DB Browser for SQLite 3.5.0
DB Browser for SQLite v3.5.0 is now available for download! 😀
One of the major improvements in this release, is support for encrypted databases (for MacOS X and Linux only, not Windows yet). This is done using the SQLCipher encryption library.
In addition to that, there are a lot of significant bug fixes and general improvements. It's definitely worth updating, if you're in doubt. 😄
- I18N - Simplified Chinese language support - #138 (thanks to @efreeking)
- Add tooltip for all table items - #139 (thanks to @xiangxw and @MKleusberg)
- Remember CSV export options - #149 (thanks to @MKleusberg)
- Distinguish Save and Save As when saving SQL files in the Execute SQL tab - #152 (thanks to @MKleusberg)
- Add support for compiling on OS/2 - #157 (thanks to @TeLLie)
- Add two buttons to navigate to the head and the tail - #169 (thanks to @yunfzhan)
- Compatibility with shadow build - #175 (thanks to @Samir-Aguiar)
- Support Indices without sorting - #176 (thanks to @MKleusberg)
- FreeBSD Port - #180 (thanks to @lbartoletti)
Enhancements with progress, though more still needs to be done
- Open Encrypted Database - #12 (thanks to @MKleusberg)
- Add full support for tables without rowid - #51 (thanks to @MKleusberg)
- NULL field values are not highlighted - #163 (thanks to @MKleusberg)
- Ability to change language - #182 #187 (thanks to @Samir-Aguiar)
Bug fixes
- Foreign Key in Edit Create Table - #109 (thanks to @MKleusberg)
- CSV export bug - Fields aren't automatically quoted when separator character is present in the data - #144 (thanks to @MKleusberg)
- [feature request]"Execute SQL": clear output if query returns nothing - #151 (thanks to @MKleusberg)
- Export to SQL INT Datatype Expression - #156 (thanks to @rp-)
- Crash when opening db without rowid and composite primary key - #159 (thanks to @rp-)
- Database Structure view: wrong parsing of CHECK constraints - #179 (thanks to @MKleusberg )
- tests: fix QCoreApplication parameters #185 (thanks to @pinotree)
Other notes
- The Windows release uses SQLite v3.8.8.2
- The MacOS X release has two potential downloads
- One download uses "standard" SQLite (v3.8.8.1)
- The other download uses SQLCipher (v3.2.0) to give encryption support for your SQLite databases
- You only need to download one of them, not both 😄