 15 2020 #> 11 NA 2020 #> 12 NA 2020 #> 13 NA 2020 #> 14 NA 2020 #> 15 NA 2020 #> 16 NA 2020 #> 17 NA 2020 #> 18 NA 2020 #> 19 NA 2020 #> 20 NA 2020 #> 21 15 2020 #> 22 NA 2020 #> 23 NA 2020 #> 24 NA 2020 #> 25 NA 2020 #> 26 NA 2020 #> 27 NA 2020 #> 28 NA 2020 #> 29 NA 2020 #> 30 NA 2020 #> 31 NA 2020 #> 32 NA 2020 #> 33 NA 2020 #> 34 NA 2020 #> 35 NA 2020 #> 36 NA 2020 #> 37 NA 2020 #> 38 NA 2020 #> 39 NA 2020 #> 40 NA 2020 #> 41 10 2020 #> 42 NA 2020 #> 43 NA 2020 #> 44 NA 2020 #> 45 NA 2020 #> 46 NA 2020 #> 47 NA 2020 #> 48 NA 2020 #> 49 NA 2020 #> 50 NA 2020 #> 51 NA 2020 #> 52 NA 2020 #> 53 NA 2020 #> 54 NA 2020 #> 55 16 2020 #> 56 NA 2020 #> 57 NA 2020 #> 58 NA 2020 #> 59 1 2020 #> 60 NA 2020 #> 61 16 2020 #> 62 NA 2020 #> 63 NA 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Data","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fourfactors.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Four Factors Data — kp_fourfactors","text":"","code":"kp_fourfactors(min_year, max_year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fourfactors.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Four Factors Data — kp_fourfactors","text":"min_year First year data pull max_year Last year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fourfactors.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Four Factors Data — kp_fourfactors","text":"Returns tibble four factors ratings","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_fourfactors.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Four Factors Data — kp_fourfactors","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_fourfactors(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2021)) #> 2023-04-06 19:14:27: Invalid arguments or no four factors data for 2020 - 2021 available! #> Team Conf AdjT AdjT.Rk AdjO AdjO.Rk Off.eFG.Pct #> 1 Gonzaga WCC 71.9 35 121.3 1 57.5 #> 2 Dayton A10 67.6 220 119.1 2 59.7 #> 3 Creighton BE 68.3 178 118.2 3 55.2 #> 4 LSU SEC 70.0 84 118.1 4 52.7 #> 5 Iowa B10 70.2 77 117.3 5 51.6 #> 6 Oregon P12 65.0 319 117.1 6 54.3 #> 7 BYU WCC 69.5 108 116.3 7 58.1 #> 8 Kansas B12 67.3 233 115.8 8 53.7 #> 9 Duke ACC 72.0 34 115.7 9 52.6 #> 10 Michigan St. B10 69.1 130 115.2 10 52.6 #> 11 San Diego St. MWC 64.6 332 115.1 11 54.6 #> 12 Louisville ACC 67.1 242 114.5 12 52.5 #> 13 Ohio St. B10 66.2 280 114.3 13 52.3 #> 14 Marquette BE 70.7 60 114.0 14 51.6 #> 15 Villanova BE 66.2 275 113.9 15 52.6 #> 16 Saint Mary's WCC 63.9 339 113.7 16 54.1 #> 17 Baylor B12 66.2 277 113.5 17 49.4 #> 18 Maryland B10 67.0 245 113.5 18 48.6 #> 19 Mississippi St. SEC 66.2 276 113.4 19 51.5 #> 20 Michigan B10 68.7 150 113.2 20 52.8 #> 21 Syracuse ACC 68.3 179 112.8 21 50.5 #> 22 Houston Amer 65.7 300 112.7 22 48.0 #> 23 Northern Iowa MVC 65.8 299 112.7 23 54.8 #> 24 Kentucky SEC 67.7 215 112.7 24 50.7 #> 25 Butler BE 63.7 341 112.6 25 52.3 #> 26 Davidson A10 64.8 330 112.5 26 53.4 #> 27 Florida SEC 64.9 326 112.5 27 52.1 #> 28 SMU Amer 64.8 331 112.4 28 52.1 #> 29 Seton Hall BE 69.8 93 112.3 29 51.4 #> 30 Minnesota B10 66.8 257 112.1 30 49.4 #> 31 North Florida ASun 69.4 111 112.0 31 54.6 #> 32 Florida St. ACC 69.9 89 111.7 32 51.9 #> 33 Auburn SEC 69.2 127 111.4 33 50.0 #> 34 North Texas CUSA 62.9 350 111.2 34 55.3 #> 35 Arizona P12 69.3 115 111.0 35 50.7 #> 36 Georgetown BE 70.0 87 111.0 36 49.1 #> 37 Alabama SEC 74.8 4 111.0 37 52.2 #> 38 Illinois B10 66.0 288 110.9 38 48.3 #> 39 Oregon St. P12 65.6 305 110.9 39 51.6 #> 40 Wisconsin B10 63.7 342 110.8 40 50.3 #> 41 Notre Dame ACC 68.1 190 110.7 41 50.4 #> 42 N.C. State ACC 69.5 103 110.7 42 50.9 #> 43 Penn St. B10 70.9 54 110.3 43 49.5 #> 44 Nevada MWC 71.0 50 110.3 44 52.9 #> 45 Northern Colorado BSky 65.0 320 110.2 45 54.7 #> 46 South Dakota St. Sum 68.0 201 110.0 46 55.8 #> 47 Texas Tech B12 67.3 236 109.8 47 51.7 #> 48 Iowa St. B12 69.9 90 109.6 48 49.8 #> 49 Utah St. MWC 67.4 229 109.5 49 51.8 #> 50 Purdue B10 64.6 333 109.3 50 47.8 #> 51 UCLA P12 64.9 325 109.3 51 48.4 #> 52 Colorado St. MWC 69.3 116 109.3 52 53.9 #> 53 Richmond A10 69.3 124 109.2 53 53.4 #> 54 Colorado P12 68.2 188 109.1 54 50.5 #> 55 Arkansas SEC 71.2 45 109.1 55 50.9 #> 56 Western Kentucky CUSA 68.3 176 108.9 56 51.3 #> 57 Portland St. BSky 71.8 40 108.8 57 49.6 #> 58 Oklahoma B12 69.6 98 108.8 58 48.2 #> 59 Cincinnati Amer 68.0 199 108.8 59 50.3 #> 60 Louisiana Tech CUSA 66.5 266 108.7 60 53.3 #> 61 Wake Forest ACC 70.1 79 108.7 61 49.0 #> 62 Hofstra CAA 67.9 202 108.7 62 51.7 #> 63 South Dakota Sum 70.0 85 108.6 63 54.6 #> 64 Connecticut Amer 68.5 167 108.6 64 47.8 #> 65 Indiana B10 67.9 206 108.5 65 49.3 #> 66 Akron MAC 69.4 110 108.5 66 51.7 #> 67 West Virginia B12 69.4 112 108.3 67 46.5 #> 68 San Francisco WCC 68.7 155 108.3 68 51.3 #> 69 East Tennessee St. SC 66.1 281 108.2 69 53.5 #> 70 Oral Roberts Sum 70.4 68 108.2 70 50.9 #> 71 Georgia SEC 70.5 64 108.2 71 50.9 #> 72 Rutgers B10 67.4 231 107.9 72 48.9 #> 73 Yale Ivy 67.4 227 107.9 73 53.8 #> 74 UNLV MWC 67.0 247 107.9 74 49.7 #> 75 Providence BE 68.4 171 107.8 75 47.3 #> 76 Air Force MWC 68.8 147 107.8 76 52.9 #> 77 North Carolina ACC 70.4 67 107.7 77 46.4 #> 78 Furman SC 68.2 187 107.7 78 54.6 #> 79 Miami FL ACC 68.3 180 107.7 79 48.8 #> 80 New Mexico St. WAC 63.5 343 107.6 80 52.7 #> 81 St. Francis PA NEC 68.9 138 107.6 81 51.5 #> 82 Cal St. Northridge BW 70.3 74 107.4 82 51.6 #> 83 Western Carolina SC 71.5 43 107.3 83 54.6 #> 84 Oklahoma St. B12 68.4 173 107.2 84 47.8 #> 85 Pepperdine WCC 70.8 57 107.2 85 50.0 #> 86 Colgate Pat 68.5 168 107.2 86 52.8 #> 87 Siena MAAC 66.7 261 107.2 87 51.8 #> 88 Boise St. MWC 69.1 133 107.0 88 51.1 #> 89 Princeton Ivy 66.3 274 107.0 89 53.6 #> 90 Austin Peay OVC 67.8 209 106.9 90 51.3 #> 91 North Dakota St. Sum 66.0 287 106.8 91 51.9 #> 92 Bradley MVC 67.1 244 106.8 92 49.5 #> 93 Chattanooga SC 67.0 248 106.6 93 52.5 #> 94 Duquesne A10 67.8 211 106.6 94 51.2 #> 95 St. Bonaventure A10 65.7 301 106.6 95 49.1 #> 96 Tennessee SEC 65.2 313 106.6 96 48.8 #> 97 Belmont OVC 70.5 65 106.5 97 54.8 #> 98 Vermont AE 66.3 273 106.5 98 51.6 #> 99 Little Rock SB 69.3 125 106.4 99 52.8 #> 100 Utah P12 66.7 260 106.3 100 51.3 #> 101 Texas St. SB 65.2 312 106.3 101 48.9 #> 102 Toledo MAC 68.1 193 106.3 102 50.9 #> 103 Xavier BE 68.1 191 106.1 103 49.0 #> 104 St. John's BE 72.9 21 106.1 104 45.9 #> 105 Kent St. MAC 68.9 143 106.1 105 52.3 #> 106 UC Santa Barbara BW 64.5 335 106.1 106 51.1 #> 107 Liberty ASun 61.5 352 106.1 107 54.4 #> 108 Arizona St. P12 73.2 14 106.0 108 48.8 #> 109 Green Bay Horz 74.0 7 105.8 109 50.8 #> 110 Rice CUSA 70.1 80 105.8 110 51.5 #> 111 Saint Louis A10 67.6 219 105.8 111 50.1 #> 112 Washington P12 69.8 96 105.8 112 50.4 #> 113 Indiana St. MVC 66.4 270 105.8 113 51.7 #> 114 Towson CAA 65.1 317 105.7 114 48.7 #> 115 Georgia St. SB 73.0 19 105.6 115 50.3 #> 116 Delaware CAA 68.3 182 105.6 116 54.4 #> 117 Wichita St. Amer 69.5 101 105.6 117 47.1 #> 118 Radford BSth 64.3 336 105.6 118 52.6 #> 119 TCU B12 65.1 318 105.5 119 49.4 #> 120 Eastern Washington BSky 73.1 18 105.4 120 52.0 #> 121 UC Irvine BW 67.7 212 105.4 121 51.6 #> 122 South Carolina SEC 73.1 17 105.4 122 48.6 #> 123 Northeastern CAA 65.9 291 105.4 123 54.9 #> 124 Cal Baptist WAC 68.6 162 105.3 124 50.8 #> 125 New Mexico MWC 71.8 38 105.3 125 52.2 #> 126 Rhode Island A10 71.2 46 105.2 126 46.9 #> 127 Fresno St. MWC 64.2 338 105.1 127 49.8 #> 128 Tennessee Martin OVC 68.7 149 105.1 128 50.9 #> 129 Charleston CAA 65.9 295 105.0 129 51.1 #> 130 South Alabama SB 65.3 310 104.9 130 51.4 #> 131 Northwestern B10 66.7 259 104.9 131 46.9 #> 132 Wright St. Horz 72.1 31 104.9 132 51.0 #> 133 Missouri St. MVC 68.3 181 104.8 133 49.8 #> 134 Coastal Carolina SB 72.8 26 104.8 134 50.1 #> 135 Hampton BSth 70.9 56 104.8 135 50.2 #> 136 Winthrop BSth 71.9 36 104.7 136 53.0 #> 137 Harvard Ivy 68.8 148 104.7 137 51.2 #> 138 VCU A10 69.0 134 104.7 138 49.7 #> 139 Vanderbilt SEC 69.4 109 104.7 139 50.2 #> 140 UC Davis BW 68.0 194 104.7 140 52.3 #> 141 Valparaiso MVC 69.3 123 104.5 141 50.7 #> 142 Wofford SC 65.9 293 104.5 142 53.3 #> 143 Stanford P12 68.3 183 104.4 143 53.5 #> 144 UMass Lowell AE 70.3 72 104.4 144 51.6 #> 145 USC P12 68.9 139 104.3 145 49.5 #> 146 Bowling Green MAC 70.1 81 104.3 146 47.6 #> 147 Virginia Tech ACC 65.5 309 104.3 147 50.3 #> 148 Arkansas St. SB 67.3 237 104.2 148 48.9 #> 149 UTSA CUSA 72.8 24 104.2 149 48.1 #> 150 Missouri SEC 66.5 267 104.1 150 47.0 #> 151 Buffalo MAC 73.9 8 104.1 151 48.8 #> 152 Stephen F. Austin Slnd 71.8 39 104.1 152 53.3 #> 153 Texas B12 65.9 292 104.1 153 49.9 #> 154 Pittsburgh ACC 65.5 308 104.0 154 45.1 #> 155 Clemson ACC 66.0 290 103.9 155 50.1 #> 156 Pacific WCC 64.9 323 103.8 156 49.5 #> 157 FIU CUSA 72.2 30 103.7 157 51.7 #> 158 Mississippi SEC 68.0 196 103.7 158 48.6 #> 159 Loyola Chicago MVC 65.3 311 103.7 159 54.9 #> 160 UNC Greensboro SC 67.8 210 103.7 160 48.8 #> 161 Ohio MAC 68.0 195 103.6 161 51.3 #> 162 UCF Amer 67.8 208 103.5 162 49.4 #> 163 Penn Ivy 70.2 76 103.4 163 52.3 #> 164 Grand Canyon WAC 68.0 198 103.4 164 50.7 #> 165 DePaul BE 70.6 63 103.4 165 47.9 #> 166 Boston University Pat 66.3 272 103.3 166 51.3 #> 167 William & Mary CAA 67.5 222 103.3 167 53.5 #> 168 Tulsa Amer 65.8 297 103.2 168 49.6 #> 169 Montana BSky 68.2 185 103.2 169 52.3 #> 170 Nebraska Omaha Sum 69.2 126 103.2 170 49.9 #> 171 Georgia Tech ACC 70.0 88 103.1 171 49.8 #> 172 McNeese St. Slnd 69.0 137 103.0 172 54.9 #> 173 Youngstown St. Horz 66.4 269 103.0 173 47.4 #> 174 Massachusetts A10 68.6 161 102.9 174 49.2 #> 175 Houston Baptist Slnd 76.1 2 102.9 175 50.3 #> 176 Santa Clara WCC 71.6 42 102.6 176 52.2 #> 177 Kansas St. B12 67.2 239 102.5 177 47.5 #> 178 Murray St. OVC 68.9 144 102.4 178 52.7 #> 179 Northern Arizona BSky 66.6 265 102.3 179 49.7 #> 180 UT Arlington SB 67.7 214 102.3 180 47.3 #> 181 Gardner Webb BSth 66.2 279 102.2 181 51.8 #> 182 Washington St. P12 70.8 59 102.2 182 45.8 #> 183 North Dakota Sum 68.9 145 102.2 183 50.5 #> 184 Georgia Southern SB 71.8 41 102.2 184 50.2 #> 185 Sacred Heart NEC 68.7 152 102.2 185 49.1 #> 186 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC 68.9 142 102.1 186 51.1 #> 187 Central Michigan MAC 73.6 11 102.0 187 47.5 #> 188 Miami OH MAC 67.1 243 102.0 188 48.4 #> 189 Drake MVC 67.9 204 102.0 189 51.7 #> 190 Nebraska B10 73.1 16 102.0 190 46.8 #> 191 Northern Kentucky Horz 65.7 304 102.0 191 49.5 #> 192 Tulane Amer 68.7 154 101.9 192 47.8 #> 193 Saint Joseph's A10 71.2 47 101.9 193 46.6 #> 194 Iona MAAC 68.7 156 101.6 194 51.0 #> 195 California P12 65.2 315 101.5 195 46.9 #> 196 Louisiana SB 71.8 37 101.3 196 48.0 #> 197 George Mason A10 67.0 246 101.3 197 47.6 #> 198 Cornell Ivy 65.2 314 101.2 198 49.8 #> 199 Marshall CUSA 74.9 3 101.2 199 50.2 #> 200 Seattle WAC 69.9 91 101.2 200 45.3 #> 201 Lipscomb ASun 68.7 153 101.2 201 50.1 #> 202 American Pat 68.7 159 101.1 202 51.6 #> 203 Texas A&M SEC 64.5 334 101.0 203 46.4 #> 204 Rider MAAC 71.1 49 100.9 204 49.1 #> 205 UAB CUSA 65.7 302 100.8 205 49.7 #> 206 Idaho St. BSky 67.4 230 100.8 206 50.0 #> 207 Quinnipiac MAAC 68.9 141 100.7 207 50.9 #> 208 Elon CAA 66.2 278 100.6 208 49.5 #> 209 Loyola Marymount WCC 63.0 349 100.6 209 51.0 #> 210 Memphis Amer 72.6 28 100.6 210 49.7 #> 211 Lafayette Pat 66.9 251 100.6 211 52.1 #> 212 Robert Morris NEC 66.1 282 100.5 212 51.4 #> 213 Loyola MD Pat 71.0 52 100.4 213 52.7 #> 214 South Florida Amer 64.9 324 100.2 214 46.6 #> 215 VMI SC 67.9 203 100.2 215 50.4 #> 216 Mercer SC 68.1 192 100.1 216 51.0 #> 217 Temple Amer 70.3 73 100.1 217 46.0 #> 218 Niagara MAAC 66.0 289 100.1 218 49.7 #> 219 Drexel CAA 67.3 235 100.0 219 50.5 #> 220 Appalachian St. SB 67.2 240 99.9 220 48.4 #> 221 Detroit Horz 69.3 117 99.9 221 46.2 #> 222 Northern Illinois MAC 64.8 329 99.8 222 47.2 #> 223 Nicholls St. Slnd 68.7 158 99.7 223 49.5 #> 224 Binghamton AE 68.6 164 99.7 224 47.9 #> 225 Florida Atlantic CUSA 68.8 146 99.7 225 48.5 #> 226 La Salle A10 69.1 131 99.6 226 48.4 #> 227 East Carolina Amer 70.6 62 99.6 227 46.7 #> 228 Boston College ACC 69.3 120 99.6 228 46.5 #> 229 Sam Houston St. Slnd 71.1 48 99.5 229 50.7 #> 230 James Madison CAA 72.1 32 99.5 230 48.2 #> 231 IUPUI Horz 70.8 58 99.4 231 47.9 #> 232 Western Michigan MAC 67.4 228 99.4 232 48.2 #> 233 New Orleans Slnd 69.8 94 99.3 233 48.4 #> 234 Virginia ACC 59.4 353 99.3 234 46.9 #> 235 Ball St. MAC 68.0 200 99.2 235 50.4 #> 236 George Washington A10 66.6 264 99.2 236 49.0 #> 237 Texas Southern SWAC 72.9 22 99.1 237 45.9 #> 238 Monmouth MAAC 72.6 27 99.1 238 47.1 #> 239 Abilene Christian Slnd 68.4 172 99.1 239 49.6 #> 240 Southern Utah BSky 69.3 118 98.8 240 48.7 #> 241 Weber St. BSky 67.6 216 98.8 241 48.7 #> 242 Army Pat 69.5 106 98.8 242 52.9 #> 243 UNC Asheville BSth 71.0 51 98.7 243 52.5 #> 244 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC 70.4 66 98.7 244 46.8 #> 245 Samford SC 72.8 25 98.6 245 48.0 #> 246 Oakland Horz 66.1 285 98.6 246 48.1 #> 247 Charlotte CUSA 65.5 307 98.5 247 51.6 #> 248 Illinois St. MVC 68.5 169 98.4 248 49.9 #> 249 Old Dominion CUSA 66.4 268 98.3 249 45.3 #> 250 Western Illinois Sum 71.3 44 98.3 250 48.5 #> 251 Northwestern St. Slnd 72.4 29 98.3 251 49.7 #> 252 Southern Illinois MVC 64.2 337 98.2 252 49.5 #> 253 Eastern Illinois OVC 69.1 129 98.2 253 50.5 #> 254 Navy Pat 62.5 351 98.1 254 46.1 #> 255 Stetson ASun 63.2 344 98.1 255 49.6 #> 256 Central Arkansas Slnd 73.2 15 98.0 256 48.5 #> 257 Bryant NEC 70.3 71 97.8 257 47.9 #> 258 UMBC AE 66.8 255 97.8 258 48.3 #> 259 Canisius MAAC 70.0 86 97.7 259 48.5 #> 260 Stony Brook AE 69.8 92 97.7 260 47.7 #> 261 Hawaii BW 68.4 170 97.6 261 48.8 #> 262 San Jose St. MWC 73.3 13 97.5 262 45.2 #> 263 UMKC WAC 64.9 327 97.5 263 50.5 #> 264 Middle Tennessee CUSA 69.8 95 97.5 264 47.5 #> 265 LIU NEC 72.8 23 97.4 265 51.4 #> 266 Wagner NEC 67.5 223 97.3 266 46.5 #> 267 Southern SWAC 66.8 256 97.2 267 47.9 #> 268 Sacramento St. BSky 63.9 340 97.1 268 45.4 #> 269 Lehigh Pat 68.4 174 97.0 269 49.7 #> 270 Montana St. BSky 67.3 234 97.0 270 49.0 #> 271 Alcorn St. SWAC 70.1 82 96.9 271 47.3 #> 272 Presbyterian BSth 66.9 253 96.9 272 50.2 #> 273 UTEP CUSA 67.5 224 96.9 273 47.3 #> 274 Evansville MVC 67.6 217 96.9 274 48.6 #> 275 Campbell BSth 65.6 306 96.8 275 52.6 #> 276 Dartmouth Ivy 65.8 298 96.7 276 49.6 #> 277 Utah Valley WAC 70.4 69 96.5 277 49.2 #> 278 Brown Ivy 69.4 113 96.4 278 44.9 #> 279 Tennessee St. OVC 69.3 121 96.4 279 53.0 #> 280 Illinois Chicago Horz 69.5 105 96.4 280 50.8 #> 281 Mount St. Mary's NEC 63.2 345 96.4 281 46.2 #> 282 Prairie View A&M SWAC 70.7 61 96.3 282 47.4 #> 283 Lamar Slnd 69.6 99 96.3 283 48.0 #> 284 Troy SB 69.3 119 96.2 284 46.1 #> 285 Bucknell Pat 69.5 107 96.2 285 49.3 #> 286 Cal St. Bakersfield WAC 64.9 321 96.2 286 46.5 #> 287 Louisiana Monroe SB 64.9 322 96.1 287 47.7 #> 288 Milwaukee Horz 69.5 102 96.0 288 46.8 #> 289 North Alabama ASun 70.1 83 96.0 289 47.9 #> 290 Jacksonville ASun 66.6 262 96.0 290 48.0 #> 291 Holy Cross Pat 68.3 177 95.9 291 49.3 #> 292 Cal St. Fullerton BW 69.3 114 95.9 292 47.7 #> 293 Jacksonville St. OVC 68.1 189 95.8 293 48.7 #> 294 UC Riverside BW 63.2 347 95.8 294 49.8 #> 295 USC Upstate BSth 69.2 128 95.5 295 47.4 #> 296 Charleston Southern BSth 66.9 250 95.4 296 48.4 #> 297 Eastern Kentucky OVC 74.5 6 95.4 297 46.5 #> 298 Bethune Cookman MEAC 73.0 20 95.4 298 46.4 #> 299 Purdue Fort Wayne Sum 67.9 205 95.4 299 49.4 #> 300 Saint Peter's MAAC 68.0 197 95.4 300 46.0 #> 301 Cal Poly BW 68.3 175 95.2 301 47.3 #> 302 Columbia Ivy 69.1 132 95.2 302 46.1 #> 303 Denver Sum 70.9 53 95.0 303 49.1 #> 304 New Hampshire AE 68.6 163 95.0 304 46.8 #> 305 The Citadel SC 73.7 10 94.9 305 49.7 #> 306 South Carolina St. MEAC 67.4 226 94.9 306 46.1 #> 307 NJIT ASun 66.9 249 94.7 307 45.3 #> 308 St. Francis NY NEC 70.3 70 94.6 308 46.4 #> 309 Morehead St. OVC 67.3 232 94.6 309 47.2 #> 310 High Point BSth 66.4 271 94.5 310 45.7 #> 311 Florida A&M MEAC 68.6 160 94.4 311 45.4 #> 312 Hartford AE 68.2 184 94.4 312 48.6 #> 313 Southern Miss CUSA 67.2 238 94.4 313 47.8 #> 314 Portland WCC 69.3 122 94.4 314 48.6 #> 315 San Diego WCC 70.2 78 94.4 315 45.9 #> 316 Albany AE 68.5 166 94.3 316 48.0 #> 317 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd 65.7 303 94.3 317 51.5 #> 318 Eastern Michigan MAC 66.8 254 94.2 318 46.2 #> 319 North Carolina Central MEAC 66.6 263 94.2 319 50.2 #> 320 Long Beach St. BW 70.9 55 94.2 320 48.2 #> 321 Norfolk St. MEAC 67.5 225 94.2 321 47.0 #> 322 Wyoming MWC 66.7 258 94.1 322 48.0 #> 323 Delaware St. MEAC 74.7 5 94.1 323 47.0 #> 324 Southeast Missouri St. OVC 67.6 218 94.0 324 47.0 #> 325 Merrimack NEC 63.2 348 93.9 325 48.5 #> 326 Howard MEAC 70.2 75 93.6 326 48.2 #> 327 Morgan St. MEAC 69.6 100 93.2 327 45.9 #> 328 Grambling St. SWAC 68.7 151 93.1 328 47.6 #> 329 Cleveland St. Horz 67.1 241 92.9 329 44.5 #> 330 Maine AE 65.9 294 92.9 330 46.3 #> 331 Manhattan MAAC 65.8 296 92.8 331 45.7 #> 332 Idaho BSky 68.9 140 92.8 332 47.6 #> 333 Jackson St. SWAC 68.7 157 92.8 333 45.2 #> 334 Tennessee Tech OVC 66.9 252 92.5 334 47.6 #> 335 North Carolina A&T MEAC 73.7 9 92.3 335 47.1 #> 336 SIU Edwardsville OVC 69.0 136 92.3 336 46.9 #> 337 UNC Wilmington CAA 68.5 165 92.1 337 45.8 #> 338 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd 72.1 33 92.0 338 46.8 #> 339 Longwood BSth 67.8 207 91.3 339 48.1 #> 340 Florida Gulf Coast ASun 66.1 286 91.2 340 47.2 #> 341 Incarnate Word Slnd 66.1 283 90.3 341 45.7 #> 342 Central Connecticut NEC 69.5 104 90.3 342 44.7 #> 343 Marist MAAC 65.2 316 90.2 343 45.9 #> 344 Fairfield MAAC 63.2 346 90.1 344 43.1 #> 345 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 77.1 1 89.8 345 43.0 #> 346 Coppin St. MEAC 73.4 12 89.6 346 45.9 #> 347 Fordham A10 64.8 328 89.1 347 45.0 #> 348 Alabama A&M SWAC 67.7 213 87.9 348 42.4 #> 349 Chicago St. WAC 69.0 135 86.9 349 45.5 #> 350 Alabama St. SWAC 69.7 97 86.2 350 44.6 #> 351 Kennesaw St. ASun 68.2 186 83.5 351 39.3 #> 352 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC 67.5 221 81.7 352 40.5 #> 353 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC 66.1 284 79.0 353 43.1 #> Off.eFG.Pct.Rk Off.TO.Pct Off.TO.Pct.Rk Off.OR.Pct Off.OR.Pct.Rk Off.FTRate #> 1 3 15.3 12 33.6 30 38.8 #> 2 1 18.0 109 26.4 225 33.9 #> 3 6 15.9 25 23.9 295 28.8 #> 4 43 17.6 83 35.1 15 35.4 #> 5 82 17.1 60 32.0 52 34.4 #> 6 20 17.5 79 32.7 39 28.9 #> 7 2 15.5 16 20.6 344 23.4 #> 8 24 18.7 166 32.6 41 35.8 #> 9 50 17.8 95 34.8 17 35.6 #> 10 47 18.1 116 32.8 37 30.8 #> 11 14 16.2 32 28.2 166 28.3 #> 12 53 17.9 105 32.0 55 32.2 #> 13 59 19.1 197 31.1 75 36.7 #> 14 86 18.8 176 30.0 113 39.2 #> 15 46 16.0 29 25.8 247 26.9 #> 16 21 14.9 6 25.2 266 30.8 #> 17 188 17.8 97 35.7 8 30.8 #> 18 217 16.7 49 31.5 66 37.7 #> 19 87 20.6 292 37.0 4 39.5 #> 20 40 15.3 11 25.0 273 26.7 #> 21 128 16.5 40 29.6 121 35.7 #> 22 249 17.8 90 38.7 2 32.9 #> 23 11 18.6 158 28.9 145 27.6 #> 24 123 18.1 122 30.8 81 40.8 #> 25 58 17.3 70 29.4 127 29.4 #> 26 29 16.5 42 24.6 285 31.5 #> 27 63 17.8 94 31.1 74 34.0 #> 28 65 19.8 243 34.1 23 31.7 #> 29 91 18.6 159 29.2 133 34.8 #> 30 186 16.7 48 31.3 70 27.5 #> 31 13 17.3 67 26.9 206 28.6 #> 32 68 18.9 187 33.5 31 30.1 #> 33 152 17.9 98 35.3 13 43.8 #> 34 5 20.5 284 29.3 130 29.4 #> 35 121 16.7 47 30.7 85 36.7 #> 36 199 18.9 190 32.5 42 33.9 #> 37 61 19.2 206 29.9 114 36.8 #> 38 235 17.9 102 35.6 11 32.2 #> 39 80 17.3 72 26.5 224 38.8 #> 40 138 15.4 13 24.1 291 26.9 #> 41 132 14.2 3 26.9 207 25.0 #> 42 113 16.9 53 28.7 149 28.5 #> 43 177 15.7 20 29.2 134 31.0 #> 44 37 16.7 50 25.2 263 28.3 #> 45 12 15.4 14 25.0 274 25.3 #> 46 4 18.4 141 28.2 162 32.3 #> 47 77 19.7 237 28.0 172 34.5 #> 48 158 18.7 167 29.2 131 28.5 #> 49 70 18.2 130 30.7 88 36.3 #> 50 261 17.4 73 34.9 16 25.8 #> 51 230 19.5 224 34.5 20 37.6 #> 52 22 18.6 157 26.3 229 39.2 #> 53 30 15.6 17 22.6 321 27.8 #> 54 129 19.2 208 30.3 101 36.2 #> 55 112 15.9 24 21.5 333 42.5 #> 56 100 17.7 88 25.5 258 39.6 #> 57 175 17.7 86 35.9 6 30.8 #> 58 237 16.0 26 23.3 306 31.2 #> 59 140 20.2 263 32.0 54 39.6 #> 60 33 18.5 148 30.2 105 29.3 #> 61 200 19.7 238 28.6 153 41.0 #> 62 73 16.5 41 29.8 116 34.3 #> 63 15 15.1 7 19.2 351 40.8 #> 64 259 19.9 249 34.1 25 34.6 #> 65 191 18.3 135 32.4 44 39.2 #> 66 72 17.9 108 27.4 195 35.5 #> 67 308 20.7 297 40.1 1 40.5 #> 68 97 17.3 71 29.0 137 29.4 #> 69 28 18.2 128 31.8 59 36.9 #> 70 114 13.9 2 29.0 138 28.2 #> 71 116 20.1 255 31.6 64 33.6 #> 72 204 17.9 104 32.0 53 29.1 #> 73 23 18.5 153 25.8 245 31.2 #> 74 169 19.3 217 34.0 26 34.1 #> 75 278 19.3 212 33.7 29 35.9 #> 76 38 18.1 117 22.5 322 35.0 #> 77 309 18.1 119 35.3 12 33.5 #> 78 16 16.6 46 23.5 302 31.6 #> 79 211 17.2 61 26.0 236 28.1 #> 80 45 20.6 290 34.5 21 31.9 #> 81 90 17.5 78 32.7 40 32.6 #> 82 79 16.3 34 25.2 267 30.4 #> 83 17 19.8 240 28.4 159 38.4 #> 84 260 19.5 222 29.5 123 35.2 #> 85 151 17.4 77 26.9 209 33.0 #> 86 41 15.7 21 27.9 173 24.8 #> 87 71 19.2 204 31.9 58 36.3 #> 88 104 17.8 89 25.5 256 36.0 #> 89 25 18.3 133 24.6 282 27.8 #> 90 99 18.4 139 32.9 35 37.3 #> 91 67 14.7 5 22.4 324 33.3 #> 92 182 17.3 68 31.5 65 32.2 #> 93 52 17.5 80 25.9 238 29.2 #> 94 102 18.5 146 29.5 122 32.8 #> 95 197 17.4 76 30.9 80 27.2 #> 96 207 20.5 280 30.5 96 37.2 #> 97 10 16.0 27 24.7 278 22.9 #> 98 78 17.2 63 27.5 187 31.3 #> 99 39 22.1 333 30.1 106 45.3 #> 100 95 19.7 236 29.0 139 35.8 #> 101 206 16.6 44 29.6 120 35.2 #> 102 111 17.6 82 27.8 180 36.7 #> 103 202 19.8 241 32.2 47 30.9 #> 104 323 15.1 9 30.2 102 29.9 #> 105 57 18.4 144 30.0 111 28.9 #> 106 103 18.3 134 31.3 68 37.2 #> 107 19 15.2 10 23.9 294 32.0 #> 108 209 17.9 101 26.5 223 32.4 #> 109 119 16.2 31 25.8 242 31.6 #> 110 89 18.8 174 24.6 284 34.4 #> 111 147 18.8 168 34.2 22 39.8 #> 112 135 21.3 314 27.4 192 37.9 #> 113 76 16.9 57 23.6 298 32.3 #> 114 216 18.1 123 32.4 45 34.9 #> 115 136 18.9 191 30.9 79 31.3 #> 116 18 18.6 160 23.8 296 32.3 #> 117 285 17.9 106 31.7 62 33.7 #> 118 49 16.4 38 30.4 100 32.5 #> 119 187 21.5 320 32.2 48 27.1 #> 120 66 17.7 85 27.3 199 29.6 #> 121 84 20.2 262 34.1 24 28.0 #> 122 218 18.1 118 32.1 51 36.8 #> 123 8 18.0 110 24.4 289 25.6 #> 124 120 17.8 93 31.0 77 35.3 #> 125 60 19.5 226 27.9 174 37.2 #> 126 294 16.4 36 30.4 99 37.1 #> 127 160 19.4 218 30.5 97 29.5 #> 128 117 18.5 150 30.4 98 32.5 #> 129 105 16.3 33 22.7 319 32.3 #> 130 92 18.3 137 25.5 255 40.6 #> 131 293 15.6 18 22.0 329 25.8 #> 132 107 16.6 45 31.9 56 37.8 #> 133 159 19.7 235 31.9 57 28.8 #> 134 148 21.9 328 35.9 7 34.7 #> 135 145 15.7 19 27.4 193 41.0 #> 136 35 19.1 196 34.8 18 36.3 #> 137 101 19.7 234 30.0 110 32.6 #> 138 170 17.8 96 27.5 190 33.0 #> 139 144 18.4 145 25.4 259 41.4 #> 140 56 18.8 178 22.9 313 31.8 #> 141 125 18.2 125 26.1 233 26.8 #> 142 32 17.9 103 25.2 265 25.7 #> 143 27 20.7 298 22.1 328 31.0 #> 144 81 18.9 188 27.6 185 38.2 #> 145 181 20.4 277 30.6 91 35.4 #> 146 268 15.1 8 28.2 163 28.1 #> 147 139 14.6 4 21.0 340 22.9 #> 148 205 19.0 194 28.9 141 48.1 #> 149 241 17.0 59 26.7 214 26.4 #> 150 287 20.9 302 31.4 67 35.7 #> 151 210 18.3 138 34.7 19 27.4 #> 152 31 23.6 349 37.3 3 44.0 #> 153 154 20.5 278 26.6 218 22.0 #> 154 342 18.4 140 32.8 38 35.1 #> 155 149 18.5 149 23.3 307 28.9 #> 156 179 18.2 126 33.0 33 34.0 #> 157 75 20.4 273 30.2 104 29.3 #> 158 221 18.9 183 26.4 226 36.8 #> 159 9 19.4 220 21.4 335 38.9 #> 160 208 16.5 43 33.0 34 24.9 #> 161 96 18.7 163 26.6 219 29.6 #> 162 189 19.9 251 28.8 146 30.9 #> 163 54 17.3 69 22.7 320 24.6 #> 164 122 16.9 54 23.2 308 37.5 #> 165 254 20.4 272 31.3 71 33.3 #> 166 98 16.9 56 29.4 125 27.3 #> 167 26 18.8 170 24.6 281 30.6 #> 168 176 19.7 239 26.3 230 39.8 #> 169 55 16.9 51 20.1 347 26.1 #> 170 156 17.0 58 27.2 202 27.6 #> 171 157 22.9 345 29.2 135 34.8 #> 172 7 22.7 342 30.1 108 35.7 #> 173 274 17.8 91 35.6 9 30.0 #> 174 193 18.8 179 25.8 243 29.9 #> 175 137 21.4 318 32.1 50 38.0 #> 176 62 18.7 164 21.2 338 35.9 #> 177 270 21.2 312 29.6 118 34.7 #> 178 42 19.9 248 28.9 144 40.1 #> 179 163 17.2 62 26.8 211 31.3 #> 180 280 16.1 30 26.5 222 29.0 #> 181 69 18.1 124 27.4 194 34.8 #> 182 330 17.2 64 27.8 179 30.7 #> 183 127 19.0 193 24.7 279 36.7 #> 184 141 18.3 136 26.0 237 36.2 #> 185 196 20.4 274 36.1 5 34.8 #> 186 106 18.5 155 26.5 221 29.8 #> 187 271 17.7 87 27.5 189 33.7 #> 188 229 16.4 37 25.1 272 26.9 #> 189 74 19.2 205 23.5 301 30.4 #> 190 297 16.0 28 22.3 327 29.0 #> 191 184 18.0 113 29.7 117 33.4 #> 192 258 16.9 55 22.3 326 34.2 #> 193 303 18.2 131 26.3 231 29.1 #> 194 108 20.5 279 25.1 270 33.7 #> 195 295 19.2 210 25.1 271 36.0 #> 196 248 19.1 198 28.6 152 35.0 #> 197 266 20.1 256 33.1 32 34.4 #> 198 161 17.9 99 24.5 287 26.8 #> 199 142 19.3 213 27.9 177 28.6 #> 200 339 13.6 1 26.8 212 34.8 #> 201 150 18.9 184 26.6 220 28.7 #> 202 85 17.9 100 26.7 216 28.6 #> 203 311 21.3 316 31.3 69 41.1 #> 204 198 19.6 232 30.6 93 40.8 #> 205 168 22.2 334 31.8 60 35.1 #> 206 152 20.3 269 29.2 136 35.7 #> 207 115 19.9 250 27.0 205 28.2 #> 208 180 17.3 66 22.8 316 28.0 #> 209 110 21.9 329 27.3 197 34.8 #> 210 164 22.3 338 30.0 112 39.9 #> 211 64 17.8 92 23.4 304 23.8 #> 212 94 18.7 165 28.2 161 26.0 #> 213 44 19.1 200 25.7 250 42.5 #> 214 302 22.2 335 32.4 43 37.5 #> 215 133 18.5 151 26.8 210 21.8 #> 216 109 21.0 308 30.5 95 26.5 #> 217 322 18.1 121 25.9 240 33.3 #> 218 167 15.8 22 17.7 352 24.4 #> 219 130 21.4 319 29.8 115 28.8 #> 220 233 19.5 223 26.9 208 41.2 #> 221 315 19.1 203 30.8 82 32.1 #> 222 283 18.0 112 30.5 94 27.4 #> 223 178 19.3 216 29.4 126 25.8 #> 224 256 17.7 84 25.7 249 22.5 #> 225 224 18.8 172 28.7 151 26.9 #> 226 232 20.8 301 28.9 143 33.1 #> 227 301 19.3 211 27.3 200 36.8 #> 228 307 19.6 230 25.4 261 29.1 #> 229 124 18.8 175 27.3 198 32.1 #> 230 236 17.2 65 25.8 246 37.2 #> 231 253 18.8 169 28.7 150 32.2 #> 232 239 18.8 180 24.8 277 35.4 #> 233 231 20.3 267 27.6 186 40.3 #> 234 291 20.1 257 26.4 228 26.6 #> 235 134 19.5 225 25.5 254 30.9 #> 236 201 19.4 219 23.0 311 32.8 #> 237 328 21.0 306 31.8 61 41.1 #> 238 284 17.6 81 25.5 257 35.6 #> 239 174 20.6 288 28.8 147 41.1 #> 240 215 19.2 207 27.3 196 35.9 #> 241 213 17.4 75 21.4 334 26.5 #> 242 36 16.9 52 20.2 346 25.7 #> 243 51 16.4 39 23.0 312 35.2 #> 244 298 18.0 111 27.6 183 35.1 #> 245 247 20.8 300 28.3 160 34.9 #> 246 243 19.9 254 28.5 155 37.4 #> 247 83 20.6 291 21.5 332 38.0 #> 248 155 21.0 307 25.2 264 25.2 #> 249 337 18.1 115 30.8 83 28.8 #> 250 225 15.5 15 21.2 339 21.7 #> 251 166 21.6 322 30.7 84 33.9 #> 252 183 19.4 221 20.6 345 33.6 #> 253 131 17.4 74 28.2 164 29.4 #> 254 317 18.8 182 33.8 28 32.1 #> 255 172 21.8 326 30.6 92 39.1 #> 256 223 23.0 346 28.8 148 39.9 #> 257 252 20.5 286 31.0 78 31.0 #> 258 234 18.5 147 25.6 253 33.7 #> 259 226 20.4 271 28.9 140 30.2 #> 260 262 20.7 294 28.4 156 33.3 #> 261 212 18.6 162 27.6 184 32.2 #> 262 341 18.5 154 24.5 286 34.1 #> 263 126 19.8 244 24.0 293 30.3 #> 264 272 20.5 283 27.1 203 30.6 #> 265 93 19.0 192 21.6 331 33.4 #> 266 306 19.6 231 30.1 109 29.6 #> 267 255 20.3 266 31.6 63 34.5 #> 268 335 19.1 202 32.2 49 32.1 #> 269 165 19.9 253 25.7 248 26.1 #> 270 203 20.6 293 22.4 325 38.4 #> 271 279 20.6 287 27.7 181 31.1 #> 272 146 21.9 327 26.4 227 35.7 #> 273 277 19.6 229 23.3 305 33.0 #> 274 219 18.4 142 19.9 349 32.4 #> 275 48 19.2 209 21.9 330 25.3 #> 276 173 18.9 189 21.3 337 27.4 #> 277 194 19.8 247 23.7 297 34.1 #> 278 344 21.2 313 32.8 36 32.4 #> 279 34 24.7 350 30.7 86 32.0 #> 280 118 22.5 339 27.7 182 29.4 #> 281 314 17.9 107 29.3 129 32.6 #> 282 275 20.2 264 27.9 175 40.5 #> 283 250 20.2 261 28.9 142 34.9 #> 284 319 19.9 252 29.5 124 29.2 #> 285 190 19.0 195 24.4 288 28.4 #> 286 305 20.8 299 35.2 14 30.7 #> 287 263 20.5 285 25.6 252 32.2 #> 288 296 18.8 181 29.2 132 30.4 #> 289 251 21.4 317 28.0 171 39.7 #> 290 246 20.3 270 29.4 128 30.1 #> 291 192 20.5 281 25.3 262 24.6 #> 292 264 18.5 152 22.8 317 37.6 #> 293 214 20.7 295 31.0 76 29.1 #> 294 162 20.5 282 26.8 213 27.5 #> 295 273 18.0 114 25.1 269 34.2 #> 296 228 18.8 173 22.8 318 25.3 #> 297 304 18.8 177 24.9 276 32.5 #> 298 310 20.1 258 29.6 119 37.4 #> 299 185 20.3 265 28.4 157 24.5 #> 300 321 23.4 348 35.6 10 38.0 #> 301 276 19.1 199 22.8 314 33.7 #> 302 320 15.9 23 20.1 348 22.5 #> 303 195 19.3 215 20.8 342 36.3 #> 304 300 18.4 143 28.2 167 25.8 #> 305 171 20.1 259 20.8 341 30.9 #> 306 318 20.4 276 30.6 89 39.3 #> 307 338 16.4 35 25.1 268 31.1 #> 308 312 18.2 127 27.2 201 27.2 #> 309 281 18.1 120 27.9 176 31.5 #> 310 332 21.6 321 31.2 73 40.5 #> 311 336 21.2 311 31.2 72 38.7 #> 312 220 19.6 227 22.8 315 30.3 #> 313 257 22.0 332 26.7 215 23.5 #> 314 222 19.8 246 19.3 350 33.5 #> 315 327 20.2 260 24.7 280 31.4 #> 316 244 19.6 233 24.2 290 33.7 #> 317 88 26.6 353 30.6 90 33.4 #> 318 316 21.7 325 25.4 260 42.4 #> 319 143 22.8 343 28.4 158 35.6 #> 320 240 22.0 331 24.6 283 33.2 #> 321 289 20.9 304 30.7 87 33.3 #> 322 245 18.6 156 14.2 353 30.5 #> 323 290 19.8 245 26.0 234 33.5 #> 324 288 19.6 228 25.9 241 34.3 #> 325 227 18.6 161 23.0 309 25.9 #> 326 238 20.7 296 25.7 251 33.1 #> 327 325 22.6 341 33.8 27 40.8 #> 328 267 20.3 268 28.1 169 38.8 #> 329 347 22.2 336 32.2 46 38.7 #> 330 313 22.9 344 28.2 165 26.8 #> 331 331 20.9 303 30.1 107 34.1 #> 332 265 21.0 309 24.0 292 30.5 #> 333 340 18.2 132 26.6 217 35.6 #> 334 269 21.6 323 28.1 168 21.9 #> 335 286 20.6 289 28.5 154 41.4 #> 336 292 19.8 242 27.5 188 30.1 #> 337 329 18.9 186 23.0 310 32.4 #> 338 299 22.2 337 28.0 170 31.4 #> 339 242 19.3 214 22.4 323 32.6 #> 340 282 23.3 347 27.8 178 23.0 #> 341 333 21.9 330 27.5 191 31.1 #> 342 345 20.4 275 23.4 303 29.3 #> 343 324 20.9 305 25.9 239 29.7 #> 344 348 21.3 315 30.2 103 35.9 #> 345 350 18.2 129 23.5 300 22.9 #> 346 326 19.1 201 23.6 299 32.7 #> 347 343 18.9 185 21.4 336 27.0 #> 348 351 18.8 171 24.9 275 32.7 #> 349 334 26.5 352 20.6 343 42.2 #> 350 346 22.6 340 26.0 235 35.7 #> 351 353 21.6 324 25.8 243 32.5 #> 352 352 21.1 310 26.2 232 25.7 #> 353 349 26.2 351 27.1 204 37.4 #> Off.FTRate.Rk AdjD AdjD.Rk Def.eFG.Pct Def.eFG.Pct.Rk Def.TO.Pct #> 1 43 94.4 43 47.6 88 18.4 #> 2 143 94.1 38 46.6 53 18.7 #> 3 274 97.3 78 48.4 122 17.6 #> 4 102 102.4 179 49.4 172 16.6 #> 5 128 98.6 97 49.4 171 17.6 #> 6 272 97.1 76 47.3 79 19.8 #> 7 343 95.6 60 49.0 143 18.2 #> 8 89 85.5 2 43.7 4 18.6 #> 9 99 91.1 12 45.7 26 20.2 #> 10 226 91.2 13 43.3 3 15.8 #> 11 284 90.6 10 45.3 18 21.2 #> 12 193 93.1 30 45.1 14 17.4 #> 13 73 92.0 19 46.2 35 18.3 #> 14 37 96.9 73 46.8 57 15.1 #> 15 309 94.0 36 48.2 114 16.9 #> 16 229 98.5 96 50.8 243 17.7 #> 17 228 88.1 4 45.2 15 22.7 #> 18 54 92.4 22 46.1 34 17.3 #> 19 34 99.8 119 48.1 107 17.1 #> 20 313 93.0 28 46.9 62 16.1 #> 21 93 99.6 116 48.3 116 20.3 #> 22 169 92.3 21 43.9 5 18.2 #> 23 295 99.3 108 48.5 123 15.6 #> 24 18 95.1 52 45.3 19 17.3 #> 25 254 94.2 42 45.8 27 17.9 #> 26 207 101.9 163 49.3 165 17.3 #> 27 139 95.7 61 47.9 102 19.2 #> 28 204 103.8 202 49.2 157 18.7 #> 29 117 92.7 25 45.7 23 19.5 #> 30 296 94.2 41 45.6 22 15.8 #> 31 279 111.6 324 50.3 223 15.7 #> 32 242 91.5 15 47.0 67 23.7 #> 33 4 95.5 55 47.1 70 18.7 #> 34 258 101.2 146 49.8 195 20.7 #> 35 76 91.4 14 45.3 17 20.6 #> 36 141 100.2 125 50.8 241 18.8 #> 37 69 99.5 114 47.9 99 18.2 #> 38 191 93.7 35 47.0 66 16.6 #> 39 42 102.0 165 49.4 169 18.6 #> 40 307 91.9 17 46.4 48 16.9 #> 41 334 98.6 100 47.5 85 16.8 #> 42 282 97.3 79 47.8 97 20.1 #> 43 221 92.4 23 46.4 42 18.6 #> 44 285 101.0 141 46.9 64 15.2 #> 45 332 100.1 122 48.5 126 16.8 #> 46 188 105.3 241 48.1 108 15.3 #> 47 127 90.5 9 46.2 37 23.0 #> 48 281 101.2 147 51.8 282 20.6 #> 49 77 94.6 48 46.4 45 17.5 #> 50 323 90.8 11 47.1 69 20.4 #> 51 56 99.4 112 50.9 248 19.4 #> 52 38 102.1 172 51.6 271 17.6 #> 53 293 95.3 54 47.7 92 19.9 #> 54 82 93.4 32 46.9 63 19.4 #> 55 5 95.5 57 47.3 78 22.1 #> 56 32 103.3 196 50.2 219 19.3 #> 57 227 108.8 306 52.9 313 20.3 #> 58 214 93.1 29 46.7 55 16.7 #> 59 33 94.7 51 45.7 25 19.8 #> 60 261 98.2 90 47.2 73 20.7 #> 61 15 102.0 166 49.7 191 15.2 #> 62 132 102.6 187 50.4 226 19.8 #> 63 20 108.9 307 52.2 289 14.9 #> 64 125 95.6 59 46.4 44 21.9 #> 65 36 92.7 26 47.9 101 17.8 #> 66 101 98.9 103 45.9 29 18.4 #> 67 23 87.1 3 44.5 8 22.4 #> 68 256 98.2 88 50.2 221 18.5 #> 69 68 96.0 65 49.8 194 22.3 #> 70 287 104.9 231 51.6 276 18.1 #> 71 151 100.8 136 50.7 237 17.9 #> 72 264 90.2 6 45.1 13 18.9 #> 73 215 96.4 67 46.5 49 16.6 #> 74 138 100.6 133 49.2 159 17.4 #> 75 88 92.8 27 47.4 83 21.4 #> 76 112 110.3 316 56.2 349 16.4 #> 77 154 98.4 94 49.1 148 16.0 #> 78 206 98.1 85 50.7 238 23.0 #> 79 288 101.3 149 50.2 220 17.6 #> 80 202 99.4 113 49.6 181 20.9 #> 81 175 107.9 290 50.9 246 19.2 #> 82 237 113.3 336 54.7 340 17.3 #> 83 47 106.3 263 50.5 231 16.5 #> 84 108 94.5 46 46.7 56 20.5 #> 85 166 104.4 217 52.8 311 19.0 #> 86 336 102.5 182 49.8 196 17.3 #> 87 80 105.1 236 48.4 121 17.2 #> 88 84 97.6 81 51.1 256 19.2 #> 89 292 105.5 243 52.3 293 17.2 #> 90 62 107.0 275 53.1 318 20.5 #> 91 162 101.2 148 49.2 160 14.6 #> 92 192 100.7 134 46.4 47 17.9 #> 93 263 104.8 225 51.1 255 16.9 #> 94 170 99.0 104 48.0 105 20.2 #> 95 303 102.2 174 49.3 161 17.6 #> 96 65 95.8 62 45.9 30 19.6 #> 97 346 100.5 132 47.8 95 19.5 #> 98 212 96.4 68 44.8 11 19.1 #> 99 2 102.5 184 49.0 144 19.6 #> 100 90 100.8 135 50.3 222 17.7 #> 101 107 98.3 93 46.9 60 21.2 #> 102 74 105.1 237 48.7 130 16.3 #> 103 225 92.2 20 46.4 41 18.6 #> 104 246 95.2 53 48.2 113 22.7 #> 105 271 102.1 167 48.0 103 19.4 #> 106 66 105.3 242 51.0 251 19.0 #> 107 201 96.4 69 45.6 20 19.4 #> 108 184 94.7 49 49.1 152 22.3 #> 109 205 110.5 319 51.4 261 18.2 #> 110 130 108.4 301 52.9 314 17.6 #> 111 29 94.4 44 46.2 36 19.6 #> 112 52 93.1 31 44.1 6 19.3 #> 113 189 101.2 145 50.6 234 19.1 #> 114 116 104.8 226 48.7 136 15.7 #> 115 213 101.4 156 46.9 59 20.8 #> 116 187 106.4 265 49.8 199 16.7 #> 117 145 90.4 8 44.4 7 20.0 #> 118 178 106.8 272 50.1 218 16.3 #> 119 304 96.1 66 49.3 163 21.0 #> 120 252 101.1 142 49.1 151 18.5 #> 121 290 99.3 109 44.9 12 16.4 #> 122 70 94.7 50 45.2 16 21.3 #> 123 329 103.2 192 51.7 278 19.7 #> 124 105 108.1 295 47.6 89 14.0 #> 125 63 102.4 178 52.7 306 20.0 #> 126 67 94.2 39 47.4 80 20.9 #> 127 253 104.1 214 49.7 190 15.4 #> 128 180 122.9 353 58.4 353 16.9 #> 129 186 104.9 229 49.1 150 17.7 #> 130 21 103.9 209 51.5 264 20.1 #> 131 322 101.3 150 49.2 156 15.8 #> 132 53 101.4 157 46.6 51 19.0 #> 133 276 100.2 124 49.6 183 18.2 #> 134 124 106.2 261 50.0 207 18.4 #> 135 16 116.7 345 53.6 326 15.1 #> 136 79 102.1 169 50.7 235 20.0 #> 137 176 99.0 105 47.3 77 17.5 #> 138 167 94.4 45 48.1 111 24.5 #> 139 9 104.5 221 52.7 305 19.6 #> 140 203 109.4 311 54.1 336 19.7 #> 141 312 102.5 181 51.8 281 20.0 #> 142 328 103.4 197 51.5 268 17.8 #> 143 220 90.3 7 45.6 21 22.4 #> 144 48 113.6 337 53.3 320 18.6 #> 145 104 92.0 18 44.6 9 18.1 #> 146 289 104.0 210 48.9 139 16.4 #> 147 347 98.0 82 48.5 125 17.6 #> 148 1 107.5 284 52.0 285 19.9 #> 149 317 108.0 293 52.2 288 18.1 #> 150 91 96.7 71 46.3 39 20.9 #> 151 298 102.3 175 48.9 140 19.1 #> 152 3 97.1 75 49.6 184 27.8 #> 153 350 92.6 24 46.9 61 20.8 #> 154 110 98.3 91 49.8 192 23.3 #> 155 270 93.5 33 48.3 118 20.0 #> 156 140 99.1 107 48.1 112 18.1 #> 157 259 102.1 170 47.9 98 21.3 #> 158 71 97.0 74 47.6 90 19.6 #> 159 40 96.8 72 52.2 291 23.6 #> 160 335 95.5 58 50.0 204 24.9 #> 161 251 103.3 195 49.1 147 18.1 #> 162 224 98.6 98 47.8 96 20.6 #> 163 337 100.8 137 47.6 86 16.9 #> 164 57 112.1 327 51.0 249 16.1 #> 165 159 95.5 56 48.8 138 22.1 #> 166 301 102.6 186 49.7 185 17.2 #> 167 233 105.5 244 49.5 177 14.3 #> 168 30 93.6 34 46.7 54 21.5 #> 169 319 100.1 123 48.7 135 20.5 #> 170 294 107.7 286 52.6 300 16.0 #> 171 119 91.8 16 44.7 10 19.3 #> 172 96 112.3 330 51.6 270 17.6 #> 173 245 108.5 303 50.1 213 16.5 #> 174 247 102.5 185 51.0 250 20.3 #> 175 49 122.3 352 58.1 352 16.7 #> 176 87 101.3 154 48.7 131 18.9 #> 177 123 94.2 40 49.6 180 24.3 #> 178 26 99.3 110 46.4 46 18.5 #> 179 211 106.7 269 53.5 324 18.4 #> 180 269 98.4 95 46.9 58 17.5 #> 181 121 106.7 270 49.4 167 17.6 #> 182 230 98.0 83 49.9 202 20.9 #> 183 75 107.7 287 52.4 297 15.2 #> 184 81 98.8 102 49.5 175 20.7 #> 185 120 104.8 227 47.6 87 15.7 #> 186 248 112.4 331 52.5 299 18.0 #> 187 149 106.4 264 54.5 338 21.1 #> 188 306 107.0 276 51.9 284 17.9 #> 189 238 101.3 155 50.1 210 17.9 #> 190 268 101.3 152 51.5 266 18.7 #> 191 156 99.8 120 46.5 50 20.2 #> 192 134 103.1 191 52.7 308 23.0 #> 193 265 110.2 315 52.7 309 14.3 #> 194 146 106.1 260 49.4 168 18.7 #> 195 83 100.4 130 49.9 200 17.3 #> 196 113 106.2 262 51.6 272 18.7 #> 197 129 101.3 153 49.6 179 18.9 #> 198 310 110.3 317 53.1 317 18.3 #> 199 280 99.1 106 46.3 40 20.0 #> 200 118 105.5 247 48.7 132 18.8 #> 201 277 108.0 292 51.6 273 17.6 #> 202 278 104.0 212 49.7 188 19.9 #> 203 14 97.2 77 49.2 154 22.4 #> 204 17 102.1 171 49.1 153 19.1 #> 205 111 102.1 173 49.3 164 18.3 #> 206 92 111.1 321 53.8 329 16.2 #> 207 286 108.3 300 48.8 137 14.1 #> 208 291 110.0 313 52.6 301 17.4 #> 209 122 104.0 211 51.8 283 18.6 #> 210 27 89.1 5 41.2 1 20.2 #> 211 341 105.5 246 48.9 142 14.3 #> 212 320 103.8 205 50.4 227 21.4 #> 213 6 109.1 309 50.9 244 17.8 #> 214 58 95.9 63 51.0 252 23.3 #> 215 352 108.1 296 50.8 239 17.5 #> 216 316 102.7 188 49.6 182 17.7 #> 217 161 94.6 47 46.4 43 18.5 #> 218 340 111.6 325 52.8 310 20.7 #> 219 273 106.7 271 50.1 212 16.0 #> 220 11 100.2 127 49.8 198 20.3 #> 221 199 111.7 326 53.1 316 17.0 #> 222 299 100.8 138 47.2 75 17.0 #> 223 324 101.5 158 49.8 197 24.8 #> 224 349 116.9 346 53.3 321 14.2 #> 225 308 101.3 151 50.5 230 20.7 #> 226 165 100.4 129 48.5 124 20.3 #> 227 72 104.0 213 50.1 211 18.7 #> 228 266 100.3 128 50.5 232 20.7 #> 229 197 103.7 200 50.5 229 24.3 #> 230 64 111.6 323 52.7 307 15.9 #> 231 195 115.6 344 54.4 337 17.1 #> 232 103 105.7 251 50.1 216 16.2 #> 233 25 114.8 342 56.1 348 20.6 #> 234 314 85.1 1 43.1 2 19.3 #> 235 223 94.0 37 45.7 24 19.6 #> 236 171 105.8 253 50.1 215 15.7 #> 237 12 108.6 304 50.3 224 19.6 #> 238 100 101.8 162 49.5 173 22.4 #> 239 13 100.2 126 50.4 225 26.1 #> 240 86 98.1 86 45.8 28 16.8 #> 241 315 107.9 291 52.2 290 16.6 #> 242 326 107.4 281 51.6 277 17.0 #> 243 106 110.3 318 56.9 350 22.5 #> 244 109 106.0 256 53.1 319 23.5 #> 245 115 112.6 332 55.7 346 18.2 #> 246 60 105.0 233 49.3 166 17.7 #> 247 50 98.0 84 50.4 228 20.3 #> 248 333 102.9 190 51.5 269 19.4 #> 249 275 98.3 92 48.1 110 18.5 #> 250 353 115.0 343 55.7 345 15.1 #> 251 142 107.1 278 48.1 109 17.8 #> 252 150 98.6 99 49.1 149 21.0 #> 253 255 104.5 220 49.1 145 21.4 #> 254 198 106.0 258 50.7 236 18.1 #> 255 39 108.3 299 50.8 242 17.7 #> 256 28 107.6 285 52.4 296 17.8 #> 257 219 103.8 206 47.0 68 16.5 #> 258 147 105.7 252 49.7 186 18.9 #> 259 241 105.7 249 51.8 280 21.9 #> 260 158 99.4 111 46.3 38 18.4 #> 261 194 101.0 140 49.2 155 19.1 #> 262 136 107.8 289 54.1 335 17.6 #> 263 240 103.6 199 49.5 176 21.1 #> 264 232 108.2 298 54.7 339 19.4 #> 265 157 106.1 259 50.0 208 18.7 #> 266 250 113.9 339 54.0 334 18.7 #> 267 126 104.8 224 48.7 133 19.7 #> 268 196 98.2 87 48.0 106 21.7 #> 269 318 108.8 305 52.5 298 17.0 #> 270 46 101.6 159 48.3 115 15.9 #> 271 216 111.3 322 51.4 263 18.0 #> 272 94 114.4 341 53.8 328 16.9 #> 273 168 98.2 89 47.4 82 19.2 #> 274 185 107.4 280 52.8 312 17.2 #> 275 331 105.3 239 49.8 193 19.6 #> 276 300 99.9 121 49.2 158 16.8 #> 277 137 104.2 215 47.8 93 17.1 #> 278 183 101.1 143 49.7 189 19.7 #> 279 200 104.6 222 47.0 65 17.1 #> 280 257 99.5 115 46.1 33 17.7 #> 281 174 107.5 283 50.0 205 17.3 #> 282 24 100.5 131 47.8 94 23.7 #> 283 114 102.5 180 50.9 247 22.6 #> 284 262 106.6 268 52.3 294 20.0 #> 285 283 102.9 189 51.5 265 19.8 #> 286 231 104.9 228 50.9 245 19.3 #> 287 190 103.7 201 48.3 117 16.8 #> 288 236 104.9 232 50.8 240 20.8 #> 289 31 105.6 248 50.0 203 19.4 #> 290 243 102.5 183 46.6 52 16.0 #> 291 338 117.3 348 55.9 347 15.4 #> 292 55 104.5 218 50.1 214 18.2 #> 293 267 105.5 245 52.1 287 19.4 #> 294 297 99.8 118 47.2 71 16.1 #> 295 133 110.8 320 53.5 323 18.9 #> 296 330 109.1 308 52.6 302 18.6 #> 297 179 104.9 230 51.7 279 23.3 #> 298 61 105.8 254 48.3 119 20.4 #> 299 339 103.8 204 53.5 325 18.1 #> 300 51 97.3 80 46.1 32 22.0 #> 301 148 108.5 302 52.6 303 18.4 #> 302 348 106.5 267 52.3 295 16.3 #> 303 78 106.8 274 52.0 286 17.5 #> 304 325 102.1 168 47.2 72 16.3 #> 305 222 112.2 328 54.9 342 17.3 #> 306 35 113.2 335 52.6 304 17.8 #> 307 218 105.8 255 50.6 233 18.3 #> 308 302 106.5 266 49.5 174 19.1 #> 309 208 108.1 294 49.7 187 17.3 #> 310 22 113.6 338 55.6 344 17.8 #> 311 44 107.3 279 51.4 262 21.6 #> 312 239 101.1 144 46.0 31 18.7 #> 313 342 103.8 207 51.3 260 17.6 #> 314 152 104.3 216 51.6 274 18.2 #> 315 210 99.8 117 50.1 209 17.9 #> 316 144 103.9 208 49.4 170 18.3 #> 317 155 106.0 257 48.7 134 19.1 #> 318 7 96.6 70 49.5 178 23.1 #> 319 98 103.2 193 47.9 100 22.7 #> 320 163 105.3 238 52.2 292 19.7 #> 321 160 101.9 164 47.2 76 21.6 #> 322 235 100.9 139 50.1 217 18.9 #> 323 153 117.2 347 54.0 333 18.7 #> 324 131 113.0 334 54.7 341 18.6 #> 325 321 98.8 101 48.0 104 25.9 #> 326 164 119.7 350 53.9 330 18.5 #> 327 19 107.5 282 47.4 81 18.8 #> 328 41 105.1 235 48.5 127 20.0 #> 329 45 105.7 250 50.0 206 20.6 #> 330 311 106.8 273 49.9 201 18.6 #> 331 135 101.6 160 47.5 84 22.3 #> 332 234 107.1 277 51.6 275 16.0 #> 333 97 102.3 176 48.6 129 22.8 #> 334 351 109.3 310 53.9 331 19.6 #> 335 10 102.4 177 47.7 91 21.4 #> 336 244 110.0 314 51.2 257 18.3 #> 337 182 104.5 219 51.0 254 17.9 #> 338 209 109.6 312 53.7 327 22.3 #> 339 177 105.1 234 51.5 267 20.3 #> 340 344 103.3 194 49.1 146 19.8 #> 341 217 112.8 333 53.0 315 20.5 #> 342 260 114.0 340 53.4 322 18.0 #> 343 249 103.8 203 49.3 162 20.5 #> 344 85 101.6 161 48.3 120 19.4 #> 345 345 117.6 349 54.0 332 17.6 #> 346 172 105.3 240 48.6 128 19.7 #> 347 305 95.9 64 47.2 74 21.0 #> 348 173 108.2 297 51.3 259 18.2 #> 349 8 120.8 351 57.6 351 16.0 #> 350 95 103.4 198 51.3 258 20.4 #> 351 181 112.2 329 55.3 343 18.5 #> 352 327 107.8 288 51.0 253 20.4 #> 353 59 104.6 223 48.9 141 20.6 #> Def.TO.Pct.Rk Def.OR.Pct Def.OR.Pct.Rk Def.FTRate Def.FTRate.Rk NCAA_Seed #> 1 196 22.7 16 21.8 7 1 #> 2 167 26.6 115 30.9 149 1 #> 3 246 30.2 280 23.4 13 2 #> 4 302 28.5 197 26.4 42 8 #> 5 258 29.5 253 26.8 49 6 #> 6 109 31.1 307 29.5 109 4 #> 7 206 24.1 35 27.9 65 5 #> 8 178 26.4 108 23.2 12 1 #> 9 91 28.0 176 30.9 145 3 #> 10 331 26.0 91 29.3 100 3 #> 11 49 25.4 63 30.6 140 2 #> 12 265 25.0 50 29.0 91 4 #> 13 200 25.5 72 29.3 101 5 #> 14 345 26.0 92 34.8 238 9 #> 15 292 24.5 42 23.6 16 2 #> 16 242 23.6 22 28.0 68 8 #> 17 22 29.8 261 30.8 141 1 #> 18 274 26.6 116 24.2 22 3 #> 19 283 28.3 189 31.6 165 NA #> 20 320 25.5 70 26.4 41 6 #> 21 86 32.2 331 30.2 128 NA #> 22 209 25.3 61 41.6 324 7 #> 23 336 22.5 12 25.8 32 NA #> 24 268 28.5 196 32.1 181 4 #> 25 231 25.4 67 30.9 148 5 #> 26 272 24.9 48 32.6 196 NA #> 27 146 27.4 150 33.7 218 9 #> 28 175 29.0 227 28.2 74 NA #> 29 129 30.4 289 32.4 190 3 #> 30 330 27.9 169 28.0 66 NA #> 31 332 31.8 323 28.1 71 NA #> 32 9 30.2 281 34.4 229 2 #> 33 170 27.4 148 33.9 219 5 #> 34 68 27.7 155 38.8 300 13 #> 35 74 25.9 82 35.2 242 7 #> 36 164 28.7 209 26.6 46 NA #> 37 214 30.8 300 35.9 257 NA #> 38 304 25.7 80 23.9 20 7 #> 39 186 29.0 222 30.9 144 NA #> 40 291 25.9 88 25.3 29 4 #> 41 298 28.1 180 19.7 2 NA #> 42 96 30.9 302 35.4 252 11 #> 43 180 27.6 154 31.8 172 6 #> 44 341 24.4 41 36.5 268 NA #> 45 296 24.0 28 24.9 26 NA #> 46 339 27.1 140 26.0 34 NA #> 47 17 29.3 237 35.4 250 10 #> 48 70 31.6 314 28.0 67 NA #> 49 259 22.5 11 26.8 50 11 #> 50 80 27.2 142 31.9 178 NA #> 51 133 25.4 64 35.2 245 11 #> 52 255 23.8 24 24.1 21 NA #> 53 107 26.3 104 30.2 129 11 #> 54 137 23.9 27 26.1 37 8 #> 55 35 31.4 312 40.9 320 NA #> 56 141 31.1 306 21.0 4 NA #> 57 87 34.3 347 32.1 182 NA #> 58 300 27.4 147 19.7 1 10 #> 59 112 28.8 214 29.2 97 12 #> 60 65 26.8 127 32.6 194 NA #> 61 340 26.0 90 35.2 244 NA #> 62 111 29.4 242 20.3 3 14 #> 63 346 22.1 10 32.2 186 NA #> 64 37 29.4 247 34.6 234 NA #> 65 237 24.5 44 32.6 195 10 #> 66 195 29.2 233 29.1 93 13 #> 67 29 27.7 159 37.0 280 6 #> 68 190 24.1 33 31.9 175 NA #> 69 33 26.2 98 33.1 206 11 #> 70 215 26.8 132 31.7 166 NA #> 71 228 30.1 272 31.5 164 NA #> 72 163 25.4 68 27.5 59 9 #> 73 305 21.3 5 25.7 31 12 #> 74 266 24.0 30 40.6 316 NA #> 75 44 28.4 192 37.4 284 8 #> 76 309 22.8 17 29.8 119 NA #> 77 322 24.2 37 29.2 94 NA #> 78 19 28.4 191 26.8 51 NA #> 79 253 31.9 324 22.9 10 NA #> 80 57 21.7 8 32.0 180 13 #> 81 147 29.5 252 27.6 64 NA #> 82 271 32.0 327 29.0 92 NA #> 83 307 25.6 77 31.2 157 NA #> 84 76 29.0 223 33.1 205 NA #> 85 155 27.8 161 34.7 235 NA #> 86 269 26.3 99 23.8 18 NA #> 87 279 26.0 93 26.9 52 16 #> 88 144 22.6 13 29.8 118 NA #> 89 277 24.0 31 26.5 45 NA #> 90 75 27.9 175 32.5 191 NA #> 91 347 19.0 1 26.6 47 15 #> 92 230 25.9 87 31.2 156 14 #> 93 290 24.6 45 27.3 57 NA #> 94 94 30.5 291 29.2 98 NA #> 95 247 26.6 117 33.0 200 NA #> 96 126 30.1 279 35.3 248 NA #> 97 128 26.7 122 24.3 23 14 #> 98 152 22.6 14 31.4 163 13 #> 99 120 28.7 211 34.4 230 15 #> 100 239 26.9 136 23.0 11 NA #> 101 50 29.8 263 39.0 302 NA #> 102 315 27.8 162 26.5 43 NA #> 103 179 27.6 153 28.9 89 NA #> 104 21 31.4 313 36.2 264 NA #> 105 132 30.4 288 34.4 228 NA #> 106 157 25.7 78 30.1 127 NA #> 107 130 21.3 4 28.6 83 12 #> 108 31 28.6 204 34.2 224 10 #> 109 212 31.6 317 33.0 202 NA #> 110 250 26.7 124 29.8 117 NA #> 111 119 25.2 57 36.6 269 NA #> 112 140 31.8 320 31.4 159 NA #> 113 151 25.7 79 33.5 214 NA #> 114 333 26.8 133 31.0 150 NA #> 115 62 32.9 334 47.0 345 NA #> 116 301 26.8 130 29.0 90 NA #> 117 98 24.1 34 38.4 297 11 #> 118 314 26.6 118 34.3 225 NA #> 119 55 29.6 255 30.8 142 NA #> 120 189 27.0 138 33.7 216 15 #> 121 311 25.3 60 36.0 261 14 #> 122 47 28.6 200 53.1 353 NA #> 123 114 24.1 36 30.6 138 NA #> 124 353 25.6 75 30.6 139 NA #> 125 102 30.1 275 24.4 24 NA #> 126 58 28.6 205 28.5 79 NA #> 127 337 26.6 119 28.2 75 NA #> 128 288 34.4 348 28.2 72 NA #> 129 241 29.3 239 32.5 193 NA #> 130 95 29.6 256 26.6 48 NA #> 131 329 29.2 235 28.6 84 NA #> 132 156 29.4 246 27.2 55 NA #> 133 210 22.7 15 33.2 208 NA #> 134 199 27.8 163 45.8 340 NA #> 135 344 31.0 304 38.1 291 NA #> 136 103 24.1 32 41.9 327 16 #> 137 260 25.0 51 31.4 160 NA #> 138 6 30.1 273 35.9 258 NA #> 139 123 29.4 243 36.8 276 NA #> 140 113 27.8 164 35.9 259 NA #> 141 100 27.4 151 31.7 167 NA #> 142 236 24.3 39 31.8 171 NA #> 143 27 27.8 167 31.8 173 NA #> 144 183 29.5 251 28.8 87 NA #> 145 217 27.9 174 28.0 69 9 #> 146 310 26.8 128 33.5 215 NA #> 147 254 25.5 71 26.1 38 NA #> 148 106 29.1 229 43.1 332 NA #> 149 219 26.3 106 38.0 289 NA #> 150 59 27.7 160 47.8 346 NA #> 151 154 28.8 213 30.4 133 NA #> 152 1 26.8 129 44.6 338 12 #> 153 60 32.2 330 35.3 246 NA #> 154 14 34.5 349 26.0 33 NA #> 155 99 24.5 43 28.7 85 NA #> 156 220 21.3 3 41.6 323 NA #> 157 48 35.5 350 30.5 136 NA #> 158 125 27.8 165 40.6 317 NA #> 159 11 23.6 21 23.5 14 NA #> 160 4 27.0 139 36.8 275 NA #> 161 218 24.8 46 32.8 198 NA #> 162 69 30.5 292 29.4 104 NA #> 163 289 28.6 203 25.0 27 NA #> 164 319 28.6 206 29.9 121 NA #> 165 34 30.2 282 35.4 251 NA #> 166 278 25.1 52 26.1 39 16 #> 167 350 23.8 26 26.5 44 NA #> 168 42 28.0 177 28.3 77 NA #> 169 78 25.4 65 46.3 343 NA #> 170 323 26.7 121 29.5 107 NA #> 171 143 28.9 219 35.8 255 NA #> 172 257 31.6 316 29.6 113 NA #> 173 306 29.5 254 30.9 146 NA #> 174 89 30.3 284 33.5 213 NA #> 175 299 32.1 329 36.7 273 NA #> 176 158 26.5 114 37.8 288 NA #> 177 8 30.1 278 38.8 299 NA #> 178 187 24.8 47 32.2 185 NA #> 179 194 26.2 96 28.0 70 NA #> 180 262 29.0 226 35.8 256 NA #> 181 251 30.0 269 31.4 162 NA #> 182 56 25.9 89 32.3 187 NA #> 183 342 25.5 69 29.8 116 NA #> 184 64 28.7 207 27.6 63 NA #> 185 334 28.2 182 23.6 17 NA #> 186 222 31.7 318 31.9 177 NA #> 187 51 28.9 217 29.2 95 NA #> 188 229 28.1 181 36.9 277 NA #> 189 227 23.4 20 30.5 135 NA #> 190 173 33.0 335 21.8 6 NA #> 191 92 31.9 326 31.0 151 15 #> 192 18 31.2 311 29.6 114 NA #> 193 348 29.0 224 32.0 179 NA #> 194 177 31.7 319 34.2 223 NA #> 195 275 26.3 102 37.0 278 NA #> 196 171 29.8 264 32.8 197 NA #> 197 161 27.8 168 30.6 137 NA #> 198 201 29.9 266 31.8 174 NA #> 199 104 32.1 328 37.6 286 NA #> 200 165 27.9 173 41.7 325 NA #> 201 248 27.7 156 27.1 54 NA #> 202 105 29.4 248 36.6 272 NA #> 203 28 31.8 322 26.0 36 NA #> 204 149 24.0 29 30.3 131 NA #> 205 203 24.3 40 27.0 53 NA #> 206 317 28.6 201 26.0 35 NA #> 207 352 26.2 97 23.6 15 NA #> 208 264 25.9 83 42.1 329 NA #> 209 184 27.8 166 38.2 292 NA #> 210 93 29.4 244 35.0 240 NA #> 211 349 27.2 141 22.1 8 NA #> 212 46 29.3 241 31.7 169 16 #> 213 232 29.8 262 32.4 188 NA #> 214 15 25.2 56 34.5 231 NA #> 215 261 28.5 198 39.3 305 NA #> 216 240 26.9 135 35.3 247 NA #> 217 191 26.7 125 29.5 108 NA #> 218 66 35.8 351 27.6 62 NA #> 219 326 26.5 112 29.6 112 NA #> 220 88 27.7 157 27.3 56 NA #> 221 286 30.5 294 31.8 170 NA #> 222 284 24.3 38 32.2 183 NA #> 223 5 34.1 343 39.7 310 NA #> 224 351 31.6 315 30.3 132 NA #> 225 67 26.9 134 29.3 103 NA #> 226 90 28.4 190 40.1 311 NA #> 227 168 26.5 111 40.2 312 NA #> 228 63 30.7 296 29.9 122 NA #> 229 7 30.8 299 44.7 339 NA #> 230 328 26.0 94 29.3 99 NA #> 231 281 33.5 339 29.5 111 NA #> 232 316 29.3 240 31.7 168 NA #> 233 71 34.2 346 39.7 309 NA #> 234 142 23.3 18 21.6 5 7 #> 235 121 25.1 54 28.5 82 NA #> 236 335 26.7 126 31.1 155 NA #> 237 124 30.4 287 34.3 226 NA #> 238 26 28.8 215 41.7 326 NA #> 239 2 29.5 250 48.9 349 NA #> 240 294 23.3 19 37.0 279 NA #> 241 303 28.9 221 22.5 9 NA #> 242 287 25.9 84 23.9 19 NA #> 243 25 29.4 249 38.3 294 NA #> 244 12 30.0 268 44.2 337 NA #> 245 211 33.5 340 24.5 25 NA #> 246 244 30.3 283 26.2 40 NA #> 247 84 23.7 23 27.6 61 NA #> 248 134 27.3 144 31.0 152 NA #> 249 193 21.7 7 34.0 221 NA #> 250 343 26.2 95 35.0 241 NA #> 251 238 32.5 333 37.2 283 NA #> 252 53 29.9 265 25.3 28 NA #> 253 45 28.8 216 33.9 220 NA #> 254 221 25.9 81 30.1 125 NA #> 255 245 28.5 194 31.0 153 NA #> 256 233 28.9 220 34.8 237 NA #> 257 308 28.2 186 29.9 123 NA #> 258 160 27.6 152 33.7 217 NA #> 259 38 29.2 236 35.7 254 NA #> 260 197 27.3 143 27.4 58 NA #> 261 150 25.9 86 32.5 192 NA #> 262 256 30.4 286 34.4 227 NA #> 263 52 30.0 270 48.4 347 NA #> 264 135 28.2 187 39.7 308 NA #> 265 176 31.2 310 28.5 80 NA #> 266 174 29.2 234 45.9 341 NA #> 267 116 25.3 62 48.8 348 NA #> 268 39 25.9 85 35.3 249 NA #> 269 285 26.8 131 32.4 189 NA #> 270 327 25.0 49 30.8 143 NA #> 271 224 28.2 184 37.1 282 NA #> 272 293 27.4 149 37.1 281 NA #> 273 145 26.4 109 33.0 201 NA #> 274 276 25.5 74 33.3 210 NA #> 275 122 27.7 158 40.5 313 NA #> 276 295 20.8 2 29.7 115 NA #> 277 282 27.9 170 34.5 232 NA #> 278 118 26.4 110 29.3 102 NA #> 279 280 27.9 171 38.2 293 NA #> 280 243 28.2 183 36.6 271 NA #> 281 267 27.9 172 30.1 126 NA #> 282 10 28.2 185 49.2 351 16 #> 283 24 32.5 332 27.6 60 NA #> 284 97 29.9 267 37.4 285 NA #> 285 110 26.6 120 38.3 295 NA #> 286 139 25.3 59 49.1 350 NA #> 287 297 30.5 290 34.0 222 NA #> 288 61 29.7 257 43.8 336 NA #> 289 138 26.3 105 40.8 319 NA #> 290 321 26.5 113 28.7 86 NA #> 291 338 29.3 238 31.4 161 NA #> 292 208 26.7 123 35.4 253 NA #> 293 131 25.5 73 28.4 78 NA #> 294 318 21.8 9 32.2 184 NA #> 295 159 29.4 245 39.5 306 NA #> 296 182 30.1 276 28.8 88 NA #> 297 13 33.6 341 36.3 265 NA #> 298 82 30.9 301 38.8 301 NA #> 299 216 23.8 25 29.5 110 NA #> 300 36 27.4 146 40.8 318 NA #> 301 198 28.6 199 43.4 333 NA #> 302 313 25.1 55 25.7 30 NA #> 303 263 25.4 66 38.1 290 NA #> 304 312 21.4 6 39.1 303 NA #> 305 270 30.7 297 28.3 76 NA #> 306 234 28.0 178 38.6 298 NA #> 307 202 27.3 145 33.4 212 NA #> 308 153 29.1 231 36.5 267 NA #> 309 273 28.3 188 29.2 96 NA #> 310 235 28.7 210 36.0 262 NA #> 311 40 31.8 321 41.1 321 NA #> 312 172 31.0 305 29.5 106 NA #> 313 249 26.3 103 33.0 203 NA #> 314 207 30.6 295 31.2 158 NA #> 315 226 28.0 179 31.9 176 NA #> 316 204 25.6 76 28.2 73 NA #> 317 148 29.1 228 41.3 322 NA #> 318 16 30.5 293 30.9 147 NA #> 319 23 33.2 337 33.3 211 16 #> 320 117 31.2 309 29.9 124 NA #> 321 41 28.8 212 40.5 314 NA #> 322 162 28.6 202 36.8 274 NA #> 323 169 30.0 271 43.8 335 NA #> 324 181 28.9 218 34.6 233 NA #> 325 3 34.2 345 37.8 287 NA #> 326 188 36.9 353 34.7 236 NA #> 327 166 29.0 225 49.3 352 NA #> 328 101 29.2 232 36.4 266 NA #> 329 73 33.1 336 39.5 307 NA #> 330 185 28.4 193 32.8 199 NA #> 331 30 30.1 277 46.0 342 NA #> 332 325 26.3 107 29.4 105 NA #> 333 20 29.7 258 43.6 334 NA #> 334 127 28.5 195 28.5 81 NA #> 335 43 30.4 285 42.0 328 NA #> 336 205 29.8 259 40.6 315 NA #> 337 225 29.1 230 33.1 204 NA #> 338 32 34.0 342 42.5 330 NA #> 339 85 25.1 53 35.0 239 NA #> 340 108 30.1 274 29.8 120 NA #> 341 79 34.1 344 36.0 260 NA #> 342 223 33.4 338 33.2 209 NA #> 343 77 25.2 58 39.1 304 NA #> 344 136 26.3 100 31.1 154 NA #> 345 252 35.9 352 36.1 263 NA #> 346 115 28.7 208 30.2 130 NA #> 347 54 26.3 101 33.1 206 NA #> 348 213 27.0 137 35.2 243 NA #> 349 324 31.9 325 42.5 330 NA #> 350 83 29.8 260 38.3 296 NA #> 351 192 31.2 308 30.4 134 NA #> 352 81 31.0 303 36.6 270 NA #> 353 72 30.7 298 46.3 344 NA #> Year #> 1 2020 #> 2 2020 #> 3 2020 #> 4 2020 #> 5 2020 #> 6 2020 #> 7 2020 #> 8 2020 #> 9 2020 #> 10 2020 #> 11 2020 #> 12 2020 #> 13 2020 #> 14 2020 #> 15 2020 #> 16 2020 #> 17 2020 #> 18 2020 #> 19 2020 #> 20 2020 #> 21 2020 #> 22 2020 #> 23 2020 #> 24 2020 #> 25 2020 #> 26 2020 #> 27 2020 #> 28 2020 #> 29 2020 #> 30 2020 #> 31 2020 #> 32 2020 #> 33 2020 #> 34 2020 #> 35 2020 #> 36 2020 #> 37 2020 #> 38 2020 #> 39 2020 #> 40 2020 #> 41 2020 #> 42 2020 #> 43 2020 #> 44 2020 #> 45 2020 #> 46 2020 #> 47 2020 #> 48 2020 #> 49 2020 #> 50 2020 #> 51 2020 #> 52 2020 #> 53 2020 #> 54 2020 #> 55 2020 #> 56 2020 #> 57 2020 #> 58 2020 #> 59 2020 #> 60 2020 #> 61 2020 #> 62 2020 #> 63 2020 #> 64 2020 #> 65 2020 #> 66 2020 #> 67 2020 #> 68 2020 #> 69 2020 #> 70 2020 #> 71 2020 #> 72 2020 #> 73 2020 #> 74 2020 #> 75 2020 #> 76 2020 #> 77 2020 #> 78 2020 #> 79 2020 #> 80 2020 #> 81 2020 #> 82 2020 #> 83 2020 #> 84 2020 #> 85 2020 #> 86 2020 #> 87 2020 #> 88 2020 #> 89 2020 #> 90 2020 #> 91 2020 #> 92 2020 #> 93 2020 #> 94 2020 #> 95 2020 #> 96 2020 #> 97 2020 #> 98 2020 #> 99 2020 #> 100 2020 #> 101 2020 #> 102 2020 #> 103 2020 #> 104 2020 #> 105 2020 #> 106 2020 #> 107 2020 #> 108 2020 #> 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}"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_game_attrs.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Game Attributes — kp_game_attrs","title":"Get Game Attributes — kp_game_attrs","text":"Get Game Attributes","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_game_attrs.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Game Attributes — kp_game_attrs","text":"","code":"kp_game_attrs(year = most_recent_mbb_season(), attr = \"Excitement\")"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_game_attrs.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Game Attributes — kp_game_attrs","text":"year Year data pull attr Game Attribute, valid values include: 'Excitement', 'Tension','Dominance','MinWp','FanMatch', 'Upsets','Busts','Comeback','Window'","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_game_attrs.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Game Attributes — kp_game_attrs","text":"Returns tibble game attributes","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_game_attrs.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Game Attributes — kp_game_attrs","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_game_attrs(year = 2021, attr = \"Excitement\")) #> rk data game #> 1 1 Wed Nov 25 108 Georgia St. 123, 72 Georgia Tech 120 (4OT) #> 2 2 Sun Dec 6 184 Western Carolina 76, 321 Tennessee Tech 75 (OT) #> 3 3 Sun Dec 27 63 Providence 95, 86 DePaul 90 (2OT) #> 4 4 Sat Jan 2 25 Arizona 86, 132 Washington St. 82 (2OT) #> 5 5 Mon Feb 8 157 Mercer 89, 251 Samford 82 (2OT) #> 6 6 Sat Feb 27 328 Lamar 88, 153 Stephen F. Austin 83 (2OT) #> 7 7 Fri Nov 27 109 Santa Clara 66, 205 UC Davis 63 #> 8 8 Sun Dec 13 96 Georgetown 97, 86 St. John's 94 (OT) #> 9 9 Sat Feb 20 231 Milwaukee 89, 214 Oakland 87 (2OT) #> 10 10 Fri Nov 27 30 Syracuse 85, 312 Bryant 84 #> 11 11 Wed Feb 24 134 Mercer 81, 152 Chattanooga 77 (OT) #> 12 12 Sat Feb 27 40 Oklahoma St. 94, 31 Oklahoma 90 (OT) #> 13 13 Tue Mar 2 3 Baylor 94, 19 West Virginia 89 (OT) #> 14 14 Fri Nov 27 40 UCLA 107, 100 Pepperdine 98 (3OT) #> 15 15 Sat Jan 9 25 Alabama 94, 81 Auburn 90 #> 16 16 Sat Feb 6 38 Oklahoma St. 75, 12 Texas 67 (2OT) #> 17 17 Sat Feb 13 23 Oklahoma 91, 16 West Virginia 90 (2OT) #> 18 18 Sun Jan 3 75 Rhode Island 85, 178 Saint Joseph's 77 (OT) #> 19 19 Sat Jan 16 177 Eastern Kentucky 93, 226 Eastern Illinois 85 (OT) #> 20 20 Sat Feb 20 102 Washington St. 85, 57 Stanford 76 (3OT) #> 21 21 Sat Jan 30 86 UC Santa Barbara 89, 214 UC Davis 86 (OT) #> 22 22 Fri Jan 15 259 Utah Valley 93, 282 Seattle 92 (OT) #> 23 23 Fri Jan 1 253 Long Beach St. 90, 159 Cal St. Bakersfield 89 (OT) #> 24 24 Sat Jan 2 175 Wyoming 78, 180 Fresno St. 74 #> 25 25 Fri Jan 8 274 Green Bay 84, 270 Oakland 81 (OT) #> 26 26 Wed Jan 6 26 LSU 94, 91 Georgia 92 (OT) #> 27 27 Sat Feb 6 217 Charleston 90, 272 Towson 88 (2OT) #> 28 28 Sat Jan 30 80 Wichita St. 93, 96 UCF 88 (OT) #> 29 29 Sat Dec 12 62 Dayton 85, 79 Mississippi St. 82 (2OT) #> 30 30 Wed Dec 30 139 George Mason 93, 120 Massachusetts 92 (2OT) #> 31 31 Sat Feb 13 225 Lafayette 97, 251 Loyola MD 94 (3OT) #> 32 32 Sat Jan 2 292 Lehigh 90, 230 Lafayette 89 (OT) #> 33 33 Fri Mar 12 250 Texas Southern 84, 275 Jackson St. 81 (OT) #> 34 34 Tue Mar 2 153 Cleveland St. 108, 277 Purdue Fort Wayne 104 (3OT) #> 35 35 Fri Feb 26 251 UT Arlington 73, 252 Arkansas St. 71 #> 36 36 Sun Jan 17 335 Coppin St. 89, 266 Morgan St. 79 #> 37 37 Thu Feb 25 288 Purdue Fort Wayne 89, 236 Green Bay 84 (2OT) #> 38 38 Fri Jan 22 221 Illinois Chicago 67, 261 Youngstown St. 66 #> 39 39 Thu Nov 26 66 Auburn 96, 164 Saint Joseph's 91 (OT) #> 40 40 Fri Nov 27 16 Illinois 77, 128 Ohio 75 #> 41 41 Fri Mar 5 108 UC Riverside 72, 284 Cal St. Northridge 68 #> 42 42 Sat Feb 6 35 Virginia Tech 80, 118 Miami FL 76 (OT) #> 43 43 Thu Jan 28 181 Fresno St. 64, 281 New Mexico 62 (OT) #> 44 44 Fri Mar 5 112 UC Irvine 71, 278 Long Beach St. 68 (OT) #> 45 45 Fri Mar 12 229 Montana St. 80, 138 Southern Utah 77 (OT) #> 46 46 Sat Feb 27 201 Nicholls St. 105, 300 New Orleans 101 (OT) #> 47 47 Thu Jan 7 176 Eastern Kentucky 69, 230 Jacksonville St. 66 (OT) #> 48 48 Fri Jan 1 256 Rice 95, 174 UTSA 86 #> 49 49 Sat Jan 9 168 UT Arlington 75, 295 Louisiana Monroe 74 #> 50 50 Wed Nov 25 146 Loyola Marymount 85, 187 Southern Utah 83 #> 51 51 Sun Jan 24 255 American 81, 247 Loyola MD 79 (3OT) #> 52 52 Sun Dec 20 63 Providence 80, 46 Seton Hall 77 (OT) #> 53 53 Wed Nov 25 71 St. John's 76, 186 Saint Peter's 75 #> 54 54 Sun Mar 7 222 Appalachian St. 64, 166 Coastal Carolina 61 (OT) #> 55 55 Mon Mar 8 20 BYU 82, 116 Pepperdine 77 (OT) #> 56 56 Wed Mar 10 115 Arizona St. 64, 107 Washington St. 59 #> 57 57 Sat Jan 16 145 Akron 95, 68 Toledo 94 (OT) #> 58 58 Wed Feb 24 105 Cincinnati 70, 111 Tulsa 69 #> 59 59 Fri Jan 8 212 Lipscomb 77, 263 Bellarmine 72 #> 60 60 Sat Feb 13 199 Nicholls St. 86, 330 Southeastern Louisiana 84 (OT) #> 61 61 Thu Feb 18 326 Tennessee St. 91, 325 Tennessee Tech 86 #> 62 62 Sat Feb 20 239 The Citadel 75, 151 VMI 74 #> 63 63 Sun Jan 17 234 Norfolk St. 83, 352 Delaware St. 79 (OT) #> 64 64 Sat Feb 27 169 Northern Iowa 94, 193 Illinois St. 87 (2OT) #> 65 65 Tue Mar 2 147 Miami OH 84, 115 Bowling Green 79 (OT) #> 66 66 Wed Feb 24 270 Western Carolina 81, 106 UNC Greensboro 80 #> 67 67 Wed Jan 13 134 Wofford 80, 244 VMI 78 #> 68 68 Sat Apr 3 1 Gonzaga 93, 15 UCLA 90 (OT) #> 69 69 Sat Dec 12 105 South Florida 58, 135 Wofford 56 #> 70 70 Thu Dec 10 281 Portland 87, 122 Oregon St. 86 (OT) #> 71 71 Mon Feb 22 328 Southeastern Louisiana 78, 337 Texas A&M Corpus Chris 75 #> 72 72 Sat Jan 2 63 Boise St. 87, 314 San Jose St. 86 #> 73 73 Tue Dec 8 44 Minnesota 85, 85 Boston College 80 (OT) #> 74 74 Sat Jan 30 307 Fairleigh Dickinson 81, 178 Bryant 79 #> 75 75 Sat Feb 20 213 Saint Joseph's 91, 186 La Salle 82 (OT) #> 76 76 Sat Feb 27 232 Prairie View A&M 55, 347 Alabama A&M 54 #> 77 77 Sat Feb 13 212 UC Davis 78, 275 Long Beach St. 76 (OT) #> 78 78 Sat Nov 28 141 Washington St. 71, 143 Eastern Washington 68 #> 79 79 Sun Mar 14 8 Alabama 80, 29 LSU 79 #> 80 80 Sat Jan 30 32 Oklahoma St. 81, 34 Arkansas 77 #> 81 81 Sat Dec 12 211 South Alabama 76, 307 Southern Miss 75 #> 82 82 Sat Dec 5 157 Eastern Illinois 93, 278 Green Bay 91 (2OT) #> 83 83 Fri Feb 5 315 North Dakota 85, 340 Denver 82 (OT) #> 84 84 Sun Nov 29 343 Alabama A&M 78, 309 Samford 76 #> 85 85 Sun Jan 24 137 Washington 83, 72 Utah 79 #> 86 86 Sat Feb 13 25 Arkansas 86, 38 Missouri 81 (OT) #> 87 87 Sat Jan 2 5 Iowa 77, 19 Rutgers 75 #> 88 88 Sat Feb 27 316 Nebraska Omaha 80, 345 Denver 76 #> 89 89 Thu Jan 21 30 Arizona 84, 73 Arizona St. 82 #> 90 90 Mon Dec 14 126 Nevada 79, 158 San Diego 72 #> 91 91 Fri Feb 5 253 Youngstown St. 84, 268 Robert Morris 78 (OT) #> 92 92 Sat Mar 6 285 New Orleans 81, 336 Southeastern Louisiana 76 (OT) #> 93 93 Sat Jan 2 324 Northern Arizona 83, 342 Idaho 78 (OT) #> 94 94 Mon Nov 30 63 Xavier 99, 204 Eastern Kentucky 96 (OT) #> 95 95 Mon Feb 1 232 Western Carolina 76, 290 The Citadel 75 #> 96 96 Sat Jan 30 47 BYU 95, 132 Pacific 87 (2OT) #> 97 97 Sat Feb 6 342 Denver 85, 314 North Dakota 81 (OT) #> 98 98 Tue Dec 15 304 St. Francis NY 91, 338 Central Connecticut 86 #> 99 99 Tue Jan 5 32 North Carolina 67, 65 Miami FL 65 #> 100 100 Sun Dec 20 14 Creighton 76, 45 Connecticut 74 (OT) #> location conf excitement year #> 1 Atlanta, GA (McCamish Pavilion) 4.74 2021 #> 2 Cullowhee, NC (Ramsey Center) 3.84 2021 #> 3 Providence, RI (Alumni Hall) BE 3.67 2021 #> 4 Pullman, WA (Beasley Coliseum) P12 3.65 2021 #> 5 Macon, GA (Hawkins Arena) SC 3.63 2021 #> 6 Beaumont, TX (Montagne Center) Slnd 3.59 2021 #> 7 Santa Clara, CA (Leavey Center) 3.58 2021 #> 8 Washington, DC (McDonough Arena) BE 3.53 2021 #> 9 Milwaukee, WI (UWM Panther Arena) Horz 3.49 2021 #> 10 Syracuse, NY (Carrier Dome) 3.46 2021 #> 11 Macon, GA (Hawkins Arena) SC 3.44 2021 #> 12 Norman, OK (Lloyd Noble Center) B12 3.44 2021 #> 13 Morgantown, WV (WVU Coliseum) B12 3.44 2021 #> 14 San Diego, CA (Viejas Arena) 3.42 2021 #> 15 Auburn, AL (Auburn Arena) SEC 3.41 2021 #> 16 Stillwater, OK (Gallagher-Iba Arena) B12 3.41 2021 #> 17 Morgantown, WV (WVU Coliseum) B12 3.40 2021 #> 18 Kingston, RI (Ryan Center) A10 3.39 2021 #> 19 Charleston, IL (Lantz Arena) OVC 3.39 2021 #> 20 Pullman, WA (Beasley Coliseum) P12 3.36 2021 #> 21 Davis, CA (The Pavilion) BW 3.36 2021 #> 22 Seattle, WA (Redhawk Center) WAC 3.35 2021 #> 23 Long Beach, CA (The Walter Pyramid) BW 3.33 2021 #> 24 Fresno, CA (Save Mart Center) MWC 3.32 2021 #> 25 Green Bay, WI (Resch Center) Horz 3.32 2021 #> 26 Baton Rouge, LA (Maravich Assembly Center) SEC 3.31 2021 #> 27 Charleston, SC (TD Arena) CAA 3.29 2021 #> 28 Wichita, KS (Charles Koch Arena) Amer 3.28 2021 #> 29 Atlanta, GA (State Farm Arena) 3.26 2021 #> 30 Amherst, MA (Mullins Center) A10 3.25 2021 #> 31 Easton, PA (Kirby Sports Center) Pat 3.24 2021 #> 32 Bethlehem, PA (Stabler Arena) Pat 3.23 2021 #> 33 Birmingham, AL (Bartow Arena) SWAC-T 3.23 2021 #> 34 Cleveland, OH (Wolstein Center) Horz-T 3.23 2021 #> 35 Arlington, TX (College Park Center) SB 3.23 2021 #> 36 Baltimore, MD (Hill Field House) MEAC 3.19 2021 #> 37 Green Bay, WI (Resch Center) Horz-T 3.19 2021 #> 38 Youngstown, OH (Beeghly Physical Education Center) Horz 3.18 2021 #> 39 Fort Myers, FL (Suncoast Credit Union Arena) 3.18 2021 #> 40 Champaign, IL (State Farm Center) 3.16 2021 #> 41 Northridge, CA (Matadome) BW 3.16 2021 #> 42 Coral Gables, FL (Watsco Center) ACC 3.16 2021 #> 43 Fresno, CA (Save Mart Center) MWC 3.15 2021 #> 44 Long Beach, CA (The Walter Pyramid) BW 3.15 2021 #> 45 Boise, ID (Idaho Central Arena) BSky-T 3.15 2021 #> 46 New Orleans, LA (Lakefront Arena) Slnd 3.15 2021 #> 47 Richmond, KY (McBrayer Arena) OVC 3.14 2021 #> 48 Houston, TX (Tudor Fieldhouse) CUSA 3.14 2021 #> 49 Monroe, LA (Fant-Ewing Coliseum) SB 3.13 2021 #> 50 Los Angeles, CA (Gersten Pavilion) 3.12 2021 #> 51 Baltimore, MD (Reitz Arena) Pat 3.12 2021 #> 52 Newark, NJ (Prudential Center) BE 3.11 2021 #> 53 Jamaica, NY (Carnesecca Arena) 3.11 2021 #> 54 Pensacola, FL (Pensacola Bay Center) SB-T 3.11 2021 #> 55 Las Vegas, NV (Orleans Arena) WCC-T 3.10 2021 #> 56 Las Vegas, NV (T-Mobile Arena) P12-T 3.10 2021 #> 57 Akron, OH (Rhodes Arena) MAC 3.09 2021 #> 58 Tulsa, OK (Reynolds Center) Amer 3.09 2021 #> 59 Louisville, KY (Freedom Hall) ASun 3.09 2021 #> 60 Hammond, LA (University Center) Slnd 3.09 2021 #> 61 Nashville, TN (Gentry Center) OVC 3.09 2021 #> 62 Charleston, SC (McAlister Field House) SC 3.05 2021 #> 63 Dover, DE (Memorial Hall) MEAC 3.05 2021 #> 64 Normal, IL (Redbird Arena) MVC 3.04 2021 #> 65 Bowling Green, OH (Stroh Center) MAC 3.04 2021 #> 66 Greensboro, NC (Greensboro Coliseum) SC 3.03 2021 #> 67 Lexington, VA (Cameron Hall) SC 3.03 2021 #> 68 Indianapolis, IN (Lucas Oil Stadium) NCAA 3.02 2021 #> 69 Atlanta, GA (State Farm Arena) 3.02 2021 #> 70 Corvallis, OR (Gill Coliseum) 3.01 2021 #> 71 Corpus Christi, TX (American Bank Center) Slnd 2.98 2021 #> 72 Phoeniz, AZ (GCU Arena) MWC 2.98 2021 #> 73 Minneapolis, MN (Williams Arena) 2.97 2021 #> 74 Teaneck, NJ (Rothman Center) NEC 2.95 2021 #> 75 Philadelphia, PA (Michael J. Hagan '85 Arena) A10 2.95 2021 #> 76 Normal, AL (Elmore Gymnasium) SWAC 2.94 2021 #> 77 Davis, CA (The Pavilion) BW 2.94 2021 #> 78 Pullman, WA (Beasley Coliseum) 2.94 2021 #> 79 Nashville, TN (Bridgestone Arena) SEC-T 2.94 2021 #> 80 Stillwater, OK (Gallagher-Iba Arena) 2.94 2021 #> 81 Hattiesburg, MS (Reed Green Coliseum) 2.94 2021 #> 82 Green Bay, WI (Resch Center) 2.94 2021 #> 83 Denver, CO (Hamilton Gymnasium) Sum 2.94 2021 #> 84 Homewood, AL (Hanna Center) 2.94 2021 #> 85 Seattle, WA (Alaska Airlines Arena) P12 2.93 2021 #> 86 Columbia, MO (Mizzou Arena) SEC 2.93 2021 #> 87 Piscataway, NJ (Rutgers Athletic Center) B10 2.93 2021 #> 88 Denver, CO (Hamilton Gymnasium) Sum 2.92 2021 #> 89 Tempe, AZ (Desert Financial Arena) P12 2.91 2021 #> 90 San Diego, CA (Jenny Craig Pavilion) 2.90 2021 #> 91 Moon Township, PA (UPMC Events Center) Horz 2.90 2021 #> 92 New Orleans, LA (Lakefront Arena) Slnd 2.90 2021 #> 93 Moscow, ID (Memorial Gym) BSky 2.90 2021 #> 94 Cincinnati, OH (Cintas Center) 2.90 2021 #> 95 Cullowhee, NC (Ramsey Center) SC 2.89 2021 #> 96 Provo, UT (Marriott Center) WCC 2.89 2021 #> 97 Denver, CO (Hamilton Gymnasium) Sum 2.88 2021 #> 98 New Britain, CT (Detrick Gymnasium) NEC 2.88 2021 #> 99 Coral Gables, FL (Watsco Center) ACC 2.88 2021 #> 100 Storrs, CT (Gampel Pavilion) BE 2.88 2021 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_gameplan.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's team game plan page — kp_gameplan","title":"Get KenPom's team game plan page — kp_gameplan","text":"Get KenPom's team game plan page","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_gameplan.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's team game plan page — kp_gameplan","text":"","code":"kp_gameplan(team, year = 2021)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_gameplan.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom's team game plan page — kp_gameplan","text":"team Team filter select. year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_gameplan.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's team game plan page — kp_gameplan","text":"Returns named list tibbles: gameplan, correlations, position_distributions gameplan correlations position_distributions","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_gameplan.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's team game plan page — kp_gameplan","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_gameplan(team='Florida St.', year=2021)) #> $gameplan #> date opponent_rk opponent result location pace off_eff #> 1 2020-12-02 297 North Florida W, 86-58 H 72 118.9 #> 2 2020-12-09 50 Indiana W, 69-67 H 62 99.1 #> 3 2020-12-12 41 Florida W, 83-71 H 76 108.6 #> 4 2020-12-15 37 Georgia Tech W, 74-61 H 64 115.0 #> 5 2020-12-19 100 UCF L, 86-74 H 69 106.7 #> 6 2020-12-21 182 Gardner Webb W, 72-59 H 74 97.5 #> 7 2020-12-29 45 Clemson L, 77-67 A 73 91.2 #> 8 2021-01-13 71 N.C. State W, 105-73 H 69 153.3 #> 9 2021-01-16 34 North Carolina W, 82-75 H 70 116.8 #> 10 2021-01-18 59 Louisville W, 78-65 A 66 117.9 #> 11 2021-01-23 45 Clemson W, 80-61 H 70 115.1 #> 12 2021-01-27 138 Miami FL W, 81-59 H 68 118.5 #> 13 2021-01-30 37 Georgia Tech L, 76-65 A 73 89.2 #> 14 2021-02-13 175 Wake Forest W, 92-85 H 67 121.5 #> 15 2021-02-15 19 Virginia W, 81-60 H 62 130.8 #> 16 2021-02-20 97 Pittsburgh W, 79-72 A 71 111.1 #> 17 2021-02-24 138 Miami FL W, 88-71 A 70 126.3 #> 18 2021-02-27 34 North Carolina L, 78-70 A 75 92.9 #> 19 2021-03-03 148 Boston College W, 93-64 H 78 119.8 #> 20 2021-03-06 85 Notre Dame L, 83-73 A 77 94.4 #> 21 2021-03-12 34 North Carolina W, 69-66 N 71 97.0 #> 22 2021-03-13 37 Georgia Tech L, 80-75 N 69 108.7 #> 23 2021-03-20 108 UNC Greensboro W, 64-54 N 66 96.5 #> 24 2021-03-22 8 Colorado W, 71-53 N 65 109.9 #> 25 2021-03-28 3 Michigan L, 76-58 N 68 85.4 #> off_eff_rk off_e_fg_pct off_to_pct off_or_pct off_ftr off_fgm_2 off_fga_2 #> 1 5 50.7 13.8 47.2 30.0 25 46 #> 2 16 42.0 14.4 39.6 30.4 17 49 #> 3 8 55.6 20.9 25.0 55.6 18 38 #> 4 3 60.8 20.2 29.2 31.4 19 34 #> 5 8 56.9 20.2 26.7 51.0 14 28 #> 6 16 39.3 21.7 43.9 52.5 15 28 #> 7 15 49.2 23.1 21.1 14.5 17 30 #> 8 1 81.0 16.1 37.5 19.0 29 40 #> 9 3 56.0 24.2 36.0 54.0 16 34 #> 10 4 57.3 18.1 33.3 16.1 22 41 #> 11 4 58.3 20.1 35.3 23.3 17 32 #> 12 5 56.5 21.9 48.4 22.6 26 44 #> 13 24 45.5 28.8 44.1 41.1 21 42 #> 14 6 55.9 15.8 36.1 59.3 15 34 #> 15 2 61.2 8.1 25.0 22.4 16 34 #> 16 7 48.3 15.5 33.3 50.0 22 44 #> 17 3 60.1 15.8 42.4 10.1 28 44 #> 18 20 42.5 22.6 42.9 29.9 21 50 #> 19 4 65.9 21.9 26.7 20.6 22 36 #> 20 21 45.3 18.1 25.0 31.2 20 40 #> 21 17 50.0 25.3 32.3 41.5 19 40 #> 22 8 64.0 36.2 54.5 28.0 20 35 #> 23 15 52.1 22.6 19.2 41.7 25 39 #> 24 7 58.7 23.2 24.0 45.6 18 29 #> 25 23 44.2 20.6 25.7 10.0 19 40 #> off_fg_2_pct off_fgm_3 off_fga_3 off_fg_3_pct off_fg_3a_pct def_eff #> 1 54.3 7 24 29.2 34.3 80.2 #> 2 34.7 8 20 40.0 29.0 96.2 #> 3 47.4 8 16 50.0 29.6 92.9 #> 4 55.9 8 17 47.1 33.3 94.8 #> 5 50.0 10 23 43.5 45.1 124.0 #> 6 53.6 6 33 18.2 54.1 79.9 #> 7 56.7 9 32 28.1 51.6 104.8 #> 8 72.5 12 18 66.7 31.0 106.5 #> 9 47.1 8 16 50.0 32.0 106.8 #> 10 53.7 9 21 42.9 33.9 98.3 #> 11 53.1 12 28 42.9 46.7 87.8 #> 12 59.1 6 18 33.3 29.0 86.3 #> 13 50.0 3 14 21.4 25.0 104.2 #> 14 44.1 12 25 48.0 42.4 112.2 #> 15 47.1 13 24 54.2 41.4 96.9 #> 16 50.0 4 14 28.6 24.1 101.2 #> 17 63.6 9 25 36.0 36.2 101.9 #> 18 42.0 5 17 29.4 25.4 103.5 #> 19 61.1 13 27 48.1 42.9 82.5 #> 20 50.0 6 24 25.0 37.5 107.3 #> 21 47.5 5 13 38.5 24.5 92.8 #> 22 57.1 8 15 53.3 30.0 116.0 #> 23 64.1 0 9 0.0 18.8 81.4 #> 24 62.1 6 17 35.3 37.0 82.0 #> 25 47.5 5 20 25.0 33.3 112.0 #> def_eff_rk def_e_fg_pct def_to_pct def_or_pct def_ftr def_fgm_2 def_fga_2 #> 1 2 49.0 33.2 24.2 24.0 8 23 #> 2 9 40.4 20.1 37.5 49.1 17 42 #> 3 5 50.9 26.2 28.6 27.1 15 36 #> 4 4 48.0 18.6 21.4 29.4 17 31 #> 5 23 58.3 18.8 37.0 48.1 18 35 #> 6 2 38.8 18.9 16.7 31.0 9 25 #> 7 16 42.1 16.3 41.3 52.4 16 39 #> 8 14 53.2 16.1 25.7 12.7 17 37 #> 9 17 51.6 19.9 38.2 22.6 17 38 #> 10 6 47.4 18.1 35.1 31.6 21 41 #> 11 5 34.8 17.3 25.6 46.4 12 26 #> 12 5 45.4 19.0 18.9 31.5 11 31 #> 13 11 50.0 19.2 29.4 43.9 18 33 #> 14 20 55.8 18.5 25.7 41.7 14 33 #> 15 5 56.4 21.0 14.3 25.5 13 24 #> 16 11 41.2 11.2 32.6 32.4 22 51 #> 17 18 40.0 11.5 35.4 27.1 16 47 #> 18 14 42.5 27.9 52.6 50.0 18 37 #> 19 4 46.7 29.6 34.1 28.3 10 29 #> 20 14 50.9 19.4 24.2 63.0 14 27 #> 21 5 38.2 16.9 42.0 36.8 17 50 #> 22 20 47.6 10.2 36.8 45.2 22 39 #> 23 3 37.5 15.1 25.0 21.7 12 33 #> 24 2 41.1 29.4 43.2 19.6 14 31 #> 25 13 51.7 13.3 33.3 39.0 26 48 #> def_fg_2_pct def_fgm_3 def_fga_3 def_fg_3_pct def_fg_3a_pct wl team_score #> 1 34.8 11 27 40.7 54.0 W 86 #> 2 40.5 4 15 26.7 26.3 W 69 #> 3 41.7 10 23 43.5 39.0 W 83 #> 4 54.8 5 20 25.0 39.2 W 74 #> 5 51.4 9 19 47.4 35.2 L 74 #> 6 36.0 9 33 27.3 56.9 W 72 #> 7 41.0 7 24 29.2 38.1 L 67 #> 8 45.9 11 26 42.3 41.3 W 105 #> 9 44.7 10 24 41.7 38.7 W 82 #> 10 51.2 4 16 25.0 28.1 W 78 #> 11 46.2 5 30 16.7 53.6 W 80 #> 12 35.5 9 23 39.1 42.6 W 81 #> 13 54.5 7 24 29.2 42.1 L 65 #> 14 42.4 13 27 48.1 45.0 W 92 #> 15 54.2 9 23 39.1 48.9 W 81 #> 16 43.1 4 17 23.5 25.0 W 79 #> 17 34.0 8 23 34.8 32.9 W 88 #> 18 48.6 5 23 21.7 38.3 L 70 #> 19 34.5 12 31 38.7 51.7 W 93 #> 20 51.9 9 27 33.3 50.0 L 73 #> 21 34.0 6 18 33.3 26.5 W 69 #> 22 56.4 5 23 21.7 37.1 L 75 #> 23 36.4 7 27 25.9 45.0 W 64 #> 24 45.2 6 25 24.0 44.6 W 71 #> 25 54.2 3 11 27.3 18.6 L 58 #> opponent_score day_date game_date #> 1 58 Wed Dec 2 20201202 #> 2 67 Wed Dec 9 20201209 #> 3 71 Sat Dec 12 20201212 #> 4 61 Tue Dec 15 20201215 #> 5 86 Sat Dec 19 20201219 #> 6 59 Mon Dec 21 20201221 #> 7 77 Tue Dec 29 20201229 #> 8 73 Wed Jan 13 20210113 #> 9 75 Sat Jan 16 20210116 #> 10 65 Mon Jan 18 20210118 #> 11 61 Sat Jan 23 20210123 #> 12 59 Wed Jan 27 20210127 #> 13 76 Sat Jan 30 20210130 #> 14 85 Sat Feb 13 20210213 #> 15 60 Mon Feb 15 20210215 #> 16 72 Sat Feb 20 20210220 #> 17 71 Wed Feb 24 20210224 #> 18 78 Sat Feb 27 20210227 #> 19 64 Wed Mar 3 20210303 #> 20 83 Sat Mar 6 20210306 #> 21 66 Fri Mar 12 20210312 #> 22 80 Sat Mar 13 20210313 #> 23 54 Sat Mar 20 20210320 #> 24 53 Mon Mar 22 20210322 #> 25 76 Sun Mar 28 20210328 #> #> $correlations #> correlations_r_x_100 pace off_e_fg_pct off_to_pct off_or_pct off_ftr #> 27 to offensive efficiency: -28 +84 -44 +16 -15 #> 28 to defensive efficiency: -2 +7 +13 +3 +0 #> def_e_fg_pct def_to_pct def_or_pct def_ftr #> 27 +30 +4 -34 -61 #> 28 +57 -48 +30 +46 #> #> $position_distributions #> team category c_pct pf_pct sf_pct sg_pct pg_pct c_pct_rk pf_pct_rk #> 1 Florida St. % Points 20.2 19.1 21.8 20.8 18.1 169 188 #> 2 Florida St. % Off Rebs 35.7 21.3 18.5 15.5 9.0 173 279 #> 3 Florida St. % Def Rebs 28.9 17.5 25.3 16.1 12.0 81 324 #> sf_pct_rk sg_pct_rk pg_pct_rk c_pct_d1_avg pf_pct_d1_avg sf_pct_d1_avg #> 1 101 144 237 20.2 19.6 19.6 #> 2 123 73 131 36.1 27.1 16.8 #> 3 21 175 278 25.9 23.5 19.5 #> sg_pct_d1_avg pg_pct_d1_avg #> 1 20.2 20.4 #> 2 11.6 8.4 #> 3 16.6 14.4 #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_hca.