{"payload":{"header_redesign_enabled":false,"results":[{"body":"StaxRip employs mod versions of some tools in order to meet the need for advanced features such as Unicode(UTF-8)/long file path support, additional options for portable frameserver dll files, etc. In this course, some of the mod tools are released as compressed by the open source exe compression tool UPX in order to save drive space drastically, and this may result in false virus detection warnings with some anti-virus software engines. You can check that those same executables have no problem when uncompressed by UPX and submitted to VirusTotal . For reference, see this issue thread , and this post on Doom9's forum .","filename":"About-False-Virus-Detection-Warnings.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"StaxRip employs mod versions of some tools in order to meet the need for advanced features such as Unicode(UTF-8)/long file path support, additional options for portable frameserver dll files, etc. In ...","hl_title":"About False Virus Detection Warnings","id":"e67ff30917ae7386a15ea2f340e2ab3338e42677","path":"About-False-Virus-Detection-Warnings.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":185859151,"name":"staxrip","owner_id":50240683,"owner_login":"staxrip","updated_at":"2024-06-08T09:03:14.352Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":185859151,"title":"About False Virus Detection Warnings","updated_at":"2021-05-25T15:49:48.000-07:00"},{"body":"All AviSynth apps used by StaxRip have a UTF-8 manifest to enable full Unicode support for AviSynth on Windows 10 1903 or higher: avs2pipemod.exe (StaxRip Mod) ffmpeg.exe (Patman Mod) mpv.exe mpvnet.exe NVEnc.exe QSVEnc.exe StaxRip.exe VCEEnc.exe x264.exe (Original/Patman Mod) x265.exe (Asuna/DJATOM/Patman Mod) On Windows 10 1903 or higher all these apps expect AviSynth scripts to be UTF-8 encoded, ANSI encoded scripts don't work. Developers can find the required manifest here: https://github.com/DJATOM/x265-aMod/blob/aMod-3.4-new/source/x265res.manifest.in The tool Resource Hacker can display the application manifest. More resources can be found here: https://github.com/staxrip/staxrip/wiki/Windows-10-long-path-support","filename":"AviSynth-Unicode-support-on-Windows-10-1903.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"All AviSynth apps used by StaxRip have a UTF-8 manifest to enable full Unicode support for AviSynth on Windows 10 1903 or higher: avs2pipemod.exe (StaxRip Mod) ffmpeg.exe (Patman Mod) mpv.exe mpvnet.exe ...","hl_title":"AviSynth Unicode support on Windows 10 1903","id":"7c6255795245fd57cbbd4d6a514af556194896e0","path":"AviSynth-Unicode-support-on-Windows-10-1903.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":185859151,"name":"staxrip","owner_id":50240683,"owner_login":"staxrip","updated_at":"2024-06-08T09:03:14.352Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":185859151,"title":"AviSynth Unicode support on Windows 10 1903","updated_at":"2021-02-24T03:45:50.000+01:00"},{"body":"Avisynth+ support","filename":"Avisynth-.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"Avisynth+ support","hl_title":"Avisynth","id":"828846a7c5c12e1d31ca1732914d92113bf84207","path":"Avisynth-.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":185859151,"name":"staxrip","owner_id":50240683,"owner_login":"staxrip","updated_at":"2024-06-08T09:03:14.352Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":185859151,"title":"Avisynth","updated_at":"2021-12-04T13:15:56.000-06:00"},{"body":"Contents How can I encode with a fixed bitrate? How can I batch encode with a fixed bitrate? Why is encoding with 2 pass using a fixed bitrate not recommended? Why don't settings persist? How can I use custom AviSynth and VapourSynth plugins? How can I use custom AviSynth scripts? Where can I find the log file? How can I encode with a fixed bitrate? In the video encoder config dialog go to the Basic tab and choose a fixed bitrate mode like 2 pass. At the bottom of the video encoder config dialog there is a drop-down menu where a profile can be saved. How can I batch encode with a fixed bitrate? StaxRip remembers if the file size or bitrate was edited last so\nif you edit the bitrate last it will encode using a fixed bitrate. Why is encoding with 2 pass using a fixed bitrate not recommended? Sources can vary greatly in complexity depending on the nature of the source,\nthere still might be situations where fixed bitrates are useful. Why don't settings persist? StaxRip loads a default template on startup, templates can be saved