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Repository files navigation

ZF-Expressive auto-wiring Action

Module allow use one routes pattern for all actions without re-declaration routes configuration. Either action can be accessed with next unified path /module/action. It's like to standard MVC pattern with it /controller/action.

Such as Expressive application doesn't about any controller we use for this module keyword.


Add to your composer.json repository declaration and run composer update

// composer.json

"require": {
	"stagem/zfc-action": "dev-master"
"repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": ""

After that enable module in config/config.php

$aggregator = new ConfigAggregator([
], $cacheConfig['config_cache_path']);

and register auto-wiring route in config/routes.php

$app->injectRoutesFromConfig((new Stagem\ZfcAction\ConfigProvider())());

Notice. slim/router has problem with wildcard routes. That is why you should add to your composer.json

    "require": {
        "acelaya/slim-2-router": "^2.7"
    "repositories": [
          "type": "vcs",
          "url": ""


Standalone Usage

Map your module name with namespace in src/Acme/Foo/config/module.config.php

namespace Acme\Foo;

return [
    'middleware' => [
        'foo' => __NAMESPACE__

Advanced Usage

Advanced usage allow use standardized and flexible approach with module naming on all application level.

Before continue reading you should install stagem/zfc-entity

Custom implementation

If you want use in third party packages you have to prepare CurrentHelper for usage. You should call next code before controller/action dispatching:

$this->currentHelper->setResource($request->getAttribute('controller', self::DEFAULT_RESOURCE));
$this->currentHelper->setAction($request->getAttribute('action', self::DEFAULT_ACTION));