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Home Court Advantage Estimates — kp_hca","title":"Get Home Court Advantage Estimates — kp_hca","text":"Get Home Court Advantage Estimates","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_hca.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Home Court Advantage Estimates — kp_hca","text":"","code":"kp_hca()"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_hca.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Home Court Advantage Estimates — kp_hca","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_hca.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Home Court Advantage Estimates — kp_hca","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_hca()) #> team conf hca hca_rk pf pf_rk pts pts_rk nst nst_rk #> 1 West Virginia B12 4.6 1 -4.5 18 12.2 2 -2.7 3 #> 2 Texas Tech B12 4.6 2 -5.3 3 10.3 20 -1.8 21 #> 3 TCU B12 4.3 3 -5.6 1 9.3 35 -1.5 48 #> 4 Air Force MWC 4.3 4 -3.6 65 9.2 39 -0.8 174 #> 5 New Mexico MWC 4.3 5 -3.0 98 11.6 5 -0.9 155 #> 6 Utah St. MWC 4.2 6 -3.3 82 11.5 6 -0.2 287 #> 7 Colorado P12 4.1 7 -3.2 86 10.9 13 0.1 329 #> 8 Iowa St. B12 4.1 8 -3.9 51 9.5 27 -3.2 1 #> 9 Charlotte CUSA 4.1 9 -4.1 32 11.0 11 -1.6 37 #> 10 Tennessee SEC 4.1 10 -4.6 15 9.2 38 -2.6 4 #> 11 Wake Forest ACC 4.1 11 -5.4 2 7.9 74 -1.6 36 #> 12 Saint Louis A10 4.1 12 -5.1 4 8.8 48 -1.2 108 #> 13 Bradley MVC 4.1 13 -4.2 30 11.1 9 -1.1 116 #> 14 Oklahoma B12 4.0 14 -4.7 11 9.3 36 -1.0 136 #> 15 Arkansas SEC 4.0 15 -4.6 14 9.0 45 -0.5 239 #> 16 Illinois St. MVC 4.0 16 -4.5 20 10.1 22 -1.4 66 #> 17 North Carolina A&T CAA 4.0 17 -5.0 5 7.5 86 -1.3 78 #> 18 Kentucky SEC 4.0 18 -4.8 8 9.1 43 -1.3 77 #> 19 Rutgers B10 4.0 19 -4.4 22 9.4 29 -1.7 31 #> 20 Iowa B10 4.0 20 -4.2 31 10.2 21 -0.8 170 #> 21 Connecticut BE 3.9 21 -4.7 13 8.5 55 -1.5 48 #> 22 Clemson ACC 3.9 22 -4.1 35 8.7 50 -1.9 16 #> 23 Tulsa Amer 3.9 23 -3.0 99 12.1 3 -1.5 48 #> 24 Mississippi St. SEC 3.9 24 -4.0 36 10.9 12 -0.1 299 #> 25 Evansville MVC 3.9 25 -4.9 6 7.5 87 -1.8 20 #> 26 Maryland B10 3.9 26 -4.8 10 7.4 89 -1.9 16 #> 27 Missouri SEC 3.8 27 -4.8 9 7.7 80 -0.7 210 #> 28 Oregon P12 3.8 28 -2.8 118 12.7 1 -0.8 180 #> 29 Creighton BE 3.8 29 -3.0 99 11.3 8 -1.0 131 #> 30 Nevada MWC 3.8 30 -4.0 42 7.2 105 -1.4 61 #> 31 SMU Amer 3.8 31 -3.2 85 11.7 4 -1.0 127 #> 32 Cincinnati Amer 3.8 32 -3.9 48 9.2 42 -1.0 131 #> 33 Memphis Amer 3.8 33 -4.5 18 8.3 62 -1.4 67 #> 34 Georgia SEC 3.8 34 -4.0 42 9.3 37 -1.3 78 #> 35 Purdue B10 3.8 35 -3.5 71 10.8 15 -0.7 190 #> 36 BYU WCC 3.8 36 -2.8 122 9.1 44 -0.8 176 #> 37 St. Bonaventure A10 3.8 37 -3.7 58 8.9 47 -1.2 97 #> 38 Auburn SEC 3.8 38 -3.7 58 8.7 51 -0.9 166 #> 39 Ohio MAC 3.7 39 -3.7 58 9.4 32 -2.1 10 #> 40 Louisiana Tech CUSA 3.7 40 -3.4 78 9.4 33 -1.6 41 #> 41 Kansas St. B12 3.7 41 -3.9 52 6.3 148 -2.9 2 #> 42 Utah P12 3.7 42 -2.2 170 8.5 55 -1.6 35 #> 43 Western Kentucky CUSA 3.7 43 -4.5 16 4.8 244 -2.5 6 #> 44 South Dakota St. Sum 3.7 44 -2.9 110 10.3 18 -1.4 67 #> 45 Texas B12 3.7 45 -4.2 26 6.6 134 -1.6 46 #> 46 Stanford P12 3.7 46 -3.0 103 10.4 17 -1.0 136 #> 47 Massachusetts A10 3.7 47 -4.0 45 8.2 64 -1.7 28 #> 48 UTEP CUSA 3.7 48 -3.3 82 7.4 91 -1.6 41 #> 49 Alabama SEC 3.7 49 -4.4 22 7.8 75 -0.2 283 #> 50 La Salle A10 3.6 50 -4.0 38 8.0 69 -1.1 122 #> 51 Louisville ACC 3.6 51 -4.5 17 6.6 131 -1.3 78 #> 52 Stephen F. Austin WAC 3.6 52 -2.4 156 9.3 34 -1.9 14 #> 53 Oklahoma St. B12 3.6 53 -4.7 12 5.2 221 -2.2 9 #> 54 Florida St. ACC 3.6 54 -2.8 121 11.1 10 -1.2 97 #> 55 Baylor B12 3.6 55 -4.9 6 4.8 247 -1.4 61 #> 56 Ohio St. B10 3.6 56 -3.5 74 9.4 30 -0.7 210 #> 57 Utah Valley WAC 3.6 57 -1.3 268 9.7 24 -1.1 113 #> 58 San Diego St. MWC 3.6 58 -3.0 96 10.5 16 -1.4 72 #> 59 Michigan St. B10 3.6 59 -2.2 177 10.3 18 -1.4 59 #> 60 Old Dominion SB 3.6 60 -4.0 45 8.6 54 -1.0 141 #> 61 Michigan B10 3.6 61 -3.8 54 7.5 85 -1.2 103 #> 62 LSU SEC 3.6 62 -4.5 21 6.9 118 -1.2 108 #> 63 N.C. State ACC 3.6 63 -3.6 67 7.0 111 -2.4 7 #> 64 Kansas B12 3.5 64 -4.0 38 6.0 164 -1.4 64 #> 65 Marshall SB 3.5 65 -3.8 54 7.2 101 -0.7 199 #> 66 North Carolina ACC 3.5 66 -3.4 76 6.6 132 -1.7 26 #> 67 Penn St. B10 3.5 67 -3.6 65 7.8 76 -0.3 272 #> 68 Marquette BE 3.5 68 -3.8 57 7.0 114 -1.2 94 #> 69 California P12 3.5 69 -3.1 92 9.2 39 -1.4 72 #> 70 Wyoming MWC 3.5 70 -2.9 116 5.4 200 -1.2 108 #> 71 Washington P12 3.5 71 -2.9 105 7.7 79 -0.7 199 #> 72 Middle Tennessee CUSA 3.5 72 -3.1 87 8.2 64 -1.1 125 #> 73 Villanova BE 3.5 73 -4.3 25 6.3 144 -1.6 41 #> 74 Boise St. MWC 3.4 74 -4.2 28 6.0 168 -0.6 216 #> 75 Providence BE 3.4 75 -3.9 49 5.3 204 -0.9 155 #> 76 Indiana St. MVC 3.4 76 -3.6 63 8.4 58 -0.8 178 #> 77 Indiana B10 3.4 77 -3.5 69 8.4 57 -0.1 297 #> 78 Northern Iowa MVC 3.4 78 -3.6 64 7.4 92 -1.0 136 #> 79 New Mexico St. WAC 3.4 79 -2.5 153 6.2 156 -0.6 231 #> 80 Southern Miss SB 3.4 80 -2.5 149 10.8 14 -0.4 260 #> 81 UCF Amer 3.4 81 -2.1 181 10.0 23 -1.2 103 #> 82 North Texas CUSA 3.4 82 -3.7 58 6.7 129 -1.2 103 #> 83 South Carolina SEC 3.4 83 -4.3 24 5.2 221 -1.9 18 #> 84 UNC Wilmington CAA 3.4 84 -3.5 70 7.0 115 -1.4 59 #> 85 Drake MVC 3.4 85 -4.0 41 5.9 172 -0.7 187 #> 86 Grand Canyon WAC 3.4 86 -2.4 156 8.2 68 -1.4 64 #> 87 Coastal Carolina SB 3.4 87 -3.8 54 7.0 115 -0.9 166 #> 88 Duke ACC 3.4 88 -2.6 140 7.6 84 -0.7 190 #> 89 Texas A&M SEC 3.4 89 -4.2 29 3.9 282 -2.0 13 #> 90 Denver Sum 3.3 90 -2.3 167 7.2 100 -0.1 291 #> 91 Southern Illinois MVC 3.3 91 -2.9 114 8.9 46 -0.5 246 #> 92 VCU A10 3.3 92 -3.4 76 8.2 67 -0.7 206 #> 93 Missouri St. MVC 3.3 93 -3.9 52 6.0 167 -1.3 92 #> 94 USC P12 3.3 94 -2.1 184 8.2 64 -2.2 8 #> 95 Tennessee St. OVC 3.3 95 -2.9 105 7.0 113 -0.9 163 #> 96 Colorado St. MWC 3.3 96 -2.3 168 5.7 184 -1.7 29 #> 97 UAB CUSA 3.3 97 -3.1 87 7.7 83 0.2 346 #> 98 St. John's BE 3.3 98 -2.6 142 7.1 108 -1.6 45 #> 99 Southern SWAC 3.3 99 -1.9 204 9.4 28 -1.0 141 #> 100 Seton Hall BE 3.3 100 -4.1 34 3.5 299 -1.9 18 #> 101 Dayton A10 3.3 101 -3.7 62 5.3 211 -1.1 120 #> 102 Loyola Chicago A10 3.3 102 -3.2 84 8.0 71 -0.7 187 #> 103 Xavier BE 3.3 103 -4.0 45 4.8 246 -1.8 23 #> 104 Weber St. BSky 3.3 104 -2.0 198 6.2 152 -0.8 180 #> 105 UTSA CUSA 3.3 105 -1.8 222 11.5 7 -1.3 78 #> 106 Southeast Missouri St. OVC 3.3 106 -3.1 92 7.4 92 -0.3 277 #> 107 UNLV MWC 3.3 107 -3.1 92 5.8 180 -1.1 123 #> 108 Nebraska Omaha Sum 3.2 108 -2.6 135 7.4 89 -1.2 97 #> 109 Wofford SC 3.2 109 -2.7 131 6.6 132 -0.8 180 #> 110 UCLA P12 3.2 110 -2.5 151 7.9 72 -0.6 216 #> 111 Tennessee Martin OVC 3.2 111 -3.0 101 6.9 119 -0.3 267 #> 112 Nebraska B10 3.2 112 -4.0 42 5.2 223 0.1 332 #> 113 Norfolk St. MEAC 3.2 113 -1.9 210 8.0 69 -1.6 39 #> 114 Virginia ACC 3.2 114 -4.2 26 3.6 293 -0.5 251 #> 115 Georgia Tech ACC 3.2 115 -4.0 36 4.7 249 -1.1 113 #> 116 Miami FL ACC 3.2 116 -3.4 75 5.5 192 -1.8 23 #> 117 South Carolina St. MEAC 3.2 117 -3.9 50 4.1 273 -0.4 264 #> 118 Virginia Tech ACC 3.2 118 -2.1 179 6.9 117 -1.8 22 #> 119 Furman SC 3.2 119 -2.9 105 5.5 195 -0.5 254 #> 120 Butler BE 3.2 120 -2.7 129 7.1 106 0.2 342 #> 121 George Washington A10 3.2 121 -2.6 142 6.8 124 -1.8 23 #> 122 William & Mary CAA 3.2 122 -2.6 137 5.8 181 -0.6 232 #> 123 Oral Roberts Sum 3.2 123 -2.4 162 8.3 60 -0.9 159 #> 124 North Carolina Central MEAC 3.2 124 -1.6 241 9.4 30 -1.3 87 #> 125 Temple Amer 3.2 125 -2.3 169 7.3 98 -1.9 14 #> 126 Syracuse ACC 3.2 126 -2.9 109 5.4 199 -0.9 159 #> 127 Arizona P12 3.2 127 -2.9 114 5.3 204 -0.9 163 #> 128 Vanderbilt SEC 3.2 128 -4.1 33 4.5 259 -0.6 224 #> 129 Miami OH MAC 3.2 129 -3.1 95 5.3 216 -1.3 85 #> 130 Arizona St. P12 3.1 130 -2.7 133 6.3 149 -1.2 95 #> 131 Oregon St. P12 3.1 131 -2.9 116 6.7 128 -1.0 136 #> 132 Wisconsin B10 3.1 132 -3.5 72 5.9 176 -0.7 210 #> 133 Lamar Slnd 3.1 133 -3.5 72 5.0 237 -0.6 224 #> 134 Mississippi SEC 3.1 134 -2.6 142 6.8 124 -0.6 216 #> 135 Saint Joseph's A10 3.1 135 -3.3 79 4.4 262 -2.0 12 #> 136 Central Arkansas ASun 3.1 136 -1.8 216 6.8 126 -1.5 56 #> 137 Milwaukee Horz 3.1 137 -3.3 79 4.4 263 -1.0 141 #> 138 Wright St. Horz 3.1 138 -3.1 90 7.0 111 -0.5 236 #> 139 Notre Dame ACC 3.1 139 -2.4 154 6.0 164 -0.7 187 #> 140 Murray St. MVC 3.1 140 -1.5 246 9.7 25 -1.2 101 #> 141 St. Thomas Sum 3.1 141 -1.9 203 8.6 53 -0.7 198 #> 142 Western Carolina SC 3.1 142 -2.2 172 6.8 127 -0.8 180 #> 143 East Carolina Amer 3.1 143 -2.8 122 7.2 103 -0.2 285 #> 144 George Mason A10 3.1 144 -4.0 38 2.4 337 -1.7 26 #> 145 Youngstown St. Horz 3.1 145 -1.7 230 8.2 63 -1.2 108 #> 146 Kent St. MAC 3.1 146 -2.0 196 7.7 80 -0.5 244 #> 147 DePaul BE 3.1 147 -2.9 105 4.7 254 -1.4 70 #> 148 Illinois B10 3.1 148 -2.9 110 6.2 154 -0.9 159 #> 149 Western Michigan MAC 3.1 149 -2.6 142 6.9 119 -1.5 52 #> 150 Drexel CAA 3.1 150 -2.2 171 8.3 61 -0.5 246 #> 151 Tarleton St. WAC 3.1 151 -1.8 221 7.7 82 -1.0 126 #> 152 Seattle WAC 3.1 152 -2.6 137 7.9 72 -0.3 276 #> 153 Houston Christian Slnd 3.1 153 -2.4 156 6.6 136 -0.5 239 #> 154 Hampton CAA 3.1 154 -2.8 126 6.8 122 -0.7 199 #> 155 Valparaiso MVC 3.1 155 -3.1 87 5.9 170 0.2 344 #> 156 Jackson St. SWAC 3.1 156 -3.3 81 5.4 200 -0.1 306 #> 157 Howard MEAC 3.1 157 -2.0 190 6.1 159 -1.7 29 #> 158 Arkansas St. SB 3.1 158 -2.7 130 4.6 255 -1.5 52 #> 159 Detroit Mercy Horz 3.1 159 -2.9 110 6.5 137 -0.5 239 #> 160 Bowling Green MAC 3.1 160 -2.6 137 5.1 228 -1.4 61 #> 161 Charleston CAA 3.0 161 -2.2 175 6.4 140 -1.7 31 #> 162 Samford SC 3.0 162 -2.4 161 7.3 98 -1.3 78 #> 163 Minnesota B10 3.0 163 -2.9 113 6.2 152 -0.1 299 #> 164 Georgia St. SB 3.0 164 -2.6 148 5.6 188 -0.6 232 #> 165 Little Rock OVC 3.0 165 -3.5 68 6.6 134 0.0 317 #> 166 Houston Amer 3.0 166 -2.7 131 6.5 138 -1.0 127 #> 167 Ball St. MAC 3.0 167 -3.1 90 4.5 257 -1.4 72 #> 168 Washington St. P12 3.0 168 -1.6 239 7.3 97 0.0 317 #> 169 Morehead St. OVC 3.0 169 -1.8 222 6.1 159 -0.4 256 #> 170 Cal Baptist WAC 3.0 170 -1.7 231 7.4 95 -1.2 100 #> 171 Wichita St. Amer 3.0 171 -2.4 154 5.2 223 -0.6 224 #> 172 Lindenwood OVC 3.0 172 -2.0 199 6.4 142 -1.0 146 #> 173 San Jose St. MWC 3.0 173 -1.9 200 8.7 52 -0.1 291 #> 174 North Dakota St. Sum 3.0 174 -2.8 118 5.9 176 -0.3 267 #> 175 UT Arlington WAC 3.0 175 -2.0 193 6.4 141 -1.4 67 #> 176 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC 3.0 176 -2.8 118 5.2 223 -0.7 199 #> 177 South Florida Amer 3.0 177 -3.0 96 3.7 288 -1.0 127 #> 178 Nicholls St. Slnd 2.9 178 -1.2 276 9.6 26 -1.6 41 #> 179 Alabama A&M SWAC 2.9 179 -2.4 162 6.8 123 0.0 309 #> 180 North Dakota Sum 2.9 180 -1.8 218 7.4 92 -1.0 147 #> 181 IUPUI Horz 2.9 181 -2.6 140 5.1 228 -0.5 244 #> 182 Davidson A10 2.9 182 -2.1 186 5.9 173 -0.2 287 #> 183 Montana St. BSky 2.9 183 -1.8 222 5.6 191 0.3 351 #> 184 UNC Greensboro SC 2.9 184 -1.5 250 3.9 285 -2.0 11 #> 185 Sam Houston St. WAC 2.9 185 -1.5 248 6.2 158 -1.4 70 #> 186 Utah Tech WAC 2.9 186 -0.9 300 7.3 96 -0.7 185 #> 187 Boston College ACC 2.9 187 -2.1 181 6.2 156 -0.4 256 #> 188 Troy SB 2.9 188 -1.8 216 5.9 170 -0.6 223 #> 189 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd 2.9 189 -2.2 172 4.3 266 -1.3 78 #> 190 Eastern Michigan MAC 2.9 190 -2.8 126 4.7 253 -1.0 141 #> 191 Pittsburgh ACC 2.9 191 -3.0 103 4.1 271 0.1 329 #> 192 North Florida ASun 2.9 192 -1.3 266 8.4 59 -0.5 251 #> 193 South Dakota Sum 2.9 193 -1.8 222 6.6 130 -0.4 256 #> 194 Southern Utah WAC 2.8 194 -1.0 293 5.3 204 -0.7 206 #> 195 Western Illinois Sum 2.8 195 -2.0 196 7.1 106 -0.3 272 #> 196 San Francisco WCC 2.8 196 -2.6 135 3.7 290 -0.9 148 #> 197 Florida Gulf Coast ASun 2.8 197 -1.4 252 7.2 103 -0.9 150 #> 198 Alcorn St. SWAC 2.8 198 -2.2 177 6.3 144 0.1 332 #> 199 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd 2.8 199 -2.1 179 5.3 216 -0.9 166 #> 200 Towson CAA 2.8 200 -2.4 164 4.4 261 -0.8 171 #> 201 Long Beach St. BW 2.8 201 -2.5 149 5.3 213 0.2 344 #> 202 Morgan St. MEAC 2.8 202 -1.3 266 7.8 77 0.0 323 #> 203 Gonzaga WCC 2.8 203 -1.1 282 6.2 151 -1.5 56 #> 204 Bethune Cookman SWAC 2.8 204 -1.2 276 7.8 77 -0.7 190 #> 205 Florida SEC 2.8 205 -2.8 126 4.2 270 -0.7 206 #> 206 FIU CUSA 2.8 206 -2.4 156 6.3 149 0.0 313 #> 207 Richmond A10 2.8 207 -2.6 142 5.3 211 -0.8 178 #> 208 Tulane Amer 2.8 208 -2.5 151 3.6 292 -0.9 150 #> 209 Louisiana Monroe SB 2.8 209 -1.9 204 6.3 147 -0.9 150 #> 210 Texas A&M Commerce Slnd 2.8 210 -1.6 235 5.3 219 -1.3 90 #> 211 James Madison SB 2.8 211 -1.8 219 3.4 302 -1.6 46 #> 212 Cal St. Bakersfield BW 2.8 212 -1.6 244 6.0 168 -1.4 72 #> 213 Southern Indiana OVC 2.8 213 -2.0 195 5.2 226 -0.7 214 #> 214 Fresno St. MWC 2.8 214 -2.6 142 4.0 276 -0.7 199 #> 215 Georgia Southern SB 2.8 215 -1.9 202 6.0 166 0.0 323 #> 216 Buffalo MAC 2.8 216 -2.1 187 4.8 244 -1.1 120 #> 217 Saint Mary's WCC 2.8 217 -1.7 232 5.3 204 -1.1 118 #> 218 Kennesaw St. ASun 2.8 218 -1.6 241 5.2 220 -1.1 116 #> 219 UNC Asheville BSth 2.8 219 -1.4 252 5.7 185 -0.7 190 #> 220 Montana BSky 2.8 220 -1.9 208 4.2 267 0.0 317 #> 221 Appalachian St. SB 2.8 221 -1.9 200 3.3 309 -0.7 199 #> 222 Queens ASun 2.8 222 -1.5 249 5.7 183 -0.7 186 #> 223 Cleveland St. Horz 2.8 223 -2.1 181 5.9 173 0.7 359 #> 224 South Alabama SB 2.8 224 -0.9 304 9.2 39 0.7 360 #> 225 Delaware CAA 2.8 225 -1.0 298 7.0 110 -0.1 291 #> 226 Siena MAAC 2.8 226 -1.0 293 6.5 138 -1.3 92 #> 227 Toledo MAC 2.7 227 -1.9 208 5.4 200 -1.2 103 #> 228 Rice CUSA 2.7 228 -1.9 204 4.7 251 -1.1 113 #> 229 VMI SC 2.7 229 -1.6 233 5.1 228 -1.2 108 #> 230 Georgetown BE 2.7 230 -3.0 101 3.2 313 -0.6 232 #> 231 Winthrop BSth 2.7 231 -2.0 193 3.9 278 -1.5 56 #> 232 Texas Southern SWAC 2.7 232 -1.0 296 8.8 49 0.6 357 #> 233 Abilene Christian WAC 2.7 233 -0.3 335 5.7 186 -1.7 33 #> 234 The Citadel SC 2.7 234 -2.3 165 3.3 309 -1.3 87 #> 235 Prairie View A&M SWAC 2.7 235 -1.6 241 5.9 175 0.3 349 #> 236 Chattanooga SC 2.7 236 -1.8 214 4.1 271 -0.9 163 #> 237 UMKC Sum 2.7 237 -1.4 262 5.3 215 -1.3 78 #> 238 Eastern Kentucky ASun 2.7 238 -0.9 301 5.5 194 -0.7 215 #> 239 Duquesne A10 2.7 239 -2.8 122 2.0 342 -1.0 131 #> 240 Binghamton AE 2.7 240 -1.7 227 5.6 189 -0.5 246 #> 241 New Orleans Slnd 2.7 241 -1.4 252 5.3 204 -0.9 148 #> 242 Northwestern B10 2.7 242 -1.6 240 4.9 241 -0.7 199 #> 243 Pacific WCC 2.7 243 -1.6 244 4.6 255 -1.0 141 #> 244 Alabama St. SWAC 2.7 244 -2.1 188 4.5 257 0.0 313 #> 245 North Alabama ASun 2.7 245 -0.8 311 5.8 182 -1.3 91 #> 246 Belmont MVC 2.7 246 -1.4 259 6.2 154 -0.3 272 #> 247 Florida A&M SWAC 2.7 247 -1.8 214 4.9 241 -0.9 150 #> 248 Purdue Fort Wayne Horz 2.7 248 -1.6 236 6.1 163 -0.3 272 #> 249 Rhode Island A10 2.7 249 -2.7 133 1.8 344 -0.4 262 #> 250 Fordham A10 2.6 250 -2.4 160 1.6 347 -1.3 87 #> 251 Eastern Illinois OVC 2.6 251 -2.2 172 3.4 301 -0.7 190 #> 252 Mercer SC 2.6 252 -2.2 175 3.2 314 -1.0 127 #> 253 Florida Atlantic CUSA 2.6 253 -0.9 307 5.5 196 -1.6 39 #> 254 Akron MAC 2.6 254 -2.0 192 4.3 264 -0.6 216 #> 255 McNeese St. Slnd 2.6 255 -2.1 184 3.4 302 -0.5 251 #> 256 Chicago St. ind 2.6 256 -2.3 165 1.6 345 -1.7 33 #> 257 High Point BSth 2.6 257 -0.3 333 6.9 119 -0.3 270 #> 258 Tennessee Tech OVC 2.6 258 -1.1 286 5.1 228 -0.1 308 #> 259 Northern Kentucky Horz 2.6 259 -1.4 257 4.1 273 -1.5 55 #> 260 Idaho St. BSky 2.6 260 -1.3 269 4.2 268 0.5 353 #> 261 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC 2.6 261 -1.1 290 5.1 228 -0.3 277 #> 262 Louisiana SB 2.6 262 -1.8 212 5.3 204 0.1 335 #> 263 Northwestern St. Slnd 2.6 263 -1.1 289 4.7 249 -1.5 51 #> 264 Delaware St. MEAC 2.6 264 -1.2 275 5.4 200 -0.8 171 #> 265 Iona MAAC 2.6 265 -1.4 251 3.9 280 -0.9 155 #> 266 Idaho BSky 2.6 266 -1.4 262 3.8 286 -0.6 216 #> 267 Monmouth CAA 2.6 267 -1.0 291 6.1 161 -1.2 101 #> 268 Northern Arizona BSky 2.6 268 -1.1 286 2.7 328 -0.8 171 #> 269 Fairfield MAAC 2.6 269 -1.1 281 5.8 179 -0.6 232 #> 270 Austin Peay ASun 2.5 270 -1.1 282 6.3 146 -0.5 239 #> 271 Liberty ASun 2.5 271 -1.8 212 3.1 318 -1.3 85 #> 272 Incarnate Word Slnd 2.5 272 -0.5 317 5.6 190 -1.0 131 #> 273 NJIT AE 2.5 273 -1.2 276 5.0 236 -0.8 176 #> 274 SIU Edwardsville OVC 2.5 274 -0.9 305 5.0 239 -0.5 254 #> 275 Green Bay Horz 2.5 275 -2.0 190 3.4 304 -0.5 246 #> 276 Pepperdine WCC 2.5 276 -1.5 246 5.1 233 0.1 338 #> 277 Albany AE 2.5 277 -2.8 122 1.5 353 -1.1 118 #> 278 Texas St. SB 2.5 278 -1.9 204 3.2 314 -0.1 291 #> 279 Saint Peter's MAAC 2.5 279 -1.6 233 5.4 197 0.1 339 #> 280 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 2.5 280 -0.9 299 5.3 216 -0.4 259 #> 281 Illinois Chicago MVC 2.5 281 -1.3 269 3.9 282 -0.7 206 #> 282 Elon CAA 2.5 282 -1.4 259 3.5 299 -0.6 216 #> 283 Bryant AE 2.5 283 -0.9 301 5.3 210 -0.1 291 #> 284 Bucknell Pat 2.5 284 -0.5 320 5.3 213 -1.1 123 #> 285 Niagara MAAC 2.5 285 0.0 349 7.5 88 -0.9 150 #> 286 San Diego WCC 2.5 286 -1.8 222 2.0 341 -0.5 246 #> 287 Portland St. BSky 2.4 287 -0.5 320 6.1 161 -0.5 236 #> 288 Loyola MD Pat 2.4 288 -1.0 296 6.4 143 0.6 358 #> 289 USC Upstate BSth 2.4 289 -1.4 257 3.8 286 -0.2 285 #> 290 Santa Clara WCC 2.4 290 -2.1 188 1.5 351 -0.9 166 #> 291 Campbell BSth 2.4 291 -1.7 227 3.3 307 -0.8 180 #> 292 Army Pat 2.4 292 -0.5 324 5.8 178 -0.1 289 #> 293 New Hampshire AE 2.4 293 -1.2 274 4.2 268 -0.1 291 #> 294 Bellarmine ASun 2.4 294 -1.2 279 3.3 306 -0.9 162 #> 295 Northeastern CAA 2.4 295 -0.3 334 5.2 227 -1.4 72 #> 296 East Tennessee St. SC 2.4 296 -1.4 252 1.6 345 -0.7 190 #> 297 Stony Brook CAA 2.4 297 -1.4 259 3.0 320 -1.0 136 #> 298 Hofstra CAA 2.4 298 -1.7 227 1.0 358 -2.5 5 #> 299 Central Michigan MAC 2.4 299 -1.4 262 3.1 316 -0.5 239 #> 300 LIU NEC 2.3 300 -0.9 307 3.6 294 -0.1 299 #> 301 Hawaii BW 2.3 301 -1.6 236 3.9 280 0.9 361 #> 302 Sacramento St. BSky 2.3 302 -0.2 340 5.4 197 -0.1 289 #> 303 Vermont AE 2.3 303 -1.3 269 2.7 328 -1.2 95 #> 304 Penn Ivy 2.3 304 -1.9 210 3.0 320 0.0 309 #> 305 Maine AE 2.3 305 -1.3 269 3.9 282 -0.1 303 #> 306 Presbyterian BSth 2.3 306 -0.5 320 4.1 273 -1.2 103 #> 307 Cornell Ivy 2.3 307 0.7 361 7.2 102 0.0 317 #> 308 UMass Lowell AE 2.3 308 -1.1 286 3.5 298 -0.7 210 #> 309 Jacksonville ASun 2.3 309 -0.5 318 5.5 193 0.1 337 #> 310 Northern Illinois MAC 2.3 310 -0.9 305 2.8 326 -1.5 52 #> 311 Lafayette Pat 2.3 311 -1.4 265 3.3 308 0.0 309 #> 312 Oakland Horz 2.3 312 -1.6 236 1.4 354 -0.8 175 #> 313 Manhattan MAAC 2.3 313 -0.4 329 4.7 248 -1.0 131 #> 314 Quinnipiac MAAC 2.3 314 -1.1 282 3.3 309 -0.2 281 #> 315 UC Santa Barbara BW 2.3 315 -1.1 282 2.9 323 0.0 309 #> 316 Holy Cross Pat 2.3 316 -1.3 269 2.6 331 0.0 313 #> 317 Canisius MAAC 2.3 317 -1.4 252 2.5 333 0.1 332 #> 318 Harvard Ivy 2.3 318 -0.5 326 4.5 260 0.0 322 #> 319 Northern Colorado BSky 2.3 319 -1.0 291 1.6 347 -0.1 303 #> 320 Cal Poly BW 2.3 320 -1.1 280 2.7 327 -0.6 222 #> 321 Robert Morris Horz 2.3 321 -0.1 346 3.0 322 -0.2 279 #> 322 Lehigh Pat 2.3 322 -0.3 331 4.8 243 -0.1 299 #> 323 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC 2.3 323 0.3 356 7.0 109 -0.4 262 #> 324 Grambling St. SWAC 2.2 324 -0.4 330 3.6 296 0.0 317 #> 325 Sacred Heart NEC 2.2 325 -0.8 313 3.3 309 0.3 350 #> 326 Lipscomb ASun 2.2 326 -0.9 307 5.0 238 0.5 354 #> 327 Loyola Marymount WCC 2.2 327 -0.5 324 5.1 233 0.6 356 #> 328 Jacksonville St. ASun 2.2 328 -1.8 219 -0.4 362 -0.6 224 #> 329 Charleston Southern BSth 2.2 329 -0.1 347 5.7 186 -0.7 190 #> 330 Dartmouth Ivy 2.2 330 0.0 350 4.7 251 0.0 323 #> 331 UC Davis BW 2.2 331 -1.0 293 4.3 265 0.5 355 #> 332 Mount St. Mary's MAAC 2.1 332 0.1 351 4.0 277 -0.4 264 #> 333 Marist MAAC 2.1 333 -0.1 345 3.7 290 -0.3 270 #> 334 Cal St. Northridge BW 2.1 334 -0.5 320 1.9 343 -0.2 281 #> 335 Central Connecticut NEC 2.1 335 0.1 353 3.6 294 -0.7 190 #> 336 St. Francis PA NEC 2.1 336 -0.8 310 1.4 355 -0.2 279 #> 337 Gardner Webb BSth 2.1 337 -0.6 316 3.7 289 0.0 323 #> 338 American Pat 2.1 338 0.0 348 3.1 318 -0.1 306 #> 339 UC Irvine BW 2.1 339 0.6 360 5.0 239 -0.4 264 #> 340 Stetson ASun 2.1 340 0.4 358 5.0 235 0.1 329 #> 341 Columbia Ivy 2.0 341 -0.6 315 3.5 297 0.9 362 #> 342 Longwood BSth 2.0 342 -0.1 342 1.6 350 -1.6 37 #> 343 Colgate Pat 2.0 343 -0.3 331 3.4 305 0.0 313 #> 344 Eastern Washington BSky 2.0 344 0.1 351 3.9 278 0.2 342 #> 345 Stonehill NEC 2.0 345 -0.2 339 2.9 325 0.2 340 #> 346 Wagner NEC 2.0 346 -0.1 342 2.4 335 0.3 351 #> 347 UMBC AE 2.0 347 -0.8 313 2.4 337 0.2 346 #> 348 Rider MAAC 2.0 348 -0.3 335 3.1 317 -0.2 283 #> 349 Yale Ivy 2.0 349 -0.3 335 2.5 332 0.1 335 #> 350 Brown Ivy 2.0 350 -0.4 327 0.3 360 -0.6 224 #> 351 UC San Diego BW 1.9 351 -0.1 344 2.4 336 0.1 328 #> 352 Merrimack NEC 1.9 352 -0.2 338 1.0 357 -0.3 269 #> 353 Hartford ind 1.9 353 -0.8 312 1.5 352 0.0 323 #> 354 Radford BSth 1.9 354 -0.9 301 0.3 359 -0.1 303 #> 355 Princeton Ivy 1.9 355 0.5 359 2.5 334 -0.6 224 #> 356 Portland WCC 1.9 356 0.2 354 2.7 328 -0.1 297 #> 357 UC Riverside BW 1.9 357 0.3 355 2.2 339 -0.6 224 #> 358 Coppin St. MEAC 1.9 358 -0.5 318 1.2 356 0.2 346 #> 359 Boston University Pat 1.8 359 -0.4 327 0.2 361 -0.9 155 #> 360 Cal St. Fullerton BW 1.8 360 0.3 356 2.2 340 -0.5 236 #> 361 St. Francis NY NEC 1.8 361 -0.2 340 1.6 347 0.2 341 #> 362 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC 1.5 362 1.4 363 2.9 323 1.3 363 #> 363 Navy Pat 1.1 363 0.8 362 -2.2 363 -0.4 260 #> blk blk_rk elev elev_rk #> 1 2.3 9 1000 60 #> 2 1.3 129 3200 20 #> 3 2.0 21 600 140 #> 4 1.4 111 7000 2 #> 5 1.1 192 5100 7 #> 6 1.5 89 4800 10 #> 7 1.1 175 5400 5 #> 8 1.9 31 900 70 #> 9 1.8 42 700 116 #> 10 1.2 150 900 70 #> 11 1.4 99 1000 60 #> 12 1.9 31 500 172 #> 13 1.8 46 500 172 #> 14 1.6 68 1100 50 #> 15 2.1 13 1300 42 #> 16 1.1 198 800 94 #> 17 2.0 16 800 94 #> 18 0.9 251 1000 60 #> 19 1.8 40 0 318 #> 20 1.7 51 700 116 #> 21 1.6 76 600 140 #> 22 1.9 23 700 116 #> 23 1.5 85 800 94 #> 24 2.0 16 400 193 #> 25 1.3 129 400 193 #> 26 1.5 80 100 268 #> 27 1.7 55 700 116 #> 28 1.6 62 400 193 #> 29 1.6 73 1000 60 #> 30 0.7 288 4600 15 #> 31 1.1 170 600 140 #> 32 1.6 68 800 94 #> 33 1.2 150 200 241 #> 34 1.2 156 700 116 #> 35 1.4 99 600 140 #> 36 1.0 214 4700 14 #> 37 1.4 120 1400 39 #> 38 2.1 12 700 116 #> 39 0.7 295 600 140 #> 40 1.9 23 300 219 #> 41 1.7 58 1100 50 #> 42 1.4 95 4800 10 #> 43 1.9 29 500 172 #> 44 0.8 278 1600 38 #> 45 1.7 55 500 172 #> 46 2.0 19 100 268 #> 47 1.1 198 200 241 #> 48 0.9 251 3800 19 #> 49 1.8 46 200 241 #> 50 1.4 99 200 241 #> 51 1.0 205 400 193 #> 52 2.4 6 300 219 #> 53 0.8 278 900 70 #> 54 1.1 181 100 268 #> 55 1.4 120 400 193 #> 56 1.1 186 700 116 #> 57 1.4 113 4600 15 #> 58 0.6 305 400 193 #> 59 1.9 31 800 94 #> 60 0.9 251 0 318 #> 61 1.1 175 900 70 #> 62 0.9 226 0 318 #> 63 1.2 156 400 193 #> 64 1.6 76 900 70 #> 65 1.8 38 500 172 #> 66 2.1 14 400 193 #> 67 1.6 73 1200 45 #> 68 1.2 161 600 140 #> 69 1.0 223 200 241 #> 70 1.2 141 7200 1 #> 71 2.7 1 100 268 #> 72 1.4 106 600 140 #> 73 0.3 340 400 193 #> 74 0.3 337 2700 23 #> 75 2.3 10 0 318 #> 76 0.4 330 500 172 #> 77 0.9 226 800 94 #> 78 0.7 295 900 70 #> 79 2.4 8 4000 18 #> 80 1.0 211 200 241 #> 81 1.6 65 100 268 #> 82 0.8 278 700 116 #> 83 0.4 333 200 241 #> 84 1.1 202 0 318 #> 85 1.0 205 900 70 #> 86 1.4 99 1100 50 #> 87 0.9 256 0 318 #> 88 2.5 5 400 193 #> 89 1.1 186 400 193 #> 90 0.9 232 5300 6 #> 91 1.1 175 400 193 #> 92 0.7 293 200 241 #> 93 0.3 340 1300 42 #> 94 1.6 76 200 241 #> 95 1.9 31 500 172 #> 96 1.1 181 5000 8 #> 97 1.8 42 600 140 #> 98 1.9 31 100 268 #> 99 1.9 23 100 268 #> 100 1.4 111 0 318 #> 101 1.2 163 700 116 #> 102 0.3 337 600 140 #> 103 0.5 318 600 140 #> 104 1.8 37 4800 10 #> 105 0.1 352 300 219 #> 106 1.3 126 500 172 #> 107 1.1 198 2000 32 #> 108 0.9 232 1000 60 #> 109 1.9 29 800 94 #> 110 1.5 83 400 193 #> 111 1.6 62 400 193 #> 112 1.2 161 1100 50 #> 113 1.8 38 0 318 #> 114 1.4 113 500 172 #> 115 0.2 349 900 70 #> 116 0.6 306 0 318 #> 117 1.7 51 300 219 #> 118 0.6 302 2200 29 #> 119 2.0 19 1000 60 #> 120 1.8 46 800 94 #> 121 0.9 225 100 268 #> 122 2.6 2 100 268 #> 123 0.7 288 600 140 #> 124 1.1 175 400 193 #> 125 1.0 214 100 268 #> 126 1.8 46 600 140 #> 127 1.1 170 2400 28 #> 128 0.6 299 500 172 #> 129 1.1 192 900 70 #> 130 0.9 241 1200 45 #> 131 0.9 232 200 241 #> 132 0.3 337 900 70 #> 133 1.4 113 0 318 #> 134 1.4 106 500 172 #> 135 0.7 286 300 219 #> 136 2.2 11 300 219 #> 137 1.4 106 600 140 #> 138 0.1 353 900 70 #> 139 1.9 26 700 116 #> 140 0.7 295 500 172 #> 141 0.9 255 900 70 #> 142 1.0 205 2100 30 #> 143 1.2 163 100 268 #> 144 0.9 241 400 193 #> 145 0.9 232 1000 60 #> 146 1.2 141 1200 45 #> 147 1.4 120 600 140 #> 148 0.5 311 800 94 #> 149 0.1 355 800 94 #> 150 0.9 232 100 268 #> 151 0.9 231 1300 42 #> 152 0.5 323 300 219 #> 153 1.7 58 100 268 #> 154 0.8 275 0 318 #> 155 1.1 170 800 94 #> 156 1.2 163 300 219 #> 157 1.6 68 100 268 #> 158 1.5 85 300 219 #> 159 0.5 311 600 140 #> 160 1.2 150 700 116 #> 161 1.1 192 0 318 #> 162 0.1 353 700 116 #> 163 0.9 226 800 94 #> 164 1.5 89 1000 60 #> 165 -0.2 362 300 219 #> 166 0.5 311 0 318 #> 167 0.5 311 900 70 #> 168 1.3 133 2600 25 #> 169 2.4 6 800 94 #> 170 0.9 261 800 94 #> 171 1.5 87 1400 39 #> 172 1.4 98 600 140 #> 173 0.9 256 100 268 #> 174 0.6 306 900 70 #> 175 0.9 241 600 140 #> 176 1.1 186 0 318 #> 177 1.3 126 100 268 #> 178 0.0 357 0 318 #> 179 0.7 288 700 116 #> 180 0.5 326 800 94 #> 181 1.1 192 700 116 #> 182 1.6 67 800 94 #> 183 1.1 175 4900 9 #> 184 2.6 3 900 70 #> 185 1.5 80 400 193 #> 186 1.0 222 2700 23 #> 187 1.2 147 200 241 #> 188 1.6 72 500 172 #> 189 1.5 80 0 318 #> 190 0.3 340 800 94 #> 191 1.1 186 1100 50 #> 192 1.0 223 0 318 #> 193 0.8 267 1200 45 #> 194 1.0 205 5800 4 #> 195 0.4 329 600 140 #> 196 1.3 135 300 219 #> 197 1.2 163 0 318 #> 198 1.1 186 300 219 #> 199 1.1 170 100 268 #> 200 1.3 135 400 193 #> 201 1.4 113 0 318 #> 202 1.5 89 200 241 #> 203 0.8 262 1900 33 #> 204 1.2 156 0 318 #> 205 0.8 275 200 241 #> 206 0.6 309 0 318 #> 207 0.2 350 200 241 #> 208 1.3 129 0 318 #> 209 0.6 299 100 268 #> 210 1.3 138 600 140 #> 211 1.9 26 1400 39 #> 212 0.9 241 400 193 #> 213 1.2 155 500 172 #> 214 1.0 211 300 219 #> 215 1.4 99 200 241 #> 216 0.8 262 600 140 #> 217 1.1 192 600 140 #> 218 1.2 163 1100 50 #> 219 1.0 214 2100 30 #> 220 1.6 65 3200 20 #> 221 1.7 54 3200 20 #> 222 1.3 125 600 140 #> 223 1.2 150 700 116 #> 224 1.4 113 200 241 #> 225 2.1 15 100 268 #> 226 1.4 106 100 268 #> 227 0.5 326 600 140 #> 228 1.1 181 0 318 #> 229 0.8 266 1000 60 #> 230 0.6 302 0 318 #> 231 0.9 241 700 116 #> 232 1.4 120 0 318 #> 233 2.0 16 1700 35 #> 234 1.1 186 0 318 #> 235 1.8 40 300 219 #> 236 1.4 99 700 116 #> 237 0.9 241 900 70 #> 238 1.9 26 1000 60 #> 239 0.9 232 800 94 #> 240 0.5 311 900 70 #> 241 1.2 141 0 318 #> 242 1.2 141 600 140 #> 243 1.4 99 0 318 #> 244 1.3 133 300 219 #> 245 1.4 94 600 140 #> 246 0.9 241 600 140 #> 247 0.7 283 100 268 #> 248 0.5 321 800 94 #> 249 1.7 51 100 268 #> 250 1.4 95 100 268 #> 251 0.8 267 700 116 #> 252 0.8 270 500 172 #> 253 1.3 139 0 318 #> 254 0.4 333 1100 50 #> 255 1.3 126 0 318 #> 256 1.0 205 600 140 #> 257 1.8 42 900 70 #> 258 1.9 36 1100 50 #> 259 0.9 241 800 94 #> 260 1.4 106 4600 15 #> 261 2.0 21 100 268 #> 262 0.8 274 0 318 #> 263 1.1 175 100 268 #> 264 1.0 214 0 318 #> 265 1.4 95 0 318 #> 266 1.2 163 2600 25 #> 267 0.5 323 0 318 #> 268 1.4 113 6900 3 #> 269 0.8 262 0 318 #> 270 0.2 345 500 172 #> 271 0.5 326 900 70 #> 272 1.2 150 700 116 #> 273 0.9 256 100 268 #> 274 1.6 76 500 172 #> 275 0.5 318 600 140 #> 276 0.8 270 300 219 #> 277 -0.1 361 200 241 #> 278 1.1 202 700 116 #> 279 0.2 345 100 268 #> 280 1.1 181 100 268 #> 281 1.1 202 600 140 #> 282 1.2 156 700 116 #> 283 1.2 163 400 193 #> 284 1.0 214 500 172 #> 285 0.4 330 600 140 #> 286 1.6 68 200 241 #> 287 0.9 256 200 241 #> 288 0.7 288 300 219 #> 289 0.9 226 900 70 #> 290 0.8 262 100 268 #> 291 0.2 347 200 241 #> 292 1.1 198 400 193 #> 293 1.0 219 100 268 #> 294 0.9 230 500 172 #> 295 0.8 275 0 318 #> 296 1.5 87 1700 35 #> 297 0.5 311 100 268 #> 298 0.0 360 100 268 #> 299 0.7 295 800 94 #> 300 1.8 46 0 318 #> 301 1.0 219 0 318 #> 302 1.7 58 0 318 #> 303 0.5 321 400 193 #> 304 0.4 335 0 318 #> 305 0.6 299 100 268 #> 306 0.7 283 700 116 #> 307 1.5 89 900 70 #> 308 0.7 293 100 268 #> 309 1.0 219 0 318 #> 310 0.6 302 900 70 #> 311 0.7 285 300 219 #> 312 0.8 278 900 70 #> 313 0.5 318 100 268 #> 314 0.8 267 400 193 #> 315 1.3 139 100 268 #> 316 0.9 241 700 116 #> 317 0.9 232 600 140 #> 318 1.4 120 0 318 #> 319 1.5 83 4800 10 #> 320 0.7 288 300 219 #> 321 2.5 4 1200 45 #> 322 1.0 211 300 219 #> 323 0.5 323 200 241 #> 324 1.6 62 300 219 #> 325 1.5 89 300 219 #> 326 0.0 358 600 140 #> 327 0.9 241 100 268 #> 328 1.4 113 700 116 #> 329 0.0 359 0 318 #> 330 1.2 156 500 172 #> 331 0.2 350 100 268 #> 332 1.3 129 500 172 #> 333 1.2 147 100 268 #> 334 1.7 58 900 70 #> 335 1.2 141 100 268 #> 336 1.2 147 1900 33 #> 337 0.2 347 800 94 #> 338 1.7 57 400 193 #> 339 1.1 170 100 268 #> 340 1.0 205 100 268 #> 341 0.9 251 100 268 #> 342 0.9 256 400 193 #> 343 0.4 335 1100 50 #> 344 0.3 340 2500 27 #> 345 1.2 146 100 268 #> 346 1.8 42 200 241 #> 347 0.6 306 200 241 #> 348 0.3 340 100 268 #> 349 0.9 232 100 268 #> 350 1.6 73 100 268 #> 351 0.9 240 400 193 #> 352 1.1 185 200 241 #> 353 0.1 356 100 268 #> 354 0.4 330 1700 35 #> 355 1.1 192 100 268 #> 356 0.8 270 200 241 #> 357 0.6 309 1100 50 #> 358 0.7 286 200 241 #> 359 0.5 311 0 318 #> 360 0.8 278 200 241 #> 361 0.8 270 100 268 #> 362 1.3 135 0 318 #> 363 -0.3 363 0 318 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_height.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Heights, Experience, Bench and Continuity Data — kp_height","title":"Get Heights, Experience, Bench and Continuity Data — kp_height","text":"Get Heights, Experience, Bench Continuity Data","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_height.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Heights, Experience, Bench and Continuity Data — kp_height","text":"","code":"kp_height(min_year, max_year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_height.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Heights, Experience, Bench and Continuity Data — kp_height","text":"min_year First year data pull max_year Last year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_height.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Heights, Experience, Bench and Continuity Data — kp_height","text":"Returns tibble heights","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_height.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Heights, Experience, Bench and Continuity Data — kp_height","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_height(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2021)) #> 2023-04-06 19:14:57: Invalid arguments or no height data for 2020 - 2021 available! #> Team Conf Avg.Hgt Avg.Hgt.Rk Eff.Hgt Eff.Hgt.Rk C.Hgt #> 1 Florida St. ACC 79.0 1 1.4 27 1.6 #> 2 Eastern Michigan MAC 78.8 2 2.3 4 2.4 #> 3 Gonzaga WCC 78.8 3 2.0 7 1.7 #> 4 Washington P12 78.7 4 1.4 33 0.5 #> 5 Seton Hall BE 78.7 5 3.2 1 4.6 #> 6 Northwestern B10 78.7 6 1.9 14 1.0 #> 7 Mississippi St. SEC 78.7 7 1.9 15 1.7 #> 8 Villanova BE 78.6 8 0.8 67 0.0 #> 9 Central Arkansas Slnd 78.6 9 1.6 20 2.5 #> 10 Utah St. MWC 78.4 10 0.9 59 2.0 #> 11 Syracuse ACC 78.4 11 1.5 24 1.1 #> 12 Arizona P12 78.3 12 1.9 9 2.1 #> 13 Oregon St. P12 78.3 13 1.4 30 2.8 #> 14 Purdue B10 78.3 14 2.2 5 2.8 #> 15 Harvard Ivy 78.3 15 1.2 41 1.1 #> 16 Notre Dame ACC 78.3 16 1.5 22 1.4 #> 17 Santa Clara WCC 78.3 17 1.3 39 0.9 #> 18 Cincinnati Amer 78.3 18 2.1 6 3.2 #> 19 Indiana B10 78.3 19 1.3 38 1.2 #> 20 North Carolina ACC 78.3 20 1.2 44 0.6 #> 21 Maine AE 78.2 21 0.3 112 -0.5 #> 22 Duke ACC 78.2 22 1.1 50 0.9 #> 23 Xavier BE 78.2 23 0.7 75 0.0 #> 24 Kansas B12 78.2 24 1.3 37 2.4 #> 25 South Carolina SEC 78.2 25 0.9 63 2.0 #> 26 Long Beach St. BW 78.2 26 1.9 12 1.9 #> 27 Loyola Marymount WCC 78.2 27 -0.3 227 -1.0 #> 28 Utah P12 78.1 28 1.6 21 1.7 #> 29 USC P12 78.1 29 2.0 8 1.7 #> 30 New Mexico MWC 78.1 30 0.8 69 0.3 #> 31 Kentucky SEC 78.0 31 1.8 17 1.7 #> 32 Davidson A10 78.0 32 0.4 103 0.4 #> 33 UCLA P12 78.0 33 1.5 26 0.8 #> 34 Rutgers B10 78.0 34 0.3 110 1.0 #> 35 Boise St. MWC 78.0 35 0.7 76 0.8 #> 36 San Jose St. MWC 77.9 36 0.5 97 0.5 #> 37 Oklahoma St. B12 77.9 37 0.4 108 0.5 #> 38 Tennessee SEC 77.9 38 -0.3 222 -0.2 #> 39 Boston College ACC 77.9 39 0.7 79 0.4 #> 40 Delaware CAA 77.9 40 0.6 91 1.2 #> 41 East Carolina Amer 77.9 41 0.1 140 0.1 #> 42 Missouri SEC 77.9 42 1.0 57 1.0 #> 43 Hawaii BW 77.8 43 1.3 35 1.5 #> 44 San Francisco WCC 77.8 44 1.9 11 2.1 #> 45 St. Bonaventure A10 77.8 45 0.9 61 0.8 #> 46 Tennessee Martin OVC 77.8 46 0.5 95 1.0 #> 47 Minnesota B10 77.8 47 1.1 45 0.8 #> 48 TCU B12 77.8 48 0.4 101 1.4 #> 49 Oklahoma B12 77.8 49 0.2 120 0.2 #> 50 Virginia ACC 77.8 50 2.4 3 2.9 #> 51 Stanford P12 77.8 51 0.8 68 0.3 #> 52 Montana St. BSky 77.7 52 1.0 56 1.0 #> 53 Iowa B10 77.7 53 1.6 19 1.8 #> 54 Oregon P12 77.7 54 0.1 147 -0.2 #> 55 William & Mary CAA 77.7 55 1.9 10 2.6 #> 56 Texas B12 77.7 56 1.1 48 1.0 #> 57 James Madison CAA 77.7 57 -0.4 238 -1.0 #> 58 Wyoming MWC 77.7 58 -0.3 220 -0.3 #> 59 UTEP CUSA 77.7 59 0.8 70 0.8 #> 60 Grambling St. SWAC 77.7 60 1.5 23 1.9 #> 61 Ohio MAC 77.6 61 0.9 60 0.9 #> 62 West Virginia B12 77.6 62 0.8 66 0.9 #> 63 UCF Amer 77.6 63 0.4 104 1.8 #> 64 UC Riverside BW 77.6 64 1.9 13 2.8 #> 65 Michigan B10 77.6 65 2.6 2 3.2 #> 66 Fairfield MAAC 77.6 66 0.2 133 -0.2 #> 67 North Dakota Sum 77.6 67 0.6 92 0.0 #> 68 Northern Arizona BSky 77.6 68 -0.1 172 -0.2 #> 69 Missouri St. MVC 77.6 69 -0.1 178 -1.0 #> 70 Georgetown BE 77.5 70 1.6 18 2.6 #> 71 Michigan St. B10 77.5 71 0.3 116 -0.2 #> 72 Coppin St. MEAC 77.5 72 1.1 46 2.3 #> 73 Idaho St. BSky 77.5 73 -0.8 287 -1.2 #> 74 BYU WCC 77.5 74 -0.3 223 -0.7 #> 75 UC Santa Barbara BW 77.5 75 1.4 34 1.0 #> 76 Providence BE 77.5 76 0.4 107 0.3 #> 77 Southern Utah BSky 77.5 77 0.4 105 0.4 #> 78 LSU SEC 77.5 78 -0.7 271 -0.6 #> 79 Purdue Fort Wayne Sum 77.5 79 0.1 152 0.6 #> 80 Lehigh Pat 77.5 80 0.2 125 0.5 #> 81 Clemson ACC 77.5 81 0.0 164 -0.2 #> 82 Louisiana Monroe SB 77.5 82 1.4 28 1.7 #> 83 Rice CUSA 77.5 83 0.2 122 -0.5 #> 84 Illinois B10 77.4 84 1.0 55 2.1 #> 85 Massachusetts A10 77.4 85 0.5 96 0.2 #> 86 Saint Joseph's A10 77.4 86 -0.1 181 -0.1 #> 87 Toledo MAC 77.4 87 0.8 71 1.9 #> 88 Florida SEC 77.4 88 0.1 149 1.1 #> 89 Siena MAAC 77.4 89 -0.2 205 -0.6 #> 90 Belmont OVC 77.4 90 1.0 54 1.8 #> 91 Georgia Tech ACC 77.4 91 1.4 29 1.0 #> 92 Marshall CUSA 77.4 92 1.0 51 0.7 #> 93 Washington St. P12 77.4 93 -0.1 173 0.3 #> 94 Pittsburgh ACC 77.4 94 -0.2 194 0.3 #> 95 SMU Amer 77.4 95 0.6 94 -0.1 #> 96 Houston Amer 77.4 96 -0.3 213 -0.3 #> 97 Maryland B10 77.4 97 0.3 119 0.7 #> 98 Towson CAA 77.3 98 0.1 146 -0.4 #> 99 Texas A&M SEC 77.3 99 0.1 144 0.0 #> 100 DePaul BE 77.3 100 0.9 62 0.4 #> 101 Oakland Horz 77.3 101 0.3 114 0.4 #> 102 Colorado P12 77.3 102 0.5 98 0.5 #> 103 Old Dominion CUSA 77.3 103 -0.2 198 -0.4 #> 104 Auburn SEC 77.3 104 0.0 161 0.1 #> 105 Boston University Pat 77.3 105 0.1 155 0.0 #> 106 San Diego WCC 77.3 106 -0.1 190 -0.5 #> 107 UC Irvine BW 77.3 107 1.4 32 1.1 #> 108 Yale Ivy 77.3 108 1.2 40 0.8 #> 109 UMBC AE 77.3 109 1.1 49 0.8 #> 110 N.C. State ACC 77.3 110 1.0 53 1.4 #> 111 St. John's BE 77.3 111 -0.5 249 -0.6 #> 112 Holy Cross Pat 77.2 112 0.2 137 0.2 #> 113 Penn St. B10 77.2 113 0.4 109 0.0 #> 114 Butler BE 77.2 114 0.0 163 -0.1 #> 115 Wake Forest ACC 77.2 115 1.4 31 1.9 #> 116 Temple Amer 77.2 116 0.4 102 0.0 #> 117 Tulsa Amer 77.2 117 -0.2 195 -0.5 #> 118 Pacific WCC 77.2 118 0.0 159 1.0 #> 119 Northern Iowa MVC 77.2 119 0.2 136 0.5 #> 120 Mississippi SEC 77.2 120 0.2 128 0.2 #> 121 Marist MAAC 77.2 121 -0.5 250 -0.7 #> 122 Quinnipiac MAAC 77.2 122 0.6 93 0.4 #> 123 Kansas St. B12 77.2 123 0.3 115 0.0 #> 124 Marquette BE 77.2 124 0.7 73 0.8 #> 125 Iona MAAC 77.1 125 0.7 88 0.2 #> 126 Vermont AE 77.1 126 -0.5 239 -0.1 #> 127 Wisconsin B10 77.1 127 1.2 43 1.6 #> 128 UNC Greensboro SC 77.1 128 1.0 52 0.8 #> 129 California P12 77.1 129 0.9 65 0.6 #> 130 Air Force MWC 77.1 130 -0.6 256 -1.3 #> 131 Arizona St. P12 77.1 131 0.3 118 -0.6 #> 132 Cal St. Fullerton BW 77.1 132 -0.5 245 -0.6 #> 133 Bucknell Pat 77.1 133 -0.8 281 -0.8 #> 134 VCU A10 77.1 134 -1.1 312 -1.5 #> 135 Saint Mary's WCC 77.1 135 0.0 167 -0.5 #> 136 Alabama SEC 77.1 136 0.2 126 0.0 #> 137 Illinois Chicago Horz 77.1 137 0.5 100 0.1 #> 138 Cal Baptist WAC 77.1 138 0.5 99 0.9 #> 139 Lafayette Pat 77.0 139 0.7 77 0.4 #> 140 Illinois St. MVC 77.0 140 -0.2 196 -0.4 #> 141 Milwaukee Horz 77.0 141 0.1 148 -0.4 #> 142 Nebraska B10 77.0 142 -0.4 233 -0.5 #> 143 George Washington A10 77.0 143 0.1 151 -0.2 #> 144 Iowa St. B12 77.0 144 0.4 106 0.4 #> 145 Loyola Chicago MVC 77.0 145 -0.1 184 -0.1 #> 146 Connecticut Amer 77.0 146 1.2 42 1.0 #> 147 Central Michigan MAC 77.0 147 -0.6 260 -1.2 #> 148 Evansville MVC 77.0 148 0.0 162 -0.7 #> 149 Louisville ACC 77.0 149 0.7 85 1.1 #> 150 Nicholls St. Slnd 77.0 150 -0.3 221 -0.8 #> 151 Florida Atlantic CUSA 77.0 151 1.1 47 1.4 #> 152 Miami FL ACC 77.0 152 1.8 16 2.1 #> 153 Colgate Pat 77.0 153 1.5 25 1.0 #> 154 UAB CUSA 77.0 154 0.9 64 1.0 #> 155 Hampton BSth 77.0 155 -0.9 291 -1.2 #> 156 Texas Tech B12 76.9 156 -1.3 326 -1.8 #> 157 UMass Lowell AE 76.9 157 -1.1 311 -2.0 #> 158 Drexel CAA 76.9 158 -0.2 203 -0.4 #> 159 Cornell Ivy 76.9 159 0.1 143 -0.7 #> 160 Vanderbilt SEC 76.9 160 0.7 86 0.5 #> 161 South Florida Amer 76.9 161 0.7 82 2.0 #> 162 Albany AE 76.9 162 -0.1 182 -0.4 #> 163 St. Francis PA NEC 76.9 163 -0.1 183 0.1 #> 164 Stetson ASun 76.9 164 0.1 141 0.3 #> 165 South Dakota St. Sum 76.9 165 -0.5 241 -1.2 #> 166 Tulane Amer 76.9 166 0.3 117 0.5 #> 167 North Florida ASun 76.9 167 -0.8 278 -1.8 #> 168 Fresno St. MWC 76.9 168 0.2 132 0.4 #> 169 Cal St. Bakersfield WAC 76.9 169 -0.2 201 -0.3 #> 170 Nevada MWC 76.9 170 0.7 74 0.8 #> 171 Princeton Ivy 76.9 171 -0.1 189 -0.5 #> 172 Elon CAA 76.9 172 -1.3 329 -1.9 #> 173 Howard MEAC 76.9 173 -0.5 246 -0.6 #> 174 New Hampshire AE 76.9 174 -1.9 349 -2.3 #> 175 Rhode Island A10 76.9 175 -0.1 176 -1.0 #> 176 Tennessee St. OVC 76.9 176 0.7 87 0.0 #> 177 Murray St. OVC 76.9 177 0.0 168 0.1 #> 178 Florida Gulf Coast ASun 76.9 178 -1.0 303 -0.8 #> 179 Denver Sum 76.9 179 0.7 83 0.6 #> 180 La Salle A10 76.8 180 -0.6 259 -0.4 #> 181 Baylor B12 76.8 181 0.1 150 0.4 #> 182 Bowling Green MAC 76.8 182 -0.1 191 0.3 #> 183 Wichita St. Amer 76.8 183 0.2 123 1.3 #> 184 Saint Peter's MAAC 76.8 184 -0.4 230 -0.6 #> 185 Ohio St. B10 76.8 185 -0.3 215 -0.2 #> 186 UNLV MWC 76.8 186 0.0 166 1.0 #> 187 UTSA CUSA 76.8 187 0.2 127 0.8 #> 188 Jacksonville St. OVC 76.8 188 0.2 130 0.4 #> 189 Sacramento St. BSky 76.8 189 -0.9 290 -1.2 #> 190 Little Rock SB 76.8 190 0.8 72 1.0 #> 191 Dayton A10 76.8 191 0.0 160 0.4 #> 192 Rider MAAC 76.8 192 0.0 165 -0.4 #> 193 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC 76.8 193 -0.5 240 -0.8 #> 194 Green Bay Horz 76.8 194 -0.3 217 -0.3 #> 195 Appalachian St. SB 76.8 195 0.7 80 0.0 #> 196 Cal Poly BW 76.8 196 -0.7 276 -0.1 #> 197 Manhattan MAAC 76.8 197 -0.2 207 -0.7 #> 198 Winthrop BSth 76.8 198 -0.1 187 -0.6 #> 199 Kent St. MAC 76.7 199 0.0 169 -0.3 #> 200 San Diego St. MWC 76.7 200 0.2 131 1.0 #> 201 Coastal Carolina SB 76.7 201 -0.2 192 -0.6 #> 202 Southern Miss CUSA 76.7 202 -0.5 243 -0.7 #> 203 Middle Tennessee CUSA 76.7 203 -1.0 300 -0.8 #> 204 Montana BSky 76.7 204 -1.4 333 -1.1 #> 205 Stony Brook AE 76.7 205 -0.2 199 0.8 #> 206 UNC Asheville BSth 76.7 206 -0.9 297 -0.2 #> 207 Monmouth MAAC 76.7 207 -0.5 251 -0.5 #> 208 Bradley MVC 76.7 208 0.7 84 1.8 #> 209 Chicago St. WAC 76.7 209 -0.1 180 -0.1 #> 210 North Dakota St. Sum 76.7 210 -0.3 224 0.2 #> 211 South Carolina St. MEAC 76.6 211 -0.1 175 -1.0 #> 212 Charlotte CUSA 76.6 212 -0.3 218 -0.1 #> 213 Seattle WAC 76.6 213 0.1 154 0.3 #> 214 Georgia SEC 76.6 214 0.2 129 0.1 #> 215 Morgan St. MEAC 76.6 215 0.0 158 -0.1 #> 216 FIU CUSA 76.6 216 -0.6 258 -0.1 #> 217 Wagner NEC 76.6 217 -1.1 309 -1.0 #> 218 Detroit Horz 76.6 218 -0.7 275 -1.4 #> 219 American Pat 76.6 219 -0.6 257 -0.1 #> 220 Hartford AE 76.6 220 0.7 81 0.6 #> 221 Valparaiso MVC 76.6 221 -0.2 197 -0.7 #> 222 Weber St. BSky 76.5 222 -0.1 179 0.1 #> 223 Memphis Amer 76.5 223 0.7 78 0.2 #> 224 Eastern Washington BSky 76.5 224 -0.3 214 -0.8 #> 225 North Texas CUSA 76.5 225 -0.3 219 0.2 #> 226 Southern Illinois MVC 76.5 226 -0.5 247 -0.2 #> 227 Akron MAC 76.5 227 1.0 58 0.5 #> 228 Chattanooga SC 76.5 228 -0.2 209 -0.7 #> 229 Penn Ivy 76.5 229 -0.8 288 -1.0 #> 230 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd 76.5 230 0.0 170 -0.3 #> 231 Mercer SC 76.5 231 -0.8 282 0.4 #> 232 Utah Valley WAC 76.5 232 0.3 113 0.4 #> 233 Portland St. BSky 76.5 233 -1.0 305 -1.5 #> 234 Stephen F. Austin Slnd 76.5 234 -0.8 289 -1.4 #> 235 Creighton BE 76.5 235 -1.5 340 -1.3 #> 236 Lipscomb ASun 76.5 236 -1.1 315 -1.3 #> 237 Eastern Kentucky OVC 76.5 237 0.2 121 -0.3 #> 238 Southeast Missouri St. OVC 76.5 238 -0.2 211 -1.0 #> 239 Alcorn St. SWAC 76.4 239 -0.7 273 0.6 #> 240 Houston Baptist Slnd 76.4 240 -0.8 283 -0.3 #> 241 Kennesaw St. ASun 76.4 241 0.3 111 0.0 #> 242 Georgia Southern SB 76.4 242 -1.4 332 -1.2 #> 243 Brown Ivy 76.4 243 -1.0 301 -0.8 #> 244 Campbell BSth 76.4 244 -0.9 294 -0.8 #> 245 Ball St. MAC 76.4 245 -0.3 226 -1.0 #> 246 Texas St. SB 76.3 246 -0.3 225 -1.0 #> 247 Florida A&M MEAC 76.3 247 -0.9 293 -0.3 #> 248 Charleston CAA 76.3 248 -0.6 255 -0.4 #> 249 Binghamton AE 76.3 249 -0.6 266 -0.3 #> 250 Western Illinois Sum 76.3 250 -0.1 188 -0.4 #> 251 Georgia St. SB 76.3 251 -0.2 202 0.2 #> 252 South Dakota Sum 76.3 252 -0.3 228 0.3 #> 253 Youngstown St. Horz 76.3 253 -1.1 317 -1.2 #> 254 North Carolina A&T MEAC 76.3 254 -0.1 186 -0.5 #> 255 Loyola MD Pat 76.3 255 -0.2 206 0.7 #> 256 Grand Canyon WAC 76.3 256 0.2 134 0.5 #> 257 UMKC WAC 76.3 257 -0.7 272 -0.5 #> 258 Louisiana SB 76.3 258 0.2 135 -0.1 #> 259 Bethune Cookman MEAC 76.2 259 -0.7 270 -0.6 #> 260 Wright St. Horz 76.2 260 -0.7 274 -0.7 #> 261 Lamar Slnd 76.2 261 -0.2 200 -0.2 #> 262 New Mexico St. WAC 76.2 262 -0.4 229 -0.9 #> 263 Dartmouth Ivy 76.2 263 -1.5 338 -2.0 #> 264 Northern Colorado BSky 76.2 264 -0.6 254 -0.1 #> 265 Texas Southern SWAC 76.2 265 0.0 156 -0.1 #> 266 Norfolk St. MEAC 76.2 266 -0.4 231 -0.2 #> 267 Arkansas St. SB 76.2 267 -0.1 174 -0.5 #> 268 Samford SC 76.2 268 -0.2 193 -1.0 #> 269 UNC Wilmington CAA 76.2 269 -1.1 308 -1.5 #> 270 East Tennessee St. SC 76.1 270 -0.5 242 0.9 #> 271 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC 76.1 271 -0.2 210 -0.4 #> 272 Pepperdine WCC 76.1 272 -0.4 236 -0.6 #> 273 Columbia Ivy 76.1 273 -0.9 295 -1.0 #> 274 Cleveland St. Horz 76.1 274 -0.6 263 -0.5 #> 275 Canisius MAAC 76.1 275 0.6 90 0.2 #> 276 Portland WCC 76.1 276 1.3 36 1.7 #> 277 Navy Pat 76.1 277 -0.7 268 -1.3 #> 278 Arkansas SEC 76.1 278 -1.8 346 -1.9 #> 279 High Point BSth 76.1 279 0.0 171 -0.7 #> 280 Fordham A10 76.1 280 -0.1 185 0.9 #> 281 George Mason A10 76.1 281 -0.4 235 -0.9 #> 282 Jacksonville ASun 76.0 282 -0.4 234 -0.2 #> 283 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd 76.0 283 -0.3 216 -0.2 #> 284 McNeese St. Slnd 76.0 284 -0.9 296 -1.0 #> 285 Western Kentucky CUSA 76.0 285 -1.9 348 -1.9 #> 286 Sacred Heart NEC 76.0 286 -0.6 261 0.2 #> 287 Duquesne A10 76.0 287 -0.1 177 0.8 #> 288 Presbyterian BSth 76.0 288 -0.6 264 -0.7 #> 289 Nebraska Omaha Sum 76.0 289 -0.7 269 -1.0 #> 290 SIU Edwardsville OVC 76.0 290 -0.9 292 -2.0 #> 291 Tennessee Tech OVC 76.0 291 -1.3 330 -1.2 #> 292 Northeastern CAA 75.9 292 -1.1 316 -1.5 #> 293 Northern Illinois MAC 75.9 293 -0.2 204 -0.3 #> 294 Indiana St. MVC 75.9 294 -0.8 279 -1.4 #> 295 Troy SB 75.9 295 -1.2 322 -1.1 #> 296 VMI SC 75.9 296 -1.2 319 0.0 #> 297 Drake MVC 75.9 297 -0.4 237 1.5 #> 298 The Citadel SC 75.9 298 -1.5 341 -1.3 #> 299 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC 75.9 299 -0.8 286 -1.1 #> 300 Central Connecticut NEC 75.9 300 -1.6 344 -2.0 #> 301 Richmond A10 75.8 301 0.2 124 0.5 #> 302 Idaho BSky 75.8 302 -1.2 323 -0.3 #> 303 Oral Roberts Sum 75.8 303 -0.3 212 -1.0 #> 304 South Alabama SB 75.8 304 -2.1 352 -3.0 #> 305 Hofstra CAA 75.8 305 -1.4 335 -1.4 #> 306 Buffalo MAC 75.8 306 -1.3 327 -1.2 #> 307 Prairie View A&M SWAC 75.8 307 -1.6 345 -1.6 #> 308 Wofford SC 75.8 308 -1.2 324 -1.0 #> 309 Southern SWAC 75.8 309 0.1 142 0.5 #> 310 Western Michigan MAC 75.8 310 -0.2 208 -0.7 #> 311 Colorado St. MWC 75.8 311 0.1 153 1.3 #> 312 UT Arlington SB 75.7 312 -1.0 307 -0.9 #> 313 Morehead St. OVC 75.7 313 -0.8 285 -0.7 #> 314 Saint Louis A10 75.7 314 -0.8 284 -0.9 #> 315 Jackson St. SWAC 75.7 315 -1.4 334 -2.0 #> 316 Gardner Webb BSth 75.7 316 -0.8 280 -0.7 #> 317 Charleston Southern BSth 75.7 317 -0.9 298 -0.7 #> 318 Furman SC 75.7 318 -0.5 248 -1.2 #> 319 USC Upstate BSth 75.7 319 -0.7 267 -0.5 #> 320 Mount St. Mary's NEC 75.7 320 0.6 89 0.0 #> 321 Western Carolina SC 75.7 321 -1.2 321 -1.4 #> 322 Robert Morris NEC 75.7 322 -0.6 253 -1.0 #> 323 Bryant NEC 75.7 323 -0.6 262 -0.5 #> 324 Longwood BSth 75.6 324 -1.0 306 -0.9 #> 325 Delaware St. MEAC 75.6 325 -1.0 302 -1.3 #> 326 New Orleans Slnd 75.6 326 -1.4 336 -2.0 #> 327 Louisiana Tech CUSA 75.6 327 -1.1 314 -0.9 #> 328 Liberty ASun 75.5 328 -1.0 299 -1.4 #> 329 IUPUI Horz 75.5 329 -1.1 310 -1.1 #> 330 LIU NEC 75.5 330 0.2 138 0.4 #> 331 Alabama St. SWAC 75.5 331 -1.8 347 -1.9 #> 332 Army Pat 75.5 332 0.1 145 -0.2 #> 333 Eastern Illinois OVC 75.5 333 -2.4 353 -3.1 #> 334 Cal St. Northridge BW 75.5 334 -0.5 244 -0.8 #> 335 UC Davis BW 75.4 335 -1.4 337 -0.5 #> 336 Austin Peay OVC 75.4 336 -1.2 320 -0.6 #> 337 Radford BSth 75.4 337 -0.6 265 -0.8 #> 338 NJIT ASun 75.4 338 0.1 139 0.0 #> 339 Miami OH MAC 75.4 339 -1.0 304 -0.8 #> 340 North Carolina Central MEAC 75.4 340 -1.3 325 -1.7 #> 341 Alabama A&M SWAC 75.3 341 -0.4 232 -0.6 #> 342 Abilene Christian Slnd 75.3 342 0.0 157 0.8 #> 343 Incarnate Word Slnd 75.3 343 -1.5 342 -0.7 #> 344 Virginia Tech ACC 75.3 344 -1.3 331 -1.3 #> 345 Northwestern St. Slnd 75.3 345 -0.6 252 -0.7 #> 346 Merrimack NEC 75.2 346 -2.1 350 -2.4 #> 347 Sam Houston St. Slnd 75.2 347 -1.6 343 -1.0 #> 348 Northern Kentucky Horz 75.2 348 -1.5 339 -1.9 #> 349 North Alabama ASun 75.1 349 -1.2 318 -1.6 #> 350 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC 75.0 350 -1.3 328 -1.8 #> 351 St. Francis NY NEC 74.9 351 -1.1 313 -1.1 #> 352 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 74.9 352 -0.7 277 -1.0 #> 353 Niagara MAAC 74.1 353 -2.1 351 -1.2 #> C.Hgt.Rk PF.Hgt PF.Hgt.Rk SF.Hgt SF.Hgt.Rk SG.Hgt SG.Hgt.Rk PG.Hgt #> 1 36 1.2 46 2.3 3 2.4 5 3.4 #> 2 11 2.2 4 1.4 32 1.9 20 2.2 #> 3 35 2.4 2 1.6 23 1.5 39 2.6 #> 4 106 2.2 5 2.7 1 2.9 3 1.2 #> 5 1 1.9 13 0.8 68 0.8 95 1.4 #> 6 58 2.7 1 2.2 6 1.8 23 1.7 #> 7 32 2.0 8 1.8 18 1.7 30 2.0 #> 8 156 1.7 20 2.5 2 2.2 9 2.5 #> 9 10 0.7 92 2.2 6 3.2 1 0.1 #> 10 20 -0.1 187 1.1 55 2.1 10 3.1 #> 11 50 1.9 12 1.3 35 2.7 4 0.7 #> 12 16 1.8 17 0.9 60 1.3 52 1.4 #> 13 7 0.0 172 0.5 100 2.1 10 2.2 #> 14 5 1.5 26 0.7 86 1.0 85 1.5 #> 15 49 1.4 40 1.8 17 1.8 27 1.4 #> 16 42 1.6 22 1.2 38 0.7 100 2.4 #> 17 68 1.6 24 1.9 11 1.7 31 1.2 #> 18 2 1.1 59 0.2 128 1.2 58 1.6 #> 19 47 1.4 35 2.2 6 1.1 65 1.4 #> 20 95 1.7 18 1.9 12 1.1 64 1.9 #> 21 231 1.2 46 2.2 5 1.8 21 2.3 #> 22 69 1.2 51 1.3 34 1.8 28 1.8 #> 23 156 1.5 27 1.9 10 1.1 66 2.3 #> 24 12 0.2 157 0.2 128 2.1 10 1.9 #> 25 19 -0.1 196 1.1 51 1.3 51 2.3 #> 26 22 1.9 10 0.8 74 1.0 83 1.0 #> 27 283 0.3 120 1.4 33 3.1 2 2.8 #> 28 33 1.4 32 1.2 38 2.4 6 -0.3 #> 29 34 2.3 3 1.2 36 0.6 118 0.6 #> 30 132 1.3 42 0.9 63 1.6 33 2.1 #> 31 31 1.9 11 0.0 194 0.1 168 2.4 #> 32 110 0.4 112 0.2 128 2.1 10 3.0 #> 33 88 2.2 5 1.4 31 1.8 22 -0.4 #> 34 54 -0.3 222 1.2 38 1.5 37 2.4 #> 35 84 0.7 95 1.9 9 1.5 38 0.9 #> 36 101 0.5 109 1.2 38 1.6 34 1.7 #> 37 100 0.2 152 1.2 38 1.2 57 2.4 #> 38 190 -0.4 229 1.2 38 2.4 7 2.5 #> 39 113 1.0 61 1.1 52 0.4 132 2.4 #> 40 46 0.0 173 0.2 128 2.1 10 1.8 #> 41 151 0.2 135 1.7 22 2.2 8 1.0 #> 42 58 1.0 66 0.2 128 1.2 56 1.8 #> 43 38 1.1 56 0.0 187 0.1 168 2.4 #> 44 17 1.8 16 0.2 126 0.1 165 0.9 #> 45 82 1.1 60 0.1 183 0.7 103 2.4 #> 46 66 0.1 165 0.3 115 1.5 42 2.0 #> 47 75 1.4 29 -0.1 200 1.1 66 1.6 #> 48 43 -0.5 240 0.4 108 1.6 36 1.9 #> 49 136 0.3 129 0.7 85 2.1 10 1.6 #> 50 4 1.8 14 2.2 4 1.0 77 -3.3 #> 51 133 1.4 34 1.5 28 0.0 188 1.4 #> 52 67 1.0 63 0.0 195 1.1 66 1.6 #> 53 25 1.4 38 0.7 87 0.4 133 0.3 #> 54 192 0.4 111 1.0 57 1.6 35 1.6 #> 55 9 1.3 41 -0.8 272 1.1 66 0.2 #> 56 53 1.1 55 0.1 173 0.5 123 1.6 #> 57 283 0.1 159 0.2 128 1.8 24 3.1 #> 58 205 -0.3 211 0.9 61 2.1 10 1.9 #> 59 86 0.8 78 -0.2 211 0.4 134 2.4 #> 60 21 1.1 54 1.5 29 0.2 148 -0.6 #> 61 72 1.0 64 -0.3 232 0.4 125 2.0 #> 62 74 0.8 74 1.8 20 0.2 156 0.4 #> 63 27 -1.0 295 0.2 128 1.1 63 1.9 #> 64 6 0.9 67 -0.7 265 0.2 146 0.6 #> 65 3 2.0 7 1.6 26 -2.3 346 -0.6 #> 66 183 0.6 102 0.2 128 1.4 44 1.9 #> 67 156 1.2 50 0.4 109 0.2 155 2.1 #> 68 187 0.1 168 0.7 80 1.5 41 1.6 #> 69 283 0.8 75 0.6 94 1.6 32 1.6 #> 70 8 0.7 94 -1.2 311 0.1 168 1.6 #> 71 182 0.7 88 1.7 21 1.1 62 0.2 #> 72 13 -0.1 186 1.0 56 0.4 136 0.0 #> 73 312 -0.5 238 0.8 75 2.0 18 2.4 #> 74 259 0.1 164 0.7 84 1.4 46 1.8 #> 75 58 1.7 19 0.1 181 0.7 96 -0.1 #> 76 127 0.4 113 1.4 30 1.4 45 -0.3 #> 77 114 0.4 118 0.8 71 1.4 49 0.4 #> 78 241 -0.8 269 0.3 119 1.2 55 3.2 #> 79 94 -0.5 239 0.2 128 1.7 29 1.2 #> 80 107 0.0 174 0.4 112 1.0 79 1.4 #> 81 188 0.2 130 0.4 106 1.0 78 1.7 #> 82 30 1.1 53 0.4 107 -0.3 219 0.2 #> 83 224 1.0 65 0.1 166 0.4 127 2.1 #> 84 15 -0.2 200 0.1 170 -0.4 229 1.4 #> 85 140 0.8 77 0.1 172 0.6 114 1.3 #> 86 179 0.0 181 0.2 128 1.4 48 1.7 #> 87 24 -0.3 213 0.3 120 1.4 50 -0.2 #> 88 51 -0.9 290 0.2 128 1.5 43 1.2 #> 89 244 0.1 158 0.6 90 1.3 54 1.6 #> 90 28 0.2 131 0.1 180 0.1 158 0.8 #> 91 58 1.8 15 1.6 25 0.4 128 -1.9 #> 92 91 1.4 33 1.1 53 1.0 80 -1.3 #> 93 128 -0.5 235 0.8 76 0.8 90 1.3 #> 94 126 -0.7 255 0.6 96 0.7 107 1.8 #> 95 170 1.2 46 0.8 70 1.1 66 -0.3 #> 96 207 -0.2 207 0.2 128 1.8 25 1.2 #> 97 90 -0.2 199 0.6 92 1.9 19 -0.3 #> 98 215 0.6 98 0.2 128 1.4 47 0.8 #> 99 153 0.2 135 1.2 49 0.7 105 0.5 #> 100 116 1.5 28 1.8 19 0.5 122 -1.6 #> 101 119 0.2 135 0.5 97 0.6 117 0.8 #> 102 102 0.5 108 1.9 15 -0.1 193 -0.3 #> 103 211 0.0 176 0.8 66 2.0 17 0.0 #> 104 146 -0.1 188 0.9 59 1.1 59 0.2 #> 105 155 0.1 167 0.6 93 0.2 143 1.4 #> 106 222 0.2 153 0.9 64 0.4 131 1.3 #> 107 52 1.6 23 -0.4 247 -0.8 256 0.8 #> 108 80 1.7 21 0.2 128 -0.1 201 -0.3 #> 109 87 1.4 39 -0.1 205 0.1 168 0.2 #> 110 41 0.6 99 0.2 128 0.2 157 -0.2 #> 111 237 -0.5 237 1.0 58 0.5 124 1.8 #> 112 144 0.1 161 0.2 128 0.9 88 0.6 #> 113 165 0.8 86 -0.5 252 0.8 94 1.1 #> 114 177 0.2 154 1.2 48 0.2 145 0.6 #> 115 23 0.8 76 -0.7 268 0.1 168 -0.2 #> 116 166 0.9 69 1.5 27 1.1 60 -1.6 #> 117 225 0.1 162 0.8 69 0.5 120 0.9 #> 118 57 -0.9 289 -0.4 246 1.1 66 1.1 #> 119 109 -0.1 195 0.0 196 1.1 66 0.5 #> 120 137 0.2 135 0.9 62 -0.9 271 1.4 #> 121 258 -0.4 228 -0.5 254 1.0 82 2.4 #> 122 121 0.8 85 0.1 176 0.1 168 0.4 #> 123 156 0.6 100 -0.3 226 0.9 87 0.4 #> 124 83 0.7 93 0.2 123 0.6 109 -0.8 #> 125 134 1.1 57 0.2 125 0.3 138 -0.4 #> 126 176 -0.8 269 0.8 67 0.7 97 0.8 #> 127 37 0.8 81 -0.8 272 0.1 161 -0.2 #> 128 77 1.2 45 -0.1 199 -0.3 211 -0.3 #> 129 96 1.2 46 -0.3 235 -0.1 200 0.0 #> 130 322 0.2 150 -0.1 203 1.1 66 1.5 #> 131 242 1.1 52 1.1 54 0.1 163 -0.3 #> 132 246 -0.4 230 0.4 113 0.6 110 1.3 #> 133 266 -0.8 279 0.2 128 0.3 141 2.4 #> 134 330 -0.7 254 0.2 127 1.3 53 1.9 #> 135 230 0.5 104 1.2 38 -0.4 225 0.4 #> 136 156 0.5 107 -0.3 229 0.1 168 1.0 #> 137 149 0.8 80 0.5 99 0.5 119 -0.8 #> 138 70 0.0 171 -0.6 263 0.1 168 0.8 #> 139 122 1.1 58 0.7 83 -1.4 309 0.4 #> 140 209 0.0 177 -0.2 215 0.9 89 0.8 #> 141 212 0.6 101 0.3 117 -0.5 235 1.1 #> 142 223 -0.3 218 0.0 189 0.5 121 1.4 #> 143 189 0.3 121 0.5 101 0.1 167 0.4 #> 144 117 0.4 119 -0.4 239 -0.2 207 0.9 #> 145 175 -0.1 193 0.1 167 0.7 99 0.4 #> 146 55 1.4 36 -0.8 271 -0.7 252 0.1 #> 147 305 0.0 175 0.2 128 0.6 116 1.4 #> 148 250 0.7 90 0.1 164 1.0 84 -0.2 #> 149 48 0.2 135 0.5 98 -0.4 221 -0.6 #> 150 267 0.2 149 0.1 177 1.1 66 0.4 #> 151 40 0.7 89 0.8 72 -1.5 310 -0.6 #> 152 14 1.5 25 -0.3 227 0.1 166 -2.6 #> 153 58 2.0 9 0.0 193 -1.5 318 -0.6 #> 154 58 0.8 73 0.1 160 0.1 159 -1.4 #> 155 309 -0.6 244 1.2 38 1.1 61 0.1 #> 156 338 -0.8 269 -0.3 237 1.1 66 2.4 #> 157 344 -0.1 197 0.2 128 1.0 81 1.5 #> 158 210 -0.1 190 1.2 38 0.2 154 -0.4 #> 159 251 0.9 68 0.4 110 -0.9 260 0.7 #> 160 98 0.8 79 -0.6 261 -0.9 271 0.7 #> 161 18 -0.6 251 -0.5 253 -0.9 259 0.4 #> 162 217 0.2 132 -0.1 208 0.1 168 0.7 #> 163 150 -0.3 219 0.0 185 0.1 185 0.6 #> 164 131 0.0 179 -0.2 214 0.4 129 -0.1 #> 165 306 0.2 135 0.8 77 1.1 66 -0.4 #> 166 108 0.1 166 0.1 174 0.6 108 -0.9 #> 167 337 0.2 135 1.9 13 -0.5 236 0.6 #> 168 115 0.0 180 -0.4 248 0.0 191 0.4 #> 169 196 -0.2 203 -0.2 220 0.6 115 0.4 #> 170 81 0.7 96 -0.3 225 0.7 106 -1.6 #> 171 227 0.2 135 1.2 37 -0.1 198 -0.6 #> 172 340 -0.8 269 0.3 122 0.8 93 1.9 #> 173 235 -0.5 234 1.2 38 0.8 91 -0.8 #> 174 350 -1.4 325 0.2 128 1.8 26 2.0 #> 175 283 0.9 72 1.6 24 0.8 92 -2.0 #> 176 156 1.4 37 1.9 14 -0.4 228 -2.6 #> 177 145 -0.2 205 0.1 162 -0.6 244 0.7 #> 178 269 -1.2 311 -0.3 228 0.7 98 1.7 #> 179 97 0.8 82 -0.1 204 0.1 168 -1.2 #> 180 208 -0.8 266 0.7 88 0.7 101 -0.2 #> 181 123 -0.2 210 -1.8 336 0.1 168 1.6 #> 182 125 -0.7 253 0.0 188 -0.6 247 1.0 #> 183 45 -0.8 277 -0.5 250 -0.3 217 0.3 #> 184 245 -0.1 194 -0.4 241 0.4 135 0.8 #> 185 193 -0.3 217 -0.1 202 -0.1 199 0.7 #> 186 56 -1.0 298 -0.4 240 -0.8 254 0.9 #> 187 85 -0.3 223 -0.5 251 0.1 168 -0.2 #> 188 124 0.1 169 0.2 128 0.2 144 -1.1 #> 189 315 -0.5 236 0.1 161 -0.1 196 1.4 #> 190 58 0.5 103 1.8 16 0.6 112 -4.2 #> 191 112 -0.4 227 0.2 128 -0.9 264 0.4 #> 192 213 0.4 110 0.6 91 -0.5 234 -0.4 #> 193 271 -0.1 189 0.3 116 0.7 102 -0.4 #> 194 201 -0.3 215 -0.7 266 -0.5 233 1.4 #> 195 156 1.4 30 -0.1 206 -0.5 239 -1.1 #> 196 173 -1.4 323 0.0 184 0.3 142 0.8 #> 197 256 0.2 135 0.5 102 -0.1 195 -0.3 #> 198 239 0.3 122 0.4 105 0.2 150 -0.8 #> 199 199 0.2 134 -0.3 230 0.2 149 -0.3 #> 200 58 -0.6 250 0.0 191 -1.3 295 0.4 #> 201 243 0.3 125 0.7 82 -0.5 240 -0.4 #> 202 252 -0.3 216 -0.2 219 0.1 160 0.5 #> 203 268 -1.1 308 0.2 128 0.4 126 0.7 #> 204 302 -1.7 336 -0.3 223 0.7 104 1.7 #> 205 76 -1.2 318 -0.5 257 -0.2 206 0.4 #> 206 195 -1.6 335 0.1 182 -0.3 213 1.4 #> 207 229 -0.6 246 -0.4 243 0.2 151 0.5 #> 208 26 -0.5 233 0.8 78 -0.9 261 -2.1 #> 209 169 -0.1 192 -0.1 201 0.1 168 -0.7 #> 210 142 -0.8 269 0.5 103 0.2 147 -1.0 #> 211 283 0.9 71 0.8 65 -0.4 223 -1.2 #> 212 178 -0.4 232 -0.7 269 0.0 192 0.4 #> 213 129 -0.2 208 -0.2 217 -0.8 258 -0.1 #> 214 148 0.3 123 0.2 128 -0.1 197 -1.6 #> 215 174 0.2 155 -0.2 213 -1.3 301 0.4 #> 216 167 -1.1 305 0.2 128 0.3 137 -0.5 #> 217 298 -1.1 304 0.2 128 1.5 40 -0.8 #> 218 325 0.0 182 1.1 50 -0.4 224 -0.6 #> 219 180 -1.0 293 -0.9 291 -0.6 243 1.4 #> 220 92 0.8 83 -0.2 212 -1.4 308 -1.0 #> 221 248 0.3 128 0.2 128 0.3 139 -1.4 #> 222 147 -0.3 220 -1.3 312 -0.5 238 0.6 #> 223 143 1.3 44 -0.3 236 -0.3 218 -2.2 #> 224 265 0.2 133 -0.6 260 -0.9 271 0.7 #> 225 141 -0.8 278 -0.8 272 0.0 187 -0.1 #> 226 194 -0.8 269 -0.2 218 -0.9 271 0.8 #> 227 99 1.4 31 0.4 111 0.2 152 -4.0 #> 228 257 0.2 135 0.1 163 -0.8 255 -0.3 #> 229 283 -0.7 256 0.6 89 0.0 189 -0.5 #> 230 202 0.2 135 0.1 169 -1.6 323 0.1 #> 231 118 -2.0 345 -0.9 292 -0.5 231 1.4 #> 232 111 0.2 135 0.5 104 -1.2 292 -1.4 #> 233 329 -0.6 248 0.2 159 -0.2 209 0.5 #> 234 324 -0.3 224 0.6 95 0.1 162 -0.5 #> 235 316 -1.8 338 0.1 179 0.6 113 0.8 #> 236 317 -1.0 291 0.2 128 0.0 190 0.4 #> 237 198 0.8 84 -0.9 293 -0.9 269 -0.3 #> 238 283 0.5 105 0.1 165 -0.9 267 -0.6 #> 239 93 -2.0 346 -1.3 315 0.1 168 0.7 #> 240 197 -1.3 321 -0.7 264 0.3 140 0.0 #> 241 164 0.7 87 0.4 114 -0.4 230 -2.6 #> 242 307 -1.5 332 -0.8 272 0.9 86 0.6 #> 243 272 -1.1 307 -0.3 233 -0.4 220 0.6 #> 244 264 -1.1 302 -0.6 259 0.6 111 -0.3 #> 245 283 0.4 117 0.2 158 -1.9 332 0.0 #> 246 283 0.4 114 -0.1 198 -0.2 203 -1.6 #> 247 206 -1.5 330 -0.8 285 -0.4 222 0.6 #> 248 216 -0.7 257 -1.3 316 -0.6 246 0.6 #> 249 204 -1.0 292 -0.9 297 0.1 168 -0.3 #> 250 214 0.1 163 -0.3 231 -1.5 312 -0.4 #> 251 138 -0.7 258 -0.8 287 -0.4 227 -0.9 #> 252 130 -1.0 297 -0.6 262 -0.2 205 -1.1 #> 253 313 -1.1 303 0.2 128 0.4 130 -0.9 #> 254 232 0.3 126 -0.7 267 -0.9 271 -0.8 #> 255 89 -1.2 313 -0.8 272 -0.1 194 -1.3 #> 256 103 -0.1 198 -0.9 294 -0.9 271 -1.2 #> 257 220 -0.9 288 -1.1 306 0.1 168 -0.3 #> 258 168 0.4 115 -0.9 296 -1.0 280 -1.2 #> 259 240 -0.8 267 0.8 79 0.1 164 -2.4 #> 260 260 -0.7 259 0.8 73 -0.1 202 -2.2 #> 261 181 -0.3 214 0.1 171 -0.5 237 -2.2 #> 262 276 0.1 160 0.2 124 -1.4 305 -1.2 #> 263 348 -0.9 285 -0.5 249 0.2 153 0.2 #> 264 172 -1.0 299 -1.7 332 -0.9 266 0.6 #> 265 171 0.2 156 0.1 168 -1.5 314 -1.9 #> 266 186 -0.6 245 -1.7 331 -1.2 289 0.4 #> 267 219 0.3 124 -1.5 322 -1.2 290 -0.4 #> 268 283 0.7 91 0.3 118 -0.7 249 -2.6 #> 269 331 -0.6 252 -0.8 270 -0.3 210 -0.2 #> 270 73 -1.8 344 -1.0 298 -1.3 298 -0.2 #> 271 218 -0.1 184 0.0 186 -0.7 251 -2.3 #> 272 236 -0.3 212 0.3 121 -1.3 299 -1.6 #> 273 282 -0.8 282 0.2 128 -0.3 214 -1.6 #> 274 228 -0.8 264 -1.0 305 -0.6 241 -0.7 #> 275 139 1.0 62 -0.2 210 -2.0 339 -2.6 #> 276 29 0.9 70 -0.8 272 -1.5 316 -3.9 #> 277 318 -0.1 183 -1.6 326 -0.3 216 -0.3 #> 278 341 -1.6 333 -0.4 238 -0.3 215 0.6 #> 279 262 0.7 97 -0.2 216 -1.7 327 -1.5 #> 280 71 -1.2 310 -1.4 321 -0.7 248 -1.2 #> 281 275 0.0 170 0.1 175 -1.4 303 -1.6 #> 282 185 -0.6 249 -0.8 272 -0.6 242 -1.7 #> 283 191 -0.3 221 -0.9 289 -1.9 335 -0.6 #> 284 283 -0.8 281 -0.1 207 -1.5 313 -0.6 #> 285 343 -1.8 338 -0.4 244 -0.6 245 0.7 #> 286 135 -1.4 327 -1.8 338 -1.4 306 0.3 #> 287 79 -1.0 294 -0.1 197 -1.1 283 -2.9 #> 288 253 -0.6 247 -0.8 272 -1.0 281 -1.1 #> 289 283 -0.3 225 -1.0 300 -1.3 293 -0.6 #> 290 344 0.2 135 0.7 81 -1.1 284 -2.1 #> 291 311 -1.5 329 -0.2 209 -0.9 262 -0.6 #> 292 332 -0.8 269 0.1 178 -1.9 333 -0.3 #> 293 203 -0.2 202 -2.2 348 -1.2 288 -0.6 #> 294 323 -0.2 206 -0.3 222 -0.7 250 -2.1 #> 295 303 -1.3 322 -1.0 301 -0.9 263 -0.3 #> 296 154 -2.4 350 -0.8 272 -0.9 268 -0.6 #> 297 39 -2.4 349 -1.9 342 -0.9 271 -1.0 #> 298 321 -1.8 337 -1.8 338 -0.3 212 0.4 #> 299 304 -0.6 243 -1.2 310 -1.4 304 -0.6 #> 300 344 -1.2 316 -0.8 272 -0.4 226 -0.4 #> 301 104 0.0 178 -0.8 272 -1.2 291 -3.3 #> 302 200 -2.2 348 -1.0 304 -0.8 257 -0.6 #> 303 283 0.5 106 -1.6 328 -1.9 334 -0.9 #> 304 352 -1.2 317 -0.8 272 0.0 186 0.0 #> 305 326 -1.4 328 0.0 190 -0.7 253 -1.5 #> 306 308 -1.4 324 -1.9 341 -0.9 271 0.3 #> 307 333 -1.6 334 -1.4 318 -0.9 265 0.3 #> 308 297 -1.5 331 -0.8 288 -1.5 315 -0.4 #> 309 105 -0.2 209 -2.0 344 -1.5 319 -2.0 #> 310 255 0.2 151 -1.0 302 -1.9 336 -1.8 #> 311 44 -1.2 315 -0.4 242 -2.9 351 -2.1 #> 312 277 -1.2 314 -1.0 303 -0.2 208 -2.1 #> 313 261 -0.9 286 -1.0 299 -1.5 317 -1.3 #> 314 278 -0.7 262 -1.4 319 -1.1 287 -1.4 #> 315 347 -0.8 269 -0.4 245 -0.2 204 -2.2 #> 316 249 -0.9 287 -0.9 290 -1.5 311 -1.8 #> 317 247 -1.2 319 -1.2 308 -1.7 325 -1.0 #> 318 314 0.2 135 -0.3 224 -2.9 350 -1.6 #> 319 233 -0.8 268 -1.5 325 -1.6 322 -1.4 #> 320 156 1.3 43 -1.3 314 -1.7 328 -4.1 #> 321 327 -1.0 296 -1.9 343 -1.9 336 0.4 #> 322 283 -0.1 191 -2.4 350 -1.8 329 -0.6 #> 323 226 -0.8 263 -1.2 309 -2.2 345 -1.2 #> 324 279 -1.1 309 -1.8 337 -1.3 297 -0.8 #> 325 319 -0.7 261 -1.5 323 -1.0 282 -1.6 #> 326 349 -0.8 280 -0.8 284 0.1 168 -2.6 #> 327 280 -1.2 320 -1.4 317 -1.1 286 -1.6 #> 328 328 -0.5 241 -0.3 234 -1.1 285 -3.1 #> 329 301 -1.0 301 -2.2 347 -1.4 307 -0.7 #> 330 120 -0.1 185 -2.0 345 -2.9 351 -2.0 #> 331 339 -1.8 338 0.0 192 -0.9 270 -2.1 #> 332 184 0.4 116 -2.8 352 -2.7 348 -1.6 #> 333 353 -1.8 338 -0.5 258 -0.5 232 -1.0 #> 334 270 -0.2 204 -0.2 221 -1.3 294 -4.3 #> 335 221 -2.4 352 -1.3 313 -1.4 302 -1.4 #> 336 234 -1.8 343 -1.4 320 -1.3 300 -1.9 #> 337 274 -0.4 231 -1.7 334 -1.9 336 -2.1 #> 338 152 0.3 127 -1.7 333 -2.2 343 -3.4 #> 339 273 -1.2 312 -0.9 295 -1.6 321 -2.7 #> 340 335 -0.9 284 -1.6 327 -1.3 296 -1.9 #> 341 238 -0.2 201 -3.7 353 -2.4 347 -0.6 #> 342 78 -0.8 265 -2.2 349 -2.2 344 -3.2 #> 343 254 -2.4 351 -1.9 340 -2.1 341 -0.6 #> 344 320 -1.4 326 -1.8 335 -1.8 331 -1.5 #> 345 263 -0.3 226 -1.1 307 -0.9 271 -4.6 #> 346 351 -1.8 338 -0.5 255 -2.1 342 -1.3 #> 347 299 -2.1 347 -2.1 346 -1.6 320 -1.2 #> 348 342 -1.0 300 -0.8 286 -1.8 330 -2.7 #> 349 334 -0.7 260 -1.5 324 -1.7 326 -2.9 #> 350 336 -0.9 283 -0.5 256 -2.1 340 -3.9 #> 351 300 -1.1 306 -1.6 330 -1.6 324 -4.1 #> 352 281 -0.5 242 -1.6 329 -2.8 349 -3.7 #> 353 310 -3.0 353 -2.7 351 -3.6 353 -3.1 #> PG.Hgt.Rk Experience Experience.Rk Bench Bench.Rk Continuity Continuity.Rk #> 1 1 1.41 210 38.5 24 41.4 222 #> 2 26 0.96 313 30.9 155 24.4 323 #> 3 7 2.06 50 23.6 313 23.4 331 #> 4 91 0.90 319 28.4 222 25.3 315 #> 5 70 2.17 30 33.0 107 68.9 23 #> 6 48 1.03 303 32.2 127 31.7 297 #> 7 33 1.65 138 22.6 320 55.3 115 #> 8 8 1.10 288 18.9 345 46.5 183 #> 9 177 1.37 222 30.8 156 48.3 173 #> 10 4 1.94 65 27.6 247 66.4 37 #> 11 116 1.34 232 18.0 349 40.7 231 #> 12 68 1.36 228 31.0 153 25.1 317 #> 13 25 2.18 28 24.7 295 68.3 25 #> 14 67 1.71 117 35.7 72 49.6 158 #> 15 83 2.15 36 36.6 53 75.4 10 #> 16 13 2.39 13 21.8 333 85.4 2 #> 17 90 1.51 180 32.5 121 57.5 87 #> 18 55 2.05 55 29.2 203 44.8 192 #> 19 69 1.44 202 37.1 42 53.0 133 #> 20 38 1.56 166 31.5 140 24.3 325 #> 21 24 1.57 164 32.6 118 42.5 209 #> 22 44 0.83 328 35.6 75 41.3 224 #> 23 23 2.42 10 25.2 290 55.5 114 #> 24 41 1.61 153 23.6 312 43.1 200 #> 25 22 1.54 170 35.8 67 40.2 236 #> 26 97 0.76 333 36.1 62 22.9 334 #> 27 6 0.99 309 34.4 87 19.2 340 #> 28 205 0.70 339 29.5 194 33.5 284 #> 29 129 2.03 58 32.1 129 38.0 249 #> 30 27 1.88 81 32.8 114 49.8 157 #> 31 13 1.12 284 25.7 281 36.8 259 #> 32 5 2.08 48 27.9 238 62.6 55 #> 33 217 1.06 297 35.8 68 54.2 122 #> 34 21 1.79 96 36.5 55 58.8 79 #> 35 101 2.13 40 30.2 171 63.1 54 #> 36 50 0.81 329 36.0 65 44.9 191 #> 37 12 2.08 47 32.3 125 66.8 33 #> 38 9 1.42 205 25.7 280 32.6 291 #> 39 13 1.73 113 33.9 94 42.5 211 #> 40 46 1.68 132 17.8 350 34.6 279 #> 41 96 0.49 347 31.9 133 16.8 346 #> 42 45 1.41 209 36.4 57 54.7 117 #> 43 13 1.53 175 22.4 325 56.3 102 #> 44 103 1.94 68 30.4 167 60.3 69 #> 45 13 1.16 275 28.1 235 46.2 184 #> 46 30 0.96 312 22.9 316 29.6 303 #> 47 63 1.60 155 21.9 330 32.8 289 #> 48 34 2.08 46 31.2 149 38.4 245 #> 49 62 1.59 159 22.5 323 41.5 221 #> 50 342 1.47 191 22.5 322 39.3 240 #> 51 70 1.36 225 25.0 293 51.9 142 #> 52 64 1.44 199 28.2 231 40.6 232 #> 53 168 1.66 136 29.0 204 46.5 182 #> 54 56 1.87 82 31.2 146 36.3 267 #> 55 172 1.54 172 29.4 196 35.6 273 #> 56 58 1.61 149 32.8 113 53.3 130 #> 57 3 1.82 91 27.1 257 66.9 32 #> 58 36 1.14 280 30.6 162 57.4 88 #> 59 13 1.50 183 30.5 165 24.4 322 #> 60 233 1.50 182 37.5 34 49.2 163 #> 61 31 1.41 208 22.8 317 28.8 306 #> 62 163 1.01 305 42.8 5 49.6 159 #> 63 37 1.87 83 37.5 36 21.6 337 #> 64 131 1.76 105 43.2 3 46.8 180 #> 65 233 1.47 192 30.0 181 52.9 134 #> 66 39 1.58 161 33.0 108 56.6 98 #> 67 29 1.61 151 17.7 351 56.9 94 #> 68 60 1.69 126 25.6 283 68.4 24 #> 69 54 1.60 154 38.9 21 32.3 293 #> 70 61 2.32 19 21.4 334 39.3 241 #> 71 171 1.44 200 32.0 132 54.5 119 #> 72 184 1.83 88 27.6 249 28.9 305 #> 73 11 1.16 273 27.0 260 36.4 263 #> 74 43 2.53 4 27.7 244 51.6 146 #> 75 189 2.15 35 27.8 243 66.6 34 #> 76 201 2.40 11 30.7 159 65.4 43 #> 77 161 1.62 144 32.5 122 56.7 97 #> 78 2 1.52 176 22.6 321 55.8 109 #> 79 89 1.48 186 31.7 137 49.0 165 #> 80 70 1.41 212 30.1 176 44.5 193 #> 81 53 1.46 195 29.5 195 32.9 288 #> 82 173 1.37 223 36.1 61 40.3 234 #> 83 28 1.57 165 31.9 135 71.1 17 #> 84 70 1.59 160 26.9 261 75.5 9 #> 85 85 1.11 286 27.6 250 38.6 244 #> 86 52 1.24 261 32.8 115 18.0 342 #> 87 193 1.94 67 18.8 347 51.2 150 #> 88 92 1.39 216 24.2 300 42.4 212 #> 89 59 1.27 252 25.6 282 32.1 294 #> 90 109 1.75 107 29.7 185 59.7 73 #> 91 312 2.06 52 26.5 267 64.5 49 #> 92 282 1.36 227 29.5 193 51.0 151 #> 93 86 1.09 290 32.9 110 43.0 205 #> 94 42 1.24 259 24.0 303 51.7 145 #> 95 204 1.31 242 27.8 242 41.0 228 #> 96 88 1.25 256 36.9 47 39.1 243 #> 97 215 2.05 54 18.8 346 77.1 7 #> 98 113 1.47 194 33.6 98 58.6 80 #> 99 140 1.52 177 32.5 120 50.3 156 #> 100 301 1.66 137 22.4 324 32.4 292 #> 101 111 1.11 287 30.1 174 37.4 254 #> 102 213 2.03 57 31.2 147 83.9 3 #> 103 185 1.23 263 32.2 128 47.4 176 #> 104 170 1.36 224 29.4 199 36.4 264 #> 105 70 1.62 146 33.5 100 67.7 28 #> 106 87 1.29 246 28.4 223 28.4 307 #> 107 112 1.84 87 37.5 35 44.1 195 #> 108 207 1.55 167 21.8 332 44.3 194 #> 109 174 1.42 207 30.1 177 47.4 177 #> 110 196 2.44 8 27.0 259 65.7 41 #> 111 47 1.79 99 36.9 46 28.3 308 #> 112 127 0.97 310 28.8 211 31.8 296 #> 113 95 2.02 59 34.4 89 63.1 53 #> 114 130 2.34 16 27.4 252 61.9 60 #> 115 190 2.29 22 35.7 71 59.7 74 #> 116 295 2.24 24 29.6 189 65.1 47 #> 117 102 1.70 121 33.2 103 51.6 147 #> 118 93 1.40 214 47.0 2 27.2 309 #> 119 142 2.16 32 19.9 342 67.4 30 #> 120 70 1.65 140 25.5 287 56.2 103 #> 121 13 0.66 342 31.9 134 16.9 345 #> 122 147 1.72 114 30.2 169 51.2 149 #> 123 148 1.62 148 33.1 105 48.6 168 #> 124 257 2.34 17 31.2 145 54.2 123 #> 125 218 2.13 39 25.1 292 50.9 153 #> 126 105 1.80 95 34.6 83 65.7 42 #> 127 195 2.17 31 28.9 209 68.1 27 #> 128 209 1.73 112 36.6 54 59.9 70 #> 129 181 1.90 76 26.6 265 47.6 175 #> 130 65 2.05 56 28.5 220 86.0 1 #> 131 203 1.87 84 34.0 92 57.2 90 #> 132 84 2.13 42 28.6 218 45.7 186 #> 133 13 1.50 181 30.1 179 57.7 84 #> 134 35 2.01 60 38.2 29 70.0 21 #> 135 146 2.12 43 23.8 310 75.8 8 #> 136 98 1.55 169 28.7 212 52.0 140 #> 137 258 2.42 9 33.9 93 63.5 52 #> 138 110 1.90 75 30.7 161 48.6 169 #> 139 149 1.88 79 34.5 86 66.2 38 #> 140 107 1.25 257 35.9 66 23.6 328 #> 141 94 1.28 249 28.1 232 39.9 238 #> 142 70 1.33 236 30.1 178 4.1 352 #> 143 149 1.38 218 28.1 234 36.1 269 #> 144 104 1.83 90 34.9 80 33.1 287 #> 145 149 1.18 269 29.0 205 38.3 246 #> 146 178 1.58 162 38.5 25 53.8 124 #> 147 70 1.72 116 28.6 216 55.7 110 #> 148 194 1.71 118 37.7 32 60.6 68 #> 149 233 2.14 37 32.9 111 65.7 40 #> 150 164 1.75 108 31.0 152 41.2 225 #> 151 233 1.16 276 36.5 56 52.4 137 #> 152 334 1.82 92 32.4 123 42.4 213 #> 153 233 2.10 45 20.2 341 70.5 19 #> 154 286 0.83 327 32.6 117 39.9 239 #> 155 176 1.48 189 22.3 326 34.0 283 #> 156 10 1.54 173 27.3 253 25.5 313 #> 157 66 1.73 110 22.7 318 52.6 136 #> 158 223 0.96 311 26.3 271 46.9 179 #> 159 118 1.37 221 34.4 88 45.2 190 #> 160 125 1.19 268 31.5 141 39.2 242 #> 161 149 1.83 89 28.7 213 69.1 22 #> 162 117 1.32 239 30.2 170 65.3 44 #> 163 134 2.50 6 31.3 143 64.3 50 #> 164 187 0.85 324 28.3 227 35.1 277 #> 165 225 0.60 345 28.9 208 23.5 330 #> 166 262 1.69 127 23.9 304 10.2 349 #> 167 137 2.31 20 26.4 269 72.3 14 #> 168 149 1.09 289 31.2 148 41.3 223 #> 169 144 1.40 215 38.3 28 35.9 271 #> 170 294 2.14 38 30.7 160 15.7 348 #> 171 231 1.15 277 30.4 166 57.5 86 #> 172 40 1.03 302 30.1 172 36.7 261 #> 173 254 1.58 163 31.8 136 43.2 199 #> 174 32 1.24 260 21.9 329 56.9 95 #> 175 315 2.18 29 23.8 307 73.0 12 #> 176 330 0.92 317 31.7 138 17.8 343 #> 177 121 0.93 316 24.1 301 36.3 266 #> 178 49 0.72 336 35.7 70 24.1 327 #> 179 273 1.07 296 27.9 239 42.6 208 #> 180 191 1.31 241 39.5 17 50.5 155 #> 181 57 1.76 104 26.1 274 57.1 93 #> 182 99 1.73 111 35.6 76 62.4 59 #> 183 165 0.88 321 38.4 26 49.3 162 #> 184 115 1.09 291 49.1 1 37.9 251 #> 185 124 1.61 152 30.5 163 59.7 72 #> 186 100 1.74 109 35.1 79 40.1 237 #> 187 198 1.98 63 31.0 154 59.2 77 #> 188 269 0.75 334 39.6 15 26.4 311 #> 189 70 2.06 51 28.9 210 75.1 11 #> 190 351 0.91 318 26.2 272 37.6 252 #> 191 149 2.13 41 25.9 278 63.8 51 #> 192 224 2.30 21 27.9 241 56.4 101 #> 193 221 1.33 235 39.6 14 44.0 196 #> 194 70 1.77 103 29.8 184 53.2 131 #> 195 270 2.05 53 25.9 277 61.6 62 #> 196 106 1.22 265 42.6 8 25.6 312 #> 197 200 1.27 250 34.7 81 68.2 26 #> 198 253 1.07 294 36.7 52 41.5 219 #> 199 206 1.63 142 26.4 270 42.4 214 #> 200 149 2.20 26 24.7 296 37.9 250 #> 201 220 0.71 337 39.2 18 35.7 272 #> 202 143 0.89 320 20.4 340 35.4 274 #> 203 122 1.79 97 30.1 175 53.5 128 #> 204 51 1.69 129 24.3 298 37.1 257 #> 205 149 1.53 174 27.9 240 53.4 129 #> 206 70 1.29 245 21.1 338 58.8 78 #> 207 141 1.70 122 37.2 41 72.3 15 #> 208 319 2.15 34 29.6 192 54.6 118 #> 209 251 0.08 352 40.3 13 5.9 351 #> 210 264 1.98 62 32.1 130 79.4 5 #> 211 276 2.36 14 35.8 69 57.2 91 #> 212 149 1.40 213 25.6 284 32.0 295 #> 213 188 2.15 33 27.7 246 81.0 4 #> 214 300 1.28 247 33.8 95 34.3 282 #> 215 149 1.55 168 29.3 201 55.7 111 #> 216 229 1.38 219 33.1 106 57.6 85 #> 217 255 1.35 231 29.3 200 20.6 339 #> 218 232 1.11 285 35.2 77 36.5 262 #> 219 70 1.99 61 28.1 233 61.3 64 #> 220 268 1.12 283 25.7 279 7.5 350 #> 221 288 1.29 244 35.6 74 41.5 220 #> 222 133 2.11 44 26.5 266 48.7 167 #> 223 323 0.46 350 37.3 40 23.5 329 #> 224 123 1.38 220 26.8 262 42.0 216 #> 225 186 1.35 229 28.5 221 43.0 204 #> 226 114 1.21 267 28.5 219 18.8 341 #> 227 348 1.61 150 23.9 305 53.1 132 #> 228 211 1.59 158 28.3 225 43.1 202 #> 229 228 1.94 66 23.8 308 40.8 229 #> 230 179 1.00 307 34.6 82 40.8 230 #> 231 70 1.28 248 33.1 104 38.2 247 #> 232 289 1.08 292 33.3 101 21.4 338 #> 233 139 1.91 73 34.5 84 37.2 256 #> 234 230 1.23 262 37.3 39 36.4 265 #> 235 108 1.88 80 19.4 343 55.5 113 #> 236 145 1.17 271 29.6 188 30.2 301 #> 237 202 1.16 272 30.8 157 37.5 253 #> 238 233 1.05 299 33.0 109 51.5 148 #> 239 119 1.75 106 29.2 202 50.9 152 #> 240 182 1.41 211 37.4 37 52.9 135 #> 241 330 1.33 234 37.5 33 46.6 181 #> 242 136 1.92 72 27.1 255 67.6 29 #> 243 138 2.06 49 29.7 187 57.3 89 #> 244 216 1.44 201 36.2 60 45.3 188 #> 245 183 1.70 123 27.2 254 48.4 172 #> 246 296 1.68 134 34.0 91 49.4 161 #> 247 135 1.24 258 29.4 197 51.7 143 #> 248 126 1.86 85 27.5 251 61.4 63 #> 249 208 0.74 335 22.1 327 25.2 316 #> 250 227 1.95 64 24.5 297 58.3 82 #> 251 261 1.39 217 30.5 164 33.3 285 #> 252 271 2.56 3 21.1 336 65.2 45 #> 253 263 1.91 74 29.7 186 70.7 18 #> 254 256 1.25 254 33.6 96 34.3 281 #> 255 284 1.78 100 32.8 116 66.6 35 #> 256 277 1.44 203 21.9 331 25.0 318 #> 257 214 1.68 131 37.3 38 48.8 166 #> 258 278 1.32 237 26.8 263 30.9 299 #> 259 328 1.51 178 29.0 206 48.6 170 #> 260 326 1.70 124 27.9 237 43.8 197 #> 261 324 0.79 330 22.6 319 24.9 319 #> 262 274 1.69 128 36.9 48 54.4 120 #> 263 175 1.65 139 28.2 230 65.1 46 #> 264 132 1.93 69 26.1 276 65.0 48 #> 265 309 0.99 308 39.6 16 37.4 255 #> 266 149 1.06 298 34.1 90 22.0 336 #> 267 222 1.30 243 32.6 119 41.2 226 #> 268 330 1.70 125 29.0 207 55.9 105 #> 269 197 0.70 340 32.9 112 22.7 335 #> 270 192 1.60 156 29.6 190 67.2 31 #> 271 327 0.84 326 38.7 23 36.7 260 #> 272 298 1.70 120 24.2 299 56.1 104 #> 273 297 1.64 141 25.5 286 43.3 198 #> 274 250 1.07 295 35.1 78 29.7 302 #> 275 330 1.60 157 26.1 273 43.1 201 #> 276 346 1.46 196 36.1 63 40.2 235 #> 277 212 1.35 230 28.7 214 55.0 116 #> 278 128 2.18 27 23.7 311 65.8 39 #> 279 293 0.84 325 36.8 50 31.1 298 #> 280 280 1.44 204 41.6 10 53.7 125 #> 281 299 1.34 233 25.5 285 48.2 174 #> 282 306 0.68 341 33.6 97 36.0 270 #> 283 233 1.13 281 36.9 45 42.5 210 #> 284 233 1.16 274 26.4 268 29.5 304 #> 285 120 2.51 5 19.2 344 53.6 126 #> 286 167 1.62 147 25.4 289 71.8 16 #> 287 337 1.49 185 28.0 236 55.8 108 #> 288 272 1.00 306 36.8 51 38.1 248 #> 289 233 1.88 78 26.7 264 59.9 71 #> 290 317 1.22 266 36.8 49 47.1 178 #> 291 233 0.70 338 37.9 31 33.1 286 #> 292 210 1.92 71 23.8 309 42.1 215 #> 293 233 1.72 115 28.3 226 49.4 160 #> 294 318 1.92 70 28.3 224 60.8 66 #> 295 199 0.63 344 41.8 9 30.7 300 #> 296 233 1.45 198 31.4 142 57.1 92 #> 297 267 1.15 279 26.1 275 50.8 154 #> 298 162 1.47 193 29.9 182 25.4 314 #> 299 233 1.90 77 24.0 302 62.6 56 #> 300 226 0.47 349 42.7 7 24.4 321 #> 301 343 2.39 12 29.4 198 66.5 36 #> 302 249 1.26 253 40.6 12 32.6 290 #> 303 260 1.77 102 29.8 183 42.0 217 #> 304 180 2.88 1 21.1 337 54.4 121 #> 305 291 2.32 18 14.2 353 60.8 65 #> 306 169 1.48 188 25.4 288 35.3 275 #> 307 166 0.87 322 42.8 4 49.1 164 #> 308 219 1.85 86 34.5 85 51.7 144 #> 309 313 0.86 323 39.0 20 16.4 347 #> 310 308 1.15 278 33.3 102 34.8 278 #> 311 321 1.71 119 28.7 215 59.3 76 #> 312 320 0.93 315 37.1 43 55.6 112 #> 313 283 1.77 101 32.4 124 41.9 218 #> 314 290 1.42 206 24.9 294 36.2 268 #> 315 325 1.12 282 31.3 144 40.3 233 #> 316 307 1.62 145 27.1 256 62.6 57 #> 317 266 1.51 179 28.2 228 55.9 106 #> 318 301 1.80 94 20.8 339 72.5 13 #> 319 285 0.78 331 32.3 126 45.3 189 #> 320 350 1.54 171 21.1 335 79.3 6 #> 321 149 1.79 98 25.1 291 56.6 99 #> 322 233 1.68 133 27.7 245 58.5 81 #> 323 279 1.67 135 33.6 99 35.2 276 #> 324 259 1.32 238 38.8 22 53.6 127 #> 325 301 1.46 197 27.0 258 42.8 206 #> 326 329 1.69 130 31.1 150 52.3 138 #> 327 301 2.35 15 32.0 131 56.8 96 #> 328 339 2.48 7 23.5 314 70.1 20 #> 329 252 1.62 143 18.2 348 36.9 258 #> 330 314 2.71 2 23.9 306 61.8 61 #> 331 322 1.22 264 38.1 30 48.5 171 #> 332 301 2.23 25 17.2 352 59.4 75 #> 333 265 1.27 251 30.2 168 58.0 83 #> 334 352 1.49 184 29.6 191 60.7 67 #> 335 287 1.02 304 36.2 58 45.3 187 #> 336 311 1.05 300 23.1 315 24.4 324 #> 337 316 2.25 23 30.0 180 62.6 58 #> 338 344 1.80 93 22.1 328 51.9 141 #> 339 335 1.48 187 40.8 11 55.9 107 #> 340 310 1.25 255 35.6 73 23.4 332 #> 341 233 0.77 332 30.1 173 27.1 310 #> 342 341 1.17 270 38.3 27 42.7 207 #> 343 233 0.49 348 31.6 139 23.0 333 #> 344 292 0.64 343 30.8 158 24.9 320 #> 345 353 0.56 346 39.1 19 24.2 326 #> 346 281 0.00 353 28.2 229 0.0 0 #> 347 275 1.32 240 36.2 59 41.2 227 #> 348 336 1.47 190 31.0 151 56.4 100 #> 349 338 0.94 314 27.6 248 52.0 139 #> 350 347 1.04 301 42.8 6 43.1 203 #> 351 349 1.36 226 28.6 217 45.9 185 #> 352 345 0.40 351 37.0 44 17.5 344 #> 353 340 1.07 293 36.0 64 34.5 280 #> NCAA_Seed Year #> 1 2 2020 #> 2 NA 2020 #> 3 1 2020 #> 4 NA 2020 #> 5 3 2020 #> 6 NA 2020 #> 7 NA 2020 #> 8 2 2020 #> 9 NA 2020 #> 10 11 2020 #> 11 NA 2020 #> 12 7 2020 #> 13 NA 2020 #> 14 NA 2020 #> 15 NA 2020 #> 16 NA 2020 #> 17 NA 2020 #> 18 12 2020 #> 19 10 2020 #> 20 NA 2020 #> 21 NA 2020 #> 22 3 2020 #> 23 NA 2020 #> 24 1 2020 #> 25 NA 2020 #> 26 NA 2020 #> 27 NA 2020 #> 28 NA 2020 #> 29 9 2020 #> 30 NA 2020 #> 31 4 2020 #> 32 NA 2020 #> 33 11 2020 #> 34 9 2020 #> 35 NA 2020 #> 36 NA 2020 #> 37 NA 2020 #> 38 NA 2020 #> 39 NA 2020 #> 40 NA 2020 #> 41 NA 2020 #> 42 NA 2020 #> 43 NA 2020 #> 44 NA 2020 #> 45 NA 2020 #> 46 NA 2020 #> 47 NA 2020 #> 48 NA 2020 #> 49 10 2020 #> 50 7 2020 #> 51 NA 2020 #> 52 NA 2020 #> 53 6 2020 #> 54 4 2020 #> 55 NA 2020 #> 56 NA 2020 #> 57 NA 2020 #> 58 NA 2020 #> 59 NA 2020 #> 60 NA 2020 #> 61 NA 2020 #> 62 6 2020 #> 63 NA 2020 #> 64 NA 2020 #> 65 6 2020 #> 66 NA 2020 #> 67 NA 2020 #> 68 NA 2020 #> 69 NA 2020 #> 70 NA 2020 #> 71 3 2020 #> 72 NA 2020 #> 73 NA 2020 #> 74 5 2020 #> 75 NA 2020 #> 76 8 2020 #> 77 NA 2020 #> 78 8 2020 #> 79 NA 2020 #> 80 NA 2020 #> 81 NA 2020 #> 82 NA 2020 #> 83 NA 2020 #> 84 7 2020 #> 85 NA 2020 #> 86 NA 2020 #> 87 NA 2020 #> 88 9 2020 #> 89 16 2020 #> 90 14 2020 #> 91 NA 2020 #> 92 NA 2020 #> 93 NA 2020 #> 94 NA 2020 #> 95 NA 2020 #> 96 7 2020 #> 97 3 2020 #> 98 NA 2020 #> 99 NA 2020 #> 100 NA 2020 #> 101 NA 2020 #> 102 8 2020 #> 103 NA 2020 #> 104 5 2020 #> 105 16 2020 #> 106 NA 2020 #> 107 14 2020 #> 108 12 2020 #> 109 NA 2020 #> 110 11 2020 #> 111 NA 2020 #> 112 NA 2020 #> 113 6 2020 #> 114 5 2020 #> 115 NA 2020 #> 116 NA 2020 #> 117 NA 2020 #> 118 NA 2020 #> 119 NA 2020 #> 120 NA 2020 #> 121 NA 2020 #> 122 NA 2020 #> 123 NA 2020 #> 124 9 2020 #> 125 NA 2020 #> 126 13 2020 #> 127 4 2020 #> 128 NA 2020 #> 129 NA 2020 #> 130 NA 2020 #> 131 10 2020 #> 132 NA 2020 #> 133 NA 2020 #> 134 NA 2020 #> 135 8 2020 #> 136 NA 2020 #> 137 NA 2020 #> 138 NA 2020 #> 139 NA 2020 #> 140 NA 2020 #> 141 NA 2020 #> 142 NA 2020 #> 143 NA 2020 #> 144 NA 2020 #> 145 NA 2020 #> 146 NA 2020 #> 147 NA 2020 #> 148 NA 2020 #> 149 4 2020 #> 150 NA 2020 #> 151 NA 2020 #> 152 NA 2020 #> 153 NA 2020 #> 154 NA 2020 #> 155 NA 2020 #> 156 10 2020 #> 157 NA 2020 #> 158 NA 2020 #> 159 NA 2020 #> 160 NA 2020 #> 161 NA 2020 #> 162 NA 2020 #> 163 NA 2020 #> 164 NA 2020 #> 165 NA 2020 #> 166 NA 2020 #> 167 NA 2020 #> 168 NA 2020 #> 169 NA 2020 #> 170 NA 2020 #> 171 NA 2020 #> 172 NA 2020 #> 173 NA 2020 #> 174 NA 2020 #> 175 NA 2020 #> 176 NA 2020 #> 177 NA 2020 #> 178 NA 2020 #> 179 NA 2020 #> 180 NA 2020 #> 181 1 2020 #> 182 NA 2020 #> 183 11 2020 #> 184 NA 2020 #> 185 5 2020 #> 186 NA 2020 #> 187 NA 2020 #> 188 NA 2020 #> 189 NA 2020 #> 190 15 2020 #> 191 1 2020 #> 192 NA 2020 #> 193 NA 2020 #> 194 NA 2020 #> 195 NA 2020 #> 196 NA 2020 #> 197 NA 2020 #> 198 16 2020 #> 199 NA 2020 #> 200 2 2020 #> 201 NA 2020 #> 202 NA 2020 #> 203 NA 2020 #> 204 NA 2020 #> 205 NA 2020 #> 206 NA 2020 #> 207 NA 2020 #> 208 14 2020 #> 209 NA 2020 #> 210 15 2020 #> 211 NA 2020 #> 212 NA 2020 #> 213 NA 2020 #> 214 NA 2020 #> 215 NA 2020 #> 216 NA 2020 #> 217 NA 2020 #> 218 NA 2020 #> 219 NA 2020 #> 220 NA 2020 #> 221 NA 2020 #> 222 NA 2020 #> 223 NA 2020 #> 224 15 2020 #> 225 13 2020 #> 226 NA 2020 #> 227 13 2020 #> 228 NA 2020 #> 229 NA 2020 #> 230 NA 2020 #> 231 NA 2020 #> 232 NA 2020 #> 233 NA 2020 #> 234 12 2020 #> 235 2 2020 #> 236 NA 2020 #> 237 NA 2020 #> 238 NA 2020 #> 239 NA 2020 #> 240 NA 2020 #> 241 NA 2020 #> 242 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309 NA 2020 #> 310 NA 2020 #> 311 NA 2020 #> 312 NA 2020 #> 313 NA 2020 #> 314 NA 2020 #> 315 NA 2020 #> 316 NA 2020 #> 317 NA 2020 #> 318 NA 2020 #> 319 NA 2020 #> 320 NA 2020 #> 321 NA 2020 #> 322 16 2020 #> 323 NA 2020 #> 324 NA 2020 #> 325 NA 2020 #> 326 NA 2020 #> 327 NA 2020 #> 328 12 2020 #> 329 NA 2020 #> 330 NA 2020 #> 331 NA 2020 #> 332 NA 2020 #> 333 NA 2020 #> 334 NA 2020 #> 335 NA 2020 #> 336 NA 2020 #> 337 NA 2020 #> 338 NA 2020 #> 339 NA 2020 #> 340 16 2020 #> 341 NA 2020 #> 342 NA 2020 #> 343 NA 2020 #> 344 NA 2020 #> 345 NA 2020 #> 346 NA 2020 #> 347 NA 2020 #> 348 15 2020 #> 349 NA 2020 #> 350 NA 2020 #> 351 NA 2020 #> 352 NA 2020 #> 353 NA 2020 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_kpoy.