with: Main Menu > File > Save Project As Template Project options are per Template/Project/Job and settings are global. How can I use custom AviSynth and VapourSynth plugins? Custom plugins can either be loaded manually using LoadPlugin(): http://avisynth.nl/index.php/Plugins Or they can be loaded automatically using the plugin autoload folder. This folder can be opened in StaxRip with: Main Menu > Tools > Folders > Plugins StaxRip is only available for x64 and therefore only x64 plugins can be used. The AviSynth script can be edited manually using the code editor\n(Filters > Edit Code) or the filters menu can be configured using\nthe filter profile editor (Filters > Profiles). How can I use custom AviSynth scripts? Custom scripts can either be loaded manually using Import(): http://avisynth.nl/index.php/Import Or they can be loaded automatically using the plugin autoload folder. This folder can be opened in StaxRip with: Main Menu > Tools > Folders > Plugins The AviSynth script can be edited manually using the code editor\n(Filters > Edit Code) or the filters menu can be configured using\nthe filter profile editor (Filters > Profiles). Where can I find the log file? The StaxRip log file ends with _staxrip.log and can be found in the temp folder,\nby default the temp folder is located next to the source file. If a project is re-opened from the Recent menu,\nthen the log file can be opened from the main menu: File > Recent Projects Tools > Log File (F7) The log file history can be found at: Tools > Folders > Log Files","filename":"Frequently-Asked-Questions.rest","format":"rest","hl_body":"Contents How can I encode with a fixed bitrate? How can I batch encode with a fixed bitrate? Why is encoding with 2 pass using a fixed bitrate not recommended? Why don't settings persist? How can I ...","hl_title":"Frequently Asked Questions","id":"67acf299c84a5c07169cd790a298704d43328122","path":"Frequently-Asked-Questions.rest","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":185859151,"name":"staxrip","owner_id":50240683,"owner_login":"staxrip","updated_at":"2024-06-08T09:03:14.352Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":185859151,"title":"Frequently Asked Questions","updated_at":"2021-02-24T05:48:01.000+01:00"},{"body":"General Support for a wide variety of formats and tools. Batch Processing, can not only be used for encoding but for any task like remuxing,\ndemuxing or AviSynth/VapourSynth script generation. Cut/Trim feature, for MKV output it works even in Copy/Mux mode, no re-encoding required. Minimal user interaction required due to rich configuration and automation features. Macro system to be used in scripts and command lines, this enables a design that allows\nto change any setting at any time which is much more flexible and powerful than a design\nthat requires to perform one step after another. The job list can be processed with multiple StaxRip instances in parallel for maximum\nperformance using modern CPUs. Video and multiple audio tracks can be processed in parallel for maximum performance with modern hardware. Support for an unlimited amount of audio and subtitle tracks. Automatic and manual update check. Powerful media info using the world's best media info frontend MediaInfo.NET\nwhich includes a folder view to show media info for a folder in a grid view. Powerful media preview using the media player mpv.net. Support via forum and issue tracker. Easy to use and feature rich crop dialog with hardware acceleration. Auto crop. Powerful resize and aspect ratio related features with auto-detection. Thumbnail generation tools. Full access and control to underlying tools with full support for\ncommand line and script editing to leverage the full potential of the tools. Container and hard-coded subtitles. Clean and easy to read log file and dedicated log file viewer to easily navigate the processing steps. Video comparison tool to compare video frames in a tab view. The processing window can be minimized to the system tray. For all essential console tools such as x265 and mkvmerge there is a built-in command line preview\neither directly integrated in the dialog or via menu accessible. Tool Management Powerful tool management dialog. 