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fixup! Migrate Desktop build environment to leverage Nix
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Pedro Pombeiro committed Mar 19, 2019
1 parent b8cbee9 commit e6dc925
Showing 1 changed file with 95 additions and 28 deletions.
123 changes: 95 additions & 28 deletions scripts/
Expand Up @@ -313,58 +313,121 @@ function bundleLinux() {

if is_macos; then
function getQtFullOutPathFromNixStore() {
local qtFullDerivationPath=$(nix show-derivation -f $STATUSREACTPATH/default.nix | jq -r '.[] | .inputDrvs | 'keys' | .[]' | grep qt-full)

echo $(nix show-derivation $qtFullDerivationPath | jq -r '.[] | .outputs.out.path')

function getQtBaseBinPathFromNixStore() {
local qtFullDerivationPath=$(nix show-derivation -f $STATUSREACTPATH/default.nix | jq -r '.[] | .inputDrvs | 'keys' | .[]' | grep qt-full)
local qtBaseDerivationPath=$(nix show-derivation $qtFullDerivationPath | jq -r '.[] | .inputDrvs | 'keys' | .[]' | grep qtbase)

echo $(nix show-derivation $qtBaseDerivationPath | jq -r '.[] | .outputs.bin.path')

function copyVersionedQtLibToPackage() {
local qtbaseBinPath="$1"
local fileName="$2"
local targetPath="$3"
function copyDylibNixDependenciesToPackage() {
local dylib="$1"
local contentsDir="$2"
local frameworksDir="$contentsDir/Frameworks"
local exeDir="$contentsDir/MacOS"

# Walk through the dependencies of $dylib
local dependencies=$(otool -L "$dylib" | grep -E "\s+/nix/" | awk -F "(" '{print $1}' | xargs)
local moduleDirPath=$(basename $dylib)
for depDylib in $dependencies; do
local targetDepDylib=$(joinPath "$frameworksDir" "$(basename $depDylib)")
# Copy any dependencies that: are not in the Frameworks directory, do not already exist in /usr/lib and are not a Qt5 module (will be handled by macdeployqt anyway)
if [ ! -f "$targetDepDylib" ] && [[ "$(basename $targetDepDylib)" != "libQt5"* ]] && [ ! -f "/usr/lib/$(basename $depDylib)" ]; then
[ $VERBOSE_LEVEL -ge 1 ] && echo " Copying $depDylib to $frameworksDir..."
cp -a -L "$depDylib" "$frameworksDir"
chmod 0755 "$targetDepDylib"

copyDylibNixDependenciesToPackage "$depDylib" "$contentsDir"

function copyQtPlugInToPackage() {
local qtPath="$1"
local pluginName="$2"
local contentsPath="$3"
local filter=""
local targetPath="$contentsPath/PlugIns"
local pluginTargetPath="$targetPath/$pluginName"

[ "$pluginName" == 'platforms' ] && filter='libqcocoa.dylib'

mkdir -p $targetPath
local srcPath=$(find $qtbaseBinPath/lib -name $fileName)
mkdir -p $pluginTargetPath
local qtLibPath=$(find $qtPath/lib -maxdepth 1 -name qt-*)
local srcPath=$(readlink -f "$qtLibPath/plugins/$pluginName")
echo "Copying $srcPath to $targetPath"
cp -a -f "$srcPath" "$targetPath/$fileName"
chmod +w "$targetPath/$fileName"
if [ -z "$filter" ]; then
cp -a -f -L "$srcPath" "$targetPath"
cp -f $(readlink -f "$srcPath/$filter") "$pluginTargetPath"
chmod 755 $pluginTargetPath
chmod 755 $pluginTargetPath/*

for dylib in `find $pluginTargetPath -name *.dylib`; do
copyDylibNixDependenciesToPackage "$dylib" "$contentsPath"

function fixupRPathsInDylib() {
local dylib="$1"
local targetPath="$2"
local replacementPath="$3"
local contentsDir="$2"
local frameworksDir="$contentsDir/Frameworks"
local exeDir="$contentsDir/MacOS"

[ $VERBOSE_LEVEL -ge 2 ] && echo "${dylib}"
[ $VERBOSE_LEVEL -ge 1 ] && echo "Checking rpaths in ${dylib}"

# Walk through the dependencies of $dylib
local dependencies=$(otool -L "$dylib" | grep ".dylib (" | sed "s|@executable_path|$targetPath|" | awk -F "(" '{print $1}' | xargs)
local dependencies=$(otool -L "$dylib" | grep -E "\s+/nix/" | sed "s|@executable_path|$exeDir|" | awk -F "(" '{print $1}' | xargs)
local moduleDirPath=$(basename $dylib)
for depDylib in $dependencies; do
local targetDepDylib=$(joinPath "$targetPath" "$(basename $depDylib)")