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KPoY Leaders Tables — kp_kpoy","title":"Get KPoY Leaders Tables — kp_kpoy","text":"Get KPoY Leaders Tables","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_kpoy.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KPoY Leaders Tables — kp_kpoy","text":"","code":"kp_kpoy(year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_kpoy.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KPoY Leaders Tables — kp_kpoy","text":"year Year data pull (earliest year data available: 2011)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_kpoy.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KPoY Leaders Tables — kp_kpoy","text":"Returns list tibbles: \"kPoYRatings\", \"GameMVPs\" KPoYRatings GameMVPs","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_kpoy.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KPoY Leaders Tables — kp_kpoy","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_kpoy(year=2021)) #> $KPoYRatings #> rk player kpoy_rating team hgt wgt exp #> 1 1 Drew Timme 1.915 Gonzaga 6-10 235 So #> 2 2 Luka Garza 1.903 Iowa 6-11 265 Sr #> 3 3 Evan Mobley 1.657 USC 7-0 215 Fr #> 4 4 Jared Butler 1.623 Baylor 6-3 195 Jr #> 5 5 Cameron Krutwig 1.613 Loyola Chicago 6-9 255 Sr #> 6 6 Ayo Dosunmu 1.507 Illinois 6-5 200 Jr #> 7 7 Kofi Cockburn 1.467 Illinois 7-0 285 So #> 8 8 Hunter Dickinson 1.399 Michigan 7-1 255 Fr #> 9 9 Jalen Suggs 1.365 Gonzaga 6-4 205 Fr #> 10 10 Trevion Williams 1.357 Purdue 6-10 265 Jr #> home_town year group #> 1 Richardson, TX 2021 kPoY Rating #> 2 Washington, DC 2021 kPoY Rating #> 3 Murrieta, CA 2021 kPoY Rating #> 4 Reserve, LA 2021 kPoY Rating #> 5 Algonquin, IL 2021 kPoY Rating #> 6 Chicago, IL 2021 kPoY Rating #> 7 Kingston, Jamaica 2021 kPoY Rating #> 8 Hyattsville, MD 2021 kPoY Rating #> 9 West St. Paul, MN 2021 kPoY Rating #> 10 Chicago, IL 2021 kPoY Rating #> #> $GameMVPs #> rk player game_mv_ps team hgt wgt exp #> 1 1 Luka Garza 19 Iowa 6-11 265 Sr #> 2 2 Evan Mobley 18 USC 7-0 215 Fr #> 3 3 Neemias Queta 16 Utah St. 7-0 245 Jr #> 4 4 Charles Bassey 15 Western Kentucky 6-11 235 Jr #> 5 5 Cameron Krutwig 13 Loyola Chicago 6-9 255 Sr #> 6 5 Terry Taylor 13 Austin Peay 6-5 230 Sr #> 7 7 Drew Timme 12 Gonzaga 6-10 235 So #> 8 8 Isaiah Miller 11 UNC Greensboro 6-0 190 Sr #> 9 8 Quentin Grimes 11 Houston 6-5 205 Jr #> 10 8 Kendric Davis 11 SMU 5-11 180 Jr #> 11 8 Nah'Shon Hyland 11 VCU 6-3 173 So #> home_town year group #> 1 Washington, DC 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 2 Murrieta, CA 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 3 Barreiro, Portugal 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 4 Lagos, Nigeria 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 5 Algonquin, IL 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 6 Bowling Green, KY 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 7 Richardson, TX 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 8 Covington, GA 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 9 The Woodlands, TX 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 10 Houston, TX 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> 11 Wilmington, DE 2021 Game MVP Leaders #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_minutes_matrix.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Minutes Matrix from Expanded Player Page — kp_minutes_matrix","title":"Get Minutes Matrix from Expanded Player Page — kp_minutes_matrix","text":"Get Minutes Matrix Expanded Player Page","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_minutes_matrix.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Minutes Matrix from Expanded Player Page — kp_minutes_matrix","text":"","code":"kp_minutes_matrix(team, year = 2021)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_minutes_matrix.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Minutes Matrix from Expanded Player Page — kp_minutes_matrix","text":"team Team filter select. year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_minutes_matrix.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Minutes Matrix from Expanded Player Page — kp_minutes_matrix","text":"Returns tibble minutes matrix data","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_minutes_matrix.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Minutes Matrix from Expanded Player Page — kp_minutes_matrix","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_minutes_matrix(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2021)) #> date opponent_rk opponent result justin_lindner #> 1 Wed Dec 2 297 North Florida W, 86-58 #> 2 Wed Dec 9 50 Indiana W, 69-67 #> 3 Sat Dec 12 41 Florida W, 83-71 #> 4 Tue Dec 15 37 Georgia Tech W, 74-61 #> 5 Sat Dec 19 100 UCF L, 86-74 #> 6 Mon Dec 21 182 Gardner Webb W, 72-59 1 #> 7 Tue Dec 29 45 Clemson L, 77-67 #> 8 Wed Jan 13 71 N.C. State W, 105-73 6 #> 9 Sat Jan 16 34 North Carolina W, 82-75 #> 10 Mon Jan 18 59 Louisville W, 78-65 1 #> 11 Sat Jan 23 45 Clemson W, 80-61 3 #> 12 Wed Jan 27 138 Miami FL W, 81-59 2 #> 13 Sat Jan 30 37 Georgia Tech L, 76-65 #> 14 Sat Feb 13 175 Wake Forest W, 92-85 #> 15 Mon Feb 15 19 Virginia W, 81-60 1 #> 16 Sat Feb 20 97 Pittsburgh W, 79-72 #> 17 Wed Feb 24 138 Miami FL W, 88-71 2 #> 18 Sat Feb 27 34 North Carolina L, 78-70 #> 19 Wed Mar 3 148 Boston College W, 93-64 5 #> 20 Sat Mar 6 85 Notre Dame L, 83-73 #> 21 Fri Mar 12 34 North Carolina W, 69-66 #> 22 Sat Mar 13 37 Georgia Tech L, 80-75 #> 23 Sat Mar 20 108 UNC Greensboro W, 64-54 #> 24 Mon Mar 22 8 Colorado W, 71-53 #> 25 Sun Mar 28 3 Michigan L, 76-58 1 #> ray_quan_evans mj_walker nathanael_jack anthony_polite sardaar_calhoun #> 1 16 27 11 24 15 #> 2 13 41 33 14 #> 3 18 29 3 27 7 #> 4 35 5 34 6 #> 5 15 37 31 8 #> 6 24 23 11 28 10 #> 7 21 33 4 27 11 #> 8 19 22 12 21 15 #> 9 31 32 2 27 16 #> 10 27 32 7 16 #> 11 18 17 22 17 #> 12 18 27 13 25 #> 13 27 25 4 17 #> 14 17 37 3 30 10 #> 15 19 29 2 15 19 #> 16 22 28 20 14 #> 17 15 15 24 24 #> 18 17 29 26 20 #> 19 16 24 12 25 11 #> 20 31 26 2 26 20 #> 21 13 28 4 24 20 #> 22 12 27 32 12 #> 23 16 32 30 11 #> 24 18 31 9 28 11 #> 25 16 26 4 25 9 #> travis_light will_miles harrison_prieto rai_quan_gray wyatt_wilkes #> 1 18 16 #> 2 1 31 7 #> 3 23 18 #> 4 30 11 #> 5 3 26 15 #> 6 0 0 0 25 12 #> 7 21 15 #> 8 3 3 22 15 #> 9 30 10 #> 10 1 1 30 16 #> 11 3 3 11 18 #> 12 2 2 22 20 #> 13 34 26 #> 14 37 20 #> 15 1 1 28 13 #> 16 29 13 #> 17 2 2 26 22 #> 18 32 9 #> 19 5 5 5 19 16 #> 20 35 8 #> 21 27 6 #> 22 21 11 #> 23 31 6 #> 24 1 1 1 28 11 #> 25 1 1 20 9 #> malik_osborne scottie_barnes quincy_ballard balsa_koprivica tanor_ngom #> 1 17 24 7 18 7 #> 2 31 30 1 21 2 #> 3 21 28 2 16 6 #> 4 19 30 4 26 #> 5 13 29 2 14 5 #> 6 17 22 2 23 2 #> 7 24 21 19 3 #> 8 20 13 5 14 10 #> 9 15 30 7 #> 10 25 22 1 14 8 #> 11 24 23 5 23 12 #> 12 19 19 4 17 9 #> 13 21 23 17 6 #> 14 25 33 7 6 #> 15 24 24 2 14 8 #> 16 24 26 15 9 #> 17 9 24 11 23 #> 18 20 22 0 24 1 #> 19 21 5 23 8 #> 20 8 32 6 5 #> 21 20 25 1 28 5 #> 22 22 29 26 8 #> 23 14 26 24 10 #> 24 20 22 1 11 7 #> 25 31 25 1 23 5 #> starting_lineup_number team year #> 1 1 Florida St. 2021 #> 2 1 Florida St. 2021 #> 3 1 Florida St. 2021 #> 4 1 Florida St. 2021 #> 5 1 Florida St. 2021 #> 6 1 Florida St. 2021 #> 7 1 Florida St. 2021 #> 8 2 Florida St. 2021 #> 9 2 Florida St. 2021 #> 10 3 Florida St. 2021 #> 11 3 Florida St. 2021 #> 12 3 Florida St. 2021 #> 13 3 Florida St. 2021 #> 14 4 Florida St. 2021 #> 15 4 Florida St. 2021 #> 16 4 Florida St. 2021 #> 17 5 Florida St. 2021 #> 18 3 Florida St. 2021 #> 19 6 Florida St. 2021 #> 20 2 Florida St. 2021 #> 21 2 Florida St. 2021 #> 22 2 Florida St. 2021 #> 23 2 Florida St. 2021 #> 24 2 Florida St. 2021 #> 25 2 Florida St. 2021 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_officials.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get officials rankings — kp_officials","title":"Get officials rankings — kp_officials","text":"Get officials rankings","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_officials.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get officials rankings — kp_officials","text":"","code":"kp_officials(year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_officials.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get officials rankings — kp_officials","text":"year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_officials.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get officials rankings — kp_officials","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_officials.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get officials rankings — kp_officials","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_officials(year = 2021)) #> rk official_name ref_rating gms last_game #> 1 1 Bo Boroski 69.98 60 Mon 4/5 #> 2 2 D.J. Carstensen 68.26 54 Sun 3/28 #> 3 3 Keith Kimble 65.08 73 Mon 4/5 #> 4 4 Paul Szelc 64.01 55 Mon 3/29 #> 5 5 Larry Scirotto 63.74 55 Sat 3/27 #> 6 6 Ron Groover 62.98 65 Sat 4/3 #> 7 7 Doug Shows 60.78 64 Tue 3/30 #> 8 8 Kipp Kissinger 60.67 72 Thu 3/11 #> 9 9 Roger Ayers 60.62 71 Sun 3/14 #> 10 10 Bert Smith 60.52 70 Tue 3/30 #> 11 11 Pat Driscoll 58.37 57 Sun 3/28 #> 12 12 Kelly Pfeifer 58.30 52 Sun 3/28 #> 13 13 Doug Sirmons 57.92 69 Sat 4/3 #> 14 14 John Higgins 57.87 67 Sat 3/13 #> 15 15 Courtney Green 57.63 49 Sat 3/27 #> 16 16 Brent Hampton 57.44 58 Sat 3/27 #> 17 17 Terry Oglesby 56.71 74 Mon 3/29 #> 18 18 Chris Rastatter 55.91 71 Sat 4/3 #> 19 19 Ted Valentine 55.89 57 Sat 3/13 #> 20 20 Pat Adams 55.01 54 Sat 4/3 #> 21 21 Brian O'Connell 54.82 54 Sun 3/28 #> 22 22 Brooks Wells 54.65 63 Sun 3/28 #> 23 23 Lee Cassell 54.40 54 Tue 3/30 #> 24 24 James Breeding 53.78 60 Sat 4/3 #> 25 25 Brian Dorsey 53.45 54 Sun 3/28 #> 26 26 Robert Riley 53.34 45 Mon 3/22 #> 27 27 Tony Padilla 52.55 67 Sun 3/28 #> 28 28 Terry Wymer 52.32 54 Sun 3/21 #> 29 29 Don Daily 52.28 53 Sun 3/28 #> 30 30 Michael Greenstein 51.54 58 Sun 3/28 #> 31 31 Gerry Pollard 50.81 70 Sat 3/27 #> 32 32 Jeffrey Anderson 50.51 49 Sat 4/3 #> 33 33 Randy McCall 50.47 70 Mon 4/5 #> 34 34 Jamie Luckie 49.93 51 Thu 3/11 #> 35 35 Verne Harris 49.53 71 Tue 3/30 #> 36 36 Ray Natili 49.49 55 Fri 3/12 #> 37 37 Clarence Armstrong 48.63 52 Sat 3/20 #> 38 38 Jeb Hartness 47.86 68 Sat 3/27 #> 39 39 Byron Jarrett 47.37 53 Sat 3/27 #> 40 40 Gary Maxwell 47.10 61 Sat 3/13 #> 41 NA NA NA Last Game #> 42 41 John Gaffney 46.75 47 Fri 3/12 #> 43 42 Eric Curry 46.41 52 Sat 3/13 #> 44 43 Mike Reed 46.30 59 Sun 3/21 #> 45 44 Mike Roberts 46.02 44 Sat 3/13 #> 46 45 Jeff Clark 45.91 48 Mon 3/29 #> 47 46 David Hall 45.78 61 Sat 3/13 #> 48 47 Donnie Eppley 45.47 42 Sun 3/21 #> 49 48 Tony Greene 43.26 44 Sat 3/20 #> 50 49 Michael Irving 42.94 57 Sun 3/28 #> 51 50 Lamar Simpson 42.64 39 Sun 3/21 #> 52 51 Anthony Jordan 42.60 47 Sat 3/13 #> 53 52 Tony Henderson 41.93 51 Sun 3/28 #> 54 53 Earl Walton 41.52 52 Wed 3/24 #> 55 54 Patrick Evans 41.48 41 Sat 3/13 #> 56 55 Todd Austin 41.09 52 Sat 3/20 #> 57 56 Rob Kueneman 40.98 41 Fri 3/12 #> 58 57 Larry Spaulding 39.82 53 Sun 3/28 #> 59 58 Michael Stephens 38.88 44 Thu 3/4 #> 60 59 Bret Smith 38.25 54 Sun 3/21 #> 61 60 Joe Lindsay 37.71 39 Sat 3/27 #> 62 61 Matt Potter 37.60 47 Fri 3/19 #> 63 62 Marques Pettigrew 37.11 52 Sun 3/28 #> 64 63 Mike Scyphers 37.10 49 Sat 3/13 #> 65 64 Tony Chiazza 37.05 41 Sun 3/21 #> 66 65 Tim Clougherty 37.04 41 Sun 3/21 #> 67 66 Olandis Poole 36.87 48 Fri 3/12 #> 68 67 Bart Lenox 36.86 50 Fri 3/19 #> 69 68 John Floyd 36.20 51 Sun 3/28 #> 70 69 Jerry Heater 36.08 49 Sun 3/28 #> 71 70 Vladimir Voyard-Tadal 36.06 43 Sat 3/20 #> 72 71 Owen Shortt 35.95 46 Sat 3/20 #> 73 72 Steve Anderson 35.48 41 Mon 3/22 #> 74 73 Will Howard 35.47 46 Fri 3/12 #> 75 74 Mike Nance 35.28 44 Sat 3/13 #> 76 75 Kevin Brill 34.83 46 Sun 3/21 #> 77 76 Edwin Young 34.81 33 Sun 3/28 #> 78 77 A.J. Desai 34.49 43 Sat 3/27 #> 79 78 Chuck Jones 34.43 39 Sat 3/13 #> 80 79 Nate Harris 34.15 46 Fri 3/12 #> 81 80 Amy Bonner 33.84 61 Thu 3/18 #> 82 NA NA NA Last Game #> 83 81 Antinio Petty 33.75 51 Sat 3/20 #> 84 82 Deron White 33.49 45 Sat 3/13 #> 85 83 Tommy Morrissey 33.48 43 Sun 3/28 #> 86 84 Gregory Nixon 33.11 45 Sat 3/20 #> 87 85 Steve McJunkins 32.48 30 Sat 3/20 #> 88 86 Bill Ek 31.88 44 Mon 3/22 #> 89 87 Darron George 31.68 51 Thu 3/25 #> 90 88 Jason Baker 31.35 43 Fri 3/12 #> 91 89 Kelly Self 31.13 46 Fri 3/12 #> 92 90 Tommy Nunez 30.97 46 Sat 3/13 #> 93 91 Bill Covington Jr. 30.26 38 Sat 3/20 #> 94 92 Rick Crawford 30.07 42 Wed 3/24 #> 95 93 Deldre Carr 30.06 41 Sun 3/21 #> 96 94 Les Jones 28.99 42 Thu 3/11 #> 97 95 Chance Moore 28.98 45 Thu 3/25 #> 98 96 Lewis Garrison 28.21 26 Sat 3/13 #> 99 97 Rob Rorke 28.02 36 Fri 3/12 #> 100 98 Randy Heimerman 27.57 37 Sat 3/20 #> 101 99 Tim Comer 27.46 46 Sun 3/14 #> 102 100 Mark Schnur 27.35 41 Wed 3/10 #> 103 101 Steve Honacki 26.35 43 Mon 3/8 #> 104 102 D.G. Nelson 25.93 41 Sat 3/13 #> 105 103 K.B. Burdett 25.87 40 Fri 3/12 #> 106 104 Chad Barlow 24.13 36 Fri 3/12 #> 107 105 Tim Stewart 24.09 34 Sat 3/13 #> 108 106 Bob Staffen 23.68 41 Fri 3/12 #> 109 107 Evon Burroughs 23.44 29 Sun 3/14 #> 110 108 Brandon Cruz 22.24 40 Sat 3/13 #> 111 109 Kevin Mathis 22.14 33 Thu 3/11 #> 112 110 Andy O'Brien 21.93 38 Thu 3/18 #> 113 111 Brian McNutt 21.76 35 Thu 3/18 #> 114 112 Rodrick Dixon 21.70 36 Thu 3/25 #> 115 113 Chase Shaw 21.69 44 Sat 3/6 #> 116 114 Anthony Eades 21.31 46 Sat 3/6 #> 117 115 John Hampton 21.26 31 Sat 3/6 #> 118 116 Frank Harvey 21.22 29 Thu 3/11 #> 119 117 Shawn Lehigh 21.15 38 Fri 3/12 #> 120 118 Craig Murley 21.13 38 Thu 3/11 #> 121 119 Ron Tyburski 20.93 36 Fri 3/12 #> 122 120 Gerald Williams 20.61 30 Thu 3/25 #> 123 NA NA NA Last Game #> 124 121 Tim Smith 20.46 36 Sat 3/6 #> 125 122 Justin Porterfield 20.34 32 Wed 3/10 #> 126 123 Mike Kitts 19.88 37 Wed 3/24 #> 127 124 Nathan Hall 19.71 35 Wed 3/10 #> 128 125 Wally Rutecki 18.26 28 Thu 3/11 #> 129 126 Bryan Anslinger 18.00 30 Thu 3/11 #> 130 127 Casey McClellan 17.83 27 Fri 3/12 #> 131 128 Scott Brown 17.82 27 Fri 3/12 #> 132 129 Jim Schipper 17.79 27 Wed 3/10 #> 133 130 Kerby Sitton 17.76 36 Thu 3/25 #> 134 131 Robert Felder 17.70 31 Fri 3/12 #> 135 132 Garrick Shannon 17.54 36 Thu 3/11 #> 136 133 Raymond Styons 17.39 29 Tue 2/23 #> 137 134 Rick Batsell 17.28 35 Fri 3/12 #> 138 135 Tim Kelly 17.23 29 Sun 3/7 #> 139 136 Ryan Corbett 17.12 29 Fri 3/12 #> 140 137 Alfred Smith 17.09 29 Fri 3/12 #> 141 138 Jeremy Mosier 17.09 29 Mon 3/1 #> 142 139 Bill Vinovich 17.04 27 Fri 3/12 #> 143 140 Ed Phillips 16.95 31 Thu 3/11 #> 144 141 Jon Campbell 16.71 28 Tue 3/9 #> 145 142 Randy Richardson 16.64 26 Thu 3/18 #> 146 143 Sean Hull 16.44 28 Sun 3/14 #> 147 144 Adam Vandenburgh 16.03 28 Sat 3/13 #> 148 145 Peter Juzenas 15.81 21 Thu 3/11 #> 149 146 Keith Fogleman 15.57 28 Sun 3/7 #> 150 147 Brian Shey 15.32 25 Sat 3/6 #> 151 148 Jeff Malham 15.18 29 Tue 3/9 #> 152 149 Trey Styons 15.06 27 Sat 2/27 #> 153 150 Jeff Ketchu 15.04 26 Fri 3/12 #> 154 151 Glen Mayberry 15.03 25 Fri 3/12 #> 155 152 Jeff Pon 14.91 26 Tue 3/23 #> 156 153 Greg Evans 14.89 23 Sat 3/6 #> 157 154 Lionel Butler 14.81 30 Sat 3/13 #> 158 155 Brent Meaux 14.78 32 Fri 3/12 #> 159 156 Jabir Walker 14.73 28 Thu 3/11 #> 160 157 Matt Palumb 14.68 28 Thu 3/11 #> 161 158 Luke Schumer 14.67 26 Mon 3/8 #> 162 159 Mick Fieldbinder 14.56 34 Thu 3/11 #> 163 160 Shane Staggs 14.50 31 Wed 3/10 #> 164 NA NA NA Last Game #> 165 161 Michael Griffith 14.34 27 Mon 3/8 #> 166 162 Michael Palau 14.31 25 Tue 3/9 #> 167 163 Tony Crisp 14.25 20 Wed 3/10 #> 168 164 Matt Morales 14.23 24 Tue 3/2 #> 169 165 Tariq Lucas 14.09 26 Tue 3/2 #> 170 166 Kerry Sitton 13.99 27 Fri 3/12 #> 171 167 Chris Beaver 13.97 18 Wed 1/27 #> 172 168 Matthew Rukasin 13.82 27 Sat 3/6 #> 173 169 Bill Jacobson 13.61 19 Thu 3/11 #> 174 170 Daryl Gelinas 13.57 26 Fri 3/12 #> 175 171 Tom Nally 13.41 24 Thu 3/11 #> 176 172 Kurt Walker 13.41 21 Sat 3/6 #> 177 173 Gene Grimshaw 13.41 23 Fri 3/5 #> 178 174 Bret Wegenke 13.33 21 Tue 3/2 #> 179 175 King Whetstone 13.25 26 Sat 3/13 #> 180 176 Jourdan Love 13.15 25 Tue 3/2 #> 181 177 Tyler Kumpf 13.12 24 Wed 3/10 #> 182 178 Ryan McDaniel 13.11 23 Thu 3/11 #> 183 179 Dwayne Gladden 12.99 24 Sat 3/13 #> 184 180 Doran Gotschall 12.97 25 Thu 3/11 #> 185 181 Andrew Walton 12.88 23 Fri 3/5 #> 186 182 Brad Ferrie 12.88 27 Fri 3/12 #> 187 183 Christopher Slattery 12.82 23 Sat 3/13 #> 188 184 Billy Dunlap 12.72 19 Sun 3/7 #> 189 185 Todd Von Sossan 12.69 21 Sun 2/28 #> 190 186 Zelton Steed 12.68 20 Sat 3/6 #> 191 187 JW Lucas 12.58 24 Mon 3/1 #> 192 187 Smith Aaron 12.58 17 Sat 3/13 #> 193 188 Dan Dorian 12.55 21 Fri 3/5 #> 194 189 Keith Patterson 12.46 24 Fri 3/5 #> 195 190 Jeff Spedoske 12.38 20 Fri 3/5 #> 196 191 Tony Meeks 12.32 23 Thu 3/11 #> 197 192 Ed Corliss 12.25 24 Wed 3/10 #> 198 193 Hunter Allen 12.20 25 Fri 3/5 #> 199 194 Justin Shamion 12.12 24 Thu 3/11 #> 200 195 Frank Spencer 12.02 20 Sun 3/7 #> 201 196 Ed Corbett 11.92 21 Sun 2/28 #> 202 197 Jose Carrion 11.91 23 Sat 3/6 #> 203 198 Ryan Holmes 11.90 23 Thu 3/11 #> 204 199 R.B. Clyburn 11.87 23 Thu 3/25 #> last_game_1 year #> 1 2 Baylor 86, 1 Gonzaga 70 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 2 4 Michigan 76, 12 Florida St. 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 3 2 Baylor 86, 1 Gonzaga 70 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 4 2 Baylor 81, 18 Arkansas 72 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 5 15 Arkansas 72, 128 Oral Roberts 70 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 6 1 Gonzaga 93, 15 UCLA 90 (OT) (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 7 1 Gonzaga 85, 6 USC 66 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 8 37 Oklahoma St. 72, 25 West Virginia 69 (Kansas City, MO) 2021 #> 9 28 St. Bonaventure 74, 43 VCU 65 (Dayton, OH) 2021 #> 10 1 Gonzaga 85, 6 USC 66 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 11 21 UCLA 88, 8 Alabama 78 (OT) (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 12 6 USC 82, 15 Oregon 68 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 13 2 Baylor 78, 3 Houston 59 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 14 25 Texas 91, 30 Oklahoma St. 86 (Kansas City, MO) 2021 #> 15 48 Oregon St. 65, 9 Loyola Chicago 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 16 4 Houston 62, 37 Syracuse 46 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 17 2 Baylor 81, 18 Arkansas 72 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 18 2 Baylor 78, 3 Houston 59 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 19 35 Georgia Tech 80, 13 Florida St. 75 (Greensboro, NC) 2021 #> 20 2 Baylor 78, 3 Houston 59 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 21 6 USC 82, 15 Oregon 68 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 22 83 Louisiana Tech 76, 75 Colorado St. 74 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 23 16 UCLA 51, 3 Michigan 49 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 24 1 Gonzaga 93, 15 UCLA 90 (OT) (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 25 4 Michigan 76, 12 Florida St. 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 26 3 Michigan 86, 23 LSU 78 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 27 4 Michigan 76, 12 Florida St. 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 28 9 Loyola Chicago 71, 2 Illinois 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 29 21 UCLA 88, 8 Alabama 78 (OT) (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 30 1 Gonzaga 83, 20 Creighton 65 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 31 2 Baylor 62, 11 Villanova 51 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 32 1 Gonzaga 93, 15 UCLA 90 (OT) (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 33 2 Baylor 86, 1 Gonzaga 70 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 34 12 Virginia 72, 44 Syracuse 69 (Greensboro, NC) 2021 #> 35 16 UCLA 51, 3 Michigan 49 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 36 37 Oklahoma St. 83, 3 Baylor 74 (Kansas City, MO) 2021 #> 37 1 Gonzaga 98, 203 Norfolk St. 55 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 38 48 Oregon St. 65, 9 Loyola Chicago 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 39 2 Baylor 62, 11 Villanova 51 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 40 73 North Texas 61, 92 Western Kentucky 57 (OT) (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 41 Last Game 2021 #> 42 73 Georgetown 66, 49 Seton Hall 58 (New York, NY) 2021 #> 43 24 San Diego St. 68, 38 Utah St. 57 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 44 15 Villanova 84, 57 North Texas 61 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 45 68 Georgetown 73, 10 Creighton 48 (New York, NY) 2021 #> 46 2 Baylor 81, 18 Arkansas 72 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 47 24 San Diego St. 68, 38 Utah St. 57 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 48 135 Oral Roberts 81, 37 Florida 78 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 49 18 Florida St. 64, 100 UNC Greensboro 54 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 50 21 UCLA 88, 8 Alabama 78 (OT) (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 51 15 Villanova 84, 57 North Texas 61 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 52 112 Cincinnati 60, 70 Wichita St. 59 (Fort Worth, TX) 2021 #> 53 6 USC 82, 15 Oregon 68 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 54 105 Pepperdine 84, 160 Coastal Carolina 61 (Daytona Beach, FL) 2021 #> 55 29 LSU 78, 19 Arkansas 71 (Nashville, TN) 2021 #> 56 7 Alabama 68, 183 Iona 55 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 57 7 Ohio St. 87, 12 Purdue 78 (OT) (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 58 83 Louisiana Tech 76, 75 Colorado St. 74 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 59 122 Duquesne 67, 62 Richmond 62 (Richmond, VA) 2021 #> 60 9 Loyola Chicago 71, 2 Illinois 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 61 15 Arkansas 72, 128 Oral Roberts 70 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 62 4 Baylor 79, 192 Hartford 55 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 63 1 Gonzaga 83, 20 Creighton 65 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 64 74 UC Santa Barbara 79, 106 UC Irvine 63 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 65 13 Arkansas 68, 14 Texas Tech 66 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 66 63 Oregon St. 80, 29 Oklahoma St. 70 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 67 69 Wichita St. 68, 180 South Florida 67 (Fort Worth, TX) 2021 #> 68 151 Oral Roberts 75, 7 Ohio St. 72 (OT) (West Lafayette, IN) 2021 #> 69 32 Memphis 77, 62 Mississippi St. 64 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 70 83 Louisiana Tech 76, 75 Colorado St. 74 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 71 79 Mississippi St. 74, 46 Saint Louis 68 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 72 79 Mississippi St. 74, 46 Saint Louis 68 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 73 9 USC 85, 18 Kansas 51 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 74 112 Cincinnati 74, 54 SMU 71 (Fort Worth, TX) 2021 #> 75 6 Houston 76, 40 Memphis 74 (Fort Worth, TX) 2021 #> 76 5 Houston 63, 34 Rutgers 60 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 77 32 Memphis 77, 62 Mississippi St. 64 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 78 4 Houston 62, 37 Syracuse 46 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 79 8 Alabama 73, 20 Tennessee 68 (Nashville, TN) 2021 #> 80 229 Montana St. 80, 138 Southern Utah 77 (OT) (Boise, ID) 2021 #> 81 72 N.C. State 75, 55 Davidson 61 (Denton, TX) 2021 #> 82 Last Game 2021 #> 83 40 Memphis 71, 83 Dayton 60 (Denton, TX) 2021 #> 84 74 UC Santa Barbara 79, 106 UC Irvine 63 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 85 32 Memphis 77, 62 Mississippi St. 64 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 86 20 Creighton 63, 71 UC Santa Barbara 62 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 87 82 Ohio 62, 13 Virginia 58 (Bloomington, IN) 2021 #> 88 20 Creighton 72, 76 Ohio 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 89 78 Louisiana Tech 72, 92 Western Kentucky 65 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 90 40 Memphis 70, 99 UCF 62 (Fort Worth, TX) 2021 #> 91 77 North Texas 54, 81 Louisiana Tech 48 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 92 74 UC Santa Barbara 79, 106 UC Irvine 63 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 93 7 Alabama 68, 183 Iona 55 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 94 105 Pepperdine 84, 160 Coastal Carolina 61 (Daytona Beach, FL) 2021 #> 95 135 Oral Roberts 81, 37 Florida 78 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 96 98 Western Kentucky 80, 160 UTSA 67 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 97 76 Mississippi St. 68, 63 Richmond 67 (Denton, TX) 2021 #> 98 3 Illinois 82, 4 Iowa 71 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 99 69 Wichita St. 68, 180 South Florida 67 (Fort Worth, TX) 2021 #> 100 40 Memphis 71, 83 Dayton 60 (Denton, TX) 2021 #> 101 86 Colgate 85, 210 Loyola MD 72 (Hamilton, NY) 2021 #> 102 53 Syracuse 89, 65 N.C. State 68 (Greensboro, NC) 2021 #> 103 211 Oakland 69, 188 Northern Kentucky 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 104 110 Eastern Washington 65, 223 Montana St. 55 (Boise, ID) 2021 #> 105 8 Alabama 85, 68 Mississippi St. 48 (Nashville, TN) 2021 #> 106 63 Buffalo 81, 101 Akron 74 (OT) (Cleveland, OH) 2021 #> 107 83 Ohio 84, 59 Buffalo 69 (Cleveland, OH) 2021 #> 108 39 Utah St. 62, 59 Colorado St. 50 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 109 86 Colgate 85, 210 Loyola MD 72 (Hamilton, NY) 2021 #> 110 185 Iona 60, 308 Fairfield 51 (Atlantic City, NJ) 2021 #> 111 76 North Texas 61, 153 Old Dominion 55 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 112 200 Norfolk St. 54, 208 Appalachian St. 53 (Bloomington, IN) 2021 #> 113 53 Drake 53, 74 Wichita St. 52 (West Lafayette, IN) 2021 #> 114 39 Memphis 59, 59 Boise St. 56 (Denton, TX) 2021 #> 115 136 Mercer 62, 125 Wofford 61 (Asheville, NC) 2021 #> 116 149 VMI 91, 87 Furman 90 (OT) (Asheville, NC) 2021 #> 117 128 East Tennessee St. 63, 152 Chattanooga 53 (Asheville, NC) 2021 #> 118 16 USC 91, 75 Utah 85 (2OT) (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 119 155 New Mexico St. 78, 205 Utah Valley 62 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 120 77 Louisiana Tech 75, 183 Florida Atlantic 69 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 121 312 Fairfield 52, 208 Saint Peter's 47 (Atlantic City, NJ) 2021 #> 122 66 Colorado St. 65, 68 N.C. State 61 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 123 Last Game 2021 #> 124 184 Bryant 85, 311 Sacred Heart 55 (Smithfield, RI) 2021 #> 125 31 North Carolina 101, 68 Notre Dame 59 (Greensboro, NC) 2021 #> 126 105 Pepperdine 84, 160 Coastal Carolina 61 (Daytona Beach, FL) 2021 #> 127 220 Loyola MD 67, 188 Army 63 (West Point, NY) 2021 #> 128 17 Creighton 87, 108 Butler 56 (New York, NY) 2021 #> 129 67 Buffalo 74, 142 Miami OH 63 (Cleveland, OH) 2021 #> 130 121 Eastern Washington 78, 192 Montana 50 (Boise, ID) 2021 #> 131 229 Montana St. 80, 138 Southern Utah 77 (OT) (Boise, ID) 2021 #> 132 182 Wyoming 111, 322 San Jose St. 80 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 133 76 Mississippi St. 68, 63 Richmond 67 (Denton, TX) 2021 #> 134 6 Houston 77, 143 Tulane 52 (Fort Worth, TX) 2021 #> 135 149 Tulane 77, 119 Tulsa 70 (Fort Worth, TX) 2021 #> 136 59 Richmond 79, 111 Massachusetts 65 (Richmond, VA) 2021 #> 137 121 Eastern Washington 78, 192 Montana 50 (Boise, ID) 2021 #> 138 168 Northeastern 63, 291 William & Mary 47 (Harrisonburg, VA) 2021 #> 139 312 Fairfield 52, 208 Saint Peter's 47 (Atlantic City, NJ) 2021 #> 140 87 Ohio 87, 60 Toledo 80 (Cleveland, OH) 2021 #> 141 253 Longwood 77, 214 UNC Asheville 61 (Asheville, NC) 2021 #> 142 76 UC Santa Barbara 71, 216 UC Davis 55 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 143 105 Akron 74, 121 Bowling Green 67 (Cleveland, OH) 2021 #> 144 157 Cleveland St. 80, 201 Oakland 69 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 145 61 Boise St. 85, 59 SMU 84 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 146 86 Colgate 85, 210 Loyola MD 72 (Hamilton, NY) 2021 #> 147 185 Iona 60, 308 Fairfield 51 (Atlantic City, NJ) 2021 #> 148 59 Toledo 91, 144 Ball St. 89 (OT) (Cleveland, OH) 2021 #> 149 219 Elon 72, 174 James Madison 71 (Harrisonburg, VA) 2021 #> 150 140 Georgia St. 71, 258 Arkansas St. 68 (Pensacola, FL) 2021 #> 151 345 Houston Baptist 80, 340 Incarnate Word 68 (Katy, TX) 2021 #> 152 324 Hampton 67, 329 Presbyterian 65 (Hampton, VA) 2021 #> 153 76 UC Santa Barbara 71, 216 UC Davis 55 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 154 109 UC Irvine 78, 104 UC Riverside 61 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 155 163 Coastal Carolina 77, 231 Stetson 72 (OT) (Daytona Beach, FL) 2021 #> 156 50 VCU 64, 56 Davidson 52 (Richmond, VA) 2021 #> 157 211 Norfolk St. 71, 224 Morgan St. 63 (Norfolk, VA) 2021 #> 158 98 Abilene Christian 93, 308 Lamar 71 (Katy, TX) 2021 #> 159 67 Buffalo 74, 142 Miami OH 63 (Cleveland, OH) 2021 #> 160 216 Saint Peter's 75, 313 Rider 60 (Atlantic City, NJ) 2021 #> 161 145 North Dakota St. 79, 172 South Dakota 75 (Sioux Falls, SD) 2021 #> 162 76 North Texas 61, 153 Old Dominion 55 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 163 80 North Texas 76, 305 Middle Tennessee 56 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 164 Last Game 2021 #> 165 211 Oakland 69, 188 Northern Kentucky 58 (Indianapolis, IN) 2021 #> 166 227 Mount St. Mary's 73, 167 Bryant 68 (Staten Island, NY) 2021 #> 167 220 Loyola MD 67, 188 Army 63 (West Point, NY) 2021 #> 168 207 Oakland 87, 226 Youngstown St. 83 (OT) (Oakland, MI) 2021 #> 169 268 Western Michigan 73, 331 Northern Illinois 63 (DeKalb, IL) 2021 #> 170 98 Abilene Christian 93, 308 Lamar 71 (Katy, TX) 2021 #> 171 12 Ohio St. 83, 46 Penn St. 79 (Columbus, OH) 2021 #> 172 244 UC San Diego 85, 253 Cal St. Fullerton 78 (San Diego, CA) 2021 #> 173 99 UCF 72, 157 East Carolina 62 (Fort Worth, TX) 2021 #> 174 109 UC Irvine 78, 104 UC Riverside 61 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 175 72 UC Santa Barbara 95, 256 Long Beach St. 87 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 176 224 UC Davis 74, 193 Hawaii 66 (Davis, CA) 2021 #> 177 12 Loyola Chicago 73, 191 Southern Illinois 49 (St. Louis, MO) 2021 #> 178 151 Ball St. 100, 262 Eastern Michigan 65 (Muncie, IN) 2021 #> 179 199 Hartford 64, 222 UMass Lowell 50 (West Hartford, CT) 2021 #> 180 187 Northern Kentucky 70, 141 Detroit 69 (Highland Heights, KY) 2021 #> 181 80 North Texas 76, 305 Middle Tennessee 56 (Frisco, TX) 2021 #> 182 48 Utah St. 74, 164 UNLV 53 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 183 211 Norfolk St. 71, 224 Morgan St. 63 (Norfolk, VA) 2021 #> 184 122 Eastern Washington 66, 331 Northern Arizona 60 (Boise, ID) 2021 #> 185 86 Belmont 72, 155 Jacksonville St. 69 (Evansville, IN) 2021 #> 186 130 Grand Canyon 81, 223 Seattle 47 (Las Vegas, NV) 2021 #> 187 199 Hartford 64, 222 UMass Lowell 50 (West Hartford, CT) 2021 #> 188 108 UNC Greensboro 77, 124 East Tennessee St. 65 (Asheville, NC) 2021 #> 189 159 North Dakota St. 89, 171 South Dakota 77 (Vermillion, SD) 2021 #> 190 128 East Tennessee St. 63, 152 Chattanooga 53 (Asheville, NC) 2021 #> 191 225 Radford 67, 325 Hampton 52 (Radford, VA) 2021 #> 192 199 Hartford 64, 222 UMass Lowell 50 (West Hartford, CT) 2021 #> 193 73 Buffalo 81, 88 Kent St. 67 (Buffalo, NY) 2021 #> 194 299 North Alabama 96, 276 Florida Gulf Coast 81 (Jacksonville, FL) 2021 #> 195 336 Northern Illinois 79, 263 Central Michigan 74 (Mt. Pleasant, MI) 2021 #> 196 216 Saint Peter's 75, 313 Rider 60 (Atlantic City, NJ) 2021 #> 197 89 Colgate 105, 266 Bucknell 75 (Hamilton, NY) 2021 #> 198 310 Troy 91, 242 UT Arlington 86 (Pensacola, FL) 2021 #> 199 201 Montana 80, 127 Weber St. 75 (Boise, ID) 2021 #> 200 146 North Dakota St. 69, 220 UMKC 65 (Sioux Falls, SD) 2021 #> 201 199 Army 57, 265 Boston University 55 (West Point, NY) 2021 #> 202 219 Appalachian St. 76, 182 Texas St. 73 (OT) (Pensacola, FL) 2021 #> 203 236 Montana St. 71, 268 Idaho St. 63 (Boise, ID) 2021 #> 204 78 Louisiana Tech 72, 92 Western Kentucky 65 (Frisco, TX) 2021 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_opptracker.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's team opponent tracker page — kp_opptracker","title":"Get KenPom's team opponent tracker page — kp_opptracker","text":"Get KenPom's team opponent tracker page","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_opptracker.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's team opponent tracker page — kp_opptracker","text":"","code":"kp_opptracker(team, year = 2021)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_opptracker.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom's team opponent tracker page — kp_opptracker","text":"team Team filter select. year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_opptracker.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's team opponent tracker page — kp_opptracker","text":"Returns tibble team opponent tracker data","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_opptracker.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's team opponent tracker page — kp_opptracker","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_opptracker(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2021)) #> 2023-04-06 19:15:26 - Florida St. - 2021 Team opponent tracker data is missing #> Error in kp_opptracker(team = \"Florida St.\", year = 2021) : #> object 'kenpom' not found # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_player_career.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's player career stats from the player page — kp_player_career","title":"Get KenPom's player career stats from the player page — kp_player_career","text":"Get KenPom's player career stats player page","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_player_career.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's player career stats from the player page — kp_player_career","text":"","code":"kp_player_career(player_id)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_player_career.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom's player career stats from the player page — kp_player_career","text":"player_id Player Id filter select.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_player_career.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's player career stats from the player page — kp_player_career","text":"Returns named list tibbles: player_stats, gamelog player_stats gamelog","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_player_career.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's player career stats from the player page — kp_player_career","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_player_career(player_id = '41180')) #> $player_stats #> # A tibble: 19 × 41 #> year team_rk team number name position hgt wgt yr g min_pct #> #> 1 2022 105 Florida … 10 Mali… \"C·PF\" \"6-9\" 225 \"Sr\" 17 37.4 #> 2 2022 105 Conferen… 10 Mali… \"C·PF\" \"6-9\" 225 \"Sr\" 8 27.4 #> 3 2022 105 vs. Tier… 10 Mali… \"C·PF\" \"6-9\" 225 \"Sr\" 8 34.5 #> 4 2022 105 vs. Tier… 10 Mali… \"C·PF\" \"6-9\" 225 \"Sr\" 5 38 #> 5 2021 15 Florida … 10 Mali… \"PF\" \"6-9\" 225 \"Jr\" 24 47.8 #> 6 2021 15 Conferen… 10 Mali… \"PF\" \"6-9\" 225 \"Jr\" 14 45.8 #> 7 2021 15 vs. Tier… 10 Mali… \"PF\" \"6-9\" 225 \"Jr\" 17 53.9 #> 8 2021 15 vs. Tier… 10 Mali… \"PF\" \"6-9\" 225 \"Jr\" 10 55.5 #> 9 2020 15 Florida … 10 Mali… \"PF·C\" \"6-9\" 225 \"So\" 31 48.2 #> 10 2020 15 Conferen… 10 Mali… \"PF·C\" \"6-9\" 225 \"So\" 20 48.9 #> 11 2020 15 vs. Tier… 10 Mali… \"PF·C\" \"6-9\" 225 \"So\" 17 53.3 #> 12 2020 15 vs. Tier… 10 Mali… \"PF·C\" \"6-9\" 225 \"So\" 10 55.1 #> 13 2018 289 Rice 10 Mali… \"C\" \"6-8\" 200 \"Fr\" 29 68.4 #> 14 2018 289 Conferen… 10 Mali… \"C\" \"6-8\" 200 \"Fr\" 18 71.9 #> 15 2018 289 vs. Tier… 10 Mali… \"C\" \"6-8\" 200 \"Fr\" 11 71.5 #> 16 2018 289 vs. Tier… 10 Mali… \"C\" \"6-8\" 200 \"Fr\" 2 58.8 #> 17 NA NA Career NA NA \"\" \"\" NA \"\" 101 NA #> 18 NA NA vs. Tier… NA NA \"\" \"\" NA \"\" 53 NA #> 19 NA NA vs. Tier… NA NA \"\" \"\" NA \"\" 27 NA #> # ℹ 30 more variables: o_rtg , poss_pct , shots_pct , #> # e_fg_pct , ts_pct , or_pct , dr_pct , a_rate , #> # to_rate , blk_pct , stl_pct , f_cper40 , #> # f_dper40 , ft_rate , ftm , fta , ft_pct , #> # fgm_2 , fga_2 , fg_2_pct , fgm_3 , fga_3 , #> # fg_3_pct , group_rank , team_finish , ncaa_seed , #> # hometown , date_of_birth , age , comparisons #> #> $gamelog #> year team name position opponent_tier date opponent_rk #> 1 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Mar 9 69 #> 2 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Mar 5 128 #> 3 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Mar 2 38 #> 4 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Feb 26 72 #> 5 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Feb 21 114 #> 6 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Feb 19 8 #> 7 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Feb 15 71 #> 8 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Feb 12 16 #> 9 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Feb 9 195 #> 10 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Feb 5 35 #> 11 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Feb 2 71 #> 12 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 29 19 #> 13 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 26 156 #> 14 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 22 41 #> 15 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 20 272 #> 16 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 18 8 #> 17 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 15 69 #> 18 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 11 41 #> 19 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 8 127 #> 20 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 4 35 #> 21 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Jan 1 128 #> 22 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Dec 15 264 #> 23 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Dec 12 99 #> 24 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Dec 4 69 #> 25 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Nov 30 14 #> 26 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Nov 24 218 #> 27 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Nov 22 137 #> 28 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Nov 21 203 #> 29 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Nov 17 98 #> 30 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Nov 14 59 #> 31 2022 Florida St. Malik Osborne C·PF NA Nov 10 211 #> 32 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Mar 28 3 #> 33 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Mar 22 8 #> 34 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Mar 20 108 #> 35 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Mar 13 37 #> 36 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Mar 12 34 #> 37 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Mar 6 85 #> 38 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Mar 3 148 #> 39 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Feb 27 34 #> 40 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Feb 24 138 #> 41 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Feb 20 97 #> 42 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Feb 15 19 #> 43 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Feb 13 175 #> 44 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Jan 30 37 #> 45 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Jan 27 138 #> 46 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Jan 23 45 #> 47 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Jan 18 59 #> 48 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Jan 16 34 #> 49 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Jan 13 71 #> 50 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Dec 29 45 #> 51 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Dec 21 182 #> 52 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Dec 19 100 #> 53 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Dec 15 37 #> 54 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Dec 12 41 #> 55 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Dec 9 50 #> 56 2021 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF NA Dec 2 297 #> 57 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Mar 7 179 #> 58 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Mar 4 57 #> 59 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Feb 29 72 #> 60 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Feb 24 9 #> 61 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Feb 22 50 #> 62 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Feb 18 111 #> 63 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Feb 15 51 #> 64 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Feb 10 5 #> 65 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Feb 8 104 #> 66 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Feb 3 84 #> 67 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Feb 1 105 #> 68 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Jan 28 42 #> 69 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Jan 25 57 #> 70 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Jan 18 104 #> 71 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Jan 15 42 #> 72 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Jan 8 103 #> 73 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Jan 4 9 #> 74 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Dec 31 64 #> 75 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Dec 28 284 #> 76 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Dec 21 125 #> 77 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Dec 17 166 #> 78 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Dec 8 72 #> 79 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Dec 3 34 #> 80 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Nov 30 24 #> 81 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Nov 29 68 #> 82 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Nov 25 353 #> 83 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Nov 23 176 #> 84 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Nov 20 147 #> 85 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Nov 15 156 #> 86 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Nov 10 32 #> 87 2020 Florida St. Malik Osborne PF·C NA Nov 6 111 #> 88 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Mar 3 174 #> 89 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Mar 1 240 #> 90 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Feb 24 222 #> 91 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Feb 22 233 #> 92 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Feb 17 47 #> 93 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Feb 15 105 #> 94 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Feb 10 109 #> 95 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Feb 8 45 #> 96 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Feb 3 146 #> 97 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Jan 27 233 #> 98 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Jan 25 222 #> 99 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Jan 20 149 #> 100 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Jan 18 206 #> 101 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Jan 13 146 #> 102 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Jan 6 308 #> 103 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Jan 4 64 #> 104 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Dec 30 240 #> 105 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Dec 28 174 #> 106 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Dec 22 228 #> 107 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Dec 19 106 #> 108 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Dec 16 11 #> 109 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Dec 14 NA #> 110 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Dec 9 112 #> 111 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Dec 2 260 #> 112 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Nov 29 128 #> 113 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Nov 25 NA #> 114 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Nov 22 108 #> 115 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Nov 20 107 #> 116 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Nov 17 345 #> 117 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Nov 14 101 #> 118 2018 Rice Malik Osborne C NA Nov 10 286 #> opponent result ot location game_type mvp start #> 1 Syracuse L, 96-57 Neutral ACC-T Did not play #> 2 N.C. State W, 89-76 Home ACC Did not play #> 3 Notre Dame W, 74-70 Home ACC Did not play #> 4 Virginia W, 64-63 Away ACC Did not play #> 5 Boston College L, 71-55 Away ACC Did not play #> 6 Duke L, 88-70 Away ACC Did not play #> 7 Clemson W, 81-80 Home ACC Did not play #> 8 North Carolina L, 94-74 Away ACC Did not play #> 9 Pittsburgh L, 56-51 Home ACC Did not play #> 10 Wake Forest L, 68-60 Home ACC Did not play #> 11 Clemson L, 75-69 Away ACC Did not play #> 12 Virginia Tech L, 85-72 Home ACC Did not play #> 13 Georgia Tech L, 75-61 Away ACC #> 14 Miami FL W, 61-60 Away ACC #> 15 North Florida W, 86-73 Home Did not play #> 16 Duke W, 79-78 OT Home ACC #> 17 Syracuse W, 76-71 Away ACC Did not play #> 18 Miami FL W, 65-64 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 19 Louisville W, 79-70 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 20 Wake Forest L, 76-54 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 21 N.C. State W, 83-81 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 22 Lipscomb W, 97-60 Home \\u0095 #> 23 South Carolina L, 66-65 Semi-Away MVP \\u0095 #> 24 Syracuse L, 63-60 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 25 Purdue L, 93-65 Away \\u0095 #> 26 Boston University W, 81-80 OT Home \\u0095 #> 27 Missouri W, 81-58 Neutral \\u0095 #> 28 Loyola Marymount W, 73-45 Neutral MVP \\u0095 #> 29 Tulane W, 59-54 Home \\u0095 #> 30 Florida L, 71-55 Away \\u0095 #> 31 Penn W, 105-70 Home MVP \\u0095 #> 32 Michigan L, 76-58 Neutral NCAA-T #> 33 Colorado W, 71-53 Neutral NCAA-T #> 34 UNC Greensboro W, 64-54 Neutral NCAA-T #> 35 Georgia Tech L, 80-75 Neutral ACC-T #> 36 North Carolina W, 69-66 Neutral ACC-T #> 37 Notre Dame L, 83-73 Away ACC #> 38 Boston College W, 93-64 Home ACC Did not play #> 39 North Carolina L, 78-70 Away ACC #> 40 Miami FL W, 88-71 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 41 Pittsburgh W, 79-72 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 42 Virginia W, 81-60 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 43 Wake Forest W, 92-85 OT Home ACC \\u0095 #> 44 Georgia Tech L, 76-65 Away ACC #> 45 Miami FL W, 81-59 Home ACC #> 46 Clemson W, 80-61 Home ACC #> 47 Louisville W, 78-65 Away ACC #> 48 North Carolina W, 82-75 Home ACC #> 49 N.C. State W, 105-73 Home ACC #> 50 Clemson L, 77-67 Away ACC #> 51 Gardner Webb W, 72-59 Home #> 52 UCF L, 86-74 Home #> 53 Georgia Tech W, 74-61 Home ACC #> 54 Florida W, 83-71 Home #> 55 Indiana W, 69-67 OT Home #> 56 North Florida W, 86-58 Home #> 57 Boston College W, 80-62 Home ACC #> 58 Notre Dame W, 73-71 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 59 Clemson L, 70-69 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 60 Louisville W, 82-67 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 61 N.C. State W, 67-61 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 62 Pittsburgh W, 82-67 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 63 Syracuse W, 80-77 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 64 Duke L, 70-65 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 65 Miami FL W, 99-81 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 66 North Carolina W, 65-59 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 67 Virginia Tech W, 74-63 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 68 Virginia L, 61-56 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 69 Notre Dame W, 85-84 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 70 Miami FL W, 83-79 OT Away ACC \\u0095 #> 71 Virginia W, 54-50 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 72 Wake Forest W, 78-68 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 73 Louisville W, 78-65 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 74 Georgia Tech W, 70-58 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 75 North Alabama W, 88-71 Home \\u0095 #> 76 South Florida W, 66-60 Neutral #> 77 North Florida W, 98-81 Home #> 78 Clemson W, 72-53 Home ACC \\u0095 #> 79 Indiana L, 80-64 Away \\u0095 #> 80 Purdue W, 63-60 OT Neutral \\u0095 #> 81 Tennessee W, 60-57 Neutral \\u0095 #> 82 Chicago St. W, 113-56 Home \\u0095 #> 83 St. Francis PA W, 80-65 Home \\u0095 #> 84 Chattanooga W, 89-53 Home \\u0095 #> 85 Western Carolina W, 79-74 Home \\u0095 #> 86 Florida W, 63-51 Away \\u0095 #> 87 Pittsburgh L, 63-61 Away ACC \\u0095 #> 88 UTSA L, 79-60 Home CUSA \\u0095 #> 89 UTEP W, 76-70 Home CUSA \\u0095 #> 90 FIU L, 67-64 Away CUSA \\u0095 #> 91 Florida Atlantic W, 79-76 OT Away CUSA \\u0095 #> 92 Western Kentucky L, 85-66 Home CUSA \\u0095 #> 93 Marshall L, 93-80 Home CUSA \\u0095 #> 94 UAB L, 61-56 Away CUSA \\u0095 #> 95 Middle Tennessee L, 94-75 Away CUSA \\u0095 #> 96 North Texas L, 74-70 Away CUSA \\u0095 #> 97 Florida Atlantic L, 63-62 Home CUSA \\u0095 #> 98 FIU W, 73-64 Home CUSA \\u0095 #> 99 Louisiana Tech L, 69-54 Away CUSA \\u0095 #> 100 Southern Miss L, 86-75 Away CUSA \\u0095 #> 101 North Texas L, 85-78 Home CUSA \\u0095 #> 102 Charlotte W, 73-64 Home CUSA MVP \\u0095 #> 103 Old Dominion L, 82-75 OT Home CUSA \\u0095 #> 104 UTEP L, 80-62 Away CUSA \\u0095 #> 105 UTSA L, 79-66 Away CUSA \\u0095 #> 106 Texas St. L, 74-66 Home \\u0095 #> 107 New Mexico L, 78-69 Away \\u0095 #> 108 Texas Tech L, 73-53 Away \\u0095 #> 109 St. Edwards W, 91-86 Home \\u0095 #> 110 Stephen F. Austin L, 81-62 Away \\u0095 #> 111 UT Rio Grande Valley L, 69-67 Home \\u0095 #> 112 UT Arlington L, 69-49 Away \\u0095 #> 113 St. Thomas TX W, 70-59 Home \\u0095 #> 114 Mississippi L, 79-62 Neutral \\u0095 #> 115 UNLV L, 95-68 Semi-Away #> 116 Northwestern St. W, 87-65 Away #> 117 Georgia St. L, 75-54 Home #> 118 Eastern Kentucky L, 73-72 Home #> minutes_played o_rtg poss_pct pts fgm_2 fga_2 fgm_3 fga_3 ftm fta or dr a #> 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 9 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 10 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 11 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 13 19 65 16 3 1 3 0 2 1 3 0 2 1 #> 14 23 66 22 4 1 8 0 2 2 2 4 4 0 #> 15 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 16 32 100 16 7 0 1 1 6 4 4 1 6 3 #> 17 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 18 32 110 14 7 1 4 1 3 2 2 2 6 2 #> 19 24 108 18 6 1 3 0 3 4 4 2 4 2 #> 20 32 74 13 6 2 4 0 4 2 2 1 7 0 #> 21 31 139 21 19 3 6 2 4 7 8 1 6 0 #> 22 22 184 15 12 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 #> 23 33 132 18 15 1 2 3 6 4 6 3 6 0 #> 24 28 102 20 10 0 2 2 7 4 4 2 6 1 #> 25 34 122 9 6 2 3 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 #> 26 30 146 12 10 4 4 0 1 2 2 2 5 0 #> 27 19 137 17 10 2 3 2 3 0 0 1 6 0 #> 28 20 181 15 10 0 2 2 2 4 4 1 2 2 #> 29 32 128 12 9 2 4 1 1 2 3 4 6 0 #> 30 33 118 24 18 3 6 3 4 3 5 2 4 2 #> 31 23 171 22 18 3 3 1 3 9 12 7 6 0 #> 32 31 124 15 12 0 2 4 7 0 0 0 6 1 #> 33 20 120 23 11 3 4 1 4 2 3 1 4 0 #> 34 14 135 12 4 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 5 0 #> 35 22 122 7 3 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 1 #> 36 20 223 7 9 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 2 0 #> 37 8 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 #> 38 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 39 20 79 11 3 1 3 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 #> 40 9 NA NA 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 #> 41 24 170 15 12 3 3 0 1 6 7 2 7 0 #> 42 24 100 17 7 2 4 1 4 0 0 1 1 0 #> 43 25 140 21 12 0 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 1 #> 44 21 23 11 1 0 3 0 3 1 2 0 3 0 #> 45 19 167 18 11 3 5 1 2 2 2 2 8 0 #> 46 24 142 10 8 1 2 2 4 0 0 0 4 0 #> 47 25 120 21 12 4 5 0 3 4 4 1 2 0 #> 48 15 146 21 10 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 0 #> 49 20 46 7 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 3 0 #> 50 24 67 14 2 1 2 0 3 0 0 2 6 2 #> 51 17 79 34 8 3 5 0 2 2 3 6 2 0 #> 52 13 82 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 #> 53 19 68 12 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 #> 54 21 48 13 2 1 4 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 #> 55 31 164 8 5 0 2 1 1 2 2 4 5 1 #> 56 17 124 16 6 2 2 0 2 2 2 3 0 0 #> 57 12 88 11 2 0 1 0 0 2 4 1 3 0 #> 58 20 78 22 4 1 3 0 2 2 2 3 2 1 #> 59 14 91 38 11 1 3 3 3 0 3 2 6 0 #> 60 15 108 19 4 2 2 0 2 0 0 2 5 1 #> 61 30 102 20 9 4 5 0 3 1 6 5 7 0 #> 62 11 117 22 5 2 2 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 #> 63 17 124 11 4 1 4 0 0 2 2 2 1 0 #> 64 23 109 29 14 4 7 2 6 0 0 4 1 0 #> 65 12 223 8 6 0 1 2 2 0 0 1 2 0 #> 66 15 158 17 8 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 4 0 #> 67 11 104 5 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 #> 68 25 76 17 5 2 5 0 2 1 1 1 3 0 #> 69 14 0 12 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 #> 70 31 122 8 6 2 3 0 1 2 3 1 4 0 #> 71 26 125 10 5 1 2 1 3 0 0 3 1 0 #> 72 21 129 19 9 2 5 1 1 2 2 3 2 0 #> 73 30 121 15 7 2 4 1 3 0 0 4 5 1 #> 74 22 154 11 7 2 4 1 1 0 0 0 4 2 #> 75 18 132 28 14 4 7 2 5 0 0 3 1 0 #> 76 14 87 12 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 #> 77 10 101 23 2 1 4 0 1 0 0 3 2 1 #> 78 22 102 15 5 1 1 1 4 0 0 1 5 1 #> 79 22 126 15 7 2 3 1 2 0 0 1 2 1 #> 80 18 123 12 4 1 2 0 1 2 2 2 4 0 #> 81 16 128 10 4 0 0 1 1 1 4 2 4 0 #> 82 15 208 8 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 #> 83 24 131 12 9 0 2 3 5 0 0 1 3 0 #> 84 20 103 25 10 3 7 1 3 1 1 0 3 2 #> 85 25 150 12 6 2 2 0 0 2 3 4 5 1 #> 86 26 137 15 10 4 7 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 #> 87 23 62 12 2 1 2 0 2 0 0 2 7 0 #> 88 31 96 18 9 2 4 1 6 2 2 3 5 0 #> 89 27 81 29 10 2 5 1 5 3 8 4 6 1 #> 90 35 116 26 20 5 9 2 5 4 6 4 2 2 #> 91 26 57 30 8 3 7 0 5 2 3 1 5 0 #> 92 34 122 16 15 3 6 3 4 0 1 1 3 1 #> 93 32 105 33 22 4 8 3 9 5 9 3 10 1 #> 94 27 73 19 6 3 4 0 4 0 0 2 7 1 #> 95 24 81 30 11 4 7 0 3 3 4 2 3 0 #> 96 25 59 27 7 2 3 0 2 3 7 1 2 0 #> 97 33 88 26 10 3 8 1 6 1 2 4 4 1 #> 98 30 114 22 16 2 5 3 5 3 5 1 4 2 #> 99 33 96 19 11 2 6 2 4 1 1 2 5 0 #> 100 29 158 19 17 5 7 1 2 4 4 2 6 1 #> 101 26 75 17 4 0 2 0 1 4 6 2 2 1 #> 102 24 126 32 18 3 3 1 2 9 11 2 4 1 #> 103 30 113 11 5 2 4 0 0 1 3 1 4 2 #> 104 26 101 18 7 2 5 0 1 3 3 2 4 1 #> 105 33 87 14 7 3 4 0 1 1 4 4 9 0 #> 106 25 113 14 8 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 #> 107 32 137 16 12 4 7 0 0 4 4 5 6 0 #> 108 23 85 17 4 1 3 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 #> 109 24 88 20 9 1 2 0 1 7 8 0 3 1 #> 110 36 62 19 8 3 3 0 2 2 6 3 6 1 #> 111 30 128 18 14 1 4 3 5 3 3 2 4 0 #> 112 29 10 9 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 3 1 #> 113 17 95 16 4 2 3 0 1 0 1 3 4 1 #> 114 25 78 16 4 0 2 0 2 4 4 3 3 2 #> 115 25 108 10 4 2 3 0 1 0 0 5 4 0 #> 116 19 67 25 4 2 6 0 1 0 0 3 5 1 #> 117 26 97 15 5 2 4 0 1 1 2 3 5 2 #> 118 5 NA NA 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 #> to blk stl pf #> 1 NA NA NA NA #> 2 NA NA NA NA #> 3 NA NA NA NA #> 4 NA NA NA NA #> 5 NA NA NA NA #> 6 NA NA NA NA #> 7 NA NA NA NA #> 8 NA NA NA NA #> 9 NA NA NA NA #> 10 NA NA NA NA #> 11 NA NA NA NA #> 12 NA NA NA NA #> 13 0 0 0 1 #> 14 0 0 2 4 #> 15 NA NA NA NA #> 16 1 0 0 2 #> 17 NA NA NA NA #> 18 1 0 1 1 #> 19 0 0 2 1 #> 20 0 0 1 0 #> 21 1 0 1 0 #> 22 0 1 0 0 #> 23 1 1 2 2 #> 24 1 0 2 3 #> 25 0 0 1 2 #> 26 1 0 0 4 #> 27 1 0 0 0 #> 28 0 0 1 0 #> 29 1 2 0 1 #> 30 3 0 3 1 #> 31 0 0 1 1 #> 32 1 0 0 3 #> 33 0 0 1 1 #> 34 1 0 0 1 #> 35 1 0 0 2 #> 36 0 0 1 2 #> 37 2 0 1 1 #> 38 NA NA NA NA #> 39 1 0 2 4 #> 40 0 0 0 0 #> 41 0 0 0 2 #> 42 0 0 0 1 #> 43 1 0 0 3 #> 44 0 2 1 4 #> 45 0 0 0 1 #> 46 0 1 2 1 #> 47 1 0 1 2 #> 48 1 1 0 1 #> 49 0 0 0 2 #> 50 1 1 0 2 #> 51 4 1 0 4 #> 52 1 0 0 2 #> 53 1 0 0 3 #> 54 1 0 1 4 #> 55 0 1 2 3 #> 56 1 0 2 1 #> 57 0 1 0 1 #> 58 2 0 0 3 #> 59 3 0 0 4 #> 60 1 0 0 0 #> 61 0 2 0 2 #> 62 1 1 1 0 #> 63 0 0 2 1 #> 64 2 2 0 3 #> 65 0 0 0 2 #> 66 0 0 0 1 #> 67 0 0 0 0 #> 68 0 2 1 2 #> 69 2 0 0 2 #> 70 0 1 1 3 #> 71 0 1 0 0 #> 72 1 0 3 2 #> 73 1 1 0 4 #> 74 0 1 2 1 #> 75 0 1 1 2 #> 76 1 0 2 2 #> 77 0 1 0 0 #> 78 1 2 0 3 #> 79 1 0 2 1 #> 80 0 0 0 2 #> 81 0 0 3 1 #> 82 0 0 0 1 #> 83 1 2 0 2 #> 84 1 0 0 1 #> 85 1 1 0 2 #> 86 0 0 1 4 #> 87 1 4 0 5 #> 88 1 1 0 1 #> 89 2 1 1 4 #> 90 2 0 1 2 #> 91 2 1 0 4 #> 92 1 1 0 0 #> 93 2 0 0 1 #> 94 2 0 2 4 #> 95 3 1 0 1 #> 96 4 2 0 4 #> 97 0 3 1 1 #> 98 2 0 0 3 #> 99 2 2 1 0 #> 100 1 0 1 1 #> 101 2 2 1 2 #> 102 4 3 1 4 #> 103 0 1 0 4 #> 104 1 0 0 1 #> 105 2 0 1 3 #> 106 1 0 0 5 #> 107 1 1 0 1 #> 108 2 0 1 5 #> 109 4 0 1 2 #> 110 6 1 4 2 #> 111 1 0 0 3 #> 112 1 0 2 2 #> 113 1 0 0 2 #> 114 2 1 0 1 #> 115 1 2 1 1 #> 116 3 0 0 3 #> 117 1 1 0 1 #> 118 0 0 0 1 #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_playerstats.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Player Stats Leaders by Metric — kp_playerstats","title":"Get Player Stats Leaders by Metric — kp_playerstats","text":"Get Player Stats Leaders Metric","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_playerstats.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Player Stats Leaders by Metric — kp_playerstats","text":"","code":"kp_playerstats( metric = \"eFG\", conf = NULL, conf_only = FALSE, year = most_recent_mbb_season() )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_playerstats.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Player Stats Leaders by Metric — kp_playerstats","text":"metric Used get leaders different metrics. Available values : 'ORtg', 'Min', 'eFG', 'Poss', Shots', '', 'DR', '', 'ARate', 'Blk', 'FTRate', 'Stl', 'TS', 'FC40', 'FD40', '2P', '3P', 'FT'. Default 'eFG'. 'ORtg' returns list four dataframes, four tables: players used 28 percent possessions, 24 percent possessions, 20 percent possessions, possession restriction. conf Used limit players specific conference. Allowed values : 'A10', 'ACC', 'AE', 'AMER', 'ASUN', 'B10', 'B12', '', 'BSKY', 'BSTH', 'BW', 'CAA', 'CUSA', 'HORZ', 'IND', IVY', 'MAAC', 'MAC', 'MEAC', 'MVC', 'MWC', 'NEC', 'OVC', 'P12', 'PAT', 'SB', 'SC', 'SEC', 'SLND', 'SUM', 'SWAC', 'WAC', 'WCC'. try use conference exist given season, like 'IND' '2018', get empty table, kenpom.com serve 404 pages invalid table queries like . filter applied default. conf_only Used define whether stats reflect conference games . available specific conference defined. available season 2013, FALSE default. year Year data pull (earliest year data available: 2004)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_playerstats.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Player Stats Leaders by Metric — kp_playerstats","text":"Returns tibble player stats","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_playerstats.