amf: addr: # The address or hostname of the AMF. bind_addr: # A local IP that the gNB binds to for traffic from the AMF. ru_ofh: #ru_bandwidth_MHz: 20 # RU instantaneous bandwidth. t1a_max_cp_dl: 470 # Maximum T1a on Control-Plane for Downlink in microseconds. t1a_min_cp_dl: 419 # Minimum T1a on Control-Plane for Downlink in microseconds. t1a_max_cp_ul: 336 # Maximum T1a on Control-Plane for Uplink in microseconds. t1a_min_cp_ul: 285 # Minimum T1a on Control-Plane for Uplink in microseconds. t1a_max_up: 345 # Maximum T1a on User-Plane in microseconds. t1a_min_up: 294 # Minimum T1a on User-Plane in microseconds. ta4_max: 200 # Maximum Ta4 on User-Plane in microseconds. ta4_min: 0 # Minimum Ta4 on User-Plane in microseconds. # t1a_max_cp_dl: 500 # t1a_min_cp_dl: 258 # t1a_max_cp_ul: 465 # t1a_min_cp_ul: 285 # t1a_max_up: 250 # t1a_min_up: 50 # ta4_max: 200 # Maximum Ta4 on User-Plane in microseconds. # ta4_min: 0 is_prach_cp_enabled: true # Configures if Control-Plane messages should be used to receive PRACH messages. is_dl_broadcast_enabled: false # Optional BOOLEAN (0). Sets downlink broadcast enabled flag. Supported: [0, 1]. (This is a workaround for SISO, set to false or commenct it for mimo) #ignore_ecpri_payload_size: 1 # Optional BOOLEAN (0). Sets whether or not to ignore eCPRI payload size field value. Supported [0. 1]. compr_method_ul: bfp # Uplink compression method. compr_bitwidth_ul: 9 # Uplink IQ samples bitwidth after compression. compr_method_dl: bfp # Downlink compression method. compr_bitwidth_dl: 9 # Downlink IQ samples bitwidth after compression. compr_method_prach: bfp # PRACH compression method. compr_bitwidth_prach: 9 # PRACH IQ samples bitwidth after compression. enable_ul_static_compr_hdr: false # Configures if the compression header is present for uplink User-Plane messages (false) or not present (true). enable_dl_static_compr_hdr: false # Configures if the compression header is present for downlink User-Plane messages (false) or not present (true). iq_scaling: 4.5 # IQ samples scaling factor applied before compression, should be a positive value smaller than 10. cells: - network_interface: enp1s0f0np0 # Ethernet interface name used to communicate with the RU. ru_mac_addr: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx # RU MAC address. du_mac_addr: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx # DU MAC address. vlan_tag: 1 # VLAN tag value. prach_port_id: [4, 5, 6, 7] # PRACH eAxC port value. dl_port_id: [0, 1, 2, 3] # Downlink eAxC port values. ul_port_id: [0, 1, 2, 3] # Uplink eAxC port values. cell_cfg: dl_arfcn: 640000 # ARFCN of the downlink carrier (center frequency). band: 78 # The NR band. channel_bandwidth_MHz: 20 # Bandwith in MHz. Number of PRBs will be automatically derived. common_scs: 30 # Subcarrier spacing in kHz used for data. plmn: "99970" # PLMN broadcasted by the gNB. tac: 7 # Tracking area code (needs to match the core configuration). pci: 1 # Physical cell ID. nof_antennas_dl: 4 # Downlink number of antennas. nof_antennas_ul: 4 # Downlink number of antennas. prach: prach_config_index: 159 # PRACH configuration index. prach_root_sequence_index: 1 # PRACH root sequence index. zero_correlation_zone: 0 # Zero correlation zone. prach_frequency_start: 2 tdd_ul_dl_cfg: dl_ul_tx_period: 10 # Optional INT (10). Sets the TDD pattern periodicity in slots. The combination of this value and the chosen numerology must lead to a TDD periodicity of 0.5, > nof_dl_slots: 7 # Optional INT (6). Number of consecutive full Downlink slots. Supported: [0-80]. nof_dl_symbols: 6 # Optional INT (0). Number of Downlink symbols at the beginning of the slot following full Downlink slots. Supported: [0-13]. nof_ul_slots: 2 # Optional INT (3). Number of consecutive full Uplink slots. Supported: [0 - 80]. nof_ul_symbols: 4 ssb: ssb_period: 20 pdsch: mcs_table: qam256 # pdsch: # olla_target_bler: 0.01 # dc_offset: center # pusch: # olla_target_bler: 0.01 # tdd_ul_dl_cfg: #dl_ul_tx_period: 10 # Optional INT (10). Sets the TDD pattern periodicity in slots. The combination of this value and the chosen numerology must lead to a TDD periodicity of 0.5, 0.625, 1, 1.25, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 or 10 milliseconds. Supported: [2 - 80]. #nof_dl_slots: 7 # Optional INT (6). Number of consecutive full Downlink slots. Supported: [0-80]. #nof_dl_symbols: 6 # Optional INT (0). Number of Downlink symbols at the beginning of the slot following full Downlink slots. Supported: [0-13]. #nof_ul_slots: 2 # Optional INT (3). Number of consecutive full Uplink slots. Supported: [0 - 80]. #nof_ul_symbols: 2 # Optional INT (0). Number of Uplink symbols at the end of the slot preceding the first full Uplink slot. Supported: [0-13]. #hal: # eal_args: "--lcores (0-1)@(0-23) -a 0000:01:00.1" log: filename: /tmp/gnb.log # Path of the log file. all_level: warning # Logging level applied to all layers. #mac_level: debug #ofh_level: debug