diff --git a/01-EKS-Create-Cluster-using-eksctl/01-02-Create-EKSCluster-and-NodeGroups/README.md b/01-EKS-Create-Cluster-using-eksctl/01-02-Create-EKSCluster-and-NodeGroups/README.md index 6487c5cc..cd325973 100644 --- a/01-EKS-Create-Cluster-using-eksctl/01-02-Create-EKSCluster-and-NodeGroups/README.md +++ b/01-EKS-Create-Cluster-using-eksctl/01-02-Create-EKSCluster-and-NodeGroups/README.md @@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider \ - This keypair we will use it when creating the EKS NodeGroup. - This will help us to login to the EKS Worker Nodes using Terminal. +``` +aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name kube-demo --query 'KeyMaterial' --output text > kube-demo.pem +``` + ## Step-04: Create Node Group with additional Add-Ons in Public Subnets - These add-ons will create the respective IAM policies for us automatically within our Node Group role. ```