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Player Stats Leaders by Metric — kp_playerstats","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_playerstats(metric = 'eFG', conf_only = FALSE, year=2021)) #> rk player team e_fg hgt wgt yr year #> 1 1 Aher Uguak Loyola Chicago 69.8 6-7 225 Sr 2021 #> 2 1 Osinachi Smart Charleston 66.7 6-8 240 Sr 2021 #> 3 1 Ahsan Asadullah Lipscomb 62.6 6-8 260 Jr 2021 #> 4 1 Asbjorn Midtgaard Grand Canyon 69.7 7-0 270 Sr 2021 #> 5 1 Darien Jackson Tulsa 63.0 6-3 203 Sr 2021 #> 6 1 David Kachelries Stephen F. Austin 64.0 6-1 170 Sr 2021 #> 7 1 Dwight Wilson Ohio 74.6 6-8 250 Sr 2021 #> 8 1 Jeremiah Tilmon Missouri 63.1 6-10 260 Sr 2021 #> 9 1 Matt Dentlinger South Dakota St. 68.3 6-8 240 Jr 2021 #> 10 1 Mitch Ballock Creighton 65.8 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 11 1 Nick Finke Army 63.4 6-7 223 Sr 2021 #> 12 1 Flynn Cameron UC Riverside 64.2 6-5 210 Jr 2021 #> 13 1 Nate Laszewski Notre Dame 67.0 6-10 227 Jr 2021 #> 14 1 Jared Butler Baylor 62.7 6-3 195 Jr 2021 #> 15 1 Kyle Cardaci Coppin St. 65.3 6-2 190 So 2021 #> 16 1 Adrian Nelson Northern Kentucky 72.0 6-7 220 Jr 2021 #> 17 1 DJ Mitchell Hartford 64.8 6-0 160 Jr 2021 #> 18 1 Jayden Saddler Southern 67.9 6-1 195 Jr 2021 #> 19 1 Jamison Battle George Washington 61.5 6-7 225 So 2021 #> 20 1 Kofi Cockburn Illinois 66.4 7-0 285 So 2021 #> 21 1 Jubrile Belo Montana St. 66.0 6-9 240 Jr 2021 #> 22 1 Isiah Small Texas St. 66.9 6-8 170 Sr 2021 #> 23 1 Seth Pinkney Quinnipiac 79.2 7-1 200 So 2021 #> 24 1 Max Fiedler Rice 73.8 6-11 235 So 2021 #> 25 1 Michael Moreno Eastern Kentucky 69.3 6-7 220 So 2021 #> 26 1 Chris Duarte Oregon 63.5 6-6 190 Sr 2021 #> 27 1 Chris Shelton Hampton 70.9 6-4 190 So 2021 #> 28 1 Caleb Lohner BYU 70.2 6-8 230 Fr 2021 #> 29 1 Jaron Rillie Samford 76.5 6-3 175 Fr 2021 #> 30 1 Xavier DuSell Wyoming 65.9 6-4 190 Fr 2021 #> 31 1 Mike Sixsmith Sacred Heart 77.1 6-0 170 Fr 2021 #> 32 2 Brendan Barry Temple 59.9 6-2 180 Sr 2021 #> 33 2 Damien Jefferson Creighton 61.2 6-5 220 Sr 2021 #> 34 2 Gorjok Gak Cal Baptist 59.6 6-11 235 Sr 2021 #> 35 2 Jeriah Horne Colorado 62.0 6-7 220 Sr 2021 #> 36 2 Romello White Mississippi 62.4 6-8 235 Sr 2021 #> 37 2 Spencer Littleson Toledo 71.7 6-4 200 Sr 2021 #> 38 2 Alex Hunter Furman 63.3 5-11 180 Sr 2021 #> 39 2 Ayo Akinwole Nebraska Omaha 63.1 6-0 165 Sr 2021 #> 40 2 Da'Monte Williams Illinois 65.6 6-3 215 Sr 2021 #> 41 2 Davion Mitchell Baylor 60.9 6-2 205 Jr 2021 #> 42 2 Gabe Hadley UC San Diego 66.2 6-4 200 Sr 2021 #> 43 2 Gavin Kensmil Stephen F. Austin 63.5 6-7 260 Sr 2021 #> 44 2 Grayson Murphy Belmont 65.2 6-2 175 Jr 2021 #> 45 2 Jamir Harris American 61.7 6-2 198 Sr 2021 #> 46 2 Jordan Schakel San Diego St. 65.8 6-6 200 Sr 2021 #> 47 2 Lewis Djonkam Radford 66.4 6-9 245 Jr 2021 #> 48 2 Tanner Groves Eastern Washington 62.1 6-9 235 Jr 2021 #> 49 2 Zachary Simmons North Texas 69.2 6-10 239 Sr 2021 #> 50 2 Jackson Stormo Siena 64.8 6-9 247 Jr 2021 #> 51 2 Theo Akwuba Louisiana 61.6 6-11 225 Jr 2021 #> 52 2 Grant Basile Wright St. 65.1 6-9 225 So 2021 #> 53 2 Zach Walton Drexel 64.5 6-6 205 Sr 2021 #> 54 2 Jayden Martinez New Hampshire 58.9 6-7 215 Jr 2021 #> 55 2 Matthew Hurt Duke 66.0 6-9 235 So 2021 #> 56 2 Hyunjung Lee Davidson 60.9 6-7 210 So 2021 #> 57 2 Drew Timme Gonzaga 69.5 6-10 235 So 2021 #> 58 2 Cyrus Largie Florida Gulf Coast 61.8 6-3 204 So 2021 #> 59 2 Justin Webster Hawaii 61.5 6-3 180 So 2021 #> 60 2 Jawaun Daniels Prairie View A&M 66.2 6-7 190 Jr 2021 #> 61 2 Hall Elisias Bryant 63.6 6-8 230 Sr 2021 #> 62 2 Lagio Grantsaan Morgan St. 59.9 6-8 235 Sr 2021 #> 63 3 Bobby Planutis Purdue Fort Wayne 64.0 6-8 200 Jr 2021 #> 64 3 Corey Kispert Gonzaga 62.3 6-7 220 Sr 2021 #> 65 3 John Petty Alabama 61.7 6-5 184 Sr 2021 #> 66 3 Keaton Hervey Missouri St. 61.5 6-7 200 Jr 2021 #> 67 3 Kevin Samuel TCU 59.6 6-11 255 Jr 2021 #> 68 3 Matt Pile Nebraska Omaha 60.8 6-8 240 Sr 2021 #> 69 3 Myles Johnson Rutgers 64.3 6-11 255 Jr 2021 #> 70 3 Nate Watson Providence 59.5 6-10 260 Sr 2021 #> 71 3 Nelly Cummings Colgate 59.5 6-0 180 Jr 2021 #> 72 3 Prince Moss Grambling St. 61.0 6-7 180 Sr 2021 #> 73 3 Tajion Jones UNC Asheville 61.8 6-5 190 Jr 2021 #> 74 3 Manny Bates N.C. State 64.9 6-11 230 So 2021 #> 75 3 Jose Placer North Florida 61.0 6-1 174 So 2021 #> 76 3 Adam Thistlewood Colorado St. 65.0 6-6 212 Jr 2021 #> 77 3 Andre Kelly California 60.8 6-8 255 Jr 2021 #> 78 3 KJ Williams Murray St. 60.5 6-10 245 Jr 2021 #> 79 3 Jalen Slawson Furman 62.6 6-7 218 Jr 2021 #> 80 3 Andrew Taylor Marshall 67.6 6-3 188 So 2021 #> 81 3 Darius Brown Cal St. Northridge 61.2 6-2 195 Jr 2021 #> 82 3 Lester Quinones Memphis 58.7 6-5 205 So 2021 #> 83 3 Elijah Ford Wagner 61.5 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 84 3 Kvonn Cramer Hofstra 63.5 6-6 205 Fr 2021 #> 85 3 Jalen Thomas Georgia St. 59.3 6-10 235 So 2021 #> 86 3 Seikou Sisoho Jawara Weber St. 61.1 6-3 195 So 2021 #> 87 3 Miroslav Stafl Hartford 57.7 6-10 235 So 2021 #> 88 3 Rodney Carson New Orleans 62.6 6-3 180 So 2021 #> 89 3 Nelly Junior Joseph Iona 62.9 6-9 230 Fr 2021 #> 90 3 JT Shumate Toledo 68.8 6-7 210 Jr 2021 #> 91 3 Nendah Tarke Coppin St. 57.1 6-4 190 Fr 2021 #> 92 3 Montre' Gipson Tarleton St. 58.5 5-11 200 Jr 2021 #> 93 3 Mustapha Amzil Dayton 59.0 6-10 220 Fr 2021 #> 94 4 Anthony Tarke Coppin St. 56.9 6-6 220 Sr 2021 #> 95 4 Elijah Thomas Cal Baptist 57.4 6-5 220 Sr 2021 #> 96 4 Isaiah Ross Iona 59.6 6-3 200 Sr 2021 #> 97 4 Isiah Brown Weber St. 59.1 6-2 185 Sr 2021 #> 98 4 Jay Huff Virginia 64.1 7-1 240 Sr 2021 #> 99 4 Ross Cummings Mercer 62.4 6-3 180 Sr 2021 #> 100 4 Carter Collins Davidson 58.8 6-3 190 Sr 2021 #> 101 4 Elyjah Williams Fairleigh Dickinson 59.8 6-7 220 Sr 2021 #> 102 4 Evan Kuhlman Evansville 61.0 6-8 220 Sr 2021 #> 103 4 James Lewis Appalachian St. 58.3 6-8 215 Jr 2021 #> 104 4 Jason Strong Northeastern 62.4 6-8 210 Jr 2021 #> 105 4 Joel Ayayi Gonzaga 62.0 6-5 180 Jr 2021 #> 106 4 Justin Mazzulla Vermont 57.4 6-3 195 Sr 2021 #> 107 4 Sean Price Charleston Southern 60.5 6-4 210 Jr 2021 #> 108 4 Alex King Army 59.4 6-8 200 Sr 2021 #> 109 4 Feron Hunt SMU 57.8 6-8 195 Jr 2021 #> 110 4 Darius Days LSU 61.3 6-7 245 Jr 2021 #> 111 4 Kyler Edwards Texas Tech 58.1 6-4 195 Jr 2021 #> 112 4 Joe Wieskamp Iowa 62.1 6-6 212 Jr 2021 #> 113 4 Spencer Jones Stanford 59.5 6-7 225 So 2021 #> 114 4 Thomas Bell North Texas 65.8 6-6 190 Sr 2021 #> 115 4 Ben Roderick Ohio 60.8 6-5 205 So 2021 #> 116 4 Terrell Williams Southern 58.2 6-5 200 Fr 2021 #> 117 4 David Roddy Colorado St. 59.6 6-5 252 So 2021 #> 118 4 Max Abmas Oral Roberts 60.7 6-1 165 So 2021 #> 119 4 Ben Sheppard Belmont 60.1 6-6 185 So 2021 #> 120 4 Qudus Wahab Georgetown 57.5 6-11 237 So 2021 #> 121 4 Carlos Rosario McNeese St. 62.4 6-8 220 Sr 2021 #> 122 4 Micah Parrish Oakland 63.1 6-6 188 Fr 2021 #> 123 4 Jadon Jones Long Beach St. 61.2 6-5 170 Fr 2021 #> 124 5 DJ Jones Florida A&M 54.8 6-9 200 Sr 2021 #> 125 5 Justin Gorham Houston 57.1 6-7 225 Sr 2021 #> 126 5 Mark Crowe Cal Poly 59.3 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 127 5 Mark Vital Baylor 57.4 6-5 250 Sr 2021 #> 128 5 Michael Henn Portland 61.7 6-8 225 Sr 2021 #> 129 5 Peter Kiss Bryant 58.8 6-5 200 Jr 2021 #> 130 5 Sam Hauser Virginia 64.1 6-8 218 Sr 2021 #> 131 5 Alessandro Lever Grand Canyon 57.1 6-10 235 Sr 2021 #> 132 5 Brandon McKissic UMKC 60.2 6-3 195 Sr 2021 #> 133 5 Donald Carey Georgetown 57.0 6-5 187 Sr 2021 #> 134 5 Dre Marin Southern Utah 58.9 6-0 175 Sr 2021 #> 135 5 Jalon Pipkins Purdue Fort Wayne 61.7 6-4 195 Sr 2021 #> 136 5 Kyle Young Ohio St. 60.9 6-8 225 Sr 2021 #> 137 5 Maxwell Evans Vanderbilt 59.8 6-2 190 Sr 2021 #> 138 5 Tervell Beck Kent St. 60.5 6-7 230 Sr 2021 #> 139 5 Dominick Welch St. Bonaventure 57.7 6-5 200 Jr 2021 #> 140 5 Elijah McCadden Georgia Southern 57.8 6-4 210 Jr 2021 #> 141 5 Berrick JeanLouis Iona 58.0 6-4 195 Jr 2021 #> 142 5 Charles Bassey Western Kentucky 64.9 6-11 235 Jr 2021 #> 143 5 Nevin Zink USC Upstate 60.0 6-9 230 Jr 2021 #> 144 5 Neemias Queta Utah St. 58.4 7-0 245 Jr 2021 #> 145 5 Gaige Prim Missouri St. 60.7 6-8 235 Sr 2021 #> 146 5 Chico Carter Murray St. 59.8 6-2 190 So 2021 #> 147 5 Isaiah Powell Vermont 56.8 6-6 220 Jr 2021 #> 148 5 Demarkus Lampley Sam Houston St. 60.0 6-2 170 Sr 2021 #> 149 5 Xander Rice Bucknell 58.8 6-3 184 So 2021 #> 150 5 Justin Amadi James Madison 61.0 6-7 220 Fr 2021 #> 151 5 Trey Bonham VMI 60.9 6-0 170 Fr 2021 #> 152 5 Alex Peterson Kennesaw St. 59.0 6-7 217 Jr 2021 #> 153 5 Bennedict Mathurin Arizona 57.8 6-7 195 Fr 2021 #> 154 5 Samkelo Cele Southern 54.8 6-5 210 Jr 2021 #> 155 6 Ethan Claycomb Bellarmine 56.8 6-7 205 Sr 2021 #> 156 6 Jordan Bohannon Iowa 59.9 6-1 175 Sr 2021 #> 157 6 MaCio Teague Baylor 56.6 6-4 195 Sr 2021 #> 158 6 Shandon Goldman Tennessee Tech 58.9 6-10 225 Sr 2021 #> 159 6 Travis Atson St. Francis NY 58.8 6-5 200 Sr 2021 #> 160 6 Bryan Trimble Akron 59.7 6-2 185 Jr 2021 #> 161 6 Bryce Moragne Florida A&M 52.8 6-5 220 Sr 2021 #> 162 6 Cheikh Mbacke Diong UNLV 58.3 6-11 235 Sr 2021 #> 163 6 Josh Nicholas Louisiana Monroe 57.6 6-3 190 Sr 2021 #> 164 6 Kim Aiken Eastern Washington 58.7 6-7 215 Jr 2021 #> 165 6 LJ Thorpe UNC Asheville 59.3 6-5 215 Jr 2021 #> 166 6 Taylor Funk Saint Joseph's 57.5 6-8 215 Jr 2021 #> 167 6 Theo John Marquette 56.5 6-9 245 Sr 2021 #> 168 6 Trey Wade Wichita St. 54.7 6-6 221 Sr 2021 #> 169 6 George Papas Monmouth 57.9 6-5 175 Sr 2021 #> 170 6 Colin Castleton Florida 58.1 6-11 231 Jr 2021 #> 171 6 Michael Forrest Florida Atlantic 61.4 6-0 175 Jr 2021 #> 172 6 Trey Murphy Virginia 62.5 6-9 206 Jr 2021 #> 173 6 Guglielmo Caruso Santa Clara 58.2 6-11 210 Jr 2021 #> 174 6 Amadou Sow UC Santa Barbara 58.6 6-9 235 Jr 2021 #> 175 6 Josh Alexander American 57.8 6-8 243 Jr 2021 #> 176 6 Jayveous McKinnis Jackson St. 54.0 6-7 220 Jr 2021 #> 177 6 Ebby Asamoah Delaware 60.9 6-4 200 So 2021 #> 178 6 Keith Clemons Loyola Chicago 60.7 6-1 180 Sr 2021 #> 179 6 Dan Petcash Binghamton 56.2 6-4 190 So 2021 #> 180 6 Trenton Massner Northwestern St. 59.4 6-2 170 Jr 2021 #> 181 6 Daniel Oladapo Oakland 61.5 6-7 222 Jr 2021 #> 182 6 Xavier Cork Western Carolina 60.1 6-9 235 So 2021 #> 183 6 Pelle Larsson Utah 57.4 6-5 215 Fr 2021 #> 184 6 Xavier Fuller South Dakota 59.5 6-4 170 Jr 2021 #> 185 6 Emeka Udenyi Seattle 55.6 6-6 225 Jr 2021 #> 186 7 Carson Williams Western Kentucky 60.0 6-5 240 Sr 2021 #> 187 7 Grant Golden Richmond 57.1 6-10 255 Sr 2021 #> 188 7 James Butler Drexel 60.5 6-8 242 Sr 2021 #> 189 7 Ty Groce Eastern Michigan 57.6 6-8 215 Sr 2021 #> 190 7 Austin Butler Holy Cross 56.6 6-5 212 Sr 2021 #> 191 7 Cameron Christon Grambling St. 53.4 6-6 190 Jr 2021 #> 192 7 Greg Kuakumensah Niagara 56.6 6-6 200 Sr 2021 #> 193 7 Joe Quintana Loyola Marymount 57.5 6-2 170 Jr 2021 #> 194 7 Jose Alvarado Georgia Tech 61.0 6-0 179 Sr 2021 #> 195 7 Nik Mains Northern Arizona 58.6 6-9 205 Jr 2021 #> 196 7 Oscar da Silva Stanford 57.1 6-9 230 Sr 2021 #> 197 7 Eral Penn LIU 58.4 6-7 210 Jr 2021 #> 198 7 Marcus Zegarowski Creighton 56.1 6-2 180 Jr 2021 #> 199 7 Tray Maddox Cal St. Fullerton 57.2 6-6 200 Jr 2021 #> 200 7 LJ Owens UMBC 56.2 6-3 165 Jr 2021 #> 201 7 Sherwyn Devonish Morgan St. 52.6 6-1 192 Jr 2021 #> 202 7 Bul Kuol Detroit 61.1 6-7 205 Sr 2021 #> 203 7 Sean McNeil West Virginia 56.3 6-3 210 Jr 2021 #> 204 7 Messiah Thompson Campbell 59.0 5-8 165 So 2021 #> 205 7 Caleb Asberry Texas St. 57.3 6-3 170 Jr 2021 #> 206 7 Stephen Clark The Citadel 58.7 6-8 200 So 2021 #> 207 7 Ralph Agee San Jose St. 58.2 6-8 235 Sr 2021 #> 208 7 Franz Wagner Michigan 57.7 6-9 220 So 2021 #> 209 7 Josiah Allick UMKC 59.4 6-8 225 So 2021 #> 210 7 Reed Nottage Cal Baptist 55.2 6-6 215 So 2021 #> 211 7 Jaylin Williams Auburn 57.1 6-8 230 So 2021 #> 212 7 Rienk Mast Bradley 60.1 6-9 240 Fr 2021 #> 213 7 Eric Reed Southeast Missouri St. 58.7 6-2 190 Jr 2021 #> 214 7 Donte Powers Sam Houston St. 59.3 6-2 180 Jr 2021 #> 215 7 Sion James Tulane 54.4 6-5 205 Fr 2021 #> 216 7 CJ Fleming Bellarmine 55.0 6-0 180 Sr 2021 #> 217 8 Johnny McCants New Mexico St. 55.2 6-7 235 Sr 2021 #> 218 8 Marcus Burk IUPUI 57.9 6-3 195 Sr 2021 #> 219 8 Alex Arians South Dakota St. 58.5 6-4 210 Jr 2021 #> 220 8 Casdon Jardine Hawaii 56.1 6-7 215 Sr 2021 #> 221 8 De'Vondre Perry Temple 53.5 6-7 220 Sr 2021 #> 222 8 Jamal Cain Marquette 55.4 6-7 200 Sr 2021 #> 223 8 James Baker Morehead St. 58.4 6-6 205 Sr 2021 #> 224 8 Jhivvan Jackson UTSA 58.4 6-0 170 Sr 2021 #> 225 8 Ledarrius Brewer East Tennessee St. 57.9 6-5 190 Jr 2021 #> 226 8 Matt Johnson Northern Colorado 58.5 6-2 180 Jr 2021 #> 227 8 PJ Horne Georgia 57.1 6-6 230 Sr 2021 #> 228 8 Trevor Moore Morgan St. 52.4 6-5 195 Jr 2021 #> 229 8 Sukhmail Mathon Boston University 55.7 6-10 225 Sr 2021 #> 230 8 Umoja Gibson Oklahoma 55.7 6-1 176 Jr 2021 #> 231 8 Warren Williams Manhattan 56.0 6-9 240 Jr 2021 #> 232 8 Antonio Rizzuto Albany 53.6 6-3 195 Jr 2021 #> 233 8 Luka Brajkovic Davidson 56.7 6-10 250 Jr 2021 #> 234 8 Dravon Mangum Radford 58.7 6-8 200 So 2021 #> 235 8 Nolan Bertain Texas A&M Corpus Chris 58.8 6-4 185 Sr 2021 #> 236 8 Ivan Alipiev Loyola Marymount 57.2 6-8 215 Jr 2021 #> 237 8 Tremell Murphy Drake 59.6 6-6 210 Sr 2021 #> 238 8 AJ Walker Air Force 57.5 6-2 191 Jr 2021 #> 239 8 TJ Bickerstaff Drexel 60.0 6-9 207 So 2021 #> 240 8 Brandon Rush Fairleigh Dickinson 58.1 6-3 175 So 2021 #> 241 8 Donovan Gregory Appalachian St. 55.4 6-5 190 So 2021 #> 242 8 Jalen Johnson Alabama A&M 53.3 6-7 230 So 2021 #> 243 8 Giovanni Santiago Kent St. 57.5 6-1 155 So 2021 #> 244 8 Hunter Cattoor Virginia Tech 60.4 6-3 200 So 2021 #> 245 8 Evan Mobley USC 57.0 7-0 215 Fr 2021 #> 246 8 Hunter Dickinson Michigan 56.9 7-1 255 Fr 2021 #> 247 9 Austin Phyfe Northern Iowa 59.5 6-9 250 Jr 2021 #> 248 9 Brock Miller Utah St. 56.2 6-5 200 Jr 2021 #> 249 9 Cedric Russell Louisiana 55.4 6-2 190 Sr 2021 #> 250 9 Jabari Rice New Mexico St. 53.7 6-4 180 Jr 2021 #> 251 9 Jalen Adaway St. Bonaventure 56.4 6-5 210 Jr 2021 #> 252 9 Jermaine Samuels Villanova 55.3 6-7 230 Sr 2021 #> 253 9 Matt Coleman Texas 55.4 6-2 180 Sr 2021 #> 254 9 Pedro Castro Houston Baptist 58.3 6-6 185 Jr 2021 #> 255 9 Stef Smith Vermont 53.4 6-2 190 Sr 2021 #> 256 9 Tydus Verhoeven UTEP 57.7 6-9 225 Jr 2021 #> 257 9 Tyree Eady North Dakota St. 58.3 6-5 210 Jr 2021 #> 258 9 Melik Martin Monmouth 53.8 6-6 200 Sr 2021 #> 259 9 Andrew Nembhard Gonzaga 56.9 6-5 193 Jr 2021 #> 260 9 LJ Figueroa Oregon 56.5 6-6 200 Sr 2021 #> 261 9 Miles Norris UC Santa Barbara 56.0 6-10 220 Jr 2021 #> 262 9 Myja White Miami OH 56.9 6-1 185 So 2021 #> 263 9 Maurice Commander Illinois Chicago 57.8 6-0 175 Jr 2021 #> 264 9 Ricky Clemons Campbell 58.3 6-2 205 Jr 2021 #> 265 9 Ryan Larson Wofford 57.7 6-1 175 Jr 2021 #> 266 9 Malik Jefferson Mount St. Mary's 56.0 6-9 230 Jr 2021 #> 267 9 Cameron Parker Montana 56.3 6-2 170 Jr 2021 #> 268 9 Jeremiah Gambrell Prairie View A&M 52.5 6-3 180 So 2021 #> 269 9 Tolu Smith Mississippi St. 56.8 6-10 245 So 2021 #> 270 9 Jae'Lyn Withers Louisville 58.2 6-8 230 Fr 2021 #> 271 9 Quirin Emanga Northeastern 59.5 6-5 220 So 2021 #> 272 9 Chase Johnston Stetson 54.5 6-2 185 Fr 2021 #> 273 9 Santi Aldama Loyola MD 55.7 6-11 215 So 2021 #> 274 9 Donta Scott Maryland 56.4 6-7 230 So 2021 #> 275 9 Rahsaan Edwards South Carolina St. 52.3 6-0 200 So 2021 #> 276 9 Jeremiah Davenport Cincinnati 53.2 6-7 205 So 2021 #> 277 9 Johni Broome Morehead St. 58.0 6-10 235 Fr 2021 #> 278 9 Jace Roquemore UC San Diego 60.0 6-5 160 Fr 2021 #> 279 10 Jalen Tate Arkansas 56.7 6-6 175 Sr 2021 #> 280 10 Justin Hopkins Texas Southern 52.2 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 281 10 Tahj Eaddy USC 55.7 6-2 165 Sr 2021 #> 282 10 Aamir Simms Clemson 57.8 6-8 245 Sr 2021 #> 283 10 Collin Gillespie Villanova 54.9 6-3 190 Sr 2021 #> 284 10 Darnell Brodie Drake 59.3 6-10 275 Jr 2021 #> 285 10 Garrett Covington Youngstown St. 57.8 6-5 200 Sr 2021 #> 286 10 Jacob Rigoni Quinnipiac 53.6 6-6 190 Sr 2021 #> 287 10 Jaheam Cornwall Gardner Webb 58.1 6-0 175 Sr 2021 #> 288 10 James Reese North Texas 57.6 6-4 167 Sr 2021 #> 289 10 Javon Greene George Mason 56.4 6-2 190 Sr 2021 #> 290 10 David McCormack Kansas 53.9 6-10 250 Jr 2021 #> 291 10 RJ Eytle-Rock UMBC 52.5 6-3 225 Jr 2021 #> 292 10 Pete Nance Northwestern 56.1 6-10 225 Jr 2021 #> 293 10 Kendle Moore Colorado St. 56.2 5-10 151 Jr 2021 #> 294 10 Finn Sullivan San Diego 56.9 6-4 175 Jr 2021 #> 295 10 DeAndre Williams Memphis 53.0 6-9 190 Jr 2021 #> 296 10 Pedro Bradshaw Bellarmine 53.9 6-7 185 Jr 2021 #> 297 10 Derek St Hilaire New Orleans 58.1 6-0 180 Sr 2021 #> 298 10 Maizen Fausett Southern Utah 56.1 6-6 225 Jr 2021 #> 299 10 Kevin Obanor Oral Roberts 58.2 6-8 225 Jr 2021 #> 300 10 Walter Ellis Bucknell 55.1 6-5 190 Jr 2021 #> 301 10 B Artis White Western Michigan 56.8 6-0 150 So 2021 #> 302 10 Charles Pride Bryant 55.4 6-4 185 So 2021 #> 303 10 Ruot Monyyong Little Rock 55.2 6-10 215 Sr 2021 #> 304 10 Kamdyn Curfman VMI 56.6 6-1 186 So 2021 #> 305 10 Jaron Williams Tennessee Martin 57.6 6-6 210 Jr 2021 #> 306 10 Darius Burford Elon 58.6 6-0 160 Fr 2021 #> 307 10 Alex Merkviladze Cal St. Northridge 54.7 6-9 225 Fr 2021 #> 308 10 Hunter Schofield Dixie St. 53.3 6-8 225 Sr 2021 #> 309 10 Jalen Speer Florida A&M 52.3 6-1 172 Fr 2021 #> 310 11 Derrick Alston Boise St. 56.0 6-9 190 Sr 2021 #> 311 11 Ibi Watson Dayton 56.1 6-5 195 Sr 2021 #> 312 11 JaQuori McLaughlin UC Santa Barbara 52.8 6-4 190 Sr 2021 #> 313 11 Michael Weathers Texas Southern 51.8 6-3 175 Sr 2021 #> 314 11 Cameron Krutwig Loyola Chicago 57.6 6-9 255 Sr 2021 #> 315 11 Dalonte Brown Miami OH 56.2 6-7 205 Sr 2021 #> 316 11 Evan Cole Utah Valley 52.6 6-10 230 Sr 2021 #> 317 11 MJ Walker Florida St. 56.7 6-5 213 Sr 2021 #> 318 11 Myles Cale Seton Hall 54.8 6-6 210 Sr 2021 #> 319 11 Storm Murphy Wofford 56.5 6-0 180 Sr 2021 #> 320 11 Tevin Brown Murray St. 55.4 6-5 175 Jr 2021 #> 321 11 Jordan Whitfield Campbell 57.8 6-1 175 Sr 2021 #> 322 11 Brandon Mahan UCF 53.0 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 323 11 Eli Parquet Colorado 55.2 6-3 195 Jr 2021 #> 324 11 John Knight Southern Utah 55.6 6-3 205 Sr 2021 #> 325 11 Bentiu Panoam North Dakota 57.5 6-2 168 Sr 2021 #> 326 11 Jarred Godfrey Purdue Fort Wayne 57.0 6-5 185 Jr 2021 #> 327 11 Tucker Richardson Colgate 54.7 6-5 205 Jr 2021 #> 328 11 Dwight Murray Rider 52.5 6-0 180 Jr 2021 #> 329 11 Nick Guadarrama New Hampshire 52.0 6-5 250 Jr 2021 #> 330 11 Malik Miller Morgan St. 52.2 6-4 191 Jr 2021 #> 331 11 De'Vion Harmon Oklahoma 53.7 6-2 198 So 2021 #> 332 11 Dru Kuxhausen McNeese St. 57.1 6-0 180 Sr 2021 #> 333 11 Paul Mulcahy Rutgers 56.1 6-6 210 So 2021 #> 334 11 Marko Lukic Little Rock 54.9 6-7 195 So 2021 #> 335 11 Joe Pridgen UNC Wilmington 58.3 6-5 210 So 2021 #> 336 11 Isaiah Crawford Louisiana Tech 57.1 6-6 220 So 2021 #> 337 11 Pierre Crockrell Pacific 55.6 6-0 175 So 2021 #> 338 11 Emanuel Miller Texas A&M 55.0 6-7 208 So 2021 #> 339 11 Mykel Derring Merrimack 55.1 6-2 180 So 2021 #> 340 11 Juston Betz Bellarmine 53.8 6-3 190 Jr 2021 #> 341 12 Abdul Ado Mississippi St. 54.0 6-11 255 Sr 2021 #> 342 12 Ben Coupet Little Rock 54.7 6-7 185 Sr 2021 #> 343 12 DeJon Jarreau Houston 52.9 6-5 185 Sr 2021 #> 344 12 Jock Perry UC Riverside 52.6 7-1 250 Sr 2021 #> 345 12 Mike Smith Michigan 55.4 5-11 185 Sr 2021 #> 346 12 Jon Williams Robert Morris 57.0 6-1 185 Sr 2021 #> 347 12 Kellan Grady Davidson 55.7 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 348 12 Shaquille Walters Northeastern 58.2 6-6 200 Jr 2021 #> 349 12 Terrell Gomez San Diego St. 55.2 5-8 165 Sr 2021 #> 350 12 Tristan Jarrett Jackson St. 50.9 6-4 195 Sr 2021 #> 351 12 Ochai Agbaji Kansas 52.7 6-5 215 Jr 2021 #> 352 12 Jawaun Newton Evansville 57.3 6-3 170 Jr 2021 #> 353 12 Uche Dibiamaka UT Rio Grande Valley 51.6 6-4 195 Jr 2021 #> 354 12 Dalvin White USC Upstate 56.8 5-10 170 Jr 2021 #> 355 12 Tyler Bertram Binghamton 51.1 6-3 185 So 2021 #> 356 12 Kyonze Chavis Norfolk St. 51.2 6-4 195 Sr 2021 #> 357 12 Al-Amir Dawes Clemson 56.4 6-2 180 So 2021 #> 358 12 Gabe Quinnett Idaho 55.6 6-4 201 So 2021 #> 359 12 Ty Gordon Nicholls St. 57.0 6-1 200 Sr 2021 #> 360 12 Alfonso Plummer Utah 55.0 6-1 182 Sr 2021 #> 361 12 Travis Evee Rice 55.8 6-1 180 So 2021 #> 362 12 Sean Conway VMI 56.2 6-5 215 So 2021 #> 363 12 Tasos Kamateros South Dakota 57.0 6-8 240 So 2021 #> 364 12 Jordan King Siena 51.7 6-0 175 So 2021 #> 365 12 Keli Leaupepe Loyola Marymount 54.4 6-6 248 So 2021 #> 366 12 Carlos Paez Austin Peay 54.6 5-10 180 So 2021 #> 367 12 Mikey Watkins Merrimack 53.3 5-11 175 Jr 2021 #> 368 12 Romeao Ferguson Lipscomb 53.5 6-5 195 Sr 2021 #> 369 12 Dawson Garcia Marquette 54.1 6-11 235 Fr 2021 #> 370 12 Kyle Jenkins Lafayette 54.0 6-7 213 Fr 2021 #> 371 13 Jalen Coleman-Lands Iowa St. 52.7 6-4 187 Sr 2021 #> 372 13 Ben Shungu Vermont 51.0 6-2 200 Sr 2021 #> 373 13 Cainan McClelland Jackson St. 50.6 6-4 180 Sr 2021 #> 374 13 Dru Smith Missouri 53.1 6-3 203 Sr 2021 #> 375 13 Eli Scott Loyola Marymount 54.1 6-6 232 Sr 2021 #> 376 13 Greg Parham VMI 56.1 6-4 176 Sr 2021 #> 377 13 Isaiah Livers Michigan 54.9 6-7 230 Sr 2021 #> 378 13 Justin Jaworski Lafayette 53.4 6-3 196 Sr 2021 #> 379 13 Mladen Armus Boise St. 54.8 6-10 232 Jr 2021 #> 380 13 PJ Pipes Green Bay 56.9 6-2 190 Sr 2021 #> 381 13 TJ Starks Cal St. Northridge 52.3 6-2 196 Jr 2021 #> 382 13 Alex Watson Sacred Heart 52.7 6-3 170 Sr 2021 #> 383 13 Payton Youngblood North Alabama 53.5 6-5 200 Sr 2021 #> 384 13 Michael Devoe Georgia Tech 56.2 6-5 197 Jr 2021 #> 385 13 Jamal Bey Washington 54.9 6-6 210 Jr 2021 #> 386 13 Fardaws Aimaq Utah Valley 50.8 6-11 245 So 2021 #> 387 13 Skyelar Potter Morehead St. 54.6 6-3 198 Jr 2021 #> 388 13 Eddy Kayouloud Central Arkansas 56.8 6-7 220 Jr 2021 #> 389 13 Landers Nolley Memphis 52.6 6-7 220 So 2021 #> 390 13 Kobi Nwandu Niagara 50.8 6-6 210 Sr 2021 #> 391 13 Luke Bumbalough Ball St. 54.8 6-1 180 So 2021 #> 392 13 DJ Horne Illinois St. 56.5 6-1 175 So 2021 #> 393 13 Tyler Burton Richmond 55.7 6-7 215 So 2021 #> 394 13 Kyle Owens Montana 55.2 6-8 205 So 2021 #> 395 13 DJ Carton Marquette 52.1 6-2 200 So 2021 #> 396 13 Brice Williams Charlotte 55.3 6-7 215 So 2021 #> 397 13 AJ Plitzuweit South Dakota 56.8 6-2 170 So 2021 #> 398 13 Garrick Green Coastal Carolina 54.4 6-6 215 Sr 2021 #> 399 13 Davion Warren Hampton 54.6 6-6 210 Sr 2021 #> 400 13 Andrew Carr Delaware 58.2 6-9 210 Fr 2021 #> 401 13 Bryce Pope UC San Diego 55.6 6-3 185 Fr 2021 #> 402 13 Themus Fulks South Carolina St. 50.0 6-1 185 Fr 2021 #> 403 14 Andrew Jones Texas 52.6 6-4 192 Jr 2021 #> 404 14 David Jean-Baptiste Chattanooga 56.0 6-1 193 Sr 2021 #> 405 14 Josh Parrish San Diego 54.0 6-4 215 Sr 2021 #> 406 14 Loudon Love Wright St. 56.3 6-8 260 Sr 2021 #> 407 14 Tareq Coburn Hofstra 55.9 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 408 14 Dajour Dickens Hampton 53.8 7-0 215 Jr 2021 #> 409 14 Jalen Crutcher Dayton 55.4 6-1 175 Sr 2021 #> 410 14 Jordan Usher Georgia Tech 55.7 6-7 213 Sr 2021 #> 411 14 Keyshawn Feazell McNeese St. 56.5 6-9 235 Sr 2021 #> 412 14 Lat Mayen Nebraska 54.0 6-9 205 Jr 2021 #> 413 14 Mike Adewunmi SIU Edwardsville 53.9 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 414 14 Troymain Crosby Alcorn St. 50.3 6-4 200 Sr 2021 #> 415 14 Tyreke Key Indiana St. 56.2 6-3 205 Sr 2021 #> 416 14 Tyrese Martin Connecticut 52.0 6-6 215 Jr 2021 #> 417 14 Jake Wojcik Fairfield 50.3 6-5 190 Jr 2021 #> 418 14 Noah Locke Florida 52.5 6-3 203 Jr 2021 #> 419 14 Tavin Lovan UAB 55.1 6-4 210 Jr 2021 #> 420 14 Kur Jockuch Northern Colorado 54.5 6-9 220 Jr 2021 #> 421 14 Mason Harrell Texas St. 53.9 5-9 145 Jr 2021 #> 422 14 Joe Bryant Norfolk St. 49.6 6-1 225 Jr 2021 #> 423 14 Josh Caldwell Army 53.3 6-2 185 Jr 2021 #> 424 14 Dae Dae Grant Miami OH 54.7 6-2 185 So 2021 #> 425 14 Will Martinez Wagner 52.7 6-5 190 Sr 2021 #> 426 14 Darin Green UCF 52.4 6-4 185 So 2021 #> 427 14 Connor Withers UMass Lowell 50.8 6-7 195 So 2021 #> 428 14 Jaime Jaquez UCLA 53.7 6-6 220 So 2021 #> 429 14 Baylor Scheierman South Dakota St. 56.2 6-6 180 So 2021 #> 430 14 Elijah Pepper UC Davis 52.2 6-4 200 So 2021 #> 431 14 Tre Armstrong Cal Baptist 50.4 6-5 210 So 2021 #> 432 14 Tre Coleman Nevada 54.6 6-7 185 Fr 2021 #> 433 15 Dylan Painter Delaware 55.9 6-10 235 Sr 2021 #> 434 15 Troy Baxter Morgan St. 49.4 6-9 200 Sr 2021 #> 435 15 Ben Vander Plas Ohio 54.2 6-8 232 Jr 2021 #> 436 15 Darius Perry UCF 51.3 6-2 185 Sr 2021 #> 437 15 Dominick Pickett UC Riverside 52.2 6-3 210 Sr 2021 #> 438 15 RaiQuan Gray Florida St. 55.4 6-8 260 Jr 2021 #> 439 15 Terry Taylor Austin Peay 53.6 6-5 230 Sr 2021 #> 440 15 Trevion Williams Purdue 53.9 6-10 265 Jr 2021 #> 441 15 Tyreek Scott-Grayson UAB 54.8 6-5 180 Sr 2021 #> 442 15 Trey Woodbury Utah Valley 50.4 6-4 200 Jr 2021 #> 443 15 Jake Stephens VMI 55.9 6-10 266 Jr 2021 #> 444 15 Koreem Ozier Louisiana Monroe 52.5 6-1 180 Jr 2021 #> 445 15 Brandon Swaby Incarnate Word 55.8 6-3 170 So 2021 #> 446 15 Tykei Greene Stony Brook 50.4 6-4 205 Jr 2021 #> 447 15 KC Ndefo Saint Peter's 50.0 6-7 195 Jr 2021 #> 448 15 KJ Johnson Lipscomb 52.6 6-2 170 So 2021 #> 449 15 Julian Champagnie St. John's 51.8 6-8 220 So 2021 #> 450 15 Christian Ray La Salle 54.9 6-6 215 So 2021 #> 451 15 Golden Dike Loyola MD 53.0 6-10 250 So 2021 #> 452 15 Kruz Perrott-Hunt South Dakota 56.2 6-3 195 So 2021 #> 453 15 Allen Flanigan Auburn 52.5 6-6 215 So 2021 #> 454 15 Isaiah Stevens Colorado St. 53.8 6-0 180 So 2021 #> 455 15 Terreon Randolph Grambling St. 50.0 6-8 220 Sr 2021 #> 456 15 Zahir Porter Weber St. 54.3 6-6 180 Jr 2021 #> 457 15 Cade Cunningham Oklahoma St. 51.8 6-8 220 Fr 2021 #> 458 15 Demarcus Sharp Missouri St. 56.1 6-3 170 Jr 2021 #> 459 15 Marques Warrick Northern Kentucky 55.7 6-2 170 Fr 2021 #> 460 15 D'Maurian Williams Gardner Webb 53.6 6-5 195 Fr 2021 #> 461 15 Josh Reaves Mount St. Mary's 52.3 6-4 205 Fr 2021 #> 462 15 Azuolas Tubelis Arizona 52.7 6-11 245 Fr 2021 #> 463 15 Latrell Jones Portland 53.9 6-5 175 Jr 2021 #> 464 16 Darian Adams Jacksonville St. 53.1 6-3 200 Sr 2021 #> 465 16 Justin Edler-Davis Cal St. Bakersfield 52.0 6-4 220 Sr 2021 #> 466 16 Austin Williams Hartford 50.3 6-4 200 Sr 2021 #> 467 16 Galen Alexander Texas Southern 49.5 6-6 220 Sr 2021 #> 468 16 Isaac Kante Hofstra 55.1 6-7 240 Jr 2021 #> 469 16 Isaiah Whaley Connecticut 51.7 6-9 230 Sr 2021 #> 470 16 Jarrod West Marshall 53.8 5-11 181 Sr 2021 #> 471 16 John Harrar Penn St. 53.9 6-9 240 Sr 2021 #> 472 16 Justin Bean Utah St. 53.2 6-7 210 Jr 2021 #> 473 16 Luke Johnson Loyola MD 52.3 6-3 180 Sr 2021 #> 474 16 Marreon Jackson Toledo 54.0 6-1 200 Sr 2021 #> 475 16 Reggie Miller Abilene Christian 55.4 6-0 150 Sr 2021 #> 476 16 Stefan Kenic Chattanooga 55.3 6-9 223 Sr 2021 #> 477 16 Logan Johnson Saint Mary's 53.5 6-2 170 Jr 2021 #> 478 16 Quentin Grimes Houston 50.5 6-5 205 Jr 2021 #> 479 16 Alan Griffin Syracuse 55.0 6-5 190 Jr 2021 #> 480 16 Jules Bernard UCLA 52.0 6-6 205 Jr 2021 #> 481 16 Michael Meadows Eastern Washington 53.9 6-2 175 So 2021 #> 482 16 Spencer Rodgers Kennesaw St. 51.9 6-4 178 Jr 2021 #> 483 16 Javonte Smart LSU 52.4 6-4 205 Jr 2021 #> 484 16 Majesty Brandon Canisius 49.6 6-0 170 Sr 2021 #> 485 16 Deonte Billups Purdue Fort Wayne 55.6 6-4 200 So 2021 #> 486 16 Jamison Overton Utah Valley 50.0 6-6 190 Sr 2021 #> 487 16 Jaren Holmes St. Bonaventure 54.7 6-4 215 Jr 2021 #> 488 16 Sam Griffin UT Arlington 52.5 6-3 180 So 2021 #> 489 16 Ville Tahvanainen Bradley 54.9 6-4 210 So 2021 #> 490 16 Omar Croskey South Carolina St. 49.3 6-5 200 So 2021 #> 491 16 Chris Childs Bryant 52.0 6-2 180 Jr 2021 #> 492 16 Rondel Walker Oklahoma St. 51.5 6-4 170 Fr 2021 #> 493 16 Jordan Sears Gardner Webb 53.5 5-11 175 Fr 2021 #> 494 16 Will Carius Western Illinois 56.1 6-7 225 Sr 2021 #> 495 17 Bryce Nze Butler 50.9 6-7 230 Sr 2021 #> 496 17 Jeremy Sheppard Rhode Island 54.7 6-1 165 Sr 2021 #> 497 17 Oscar Frayer Grand Canyon 49.3 6-6 195 Sr 2021 #> 498 17 Ty Flowers LIU 51.5 6-9 200 Sr 2021 #> 499 17 Alex Barcello BYU 53.5 6-2 180 Sr 2021 #> 500 17 Brandon Horvath UMBC 50.0 6-10 210 Sr 2021 #> 501 17 Elijah Joiner Tulsa 50.0 6-3 201 Sr 2021 #> 502 17 Marcus Shaver Boise St. 52.9 6-2 185 Jr 2021 #> 503 17 Moses Wright Georgia Tech 54.6 6-9 233 Sr 2021 #> 504 17 Noah Gurley Furman 54.3 6-8 210 Jr 2021 #> 505 17 Yves Pons Tennessee 52.1 6-6 215 Sr 2021 #> 506 17 Riley Abercrombie Rice 53.0 6-10 210 So 2021 #> 507 17 De'Torrion Ware Morgan St. 49.0 6-4 200 Jr 2021 #> 508 17 Jr Clay Tennessee Tech 52.7 6-0 170 Jr 2021 #> 509 17 Jalen Pickett Siena 49.3 6-4 202 Jr 2021 #> 510 17 Greg Summers Navy 52.1 6-4 200 Jr 2021 #> 511 17 Christian Braun Kansas 51.0 6-6 210 So 2021 #> 512 17 Brayden Parker Idaho St. 53.1 6-8 250 So 2021 #> 513 17 Cedric Henderson Campbell 53.1 6-6 190 Jr 2021 #> 514 17 Tanner Holden Wright St. 55.5 6-6 185 So 2021 #> 515 17 EJ Liddell Ohio St. 53.8 6-7 240 So 2021 #> 516 17 Douglas Wilson South Dakota St. 53.7 6-7 210 Sr 2021 #> 517 17 Cameron Johnson Stephen F. Austin 54.7 6-4 216 Sr 2021 #> 518 17 Ben Krikke Valparaiso 54.8 6-9 230 So 2021 #> 519 17 Jonas James Jackson St. 49.0 6-0 160 Sr 2021 #> 520 17 Zyon Pullin UC Riverside 52.0 6-4 195 So 2021 #> 521 17 Kayo Goncalves South Alabama 52.4 6-8 212 Sr 2021 #> 522 17 Michael O'Connell Stanford 51.9 6-2 185 Fr 2021 #> 523 17 Meikkel Murray Central Michigan 53.4 6-6 190 Jr 2021 #> 524 17 Connor Kochera William & Mary 55.0 6-5 200 Fr 2021 #> 525 17 Dylan Penn Bellarmine 51.8 6-3 190 Jr 2021 #> 526 18 Clay Mounce Furman 54.3 6-7 210 Sr 2021 #> 527 18 Corey Allen Georgia St. 52.2 6-2 210 Sr 2021 #> 528 18 John Fulkerson Tennessee 51.9 6-9 215 Sr 2021 #> 529 18 Jordan Bell Pacific 52.8 6-8 221 Sr 2021 #> 530 18 Chauncey Hawkins St. Francis NY 51.1 5-8 172 Sr 2021 #> 531 18 Darnell Rogers UMBC 49.5 5-2 150 Sr 2021 #> 532 18 David Jenkins UNLV 51.3 6-2 195 Jr 2021 #> 533 18 Elijah Cuffee Liberty 51.1 6-4 185 Sr 2021 #> 534 18 Holland Woods Arizona St. 51.5 6-1 180 Sr 2021 #> 535 18 Justyn Mutts Virginia Tech 54.4 6-7 230 Jr 2021 #> 536 18 Kamron Reaves Florida A&M 48.0 6-2 170 Sr 2021 #> 537 18 Luka Garza Iowa 53.7 6-11 265 Sr 2021 #> 538 18 Matt Faw Holy Cross 51.9 6-9 223 Sr 2021 #> 539 18 Paul Scruggs Xavier 50.7 6-4 196 Sr 2021 #> 540 18 Rocky Kreuser North Dakota St. 53.2 6-10 245 Sr 2021 #> 541 18 Taj Benning Fairfield 48.3 6-4 202 Sr 2021 #> 542 18 Collin Welp UC Irvine 51.8 6-9 225 Jr 2021 #> 543 18 Taevion Kinsey Marshall 52.9 6-5 185 Jr 2021 #> 544 18 Bodie Hume Northern Colorado 52.6 6-7 190 Jr 2021 #> 545 18 Mekhi Lairy Miami OH 53.2 5-8 140 Jr 2021 #> 546 18 Chandler Vaudrin Winthrop 52.2 6-7 210 Sr 2021 #> 547 18 Tremont Robinson-White East Carolina 50.0 6-1 190 Jr 2021 #> 548 18 Roti Ware Stephen F. Austin 54.3 6-3 187 Sr 2021 #> 549 18 Terrence Shannon Texas Tech 51.0 6-6 210 So 2021 #> 550 18 Charles Thompson Towson 54.9 6-7 235 So 2021 #> 551 18 Brandon Battle Alabama St. 47.6 6-8 215 Sr 2021 #> 552 18 Craig Beaudion Cleveland St. 55.1 6-3 170 Sr 2021 #> 553 18 Steven Verplancken Southern Illinois 54.8 6-4 205 So 2021 #> 554 18 Darrion Trammell Seattle 46.9 5-10 165 So 2021 #> 555 18 Tyler Kolek George Mason 54.6 6-3 190 Fr 2021 #> 556 18 Damaria Franklin Tennessee Tech 52.0 6-4 210 Jr 2021 #> 557 19 KJ Walton Ball St. 52.9 6-3 200 Sr 2021 #> 558 19 Brad Greene UC Irvine 51.7 6-11 270 Sr 2021 #> 559 19 DeJuan Clayton Coppin St. 47.1 6-2 185 Sr 2021 #> 560 19 Jannson Williams Marshall 52.9 6-9 219 Sr 2021 #> 561 19 Solomon Young Iowa St. 50.4 6-8 255 Sr 2021 #> 562 19 Damion Rosser New Orleans 53.7 6-4 220 Jr 2021 #> 563 19 Devon Cooper Morehead St. 51.9 6-4 201 Jr 2021 #> 564 19 Justice Sueing Ohio St. 53.3 6-7 215 Jr 2021 #> 565 19 Ryan Allen Delaware 53.7 6-2 200 Sr 2021 #> 566 19 Sandro Mamukelashvili Seton Hall 50.0 6-11 240 Sr 2021 #> 567 19 Stacy Beckton American 51.5 6-4 186 Sr 2021 #> 568 19 Alex Rivera LIU 51.1 6-1 185 So 2021 #> 569 19 Brandon Younger Presbyterian 51.9 6-7 190 Jr 2021 #> 570 19 Jarius Cook North Dakota St. 53.1 6-3 180 So 2021 #> 571 19 Malachi Smith Chattanooga 54.2 6-4 205 So 2021 #> 572 19 DeVante' Jones Coastal Carolina 52.0 6-1 200 Jr 2021 #> 573 19 Jamie Ahale Illinois Chicago 54.9 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 574 19 Rob Perry Stetson 50.8 6-4 210 So 2021 #> 575 19 Samuell Williamson Louisville 54.2 6-7 210 So 2021 #> 576 19 Isiaih Mosley Missouri St. 54.8 6-5 201 So 2021 #> 577 19 Dylan van Eyck Iona 48.2 6-8 210 Sr 2021 #> 578 19 Jordan Wright Vanderbilt 51.7 6-6 226 So 2021 #> 579 19 Kwane Marble Wyoming 51.3 6-6 195 So 2021 #> 580 19 Nah'Shon Hyland VCU 54.0 6-3 173 So 2021 #> 581 19 Broc Finstuen Pacific 52.3 6-4 200 Sr 2021 #> 582 19 Jarod Lucas Oregon St. 51.0 6-3 195 So 2021 #> 583 19 Khalid Thomas Portland St. 52.6 6-10 210 Sr 2021 #> 584 19 Caleb Hunter Mississippi Valley St. 47.1 5-10 185 So 2021 #> 585 19 Mika Adams-Woods Cincinnati 50.0 6-3 185 So 2021 #> 586 19 Jamel Horton Albany 49.5 6-4 190 Jr 2021 #> 587 19 Cameron Gooden Dixie St. 46.2 5-11 175 Jr 2021 #> 588 20 John Pettway South Alabama 52.0 6-3 189 Sr 2021 #> 589 20 Keon Clergeot Southeastern Louisiana 52.5 6-1 190 Sr 2021 #> 590 20 Caleb Green Fairfield 48.1 5-10 175 Jr 2021 #> 591 20 Colbey Ross Pepperdine 52.3 6-1 185 Sr 2021 #> 592 20 Darryl Morsell Maryland 52.4 6-5 200 Sr 2021 #> 593 20 Felipe Haase Mercer 54.1 6-9 253 Jr 2021 #> 594 20 Kimani Lawrence Arizona St. 50.9 6-8 210 Sr 2021 #> 595 20 Kameron Langley North Carolina A&T 46.8 6-2 165 Sr 2021 #> 596 20 Tae Hardy Southern Miss 51.9 6-3 175 Jr 2021 #> 597 20 Tevian Jones Southern Utah 52.5 6-7 190 Jr 2021 #> 598 20 Dontarius James Jacksonville 50.6 6-8 228 Jr 2021 #> 599 20 Garrett Sturtz Drake 54.8 6-3 175 Jr 2021 #> 600 20 Taelyr Gatlin Denver 52.5 6-3 180 Jr 2021 #> 601 20 Nic Lynch Lehigh 51.3 6-11 250 Jr 2021 #> 602 20 Riley Grigsby Seattle 45.9 6-6 220 Jr 2021 #> 603 20 Shaun Doss Arkansas Pine Bluff 45.8 6-5 185 Jr 2021 #> 604 20 Miles McBride West Virginia 49.8 6-2 200 So 2021 #> 605 20 Justin Champagnie Pittsburgh 53.5 6-6 200 So 2021 #> 606 20 Tyson Etienne Wichita St. 49.7 6-2 200 So 2021 #> 607 20 Tyson Walker Northeastern 53.6 6-0 170 So 2021 #> 608 20 Cameron Brown Saint Joseph's 54.0 6-5 220 So 2021 #> 609 20 Chance Hunter Long Beach St. 50.5 6-6 190 Jr 2021 #> 610 20 Devan Cambridge Auburn 51.6 6-6 215 So 2021 #> 611 20 Keondre Kennedy UMBC 48.6 6-6 180 Jr 2021 #> 612 20 Ziggy Reid Merrimack 50.9 6-6 235 So 2021 #> 613 20 Winston Hill Presbyterian 51.4 6-7 230 Jr 2021 #> 614 20 Jalen Finch Jacksonville St. 51.8 6-1 165 Jr 2021 #> 615 20 Chuck Harris Butler 50.0 6-2 190 Fr 2021 #> 616 20 Ryan Rollins Toledo 52.7 6-4 180 Fr 2021 #> 617 20 Trey Townsend Oakland 54.5 6-6 222 Fr 2021 #> 618 20 Glen McClintock Air Force 50.8 6-2 185 Fr 2021 #> 619 21 Brandon Averette BYU 52.3 5-11 185 Sr 2021 #> 620 21 Eugene Omoruyi Oregon 50.5 6-6 235 Sr 2021 #> 621 21 Jacob Young Rutgers 52.2 6-2 185 Sr 2021 #> 622 21 Payton Willis Charleston 53.3 6-4 190 Sr 2021 #> 623 21 Desmond Cambridge Nevada 50.6 6-4 180 Jr 2021 #> 624 21 Isaiah Washington Long Beach St. 48.6 6-1 195 Sr 2021 #> 625 21 Jahlil Jenkins Fairleigh Dickinson 50.6 6-0 160 Sr 2021 #> 626 21 Javante McCoy Boston University 50.9 6-5 180 Sr 2021 #> 627 21 Javon Levi UT Rio Grande Valley 45.5 5-11 175 Sr 2021 #> 628 21 Koby Thomas Coppin St. 46.7 6-6 190 Sr 2021 #> 629 21 Marek Dolezaj Syracuse 52.9 6-10 201 Sr 2021 #> 630 21 Matt Halvorsen Western Carolina 54.0 6-1 183 Sr 2021 #> 631 21 Stanley Umude South Dakota 52.3 6-6 210 Sr 2021 #> 632 21 Troy Green New Orleans 52.4 6-3 215 Sr 2021 #> 633 21 Tyree Appleby Florida 51.5 6-1 170 Jr 2021 #> 634 21 Kendric Davis SMU 49.7 5-11 180 Jr 2021 #> 635 21 Shamar Givance Evansville 54.3 5-10 155 Jr 2021 #> 636 21 Jordan Gilliam Texas Southern 45.3 6-5 175 Jr 2021 #> 637 21 Antoine Davis Detroit 54.4 6-1 165 Jr 2021 #> 638 21 Bryce Workman Jacksonville 49.5 6-7 230 Jr 2021 #> 639 21 Micheal Anumba Winthrop 50.6 6-4 220 Jr 2021 #> 640 21 Avery Anderson Oklahoma St. 49.7 6-3 170 So 2021 #> 641 21 Tyler Robertson Eastern Washington 52.4 6-6 200 So 2021 #> 642 21 Keishawn Davidson Tennessee Tech 51.7 6-2 175 So 2021 #> 643 21 Jeremiah Robinson-Earl Villanova 50.0 6-9 230 So 2021 #> 644 21 Malik Curry Old Dominion 51.2 6-1 180 Sr 2021 #> 645 21 Matthew Lee Saint Peter's 48.0 6-0 160 So 2021 #> 646 21 Duke Miles Troy 51.9 6-2 175 Fr 2021 #> 647 21 Ronnie DeGray Massachusetts 54.0 6-7 220 Fr 2021 #> 648 21 LeChaun DuHart Maine 48.6 5-11 175 Fr 2021 #> 649 21 Mark Sears Ohio 51.8 6-1 185 Fr 2021 #> 650 22 Brandon Johnson Minnesota 51.7 6-8 220 Sr 2021 #> 651 22 Chyree Walker Radford 50.5 6-5 200 Jr 2021 #> 652 22 Ethan Igbanugo North Dakota 51.5 6-3 191 Jr 2021 #> 653 22 Ishmael El-Amin Ball St. 50.9 6-3 180 Sr 2021 #> 654 22 Marcus Garrett Kansas 49.7 6-5 205 Sr 2021 #> 655 22 Matt Mitchell San Diego St. 50.3 6-6 235 Sr 2021 #> 656 22 Remy Martin Arizona St. 50.4 6-0 175 Sr 2021 #> 657 22 San Antonio Brinson NJIT 47.8 6-8 210 Sr 2021 #> 658 22 Steffon Mitchell Boston College 52.6 6-8 220 Sr 2021 #> 659 22 Tray Hollowell Wofford 54.0 6-3 185 Sr 2021 #> 660 22 Myles Carter Delaware St. 46.1 6-1 170 Sr 2021 #> 661 22 Tre King Eastern Kentucky 51.5 6-9 225 Jr 2021 #> 662 22 DeAndre Gholston Milwaukee 54.0 6-5 215 Jr 2021 #> 663 22 Tyrone Perry Lafayette 50.5 6-2 165 Jr 2021 #> 664 22 Dre Fuller UCF 48.5 6-5 215 So 2021 #> 665 22 Trey Sides Jacksonville 49.2 6-1 170 So 2021 #> 666 22 Alex Morales Wagner 50.4 6-6 180 Sr 2021 #> 667 22 Noah Carter Northern Iowa 54.1 6-6 229 So 2021 #> 668 22 Noah Fernandes Massachusetts 53.9 5-11 175 So 2021 #> 669 22 Tre Mann Florida 51.4 6-5 190 So 2021 #> 670 22 Bryan Greenlee Florida Atlantic 51.0 6-0 195 So 2021 #> 671 22 Allen Powell Rider 47.4 6-2 165 So 2021 #> 672 22 Sedrick Altman Pepperdine 51.9 6-2 180 So 2021 #> 673 22 William FitzPatrick Sacramento St. 51.2 6-3 200 Sr 2021 #> 674 22 Jamaure Gregg Northwestern St. 52.3 6-7 232 Sr 2021 #> 675 22 Jason Gibson Towson 53.2 6-1 165 So 2021 #> 676 22 Junior Madut Hawaii 47.1 6-6 180 Jr 2021 #> 677 22 Gedi Juozapaitis Georgia Southern 51.4 6-4 210 Jr 2021 #> 678 22 Posh Alexander St. John's 50.0 6-0 190 Fr 2021 #> 679 22 Shamir Bogues Tarleton St. 44.9 6-4 190 Fr 2021 #> 680 22 Terry Collins Mississippi Valley St. 44.6 6-3 180 Jr 2021 #> 681 23 Traci Carter Hartford 47.8 6-1 175 Sr 2021 #> 682 23 Josh Hall Cal St. Fullerton 44.6 6-7 213 Sr 2021 #> 683 23 Marcus Weathers Duquesne 53.7 6-5 215 Sr 2021 #> 684 23 Abu Kigab Boise St. 50.3 6-7 220 Sr 2021 #> 685 23 Nana Opoku Mount St. Mary's 49.6 6-9 210 Jr 2021 #> 686 23 Torrey Patton Cleveland St. 53.9 6-5 195 Sr 2021 #> 687 23 Tyler Maye North Carolina A&T 45.5 6-1 175 Sr 2021 #> 688 23 Carter Hendricksen North Florida 49.0 6-7 217 Jr 2021 #> 689 23 Isaiah Mucius Wake Forest 52.6 6-8 200 Jr 2021 #> 690 23 Ayo Dosunmu Illinois 51.1 6-5 200 Jr 2021 #> 691 23 Luis Rodriguez Mississippi 51.0 6-6 210 So 2021 #> 692 23 Mac McClung Texas Tech 49.3 6-2 185 Jr 2021 #> 693 23 Sam Griesel North Dakota St. 50.7 6-6 215 Jr 2021 #> 694 23 Adrian Delph Appalachian St. 50.9 6-3 185 Jr 2021 #> 695 23 Camren Wynter Drexel 52.6 6-2 175 Jr 2021 #> 696 23 Neftali Alvarez Mercer 53.4 6-2 165 So 2021 #> 697 23 Jeenathan Williams Buffalo 50.8 6-5 206 Jr 2021 #> 698 23 Warith Alatishe Oregon St. 50.3 6-7 200 Jr 2021 #> 699 23 Tyler Stevenson Southern Miss 51.0 6-8 225 Jr 2021 #> 700 23 Ty Rowell Cal Baptist 44.9 6-2 190 Jr 2021 #> 701 23 Josh Vazquez Montana 50.5 6-3 180 So 2021 #> 702 23 Evan Taylor Lehigh 50.0 6-6 200 So 2021 #> 703 23 Garrett Hicks Alabama A&M 44.0 6-0 160 So 2021 #> 704 23 Joseph Yesufu Drake 54.1 6-0 180 So 2021 #> 705 23 Emmanuel Bandoumel SMU 48.2 6-4 180 Jr 2021 #> 706 23 Luke Smith Belmont 51.4 6-0 175 Jr 2021 #> 707 23 Colby Jones Xavier 49.3 6-5 195 Fr 2021 #> 708 23 Jacob Falko Gardner Webb 50.3 6-2 180 Jr 2021 #> 709 23 Ricardo Wright Marist 46.9 6-4 185 Fr 2021 #> 710 23 Jalen Suggs Gonzaga 51.7 6-4 205 Fr 2021 #> 711 23 Kasen Harrison Lamar 52.1 6-1 190 Fr 2021 #> 712 24 Andre Jones Nicholls St. 51.6 6-4 200 Sr 2021 #> 713 24 Michael Hughes Duquesne 52.9 6-8 240 Sr 2021 #> 714 24 Mikey Dixon Grand Canyon 43.8 6-2 165 Sr 2021 #> 715 24 Unique McLean St. Francis NY 49.5 6-2 182 Sr 2021 #> 716 24 DJ Heath Alabama St. 43.7 6-0 185 Sr 2021 #> 717 24 EJ Stephens Lafayette 49.7 6-3 176 Sr 2021 #> 718 24 Hayden Brown The Citadel 53.2 6-5 225 Jr 2021 #> 719 24 Jamaree Bouyea San Francisco 51.3 6-2 180 Sr 2021 #> 720 24 Keaton Van Soelen Air Force 50.0 6-7 190 Sr 2021 #> 721 24 Matt Lewis James Madison 52.2 6-5 200 Sr 2021 #> 722 24 Nana Akenten Southeast Missouri St. 51.2 6-6 215 Jr 2021 #> 723 24 Trey Jemison UAB 50.9 7-0 260 Jr 2021 #> 724 24 Emanuel Littles North Alabama 48.1 6-7 215 Jr 2021 #> 725 24 DeShaun Wade Longwood 50.3 6-2 200 Jr 2021 #> 726 24 Bryce Daley UMass Lowell 47.4 6-4 190 So 2021 #> 727 24 Duane Washington Ohio St. 51.0 6-3 210 Jr 2021 #> 728 24 Rasir Bolton Iowa St. 49.2 6-3 185 Jr 2021 #> 729 24 Bryce Golden Butler 49.0 6-9 260 Jr 2021 #> 730 24 Daylen Kountz Northern Colorado 50.0 6-4 191 Jr 2021 #> 731 24 Jaiden Delaire Stanford 49.8 6-9 210 Jr 2021 #> 732 24 Jase Townsend Denver 50.5 6-3 175 Jr 2021 #> 733 24 Keyshawn Bryant South Carolina 50.8 6-6 195 Jr 2021 #> 734 24 Ronaldo Segu Buffalo 50.3 6-0 160 Jr 2021 #> 735 24 MJ Randolph Florida A&M 44.0 6-4 170 Jr 2021 #> 736 24 Nikola Maric Little Rock 50.8 6-10 250 Jr 2021 #> 737 24 Marcus Sasser Houston 48.0 6-1 190 So 2021 #> 738 24 Tarik Cool Idaho St. 50.0 6-4 180 Sr 2021 #> 739 24 Tre Williams Indiana St. 53.3 6-7 250 So 2021 #> 740 24 Josh Thomas Milwaukee 53.6 6-4 205 Sr 2021 #> 741 24 Ezra Manjon UC Davis 43.7 5-11 170 So 2021 #> 742 24 Jeremy Roach Duke 52.5 6-1 175 Fr 2021 #> 743 25 CJ Keyser North Carolina Central 43.7 6-3 190 Sr 2021 #> 744 25 Devearl Ramsey UC Santa Barbara 42.8 6-0 185 Sr 2021 #> 745 25 Najee Garvin Nicholls St. 51.1 6-7 210 Jr 2021 #> 746 25 Caleb Daniels Villanova 48.6 6-4 210 Jr 2021 #> 747 25 Jamal Johnson Auburn 50.6 6-4 195 Jr 2021 #> 748 25 Keaton Wallace UTSA 50.0 6-4 195 Sr 2021 #> 749 25 Sasha Stefanovic Purdue 51.0 6-5 200 Jr 2021 #> 750 25 Lonnie Grayson Army 48.7 6-0 180 Sr 2021 #> 751 25 Jayden Gardner East Carolina 47.8 6-7 235 Jr 2021 #> 752 25 Jeremiah Bailey Pacific 50.9 6-6 220 Sr 2021 #> 753 25 Filip Rebraca North Dakota 50.4 6-9 222 Jr 2021 #> 754 25 Matt Herasme Marist 46.2 6-3 180 Jr 2021 #> 755 25 Tim Finke Wright St. 53.5 6-6 215 So 2021 #> 756 25 Buddy Boeheim Syracuse 52.2 6-6 195 Jr 2021 #> 757 25 Courtney Ramey Texas 48.5 6-3 185 Jr 2021 #> 758 25 Joel Soriano Fordham 52.8 6-11 250 So 2021 #> 759 25 Trent Brown Southern Illinois 52.8 6-2 175 So 2021 #> 760 25 Grant Sherfield Nevada 48.9 6-2 189 So 2021 #> 761 25 Ta'lon Cooper Morehead St. 50.0 6-4 190 So 2021 #> 762 25 Cam Mack Prairie View A&M 41.9 6-2 170 Jr 2021 #> 763 25 Nick Stampley Troy 50.6 6-6 210 Sr 2021 #> 764 25 Owen McCormack Presbyterian 50.0 6-9 230 So 2021 #> 765 25 Damari Monsanto East Tennessee St. 52.7 6-6 215 Fr 2021 #> 766 25 Jalen Warren Florida Gulf Coast 47.9 6-3 162 Sr 2021 #> 767 25 Johnny Juzang UCLA 49.5 6-6 210 So 2021 #> 768 25 Devin Jensen Merrimack 49.2 6-5 220 Sr 2021 #> 769 25 Juan Felix Rodriguez Stony Brook 47.2 6-0 190 Jr 2021 #> 770 25 Kaden Metheny Bowling Green 50.0 5-11 180 Fr 2021 #> 771 25 Jamahri Harvey UNC Wilmington 52.0 6-5 175 Fr 2021 #> 772 25 Frank Staine Dixie St. 43.4 6-6 205 So 2021 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pointdist.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Team Points Distribution — kp_pointdist","title":"Get Team Points Distribution — kp_pointdist","text":"Get Team Points Distribution","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pointdist.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Team Points Distribution — kp_pointdist","text":"","code":"kp_pointdist(min_year, max_year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pointdist.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Team Points Distribution — kp_pointdist","text":"min_year First year data pull max_year Last year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pointdist.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Team Points Distribution — kp_pointdist","text":"Returns tibble team points distributions","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pointdist.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Team Points Distribution — kp_pointdist","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_pointdist(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2021)) #> 2023-04-06 19:15:51: Invalid arguments or no point distribution data for 2020 - 2021 available! #> Team Conf Off.FT.Pct Off.FT.Pct.Rk Off.FG_2.Pct #> 1 Arkansas St. SB 26.2 1 48.9 #> 2 Chicago St. WAC 25.2 2 47.8 #> 3 Kentucky SEC 24.3 3 55.3 #> 4 Texas Southern SWAC 24.2 4 54.2 #> 5 South Carolina St. MEAC 24.2 5 55.3 #> 6 Wake Forest ACC 23.8 6 49.3 #> 7 New Orleans Slnd 23.6 7 55.7 #> 8 Morgan St. MEAC 23.6 8 54.8 #> 9 High Point BSth 23.5 9 48.4 #> 10 Abilene Christian Slnd 23.5 10 49.8 #> 11 Arkansas SEC 23.4 11 46.6 #> 12 Little Rock SB 23.3 12 51.3 #> 13 Prairie View A&M SWAC 23.3 13 57.1 #> 14 Western Kentucky CUSA 23.3 14 49.3 #> 15 Texas A&M SEC 23.1 15 47.0 #> 16 Saint Peter's MAAC 23.0 16 49.1 #> 17 Missouri SEC 22.9 17 47.6 #> 18 Seattle WAC 22.9 18 47.0 #> 19 Central Arkansas Slnd 22.9 19 46.9 #> 20 Auburn SEC 22.8 20 46.0 #> 21 Cleveland St. Horz 22.5 21 60.9 #> 22 Kennesaw St. ASun 22.5 22 54.8 #> 23 Montana St. BSky 22.5 23 53.2 #> 24 Maryland B10 22.5 24 45.5 #> 25 Fairfield MAAC 22.5 25 55.3 #> 26 Mississippi St. SEC 22.4 26 56.4 #> 27 South Alabama SB 22.4 27 55.5 #> 28 Vanderbilt SEC 22.4 28 43.4 #> 29 Stephen F. Austin Slnd 22.3 29 55.0 #> 30 North Alabama ASun 22.3 30 48.2 #> 31 Eastern Michigan MAC 22.3 31 52.0 #> 32 Tennessee SEC 22.2 32 50.8 #> 33 Hampton BSth 22.2 33 54.3 #> 34 Appalachian St. SB 22.2 34 49.7 #> 35 East Carolina Amer 22.1 35 54.9 #> 36 Tulsa Amer 22.1 36 51.9 #> 37 California P12 22.1 37 54.2 #> 38 Marquette BE 22.0 38 39.3 #> 39 Oregon St. P12 22.0 39 52.3 #> 40 Houston Baptist Slnd 22.0 40 50.1 #> 41 Bethune Cookman MEAC 22.0 41 52.7 #> 42 South Dakota Sum 21.9 42 50.7 #> 43 West Virginia B12 21.8 43 56.8 #> 44 UCLA P12 21.8 44 52.0 #> 45 Towson CAA 21.8 45 50.0 #> 46 Pittsburgh ACC 21.7 46 53.9 #> 47 Mississippi SEC 21.6 47 52.3 #> 48 North Dakota Sum 21.6 48 47.7 #> 49 Grambling St. SWAC 21.6 49 57.9 #> 50 Grand Canyon WAC 21.6 50 52.3 #> 51 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC 21.5 51 54.3 #> 52 Cal Baptist WAC 21.5 52 42.1 #> 53 Memphis Amer 21.4 53 51.2 #> 54 UC Santa Barbara BW 21.4 54 50.7 #> 55 Washington P12 21.4 55 49.4 #> 56 Monmouth MAAC 21.4 56 47.8 #> 57 Samford SC 21.4 57 51.5 #> 58 Detroit Horz 21.3 58 42.4 #> 59 Louisiana SB 21.3 59 46.4 #> 60 Florida A&M MEAC 21.3 60 61.1 #> 61 San Jose St. MWC 21.3 61 42.9 #> 62 Texas St. SB 21.3 62 56.9 #> 63 Rider MAAC 21.3 63 53.1 #> 64 Oklahoma St. B12 21.3 64 52.5 #> 65 Indiana B10 21.3 65 55.6 #> 66 Toledo MAC 21.2 66 43.1 #> 67 Connecticut Amer 21.2 67 50.1 #> 68 Oakland Horz 21.2 68 51.3 #> 69 Utah St. MWC 21.1 69 50.2 #> 70 North Carolina A&T MEAC 21.1 70 55.0 #> 71 Murray St. OVC 21.1 71 52.7 #> 72 Rhode Island A10 21.1 72 55.7 #> 73 Georgetown BE 21.1 73 53.1 #> 74 Brown Ivy 21.0 74 48.4 #> 75 Cincinnati Amer 21.0 75 51.9 #> 76 Central Michigan MAC 21.0 76 49.6 #> 77 Southern Utah BSky 21.0 77 54.8 #> 78 Arizona P12 20.9 78 50.5 #> 79 Boise St. MWC 20.9 79 46.3 #> 80 Akron MAC 20.9 80 42.3 #> 81 Ohio St. B10 20.9 81 44.0 #> 82 Colorado P12 20.9 82 47.3 #> 83 Jackson St. SWAC 20.8 83 59.3 #> 84 Providence BE 20.8 84 48.7 #> 85 UTEP CUSA 20.8 85 48.6 #> 86 Stetson ASun 20.8 86 53.9 #> 87 Western Michigan MAC 20.8 87 48.4 #> 88 UMass Lowell AE 20.8 88 51.6 #> 89 Cal St. Fullerton BW 20.8 89 52.2 #> 90 South Florida Amer 20.7 90 49.0 #> 91 Syracuse ACC 20.7 91 46.6 #> 92 Pepperdine WCC 20.7 92 47.9 #> 93 Lamar Slnd 20.7 93 53.9 #> 94 Hofstra CAA 20.7 94 46.6 #> 95 Sacred Heart NEC 20.6 95 48.5 #> 96 Austin Peay OVC 20.6 96 52.0 #> 97 Charlotte CUSA 20.6 97 50.6 #> 98 Alabama A&M SWAC 20.5 98 54.4 #> 99 LSU SEC 20.5 99 54.1 #> 100 Southeast Missouri St. OVC 20.4 100 51.3 #> 101 Loyola MD Pat 20.4 101 52.5 #> 102 New Mexico MWC 20.4 102 52.2 #> 103 Sacramento St. BSky 20.4 103 56.1 #> 104 Denver Sum 20.4 104 56.8 #> 105 Presbyterian BSth 20.3 105 51.7 #> 106 Iona MAAC 20.3 106 46.6 #> 107 Tulane Amer 20.3 107 46.0 #> 108 North Dakota St. Sum 20.3 108 42.2 #> 109 Utah P12 20.3 109 49.8 #> 110 Norfolk St. MEAC 20.3 110 46.5 #> 111 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC 20.3 111 58.7 #> 112 Santa Clara WCC 20.2 112 51.0 #> 113 UNC Wilmington CAA 20.2 113 53.0 #> 114 Eastern Kentucky OVC 20.2 114 48.3 #> 115 Stony Brook AE 20.1 115 43.9 #> 116 Incarnate Word Slnd 20.1 116 51.8 #> 117 Texas Tech B12 20.1 117 49.8 #> 118 James Madison CAA 20.1 118 47.5 #> 119 UAB CUSA 20.1 119 57.4 #> 120 Houston Amer 20.0 120 51.0 #> 121 Albany AE 20.0 121 44.1 #> 122 Iowa B10 20.0 122 49.6 #> 123 Wichita St. Amer 20.0 123 47.1 #> 124 Western Carolina SC 20.0 124 43.2 #> 125 George Mason A10 20.0 125 53.6 #> 126 Washington St. P12 20.0 126 48.2 #> 127 Northwestern St. Slnd 19.9 127 48.8 #> 128 Wright St. Horz 19.9 128 51.9 #> 129 Alabama St. SWAC 19.9 129 48.3 #> 130 Oklahoma B12 19.9 130 49.2 #> 131 Temple Amer 19.9 131 50.6 #> 132 Southern Illinois MVC 19.9 132 46.0 #> 133 Utah Valley WAC 19.9 133 52.6 #> 134 Coastal Carolina SB 19.9 134 52.0 #> 135 USC Upstate BSth 19.8 135 50.3 #> 136 Siena MAAC 19.8 136 52.8 #> 137 Colorado St. MWC 19.8 137 48.1 #> 138 Alcorn St. SWAC 19.7 138 46.8 #> 139 North Carolina ACC 19.7 139 57.4 #> 140 Alabama SEC 19.7 140 40.9 #> 141 Delaware St. MEAC 19.6 141 49.2 #> 142 Mount St. Mary's NEC 19.6 142 49.1 #> 143 Georgia Southern SB 19.6 143 49.8 #> 144 Southern SWAC 19.6 144 56.9 #> 145 Duke ACC 19.6 145 55.0 #> 146 Evansville MVC 19.5 146 46.7 #> 147 Illinois B10 19.5 147 57.3 #> 148 Seton Hall BE 19.5 148 48.6 #> 149 Cal Poly BW 19.5 149 51.4 #> 150 East Tennessee St. SC 19.5 150 50.5 #> 151 Rice CUSA 19.5 151 40.1 #> 152 Charleston CAA 19.4 152 47.4 #> 153 Kansas St. B12 19.4 153 49.5 #> 154 Tennessee Martin OVC 19.4 154 50.4 #> 155 Navy Pat 19.4 155 50.6 #> 156 Air Force MWC 19.3 156 45.0 #> 157 Longwood BSth 19.3 157 38.5 #> 158 Howard MEAC 19.3 158 48.2 #> 159 Bradley MVC 19.3 159 52.1 #> 160 UC Davis BW 19.3 160 46.9 #> 161 St. Francis PA NEC 19.2 161 55.4 #> 162 Long Beach St. BW 19.2 162 54.5 #> 163 South Carolina SEC 19.2 163 57.8 #> 164 Green Bay Horz 19.2 164 52.2 #> 165 UNLV MWC 19.2 165 49.5 #> 166 Idaho St. BSky 19.2 166 53.1 #> 167 Northern Kentucky Horz 19.1 167 46.8 #> 168 USC P12 19.1 168 53.3 #> 169 Florida SEC 19.1 169 51.2 #> 170 Georgia Tech ACC 19.0 170 58.5 #> 171 Sam Houston St. Slnd 19.0 171 51.5 #> 172 Portland WCC 19.0 172 50.4 #> 173 McNeese St. Slnd 19.0 173 51.4 #> 174 Hawaii BW 19.0 174 49.8 #> 175 George Washington A10 18.9 175 47.3 #> 176 NJIT ASun 18.9 176 54.2 #> 177 Loyola Marymount WCC 18.9 177 56.4 #> 178 Wagner NEC 18.8 178 51.6 #> 179 SMU Amer 18.8 179 48.8 #> 180 Georgia SEC 18.8 180 53.3 #> 181 Gonzaga WCC 18.8 181 55.6 #> 182 Manhattan MAAC 18.8 182 48.4 #> 183 Wyoming MWC 18.8 183 43.8 #> 184 North Carolina Central MEAC 18.8 184 54.0 #> 185 LIU NEC 18.8 185 44.4 #> 186 VCU A10 18.8 186 49.6 #> 187 Gardner Webb BSth 18.8 187 47.9 #> 188 San Diego WCC 18.8 188 53.3 #> 189 Georgia St. SB 18.8 189 48.5 #> 190 UT Arlington SB 18.8 190 48.5 #> 191 Arizona St. P12 18.8 191 51.5 #> 192 Loyola Chicago MVC 18.7 192 56.4 #> 193 Milwaukee Horz 18.7 193 48.8 #> 194 Pacific WCC 18.7 194 57.8 #> 195 St. John's BE 18.6 195 54.7 #> 196 Louisiana Monroe SB 18.6 196 51.4 #> 197 DePaul BE 18.6 197 57.3 #> 198 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd 18.5 198 46.9 #> 199 La Salle A10 18.5 199 46.2 #> 200 Saint Louis A10 18.5 200 58.9 #> 201 Coppin St. MEAC 18.5 201 46.4 #> 202 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd 18.4 202 53.5 #> 203 Duquesne A10 18.4 203 48.7 #> 204 Delaware CAA 18.4 204 51.3 #> 205 Portland St. BSky 18.3 205 56.2 #> 206 Louisville ACC 18.3 206 48.3 #> 207 Davidson A10 18.3 207 44.3 #> 208 Kansas B12 18.3 208 56.4 #> 209 Northern Arizona BSky 18.2 209 52.2 #> 210 Harvard Ivy 18.2 210 51.9 #> 211 Indiana St. MVC 18.2 211 51.4 #> 212 UCF Amer 18.2 212 50.9 #> 213 Central Connecticut NEC 18.2 213 51.7 #> 214 UMBC AE 18.2 214 52.2 #> 215 UNC Asheville BSth 18.2 215 51.2 #> 216 Bowling Green MAC 18.1 216 49.4 #> 217 Cal St. Bakersfield WAC 18.1 217 59.4 #> 218 Saint Joseph's A10 18.1 218 42.9 #> 219 Hartford AE 18.1 219 46.7 #> 220 Youngstown St. Horz 18.0 220 51.7 #> 221 Michigan St. B10 18.0 221 51.5 #> 222 Old Dominion CUSA 18.0 222 55.7 #> 223 SIU Edwardsville OVC 18.0 223 56.7 #> 224 Miami FL ACC 17.9 224 52.3 #> 225 Bryant NEC 17.9 225 46.6 #> 226 Florida St. ACC 17.9 226 52.6 #> 227 IUPUI Horz 17.9 227 48.5 #> 228 Vermont AE 17.9 228 47.9 #> 229 Winthrop BSth 17.8 229 47.3 #> 230 Canisius MAAC 17.8 230 55.8 #> 231 Penn St. B10 17.8 231 50.1 #> 232 Missouri St. MVC 17.8 232 52.6 #> 233 New Mexico St. WAC 17.7 233 44.5 #> 234 Baylor B12 17.7 234 50.0 #> 235 Middle Tennessee CUSA 17.7 235 46.0 #> 236 Saint Mary's WCC 17.7 236 50.7 #> 237 Ball St. MAC 17.6 237 43.0 #> 238 Cal St. Northridge BW 17.6 238 52.1 #> 239 Idaho BSky 17.6 239 60.3 #> 240 St. Francis NY NEC 17.6 240 55.3 #> 241 The Citadel SC 17.6 241 43.9 #> 242 Iowa St. B12 17.6 242 52.9 #> 243 UTSA CUSA 17.6 243 44.6 #> 244 William & Mary CAA 17.6 244 50.8 #> 245 Massachusetts A10 17.6 245 49.2 #> 246 Morehead St. OVC 17.5 246 57.9 #> 247 Fresno St. MWC 17.5 247 41.4 #> 248 Troy SB 17.5 248 44.7 #> 249 Oral Roberts Sum 17.4 249 52.7 #> 250 Quinnipiac MAAC 17.4 250 38.0 #> 251 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC 17.4 251 51.4 #> 252 Marist MAAC 17.3 252 45.8 #> 253 Liberty ASun 17.3 253 50.8 #> 254 Drake MVC 17.3 254 50.4 #> 255 Jacksonville ASun 17.3 255 54.1 #> 256 Yale Ivy 17.2 256 47.0 #> 257 Jacksonville St. OVC 17.2 257 54.0 #> 258 Elon CAA 17.2 258 39.3 #> 259 Xavier BE 17.2 259 55.4 #> 260 Maine AE 17.1 260 50.2 #> 261 Boston College ACC 17.1 261 49.5 #> 262 UMKC WAC 17.1 262 52.3 #> 263 South Dakota St. Sum 17.0 263 54.3 #> 264 Butler BE 17.0 264 53.1 #> 265 Dayton A10 17.0 265 52.9 #> 266 San Francisco WCC 17.0 266 47.9 #> 267 North Texas CUSA 17.0 267 48.5 #> 268 Wisconsin B10 17.0 268 44.3 #> 269 St. Bonaventure A10 16.9 269 54.1 #> 270 Stanford P12 16.9 270 52.5 #> 271 Furman SC 16.9 271 46.3 #> 272 Virginia ACC 16.9 272 53.3 #> 273 Richmond A10 16.8 273 51.2 #> 274 Drexel CAA 16.8 274 50.9 #> 275 Kent St. MAC 16.8 275 50.8 #> 276 Northwestern B10 16.7 276 55.1 #> 277 Nevada MWC 16.7 277 44.4 #> 278 Miami OH MAC 16.7 278 47.3 #> 279 North Florida ASun 16.7 279 38.2 #> 280 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC 16.7 280 52.7 #> 281 San Diego St. MWC 16.7 281 46.7 #> 282 Radford BSth 16.6 282 51.1 #> 283 N.C. State ACC 16.6 283 55.5 #> 284 Fordham A10 16.6 284 46.6 #> 285 UC Irvine BW 16.6 285 57.6 #> 286 Ohio MAC 16.6 286 47.7 #> 287 Lipscomb ASun 16.5 287 53.8 #> 288 Clemson ACC 16.5 288 46.9 #> 289 Charleston Southern BSth 16.5 289 47.4 #> 290 Bucknell Pat 16.5 290 47.1 #> 291 Nebraska Omaha Sum 16.5 291 57.7 #> 292 Weber St. BSky 16.5 292 55.9 #> 293 Tennessee St. OVC 16.5 293 52.2 #> 294 Chattanooga SC 16.4 294 48.1 #> 295 Northern Illinois MAC 16.4 295 50.6 #> 296 Illinois Chicago Horz 16.4 296 52.0 #> 297 Eastern Washington BSky 16.4 297 48.4 #> 298 Creighton BE 16.3 298 46.0 #> 299 American Pat 16.3 299 54.9 #> 300 Florida Atlantic CUSA 16.3 300 49.0 #> 301 Villanova BE 16.2 301 43.2 #> 302 Nicholls St. Slnd 16.2 302 52.7 #> 303 Minnesota B10 16.1 303 48.9 #> 304 Buffalo MAC 16.1 304 53.3 #> 305 Rutgers B10 16.1 305 60.5 #> 306 UC Riverside BW 16.1 306 46.8 #> 307 Lehigh Pat 16.1 307 58.5 #> 308 Eastern Illinois OVC 16.0 308 56.5 #> 309 Princeton Ivy 16.0 309 47.1 #> 310 Northern Iowa MVC 16.0 310 47.3 #> 311 Marshall CUSA 16.0 311 53.4 #> 312 Cornell Ivy 16.0 312 51.8 #> 313 Valparaiso MVC 15.9 313 49.9 #> 314 Mercer SC 15.8 314 51.9 #> 315 Nebraska B10 15.7 315 50.3 #> 316 Oregon P12 15.7 316 50.0 #> 317 Dartmouth Ivy 15.7 317 52.7 #> 318 Purdue B10 15.7 318 52.7 #> 319 Northeastern CAA 15.6 319 50.0 #> 320 Niagara MAAC 15.6 320 49.8 #> 321 New Hampshire AE 15.5 321 46.6 #> 322 FIU CUSA 15.5 322 49.9 #> 323 Louisiana Tech CUSA 15.4 323 51.2 #> 324 Notre Dame ACC 15.4 324 45.5 #> 325 Michigan B10 15.3 325 52.8 #> 326 Merrimack NEC 15.3 326 47.7 #> 327 Montana BSky 15.2 327 60.3 #> 328 Columbia Ivy 15.1 328 55.1 #> 329 Western Illinois Sum 15.1 329 49.0 #> 330 Southern Miss CUSA 15.1 330 61.0 #> 331 Illinois St. MVC 15.0 331 46.2 #> 332 Colgate Pat 15.0 332 45.4 #> 333 Campbell BSth 14.9 333 51.1 #> 334 TCU B12 14.8 334 45.8 #> 335 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 14.7 335 49.2 #> 336 Wofford SC 14.6 336 46.2 #> 337 Boston University Pat 14.6 337 57.9 #> 338 Robert Morris NEC 14.6 338 49.8 #> 339 Binghamton AE 14.5 339 43.6 #> 340 Florida Gulf Coast ASun 14.5 340 50.6 #> 341 Holy Cross Pat 14.4 341 53.8 #> 342 Lafayette Pat 14.4 342 49.7 #> 343 Purdue Fort Wayne Sum 14.3 343 49.0 #> 344 Virginia Tech ACC 13.9 344 43.0 #> 345 UNC Greensboro SC 13.7 345 50.4 #> 346 Penn Ivy 13.5 346 51.0 #> 347 Northern Colorado BSky 13.5 347 46.5 #> 348 Tennessee Tech OVC 13.5 348 48.4 #> 349 VMI SC 13.2 349 41.4 #> 350 Texas B12 13.1 350 49.5 #> 351 Army Pat 13.0 351 57.5 #> 352 Belmont OVC 12.9 352 50.9 #> 353 BYU WCC 12.3 353 48.5 #> Off.FG_2.Pct.Rk Off.FG_3.Pct Off.FG_3.Pct.Rk Def.FT.Pct Def.FT.Pct.Rk #> 1 230 24.8 307 23.1 26 #> 2 263 27.0 269 21.4 68 #> 3 51 20.4 349 19.6 131 #> 4 69 21.6 342 19.7 124 #> 5 50 20.5 347 19.8 118 #> 6 218 26.9 272 19.9 113 #> 7 40 20.7 346 20.5 88 #> 8 61 21.6 341 27.1 4 #> 9 245 28.0 241 18.3 202 #> 10 204 26.7 275 26.3 7 #> 11 299 30.0 189 23.2 24 #> 12 152 25.3 302 19.6 130 #> 13 25 19.6 351 26.4 6 #> 14 219 27.4 260 13.4 346 #> 15 281 29.9 193 16.6 272 #> 16 224 27.9 246 24.1 18 #> 17 268 29.6 210 27.3 2 #> 18 280 30.1 188 23.9 20 #> 19 283 30.2 184 19.2 147 #> 20 313 31.3 152 20.5 91 #> 21 3 16.6 353 22.2 48 #> 22 60 22.7 331 15.4 323 #> 23 90 24.3 312 18.3 197 #> 24 316 32.1 131 15.5 318 #> 25 52 22.3 337 18.7 176 #> 26 35 21.2 344 19.4 138 #> 27 46 22.1 339 15.4 321 #> 28 333 34.2 87 20.5 90 #> 29 55 22.6 332 24.6 15 #> 30 256 29.5 211 22.1 52 #> 31 129 25.8 290 18.0 216 #> 32 171 27.0 270 21.4 69 #> 33 66 23.5 321 20.1 109 #> 34 207 28.1 238 16.5 279 #> 35 59 23.0 327 21.2 75 #> 36 131 26.0 286 17.8 224 #> 37 71 23.7 318 21.4 67 #> 38 350 38.7 23 19.8 119 #> 39 114 25.7 291 18.6 177 #> 40 192 27.9 245 18.9 162 #> 41 103 25.3 300 21.1 77 #> 42 173 27.3 263 18.5 185 #> 43 28 21.3 343 22.9 33 #> 44 126 26.1 284 20.0 110 #> 45 194 28.2 235 19.1 153 #> 46 79 24.4 311 15.7 311 #> 47 117 26.1 285 24.0 19 #> 48 266 30.7 164 17.5 245 #> 49 15 20.5 348 20.4 99 #> 50 116 26.1 283 17.5 238 #> 51 67 24.2 313 23.2 25 #> 52 344 36.4 48 18.2 207 #> 53 160 27.4 261 22.6 38 #> 54 174 27.9 244 17.4 252 #> 55 217 29.2 218 20.4 100 #> 56 264 30.8 162 23.0 31 #> 57 143 27.1 265 13.1 350 #> 58 341 36.3 51 17.8 223 #> 59 303 32.3 126 19.0 158 #> 60 1 17.6 352 21.3 70 #> 61 339 35.7 62 18.1 210 #> 62 26 21.8 340 23.0 30 #> 63 93 25.7 292 17.4 251 #> 64 111 26.2 282 20.4 94 #> 65 43 23.1 326 18.8 168 #> 66 336 35.7 64 16.1 297 #> 67 191 28.7 227 21.6 63 #> 68 154 27.6 253 15.1 327 #> 69 189 28.6 228 16.9 264 #> 70 56 23.9 317 21.9 57 #> 71 106 26.2 281 19.4 139 #> 72 41 23.2 325 17.5 246 #> 73 92 25.9 287 16.1 295 #> 74 247 30.5 174 17.5 237 #> 75 134 27.1 266 18.9 163 #> 76 211 29.4 217 16.0 300 #> 77 62 24.2 314 22.2 46 #> 78 182 28.6 231 22.2 51 #> 79 305 32.8 110 17.4 250 #> 80 342 36.8 40 17.4 253 #> 81 328 35.0 75 18.0 214 #> 82 275 31.9 134 16.5 276 #> 83 8 19.8 350 24.3 17 #> 84 236 30.5 175 21.8 60 #> 85 238 30.6 169 19.8 122 #> 86 78 25.3 304 17.4 249 #> 87 250 30.8 163 17.9 218 #> 88 141 27.7 250 16.2 292 #> 89 119 27.0 267 20.7 85 #> 90 229 30.3 181 18.8 170 #> 91 296 32.7 116 18.6 181 #> 92 260 31.3 149 19.0 156 #> 93 77 25.4 299 15.8 307 #> 94 295 32.7 114 12.7 352 #> 95 243 30.9 159 14.5 332 #> 96 130 27.4 257 17.7 227 #> 97 180 28.9 222 15.6 313 #> 98 65 25.0 305 18.5 189 #> 99 72 25.4 297 15.5 319 #> 100 155 28.3 233 18.0 212 #> 101 110 27.0 268 18.8 171 #> 102 123 27.4 259 13.8 341 #> 103 37 23.5 320 22.1 53 #> 104 29 22.8 329 21.8 58 #> 105 138 27.9 243 19.7 123 #> 106 294 33.1 106 18.3 196 #> 107 309 33.7 96 16.3 288 #> 108 343 37.5 31 16.3 287 #> 109 200 29.9 195 14.4 336 #> 110 300 33.2 104 22.6 39 #> 111 10 21.0 345 24.3 16 #> 112 165 28.8 224 22.0 55 #> 113 95 26.8 274 18.2 208 #> 114 253 31.5 147 20.4 97 #> 115 330 36.0 55 17.0 261 #> 116 137 28.1 239 20.5 89 #> 117 203 30.1 186 21.0 78 #> 118 269 32.5 119 16.9 266 #> 119 22 22.5 334 16.2 293 #> 120 163 28.9 221 24.7 14 #> 121 327 35.9 60 16.6 274 #> 122 209 30.4 178 16.4 281 #> 123 277 32.9 108 23.1 27 #> 124 334 36.8 42 18.4 194 #> 125 82 26.4 277 17.0 263 #> 126 254 31.8 138 18.2 206 #> 127 234 31.3 151 21.6 65 #> 128 133 28.2 236 17.2 256 #> 129 251 31.8 140 19.7 127 #> 130 221 30.9 161 13.1 349 #> 131 176 29.5 214 18.5 186 #> 132 311 34.1 89 15.2 326 #> 133 108 27.5 254 21.3 71 #> 134 128 28.1 237 24.9 11 #> 135 187 29.8 198 21.0 79 #> 136 99 27.4 262 17.1 257 #> 137 257 32.1 132 14.5 333 #> 138 289 33.5 98 18.6 178 #> 139 21 22.8 330 18.3 198 #> 140 347 39.4 13 21.7 61 #> 141 223 31.2 156 22.4 42 #> 142 225 31.2 153 17.5 242 #> 143 202 30.6 170 16.5 277 #> 144 27 23.5 319 25.5 9 #> 145 57 25.4 294 18.5 191 #> 146 292 33.8 95 19.1 154 #> 147 23 23.2 324 15.5 317 #> 148 237 31.9 135 19.9 114 #> 149 150 29.1 219 23.1 28 #> 150 181 30.0 190 18.9 166 #> 151 348 40.5 10 16.2 294 #> 152 270 33.1 105 19.8 121 #> 153 215 31.1 158 21.5 66 #> 154 186 30.2 183 14.4 335 #> 155 178 30.0 191 16.8 268 #> 156 319 35.6 66 16.0 301 #> 157 351 42.2 6 18.8 167 #> 158 255 32.5 117 18.2 205 #> 159 125 28.6 229 20.1 107 #> 160 285 33.8 93 19.2 145 #> 161 47 25.3 301 16.4 286 #> 162 64 26.3 280 17.0 262 #> 163 16 22.9 328 30.0 1 #> 164 121 28.6 230 19.5 134 #> 165 213 31.3 150 22.9 34 #> 166 94 27.8 249 15.6 315 #> 167 287 34.0 91 18.4 195 #> 168 86 27.5 255 18.0 215 #> 169 159 29.8 203 20.4 95 #> 170 11 22.5 336 22.2 45 #> 171 144 29.5 215 24.7 13 #> 172 185 30.6 172 16.7 271 #> 173 149 29.6 206 17.8 225 #> 174 201 31.2 155 19.3 140 #> 175 274 33.8 94 17.6 235 #> 176 70 26.9 273 19.3 142 #> 177 34 24.7 308 21.2 73 #> 178 142 29.6 208 23.1 29 #> 179 232 32.4 122 17.5 243 #> 180 87 27.9 248 17.1 259 #> 181 44 25.6 293 13.8 342 #> 182 246 32.7 112 24.9 12 #> 183 331 37.4 32 20.3 103 #> 184 75 27.2 264 19.7 125 #> 185 324 36.8 41 16.9 265 #> 186 210 31.6 144 20.8 81 #> 187 261 33.3 101 18.5 190 #> 188 89 27.9 242 18.5 187 #> 189 239 32.7 115 26.6 5 #> 190 240 32.7 113 20.7 84 #> 191 146 29.8 202 19.2 149 #> 192 33 24.9 306 13.1 348 #> 193 233 32.5 118 23.7 21 #> 194 17 23.5 322 23.5 23 #> 195 63 26.6 276 20.4 98 #> 196 148 30.0 192 20.1 108 #> 197 24 24.1 315 21.3 72 #> 198 286 34.6 81 23.6 22 #> 199 308 35.3 70 22.8 36 #> 200 9 22.6 333 21.6 64 #> 201 302 35.1 73 17.5 239 #> 202 83 28.0 240 22.9 35 #> 203 235 32.9 109 16.7 270 #> 204 153 30.3 179 18.2 203 #> 205 36 25.4 295 17.8 220 #> 206 252 33.3 102 19.0 159 #> 207 326 37.4 34 19.0 157 #> 208 32 25.3 303 15.1 328 #> 209 118 29.5 213 16.1 296 #> 210 132 29.9 197 18.9 165 #> 211 151 30.5 177 18.8 169 #> 212 167 30.9 160 18.7 175 #> 213 139 30.2 185 17.8 221 #> 214 120 29.6 204 20.2 105 #> 215 158 30.7 165 18.2 204 #> 216 216 32.4 121 19.1 155 #> 217 7 22.5 335 26.1 8 #> 218 340 39.0 19 18.0 211 #> 219 290 35.2 72 18.3 199 #> 220 140 30.3 180 17.7 232 #> 221 145 30.5 176 19.2 146 #> 222 42 26.3 279 20.2 104 #> 223 30 25.4 298 22.5 40 #> 224 114 29.8 201 14.0 340 #> 225 297 35.5 68 17.8 226 #> 226 109 29.5 212 21.2 76 #> 227 242 33.7 97 16.4 282 #> 228 262 34.3 86 20.0 112 #> 229 276 34.9 77 21.7 62 #> 230 39 26.4 278 19.6 132 #> 231 193 32.1 130 19.0 160 #> 232 107 29.6 207 19.2 148 #> 233 322 37.8 29 19.1 152 #> 234 197 32.3 125 19.0 161 #> 235 312 36.3 50 20.4 96 #> 236 175 31.7 141 16.5 278 #> 237 337 39.3 15 17.7 229 #> 238 124 30.3 182 16.1 298 #> 239 6 22.1 338 16.4 280 #> 240 49 27.0 271 20.8 83 #> 241 329 38.5 24 15.4 322 #> 242 97 29.6 209 15.8 309 #> 243 321 37.8 28 20.6 87 #> 244 172 31.7 142 16.0 299 #> 245 220 33.2 103 18.6 182 #> 246 13 24.6 309 17.2 255 #> 247 346 41.1 8 17.7 231 #> 248 320 37.8 27 20.2 106 #> 249 104 29.9 196 18.5 192 #> 250 353 44.5 3 14.1 338 #> 251 147 31.2 154 17.5 240 #> 252 314 36.8 38 22.4 41 #> 253 169 31.8 137 17.9 219 #> 254 184 32.2 128 18.4 193 #> 255 73 28.6 232 18.0 213 #> 256 282 35.8 61 16.8 267 #> 257 76 28.8 223 15.9 305 #> 258 349 43.5 4 22.9 32 #> 259 48 27.5 256 18.5 188 #> 260 190 32.7 111 19.9 115 #> 261 212 33.4 99 17.5 244 #> 262 113 30.6 166 27.2 3 #> 263 68 28.7 226 15.5 316 #> 264 91 29.9 194 19.5 135 #> 265 96 30.1 187 17.6 234 #> 266 259 35.1 74 18.6 184 #> 267 244 34.6 83 21.2 74 #> 268 325 38.8 21 15.8 306 #> 269 74 29.0 220 18.7 172 #> 270 112 30.6 167 19.6 133 #> 271 304 36.8 43 16.0 302 #> 272 88 29.8 200 14.7 330 #> 273 156 32.0 133 17.7 230 #> 274 168 32.4 123 18.3 201 #> 275 170 32.4 120 20.7 86 #> 276 54 28.2 234 17.0 260 #> 277 323 38.8 20 21.8 59 #> 278 272 35.9 57 19.7 129 #> 279 352 45.1 2 16.4 284 #> 280 101 30.6 171 20.0 111 #> 281 291 36.6 46 19.7 126 #> 282 161 32.2 127 18.7 173 #> 283 45 27.9 246 20.3 101 #> 284 298 36.8 38 19.3 141 #> 285 19 25.8 288 22.2 49 #> 286 265 35.7 63 20.9 80 #> 287 81 29.6 205 15.3 324 #> 288 284 36.5 47 17.5 241 #> 289 271 36.1 53 16.4 285 #> 290 279 36.4 49 20.5 93 #> 291 18 25.8 289 17.1 258 #> 292 38 27.6 251 13.5 345 #> 293 122 31.4 148 22.7 37 #> 294 258 35.5 67 15.8 308 #> 295 177 33.0 107 19.8 120 #> 296 127 31.6 145 20.8 82 #> 297 248 35.2 71 19.4 136 #> 298 310 37.6 30 14.5 334 #> 299 58 28.8 225 20.5 92 #> 300 226 34.7 79 16.8 269 #> 301 335 40.6 9 14.7 331 #> 302 105 31.1 157 22.4 43 #> 303 231 35.0 76 17.8 222 #> 304 85 30.5 173 18.6 183 #> 305 4 23.4 323 17.9 217 #> 306 288 37.1 35 19.3 143 #> 307 12 25.4 296 18.3 200 #> 308 31 27.4 258 20.3 102 #> 309 278 36.9 37 16.2 290 #> 310 273 36.7 44 15.4 320 #> 311 84 30.6 168 22.0 54 #> 312 136 32.2 129 17.6 236 #> 313 199 34.2 88 17.4 248 #> 314 135 32.3 124 19.2 151 #> 315 188 34.0 92 12.4 353 #> 316 196 34.3 85 18.6 180 #> 317 100 31.6 145 16.2 291 #> 318 102 31.6 143 19.4 137 #> 319 195 34.4 84 17.7 233 #> 320 205 34.7 80 15.6 312 #> 321 293 37.8 26 22.2 47 #> 322 198 34.6 82 18.9 164 #> 323 157 33.4 100 19.7 128 #> 324 317 39.1 18 13.0 351 #> 325 98 31.9 136 16.3 289 #> 326 267 37.1 36 21.9 56 #> 327 5 24.5 310 25.5 10 #> 328 53 29.8 199 14.2 337 #> 329 227 35.9 58 19.2 144 #> 330 2 24.0 316 19.2 150 #> 331 306 38.8 22 17.7 228 #> 332 318 39.6 12 13.5 344 #> 333 162 34.1 90 22.4 44 #> 334 315 39.4 14 17.3 254 #> 335 222 36.0 54 18.6 179 #> 336 307 39.2 16 18.1 209 #> 337 14 27.6 252 14.9 329 #> 338 206 35.7 65 18.7 174 #> 339 332 41.9 7 15.8 310 #> 340 179 34.9 78 17.4 247 #> 341 80 31.8 139 16.5 275 #> 342 208 35.9 56 13.3 347 #> 343 228 36.7 45 16.4 283 #> 344 338 43.1 5 15.6 314 #> 345 183 35.9 59 19.8 117 #> 346 164 35.5 69 15.9 303 #> 347 301 40.0 11 15.3 325 #> 348 249 38.1 25 15.9 304 #> 349 345 45.4 1 22.2 50 #> 350 214 37.4 33 19.9 116 #> 351 20 29.4 216 13.7 343 #> 352 166 36.2 52 14.1 339 #> 353 241 39.2 17 16.6 273 #> Def.FG_2.Pct Def.FG_2.Pct.Rk Def.FG_3.Pct Def.FG_3.Pct.Rk NCAA_Seed Year #> 1 51.1 151 25.7 310 NA 2020 #> 2 45.0 326 33.6 85 NA 2020 #> 3 49.1 218 31.3 153 4 2020 #> 4 51.1 152 29.2 228 NA 2020 #> 5 53.5 77 26.7 295 NA 2020 #> 6 51.6 132 28.4 255 NA 2020 #> 7 53.3 87 26.2 300 NA 2020 #> 8 44.4 332 28.5 251 NA 2020 #> 9 41.7 349 40.0 6 NA 2020 #> 10 51.6 134 22.1 348 NA 2020 #> 11 54.7 51 22.1 349 NA 2020 #> 12 47.7 266 32.7 105 15 2020 #> 13 48.9 227 24.8 324 16 2020 #> 14 56.8 20 29.8 199 NA 2020 #> 15 41.5 352 41.9 1 NA 2020 #> 16 47.3 278 28.5 250 NA 2020 #> 17 47.0 289 25.7 314 NA 2020 #> 18 50.9 157 25.2 319 NA 2020 #> 19 48.5 237 32.3 122 NA 2020 #> 20 49.7 201 29.8 198 5 2020 #> 21 47.3 277 30.5 177 NA 2020 #> 22 52.5 109 32.2 127 NA 2020 #> 23 48.6 233 33.0 99 NA 2020 #> 24 50.4 173 34.1 72 3 2020 #> 25 48.8 229 32.5 113 NA 2020 #> 26 52.2 117 28.4 257 NA 2020 #> 27 43.7 338 40.9 3 NA 2020 #> 28 52.6 105 26.9 288 NA 2020 #> 29 45.7 312 29.7 201 12 2020 #> 30 50.9 158 27.0 284 NA 2020 #> 31 42.2 348 39.8 7 NA 2020 #> 32 49.2 214 29.4 214 NA 2020 #> 33 48.5 238 31.4 148 NA 2020 #> 34 51.8 124 31.7 139 NA 2020 #> 35 44.8 329 34.0 73 NA 2020 #> 36 45.8 310 36.4 26 NA 2020 #> 37 46.0 309 32.6 109 NA 2020 #> 38 51.3 146 28.9 242 9 2020 #> 39 50.2 187 31.2 156 NA 2020 #> 40 54.1 67 27.0 285 NA 2020 #> 41 55.2 38 23.7 340 NA 2020 #> 42 52.1 118 29.3 218 NA 2020 #> 43 49.0 221 28.1 266 6 2020 #> 44 45.7 311 34.3 66 11 2020 #> 45 45.3 318 35.6 42 NA 2020 #> 46 50.2 188 34.2 70 NA 2020 #> 47 51.8 125 24.2 335 NA 2020 #> 48 55.3 37 27.2 282 NA 2020 #> 49 48.3 246 31.3 152 NA 2020 #> 50 48.5 240 34.0 75 NA 2020 #> 51 47.2 284 29.5 208 NA 2020 #> 52 57.5 14 24.4 333 NA 2020 #> 53 48.6 234 28.8 245 NA 2020 #> 54 52.6 104 30.0 194 NA 2020 #> 55 47.3 279 32.3 118 NA 2020 #> 56 44.5 330 32.5 114 NA 2020 #> 57 46.7 296 40.3 4 NA 2020 #> 58 49.1 217 33.1 97 NA 2020 #> 59 51.6 135 29.4 213 NA 2020 #> 60 54.0 68 24.6 328 NA 2020 #> 61 53.3 83 28.5 254 NA 2020 #> 62 48.7 231 28.3 260 NA 2020 #> 63 46.7 294 35.9 36 NA 2020 #> 64 45.7 314 33.9 78 NA 2020 #> 65 49.6 205 31.6 142 10 2020 #> 66 50.6 166 33.4 91 NA 2020 #> 67 53.4 81 25.0 321 NA 2020 #> 68 48.8 230 36.1 32 NA 2020 #> 69 46.7 295 36.4 27 11 2020 #> 70 50.4 170 27.7 276 NA 2020 #> 71 51.3 144 29.3 220 NA 2020 #> 72 53.3 84 29.2 229 NA 2020 #> 73 46.2 307 37.7 13 NA 2020 #> 74 51.6 131 30.8 167 NA 2020 #> 75 50.0 195 31.1 160 12 2020 #> 76 48.9 225 35.1 48 NA 2020 #> 77 50.4 175 27.4 280 NA 2020 #> 78 47.6 271 30.3 186 7 2020 #> 79 54.2 65 28.4 256 NA 2020 #> 80 53.7 74 29.0 238 13 2020 #> 81 47.6 270 34.4 61 5 2020 #> 82 54.2 66 29.3 219 8 2020 #> 83 50.4 176 25.3 318 NA 2020 #> 84 49.8 197 28.4 258 8 2020 #> 85 52.6 106 27.7 275 NA 2020 #> 86 42.4 345 40.2 5 NA 2020 #> 87 51.3 147 30.8 166 NA 2020 #> 88 54.5 57 29.3 222 NA 2020 #> 89 53.2 91 26.2 301 NA 2020 #> 90 49.3 212 31.9 134 NA 2020 #> 91 42.4 344 39.0 9 NA 2020 #> 92 49.0 222 32.0 132 NA 2020 #> 93 51.6 133 32.6 107 NA 2020 #> 94 58.0 8 29.2 227 14 2020 #> 95 54.7 49 30.8 168 NA 2020 #> 96 53.3 85 28.9 240 NA 2020 #> 97 52.4 111 32.0 133 NA 2020 #> 98 54.5 58 27.0 286 NA 2020 #> 99 47.9 259 36.6 22 8 2020 #> 100 51.0 156 31.0 162 NA 2020 #> 101 50.1 190 31.2 159 NA 2020 #> 102 49.8 200 36.4 25 NA 2020 #> 103 54.3 62 23.6 342 NA 2020 #> 104 47.2 285 31.0 164 NA 2020 #> 105 44.1 337 36.2 30 NA 2020 #> 106 46.3 304 35.3 45 NA 2020 #> 107 48.6 235 35.1 47 NA 2020 #> 108 58.1 7 25.6 315 15 2020 #> 109 53.9 69 31.8 138 NA 2020 #> 110 46.5 302 31.0 163 NA 2020 #> 111 49.0 219 26.6 297 NA 2020 #> 112 51.1 153 27.0 287 NA 2020 #> 113 51.7 127 30.1 192 NA 2020 #> 114 53.7 76 25.9 308 NA 2020 #> 115 45.2 322 37.8 12 NA 2020 #> 116 52.8 101 26.7 293 NA 2020 #> 117 50.7 164 28.3 259 10 2020 #> 118 47.5 272 35.6 40 NA 2020 #> 119 47.7 268 36.1 31 NA 2020 #> 120 46.2 306 29.1 232 7 2020 #> 121 48.9 224 34.5 60 NA 2020 #> 122 51.0 155 32.5 112 6 2020 #> 123 49.3 213 27.6 277 11 2020 #> 124 50.4 177 31.3 155 NA 2020 #> 125 52.9 99 30.2 191 NA 2020 #> 126 57.1 17 24.8 325 NA 2020 #> 127 48.2 250 30.3 188 NA 2020 #> 128 57.1 16 25.7 313 NA 2020 #> 129 53.7 75 26.7 294 NA 2020 #> 130 49.3 210 37.6 14 10 2020 #> 131 47.2 282 34.2 67 NA 2020 #> 132 55.5 35 29.3 215 NA 2020 #> 133 54.6 53 24.1 338 NA 2020 #> 134 41.5 353 33.6 84 NA 2020 #> 135 47.7 267 31.4 150 NA 2020 #> 136 54.4 61 28.5 252 16 2020 #> 137 49.2 216 36.3 28 NA 2020 #> 138 55.6 31 25.7 312 NA 2020 #> 139 47.1 287 34.6 57 NA 2020 #> 140 51.7 129 26.6 298 NA 2020 #> 141 46.9 291 30.7 172 NA 2020 #> 142 50.2 180 32.3 121 NA 2020 #> 143 54.8 45 28.7 247 NA 2020 #> 144 51.3 143 23.1 345 NA 2020 #> 145 60.2 4 21.4 350 3 2020 #> 146 56.8 21 24.2 337 NA 2020 #> 147 55.5 33 28.9 239 7 2020 #> 148 51.1 154 29.0 235 3 2020 #> 149 47.9 260 29.0 236 NA 2020 #> 150 51.5 137 29.6 207 11 2020 #> 151 52.5 110 31.4 149 NA 2020 #> 152 49.6 203 30.6 175 NA 2020 #> 153 47.0 288 31.5 147 NA 2020 #> 154 49.8 198 35.8 38 NA 2020 #> 155 48.8 228 34.4 62 NA 2020 #> 156 42.9 341 41.1 2 NA 2020 #> 157 45.1 323 36.0 34 NA 2020 #> 158 52.1 121 29.7 203 NA 2020 #> 159 44.3 333 35.6 41 14 2020 #> 160 50.8 160 30.0 195 NA 2020 #> 161 51.3 148 32.4 116 NA 2020 #> 162 48.3 245 34.7 54 NA 2020 #> 163 42.6 343 27.4 278 NA 2020 #> 164 48.3 247 32.2 126 NA 2020 #> 165 43.4 339 33.7 82 NA 2020 #> 166 63.2 3 21.2 351 NA 2020 #> 167 55.1 40 26.5 299 15 2020 #> 168 48.0 257 34.0 74 9 2020 #> 169 50.7 162 28.9 243 9 2020 #> 170 53.4 82 24.4 332 NA 2020 #> 171 45.0 327 30.3 184 NA 2020 #> 172 49.8 199 33.5 86 NA 2020 #> 173 47.4 276 34.8 51 NA 2020 #> 174 57.7 11 22.9 346 NA 2020 #> 175 57.7 12 24.7 326 NA 2020 #> 176 52.1 120 28.6 249 NA 2020 #> 177 44.4 331 34.3 64 NA 2020 #> 178 42.4 346 34.6 58 NA 2020 #> 179 45.3 319 37.2 16 NA 2020 #> 180 55.6 32 27.3 281 NA 2020 #> 181 56.6 23 29.6 206 1 2020 #> 182 48.0 256 27.1 283 NA 2020 #> 183 46.6 297 33.1 96 NA 2020 #> 184 50.8 159 29.5 209 16 2020 #> 185 53.5 78 29.6 205 NA 2020 #> 186 50.2 184 29.0 237 NA 2020 #> 187 46.9 290 34.6 58 NA 2020 #> 188 56.8 19 24.6 329 NA 2020 #> 189 48.4 241 25.0 323 NA 2020 #> 190 53.2 89 26.1 304 NA 2020 #> 191 49.6 204 31.2 157 10 2020 #> 192 47.4 274 39.4 8 NA 2020 #> 193 48.1 254 28.2 262 NA 2020 #> 194 47.7 264 28.8 246 NA 2020 #> 195 46.5 303 33.1 94 NA 2020 #> 196 50.4 171 29.5 210 NA 2020 #> 197 45.3 317 33.4 89 NA 2020 #> 198 50.7 163 25.7 311 NA 2020 #> 199 50.4 172 26.7 291 NA 2020 #> 200 45.5 316 32.9 102 NA 2020 #> 201 47.9 262 34.6 56 NA 2020 #> 202 51.6 130 25.5 316 NA 2020 #> 203 54.4 60 28.9 241 NA 2020 #> 204 48.4 242 33.4 88 NA 2020 #> 205 57.9 10 24.3 334 NA 2020 #> 206 47.7 263 33.3 92 4 2020 #> 207 50.8 161 30.2 190 NA 2020 #> 208 48.3 248 36.6 21 1 2020 #> 209 52.3 114 31.6 143 NA 2020 #> 210 50.5 168 30.6 173 NA 2020 #> 211 53.1 96 28.2 265 NA 2020 #> 212 51.5 136 29.7 200 NA 2020 #> 213 48.4 243 33.8 80 NA 2020 #> 214 44.2 334 35.6 43 NA 2020 #> 215 56.5 25 25.4 317 NA 2020 #> 216 49.2 215 31.7 140 NA 2020 #> 217 41.6 351 32.2 124 NA 2020 #> 218 53.2 92 28.8 244 NA 2020 #> 219 53.8 72 27.9 272 NA 2020 #> 220 53.8 71 28.5 253 NA 2020 #> 221 50.4 174 30.3 181 3 2020 #> 222 41.7 350 38.0 11 NA 2020 #> 223 46.8 292 30.7 170 NA 2020 #> 224 55.8 30 30.3 187 NA 2020 #> 225 53.2 93 29.1 234 NA 2020 #> 226 46.7 293 32.1 128 2 2020 #> 227 49.7 202 33.9 77 NA 2020 #> 228 45.0 325 35.0 49 13 2020 #> 229 50.2 181 28.0 267 16 2020 #> 230 51.3 145 29.1 231 NA 2020 #> 231 53.1 95 28.0 271 6 2020 #> 232 48.9 226 31.9 135 NA 2020 #> 233 51.1 150 29.7 202 13 2020 #> 234 51.8 126 29.3 223 1 2020 #> 235 51.4 141 28.2 264 NA 2020 #> 236 56.8 22 26.8 290 8 2020 #> 237 54.2 63 28.0 269 NA 2020 #> 238 47.6 269 36.3 29 NA 2020 #> 239 52.7 102 30.9 165 NA 2020 #> 240 51.3 142 27.9 273 NA 2020 #> 241 50.3 178 34.3 63 NA 2020 #> 242 52.0 122 32.2 123 NA 2020 #> 243 47.4 275 32.0 131 NA 2020 #> 244 51.9 123 32.1 129 NA 2020 #> 245 56.3 28 25.1 320 NA 2020 #> 246 52.4 112 30.4 178 NA 2020 #> 247 45.0 324 37.3 15 NA 2020 #> 248 48.7 232 31.2 158 NA 2020 #> 249 50.2 185 31.3 151 NA 2020 #> 250 52.5 107 33.4 90 NA 2020 #> 251 49.9 196 32.6 111 NA 2020 #> 252 42.8 342 34.7 53 NA 2020 #> 253 50.2 182 31.9 136 12 2020 #> 254 45.6 315 36.0 35 NA 2020 #> 255 50.2 186 31.8 137 NA 2020 #> 256 50.2 179 32.9 101 12 2020 #> 257 53.8 70 30.3 183 NA 2020 #> 258 43.3 340 33.8 81 NA 2020 #> 259 52.4 113 29.1 230 NA 2020 #> 260 45.0 328 35.1 46 NA 2020 #> 261 52.1 119 30.4 179 NA 2020 #> 262 50.2 183 22.6 347 NA 2020 #> 263 54.5 55 29.9 196 NA 2020 #> 264 47.5 273 33.0 100 5 2020 #> 265 53.3 86 29.1 233 1 2020 #> 266 54.7 50 26.7 292 NA 2020 #> 267 48.1 253 30.7 171 13 2020 #> 268 54.9 42 29.3 223 4 2020 #> 269 44.2 335 37.1 17 NA 2020 #> 270 51.2 149 29.2 225 NA 2020 #> 271 51.4 140 32.6 108 NA 2020 #> 272 48.2 249 37.0 18 7 2020 #> 273 50.0 194 32.3 117 11 2020 #> 274 58.1 6 23.6 341 NA 2020 #> 275 49.0 223 30.4 180 NA 2020 #> 276 46.5 301 36.5 24 NA 2020 #> 277 45.2 321 32.9 104 NA 2020 #> 278 47.3 280 33.1 98 NA 2020 #> 279 64.3 2 19.3 352 NA 2020 #> 280 49.3 209 30.7 169 NA 2020 #> 281 46.3 305 34.0 76 2 2020 #> 282 45.2 320 36.1 33 NA 2020 #> 283 53.7 73 26.0 306 11 2020 #> 284 44.1 336 36.5 23 NA 2020 #> 285 47.3 281 30.6 176 14 2020 #> 286 46.6 299 32.6 110 NA 2020 #> 287 50.0 193 34.7 52 NA 2020 #> 288 45.7 313 36.8 20 NA 2020 #> 289 54.2 64 29.4 212 NA 2020 #> 290 54.6 54 25.0 322 NA 2020 #> 291 49.0 220 33.9 79 NA 2020 #> 292 56.3 29 30.3 189 NA 2020 #> 293 48.0 258 29.3 217 NA 2020 #> 294 54.9 43 29.3 216 NA 2020 #> 295 46.1 308 34.2 71 NA 2020 #> 296 50.5 167 28.7 248 NA 2020 #> 297 54.5 55 26.0 305 15 2020 #> 298 53.2 88 32.3 119 2 2020 #> 299 55.3 36 24.2 336 NA 2020 #> 300 51.7 128 31.5 144 NA 2020 #> 301 57.9 9 27.4 279 2 2020 #> 302 52.9 98 24.7 327 NA 2020 #> 303 56.4 27 25.8 309 NA 2020 #> 304 54.7 52 26.8 289 NA 2020 #> 305 46.6 298 35.5 44 9 2020 #> 306 50.1 189 30.6 174 NA 2020 #> 307 48.5 239 33.3 93 NA 2020 #> 308 51.5 139 28.2 263 NA 2020 #> 309 57.6 13 26.1 302 NA 2020 #> 310 52.2 116 32.4 115 NA 2020 #> 311 50.0 192 28.0 267 NA 2020 #> 312 48.2 252 34.3 65 NA 2020 #> 313 52.2 115 30.3 182 NA 2020 #> 314 49.6 206 31.3 154 NA 2020 #> 315 54.5 59 33.1 95 NA 2020 #> 316 47.2 286 34.2 68 4 2020 #> 317 47.9 261 35.9 37 NA 2020 #> 318 47.7 265 32.9 103 NA 2020 #> 319 52.5 108 29.8 197 NA 2020 #> 320 49.4 208 35.0 50 NA 2020 #> 321 48.3 244 29.5 211 NA 2020 #> 322 55.1 39 26.0 307 NA 2020 #> 323 48.0 255 32.3 120 NA 2020 #> 324 53.4 80 33.5 87 NA 2020 #> 325 59.2 5 24.5 330 6 2020 #> 326 54.8 46 23.2 344 NA 2020 #> 327 50.7 165 23.9 339 NA 2020 #> 328 53.2 90 32.6 106 NA 2020 #> 329 51.5 138 29.2 225 NA 2020 #> 330 42.3 347 38.6 10 NA 2020 #> 331 50.0 191 32.2 125 NA 2020 #> 332 54.8 44 31.7 141 NA 2020 #> 333 53.1 94 24.5 331 NA 2020 #> 334 53.4 79 29.3 221 NA 2020 #> 335 54.7 48 26.7 296 NA 2020 #> 336 47.2 283 34.6 55 NA 2020 #> 337 54.8 47 30.3 185 16 2020 #> 338 53.0 97 28.3 261 16 2020 #> 339 52.8 100 31.5 146 NA 2020 #> 340 50.5 169 32.1 130 NA 2020 #> 341 55.5 34 28.0 270 NA 2020 #> 342 56.6 24 30.0 193 NA 2020 #> 343 49.4 207 34.2 69 NA 2020 #> 344 48.6 235 35.8 39 NA 2020 #> 345 46.5 300 33.6 83 NA 2020 #> 346 56.4 26 27.7 274 NA 2020 #> 347 67.1 1 17.6 353 NA 2020 #> 348 52.6 103 31.5 145 NA 2020 #> 349 48.2 251 29.7 204 NA 2020 #> 350 56.9 18 23.2 343 NA 2020 #> 351 49.3 211 37.0 19 NA 2020 #> 352 54.9 41 31.0 161 14 2020 #> 353 57.3 15 26.1 303 5 2020 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pomeroy_archive_ratings.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's ratings 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columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pomeroy_archive_ratings.