200 tools included. Tools are searchable. Custom paths can be defined or removed. Custom paths can be defined using the powerful search and index tool voidtools Everything. Tool overview either as CSV file opened in (MS) Office or using PowerShell Out-GridView\nwhich supports a powerful search and filter feature. Feature to open the folder of a tool or start the tool including console tools showing the help. Help For every tool the help file or help page can be shown in the\nApps management dialog and also in the main menu under Help. The Apps management dialog provides easy access to tool websites and download sites. Tooltips by mouse hover, right-click and Ctrl+right-click. Context help via right-click, for x264 and x265 the context help has a local and an online version,\nfor all video encoders the console output help can be shown via context help and with console look and feel. Customizable assistant messages. Preprocessing Preprocessing steps such as demuxing is fully customizable with custom command lines. Demuxers: mkvextract, MP4Box, ffmpeg, eac3to. Demuxing GUI for mkvextract, MP4Box, ffmpeg and eac3to to define which tracks should be demuxed. Automatic demuxing mode to automatically demux everything. Automatic indexing with DGIndex, DGIndexNV, ffms2 and L-Smash-Works. Projects, Templates, Profiles AviSynth and VapourSynth video filter plugins that are not\nincluded can be used by adding custom filter profiles. Customizable video filter profiles that can be enabled via context menu. Project system that automatically saves encoding settings for a particular source file. Previously encoded projects can be found in a Recent menu to encode them again\nwith different settings, encoded audio and video of previous runs can be reused or overwritten. Project templates for different types of sources, a startup template\ncan be defined to customize the startup settings. Profile system for video filter profiles, video encoder profiles, audio encoding profiles,\nmuxing profiles, filter setup (full script) profiles. Project options used by projects and project templates and also separate global settings. Video Processing Video editing using classic AviSynth and VapourSynth, both equally well-supported\nand everything like QTGMC just works out of the box effortlessly. Large amount of included AviSynth and VapourSynth plugins, overall 200 tools included. Code editor to enable full control over AviSynth and VapourSynth,\neverything that is possible with AviSynth and VapourSynth is also possible with StaxRip. Code preview to preview the code generated for AviSynth and VapourSynth. Built-in hardware accelerated video preview and preview via mpv.net. Built-in script info to show script parameters like frame rate and\nadvanced script preview using various external tools like AVSMeter. External AviSynth (.avs) and VapourSynth (.vpy) scripts can be opened/imported. Automatic import of (VUI) color metadata. Full high bit depth and HDR support. Compressibility check. It can be customized which source filters should be used for different formats. Unicode support for AviSynth on Windows 10. Encoding Hardware encoding for AMD, Intel and NVIDIA. All classic and modern video encoders are fully supported: XviD, x264, x265, Rav1e, SVT-AV1, NVEnc, QSVEnc, VCEEnv, ffmpeg. Audio encoders: eac3to, qaac, fdkaac, ffmpeg. Popular encoders such as x265 and NVEnc have almost 100% GUI support\nmeaning almost all available command line switches are supported. Video encoder dialogs are searchable to quickly find options in a drop-down and search field. Video encoder dialogs have a command line preview, this preview has a context\nmenu that allows to quickly find GUI options for command line switches. Generic audio and video command line based encoder to integrate any encoder that isn't already built-in. Parallel audio video encoding. Parallel junk encoding for x265. Muxing MKV output using mkvmerge. MP4 output using MP4Box. ffmpeg supporting various container formats. Copy/Mux modes for audio and video plain remuxing without encoding. Cut/Trim feature for MKV output that works even in Copy/Mux mode, no re-encoding required. Power User Event Command feature that allows to assign custom commands to various events\nfor instance to execute custom command lines on given events. Scriptable via PowerShell. Customizable main menu and context menus. Long path support, if enabled in Windows 10 file paths can be longer than 260 characters. A PowerShell terminal can be shown with support for the new Windows Terminal,\nthis terminal has a special environment for easy access of included console\ntools, all macros are available as environment variables in this\nterminal and in all features that allow to define custom command lines. Installation 100% Portable, nothing has to be installed. Installed AviSynth or VapourSynth can optionally be used