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Travel Tracker

Someday quarantine will end, and Travel Tracker can help you prepare for that fateful day!

Once travel is back in the books, let us help book those books for you. The Travel Tracker allows users and travel agents to work together to make memorable trips and keep track of those good times.

Travelers can:

  • Login using
    username: traveler50
    password: travel2020
    • You can also log in using traveler<any number 1-50>
    • See user dashboard when logging in including
    • All trips (past, present, upcoming, and pending)
    • Total amount spent on trips this year including a travel agent’s 10% fee
  • Be able to make trip requests
    • Select dates
    • Set duration
    • Specify number of travelers
    • Choose from a list of destinations
    • See estimated costs (including 10% travel agent fee) for the trip
    • Submit the request to be 'pending' until the agent can approve/deny it

Travel Agents can:

  • Login using
username: agency
password: travel2020
  • See a dashboard showing
    • New trip requests (a user’s “pending” trips)
    • Total income generated this year (should be 10% of user trip cost)
    • Travelers on trips for today’s date

This is the final project of Turing School Mod 2.


This app utilized:

  • ES6 Javascript with a focus on DRY, SRP, OOP code
  • Class object modeling with a testing using Mocha and Chai
  • SCSS broken out into logical stylesheets using mixins and nesting
  • A CSS normalize file for browser compatability
  • Accessibility testing using aria labels and Colorblinding checks alongside semantic HTML
  • Webpack bundling for multiple script and SCSS files
  • A local server running API endpoints for a separated data model
  • Github pages deployment
  • Git workflow, a kanban project board, and self-management of design and development

The challenge of working with these technologies I'm fairly new to, as well as completing the process in a matter of 5 days, helped me learn a lot about prioritization, using my resources, managing time, dedicating to design decisions, and organizing my project. I was grateful for this experience and am sure next time I practice this process the outcome will be sleeker and I'll be able to produce in a more efficient manner.


This app was coded by me, Alice Ruppert, following a spec by Turing School staff.

Special thanks to my mentor, Scott Schipke and my accountabilibuddy, Gabrielle Joyce, for their technical support, and my partner for making me food.

Future Iterations

While no future development is planned at this time, if time allowed or the project was ongoing, had time allowed, I would've liked to address:

  • The completed functionality of the agent class including:
    • Be able to see and approve/deny trip requests
    • Search for users by name:
      • View their name, a list of all of their trips, and the total amount they’ve spent (including 10% agent cut)
      • Approve a trip request for that user
      • Delete an upcoming trip for that user
  • Adding additional styling and drying up existing SCSS
  • Adding countdown timers for each upcoming trip for users

In Action

GIF of traveler functionality

GIF of travel agent functionality


Turing School - Mod 2 - Final Project






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