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's ratings archive pages — kp_pomeroy_archive_ratings","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_pomeroy_archive_ratings(date='2018-11-22')) #> adj_em_rk team conf adj_em adj_o adj_o_rk adj_d adj_d_rk #> 1 1 Duke ACC 28.79 119.5 1 90.8 8 #> 2 2 Kansas B12 28.04 117.1 4 89.1 4 #> 3 3 North Carolina ACC 26.47 116.8 5 90.3 7 #> 4 4 Virginia ACC 26.40 113.7 13 87.3 2 #> 5 5 Nevada MWC 25.31 117.2 3 91.8 15 #> 6 6 Gonzaga WCC 24.97 117.8 2 92.8 25 #> 7 7 Michigan B10 23.13 109.9 37 86.7 1 #> 8 8 Auburn SEC 22.62 114.1 9 91.5 13 #> 9 9 Florida St. ACC 22.17 114.1 10 91.9 17 #> 10 10 Tennessee SEC 22.14 113.5 14 91.3 12 #> 11 11 Michigan St. B10 20.97 113.9 11 93.0 27 #> 12 12 Texas Tech B12 20.97 109.6 42 88.6 3 #> 13 13 Purdue B10 20.79 115.9 7 95.1 45 #> 14 14 Wisconsin B10 20.56 112.4 19 91.8 14 #> 15 15 Kentucky SEC 20.55 115.1 8 94.6 40 #> 16 16 Kansas St. B12 19.85 109.7 41 89.8 5 #> 17 17 Syracuse ACC 19.79 109.9 36 90.1 6 #> 18 18 Virginia Tech ACC 19.76 116.1 6 96.4 65 #> 19 19 Iowa St. B12 19.63 113.1 18 93.4 30 #> 20 20 Indiana B10 18.90 111.2 24 92.3 21 #> 21 21 Oregon P12 18.77 111.5 22 92.8 24 #> 22 22 Miami FL ACC 18.57 111.3 23 92.7 23 #> 23 23 Villanova BE 18.37 113.1 17 94.7 43 #> 24 24 West Virginia B12 18.34 110.5 29 92.2 20 #> 25 25 Clemson ACC 18.15 110.1 33 91.9 18 #> 26 26 Mississippi St. SEC 18.09 110.0 34 91.9 16 #> 27 27 Texas B12 17.74 108.9 47 91.1 9 #> 28 28 Ohio St. B10 17.57 110.2 30 92.6 22 #> 29 29 N.C. State ACC 17.05 113.7 12 96.7 69 #> 30 30 Florida SEC 16.90 108.2 55 91.3 11 #> 31 31 Nebraska B10 16.78 109.8 40 93.0 28 #> 32 32 Iowa B10 16.40 113.4 15 97.0 75 #> 33 33 Creighton BE 15.84 111.9 21 96.0 56 #> 34 34 Marquette BE 15.78 112.0 20 96.2 59 #> 35 35 Butler BE 15.48 111.1 25 95.6 51 #> 36 36 Penn St. B10 15.44 106.7 79 91.2 10 #> 37 37 Maryland B10 14.91 110.5 28 95.6 50 #> 38 38 Oklahoma B12 14.09 108.4 51 94.3 35 #> 39 39 UCLA P12 13.75 110.1 31 96.3 61 #> 40 40 Houston Amer 13.58 110.0 35 96.4 64 #> 41 41 Arizona St. P12 13.55 109.5 44 95.9 55 #> 42 42 Buffalo MAC 13.44 109.8 38 96.4 67 #> 43 43 St. John's BE 13.20 110.1 32 96.9 70 #> 44 44 UCF Amer 13.16 106.1 89 92.9 26 #> 45 45 Minnesota B10 13.13 109.0 45 95.9 53 #> 46 46 Cincinnati Amer 13.06 106.5 83 93.4 31 #> 47 47 LSU SEC 12.83 113.1 16 100.3 136 #> 48 48 Northwestern B10 12.83 106.0 90 93.2 29 #> 49 49 Washington P12 12.64 108.1 56 95.5 47 #> 50 50 TCU B12 12.26 108.3 53 96.1 57 #> 51 51 Baylor B12 12.02 108.4 50 96.4 68 #> 52 52 Arkansas SEC 11.98 106.7 80 94.7 41 #> 53 53 BYU WCC 11.83 106.8 76 94.9 44 #> 54 54 South Carolina SEC 11.41 105.0 102 93.6 32 #> 55 55 USC P12 11.22 108.9 46 97.7 79 #> 56 56 Vanderbilt SEC 11.20 108.2 54 97.0 73 #> 57 57 Louisville ACC 11.17 109.8 39 98.6 97 #> 58 58 Saint Mary's WCC 11.00 109.5 43 98.5 93 #> 59 59 Seton Hall BE 10.95 107.2 69 96.3 60 #> 60 60 Arizona P12 10.89 107.3 68 96.4 66 #> 61 61 Oklahoma St. B12 10.79 106.3 85 95.5 48 #> 62 62 Providence BE 10.79 107.1 71 96.4 63 #> 63 63 Alabama SEC 10.57 105.9 92 95.4 46 #> 64 64 Notre Dame ACC 10.45 107.3 67 96.9 71 #> 65 65 Xavier BE 10.04 111.1 26 101.1 152 #> 66 66 DePaul BE 9.84 105.6 95 95.8 52 #> 67 67 Loyola Chicago MVC 9.76 104.2 114 94.4 38 #> 68 68 Texas A&M SEC 9.49 106.7 78 97.2 77 #> 69 69 Utah P12 9.19 107.4 65 98.2 89 #> 70 70 Boston College ACC 9.03 107.0 73 98.0 82 #> 71 71 Montana BSky 8.94 108.0 57 99.1 106 #> 72 72 Georgia Tech ACC 8.81 100.9 185 92.1 19 #> 73 73 Oregon St. P12 8.69 106.2 88 97.5 78 #> 74 74 San Diego St. MWC 8.65 107.2 70 98.6 95 #> 75 75 Mississippi SEC 8.43 107.5 63 99.0 105 #> 76 76 Georgetown BE 8.31 105.3 98 97.0 74 #> 77 77 Saint Louis A10 8.25 102.4 154 94.2 34 #> 78 78 San Francisco WCC 8.21 102.2 158 94.0 33 #> 79 79 Western Kentucky CUSA 8.14 106.9 75 98.7 98 #> 80 80 UC Irvine BW 8.02 102.4 155 94.4 37 #> 81 81 SMU Amer 7.98 108.9 48 100.9 148 #> 82 82 Missouri SEC 7.91 103.8 120 95.9 54 #> 83 83 Davidson A10 7.85 106.6 82 98.8 99 #> 84 84 Marshall CUSA 7.76 107.8 61 100.1 125 #> 85 85 Temple Amer 7.68 104.7 107 97.0 72 #> 86 86 South Dakota St. Sum 7.68 110.9 27 103.2 199 #> 87 87 UNC Greensboro SC 7.65 105.8 93 98.1 86 #> 88 88 Connecticut Amer 7.53 106.7 81 99.1 108 #> 89 89 Wichita St. Amer 7.53 107.8 62 100.2 130 #> 90 90 Saint Joseph's A10 7.51 107.9 58 100.4 138 #> 91 91 Dayton A10 7.47 106.3 84 98.9 102 #> 92 92 Belmont OVC 7.44 108.3 52 100.9 150 #> 93 93 Illinois B10 7.42 106.7 77 99.3 113 #> 94 94 Utah St. MWC 7.30 105.2 99 97.9 81 #> 95 95 Georgia St. SB 7.28 106.3 86 99.0 104 #> 96 96 Northeastern CAA 7.17 107.9 59 100.8 146 #> 97 97 Colorado P12 7.16 106.0 91 98.8 101 #> 98 98 Bradley MVC 7.13 102.6 151 95.5 49 #> 99 99 Toledo MAC 7.10 108.9 49 101.7 162 #> 100 100 Stanford P12 6.96 103.1 142 96.1 58 #> 101 101 Harvard Ivy 6.70 103.7 121 97.0 76 #> 102 102 San Diego WCC 6.65 104.8 104 98.2 87 #> 103 103 Southern Illinois MVC 6.63 103.0 144 96.3 62 #> 104 104 Old Dominion CUSA 6.33 100.7 192 94.4 36 #> 105 105 New Mexico St. WAC 5.89 105.2 100 99.3 112 #> 106 106 VCU A10 5.36 100.1 208 94.7 42 #> 107 107 Ball St. MAC 5.34 105.6 96 100.2 131 #> 108 108 Charleston CAA 5.31 104.6 108 99.2 110 #> 109 109 Rutgers B10 5.29 99.8 219 94.5 39 #> 110 110 Rider MAAC 5.27 104.9 103 99.7 117 #> 111 111 Memphis Amer 5.24 105.5 97 100.3 134 #> 112 112 Rhode Island A10 5.17 103.2 138 98.1 84 #> 113 113 Lipscomb ASun 5.16 104.4 111 99.3 111 #> 114 114 Wake Forest ACC 5.16 106.3 87 101.1 153 #> 115 115 Fresno St. MWC 5.16 103.3 133 98.1 85 #> 116 116 Loyola Marymount WCC 5.13 103.5 128 98.3 91 #> 117 117 Yale Ivy 4.96 104.8 105 99.8 121 #> 118 118 Wofford SC 4.94 107.3 66 102.4 179 #> 119 119 Murray St. OVC 4.87 104.5 109 99.7 116 #> 120 120 Louisiana Tech CUSA 4.76 103.1 141 98.3 90 #> 121 121 Vermont AE 4.75 107.1 72 102.3 177 #> 122 122 Furman SC 4.55 103.1 140 98.5 94 #> 123 123 Louisiana SB 4.48 105.1 101 100.6 143 #> 124 124 Georgia SEC 4.39 102.2 159 97.8 80 #> 125 125 Pittsburgh ACC 4.29 103.4 129 99.2 109 #> 126 126 Boise St. MWC 4.25 103.1 139 98.9 103 #> 127 127 Illinois St. MVC 3.96 105.7 94 101.7 161 #> 128 128 Tulsa Amer 3.81 104.5 110 100.7 145 #> 129 129 UNLV MWC 3.71 103.4 131 99.7 118 #> 130 130 Georgia Southern SB 3.32 104.7 106 101.4 159 #> 131 131 Grand Canyon WAC 3.32 101.9 165 98.6 96 #> 132 132 Wright St. Horz 3.16 103.6 125 100.4 139 #> 133 133 Akron MAC 3.14 103.7 122 100.5 140 #> 134 134 Northern Kentucky Horz 3.13 103.3 132 100.2 128 #> 135 135 Liberty ASun 3.13 103.7 123 100.6 142 #> 136 136 Radford BSth 2.95 103.9 119 100.9 149 #> 137 137 New Mexico MWC 2.94 107.0 74 104.0 220 #> 138 138 North Texas CUSA 2.93 104.3 113 101.3 157 #> 139 139 Hofstra CAA 2.47 107.5 64 105.0 252 #> 140 140 East Tennessee St. SC 2.47 102.7 150 100.2 127 #> 141 141 Cal St. Fullerton BW 2.39 100.8 189 98.4 92 #> 142 142 Penn Ivy 2.32 101.1 178 98.8 100 #> 143 143 Lehigh Pat 2.18 104.1 115 101.9 165 #> 144 144 Eastern Michigan MAC 1.90 100.1 207 98.2 88 #> 145 145 Northern Iowa MVC 1.70 99.7 221 98.0 83 #> 146 146 Southern Miss CUSA 1.62 101.9 166 100.2 132 #> 147 147 Weber St. BSky 1.43 103.3 135 101.8 164 #> 148 148 George Mason A10 1.25 103.4 130 102.1 171 #> 149 149 Richmond A10 1.24 103.9 118 102.7 187 #> 150 150 Valparaiso MVC 1.21 100.7 191 99.5 115 #> 151 151 Massachusetts A10 1.17 103.6 124 102.5 180 #> 152 152 Duquesne A10 0.80 102.8 148 102.0 166 #> 153 153 South Dakota Sum 0.77 100.2 204 99.5 114 #> 154 154 Stephen F. Austin Slnd 0.64 100.8 188 100.1 126 #> 155 155 Pacific WCC 0.64 104.4 112 103.8 211 #> 156 156 Indiana St. MVC 0.59 100.9 184 100.3 137 #> 157 157 Northern Colorado BSky 0.52 102.8 147 102.2 174 #> 158 158 William & Mary CAA 0.39 107.9 60 107.5 307 #> 159 159 Iona MAAC 0.27 104.0 116 103.7 209 #> 160 160 Holy Cross Pat 0.14 101.3 177 101.2 155 #> 161 161 UAB CUSA 0.03 102.2 160 102.2 173 #> 162 162 Utah Valley WAC -0.15 99.9 215 100.0 123 #> 163 163 Jacksonville St. OVC -0.32 100.5 194 100.8 147 #> 164 164 St. Bonaventure A10 -0.33 100.3 200 100.7 144 #> 165 165 Winthrop BSth -0.53 102.1 162 102.6 184 #> 166 166 California P12 -0.55 100.8 186 101.3 158 #> 167 167 Middle Tennessee CUSA -0.57 99.7 222 100.3 133 #> 168 168 James Madison CAA -0.59 100.7 190 101.3 156 #> 169 169 Central Michigan MAC -0.71 104.0 117 104.7 237 #> 170 170 St. Francis PA NEC -1.08 103.0 143 104.1 224 #> 171 171 Ohio MAC -1.14 98.7 240 99.8 120 #> 172 172 Miami OH MAC -1.17 103.6 127 104.7 241 #> 173 173 Kent St. MAC -1.21 101.6 171 102.8 191 #> 174 174 Tulane Amer -1.29 101.0 183 102.2 175 #> 175 175 Illinois Chicago Horz -1.52 102.5 153 104.0 221 #> 176 176 Canisius MAAC -1.63 102.9 145 104.6 236 #> 177 177 Colgate Pat -1.65 102.3 157 103.9 215 #> 178 178 Appalachian St. SB -1.66 102.8 146 104.4 229 #> 179 179 Washington St. P12 -1.69 103.2 137 104.9 248 #> 180 180 UC Santa Barbara BW -1.73 102.7 149 104.5 230 #> 181 181 Delaware CAA -1.78 100.3 201 102.1 169 #> 182 182 Princeton Ivy -1.83 101.1 179 102.9 192 #> 183 183 Northern Illinois MAC -1.86 102.2 161 104.0 217 #> 184 184 Missouri St. MVC -1.91 99.7 220 101.7 160 #> 185 185 Wyoming MWC -2.10 101.6 175 103.7 208 #> 186 186 Troy SB -2.15 103.2 136 105.4 261 #> 187 187 American Pat -2.18 98.4 249 100.5 141 #> 188 188 UTSA CUSA -2.19 100.5 193 102.7 185 #> 189 189 Bowling Green MAC -2.22 101.0 182 103.2 197 #> 190 190 Texas St. SB -2.50 97.5 268 100.0 124 #> 191 191 Mercer SC -2.53 100.4 196 103.0 193 #> 192 192 Brown Ivy -2.69 99.8 218 102.5 182 #> 193 193 La Salle A10 -2.92 101.6 173 104.5 235 #> 194 194 Green Bay Horz -3.04 99.5 224 102.6 183 #> 195 195 Purdue Fort Wayne Sum -3.08 101.7 168 104.8 245 #> 196 196 North Dakota St. Sum -3.08 101.6 172 104.7 239 #> 197 197 Coastal Carolina SB -3.15 100.1 206 103.3 200 #> 198 198 Colorado St. MWC -3.31 101.7 170 105.0 249 #> 199 199 North Florida ASun -3.38 103.6 126 107.0 294 #> 200 200 Evansville MVC -3.41 96.8 279 100.2 129 #> 201 201 Stony Brook AE -3.43 100.0 209 103.5 201 #> 202 202 Cal St. Bakersfield WAC -3.44 96.5 284 99.9 122 #> 203 203 UMBC AE -3.45 95.7 295 99.1 107 #> 204 204 South Alabama SB -3.62 97.5 269 101.1 154 #> 205 205 Austin Peay OVC -3.81 101.7 169 105.5 266 #> 206 206 Pepperdine WCC -3.86 101.9 167 105.7 269 #> 207 207 Abilene Christian Slnd -4.01 99.2 235 103.2 196 #> 208 208 Hawaii BW -4.04 98.0 256 102.1 168 #> 209 209 Hartford AE -4.13 100.0 212 104.1 223 #> 210 210 Nebraska Omaha Sum -4.16 101.0 180 105.2 256 #> 211 211 Morehead St. OVC -4.19 102.0 163 106.2 280 #> 212 212 Denver Sum -4.25 98.6 245 102.8 190 #> 213 213 FIU CUSA -4.33 99.5 223 103.9 213 #> 214 214 Cal Baptist WAC -4.34 99.3 231 103.6 205 #> 215 215 Western Michigan MAC -4.40 99.9 214 104.3 227 #> 216 216 Eastern Washington BSky -4.43 98.3 250 102.8 189 #> 217 217 UNC Wilmington CAA -4.48 101.6 174 106.1 277 #> 218 218 UT Arlington SB -4.49 98.2 251 102.7 186 #> 219 219 NJIT ASun -4.51 100.0 210 104.5 233 #> 220 220 Long Beach St. BW -4.54 100.0 211 104.5 234 #> 221 221 Elon CAA -4.56 100.4 197 105.0 250 #> 222 222 Bucknell Pat -4.65 99.5 225 104.2 225 #> 223 223 Portland WCC -4.84 101.4 176 106.3 281 #> 224 224 Louisiana Monroe SB -4.86 98.1 253 103.0 194 #> 225 225 Drake MVC -5.05 98.6 243 103.7 207 #> 226 226 Gardner Webb BSth -5.10 99.3 232 104.4 228 #> 227 227 Air Force MWC -5.21 97.3 272 102.5 181 #> 228 228 Boston University Pat -5.37 100.3 203 105.6 268 #> 229 229 South Florida Amer -5.40 95.6 297 101.0 151 #> 230 230 Charleston Southern BSth -5.43 98.6 242 104.1 222 #> 231 231 Saint Peter's MAAC -5.46 96.8 280 102.3 176 #> 232 232 Niagara MAAC -5.50 99.5 226 105.0 251 #> 233 233 Western Illinois Sum -5.55 98.5 247 104.0 218 #> 234 234 The Citadel SC -5.55 103.3 134 108.8 322 #> 235 235 Campbell BSth -5.59 102.6 152 108.1 313 #> 236 236 Wagner NEC -5.83 97.8 262 103.6 204 #> 237 237 Seattle WAC -5.88 97.8 258 103.7 210 #> 238 238 North Dakota Sum -5.93 97.6 266 103.6 203 #> 239 239 Portland St. BSky -5.95 99.5 227 105.4 263 #> 240 240 Albany AE -6.02 97.6 267 103.6 206 #> 241 241 Florida Gulf Coast ASun -6.03 98.6 241 104.7 238 #> 242 242 George Washington A10 -6.16 98.1 255 104.2 226 #> 243 243 Santa Clara WCC -6.18 97.8 260 104.0 216 #> 244 244 Oakland Horz -6.28 100.1 205 106.4 285 #> 245 245 Sacramento St. BSky -6.29 96.4 285 102.7 188 #> 246 246 High Point BSth -6.32 98.8 238 105.1 254 #> 247 247 Fordham A10 -6.38 95.8 294 102.2 172 #> 248 248 Central Connecticut NEC -6.46 102.4 156 108.8 323 #> 249 249 IUPUI Horz -6.54 97.0 276 103.5 202 #> 250 250 Marist MAAC -6.56 100.4 199 106.9 293 #> 251 251 Lamar Slnd -6.58 98.1 252 104.7 240 #> 252 252 Fairfield MAAC -6.67 98.1 254 104.7 242 #> 253 253 UC Davis BW -6.67 93.6 321 100.3 135 #> 254 254 Idaho St. BSky -6.67 101.0 181 107.7 308 #> 255 255 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC -6.76 100.5 195 107.2 302 #> 256 256 Monmouth MAAC -6.79 96.4 286 103.2 198 #> 257 257 Southern Utah BSky -6.82 97.6 265 104.5 232 #> 258 258 Siena MAAC -6.87 100.3 202 107.2 300 #> 259 259 Dartmouth Ivy -6.93 100.4 198 107.3 304 #> 260 260 Little Rock SB -6.95 95.4 301 102.4 178 #> 261 261 Drexel CAA -7.10 100.8 187 107.9 310 #> 262 262 Samford SC -7.13 99.4 228 106.6 289 #> 263 263 Columbia Ivy -7.15 102.0 164 109.2 330 #> 264 264 Cornell Ivy -7.22 99.4 229 106.6 290 #> 265 265 Army Pat -7.28 99.2 234 106.5 287 #> 266 266 Florida Atlantic CUSA -7.41 98.6 244 106.0 274 #> 267 267 Idaho BSky -7.53 99.8 216 107.4 305 #> 268 268 Milwaukee Horz -7.54 96.4 287 103.9 214 #> 269 269 Eastern Kentucky OVC -7.57 99.2 233 106.8 291 #> 270 270 Hampton BSth -7.64 96.8 278 104.5 231 #> 271 271 East Carolina Amer -7.81 94.0 317 101.8 163 #> 272 272 Robert Morris NEC -7.90 94.2 314 102.1 170 #> 273 273 Quinnipiac MAAC -7.91 97.5 271 105.4 262 #> 274 274 Texas Southern SWAC -7.97 96.9 277 104.9 247 #> 275 275 Oral Roberts Sum -8.15 97.7 263 105.8 273 #> 276 276 Sam Houston St. Slnd -8.74 97.3 273 106.0 275 #> 277 277 Prairie View A&M SWAC -8.76 97.5 270 106.3 282 #> 278 278 Manhattan MAAC -8.82 91.0 343 99.8 119 #> 279 279 Rice CUSA -9.10 99.1 236 108.2 315 #> 280 280 LIU Brooklyn NEC -9.27 99.9 213 109.2 331 #> 281 281 Southeast Missouri St. OVC -9.39 96.2 290 105.6 267 #> 282 282 Tennessee Martin OVC -9.54 97.7 264 107.2 301 #> 283 283 Eastern Illinois OVC -9.58 92.5 330 102.1 167 #> 284 284 Tennessee St. OVC -9.60 94.2 315 103.8 212 #> 285 285 UMKC WAC -9.63 96.5 282 106.1 279 #> 286 286 Presbyterian BSth -9.94 97.0 274 107.0 295 #> 287 287 Detroit Horz -9.97 98.9 237 108.8 324 #> 288 288 Central Arkansas Slnd -9.99 97.0 275 107.0 296 #> 289 289 Jacksonville ASun -10.16 95.3 304 105.5 264 #> 290 290 Norfolk St. MEAC -10.26 94.9 309 105.2 257 #> 291 291 Nicholls St. Slnd -10.29 95.5 298 105.8 271 #> 292 292 Arkansas St. SB -10.32 98.5 246 108.8 325 #> 293 293 UTEP CUSA -10.33 95.0 308 105.3 260 #> 294 294 Towson CAA -10.34 95.5 299 105.8 272 #> 295 295 UMass Lowell AE -10.40 99.8 217 110.2 340 #> 296 296 Howard MEAC -10.42 98.0 257 108.4 317 #> 297 297 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd -10.43 92.7 328 103.1 195 #> 298 298 Houston Baptist Slnd -10.44 98.8 239 109.2 332 #> 299 299 North Carolina Central MEAC -10.60 96.5 283 107.1 299 #> 300 300 Binghamton AE -10.65 94.1 316 104.8 244 #> 301 301 Northern Arizona BSky -10.82 95.6 296 106.4 286 #> 302 302 Loyola MD Pat -10.90 95.5 300 106.4 283 #> 303 303 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC -10.97 93.9 319 104.8 246 #> 304 304 Montana St. BSky -11.02 99.4 230 110.4 341 #> 305 305 Charlotte CUSA -11.10 94.7 311 105.8 270 #> 306 306 New Orleans Slnd -11.12 95.3 305 106.4 284 #> 307 307 Grambling St. SWAC -11.33 95.2 306 106.5 288 #> 308 308 Bethune Cookman MEAC -11.43 95.9 293 107.3 303 #> 309 309 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd -11.77 93.4 322 105.2 258 #> 310 310 VMI SC -11.80 96.7 281 108.5 319 #> 311 311 Navy Pat -11.80 93.3 324 105.1 253 #> 312 312 Lafayette Pat -11.83 98.4 248 110.2 339 #> 313 313 Cleveland St. Horz -11.84 96.1 291 107.9 311 #> 314 314 St. Francis NY NEC -11.92 96.2 288 108.2 314 #> 315 315 UC Riverside BW -12.28 92.5 331 104.8 243 #> 316 316 Longwood BSth -12.51 91.5 337 104.0 219 #> 317 317 San Jose St. MWC -12.70 92.4 332 105.1 255 #> 318 318 Sacred Heart NEC -12.74 97.8 261 110.5 343 #> 319 319 SIU Edwardsville OVC -12.99 95.4 303 108.3 316 #> 320 320 Alabama St. SWAC -13.30 95.1 307 108.4 318 #> 321 321 Youngstown St. Horz -13.34 96.1 292 109.4 334 #> 322 322 Cal Poly BW -13.71 93.2 325 106.9 292 #> 323 323 USC Upstate BSth -13.72 95.4 302 109.1 329 #> 324 324 UNC Asheville BSth -13.81 91.4 338 105.2 259 #> 325 325 Bryant NEC -14.05 97.8 259 111.9 348 #> 326 326 Tennessee Tech OVC -14.10 91.4 340 105.5 265 #> 327 327 Kennesaw St. ASun -14.38 91.7 335 106.1 278 #> 328 328 Chattanooga SC -14.39 91.6 336 106.0 276 #> 329 329 New Hampshire AE -14.89 92.2 333 107.1 297 #> 330 330 Western Carolina SC -14.91 92.5 329 107.4 306 #> 331 331 Cal St. Northridge BW -15.30 94.2 313 109.5 335 #> 332 332 North Alabama ASun -15.40 93.9 318 109.3 333 #> 333 333 McNeese St. Slnd -15.51 94.4 312 109.9 337 #> 334 334 Maine AE -15.68 91.4 339 107.1 298 #> 335 335 Morgan St. MEAC -15.95 92.0 334 107.9 312 #> 336 336 Mount St. Mary's NEC -15.96 93.0 327 108.9 327 #> 337 337 North Carolina A&T MEAC -16.02 96.2 289 112.2 349 #> 338 338 Stetson ASun -17.57 93.3 323 110.9 344 #> 339 339 Southern SWAC -17.76 91.2 341 108.9 326 #> 340 340 Incarnate Word Slnd -18.01 94.8 310 112.8 351 #> 341 341 Northwestern St. Slnd -18.49 90.2 345 108.7 320 #> 342 342 Savannah St. MEAC -18.74 93.8 320 112.5 350 #> 343 343 Alcorn St. SWAC -19.27 89.5 347 108.8 321 #> 344 344 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC -19.40 91.1 342 110.5 342 #> 345 345 South Carolina St. MEAC -19.88 93.1 326 112.9 352 #> 346 346 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC -20.17 91.0 344 111.1 345 #> 347 347 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC -20.48 89.1 348 109.6 336 #> 348 348 Florida A&M MEAC -20.58 88.5 351 109.0 328 #> 349 349 Chicago St. WAC -21.71 90.0 346 111.7 347 #> 350 350 Coppin St. MEAC -22.10 88.1 352 110.2 338 #> 351 351 Alabama A&M SWAC -22.63 89.0 349 111.6 346 #> 352 352 Jackson St. SWAC -22.99 84.8 353 107.8 309 #> 353 353 Delaware St. MEAC -26.04 88.5 350 114.5 353 #> adj_t adj_t_rk final_rk final_adj_em final_adj_o final_adj_o_rk final_adj_d #> 1 72.9 65 4 30.62 120.0 7 89.3 #> 2 73.4 48 17 21.57 113.9 27 92.3 #> 3 75.6 11 7 27.69 119.7 8 92.0 #> 4 64.0 352 1 34.22 123.4 2 89.2 #> 5 72.5 89 27 18.18 114.0 26 95.9 #> 6 73.8 35 2 32.85 124.5 1 91.6 #> 7 67.3 338 6 28.32 114.5 24 86.2 #> 8 71.4 146 11 25.00 120.9 6 95.9 #> 9 72.8 70 14 22.39 112.8 36 90.4 #> 10 70.1 227 10 26.24 122.7 3 96.5 #> 11 73.4 45 3 30.81 121.0 5 90.2 #> 12 68.3 313 5 30.03 114.1 25 84.1 #> 13 69.8 245 9 26.81 122.5 4 95.6 #> 14 66.8 346 16 21.94 110.4 62 88.5 #> 15 72.3 95 8 27.57 117.6 14 90.1 #> 16 69.3 270 20 20.06 108.4 98 88.4 #> 17 70.1 230 39 15.13 110.5 59 95.3 #> 18 69.9 237 13 24.07 118.1 11 94.0 #> 19 70.4 214 15 22.09 118.9 9 96.8 #> 20 71.6 132 52 13.73 109.1 82 95.4 #> 21 69.4 268 28 17.86 109.5 74 91.7 #> 22 69.2 273 75 9.03 109.9 68 100.8 #> 23 69.7 253 30 17.33 116.5 16 99.2 #> 24 71.7 127 95 7.15 109.8 71 102.7 #> 25 70.3 217 36 16.14 108.0 106 91.8 #> 26 69.2 276 21 20.04 117.7 13 97.6 #> 27 69.8 250 25 19.11 113.5 29 94.4 #> 28 67.8 330 44 14.66 109.1 84 94.4 #> 29 73.4 46 41 14.98 113.1 34 98.1 #> 30 69.8 248 26 18.30 110.5 61 92.2 #> 31 70.2 221 47 14.35 113.5 30 99.1 #> 32 73.7 37 37 16.02 117.4 15 101.3 #> 33 72.9 69 55 12.67 112.0 47 99.3 #> 34 70.9 172 33 16.52 113.2 32 96.7 #> 35 69.5 259 72 9.24 111.3 53 102.1 #> 36 69.5 257 43 14.89 109.4 77 94.5 #> 37 70.6 189 24 19.29 113.4 31 94.1 #> 38 74.7 17 32 16.94 111.1 57 94.1 #> 39 75.3 12 102 6.34 109.0 88 102.7 #> 40 68.3 310 12 24.13 115.3 19 91.2 #> 41 73.7 36 57 11.55 109.7 73 98.2 #> 42 74.5 23 22 19.85 115.2 21 95.4 #> 43 73.3 50 88 7.61 108.6 92 101.0 #> 44 68.4 306 34 16.51 112.1 44 95.6 #> 45 71.6 131 46 14.35 111.4 52 97.0 #> 46 66.9 344 29 17.50 112.3 42 94.8 #> 47 71.6 129 19 20.22 117.7 12 97.5 #> 48 68.2 316 74 9.06 102.9 204 93.8 #> 49 69.9 238 48 14.28 107.7 110 93.5 #> 50 70.6 187 40 15.04 110.3 64 95.2 #> 51 67.8 329 35 16.48 115.3 20 98.8 #> 52 74.1 33 54 12.92 110.1 66 97.2 #> 53 74.5 20 86 7.72 112.0 46 104.3 #> 54 72.8 72 70 9.55 108.1 104 98.6 #> 55 73.3 49 82 8.25 109.8 72 101.5 #> 56 72.2 104 155 0.81 102.2 215 101.4 #> 57 72.5 85 23 19.35 113.7 28 94.4 #> 58 65.8 350 31 17.31 114.7 23 97.4 #> 59 71.2 159 60 11.50 109.0 87 97.5 #> 60 70.4 208 94 7.35 105.5 153 98.2 #> 61 71.6 130 83 8.16 109.5 75 101.3 #> 62 70.1 228 79 8.65 105.0 164 96.3 #> 63 69.8 247 64 10.68 108.2 103 97.5 #> 64 67.6 334 97 6.95 108.0 105 101.1 #> 65 70.3 216 65 10.60 111.1 56 100.5 #> 66 70.5 199 118 5.02 111.7 49 106.7 #> 67 70.2 223 131 4.18 104.2 180 100.0 #> 68 71.4 147 91 7.49 107.2 120 99.7 #> 69 69.4 267 109 5.85 114.8 22 108.9 #> 70 71.0 164 127 4.52 107.2 119 102.7 #> 71 70.5 204 137 3.53 107.4 114 103.9 #> 72 71.4 145 115 5.26 101.7 228 96.5 #> 73 68.1 319 81 8.33 111.7 48 103.4 #> 74 69.5 258 125 4.83 103.9 184 99.0 #> 75 71.4 144 50 13.98 113.2 33 99.2 #> 76 73.1 57 100 6.45 108.9 90 102.5 #> 77 69.1 282 106 6.02 102.2 214 96.2 #> 78 70.5 200 67 9.93 112.0 45 102.1 #> 79 70.7 182 116 5.20 105.1 162 99.9 #> 80 68.1 320 73 9.16 107.4 118 98.2 #> 81 67.0 342 107 5.98 112.7 38 106.7 #> 82 68.3 311 68 9.78 107.0 127 97.2 #> 83 68.5 301 85 7.78 108.2 102 100.4 #> 84 77.7 4 157 0.56 106.9 128 106.3 #> 85 70.9 176 69 9.72 109.2 80 99.5 #> 86 71.4 140 92 7.46 112.7 37 105.3 #> 87 69.3 269 87 7.63 106.4 141 98.8 #> 88 72.2 97 98 6.78 109.0 85 102.2 #> 89 70.5 202 66 10.10 106.6 135 96.5 #> 90 70.4 210 189 -1.89 105.4 159 107.2 #> 91 68.5 304 62 11.27 112.1 43 100.8 #> 92 74.1 31 49 14.09 115.6 18 101.5 #> 93 73.5 42 84 7.97 109.1 83 101.1 #> 94 74.4 25 38 15.41 112.6 39 97.2 #> 95 70.5 198 124 4.85 107.7 111 102.8 #> 96 67.7 332 89 7.59 111.0 58 103.4 #> 97 70.9 173 63 10.75 106.8 131 96.1 #> 98 68.4 308 161 0.09 101.5 234 101.4 #> 99 70.7 183 61 11.29 109.8 70 98.5 #> 100 72.2 98 112 5.47 103.7 187 98.2 #> 101 70.2 225 114 5.32 105.7 150 100.4 #> 102 69.1 281 90 7.58 105.9 147 98.3 #> 103 68.2 315 146 1.79 104.6 172 102.8 #> 104 67.0 340 113 5.45 101.4 238 96.0 #> 105 70.4 205 53 13.62 113.0 35 99.3 #> 106 72.2 99 42 14.89 104.3 177 89.5 #> 107 70.9 171 133 3.91 102.5 209 98.6 #> 108 67.4 337 123 4.87 108.5 93 103.7 #> 109 70.4 213 78 8.76 105.6 152 96.8 #> 110 76.2 7 212 -4.44 101.5 236 105.9 #> 111 72.4 92 56 11.78 109.2 81 97.4 #> 112 71.2 157 142 2.44 103.8 185 101.4 #> 113 77.4 6 45 14.55 111.7 50 97.2 #> 114 70.3 215 174 -0.93 104.4 175 105.3 #> 115 71.3 152 71 9.36 108.4 100 99.0 #> 116 68.1 318 134 3.84 103.6 191 99.8 #> 117 72.6 81 77 8.79 111.6 51 102.8 #> 118 67.5 335 18 20.69 118.1 10 97.4 #> 119 69.3 271 51 13.83 112.5 41 98.6 #> 120 70.8 178 141 2.88 105.0 163 102.1 #> 121 67.9 328 76 8.86 108.5 97 99.6 #> 122 70.5 197 59 11.52 108.9 89 97.4 #> 123 72.6 83 178 -1.21 106.7 133 107.9 #> 124 72.0 109 132 4.13 106.1 143 102.0 #> 125 70.0 233 101 6.35 104.9 168 98.5 #> 126 70.5 203 139 3.13 107.4 116 104.2 #> 127 70.6 193 205 -3.45 101.4 240 104.8 #> 128 71.1 162 119 4.94 105.4 158 100.4 #> 129 70.6 186 165 -0.29 106.1 146 106.4 #> 130 74.9 15 103 6.33 108.5 94 102.2 #> 131 71.6 137 111 5.49 107.6 113 102.1 #> 132 70.6 192 117 5.02 107.1 122 102.0 #> 133 68.5 302 108 5.87 100.0 259 94.1 #> 134 70.7 180 96 7.14 109.4 76 102.3 #> 135 67.8 331 58 11.54 111.1 54 99.6 #> 136 67.5 336 122 4.88 109.3 79 104.4 #> 137 74.7 16 188 -1.85 104.1 183 105.9 #> 138 67.0 341 158 0.53 99.8 265 99.3 #> 139 70.3 220 93 7.37 116.4 17 109.0 #> 140 69.0 287 80 8.48 109.9 67 101.4 #> 141 72.5 86 210 -4.15 98.3 286 102.5 #> 142 71.7 126 130 4.21 104.1 181 99.9 #> 143 73.0 58 169 -0.79 108.9 91 109.7 #> 144 68.3 309 159 0.47 103.4 195 103.0 #> 145 68.9 292 177 -1.15 101.5 235 102.7 #> 146 68.0 323 120 4.93 107.1 121 102.2 #> 147 72.7 75 224 -5.03 101.7 229 106.7 #> 148 71.7 122 156 0.56 104.6 173 104.0 #> 149 69.6 256 203 -3.31 107.0 125 110.3 #> 150 68.0 324 220 -4.89 98.2 291 103.1 #> 151 71.0 166 236 -6.29 102.9 203 109.2 #> 152 69.1 280 173 -0.90 104.6 171 105.5 #> 153 70.9 175 229 -5.61 100.6 253 106.2 #> 154 71.7 123 311 -12.94 95.5 320 108.4 #> 155 69.0 283 216 -4.56 100.0 256 104.6 #> 156 71.9 116 208 -3.99 101.4 239 105.4 #> 157 72.8 73 193 -2.27 102.6 206 104.9 #> 158 71.0 165 219 -4.79 103.6 190 108.4 #> 159 74.5 24 198 -2.88 106.9 129 109.7 #> 160 65.5 351 239 -6.81 101.2 244 108.0 #> 161 71.2 158 147 1.70 107.1 123 105.4 #> 162 71.7 119 104 6.22 108.5 96 102.3 #> 163 70.7 181 110 5.81 105.4 157 99.6 #> 164 69.2 272 121 4.92 102.1 218 97.2 #> 165 75.6 10 168 -0.74 107.0 126 107.8 #> 166 69.2 274 241 -6.84 103.5 192 110.3 #> 167 73.6 39 246 -7.28 98.3 288 105.6 #> 168 69.8 249 285 -10.03 101.1 247 111.1 #> 169 71.9 115 129 4.27 110.4 63 106.1 #> 170 71.6 135 261 -8.04 105.5 155 113.5 #> 171 73.4 47 184 -1.55 98.9 278 100.5 #> 172 68.8 294 148 1.62 104.8 169 103.2 #> 173 71.9 114 143 2.38 109.9 69 107.5 #> 174 71.4 143 283 -9.99 97.3 300 107.3 #> 175 73.6 40 196 -2.78 100.8 249 103.5 #> 176 71.7 124 282 -9.91 101.6 230 111.5 #> 177 68.6 298 126 4.60 110.5 60 105.9 #> 178 73.2 54 206 -3.53 106.2 142 109.7 #> 179 72.5 84 207 -3.79 106.4 140 110.2 #> 180 68.6 300 172 -0.86 105.3 160 106.1 #> 181 69.0 288 265 -8.28 104.9 165 113.2 #> 182 67.6 333 175 -1.06 98.9 279 100.0 #> 183 69.2 275 136 3.72 109.0 86 105.3 #> 184 72.1 105 171 -0.85 103.1 199 104.0 #> 185 72.2 102 317 -13.86 95.1 325 108.9 #> 186 69.1 279 249 -7.49 102.9 202 110.4 #> 187 68.0 325 200 -3.12 102.1 220 105.2 #> 188 72.9 63 149 1.54 105.8 148 104.3 #> 189 72.2 100 105 6.04 108.4 99 102.3 #> 190 66.9 345 138 3.53 102.4 212 98.8 #> 191 68.2 314 199 -3.06 103.4 193 106.5 #> 192 74.5 22 153 1.24 99.6 269 98.4 #> 193 71.4 141 228 -5.39 100.0 257 105.4 #> 194 75.8 8 185 -1.56 104.9 166 106.5 #> 195 75.2 13 192 -2.17 106.8 130 109.0 #> 196 68.2 317 202 -3.20 107.4 117 110.6 #> 197 71.0 167 154 1.03 106.8 132 105.7 #> 198 70.7 184 180 -1.39 107.6 112 109.0 #> 199 74.3 27 167 -0.69 104.1 182 104.8 #> 200 72.5 87 227 -5.20 99.7 268 104.9 #> 201 70.7 185 166 -0.42 99.5 271 99.9 #> 202 69.0 284 226 -5.13 102.6 207 107.7 #> 203 70.6 195 230 -5.75 96.2 313 102.0 #> 204 72.2 96 214 -4.52 103.1 200 107.7 #> 205 71.7 121 128 4.29 111.1 55 106.8 #> 206 75.1 14 151 1.43 107.0 124 105.6 #> 207 69.8 244 152 1.35 103.4 196 102.0 #> 208 69.8 242 201 -3.12 103.7 188 106.8 #> 209 70.2 224 194 -2.32 108.5 95 110.8 #> 210 72.9 66 164 -0.20 110.2 65 110.4 #> 211 71.7 120 245 -7.27 102.7 205 110.0 #> 212 68.0 321 312 -13.05 99.9 261 113.0 #> 213 78.5 2 204 -3.41 102.4 211 105.8 #> 214 71.6 136 197 -2.82 106.1 144 108.9 #> 215 71.2 155 255 -7.82 99.2 275 107.0 #> 216 69.9 240 237 -6.36 101.3 242 107.6 #> 217 72.7 74 272 -9.31 105.4 156 114.7 #> 218 72.1 106 150 1.45 101.3 241 99.9 #> 219 67.3 339 183 -1.54 101.8 227 103.3 #> 220 74.6 19 225 -5.08 101.3 243 106.3 #> 221 71.3 149 309 -12.41 99.0 277 111.4 #> 222 71.3 150 145 1.85 105.8 149 103.9 #> 223 69.7 252 326 -15.64 94.6 329 110.2 #> 224 68.6 297 140 2.90 112.5 40 109.6 #> 225 72.9 64 135 3.76 106.5 137 102.8 #> 226 70.6 196 163 -0.04 107.8 109 107.8 #> 227 68.5 303 243 -7.06 100.6 252 107.7 #> 228 70.0 234 231 -5.96 104.4 176 110.4 #> 229 69.4 262 99 6.63 102.6 208 95.9 #> 230 71.6 134 160 0.17 101.1 246 101.0 #> 231 68.4 307 316 -13.63 94.7 327 108.3 #> 232 73.3 51 315 -13.52 101.8 225 115.3 #> 233 71.6 128 294 -10.86 97.6 296 108.5 #> 234 78.2 3 257 -7.83 106.7 134 114.5 #> 235 69.4 264 181 -1.49 108.3 101 109.8 #> 236 69.8 251 314 -13.51 93.9 331 107.5 #> 237 71.6 133 190 -1.99 100.8 248 102.8 #> 238 72.9 62 271 -8.76 97.6 297 106.3 #> 239 74.5 21 286 -10.21 101.9 224 112.1 #> 240 67.9 327 279 -9.86 98.4 285 108.3 #> 241 72.6 78 213 -4.52 101.6 233 106.1 #> 242 70.1 226 293 -10.81 95.4 321 106.2 #> 243 69.8 246 186 -1.77 102.1 217 103.9 #> 244 70.6 191 187 -1.77 107.8 107 109.6 #> 245 70.1 231 274 -9.44 96.6 309 106.0 #> 246 66.3 348 223 -5.00 99.7 267 104.7 #> 247 67.9 326 260 -8.00 96.7 306 104.7 #> 248 68.9 290 321 -14.89 97.2 301 112.1 #> 249 71.1 161 191 -2.07 103.8 186 105.8 #> 250 66.3 347 276 -9.52 100.2 254 109.8 #> 251 70.9 170 217 -4.66 103.3 197 107.9 #> 252 70.4 212 301 -11.43 96.0 317 107.5 #> 253 69.2 277 252 -7.61 96.5 310 104.1 #> 254 70.6 188 329 -16.18 102.2 216 118.4 #> 255 72.6 82 211 -4.22 106.5 139 110.7 #> 256 72.6 80 295 -10.89 93.2 336 104.1 #> 257 73.0 60 273 -9.40 96.4 311 105.8 #> 258 63.5 353 267 -8.38 100.7 251 109.1 #> 259 70.1 229 218 -4.70 103.4 194 108.1 #> 260 72.7 77 222 -4.99 100.0 260 105.0 #> 261 72.2 101 251 -7.57 105.6 151 113.2 #> 262 72.6 79 144 1.88 106.6 136 104.7 #> 263 73.2 56 215 -4.55 101.9 222 106.5 #> 264 72.4 94 221 -4.99 99.9 264 104.9 #> 265 73.0 59 242 -6.89 96.3 312 103.2 #> 266 70.0 235 162 0.03 99.9 263 99.9 #> 267 69.4 265 348 -23.78 95.2 324 118.9 #> 268 69.5 260 296 -11.00 98.6 283 109.6 #> 269 77.6 5 235 -6.23 99.8 266 106.0 #> 270 74.3 28 170 -0.85 107.4 115 108.2 #> 271 74.6 18 264 -8.24 98.7 282 106.9 #> 272 71.0 163 269 -8.72 96.1 314 104.9 #> 273 69.6 255 234 -6.21 105.5 154 111.7 #> 274 75.7 9 195 -2.35 105.2 161 107.5 #> 275 70.7 179 290 -10.54 103.7 189 114.2 #> 276 68.9 293 176 -1.09 106.1 145 107.2 #> 277 72.4 90 209 -4.13 102.1 219 106.2 #> 278 66.2 349 323 -15.15 89.6 346 104.8 #> 279 72.4 93 248 -7.45 103.2 198 110.7 #> 280 73.6 38 263 -8.20 98.3 290 106.5 #> 281 71.4 142 308 -12.22 97.8 294 110.0 #> 282 70.9 177 289 -10.35 104.9 167 115.3 #> 283 70.5 201 307 -11.94 100.0 258 112.0 #> 284 72.4 91 292 -10.73 98.9 280 109.6 #> 285 72.0 113 238 -6.45 101.1 245 107.6 #> 286 68.6 299 179 -1.32 109.3 78 110.7 #> 287 72.1 108 233 -6.11 106.5 138 112.6 #> 288 74.4 26 302 -11.44 99.9 262 111.4 #> 289 71.8 117 247 -7.41 99.1 276 106.5 #> 290 70.4 209 244 -7.23 98.5 284 105.7 #> 291 72.7 76 310 -12.85 98.7 281 111.6 #> 292 73.2 55 254 -7.80 102.4 210 110.2 #> 293 71.3 151 299 -11.31 90.1 343 101.4 #> 294 69.0 285 291 -10.67 100.2 255 110.9 #> 295 73.9 34 258 -7.86 104.5 174 112.4 #> 296 72.9 68 305 -11.89 102.0 221 113.9 #> 297 70.0 236 232 -6.07 99.5 272 105.5 #> 298 74.1 32 281 -9.88 103.0 201 112.9 #> 299 66.9 343 303 -11.55 97.8 295 109.3 #> 300 72.0 110 332 -16.74 96.1 316 112.9 #> 301 72.5 88 304 -11.83 100.8 250 112.6 #> 302 71.0 168 270 -8.72 101.8 226 110.5 #> 303 73.6 41 182 -1.50 99.6 270 101.1 #> 304 71.4 148 250 -7.57 107.8 108 115.4 #> 305 68.5 305 297 -11.16 95.6 319 106.8 #> 306 68.9 289 262 -8.10 97.0 302 105.1 #> 307 73.5 44 268 -8.56 95.9 318 104.4 #> 308 74.2 29 306 -11.92 93.6 332 105.5 #> 309 68.0 322 287 -10.25 94.6 328 104.8 #> 310 71.2 156 288 -10.30 102.4 213 112.7 #> 311 68.7 295 280 -9.88 97.3 299 107.2 #> 312 71.6 138 298 -11.27 101.6 231 112.9 #> 313 70.2 222 278 -9.70 101.9 223 111.6 #> 314 71.3 154 275 -9.50 96.1 315 105.6 #> 315 69.5 261 322 -15.09 98.3 289 113.4 #> 316 69.9 241 256 -7.83 99.5 274 107.3 #> 317 71.1 160 343 -21.99 92.0 339 114.0 #> 318 72.0 112 240 -6.81 104.2 179 111.0 #> 319 71.5 139 330 -16.21 96.9 304 113.1 #> 320 70.6 190 328 -15.77 95.2 323 110.9 #> 321 73.5 43 259 -7.97 104.3 178 112.3 #> 322 68.7 296 334 -17.86 97.0 303 114.9 #> 323 71.3 153 336 -18.10 93.3 334 111.4 #> 324 69.4 266 347 -23.64 93.3 333 117.0 #> 325 71.7 125 327 -15.64 99.5 273 115.1 #> 326 74.2 30 320 -14.87 89.9 345 104.7 #> 327 69.7 254 339 -18.91 92.0 338 110.9 #> 328 70.3 218 266 -8.29 101.5 237 109.7 #> 329 70.4 206 345 -23.05 84.4 353 107.5 #> 330 73.2 52 277 -9.58 101.6 232 111.2 #> 331 73.2 53 253 -7.74 104.8 170 112.5 #> 332 72.9 67 284 -10.02 95.3 322 105.3 #> 333 69.4 263 331 -16.74 98.1 292 114.9 #> 334 68.3 312 338 -18.68 93.3 335 111.9 #> 335 72.2 103 333 -17.85 92.8 337 110.7 #> 336 70.9 174 324 -15.28 94.8 326 110.1 #> 337 69.1 278 300 -11.32 96.8 305 108.1 #> 338 72.1 107 325 -15.46 97.9 293 113.3 #> 339 70.4 211 335 -17.91 94.2 330 112.1 #> 340 69.0 286 346 -23.06 97.5 298 120.6 #> 341 72.8 71 341 -19.81 90.1 342 110.0 #> 342 83.2 1 340 -19.45 96.6 307 116.1 #> 343 70.0 232 349 -24.07 89.3 348 113.4 #> 344 70.3 219 313 -13.14 96.6 308 109.7 #> 345 70.4 207 337 -18.50 98.3 287 116.8 #> 346 71.7 118 350 -24.63 89.9 344 114.5 #> 347 68.9 291 353 -29.42 85.4 351 114.8 #> 348 69.9 239 318 -13.89 89.4 347 103.3 #> 349 73.0 61 351 -28.26 90.4 340 118.6 #> 350 72.0 111 342 -20.33 88.9 349 109.3 #> 351 69.8 243 344 -22.17 87.0 350 109.1 #> 352 70.6 194 319 -14.40 90.2 341 104.6 #> 353 71.0 169 352 -29.31 84.5 352 113.8 #> final_adj_d_rk final_adj_t final_adj_t_rk rk_chg em_chg adj_t_chg ncaa_seed #> 1 6 72.1 20 -3 1.83 -0.8 1 #> 2 17 70.1 66 -15 -6.47 -3.3 4 #> 3 15 74.3 6 -4 1.22 -1.3 1 #> 4 5 59.4 353 3 7.81 -4.6 1 #> 5 35 69.3 91 -22 -7.12 -3.2 7 #> 6 12 70.2 62 4 7.88 -3.7 1 #> 7 2 64.8 317 1 5.19 -2.5 2 #> 8 36 67.9 155 -3 2.38 -3.5 5 #> 9 10 68.6 121 -5 0.22 -4.2 4 #> 10 42 67.8 164 NA 4.10 -2.3 2 #> 11 9 66.9 211 8 9.83 -6.5 2 #> 12 1 66.6 231 7 9.07 -1.7 3 #> 13 34 65.9 268 4 6.02 -3.9 3 #> 14 4 63.9 331 -2 1.38 -2.9 5 #> 15 8 65.6 284 7 7.02 -6.7 2 #> 16 3 63.4 339 -4 0.21 -5.9 4 #> 17 30 66.1 257 -22 -4.66 -3.9 8 #> 18 20 63.7 334 5 4.31 -6.3 4 #> 19 47 67.7 171 4 2.46 -2.7 6 #> 20 32 66.9 215 -32 -5.17 -4.7 1 #> 21 13 64.2 328 -7 -0.91 -5.2 12 #> 22 104 67.0 208 -53 -9.54 -2.2 NA #> 23 81 63.6 335 -7 -1.04 -6.1 6 #> 24 135 70.6 49 -71 -11.19 -1.0 NA #> 25 14 66.2 252 -11 -2.01 -4.1 2 #> 26 61 67.8 161 5 1.94 -1.4 5 #> 27 26 64.7 320 2 1.37 -5.0 2 #> 28 25 65.8 274 -16 -2.91 -2.0 11 #> 29 62 71.0 39 -12 -2.07 -2.4 2 #> 30 16 62.9 344 4 1.40 -6.9 10 #> 31 79 66.4 238 -16 -2.43 -3.8 4 #> 32 111 69.5 84 -5 -0.38 -4.2 10 #> 33 83 68.7 118 -22 -3.16 -4.2 2 #> 34 45 68.8 116 1 0.74 -2.1 5 #> 35 123 66.0 263 -37 -6.24 -3.5 5 #> 36 27 67.6 172 -7 -0.56 -1.9 NA #> 37 21 66.0 264 13 4.37 -4.7 6 #> 38 23 68.6 123 6 2.85 -6.1 9 #> 39 137 72.5 17 -63 -7.41 -2.8 NA #> 40 11 66.1 260 28 10.55 -2.3 3 #> 41 64 70.8 47 -16 -2.01 -2.9 11 #> 42 31 73.6 11 20 6.41 -0.9 6 #> 43 106 70.8 46 -45 -5.59 -2.5 11 #> 44 33 65.0 309 10 3.35 -3.5 9 #> 45 48 67.4 186 -1 1.22 -4.2 10 #> 46 28 63.4 338 17 4.44 -3.5 7 #> 47 59 70.0 67 28 7.39 -1.6 3 #> 48 19 66.0 265 -26 -3.77 -2.3 NA #> 49 18 66.0 262 1 1.64 -4.0 9 #> 50 29 68.9 107 10 2.78 -1.7 1 #> 51 75 65.2 297 16 4.47 -2.6 9 #> 52 53 70.4 57 -2 0.94 -3.7 5 #> 53 162 70.9 44 -33 -4.10 -3.6 NA #> 54 71 70.2 61 -16 -1.87 -2.6 NA #> 55 118 69.6 83 -27 -2.97 -3.8 NA #> 56 116 67.3 194 -99 -10.39 -4.9 NA #> 57 24 67.2 199 34 8.18 -5.3 7 #> 58 55 62.7 348 27 6.31 -3.2 11 #> 59 60 69.1 100 -1 0.55 -2.1 10 #> 60 63 66.7 227 -34 -3.54 -3.7 NA #> 61 110 66.1 261 -22 -2.63 -5.6 NA #> 62 41 67.9 158 -17 -2.14 -2.2 4 #> 63 58 68.7 117 -1 0.11 -1.1 1 #> 64 107 65.2 298 -33 -3.50 -2.4 NA #> 65 102 65.2 302 NA 0.57 -5.1 3 #> 66 223 70.1 64 -52 -4.82 -0.4 NA #> 67 97 62.7 346 -64 -5.58 -7.5 7 #> 68 89 67.4 187 -23 -2.01 -4.0 NA #> 69 257 66.4 240 -40 -3.34 -3.0 NA #> 70 138 67.3 192 -57 -4.51 -3.7 NA #> 71 155 66.9 220 -66 -5.40 -3.6 15 #> 72 43 66.8 225 -43 -3.55 -4.6 NA #> 73 150 65.7 280 -8 -0.36 -2.4 NA #> 74 78 66.7 229 -51 -3.82 -2.9 NA #> 75 80 68.5 131 25 5.55 -2.9 8 #> 76 133 71.9 25 -24 -1.86 -1.3 3 #> 77 40 66.4 239 -29 -2.24 -2.7 13 #> 78 125 66.6 232 11 1.72 -3.9 NA #> 79 92 67.7 168 -37 -2.94 -3.0 NA #> 80 65 65.3 293 7 1.13 -2.8 13 #> 81 221 65.0 310 -26 -2.00 -2.0 NA #> 82 51 64.8 318 14 1.87 -3.5 NA #> 83 98 64.7 319 -2 -0.07 -3.8 4 #> 84 213 74.3 5 -73 -7.19 -3.4 NA #> 85 85 68.9 110 16 2.03 -2.0 11 #> 86 183 71.0 40 -6 -0.22 -0.4 7 #> 87 74 67.8 159 NA -0.02 -1.4 1 #> 88 129 68.6 122 -10 -0.75 -3.6 NA #> 89 44 68.3 142 23 2.57 -2.2 6 #> 90 231 68.5 127 -99 -9.40 -1.8 NA #> 91 103 64.7 322 29 3.80 -3.8 5 #> 92 117 71.3 34 43 6.66 -2.9 11 #> 93 108 70.6 52 9 0.56 -3.0 NA #> 94 52 68.1 145 56 8.11 -6.3 8 #> 95 143 70.0 69 -29 -2.43 -0.5 14 #> 96 151 66.2 253 7 0.43 -1.5 13 #> 97 39 68.1 147 34 3.59 -2.8 4 #> 98 113 65.3 292 -63 -7.04 -3.1 15 #> 99 69 67.8 165 38 4.19 -2.9 6 #> 100 66 69.9 71 -12 -1.49 -2.3 NA #> 101 99 67.3 193 -13 -1.38 -2.9 6 #> 102 67 66.9 213 12 0.93 -2.2 6 #> 103 140 65.8 275 -43 -4.84 -2.4 NA #> 104 38 64.5 324 -9 -0.88 -2.5 14 #> 105 84 65.9 269 52 7.73 -4.5 12 #> 106 7 68.4 136 64 9.53 -3.8 8 #> 107 72 70.3 59 -26 -1.43 -0.7 NA #> 108 153 65.4 289 -15 -0.44 -2.0 NA #> 109 46 67.7 170 31 3.48 -2.7 NA #> 110 203 73.9 8 -102 -9.71 -2.3 NA #> 111 54 74.2 7 55 6.54 1.8 3 #> 112 112 67.5 180 -30 -2.73 -3.7 NA #> 113 49 73.3 12 68 9.39 -4.1 5 #> 114 186 67.6 179 -60 -6.09 -2.7 NA #> 115 77 67.9 157 44 4.20 -3.4 NA #> 116 90 62.7 347 -18 -1.29 -5.5 NA #> 117 141 71.0 41 40 3.84 -1.7 14 #> 118 56 65.7 278 100 15.75 -1.8 7 #> 119 73 69.4 89 68 8.96 0.1 12 #> 120 126 65.4 288 -21 -1.88 -5.4 NA #> 121 88 65.5 285 45 4.11 -2.3 13 #> 122 57 66.6 230 63 6.97 -3.9 3 #> 123 246 72.1 21 -55 -5.68 -0.5 NA #> 124 120 68.4 134 -8 -0.26 -3.6 NA #> 125 70 67.0 206 24 2.05 -3.0 NA #> 126 161 65.5 286 -13 -1.13 -5.0 NA #> 127 175 66.7 226 -78 -7.41 -3.9 NA #> 128 100 68.8 114 9 1.13 -2.3 NA #> 129 215 67.5 182 -36 -4.00 -3.1 NA #> 130 128 73.2 14 27 3.01 -1.7 NA #> 131 124 67.8 162 20 2.17 -3.8 NA #> 132 122 65.2 305 15 1.86 -5.4 7 #> 133 22 66.2 254 25 2.72 -2.3 NA #> 134 130 68.2 143 38 4.00 -2.5 14 #> 135 87 62.3 349 77 8.42 -5.5 12 #> 136 164 64.4 326 14 1.93 -3.1 NA #> 137 202 72.8 15 -51 -4.78 -1.9 NA #> 138 82 65.3 294 -20 -2.41 -1.7 NA #> 139 262 67.5 181 46 4.90 -2.7 7 #> 140 115 67.2 201 60 6.01 -1.8 NA #> 141 134 69.9 72 -69 -6.55 -2.6 NA #> 142 94 66.9 217 12 1.89 -4.8 NA #> 143 272 71.6 29 -26 -2.97 -1.5 NA #> 144 144 62.9 345 -15 -1.44 -5.5 NA #> 145 136 64.4 327 -32 -2.85 -4.5 NA #> 146 127 64.8 316 26 3.30 -3.2 NA #> 147 222 71.1 37 -77 -6.47 -1.6 NA #> 148 157 67.7 167 -8 -0.69 -4.0 NA #> 149 287 65.9 266 -54 -4.55 -3.6 NA #> 150 145 65.2 300 -70 -6.11 -2.8 NA #> 151 265 67.3 191 -85 -7.46 -3.7 NA #> 152 190 69.8 73 -21 -1.69 0.7 NA #> 153 209 67.0 210 -76 -6.39 -3.9 NA #> 154 254 68.8 112 -157 -13.58 -2.9 NA #> 155 166 65.1 308 -61 -5.20 -4.0 NA #> 156 188 68.9 106 -52 -4.59 -2.9 NA #> 157 178 66.5 236 -36 -2.79 -6.3 NA #> 158 255 68.6 120 -61 -5.19 -2.4 NA #> 159 276 70.6 51 -39 -3.15 -3.9 16 #> 160 248 63.6 336 -79 -6.95 -1.9 NA #> 161 187 65.2 299 14 1.67 -6.0 NA #> 162 131 68.8 115 58 6.37 -2.9 NA #> 163 86 67.6 173 53 6.13 -3.1 NA #> 164 50 64.0 330 43 5.25 -5.3 NA #> 165 244 72.7 16 -3 -0.21 -2.9 NA #> 166 286 66.6 234 -75 -6.29 -2.6 NA #> 167 193 67.6 175 -79 -6.70 -6.0 NA #> 168 302 65.2 301 -117 -9.43 -4.6 NA #> 169 206 71.3 33 40 4.98 -0.6 NA #> 170 332 68.4 137 -91 -6.95 -3.2 8 #> 171 101 69.2 95 -13 -0.42 -4.1 NA #> 172 146 66.3 245 24 2.79 -2.4 NA #> 173 236 67.5 183 30 3.59 -4.4 NA #> 174 232 69.7 78 -109 -8.70 -1.7 NA #> 175 152 70.0 68 -21 -1.25 -3.5 NA #> 176 307 67.7 169 -106 -8.28 -4.0 NA #> 177 201 66.4 237 51 6.25 -2.2 15 #> 178 274 71.6 28 -28 -1.88 -1.6 NA #> 179 284 70.6 50 -28 -2.11 -2.0 NA #> 180 208 64.7 321 8 0.87 -3.9 NA #> 181 328 63.3 341 -84 -6.51 -5.7 NA #> 182 96 67.6 177 7 0.77 NA NA #> 183 185 65.9 267 47 5.58 -3.2 NA #> 184 158 65.4 287 13 1.06 -6.7 NA #> 185 259 68.4 133 -132 -11.76 -3.8 NA #> 186 290 67.0 207 -63 -5.34 -2.1 NA #> 187 182 66.6 233 -13 -0.95 -1.4 NA #> 188 163 72.1 19 39 3.73 -0.8 NA #> 189 132 70.5 54 84 8.26 -1.7 NA #> 190 76 65.1 306 52 6.04 -1.7 NA #> 191 220 66.8 224 -8 -0.53 -1.4 NA #> 192 68 71.1 36 39 3.93 -3.4 NA #> 193 189 68.9 108 -35 -2.47 -2.5 NA #> 194 219 73.2 13 9 1.47 -2.6 NA #> 195 260 71.6 26 3 0.90 -3.5 NA #> 196 292 65.0 312 -6 -0.11 -3.2 16 #> 197 197 69.8 76 43 4.18 -1.3 NA #> 198 261 67.1 204 18 1.92 -3.6 NA #> 199 173 71.9 24 32 2.68 -2.5 NA #> 200 177 69.5 86 -27 -1.79 -3.0 NA #> 201 95 69.3 90 35 3.01 -1.4 NA #> 202 243 65.2 303 -24 -1.70 -3.9 NA #> 203 119 65.0 311 -27 -2.30 -5.6 NA #> 204 241 66.3 241 -10 -0.90 -5.9 NA #> 205 226 69.0 105 77 8.11 -2.7 NA #> 206 194 70.3 58 55 5.29 -4.8 NA #> 207 121 66.1 256 55 5.36 -3.7 15 #> 208 225 66.3 243 7 0.92 -3.5 NA #> 209 297 66.7 228 15 1.81 -3.5 NA #> 210 289 67.9 153 46 3.96 -5.0 NA #> 211 280 67.2 200 -34 -3.08 -4.5 NA #> 212 325 67.1 203 -100 -8.80 -0.9 NA #> 213 198 77.6 1 9 0.92 -0.9 NA #> 214 258 67.9 156 17 1.51 -3.7 NA #> 215 228 69.2 97 -40 -3.42 -2.0 NA #> 216 240 67.8 163 -21 -1.94 -2.1 NA #> 217 339 69.3 93 -55 -4.83 -3.4 NA #> 218 93 66.3 251 68 5.94 -5.8 NA #> 219 149 66.9 216 36 2.96 -0.4 NA #> 220 214 71.5 30 -5 -0.54 -3.1 NA #> 221 306 68.0 150 -88 -7.85 -3.4 NA #> 222 156 70.7 48 77 6.50 -0.7 NA #> 223 283 66.8 222 -103 -10.80 -2.9 NA #> 224 271 66.3 244 84 7.76 -2.3 NA #> 225 139 69.3 94 90 8.81 -3.7 NA #> 226 245 67.4 189 63 5.06 -3.2 16 #> 227 242 66.6 235 -16 -1.85 -2.0 NA #> 228 288 66.3 247 -3 -0.59 -3.7 NA #> 229 37 67.5 184 130 12.02 -1.9 NA #> 230 105 69.5 87 70 5.60 -2.1 NA #> 231 252 63.2 342 -85 -8.17 -5.2 NA #> 232 345 69.7 81 -83 -8.02 -3.6 NA #> 233 256 67.3 190 -61 -5.31 -4.3 NA #> 234 337 73.6 10 -23 -2.28 -4.5 NA #> 235 278 65.7 281 54 4.10 -3.7 8 #> 236 234 63.8 332 -78 -7.68 -6.0 NA #> 237 142 67.2 198 47 3.89 -4.4 NA #> 238 212 69.7 79 -33 -2.82 -3.3 NA #> 239 314 69.1 104 -47 -4.25 -5.5 NA #> 240 253 65.9 270 -39 -3.83 -2.0 NA #> 241 207 67.9 152 28 1.51 -4.7 NA #> 242 211 67.2 197 -51 -4.65 -2.9 NA #> 243 154 66.3 242 57 4.41 -3.5 NA #> 244 268 68.7 119 57 4.51 -2.0 NA #> 245 205 68.1 146 -29 -3.15 -2.0 NA #> 246 169 63.7 333 23 1.32 -2.6 NA #> 247 168 65.2 304 -13 -1.61 -2.8 NA #> 248 313 69.1 101 -73 -8.43 0.2 NA #> 249 200 68.9 111 58 4.48 -2.2 NA #> 250 277 64.5 323 -26 -2.97 -1.8 NA #> 251 247 68.3 141 34 1.93 -2.7 NA #> 252 235 67.8 160 -49 -4.76 -2.5 NA #> 253 159 65.9 272 1 -0.94 -3.3 NA #> 254 350 66.8 221 -75 -9.51 -3.8 NA #> 255 295 66.8 223 44 2.54 -5.8 16 #> 256 160 67.5 185 -39 -4.10 -5.2 NA #> 257 199 71.2 35 -16 -2.58 -1.8 NA #> 258 263 60.6 352 -9 -1.51 -2.9 NA #> 259 250 65.9 271 41 2.23 -4.2 NA #> 260 180 70.4 55 38 1.95 -2.2 NA #> 261 327 69.1 102 10 -0.47 -3.1 NA #> 262 170 69.2 99 118 9.02 -3.5 NA #> 263 218 67.6 178 48 2.60 -5.6 NA #> 264 179 67.9 154 43 2.24 -4.5 NA #> 265 147 69.8 75 23 0.39 -3.3 NA #> 266 91 67.4 188 104 7.44 -2.6 NA #> 267 352 65.4 290 -81 -16.25 -4.0 NA #> 268 269 66.1 259 -28 -3.46 -3.4 NA #> 269 204 76.6 2 34 1.35 -1.0 NA #> 270 251 71.3 32 100 6.79 -3.0 NA #> 271 227 68.1 148 7 -0.43 -6.6 NA #> 272 176 66.3 250 3 -0.81 -4.8 NA #> 273 310 66.9 218 39 1.70 -2.8 NA #> 274 238 74.7 4 79 5.62 -1.0 NA #> 275 336 66.9 219 -15 -2.39 -3.9 NA #> 276 229 66.3 249 100 7.65 -2.6 8 #> 277 210 71.1 38 68 4.64 -1.4 16 #> 278 172 61.8 351 -45 -6.34 -4.4 NA #> 279 294 70.1 63 31 1.65 -2.3 NA #> 280 217 70.8 45 17 1.06 -2.8 NA #> 281 281 67.6 174 -27 -2.83 -3.8 NA #> 282 344 68.5 132 -7 -0.81 -2.4 NA #> 283 312 66.9 214 -24 -2.37 -3.6 NA #> 284 270 69.4 88 -8 -1.12 -3.0 NA #> 285 239 66.3 248 47 3.18 -5.7 NA #> 286 293 67.8 166 107 8.61 -0.8 NA #> 287 320 68.6 125 54 3.86 -3.5 NA #> 288 304 70.5 53 -14 -1.45 -3.9 NA #> 289 216 70.9 42 42 2.75 -0.9 NA #> 290 196 69.2 98 46 3.03 -1.2 8 #> 291 308 68.5 129 -19 -2.55 -4.2 NA #> 292 285 68.3 140 38 2.52 -4.9 NA #> 293 114 68.0 151 -6 -0.97 -3.3 NA #> 294 298 63.5 337 3 -0.33 -5.5 NA #> 295 317 69.8 74 37 2.54 -4.1 NA #> 296 334 71.3 31 -9 -1.47 -1.5 NA #> 297 192 65.3 295 65 4.36 -4.7 NA #> 298 324 73.9 9 17 0.57 -0.2 NA #> 299 267 65.3 291 -4 -0.94 -1.6 16 #> 300 322 65.8 273 -32 -6.09 -6.2 NA #> 301 319 68.5 130 -3 -1.01 -4.0 NA #> 302 291 68.5 128 32 2.19 -2.5 NA #> 303 109 70.4 56 121 9.48 -3.2 NA #> 304 346 70.0 70 54 3.45 -1.4 NA #> 305 224 64.5 325 8 -0.06 -3.9 NA #> 306 181 68.6 126 44 3.02 -0.4 NA #> 307 165 69.6 82 39 2.77 -3.8 NA #> 308 191 72.2 18 2 -0.48 -2.0 NA #> 309 174 64.9 315 22 1.52 -3.1 NA #> 310 321 71.6 27 22 1.50 0.4 NA #> 311 230 66.9 212 31 1.93 -1.8 NA #> 312 323 68.9 109 14 0.56 -2.6 NA #> 313 309 69.1 103 35 2.13 -1.2 NA #> 314 195 68.3 138 39 2.42 -2.9 NA #> 315 331 63.3 340 -7 -2.81 -6.2 NA #> 316 233 67.2 195 60 4.68 -2.6 NA #> 317 335 69.3 92 -26 -9.29 -1.8 NA #> 318 301 72.0 23 78 5.93 NA NA #> 319 326 69.7 80 -11 -3.22 -1.8 NA #> 320 300 67.2 196 -8 -2.47 -3.4 NA #> 321 316 67.0 205 62 5.37 -6.4 NA #> 322 342 66.2 255 -12 -4.15 -2.5 NA #> 323 305 68.0 149 -13 -4.38 -3.3 NA #> 324 349 61.9 350 -23 -9.83 -7.5 NA #> 325 343 67.6 176 -2 -1.59 -4.1 NA #> 326 171 68.3 139 6 -0.77 -5.8 NA #> 327 299 68.2 144 -12 -4.52 -1.5 NA #> 328 275 66.1 258 62 6.10 -4.2 NA #> 329 237 65.6 283 -16 -8.17 -4.8 NA #> 330 303 69.5 85 53 5.33 -3.7 NA #> 331 318 70.9 43 78 7.56 -2.3 NA #> 332 184 68.4 135 48 5.37 -4.5 NA #> 333 341 66.3 246 2 -1.23 -3.1 NA #> 334 311 64.0 329 -4 -3.00 -4.3 NA #> 335 296 72.1 22 2 -1.90 -0.1 NA #> 336 282 67.1 202 12 0.68 -3.7 NA #> 337 249 65.7 279 37 4.71 -3.5 NA #> 338 329 68.8 113 13 2.11 -3.3 NA #> 339 315 65.7 277 4 -0.14 -4.6 NA #> 340 353 64.9 313 -6 -5.05 -4.1 NA #> 341 279 68.6 124 NA -1.32 -4.2 NA #> 342 347 74.9 3 2 -0.71 -8.3 NA #> 343 330 65.8 276 -6 -4.81 -4.3 NA #> 344 273 65.3 296 31 6.26 -5.0 NA #> 345 348 67.0 209 8 1.38 -3.4 NA #> 346 338 69.2 96 -4 -4.46 -2.5 NA #> 347 340 63.1 343 -6 -8.94 -5.8 NA #> 348 148 64.9 314 30 6.69 -5.0 NA #> 349 351 70.1 65 -2 -6.56 -2.9 NA #> 350 266 70.2 60 8 1.78 -1.8 NA #> 351 264 65.7 282 7 0.46 -4.2 NA #> 352 167 65.1 307 33 8.59 -5.5 NA #> 353 333 69.7 77 1 -3.27 -1.3 NA # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pomeroy_ratings.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom Ratings — kp_pomeroy_ratings","title":"Get KenPom Ratings — kp_pomeroy_ratings","text":"Get KenPom Ratings","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pomeroy_ratings.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom Ratings — kp_pomeroy_ratings","text":"","code":"kp_pomeroy_ratings(min_year, max_year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pomeroy_ratings.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom Ratings — kp_pomeroy_ratings","text":"min_year First year data pull max_year Last year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pomeroy_ratings.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom Ratings — kp_pomeroy_ratings","text":"Returns tibble ratings","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_pomeroy_ratings.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom Ratings — kp_pomeroy_ratings","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_pomeroy_ratings(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2021)) #> year rk team conf w_l adj_em adj_o adj_o_rk adj_d #> 1 2021 1 Gonzaga WCC 31-1 36.48 126.4 1 89.9 #> 2 2021 2 Baylor B12 28-2 33.87 125.0 2 91.1 #> 3 2021 3 Michigan B10 23-5 29.67 117.6 9 87.9 #> 4 2021 4 Illinois B10 24-7 29.06 118.0 8 88.9 #> 5 2021 5 Houston Amer 28-4 28.75 118.3 7 89.6 #> 6 2021 6 USC P12 25-8 27.58 115.7 14 88.1 #> 7 2021 7 Iowa B10 22-9 26.87 123.5 3 96.7 #> 8 2021 8 Colorado P12 23-9 25.10 116.3 13 91.2 #> 9 2021 9 Alabama SEC 26-7 25.09 112.9 30 87.8 #> 10 2021 10 Loyola Chicago MVC 26-5 24.32 111.3 41 87.0 #> 11 2021 11 Ohio St. B10 21-10 23.58 120.7 4 97.1 #> 12 2021 12 Villanova BE 18-7 23.02 119.0 6 96.0 #> 13 2021 13 UCLA P12 22-10 22.43 116.9 11 94.5 #> 14 2021 14 Wisconsin B10 18-13 22.40 113.0 29 90.6 #> 15 2021 15 Florida St. ACC 18-7 22.12 114.9 16 92.8 #> 16 2021 16 Oregon P12 21-7 21.85 117.2 10 95.4 #> 17 2021 17 Texas Tech B12 18-11 21.81 112.7 32 90.9 #> 18 2021 18 Arkansas SEC 25-7 21.56 111.1 43 89.6 #> 19 2021 19 Virginia ACC 18-7 21.42 114.7 17 93.3 #> 20 2021 20 BYU WCC 20-7 21.12 113.7 23 92.5 #> 21 2021 21 Connecticut BE 15-8 20.61 113.1 27 92.5 #> 22 2021 22 Creighton BE 22-9 20.59 113.4 25 92.8 #> 23 2021 23 West Virginia B12 19-10 20.51 116.8 12 96.3 #> 24 2021 24 LSU SEC 19-10 20.35 120.1 5 99.8 #> 25 2021 25 Purdue B10 18-10 20.33 113.3 26 92.9 #> 26 2021 26 Texas B12 19-8 20.31 113.1 28 92.8 #> 27 2021 27 Kansas B12 21-9 19.98 110.1 54 90.2 #> 28 2021 28 Tennessee SEC 18-9 19.95 108.0 85 88.1 #> 29 2021 29 Arizona P12 17-9 19.92 115.6 15 95.7 #> 30 2021 30 San Diego St. MWC 23-5 19.88 111.0 45 91.1 #> 31 2021 31 Memphis Amer 20-8 19.11 105.5 117 86.4 #> 32 2021 32 St. Bonaventure A10 16-5 19.04 110.0 55 91.0 #> 33 2021 33 Oklahoma St. B12 21-9 18.95 109.6 60 90.7 #> 34 2021 34 North Carolina ACC 18-11 18.62 110.3 52 91.7 #> 35 2021 35 Maryland B10 17-14 17.63 111.8 37 94.1 #> 36 2021 36 Duke ACC 13-11 17.56 114.5 18 97.0 #> 37 2021 37 Georgia Tech ACC 17-9 17.50 113.7 22 96.2 #> 38 2021 38 Rutgers B10 16-12 17.48 108.1 82 90.6 #> 39 2021 39 Oklahoma B12 16-11 17.06 112.1 35 95.1 #> 40 2021 40 Penn St. B10 11-14 17.03 112.2 34 95.2 #> 41 2021 41 Florida SEC 15-10 16.95 111.0 44 94.1 #> 42 2021 42 Syracuse ACC 18-10 16.75 113.7 24 96.9 #> 43 2021 43 Oregon St. P12 20-13 16.40 112.1 36 95.7 #> 44 2021 44 Utah P12 12-13 15.78 112.7 31 97.0 #> 45 2021 45 Clemson ACC 16-8 15.48 106.4 107 90.9 #> 46 2021 46 Utah St. MWC 20-9 15.34 104.8 126 89.5 #> 47 2021 47 Missouri SEC 16-10 15.14 110.6 49 95.5 #> 48 2021 48 VCU A10 19-7 15.04 105.2 122 90.2 #> 49 2021 49 Kentucky SEC 9-16 14.97 108.0 84 93.1 #> 50 2021 50 Indiana B10 12-15 14.95 109.1 70 94.2 #> 51 2021 51 Mississippi SEC 16-12 14.67 106.1 109 91.4 #> 52 2021 52 Virginia Tech ACC 15-7 14.44 109.7 59 95.3 #> 53 2021 53 Saint Louis A10 14-7 14.37 110.4 50 96.0 #> 54 2021 54 Seton Hall BE 14-13 14.36 110.3 51 95.9 #> 55 2021 55 Drake MVC 26-5 14.27 112.5 33 98.2 #> 56 2021 56 SMU Amer 11-6 14.07 110.8 47 96.8 #> 57 2021 57 Stanford P12 14-13 13.78 106.0 110 92.2 #> 58 2021 58 UC Santa Barbara BW 22-5 13.63 109.9 56 96.2 #> 59 2021 59 Louisville ACC 13-7 13.54 107.7 92 94.2 #> 60 2021 60 Auburn SEC 13-14 13.20 111.6 38 98.4 #> 61 2021 61 Boise St. MWC 19-9 13.13 109.1 69 96.0 #> 62 2021 62 Minnesota B10 14-15 12.97 108.4 76 95.4 #> 63 2021 63 Georgetown BE 13-13 12.91 107.9 87 95.0 #> 64 2021 64 Michigan St. B10 15-13 12.90 107.1 98 94.2 #> 65 2021 65 Richmond A10 14-9 12.78 110.9 46 98.1 #> 66 2021 66 Xavier BE 13-8 12.73 110.6 48 97.9 #> 67 2021 67 Mississippi St. SEC 18-15 12.37 107.7 93 95.3 #> 68 2021 68 Wichita St. Amer 16-6 12.30 109.5 61 97.2 #> 69 2021 69 St. John's BE 16-11 12.26 111.2 42 98.9 #> 70 2021 70 Davidson A10 13-9 12.11 113.9 20 101.8 #> 71 2021 71 N.C. State ACC 14-11 12.02 109.4 63 97.4 #> 72 2021 72 North Texas CUSA 18-10 11.76 106.7 101 95.0 #> 73 2021 73 Wright St. Horz 18-6 11.73 108.3 80 96.6 #> 74 2021 74 Toledo MAC 21-9 11.71 114.3 19 102.6 #> 75 2021 75 Saint Mary's WCC 14-10 11.68 101.8 178 90.2 #> 76 2021 76 Colorado St. MWC 20-8 11.52 108.1 83 96.6 #> 77 2021 77 Buffalo MAC 16-9 11.30 107.4 95 96.1 #> 78 2021 78 Washington St. P12 14-13 11.10 102.4 167 91.3 #> 79 2021 79 Northwestern B10 9-15 10.97 104.3 132 93.4 #> 80 2021 80 Providence BE 13-13 10.70 107.3 96 96.6 #> 81 2021 81 Ohio MAC 17-8 10.47 111.4 40 100.9 #> 82 2021 82 Louisiana Tech CUSA 24-8 10.46 104.2 133 93.7 #> 83 2021 83 Marquette BE 13-14 10.40 107.5 94 97.1 #> 84 2021 84 Abilene Christian Slnd 24-5 10.11 101.7 184 91.6 #> 85 2021 85 Notre Dame ACC 11-15 10.03 113.8 21 103.7 #> 86 2021 86 Arizona St. P12 11-14 9.85 108.4 75 98.5 #> 87 2021 87 Dayton A10 14-10 9.69 108.3 77 98.6 #> 88 2021 88 Missouri St. MVC 17-7 9.32 107.8 90 98.5 #> 89 2021 89 Colgate Pat 14-2 9.25 110.3 53 101.0 #> 90 2021 90 Pepperdine WCC 15-12 9.04 108.3 79 99.3 #> 91 2021 91 Nevada MWC 16-10 8.98 108.8 72 99.9 #> 92 2021 92 Marshall CUSA 15-7 8.89 109.2 67 100.3 #> 93 2021 93 San Francisco WCC 11-14 8.86 106.9 100 98.0 #> 94 2021 94 Loyola Marymount WCC 13-9 8.80 107.8 89 99.0 #> 95 2021 95 Georgia SEC 14-12 8.69 107.9 86 99.2 #> 96 2021 96 Furman SC 16-9 8.64 109.8 57 101.1 #> 97 2021 97 Pittsburgh ACC 10-12 8.64 108.2 81 99.5 #> 98 2021 98 Liberty ASun 23-6 8.60 109.8 58 101.2 #> 99 2021 99 Western Kentucky CUSA 21-8 8.57 106.6 102 98.0 #> 100 2021 100 UCF Amer 11-12 8.54 106.5 103 97.9 #> 101 2021 101 Winthrop BSth 23-2 8.48 105.0 124 96.5 #> 102 2021 102 UAB CUSA 22-7 8.44 103.5 153 95.0 #> 103 2021 103 Grand Canyon WAC 17-7 8.32 105.4 121 97.1 #> 104 2021 104 Vanderbilt SEC 9-16 8.25 108.9 71 100.6 #> 105 2021 105 Eastern Washington BSky 16-8 8.19 109.5 62 101.3 #> 106 2021 106 UC Riverside BW 14-8 8.03 103.6 147 95.6 #> 107 2021 107 UC Irvine BW 18-9 7.88 101.3 192 93.4 #> 108 2021 108 UNC Greensboro SC 21-9 7.79 103.6 146 95.8 #> 109 2021 109 Nebraska B10 7-20 7.76 101.8 179 94.1 #> 110 2021 110 Belmont OVC 26-4 7.43 109.4 64 102.0 #> 111 2021 111 Rhode Island A10 10-15 7.21 104.7 127 97.5 #> 112 2021 112 Akron MAC 15-8 7.14 108.6 73 101.5 #> 113 2021 113 South Dakota St. Sum 16-7 6.85 111.5 39 104.6 #> 114 2021 114 California P12 9-20 6.43 105.5 119 99.0 #> 115 2021 115 Kent St. MAC 15-8 6.34 105.8 113 99.5 #> 116 2021 116 Cincinnati Amer 12-11 6.06 103.6 148 97.5 #> 117 2021 117 Pacific WCC 9-9 5.48 103.5 150 98.1 #> 118 2021 118 Massachusetts A10 8-7 5.40 105.4 120 100.0 #> 119 2021 119 Indiana St. MVC 15-10 5.35 102.6 166 97.3 #> 120 2021 120 Butler BE 10-15 5.34 102.7 164 97.4 #> 121 2021 121 Tulsa Amer 11-12 5.09 102.6 165 97.5 #> 122 2021 122 Weber St. BSky 17-6 4.98 107.7 91 102.7 #> 123 2021 123 Yale Ivy 0-0 4.98 107.1 99 102.1 #> 124 2021 124 South Carolina SEC 6-15 4.96 103.9 139 98.9 #> 125 2021 125 Oral Roberts Sum 18-11 4.83 109.3 66 104.4 #> 126 2021 126 Duquesne A10 9-9 4.74 101.7 183 97.0 #> 127 2021 127 Wofford SC 15-9 4.39 106.4 106 102.0 #> 128 2021 128 East Tennessee St. SC 13-12 3.99 103.2 159 99.2 #> 129 2021 129 Washington P12 5-21 3.65 104.0 135 100.4 #> 130 2021 130 Bowling Green MAC 14-12 3.62 105.5 116 101.9 #> 131 2021 131 Mercer SC 18-11 3.43 106.2 108 102.8 #> 132 2021 132 Cal St. Bakersfield BW 15-11 3.28 104.6 129 101.4 #> 133 2021 133 Vermont AE 10-5 3.22 105.5 118 102.2 #> 134 2021 134 Morehead St. OVC 23-8 3.19 100.6 205 97.4 #> 135 2021 135 Southern Utah BSky 20-4 3.13 108.5 74 105.4 #> 136 2021 136 UTEP CUSA 12-12 3.09 103.3 156 100.2 #> 137 2021 137 Texas A&M SEC 8-10 3.05 101.9 175 98.9 #> 138 2021 138 Miami FL ACC 10-17 3.01 102.1 172 99.1 #> 139 2021 139 North Dakota St. Sum 15-12 2.84 103.7 144 100.9 #> 140 2021 140 TCU B12 12-14 2.81 104.7 128 101.9 #> 141 2021 141 DePaul BE 5-14 2.80 97.6 257 94.8 #> 142 2021 142 George Mason A10 13-9 2.73 101.1 195 98.4 #> 143 2021 143 Temple Amer 5-11 2.70 101.5 189 98.8 #> 144 2021 144 Tulane Amer 10-13 1.95 99.8 225 97.8 #> 145 2021 145 Santa Clara WCC 12-8 1.94 100.4 208 98.5 #> 146 2021 146 Bradley MVC 12-16 1.87 103.5 149 101.7 #> 147 2021 147 Kansas St. B12 9-20 1.47 99.6 226 98.1 #> 148 2021 148 Boston College ACC 4-16 1.47 105.1 123 103.6 #> 149 2021 149 Ball St. MAC 10-13 1.44 103.4 154 101.9 #> 150 2021 150 New Mexico St. WAC 12-8 1.40 104.1 134 102.7 #> 151 2021 151 Stephen F. Austin Slnd 16-5 1.29 103.5 152 102.2 #> 152 2021 152 Old Dominion CUSA 15-8 1.20 101.0 196 99.9 #> 153 2021 153 VMI SC 13-12 1.09 107.8 88 106.7 #> 154 2021 154 Georgia St. SB 16-6 0.86 105.7 115 104.8 #> 155 2021 155 East Carolina Amer 8-11 0.74 99.3 232 98.6 #> 156 2021 156 Chattanooga SC 18-8 0.71 103.0 161 102.3 #> 157 2021 157 Miami OH MAC 12-11 0.70 106.0 111 105.3 #> 158 2021 158 Drexel CAA 12-8 0.67 106.5 104 105.8 #> 159 2021 159 South Dakota Sum 14-11 0.64 107.3 97 106.6 #> 160 2021 160 UTSA CUSA 15-11 0.57 106.5 105 105.9 #> 161 2021 161 Detroit Horz 12-10 0.51 109.3 65 108.8 #> 162 2021 162 Jacksonville St. OVC 18-9 0.44 104.9 125 104.5 #> 163 2021 163 Northern Iowa MVC 10-15 0.34 103.3 155 103.0 #> 164 2021 164 Wyoming MWC 14-11 0.17 109.1 68 109.0 #> 165 2021 165 Princeton Ivy 0-0 0.03 104.0 138 103.9 #> 166 2021 166 Navy Pat 15-3 0.02 103.7 145 103.7 #> 167 2021 167 Bellarmine ASun 14-8 -0.02 108.3 78 108.3 #> 168 2021 168 Northeastern CAA 10-9 -0.10 98.5 242 98.6 #> 169 2021 169 Cleveland St. Horz 19-8 -0.13 100.6 206 100.7 #> 170 2021 170 South Florida Amer 9-13 -0.14 100.8 200 101.0 #> 171 2021 171 Iowa St. B12 2-22 -0.14 100.3 213 100.4 #> 172 2021 172 UMBC AE 14-6 -0.15 100.6 203 100.8 #> 173 2021 173 Murray St. OVC 13-13 -0.17 103.3 158 103.5 #> 174 2021 174 Eastern Kentucky OVC 22-7 -0.56 101.0 197 101.5 #> 175 2021 175 Wake Forest ACC 6-16 -0.64 101.3 191 101.9 #> 176 2021 176 UNLV MWC 12-15 -0.66 103.7 143 104.4 #> 177 2021 177 James Madison CAA 13-7 -0.69 103.5 151 104.2 #> 178 2021 178 Iona MAAC 12-6 -0.78 100.2 217 101.0 #> 179 2021 179 Coastal Carolina SB 18-8 -0.86 99.3 231 100.2 #> 180 2021 180 Sam Houston St. Slnd 19-9 -1.06 101.3 193 102.3 #> 181 2021 181 Florida Atlantic CUSA 13-10 -1.14 101.9 174 103.1 #> 182 2021 182 Gardner Webb BSth 11-15 -1.18 104.5 130 105.6 #> 183 2021 183 Texas St. SB 18-7 -1.23 99.6 228 100.8 #> 184 2021 184 Harvard Ivy 0-0 -1.31 101.9 177 103.2 #> 185 2021 185 Bryant NEC 15-7 -1.50 103.2 160 104.7 #> 186 2021 186 Siena MAAC 12-5 -2.05 99.8 224 101.8 #> 187 2021 187 Hawaii BW 11-10 -2.20 101.7 185 103.9 #> 188 2021 188 Rice CUSA 15-13 -2.31 103.9 141 106.2 #> 189 2021 189 Montana BSky 15-13 -2.35 98.8 239 101.2 #> 190 2021 190 Hofstra CAA 13-10 -2.55 105.9 112 108.4 #> 191 2021 191 Fresno St. MWC 12-12 -2.64 99.6 227 102.2 #> 192 2021 192 Southern Illinois MVC 12-14 -2.89 100.0 219 102.8 #> 193 2021 193 Valparaiso MVC 10-18 -2.94 96.6 275 99.5 #> 194 2021 194 Hartford AE 15-9 -2.98 97.0 271 100.0 #> 195 2021 195 San Diego WCC 3-11 -3.22 97.4 259 100.7 #> 196 2021 196 Nicholls St. Slnd 18-7 -3.35 100.4 209 103.7 #> 197 2021 197 Army Pat 12-10 -3.47 98.1 250 101.6 #> 198 2021 198 Illinois St. MVC 7-18 -3.62 98.7 240 102.3 #> 199 2021 199 Utah Valley WAC 11-11 -3.75 100.5 207 104.3 #> 200 2021 200 La Salle A10 9-16 -3.83 101.8 181 105.6 #> 201 2021 201 Louisiana SB 17-9 -3.89 100.3 211 104.2 #> 202 2021 202 Saint Joseph's A10 5-15 -3.98 101.2 194 105.1 #> 203 2021 203 UMKC Sum 11-13 -3.99 96.2 278 100.2 #> 204 2021 204 Evansville MVC 9-16 -4.12 105.8 114 109.9 #> 205 2021 205 Elon CAA 10-9 -4.14 96.7 274 100.9 #> 206 2021 206 Northern Kentucky Horz 14-11 -4.17 103.8 142 108.0 #> 207 2021 207 Montana St. BSky 13-10 -4.19 99.4 230 103.6 #> 208 2021 208 Texas Southern SWAC 17-9 -4.37 99.8 221 104.2 #> 209 2021 209 UC Davis BW 10-8 -4.37 98.0 253 102.3 #> 210 2021 210 Norfolk St. MEAC 17-8 -4.47 99.1 234 103.6 #> 211 2021 211 Campbell BSth 17-10 -4.64 102.9 162 107.6 #> 212 2021 212 Appalachian St. SB 17-12 -4.71 98.4 245 103.1 #> 213 2021 213 Seattle WAC 12-11 -4.96 98.6 241 103.5 #> 214 2021 214 Loyola MD Pat 6-11 -5.02 96.8 272 101.8 #> 215 2021 215 Austin Peay OVC 14-13 -5.04 104.0 137 109.0 #> 216 2021 216 Milwaukee Horz 10-12 -5.05 101.8 180 106.9 #> 217 2021 217 South Alabama SB 17-11 -5.08 103.3 157 108.4 #> 218 2021 218 The Citadel SC 13-12 -5.13 104.0 136 109.1 #> 219 2021 219 Penn Ivy 0-0 -5.13 100.2 216 105.3 #> 220 2021 220 Cornell Ivy 0-0 -5.20 101.3 190 106.5 #> 221 2021 221 Oakland Horz 12-18 -5.28 103.9 140 109.2 #> 222 2021 222 Saint Peter's MAAC 14-11 -5.37 90.4 339 95.8 #> 223 2021 223 Morgan St. MEAC 14-8 -5.71 100.0 218 105.7 #> 224 2021 224 Wagner NEC 13-7 -5.72 100.8 201 106.5 #> 225 2021 225 Delaware CAA 7-8 -6.08 97.0 269 103.1 #> 226 2021 226 Monmouth MAAC 12-8 -6.09 99.0 237 105.1 #> 227 2021 227 George Washington A10 5-12 -6.17 101.6 187 107.8 #> 228 2021 228 Northern Colorado BSky 11-11 -6.19 99.0 238 105.1 #> 229 2021 229 Cal Baptist WAC 13-10 -6.23 104.3 131 110.6 #> 230 2021 230 UMass Lowell AE 11-12 -6.29 99.8 223 106.1 #> 231 2021 231 UC San Diego BW 7-10 -6.29 101.7 182 108.0 #> 232 2021 232 Charleston CAA 9-10 -6.35 102.2 170 108.6 #> 233 2021 233 Stetson ASun 12-15 -6.46 100.3 212 106.8 #> 234 2021 234 Charlotte CUSA 9-16 -6.49 97.3 261 103.8 #> 235 2021 235 Prairie View A&M SWAC 16-5 -6.51 94.6 299 101.2 #> 236 2021 236 Stony Brook AE 9-14 -6.61 94.7 295 101.3 #> 237 2021 237 Mount St. Mary's NEC 12-11 -6.62 94.5 301 101.1 #> 238 2021 238 Lipscomb ASun 15-12 -6.74 100.9 198 107.7 #> 239 2021 239 Little Rock SB 11-15 -6.86 98.4 243 105.3 #> 240 2021 240 Albany AE 7-9 -6.91 97.3 263 104.2 #> 241 2021 241 Western Carolina SC 11-16 -7.07 99.9 220 106.9 #> 242 2021 242 Long Beach St. BW 6-12 -7.12 97.6 256 104.7 #> 243 2021 243 Radford BSth 15-12 -7.12 97.7 255 104.8 #> 244 2021 244 UNC Asheville BSth 10-10 -7.13 100.6 204 107.8 #> 245 2021 245 Portland St. BSky 9-13 -7.17 93.1 314 100.3 #> 246 2021 246 Youngstown St. Horz 15-12 -7.31 102.2 171 109.5 #> 247 2021 247 Longwood BSth 12-17 -7.33 98.0 251 105.4 #> 248 2021 248 UNC Wilmington CAA 7-10 -7.42 102.1 173 109.5 #> 249 2021 249 Brown Ivy 0-0 -7.70 95.2 288 102.9 #> 250 2021 250 Niagara MAAC 9-11 -7.71 99.8 222 107.5 #> 251 2021 251 Canisius MAAC 7-6 -7.82 99.1 235 107.0 #> 252 2021 252 Arkansas St. SB 11-13 -7.84 99.2 233 107.0 #> 253 2021 253 UT Arlington SB 13-13 -7.87 98.2 246 106.1 #> 254 2021 254 Sacramento St. BSky 8-12 -7.93 102.4 168 110.3 #> 255 2021 255 Cal St. Fullerton BW 6-10 -8.09 101.6 188 109.6 #> 256 2021 256 Southern Miss CUSA 8-17 -8.19 92.9 317 101.1 #> 257 2021 257 Green Bay Horz 8-17 -8.28 102.3 169 110.6 #> 258 2021 258 Idaho St. BSky 13-11 -8.54 93.7 306 102.2 #> 259 2021 259 Cal St. Northridge BW 9-13 -8.79 101.7 186 110.4 #> 260 2021 260 Boston University Pat 7-11 -8.93 100.3 210 109.3 #> 261 2021 261 Tarleton St. WAC 10-10 -8.95 97.0 270 105.9 #> 262 2021 262 Lafayette Pat 9-6 -9.08 102.9 163 112.0 #> 263 2021 263 IUPUI Horz 8-10 -9.37 96.2 279 105.5 #> 264 2021 264 Samford SC 6-13 -9.49 96.5 276 106.0 #> 265 2021 265 Jackson St. SWAC 12-6 -9.62 88.1 349 97.7 #> 266 2021 266 Marist MAAC 12-9 -9.69 91.6 328 101.3 #> 267 2021 267 American Pat 4-6 -9.74 96.5 277 106.2 #> 268 2021 268 New Hampshire AE 10-9 -9.83 96.0 282 105.8 #> 269 2021 269 Southeast Missouri St. OVC 11-16 -10.05 95.5 287 105.5 #> 270 2021 270 Georgia Southern SB 13-13 -10.11 94.1 305 104.2 #> 271 2021 271 LIU NEC 9-9 -10.34 93.4 310 103.7 #> 272 2021 272 North Dakota Sum 9-17 -10.39 97.7 254 108.1 #> 273 2021 273 North Alabama ASun 13-11 -10.48 94.7 297 105.2 #> 274 2021 274 Western Michigan MAC 5-16 -10.48 94.7 294 105.2 #> 275 2021 275 Dartmouth Ivy 0-0 -10.70 94.8 292 105.5 #> 276 2021 276 Bucknell Pat 5-7 -10.71 97.3 262 108.0 #> 277 2021 277 Florida A&M MEAC 8-12 -10.72 90.2 341 100.9 #> 278 2021 278 New Orleans Slnd 10-15 -10.73 97.3 260 108.1 #> 279 2021 279 Florida Gulf Coast ASun 10-8 -10.92 93.5 309 104.4 #> 280 2021 280 Purdue Fort Wayne Horz 8-15 -10.97 100.3 214 111.2 #> 281 2021 281 Central Michigan MAC 7-16 -11.04 100.2 215 111.3 #> 282 2021 282 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC 9-10 -11.05 91.8 325 102.8 #> 283 2021 283 North Carolina A&T MEAC 11-10 -11.09 95.6 284 106.7 #> 284 2021 284 High Point BSth 9-15 -11.20 96.1 280 107.3 #> 285 2021 285 Quinnipiac MAAC 9-13 -11.21 89.6 345 100.8 #> 286 2021 286 Columbia Ivy 0-0 -11.25 94.7 298 105.9 #> 287 2021 287 Merrimack NEC 9-9 -11.37 90.7 336 102.1 #> 288 2021 288 Illinois Chicago Horz 9-13 -11.42 93.1 315 104.5 #> 289 2021 289 Eastern Michigan MAC 6-12 -11.42 97.1 268 108.5 #> 290 2021 290 Western Illinois Sum 7-15 -11.43 98.0 252 109.4 #> 291 2021 291 Coppin St. MEAC 9-13 -11.69 91.0 334 102.6 #> 292 2021 292 FIU CUSA 9-17 -11.81 97.3 264 109.1 #> 293 2021 293 Jacksonville ASun 11-13 -11.85 93.7 307 105.5 #> 294 2021 294 New Mexico MWC 6-16 -11.86 91.6 327 103.5 #> 295 2021 295 NJIT AE 7-12 -12.08 94.2 303 106.2 #> 296 2021 296 Louisiana Monroe SB 7-19 -12.16 93.2 313 105.4 #> 297 2021 297 North Florida ASun 8-15 -12.34 101.9 176 114.2 #> 298 2021 298 Towson CAA 4-14 -12.35 99.0 236 111.4 #> 299 2021 299 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC 9-15 -12.39 100.7 202 113.1 #> 300 2021 300 Nebraska Omaha Sum 5-20 -12.44 94.6 300 107.0 #> 301 2021 301 St. Francis NY NEC 9-10 -12.46 100.9 199 113.4 #> 302 2021 302 William & Mary CAA 7-10 -12.46 94.8 291 107.3 #> 303 2021 303 Robert Morris Horz 4-15 -12.51 98.1 249 110.6 #> 304 2021 304 Holy Cross Pat 5-11 -12.55 97.2 265 109.8 #> 305 2021 305 Troy SB 11-17 -12.62 92.4 322 105.0 #> 306 2021 306 Middle Tennessee CUSA 5-18 -12.66 91.2 332 103.9 #> 307 2021 307 Lamar Slnd 10-18 -12.82 93.1 316 105.9 #> 308 2021 308 Southern SWAC 8-11 -12.84 91.5 329 104.3 #> 309 2021 309 Fairfield MAAC 10-17 -12.92 94.9 290 107.8 #> 310 2021 310 Fordham A10 2-12 -12.93 86.3 352 99.3 #> 311 2021 311 Eastern Illinois OVC 9-18 -13.22 95.5 286 108.7 #> 312 2021 312 St. Francis PA NEC 6-16 -13.27 94.7 296 108.0 #> 313 2021 313 Tennessee Tech OVC 5-22 -13.90 96.0 281 109.9 #> 314 2021 314 Howard MEAC 1-4 -13.94 98.2 247 112.2 #> 315 2021 315 Manhattan MAAC 7-13 -14.18 89.5 346 103.7 #> 316 2021 316 Rider MAAC 6-17 -14.19 99.5 229 113.7 #> 317 2021 317 Northwestern St. Slnd 11-18 -14.21 96.7 273 110.9 #> 318 2021 318 Grambling St. SWAC 12-12 -14.24 92.1 324 106.3 #> 319 2021 319 Northern Arizona BSky 6-16 -14.31 98.4 244 112.7 #> 320 2021 320 Tennessee St. OVC 4-19 -14.65 90.2 340 104.9 #> 321 2021 321 Portland WCC 6-15 -14.72 97.1 267 111.8 #> 322 2021 322 USC Upstate BSth 5-18 -14.75 94.8 293 109.5 #> 323 2021 323 SIU Edwardsville OVC 9-17 -14.80 92.6 319 107.4 #> 324 2021 324 Sacred Heart NEC 9-9 -15.26 98.2 248 113.5 #> 325 2021 325 Binghamton AE 4-14 -15.31 97.2 266 112.5 #> 326 2021 326 Presbyterian BSth 7-15 -15.46 90.6 337 106.1 #> 327 2021 327 Hampton BSth 11-14 -15.71 94.9 289 110.6 #> 328 2021 328 Dixie St. WAC 8-13 -15.71 91.3 330 107.0 #> 329 2021 329 Cal Poly BW 4-20 -15.85 90.1 343 105.9 #> 330 2021 330 North Carolina Central MEAC 5-9 -16.21 93.3 311 109.5 #> 331 2021 331 Central Arkansas Slnd 5-19 -16.26 97.6 258 113.8 #> 332 2021 332 Air Force MWC 5-20 -16.51 94.4 302 110.9 #> 333 2021 333 San Jose St. MWC 5-16 -16.79 95.5 285 112.3 #> 334 2021 334 Lehigh Pat 4-11 -17.39 91.6 326 109.0 #> 335 2021 335 Kennesaw St. ASun 5-19 -17.57 87.8 350 105.4 #> 336 2021 336 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd 8-18 -17.92 92.9 318 110.8 #> 337 2021 337 Northern Illinois MAC 3-16 -17.94 93.3 312 111.2 #> 338 2021 338 Denver Sum 2-19 -18.40 94.2 304 112.6 #> 339 2021 339 Charleston Southern BSth 3-18 -18.49 89.8 344 108.3 #> 340 2021 340 McNeese St. Slnd 10-14 -18.77 95.7 283 114.5 #> 341 2021 341 Houston Baptist Slnd 6-19 -18.90 92.5 321 111.4 #> 342 2021 342 Alcorn St. SWAC 6-13 -19.09 91.1 333 110.2 #> 343 2021 343 Incarnate Word Slnd 8-14 -19.09 93.6 308 112.7 #> 344 2021 344 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd 5-19 -19.44 89.4 347 108.8 #> 345 2021 345 Central Connecticut NEC 5-16 -19.46 92.5 320 112.0 #> 346 2021 346 Maine AE 2-7 -20.00 85.9 353 105.9 #> 347 2021 347 Tennessee Martin OVC 8-16 -21.00 92.3 323 113.3 #> 348 2021 348 Alabama A&M SWAC 6-9 -21.04 84.8 354 105.8 #> 349 2021 349 Bethune Cookman MEAC 0-0 -22.53 90.1 342 112.7 #> 350 2021 350 Idaho BSky 1-21 -23.01 90.6 338 113.6 #> 351 2021 351 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC 4-21 -23.47 91.2 331 114.7 #> 352 2021 352 Delaware St. MEAC 3-16 -24.53 90.9 335 115.4 #> 353 2021 353 South Carolina St. MEAC 1-17 -25.23 87.2 351 112.4 #> 354 2021 354 Alabama St. SWAC 4-14 -25.94 84.4 355 110.3 #> 355 2021 355 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC 0-0 -27.60 83.9 356 111.5 #> 356 2021 356 Chicago St. WAC 0-9 -29.85 88.3 348 118.1 #> 357 2021 357 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 2-22 -41.29 79.4 357 120.7 #> 358 2020 1 Kansas B12 28-3 30.23 115.8 8 85.5 #> 359 2020 2 Gonzaga WCC 31-2 26.95 121.3 1 94.4 #> 360 2020 3 Baylor B12 26-4 25.49 113.5 17 88.1 #> 361 2020 4 Dayton A10 29-2 24.93 119.1 2 94.1 #> 362 2020 5 Duke ACC 25-6 24.62 115.7 9 91.1 #> 363 2020 6 San Diego St. MWC 30-2 24.48 115.1 11 90.6 #> 364 2020 7 Michigan St. B10 22-9 24.03 115.2 10 91.2 #> 365 2020 8 Ohio St. B10 21-10 22.23 114.3 13 92.0 #> 366 2020 9 Louisville ACC 24-7 21.36 114.5 12 93.1 #> 367 2020 10 West Virginia B12 21-10 21.26 108.3 67 87.1 #> 368 2020 11 Maryland B10 24-7 21.12 113.5 18 92.4 #> 369 2020 12 Creighton BE 24-7 20.93 118.2 3 97.3 #> 370 2020 13 BYU WCC 24-8 20.68 116.3 7 95.6 #> 371 2020 14 Houston Amer 23-8 20.39 112.7 22 92.3 #> 372 2020 15 Florida St. ACC 26-5 20.22 111.7 32 91.5 #> 373 2020 16 Michigan B10 19-12 20.12 113.2 20 93.0 #> 374 2020 17 Oregon P12 24-7 20.00 117.1 6 97.1 #> 375 2020 18 Villanova BE 24-7 19.98 113.9 15 94.0 #> 376 2020 19 Arizona P12 21-11 19.60 111.0 35 91.4 #> 377 2020 20 Seton Hall BE 21-9 19.54 112.3 29 92.7 #> 378 2020 21 Texas Tech B12 18-13 19.28 109.8 47 90.5 #> 379 2020 22 Wisconsin B10 21-10 18.95 110.8 40 91.9 #> 380 2020 23 Iowa B10 20-11 18.65 117.3 5 98.6 #> 381 2020 24 Purdue B10 16-15 18.57 109.3 50 90.8 #> 382 2020 25 Butler BE 22-9 18.39 112.6 25 94.2 #> 383 2020 26 Penn St. B10 21-10 17.91 110.3 43 92.4 #> 384 2020 27 Minnesota B10 15-16 17.83 112.1 30 94.2 #> 385 2020 28 Rutgers B10 20-11 17.72 107.9 72 90.2 #> 386 2020 29 Kentucky SEC 25-6 17.60 112.7 24 95.1 #> 387 2020 30 Illinois B10 21-10 17.23 110.9 38 93.7 #> 388 2020 31 Marquette BE 18-12 17.19 114.0 14 96.9 #> 389 2020 32 Florida SEC 19-12 16.79 112.5 27 95.7 #> 390 2020 33 Auburn SEC 25-6 15.91 111.4 33 95.5 #> 391 2020 34 Indiana B10 20-12 15.73 108.5 65 92.7 #> 392 2020 35 Colorado P12 21-11 15.71 109.1 54 93.4 #> 393 2020 36 Oklahoma B12 19-12 15.70 108.8 58 93.1 #> 394 2020 37 LSU SEC 21-10 15.62 118.1 4 102.4 #> 395 2020 38 Saint Mary's WCC 26-8 15.19 113.7 16 98.5 #> 396 2020 39 Wichita St. Amer 23-8 15.19 105.6 117 90.4 #> 397 2020 40 Providence BE 19-12 15.00 107.8 75 92.8 #> 398 2020 41 Utah St. MWC 26-8 14.92 109.5 49 94.6 #> 399 2020 42 Virginia ACC 23-7 14.22 99.3 234 85.1 #> 400 2020 43 Stanford P12 20-12 14.11 104.4 143 90.3 #> 401 2020 44 Cincinnati Amer 20-10 14.02 108.8 59 94.7 #> 402 2020 45 Xavier BE 19-13 13.90 106.1 103 92.2 #> 403 2020 46 Richmond A10 24-7 13.87 109.2 53 95.3 #> 404 2020 47 Arkansas SEC 20-12 13.59 109.1 55 95.5 #> 405 2020 48 Mississippi St. SEC 20-11 13.57 113.4 19 99.8 #> 406 2020 49 Northern Iowa MVC 25-6 13.43 112.7 23 99.3 #> 407 2020 50 N.C. State ACC 20-12 13.39 110.7 42 97.3 #> 408 2020 51 Syracuse ACC 18-14 13.28 112.8 21 99.6 #> 409 2020 52 Connecticut Amer 19-12 12.97 108.6 64 95.6 #> 410 2020 53 Oklahoma St. B12 18-14 12.73 107.2 84 94.5 #> 411 2020 54 Washington P12 15-17 12.67 105.8 112 93.1 #> 412 2020 55 USC P12 22-9 12.35 104.3 145 92.0 #> 413 2020 56 East Tennessee St. SC 30-4 12.23 108.2 69 96.0 #> 414 2020 57 Notre Dame ACC 20-12 12.09 110.7 41 98.6 #> 415 2020 58 Yale Ivy 23-7 11.57 107.9 73 96.4 #> 416 2020 59 Memphis Amer 21-10 11.53 100.6 210 89.1 #> 417 2020 60 Alabama SEC 16-15 11.50 111.0 37 99.5 #> 418 2020 61 Texas B12 19-12 11.46 104.1 153 92.6 #> 419 2020 62 Saint Louis A10 23-8 11.41 105.8 111 94.4 #> 420 2020 63 Arizona St. P12 20-11 11.30 106.0 108 94.7 #> 421 2020 64 Georgia Tech ACC 17-14 11.26 103.1 171 91.8 #> 422 2020 65 Rhode Island A10 21-9 11.06 105.2 126 94.2 #> 423 2020 66 St. John's BE 17-15 10.92 106.1 104 95.2 #> 424 2020 67 Georgetown BE 15-17 10.82 111.0 36 100.2 #> 425 2020 68 Tennessee SEC 17-14 10.80 106.6 96 95.8 #> 426 2020 69 South Carolina SEC 18-13 10.66 105.4 122 94.7 #> 427 2020 70 Davidson A10 16-14 10.62 112.5 26 101.9 #> 428 2020 71 Louisiana Tech CUSA 22-8 10.47 108.7 60 98.2 #> 429 2020 72 Clemson ACC 16-15 10.42 103.9 155 93.5 #> 430 2020 73 VCU A10 18-13 10.29 104.7 138 94.4 #> 431 2020 74 San Francisco WCC 22-12 10.13 108.3 68 98.2 #> 432 2020 75 Northern Colorado BSky 22-9 10.12 110.2 45 100.1 #> 433 2020 76 Vermont AE 26-7 10.10 106.5 98 96.4 #> 434 2020 77 North Texas CUSA 20-11 9.97 111.2 34 101.2 #> 435 2020 78 UCLA P12 19-12 9.92 109.3 51 99.4 #> 436 2020 79 Liberty ASun 30-4 9.68 106.1 107 96.4 #> 437 2020 80 Tulsa Amer 21-10 9.65 103.2 168 93.6 #> 438 2020 81 Furman SC 25-7 9.59 107.7 78 98.1 #> 439 2020 82 Akron MAC 24-7 9.54 108.5 66 98.9 #> 440 2020 83 Boise St. MWC 20-12 9.40 107.0 88 97.6 #> 441 2020 84 North Carolina ACC 14-19 9.36 107.7 77 98.4 #> 442 2020 85 Nevada MWC 19-12 9.32 110.3 44 101.0 #> 443 2020 86 TCU B12 16-16 9.31 105.5 119 96.1 #> 444 2020 87 Oregon St. P12 18-13 8.93 110.9 39 102.0 #> 445 2020 88 SMU Amer 19-11 8.62 112.4 28 103.8 #> 446 2020 89 Iowa St. B12 12-20 8.35 109.6 48 101.2 #> 447 2020 90 Kansas St. B12 11-21 8.25 102.5 177 94.2 #> 448 2020 91 New Mexico St. WAC 25-6 8.14 107.6 80 99.4 #> 449 2020 92 UNC Greensboro SC 23-9 8.12 103.7 160 95.5 #> 450 2020 93 Texas St. SB 21-11 7.91 106.3 101 98.3 #> 451 2020 94 DePaul BE 16-16 7.90 103.4 165 95.5 #> 452 2020 95 Duquesne A10 21-9 7.58 106.6 94 99.0 #> 453 2020 96 Georgia SEC 16-16 7.44 108.2 71 100.8 #> 454 2020 97 Missouri SEC 15-16 7.44 104.1 150 96.7 #> 455 2020 98 UNLV MWC 17-15 7.28 107.9 74 100.6 #> 456 2020 99 Colorado St. MWC 20-12 7.15 109.3 52 102.1 #> 457 2020 100 Stephen F. Austin Slnd 28-3 7.00 104.1 152 97.1 #> 458 2020 101 Loyola Chicago MVC 21-11 6.87 103.7 159 96.8 #> 459 2020 102 Mississippi SEC 15-17 6.72 103.7 158 97.0 #> 460 2020 103 Wake Forest ACC 13-18 6.70 108.7 61 102.0 #> 461 2020 104 Miami FL ACC 15-16 6.39 107.7 79 101.3 #> 462 2020 105 Virginia Tech ACC 16-16 6.33 104.3 147 98.0 #> 463 2020 106 UC Irvine BW 21-11 6.11 105.4 121 99.3 #> 464 2020 107 Bradley MVC 23-11 6.09 106.8 92 100.7 #> 465 2020 108 Hofstra CAA 26-8 6.06 108.7 62 102.6 #> 466 2020 109 Belmont OVC 