# Fix rpath and copy library to target
if [[ $depDylib == /nix/* ]]; then
local replacementTargetPath=""
local framework=$(echo $depDylib | sed -E "s|^\/nix\/.+\/Library\/Frameworks\/(.+)\.framework\/\1$|\1|" 2> /dev/null)
if [ -n "$framework" ] && [ "$framework" != "$depDylib" ]; then
# Handle macOS framework
local targetDepDylib=$(joinExistingPath "/System/Library/Frameworks" "${framework}.framework/${framework}")

if [ ! -f "$targetDepDylib" ]; then
echo -e "${RED}FATAL: $DEPLOYQT should have copied the dependency to ${targetPath}${NC}"
echo -e "${RED}FATAL: system framework not found: ${targetDepDylib}${NC}"
exit 1

# Change dependency rpath in $dylib to point to $targetReplacementPath
local targetReplacementPath=$(echo $targetDepDylib | sed -e "s|$targetPath|$replacementPath|")
echo "Updating $dylib to point to $targetReplacementPath"
install_name_tool -change "$depDylib" "$targetReplacementPath" "$dylib"
# Change dependency rpath in $dylib to point to $targetDepDylib
# Handle other libraries
local targetDepDylib=$(joinPath "$frameworksDir" "$(basename $depDylib)")

if [ ! -f "$targetDepDylib" ]; then
echo -e "${RED}FATAL: macdeployqt should have copied the dependency to ${targetDepDylib}${NC}"
exit 1

# Change dependency rpath in $dylib to point to $replacementTargetPath
local replacementPath="@executable_path/$(realpath --relative-to="$exeDir" "$frameworksDir")"
replacementTargetPath=$(echo $targetDepDylib | sed -e "s|$moduleDirPath|$replacementPath|")

if [ -n "$replacementTargetPath" ]; then
[ $VERBOSE_LEVEL -ge 1 ] && echo "Updating $dylib to point to $replacementTargetPath"
install_name_tool -change "$depDylib" "$replacementTargetPath" "$dylib"

function fixupRemainingRPaths() {
local binPath="$1"
local replacementPath="$2"
local searchRootPath="$1"
local contentsDir="$2"

for dylib in $binPath/*.dylib; do
fixupRPathsInDylib "$dylib" "$binPath" "$replacementPath"
for dylib in `find $searchRootPath -name *.dylib`; do
fixupRPathsInDylib "$dylib" "$contentsDir"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -396,12 +459,16 @@ function bundleMacOS() {
cp -f ../deployment/macos/Info.plist $contentsPath
cp -f ../deployment/macos/status-icon.icns $contentsPath/Resources

local qtbaseplugins=(bearer platforms styles)
local qtfullplugins=(iconengines imageformats webview)
if program_exists nix && [ -n "$IN_NIX_SHELL" ]; then
# Since in the Nix qt.full package the different Qt modules are spread across several directories,
# macdeployqt cannot find some qtbase plugins, so we copy them in its place
local qtbaseBinPath=$(getQtBaseBinPathFromNixStore)
copyVersionedQtLibToPackage $qtbaseBinPath libqcocoa.dylib "$contentsPath/PlugIns/platforms/"
copyVersionedQtLibToPackage $qtbaseBinPath libcocoaprintersupport.dylib "$contentsPath/PlugIns/printsupport/"
local qtfullOutPath=$(getQtFullOutPathFromNixStore)
mkdir -p "$contentsPath/PlugIns"
for plugin in ${qtbaseplugins[@]}; do copyQtPlugInToPackage "$qtbaseBinPath" "$plugin" "$contentsPath"; done
for plugin in ${qtfullplugins[@]}; do copyQtPlugInToPackage "$qtfullOutPath" "$plugin" "$contentsPath"; done

macdeployqt \
Expand All @@ -412,8 +479,8 @@ function bundleMacOS() {

# macdeployqt doesn't fix rpaths for all the libraries (although it copies them all), so we'll just walk through them and update rpaths to not point to /nix
echo "Fixing remaining rpaths in modules..."
local frameworksPath=$(joinExistingPath "$WORKFOLDER" "$contentsPath/Frameworks")
fixupRemainingRPaths "$frameworksPath" "@executable_path/../Frameworks"
fixupRemainingRPaths "$contentsPath/Frameworks" "$contentsPath"
fixupRemainingRPaths "$contentsPath/PlugIns" "$contentsPath"
echo "Done fixing rpaths in modules"
rm -f
Expand Down

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