Show the current line as a gutter sign
You can install GutterLine with your prefered plugin manager. For example with
vim-plug simply add to your .vimrc
Plug 'statox/gutterline.vim'
GutterLine.vim use the updatetime
option to refresh the sign in the gutter. By
default it is set to 4000 milliseconds. I tested this plugin with a setting of
300 ms:
set updatetime=300
If you already have some autocommands relying on the CursorHold
or if you use swapfiles changing this setting may slow down Vim
because it will processes the autocommands and write the swap files more often.
I recommend that you test this setting and adjust it to get a response time you like.
GutterLine.vim has several several options which can be set by the user to change its behavior.
You can change the string used to show the current line, by default it is >
let g:GutterLineSign='->'
You can define a list of filetypes where the current line should not be shown in the gutter. For example to ignore the helpfiles:
let g:GutterLineIgnore=['help']
If you spot a bug in the plugin you can use the issue tracker.
Pull requests are also welcome!