26-7 6.02 106.5 97 100.5 #> 467 2020 110 Harvard Ivy 21-8 5.69 104.7 137 99.0 #> 468 2020 111 Pittsburgh ACC 16-17 5.65 104.0 154 98.3 #> 469 2020 112 North Dakota St. Sum 25-8 5.56 106.8 91 101.2 #> 470 2020 113 Western Kentucky CUSA 20-10 5.56 108.9 56 103.3 #> 471 2020 114 Utah P12 16-15 5.56 106.3 100 100.8 #> 472 2020 115 Temple Amer 14-17 5.49 100.1 217 94.6 #> 473 2020 116 Ball St. MAC 18-13 5.25 99.2 235 94.0 #> 474 2020 117 UCF Amer 16-14 4.88 103.5 162 98.6 #> 475 2020 118 Colgate Pat 25-9 4.73 107.2 86 102.5 #> 476 2020 119 South Dakota St. Sum 22-10 4.72 110.0 46 105.3 #> 477 2020 120 Pacific WCC 23-10 4.70 103.8 156 99.1 #> 478 2020 121 Missouri St. MVC 16-17 4.69 104.8 133 100.2 #> 479 2020 122 Indiana St. MVC 18-12 4.59 105.8 113 101.2 #> 480 2020 123 St. Bonaventure A10 19-12 4.37 106.6 95 102.2 #> 481 2020 124 Eastern Washington BSky 23-8 4.32 105.4 120 101.1 #> 482 2020 125 South Florida Amer 14-17 4.29 100.2 214 95.9 #> 483 2020 126 Georgia St. SB 19-13 4.29 105.6 115 101.4 #> 484 2020 127 Washington St. P12 16-16 4.22 102.2 182 98.0 #> 485 2020 128 Kent St. MAC 20-12 4.06 106.1 105 102.1 #> 486 2020 129 Little Rock SB 21-10 3.93 106.4 99 102.5 #> 487 2020 130 UT Arlington SB 14-18 3.87 102.3 180 98.4 #> 488 2020 131 Texas A&M SEC 16-14 3.77 101.0 203 97.2 #> 489 2020 132 Northwestern B10 8-23 3.61 104.9 131 101.3 #> 490 2020 133 Wright St. Horz 25-7 3.47 104.9 132 101.4 #> 491 2020 134 Georgia Southern SB 20-13 3.39 102.2 184 98.8 #> 492 2020 135 Oral Roberts Sum 17-14 3.34 108.2 70 104.9 #> 493 2020 136 Murray St. OVC 23-9 3.15 102.4 178 99.3 #> 494 2020 137 Montana BSky 18-13 3.08 103.2 169 100.1 #> 495 2020 138 New Mexico MWC 19-14 2.88 105.3 125 102.4 #> 496 2020 139 Pepperdine WCC 16-16 2.87 107.2 85 104.4 #> 497 2020 140 Winthrop BSth 24-10 2.65 104.7 136 102.1 #> 498 2020 141 Penn Ivy 16-11 2.63 103.4 163 100.8 #> 499 2020 142 Northeastern CAA 17-16 2.19 105.4 123 103.2 #> 500 2020 143 Marshall CUSA 17-15 2.11 101.2 199 99.1 #> 501 2020 144 Northern Kentucky Horz 23-9 2.11 102.0 191 99.8 #> 502 2020 145 Siena MAAC 20-10 2.06 107.2 87 105.1 #> 503 2020 146 Valparaiso MVC 19-16 2.06 104.5 141 102.5 #> 504 2020 147 Chattanooga SC 20-13 1.87 106.6 93 104.8 #> 505 2020 148 Buffalo MAC 20-12 1.84 104.1 151 102.3 #> 506 2020 149 FIU CUSA 19-13 1.58 103.7 157 102.1 #> 507 2020 150 Princeton Ivy 14-13 1.50 107.0 89 105.5 #> 508 2020 151 Santa Clara WCC 20-13 1.22 102.6 176 101.3 #> 509 2020 152 Toledo MAC 17-15 1.14 106.3 102 105.1 #> 510 2020 153 California P12 14-18 1.10 101.5 195 100.4 #> 511 2020 154 Wofford SC 19-16 1.08 104.5 142 103.4 #> 512 2020 155 South Alabama SB 20-11 1.05 104.9 130 103.9 #> 513 2020 156 Western Carolina SC 19-12 1.04 107.3 83 106.3 #> 514 2020 157 Fresno St. MWC 11-19 1.03 105.1 127 104.1 #> 515 2020 158 Towson CAA 19-13 0.87 105.7 114 104.8 #> 516 2020 159 Boston University Pat 21-13 0.78 103.3 166 102.6 #> 517 2020 160 UC Santa Barbara BW 21-10 0.76 106.1 106 105.3 #> 518 2020 161 Southern Utah BSky 17-15 0.70 98.8 240 98.1 #> 519 2020 162 Nebraska B10 7-25 0.64 102.0 190 101.3 #> 520 2020 163 Drake MVC 20-14 0.62 102.0 189 101.3 #> 521 2020 164 Charlotte CUSA 16-13 0.45 98.5 247 98.0 #> 522 2020 165 Massachusetts A10 14-17 0.43 102.9 174 102.5 #> 523 2020 166 North Florida ASun 21-12 0.37 112.0 31 111.6 #> 524 2020 167 Ohio MAC 17-15 0.36 103.6 161 103.3 #> 525 2020 168 Bowling Green MAC 21-10 0.33 104.3 146 104.0 #> 526 2020 169 Vanderbilt SEC 11-21 0.14 104.7 139 104.5 #> 527 2020 170 Charleston CAA 17-14 0.08 105.0 129 104.9 #> 528 2020 171 Old Dominion CUSA 13-19 -0.02 98.3 249 98.3 #> 529 2020 172 Austin Peay OVC 21-12 -0.02 106.9 90 107.0 #> 530 2020 173 Portland St. BSky 18-14 -0.03 108.8 57 108.8 #> 531 2020 174 George Mason A10 17-15 -0.04 101.3 197 101.3 #> 532 2020 175 Appalachian St. SB 18-15 -0.27 99.9 220 100.2 #> 533 2020 176 St. Francis PA NEC 22-10 -0.32 107.6 81 107.9 #> 534 2020 177 South Dakota Sum 20-12 -0.36 108.6 63 108.9 #> 535 2020 178 Southern Illinois MVC 16-16 -0.41 98.2 252 98.6 #> 536 2020 179 Boston College ACC 13-19 -0.68 99.6 228 100.3 #> 537 2020 180 Delaware CAA 22-11 -0.78 105.6 116 106.4 #> 538 2020 181 La Salle A10 15-15 -0.81 99.6 226 100.4 #> 539 2020 182 Northern Illinois MAC 18-13 -1.03 99.8 222 100.8 #> 540 2020 183 Sacramento St. BSky 16-14 -1.10 97.1 268 98.2 #> 541 2020 184 Abilene Christian Slnd 20-11 -1.14 99.1 239 100.2 #> 542 2020 185 Tulane Amer 12-18 -1.15 101.9 192 103.1 #> 543 2020 186 Radford BSth 21-11 -1.17 105.6 118 106.8 #> 544 2020 187 Rider MAAC 18-12 -1.19 100.9 204 102.1 #> 545 2020 188 UTEP CUSA 17-15 -1.28 96.9 273 98.2 #> 546 2020 189 UAB CUSA 19-13 -1.32 100.8 205 102.1 #> 547 2020 190 Coastal Carolina SB 16-17 -1.33 104.8 134 106.2 #> 548 2020 191 Florida Atlantic CUSA 17-15 -1.66 99.7 225 101.3 #> 549 2020 192 Stony Brook AE 20-13 -1.74 97.7 260 99.4 #> 550 2020 193 Nicholls St. Slnd 21-10 -1.82 99.7 223 101.5 #> 551 2020 194 Saint Peter's MAAC 18-12 -1.98 95.4 300 97.3 #> 552 2020 195 William & Mary CAA 21-11 -2.17 103.3 167 105.5 #> 553 2020 196 Eastern Michigan MAC 16-16 -2.34 94.2 318 96.6 #> 554 2020 197 Air Force MWC 12-20 -2.49 107.8 76 110.3 #> 555 2020 198 Mercer SC 17-15 -2.61 100.1 216 102.7 #> 556 2020 199 Rice CUSA 15-17 -2.62 105.8 110 108.4 #> 557 2020 200 Sacred Heart NEC 20-13 -2.64 102.2 185 104.8 #> 558 2020 201 Monmouth MAAC 18-13 -2.72 99.1 238 101.8 #> 559 2020 202 Cal Baptist WAC 21-10 -2.73 105.3 124 108.1 #> 560 2020 203 American Pat 16-14 -2.88 101.1 202 104.0 #> 561 2020 204 Illinois Chicago Horz 18-17 -3.14 96.4 280 99.5 #> 562 2020 205 Dartmouth Ivy 12-17 -3.18 96.7 276 99.9 #> 563 2020 206 Arkansas St. SB 16-16 -3.29 104.2 148 107.5 #> 564 2020 207 Robert Morris NEC 20-14 -3.29 100.5 212 103.8 #> 565 2020 208 Hawaii BW 17-13 -3.34 97.6 261 101.0 #> 566 2020 209 Loyola Marymount WCC 11-21 -3.42 100.6 209 104.0 #> 567 2020 210 UTSA CUSA 13-19 -3.84 104.2 149 108.0 #> 568 2020 211 UC Riverside BW 17-15 -3.97 95.8 294 99.8 #> 569 2020 212 Sam Houston St. Slnd 18-13 -4.13 99.5 229 103.7 #> 570 2020 213 Prairie View A&M SWAC 19-13 -4.16 96.3 282 100.5 #> 571 2020 214 Seattle WAC 14-15 -4.34 101.2 200 105.5 #> 572 2020 215 Northern Arizona BSky 16-14 -4.35 102.3 179 106.7 #> 573 2020 216 Central Michigan MAC 14-18 -4.40 102.0 187 106.4 #> 574 2020 217 East Carolina Amer 11-20 -4.42 99.6 227 104.0 #> 575 2020 218 Gardner Webb BSth 16-16 -4.48 102.2 181 106.7 #> 576 2020 219 Nebraska Omaha Sum 16-16 -4.50 103.2 170 107.7 #> 577 2020 220 Illinois St. MVC 10-21 -4.55 98.4 248 102.9 #> 578 2020 221 Iona MAAC 12-17 -4.56 101.6 194 106.1 #> 579 2020 222 Montana St. BSky 16-15 -4.60 97.0 270 101.6 #> 580 2020 223 Green Bay Horz 17-16 -4.64 105.8 109 110.5 #> 581 2020 224 Brown Ivy 15-12 -4.69 96.4 278 101.1 #> 582 2020 225 UC Davis BW 14-18 -4.77 104.7 140 109.4 #> 583 2020 226 Louisiana SB 14-19 -4.89 101.3 196 106.2 #> 584 2020 227 Merrimack NEC 20-11 -4.89 93.9 325 98.8 #> 585 2020 228 Lafayette Pat 19-12 -4.91 100.6 211 105.5 #> 586 2020 229 Miami OH MAC 13-19 -4.99 102.0 188 107.0 #> 587 2020 230 San Diego WCC 9-23 -5.38 94.4 315 99.8 #> 588 2020 231 North Dakota Sum 15-18 -5.49 102.2 183 107.7 #> 589 2020 232 Youngstown St. Horz 18-15 -5.59 103.0 173 108.5 #> 590 2020 233 Cal St. Northridge BW 15-17 -5.86 107.4 82 113.3 #> 591 2020 234 Bryant NEC 15-17 -6.03 97.8 257 103.8 #> 592 2020 235 UMKC WAC 16-14 -6.09 97.5 263 103.6 #> 593 2020 236 Lamar Slnd 17-15 -6.16 96.3 283 102.5 #> 594 2020 237 Western Michigan MAC 13-19 -6.35 99.4 232 105.7 #> 595 2020 238 Eastern Illinois OVC 17-15 -6.36 98.2 253 104.5 #> 596 2020 239 Oakland Horz 14-19 -6.47 98.6 246 105.0 #> 597 2020 240 Jacksonville ASun 14-18 -6.52 96.0 290 102.5 #> 598 2020 241 George Washington A10 12-20 -6.54 99.2 236 105.8 #> 599 2020 242 Bucknell Pat 14-20 -6.68 96.2 285 102.9 #> 600 2020 243 Hartford AE 18-15 -6.72 94.4 312 101.1 #> 601 2020 244 Drexel CAA 14-19 -6.76 100.0 219 106.7 #> 602 2020 245 Fordham A10 9-22 -6.79 89.1 347 95.9 #> 603 2020 246 Wyoming MWC 9-24 -6.79 94.1 322 100.9 #> 604 2020 247 Lipscomb ASun 16-16 -6.86 101.2 201 108.0 #> 605 2020 248 New Hampshire AE 15-15 -7.11 95.0 304 102.1 #> 606 2020 249 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC 14-16 -7.32 98.7 244 106.0 #> 607 2020 250 Southern SWAC 17-15 -7.57 97.2 267 104.8 #> 608 2020 251 Quinnipiac MAAC 15-15 -7.65 100.7 207 108.3 #> 609 2020 252 Louisiana Monroe SB 9-20 -7.68 96.1 287 103.7 #> 610 2020 253 Utah Valley WAC 11-19 -7.74 96.5 277 104.2 #> 611 2020 254 Norfolk St. MEAC 16-15 -7.76 94.2 321 101.9 #> 612 2020 255 Navy Pat 14-16 -7.90 98.1 254 106.0 #> 613 2020 256 UMBC AE 16-17 -7.93 97.8 258 105.7 #> 614 2020 257 VMI SC 9-24 -7.96 100.2 215 108.1 #> 615 2020 258 Canisius MAAC 12-20 -7.97 97.7 259 105.7 #> 616 2020 259 Tennessee St. OVC 18-15 -8.15 96.4 279 104.6 #> 617 2020 260 Saint Joseph's A10 6-26 -8.34 101.9 193 110.2 #> 618 2020 261 Purdue Fort Wayne Sum 14-19 -8.43 95.4 299 103.8 #> 619 2020 262 Campbell BSth 15-16 -8.50 96.8 275 105.3 #> 620 2020 263 Cal St. Fullerton BW 11-20 -8.54 95.9 292 104.5 #> 621 2020 264 Army Pat 15-15 -8.63 98.8 242 107.4 #> 622 2020 265 Grand Canyon WAC 13-17 -8.68 103.4 164 112.1 #> 623 2020 266 Cal St. Bakersfield WAC 12-19 -8.70 96.2 286 104.9 #> 624 2020 267 LIU NEC 15-18 -8.71 97.4 265 106.1 #> 625 2020 268 Loyola MD Pat 15-17 -8.75 100.4 213 109.1 #> 626 2020 269 Manhattan MAAC 13-18 -8.76 92.8 331 101.6 #> 627 2020 270 Northwestern St. Slnd 15-15 -8.87 98.3 251 107.1 #> 628 2020 271 Milwaukee Horz 12-19 -8.89 96.0 288 104.9 #> 629 2020 272 North Carolina Central MEAC 18-13 -9.00 94.2 319 103.2 #> 630 2020 273 Weber St. BSky 12-20 -9.09 98.8 241 107.9 #> 631 2020 274 Cornell Ivy 7-20 -9.10 101.2 198 110.3 #> 632 2020 275 UMass Lowell AE 13-19 -9.15 104.4 144 113.6 #> 633 2020 276 McNeese St. Slnd 15-17 -9.32 103.0 172 112.3 #> 634 2020 277 Elon CAA 13-21 -9.35 100.6 208 110.0 #> 635 2020 278 Texas Southern SWAC 16-16 -9.42 99.1 237 108.6 #> 636 2020 279 Southern Miss CUSA 9-22 -9.44 94.4 313 103.8 #> 637 2020 280 Eastern Kentucky OVC 16-17 -9.46 95.4 297 104.9 #> 638 2020 281 Jackson St. SWAC 15-17 -9.55 92.8 333 102.3 #> 639 2020 282 Albany AE 14-18 -9.55 94.3 316 103.9 #> 640 2020 283 Central Arkansas Slnd 10-21 -9.56 98.0 256 107.6 #> 641 2020 284 North Alabama ASun 13-17 -9.57 96.0 289 105.6 #> 642 2020 285 Jacksonville St. OVC 13-19 -9.67 95.8 293 105.5 #> 643 2020 286 Portland WCC 9-23 -9.93 94.4 314 104.3 #> 644 2020 287 North Carolina A&T MEAC 17-15 -10.07 92.3 335 102.4 #> 645 2020 288 Stetson ASun 16-17 -10.22 98.1 255 108.3 #> 646 2020 289 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC 11-19 -10.23 102.1 186 112.4 #> 647 2020 290 San Jose St. MWC 7-24 -10.31 97.5 262 107.8 #> 648 2020 291 Idaho St. BSky 8-22 -10.37 100.8 206 111.1 #> 649 2020 292 Bethune Cookman MEAC 16-14 -10.39 95.4 298 105.8 #> 650 2020 293 Troy SB 9-22 -10.43 96.2 284 106.6 #> 651 2020 294 Evansville MVC 9-23 -10.56 96.9 274 107.4 #> 652 2020 295 Middle Tennessee CUSA 8-23 -10.66 97.5 264 108.2 #> 653 2020 296 NJIT ASun 9-21 -11.07 94.7 307 105.8 #> 654 2020 297 Long Beach St. BW 11-21 -11.08 94.2 320 105.3 #> 655 2020 298 Mount St. Mary's NEC 11-21 -11.10 96.4 281 107.5 #> 656 2020 299 Columbia Ivy 6-24 -11.27 95.2 302 106.5 #> 657 2020 300 Niagara MAAC 12-20 -11.54 100.1 218 111.6 #> 658 2020 301 Fairfield MAAC 12-20 -11.59 90.1 344 101.6 #> 659 2020 302 UNC Asheville BSth 15-16 -11.61 98.7 243 110.3 #> 660 2020 303 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd 14-18 -11.71 94.3 317 106.0 #> 661 2020 304 Lehigh Pat 11-21 -11.72 97.0 269 108.8 #> 662 2020 305 Denver Sum 7-24 -11.75 95.0 303 106.8 #> 663 2020 306 Detroit Horz 8-23 -11.84 99.9 221 111.7 #> 664 2020 307 St. Francis NY NEC 13-18 -11.90 94.6 308 106.5 #> 665 2020 308 Hampton BSth 15-19 -11.95 104.8 135 116.7 #> 666 2020 309 Grambling St. SWAC 17-15 -11.99 93.1 328 105.1 #> 667 2020 310 Florida Gulf Coast ASun 10-22 -12.02 91.2 340 103.3 #> 668 2020 311 James Madison CAA 9-21 -12.11 99.5 230 111.6 #> 669 2020 312 UNC Wilmington CAA 10-22 -12.40 92.1 337 104.5 #> 670 2020 313 Cleveland St. Horz 11-21 -12.83 92.9 329 105.7 #> 671 2020 314 Florida A&M MEAC 12-15 -12.85 94.4 311 107.3 #> 672 2020 315 Cal Poly BW 7-23 -13.25 95.2 301 108.5 #> 673 2020 316 Morehead St. OVC 13-19 -13.52 94.6 309 108.1 #> 674 2020 317 Marist MAAC 7-23 -13.59 90.2 343 103.8 #> 675 2020 318 Charleston Southern BSth 14-18 -13.61 95.4 296 109.1 #> 676 2020 319 Longwood BSth 14-18 -13.82 91.3 339 105.1 #> 677 2020 320 Maine AE 9-22 -13.91 92.9 330 106.8 #> 678 2020 321 Samford SC 10-23 -14.01 98.6 245 112.6 #> 679 2020 322 Morgan St. MEAC 15-16 -14.26 93.2 327 107.5 #> 680 2020 323 Idaho BSky 8-24 -14.29 92.8 332 107.1 #> 681 2020 324 Alcorn St. SWAC 15-15 -14.36 96.9 271 111.3 #> 682 2020 325 USC Upstate BSth 13-20 -15.34 95.5 295 110.8 #> 683 2020 326 New Orleans Slnd 9-21 -15.51 99.3 233 114.8 #> 684 2020 327 Coppin St. MEAC 11-20 -15.66 89.6 346 105.3 #> 685 2020 328 IUPUI Horz 7-25 -16.18 99.4 231 115.6 #> 686 2020 329 Wagner NEC 8-21 -16.64 97.3 266 113.9 #> 687 2020 330 Western Illinois Sum 5-21 -16.68 98.3 250 115.0 #> 688 2020 331 Tennessee Tech OVC 9-22 -16.73 92.5 334 109.3 #> 689 2020 332 Alabama St. SWAC 8-24 -17.19 86.2 350 103.4 #> 690 2020 333 Binghamton AE 10-19 -17.22 99.7 224 116.9 #> 691 2020 334 The Citadel SC 6-24 -17.25 94.9 305 112.2 #> 692 2020 335 Presbyterian BSth 10-22 -17.47 96.9 272 114.4 #> 693 2020 336 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd 8-23 -17.62 92.0 338 109.6 #> 694 2020 337 SIU Edwardsville OVC 8-23 -17.72 92.3 336 110.0 #> 695 2020 338 Tennessee Martin OVC 9-20 -17.82 105.1 128 122.9 #> 696 2020 339 South Carolina St. MEAC 11-18 -18.29 94.9 306 113.2 #> 697 2020 340 Southeast Missouri St. OVC 7-24 -19.00 94.0 324 113.0 #> 698 2020 341 High Point BSth 9-23 -19.07 94.5 310 113.6 #> 699 2020 342 Houston Baptist Slnd 4-25 -19.38 102.9 175 122.3 #> 700 2020 343 Alabama A&M SWAC 8-22 -20.22 87.9 348 108.2 #> 701 2020 344 Holy Cross Pat 3-29 -21.34 95.9 291 117.3 #> 702 2020 345 Incarnate Word Slnd 9-22 -22.46 90.3 341 112.8 #> 703 2020 346 Delaware St. MEAC 6-26 -23.11 94.1 323 117.2 #> 704 2020 347 Central Connecticut NEC 4-27 -23.67 90.3 342 114.0 #> 705 2020 348 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC 4-26 -25.63 79.0 353 104.6 #> 706 2020 349 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC 5-27 -26.14 81.7 352 107.8 #> 707 2020 350 Howard MEAC 4-29 -26.15 93.6 326 119.7 #> 708 2020 351 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC 4-27 -27.87 89.8 345 117.6 #> 709 2020 352 Kennesaw St. ASun 1-28 -28.71 83.5 351 112.2 #> 710 2020 353 Chicago St. WAC 4-25 -33.99 86.9 349 120.8 #> adj_d_rk adj_t adj_t_rk luck luck_rk sos_adj_em sos_adj_em_rk sos_opp_o #> 1 11 73.8 7 0.022 127 11.35 72 108.1 #> 2 22 67.4 213 0.046 80 13.25 54 108.7 #> 3 4 66.6 256 0.007 156 16.44 19 111.7 #> 4 7 70.5 79 0.022 128 18.17 5 112.3 #> 5 9 64.4 332 0.018 133 9.21 90 105.7 #> 6 6 67.0 235 0.001 171 16.27 21 111.1 #> 7 75 69.9 93 -0.027 244 16.41 20 110.4 #> 8 23 66.1 276 -0.025 237 15.43 28 110.3 #> 9 3 73.3 11 0.020 131 14.80 33 110.1 #> 10 2 63.7 342 -0.024 233 6.27 112 105.6 #> 11 82 66.7 251 -0.012 212 17.90 9 111.6 #> 12 66 64.2 336 -0.007 200 13.66 47 109.3 #> 13 46 63.8 341 0.028 110 17.38 11 111.3 #> 14 15 64.6 328 -0.052 289 18.13 6 112.1 #> 15 33 69.9 90 0.002 167 13.48 50 109.5 #> 16 55 67.2 226 0.049 72 15.20 30 110.6 #> 17 18 65.1 316 -0.099 340 12.84 59 108.5 #> 18 10 72.6 19 0.064 51 12.69 63 109.4 #> 19 36 59.9 357 0.025 118 12.05 69 109.8 #> 20 30 67.6 206 0.037 91 12.31 65 109.1 #> 21 29 65.5 309 -0.068 310 12.99 57 108.2 #> 22 32 68.7 144 0.017 137 13.19 55 108.8 #> 23 70 69.2 122 -0.056 294 15.18 31 109.6 #> 24 124 70.6 70 -0.007 201 14.77 35 108.7 #> 25 34 66.1 278 0.010 148 16.61 17 111.2 #> 26 31 68.6 146 -0.004 190 14.52 38 109.2 #> 27 12 68.2 174 0.070 44 15.83 24 110.7 #> 28 5 67.1 232 -0.013 215 13.11 56 108.9 #> 29 59 67.7 198 -0.017 220 13.38 51 109.3 #> 30 21 65.5 307 0.027 114 7.22 103 106.4 #> 31 1 71.3 48 -0.068 311 8.72 96 105.9 #> 32 20 64.8 320 0.016 140 8.53 98 106.6 #> 33 17 72.4 24 0.038 90 15.52 27 111.1 #> 34 27 71.5 43 -0.005 194 14.79 34 110.9 #> 35 42 64.7 321 -0.024 234 17.10 13 110.2 #> 36 79 68.5 152 -0.109 347 12.27 67 109.1 #> 37 68 67.3 223 -0.005 193 12.70 61 108.7 #> 38 16 67.4 214 0.027 113 17.99 7 112.4 #> 39 51 67.1 228 -0.025 238 14.29 43 109.5 #> 40 52 69.1 125 -0.050 286 19.38 1 112.2 #> 41 41 68.3 167 -0.004 188 14.72 36 109.9 #> 42 77 68.6 151 0.029 109 12.94 58 109.4 #> 43 60 65.5 306 0.072 40 16.72 16 111.2 #> 44 78 67.6 203 -0.077 319 15.67 25 110.5 #> 45 19 64.0 337 0.100 18 14.39 41 109.7 #> 46 8 68.6 149 -0.037 262 5.64 120 105.4 #> 47 57 68.4 163 0.070 43 15.85 23 110.2 #> 48 14 69.6 107 0.035 97 8.57 97 106.5 #> 49 35 68.1 181 -0.148 354 16.91 15 110.9 #> 50 43 65.9 289 -0.053 290 18.33 3 111.4 #> 51 25 64.9 318 -0.063 301 10.75 78 107.9 #> 52 53 65.7 298 0.043 82 9.69 85 107.9 #> 53 65 68.0 184 -0.037 263 5.58 121 104.7 #> 54 63 66.5 264 -0.027 245 14.43 40 109.7 #> 55 101 66.3 271 0.102 17 3.98 137 104.1 #> 56 76 68.8 141 -0.012 210 8.72 95 105.0 #> 57 28 69.2 120 0.022 126 16.46 18 111.2 #> 58 69 65.6 301 0.030 108 1.80 168 102.8 #> 59 44 65.7 300 0.118 9 13.29 53 109.9 #> 60 103 71.0 54 -0.044 275 14.54 37 109.3 #> 61 64 69.1 128 -0.026 242 6.12 115 105.4 #> 62 56 69.9 88 0.011 147 17.03 14 111.4 #> 63 49 69.7 101 0.008 154 14.96 32 110.6 #> 64 45 68.3 164 0.090 22 17.72 10 112.5 #> 65 99 68.2 169 -0.061 298 9.22 89 107.2 #> 66 94 67.9 186 0.003 165 10.29 82 107.9 #> 67 54 65.8 296 -0.011 207 12.31 66 107.5 #> 68 84 67.0 234 0.089 23 10.47 81 106.4 #> 69 112 73.4 10 0.014 144 11.04 74 107.6 #> 70 164 62.5 353 -0.074 316 6.91 106 104.7 #> 71 87 67.8 193 -0.011 209 10.91 75 109.1 #> 72 48 62.7 350 -0.018 222 6.35 109 105.0 #> 73 73 71.1 52 -0.078 321 -3.35 251 102.7 #> 74 182 68.7 143 -0.024 236 3.03 150 104.8 #> 75 13 62.9 348 0.037 92 10.85 76 108.8 #> 76 72 69.0 133 0.045 81 5.44 122 104.3 #> 77 67 73.1 16 -0.098 339 3.27 145 105.6 #> 78 24 67.6 207 -0.010 203 12.08 68 108.9 #> 79 37 68.4 160 -0.091 331 19.18 2 112.9 #> 80 74 66.3 270 0.001 170 13.51 49 109.4 #> 81 145 69.2 123 0.031 104 5.23 126 106.1 #> 82 39 69.4 112 0.055 62 3.02 151 103.2 #> 83 83 67.4 216 -0.007 199 14.12 44 109.7 #> 84 26 69.3 115 0.009 150 -5.43 298 99.4 #> 85 203 67.2 227 -0.029 248 14.31 42 110.7 #> 86 106 72.5 21 0.026 116 16.04 22 110.9 #> 87 109 65.5 305 0.006 160 8.46 99 105.1 #> 88 104 69.1 127 0.039 87 3.85 140 104.0 #> 89 148 72.2 26 0.048 74 -5.80 305 99.6 #> 90 120 71.4 47 0.002 169 9.52 86 107.1 #> 91 125 69.8 95 -0.012 213 6.26 113 104.7 #> 92 133 72.6 20 -0.068 312 1.45 172 102.9 #> 93 96 67.7 197 -0.104 342 8.22 101 106.8 #> 94 114 66.0 284 0.033 99 8.41 100 105.6 #> 95 118 73.2 13 0.048 75 12.37 64 107.9 #> 96 151 67.7 200 -0.086 324 2.56 160 104.3 #> 97 122 68.3 165 -0.068 309 10.58 80 108.3 #> 98 153 63.1 347 -0.023 231 -4.82 287 99.5 #> 99 97 67.4 219 0.083 27 4.32 133 103.6 #> 100 95 67.2 225 0.053 64 12.76 60 107.1 #> 101 71 73.1 14 0.036 96 -5.62 302 99.6 #> 102 50 67.0 238 0.005 162 -1.59 216 100.1 #> 103 81 64.9 319 -0.061 299 -1.44 211 102.0 #> 104 136 68.6 147 -0.128 352 12.70 62 107.9 #> 105 156 72.2 27 -0.085 323 -0.43 195 102.0 #> 106 58 66.7 254 -0.066 305 0.84 182 102.6 #> 107 38 67.4 222 0.031 103 3.13 147 103.6 #> 108 62 68.0 183 0.003 166 1.48 171 103.8 #> 109 40 71.8 35 -0.128 351 18.30 4 112.4 #> 110 170 70.7 64 0.050 69 -5.84 307 98.9 #> 111 89 69.0 134 -0.109 344 9.40 87 106.6 #> 112 159 68.5 153 -0.001 183 4.26 134 105.8 #> 113 222 70.9 59 0.008 153 1.43 173 103.6 #> 114 115 64.7 322 -0.067 308 15.58 26 110.7 #> 115 121 69.8 98 0.023 123 3.94 138 106.5 #> 116 90 70.7 66 0.115 11 11.11 73 107.3 #> 117 98 67.0 237 0.021 130 9.97 84 107.6 #> 118 128 71.6 41 -0.057 297 3.71 141 103.1 #> 119 85 66.9 244 0.079 31 6.51 108 105.7 #> 120 86 64.6 326 0.069 45 14.50 39 109.9 #> 121 91 65.6 303 -0.024 235 8.99 93 105.6 #> 122 185 71.9 33 -0.028 246 -3.07 246 101.0 #> 123 172 67.9 185 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 124 113 74.6 3 -0.055 293 15.42 29 109.7 #> 125 219 71.4 46 0.023 125 4.09 135 105.2 #> 126 80 69.0 135 0.007 159 6.63 107 105.0 #> 127 171 65.9 291 0.025 119 3.38 144 105.0 #> 128 117 65.4 311 -0.063 302 3.87 139 104.9 #> 129 134 71.0 53 -0.061 300 17.97 8 112.0 #> 130 168 69.8 96 -0.037 260 3.46 143 105.5 #> 131 186 67.7 196 -0.002 184 2.05 165 104.1 #> 132 158 63.6 344 -0.024 232 1.53 170 102.7 #> 133 177 66.4 267 -0.069 313 -7.92 332 96.4 #> 134 88 65.2 314 0.146 4 -1.10 204 102.1 #> 135 240 69.9 92 0.082 28 -3.56 255 100.9 #> 136 131 67.8 191 -0.065 304 5.18 127 104.0 #> 137 111 64.3 334 0.018 135 9.10 91 107.0 #> 138 116 67.8 190 0.019 132 11.91 70 109.2 #> 139 143 64.6 327 -0.033 254 1.30 176 104.4 #> 140 166 66.6 258 0.089 24 11.88 71 107.9 #> 141 47 70.6 72 -0.048 280 13.30 52 109.0 #> 142 102 68.1 176 0.046 77 3.26 146 104.5 #> 143 110 68.6 148 -0.092 332 8.84 94 105.8 #> 144 93 67.4 221 0.013 145 7.32 102 104.4 #> 145 105 70.4 81 0.147 3 5.78 119 104.5 #> 146 162 65.9 288 -0.086 325 5.85 118 105.5 #> 147 100 65.5 308 0.026 117 14.05 45 109.9 #> 148 200 70.9 58 -0.097 337 13.86 46 110.5 #> 149 167 70.7 67 -0.049 283 4.48 130 106.1 #> 150 184 64.6 325 -0.066 306 -2.44 231 100.5 #> 151 174 69.7 102 0.047 76 -7.61 329 98.1 #> 152 126 67.4 217 0.140 5 2.72 157 102.8 #> 153 269 69.9 89 -0.048 279 2.95 153 104.6 #> 154 226 70.5 78 0.076 35 -1.79 217 101.2 #> 155 107 67.9 187 -0.016 218 6.22 114 104.7 #> 156 178 66.4 269 0.102 16 0.68 185 103.3 #> 157 234 65.8 293 0.002 168 2.88 154 104.8 #> 158 248 63.9 340 0.007 158 -2.28 227 101.2 #> 159 267 68.9 136 -0.015 216 0.22 191 103.3 #> 160 252 71.8 37 0.021 129 3.10 148 102.6 #> 161 299 67.1 230 -0.051 287 -1.93 221 103.6 #> 162 220 65.8 292 0.017 139 -2.68 239 101.1 #> 163 190 68.8 139 -0.022 229 7.13 104 105.2 #> 164 301 69.0 129 0.046 78 1.30 175 102.4 #> 165 209 66.6 257 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 166 201 65.9 286 0.179 2 -5.28 294 98.2 #> 167 293 65.1 315 -0.015 217 -3.95 268 100.1 #> 168 108 67.0 236 0.056 58 3.03 149 105.2 #> 169 138 66.1 279 0.199 1 -0.83 202 105.1 #> 170 147 66.8 247 0.049 73 10.01 83 106.1 #> 171 135 69.9 91 -0.120 349 17.29 12 111.6 #> 172 139 67.5 208 -0.013 214 -4.60 283 98.8 #> 173 195 66.2 275 -0.177 356 -5.03 290 99.6 #> 174 160 74.8 2 0.085 26 -5.34 297 99.8 #> 175 169 67.0 241 -0.109 345 13.51 48 110.4 #> 176 217 66.1 281 -0.037 261 5.30 125 104.3 #> 177 210 71.8 36 -0.048 278 -1.91 220 101.1 #> 178 146 67.7 199 0.030 107 -5.67 303 98.3 #> 179 130 71.1 51 -0.020 226 -5.02 289 99.8 #> 180 179 70.9 57 0.092 20 -2.65 238 100.4 #> 181 192 68.1 177 -0.098 338 -1.50 212 101.2 #> 182 246 66.7 252 -0.165 355 -3.83 266 100.3 #> 183 141 62.4 354 0.072 41 -5.94 308 98.6 #> 184 194 68.1 180 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 185 223 74.0 6 -0.044 273 -7.65 330 98.2 #> 186 163 66.2 273 -0.057 296 -7.28 325 96.7 #> 187 208 66.9 245 -0.020 225 0.65 186 101.8 #> 188 261 69.3 114 0.039 88 2.38 162 102.1 #> 189 154 65.7 299 0.009 149 2.56 159 104.7 #> 190 295 68.1 179 0.052 65 -1.31 210 101.6 #> 191 176 65.8 295 0.065 48 4.63 129 104.5 #> 192 188 66.2 274 0.075 37 4.76 128 104.4 #> 193 123 67.0 239 -0.028 247 6.33 110 105.7 #> 194 127 66.9 243 0.081 30 -5.09 291 99.2 #> 195 137 70.2 84 -0.025 239 10.79 77 108.1 #> 196 204 71.6 42 0.121 8 -6.96 320 98.6 #> 197 161 68.4 157 0.034 98 -1.17 208 103.3 #> 198 180 69.0 132 -0.112 348 5.34 123 105.4 #> 199 215 70.2 85 0.007 157 0.60 189 103.2 #> 200 245 68.5 155 -0.012 211 7.06 105 104.7 #> 201 214 71.0 56 0.096 19 -3.74 265 100.4 #> 202 230 72.1 30 0.027 115 10.62 79 107.8 #> 203 129 62.5 352 -0.074 317 1.37 174 104.6 #> 204 315 62.0 355 0.011 146 4.00 136 103.5 #> 205 142 66.5 265 0.014 142 -1.59 215 102.1 #> 206 286 64.7 323 0.056 59 -2.82 242 102.2 #> 207 198 68.2 168 0.055 61 -1.12 205 102.4 #> 208 212 71.5 45 0.059 54 -7.73 331 95.5 #> 209 181 69.2 119 0.087 25 -1.01 203 101.7 #> 210 199 67.5 211 0.090 21 -7.09 322 98.1 #> 211 281 63.9 338 0.064 49 -5.23 293 99.0 #> 212 191 65.5 310 0.039 86 -2.83 243 100.4 #> 213 197 68.8 140 -0.036 258 -1.24 209 102.7 #> 214 165 68.4 162 -0.190 357 -4.36 276 101.9 #> 215 302 66.8 249 -0.071 315 -5.33 296 98.6 #> 216 271 69.8 97 -0.010 204 -2.14 225 101.9 #> 217 294 66.5 261 0.043 84 -3.09 247 99.2 #> 218 305 74.2 4 0.064 50 2.53 161 104.2 #> 219 236 69.2 124 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 220 266 66.8 246 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 221 306 69.6 104 0.046 79 2.29 164 105.4 #> 222 61 66.7 253 -0.006 197 -6.37 316 98.3 #> 223 247 71.9 32 -0.037 259 -8.44 335 95.8 #> 224 265 65.5 304 0.068 46 -8.56 336 97.8 #> 225 193 66.5 262 -0.069 314 -4.03 269 101.9 #> 226 229 74.2 5 0.050 71 -6.16 312 96.9 #> 227 285 67.8 188 -0.094 335 0.63 187 99.9 #> 228 231 67.8 189 -0.004 192 -2.05 222 100.8 #> 229 321 70.5 76 -0.016 219 -4.46 277 99.8 #> 230 259 69.0 131 0.055 60 -1.81 218 100.3 #> 231 289 69.7 99 0.023 124 6.01 116 104.0 #> 232 297 63.5 345 -0.030 249 -2.06 223 101.5 #> 233 270 67.8 194 -0.006 196 -2.07 224 101.7 #> 234 206 62.7 351 -0.032 251 0.99 180 102.5 #> 235 152 69.2 121 0.111 12 -13.88 346 93.3 #> 236 157 66.4 268 -0.090 330 -3.12 248 100.2 #> 237 150 61.6 356 -0.004 191 -6.45 317 99.4 #> 238 282 66.0 282 0.024 120 -3.63 259 100.2 #> 239 235 67.0 240 -0.040 266 -2.76 241 99.8 #> 240 211 69.6 108 -0.079 322 -4.50 280 98.9 #> 241 272 70.5 77 0.031 105 1.92 166 104.4 #> 242 224 73.7 8 -0.011 208 0.68 184 102.4 #> 243 225 63.5 346 0.023 122 -4.51 281 100.1 #> 244 283 68.2 170 -0.008 202 -5.46 299 99.4 #> 245 132 69.2 116 -0.135 353 -2.41 230 101.1 #> 246 310 67.6 202 0.032 101 -4.05 271 102.0 #> 247 237 65.0 317 -0.027 243 -4.04 270 100.4 #> 248 309 69.0 130 -0.122 350 -4.61 284 100.1 #> 249 189 69.7 100 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 250 280 64.5 329 -0.041 268 -5.72 304 96.5 #> 251 273 70.6 74 0.058 56 -5.54 301 96.0 #> 252 276 67.6 201 -0.041 270 -3.60 257 99.4 #> 253 260 69.2 118 0.051 67 -2.71 240 99.8 #> 254 318 65.3 313 -0.030 250 0.63 188 103.2 #> 255 313 71.8 39 -0.044 274 -0.03 193 102.3 #> 256 149 67.4 218 -0.078 320 1.08 178 102.1 #> 257 324 65.9 285 -0.042 271 -1.16 207 103.2 #> 258 175 64.2 335 0.000 172 -2.49 234 101.1 #> 259 320 70.1 86 0.059 55 1.03 179 102.3 #> 260 307 65.6 302 0.008 152 -2.16 226 102.5 #> 261 256 64.4 331 -0.052 288 0.81 183 102.0 #> 262 335 68.6 145 0.062 53 -8.82 338 96.6 #> 263 243 72.1 28 0.076 36 -2.49 233 102.1 #> 264 257 72.7 17 -0.035 255 2.79 155 104.1 #> 265 92 68.4 159 0.111 13 -12.38 344 93.8 #> 266 155 66.1 280 0.082 29 -7.36 327 97.2 #> 267 262 67.4 215 0.065 47 -1.53 213 101.0 #> 268 249 66.4 266 0.056 57 -6.27 314 97.3 #> 269 242 68.4 158 -0.003 185 -4.48 278 99.9 #> 270 213 66.6 255 0.032 102 -3.37 253 100.4 #> 271 205 73.7 9 -0.021 228 -9.13 340 98.2 #> 272 291 67.1 229 0.077 33 0.98 181 104.3 #> 273 232 70.6 75 0.051 66 -4.68 285 100.6 #> 274 233 66.0 283 -0.036 257 4.37 131 106.4 #> 275 244 66.6 259 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 276 288 71.8 34 -0.018 224 -6.93 319 99.8 #> 277 144 68.4 161 -0.011 206 -6.24 313 98.8 #> 278 290 72.4 23 -0.093 333 -8.05 333 98.7 #> 279 218 70.6 69 0.072 39 -6.14 311 99.0 #> 280 329 69.5 109 -0.025 240 -3.72 264 102.2 #> 281 330 72.1 29 -0.046 276 1.08 177 103.7 #> 282 187 69.6 103 -0.050 285 -3.66 262 99.8 #> 283 268 70.6 73 0.078 32 -4.98 288 97.8 #> 284 277 66.1 277 -0.033 253 -4.75 286 99.8 #> 285 140 72.0 31 -0.042 272 -7.27 323 97.6 #> 286 255 68.9 137 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 287 173 66.5 263 0.014 143 -9.01 339 98.6 #> 288 221 68.2 175 0.050 68 -3.33 250 102.4 #> 289 296 68.1 178 -0.039 264 5.33 124 106.9 #> 290 308 71.5 44 -0.010 205 -0.67 198 104.0 #> 291 183 76.8 1 0.073 38 -2.62 236 101.4 #> 292 304 70.3 82 -0.090 328 -0.33 194 101.9 #> 293 241 67.6 204 0.050 70 -4.53 282 100.4 #> 294 196 67.7 195 -0.039 265 3.60 142 104.6 #> 295 263 68.2 171 0.024 121 -4.29 275 98.8 #> 296 239 67.1 231 -0.040 267 -3.63 258 99.7 #> 297 352 66.5 260 0.036 94 -1.84 219 100.7 #> 298 332 65.8 294 -0.022 230 -0.50 196 102.4 #> 299 345 70.6 68 0.017 138 -6.04 309 98.9 #> 300 275 70.7 65 -0.017 221 2.38 163 104.3 #> 301 347 72.5 22 0.030 106 -8.66 337 97.1 #> 302 278 68.1 182 0.106 14 -0.79 201 103.1 #> 303 323 67.3 224 -0.053 291 -0.61 197 104.7 #> 304 314 69.1 126 -0.047 277 -2.51 235 102.0 #> 305 228 68.2 173 0.036 93 -0.78 199 101.2 #> 306 207 69.2 117 -0.035 256 2.63 158 102.6 #> 307 254 67.5 210 0.009 151 -4.23 274 99.3 #> 308 216 70.6 71 -0.075 318 -12.47 345 93.4 #> 309 284 64.3 333 0.005 163 -5.31 295 96.9 #> 310 119 63.7 343 0.018 136 6.28 111 105.8 #> 311 298 68.9 138 -0.004 189 -3.67 263 100.9 #> 312 287 68.5 154 -0.066 307 -5.49 300 99.9 #> 313 316 68.8 142 -0.055 292 0.13 192 102.4 #> 314 337 69.5 110 0.102 15 -1.12 206 103.6 #> 315 202 67.1 233 -0.006 195 -7.27 324 96.6 #> 316 350 67.6 205 -0.041 269 -4.09 273 97.4 #> 317 327 70.8 62 0.077 34 -3.41 254 101.1 #> 318 264 69.8 94 0.036 95 -10.43 342 94.0 #> 319 344 63.9 339 0.038 89 1.69 169 103.4 #> 320 227 71.2 49 -0.103 341 -3.65 261 100.7 #> 321 334 71.0 55 0.054 63 9.28 88 106.9 #> 322 312 68.3 166 -0.032 252 -2.37 229 100.6 #> 323 279 68.2 172 0.008 155 -2.48 232 101.3 #> 324 348 66.2 272 0.130 6 -7.28 326 98.1 #> 325 340 65.9 290 -0.095 336 -4.07 272 98.4 #> 326 258 65.7 297 -0.057 295 -6.62 318 99.0 #> 327 322 70.4 80 0.118 10 -7.39 328 98.6 #> 328 274 73.1 15 0.070 42 -2.34 228 101.3 #> 329 253 66.8 248 0.015 141 2.76 156 103.0 #> 330 311 65.9 287 0.033 100 -6.13 310 96.5 #> 331 351 70.9 61 -0.018 223 1.85 167 102.8 #> 332 326 62.8 349 0.028 111 4.35 132 104.6 #> 333 338 71.8 38 0.006 161 5.92 117 104.0 #> 334 303 70.0 87 0.063 52 -5.82 306 101.0 #> 335 238 69.3 113 -0.088 327 -1.56 214 102.9 #> 336 325 68.6 150 0.043 83 -5.13 292 100.2 #> 337 328 65.4 312 -0.003 187 2.98 152 105.4 #> 338 341 70.9 60 -0.105 343 -2.88 244 101.5 #> 339 292 69.6 106 -0.049 284 -3.32 249 100.8 #> 340 353 68.5 156 -0.090 329 -9.21 341 97.6 #> 341 331 72.6 18 -0.003 186 -2.99 245 100.6 #> 342 317 69.5 111 -0.026 241 -8.11 334 96.1 #> 343 342 64.7 324 -0.049 281 -7.08 321 98.2 #> 344 300 69.6 105 -0.093 334 -3.59 256 99.1 #> 345 336 70.3 83 0.003 164 -6.27 315 99.0 #> 346 251 64.5 330 0.028 112 -0.78 200 100.9 #> 347 346 67.4 220 0.122 7 -2.64 237 101.2 #> 348 250 67.5 209 0.018 134 -11.82 343 93.6 #> 349 343 72.3 25 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 350 349 66.8 250 -0.021 227 0.42 190 102.9 #> 351 354 67.0 242 -0.086 326 -3.36 252 97.6 #> 352 355 73.3 12 -0.064 303 -3.65 260 98.9 #> 353 339 71.6 40 -0.109 346 -4.49 279 98.3 #> 354 319 70.8 63 -0.049 282 -14.36 347 91.6 #> 355 333 67.8 192 0.000 173 -99.00 348 0.0 #> 356 356 67.5 212 -0.006 198 9.06 92 106.6 #> 357 357 71.1 50 0.040 85 -3.93 267 97.7 #> 358 2 67.3 233 0.040 79 12.66 2 107.4 #> 359 43 71.9 35 0.050 50 2.42 109 103.5 #> 360 4 66.2 277 0.016 144 10.20 27 106.4 #> 361 38 67.6 220 0.002 180 2.74 105 104.1 #> 362 12 72.0 34 -0.009 209 7.28 54 106.0 #> 363 10 64.6 332 -0.008 204 2.98 101 105.3 #> 364 13 69.1 130 -0.012 217 12.04 7 108.6 #> 365 19 66.2 280 -0.038 280 11.10 16 108.0 #> 366 30 67.1 242 -0.003 193 7.10 58 105.3 #> 367 3 69.4 112 -0.028 260 11.28 15 107.2 #> 368 22 67.0 245 0.037 87 11.35 13 107.9 #> 369 78 68.3 178 0.072 23 10.72 21 107.9 #> 370 60 69.5 108 -0.028 259 6.06 74 106.0 #> 371 21 65.7 300 -0.052 308 6.33 68 104.2 #> 372 15 69.9 89 0.065 37 7.96 48 106.3 #> 373 28 68.7 150 -0.048 301 12.79 1 110.2 #> 374 76 65.0 319 0.023 120 8.15 42 105.6 #> 375 36 66.2 275 0.082 16 10.88 17 108.2 #> 376 14 69.3 115 -0.077 327 7.72 50 106.5 #> 377 25 69.8 93 0.006 169 11.48 12 108.4 #> 378 9 67.3 236 -0.113 346 8.74 37 106.0 #> 379 17 63.7 342 0.031 102 11.74 10 108.7 #> 380 97 70.2 77 0.005 172 12.28 4 108.6 #> 381 11 64.6 333 -0.104 342 12.19 6 108.4 #> 382 42 63.7 341 0.032 101 10.22 26 107.6 #> 383 23 70.9 54 0.014 149 10.72 22 108.1 #> 384 41 66.8 257 -0.130 351 12.38 3 108.6 #> 385 6 67.4 231 -0.042 286 9.88 31 107.4 #> 386 52 67.7 215 0.018 138 6.37 66 105.9 #> 387 35 66.0 288 0.022 123 10.38 25 107.7 #> 388 73 70.7 60 -0.046 293 10.78 20 107.6 #> 389 61 64.9 326 -0.047 296 8.82 36 107.8 #> 390 55 69.2 127 0.103 7 6.70 62 107.0 #> 391 26 67.9 206 0.016 143 10.71 23 108.3 #> 392 32 68.2 188 -0.010 213 7.42 52 105.5 #> 393 29 69.6 98 0.031 103 12.22 5 107.5 #> 394 179 70.0 84 -0.020 237 7.18 56 105.8 #> 395 96 63.9 339 0.055 46 4.46 88 105.4 #> 396 8 69.5 101 0.041 78 4.78 81 103.7 #> 397 27 68.4 171 -0.008 205 8.85 35 106.7 #> 398 48 67.4 229 0.034 94 3.09 100 105.0 #> 399 1 59.4 353 0.109 6 6.93 60 105.6 #> 400 7 68.3 183 -0.080 330 4.97 79 104.2 #> 401 51 68.0 199 -0.013 220 6.52 65 104.4 #> 402 20 68.1 191 -0.013 222 9.93 30 108.3 #> 403 54 69.3 124 0.044 69 1.86 115 104.2 #> 404 57 71.2 45 -0.047 298 6.53 64 106.7 #> 405 119 66.2 276 -0.001 187 6.27 70 106.0 #> 406 108 65.8 299 0.019 134 0.97 124 102.6 #> 407 79 69.5 103 -0.020 236 7.04 59 105.4 #> 408 116 68.3 179 -0.060 315 6.70 61 105.6 #> 409 59 68.5 167 -0.077 325 4.52 86 103.1 #> 410 46 68.4 173 0.034 96 11.31 14 107.1 #> 411 31 69.8 96 -0.157 353 7.60 51 105.4 #> 412 18 68.9 139 0.083 15 6.32 69 105.2 #> 413 65 66.1 281 0.067 33 -1.96 201 103.0 #> 414 100 68.1 190 -0.021 239 5.02 78 104.9 #> 415 67 67.4 227 -0.026 253 0.22 143 102.1 #> 416 5 72.6 28 0.025 116 4.81 80 104.5 #> 417 114 74.8 4 -0.076 324 7.83 49 106.9 #> 418 24 65.9 292 0.089 12 10.04 29 106.9 #> 419 44 67.6 219 0.026 111 1.83 116 103.1 #> 420 49 73.2 14 0.069 28 8.22 41 106.4 #> 421 16 70.0 88 -0.006 200 9.42 34 107.0 #> 422 39 71.2 46 0.068 32 4.64 83 105.0 #> 423 53 72.9 21 -0.037 278 8.27 40 106.3 #> 424 125 70.0 87 -0.049 302 10.86 18 108.1 #> 425 62 65.2 313 -0.020 235 8.11 45 106.2 #> 426 50 73.1 17 -0.023 247 6.10 72 105.4 #> 427 163 64.8 330 -0.094 339 3.66 93 103.1 #> 428 90 66.5 266 -0.023 246 -1.65 192 101.7 #> 429 33 66.0 290 -0.043 289 8.15 44 106.3 #> 430 45 69.0 134 -0.064 320 3.55 94 104.2 #> 431 88 68.7 155 -0.006 201 2.96 102 104.4 #> 432 122 65.0 320 -0.035 274 -2.29 213 101.1 #> 433 68 66.3 273 -0.027 257 -5.44 280 98.7 #> 434 146 62.9 350 -0.032 268 1.92 113 102.5 #> 435 112 64.9 325 0.047 59 7.16 57 105.5 #> 436 69 61.5 352 0.023 119 -9.00 345 98.3 #> 437 34 65.8 297 0.076 19 3.19 98 103.5 #> 438 85 68.2 187 0.041 75 -0.81 170 102.9 #> 439 103 69.4 110 0.022 124 -1.21 180 101.3 #> 440 81 69.1 133 0.025 115 4.28 89 105.0 #> 441 94 70.4 67 -0.050 304 10.39 24 107.9 #> 442 141 71.0 50 -0.007 203 2.68 106 104.3 #> 443 66 65.1 318 -0.005 199 9.71 32 105.6 #> 444 165 65.6 305 -0.002 191 5.06 77 104.6 #> 445 202 64.8 331 0.004 173 2.60 107 102.2 #> 446 147 69.9 90 -0.092 337 11.89 9 107.0 #> 447 40 67.2 239 -0.129 348 10.83 19 106.4 #> 448 113 63.5 343 0.060 42 -4.86 261 99.7 #> 449 58 67.8 210 -0.009 208 -1.77 196 102.2 #> 450 93 65.2 312 -0.050 303 -0.69 167 102.0 #> 451 56 70.6 63 0.022 126 10.11 28 108.1 #> 452 104 67.8 211 0.049 54 0.52 133 102.8 #> 453 136 70.5 64 -0.017 232 8.15 43 106.9 #> 454 71 66.5 267 -0.057 313 7.22 55 106.0 #> 455 133 67.0 247 -0.019 234 3.75 92 104.6 #> 456 172 69.3 116 0.045 66 2.91 104 104.4 #> 457 75 71.8 39 0.042 73 -8.13 338 98.6 #> 458 72 65.3 311 0.006 167 -0.19 150 102.4 #> 459 74 68.0 196 -0.042 285 6.58 63 106.1 #> 460 166 70.1 79 -0.034 271 8.52 38 106.0 #> 461 149 68.3 180 0.034 92 9.57 33 106.3 #> 462 82 65.5 309 -0.040 283 6.34 67 105.3 #> 463 109 67.7 212 -0.064 319 -2.29 212 101.1 #> 464 134 67.1 244 0.036 89 -0.51 161 101.6 #> 465 187 67.9 202 0.064 39 -4.37 248 101.1 #> 466 132 70.5 65 0.012 155 -7.08 324 99.0 #> 467 105 68.8 148 0.039 80 -0.95 175 102.0 #> 468 91 65.5 308 0.001 182 7.32 53 105.4 #> 469 148 66.0 287 0.032 99 -3.91 239 101.8 #> 470 196 68.3 176 0.023 122 0.85 126 102.3 #> 471 135 66.7 260 0.029 107 8.33 39 107.1 #> 472 47 70.3 73 -0.052 307 6.19 71 104.8 #> 473 37 68.0 200 -0.089 335 -2.22 208 101.1 #> 474 98 67.8 208 0.002 179 3.18 99 103.3 #> 475 182 68.5 168 0.020 132 -6.14 300 100.6 #> 476 241 68.0 201 -0.022 242 -4.79 259 100.7 #> 477 107 64.9 323 0.072 24 -1.29 182 101.9 #> 478 124 68.3 181 -0.083 333 0.84 127 103.0 #> 479 145 66.4 270 0.043 72 2.19 112 103.7 #> 480 174 65.7 301 0.052 49 1.24 123 102.6 #> 481 142 73.1 18 0.121 4 -1.53 190 102.0 #> 482 63 64.9 324 -0.047 297 4.52 85 103.4 #> 483 156 73.0 19 -0.035 273 0.56 132 102.7 #> 484 83 70.8 59 -0.002 192 4.53 84 103.6 #> 485 167 68.9 143 -0.011 214 -1.26 181 102.1 #> 486 184 69.3 125 0.069 29 -0.59 162 102.1 #> 487 95 67.7 214 -0.130 349 2.34 111 104.7 #> 488 77 64.5 334 0.098 10 6.10 73 105.8 #> 489 150 66.7 259 -0.087 334 11.64 11 107.5 #> 490 157 72.1 31 0.033 97 -6.80 315 99.7 #> 491 102 71.8 41 0.005 170 -0.35 157 102.9 #> 492 231 70.4 68 -0.103 341 -0.49 160 104.4 #> 493 110 68.9 144 -0.030 263 -7.75 329 99.1 #> 494 123 68.2 185 0.019 137 -1.01 176 102.1 #> 495 178 71.8 38 0.044 70 1.50 118 105.0 #> 496 217 70.8 57 0.034 95 3.22 97 104.3 #> 497 169 71.9 36 -0.044 292 -8.04 336 99.9 #> 498 137 70.2 76 0.025 117 0.42 134 102.6 #> 499 192 65.9 291 -0.113 345 -3.51 233 102.0 #> 500 106 74.9 3 -0.037 277 -0.16 149 102.8 #> 501 120 65.7 304 0.074 20 -5.16 270 100.0 #> 502 236 66.7 261 -0.001 189 -5.42 277 98.3 #> 503 181 69.3 123 0.020 128 1.39 120 103.0 #> 504 225 67.0 248 0.025 114 -1.70 194 101.6 #> 505 175 73.9 8 0.045 64 -0.62 164 102.4 #> 506 170 72.2 30 0.010 161 -0.82 171 101.6 #> 507 243 66.3 274 -0.025 251 -0.66 165 101.7 #> 508 154 71.6 42 0.049 52 -1.84 199 101.7 #> 509 237 68.1 193 -0.057 312 -1.36 186 101.4 #> 510 130 65.2 315 0.090 11 8.03 46 106.4 #> 511 197 65.9 293 -0.019 233 -1.03 178 102.3 #> 512 209 65.3 310 0.063 40 -1.01 177 102.0 #> 513 263 71.5 43 0.049 53 -0.93 174 102.2 #> 514 214 64.2 338 -0.117 347 2.92 103 105.2 #> 515 226 65.1 317 0.014 152 -2.19 207 102.5 #> 516 186 66.3 272 0.002 177 -4.98 264 100.6 #> 517 242 64.5 335 0.022 125 -4.63 253 100.0 #> 518 86 69.3 118 -0.063 317 -1.85 200 101.9 #> 519 152 73.1 16 -0.047 299 11.96 8 108.1 #> 520 155 67.9 204 0.065 36 0.39 135 102.9 #> 521 84 65.5 307 0.008 164 -1.31 183 102.0 #> 522 185 68.6 161 0.012 153 4.20 90 103.6 #> 523 324 69.4 111 0.034 93 -4.23 245 99.8 #> 524 195 68.0 195 -0.010 212 -0.67 166 102.2 #> 525 210 70.1 81 0.142 1 -0.24 151 102.3 #> 526 221 69.4 109 -0.061 316 5.97 75 105.9 #> 527 229 65.9 295 -0.004 196 -1.32 184 102.8 #> 528 92 66.4 268 -0.091 336 0.03 146 102.3 #> 529 275 67.8 209 0.032 100 -5.29 273 100.1 #> 530 306 71.8 40 0.000 183 -1.81 197 101.5 #> 531 153 67.0 246 0.056 44 0.32 138 102.4 #> 532 127 67.2 240 0.041 77 0.64 130 103.1 #> 533 290 68.9 138 0.037 86 -6.85 317 99.0 #> 534 307 70.0 85 0.011 159 -3.99 241 101.4 #> 535 99 64.2 337 -0.002 190 0.28 142 102.8 #> 536 128 69.3 120 0.065 38 8.02 47 106.0 #> 537 265 68.3 182 0.074 21 -4.18 243 101.4 #> 538 129 69.1 131 0.057 43 1.36 121 102.8 #> 539 138 64.8 329 0.044 68 -2.25 209 101.7 #> 540 87 63.9 340 -0.026 252 -2.36 214 101.7 #> 541 126 68.4 172 -0.023 245 -7.05 323 99.6 #> 542 191 68.7 154 -0.014 225 3.24 96 102.8 #> 543 272 64.3 336 0.026 112 -5.96 293 100.9 #> 544 171 71.1 49 0.036 90 -5.29 272 98.3 #> 545 89 67.5 224 -0.005 197 -0.61 163 101.7 #> 546 173 65.7 302 0.048 57 -2.46 216 100.1 #> 547 261 72.8 26 -0.033 270 -0.29 154 102.3 #> 548 151 68.8 146 -0.001 188 -1.38 188 101.4 #> 549 111 69.8 92 0.021 127 -4.66 255 99.2 #> 550 158 68.7 158 0.050 51 -6.25 303 99.9 #> 551 80 68.0 197 0.023 121 -5.99 296 99.1 #> 552 244 67.5 222 0.132 3 -3.09 226 102.2 #> 553 70 66.8 254 0.028 109 1.46 119 103.7 #> 554 316 68.8 147 -0.059 314 2.40 110 103.9 #> 555 188 68.1 192 0.014 148 -2.16 206 101.8 #> 556 301 70.1 80 -0.004 194 -0.91 173 101.7 #> 557 227 68.7 152 0.019 136 -7.26 326 99.3 #> 558 162 72.6 27 0.061 41 -5.21 271 98.7 #> 559 295 68.6 162 0.029 104 -7.75 328 98.5 #> 560 212 68.7 159 -0.033 269 -6.03 299 100.2 #> 561 115 69.5 105 -0.004 195 -4.74 257 100.1 #> 562 121 65.8 298 -0.081 331 -1.62 191 101.1 #> 563 284 67.3 237 0.042 74 -0.47 159 102.4 #> 564 205 66.1 282 0.027 110 -6.38 308 99.7 #> 565 140 68.4 170 0.029 106 -4.49 251 100.9 #> 566 211 63.0 349 -0.022 240 3.40 95 105.0 #> 567 293 72.8 24 -0.047 295 0.33 137 101.6 #> 568 118 63.2 347 -0.029 261 -4.74 258 100.5 #> 569 200 71.1 48 -0.028 258 -5.71 290 100.1 #> 570 131 70.7 61 -0.001 186 -7.97 333 96.3 #> 571 247 69.9 91 -0.051 306 -4.72 256 100.1 #> 572 269 66.6 265 0.071 25 -2.00 202 101.9 #> 573 264 73.6 11 -0.036 276 0.65 129 102.7 #> 574 213 70.6 62 -0.010 210 1.25 122 101.5 #> 575 270 66.2 279 -0.047 294 -5.61 288 101.1 #> 576 286 69.2 126 0.077 18 -0.24 152 104.0 #> 577 190 68.5 169 -0.005 198 1.91 114 103.6 #> 578 260 68.7 156 -0.077 326 -5.10 268 98.4 #> 579 159 67.3 234 0.056 45 -1.39 189 102.4 #> 580 319 74.0 7 0.045 67 -2.95 221 100.9 #> 581 143 69.4 113 0.120 5 -1.19 179 101.6 #> 582 311 68.0 194 -0.024 250 -2.55 218 100.7 #> 583 262 71.8 37 0.020 131 -0.38 158 102.6 #> 584 101 63.2 348 0.137 2 -5.75 291 99.7 #> 585 246 66.9 251 0.101 8 -5.07 267 101.0 #> 586 276 67.1 243 -0.022 243 -0.30 155 102.4 #> 587 117 70.2 78 -0.032 267 4.48 87 105.4 #> 588 287 68.9 145 0.038 83 0.35 136 104.2 #> 589 303 66.4 269 0.038 84 -5.48 283 99.9 #> 590 336 70.3 74 0.071 26 -0.70 168 102.5 #> 591 206 70.3 71 -0.055 310 -6.58 313 98.9 #> 592 199 64.9 327 0.048 56 -3.70 236 101.8 #> 593 180 69.6 99 0.003 176 -6.24 302 100.1 #> 594 251 67.4 228 0.043 71 0.31 140 102.4 #> 595 220 69.1 129 -0.050 305 -8.64 342 99.0 #> 596 233 66.1 285 -0.014 223 -3.24 231 101.4 #> 597 183 66.6 262 -0.072 322 -5.52 285 99.7 #> 598 253 66.6 264 0.020 133 0.31 139 101.8 #> 599 189 69.5 107 0.004 174 -3.13 228 101.7 #> 600 144 68.2 184 0.048 58 -6.45 310 99.2 #> 601 271 67.3 235 0.002 178 -2.50 217 101.8 #> 602 64 64.8 328 -0.100 340 -2.59 219 101.2 #> 603 139 66.7 258 -0.017 231 3.99 91 105.9 #> 604 292 68.7 153 0.053 48 -3.92 240 99.9 #> 605 168 68.6 163 0.011 157 -5.88 292 99.1 #> 606 256 70.4 66 -0.013 221 -3.20 229 101.5 #> 607 224 66.8 256 0.006 168 -8.34 340 96.6 #> 608 300 68.9 141 0.028 108 -6.46 311 98.0 #> 609 201 64.9 322 -0.056 311 0.58 131 103.1 #> 610 215 70.4 69 -0.092 338 -3.73 237 100.9 #> 611 164 67.5 225 -0.052 309 -9.57 349 97.0 #> 612 258 62.5 351 0.018 140 -5.44 281 99.7 #> 613 252 66.8 255 0.011 158 -4.23 247 99.7 #> 614 296 67.9 203 -0.143 352 -2.27 211 102.2 #> 615 249 70.0 86 -0.040 282 -4.41 249 99.1 #> 616 222 69.3 121 0.054 47 -6.32 307 99.5 #> 617 315 71.2 47 0.009 162 5.48 76 105.0 #> 618 204 67.9 205 -0.006 202 -2.76 220 103.7 #> 619 239 65.6 306 -0.047 300 -8.04 335 99.6 #> 620 218 69.3 114 0.010 160 -1.83 198 101.5 #> 621 281 69.5 106 0.046 60 -6.82 316 99.9 #> 622 327 68.0 198 0.020 130 -5.37 274 99.1 #> 623 228 64.9 321 -0.063 318 -3.58 234 101.9 #> 624 259 72.8 23 0.017 141 -6.28 305 100.1 #> 625 309 71.0 52 0.018 139 -6.87 318 99.9 #> 626 160 65.8 296 -0.011 215 -5.62 289 98.6 #> 627 278 72.4 29 0.015 147 -7.15 325 100.0 #> 628 232 69.5 102 -0.015 227 -5.12 269 100.6 #> 629 193 66.6 263 0.065 35 -8.95 344 97.3 #> 630 291 67.6 216 0.015 145 0.04 145 102.3 #> 631 317 65.2 314 -0.105 343 -0.05 148 101.7 #> 632 337 70.3 72 -0.036 275 -6.19 301 97.8 #> 633 330 69.0 137 -0.039 281 -6.68 314 99.2 #> 634 313 66.2 278 -0.013 219 -2.08 204 102.2 #> 635 304 72.9 22 0.086 13 -5.49 284 97.6 #> 636 207 67.2 238 -0.010 211 2.47 108 104.7 #> 637 230 74.5 6 0.070 27 -5.40 276 99.9 #> 638 176 68.7 157 -0.012 218 -7.80 330 97.1 #> 639 208 68.5 166 0.011 156 -5.60 287 99.1 #> 640 285 73.2 15 -0.021 238 -2.02 203 101.9 #> 641 248 70.1 83 -0.011 216 -5.38 275 99.5 #> 642 245 68.1 189 -0.078 328 -8.00 334 98.9 #> 643 216 69.3 122 -0.015 226 1.74 117 103.7 #> 644 177 73.7 9 0.068 30 -8.66 343 97.1 #> 645 299 63.2 344 0.083 14 -5.43 279 99.4 #> 646 331 68.9 142 -0.027 255 -4.93 263 99.4 #> 647 289 73.3 13 0.009 163 4.69 82 106.0 #> 648 321 67.4 230 0.008 165 -0.26 153 102.4 #> 649 254 73.0 20 0.012 154 -9.66 350 96.1 #> 650 268 69.3 119 -0.027 256 -0.83 172 102.3 #> 651 280 67.6 217 0.015 146 0.30 141 103.0 #> 652 298 69.8 95 0.003 175 0.97 125 102.7 #> 653 255 66.9 249 -0.079 329 -4.00 242 100.5 #> 654 238 70.9 55 0.080 17 0.81 128 102.8 #> 655 283 63.2 345 -0.074 323 -6.02 298 99.8 #> 656 267 69.1 132 -0.130 350 -0.80 169 101.6 #> 657 325 66.0 289 0.068 31 -2.97 222 99.4 #> 658 161 63.2 346 0.045 65 -4.52 252 99.6 #> 659 318 71.0 51 0.017 142 -9.29 347 99.5 #> 660 257 65.7 303 0.029 105 -6.58 312 99.6 #> 661 305 68.4 174 0.046 62 -2.26 210 102.2 #> 662 274 70.9 53 -0.044 291 -1.67 193 103.2 #> 663 326 69.3 117 -0.031 265 -2.12 205 101.7 #> 664 266 70.3 70 0.024 118 -7.00 322 98.8 #> 665 345 70.9 56 0.041 76 -5.58 286 99.8 #> 666 235 68.7 151 0.046 61 -9.04 346 96.6 #> 667 194 66.1 286 -0.032 266 -3.89 238 100.2 #> 668 323 72.1 32 -0.016 230 -3.35 232 100.8 #> 669 219 68.5 165 0.019 135 -1.37 187 103.2 #> 670 250 67.1 241 0.048 55 -2.37 215 101.8 #> 671 279 68.6 160 0.100 9 -6.28 304 97.9 #> 672 302 68.3 175 -0.038 279 -0.34 156 103.0 #> 673 294 67.3 232 -0.001 184 -7.49 327 98.6 #> 674 203 65.2 316 -0.105 344 -6.90 319 97.8 #> 675 308 66.9 250 0.033 98 -7.88 331 99.6 #> 676 234 67.8 207 -0.001 185 -9.51 348 98.4 #> 677 273 65.9 294 -0.030 264 -3.08 225 99.6 #> 678 332 72.8 25 0.008 166 0.07 144 103.5 #> 679 282 69.6 100 0.039 81 -10.67 353 96.2 #> 680 277 68.9 140 -0.023 244 -1.35 185 102.2 #> 681 322 70.1 82 0.037 85 -8.46 341 95.1 #> 682 320 69.2 128 0.036 88 -6.31 306 100.4 #> 683 342 69.8 94 -0.044 290 -4.21 244 100.6 #> 684 240 73.4 12 0.038 82 -7.96 332 97.5 #> 685 344 70.8 58 -0.068 321 -3.07 224 100.5 #> 686 339 67.5 223 -0.024 249 -5.43 278 98.9 #> 687 343 71.3 44 -0.082 332 -3.06 223 102.5 #> 688 310 66.9 252 0.025 113 -5.01 265 100.6 #> 689 198 69.7 97 -0.022 241 -5.47 282 98.7 #> 690 346 68.6 164 0.073 22 -4.46 250 99.6 #> 691 328 73.7 10 0.020 129 0.01 147 103.2 #> 692 341 66.9 253 0.005 171 -6.95 321 99.5 #> 693 312 72.1 33 -0.008 206 -4.86 262 100.3 #> 694 314 69.0 136 -0.034 272 -5.97 294 100.5 #> 695 353 68.7 149 0.045 63 -4.80 260 100.1 #> 696 335 67.4 226 0.014 151 -10.23 351 95.9 #> 697 334 67.6 218 -0.016 229 -5.99 295 99.7 #> 698 338 66.4 271 0.035 91 -5.06 266 101.0 #> 699 352 76.1 2 0.002 181 -3.12 227 101.0 #> 700 297 67.7 213 0.014 150 -8.13 337 96.3 #> 701 348 68.3 177 -0.042 288 -3.21 230 100.7 #> 702 333 66.1 283 0.066 34 -6.92 320 99.3 #> 703 347 74.7 5 -0.042 284 -10.56 352 95.0 #> 704 340 69.5 104 -0.014 224 -4.23 246 100.1 #> 705 223 66.1 284 -0.008 207 -4.63 254 98.7 #> 706 288 67.5 221 -0.024 248 -6.40 309 97.6 #> 707 350 70.2 75 -0.015 228 -8.29 339 96.7 #> 708 349 77.1 1 -0.027 254 -6.01 297 97.8 #> 709 329 68.2 186 -0.042 287 -1.74 195 102.0 #> 710 351 69.0 135 -0.029 262 -3.64 235 100.6 #> sos_opp_o_rk sos_opp_d sos_opp_d_rk ncsos_adj_em ncsos_adj_em_rk ncaa_seed #> 1 70 96.8 74 6.21 112 1 #> 2 64 95.5 44 -2.83 258 1 #> 3 9 95.3 39 2.51 178 1 #> 4 5 94.1 13 10.44 59 1 #> 5 105 96.5 67 2.11 187 2 #> 6 19 94.8 28 6.28 111 6 #> 7 31 94.0 9 -4.90 285 2 #> 8 32 94.9 31 3.82 157 5 #> 9 35 95.3 41 9.45 71 2 #> 10 110 99.4 123 4.81 139 8 #> 11 10 93.7 5 3.47 164 2 #> 12 51 95.7 50 8.12 89 5 #> 13 14 93.9 6 9.87 66 11 #> 14 7 93.9 8 1.24 199 9 #> 15 46 96.0 60 4.42 145 4 #> 16 26 95.4 43 3.72 160 7 #> 17 67 95.7 51 -4.88 283 6 #> 18 49 96.7 73 -4.09 272 3 #> 19 40 97.8 96 0.24 211 4 #> 20 57 96.8 76 10.05 65 6 #> 21 69 95.2 33 -1.27 240 7 #> 22 63 95.6 49 -0.73 230 5 #> 23 45 94.4 20 13.77 29 3 #> 24 66 93.9 7 1.13 202 8 #> 25 16 94.6 22 5.71 122 4 #> 26 54 94.7 23 8.20 85 3 #> 27 25 94.8 29 10.43 60 3 #> 28 60 95.8 53 -0.34 221 5 #> 29 52 95.9 56 -4.01 271 NA #> 30 97 99.2 117 13.66 31 6 #> 31 101 97.2 82 1.45 198 1 #> 32 92 98.0 103 2.44 180 9 #> 33 18 95.6 47 5.81 121 4 #> 34 21 96.1 62 8.20 87 8 #> 35 34 93.1 2 -1.11 236 10 #> 36 58 96.8 77 5.59 127 NA #> 37 65 96.0 58 -0.96 233 9 #> 38 3 94.4 19 -5.69 294 10 #> 39 47 95.2 34 1.93 192 8 #> 40 6 92.8 1 11.55 47 NA #> 41 36 95.2 35 8.88 76 7 #> 42 48 96.5 66 2.09 188 11 #> 43 15 94.5 21 -4.52 278 12 #> 44 29 94.8 27 -5.46 290 NA #> 45 43 95.3 38 11.60 46 7 #> 46 118 99.7 130 8.20 86 11 #> 47 33 94.4 17 11.39 50 9 #> 48 93 98.0 99 5.66 124 10 #> 49 22 94.0 10 15.29 23 NA #> 50 13 93.1 3 9.18 72 NA #> 51 75 97.2 81 -6.82 302 1 #> 52 72 98.2 106 0.63 207 10 #> 53 133 99.1 116 -1.43 244 1 #> 54 41 95.3 40 11.86 44 NA #> 55 155 100.1 137 -8.21 309 11 #> 56 127 96.2 64 -8.32 310 3 #> 57 17 94.7 25 9.76 67 NA #> 58 187 101.0 145 4.03 151 12 #> 59 39 96.6 69 7.71 95 NA #> 60 53 94.7 24 6.37 109 NA #> 61 114 99.3 121 15.51 20 2 #> 62 12 94.4 18 0.16 214 NA #> 63 27 95.6 48 4.64 142 12 #> 64 2 94.8 26 -1.03 234 11 #> 65 83 97.9 98 10.89 54 2 #> 66 74 97.6 92 2.03 190 NA #> 67 81 95.2 36 -1.44 245 4 #> 68 96 96.0 57 13.71 30 11 #> 69 79 96.6 68 -2.94 259 NA #> 70 137 97.8 95 1.16 201 2 #> 71 56 98.2 105 -6.18 299 3 #> 72 126 98.6 111 6.16 113 13 #> 73 190 106.0 336 5.39 130 NA #> 74 130 101.7 172 5.90 118 3 #> 75 62 98.0 100 2.91 168 2 #> 76 149 98.9 114 2.76 172 1 #> 77 111 102.3 192 2.40 182 4 #> 78 61 96.8 75 -8.58 312 NA #> 79 1 93.7 4 -18.34 328 NA #> 80 50 95.9 54 7.01 103 NA #> 81 99 100.9 142 1.20 200 13 #> 82 175 100.2 138 -8.57 311 4 #> 83 42 95.6 46 7.66 96 NA #> 84 287 104.8 300 4.93 137 14 #> 85 24 96.4 65 13.83 28 NA #> 86 20 94.9 30 9.16 73 NA #> 87 123 96.7 72 4.29 148 4 #> 88 162 100.1 136 -12.01 320 NA #> 89 282 105.4 316 -99.00 331 14 #> 90 84 97.6 90 9.71 68 NA #> 91 132 98.5 108 7.37 98 NA #> 92 184 101.4 157 0.58 209 NA #> 93 89 98.5 110 5.87 120 NA #> 94 108 97.2 84 6.76 105 NA #> 95 76 95.5 45 -6.05 297 NA #> 96 151 101.8 173 2.70 173 NA #> 97 68 97.7 94 -4.78 281 NA #> 98 283 104.3 272 1.58 195 13 #> 99 166 99.3 120 10.37 61 3 #> 100 85 94.3 16 24.70 1 NA #> 101 281 105.2 311 4.18 149 12 #> 102 265 101.7 168 -12.09 321 NA #> 103 211 103.5 238 2.54 177 15 #> 104 73 95.2 37 -3.13 260 NA #> 105 212 102.4 195 21.28 5 14 #> 106 192 101.8 174 0.78 204 NA #> 107 167 100.5 141 6.68 107 NA #> 108 163 102.3 190 -2.78 257 13 #> 109 4 94.1 12 5.60 126 NA #> 110 298 104.8 299 -5.87 296 NA #> 111 90 97.2 85 11.37 51 NA #> 112 104 101.5 159 20.90 7 NA #> 113 165 102.2 184 8.01 92 NA #> 114 23 95.1 32 3.18 166 NA #> 115 94 102.6 202 8.03 90 NA #> 116 82 96.2 63 9.57 70 NA #> 117 80 97.6 89 5.11 134 NA #> 118 180 99.3 122 0.22 212 NA #> 119 107 99.2 118 8.52 83 NA #> 120 38 95.4 42 -0.56 227 NA #> 121 109 96.7 70 -3.27 261 NA #> 122 240 104.0 264 6.57 108 NA #> 123 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 124 44 94.2 14 9.09 74 NA #> 125 120 101.1 149 22.06 4 15 #> 126 124 98.4 107 2.39 183 NA #> 127 125 101.6 165 6.31 110 NA #> 128 128 101.0 147 4.67 140 NA #> 129 8 94.0 11 11.85 45 NA #> 130 113 102.0 178 1.52 197 NA #> 131 156 102.0 179 1.56 196 NA #> 132 188 101.2 153 3.80 159 NA #> 133 337 104.3 274 -99.00 331 NA #> 134 209 103.2 228 16.21 16 14 #> 135 243 104.5 282 -0.64 228 NA #> 136 160 98.8 113 20.55 8 NA #> 137 86 97.9 97 -5.63 293 NA #> 138 55 97.3 86 -7.27 304 NA #> 139 148 103.1 222 10.84 55 NA #> 140 77 96.0 59 0.60 208 NA #> 141 59 95.7 52 -8.60 313 NA #> 142 144 101.2 154 -4.89 284 NA #> 143 102 97.0 79 -13.51 324 NA #> 144 145 97.1 80 -14.54 325 NA #> 145 143 98.7 112 0.73 205 NA #> 146 112 99.7 129 6.06 114 NA #> 147 37 95.9 55 -1.47 247 NA #> 148 28 96.7 71 12.89 38 NA #> 149 100 101.6 162 3.81 158 NA #> 150 252 103.0 218 -3.53 267 NA #> 151 319 105.7 325 -2.05 250 NA #> 152 185 100.1 135 5.55 128 NA #> 153 140 101.7 169 5.01 136 NA #> 154 230 103.0 219 4.62 144 NA #> 155 135 98.5 109 -6.89 303 NA #> 156 174 102.6 208 -3.51 266 NA #> 157 129 101.9 175 -0.46 222 NA #> 158 229 103.5 241 -5.75 295 16 #> 159 173 103.1 226 10.69 57 NA #> 160 191 99.5 127 5.87 119 NA #> 161 169 105.5 322 8.53 82 NA #> 162 235 103.8 255 4.66 141 NA #> 163 121 98.0 101 14.82 25 NA #> 164 197 101.1 151 -11.70 318 NA #> 165 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 166 316 103.5 240 7.37 99 NA #> 167 266 104.0 263 7.14 102 NA #> 168 119 102.2 183 15.12 24 NA #> 169 122 106.0 335 20.35 9 15 #> 170 98 96.1 61 2.23 185 NA #> 171 11 94.3 15 4.15 150 NA #> 172 301 103.4 235 -3.40 264 NA #> 173 280 104.7 295 -3.47 265 NA #> 174 272 105.2 309 -7.97 307 NA #> 175 30 96.9 78 -17.91 327 NA #> 176 150 99.0 115 13.13 33 NA #> 177 236 103.0 220 -0.26 220 NA #> 178 312 103.9 260 -0.54 225 15 #> 179 274 104.8 301 -13.04 322 NA #> 180 255 103.1 223 15.53 19 NA #> 181 232 102.7 209 -0.22 218 NA #> 182 260 104.2 268 12.76 41 NA #> 183 305 104.6 289 -7.87 306 NA #> 184 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 185 314 105.9 328 4.63 143 NA #> 186 332 104.0 262 -99.00 331 NA #> 187 220 101.1 150 -99.00 331 NA #> 188 207 99.7 131 -11.86 319 NA #> 189 136 102.1 181 19.82 10 NA #> 190 223 102.9 216 5.15 133 NA #> 191 142 99.9 132 -99.00 331 NA #> 192 147 99.7 128 -4.30 274 NA #> 193 106 99.4 124 5.09 135 NA #> 194 289 104.3 275 -0.17 217 16 #> 195 71 97.3 87 9.58 69 NA #> 196 304 105.6 323 8.56 80 NA #> 197 172 104.5 286 2.78 171 NA #> 198 116 100.1 134 1.99 191 NA #> 199 176 102.6 207 12.48 43 NA #> 200 134 97.6 93 5.97 116 NA #> 201 257 104.1 267 -1.65 248 NA #> 202 78 97.2 83 15.47 21 NA #> 203 141 103.2 229 11.29 52 NA #> 204 170 99.5 125 -4.40 276 NA #> 205 206 103.7 249 -4.32 275 NA #> 206 205 105.0 306 3.87 154 NA #> 207 196 103.6 243 5.66 123 NA #> 208 341 103.2 230 14.62 27 16 #> 209 222 102.7 210 -0.67 229 NA #> 210 318 105.2 310 -0.76 231 16 #> 211 292 104.3 271 -1.81 249 NA #> 212 254 103.3 231 5.52 129 16 #> 213 189 103.9 259 -1.33 242 NA #> 214 218 106.3 339 -99.00 331 NA #> 215 307 103.9 258 -1.46 246 NA #> 216 216 104.1 265 0.69 206 NA #> 217 290 102.3 189 -1.13 238 NA #> 218 154 101.6 167 -10.53 317 NA #> 219 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 220 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 221 115 103.1 227 19.69 12 NA #> 222 311 104.6 294 3.94 153 NA #> 223 340 104.3 273 0.09 215 NA #> 224 320 106.4 340 19.76 11 NA #> 225 219 105.9 330 -2.15 252 NA #> 226 330 103.1 224 -3.73 268 NA #> 227 269 99.2 119 -6.36 300 NA #> 228 245 102.9 215 14.75 26 NA #> 229 278 104.2 269 -8.93 314 NA #> 230 259 102.1 182 12.68 42 NA #> 231 159 98.0 102 6.01 115 NA #> 232 225 103.6 245 2.49 179 NA #> 233 221 103.8 252 8.03 91 NA #> 234 194 101.5 160 -4.60 280 NA #> 235 346 107.2 345 7.32 100 NA #> 236 262 103.3 232 2.20 186 NA #> 237 285 105.9 329 11.14 53 16 #> 238 263 103.8 254 3.14 167 NA #> 239 275 102.6 203 3.86 155 NA #> 240 297 103.4 236 -3.88 270 NA #> 241 146 102.5 197 -3.78 269 NA #> 242 199 101.7 171 4.92 138 NA #> 243 267 104.6 291 8.22 84 NA #> 244 286 104.9 303 -4.57 279 NA #> 245 234 103.6 242 10.17 63 NA #> 246 214 106.0 337 -9.99 315 NA #> 247 253 104.5 285 1.92 193 NA #> 248 264 104.7 297 -2.07 251 NA #> 249 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 250 335 102.2 185 10.14 64 NA #> 251 339 101.6 161 -99.00 331 NA #> 252 284 103.0 221 8.54 81 NA #> 253 276 102.5 196 12.89 37 NA #> 254 178 102.5 199 4.37 147 NA #> 255 203 102.3 191 -1.35 243 NA #> 256 208 101.0 146 -5.63 292 NA #> 257 177 104.3 278 13.51 32 NA #> 258 237 103.6 244 5.63 125 NA #> 259 202 101.3 155 3.97 152 NA #> 260 195 104.6 293 -99.00 331 NA #> 261 213 101.2 152 11.46 49 NA #> 262 333 105.4 318 -99.00 331 NA #> 263 210 104.5 288 -15.79 326 NA #> 264 157 101.3 156 -3.32 262 NA #> 265 343 106.2 338 13.02 36 NA #> 266 328 104.5 287 -13.45 323 NA #> 267 239 102.5 200 -99.00 331 NA #> 268 327 103.6 246 -4.42 277 NA #> 269 270 104.3 277 -0.50 224 NA #> 270 258 103.7 250 -1.33 241 NA #> 271 313 107.4 346 -99.00 331 NA #> 272 152 103.3 233 5.95 117 NA #> 273 251 105.3 313 2.80 170 NA #> 274 95 102.1 180 5.17 132 NA #> 275 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 276 273 106.7 341 -99.00 331 NA #> 277 302 105.0 307 13.05 35 NA #> 278 303 106.8 342 2.41 181 NA #> 279 295 105.1 308 -5.02 286 NA #> 280 204 105.9 333 -19.28 329 NA #> 281 164 102.6 205 -6.06 298 NA #> 282 277 103.4 237 -1.17 239 NA #> 283 321 102.8 212 2.87 169 NA #> 284 271 104.6 292 0.18 213 NA #> 285 324 104.9 302 -5.16 287 NA #> 286 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 287 308 107.6 347 -99.00 331 NA #> 288 198 105.8 327 -1.09 235 NA #> 289 87 101.6 164 18.07 13 NA #> 290 158 104.7 298 -0.24 219 NA #> 291 226 104.0 261 7.19 101 NA #> 292 217 102.2 187 -7.66 305 NA #> 293 256 104.9 305 -4.87 282 NA #> 294 139 101.0 148 -4.14 273 NA #> 295 300 103.1 225 -0.50 223 NA #> 296 279 103.3 234 -2.77 256 NA #> 297 247 102.5 201 4.38 146 NA #> 298 201 102.9 214 8.63 78 NA #> 299 299 104.9 304 3.84 156 NA #> 300 153 101.9 176 10.20 62 NA #> 301 329 105.7 326 -6.68 301 NA #> 302 179 103.8 257 0.32 210 NA #> 303 131 105.3 315 8.17 88 NA #> 304 215 104.5 283 -99.00 331 NA #> 305 231 102.0 177 3.59 162 NA #> 306 193 99.9 133 0.99 203 NA #> 307 288 103.5 239 2.64 176 NA #> 308 345 105.9 331 17.22 14 NA #> 309 331 102.2 186 -0.56 226 NA #> 310 103 99.5 126 -99.00 331 NA #> 311 242 104.6 290 2.66 175 NA #> 312 268 105.4 320 13.07 34 NA #> 313 200 102.2 188 10.77 56 NA #> 314 168 104.7 296 -1.12 237 NA #> 315 334 103.8 256 -19.54 330 NA #> 316 326 101.4 158 10.52 58 NA #> 317 238 104.5 284 15.36 22 NA #> 318 342 104.4 281 8.61 79 NA #> 319 171 101.7 170 12.79 40 NA #> 320 248 104.3 276 -2.67 255 NA #> 321 88 97.6 91 3.26 165 NA #> 322 250 103.0 217 7.84 93 NA #> 323 228 103.8 251 3.48 163 NA #> 324 317 105.4 319 22.79 2 NA #> 325 309 102.4 194 -8.19 308 NA #> 326 293 105.6 324 -10.52 316 NA #> 327 306 106.0 334 -3.36 263 NA #> 328 227 103.7 248 -2.47 254 NA #> 329 181 100.2 139 -0.10 216 NA #> 330 336 102.6 206 12.85 39 NA #> 331 186 101.0 144 21.14 6 NA #> 332 138 100.3 140 -2.18 253 NA #> 333 161 98.1 104 2.69 174 NA #> 334 241 106.8 343 -99.00 331 NA #> 335 183 104.4 280 8.80 77 NA #> 336 261 105.4 317 5.34 131 NA #> 337 117 102.4 193 -5.23 288 NA #> 338 224 104.4 279 -5.27 289 NA #> 339 246 104.1 266 1.74 194 NA #> 340 323 106.8 344 6.78 104 NA #> 341 249 103.6 247 11.53 48 NA #> 342 338 104.2 270 22.33 3 NA #> 343 315 105.3 314 7.53 97 NA #> 344 291 102.7 211 3.71 161 NA #> 345 294 105.2 312 7.82 94 NA #> 346 244 101.6 166 6.69 106 NA #> 347 233 103.8 253 -0.86 232 NA #> 348 344 105.4 321 -5.52 291 NA #> 349 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 350 182 102.5 198 15.56 18 NA #> 351 325 100.9 143 15.77 17 NA #> 352 296 102.6 204 2.33 184 NA #> 353 310 102.8 213 2.06 189 NA #> 354 347 105.9 332 -99.00 331 NA #> 355 348 200.0 348 -99.00 331 NA #> 356 91 97.6 88 9.06 75 NA #> 357 322 101.6 163 16.42 15 NA #> 358 26 94.7 1 9.58 10 1 #> 359 115 101.0 99 -2.09 245 1 #> 360 39 96.2 11 1.38 132 1 #> 361 103 101.3 105 -0.74 203 1 #> 362 53 98.7 58 2.60 85 3 #> 363 76 102.3 136 -1.80 239 2 #> 364 5 96.5 14 1.83 109 3 #> 365 15 96.9 20 -1.31 225 5 #> 366 75 98.2 48 -1.09 216 4 #> 367 27 95.9 8 5.80 32 6 #> 368 16 96.6 15 -0.44 192 3 #> 369 18 97.2 22 2.69 81 2 #> 370 49 100.0 86 7.40 20 5 #> 371 99 97.9 38 2.56 88 7 #> 372 44 98.4 53 1.22 140 2 #> 373 1 97.4 27 2.00 105 6 #> 374 62 97.4 30 4.11 54 4 #> 375 10 97.3 25 4.22 51 2 #> 376 38 98.8 62 2.41 92 7 #> 377 7 96.9 19 4.86 41 3 #> 378 51 97.3 24 -3.87 296 10 #> 379 2 96.9 21 1.61 120 4 #> 380 3 96.3 13 2.40 93 6 #> 381 6 96.3 12 2.78 77 NA #> 382 22 97.4 28 1.07 144 5 #> 383 11 97.4 29 -4.20 304 6 #> 384 4 96.2 10 2.88 76 NA #> 385 25 97.5 32 -4.44 309 9 #> 386 57 99.6 78 -0.87 207 4 #> 387 20 97.3 26 -5.83 333 7 #> 388 21 96.9 18 2.13 100 9 #> 389 19 98.9 67 6.92 23 9 #> 390 32 100.3 90 1.38 133 5 #> 391 8 97.6 35 -0.60 198 10 #> 392 66 98.0 43 2.77 78 8 #> 393 24 95.3 3 5.86 30 10 #> 394 61 98.6 55 2.01 103 8 #> 395 70 100.9 97 -0.32 188 8 #> 396 109 98.9 66 -1.25 223 11 #> 397 37 97.8 37 -1.12 217 8 #> 398 81 101.9 122 1.55 124 11 #> 399 63 98.7 57 -3.70 292 7 #> 400 101 99.2 71 -4.02 301 NA #> 401 94 97.9 39 3.60 64 12 #> 402 9 98.4 52 1.74 112 NA #> 403 98 102.4 142 -0.95 211 11 #> 404 36 100.2 88 1.28 136 NA #> 405 50 99.7 83 0.07 178 NA #> 406 146 101.6 114 1.26 138 NA #> 407 73 98.3 50 -2.93 271 11 #> 408 65 98.9 64 -1.28 224 NA #> 409 124 98.6 54 -1.69 233 NA #> 410 28 95.8 5 4.17 53 NA #> 411 72 97.8 36 1.03 148 NA #> 412 78 98.8 63 -1.48 229 9 #> 413 129 105.0 273 -0.64 199 11 #> 414 85 99.9 84 -8.69 348 NA #> 415 179 101.9 120 3.64 63 12 #> 416 91 99.7 81 -2.18 247 NA #> 417 33 99.1 69 3.96 59 NA #> 418 35 96.8 17 -0.30 187 NA #> 419 125 101.2 101 -1.72 236 NA #> 420 41 98.1 47 2.65 82 10 #> 421 31 97.6 34 4.04 58 NA #> 422 79 100.4 92 4.07 57 NA #> 423 46 98.0 42 -5.52 328 NA #> 424 14 97.2 23 1.50 126 NA #> 425 47 98.1 45 2.75 79 NA #> 426 68 99.3 72 -0.56 196 NA #> 427 122 99.5 74 2.91 74 NA #> 428 206 103.3 187 -4.54 312 NA #> 429 45 98.1 46 -1.70 235 NA #> 430 102 100.6 94 -1.01 213 NA #> 431 92 101.5 110 -1.43 226 NA #> 432 229 103.4 193 1.74 113 NA #> 433 319 104.2 234 1.80 110 13 #> 434 152 100.6 93 6.11 28 13 #> 435 67 98.3 49 -0.73 202 11 #> 436 331 107.3 347 -5.13 322 12 #> 437 116 100.3 89 -4.68 315 NA #> 438 132 103.8 207 1.74 114 NA #> 439 224 102.5 151 -1.88 242 13 #> 440 82 100.7 95 1.32 135 NA #> 441 17 97.5 33 7.39 21 NA #> 442 97 101.6 115 2.00 104 NA #> 443 64 95.9 6 -1.05 214 NA #> 444 90 99.5 76 -5.88 334 NA #> 445 169 99.6 80 -4.81 317 NA #> 446 30 95.2 2 2.61 84 NA #> 447 40 95.5 4 1.48 127 NA #> 448 284 104.6 254 1.26 139 13 #> 449 168 104.0 224 -1.46 228 NA #> 450 184 102.7 162 0.28 173 NA #> 451 12 98.0 41 -2.38 252 NA #> 452 138 102.3 137 -5.04 320 NA #> 453 34 98.7 59 1.66 117 NA #> 454 52 98.8 61 0.12 175 NA #> 455 89 100.9 96 1.02 150 NA #> 456 93 101.5 112 1.71 115 NA #> 457 325 106.7 337 0.55 162 12 #> 458 153 102.6 155 -3.32 281 NA #> 459 48 99.5 77 -3.68 291 NA #> 460 55 97.4 31 0.91 153 NA #> 461 43 96.8 16 1.07 145 NA #> 462 74 99.0 68 -9.83 351 NA #> 463 230 103.4 192 2.91 75 14 #> 464 209 102.2 129 -4.10 303 14 #> 465 228 105.5 295 -4.39 308 14 #> 466 314 106.0 315 -2.73 262 14 #> 467 186 102.9 168 0.30 168 NA #> 468 71 98.1 44 -4.01 300 NA #> 469 193 105.7 308 -1.84 240 15 #> 470 161 101.4 106 1.02 149 NA #> 471 29 98.8 60 2.26 98 NA #> 472 86 98.6 56 2.93 73 NA #> 473 226 103.4 190 -4.52 311 NA #> 474 118 100.1 87 -3.56 286 NA #> 475 246 106.7 341 -0.89 209 NA #> 476 242 105.5 291 -3.54 285 NA #> 477 190 103.2 179 -7.90 346 NA #> 478 127 102.2 132 -1.22 222 NA #> 479 110 101.5 108 2.74 80 NA #> 480 147 101.3 104 -0.71 200 NA #> 481 185 103.5 197 3.14 71 15 #> 482 117 98.9 65 -2.74 263 NA #> 483 142 102.2 130 4.84 42 NA #> 484 112 99.1 70 -8.19 347 NA #> 485 178 103.4 191 -3.61 289 NA #> 486 180 102.7 156 1.35 134 15 #> 487 87 102.4 141 11.60 8 NA #> 488 60 99.7 82 -3.20 278 NA #> 489 23 95.9 7 -2.56 258 NA #> 490 286 106.5 332 -5.49 327 NA #> 491 133 103.3 181 1.11 142 NA #> 492 95 104.9 268 12.03 6 NA #> 493 311 106.8 342 -5.57 329 NA #> 494 177 103.1 174 5.25 35 NA #> 495 80 103.5 198 -3.24 280 NA #> 496 96 101.1 100 0.30 170 NA #> 497 274 107.9 351 3.54 65 16 #> 498 148 102.1 128 3.20 70 NA #> 499 181 105.6 297 -2.89 269 NA #> 500 139 103.0 169 0.60 160 NA #> 501 267 105.2 279 -0.21 185 15 #> 502 329 103.7 205 0.29 171 16 #> 503 128 101.6 116 0.08 177 NA #> 504 210 103.3 188 -3.57 287 NA #> 505 155 103.1 172 -1.49 230 NA #> 506 212 102.4 145 -4.61 314 NA #> 507 200 102.4 143 0.27 174 NA #> 508 202 103.6 199 -11.52 352 NA #> 509 219 102.8 165 -2.00 243 NA #> 510 42 98.3 51 1.84 108 NA #> 511 163 103.3 185 -1.80 238 NA #> 512 182 103.1 171 -0.54 195 NA #> 513 171 103.2 177 -1.67 232 NA #> 514 77 102.3 138 0.40 165 NA #> 515 149 104.7 259 0.97 151 NA #> 516 245 105.6 300 0.04 180 16 #> 517 266 104.7 258 -2.90 270 NA #> 518 189 103.8 206 2.51 91 NA #> 519 13 96.1 9 -1.05 215 NA #> 520 134 102.5 147 -5.30 324 NA #> 521 183 103.3 189 -5.42 326 NA #> 522 111 99.4 73 1.15 141 NA #> 523 277 104.1 228 6.98 22 NA #> 524 173 102.9 167 -1.18 219 NA #> 525 165 102.5 149 -2.44 254 NA #> 526 58 100.0 85 -5.62 330 NA #> 527 135 104.2 233 3.69 62 NA #> 528 167 102.2 133 1.39 131 NA #> 529 264 105.4 284 3.47 67 NA #> 530 217 103.3 184 0.30 169 NA #> 531 160 102.0 125 -6.46 341 NA #> 532 126 102.4 146 1.61 121 NA #> 533 312 105.9 314 0.03 181 NA #> 534 221 105.4 286 -2.78 268 NA #> 535 140 102.5 148 -3.73 293 NA #> 536 56 97.9 40 -1.74 237 NA #> 537 222 105.6 299 -5.78 332 NA #> 538 136 101.5 109 -3.54 284 NA #> 539 204 104.0 220 -5.93 335 NA #> 540 201 104.1 230 -0.32 189 NA #> 541 292 106.6 335 5.58 33 NA #> 542 137 99.6 79 -5.36 325 NA #> 543 238 106.8 343 7.52 19 NA #> 544 330 103.6 202 -0.94 210 NA #> 545 199 102.4 140 1.55 125 NA #> 546 259 102.6 154 -5.65 331 NA #> 547 166 102.6 152 -3.87 295 NA #> 548 223 102.7 163 -3.81 294 NA #> 549 305 103.8 211 1.61 119 NA #> 550 269 106.2 322 11.95 7 NA #> 551 307 105.1 276 -3.63 290 NA #> 552 175 105.3 283 -1.14 218 NA #> 553 106 102.2 135 3.13 72 NA #> 554 105 101.5 111 -3.00 273 NA #> 555 194 104.0 221 -4.91 319 NA #> 556 208 102.6 153 -0.86 206 NA #> 557 302 106.5 333 -3.97 298 NA #> 558 320 103.9 217 -1.21 221 NA #> 559 326 106.2 323 -6.96 344 NA #> 560 255 106.2 324 -3.00 274 NA #> 561 258 104.9 267 -0.51 193 NA #> 562 231 102.7 161 -2.54 256 NA #> 563 159 102.8 166 -0.17 183 NA #> 564 279 106.1 319 1.65 118 16 #> 565 237 105.4 287 -3.06 275 NA #> 566 83 101.6 113 -2.23 249 NA #> 567 211 101.3 103 1.42 128 NA #> 568 251 105.2 281 -3.90 297 NA #> 569 257 105.9 312 4.54 47 NA #> 570 348 104.3 243 9.36 11 16 #> 571 260 104.8 265 -2.76 267 NA #> 572 191 103.9 216 0.29 172 NA #> 573 144 102.0 126 1.94 107 NA #> 574 215 100.3 91 -9.14 350 NA #> 575 227 106.7 340 6.08 29 NA #> 576 104 104.3 238 4.54 48 NA #> 577 113 101.7 117 0.47 164 NA #> 578 328 103.5 195 0.72 155 NA #> 579 157 103.8 210 0.73 154 NA #> 580 236 103.8 214 5.00 39 NA #> 581 214 102.8 164 -2.12 246 NA #> 582 241 103.2 180 0.63 159 NA #> 583 145 103.0 170 -1.69 234 NA #> 584 285 105.4 289 0.40 166 NA #> 585 233 106.1 316 -2.99 272 NA #> 586 158 102.7 158 -3.35 282 NA #> 587 69 101.0 98 1.42 130 NA #> 588 100 103.8 212 6.91 24 NA #> 589 271 105.4 285 -2.75 266 NA #> 590 150 103.2 178 4.63 46 NA #> 591 317 105.5 293 -2.20 248 NA #> 592 195 105.5 294 2.57 86 NA #> 593 261 106.3 327 2.31 96 NA #> 594 154 102.1 127 -1.46 227 NA #> 595 313 107.7 350 -6.08 337 NA #> 596 220 104.6 255 3.71 61 NA #> 597 282 105.2 280 -2.41 253 NA #> 598 197 101.5 107 -6.19 339 NA #> 599 205 104.8 263 2.63 83 NA #> 600 303 105.7 303 -5.11 321 NA #> 601 196 104.3 241 -1.01 212 NA #> 602 225 103.8 208 -13.52 353 NA #> 603 59 101.9 121 -3.15 277 NA #> 604 270 103.8 213 2.56 87 NA #> 605 306 105.0 275 -3.57 288 NA #> 606 216 104.7 261 4.75 43 NA #> 607 345 105.0 272 6.45 26 NA #> 608 332 104.5 251 -6.81 343 NA #> 609 123 102.5 150 1.79 111 NA #> 610 235 104.7 256 -0.71 201 NA #> 611 343 106.6 334 2.04 102 NA #> 612 281 105.2 277 -4.06 302 NA #> 613 280 104.0 219 -0.17 184 NA #> 614 174 104.5 250 -6.37 340 NA #> 615 308 103.5 196 -0.87 208 NA #> 616 297 105.8 309 -0.38 191 NA #> 617 84 99.5 75 4.70 45 NA #> 618 107 106.5 331 -2.54 255 NA #> 619 293 107.6 349 -4.59 313 NA #> 620 218 103.3 183 2.33 95 NA #> 621 272 106.7 336 -6.73 342 NA #> 622 310 104.4 247 -2.57 259 NA #> 623 192 105.4 290 2.55 89 NA #> 624 263 106.4 328 -0.08 182 NA #> 625 275 106.7 338 -7.30 345 NA #> 626 323 104.3 239 -4.38 307 NA #> 627 268 107.2 346 5.85 31 NA #> 628 248 105.7 305 -3.09 276 NA #> 629 340 106.3 326 6.55 25 16 #> 630 162 102.2 134 5.18 36 NA #> 631 203 101.8 119 -0.27 186 NA #> 632 336 104.0 223 -5.29 323 NA #> 633 304 105.9 313 7.69 17 NA #> 634 170 104.3 244 1.10 143 NA #> 635 338 103.1 175 14.38 2 NA #> 636 88 102.2 131 9.01 13 NA #> 637 273 105.3 282 1.05 146 NA #> 638 341 104.9 271 7.60 18 NA #> 639 309 104.7 257 -4.51 310 NA #> 640 188 104.0 222 12.93 4 NA #> 641 296 104.9 266 0.59 161 NA #> 642 316 106.9 345 -2.74 265 NA #> 643 108 102.0 124 -4.31 305 NA #> 644 342 105.7 307 4.11 55 NA #> 645 299 104.8 262 -2.55 257 NA #> 646 298 104.3 245 3.47 66 NA #> 647 54 101.3 102 2.30 97 NA #> 648 156 102.7 159 4.22 52 NA #> 649 350 105.7 306 1.58 122 NA #> 650 164 103.1 173 -2.74 264 NA #> 651 131 102.7 157 -4.81 318 NA #> 652 143 101.7 118 4.27 50 NA #> 653 249 104.5 252 0.65 158 NA #> 654 141 101.9 123 7.78 16 NA #> 655 278 105.8 310 -2.64 261 NA #> 656 213 102.4 144 -2.23 250 NA #> 657 300 102.3 139 3.87 60 NA #> 658 287 104.2 235 -1.19 220 NA #> 659 295 108.8 353 -3.42 283 NA #> 660 290 106.2 321 0.37 167 NA #> 661 176 104.4 248 5.40 34 NA #> 662 119 104.9 269 -0.59 197 NA #> 663 207 103.8 209 4.31 49 NA #> 664 318 105.8 311 -5.94 336 NA #> 665 276 105.4 288 1.66 116 NA #> 666 346 105.6 301 5.03 38 NA #> 667 256 104.1 225 1.03 147 NA #> 668 239 104.1 231 -3.99 299 NA #> 669 120 104.5 253 1.96 106 NA #> 670 198 104.1 232 3.41 69 NA #> 671 333 104.2 237 8.42 14 NA #> 672 130 103.3 186 6.25 27 NA #> 673 324 106.1 318 -4.35 306 NA #> 674 335 104.7 260 -8.93 349 NA #> 675 291 107.5 348 0.67 157 NA #> 676 327 107.9 352 -6.18 338 NA #> 677 288 102.7 160 0.48 163 NA #> 678 114 103.4 194 0.08 176 NA #> 679 349 106.9 344 -0.52 194 NA #> 680 172 103.6 201 -1.61 231 NA #> 681 352 103.6 200 9.06 12 NA #> 682 253 106.7 339 1.57 123 NA #> 683 243 104.8 264 15.78 1 NA #> 684 339 105.5 292 2.53 90 NA #> 685 250 103.6 203 1.27 137 NA #> 686 315 104.4 246 2.13 99 NA #> 687 151 105.5 296 -4.75 316 NA #> 688 247 105.6 302 2.09 101 NA #> 689 321 104.2 236 10.67 9 NA #> 690 289 104.1 227 -1.86 241 NA #> 691 121 103.1 176 -2.59 260 NA #> 692 294 106.4 329 -2.03 244 NA #> 693 254 105.2 278 4.94 40 NA #> 694 252 106.5 330 -0.36 190 NA #> 695 262 104.9 270 4.71 44 NA #> 696 351 106.1 320 0.68 156 NA #> 697 283 105.7 304 -0.78 205 NA #> 698 232 106.1 317 3.44 68 NA #> 699 234 104.1 229 13.24 3 NA #> 700 347 104.5 249 2.36 94 NA #> 701 240 103.9 218 0.04 179 NA #> 702 301 106.3 325 -2.27 251 NA #> 703 353 105.6 298 -3.21 279 NA #> 704 265 104.3 242 1.42 129 NA #> 705 322 103.3 182 12.03 5 NA #> 706 337 104.1 226 7.78 15 NA #> 707 344 105.0 274 0.96 152 NA #> 708 334 103.9 215 5.14 37 NA #> 709 187 103.7 204 4.10 56 NA #> 710 244 104.3 240 -0.75 204 NA # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_program_ratings.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's program ratings — kp_program_ratings","title":"Get KenPom's program ratings — kp_program_ratings","text":"Get KenPom's program ratings","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_program_ratings.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's program ratings — kp_program_ratings","text":"","code":"kp_program_ratings()"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_program_ratings.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's program ratings — kp_program_ratings","text":"data frame 17 columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_program_ratings.