instead of the included. User Interface High DPI scaling. Dark Mode, Themes.","filename":"Full-list-of-features.rest","format":"rest","hl_body":"General Support for a wide variety of formats and tools. Batch Processing, can not only be used for encoding but for any task like remuxing,\ndemuxing or AviSynth/VapourSynth script generation. Cut/Trim ...","hl_title":"Full list of features","id":"a58c3fa64fafa94d6504de6b3ce16f01973cf186","path":"Full-list-of-features.rest","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":185859151,"name":"staxrip","owner_id":50240683,"owner_login":"staxrip","updated_at":"2024-06-08T09:03:14.352Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":185859151,"title":"Full list of features","updated_at":"2021-02-24T05:24:54.000+01:00"},{"body":"Editing and encoding a video that has a variable frame rate (VFR) or dropped frames, such as those shot by smartphones or recorded by video capturing utilities, etc., causes serious audio/video sync issues in many cases. This can be avoided in various ways depending on where the issue comes from. The first step you can try is to stream-copy-remux your source file to mkv (in StaxRip or by ffmpeg ) before loading (again) in StaxRip. This may fix the frame rate issue in some cases. If this method does not help, try one of the following methods. ※ Note : Before you try the following methods, make sure to check if you have turned on the frame-rate auto-correction filters in Tools > Settings > Video and thus are unwittingly applying them. This setting is helpful in many cases, but depending on the properties of the input video and what you want to do, it can sometimes obstruct your jobs. MKV timestamps extraction Starting in v2.7.0, timestamps can be set to be extracted from all or VFR MKV files. (Then they are muxed automatically in the output MKV file.) For reference, timestamps extraction from all MKV files is made available to avoid the erroneous cases where the mediainfo is incorrectly recorded as CFR by some apps like OBS. See this issue thread for such a case. If you are not changing the original frame rate, you can turn on this project option to extract the timestamps (=timecodes) of the source file and mux the timestamps file automatically in the output MKV. If there is any change in the number of frames, frame rate, or duration, the Assistant will detect it and issue a warning/recommendation at the bottom of the main window. You can either follow its recommendation or reject it based on what you are trying to do. Manual Conversion of Frame Rate In many other cases, you can resolve the audio sync issue by converting the video frame rate to a constant one (CFR: constant frame rate) either at the source filter level or using filters that convert VFR to CFR based on the timecodes of the source file. You can use one of the following methods in StaxRip. Source Filters Select FFMS2 or FFVideoSource as the source filter. Open Code Editor and set the frame rate to a specific value by adding FPSnum and FPSden . For example, FFVideoSource(\"%source_file%\", cachefile=\"%source_temp_file%.ffindex\", FPSnum = 30) will set the frame rate to 30. And FFVideoSource(\"%source_file%\", cachefile=\"%source_temp_file%.ffindex\", FPSnum = 30000, FPSden = 1001) will set the frame rate to 30000/1001 = 29.97 fps (NTSC). You can right-click on the filter command and select a desired value from the fpsnum , fpsden menu. You can do similar jobs with LWLibavVideoSource ( LWLibavSource in VapourSynth) and LSMASHSource ( LibavSMASHSource in VapourSynth). But since LSMASHSource uses a different library ( L-SMASH ) to demux a source file than the others (they are based on ffmpeg ), it may fail in some cases where others don't. In addition, you may use DSS2 if your video cannot be loaded with previous source filters in rare cases. It will automatically convert to CFR, but it requires DirectShow filters to be installed on your system. However, this is not a recommended method since DirectShow filters have several known issues in loading a video file. It's a fallback just in case. Frame Rate Conversion Filters TimecodeFPS , VfrToCfr in AviSynth, and VFRToCFR in VapourSynth are known to be able to convert VFR to CFR based on the timecodes of the source file. But there is a catch: they can be used only with FFmpegSource family source filters ( FFMS2 or FFVideoSource ) that can generate timecodes in the course of indexing the source file. Limits and Caveat Audio sync issues are one of the most intricate problems in AviSynth/VapourSynth. Since