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Very early draft of an PHP scraper which can use the XBMC's universal…
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
… scraper XML files to scrape websites with media information. Need a lot of fixing
  • Loading branch information
spotweb committed Aug 20, 2013
1 parent 1fea318 commit 2ace2ce
Showing 1 changed file with 331 additions and 0 deletions.
331 changes: 331 additions & 0 deletions tests/testScraper.php
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
class ScraperDto {
public $functionName; /* Name of the tag, eg: CreateSearchUrl */
public $dest; /* destination slot */
public $clearBuffers;

* @var ScraperRegExp
public $regExpList; /* List of RegExp tags below the funtcion */
} # ScraperDto

class ScraperRegExp {
public $conditional; /* condition has to be true to be exeuted */
public $input; /* input string with placeholders */
public $output; /* Output string with placeholders */
public $dest; /* Destination slot */
public $cache; /* ???? */

* Fields which are listed in the <Expression> tag of a RegExp
public $expr_regex; /* Actual regex pattern below the regex */
public $expr_clear; /* ? */
public $expr_noclean; /* ? */
public $expr_fixchars; /* ? */
public $expr_repeat; /* Repeat this statement until no mathes */

* When 'output' contains the <url></url> tag, we replace it with
* a placeholder, this way we prevent from having to re-parse the URL
* tag a lot of times
public $out_url;
public $out_cache;
public $out_func;
public $out_headers;

* @var ScraperRegExp
public $childRegExes;
} # ScraperRegExp

function parseScraperRegExp($regExpElm) {
* There can be 1..n RegExp elements within a function,
* and they can have another list of child Regular expressions
$regExp = new ScraperRegExp();
$regExp->input = $regExpElm->getAttribute('input');
$regExp->dest = $regExpElm->getAttribute('dest');
$regExp->cache = $regExpElm->getAttribute('cache');
$regExp->conditional = $regExpElm->getAttribute('conditional');
$regExp->output = $regExpElm->getAttribute('output');
$regExp->childRegExes = array();

* Let's see if the output contains an <URL></URL> tag
if (stripos($regExp->output, '<url') !== false) {
preg_match_all('/<url(.*)<\/url>/i', $regExp->output, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);

if (isset($matches[0][0])) {
$outputDom = new DOMDocument();
$outputDom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$outputDom->loadXML('<xml>' . $matches[0][0] . '</xml>');

$urlElm = $outputDom->getElementsByTagName('url')->item(0);

* The URL can ontain an pipe, with after that headers.
$urlList = explode('|', $urlElm->nodeValue);

$regExp->out_func = $urlElm->getAttribute('function');
$regExp->out_cache = $urlElm->getAttribute('cache');
$regExp->out_url = $urlList[0];
if (count($urlList) > 1) {
$regExp->out_headers = array_slice($urlList, 1);
} # if

$regExp->output = str_replace($matches[0][0], chr(3), $regExp->output);
} # if

} # if

* A RegExp element can have child items, if it does, lets parse
* those as well
$childRegExpElmList = $regExpElm->getElementsByTagName('RegExp');
foreach($childRegExpElmList as $childRegExpElm) {
$regExp->childRegExes[] = parseScraperRegExp($childRegExpElm);
} # foreach

* Get the actual expression element for this RegExp element, the
foreach($regExpElm->childNodes as $exprElm) {
if ($exprElm->nodeName == 'expression') {
$regExp->expr_clear = $exprElm->getAttribute('clear');
$regExp->expr_fixchars = $exprElm->getAttribute('fixchars');
$regExp->expr_noclean = $exprElm->getAttribute('noclean');
$regExp->expr_repeat = (bool) $exprElm->getAttribute('repeat');
$regExp->expr_regex = (string) $exprElm->nodeValue;
if (empty($regExp->expr_regex)) {
$regExp->expr_regex = '(.*)';
} # if
} # if

return $regExp;
} # parseScraperRegExp

function parseScraperXml($xml, $headElmName) {
$funcList = array();
$dom = new DOMDocument();
* We need to ignore white space, else they will
* end up as DomText elements during parsing
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;

* Basic XML looks like:
* <xml>
* <$heading>
* -
* <$function> | We will parse these funtions and construct
* </$function> | ScraperDto's from it
* -
* </$heading>
* </xml>
$funcNodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName($headElmName)->item(0)->childNodes;
foreach($funcNodes as $funcElm) {

$scraperFunc = new ScraperDto();
$scraperFunc->clearBuffers = (bool) $funcElm->getAttribute('clearbuffers');
$scraperFunc->dest = $funcElm->getAttribute('dest');
$scraperFunc->functionName = $funcElm->tagName;
$scraperFunc->regExpList = array();