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's program ratings — kp_program_ratings","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_program_ratings()) #> rk team conf rtg best_rk best_yr worst_rk worst_yr #> 1 1 Duke ACC 46.57 1 2010 36 2021 #> 2 2 Kentucky SEC 40.58 1 2015 78 2008 #> 3 3 Kansas B12 36.45 1 2020 27 2021 #> 4 4 North Carolina ACC 33.75 1 2009 137 2002 #> 5 5 Michigan St. B10 31.24 1 2000 64 2021 #> 6 6 Gonzaga WCC 30.26 1 2022 149 1997 #> 7 7 Arizona P12 30.00 2 2014 94 2019 #> 8 8 Villanova BE 29.60 1 2018 91 1998 #> 9 9 Texas B12 27.42 3 2006 117 1998 #> 10 10 Ohio St. B10 27.25 1 2011 155 1998 #> 11 11 Florida SEC 27.00 1 2006 106 1997 #> 12 12 Louisville ACC 26.67 1 2014 133 2001 #> 13 13 Michigan B10 26.52 3 2021 146 2001 #> 14 14 UCLA P12 25.83 4 2008 144 2004 #> 15 15 Illinois B10 24.77 2 2005 125 2016 #> 16 16 Virginia ACC 24.73 1 2019 104 2009 #> 17 17 Connecticut BE 24.47 2 2009 179 2018 #> 18 18 Wisconsin B10 24.31 2 2015 95 1998 #> 19 19 Tennessee SEC 24.31 9 2022 158 1997 #> 20 20 Syracuse ACC 23.48 3 2010 69 2022 #> 21 21 Purdue B10 23.19 5 2018 155 2006 #> 22 22 Indiana B10 22.97 3 2013 209 2009 #> 23 23 Maryland B10 22.91 3 2002 134 2012 #> 24 24 Oregon P12 22.50 9 2002 159 2009 #> 25 25 Baylor B12 22.31 2 2021 236 2005 #> 26 26 Memphis Amer 21.92 2 2008 161 2018 #> 27 27 Florida St. ACC 21.86 14 2019 134 2001 #> 28 28 Oklahoma B12 21.28 5 2002 144 2011 #> 29 29 Alabama SEC 21.14 9 2021 100 2009 #> 30 30 Xavier BE 21.03 12 1998 81 2005 #> 31 31 West Virginia B12 20.59 5 2010 192 2002 #> 32 32 Arkansas SEC 20.41 18 2022 134 2003 #> 33 33 Notre Dame ACC 20.34 9 2015 108 1999 #> 34 34 USC P12 20.10 6 2021 220 2012 #> 35 35 LSU SEC 20.06 11 2006 232 2011 #> 36 36 Oklahoma St. B12 20.06 4 2004 98 2016 #> 37 37 Stanford P12 19.70 2 2001 112 2019 #> 38 38 Texas Tech B12 19.49 5 2019 239 2013 #> 39 39 Cincinnati Amer 19.35 2 2002 141 2007 #> 40 40 Iowa B10 19.08 7 2021 174 2010 #> 41 41 Marquette BE 19.06 11 2002 113 1999 #> 42 42 Creighton BE 18.95 12 2020 116 2010 #> 43 43 Miami FL ACC 18.43 13 2013 138 2021 #> 44 44 Pittsburgh ACC 18.22 3 2009 227 2018 #> 45 45 Georgetown BE 18.19 4 2007 175 2022 #> 46 46 Iowa St. B12 18.12 10 2000 171 2021 #> 47 47 Auburn SEC 17.76 4 1999 234 2011 #> 48 48 N.C. State ACC 17.32 9 2004 128 2022 #> 49 49 Clemson ACC 17.20 11 1997 164 2000 #> 50 50 Butler BE 17.03 12 2010 145 2005 #> 51 51 Missouri SEC 16.30 6 2009 192 2015 #> 52 52 Kansas St. B12 15.99 6 2010 161 2000 #> 53 53 Mississippi St. SEC 15.92 14 2004 256 2013 #> 54 54 Minnesota B10 15.90 3 1997 192 2016 #> 55 55 BYU WCC 15.90 10 2010 280 1997 #> 56 56 Wichita St. Amer 15.73 6 2014 189 2001 #> 57 57 Vanderbilt SEC 15.68 16 2012 169 2020 #> 58 58 Providence BE 15.65 24 2004 162 2000 #> 59 59 Washington P12 15.64 14 2005 181 2001 #> 60 60 Utah P12 15.63 7 1998 302 2012 #> 61 61 Mississippi SEC 15.31 17 1998 147 2006 #> 62 62 Virginia Tech ACC 15.26 13 2019 234 2001 #> 63 63 Seton Hall BE 15.21 20 2020 117 2013 #> 64 64 Texas A&M SEC 15.20 7 2007 213 2002 #> 65 65 Arizona St. P12 14.99 15 2009 230 2012 #> 66 66 Wake Forest ACC 14.59 5 1997 259 2011 #> 67 67 Georgia Tech ACC 14.36 8 2004 174 2012 #> 68 68 Colorado P12 13.95 8 2021 216 2007 #> 69 69 San Diego St. MWC 13.93 6 2020 275 1999 #> 70 70 Dayton A10 13.92 4 2020 172 2018 #> 71 71 Houston Amer 13.91 2 2022 230 1998 #> 72 72 South Carolina SEC 13.82 19 2006 209 2013 #> 73 73 Georgia SEC 13.55 16 2003 219 2022 #> 74 74 Saint Mary's WCC 13.38 15 2017 315 2001 #> 75 75 California P12 13.19 14 2010 244 2018 #> 76 76 Temple Amer 13.15 4 2000 150 2014 #> 77 77 VCU A10 12.80 18 2013 218 1998 #> 78 78 St. John's BE 12.60 7 1999 211 2016 #> 79 79 Penn St. B10 12.17 19 2018 227 2004 #> 80 80 Nebraska B10 12.04 39 2008 162 2020 #> 81 81 Utah St. MWC 11.86 21 2005 142 1999 #> 82 82 UNLV MWC 11.41 29 2011 248 2017 #> 83 83 Boston College ACC 10.79 12 2001 261 2012 #> 84 84 TCU B12 10.58 18 1998 265 2013 #> 85 85 Northwestern B10 10.34 38 2017 257 2000 #> 86 86 New Mexico MWC 9.96 20 2012 294 2021 #> 87 87 Davidson A10 9.91 11 2008 232 2001 #> 88 88 SMU Amer 9.82 11 2017 283 2008 #> 89 89 Rutgers B10 9.82 28 2020 279 2016 #> 90 90 Tulsa Amer 9.68 7 2000 211 2006 #> 91 91 Nevada MWC 9.53 20 2004 270 2015 #> 92 92 Washington St. P12 9.39 10 2008 216 2002 #> 93 93 Saint Louis A10 9.17 14 2012 289 2015 #> 94 94 Northern Iowa MVC 9.06 18 2015 228 2001 #> 95 95 Saint Joseph's A10 8.96 3 2004 260 2020 #> 96 96 Boise St. MWC 8.62 39 2022 214 2005 #> 97 97 Richmond A10 8.45 38 2004 278 2007 #> 98 98 Rhode Island A10 8.28 20 1997 251 2005 #> 99 99 DePaul BE 8.12 30 2000 234 1997 #> 100 100 Colorado St. MWC 7.68 22 2013 265 2008 #> 101 101 UAB CUSA 7.64 46 2004 196 2017 #> 102 102 Oregon St. P12 7.63 43 2021 264 2017 #> 103 103 Murray St. MVC 7.62 35 2012 218 2007 #> 104 104 Missouri St. MVC 7.42 21 1999 255 2015 #> 105 105 Belmont MVC 6.79 23 2011 282 1998 #> 106 106 St. Bonaventure A10 6.69 32 2021 321 2005 #> 107 107 Fresno St. MWC 6.46 30 2001 207 2009 #> 108 108 New Mexico St. WAC 6.45 53 2019 271 2005 #> 109 109 Akron MAC 6.42 45 2007 255 2018 #> 110 110 Kent St. MAC 6.31 14 2002 211 2018 #> 111 111 Western Kentucky CUSA 6.21 43 2008 232 2017 #> 112 112 Massachusetts A10 6.18 28 1998 236 2019 #> 113 113 Southern Illinois MVC 6.00 16 2007 223 2015 #> 114 114 George Washington A10 5.97 38 2005 293 2019 #> 115 115 Illinois St. MVC 5.77 42 1997 237 2011 #> 116 116 UCF Amer 5.66 34 2019 300 1997 #> 117 117 Old Dominion SB 5.49 37 2010 276 2013 #> 118 118 George Mason A10 5.42 22 2006 220 2018 #> 119 119 San Francisco WCC 5.25 23 2022 254 2008 #> 120 120 Loyola Chicago A10 5.02 10 2021 288 2012 #> 121 121 Valparaiso MVC 4.94 42 2016 226 2009 #> 122 122 Louisiana Tech CUSA 4.76 37 2014 328 2008 #> 123 123 Ohio MAC 4.70 51 1999 256 1998 #> 124 124 Wyoming MWC 4.69 65 2022 317 2019 #> 125 125 Buffalo MAC 4.43 22 2019 281 2000 #> 126 126 Charlotte CUSA 4.09 26 1998 308 2018 #> 127 127 Toledo MAC 3.92 61 2019 332 2011 #> 128 128 South Florida Amer 3.90 48 2012 292 2017 #> 129 129 UTEP CUSA 3.90 41 2004 299 2019 #> 130 130 Princeton Ivy 3.85 15 1998 312 2008 #> 131 131 Bradley MVC 3.81 25 2006 323 2016 #> 132 132 Vermont AE 3.49 43 2005 253 2001 #> 133 133 Iona MAAC 3.30 45 1998 323 2007 #> 134 134 Pacific WCC 3.05 40 2005 293 2022 #> 135 135 Middle Tennessee CUSA 3.04 43 2017 306 2021 #> 136 136 South Dakota St. Sum 3.04 61 2012 319 2007 #> 137 137 Indiana St. MVC 2.79 64 1999 266 2003 #> 138 138 Charleston CAA 2.79 61 1999 279 2015 #> 139 139 Santa Clara WCC 2.74 76 2022 277 2018 #> 140 140 La Salle A10 2.73 50 2013 267 2016 #> 141 141 Drake MVC 2.66 17 2008 287 1998 #> 142 142 North Dakota St. Sum 2.50 61 2014 242 2010 #> 143 143 Wright St. Horz 2.21 65 2010 243 2015 #> 144 144 Miami OH MAC 2.17 28 1999 279 2017 #> 145 145 Hofstra CAA 1.98 63 2006 303 2013 #> 146 146 UC Santa Barbara BW 1.94 58 2021 331 2017 #> 147 147 Marshall SB 1.82 78 2012 261 2015 #> 148 148 San Diego WCC 1.77 72 2000 294 2011 #> 149 149 Hawaii BW 1.68 51 2002 269 2017 #> 150 150 UC Irvine BW 1.44 73 2019 303 1997 #> 151 151 Oral Roberts Sum 1.43 66 1997 290 2019 #> 152 152 Duquesne A10 1.21 55 2011 301 2006 #> 153 153 Evansville MVC 1.18 72 2016 321 2022 #> 154 154 Georgia St. SB 1.12 66 2014 281 1997 #> 155 155 Louisiana SB 1.08 65 2003 271 2007 #> 156 156 Pepperdine WCC 1.06 34 2000 303 2017 #> 157 157 Detroit Mercy Horz 1.05 29 1998 319 2018 #> 158 158 Harvard Ivy 0.96 32 2014 307 2004 #> 159 159 East Tennessee St. SC 0.96 56 2020 319 2013 #> 160 160 Stephen F. Austin WAC 0.93 41 2016 311 2019 #> 161 161 Grand Canyon WAC 0.92 93 2022 265 2020 #> 162 162 Western Michigan MAC 0.88 31 2004 329 2022 #> 163 163 Tulane Amer 0.72 68 1997 285 2014 #> 164 164 Southern Miss SB 0.72 45 2001 341 2022 #> 165 165 Penn Ivy 0.68 48 2003 308 2010 #> 166 166 Bowling Green MAC 0.65 60 2002 284 2022 #> 167 167 Ball St. MAC 0.60 55 2002 296 2014 #> 168 168 Drexel CAA 0.58 45 2012 257 2008 #> 169 169 Air Force MWC 0.53 20 2007 332 2021 #> 170 170 Oakland Horz 0.53 56 2011 270 2006 #> 171 171 Montana BSky 0.50 72 2018 248 2022 #> 172 172 Green Bay Horz 0.43 71 2015 343 2022 #> 173 173 Milwaukee Horz 0.17 36 2005 335 2022 #> 174 174 Weber St. BSky 0.14 71 2013 273 2020 #> 175 175 UNC Wilmington CAA -0.08 37 2003 312 2020 #> 176 176 Yale Ivy -0.15 47 2016 302 2000 #> 177 177 Northeastern CAA -0.17 71 2010 287 2000 #> 178 178 Wofford SC -0.57 18 2019 292 1997 #> 179 179 North Texas CUSA -0.69 57 2022 320 2017 #> 180 180 Siena MAAC -0.79 59 2010 303 2018 #> 181 181 Bucknell Pat -0.79 58 2013 336 2022 #> 182 182 Long Beach St. BW -0.93 36 2012 304 2008 #> 183 183 Cleveland St. Horz -0.99 66 2009 313 2020 #> 184 184 East Carolina Amer -1.03 109 1997 307 2018 #> 185 185 Illinois Chicago MVC -1.16 41 1998 335 2016 #> 186 186 South Alabama SB -1.46 49 1998 297 2015 #> 187 187 Winthrop BSth -1.68 51 2007 305 1998 #> 188 188 UT Arlington WAC -1.75 75 2017 274 1997 #> 189 189 Chattanooga SC -1.87 67 2022 310 2013 #> 190 190 Northern Kentucky Horz -1.95 90 2018 311 2014 #> 191 191 Loyola Marymount WCC -2.05 94 2021 332 2008 #> 192 192 Furman SC -2.22 59 2019 342 2014 #> 193 193 Sam Houston St. WAC -2.24 95 2015 287 2012 #> 194 194 Eastern Washington BSky -2.33 105 2021 299 2013 #> 195 195 Boston University Pat -2.37 92 2005 291 2000 #> 196 196 Portland WCC -2.59 79 2010 326 2019 #> 197 197 Rice CUSA -2.60 71 2004 325 2013 #> 198 198 Eastern Michigan MAC -2.69 65 1998 316 2022 #> 199 199 Rider MAAC -2.73 120 1998 316 2021 #> 200 200 Delaware CAA -2.75 104 1999 295 2007 #> 201 201 Arkansas St. SB -2.78 101 1999 295 2015 #> 202 202 Bellarmine ASun -2.86 167 2021 200 2022 #> 203 203 Manhattan MAAC -2.95 48 2004 323 2019 #> 204 204 UNC Greensboro SC -2.99 82 2018 324 2009 #> 205 205 Fairfield MAAC -3.22 104 2011 309 2021 #> 206 206 Niagara MAAC -3.43 75 2009 315 2019 #> 207 207 Appalachian St. SB -3.46 76 2007 331 2014 #> 208 208 William & Mary CAA -3.47 87 2016 338 2022 #> 209 209 Central Michigan MAC -3.54 70 2003 318 2022 #> 210 210 Fordham A10 -3.55 127 2006 321 2009 #> 211 211 Austin Peay ASun -3.88 103 2004 317 2015 #> 212 212 James Madison SB -3.95 91 2016 312 2005 #> 213 213 Little Rock OVC -3.98 56 2016 328 2022 #> 214 214 Utah Valley WAC -4.06 92 2018 326 2010 #> 215 215 South Dakota Sum -4.10 81 2018 288 2011 #> 216 216 Mercer SC -4.15 87 2014 318 2006 #> 217 217 Texas St. SB -4.17 93 2020 321 2006 #> 218 218 Stony Brook CAA -4.18 60 2013 313 2006 #> 219 219 Denver Sum -4.23 47 2013 338 2021 #> 220 220 Canisius MAAC -4.29 89 1997 326 2012 #> 221 221 Georgia Southern SB -4.40 103 2019 328 2011 #> 222 222 Cal St. Northridge BW -4.42 85 2001 332 2022 #> 223 223 Cal St. Fullerton BW -4.43 88 2008 304 2001 #> 224 224 Northern Illinois MAC -4.45 120 2006 337 2021 #> 225 225 Morehead St. OVC -4.49 89 2011 328 2006 #> 226 226 Coastal Carolina SB -4.61 117 2011 308 1999 #> 227 227 Northern Colorado BSky -4.89 75 2020 314 2016 #> 228 228 Saint Peter's MAAC -4.94 95 2017 316 2019 #> 229 229 Portland St. BSky -4.98 112 2008 304 2013 #> 230 230 Troy SB -5.00 88 2004 305 2021 #> 231 231 IUPUI Horz -5.13 66 2008 358 2022 #> 232 232 UTSA CUSA -5.15 149 2019 338 2016 #> 233 233 Towson CAA -5.15 75 2022 339 2012 #> 234 234 Purdue Fort Wayne Horz -5.17 135 2016 292 2005 #> 235 235 Monmouth CAA -5.24 81 2017 326 2009 #> 236 236 Cal Baptist WAC -5.37 197 2019 229 2021 #> 237 237 Florida Gulf Coast ASun -5.40 105 2013 310 2020 #> 238 238 Colgate Pat -5.40 89 2021 324 2012 #> 239 239 Robert Morris Horz -5.63 123 2012 327 2022 #> 240 240 American Pat -5.64 112 2009 331 2022 #> 241 241 Seattle WAC -5.68 139 2022 294 2016 #> 242 242 Lipscomb ASun -5.68 45 2019 310 2002 #> 243 243 Holy Cross Pat -5.70 66 2005 349 2022 #> 244 244 FIU CUSA -5.74 111 1998 311 2004 #> 245 245 Cornell Ivy -5.76 46 2010 340 2014 #> 246 246 Cal St. Bakersfield BW -5.85 90 2017 320 2008 #> 247 247 Montana St. BSky -5.91 118 1998 320 2015 #> 248 248 Florida Atlantic CUSA -5.96 129 2022 317 2000 #> 249 249 Samford SC -5.97 113 2000 321 2020 #> 250 250 Northern Arizona BSky -6.00 71 1998 343 2016 #> 251 251 Liberty ASun -6.07 58 2019 333 2015 #> 252 252 Albany AE -6.07 121 2016 318 2001 #> 253 253 Lehigh Pat -6.29 79 2012 334 2021 #> 254 254 Eastern Kentucky ASun -6.46 110 2013 300 1999 #> 255 255 Youngstown St. Horz -6.54 138 1998 322 2018 #> 256 256 Idaho BSky -6.59 126 2018 350 2021 #> 257 257 Tennessee Tech OVC -6.65 72 2002 331 2020 #> 258 258 Cal Poly BW -6.68 152 2013 334 2019 #> 259 259 UNC Asheville BSth -6.70 110 2017 347 2019 #> 260 260 San Jose St. MWC -6.74 110 2001 347 2015 #> 261 261 Gardner Webb BSth -6.83 163 2019 331 2010 #> 262 262 UC Davis BW -7.06 101 2015 328 2012 #> 263 263 Marist MAAC -7.21 108 2006 336 2010 #> 264 264 Brown Ivy -7.26 134 2008 310 2012 #> 265 265 Quinnipiac MAAC -7.33 149 2014 312 2001 #> 266 266 Abilene Christian WAC -7.38 84 2021 348 2014 #> 267 267 Wagner NEC -7.39 102 2012 335 2010 #> 268 268 Jacksonville St. ASun -7.44 110 2019 326 2008 #> 269 269 UC Riverside BW -7.45 106 2021 322 2019 #> 270 270 Columbia Ivy -7.55 113 2016 351 2022 #> 271 271 Louisiana Monroe SB -7.60 133 2016 327 2013 #> 272 272 UMKC Sum -7.62 147 2004 318 2013 #> 273 273 Tarleton St. WAC -7.64 212 2022 261 2021 #> 274 274 Texas A&M Corpus Chris Slnd -7.76 91 2007 344 2021 #> 275 275 Loyola MD Pat -7.76 124 2013 323 2018 #> 276 276 Navy Pat -7.77 127 2000 329 2012 #> 277 277 Elon CAA -7.81 136 2017 311 2001 #> 278 278 Radford BSth -7.85 122 2019 331 2011 #> 279 279 Southern Utah WAC -7.86 97 2001 351 2014 #> 280 280 Western Carolina SC -7.94 155 2010 322 2017 #> 281 281 Mount St. Mary's MAAC -7.94 145 2009 325 2002 #> 282 282 Hampton CAA -8.18 116 2002 327 2021 #> 283 283 Tennessee St. OVC -8.38 160 2017 334 2015 #> 284 284 Lafayette Pat -8.42 140 2000 330 2017 #> 285 285 New Orleans Slnd -8.68 90 1997 345 2013 #> 286 286 UC San Diego BW -8.84 231 2021 261 2022 #> 287 287 Jacksonville ASun -8.91 122 2009 340 2015 #> 288 288 Lamar Slnd -8.93 108 2012 350 2022 #> 289 289 LIU NEC -9.04 93 1997 321 2002 #> 290 290 Nebraska Omaha Sum -9.21 148 2016 344 2022 #> 291 291 Southeast Missouri St. OVC -9.28 84 2000 340 2020 #> 292 292 High Point BSth -9.47 145 2015 341 2020 #> 293 293 North Florida ASun -9.47 143 2015 337 2008 #> 294 294 Eastern Illinois OVC -9.82 112 2001 357 2022 #> 295 295 St. Francis NY NEC -9.86 157 2015 346 2017 #> 296 296 Northwestern St. Slnd -9.88 93 2006 345 2018 #> 297 297 VMI SC -9.99 153 2021 331 2018 #> 298 298 Hartford ind -10.12 144 1997 334 2017 #> 299 298 Western Illinois Sum -10.13 147 1997 330 2020 #> 300 299 Idaho St. BSky -10.27 158 2007 339 2022 #> 301 300 UMBC AE -10.42 127 2008 343 2015 #> 302 301 Dartmouth Ivy -10.42 116 1997 341 2010 #> 303 302 McNeese St. Slnd -10.45 100 2002 340 2021 #> 304 303 North Dakota Sum -10.83 168 2017 348 2022 #> 305 304 Southeastern Louisiana Slnd -10.87 134 2005 336 2021 #> 306 305 Norfolk St. MEAC -11.13 176 2022 322 2007 #> 307 306 Texas Southern SWAC -11.19 155 2013 335 2008 #> 308 307 Sacramento St. BSky -11.27 156 2006 339 2009 #> 309 308 Tennessee Martin OVC -11.46 117 2009 347 2021 #> 310 309 Nicholls St. Slnd -11.48 167 2009 331 2016 #> 311 310 Campbell BSth -11.51 163 2010 327 2014 #> 312 311 Charleston Southern BSth -11.55 160 2019 347 2022 #> 313 312 North Carolina Central MEAC -11.56 92 2014 343 2009 #> 314 313 USC Upstate BSth -11.59 136 2012 338 2018 #> 315 314 Central Connecticut NEC -11.72 135 2000 351 2016 #> 316 315 Fairleigh Dickinson NEC -11.81 97 1998 345 2022 #> 317 316 Sacred Heart NEC -11.84 185 2007 324 2021 #> 318 317 Army Pat -12.01 158 2013 331 2006 #> 319 318 New Hampshire AE -12.02 182 2017 345 2019 #> 320 319 UT Rio Grande Valley WAC -12.16 167 2002 348 2016 #> 321 320 St. Francis PA NEC -12.33 176 2020 330 2013 #> 322 321 Merrimack NEC -12.37 227 2020 299 2022 #> 323 322 Maine AE -12.67 153 1999 354 2022 #> 324 323 The Citadel SC -12.70 151 2002 345 2014 #> 325 324 Stetson ASun -12.82 198 2001 338 2015 #> 326 325 UMass Lowell AE -12.98 230 2021 322 2014 #> 327 326 Morgan St. MEAC -13.22 150 2009 333 2019 #> 328 327 Bryant AE -13.37 176 2013 346 2016 #> 329 328 Binghamton AE -13.82 177 2009 344 2012 #> 330 329 Jackson St. SWAC -13.97 218 1999 337 2018 #> 331 330 North Alabama ASun -13.98 273 2021 315 2022 #> 332 331 Southern SWAC -14.10 162 2013 345 2011 #> 333 332 Coppin St. MEAC -14.30 128 1997 347 2018 #> 334 333 North Carolina A&T CAA -14.69 227 2013 349 2017 #> 335 334 NJIT AE -14.81 173 2015 344 2009 #> 336 335 Utah Tech WAC -14.89 278 2022 328 2021 #> 337 336 South Carolina St. MEAC -15.26 149 1998 353 2021 #> 338 337 Alabama St. SWAC -15.87 200 2009 354 2021 #> 339 338 St. Thomas Sum -16.00 305 2022 305 2022 #> 340 339 Central Arkansas ASun -16.23 213 2018 349 2015 #> 341 340 Delaware St. MEAC -16.74 200 2007 356 2022 #> 342 341 Longwood BSth -16.81 145 2022 347 2017 #> 343 342 Presbyterian BSth -16.89 179 2019 350 2017 #> 344 343 SIU Edwardsville OVC -17.00 248 2015 342 2011 #> 345 344 Prairie View A&M SWAC -17.02 209 2019 337 2016 #> 346 345 Kennesaw St. ASun -17.05 223 2022 352 2020 #> 347 346 Bethune Cookman SWAC -17.17 230 2000 349 2021 #> 348 347 Florida A&M SWAC -18.29 254 2007 350 2015 #> 349 348 Howard MEAC -18.42 224 2002 350 2020 #> 350 349 Alcorn St. SWAC -18.43 155 1999 349 2019 #> 351 350 Houston Christian Slnd -18.56 221 2017 342 2020 #> 352 351 Mississippi Valley St. SWAC -19.14 168 2004 357 2021 #> 353 352 Incarnate Word Slnd -19.23 228 2015 353 2022 #> 354 353 Alabama A&M SWAC -19.73 247 2000 351 2018 #> 355 354 Chicago St. ind -19.79 203 2007 356 2021 #> 356 355 Grambling St. SWAC -20.99 250 1998 351 2015 #> 357 356 Maryland Eastern Shore MEAC -21.68 207 2015 355 2021 #> 358 357 Arkansas Pine Bluff SWAC -21.69 231 2010 352 2022 #> kp_median top10 top25 top50 ch f4 s16 r1 chg #> 1 5 22 25 26 3 6 18 24 0 #> 2 8 16 21 24 2 6 15 22 0 #> 3 6 18 25 26 2 6 15 25 0 #> 4 10 14 19 22 3 9 14 22 0 #> 5 12 13 18 25 1 8 14 23 0 #> 6 22 10 17 25 0 2 12 23 0 #> 7 19 7 19 23 1 2 13 21 0 #> 8 20 7 14 18 2 4 8 18 0 #> 9 26 5 12 22 0 1 6 21 2 #> 10 19 7 15 20 0 3 6 17 2 #> 11 21 9 15 23 2 4 9 18 -2 #> 12 19 9 16 21 1 3 8 17 -2 #> 13 37 4 10 16 0 2 7 12 0 #> 14 34 3 10 16 0 4 13 18 2 #> 15 28 6 13 17 0 1 4 15 5 #> 16 50 5 8 13 1 1 3 11 2 #> 17 24 6 13 17 4 5 9 16 -2 #> 18 16 8 18 24 0 3 10 23 -4 #> 19 34 3 7 14 0 0 6 15 3 #> 20 38 4 10 20 1 3 11 18 -1 #> 21 28 5 12 20 0 0 9 18 0 #> 22 38 3 9 18 0 1 4 15 4 #> 23 30 3 12 20 1 2 6 16 -6 #> 24 44 2 6 14 0 1 7 12 0 #> 25 38 4 8 14 1 1 5 10 3 #> 26 46 4 6 14 0 1 4 11 -3 #> 27 38 0 5 16 0 0 4 9 -2 #> 28 36 4 8 18 0 2 6 18 3 #> 29 60 1 3 8 0 0 2 9 10 #> 30 32 0 11 17 0 0 7 17 -1 #> 31 32 4 12 16 0 1 8 13 -4 #> 32 46 0 4 14 0 0 2 12 15 #> 33 38 1 6 16 0 0 3 13 3 #> 34 54 1 3 10 0 0 3 10 6 #> 35 66 0 6 10 0 1 3 9 0 #> 36 38 3 7 15 0 1 3 15 -4 #> 37 46 5 8 14 0 1 5 12 -7 #> 38 72 2 5 11 0 1 4 9 8 #> 39 30 4 11 20 0 0 2 18 -5 #> 40 34 1 10 15 0 0 1 10 1 #> 41 38 0 6 14 0 1 4 14 -8 #> 42 45 0 4 14 0 0 1 14 -5 #> 43 51 0 3 13 0 0 4 10 -1 #> 44 50 4 11 13 0 0 5 13 1 #> 45 52 2 7 12 0 1 3 11 -7 #> 46 64 1 7 12 0 0 5 12 -3 #> 47 84 1 4 7 0 1 3 6 7 #> 48 50 1 3 14 0 0 3 10 -4 #> 49 48 0 7 13 0 0 2 8 0 #> 50 37 0 8 15 0 2 5 15 -2 #> 51 54 2 4 11 0 0 2 12 0 #> 52 58 1 3 9 0 0 2 9 5 #> 53 68 0 3 11 0 0 0 7 0 #> 54 52 1 2 12 0 1 1 8 -2 #> 55 50 1 6 14 0 0 1 11 6 #> 56 64 2 7 11 0 1 3 8 -1 #> 57 57 0 3 12 0 0 2 8 1 #> 58 69 0 2 9 0 0 2 8 1 #> 59 67 0 4 8 0 0 4 9 -9 #> 60 46 4 5 14 0 1 4 11 -4 #> 61 66 0 3 9 0 0 1 8 3 #> 62 84 0 2 8 0 0 1 6 6 #> 63 64 0 1 5 0 0 1 8 0 #> 64 90 1 4 10 0 0 3 8 -4 #> 65 71 0 1 6 0 0 0 4 -3 #> 66 66 3 6 10 0 0 1 8 0 #> 67 74 1 3 8 0 1 1 6 -2 #> 68 72 1 1 4 0 0 0 7 1 #> 69 70 2 4 11 0 0 2 11 2 #> 70 64 1 1 9 0 0 1 8 2 #> 71 102 2 5 5 0 1 3 5 11 #> 72 70 0 3 7 0 1 1 4 2 #> 73 77 0 2 6 0 0 0 6 -6 #> 74 62 0 3 11 0 0 1 9 2 #> 75 62 0 3 10 0 0 1 9 -5 #> 76 65 1 6 10 0 0 2 12 -3 #> 77 66 0 2 8 0 1 1 12 -2 #> 78 75 1 1 5 0 0 1 6 0 #> 79 88 0 1 7 0 0 1 2 0 #> 80 84 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 -3 #> 81 74 0 3 10 0 0 0 11 0 #> 82 80 0 0 7 0 0 1 8 -2 #> 83 104 0 3 7 0 0 1 8 0 #> 84 118 0 2 5 0 0 0 3 3 #> 85 111 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 #> 86 92 0 3 10 0 0 0 8 -2 #> 87 110 0 1 4 0 0 1 10 4 #> 88 114 0 2 4 0 0 0 2 2 #> 89 107 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 #> 90 88 1 2 5 0 0 1 6 -4 #> 91 104 0 2 5 0 0 2 7 -3 #> 92 120 1 1 4 0 0 1 2 4 #> 93 92 0 2 3 0 0 0 6 1 #> 94 93 0 1 5 0 0 1 7 -1 #> 95 96 1 3 8 0 0 2 7 -3 #> 96 114 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 3 #> 97 94 0 0 4 0 0 1 5 0 #> 98 113 0 1 4 0 0 1 5 -3 #> 99 130 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 1 #> 100 102 0 1 2 0 0 0 4 3 #> 101 98 0 0 1 0 0 1 6 0 #> 102 118 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 -4 #> 103 122 0 0 2 0 0 0 11 13 #> 104 88 0 1 3 0 0 1 1 -2 #> 105 121 0 2 4 0 0 0 8 13 #> 106 111 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 3 #> 107 107 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 6 #> 108 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 6 #> 109 108 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 -4 #> 110 116 0 1 2 0 0 1 5 -4 #> 111 117 0 0 3 0 0 1 7 -4 #> 112 126 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 -8 #> 113 128 0 1 5 0 0 2 6 -1 #> 114 110 0 0 5 0 0 0 6 -6 #> 115 120 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 -4 #> 116 132 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 3 #> 117 112 0 0 2 0 0 0 6 -7 #> 118 132 0 2 2 0 1 1 5 -3 #> 119 146 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 7 #> 120 168 1 1 3 0 1 2 3 8 #> 121 142 0 0 2 0 0 1 8 -4 #> 122 124 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 #> 123 120 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 -3 #> 124 118 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 #> 125 138 0 1 1 0 0 0 4 -3 #> 126 134 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 -3 #> 127 116 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 #> 128 134 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -4 #> 129 124 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 -4 #> 130 126 0 1 2 0 0 0 6 -1 #> 131 125 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 #> 132 134 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 4 #> 133 138 0 0 1 0 0 0 10 4 #> 134 148 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 -3 #> 135 162 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 4 #> 136 113 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 #> 137 139 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -3 #> 138 124 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 -5 #> 139 152 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 #> 140 154 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 -5 #> 141 161 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 4 #> 142 152 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 -4 #> 143 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 #> 144 141 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 -4 #> 145 138 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -1 #> 146 148 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 #> 147 156 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -6 #> 148 147 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -2 #> 149 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 #> 150 147 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 #> 151 140 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 #> 152 183 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 #> 153 161 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -2 #> 154 176 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 11 #> 155 154 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 #> 156 155 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 -1 #> 157 142 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 -1 #> 158 201 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 #> 159 159 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 #> 160 156 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 12 #> 161 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 18 #> 162 159 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 -8 #> 163 188 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 #> 164 143 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -17 #> 165 149 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 1 #> 166 172 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6 #> 167 166 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -4 #> 168 156 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -1 #> 169 209 0 1 4 0 0 0 2 -1 #> 170 176 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 #> 171 175 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 -2 #> 172 157 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -13 #> 173 168 0 0 1 0 0 1 4 -12 #> 174 164 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 -1 #> 175 162 0 0 2 0 0 0 6 -1 #> 176 188 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 #> 177 183 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -6 #> 178 198 0 1 1 0 0 0 5 3 #> 179 207 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 #> 180 167 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 -2 #> 181 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 -5 #> 182 172 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 #> 183 195 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -3 #> 184 190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 #> 185 188 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 #> 186 194 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 3 #> 187 172 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 3 #> 188 201 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 #> 189 176 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 14 #> 190 202 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -2 #> 191 204 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #> 192 222 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 #> 193 190 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 8 #> 194 199 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 #> 195 193 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -2 #> 196 211 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 #> 197 201 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 #> 198 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -6 #> 199 193 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 #> 200 188 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 #> 201 194 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 #> 202 184 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -18 #> 203 199 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 -4 #> 204 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 #> 205 205 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 #> 206 191 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 #> 207 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 #> 208 212 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -12 #> 209 222 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -3 #> 210 211 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 #> 211 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -7 #> 212 216 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 #> 213 215 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -15 #> 214 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 #> 215 219 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #> 216 204 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 #> 217 228 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 #> 218 233 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 #> 219 214 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -8 #> 220 224 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 #> 221 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #> 222 223 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -6 #> 223 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 #> 224 216 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 #> 225 213 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -3 #> 226 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 8 #> 227 232 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 #> 228 220 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 16 #> 229 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -4 #> 230 234 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 #> 231 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -18 #> 232 216 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -9 #> 233 249 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 #> 234 237 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4 #> 235 236 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 #> 236 214 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 #> 237 208 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 4 #> 238 242 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 #> 239 246 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -6 #> 240 204 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -8 #> 241 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 #> 242 238 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -4 #> 243 232 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 -14 #> 244 232 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 #> 245 232 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 2 #> 246 242 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -10 #> 247 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 #> 248 238 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 #> 249 246 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 #> 250 218 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -10 #> 251 264 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 #> 252 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 -10 #> 253 241 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -8 #> 254 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -1 #> 255 247 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 #> 256 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6 #> 257 235 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -9 #> 258 228 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -6 #> 259 242 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 #> 260 255 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 #> 261 232 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 #> 262 234 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 #> 263 244 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 #> 264 244 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 #> 265 252 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 #> 266 262 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 24 #> 267 238 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 #> 268 260 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 13 #> 269 266 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 #> 270 262 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -9 #> 271 258 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 #> 272 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 #> 273 236 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 #> 274 238 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 #> 275 248 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -5 #> 276 260 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 #> 277 254 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -9 #> 278 226 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -3 #> 279 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 #> 280 242 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 #> 281 241 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 #> 282 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 #> 283 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -7 #> 284 242 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -4 #> 285 231 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 #> 286 246 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -20 #> 287 262 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 #> 288 231 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -16 #> 289 268 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 #> 290 256 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -19 #> 291 248 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -5 #> 292 252 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 #> 293 263 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 #> 294 262 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -9 #> 295 254 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #> 296 256 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -2 #> 297 276 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 #> 298 270 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 #> 299 278 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #> 300 268 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 #> 301 264 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 #> 302 290 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 #> 303 272 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -2 #> 304 264 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -11 #> 305 276 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 #> 306 270 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 10 #> 307 264 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 8 #> 308 282 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 #> 309 286 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4 #> 310 272 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 #> 311 284 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 #> 312 290 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -2 #> 313 302 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 #> 314 283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 #> 315 255 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -4 #> 316 280 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -4 #> 317 282 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 #> 318 280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #> 319 274 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 #> 320 289 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 #> 321 282 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 #> 322 287 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -18 #> 323 277 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 #> 324 304 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 #> 325 282 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #> 326 287 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 #> 327 294 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 #> 328 293 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 #> 329 297 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 #> 330 279 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 #> 331 284 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 #> 332 297 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 #> 333 292 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 #> 334 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 #> 335 298 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 #> 336 303 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 #> 337 281 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -1 #> 338 292 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -1 #> 339 305 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 #> 340 313 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 #> 341 292 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 #> 342 318 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 #> 343 326 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 #> 344 314 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 #> 345 312 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -2 #> 346 317 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #> 347 306 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 #> 348 310 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 #> 349 316 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 #> 350 324 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 #> 351 324 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 #> 352 316 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 #> 353 342 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6 #> 354 320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 #> 355 310 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -10 #> 356 312 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #> 357 324 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 #> 358 322 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_referee.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get referee game log — kp_referee","title":"Get referee game log — kp_referee","text":"Get referee game log","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_referee.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get referee game log — kp_referee","text":"","code":"kp_referee(referee, year)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_referee.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get referee game log — kp_referee","text":"referee Referee ID year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_referee.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get referee game log — kp_referee","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_referee.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get referee game log — kp_referee","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_referee(referee = 714363, year = 2021)) #> game_number date time_et #> 1 73 Mon Apr 5 9:20 PM #> 2 72 Sat Mar 27 7:25 PM #> 3 71 Mon Mar 22 8:45 PM #> 4 70 Sat Mar 20 3:30 PM #> 5 69 Fri Mar 19 1:15 PM #> 6 68 Sat Mar 13 6:00 PM #> 7 67 Thu Mar 11 11:30 AM #> 8 66 Wed Mar 10 9:30 PM #> 9 65 Sun Mar 7 4:00 PM #> 10 64 Sat Mar 6 5:00 PM #> 11 63 Fri Mar 5 8:00 PM #> 12 62 Thu Mar 4 7:00 PM #> 13 61 Wed Mar 3 9:00 PM #> 14 60 Tue Mar 2 7:00 PM #> 15 59 Mon Mar 1 9:00 PM #> 16 58 Sat Feb 27 12:00 PM #> 17 57 Fri Feb 26 8:00 PM #> 18 56 Wed Feb 24 6:30 PM #> 19 55 Tue Feb 23 7:00 PM #> 20 54 Mon Feb 22 7:00 PM #> 21 53 Sun Feb 21 1:00 PM #> 22 52 Sat Feb 20 12:00 PM #> 23 51 Sun Feb 14 1:00 PM #> 24 50 Sat Feb 13 1:00 PM #> 25 49 Fri Feb 12 6:00 PM #> 26 48 Wed Feb 10 9:00 PM #> 27 47 Tue Feb 9 9:00 PM #> 28 46 Mon Feb 8 9:00 PM #> 29 45 Sat Feb 6 3:00 PM #> 30 44 Tue Feb 2 7:00 PM #> 31 43 Mon Feb 1 9:00 PM #> 32 42 Sat Jan 30 2:00 PM #> 33 41 Thu Jan 28 7:00 PM #> 34 40 Wed Jan 27 9:00 PM #> 35 39 Tue Jan 26 9:00 PM #> 36 38 Mon Jan 25 7:00 PM #> 37 37 Sat Jan 23 12:00 PM #> 38 36 Mon Jan 18 7:00 PM #> 39 35 Sun Jan 17 5:00 PM #> 40 34 Sat Jan 16 3:00 PM #> 41 33 Wed Jan 13 9:00 PM #> 42 32 Sat Jan 9 4:00 PM #> 43 31 Fri Jan 8 8:00 PM #> 44 30 Wed Jan 6 9:00 PM #> 45 29 Tue Jan 5 10:00 PM #> 46 28 Sun Jan 3 6:00 PM #> 47 27 Sat Jan 2 4:00 PM #> 48 26 Fri Jan 1 6:00 PM #> 49 25 Wed Dec 30 6:30 PM #> 50 24 Tue Dec 29 9:07 PM #> 51 23 Mon Dec 28 8:00 PM #> 52 22 Sat Dec 26 4:00 PM #> 53 21 Fri Dec 25 2:30 PM #> 54 20 Wed Dec 23 5:00 PM #> 55 19 Mon Dec 21 3:00 PM #> 56 18 Sun Dec 20 4:00 PM #> 57 17 Sat Dec 19 12:00 PM #> 58 16 Thu Dec 17 7:00 PM #> 59 15 Wed Dec 16 8:00 PM #> 60 14 Tue Dec 15 9:00 PM #> 61 13 Sun Dec 13 12:00 PM #> 62 12 Sat Dec 12 3:00 PM #> 63 11 Fri Dec 11 7:00 PM #> 64 10 Tue Dec 8 10:00 PM #> 65 9 Mon Dec 7 7:00 PM #> 66 8 Thu Dec 3 8:00 PM #> 67 7 Wed Dec 2 10:00 PM #> 68 6 Mon Nov 30 8:00 PM #> 69 5 Sun Nov 29 5:30 PM #> 70 4 Sat Nov 28 7:30 PM #> 71 3 Fri Nov 27 8:30 PM #> 72 2 Thu Nov 26 8:00 PM #> 73 1 Wed Nov 25 4:00 PM #> game location #> 1 2 Baylor 86, 1 Gonzaga 70 Indianapolis, IN #> 2 15 Arkansas 72, 128 Oral Roberts 70 Indianapolis, IN #> 3 8 Alabama 96, 30 Maryland 77 Indianapolis, IN #> 4 20 Creighton 63, 71 UC Santa Barbara 62 Indianapolis, IN #> 5 3 Illinois 78, 145 Drexel 49 Indianapolis, IN #> 6 25 Texas 91, 30 Oklahoma St. 86 Kansas City, MO #> 7 37 Oklahoma St. 72, 25 West Virginia 69 Kansas City, MO #> 8 38 Oklahoma 79, 179 Iowa St. 73 Kansas City, MO #> 9 3 Baylor 88, 20 Texas Tech 73 Waco, TX #> 10 183 Kansas St. 61, 175 Iowa St. 56 Manhattan, KS #> 11 114 UAB 65, 62 North Texas 51 Denton, TX #> 12 20 West Virginia 76, 127 TCU 67 Morgantown, WV #> 13 72 Northwestern 60, 26 Maryland 55 Evanston, IL #> 14 6 Illinois 76, 2 Michigan 53 Ann Arbor, MI #> 15 36 Oklahoma St. 79, 33 Oklahoma 75 Stillwater, OK #> 16 25 Texas Tech 68, 22 Texas 59 Lubbock, TX #> 17 173 New Mexico St. 78, 311 Tarleton St. 51 Stephenville, TX #> 18 71 N.C. State 68, 9 Virginia 61 Charlottesville, VA #> 19 51 Louisville 69, 56 Notre Dame 57 Louisville, KY #> 20 31 Duke 85, 53 Syracuse 71 Durham, NC #> 21 4 Michigan 92, 6 Ohio St. 87 Columbus, OH #> 22 56 Georgia Tech 87, 129 Miami FL 60 Coral Gables, FL #> 23 92 Cincinnati 69, 105 UCF 68 Cincinnati, OH #> 24 23 Oklahoma 91, 16 West Virginia 90 (2OT) Morgantown, WV #> 25 72 Marshall 107, 261 Middle Tennessee 79 Huntington, WV #> 26 48 Saint Louis 67, 74 Rhode Island 60 St. Louis, MO #> 27 20 Creighton 63, 96 Georgetown 48 Washington, DC #> 28 357 Mississippi Valley St. 68, 352 Alabama St. 65 Montgomery, AL #> 29 38 Oklahoma St. 75, 12 Texas 67 (2OT) Stillwater, OK #> 30 61 Clemson 63, 37 North Carolina 50 Clemson, SC #> 31 12 Texas Tech 57, 20 Oklahoma 52 Lubbock, TX #> 32 25 Florida 85, 16 West Virginia 80 Morgantown, WV #> 33 204 UTSA 86, 171 UTEP 79 San Antonio, TX #> 34 50 Clemson 54, 38 Louisville 50 Clemson, SC #> 35 34 Duke 75, 58 Georgia Tech 68 Durham, NC #> 36 9 Virginia 81, 36 Syracuse 58 Charlottesville, VA #> 37 26 Oklahoma 75, 14 Kansas 68 Norman, OK #> 38 23 Florida St. 78, 31 Louisville 65 Louisville, KY #> 39 134 Santa Clara 69, 180 San Diego 63 San Diego, CA #> 40 14 Colorado 77, 45 Stanford 64 Boulder, CO #> 41 62 Boise St. 90, 198 Wyoming 70 Laramie, WY #> 42 14 Texas Tech 91, 87 Iowa St. 64 Ames, IA #> 43 89 Western Kentucky 66, 112 Louisiana Tech 64 Bowling Green, KY #> 44 2 Baylor 76, 44 Oklahoma 61 Waco, TX #> 45 12 Kansas 93, 63 TCU 64 Fort Worth, TX #> 46 73 Georgia Tech 70, 117 Wake Forest 54 Atlanta, GA #> 47 27 North Carolina 66, 92 Notre Dame 65 Chapel Hill, NC #> 48 295 Troy 69, 197 Appalachian St. 56 Boone, NC #> 49 16 Ohio St. 90, 116 Nebraska 54 Columbus, OH #> 50 5 Iowa 87, 53 Northwestern 72 Iowa City, IA #> 51 42 Minnesota 81, 31 Michigan St. 56 Minneapolis, MN #> 52 7 Illinois 69, 21 Indiana 60 Champaign, IL #> 53 33 Purdue 73, 47 Maryland 70 West Lafayette, IN #> 54 7 Tennessee 80, 303 USC Upstate 60 Knoxville, TN #> 55 261 Rice 73, 316 New Orleans 62 Houston, TX #> 56 183 UTSA 102, NR Our Lady of the Lake 70 San Antonio, TX #> 57 1 Gonzaga 99, 4 Iowa 88 Sioux Falls, SD #> 58 9 Kansas 58, 8 Texas Tech 57 Lubbock, TX #> 59 5 Texas 79, 309 Sam Houston St. 63 Austin, TX #> 60 155 Kansas St. 74, 78 Iowa St. 65 Ames, IA #> 61 82 Western Kentucky 68, 73 Rhode Island 65 Bowling Green, KY #> 62 46 Oklahoma St. 67, 101 Wichita St. 64 Wichita, KS #> 63 13 Creighton 98, 111 Nebraska 74 Omaha, NE #> 64 68 Saint Mary's 73, 197 UTEP 61 Moraga, CA #> 65 118 Nevada 86, NR William Jessup 64 Reno, NV #> 66 57 TCU 74, 274 Northwestern St. 68 Fort Worth, TX #> 67 2 Baylor 82, 22 Illinois 69 Indianapolis, IN #> 68 58 SMU 91, 315 Texas A&M Corpus Chris 54 Dallas, TX #> 69 17 Houston 64, 5 Texas Tech 53 Fort Worth, TX #> 70 57 TCU 70, 93 Tulsa 65 Kansas City, MO #> 71 58 Colorado 76, 127 Kansas St. 58 Manhattan, KS #> 72 105 North Texas 116, 357 Mississippi Valley St. 62 Denton, TX #> 73 34 Oklahoma St. 75, 159 UT Arlington 68 Arlington, TX #> venue conference thrill_score referee_name #> 1 Lucas Oil Stadium NCAA 88.4 Keith Kimble #> 2 Bankers Life Fieldhouse NCAA 36.5 Keith Kimble #> 3 Bankers Life Fieldhouse NCAA 74.3 Keith Kimble #> 4 Lucas Oil Stadium NCAA 62.0 Keith Kimble #> 5 Indiana Farmers Coliseum NCAA 26.4 Keith Kimble #> 6 T-Mobile Center B12-T 79.0 Keith Kimble #> 7 T-Mobile Center B12-T 77.9 Keith Kimble #> 8 T-Mobile Center B12-T 30.6 Keith Kimble #> 9 Ferrell Center B12 65.8 Keith Kimble #> 10 Fred Bramlage Coliseum B12 37.7 Keith Kimble #> 11 The Super Pit CUSA 44.3 Keith Kimble #> 12 WVU Coliseum B12 32.5 Keith Kimble #> 13 Welsh-Ryan Arena B10 68.0 Keith Kimble #> 14 Crisler Center B10 76.5 Keith Kimble #> 15 Gallagher-Iba Arena B12 73.2 Keith Kimble #> 16 United Supermarkets Arena B12 76.3 Keith Kimble #> 17 Wisdom Gymnasium WAC 26.5 Keith Kimble #> 18 John Paul Jones Arena ACC 47.9 Keith Kimble #> 19 KFC Yum! Center ACC 66.5 Keith Kimble #> 20 Cameron Indoor Stadium ACC 67.6 Keith Kimble #> 21 Value City Arena B10 87.2 Keith Kimble #> 22 Watsco Center ACC 52.8 Keith Kimble #> 23 Fifth Third Arena Amer 49.1 Keith Kimble #> 24 WVU Coliseum B12 75.1 Keith Kimble #> 25 Henderson Center CUSA 14.9 Keith Kimble #> 26 Chaifetz Arena A10 57.8 Keith Kimble #> 27 McDonough Arena BE 58.8 Keith Kimble #> 28 Dunn-Oliver Acadome SWAC 10.2 Keith Kimble #> 29 Gallagher-Iba Arena B12 77.3 Keith Kimble #> 30 Littlejohn Coliseum ACC 69.0 Keith Kimble #> 31 United Supermarkets Arena B12 74.4 Keith Kimble #> 32 WVU Coliseum 72.7 Keith Kimble #> 33 UTSA Convocation Center CUSA 37.5 Keith Kimble #> 34 Littlejohn Coliseum ACC 68.5 Keith Kimble #> 35 Cameron Indoor Stadium ACC 63.7 Keith Kimble #> 36 John Paul Jones Arena ACC 63.8 Keith Kimble #> 37 Lloyd Noble Center B12 78.3 Keith Kimble #> 38 KFC Yum! Center ACC 75.0 Keith Kimble #> 39 Jenny Craig Pavilion WCC 39.2 Keith Kimble #> 40 CU Events Center P12 63.4 Keith Kimble #> 41 Arena-Auditorium MWC 34.3 Keith Kimble #> 42 Hilton Coliseum B12 60.6 Keith Kimble #> 43 Diddle Arena CUSA 45.9 Keith Kimble #> 44 Ferrell Center B12 53.1 Keith Kimble #> 45 Schollmaier Arena B12 67.1 Keith Kimble #> 46 McCamish Pavilion ACC 42.1 Keith Kimble #> 47 Dean E. Smith Center ACC 45.9 Keith Kimble #> 48 Holmes Convocation Center SB 23.6 Keith Kimble #> 49 Value City Arena B10 33.6 Keith Kimble #> 50 Carver-Hawkeye Arena B10 59.5 Keith Kimble #> 51 Williams Arena B10 74.7 Keith Kimble #> 52 State Farm Center B10 72.6 Keith Kimble #> 53 Mackey Arena B10 66.8 Keith Kimble #> 54 Thompson-Boling Arena 9.8 Keith Kimble #> 55 Tudor Fieldhouse 25.4 Keith Kimble #> 56 UTSA Convocation Center 0.0 Keith Kimble #> 57 Sanford Pentagon 85.7 Keith Kimble #> 58 United Supermarkets Arena B12 77.4 Keith Kimble #> 59 Erwin Center 9.9 Keith Kimble #> 60 Hilton Coliseum B12 32.0 Keith Kimble #> 61 E.A. Diddle Arena 59.6 Keith Kimble #> 62 Charles Koch Arena 56.3 Keith Kimble #> 63 CHI Health Center Omaha 33.8 Keith Kimble #> 64 University Credit Union Pavilion 23.0 Keith Kimble #> 65 Lawlor Events Center 0.0 Keith Kimble #> 66 Schollmaier Arena 12.8 Keith Kimble #> 67 Bankers Life Fieldhouse 73.9 Keith Kimble #> 68 Moody Coliseum 10.9 Keith Kimble #> 69 Dickies Arena 78.1 Keith Kimble #> 70 T-Mobile Center 54.0 Keith Kimble #> 71 Bramlage Coliseum 49.4 Keith Kimble #> 72 The Super Pit 6.4 Keith Kimble #> 73 College Park Center 36.3 Keith Kimble #> ref_rank year #> 1 3 2021 #> 2 3 2021 #> 3 3 2021 #> 4 3 2021 #> 5 3 2021 #> 6 3 2021 #> 7 3 2021 #> 8 3 2021 #> 9 3 2021 #> 10 3 2021 #> 11 3 2021 #> 12 3 2021 #> 13 3 2021 #> 14 3 2021 #> 15 3 2021 #> 16 3 2021 #> 17 3 2021 #> 18 3 2021 #> 19 3 2021 #> 20 3 2021 #> 21 3 2021 #> 22 3 2021 #> 23 3 2021 #> 24 3 2021 #> 25 3 2021 #> 26 3 2021 #> 27 3 2021 #> 28 3 2021 #> 29 3 2021 #> 30 3 2021 #> 31 3 2021 #> 32 3 2021 #> 33 3 2021 #> 34 3 2021 #> 35 3 2021 #> 36 3 2021 #> 37 3 2021 #> 38 3 2021 #> 39 3 2021 #> 40 3 2021 #> 41 3 2021 #> 42 3 2021 #> 43 3 2021 #> 44 3 2021 #> 45 3 2021 #> 46 3 2021 #> 47 3 2021 #> 48 3 2021 #> 49 3 2021 #> 50 3 2021 #> 51 3 2021 #> 52 3 2021 #> 53 3 2021 #> 54 3 2021 #> 55 3 2021 #> 56 3 2021 #> 57 3 2021 #> 58 3 2021 #> 59 3 2021 #> 60 3 2021 #> 61 3 2021 #> 62 3 2021 #> 63 3 2021 #> 64 3 2021 #> 65 3 2021 #> 66 3 2021 #> 67 3 2021 #> 68 3 2021 #> 69 3 2021 #> 70 3 2021 #> 71 3 2021 #> 72 3 2021 #> 73 3 2021 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_depth_chart.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Depth Chart Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_depth_chart","title":"Get Depth Chart Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_depth_chart","text":"Get Depth Chart Last 5 Games Team Page","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_depth_chart.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Depth Chart Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_depth_chart","text":"","code":"kp_team_depth_chart(team, year = 2021)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_depth_chart.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Depth Chart Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_depth_chart","text":"team Team filter select. year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_depth_chart.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Depth Chart Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_depth_chart","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_depth_chart.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Depth Chart Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_depth_chart","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_team_depth_chart(team = 'Florida St.', year= 2021)) #> pg_number pg_player_first_name pg_player_last_name pg_hgt pg_wgt pg_yr #> 1 23 MJ Walker 6-5 213  Sr #> 2 4 Scottie Barnes 6-9 227  Fr #> 3 0 RayQuan Evans 6-4 210  Sr #> 4 NA NA #> pg_min_pct sg_number sg_player_first_name sg_player_last_name sg_hgt sg_wgt #> 1 0.71 2 Anthony Polite 6-6 215 #> 2 0.22 0 RayQuan Evans 6-4 210 #> 3 0.06 24 Sardaar Calhoun 6-6 220 #> 4 NA 11 Nathanael Jack 6-5 195 #> sg_yr sg_min_pct sf_number sf_player_first_name sf_player_last_name sf_hgt #> 1  Jr 0.35 4 Scottie Barnes 6-9 #> 2  Sr 0.29 2 Anthony Polite 6-6 #> 3  Jr 0.26 31 Wyatt Wilkes 6-8 #> 4  Sr 0.08 24 Sardaar Calhoun 6-6 #> sf_wgt sf_yr sf_min_pct pf_number pf_player_first_name pf_player_last_name #> 1 227  Fr 0.42 10 Malik Osborne #> 2 215  Jr 0.35 1 RaiQuan Gray #> 3 220  Jr 0.13 31 Wyatt Wilkes #> 4 220  Jr 0.07 NA #> pf_hgt pf_wgt pf_yr pf_min_pct c_number c_player_first_name #> 1 6-9 225  Jr 0.50 5 Balsa #> 2 6-8 260  Jr 0.41 1 RaiQuan #> 3 6-8 220  Jr 0.06 34 Tanor #> 4 NA NA NA #> c_player_last_name c_hgt c_wgt c_yr c_min_pct team year #> 1 Koprivica 7-1 240  So 0.54 Florida St. 2021 #> 2 Gray 6-8 260  Jr 0.24 Florida St. 2021 #> 3 Ngom 7-2 236  Sr 0.18 Florida St. 2021 #> 4 NA NA Florida St. 2021 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_history.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's team efficiency history — kp_team_history","title":"Get KenPom's team efficiency history — kp_team_history","text":"Get KenPom's team efficiency history","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_history.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's team efficiency history — kp_team_history","text":"","code":"kp_team_history(team)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_history.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom's team efficiency history — kp_team_history","text":"team Team filter select.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_history.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's team efficiency history — kp_team_history","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_history.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's team efficiency history — kp_team_history","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_team_history(team = 'Florida St.')) #> # A tibble: 27 × 57 #> year team_rk team coach conf adj_t adj_o adj_d off_e_fg_pct off_to_pct #> #> 1 2023 205 Florida+… Leon… ACC 68.6 105. 108. 49.3 17.6 #> 2 2022 105 Florida+… Leon… ACC 67.8 105. 99.1 49 18.1 #> 3 2021 15 Florida+… Leon… ACC 69.9 115. 92.8 54 20.4 #> 4 2020 15 Florida+… Leon… ACC 69.9 112. 91.5 51.9 18.9 #> 5 2019 14 Florida+… Leon… ACC 68.6 113. 90.4 50.5 18.9 #> 6 2018 27 Florida+… Leon… ACC 71.2 114. 96.5 53.2 17.8 #> 7 2017 26 Florida+… Leon… ACC 71.3 116. 95.5 53.7 16.4 #> 8 2016 48 Florida+… Leon… ACC 71.6 113. 98.9 51.8 18 #> 9 2015 99 Florida+… Leon… ACC 65.9 106. 99.3 50.1 21.9 #> 10 2014 38 Florida+… Leon… ACC 65.2 112. 97.4 51.7 21.4 #> # ℹ 17 more rows #> # ℹ 47 more variables: off_or_pct , off_ft_rate , off_fg_2_pct , #> # off_fg_3_pct , off_ft_pct , off_fg_3a_pct , off_a_pct , #> # off_apl , def_e_fg_pct , def_to_pct , def_or_pct , #> # def_ft_rate , def_fg_2_pct , def_fg_3_pct , #> # def_blk_pct , def_fg_3a_pct , def_a_pct , def_apl , #> # foul2partic_pct , wl , wl_conf , adj_t_rk , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_lineups.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Lineups Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_lineups","title":"Get Lineups Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_lineups","text":"Get Lineups Last 5 Games Team Page","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_lineups.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Lineups Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_lineups","text":"","code":"kp_team_lineups(team, year = 2021)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_lineups.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Lineups Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_lineups","text":"team Team filter select. year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_lineups.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Lineups Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_lineups","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_lineups.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Lineups Last 5 Games from Team Page — kp_team_lineups","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_team_lineups(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2021)) #> year team min_pct pg_number pg_player_first_name pg_player_last_name #> 1 2021 Florida St. 0.131 23 MJ Walker #> 2 2021 Florida St. 0.110 23 MJ Walker #> 3 2021 Florida St. 0.077 23 MJ Walker #> 4 2021 Florida St. 0.046 23 MJ Walker #> 5 2021 Florida St. 0.045 4 Scottie Barnes #> 6 2021 Florida St. 0.030 23 MJ Walker #> 7 2021 Florida St. 0.028 23 MJ Walker #> 8 2021 Florida St. 0.027 4 Scottie Barnes #> 9 2021 Florida St. 0.024 23 MJ Walker #> 10 2021 Florida St. 0.022 4 Scottie Barnes #> 11 2021 Florida St. 0.032 NA UNKNOWN #> pg_hgt pg_wgt pg_yr sg_number sg_player_first_name sg_player_last_name #> 1 6-5 213  Sr 2 Anthony Polite #> 2 6-5 213  Sr 0 RayQuan Evans #> 3 6-5 213  Sr 2 Anthony Polite #> 4 6-5 213  Sr 2 Anthony Polite #> 5 6-9 227  Fr 24 Sardaar Calhoun #> 6 6-5 213  Sr 24 Sardaar Calhoun #> 7 6-5 213  Sr 2 Anthony Polite #> 8 6-9 227  Fr 24 Sardaar Calhoun #> 9 6-5 213  Sr 0 RayQuan Evans #> 10 6-9 227  Fr 24 Sardaar Calhoun #> 11 NA NA #> sg_hgt sg_wgt sg_yr sf_number sf_player_first_name sf_player_last_name #> 1 6-6 215  Jr 4 Scottie Barnes #> 2 6-4 210  Sr 2 Anthony Polite #> 3 6-6 215  Jr 4 Scottie Barnes #> 4 6-6 215  Jr 4 Scottie Barnes #> 5 6-6 220  Jr 2 Anthony Polite #> 6 6-6 220  Jr 4 Scottie Barnes #> 7 6-6 215  Jr 4 Scottie Barnes #> 8 6-6 220  Jr 2 Anthony Polite #> 9 6-4 210  Sr 2 Anthony Polite #> 10 6-6 220  Jr 2 Anthony Polite #> 11 NA NA #> sf_hgt sf_wgt sf_yr pf_number pf_player_first_name pf_player_last_name #> 1 6-9 227  Fr 1 RaiQuan Gray #> 2 6-6 215  Jr 1 RaiQuan Gray #> 3 6-9 227  Fr 10 Malik Osborne #> 4 6-9 227  Fr 10 Malik Osborne #> 5 6-6 215  Jr 10 Malik Osborne #> 6 6-9 227  Fr 1 RaiQuan Gray #> 7 6-9 227  Fr 1 RaiQuan Gray #> 8 6-6 215  Jr 10 Malik Osborne #> 9 6-6 215  Jr 4 Scottie Barnes #> 10 6-6 215  Jr 10 Malik Osborne #> 11 NA NA #> pf_hgt pf_wgt pf_yr c_number c_player_first_name c_player_last_name c_hgt #> 1 6-8 260  Jr 5 Balsa Koprivica 7-1 #> 2 6-8 260  Jr 5 Balsa Koprivica 7-1 #> 3 6-9 225  Jr 1 RaiQuan Gray 6-8 #> 4 6-9 225  Jr 5 Balsa Koprivica 7-1 #> 5 6-9 225  Jr 34 Tanor Ngom 7-2 #> 6 6-8 260  Jr 5 Balsa Koprivica 7-1 #> 7 6-8 260  Jr 34 Tanor Ngom 7-2 #> 8 6-9 225  Jr 5 Balsa Koprivica 7-1 #> 9 6-9 227  Fr 1 RaiQuan Gray 6-8 #> 10 6-9 225  Jr 1 RaiQuan Gray 6-8 #> 11 NA NA #> c_wgt c_yr #> 1 240  So #> 2 240  So #> 3 260  Jr #> 4 240  So #> 5 236  Sr #> 6 240  So #> 7 236  Sr #> 8 240  So #> 9 260  Jr #> 10 260  Jr #> 11 NA # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_player_stats.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Team Player Stats — kp_team_player_stats","title":"Get Team Player Stats — kp_team_player_stats","text":"Get Team Player Stats","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_player_stats.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Team Player Stats — kp_team_player_stats","text":"","code":"kp_team_player_stats(team, year = 2021)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_player_stats.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Team Player Stats — kp_team_player_stats","text":"team Team filter select. year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_player_stats.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Team Player Stats — kp_team_player_stats","text":"Returns list named data frames: all_games, conference_games all_games conference_games","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_player_stats.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Team Player Stats — kp_team_player_stats","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_team_player_stats(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2021)) #> $all_games #> # A tibble: 13 × 54 #> role number player ht wt yr g min_pct o_rtg poss_pct shots_pct #> #> 1 Major… 4 Scott… 6-9 227 Fr 24 58.7 108. 25.4 22.7 #> 2 Signi… 23 MJ Wa… 6-5 213 Sr 24 69 106. 21.9 21.6 #> 3 Signi… 1 RaiQu… 6-8 260 Jr 25 65 110. 23.6 22.2 #> 4 Signi… 5 Balsa… 7-1 240 So 24 46.4 117. 22 21.7 #> 5 Signi… 11 Natha… 6-5 195 Sr 19 14.4 109. 21.1 26.7 #> 6 Role … 2 Antho… 6-6 215 Jr 21 55.1 122. 17.1 18.6 #> 7 Role … 0 RayQu… 6-4 210 Sr 24 45.5 97.5 16.7 15.2 #> 8 Role … 24 Sarda… 6-6 220 Jr 25 35.5 106. 17.8 22.4 #> 9 Role … 34 Tanor… 7-2 236 Sr 23 14.8 98.2 19 15.3 #> 10 Limit… 10 Malik… 6-9 225 Jr 24 47.8 115. 14.3 15.6 #> 11 Limit… 31 Wyatt… 6-8 220 Jr 25 34 112. 14.2 17.3 #> 12 Bench… 15 Quinc… 6-11 240 Fr 18 6 95 19.1 15.9 #> 13 Bench… 12 Justi… 6-1 180 Sr 9 2.2 104. 27.9 31.4 #> # ℹ 43 more variables: e_fg_pct , ts_pct , or_pct , #> # dr_pct , a_rate , to_rate , blk_pct , stl_pct , #> # f_cper40 , f_dper40 , ft_rate , ftm , fta , #> # ft_pct , fgm_2 , fga_2 , fg_2_pct , fgm_3 , #> # fga_3 , fg_3_pct , category , min_pct_rk , #> # o_rtg_rk , poss_pct_rk , shots_pct_rk , e_fg_pct_rk , #> # ts_pct_rk , or_pct_rk , dr_pct_rk , a_rate_rk , … #> #> $conference_games #> # A tibble: 11 × 54 #> role number player ht wt yr g min_pct o_rtg poss_pct shots_pct #> #> 1 Major… 1 RaiQu… 6-8 260 Jr 15 67.1 112. 25.9 22.9 #> 2 Major… 4 Scott… 6-9 227 Fr 14 55 114 26.2 23.6 #> 3 Signi… 23 MJ Wa… 6-5 213 Sr 14 65.5 111. 20.5 21.6 #> 4 Signi… 11 Natha… 6-5 195 Sr 13 17 114. 21.4 27.4 #> 5 Role … 0 RayQu… 6-4 210 Sr 14 49.3 110. 16.9 15.8 #> 6 Role … 2 Antho… 6-6 215 Jr 11 45.5 115. 16.6 17.6 #> 7 Role … 5 Balsa… 7-1 240 So 14 43.8 124. 19.9 19.6 #> 8 Role … 24 Sarda… 6-6 220 Jr 15 39.8 111 18.6 22.6 #> 9 Role … 34 Tanor… 7-2 236 Sr 13 15.2 108 16.8 13.9 #> 10 Limit… 10 Malik… 6-9 225 Jr 14 45.8 114. 14.5 16.3 #> 11 Limit… 31 Wyatt… 6-8 220 Jr 15 38.4 122. 14.3 16.5 #> # ℹ 43 more variables: e_fg_pct , ts_pct , or_pct , #> # dr_pct , a_rate , to_rate , blk_pct , stl_pct , #> # f_cper40 , f_dper40 , ft_rate , ftm , fta , #> # ft_pct , fgm_2 , fga_2 , fg_2_pct , fgm_3 , #> # fga_3 , fg_3_pct , category , min_pct_rk , #> # o_rtg_rk , poss_pct_rk , shots_pct_rk , e_fg_pct_rk , #> # ts_pct_rk , or_pct_rk , dr_pct_rk , a_rate_rk , … #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_players.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom's player stats from the team page — kp_team_players","title":"Get KenPom's player stats from the team page — kp_team_players","text":"Get KenPom's player stats team page","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_players.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom's player stats from the team page — kp_team_players","text":"","code":"kp_team_players(team, year = 2021)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_players.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom's player stats from the team page — kp_team_players","text":"team Team filter select. year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_players.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom's player stats from the team page — kp_team_players","text":"Returns tibble team player data","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_players.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom's player stats from the team page — kp_team_players","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_team_players(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2021)) #> # A tibble: 13 × 54 #> role number player ht wt yr g s min_pct o_rtg poss_pct #> #> 1 Major Con… 4 Scott… 6-9 227 Fr 24 7 58.7 108. 25.4 #> 2 Significa… 23 MJ Wa… 6-5 213 Sr 24 23 69 106. 21.9 #> 3 Significa… 1 RaiQu… 6-8 260 Jr 25 24 65 110. 23.6 #> 4 Significa… 5 Balsa… 7-1 240 So 24 20 46.4 117. 22 #> 5 Significa… 11 Natha… 6-5 195 Sr 19 NA 14.4 109. 21.1 #> 6 Role Play… 2 Antho… 6-6 215 Jr 21 16 55.1 122. 17.1 #> 7 Role Play… 0 RayQu… 6-4 210 Sr 24 18 45.5 97.5 16.7 #> 8 Role Play… 24 Sarda… 6-6 220 Jr 25 NA 35.5 106. 17.8 #> 9 Role Play… 34 Tanor… 7-2 236 Sr 23 NA 14.8 98.2 19 #> 10 Limited R… 10 Malik… 6-9 225 Jr 24 4 47.8 115. 14.3 #> 11 Limited R… 31 Wyatt… 6-8 220 Jr 25 9 34 112. 14.2 #> 12 Benchwarm… 15 Quinc… 6-11 240 Fr 18 NA 6 95 19.1 #> 13 Benchwarm… 12 Justi… 6-1 180 Sr 9 1 2.2 104. 27.9 #> # ℹ 43 more variables: shots_pct , e_fg_pct , ts_pct , #> # or_pct , dr_pct , a_rate , to_rate , blk_pct , #> # stl_pct , f_cper40 , f_dper40 , ft_rate , ftm , #> # fta , ft_pct , fgm_2 , fga_2 , fg_2_pct , #> # fgm_3 , fga_3 , fg_3_pct , min_pct_rk , o_rtg_rk , #> # poss_pct_rk , shots_pct_rk , e_fg_pct_rk , ts_pct_rk , #> # or_pct_rk , dr_pct_rk , a_rate_rk , to_rate_rk , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_schedule.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get team schedule results — kp_team_schedule","title":"Get team schedule results — kp_team_schedule","text":"Get team schedule results","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_schedule.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get team schedule results — kp_team_schedule","text":"","code":"kp_team_schedule(team, year = 2022)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_schedule.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get team schedule results — kp_team_schedule","text":"team Team filter select. year Year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_schedule.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get team schedule results — kp_team_schedule","text":"Returns tibble team schedules","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_team_schedule.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get team schedule results — kp_team_schedule","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_team_schedule(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2022)) #> team_rk team opponent_rk opponent result poss ot pre_wp #> 1 24 Florida St. 211 Penn W, 105-70 80 0 NA #> 2 23 Florida St. 59 Florida L, 71-55 68 0 NA #> 3 31 Florida St. 98 Tulane W, 59-54 63 0 NA #> 4 32 Florida St. 203 Loyola Marymount W, 73-45 70 0 NA #> 5 27 Florida St. 137 Missouri W, 81-58 67 0 NA #> 6 23 Florida St. 218 Boston University W, 81-80 74 1 NA #> 7 29 Florida St. 14 Purdue L, 93-65 68 0 NA #> 8 32 Florida St. 69 Syracuse L, 63-60 69 0 NA #> 9 40 Florida St. 99 South Carolina L, 66-65 71 0 NA #> 10 41 Florida St. 264 Lipscomb W, 97-60 77 0 NA #> 11 39 Florida St. 128 N.C. State W, 83-81 71 0 NA #> 12 42 Florida St. 35 Wake Forest L, 76-54 78 0 NA #> 13 47 Florida St. 127 Louisville W, 79-70 68 0 NA #> 14 46 Florida St. 41 Miami FL W, 65-64 62 0 NA #> 15 53 Florida St. 69 Syracuse W, 76-71 63 0 NA #> 16 54 Florida St. 8 Duke W, 79-78 71 1 NA #> 17 49 Florida St. 272 North Florida W, 86-73 72 0 NA #> 18 53 Florida St. 41 Miami FL W, 61-60 64 0 NA #> 19 53 Florida St. 156 Georgia Tech L, 75-61 66 0 NA #> 20 71 Florida St. 19 Virginia Tech L, 85-72 62 0 NA #> 21 78 Florida St. 71 Clemson L, 75-69 66 0 NA #> 22 85 Florida St. 35 Wake Forest L, 68-60 76 0 NA #> 23 86 Florida St. 195 Pittsburgh L, 56-51 66 0 NA #> 24 95 Florida St. 16 North Carolina L, 94-74 75 0 NA #> 25 100 Florida St. 71 Clemson W, 81-80 70 0 NA #> 26 101 Florida St. 8 Duke L, 88-70 67 0 NA #> 27 100 Florida St. 114 Boston College L, 71-55 67 0 NA #> 28 110 Florida St. 72 Virginia W, 64-63 62 0 NA #> 29 104 Florida St. 38 Notre Dame W, 74-70 69 0 NA #> 30 105 Florida St. 128 N.C. State W, 89-76 69 0 NA #> 31 101 Florida St. 69 Syracuse L, 96-57 71 0 NA #> location w l w_conference l_conference conference_game #> 1 Home 1 0 NA NA FALSE #> 2 Away 1 1 NA NA FALSE #> 3 Home 2 1 NA NA FALSE #> 4 Neutral 3 1 NA NA FALSE #> 5 Neutral 4 1 NA NA FALSE #> 6 Home 5 1 NA NA FALSE #> 7 Away 5 2 NA NA FALSE #> 8 Home 5 3 0 1 TRUE #> 9 Semi-Away 5 4 NA NA FALSE #> 10 Home 6 4 NA NA FALSE #> 11 Away 7 4 1 1 TRUE #> 12 Away 7 5 1 2 TRUE #> 13 Home 8 5 2 2 TRUE #> 14 Home 9 5 3 2 TRUE #> 15 Away 10 5 4 2 TRUE #> 16 Home 11 5 5 2 TRUE #> 17 Home 12 5 NA NA FALSE #> 18 Away 13 5 6 2 TRUE #> 19 Away 13 6 6 3 TRUE #> 20 Home 13 7 6 4 TRUE #> 21 Away 13 8 6 5 TRUE #> 22 Home 13 9 6 6 TRUE #> 23 Home 13 10 6 7 TRUE #> 24 Away 13 11 6 8 TRUE #> 25 Home 14 11 7 8 TRUE #> 26 Away 14 12 7 9 TRUE #> 27 Away 14 13 7 10 TRUE #> 28 Away 15 13 8 10 TRUE #> 29 Home 16 13 9 10 TRUE #> 30 Home 17 13 10 10 TRUE #> 31 Neutral 17 14 NA NA FALSE #> postseason year day_date game_date w_proj l_proj #> 1 Regular 2022 Wed Nov 10 20211110 1 0 #> 2 Regular 2022 Sun Nov 14 20211114 1 1 #> 3 Regular 2022 Wed Nov 17 20211117 2 1 #> 4 Regular 2022 Sun Nov 21 20211121 3 1 #> 5 Regular 2022 Mon Nov 22 20211122 4 1 #> 6 Regular 2022 Wed Nov 24 20211124 5 1 #> 7 Regular 2022 Tue Nov 30 20211130 5 2 #> 8 Regular 2022 Sat Dec 4 20211204 5 3 #> 9 Regular 2022 Sun Dec 12 20211212 5 4 #> 10 Regular 2022 Wed Dec 15 20211215 6 4 #> 11 Regular 2022 Sat Jan 1 20220101 7 4 #> 12 Regular 2022 Tue Jan 4 20220104 7 5 #> 13 Regular 2022 Sat Jan 8 20220108 8 5 #> 14 Regular 2022 Tue Jan 11 20220111 9 5 #> 15 Regular 2022 Sat Jan 15 20220115 10 5 #> 16 Regular 2022 Tue Jan 18 20220118 11 5 #> 17 Regular 2022 Thu Jan 20 20220120 12 5 #> 18 Regular 2022 Sat Jan 22 20220122 13 5 #> 19 Regular 2022 Wed Jan 26 20220126 13 6 #> 20 Regular 2022 Sat Jan 29 20220129 13 7 #> 21 Regular 2022 Wed Feb 2 20220202 13 8 #> 22 Regular 2022 Sat Feb 5 20220205 13 9 #> 23 Regular 2022 Wed Feb 9 20220209 13 10 #> 24 Regular 2022 Sat Feb 12 20220212 13 11 #> 25 Regular 2022 Tue Feb 15 20220215 14 11 #> 26 Regular 2022 Sat Feb 19 20220219 14 12 #> 27 Regular 2022 Mon Feb 21 20220221 14 13 #> 28 Regular 2022 Sat Feb 26 20220226 15 13 #> 29 Regular 2022 Wed Mar 2 20220302 16 13 #> 30 Regular 2022 Sat Mar 5 20220305 17 13 #> 31 Atlantic Coast Conference Tournament 2022 Wed Mar 9 20220309 17 14 #> w_conference_proj l_conference_proj date game_id tiers_of_joy #> 1 0 0 2021-11-10 188 #> 2 0 0 2021-11-14 425 A #> 3 0 0 2021-11-17 574 #> 4 0 0 2021-11-21 790 #> 5 0 0 2021-11-22 5602 #> 6 0 0 2021-11-24 945 #> 7 0 0 2021-11-30 1193 A #> 8 0 1 2021-12-04 1358 #> 9 0 1 2021-12-12 1766 B #> 10 0 1 2021-12-15 1860 #> 11 1 1 2022-01-01 2443 B #> 12 1 2 2022-01-04 2587 A #> 13 2 2 2022-01-08 2833 #> 14 3 2 2022-01-11 2936 B #> 15 4 2 2022-01-15 3203 A #> 16 5 2 2022-01-18 3249 A #> 17 5 2 2022-01-20 2491 #> 18 6 2 2022-01-22 3528 A #> 19 6 3 2022-01-26 3641 #> 20 6 4 2022-01-29 3842 A #> 21 6 5 2022-02-02 3956 A #> 22 6 6 2022-02-05 4154 B #> 23 6 7 2022-02-09 4312 #> 24 6 8 2022-02-12 4543 A #> 25 7 8 2022-02-15 4605 #> 26 7 9 2022-02-19 4798 A #> 27 7 10 2022-02-21 2402 B #> 28 8 10 2022-02-26 5236 A #> 29 9 10 2022-03-02 5301 B #> 30 10 10 2022-03-05 5438 #> 31 10 10 2022-03-09 3845 B # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_teamstats.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Team Stats — kp_teamstats","title":"Get Team Stats — kp_teamstats","text":"Get Team Stats","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_teamstats.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Team Stats — kp_teamstats","text":"","code":"kp_teamstats(min_year, max_year = most_recent_mbb_season())"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_teamstats.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get Team Stats — kp_teamstats","text":"min_year First year data pull max_year Last year data pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_teamstats.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Team Stats — kp_teamstats","text":"Returns tibble team stats","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_teamstats.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Team Stats — kp_teamstats","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_teamstats(min_year = 2019, max_year =2021)) #> 2023-04-06 19:17:07: Invalid arguments or no team stats data for 2019 - 2021 available! #> Error in kp_teamstats(min_year = 2019, max_year = 2021) : #> object 'kenpom' not found # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_trends.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get Division-I statistical trends — kp_trends","title":"Get Division-I statistical trends — kp_trends","text":"Get Division-statistical trends","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_trends.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get Division-I statistical trends — kp_trends","text":"","code":"kp_trends()"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_trends.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Division-I statistical trends — kp_trends","text":"data frame following columns:","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_trends.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get Division-I statistical trends — kp_trends","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_trends()) #> season efficiency tempo e_fg_pct to_pct or_pct ft_rate fg_2_pct fg_3_pct #> 1 2023 103.2 67.9 50.4 18.2 28.5 31.5 50.1 34.0 #> 2 2022 102.0 68.1 50.0 18.4 28.1 30.3 49.7 33.6 #> 3 2021 101.4 69.2 50.1 18.9 28.0 31.4 49.8 33.8 #> 4 2020 100.8 69.1 49.6 18.9 28.0 32.6 49.4 33.3 #> 5 2019 103.2 69.0 50.7 18.5 28.4 33.0 50.1 34.4 #> 6 2018 104.2 69.4 51.0 18.4 28.7 33.5 50.0 35.1 #> 7 2017 103.7 69.4 50.5 18.5 29.3 35.3 49.3 35.0 #> 8 2016 103.3 69.1 49.9 18.1 29.8 36.6 48.7 34.7 #> 9 2015 102.1 64.9 49.0 19.1 31.0 37.0 47.8 34.3 #> 10 2014 104.5 66.5 49.6 18.3 31.4 40.5 48.5 34.4 #> 11 2013 100.6 65.9 48.6 20.0 31.8 35.9 47.5 33.9 #> 12 2012 100.1 66.8 49.0 20.1 31.4 36.4 47.8 34.3 #> 13 2011 101.5 66.8 49.1 20.1 33.8 37.7 47.8 34.4 #> 14 2010 101.1 67.3 48.8 20.4 34.3 37.7 47.7 34.2 #> 15 2009 101.4 66.5 49.1 20.4 34.5 36.4 48.0 34.2 #> 16 2008 101.8 67.0 49.8 21.0 34.5 36.3 48.4 35.1 #> 17 2007 102.1 66.8 49.9 21.2 35.1 36.7 48.7 34.9 #> 18 2006 101.5 67.0 49.5 21.3 35.6 36.1 48.1 34.8 #> 19 2005 101.3 67.3 49.3 21.3 35.5 36.5 48.0 34.6 #> 20 2004 101.0 67.7 49.2 21.4 35.5 37.1 48.0 34.4 #> 21 2003 98.8 70.0 49.4 21.1 32.2 36.7 48.1 34.7 #> 22 2002 100.9 69.6 49.1 21.5 34.1 37.6 47.8 34.5 #> 23 2001 100.9 69.7 49.1 21.7 34.1 39.4 47.9 34.5 #> 24 2000 99.3 70.0 48.6 22.4 34.7 36.9 47.3 34.3 #> 25 1999 99.1 70.0 48.6 22.8 35.1 37.8 47.4 34.1 #> 26 1998 100.0 70.4 48.8 22.5 35.6 38.2 47.7 34.3 #> 27 1997 99.8 69.6 48.5 22.3 35.6 38.3 47.5 33.9 #> 28 1996 NA NA 49.1 NA NA 38.3 48.2 34.2 #> 29 1995 NA NA 49.4 NA NA 37.9 48.4 34.4 #> 30 1994 NA NA 49.0 NA NA 38.3 48.0 34.5 #> 31 1993 NA NA 49.7 NA NA 38.9 48.5 35.4 #> 32 1992 NA NA 50.0 NA NA 39.9 48.9 35.6 #> 33 1991 NA NA 50.2 NA NA 38.3 49.0 36.2 #> 34 1990 NA NA 50.2 NA NA 38.0 48.8 36.8 #> 35 1989 NA NA 51.1 NA NA 38.0 49.7 37.8 #> 36 1988 NA NA 50.7 NA NA 37.7 49.2 38.3 #> 37 1987 NA NA 49.4 NA NA 36.6 47.9 38.4 #> 38 1986 NA NA 47.7 NA NA NA 47.7 NA #> 39 1985 NA NA 47.9 NA NA NA 47.9 NA #> 40 1984 NA NA 48.1 NA NA NA 48.1 NA #> 41 1983 NA NA 47.7 NA NA NA 47.7 NA #> 42 1982 NA NA 47.9 NA NA NA 47.9 NA #> 43 1981 NA NA 48.0 NA NA NA 48.0 NA #> 44 1980 NA NA 47.9 NA NA NA 47.9 NA #> 45 1979 NA NA 47.7 NA NA NA 47.7 NA #> 46 1978 NA NA 47.3 NA NA NA 47.3 NA #> 47 1977 NA NA 46.7 NA NA NA 46.7 NA #> 48 1976 NA NA 46.7 NA NA NA 46.7 NA #> 49 1975 NA NA 46.0 NA NA NA 46.0 NA #> 50 1974 NA NA 45.4 NA NA NA 45.4 NA #> 51 1973 NA NA 44.8 NA NA NA 44.8 NA #> 52 1972 NA NA 44.8 NA NA NA 44.8 NA #> 53 1971 NA NA 44.4 NA NA NA 44.4 NA #> 54 1970 NA NA 44.2 NA NA NA 44.2 NA #> 55 1969 NA NA 43.8 NA NA NA 43.8 NA #> 56 1968 NA NA 43.7 NA NA NA 43.7 NA #> 57 1967 NA NA 43.8 NA NA NA 43.8 NA #> 58 1966 NA NA 43.6 NA NA NA 43.6 NA #> 59 1965 NA NA 43.1 NA NA NA 43.1 NA #> 60 1964 NA NA 42.5 NA NA NA 42.5 NA #> 61 1963 NA NA 41.7 NA NA NA 41.7 NA #> 62 1962 NA NA 40.2 NA NA NA 40.2 NA #> 63 1961 NA NA 40.7 NA NA NA 40.7 NA #> 64 1960 NA NA 39.8 NA NA NA 39.8 NA #> 65 1959 NA NA 39.1 NA NA NA 39.1 NA #> 66 1958 NA NA 38.4 NA NA NA 38.4 NA #> 67 1957 NA NA 38.2 NA NA NA 38.2 NA #> 68 1956 NA NA 37.5 NA NA NA 37.5 NA #> 69 1955 NA NA 36.9 NA NA NA 36.9 NA #> 70 1954 NA NA 35.4 NA NA NA 35.4 NA #> 71 1953 NA NA 34.7 NA NA NA 34.7 NA #> 72 1952 NA NA 33.7 NA NA NA 33.7 NA #> 73 1951 NA NA 33.1 NA NA NA 33.1 NA #> 74 1950 NA NA 31.6 NA NA NA 31.6 NA #> 75 1949 NA NA 30.8 NA NA NA 30.8 NA #> 76 1948 NA NA 29.3 NA NA NA 29.3 NA #> fg_3a_pct ft_pct a_pct blk_pct stl_pct non_stl_pct avg_hgt continuity #> 1 37.3 71.7 50.9 8.8 9.3 8.9 77.1 41.5 #> 2 37.7 71.7 50.9 9.0 9.3 9.0 77.0 48.9 #> 3 37.4 71.0 51.8 8.8 9.1 9.8 76.9 46.0 #> 4 37.5 70.8 51.5 8.9 9.0 9.9 76.8 46.9 #> 5 38.7 70.7 51.9 9.3 8.9 9.7 76.8 47.8 #> 6 37.5 71.4 52.3 9.3 8.7 9.7 76.8 48.4 #> 7 36.4 70.4 52.4 9.2 8.7 9.8 76.8 49.5 #> 8 35.4 70.0 52.4 9.2 8.6 9.5 76.8 49.2 #> 9 34.2 69.3 53.1 9.6 9.4 9.7 76.7 49.4 #> 10 32.9 69.9 51.8 9.7 9.0 9.3 76.7 51.4 #> 11 33.0 69.4 53.6 9.3 9.9 10.0 76.6 50.3 #> 12 32.9 69.2 53.6 9.2 9.5 10.5 76.5 48.7 #> 13 32.9 69.3 53.7 9.2 9.4 10.7 76.5 51.6 #> 14 32.6 68.9 53.5 9.2 9.8 10.6 76.5 53.0 #> 15 33.1 68.9 54.0 8.8 9.9 10.5 76.5 51.4 #> 16 34.5 69.1 54.8 9.1 9.9 11.0 76.4 51.2 #> 17 34.2 69.1 55.2 9.0 9.9 11.3 76.5 50.5 #> 18 33.2 69.2 55.7 8.8 10.3 11.0 NA 50.1 #> 19 33.0 68.7 55.7 8.8 10.4 10.8 NA NA #> 20 32.7 68.8 55.6 8.5 10.4 11.0 NA NA #> 21 32.1 69.5 55.2 8.6 10.0 11.1 NA NA #> 22 32.1 69.0 55.2 8.5 10.3 11.2 NA NA #> 23 31.2 68.6 55.4 8.4 10.0 11.6 NA NA #> 24 30.9 68.2 55.8 8.4 10.7 11.7 NA NA #> 25 30.6 67.9 55.7 8.3 11.0 11.8 NA NA #> 26 30.2 67.5 55.2 7.9 10.6 11.9 NA NA #> 27 29.9 67.5 55.6 7.8 10.6 11.8 NA NA #> 28 29.2 67.4 54.7 7.7 NA NA NA NA #> 29 28.8 67.6 54.7 7.8 NA NA NA NA #> 30 27.2 67.1 54.0 7.5 NA NA NA NA #> 31 25.4 67.7 54.7 7.3 NA NA NA NA #> 32 24.0 68.