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File metadata and controls

168 lines (105 loc) · 4.25 KB

First steps

After going through the installation.adoc section and having installed all the Operators, you will now deploy a Druid cluster and it’s dependencies. Afterwards you can verify that it works by ingesting example data and subsequently query it.


Three things need to be installed to have a Druid cluster:

  • A ZooKeeper instance for internal use by Druid

  • An HDFS instance to be used as a backend for deep storage

  • The Druid cluster itself

We will create them in this order, each one is created by applying a manifest file. The Operators you just installed will then create the resources according to the manifest.


Create a file named zookeeper.yaml with the following content:


Then create the resources by applying the manifest file



Create hdfs.yaml with the following contents:


And apply it:



Create a file named druid.yaml with the following contents:


And apply it:


This will create the actual druid instance.

Verify that it works

Next you will submit an ingestion job and then query the ingested data - either through the web interface or the API.

First, make sure that all the Pods in the StatefulSets are ready:

kubectl get statefulset

The output should show all pods ready:

NAME                                 READY   AGE
simple-druid-broker-default          1/1     5m
simple-druid-coordinator-default     1/1     5m
simple-druid-historical-default      1/1     5m
simple-druid-middlemanager-default   1/1     5m
simple-druid-router-default          1/1     5m
simple-hdfs-datanode-default         1/1     6m
simple-hdfs-journalnode-default      1/1     6m
simple-hdfs-namenode-default         2/2     6m
simple-zk-server-default             3/3     7m

Then, create a port-forward for the Druid Router:


Ingest example data

Next, we will ingest some example data using the web interface. If you prefer to use the command line instead, follow the instructions in the collapsed section below.

Alternative: Using the command line

If you prefer to not use the web interface and instead interact with the API, create a file ingestion_spec.json with the following contents:


Submit the file with the following curl command:


Continue with the next section.

To open the web interface navigate your browser to https://localhost:8888/ to find the dashboard:


Now load the example data:

load example

Click through all pages of the load process. You can also follow the Druid Quickstart Guide.

Once you finished the ingestion dialog you should see the ingestion overview with the job, which will eventually show SUCCESS:

load success

Query the data

Query from the user interface by navigating to the "Query" interface in the menu and query the wikipedia table:

Alternative: Using the command line

To query from the commandline, create a file called query.json with the query:


and execute it:


The result should be similar to:


Great! You’ve set up your first Druid cluster, ingested some data and queried it in the web interface!

What’s next

Have a look at the ROOT:usage.adoc page to find out more about the features of the Operator, such as S3 backed deep storage or OPA based authorization.