* Now lets see if this function has RegExp's elements
$regExpElms = $funcElm->childNodes;
foreach($regExpElms as $regExpElm) {
$scraperFunc->regExpList[] = parseScraperRegExp($regExpElm);
} # foreach

$funcList[$scraperFunc->functionName] = $scraperFunc;
} # foreach

return $funcList;
} # parseSraperXml

$input = array(
1 => 'Fast and the Furious',
2 => '2001'

$conditions = array(
'tmdbsearch' => false,
'imdbsearch' => true

function replace_input($x, $input) {
foreach($input as $key => $val) {
$x = str_replace('$$' . $key, $val, $x);
} # foreach

$x = str_replace('$INFO[imdbakatitles]', 'Keep Original', $x);

return $x;
} # replace_input

function saveDest($input, $tmpStr, $dest) {
// do we need to append the output or overwrite?
if (substr($dest, -1) == '+') {
$dest = substr($dest, 0, -1);

if (!isset($input[$dest])) {
$input[$dest] = '';
} # if

$input[$dest] .= $tmpStr;
} else {
$input[$dest] = $tmpStr;
} # else

return $input;
} # saveDest

function run($func, array $structure, array $input) {
global $conditions;

* Run any child regular expressions
if (!empty($func->childRegExes)) {
foreach($func->childRegExes as $regExp) {
$input = run($regExp, $structure, $input);
} # foreach
} # if

if ($func instanceof ScraperDto) {
$tmpInput = array(1 => $input[1]);

foreach($func->regExpList as $regExp) {
echo 'Running nested RegExp ...: ' . PHP_EOL;

$tmpInput = run($regExp, $structure, $tmpInput);
} # foreach

$input = saveDest($input, $tmpInput[$func->dest], $func->dest);
} else {
* We are still not actually scraping, but
* we are asked to run a function ..
if (!empty($func->out_func)) {
* We want a new buffer array, because buffers for
* functions are local
$newInput = array(1 => $input[1]);
$input = run($structure[$func->out_func], $structure, $input);

$func->output = str_replace(chr(3), $input[$func->dest], $func->output);
} # if

* Actually run the regular expression
$pattern = '%' . (string) $func->expr_regex . '%s';
$tmpInput = replace_input((string) $func->input, $input);
$tmpOutput = $func->output;
$output = '';

if (preg_match_all($pattern, $tmpInput, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER) > 0) {
if ($func->expr_repeat) {

foreach($matches as $match) {
$blahTmp = $tmpOutput;

foreach($match as $matchKey => $matchVal) {
$blahTmp = str_replace('\\' . $matchKey, $matchVal, $blahTmp);
} # foreach

$output .= $blahTmp;
} # foreach

} else {
$blahTmp = $tmpOutput;

foreach($matches[0] as $matchKey => $matchVal) {
echo '\\' . $matchKey . PHP_EOL;

$blahTmp = str_replace('\\' . $matchKey, $matchVal, $blahTmp);
} # foreach

$output = $blahTmp;
} # else

$input = saveDest($input, $output, $func->dest);
} else {
* No match was found
if ($func->expr_clear) {
$input = saveDest($input, '', $func->dest);
} # if
} # else
} # else

return $input;
} # run

// $imdb = file_get_contents("");
$imdb = file_get_contents("imdb-combined.htm");

$input[2] = $imdb;

// GetIMDBFullCastById ook niet
// GetIMDBFullDirectorsById
// GetIMDBFullWritersById
// GetIMDBThumbsById
// GetIMDBUSACert (INFO ??)
// GetIMDBCountryCert (INFO ??)
// GetIMDBAKATitlesById

$s = microtime(true);
$input[1] = $imdb;
// parseScraperXml(file_get_contents('universal.xml'), 'scraper');
$scraperFunc = parseScraperXml(file_get_contents('imdb.xml'), 'scraperfunctions');
* ToDo: GetIMDBCountryCert
* GetIMDBAKATitlesById
$input = run($scraperFunc['GetIMDBAKATitlesById'], $scraperFunc, $input);
echo PHP_EOL . 'Wheeee.. ' . PHP_EOL;
echo microtime(true) - $s;

$scraper = simplexml_load_file('imdb.xml');
$plotFunction = $scraper->GetIMDBGenresById;
$input[1] = 'tt0368891';
// run($scraper, $plotFunction);
echo '--------------------' . PHP_EOL;
// var_dump($input);
// die();

$scraper = simplexml_load_file('universal.xml');
$searchFunction = $scraper->CreateSearchUrl;
$input[1] = 'Fast and the Furious';
$input[2] = '2001';
run($scraper, $searchFunction);

echo '--------------------' . PHP_EOL;

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