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 33 22.8 68.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 34 21.5 68.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 35 19.9 69.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 36 17.8 68.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 37 15.7 69.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 38 NA 69.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 39 NA 68.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 40 NA 68.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 41 NA 68.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 42 NA 68.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 43 NA 68.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 44 NA 69.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 45 NA 69.7 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 46 NA 69.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 47 NA 69.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 48 NA 69.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 49 NA 69.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 50 NA 68.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 51 NA 68.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 52 NA 68.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 53 NA 68.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 54 NA 68.7 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 55 NA 68.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 56 NA 69.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 57 NA 69.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 58 NA 69.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 59 NA 69.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 60 NA 68.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 61 NA 68.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 62 NA 67.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 63 NA 68.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 64 NA 67.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 65 NA 67.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 66 NA 66.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 67 NA 67.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 68 NA 66.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 69 NA 66.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 70 NA 65.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 71 NA 64.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 72 NA 62.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 73 NA 62.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 74 NA 61.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 75 NA 61.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 76 NA 59.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> home_win_pct ppg #> 1 59.9 70.7 #> 2 57.5 70.1 #> 3 57.5 70.8 #> 4 61.0 70.2 #> 5 59.0 71.9 #> 6 61.0 73.6 #> 7 59.0 72.7 #> 8 60.5 72.3 #> 9 59.8 66.9 #> 10 60.3 70.2 #> 11 61.3 66.9 #> 12 60.5 67.4 #> 13 60.9 68.4 #> 14 61.2 68.6 #> 15 62.2 68.1 #> 16 61.7 68.9 #> 17 62.4 68.8 #> 18 61.3 68.6 #> 19 62.9 68.7 #> 20 62.0 69.0 #> 21 62.4 69.8 #> 22 62.3 70.9 #> 23 63.4 71.5 #> 24 62.3 70.5 #> 25 62.6 69.9 #> 26 62.2 70.9 #> 27 64.3 70.0 #> 28 NA 72.5 #> 29 NA 74.2 #> 30 NA 75.0 #> 31 NA 73.6 #> 32 NA 74.2 #> 33 NA 76.7 #> 34 NA 75.3 #> 35 NA 76.2 #> 36 NA 74.4 #> 37 NA 72.8 #> 38 NA 69.4 #> 39 NA 69.2 #> 40 NA 68.2 #> 41 NA 69.3 #> 42 NA 67.6 #> 43 NA 70.1 #> 44 NA 72.0 #> 45 NA 74.0 #> 46 NA 74.5 #> 47 NA 74.9 #> 48 NA 75.7 #> 49 NA 76.6 #> 50 NA 74.8 #> 51 NA 75.5 #> 52 NA 77.7 #> 53 NA 77.7 #> 54 NA 77.6 #> 55 NA 75.6 #> 56 NA 75.5 #> 57 NA 74.9 #> 58 NA 77.5 #> 59 NA 75.7 #> 60 NA 74.4 #> 61 NA 69.5 #> 62 NA 70.5 #> 63 NA 70.7 #> 64 NA 70.0 #> 65 NA 68.7 #> 66 NA 68.4 #> 67 NA 72.0 #> 68 NA 73.3 #> 69 NA 72.7 #> 70 NA 69.0 #> 71 NA 69.1 #> 72 NA 63.3 #> 73 NA 60.7 #> 74 NA 57.6 #> 75 NA 54.8 #> 76 NA 53.3 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_user_pw.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"KenPom Login and Password credentials — kp_user_pw","title":"KenPom Login and Password credentials — kp_user_pw","text":"Save KenPom login e-mail password system environment variables KP_USER KP_PW Requires subscription KenPom.com","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_user_pw.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"KenPom Login and Password credentials — kp_user_pw","text":"","code":"login(user_email = Sys.getenv(\"KP_USER\"), user_pw = Sys.getenv(\"KP_PW\")) kp_user_email() kp_password() has_kp_user_and_pw()"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_user_pw.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"KenPom Login and Password credentials — kp_user_pw","text":"user_email User subscription e-mail user_pw User subscription password","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_user_pw.html","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"KenPom Login and Password credentials — kp_user_pw","text":"Using KenPom subscription package: Run usethis::edit_r_environ() paste following new script pops (without quotations) can save login information consistent usage adding","code":"KP_USER = YOUR-EMAIL@DOMAIN.COM KP_PW = XXX-YOUR-PASSWORD-XXX KP_USER = YOUR-EMAIL@DOMAIN.COM KP_PW = XXX-YOUR-PASSWORD-XXX ``` \\cr to your .REnviron file (easily accessed via [**`usethis::edit_r_environ()`**](https://usethis.r-lib.org/reference/edit.html)).\\cr \\cr For less consistent usage:\\cr At the beginning of every session or within an R environment, save your login e-mail and password as the environment variables `KP_USER` and `KP_PW` (with quotations) using a command like the following.\\cr ```{r} Sys.setenv(KP_USER = \"YOUR-EMAIL@DOMAIN.COM\") Sys.setenv(KP_PW = \"XXX-YOUR-PASSWORD-XXX\")"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_winprob.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get KenPom Win Probability — kp_winprob","title":"Get KenPom Win Probability — kp_winprob","text":"Get KenPom Win Probability","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_winprob.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get KenPom Win Probability — kp_winprob","text":"","code":"kp_winprob(game_id, year)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_winprob.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get KenPom Win Probability — kp_winprob","text":"game_id Game id game pull year Year game pull","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_winprob.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get KenPom Win Probability — kp_winprob","text":"Returns named list tibbles: winprob_dataset, game_data, runs winprob_dataset game_data runs","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/kp_winprob.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get KenPom Win Probability — kp_winprob","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ try(kp_winprob(game_id = 1238, year = 2020)) #> $winprob_dataset #> period wp time_left visitor_score home_score visitor_scoring #> 1 1 0.5264 40.00 0 0 0 #> 2 1 0.5529 39.63 2 0 1 #> 3 1 0.5763 39.40 2 0 0 #> 4 1 0.6022 39.23 4 0 1 #> 5 1 0.6240 38.92 4 0 0 #> 6 1 0.6021 38.58 4 0 0 #> 7 1 0.5759 38.38 4 2 0 #> 8 1 0.6001 38.20 6 2 1 #> 9 1 0.6219 37.80 6 2 0 #> 10 1 0.5990 37.72 6 2 0 #> 11 1 0.6231 37.48 6 2 0 #> 12 1 0.6462 37.38 8 2 1 #> 13 1 0.6693 36.97 8 2 0 #> 14 1 0.6477 36.83 8 2 0 #> 15 1 0.6716 36.65 8 2 0 #> 16 1 0.6502 36.48 8 2 0 #> 17 1 0.6751 36.23 8 2 0 #> 18 1 0.6998 35.95 10 2 1 #> 19 1 0.7228 35.48 10 2 0 #> 20 1 0.7448 35.47 12 2 1 #> 21 1 0.7635 35.08 12 2 0 #> 22 1 0.7444 35.00 12 2 0 #> 23 1 0.7642 34.68 12 2 0 #> 24 1 0.7454 34.58 12 2 0 #> 25 1 0.7651 34.38 12 2 0 #> 26 1 0.7853 34.25 14 2 1 #> 27 1 0.7671 33.93 14 4 0 #> 28 1 0.7509 33.42 14 4 0 #> 29 1 0.7291 33.15 14 6 0 #> 30 1 0.7084 32.87 14 6 0 #> 31 1 0.6840 32.80 14 8 0 #> 32 1 0.7335 32.33 17 8 1 #> 33 1 0.7562 32.12 17 8 0 #> 34 1 0.7353 31.97 17 8 0 #> 35 1 0.6892 31.68 17 11 0 #> 36 1 0.6647 31.42 17 11 0 #> 37 1 0.6927 30.82 17 11 0 #> 38 1 0.6929 30.67 18 11 1 #> 39 1 0.7177 30.43 18 11 0 #> 40 1 0.7410 30.35 20 11 1 #> 41 1 0.7166 29.97 20 13 0 #> 42 1 0.6938 29.55 20 13 0 #> 43 1 0.6670 29.20 20 15 0 #> 44 1 0.6942 29.00 22 15 1 #> 45 1 0.7194 28.48 22 15 0 #> 46 1 0.6966 28.25 22 15 0 #> 47 1 0.7209 27.95 22 15 0 #> 48 1 0.6959 27.60 22 15 0 #> 49 1 0.7208 27.30 22 15 0 #> 50 1 0.6961 27.17 22 15 0 #> 51 1 0.6688 27.10 22 17 0 #> 52 1 0.6444 26.70 22 17 0 #> 53 1 0.6743 26.32 22 17 0 #> 54 1 0.6756 26.08 23 17 1 #> 55 1 0.7037 25.72 23 17 0 #> 56 1 0.7301 25.32 25 17 1 #> 57 1 0.7553 25.00 25 17 0 #> 58 1 0.7306 24.77 25 17 0 #> 59 1 0.7052 24.13 25 19 0 #> 60 1 0.6792 23.93 25 19 0 #> 61 1 0.7102 23.62 25 19 0 #> 62 1 0.6865 23.17 25 19 0 #> 63 1 0.7160 22.82 25 19 0 #> 64 1 0.7407 22.52 27 19 1 #> 65 1 0.7695 22.13 27 19 0 #> 66 1 0.7927 22.03 29 19 1 #> 67 1 0.7744 21.53 29 21 0 #> 68 1 0.7558 21.15 29 21 0 #> 69 1 0.7055 20.75 29 24 0 #> 70 1 0.6747 20.00 29 24 0 #> 71 2 0.6747 20.00 29 24 0 #> 72 2 0.7138 19.55 29 24 0 #> 73 2 0.7444 19.17 31 24 1 #> 74 2 0.7755 19.12 31 24 0 #> 75 2 0.7394 18.48 31 24 0 #> 76 2 0.7397 18.27 31 25 0 #> 77 2 0.7111 18.03 31 25 0 #> 78 2 0.7440 17.75 31 25 0 #> 79 2 0.7163 17.37 31 25 0 #> 80 2 0.7492 17.18 31 25 0 #> 81 2 0.8046 17.07 34 25 1 #> 82 2 0.7505 16.70 34 28 0 #> 83 2 0.7793 16.48 36 28 1 #> 84 2 0.7818 16.12 36 29 0 #> 85 2 0.8099 15.68 38 29 1 #> 86 2 0.8411 15.30 38 29 0 #> 87 2 0.8638 15.05 40 29 1 #> 88 2 0.8871 14.63 40 29 0 #> 89 2 0.8696 14.28 40 29 0 #> 90 2 0.8918 13.92 40 29 0 #> 91 2 0.8752 13.75 40 29 0 #> 92 2 0.8947 13.63 40 29 0 #> 93 2 0.8786 13.27 40 29 0 #> 94 2 0.8597 13.13 40 31 0 #> 95 2 0.8362 12.85 40 31 0 #> 96 2 0.8118 12.58 40 33 0 #> 97 2 0.8130 12.27 41 33 1 #> 98 2 0.8416 12.27 41 33 0 #> 99 2 0.8135 12.20 41 33 0 #> 100 2 0.8483 11.68 41 33 0 #> 101 2 0.8706 11.62 43 33 1 #> 102 2 0.8965 11.07 43 33 0 #> 103 2 0.9294 10.70 46 33 1 #> 104 2 0.9482 10.27 46 33 0 #> 105 2 0.9441 9.75 46 33 0 #> 106 2 0.9360 9.22 46 35 0 #> 107 2 0.9230 8.75 46 35 0 #> 108 2 0.9081 8.63 46 37 0 #> 109 2 0.8870 8.45 46 37 0 #> 110 2 0.8633 8.43 46 39 0 #> 111 2 0.8970 7.68 48 39 1 #> 112 2 0.8775 7.38 48 41 0 #> 113 2 0.8469 7.17 48 41 0 #> 114 2 0.8817 6.98 48 41 0 #> 115 2 0.9274 6.63 51 41 1 #> 116 2 0.9499 6.15 51 41 0 #> 117 2 0.9393 5.75 51 41 0 #> 118 2 0.9067 5.40 51 44 0 #> 119 2 0.8834 5.05 51 44 0 #> 120 2 0.9167 4.85 51 44 0 #> 121 2 0.8960 4.32 51 44 0 #> 122 2 0.9251 4.32 51 44 0 #> 123 2 0.9519 4.07 53 44 1 #> 124 2 0.9359 3.77 53 46 0 #> 125 2 0.9634 3.30 55 46 1 #> 126 2 0.9714 2.85 55 47 0 #> 127 2 0.9633 2.35 55 47 0 #> 128 2 0.9797 2.18 55 47 0 #> 129 2 0.9842 1.75 56 47 1 #> 130 2 0.9778 1.62 56 49 0 #> 131 2 0.9779 1.55 57 49 1 #> 132 2 0.9499 1.38 57 52 0 #> 133 2 0.9168 1.30 57 52 0 #> 134 2 0.8880 1.05 57 54 0 #> 135 2 0.9276 0.52 58 54 1 #> 136 2 0.9818 0.33 58 54 0 #> 137 2 0.9930 0.25 60 54 1 #> 138 2 0.9988 0.15 60 54 0 #> 139 2 0.9978 0.08 60 54 0 #> 140 2 1.0000 0.00 60 57 0 #> home_scoring possession_team possession_number game_id year #> 1 0 0 1238 2020 #> 2 0 V 1 1238 2020 #> 3 0 H 1 1238 2020 #> 4 0 V 2 1238 2020 #> 5 0 H 2 1238 2020 #> 6 0 V 3 1238 2020 #> 7 1 H 3 1238 2020 #> 8 0 V 4 1238 2020 #> 9 0 H 4 1238 2020 #> 10 0 V 5 1238 2020 #> 11 0 H 5 1238 2020 #> 12 0 V 6 1238 2020 #> 13 0 H 6 1238 2020 #> 14 0 V 7 1238 2020 #> 15 0 H 7 1238 2020 #> 16 0 V 8 1238 2020 #> 17 0 H 8 1238 2020 #> 18 0 V 9 1238 2020 #> 19 0 H 9 1238 2020 #> 20 0 V 10 1238 2020 #> 21 0 H 10 1238 2020 #> 22 0 V 11 1238 2020 #> 23 0 H 11 1238 2020 #> 24 0 V 12 1238 2020 #> 25 0 H 12 1238 2020 #> 26 0 V 13 1238 2020 #> 27 1 H 13 1238 2020 #> 28 0 V 14 1238 2020 #> 29 1 H 14 1238 2020 #> 30 0 V 15 1238 2020 #> 31 1 H 15 1238 2020 #> 32 0 V 16 1238 2020 #> 33 0 H 16 1238 2020 #> 34 0 V 17 1238 2020 #> 35 1 H 17 1238 2020 #> 36 0 V 18 1238 2020 #> 37 0 H 18 1238 2020 #> 38 0 V 19 1238 2020 #> 39 0 H 19 1238 2020 #> 40 0 V 20 1238 2020 #> 41 1 H 20 1238 2020 #> 42 0 V 21 1238 2020 #> 43 1 H 21 1238 2020 #> 44 0 V 22 1238 2020 #> 45 0 H 22 1238 2020 #> 46 0 V 23 1238 2020 #> 47 0 H 23 1238 2020 #> 48 0 V 24 1238 2020 #> 49 0 H 24 1238 2020 #> 50 0 V 25 1238 2020 #> 51 1 H 25 1238 2020 #> 52 0 V 26 1238 2020 #> 53 0 H 26 1238 2020 #> 54 0 V 27 1238 2020 #> 55 0 H 27 1238 2020 #> 56 0 V 28 1238 2020 #> 57 0 H 28 1238 2020 #> 58 0 V 29 1238 2020 #> 59 1 H 29 1238 2020 #> 60 0 V 30 1238 2020 #> 61 0 H 30 1238 2020 #> 62 0 V 31 1238 2020 #> 63 0 H 31 1238 2020 #> 64 0 V 32 1238 2020 #> 65 0 H 32 1238 2020 #> 66 0 V 33 1238 2020 #> 67 1 H 33 1238 2020 #> 68 0 V 34 1238 2020 #> 69 1 H 34 1238 2020 #> 70 0 V 35 1238 2020 #> 71 0 H 35 1238 2020 #> 72 0 H 36 1238 2020 #> 73 0 V 36 1238 2020 #> 74 0 H 37 1238 2020 #> 75 0 V 37 1238 2020 #> 76 1 H 38 1238 2020 #> 77 0 V 38 1238 2020 #> 78 0 H 39 1238 2020 #> 79 0 V 39 1238 2020 #> 80 0 H 40 1238 2020 #> 81 0 V 40 1238 2020 #> 82 1 H 41 1238 2020 #> 83 0 V 41 1238 2020 #> 84 1 H 42 1238 2020 #> 85 0 V 42 1238 2020 #> 86 0 H 43 1238 2020 #> 87 0 V 43 1238 2020 #> 88 0 H 44 1238 2020 #> 89 0 V 44 1238 2020 #> 90 0 H 45 1238 2020 #> 91 0 V 45 1238 2020 #> 92 0 H 46 1238 2020 #> 93 0 V 46 1238 2020 #> 94 1 H 47 1238 2020 #> 95 0 V 47 1238 2020 #> 96 1 H 48 1238 2020 #> 97 0 V 48 1238 2020 #> 98 0 H 49 1238 2020 #> 99 0 V 49 1238 2020 #> 100 0 H 50 1238 2020 #> 101 0 V 50 1238 2020 #> 102 0 H 51 1238 2020 #> 103 0 V 51 1238 2020 #> 104 0 H 52 1238 2020 #> 105 0 V 52 1238 2020 #> 106 1 H 53 1238 2020 #> 107 0 V 53 1238 2020 #> 108 1 H 54 1238 2020 #> 109 0 V 54 1238 2020 #> 110 1 H 55 1238 2020 #> 111 0 V 55 1238 2020 #> 112 1 H 56 1238 2020 #> 113 0 V 56 1238 2020 #> 114 0 H 57 1238 2020 #> 115 0 V 57 1238 2020 #> 116 0 H 58 1238 2020 #> 117 0 V 58 1238 2020 #> 118 1 H 59 1238 2020 #> 119 0 V 59 1238 2020 #> 120 0 H 60 1238 2020 #> 121 0 V 60 1238 2020 #> 122 0 H 61 1238 2020 #> 123 0 V 61 1238 2020 #> 124 1 H 62 1238 2020 #> 125 0 V 62 1238 2020 #> 126 1 H 63 1238 2020 #> 127 0 V 63 1238 2020 #> 128 0 H 64 1238 2020 #> 129 0 V 64 1238 2020 #> 130 1 H 65 1238 2020 #> 131 0 V 65 1238 2020 #> 132 1 H 66 1238 2020 #> 133 0 V 66 1238 2020 #> 134 1 H 67 1238 2020 #> 135 0 V 67 1238 2020 #> 136 0 H 68 1238 2020 #> 137 0 V 68 1238 2020 #> 138 0 H 69 1238 2020 #> 139 0 V 69 1238 2020 #> 140 1 H 70 1238 2020 #> #> $game_data #> game_id year full_date date game_time #> 1 1238 2020 Friday, November 29, 2019 2019-11-29 7:00 PM #> venue city team1 team1score team1_rk #> 1 The Arena at NW Florida St Niceville, FL Florida St. 60 16 #> team2 team2score team2_rk dominance_season_rk tension_season_rk #> 1 Tennessee 57 21 2265 2424 #> excitement_season_rk lead_changes_season_rk minimum_wp_season_rk dominance_rk #> 1 2519 2503 2803 99999 #> tension_rk excitement_rk lead_changes_rk minimum_wp_rk dominance tension #> 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 1.08 1.18 #> excitement favchg min_wp #> 1 1.07 0 0.5264 #> #> $runs #> start end visitor home #> 1 39.63 34.25 14 2 #> # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_pbp.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load hoopR men's college basketball play-by-play — load_mbb_pbp","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball play-by-play — load_mbb_pbp","text":"helper loads multiple seasons data repo either memory writes db using forwarded arguments dots","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_pbp.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball play-by-play — load_mbb_pbp","text":"","code":"load_mbb_pbp( seasons = most_recent_mbb_season(), ..., dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_pbp.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball play-by-play — load_mbb_pbp","text":"seasons vector 4-digit years associated given men's college basketball seasons. (Min: 2006) ... Additional arguments passed underlying function writes season data database (used update_mbb_db()). dbConnection DBIConnection object, returned tablename name play play data table within database","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_pbp.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball play-by-play — load_mbb_pbp","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_pbp.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball play-by-play — load_mbb_pbp","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ load_mbb_pbp(seasons = most_recent_mbb_season()) #> ── ESPN MBB Play-by-Play from hoopR data repository ───────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 09:36:43 UTC #> # A tibble: 1,957,449 × 59 #> id sequence_number type_id type_text text away_score home_score #> #> 1 4.02e17 101799901 615 Jumpball Jump… 0 0 #> 2 4.02e17 101806501 558 JumpShot Jord… 0 2 #> 3 4.02e17 101808701 558 JumpShot Lamo… 3 2 #> 4 4.02e17 101814901 598 Lost Ball Turnov… Tris… 3 2 #> 5 4.02e17 101817101 558 JumpShot Darr… 6 2 #> 6 4.02e17 101819701 558 JumpShot Adam… 6 4 #> 7 4.02e17 101825501 558 JumpShot Kesh… 8 4 #> 8 4.02e17 101828401 558 JumpShot Tris… 8 4 #> 9 4.02e17 101828402 587 Defensive Rebound Nath… 8 4 #> 10 4.02e17 101829701 558 JumpShot Nath… 8 4 #> # ℹ 1,957,439 more rows #> # ℹ 52 more variables: period_number , period_display_value , #> # clock_display_value , scoring_play , score_value , #> # team_id , athlete_id_1 , wallclock , shooting_play , #> # season , season_type , away_team_id , away_team_name , #> # away_team_mascot , away_team_abbrev , away_team_name_alt , #> # home_team_id , home_team_name , home_team_mascot , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_player_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load hoopR men's college basketball player box scores — load_mbb_player_box","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball player box scores — load_mbb_player_box","text":"helper loads multiple seasons data repo either memory writes db using forwarded arguments dots","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_player_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball player box scores — load_mbb_player_box","text":"","code":"load_mbb_player_box( seasons = most_recent_mbb_season(), ..., dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_player_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball player box scores — load_mbb_player_box","text":"seasons vector 4-digit years associated given men's college basketball seasons. (Min: 2003) ... Additional arguments passed underlying function writes season data database (used update_mbb_db()). dbConnection DBIConnection object, returned tablename name play play data table within database","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_player_box.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball player box scores — load_mbb_player_box","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_player_box.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball player box scores — load_mbb_player_box","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ load_mbb_player_box(seasons = most_recent_mbb_season()) #> ── ESPN MBB Player Boxscores from hoopR data repository ───────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 18:05:29 UTC #> # A tibble: 195,499 × 55 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time athlete_id #> #> 1 401522202 2023 3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00 4431786 #> 2 401522202 2023 3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00 4397371 #> 3 401522202 2023 3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00 4702011 #> 4 401522202 2023 3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00 4433183 #> 5 401522202 2023 3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00 4397049 #> 6 401522202 2023 3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00 4897531 #> 7 401522202 2023 3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00 4870565 #> 8 401522202 2023 3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00 4431879 #> 9 401522202 2023 3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00 4397368 #> 10 401522202 2023 3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00 4397237 #> # ℹ 195,489 more rows #> # ℹ 49 more variables: athlete_display_name , team_id , #> # team_name , team_location , team_short_display_name , #> # minutes , field_goals_made , field_goals_attempted , #> # three_point_field_goals_made , #> # three_point_field_goals_attempted , free_throws_made , #> # free_throws_attempted , offensive_rebounds , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_schedule.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load hoopR men's college basketball schedule — load_mbb_schedule","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball schedule — load_mbb_schedule","text":"helper loads multiple seasons data repo either memory writes db using forwarded arguments dots","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_schedule.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball schedule — load_mbb_schedule","text":"","code":"load_mbb_schedule( seasons = most_recent_mbb_season(), ..., dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_schedule.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball schedule — load_mbb_schedule","text":"seasons vector 4-digit years associated given men's college basketball seasons. (Min: 2002) ... Additional arguments passed underlying function writes season data database (used update_mbb_db()). dbConnection DBIConnection object, returned tablename name play play data table within database","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_schedule.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball schedule — load_mbb_schedule","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_schedule.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball schedule — load_mbb_schedule","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ load_mbb_schedule(seasons = most_recent_mbb_season()) #> ── ESPN MBB Schedule from hoopR data repository ───────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 18:05:55 UTC #> # A tibble: 6,225 × 74 #> id uid date attendance time_valid neutral_site conference_competition #> #> 1 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 72423 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> 2 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 73860 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> 3 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 73860 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> 4 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> 5 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 2931 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> 6 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> 7 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 17530 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> 8 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 20051 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> 9 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 18119 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> 10 4.02e8 s:40… 2023… 19680 TRUE TRUE FALSE #> # ℹ 6,215 more rows #> # ℹ 67 more variables: recent , start_date , notes_type , #> # notes_headline , type_id , type_abbreviation , #> # venue_id , venue_full_name , venue_address_city , #> # venue_address_state , venue_capacity , venue_indoor , #> # status_clock , status_display_clock , status_period , #> # status_type_id , status_type_name , status_type_state , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_team_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load hoopR men's college basketball team box scores — load_mbb_team_box","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball team box scores — load_mbb_team_box","text":"helper loads multiple seasons data repo either memory writes db using forwarded arguments dots","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_team_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball team box scores — load_mbb_team_box","text":"","code":"load_mbb_team_box( seasons = most_recent_mbb_season(), ..., dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_team_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball team box scores — load_mbb_team_box","text":"seasons vector 4-digit years associated given men's college basketball seasons. (Min: 2003) ... Additional arguments passed underlying function writes season data database (used update_mbb_db()). dbConnection DBIConnection object, returned tablename name play play data table within database","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_team_box.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball team box scores — load_mbb_team_box","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_mbb_team_box.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Load hoopR men's college basketball team box scores — load_mbb_team_box","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ load_mbb_team_box(seasons = most_recent_mbb_season()) #> ── ESPN MBB Team Boxscores from hoopR data repository ─────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-05 09:42:07 UTC #> # A tibble: 12,440 × 54 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time team_id team_uid #> #> 1 401522202 2023 3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00 21 s:40~l:4… #> 2 401522202 2023 3 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 21:20:00 41 s:40~l:4… #> 3 401522201 2023 3 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 21:16:00 2390 s:40~l:4… #> 4 401522201 2023 3 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 21:16:00 41 s:40~l:4… #> 5 401522200 2023 3 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 18:09:00 2226 s:40~l:4… #> 6 401522200 2023 3 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 18:09:00 21 s:40~l:4… #> 7 401526932 2023 3 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 21:42:00 5 s:40~l:4… #> 8 401526932 2023 3 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 21:42:00 249 s:40~l:4… #> 9 401526927 2023 3 2023-03-28 2023-03-28 21:30:00 3084 s:40~l:4… #> 10 401526927 2023 3 2023-03-28 2023-03-28 21:30:00 5 s:40~l:4… #> # ℹ 12,430 more rows #> # ℹ 47 more variables: team_slug , team_location , team_name , #> # team_abbreviation , team_display_name , #> # team_short_display_name , team_color , #> # team_alternate_color , team_logo , team_home_away , #> # team_score , team_winner , assists , blocks , #> # defensive_rebounds , field_goal_pct , field_goals_made , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_pbp.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load hoopR NBA play-by-play — load_nba_pbp","title":"Load hoopR NBA play-by-play — load_nba_pbp","text":"helper loads multiple seasons data repo either memory writes db using forwarded arguments dots","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_pbp.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load hoopR NBA play-by-play — load_nba_pbp","text":"","code":"load_nba_pbp( seasons = most_recent_nba_season(), ..., dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_pbp.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load hoopR NBA play-by-play — load_nba_pbp","text":"seasons vector 4-digit years associated given NBA seasons. (Min: 2002) ... Additional arguments passed underlying function writes season data database (used update_nba_db()). dbConnection DBIConnection object, returned tablename name play play data table within database","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_pbp.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load hoopR NBA play-by-play — load_nba_pbp","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_pbp.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Load hoopR NBA play-by-play — load_nba_pbp","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ load_nba_pbp(seasons = most_recent_nba_season()) #> ── ESPN NBA Play-by-Play from hoopR data repository ───────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 17:58:08 UTC #> # A tibble: 563,680 × 60 #> id sequence_number type_id type_text text away_score home_score #> #> 1 4014693444 4 615 Jumpball Nic … 0 0 #> 2 4014693447 7 92 Jump Shot Euge… 0 3 #> 3 4014693449 9 92 Jump Shot Royc… 3 3 #> 4 40146934411 11 96 Dunk Shot Jale… 3 5 #> 5 40146934413 13 63 Lost Ball Tu… Mika… 3 5 #> 6 40146934415 15 149 Running Alle… Jale… 3 7 #> 7 40146934417 17 92 Jump Shot Came… 6 7 #> 8 40146934419 19 92 Jump Shot Euge… 6 7 #> 9 40146934420 20 155 Defensive Re… Royc… 6 7 #> 10 40146934421 21 92 Jump Shot Mika… 9 7 #> # ℹ 563,670 more rows #> # ℹ 53 more variables: period_number , period_display_value , #> # clock_display_value , scoring_play , score_value , #> # team_id , athlete_id_1 , athlete_id_2 , athlete_id_3 , #> # wallclock , shooting_play , coordinate_x_raw , #> # coordinate_y_raw , season , season_type , #> # away_team_id , away_team_name , away_team_mascot , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_player_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load hoopR NBA player box scores — load_nba_player_box","title":"Load hoopR NBA player box scores — load_nba_player_box","text":"helper loads multiple seasons data repo either memory writes db using forwarded arguments dots","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_player_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load hoopR NBA player box scores — load_nba_player_box","text":"","code":"load_nba_player_box( seasons = most_recent_nba_season(), ..., dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_player_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load hoopR NBA player box scores — load_nba_player_box","text":"seasons vector 4-digit years associated given NBA seasons. (Min: 2002) ... Additional arguments passed underlying function writes season data database (used update_nba_db()). dbConnection DBIConnection object, returned tablename name play play data table within database","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_player_box.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load hoopR NBA player box scores — load_nba_player_box","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_player_box.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Load hoopR NBA player box scores — load_nba_player_box","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ load_nba_player_box(seasons = most_recent_nba_season()) #> ── ESPN NBA Player Boxscores from hoopR data repository ───────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 18:01:17 UTC #> # A tibble: 30,729 × 57 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time athlete_id #> #> 1 401469351 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00 6583 #> 2 401469351 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00 4278077 #> 3 401469351 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00 1966 #> 4 401469351 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00 3136776 #> 5 401469351 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00 4066457 #> 6 401469351 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00 4066648 #> 7 401469351 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00 4066264 #> 8 401469351 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00 4278508 #> 9 401469351 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00 3032979 #> 10 401469351 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00 3907822 #> # ℹ 30,719 more rows #> # ℹ 51 more variables: athlete_display_name , team_id , #> # team_name , team_location , team_short_display_name , #> # minutes , field_goals_made , field_goals_attempted , #> # three_point_field_goals_made , #> # three_point_field_goals_attempted , free_throws_made , #> # free_throws_attempted , offensive_rebounds , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_schedule.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load hoopR NBA schedules — load_nba_schedule","title":"Load hoopR NBA schedules — load_nba_schedule","text":"helper loads multiple seasons data repo either memory writes db using forwarded arguments dots","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_schedule.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load hoopR NBA schedules — load_nba_schedule","text":"","code":"load_nba_schedule( seasons = most_recent_nba_season(), ..., dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_schedule.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load hoopR NBA schedules — load_nba_schedule","text":"seasons vector 4-digit years associated given NBA seasons. (Min: 2002) ... Additional arguments passed underlying function writes season data database (used update_nba_db()). dbConnection DBIConnection object, returned tablename name play play data table within database","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_schedule.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load hoopR NBA schedules — load_nba_schedule","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_schedule.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Load hoopR NBA schedules — load_nba_schedule","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ load_nba_schedule(seasons = most_recent_nba_season()) #> ── ESPN NBA Schedule from hoopR data repository ───────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 18:01:29 UTC #> # A tibble: 1,232 × 67 #> id uid date attendance time_valid neutral_site conference_competition #> #> 1 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> 2 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> 3 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> 4 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> 5 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> 6 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> 7 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> 8 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> 9 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> 10 4.01e8 s:40… 2023… 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE #> # ℹ 1,222 more rows #> # ℹ 60 more variables: recent , start_date , notes_type , #> # notes_headline , type_id , type_abbreviation , #> # venue_id , venue_full_name , venue_address_city , #> # venue_capacity , venue_indoor , status_clock , #> # status_display_clock , status_period , status_type_id , #> # status_type_name , status_type_state , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_team_box.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load hoopR NBA team box scores — load_nba_team_box","title":"Load hoopR NBA team box scores — load_nba_team_box","text":"helper loads multiple seasons data repo either memory writes db using forwarded arguments dots","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_team_box.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load hoopR NBA team box scores — load_nba_team_box","text":"","code":"load_nba_team_box( seasons = most_recent_nba_season(), ..., dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_team_box.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load hoopR NBA team box scores — load_nba_team_box","text":"seasons vector 4-digit years associated given NBA seasons. (Min: 2002) ... Additional arguments passed underlying function writes season data database (used update_nba_db()). dbConnection DBIConnection object, returned tablename name play play data table within database","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_team_box.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load hoopR NBA team box scores — load_nba_team_box","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/load_nba_team_box.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Load hoopR NBA team box scores — load_nba_team_box","text":"","code":"# \\donttest{ load_nba_team_box(seasons = most_recent_nba_season()) #> ── ESPN NBA Team Boxscores from hoopR data repository ─────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 17:59:45 UTC #> # A tibble: 2,394 × 57 #> game_id season season_type game_date game_date_time team_id team_uid #> #> 1 401469351 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00 13 s:40~l:4… #> 2 401469351 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 22:00:00 12 s:40~l:4… #> 3 401469350 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 20:30:00 23 s:40~l:4… #> 4 401469350 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 20:30:00 6 s:40~l:4… #> 5 401469349 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 20:00:00 29 s:40~l:4… #> 6 401469349 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 20:00:00 3 s:40~l:4… #> 7 401469346 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 19:30:00 27 s:40~l:4… #> 8 401469346 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 19:30:00 1 s:40~l:4… #> 9 401469347 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 19:30:00 28 s:40~l:4… #> 10 401469347 2023 2 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 19:30:00 2 s:40~l:4… #> # ℹ 2,384 more rows #> # ℹ 50 more variables: team_slug , team_location , team_name , #> # team_abbreviation , team_display_name , #> # team_short_display_name , team_color , #> # team_alternate_color , team_logo , team_home_away , #> # team_score , team_winner , assists , blocks , #> # defensive_rebounds , fast_break_points , field_goal_pct , … # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/most_recent_mbb_season.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Most Recent Men's College Basketball Season — most_recent_mbb_season","title":"Most Recent Men's College Basketball Season — most_recent_mbb_season","text":"Recent Men's College Basketball Season","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/most_recent_mbb_season.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Most Recent Men's College Basketball Season — most_recent_mbb_season","text":"","code":"most_recent_mbb_season()"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/most_recent_nba_season.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Most Recent NBA Season — most_recent_nba_season","title":"Most Recent NBA Season — most_recent_nba_season","text":"Recent NBA Season","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/most_recent_nba_season.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Most Recent NBA Season — most_recent_nba_season","text":"","code":"most_recent_nba_season()"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_alltimeleadersgrids.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get NBA Stats API All-time Leaders Grid — nba_alltimeleadersgrids","title":"Get NBA Stats API All-time Leaders Grid — nba_alltimeleadersgrids","text":"Get NBA Stats API -time Leaders Grid Get NBA Stats API -time Leaders Grid","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_alltimeleadersgrids.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get NBA Stats API All-time Leaders Grid — nba_alltimeleadersgrids","text":"","code":"nba_alltimeleadersgrids( league_id = \"00\", per_mode = \"PerGame\", season_type = \"Regular Season\", top_x = 10, ... )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_alltimeleadersgrids.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get NBA Stats API All-time Leaders Grid — nba_alltimeleadersgrids","text":"league_id League - default: '00'. options include '10': WNBA, '20': G-League per_mode Per Mode - PerGame, Totals season_type Season Type - Regular Season, Playoffs, -Star top_x Top X ... Additional arguments passed underlying function like httr.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_alltimeleadersgrids.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get NBA Stats API All-time Leaders Grid — nba_alltimeleadersgrids","text":"Returns named list data frames: ASTLeaders, BLKLeaders, DREBLeaders, FG3ALeaders, FG3MLeaders, FG3_PCTLeaders, FGALeaders, FGMLeaders, FG_PCTLeaders, FTALeaders, FTMLeaders, FT_PCTLeaders, GPLeaders, OREBLeaders, PFLeaders, PTSLeaders, REBLeaders, STLLeaders, TOVLeaders GPLeaders PTSLeaders ASTLeaders STLLeaders OREBLeaders DREBLeaders REBLeaders BLKLeaders FGMLeaders FGALeaders FG_PCTLeaders TOVLeaders FG3MLeaders FG3ALeaders FG3_PCTLeaders PFLeaders FTMLeaders FTALeaders FT_PCTLeaders","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_alltimeleadersgrids.html","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get NBA Stats API All-time Leaders Grid — nba_alltimeleadersgrids","text":"","code":"nba_alltimeleadersgrids(league_id = '00')"},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_alltimeleadersgrids.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get NBA Stats API All-time Leaders Grid — nba_alltimeleadersgrids","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assistleaders.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Leaders — nba_assistleaders","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Leaders — nba_assistleaders","text":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Leaders Get NBA Stats API Assist Leaders","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assistleaders.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Leaders — nba_assistleaders","text":"","code":"nba_assistleaders( league_id = \"00\", per_mode = \"PerGame\", player_or_team = \"Team\", season = year_to_season(most_recent_nba_season() - 1), season_type = \"Regular Season\", ... )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assistleaders.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Leaders — nba_assistleaders","text":"league_id League - default: '00'. options include '10': WNBA, '20': G-League per_mode Per Mode - PerGame, Totals player_or_team Player Team season Season - format 2020-21 season_type Season Type - Regular Season, Playoffs, -Star ... Additional arguments passed underlying function like httr.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assistleaders.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Leaders — nba_assistleaders","text":"Returns named list data frames: AssistLeaders AssistLeaders","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assistleaders.html","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Leaders — nba_assistleaders","text":"","code":"nba_assistleaders(league_id = '00', player_or_team = \"Player\") nba_assistleaders(league_id = '00', player_or_team = \"Team\")"},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assistleaders.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Leaders — nba_assistleaders","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assisttracker.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Tracker — nba_assisttracker","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Tracker — nba_assisttracker","text":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Tracker Get NBA Stats API Assist Tracker","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assisttracker.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Tracker — nba_assisttracker","text":"","code":"nba_assisttracker( league_id = \"00\", per_mode = \"PerGame\", season = year_to_season(most_recent_nba_season() - 1), season_type = \"Regular Season\", ... )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assisttracker.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Tracker — nba_assisttracker","text":"league_id League - default: '00'. options include '10': WNBA, '20': G-League per_mode Per Mode - PerGame, Totals season Season - format 2020-21 season_type Season Type - Regular Season, Playoffs, -Star ... Additional arguments passed underlying function like httr.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assisttracker.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Tracker — nba_assisttracker","text":"Returns named list data frames: AssistTracker","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assisttracker.html","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Tracker — nba_assisttracker","text":"","code":"nba_assisttracker(league_id = '00')"},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_assisttracker.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get NBA Stats API Assist Tracker — nba_assisttracker","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_boxscoreadvancedv2.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get NBA Stats API Boxscore Advanced V2 — nba_boxscoreadvancedv2","title":"Get NBA Stats API Boxscore Advanced V2 — nba_boxscoreadvancedv2","text":"Get NBA Stats API Boxscore Advanced V2 Get NBA Stats API Boxscore Advanced V2","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_boxscoreadvancedv2.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get NBA Stats API Boxscore Advanced V2 — nba_boxscoreadvancedv2","text":"","code":"nba_boxscoreadvancedv2( game_id, start_period = 0, end_period = 14, start_range = 0, end_range = 0, range_type = 0, ... )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nba_boxscoreadvancedv2.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Get NBA Stats API Boxscore Advanced V2 — nba_boxscoreadvancedv2","text":"game_id Game ID start_period start_period end_period end_period start_range start_range end_range end_range range_type range_type ... 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Additional arguments passed underlying function like httr.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nbagl_standings.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get Current G League Standings from NBA API — nbagl_standings","text":"Returns tibble G League Season Standings","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nbagl_standings.html","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Get Current G League Standings from NBA API — nbagl_standings","text":"","code":"nbagl_standings(season = most_recent_nba_season() - 1)"},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/nbagl_standings.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get Current G League Standings from NBA API — nbagl_standings","text":"Billy Fryer","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Get men's college basketball NET rankings for the current date from the NCAA website — ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings","title":"Get men's college basketball NET rankings for the current date from the NCAA website — ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings","text":"Get men's college basketball NET rankings current date NCAA website","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Get men's college basketball NET rankings for the current date from the NCAA website — ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings","text":"","code":"ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings()"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Get men's college basketball NET rankings for the current date from the NCAA website — ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings","text":"Returns tibble","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings.html","id":"author","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Author","title":"Get men's college basketball NET rankings for the current date from the NCAA website — ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings","text":"Saiem Gilani","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings.html","id":"ref-examples","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Examples","title":"Get men's college basketball NET rankings for the current date from the NCAA website — ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings","text":"","code":"# Get current NCAA NET rankings # \\donttest{ try(ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings()) #> ── NCAA MBB NET Rankings Information from ESPN.com ────────────── hoopR 2.0.0 ── #> ℹ Data updated: 2023-04-06 19:19:11 UTC #> # A tibble: 363 × 12 #> rank previous school conference record road neutral home quad_1 quad_2 #> #> 1 1 1 Houston AAC 33-4 11-0 6-2 16-2 8-3 8-0 #> 2 2 2 Alabama SEC 31-6 9-3 7-3 15-0 13-6 7-0 #> 3 3 8 UConn Big East 31-8 6-5 10-1 15-2 12-7 8-0 #> 4 4 3 UCLA Pac-12 31-6 9-2 5-4 17-0 7-6 9-0 #> 5 5 4 Tennessee SEC 25-11 4-6 7-3 14-2 7-8 5-3 #> 6 6 5 Purdue Big Ten 29-6 8-3 7-1 14-2 12-3 7-2 #> 7 7 7 Texas Big 12 29-9 4-6 8-2 17-1 16-9 4-0 #> 8 8 6 Gonzaga WCC 30-6 7-2 9-3 14-1 8-5 5-0 #> 9 9 9 Kansas Big 12 28-8 7-4 6-3 15-1 16-8 6-0 #> 10 10 10 Arizona Pac-12 28-7 6-4 7-1 15-2 8-2 7-4 #> # ℹ 353 more rows #> # ℹ 2 more variables: quad_3 , quad_4 # }"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/ncaa_mbb_teams.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Scrape NCAA Men's Baskebtall Teams (Division I, II, and III) — ncaa_mbb_teams","title":"Scrape NCAA Men's Baskebtall Teams (Division I, II, and III) — ncaa_mbb_teams","text":"function allows user obtain NCAA teams year division","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/ncaa_mbb_teams.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Scrape NCAA Men's Baskebtall Teams (Division I, II, and III) — ncaa_mbb_teams","text":"","code":"ncaa_mbb_teams(year = most_recent_mbb_season(), division = 1, ...)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/ncaa_mbb_teams.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Scrape NCAA Men's Baskebtall Teams (Division I, II, and III) — ncaa_mbb_teams","text":"year season data returned, form \"YYYY\". 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iteration.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/progressively.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Progressively — progressively","text":"","code":"progressively(f, p = NULL)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/progressively.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Progressively — progressively","text":"f function add progressr functionality . p progressor function created progressr::progressor()","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/progressively.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Progressively — progressively","text":"function f calls p() iteration.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/progressively.html","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Progressively — progressively","text":"inspired purrr's safely, quietly, possibly function decorators.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/rds_from_url.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Load .rds file from a remote connection — rds_from_url","title":"Load .rds file from a remote connection — rds_from_url","text":"Load .rds file remote connection","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/rds_from_url.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Load .rds file from a remote connection — rds_from_url","text":"","code":"rds_from_url(url)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/rds_from_url.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Load .rds file from a remote connection — rds_from_url","text":"url character url","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/rds_from_url.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Load .rds file from a remote connection — rds_from_url","text":"dataframe created readRDS()","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/rejoin_schedules.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"rejoin schedules (when used from league game finder) — rejoin_schedules","title":"rejoin schedules (when used from league game finder) — rejoin_schedules","text":"rejoin schedules (used league game finder)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/rejoin_schedules.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"rejoin schedules (when used from league game finder) — rejoin_schedules","text":"","code":"rejoin_schedules(df)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/rejoin_schedules.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"rejoin schedules (when used from league game finder) — rejoin_schedules","text":"df data frame pulled nba_leaguegamefinder()","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/request_with_proxy.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Retry http request with proxy — request_with_proxy","title":"Retry http request with proxy — request_with_proxy","text":"thin wrapper httr::RETRY","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/request_with_proxy.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Retry http request with proxy — request_with_proxy","text":"","code":"request_with_proxy( url, params = list(), origin = \"https://stats.nba.com\", referer = \"https://www.nba.com/\", ... )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/request_with_proxy.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Retry http request with proxy — request_with_proxy","text":"url Request url params list params origin Origin url referer Referer url ... passed httr::RETRY","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/teams_links.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Men's College Basketball KenPom Teams Dictionary\nTeam link KenPom reference lookup for the package — teams_links","title":"Men's College Basketball KenPom Teams Dictionary\nTeam link KenPom reference lookup for the package — teams_links","text":"Men's College Basketball KenPom Teams Dictionary Team link KenPom reference lookup package","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/teams_links.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Men's College Basketball KenPom Teams Dictionary\nTeam link KenPom reference lookup for the package — teams_links","text":"","code":"teams_links"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/teams_links.html","id":"format","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Format","title":"Men's College Basketball KenPom Teams Dictionary\nTeam link KenPom reference lookup for the package — teams_links","text":"data frame 357 rows 6 variables:\\ Team character. Team.link character. team.link.ref character. Year double. Conf character. Conf.link character. conf.link.ref character.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_mbb_db.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_mbb_db","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_mbb_db","text":"update_mbb_db() updates creates database hoopR play play data completed available games since 2006.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_mbb_db.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_mbb_db","text":"","code":"update_mbb_db( dbdir = \".\", dbname = \"hoopR_db\", tblname = \"hoopR_mbb_pbp\", force_rebuild = FALSE, db_connection = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_mbb_db.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_mbb_db","text":"dbdir Directory database shall located dbname File name existing desired SQLite database within dbdir tblname name play play data table within database force_rebuild Hybrid parameter (logical numeric) rebuild parts complete play play data table within database (please see details information) db_connection DBIConnection object, returned DBI::dbConnect() (please see details information)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_mbb_db.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_mbb_db","text":"Returns logical value (TRUE/FALSE)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_mbb_db.html","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_mbb_db","text":"function creates updates data table name tblname within SQLite database (drivers via db_connection) located dbdir named dbname. data table combines play play data every available game back 2006 season adds recent completed games soon available hoopR. argument force_rebuild hybrid type. can rebuild play play data table either whole hoopR era (force_rebuild = TRUE) just specified seasons (e.g. force_rebuild = c(2019, 2020)). Please note following behavior: force_rebuild = TRUE: data table name tblname removed completely rebuilt scratch. helpful new columns added -Season. force_rebuild = c(2019, 2020): data table name tblname preserved rows 2019 2020 seasons deleted re-added. intended used ongoing seasons ESPN's data provider can make changes underlying data week. parameter db_connection intended advanced users want use DBI drivers, MariaDB, Postgres odbc. Please note arguments dbdir dbname dropped case db_connection provided argument tblname still used write data table database.","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_nba_db.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_nba_db","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_nba_db","text":"update_nba_db() updates creates database hoopR play play data completed available games since 2002.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_nba_db.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_nba_db","text":"","code":"update_nba_db( dbdir = \".\", dbname = \"hoopR_db\", tblname = \"hoopR_nba_pbp\", force_rebuild = FALSE, db_connection = NULL )"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_nba_db.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_nba_db","text":"dbdir Directory database shall located dbname File name existing desired SQLite database within dbdir tblname name play play data table within database force_rebuild Hybrid parameter (logical numeric) rebuild parts complete play play data table within database (please see details information) db_connection DBIConnection object, returned DBI::dbConnect() (please see details information)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_nba_db.html","id":"value","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Value","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_nba_db","text":"Returns logical value (TRUE/FALSE)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/update_nba_db.html","id":"details","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Details","title":"Update or create a hoopR play-by-play database — update_nba_db","text":"function creates updates data table name tblname within SQLite database (drivers via db_connection) located dbdir named dbname. data table combines play play data every available game back 2002 season adds recent completed games soon available hoopR. argument force_rebuild hybrid type. can rebuild play play data table either whole hoopR era (force_rebuild = TRUE) just specified seasons (e.g. force_rebuild = c(2019, 2020)). Please note following behavior: force_rebuild = TRUE: data table name tblname removed completely rebuilt scratch. helpful new columns added -Season. force_rebuild = c(2019, 2020): data table name tblname preserved rows 2019 2020 seasons deleted re-added. intended used ongoing seasons ESPN's data provider can make changes underlying data week. parameter db_connection intended advanced users want use DBI drivers, MariaDB, Postgres odbc. Please note arguments dbdir dbname dropped case db_connection provided argument tblname still used write data table database.","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/year_to_season.html","id":null,"dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"year to season (XXXX -> XXXX-YY) — year_to_season","title":"year to season (XXXX -> XXXX-YY) — year_to_season","text":"year season (XXXX -> XXXX-YY)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/year_to_season.html","id":"ref-usage","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Usage","title":"year to season (XXXX -> XXXX-YY) — year_to_season","text":"","code":"year_to_season(year)"},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/reference/year_to_season.html","id":"arguments","dir":"Reference","previous_headings":"","what":"Arguments","title":"year to season (XXXX -> XXXX-YY) — year_to_season","text":"year Four digit year (XXXX)","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"nba-stats-api-live-endpoints-2-0-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"NBA Stats API Live Endpoints","title":"hoopR 2.0.0","text":"nba_live_pbp() function added. nba_live_boxscore() function added. nba_todays_scoreboard() function added.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"nba-boxscore-v3-and-v3-styled-endpoints-added-2-0-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"NBA Boxscore V3 (and V3-styled) Endpoints Added","title":"hoopR 2.0.0","text":"nba_scoreboardv3() function added. nba_boxscoretraditionalv3() function added. nba_boxscoreadvancedv3() function added. nba_boxscoremiscv3() function added. nba_boxscorescoringv3() function added. nba_boxscoreusagev3() function added. nba_boxscorefourfactorsv3() function added. nba_boxscoreplayertrackv3() function added. nba_boxscorematchupsv3() function added. nba_boxscorehustlev2() function added. nba_boxscoredefensivev2() function added.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"other-nba-stats-api-functions-added-2-0-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Other NBA Stats API functions added","title":"hoopR 2.0.0","text":"nba_shotchartlineupdetail() function added. nba_synergyplaytypes() function added. nba_franchiseleaderswrank() function added. nba_videodetailsasset() function added. nba_infographicfanduelplayer() function added. nba_teams() function added.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"other-functions-added-2-0-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Other Functions Added","title":"hoopR 2.0.0","text":"ncaa_mbb_teams() function added.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"proxy-capability-added-and-other-notes-2-0-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Proxy Capability Added and Other Notes","title":"hoopR 2.0.0","text":"Add rlang dots option passing httr::use_proxy() option nba_*() functions Returns documentation added working NBA Stats API endpoints ESPN functions Tests added working NBA Stats API endpoints ESPN functions, 1000 tests run locally","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-191","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.9.1","title":"hoopR 1.9.1","text":"Updates --hood urls ESPN site API v2 summary endpoints","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-190","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.9.0","title":"hoopR 1.9.0","text":"Takes care tidyselect deprecation data masking certain tidyr dplyr functions. Regular minor maintenance kp_* functions espn_mbb_game_rosters() function added. espn_nba_game_rosters() function added.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-181","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.8.1","title":"hoopR 1.8.1","text":"espn_mbb_player_stats() function exported properly. espn_nba_player_stats() function exported properly. Fixing headers kp_ functions.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-180","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.8.0","title":"hoopR 1.8.0","text":"CRAN release: 2022-06-17 espn_mbb_player_stats() function added. espn_mbb_team_stats() function added. espn_nba_player_stats() function added. espn_nba_team_stats() function added.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-170","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.7.0","title":"hoopR 1.7.0","text":"nba_pbps() function added, courtesy @papagorgio23. nbagl_players() function added, courtesy @billyfryer. nbagl_schedule() function added, courtesy @billyfryer. nbagl_pbp() function added, courtesy @billyfryer. nbagl_standings() function added, courtesy @billyfryer. nba_gamerotation() function added.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-160","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.6.0","title":"hoopR 1.6.0","text":"nba_playerindex() function added. nba_playerheadshot() function added. nba_drafthistory() function added.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-150","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.5.0","title":"hoopR 1.5.0","text":"CRAN release: 2021-11-10 Major documentation update include names returned lists data frames exported NBA Stats API, ESPN API, KenPom, NCAA Data repository functions.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-145","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.4.5","title":"hoopR 1.4.5","text":"Add kp_referee() function","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-144","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.4.4","title":"hoopR 1.4.4","text":"Remove referee ranks kp_box() function","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-143","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.4.3","title":"hoopR 1.4.3","text":"Option configs changed revert user options","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-142","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.4.2","title":"hoopR 1.4.2","text":"Implement additional boxscore function parameters nba_boxscore(.*) functions","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-141","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.4.1","title":"hoopR 1.4.1","text":"Update teams_links internal dataset 2022 (need better solve ) Added nba_teams dataset working NBA Stats API","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-140","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.4.0","title":"hoopR 1.4.0","text":"hoopR::espn_mbb_betting() function added hoopR::espn_nba_betting() function added","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-131","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 1.3.1","title":"hoopR 1.3.1","text":"Fix kp_winprob function, adding runs third output","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"add-full-coverage-for-nba-stats-api-1-3-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Add Full Coverage for NBA Stats API","title":"hoopR 1.3.0","text":"Adding roughly 127 functions","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"add-schedule-loaders-1-2-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Add schedule loaders","title":"hoopR 1.2.0","text":"hoopR::load_mbb_schedule() function added hoopR::load_nba_schedule() function added","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"add-team-box-score-loaders-1-1-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Add team box score loaders","title":"hoopR 1.1.0","text":"hoopR::load_mbb_team_box() function added hoopR::load_nba_team_box() function added","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"add-player-box-score-loaders-1-1-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Add player box score loaders","title":"hoopR 1.1.0","text":"hoopR::load_mbb_player_box() function added hoopR::load_nba_player_box() function added","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"standings-functions-1-0-5","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Standings functions","title":"hoopR 1.0.5","text":"hoopR::espn_nba_standings() hoopR::espn_mbb_standings()","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"add-retry-1-0-4","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Add retry","title":"hoopR 1.0.4","text":"Adding httr::retry() function calls naturally navigate rejected/failed requests API.","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":[]},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"dependency-pruning-1-0-1-4","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Dependency pruning","title":"hoopR 1.0.1-4","text":"update non-user facing change package dependencies shrink list dependencies.","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"package-renamed-to-hoopr-1-0-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Package renamed to hoopR","title":"hoopR 1.0.0","text":"reflect package longer just men’s college basketball KenPom package, also NBA package.","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"clean-names-and-team-returns-1-0-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Clean names and team returns","title":"hoopR 1.0.0","text":"functions now given janitor::clean_names() treatment hoopR::espn_mbb_teams() updated returns identity information related hoopR::espn_nba_teams() identity information related tests updated","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"loading-capabilities-added-to-the-package-1-0-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Loading capabilities added to the package","title":"hoopR 1.0.0","text":"hoopR::load_mbb_pbp() hoopR::update_mbb_db() functions added hoopR::load_nba_pbp() hoopR::update_nba_db() functions added","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-04","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 0.4","title":"hoopR 0.4","text":"Added support ESPN’s NBA play--play endpoints addition following functions: hoopR::espn_nba_game_all() - convenience wrapper function around following three functions (returns results list three data frames) hoopR::espn_nba_team_box() hoopR::espn_nba_player_box() hoopR::espn_nba_pbp() hoopR::espn_nba_teams() hoopR::espn_nba_scoreboard()","code":""},{"path":[]},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"dependencies-0-3-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Dependencies","title":"hoopR 0.3.0","text":"R version 3.5.0 greater dependency added purrr version 0.3.0 greater dependency added rvest version 1.0.0 greater dependency added progressr version 0.6.0 greater dependency added usethis version 1.6.0 greater dependency added xgboost version 1.1.0 greater dependency added tidyr version 1.0.0 greater dependency added stringr version 1.3.0 greater dependency added tibble version 3.0.0 greater dependency added furrr dependency added future dependency added","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"test-coverage-0-3-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"Test coverage","title":"hoopR 0.3.0","text":"Added tests KP ESPN functions","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"function-naming-convention-change-0-3-0","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"Test coverage","what":"Function Naming Convention Change","title":"hoopR 0.3.0","text":"functions sourced kenpom.com start kp_ opposed get_ Similarly, data metrics sourced ESPN begin espn_ opposed cbb_. Moreover, references cbb_ changed mbb_ appropriate. Data sourced directly NCAA website start function ncaa_","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-020-3","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 0.2.0-3","title":"hoopR 0.2.0-3","text":"Added support ESPN’s men’s college basketball play--play endpoints addition following functions: hoopR::espn_mbb_game_all() - convenience wrapper function around following three functions (returns results list three data frames) hoopR::espn_mbb_team_box() hoopR::espn_mbb_player_box() hoopR::espn_mbb_pbp() hoopR::espn_mbb_teams() (bumps v0.2.1) hoopR::espn_mbb_conferences() (bumps v0.2.1) hoopR::espn_mbb_scoreboard() (bumps v0.2.2) hoopR::ncaa_mbb_NET_rankings() (bumps v0.2.3) hoopR::espn_mbb_rankings() (bumps v0.2.3)","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-010","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR 0.1.0","title":"hoopR 0.1.0","text":"Minor fixes","code":""},{"path":"https://hoopR.sportsdataverse.org/news/index.html","id":"hoopr-0009","dir":"Changelog","previous_headings":"","what":"hoopR","title":"hoopR","text":"Initial Commits, remaining tasks: Game Prep Tables Player Career Tables Game Box Scores Argument assertions","code":""}]