they can arise from many different causes, they need to be handled case by case in practice. Frameserver-based processing (AviSynth and VapourSynth) seems to have this issue more often than ffmpeg because video and audio are separately processed in almost all cases while ffmpeg handles them concurrently based on timestamps . (AviSynth and VapourSynth focus on video frames based on the frame indexes generated by source filters.) In almost all cases, following the above guide is usually enough. However, you might run into some rare cases where the video frame rate variability is so high that after converting it to CFR, the audio becomes out of sync here and there in the middle of the video even if the start and end become synchronous. In those cases it may turn out that there is no alternative but to process the source using ffmpeg to avoid the issue.","filename":"How-to-edit-a-VFR(Variable-Frame-Rate)-video-avoiding-audio-sync-issues-in-StaxRip.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"Editing and encoding a video that has a variable frame rate (VFR) or dropped frames, such as those shot by smartphones or recorded by video capturing utilities, etc., causes serious audio/video sync issues ...","hl_title":"How to edit a VFR(Variable Frame Rate) video avoiding audio sync issues in StaxRip","id":"96d150fb2a7631997e4a582c0a895ed7fedb3fad","path":"How-to-edit-a-VFR(Variable-Frame-Rate)-video-avoiding-audio-sync-issues-in-StaxRip.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":185859151,"name":"staxrip","owner_id":50240683,"owner_login":"staxrip","updated_at":"2024-06-08T09:03:14.352Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":185859151,"title":"How to edit a VFR(Variable Frame Rate) video avoiding audio sync issues in StaxRip","updated_at":"2021-07-31T19:16:39.000-07:00"},{"body":"StaxRip provides several ways to load and handle transport stream files ( .ts and .m2ts ). The default settings in StaxRip will work in most cases, and most users are recommended to stick to this default (de-muxing with FFmpeg). However in case you experience a crash when a source file is loaded, or Audio/Video sync issues, there are other possible approaches that will work for you. For example, DVB captures are known to be notoriously difficult to handle because they often contain corrupted stream data. There can be other peculiar cases as well. In case you encounter a problem, you can take one of the following actions. Method 1 - Use the default settings: De-mux only with ffmpeg: Demux This method is the default one, it requires no changes to the settings. In case this method makes StaxRip crash, then you need to try one of the next methods.\nIn case your problem is only an A/V sync issue, then before trying one of the next methods, try changing the Video Source filter to FFVideoSource . It is known to be able to fix A/V sync issues in many cases. Method 2 - Use the Re-mux handler: ffmpeg: Re-mux (M2)TS to MKV Open Settings , go to Preprocessing . Turn on ffmpeg: Re-mux (M2)TS to MKV handler by toggling on the checkbox. Validate (OK). Drop or open your .ts / .m2ts file. Your .ts / .m2ts file will be remuxed (preserving original video/audio/subtitle codecs and qualities) to a single mkv file, and StaxRip works on this mkv file instead of the original .ts / .m2ts . Still, if StaxRip throws an error and fails to load the file, then you can consider one of the following methods. Method 3 - Use the de-mux handler eac3to: Demux in Settings Open Settings , go to Preprocessing . Turn on eac3to: Demux (m2ts - > h264, mkv, m2v) by ticking on the checkbox. Click Edit... and add ts as one of the Supported Input File Types, so the textbox will enclose the string m2ts ts . validate (OK), (OK). Drop or open your .ts / .m2ts file. The video/audio/subtitle streams in your .ts / .m2ts file will be demuxed to separate files . If this method does not succeed, try the next one. Method 4 - Using DGIndexNV (advanced users, DGDecNV) DGDecNV is known for having reliable .ts / .m2ts support, and it's available for free starting on April 26, 2021. (But it requires an Nvidia graphics card.) If you use this tool, it will allow you to demux your ts and m2ts files without errors in almost all cases. And if an error occurs, you can visit the developer's forum for assistance. Here is a complete guide on setting up StaxRip to make use of DGDecNV: How to register DGDecNV(DGSource and DGIndexNV) in StaxRip Other Methods (external tools) Remuxing with tsMuxeR or TS-Doctor(non free) might help as well in certain cases.","filename":"How-to-handle-.ts-and-.m2ts-files-in-StaxRip.