Original auhors: Adrián Pérez de Castro mobius@iespana.es
Updated for Lua 5.1 and LuaJIT by: Boris Nagaev bnagaev@gmail.com
Acknowledgements: The miniLZO and the full LZO library were created by Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer markus@oberhumer.com. More info at http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/lzo/
The Lua LZO module adds lossless data compression functionality to the Lua language. To achieve this, the miniLZO library is used, see README.LZO in order to know more about this small & fast compression library.
Compression ratios achieved with the miniLZO compressor are not as good as with other algorithms as used by Gzip, Bzip2 or even the full-blown LZO algorithm. Keep in mind that this is a "mini" version, designed to be very small in size and fast at execution.
I used miniLZO as I wanted a extremely small and easy to use Lua module.
The module is about 18 kB under MacOS X and about 14 kB in Linux boxes.
In order to be simple, the module only export two new functions to the Lua
interpreter: lzo.compress()
and lzo.decompress()
I think that it's very hard to make it simpler ;)
You will need the following in order to build the module:
- Working C compiler, GCC recommended;
- Lua 5.1 or above, including headers and libraries. Dynamically loadable versions of the libraries are recommended;
- luarocks.
lzo = require 'luaLZO'
-- This function takes a Lua string and returns a compressed copy of it.
compressed_str = lzo.compress(str)
-- This function takes a Lua string (previously compressed with the above
-- function) and returns a decompressed copy of it.
str = lzo.decompress(compressed_str)
As a rule of thumb, the following properties are always true:
str == lzo.decompress(lzo.compress(str))
str == lzo.compress(lzo.decompress(str))
Note that only (and when I say 'only', I mean 'only') Lua string may be compressed... What about other kinds of data? You have to convert other kinds of Lua values to byte streams (marshaling) before encoding them. Remember: a compression algorith just takes a stream of bytes, does some- thing interesting with it and returns another stream of bytes. It has no knowledge of what a Lua table is.
Here is a quick example showing how to compress a file (the file must be shorter than the amount of available memory):
in_filename = "/path/to/file"
out_filename = "/path/to/another/file"
inf = io.open(in_filename, "rb")
outf = io.open(out_filename, "wb")
-- Read, compress & write
To decompress the file again, just change the line in the middle to:
The module exports an extra function: lzo.adler()
. This function takes a
Lua string and computes its sum using the Adler32 algorithm. The returned
value is a decimal number. You may specify a second argument as initial
sum, so you can use the function to obtain the sum of a long byte stream
that is split in pieces, i.e:
bytes = obtain_some_bytes()
sum = 0
while (string.len(bytes) > 0) do
sum = lzo.adler(bytes, sum)
bytes = obtain_more_bytes()
This function is not needed to be exported in order to (de)compress data, but it may be useful to the people out there.
All the functions contained in this Lua module are reentrant, so its code is multithread-safe. There's no shared globals or static storage.