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"StaxRip provides several ways to load and handle transport stream files ( .ts and .m2ts ). The default settings in StaxRip will work in most cases, and most users are recommended to stick to this default ...","hl_title":"How to handle .ts and .m2ts files in StaxRip","id":"df5980b1b9b3344f8a3c7530e8d7b4ebce92347c","path":"How-to-handle-.ts-and-.m2ts-files-in-StaxRip.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":185859151,"name":"staxrip","owner_id":50240683,"owner_login":"staxrip","updated_at":"2024-06-08T09:03:14.352Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":185859151,"title":"How to handle .ts and .m2ts files in StaxRip","updated_at":"2021-04-26T19:22:16.000-07:00"},{"body":"Download & unzip the filter files Download DGTonemap and DGHDRtoSDR from the developer's site or here to get the latest versions including DGHDRtoSDR v1.4 . (Make sure to put x64 versions if your system is x64.) DGTonemap supports AviSynth only while DGHDRtoSDR supports both AviSynth and VapourSynth (dual mode). Recommended places for the filters are as follows: %settings_dir%Plugins\\AviSynth\\DGTonemap\\DGTonemap.dll\n%settings_dir%Plugins\\Dual\\DGHDRtoSDR\\DGHDRtoSDR.dll You can find your %settings_dir% by clicking Tools > Folders > Settings menu. Of course, you can always save the filters in other places. But somewhere under %settings_dir% is recommended in order to preserve the program folder structure as it is shipped. Now open an empty StaxRip window and do the following setup. AviSynth filters Open and edit AVS profiles: DGTonemap Put DGTonemap item under the [Color] section with a code snippet as follows: HDR to SDR | DGTonemap =\n LoadPlugin(\"%settings_dir%Plugins\\AviSynth\\DGTonemap\\DGTonemap.dll\")\n $select:msg:Select the Tone Map you wish to use;DGReinhard|DGReinhard();DGHable|DGHable()$ DGHDRtoSDR Add the following item related to DGHDRtoSDR under the [Color] section: HDR to SDR | DGHDRtoSDR =\n LoadPlugin(\"%settings_dir%Plugins\\Dual\\DGHDRtoSDR\\DGHDRtoSDR.dll\")\n DGHDRtoSDR(mode=\"$select:msg:Select Transfer Function;Perceptual Quantizer|pq;Hybrid Log Gamma|hlg$\", white=$enter_text:Enter Overall Brightness in integer (max 2,000 for PQ, max 10,000 for HLG)$) VapourSynth filters Change the filters type from AviSynth to VapourSynth by clicking Filter Setup VapourSynth : Open and edit VS profiles: DGHDRtoSDR Add the following item related to DGHDRtoSDR under the [Color] section: HDR to SDR | DGHDRtoSDR =\n core.std.LoadPlugin(r\"%settings_dir%Plugins\\Dual\\DGHDRtoSDR\\DGHDRtoSDR.dll\")\n clip = core.dghdrtosdr.DGHDRtoSDR(clip, mode=\"$select:msg:Select Transfer Function;Perceptual Quantizer|pq;Hybrid Log Gamma|hlg$\", white=$enter_text:Enter Overall Brightness in integer (max 2,000 for PQ, max 10,000 for HLG)$) You can always edit the profiles code by referring to the StaxRip macros document .","filename":"How-to-register-DGTonemap-&-DGHDRtoSDR-filters-in-StaxRip.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"Download & unzip the filter files Download DGTonemap and DGHDRtoSDR from the developer's site or here to get the latest versions including DGHDRtoSDR v1.4 . (Make sure to put x64 versions if your ...","hl_title":"How to register DGTonemap & DGHDRtoSDR filters in StaxRip","id":"3ff467e0dc287272e59803cc5915b0795b8a3289","path":"How-to-register-DGTonemap-&-DGHDRtoSDR-filters-in-StaxRip.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":185859151,"name":"staxrip","owner_id":50240683,"owner_login":"staxrip","updated_at":"2024-06-08T09:03:14.352Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":185859151,"title":"How to register DGTonemap & DGHDRtoSDR filters in StaxRip","updated_at":"2021-04-01T14:40:03.000-07:00"},{"body":"By default, AviSynth+ is single-threaded. This how-to document shows how to set up a simple StaxRip template that enables multi-threading for QTGMC and can be used for later QTGMC jobs. Step 1: Set filter MT mode to MT_MULTI_INSTANCE This step makes all filters that don't have an MT(multi-thread) mode explicitly use mode 2( MT_MULTI_INSTANCE ) by default - via SetFilterMTMode filter.\n(For reference, read this document .) Since StaxRip does not allow users to put a filter before the source filter, we need to put SetFilterMTMode in Options > Filters as follows: SetFilterMTMode(\"DEFAULT_MT_MODE\", 2) Step 2: Activate QTGMC Toggle on the QTGMC item in the filter list. Step 3: Add Prefetch Add Prefetch filter at the end. Enter the number of threads to use. (Default: (number of logical cores in the system) + 1) Step 4: Customize QTGMC for multi-threading Click Edit Code... and customize QTGMC for multi-threading. EdiThreads=Y , where Y is about half number of cores. Tweak upwards or downwards but don't choose 0 . At this stage, it is strongly recommended to refer to the QTGMC manual in AviSynth Wiki for other customizable options. Step 5: Preview script code for double check (optional) You will see all the prerequisite plug-ins are automatically loaded by StaxRip. This is the actual script that will be used by AviSynth+ (with the source filter replaced by the one set in Settings after a source file is loaded) for serving the video stream data to the encoder. Step 6: Save as a template for later use (For example, Multi-threaded QTGMC ) Now whenever you need to do a QTGMC job, you can load this template and work based on it.","filename":"How-to-set-up-a-simple-multithreaded-QTGMC-template-for-AviSynth.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"By default, AviSynth+ is single-threaded. This how-to document shows how to set up a simple StaxRip template that enables multi-threading for QTGMC and can be used for later QTGMC jobs. Step 1: Set filter ...","hl_title":"How to set up a simple multithreaded QTGMC template for AviSynth","id":"041e0f8aac7c55b7d2c799479cfea54878ea5764","path":"How-to-set-up-a-simple-multithreaded-QTGMC-template-for-AviSynth.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":185859151,"name":"staxrip","owner_id":50240683,"owner_login":"staxrip","updated_at":"2024-06-08T09:03:14.352Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":185859151,"title":"How to set up a simple multithreaded QTGMC template for AviSynth","updated_at":"2021-03-31T23:23:58.000-07:00"},{"body":"Getting around the Restriction StaxRip 2.5.0 and later versions ship with portable VapourSynth R53 and Python 3.9.x. Since Python 3.9.x does not support Windows 7, you can't use VapourSynth on Windows 7 in these StaxRip versions as is. You need to manually install Python 3.8.x and VapourSynth R52 on Windows 7 and enable installed version for VapourSynth mode in StaxRip as follows. Uninstall VapourSynth and Python from your system, if there's any, and restart Windows. Install Python 3.8.x x64 version, e.g., 3.8.10 x64 install version , on your Windows 7. Install VapourSynth x64 R52 . Restart Windows, and launch StaxRip. Go to Tools > Settings > Frameserver and select Use installed directly for VapourSynth Mode. Restart StaxRip, update Python and VapourSynth/vspipe version numbers in Apps Manager(F9). Now you will be able to use VapourSynth R52 on Windows 7. Note: Since VapourSynth is just a Python module, you should always install Python first , and there should be no VapourSynth on the system when Python is being installed. Caveat Some VapourSynth plugins/filters/scripts can have issues with installed VapourSynth R52 and Python 3.8.x, esp. if they were developed later than VapourSynth R52. However, all the VapourSynth plugins/filters/scripts registered in StaxRip as of version 2.6.0 are compatible with R52/Python 3.8.x, although it cannot be guaranteed 100%. Therefore, use your discretion when you apply this method on Windows 7.","filename":"How-to-use-VapourSynth-on-Windows-7-in-StaxRip-2.5.0-and-later.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"Getting around the Restriction StaxRip 2.5.0 and later versions ship with portable VapourSynth R53 and Python 3.9.x. Since Python 3.9.x does not support Windows 7, you can't use VapourSynth on Windows ...","hl_title":"How to use VapourSynth on Windows 7 in StaxRip 2.5.0 and later","id":"daf06e79a53c351a94c9644fa59fb7a543e9e11d","path":"How-to-use-VapourSynth-on-Windows-7-in-StaxRip-2.5.0-and-later.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":185859151,"name":"staxrip","owner_id":50240683,"owner_login":"staxrip","updated_at":"2024-06-08T09:03:14.352Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":185859151,"title":"How to use VapourSynth on Windows 7 in StaxRip 2.5.0 and later","updated_at":"2021-05-25T15:17:01.000-07:00"}],"type":"wikis","page":1,"page_count":5,"elapsed_millis":150,"errors":[],"result_count":42,"facets":[],"protected_org_logins":[],"topics":null,"query_id":"","logged_in":false,"sign_up_path":"/signup?source=code_search_results","sign_in_path":"/login?return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Drepo%253Astaxrip%252Fstaxrip%2B%26type%3Dwikis","metadata":null},"title":"Wiki search results"}